16 CFR 1303中文翻译




国际经济法专业术语中英文互译1. EXW工厂交货(指定地点)2. FCA:货交承运人(指定地点)3. FAS:船边交货(指定装运港)4. FOB:船上交货(指定装运港)5. CFR::成本加运费(指定目的港6. CIF::成本、保险加运费(指定目的港)7. CPT;:运费付至(指定目的地)8. DAF:边境交货(指定地点)9. DES::目的港船上交货(指定目的港)10. DEQ;目的港码头交货(指定目的港11. DDU:未完税交货(指定目的地)12. DDP:完税交货(指定目的地)13. Offer::要约14. Offer or;:要约人;报价人;发盘人15. Offeree:受要约人;接盘人,受盘人;被发价人16. Invitation for offer:要约邀请;发盘邀请17. Subject to our final confirmation:需经我方最后确认18. Cross offer:交叉发盘;交叉报价;交错报价;交叉发价19. Withdrawal:要约的撤回20. Revocability::发价的撤销21. Counter-offer;还价;还盘;反要约22. Acceptance:接受;接纳;承兑;赞同23. Mail box rule:投递生效原则24. Receive of the letter of acceptance rule:到达生效原则25. Late acceptance::迟到的承诺; 逾期承诺26. Identified to the contract:将货物特定化;将货物划定在该项合同项下(将货物划作履行某一合同的标的)27. Shipping documents;装运单据;货运单据;船运单据28. Sale by description;凭文字说明买卖29. Sale by sample:凭样品买卖30. Fundamental breach of contract根本违约;重大违约31. Anticipatory breach先期违约32. Specific performance实际履行33. Breach of condition违反条件条款34. Breach of warranty违反担保条款35. Unconditionally appropriated to the contract无条件地划拨于合同项下36. Reserve the right of disposal保留对货物的处分权37. To the order of the seller or his agent:以卖方或其代理人的名字为抬头的提单;凭卖方或其代理人指示的提单38. Sale on approval::试销;试用买卖39. Floating cargo::在途货物;水运途中的货物40. Quality to be considered as being about equal to the sample符合样品凭规格、等级或标准买卖41. Sales by specification, grade or standard凭规格、等级或标准买卖42. Fair average quality符合通常目的;中等品;良好平均品质(国际上买卖农副产品时常用此标准)43. Sales by brand of trade mark44. More or less clause溢短装条款;或多或少条款45. Bulk cargo:散装货46. Nude cargo裸散货,裸装货,裸包装47. Gross for net:以毛重作净重,以毛作净48. US $500 Per M/T CIF New York每吨500美元,CIF(到岸价)纽约49. Fixed price定价;标价;固定价格50. Sliding-scale按滑动费率支付专利权税51. Time of shipment装运时间,装船时间52. Time of delivery交货时间,交付时间53. Advice of shipment:装运通知,装船通知54. Insurance to be effected by the buyer保险由买方办理55. Inspection and claim clause检查与索赔条款56. Upon arrival of port of destination到达目的港后57. After discharge of the goods at the port of destination到达目的港卸货后58. Inspection certificate of quality质量检验证书;品质检验证书59. Inspection certificate of weight:重量检验证书60. Sanitary inspection certificate卫生检验证书61. Veterinary inspection certificate兽医检验证书;动物检疫证书62. Plant quarantine certification植物( 病虫害)检疫证明63. Force majeure clause不可抗力条款64. Arbitration仲裁,公断65. Bill of lading提单66. Charter-party:租船合同67. Gencon航次租船合同68. Baltime巴尔的摩定期租船合同69. Prima facie evidence:初步证据70. Conclusive evidence绝对证据;最后证据;决定性证据71. Shipped or on board bill of lading已装船提单72. Received for shipment B/L备运提单;收货待运提单73. Clean B/L清洁提单74. Claused B/L, or Foul B/L不清洁提单75. Letter of Indemnity保函;保证书76. Open B/L, Bearer B/L不记名提单;77. Oder b/L指示提单78. Direct B/L:直达提单79. Ocean through B/L:海上联运提单80. Liner B/L:班轮提单81. Charter B/L:租船提单82. Negotiable quality:流通性;可转让性83. Assignor:转让人;出让人84. Assignee:受让人;代理人;受托人85. Endorsement in blank :空白背书;不记名背书86. Special endorsement:记名背书87. Due diligence:特别背书应有的谨慎;应有的注意88. Seaworthiness 船舶适航89. Cargoworthiness 适货90. Latent defect 潜在缺陷91. From tackle to tackle 钩到钩92. Deviation 绕行93. Voyage Charter 航次租船94. Time charter 定期租船合同95. Charter by demise 光船租船96. Laytime 装卸时间97. Demurrage 滞期费98. Dispatch money 速遣费99. Lien 留置权100. Trading limits 航区限制101. Chartered period 特许期限102. Employment and indemnity雇用及赔偿(条款)103. Payment of hire 租金104. Off hire 停租105. Air consignment 航空托运106. Air waybill 航空货运单107. Successive carriers 连续承运人108. Actrual carrier 实际承运人109. International multimodal transport 国际多式联运110. Container 集装箱111. Uniform liability principle统一赔偿责任原则112. Network liability principle网状责任制113. Insurable interest 保险利益114. Disclosure of material facts 重要事实披露115. Material representation116. insurance policy 保险单117. Accidents 意外事故118. Total loss 全损119. Partial loss 部分损失120. General average 共同海损121. Particular average 单独海损122. Actual total loss 实际全损123. Constructive total loss 推定全损124. Sue and labor expenses 施救费用125. Salvage charge 救助费用126. Free from particular average (FPA) 平安险127. With particular average (WPA) 水渍险128. All risks 一切险129. Subrogation 代位130. Abandonment 委付131. Export credits guarantee 出口信贷担保132. Negotiable instruments可转让票据133. Predecessor 前手134. Promissory note 本票135. Draft 汇票136. Drawer 出票人137. Drawee 付款人138. Payee 收款人139. Issue 出票140. Sight bill 即期汇票141. After sight 见票后付款142. Without recourse 无追索权143. Presentment 出示144. Acceptance of draft 承兑汇票145. Dishonour 拒付146. Protest拒绝证书147. Notary public 公证人148. Collection 托收149. Principal 委托方150. Remitting bank 托收行151. Collecting bank 代收行152. Remittance letter 汇款书153. Document against payment (D/P) 付款交单154. Document against payment sight 即期付款交单155. Document against payment after sight远期付款交单156. Documents against acceptance (D/A) 承兑交单。

CIF CFR FOB中英对照 贸易术语

CIF CFR FOB中英对照 贸易术语
A10 Assistance with information and related costs
The seller must, where applicable, in a timely manner, provide to or render assistance in obtaining for the buyer, at the buyer’s request, risk and expense, any documents and information, including security-related information, that the buyer needs for the import of the goods and/or for their transport to the final destination. The seller must reimburse the buyer for all costs and charges incurred by the buyer in providing or rendering assistance in obtaining documents and information as envisaged in B10.
FOB requires the seller to clear the goods for export, where applicable. However, the seller has no obligation to clear the goods for import, pay any import duty or carry out any import customs formalities.



全尺寸婴儿床标准规范1本标准采用固定文件名F 116发布;紧随此名称后的数字表示最初通过的年份或修订版的最新修订年份。







1. 范围1.1 本消费品安全规范规定了婴儿床的性能要求及测试程序,以确定其结构的完整性。


1.2 所有从本消费品安全规范生效之日以后制造的婴儿床未满足本规范中的所有要求不能贴标签或采用其他方式标明是符合本规范的。

1.3 以下有关安全隐患方面为避免误解的说明只适用于本规范第七节的测试方法部分:本标准并非旨在处理有关其使用方面所有可能的安全问题。


2. 参考文件1本规范属ASTM组织F15消费品委员会的权限范围,由F 15.18分会(婴儿床、幼儿床、游乐场、摇篮车、摇篮和可调桌)直接负责。



1999年审批通过之前版本号为F 1169-99。

2.1 联邦标准16 CFR 1303 含铅油漆与特定含铅油漆消费品禁令16 CFR 1500.50–.52 模拟使用测试方法以及玩具和其它专为儿童使用物品的滥用16 CFR 1501 测定方法—因含有微粒材料对具有潜在窒息、吸入或摄食危害的专用于三岁以下儿童设计的玩具和其它物品16 CFR 1508 全尺寸婴儿床要求23. 术语3.1 滑动侧/滑动门,名词:为更容易接近占用者而特意设计的,在产品按制造商建议的使用位置使用时在框架上滑动的一侧。



玩具要求美国联邦法规第16部分(CPSC 16CFR)要求美国联邦法规与玩具有关的内容如下:1、1303部分:关于含铅油漆和某些含有铅油漆消费品的禁令条款1) 在1303部分,消费品产品安全委员会根据消费品安全条例(CPSA)15U.S.C.2057,2058第8.9章公布,供消费者使用的油漆和类似的涂层材料含铅或铅化合物(以金属铅计)不得超过总的不挥发油漆重量或干漆层重量的0.06%,否则则为危险品,禁止使用。


a) 用于儿童使用的,含有“含铅油漆”的玩具和其它制品;b) 供消费者使用的,含有“含铅油漆”的家俱制品。

2) 本禁令适用于(a)段所述的1978后制造的产品,这些产品称为“消费品”,该术语已在SPSA第3(a)(1)中作了定义。




年2月27日3) 根据(1)发现儿童触及的油漆、涂层含铅量超过0.06%,则有铅中毒的极大的危险。

2、1500部分:对危险物质和危险品管理及执行的法规:2.1 1500.44 鉴别极易燃或易燃固体物质的方法1) 样品制备a) 颗粒、粉未和糊状的样品:把样品放入一个平底的矩形金属舟中,舟的尺寸为152.4mm×25.4mm,深6.35mm。

b) 硬质或软质固体:测量样品尺寸,用金属环形架,夹子、环或其它装置,将样品固定,使其长轴水平放置,使样品最大表面积自然暴露。

2) 步骤:把制备好的样品置于无气流处,该处能在每次试验后进行通风和清洁。






法例的条款及ITS的测试费用如下:化学要求测试方法或法例测试要求测试费用- 烛芯的总铅含量ASTM E1645 不得检出RMB255/材料- 表面涂层的总铅含量16 CFR 1303 小于0.06% RMB255/材料除上述法定要求外,针对蜡烛和烛台的特点,部份零售商对产品的品质性能提出更高的测试要求,主要有如下的项目:品质测试1. 重量是否与标称的相符2. 尺寸是否与标称的相符3. 外露烛芯的长度4. 燃烧情况5. 稳定性(针对蜡烛连烛台)6. 蜡烛燃烧时的烛台的温度7. 烛台的工艺,是否有利边、尖点等缺陷8. 烛台的金属配件的抗锈能力标签评估是否有足够的安全使用说明等,进出口商、生产商的标识、地址等资料。


如果要知道更详细的情况,您可以与ITS联系,电话:0755-389 0019,传真:0755-389 0005。



以下是有关蜡烛和烛台典型的安全项目进行评估及性能测试:1. 安全项目o燃烧性能和灯芯性能o由颜料、装饰物、蜡芯碎片、容器以及蜡烛成分形成的二级蜡芯o蜡烛容器的温度o杯烛和茶光烛的闪耀度o防闪耀程度(茶光烛及灯烛)o快速熔解和蜡物的溢出量(%)o蜡烛容器的防温差骤变能力o稳定性o标签o蜡芯含铅量o用于燃烧的涂料的重金属含量2. 性能方面的项目包括:o烟灰的产生和烟灰的容装o燃烧时间o蜡烛损耗率(%)3. 其他影响安全和性能的项目o蜡闪点o蜡的冷却温度o蜡种类的鉴别和纯度o蜡芯种类的鉴别和使用率ITS会根据产品的类型确定测试项目及测试费用。



CPSIA, Section 103,104,105,107
—— Sec.101含铅的儿童产品,铅涂料的 规定
CPSIA, Sec.101(a) —— Total lead in substrate materials 儿童产品中的基材铅含量 •从2009年8月14日起,0.03%(300 ppm) •从2011年8月14日起,0.01%(100 ppm)
该法案对儿童产品的安全提出了更高的要 求,并对消费品安全委员会(CPSC)进行 了适当的改革。
美国消费品安全委员会(Consumer Product Safety Committee, CPSC)是为保护 公众免受与消费品有关的不合理伤害风险
根据美国《联邦法规》第16卷1200部分的说明,“儿 童产品”被定义为“主要为不超过12 岁的儿童设计或供其 使用的消费产品。”
CPSIA, Section 101
(a) Total lead in substrate materials 基材铅含量 (f) Total lead in Paint and Surface Coatings 涂层 铅含量 (16 CFR 1303测试要求)
CPSIA, Section 108
Section 103. Tracking labels for children’s products 第103条款. 儿童产品上的追溯标签
Section 104. Standards and consumer registration of durable nursery products
美国消费品安全改进法案 The US Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act

美国燃烧标准 16 CFR

美国燃烧标准 16 CFR

U.S. CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSIONOffice of ComplianceChildren’s Sleepwear Regulations 1, 16 C.F.R. Parts 1615 & 16161This document is a simple summary of the children’s sleepwear requirements and does not replace the requirements published in 16 C.F.R. Parts 1615 & 1616. The summary does not include all of the details included in those requirements. For those details,please refer to the regulation or contact the Office of Compliance at the address below.What is the purpose of the children’s sleepwear flammability standards?To protect children from burns, these rules require that children’s sleepwear must be flame resistant and self-extinguish if a flame from a candle, match, lighter or a similar item causes it to catch fire. The rules cover all children’s sleepwear above size 9 months and up to size 14 and require that(1) the fabric and garments must pass certainflammability tests; or(2) be "tight fitting" as defined by specifieddimensions.Where can I find the requirements for children’s sleepwear?The regulations are published in the Code of Federal Regulations in Title 16, Part 1615 for children’ssleepwear sized above 9 months and up to 6X, and in Title 16, Part 1616 for children’s sleepwear sized 7through 14. The two rules contain basically the same requirements, with the main difference being the sizes of the garments covered by each.What is children’s sleepwear?Children’s sleepwear is any article of clothing, such as a nightgown, pajama, robe or loungewear, that is sized above 9 months and up to size 14 and that is intended to be worn primarily for sleeping or activities related to sleeping.To determine whether a garment is sleepwear, the Commission considers:1. The nature of the garment and its suitability forsleeping or activities related to sleeping;2. How the garment is promoted and distributed; and3. The likelihood that the garment will be used bychildren primarily for sleeping or activities related to sleeping in a substantial number of cases.Underwear and diapers are not children’s sleepwear.A garment sized nine months or smaller intended for use by infants is not required to meet the standard if:(1) It is a one-piece garment and is not longer than 25¾ inches, or it is a two-piece garment and has no piece longer than 15 ¾ inches; and(2) It has a label stating in months the age of thechildren for whom it is intended.Even though these types of garments are exempt from the requirements of this rule, they must still meet the flammability requirements for clothing textiles, 16C.F.R. 1610 and vinyl plastic film, 16 C.F.R. 1611.How do I test sleepwear to make sure that it complies with the flammability standards?Because of the detail in the regulation, we have only provided a general overview of the sampling and testing requirements. For more detailed information about the test equipment and procedure, sampling garments or fabric, selecting specimens, and other requirements, please refer to the regulation or contact the Office of Compliance.The general test uses a sample of five 3½ inch by 10-inch specimens cut from the fabric or garment seams and trim being tested. Each specimen is testedseparately. Place each specimen in a metal holder and suspend each holder vertically in the test cabinet.Apply the gas flame to the bottom edge of thespecimen for 3 seconds. Measure the char length of each specimen.Testing for flammability involves selecting and testing a specified number of samples of three different items – fabric, prototype seams and trim, and production garment seams. Fabric (or garments) must be tested as produced (or after one laundering) and after 50 launderings.Depending on the results of testing, an item may be accepted, rejected, or require additional sampling and testing. In general, a sample of five specimens cannot have an average char length greater than 7.0 inches or have more than a specified number of individual 10-inch char lengths.Fabric: Finished fabric that is ready to be made into sleepwear must be grouped into Fabric Production Units (FPUs) and tested before you use the fabric to make prototype garments. An FPU may be up to 5,000 linear yards of the fabric. You may include different colors or print patterns of the same fabric in the same FPU if they exhibit similar burn characteristics. Test one sample of five specimens from each end of each FPU (two samples per FPU).The FPU is accepted or rejected based upon the fabric sampling plan criteria. If 15 consecutive FPUs of a fabric are accepted, the number of linear yards of fabric in the FPU may be increased. If an FPU is rejected, subsequent FPUs must be tested with a third sample of five specimens taken from the middle of the FPU.Garment prototypes: Before you actually produce garments that will be sold, you must test prototypes of each garment design characteristic. This testing helps to ensure that you have designed a garment that will comply with the standards when it is mass-produced. Seam types and trim that will actually be used in the garments must be tested. Most sleeve and neckline bindings/rib cuffs do not have to be tested. Test three samples, five specimens each, of the longest seam type, three samples of each different seam type 10 inches or longer, and three samples of each type of trim.Prototype seams and trims are accepted or rejected based upon the prototype sampling plan criteria. Production garments: Finished garments produced for sale must be grouped into Garment Production Units (GPUs) and tested. One GPU may include up to 500 dozen garments. A GPU may include garments with different trim and fasteners, as long as the other characteristics of the garments (e.g. fabric, thread, and seam construction), are identical, except for size, color, and print pattern.From randomly selected garments, test three samples, five specimens each, from the longest type of seam.GPUs are accepted or rejected based upon the production garment sampling plan.What if sleepwear fails the flammability tests? Rejected units may not be retested, used, or promoted for use in children’s sleepwear. Rejected units can be destroyed, exported (only with CPSC approval), or reworked to improve their flammability resistance. You must retest reworked units according to the FPU and GPU testing procedure. Such units must comply with the flammability requirements before the fabric or garments are introduced into commerce as children’s sleepwear.How do I make tight-fitting sleepwear?Tight-fitting sleepwear garments must(1)not exceed the maximum dimensions specified inthe regulations for the chest, waist, seat, upperarm, thigh, wrist, or ankle;(2)have no fabric ornament or trim, such as lace orribbon, which extends more than ¼ inch from thepoint at which it is attached to the garment;(3)have sleeves that taper from the shoulders to theends of the sleeves(4)have pant legs that taper from the thighs to theends of the pant legs;(5)if they are 1-piece, taper from the chest down tothe waist and from the seat up to the waist;(6)if they are 2-piece,(a)have an upper piece that tapers from the chestto the bottom of the piece,(b)if the upper piece has fastenings, have thelowest fastening located within 6 inches of thebottom of the piece, and(c)have a lower piece that tapers from the seat tothe top of the piece;(7)bear a permanent label stating size of garment.(8)bear a hang tag alerting buyers that the garmentsare not flame-resistant and should be worn snugfitting because loose-fitting garments are morelikely to catch fire(9)comply with all of the flammability requirementsfor clothing textiles and vinyl plastic film.Figure 3 - Text of HangtagWhat are the marketing responsibilities of retailers, distributors and wholesalers who sell children’s sleepwear?Retailers, distributors and wholesalers of children’s sleepwear (including infant sleepwear (sized 9 months and under) and tight fitting sleepwear) should(1)not advertise, promote, or sell as children’ssleepwear, any garment which another party hasindicated does not meet the requirements of thechildren’s sleepwear flammability standards and/or are not intended or suitable for use as sleepwear;(2)place or advertise fabrics and garments covered bythe children’s sleepwear standards in differentparts of a department, store, catalog, or web site,from those in which fabrics and garments whichmay resemble but are not children’s sleepwear are sold or marketed;(3)use store display signs, and/or catalog or web sitenotations that point out the difference betweendifferent types of fabrics and garments, forexample, by indicating which are sleepwear items and which are not; and(4)avoid advertising or promoting garments or fabricsthat do not comply with the children’s sleepwearstandards in a manner that may cause consumers to view those items as children’s sleepwear or asbeing suitable for making such sleepwear.Are there any requirements for labeling and keeping records?Yes, for sleepwear garments that meet the flammability performance requirements there are additional requirements. Please refer to the regulation for more detailed information. In general:(1)each article of children's sleepwear must have apermanent label with instructions on how to takecare of the garment to protect it from chemicals or other treatments that can reduce its flameresistance;(2)children's sleepwear must have a permanent labelwith a unit identification (number, letter, date, orcombination thereof) so manufacturers can trackthe garment's associated fabric and garmentproduction lots in the event of a recall;(3)manufacturers and importers must maintain writtenrecords as specified in the regulations.Are there any other requirements for children’s sleepwear?Yes. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has labeling laws that apply to clothing. Contact the FTC at for more information. In addition, even though functional attachments to clothing, such as buttons and zipper pulls, are exempt from the “Small Parts” regulation, we recommend that you voluntarily test such attachments on garments up to and including size 2 to ensure that those children cannot choke, aspirate, or swallow those attachments. (See the “use and abuse” tests described at 16 C.F.R.§§ 1500.50 through 1500.52, and the small parts requirements at 16 C.F.R. Part 1501.)Where can I find additional information?You can obtain the Standards for the Flammability of Children’s Sleepwear, 16 C.F.R. Parts 1615 & 1616, from the CPSC web site at: . For more information on the requirements for children’s sleepwear contact the Consumer Product Safety Commission, Office of Compliance, Washington, D.C. 20207, telephone: (301) 504-7913, e-mail:sect15@.。



全球玩具检测标准介绍2008-08-22 21:11:48 来源: 作者: 【大中小】评论:0条欧洲玩具指令简介欧盟在1990年1月起,要求联盟内市场上的所有玩具产品,必须符合CE标识标准,并将CE标识标明在玩具包装上。










美国联邦法规第16部分(CPSC 16 CFR)要求(2007-09-20)美国联邦法规与玩具有关的内容如下:1、1303部分:关于含铅油漆和某些含有铅油漆消费品的禁令条款1) 在1303部分,消费品产品安全委员会根据消费品安全条例(CPSA)15U.S.C.2057,2058第8.9章公布,供消费者使用的油漆和类似的涂层材料含铅或铅化合物(以金属铅计)不得超过总的不挥发油漆重量或干漆层重量的0.06%,否则则为危险品,禁止使用。


a) 用于儿童使用的,含有“含铅油漆”的玩具和其它制品;b) 供消费者使用的,含有“含铅油漆”的家俱制品。

2) 本禁令适用于(a)段所述的1978年2月27日后制造的产品,这些产品称为“消费品”,该术语已在SPSA第3(a)(1)中作了定义。




3) 根据(1)发现儿童触及的油漆、涂层含铅量超过0.06%,则有铅中毒的极大的危险。

2、1500部分:对危险物质和危险品管理及执行的法规:2.1 1500.44 鉴别极易燃或易燃固体物质的方法1) 样品制备a) 颗粒、粉未和糊状的样品:把样品放入一个平底的矩形金属舟中,舟的尺寸为152.4mm×25.4mm,深6.35mm。

b) 硬质或软质固体:测量样品尺寸,用金属环形架,夹子、环或其它装置,将样品固定,使其长轴水平放置,使样品最大表面积自然暴露。

2) 步骤:把制备好的样品置于无气流处,该处能在每次试验后进行通风和清洁。


cfr 法规 中文

cfr 法规 中文

PART 1303—BAN OF LEAD-CONTAINING PAINT AND CERTAIN CONSUMER PRODUCTS BEARING LEAD-CONTAINING PAINT1303部分--禁用含铅油漆以及某些使用含铅油漆的消费品1303.1 Scope and application.适用范围1303.2 Definitions.定义1303.3 Exemptions.豁免1303.4 Banned hazardous products.禁止使用的有害产品1303.5 Findings.依据§ 1303.1 Scope and application.1303.1 适用范围(a) In this part 1303, the Consumer Product Safety Commission declares that paint and similar surface-coating materials for consumer use that contain lead or lead compounds and in which the lead content (calculated as lead metal) is in excess of 0.06 percent of the weight of the total nonvolatile content of the paint or the weight of the dried paint film (which paint and similar surface-coating materials are referred to hereafter as ‘‘lead-containing paint’’) are banned hazardous products under sections 8 and 9 of the Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSA),A.在该1303部分,消费品安全委员会声明:依照《消费品安全法案》(CPSA)的第八部分和第九部分, 在《消费品安全法案》(CPSA)30(d)中的依据,根据公众利益,所规范的CPSA 下的含铅油漆及某些覆盖有该类油漆的消费品),用于消费目的, 含铅或铅化合物的油漆和类似表层材料(以下简称”含铅涂料”),其中铅含量(以金属铅计算)超过油漆的总非挥发物或干油漆膜重量0.06%的,为有害产品, 予以禁用。

Toy & Child use and care articles Testing 2010

Toy & Child use and care articles Testing 2010
加拿大危险品条例, R.S.c.H-3 Schedule I Part I, Item 9 (CHPA)
毒性测试主要涉及到7大元素(铅、 汞、锑、砷、钡、镉和硒)的限值。 其中汞的要求是不能含有;锑、砷、钡、镉和硒测的是可溶性含量,限值 均为0.1%,铅测试的是总量,限值为600ppm。
Toy & Child use and care articles
1. 主要国家玩具法规/标准 2. 主要玩具测试项目介绍
EN 14350:Drinking equipment EN 1400:Soothers for babies and
附录A: 机械和物理性能等同采用ISO 8124-1 附录B:燃烧性能等同于ISO 8124-2 附录C:特定元素的迁移等同ISO 8124-3
国际标准化组织玩具法规ISO 8124
国际玩具标准是世界通用的玩具标准,三大部分的技术内容等同采用EN71 标准。 其他如英国、德国、法国、澳大利亚、新西兰等均有本国的玩具法规, 这些玩具法规技术内容均应用的是欧盟玩具标准EN71的内容。
ASTM F963标准中关于物理和机械性能的要求主要涉及到:冲击 试验、跌落试验、部件移取的拉力试验、压力试验、扭曲试验等等。
ASTM F963的化学测试除了针对油墨、油漆、涂层等的8大溶出重 金属测试外,还要根据16CFR 1303的内容对总铅有要求,其限值为 600ppm。 2008年8月14日发布的CPSIA规定在其生效一年后(09年8月14日) 将此限值降低至90ppm。 除此之外,还涉及到填充物材料清洁度(Pennsylvania’s Regulation)、 PVC中增塑剂DEHP含量(ASTM D3421)等测试



PART 1303—BAN OF LEAD-CONTAINING PAINT AND CERTAIN CONSUMER PRODUCTS BEARING LEAD-CONTAINING PAINT1303部分--禁用含铅油漆以及某些使用含铅油漆的消费品1303.1 Scope and application.适用范围1303.2 Definitions.定义1303.3 Exemptions.豁免1303.4 Banned hazardous products.禁止使用的有害产品1303.5 Findings.依据§ 1303.1 Scope and application.1303.1 适用范围(a) In this part 1303, the Consumer Product Safety Commission declares that paint and similar surface-coating materials for consumer use that contain lead or lead compounds and in which the lead content (calculated as lead metal) is in excess of 0.06 percent of the weight of the total nonvolatile content of the paint or the weight of the dried paint film (which paint and similar surface-coating materials are referred to hereafter as ‘‘lead-containing paint’’) are banned hazardous products under sections 8 and 9 of the Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSA), 15 U.S.C. 2057, 2058. (See parts 1145.1 and 1145.2 for the Commission’s finding under section 30(d) of the Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSA) that it is in the public interest to regulate lead-containing paint and certain consumer products bearing such paint under the CPSA.) The following consumer products are also declared to be banned hazardous products:A.在该1303部分,消费品安全委员会声明:依照《消费品安全法案》(CPSA)的第八部分和第九部分, 15 U.S.C. 2057, 2058.(参考1145.1和1145.2 委员会在《消费品安全法案》(CPSA)30(d)中的依据,根据公众利益,所规范的CPSA下的含铅油漆及某些覆盖有该类油漆的消费品),用于消费目的, 含铅或铅化合物的油漆和类似表层材料(以下简称”含铅涂料”),其中铅含量(以金属铅计算)超过油漆的总非挥发物或干油漆膜重量0.06%的,为有害产品, 予以禁用。











所有进入欧盟地区的产品,都必须满足欧盟地区的通用法规,其中跟鞋类产品相关的是REACH 法规、POPs法规、ROHS 指令、包装指令以及召回案例较多的安全性能。

1,1 REACH 法规REACH法规,全称为《关于化学品注册、评估、许可和限制法规》,是欧盟制定的化学物质管理法规,目的在于保护人类健康和环境。


1.1.1 REACH 附录17根据REACH法规要求,进入到欧盟市场的产品,不能使用附录17中的化学物质,除非满足相应的限制条件。




2010 年1 月12日 最终规则
铅含量测试方法(testing method)
CPSC-CH-E1003-09.1油漆和类似涂层中的铅 Lead (Pb) in Paint and Other Similar Surface Coatings,Feb.25, 2011 CPSC-CH-E1002-08 非金属儿童用品中的铅 Lead (Pb) in Non-Metal Children’s Products, Jun.21, 2010 CPSC-CH-E1001-08 金属儿童用品中的铅(包括儿童金属珠宝) Lead (Pb) in Children’s Metal Products (Including Children’s Metal Jewelry) , Dec.04, 2008

Lead in surface coating 表面涂层中的铅
16 CFR 1303 2009-08-14 16 CFR 1303 90ppm(0.009%)

Lead in substrate 基材中的铅
2009-02-10 600ppm(0.06%) 2009-08-14 300ppm(0.03%) 2011-08-14 100ppm(0.01%)
Tracking Labels for Children's Products
Standards and Consumer Registration of Durable Nursery Products



一、重金属元素含量(Eeavy Elemeng Content Limit):1.1相关标准(reference standard):16CFR1303、ASTM F963、CPSIA、EN71-3、GB24613、ISO8124-3、Canada、CONEG、94/62/EEC etc.Hasbro SRS 012/044/047/060/082 H/E requirement;Mattel 0006-3600/0006-3604/0006-5000/0006-2901H/E requirement;McDonald TS31,Creata CQP7.2.11华盛要求(WS requirement)适用范围:1.产品的可接触部件,即:产品在装拆、使用、可预见性滥用测试前后可接触部分,以及打算与产品一起保留的包装物料,如:产品上贴纸,介绍卡等;2.所有图层/电镀层均不可作为底材的不可接触的屏障;3.产品在装拆、使用、可预见性滥用测试前后可接触的小物体内不可接触的部件;4.所有不可接触部件需对镉(Cd)成分进行测试。

1.2.1艺术类,文具类物料含量要求如下:(Art、stationery materials content limit requirement as below)元素总含量上限可溶含量上限(方法1)Element Total Limit Soluble 1 Limit铅(Pb) 20ppm 10ppm钡 (Ba) / 250ppm砷(As) / 10ppm硒(Se) / 200ppm镉(Cd) 30ppm 30ppm铬(Cr) 500ppm 25ppm贡 (Hg) ND ND锑 (Sb) / 25ppm1.2.2油漆/油墨/表面图层/溶剂/油漆/材料含量要求如下:(paint、paint ink、surface coating、solvent、paint materials content limit requirement as below)元素总含量上限可溶含量上限(方法1) 可溶含量上限(方法2)Element Total Limit Soluble 1 Limit Soluble 2 Limit铅(Pb) 20ppm 20ppm /钡 (Ba) / 300ppm 750ppm砷(As) / 10ppm 30ppm硒(Se) / 200ppm 400ppm镉(Cd) 20ppm 20ppm 400ppm铬(Cr) 500ppm 40ppm /贡 (Hg) ND ND /锑 (Sb) / 25ppm 400ppm1.2.3塑料、布、纸张、五金、玻璃、玉器、陶瓷制品等材料含量要求如下:(Plastic、fabric、paper、metal、glass、gemstone、ceramic etc materials content limit requirement as below)元素总含量上限可溶含量上限(方法1)Element Total Limit Soluble 1 Limit铅(Pb) 20ppm 20ppm钡 (Ba) / 300ppm砷(As) / 10ppm硒(Se) / 200ppm镉(Cd) 20ppm 20ppm铬(Cr) 500ppm 40ppm贡 (Hg) ND ND锑 (Sb) / 25ppm1.2.4包装材料(例如:卡通箱、彩盒、胶带、包装贴纸等)符合铅(Pb),镉(Cd),贡 (Hg)和六价铬(Cr 6+)之含量总和不超过100ppm的规定。


在ASTM F963-96a中总共有十一条来说明使用电池驱动玩具时潜在的危险如遇热过度,渗漏和爆炸等。
16CFRPart 1512
16CFRPart 1505

16 CFR Part 1200 中文翻译

16 CFR Part 1200 中文翻译

16 CFR Part 1200 中文翻译DEFINITION OF CHILDREN'S PRODUCT UNDER THE CONSUM ER PRODUCT SAFETY ACT第1200部分--在消费品安全法案下对儿童产品的定义Sec.1200.1 Purpose. 目的1200.2 Definition of children's product. 儿童产品的定义---------------------------------------------------------------------------Sec. 1200.1 Purpose. 目的This part provides guidance on the definition of children's product an d the factors the Commission will consider when making determinations r egarding children's products as set forth under 15 U.S.C. 2052(2).这一部分对在儿童产品的定义和当委员会按照15 U.S.C. 2052(2).的要求关于判定儿童产品时将考虑的因素提供指导。

Sec. 1200.2 Definition of children's product. 儿童产品的定义。

(a) Definition of “Children's Product”—(a)儿童产品的定义(1) Under section 3(a)(2) of the Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSA), a children's product means a consumer product designed or intended primarily for children 12 years of age or younger. The term “designed or intended primarily”applies to those consumer products mainly for childr en 12 years old or younger. Whether a product is primarily intended for children 12 years of age or younger is determined by considering the fou r specified statutory factors. These factors are:窗体顶端(1)在消费品安全法案(CPSA)第3部分(a) (2),“儿童产品”指要紧为不超过12岁的儿童使用而设计的消费产品。

CFR_1303法规 - 中文

CFR_1303法规 - 中文

PART 1303—BAN OF LEAD-CONTAINING PAINT AND CERTAIN CONSUMER PRODUCTS BEARING LEAD-CONTAINING PAINT1303部分--禁用含铅油漆以及某些使用含铅油漆的消费品Scope and application.适用范围Definitions.定义Exemptions.豁免Banned hazardous products.禁止使用的有害产品Findings.依据§Scope and application.适用范围(a) In this part 1303, the Consumer Product Safety Commission declares that paint and similar surface-coating materials for consumer use that contain lead or lead compounds and in which the lead content (calculated as lead metal) is in excess of percent of the weight of the total nonvolatile content of the paint or the weight of the dried paint film (which paint and similar surface-coating materials are referred to hereafter as ‘‘lead-containing paint’’) are banned hazardous products under sections 8 and 9 of the Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSA), 15 2057, 2058. (See parts and for the Commission’s finding under section 30(d) of the Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSA) that it is in the public interest to regulate lead-containing paint and certain consumer products bearing such paint under the CPSA.) The following consumer products are also declared to be banned hazardous products:A.在该1303部分,消费品安全委员会声明:依照《消费品安全法案》(CPSA)的第八部分和第九部分, 15 2057, 2058.(参考和委员会在《消费品安全法案》(CPSA)30(d)中的依据,根据公众利益,所规范的CPSA下的含铅油漆及某些覆盖有该类油漆的消费品),用于消费目的, 含铅或铅化合物的油漆和类似表层材料(以下简称”含铅涂料”),其中铅含量(以金属铅计算)超过油漆的总非挥发物或干油漆膜重量%的,为有害产品, 予以禁用。



美国联邦法规第16部分(CPSC 16 CFR)要求(2007-09-20)美国联邦法规与玩具有关的内容如下:1、1303部分:关于含铅油漆和某些含有铅油漆消费品的禁令条款1) 在1303部分,消费品产品安全委员会根据消费品安全条例(CPSA)15U.S.C.2057,2058第8.9章公布,供消费者使用的油漆和类似的涂层材料含铅或铅化合物(以金属铅计)不得超过总的不挥发油漆重量或干漆层重量的0.06%,否则则为危险品,禁止使用。


a) 用于儿童使用的,含有“含铅油漆”的玩具和其它制品;b) 供消费者使用的,含有“含铅油漆”的家俱制品。

2) 本禁令适用于(a)段所述的1978年2月27日后制造的产品,这些产品称为“消费品”,该术语已在SPSA第3(a)(1)中作了定义。




3) 根据(1)发现儿童触及的油漆、涂层含铅量超过0.06%,则有铅中毒的极大的危险。

2、1500部分:对危险物质和危险品管理及执行的法规:2.1 1500.44 鉴别极易燃或易燃固体物质的方法1) 样品制备a) 颗粒、粉未和糊状的样品:把样品放入一个平底的矩形金属舟中,舟的尺寸为152.4mm×25.4mm,深6.35mm。

b) 硬质或软质固体:测量样品尺寸,用金属环形架,夹子、环或其它装置,将样品固定,使其长轴水平放置,使样品最大表面积自然暴露。

2) 步骤:把制备好的样品置于无气流处,该处能在每次试验后进行通风和清洁。


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(b) This ban applies to the products in the categories described in paragraph (a) of this section
that are manufactured after February 27, 1978, and which are ‘‘consumer products’’ as that
企划部信息资料Hale Waihona Puke 文件编号:2007082903
(2) Lead-containing paint means paint or other similar surface coating materials containing lead or lead compounds and in which the lead content(calculated as lead metal) is in excess of 0.06 percent by weight of the total nonvolatile content of the paint or the weight of the dried paint film. 含铅涂料是指油漆或其他类似表层涂料含铅或铅化合物,含铅量(按铅金属计算)超过油漆 的总非挥发性物质或干油漆膜重量的 0.06%。
included within the scope of the ban because they are outside the statutory definition of
‘‘consumer product’’. In addition to those products which are sold directly to consumers, the
ban applies to products which are used or enjoyed by consumers after sale,such as paints used in
residences, schools, hospitals, parks, playgrounds, and public (2)供消费者使用的带有含铅油漆的家具。 (b)该禁令适用于 1978 年 2 月 27 日以后制造的,在该部分(a)段中提到的产品,以及在消费 品安全法案第三部分(a)(1)中定义的消费品-那些通常情况下供消费者在家里、学校里或者 娱乐时使用、消费、享受而生产的产品,另外,还有规定中所包含的产品。用于机动车辆 和船的油漆以及表面材料不在该禁令的范围之内,因为这些不在“消费品”的定义之内。 另外,对于直接卖给消费者的产品,该禁令适用于那些消费者在售后使用或享受的产品, 比如用在住房,学校,医院,公园,操场和公共场所的油漆。
SOURCE: 42 FR 44199, Sept. 1, 1977, unless otherwise noted.
§ 1303.1
Scope and application. 适用范围
(a) In this part 1303, the Consumer Product Safety Commission declares that paint and similar
15 U.S.C. 2057, 2058. (See parts 1145.1 and
1145.2 for the Commission’s finding under section 30(d) of the Consumer Product Safety
Act (CPSA) that it is in the public interest to regulate lead- containing paint and certain
standard under the CPSA would adequately protect the public from this risk. 消费品安全条例 § 1303 建筑物或其他消费者可能直接接近的涂漆面 (C)因为已经发现(1)儿童铅中毒的几率高与儿童可能接触到的油漆和涂料中的铅含量 超过 0.06%有关,(2)没有在 CPSA 之下的切实可行的消费品安全标准充分地保护公众免 于铅中毒的危险,所以委员会已发布了禁令。
consumer products bearing such paint under the CPSA.) The following consumer products are
also declared to be banned hazardous products: 15 U.S.C. 2057, 2058.(见 1145.1 和 1145.2 委员会在 30(d)中提出,他们发现消费品安全 法案规范含铅油漆和含有此类油漆的消费品是符合公众利益的)。以下消费品也作为危险 产品被禁止:
§ 1303.2 Definitions.
The definitions in section 3 of the Consumer Product Safety Act (15U.S.C. 2052) shall
apply to this part 1303. 在消费品安全法案第三部分的定义(15U.S.C. 2052)适用于此 1303 部分
consumption, or enjoyment of consumers in or around a household, in schools, in recreation, or
otherwise are covered by the regulation. Paints and coatings for motor vehicles and boats are not
of the substrate, such as the pigment in a plastic article, or those materials which are actually
bonded to the substrate, such as by electroplating or ceramic glazing. 油漆和其他类似表层材料是指含有或不含悬浮状态的被细分过的色素的液体、半-液体或 其他的材料。当这些材料被作为薄层用于诸如金属、木材、石头、纸、皮革、布料,塑料 或其他表面的时候,就变成固体的薄膜。这个界定不包括印刷墨水或者那些实际上已经变 成基层的材料,例如塑料制品中的颜料,或者那些事实上与底层结合到一起的材料,例如 通过电镀或上瓷器釉。
hazardous products under sections 8 and 9 of the Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSA), 在 1303 部分,消费品安全委员会称:供消费者使用的含铅或铅化合物的油漆和类似表层 材料,其中铅含量(以铅金属计算)超过油漆的总非挥发性物质或干油漆膜(油漆和类似 表层材料是指含铅涂料)重量 0.06%的,在消费者安全法案的第八章和第九章中被视为有 害产品。
Consumer Product Safety Commission § 1303
buildings or other areas where consumers will have direct access to the painted surface.
(c) The Commission has issued the ban because it has found (1) that there is an unreasonable
risk of lead poisoning in children associated with lead content of over 0.06 percent in paints and
coatings to which children have access and (2) that no feasible consumer product safety
surface-coating materials for consumer use that contain lead or lead compounds and in which
the lead content (calculated as lead metal) is in excess of 0.06 percent of the weight of the total
(1) Toys and other articles intended for use by children that bear ‘‘lead-con- taining paint’’. 儿童使用的“含铅涂料”的玩具和其他商品。
(2) Furniture articles for consumer use that bear ‘‘lead-containing paint’’.
(3) Toys and other articles intended for use by children means those toys and other articles which are intended to be entrusted to or for use by children. This would not include all articles to which children might have access simply because they are present in a household. 供儿童使用的玩具和其他物品是指那些打算被提供给儿童或被儿童使用的玩具和其他物 品。这些不包括所有那些儿童有可能接触到的作为礼物出现在家中的玩具。
nonvolatile content of the paint or the weight of the dried paint film (which paint and similar