

出口美国食品标签一般要求一、美国食品标签监管法规出口美国食品同美国本土生产食品一样,必须正确标识标签才能在美国境内合法销售,需要符合得法规有:《公平包装和标签法案》(FPLA)、《联邦食品、药品和化妆品法案》(FDCA)、《营养标签与教育法案》(NLEA)、《食品致敏原标识及消费者保护法案》(FALCPA)和《食品标签》(21 CFR PART 101)的规定,同时《食品标签指南》也对标签的具体标识,如字体、位置、营养成分声明等作了详细的要求说明。
二、出口美国食品标签要求(一)强制性标识内容根据美国联邦法规21 CFR PART 101和指南文件《食品标签指南》,除豁免外,所有进口至美国或在美国境内销售的食品标签强制性标识以下内容:(1)食品名称;(2)配料;(3)内容物净含量(沥干物);(4)生产商、包装商或经销商的名称及地址;(5)过敏原信息;(6)营养成分表;(7)原产国(进口食品)。
以上为美国标签标识的基本要求,如果食品标签上的所有强制标识信息格式不正确,美国食品药品监管管理局(F DA)认定该产品标识错误,将造成出口美国产品因标签不合格被扣留。

§101. 105内容物净含量声明
§101. 105内容物净含量声明
美国 食品标签法
1.预包装食品在销售时必须有食品 标签
2. 食品标签是食品质量和其他特征的 综合信息媒体 识别比较-食品成份、价格比较 指导消费-食品成份的禁忌、贮 存方法、食用方法 警示性-营养声明、健康声明、 警示性通告
• 食品标签适用于所有的预包装食品 • 按食品标签上标示的内容来分,食品 标签可以分为:主要展示版面和信息 版面两个部分
• 主要展示版面上标注食品名称及净含 量等内容 • 信息版面标注除规定必须在主要展示 版面上标注之外的其他内容
• 营养标签是美国食品标签的重要内容, 为强制标注的内容。 • 通过营养标签对食品中含有营养的描 述,消费者可以从中得知消费食品中 的营养成份与每天实际的营养需求之 间的关系,从而正确消费食品。营养 标签在特定情况下可以豁免(标签总 面积小于12平方英寸时)
§101. 5 食品制造商、包装商 、经销商的商业名称及地址
商业地址应标示区号(邮政编码)、 州名、城市名及街道地址。如果街道 地址在现行的城市手册或电话薄中可 以查到,则可以省略。
§101. 5 食品制造商、包装商 、经销商的商业名称及地址
如果食品是在主要营业场所以外的 其他地点制造、包装或经销,则标签 上可标示主要营业场所来代替实际的 制造、包装或经销地点,除非这种标 示将产生误导。

五、美国食品标签规定 变化情况
根据WTO通报及美国动态法规信息分析 得知,2007-2009年美国制修订的食品标 签要求主要涉及以下多个方面:
售的国产或进口食品(包括带壳蛋 类)、瓶装水和酒精含量小于7% 的葡萄酒饮料
食品安全检验局 (FSIS)
烟酒税收贸易局 (TTB)
充分发挥政府职能,设置专门的食品标签 管理部门,全方位地开展工作。
营养产品、标签和膳食补充剂办公室(Office of Nutritional Products, Labeling, and Dietary Supplements,ONPLDS)
《2009年美国食品安全加强法案》要求 必须标注原产国。
该要求将在本法案颁布之日2年后生效, 其执行条例将由卫生与公众服务部长于 法案颁布之日后的180天内颁布。
1、日期标记和贮藏说明要求。 2、语言文字要求。
如果出现任何外语(非英语)的说明,则所 有必需的标签声明,必须同时使用英语和外 语。
《联邦酒类管理法》 《葡萄酒标签和广告》 《蒸馏酒标签和广告》 《麦芽酒标签和广告》 《(酒类标签)标示程序》 《酒精饮料健康警示声明》
四、美国食品标签规定 具体标注要求
1、标示位置:正面 标签,或主展示版 面 ( PDP) 以 及 任 何 可 选 PDP 。 通 常 与包装底部平行。 2、字体:用粗体。

FDA 对美国市场上销售的食品标签规定食品标签的产生当我们去超市购物的时候,会被进口食品的花花绿绿的包装所吸引,但同时还会觉察在大多数进口食品的外包装上会附有一个养分成分表,那么这个表到底包括哪些内容,换言之,我们能从这些数字中得到什么样的商品信息呢?假设您关注过这样的养分成分表,应当知道养分均衡的饮食能降低心血管疾病、休克、癌症和骨质疏松等疾病的发生几率。
100 多年前,在未对食品标签进展统一标准和治理之前,消费者对市面上所销售的食品的标签有诸多不满,由于包装上供给的信息不够全面,消费者无法了解每种产品所含有的全部成分,也就不能对产品质量产生足够的信任度。
美国食品与药品监视治理局〔FDA〕在1924 年公布法规要求在美销售的食品外包装需列出具体产品成分,并严查具有误导消费者的产品说明。
1973 年,FDA 出台法规要求必需在食品标签上标注食品中所含有的维生素和矿物质的养分成分信息。
1990 年公布的《养分素标签与教育法案》对食品标签的改进起了至关重要的推动作用。
在随后的1994 年,FDA 公布了《养分补充剂安康与教育法案》,此法规主要有 5 个方面的改进。

• 生鲜农副产品(通常是指新鲜水果和蔬 菜)可获得豁免。 • 自愿性过敏原规定:
– 葡萄酒、 – 蒸馏酒 – 麦芽酒精饮料
• 1、项目:热量、来自于脂肪的热量、总 脂肪、饱和脂肪、反式脂肪、胆固醇、 钠、总碳水化合物、膳食纤维、糖、蛋 白质、维生素A、维生素C、钙和铁。 • 2、位置:PDP;信息版面;其它版面。
• 1 、标示位置:正面 标签,或主展示版 面 ( PDP) 以 及 任 何 可 选 PDP 。 通 常 与包装底部平行。 • 2、字体:用粗体。
使 用“ Vanilla Wafers” 作为食品名称,并展示 了饼干的图案。
Franklin gothic heavy字体 ,或者 Helvetica 黑体,左 右对齐,不小于13磅
7磅直线 6 磅 Helvetica 黑 体 字 所有标签内容被装入一
个 1/2磅直线的方框内, 文本边距小 于3磅
1/4磅直线 维生素和矿物质 (脚 注)以下的字体为6磅 ,行间距为1磅
• 3、如果计数不足以说明内容物含量,则 必须补充重量或其他信息。 • 4、关于净含量的说明可以用分数表示。 • 5、规定固液混合物应该用质量表示。 • 6、要求干性食品标示干量。
• 1、顺序:按加 入量递减排列。 加入量不超过 2%的不作要求。 • 2、位置:配料 表与制造商、包 装商或经销商的 名称和地址标注 在同一标签版面 上。
• 7、特殊营养标签格式。 • (1)并排格式。

§ 101.9 Nutrition labeling of food.(a) Nutrition information relating to food shall be provided for all products intended for human consumption and offered for sale unless an exemption is provided for the product in paragraph (j) of this section.(1) When food is in package form, the required nutrition labeling information shall appear on the label in the format specified in this section.(2) When food is not in package form, the required nutrition labeling information shall be displayed clearly at the point of purchase (e.g., on a counter card, sign, tag affixed to the product, or some other appropriate device). Alternatively, the required information may be placed in a booklet, looseleaf binder, or other appropriate format that is available at the point of purchase.(3) Solicitation of requests for nutrition information by a statement ―For nutrition information write to___________ ‖ on the label or in the labeling or advertising for a food, or providing such information in a direct written reply to a solicited or unsolicited request, does not subject the label or the labeling of a food exempted under paragraph (j) of this section to the requirements of this section if the reply to the request conforms to the requirements of this section.(4) If any vitamin or mineral is added to a food so that a single serving provides 50 percent or more of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for the age group for which the product is intended, as specified in paragraph (c)(8)(iv) of this section, of any one of the added vitamins or minerals, unless such addition is permitted or required in other regulations, e.g., a standard of identity or nutritional quality guideline, or is otherwise exempted by the Commissioner, the food shall be considered a food for special dietary use within the meaning of §105.3(a)(1)(iii) of this chapter.(b) Except as provided in §101.9(h)(3), all nutrient and food component quantities shall be declared in relation to a serving as defined in this section.(1) The term serving or serving size means an amount of food customarily consumed per eating occasion by persons 4 years of age or older which is expressed in a common household measure that is appropriate to the food. When the food is specially formulated or processed for use by infants or by toddlers, a serving or serving size means an amount of food customarily consumed per eating occasion by infants up to 12 months of age or by children 1 through 3 years of age, respectively.(2) Except as provided in paragraphs (b)(3), (b)(4), and (b)(6) of this section and for products that are intended for weight control and are available only through a weight-control or weight-maintenance program, serving size declared on a product label shall be determined from the ―Reference Amounts Customarily Consumed Per Eating Occasion * * * *‖ (reference amounts) that appear in §101.12(b) using the procedures described below. For products that are both intended for weight control and available only through a weight-control program, a manufacturer may determine the serving size that is consistent with the meal plan of the program. Such products must bear a statement, ―for sale only through the ___ program‖ (fill in the blank with the name of the appropriate weight-control program, e.g., Smith's Weight Control), on the principal display panel. However, the reference amounts in §101.12(b) shall be used for purposes of evaluating whether weight-control products that are available only through a weight-control program qualify for nutrient content claims or health claims.(i) For products in discrete units (e.g., muffins, sliced products, such as sliced bread, or individually packaged products within a multiserving package) and for products which consist of two or more foods packaged and presented to be consumed together where the ingredient represented as the main ingredient is in discrete units (e.g., pancakes and syrup), the serving size shall be declared as follows:(A) If a unit weighs 50 percent or less of the reference amount, the serving size shall be the number of whole units that most closely approximates the reference amount for the product category;(B) If a unit weighs more than 50 percent, but less than 67 percent of the reference amount, the manufacturer may declare one unit or two units as the serving size;(C) If a unit weighs 67 percent or more, but less than 200 percent of the reference amount, the serving size shall be one unit;(D) If a unit weighs 200 percent or more of the reference amount, the manufacturer may declare one unit as the serving size if the whole unit can reasonably be consumed at a single-eating occasion.(E) For products that have reference amounts of 100 grams (g) (or milliliter (mL)) or larger and are individual units within a multiserving package, if a unit contains more than 150 percent but less than 200 percent of the reference amount, the manufacturer may decide whether to declare the individual unit as 1 or 2 servings.(F) The serving size for maraschino cherries shall be expressed as 1 cherry with the parenthetical metric measure equal to the average weight of a medium size cherry.(G) The serving size for products that naturally vary in size (e.g., pickles, shellfish, whole fish, and fillet of fish) may be the amount in ounces that most closely approximates the reference amount for the product category. Manufacturers shall adhere to the requirements in paragraph (b)(5)(vi) of this section for expressing the serving size in ounces.(H) For products which consist of two or more foods packaged and presented to be consumed together where the ingredient represented as the main ingredient is in discrete units (e.g., pancakes and syrup), the serving size may be the number of discrete units represented as the main ingredient plus proportioned minor ingredients used to make the reference amount for the combined product determined in §101.12(f).(I) For packages containing several individual single-serving containers, each of which is labeled with all required information including nutrition labeling as specified in §101.9 (that is, are labeled appropriately for individual sale as single-serving containers), the serving size shall be 1 unit.(ii) For products in large discrete units that are usually divided for consumption (e.g., cake, pie, pizza, melon, cabbage), for unprepared products where the entire contents of the package is used to prepare large discrete units that are usually divided for consumption (e.g., cake mix, pizza kit), and for products which consist of two or more foods packaged and presented to be consumed together where the ingredient represented as the main ingredient is a large discrete unit usually divided for consumption (e.g., prepared cake packaged with a can of frosting), the serving size shall be the fractional slice of the ready-to-eat product (e.g., 1/12 cake, 1/8 pie, 1/4 pizza, 1/4 melon, 1/6 cabbage) that most closely approximates the reference amount for the product category, and may be the fraction of the package used to make the reference amount for the unprepared product determined in §101.12(c) or the fraction of the large discrete unit represented as the main ingredient plus proportioned minor ingredients used to make the reference amount for the combined product determined in §101.12(f). In expressing the fractional slice, manufacturers shall use 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, or smaller fractions that can be generated by further division by 2 or 3.(iii) For nondiscrete bulk products (e.g., breakfast cereal, flour, sugar, dry mixes, concentrates, pancake mixes, macaroni and cheese kits), and for products which consist of two or more foods packaged and presented to be consumed together where the ingredient represented as the main ingredient is a bulk product (e.g., peanut butter and jelly), the serving size shall be the amount in household measure thatmost closely approximates the reference amount for the product category and may be the amount of the bulk product represented as the main ingredient plus proportioned minor ingredients used to make the reference amount for the combined product determined in §101.12(f).(3) The serving size for meal products and main dish products as defined in §101.13 (l) and (m) that comes in single-serving containers as defined in paragraph (b)(6) of this section shall be the entire content (edible portion only) of the package. Serving size for meal products and main dish products in multiserving containers shall be based on the reference amount applicable to the product in §101.12(b) if the product is listed in §101.12(b). Serving size for meal products and main dish products in multiserving containers that are not listed in §101.12(b) shall be based on the reference amount according to§101.12(f).(4) A variety pack, such as a package containing several varieties of single-serving units as defined in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section, and a product having two or more compartments with each compartment containing a different food, shall provide nutrition information for each variety or food per serving size that is derived from the reference amount in §101.12(b) applicable for each variety or food and the procedures to convert the reference amount to serving size in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.(5) For labeling purposes, the term common household measure or common household unit means cup, tablespoon, teaspoon, piece, slice, fraction (e.g., 1/4 pizza), ounce (oz), fluid ounce (fl oz), or other common household equipment used to package food products (e.g., jar, tray). In expressing serving size in household measures, except as specified in paragraphs (b)(5)(iv), (b)(5)(v), (b)(5)(vi), and (b)(5)(vii) of this section, the following rules shall be used:(i) Cups, tablespoons, or teaspoons shall be used wherever possible and appropriate except for beverages. For beverages, a manufacturer may use fluid ounces. Cups shall be expressed in 1/4- or1/3-cup increments. Tablespoons shall be expressed as 1, 1 1/3, 1 1/2, 1 2/3, 2, or 3 tablespoons. Teaspoons shall be expressed as 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1, or 2 teaspoons.(ii) If cups, tablespoons or teaspoons are not applicable, units such as piece, slice, tray, jar, and fraction shall be used.(iii) If paragraphs (b)(5)(i) and (b)(5)(ii) of this section are not applicable, ounces may be used with an appropriate visual unit of measure such as a dimension of a piece, e.g., 1 oz (28 g/about 1/2 pickle). Ounce measurements shall be expressed in 0.5 oz increments most closely approximating the reference amount.(iv) A description of the individual container or package shall be used for single serving containers and for individually packaged products within multiserving containers (e.g., can, box, package). A description of the individual unit shall be used for other products in discrete units (e.g., piece, slice, cracker, bar).(v) For unprepared products where the entire contents of the package is used to prepare large discrete units that are usually divided for consumption (e.g., cake mix, pizza kit), the fraction or portion of the package may be used.(vi) Ounces with an appropriate visual unit of measure, as described in paragraph (b)(5)(iii) of this section, may be used for products that naturally vary in size as provided for in paragraph (b)(2)(i)(G) of this section.(vii) As provided for in §101.9(h)(1), for products that consist of two or more distinct ingredients or components packaged and presented to be consumed together (e.g. dry macaroni and cheese mix, cake and muffin mixes with separate ingredient packages, pancakes and syrup), nutrition information may be declared for each component or as a composite. The serving size may be provided in accordance withthe provisions of paragraphs (b)(2)(i), (b)(2)(ii), and (b)(2)(iii) of this section, or alternatively in ounces with an appropriate visual unit of measure, as described in paragraph (b)(5)(iii) of this section (e.g., declared as separate components: ―3oz dry macaroni (84 g/about 2/3 cup)‖ and ―1 oz dry cheese mix (28 g/about 2 tbsp);‖ declared as a composite value: ―4 oz (112 g/about 2/3 cup macaroni and 2 tbsp dry cheese mix)‖).(viii) For nutrition labeling purposes, a teaspoon means 5 milliliters (mL), a tablespoon means 15 mL, a cup means 240 mL, 1 fl oz means 30 mL, and 1 oz in weight means 28 g.(ix) When a serving size, determined from the reference amount in §101.12(b) and the procedures described in this section, falls exactly half way between two serving sizes, e.g., 2.5 tbsp, manufacturers shall round the serving size up to the next incremental size.(6) A product that is packaged and sold individually and that contains less than 200 percent of the applicable reference amount shall be considered to be a single-serving container, and the entire content of the product shall be labeled as one serving except for products that have reference amounts of 100 g (or mL) or larger, manufacturers may decide whether a package that contains more than 150 percent but less than 200 percent of the reference amount is 1 or 2 servings. Packages sold individually that contain 200 percent or more of the applicable reference amount may be labeled as a single-serving if the entire content of the package can reasonably be consumed at a single-eating occasion.(7) A label statement regarding a serving shall be the serving size expressed in common household measures as set forth in paragraphs (b)(2) through (b)(6) of this section and shall be followed by the equivalent metric quantity in parenthesis (fluids in milliliters and all other foods in grams) except for single-serving containers.(i) For a single-serving container, the parenthetical metric quantity, which will be presented as part of the net weight statement on the principal display panel, is not required except where nutrition information is required on a drained weight basis according to §101.9(b)(9). However, if a manufacturer voluntarily provides the metric quantity on products that can be sold as single servings, then the numerical value provided as part of the serving size declaration must be identical to the metric quantity declaration provided as part of the net quantity of contents statement.(ii) The gram or milliliter quantity equivalent to the household measure should be rounded to the nearest whole number except for quantities that are less than 5 g (mL). The gram (mL) quantity between 2 and 5 g (mL) should be rounded to the nearest 0.5 g (mL) and the g (mL) quantity less than 2 g (mL) should be expressed in 0.1-g (mL) increments.(iii) In addition, serving size may be declared in ounce and fluid ounce, in parenthesis, following the metric measure separated by a slash where other common household measures are used as the primary unit for serving size, e.g., 1 slice (28 g/1 oz) for sliced bread. The ounce quantity equivalent to the metric quantity should be expressed in 0.1 oz increments.(iv) If a manufacturer elects to use abbreviations for units, the following abbreviations shall be used: tbsp for tablespoon, tsp for teaspoon, g for gram, mL for milliliter, oz for ounce, and fl oz for fluid ounce.(v) For products that only require the addition of water or another ingredient that contains insignificant amounts of nutrients in the amount added and that are prepared in such a way that there are no significant changes to the nutrient profile, the amount of the finished product may be declared in parentheses at the end of the serving size declaration (e.g., 1/2 cup (120 mL) concentrated soup (makes 1 cup prepared)).(vi) To promote uniformity in label serving sizes in household measures declared by different manufacturers, FDA has provided a guidance document entitled, ―Guidelines for Determining the Gram Weight of the Household Measure.‖ The guidance document can be obtained from the Office of Nutritional Products, Labeling and Dietary Supplements (HFS–800), Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Food and Drug Administration, 5100 Paint Branch Pkwy., College Park, MD 20740.(8) Determination of the number of servings per container shall be based on the serving size of the product determined by following the procedures described in this section.(i) The number of servings shall be rounded to the nearest whole number except for the number of servings between 2 and 5 servings and random weight products. The number of servings between 2 and 5 servings shall be rounded to the nearest 0.5 serving. Rounding should be indicated by the use of the term about (e.g., about 2 servings, about 3.5 servings).(ii) When the serving size is required to be expressed on a drained solids basis and the number of servings varies because of a natural variation in unit size (e.g., maraschino cherries, pickles), the manufacturer may state the typical number of servings per container (e.g., usually 5 servings).(iii) For random weight products, a manufacturer may declare ―varied‖ for the number of servings per container provided the nutrition information is based on the reference amount expressed in ounces. The manufacturer may provi de the typical number of servings in parenthesis following the ―varied‖ statement.(iv) For packages containing several individual single-serving containers, each of which is labeled with all required information including nutrition labeling as specified in §101.9 (that is, are labeled appropriately for individual sale as single-serving containers), the number of servings shall be the number of individual packages within the total package.(v) For packages containing several individually packaged multiserving units, the number of servings shall be determined by multiplying the number of individual multiserving units in the total package by the number of servings in each individual unit.(9) The declaration of nutrient and food component content shall be on the basis of food as packaged or purchased with the exception of raw fish covered under §101.42 (see 101.44), packagedsingle-ingredient products that consist of fish or game meat as provided for in paragraph (j)(11) of this section, and of foods that are packed or canned in water, brine, or oil but whose liquid packing medium is not customarily consumed (e.g., canned fish, maraschino cherries, pickled fruits, and pickled vegetables). Declaration of nutrient and food component content of raw fish shall follow the provisions in §101.45. Declaration of the nutrient and food component content of foods that are packed in liquid which is not customarily consumed shall be based on the drained solids.(10) Another column of figures may be used to declare the nutrient and food component information:(i) Per 100 g or 100 mL, or per 1 oz or 1 fl oz of the food as packaged or purchased;(ii) Per one unit if the serving size of a product in discrete units in a multiserving container is more than 1 unit;(iii) Per cup popped for popcorn in a multiserving container.(11) If a product is promoted on the label, labeling, or advertising for a use that differs in quantity by twofold or greater from the use upon which the reference amount in §101.12(b) was based (e.g., liquid cream substitutes promoted for use with breakfast cereals), the manufacturer shall provide a second column of nutrition information based on the amount customarily consumed in the promoted use, inaddition to the nutrition information per serving derived from the reference amount in §101.12(b), except that nondiscrete bulk products that are used primarily as ingredients (e.g., flour, sweeteners, shortenings, oils), or traditionally used for multipurposes (e.g., eggs, butter, margarine), and multipurpose baking mixes are exempt from this requirement.(c) The declaration of nutrition information on the label and in labeling of a food shall contain information about the level of the following nutrients, except for those nutrients whose inclusion, and the declaration of amounts, is voluntary as set forth in this paragraph. No nutrients or food components other than those listed in this paragraph as either mandatory or voluntary may be included within the nutrition label. Except as provided for in paragraphs (f) or (j) of this section, nutrient information shall be presented using the nutrient names specified and in the following order in the formats specified in paragraphs (d) or (e) of this section.(1) ―Calories, total,‖ ―Total calories,‖ or ―Calories‖: A statement of the caloric content per serving, expressed to the nearest 5-calorie increment up to and including 50 calories, and 10-calorie increment above 50 calories, except that amounts less than 5 calories may be expressed as zero. Energy content per serving may also be expressed in kilojoule units, added in parentheses immediately following the statement of the caloric content.(i) Caloric content may be calculated by the following methods. Where either specific or general food factors are used, the factors shall be applied to the actual amount (i.e., before rounding) of food components (e.g., fat, carbohydrate, protein, or ingredients with specific food factors) present per serving.(A) Using specific Atwater factors (i. e., the Atwater method) given in Table 13, ―Energy Value of Foods—Basis and Derivation,‖ by A. L. Merrill and B. K. Watt, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Handbook No. 74 (slightly revised, 1973), which is incorporated by reference in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51 and is available from the Office of Nutritional Products, Labeling and Dietary Supplements (HFS–800), Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Food and Drug Administration, 5100 Paint Branch Pkwy., College Park, MD 20740, or may be inspected at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to:/federal_register/code_of_federal_regulations/ibr_locations.html. ;(B) Using the general factors of 4, 4, and 9 calories per gram for protein, total carbohydrate, and total fat, respectively, as described in USDA Handbook No. 74 (slightly revised 1973) pp. 9–11, which is incorporated by reference in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51 (the availability of this incorporation by reference is given in paragraph (c)(1)(i)(A) of this section);(C) Using the general factors of 4, 4, and 9 calories per gram for protein, total carbohydrate less the amount of insoluble dietary fiber, and total fat, respectively, as described in USDA Handbook No. 74 (slightly revised 1973) pp. 9–11, which is incorporated by reference in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51 (the availability of this incorporation by reference is given in paragraph (c)(1)(i)(A) of this section;(D) Using data for specific food factors for particular foods or ingredients approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and provided in parts 172 or 184 of this chapter, or by other means, as appropriate; or(E) Using bomb calorimetry data subtracting 1.25 calories per gram protein to correct for incomplete digestibility, as described in USDA Handbook No. 74 (slightly revised 1973) p. 10, which is incorporated by reference in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51 (the availability of this incorporation by reference is given in paragraph (c)(1)(i)(A) of this section).(ii) ―Calories from fat‖: A statement of the caloric content derived from total fat as defined in paragraph (c)(2) of this section in a serving, expressed to the nearest 5-calorie increment, up to and including 50 calories, and the nearest 10-calorie increment above 50 calories, except that label declaration of―calories from fat‖ is not required on products that contain less than 0.5 gram of f at in a serving and amounts less than 5 calories may be expressed as zero. This statement shall be declared as provided in paragraph (d)(5) of this section. Except as provided for in paragraph (f) of this section, if ―Calories from fat‖ is not required and, as a result, not declared, the statement ―Not a significant source of calories from fat‖ shall be placed at the bottom of the table of nutrient values in the same type size.(iii) ―Calories from saturated fat‖ or ―Calories from saturated‖ (VOLUNTARY): A statement of the caloric content derived from saturated fat as defined in paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section in a serving may be declared voluntarily, expressed to the nearest 5-calorie increment, up to and including 50 calories, and the nearest 10-calorie increment above 50 calories, except that amounts less than 5 calories may be expressed as zero. This statement shall be indented under the statement of calories from fat as provided in paragraph (d)(5) of this section.(2) ―Fat, total‖ or ―Total fat‖: A statement of the number of grams of total fat in a serving defined as total lipid fatty acids and expressed as triglycerides. Amounts shall be expressed to the nearest 0.5 (1/2) gram increment below 5 grams and to the nearest gram increment above 5 grams. If the serving contains less than 0.5 gram, the content shall be expressed as zero.(i) ―Saturated fat,‖ or ―Saturated‖: A statement of the number of grams of saturated fat in a serving defined as the sum of all fatty acids containing no double bonds, except that label declaration of saturated fat content information is not required for products that contain less than 0.5 gram of total fat in a serving if no claims are made about fat, fatty acid, or cholesterol content, and if ―calories from saturated fat‖ is not declared. Except as provided for in paragraph (f) of this section, if a statement of the saturated fat content is not required and, as a result, not declared, the statement ―Not a significant source of saturated fat‖ shall be placed at the bottom of the table of nutrient values. Saturated fat content shall be indented and expressed as grams per serving to the nearest 0.5 gram (1/2) gram increment below 5 grams and to the nearest gram increment above 5 grams. If the serving contains less than 0.5 gram, the content shall be expressed as zero.(ii) ― Trans fat‖ or ― Trans ‖: A statement of the number of grams of trans fat in a serving, defined as the sum of all unsaturated fatty acids that contain one or more isolated (i.e., nonconjugated) double bonds in a trans configuration, except that label declaration of trans fat content information is not required for products that contain less than 0.5 gram of total fat in a serving if no claims are made about fat, fatty acid or cholesterol content. The word ― trans ‖ may be italicized to indicate its Latin origin. Trans fat content shall be indented and expressed as grams per serving to the nearest 0.5 (1/2)-gram increment below 5 grams and to the nearest gram increment above 5 grams. If the serving contains less than 0.5 gram, the content, when declared, shall be expressed as zero. Except as provided for in paragraph (f) of this section, if a statement of the trans fat content is not required and, as a result, not declared, the statement ―Not a significant source of trans fat‖ shall be placed at the bottom of the table of nutrient values.(iii) ―Polyunsaturated fat‖ or ―Polyunsaturated‖ (VOLUNTARY): A statement of the number of grams of polyunsaturated fat in a serving defined as cis,cis-methylene-interrupted polyunsaturated fatty acids may be declared voluntarily, except that when monounsaturated fat is declared, or when a claim about fatty acids or cholesterol is made on the label or in labeling of a food other than one that meets the criteria in §101.62(b)(1) fo r a claim for ―fat free,‖ label declaration of polyunsaturated fat is required. Polyunsaturated fat content shall be indented and expressed as grams per serving to the nearest 0.5 (1/2) gram increment below 5 grams and to the nearest gram increment above 5 grams. If the serving contains less than 0.5 gram, the content shall be expressed as zero.。

二、美国食品安全标示法律法规1. 《联邦食品、药品和化妆品法》(FD&C Act)《联邦食品、药品和化妆品法》是美国食品安全标示的基本法律,规定了食品、药品和化妆品的标签、广告、包装等方面的要求。
2. 《营养标签和教育法案》(Nutrition Labeling and Education Act)《营养标签和教育法案》要求食品标签必须包含营养成分信息,以帮助消费者了解食品的营养价值。
3. 《转基因生物标识法》(Genetically Engineered Food, or GE Food, Labeling Law)《转基因生物标识法》要求转基因食品在标签上注明“转基因”字样,以告知消费者食品的基因组成。
4. 《有机食品生产法案》(Organic Foods Production Act)《有机食品生产法案》规定了有机食品的标示要求,要求有机食品标签上注明“有机”字样,并符合有机食品的生产、加工和销售标准。
三、美国食品安全标示内容1. 基本信息标示(1)食品名称:食品的通用名称,应准确、简明地反映食品的真实属性。
2. 营养成分标示(1)营养成分表:食品中各种营养成分的含量,包括能量、蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、膳食纤维、维生素、矿物质等。

《美国联邦法规》第21卷第101章内容简介《21CFR》的第101章《⾷品标签》重点介绍了美国⾷品包装标签的相关要求,分为以下七个部分:A 部分⼀般规定B 部分特定⾷品标签要求C 部分特殊营养标签要求及指南D 部分营养成分声明特殊要求E 部分健康声明特殊要求F 部分营养成分声明及健康声明以外的描述性声明特殊要求G 部分⾷品标签要求豁免条例《21CFR》101章的A部分作为美国⾷品包装标签规定的总则,包括以下16个条⽬:0 1关于主要显⽰版⾯的要求,FDA提出:(a)对于长⽅形包装,可以考虑以⼀个完整侧⾯作为主要显⽰版⾯,⾯积为该侧⾯的⾼×宽的积。

1966 年颁布,由卫生和人类服务部和美 国 联 邦 商 会 ( the Federal Trade Commission)联合执行。 主旨:应标注准确的信息,而且要便于 价格比较。 标签内容:标示位置和格式、含量声称 的内容、净含量附加声明。
(Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990)
(Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004)
2004年8月颁布,适用于FDA管辖的由主要食 品过敏原或含有主要食品过敏原的配料生产的 食品,2006年1月1日起执行。 该法案确定了八大类食品过敏原:牛奶、蛋、 鱼类、甲壳贝类、树生坚果类、小麦、花生、 大豆,从标签角度对含有过敏原的食品提出多 条要求。
生鲜农副产品(通常是指新鲜水果和蔬 菜)可获得豁免。 自愿性过敏原规定:
葡萄酒、 蒸馏酒 麦芽酒精饮料
1、项目:热量、来自于脂肪的热量、总 脂肪、饱和脂肪、反式脂肪、胆固醇、 钠、总碳水化合物、膳食纤维、糖、蛋 白质、维生素A、维生素C、钙和铁。 2、位置:PDP;信息版面;其它版面。 3、豁免情况: 15种(见表2)。
7、特殊营养标签格式。 (1)并排格式。

• (2)扁平格式。
• (3)双语标签。
• (4)集合式营养标签
• (5)婴幼儿食品营养标签格式
• (6)中小型包装营养标签格式
• 生鲜农副产品(通常是指新鲜水果和蔬 菜)可获得豁免。 • 自愿性过敏原规定:
– 葡萄酒、 – 蒸馏酒 – 麦芽酒精饮料
• 1、项目:热量、来自于脂肪的热量、总 脂肪、饱和脂肪、反式脂肪、胆固醇、 钠、总碳水化合物、膳食纤维、糖、蛋 白质、维生素A、维生素C、钙和铁。 • 2、位置:PDP;信息版面;其它版面。
3、豁免情况: 15种(见表)。
*由小型企业制造 *新鲜的农产品和海产品(自愿营养标签计划, 通过使用如货架标签、标志和海报等适当的 手段,涵盖了这些食品)
单一成分的鱼或野味肉的包装,可以将每份熟食分装 为 3 盎司(视制备的情况而定)进行标示。定制加工 的鱼和野味具有营养标签的豁免权。
• (7)直线格式
• 第一,制造商、包装商或经销商必须标 注名称。 • 第二企业地址必须标注。
– 如果食品的制造商、包装商或经销商不是在 其主要营业地点进行,要求必须标注主要营 业地点以代替实际制造、包装销售地址,否 则视为误导。
• 美国现行法规没有全面明确规定标注原 产国,但允许在PDP中突出该信息。 • 如果美国国内经销公司已经声明了名称 和地址,那么必须在该公司名称和地址 邻近的地方以大小相当的字体标注原产 国。

预包装食品是指在销售前预先定量包装好的食品,其标签上应包含食品 的基本信息、成分列表、营养信息、生产日期、保质期、制造商信息等 。
预包装食品标签还必须符合美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)的规定, 包括字体大小、颜色、格式等。
预包装食品标签是消费者了解食品信息的重要来源,也是商家向消费者 传递产品信息的重要途径。
食品名称通常会包含“品酒”、“饮料” 、“Байду номын сангаас酪”、“面包”等词汇,这些词汇 可以帮助消费者判断食品的类型。
配料表是食品标签上最重要的信息之一,它 列出了食品中所有原料的顺序。
配料表中的原料按照重量从高到低排列,消 费者可以通过查看配料表来判断食品的成分 和含量。
特殊食品是指具有特殊成分或特 殊用途的食品,如有机食品、低
特殊食品标签应包含食品的基本 信息、成分列表、生产日期、保 质期、制造商信息等,同时还必
特殊食品标签可以帮助消费者更 好地了解产品的特点和使用方法 ,同时也有助于商家宣传和推广
生产日期和保质期应清晰地标明 ,让消费者了解食品的新鲜程度 和可食用期限。
营养成分表应列出食品所含的热量、 脂肪、碳水化合物、蛋白质等营养成 分,帮助消费者了解食品的营养价值 。

食品标签指南食品标签病死率参考第一章第一章------一般食品标示规定一般食品标示规定一般食品标示规定问题答案1 . 去哪标签报表标签报表放在容器和包装?有两个途径,标签和包装容器:甲 各地方所需的标签说明上前线帽子小组(主显示器或等离子) ,或乙 发生在某些特定的标签说明,对主要显示器和其他标记信息面板(标签小组立即权主要显示面板, 57162消费者面对产品) .2 . 什么是主显示器和副校长显示器 ?主要显示器,等离子或者是部分包装标签,是最有可能被看成是由消费者在购买时. 许多容器设计,有两个或两个以上不同的表面都适合作为显示器等离子. 这些都是候补主显示屏.21篇101.13 . 什么标签报表必须出现在主显示器 ?地声明身份,或者名称,食品,以及净量的声明,或数量的产品,对等离子和候补等离子. 所需的字体和突出的是讨论在第2章和第 3 . 21篇101.3 ( a )和101.105 (一)4 . 而标签是事务信息小组信息小组 ? 信息小组标签小组立即到右边的pdp ,展示给消费者. 如果这个小组并不实用,由于包装设计与施工, (例如,折叠皮瓣) ,然后信息小组,是在未来标签小组立即向正确的.21篇101.2 (一)5 . 什么是信息小组标签 ?短语"信息小组标签" ,是指标签上的发言一般都必须放在一起,无任何中间材料,对信息小组,如果这种标签似乎并不对等离子. 这些标签说明,包括名称,地址,制造商,包装商或经销商,配料清单,而且营养成分标签. 21篇101.2 ( b )和( d )6 . 什么样的规模,知名度和conspicuousness 需要?资讯小组标签,使用或打印字体,十分显眼,显眼且易于阅读. 使用字母,至少有十六( 1 / 16 )英寸高度基于小写的" o "字. 英皇不得超过三倍高,因为他们有全,并刻字要充分对比与背景,以容易阅读. 别挤须贴标艺术品或者非所需标号.较小型的大小,可用于信息小组标签非常小食品袋作为讨论的21篇101.2 (三) . 不同类型的大小指定为事实营养标签. 字体要求说明身份和净量的声明中讨论第2章和第 3本小册子.21篇101.2 ( c )和101.9 (四) ( 1 ) (三)7 . 什么是禁止介介入材料入材料 ? 凯恩斯主义,干预材料不准放置之间需要标记对信息小组(例如,条形码是无需标注) . 21篇101.2 (五)8 . 什么姓名和地姓名和地址,必须对上市标签?食品标签必须名单:a. 名称和地址,制造商,包装商或经销商. 除非名字是实际制造,它必须伴随着一个修饰短语各国公司的相关产品,例如, "制造"或"分发"b. 街道地址,如果该公司的名称和地址都没有被列在当前城市指南或电话预订; c. 城市或乡镇;d. 国家(或国家,如果美国以外) ;及e. 邮编(或邮寄码以外的其他国家是美国) .21篇1.015第二章第二章------姓名食品姓名食品姓名食品问题答案1 . 叫什么食物什么食物声明声明呼吁,而它必须得到安置?声明身分名字的食物. 它必须出现在前面的标签,或主要显示器以及任何候补主显示屏. 21篇1.0132 . 要声明的身声明的身分站出来?突出使用打印或类型声明的身份. 它应采用黑体字. 字体必须有合理的相关性最为突出的印刷品对前面板,并应的一个最重要的特点,对主要显示面板. 一般来说,考虑到这是最少的1 / 2 ,规模最大的印上标签.21篇101.3 (四)3 . 什么名称名称名称应作为说明身份说明身份说明身份 ? 共同的或通称食品,如果食品之一,应作为说明身份. 如果没有,那么一个适当的描述性名称,这不是误导,应该使用武力. 病死率为21 101.03 (二)4 . 去哪声明身声明身份证份证放在帽子? 地声明身份线大致平行,使基地的方案. 21篇101.3 (四) 5 . 当有天马行空的名字许可声明的身份 ?当性食物是显而易见的,天马行空的名称常用的,并得到公众的理解也可使用. 病死率为21 101.03 (二) ( 3 )6 . 是否有必要使用常用名称或常用名称或通用名称通用名称 ,而是一个新新的名称名称名称 ? 共同的或一般的名称必须用于食品,如果有一个. 它将被视为误导标签的食品,有一个名字成立一个新的名字. 如果食品是受一个标准的身份,它必须承担的名称指定标准. 病死率为21 101.03 (二) ( 2 ) 7 . 应该修饰报报表的身份表的身份被用于切片夹切片夹版本的食物?标签必须描述形式的食品包装,如果是食品出售择不同的形式,如切片夹,整部或虎头蛇尾等. 病死率为21 101.03 (三)8 . 什么食物必须被称为""模仿" ?一种新的食品,类似于一种传统食品,是一种替代传统的食品必须标作为一个仿制,如果新的食品含有蛋白质少或较轻量的任何必需的维生素或矿物质.21篇101.3 (五)9 . 什么什么什么样的的规模规模和程度的突程度的突出地位出地位 ,是需要用"仿制" ,在产品名称? 使用相同的字体和突出的字, "仿制"是用于产品名称,模仿. 21篇101.3 (五)10 . 究竟是什么原因导致了果果汁饮料的汁饮料的标签须有百分之汁声百分之汁声明 ?饮料冒充含有果汁(果汁或蔬菜汁)必须申报成汁. 包括饮料冒充果汁含有的方式,标签说明,以图片的水果或蔬菜上的标签,或口味和外观,造成消费者预期果汁饮料.这包括非碳酸及碳酸饮料,全部实力( 100 % ) ,果汁,浓缩果汁,稀释果汁和饮料冒充含有果汁,但却不含果汁. 病死率为21 101.30 (一)11 . 那里是怎样%汁申报 ? 得汁必须对信息小组,靠近顶部. 只有品牌名称,产品名称,标识或通用产品代码可以放在上面.使用易读黑体字打印或那种鲜明的对比,与其他印刷或图形材料. 字体为百分之汁声明必须以不低于大类信息小组,除用于品牌名称,产品名称,标识,通用产品代码,或短语标题"营养事实"百分比汁声明既可以是"载____%汁"或"____%汁. " 名字的水果或蔬菜也可以包括在内(例如, "百分之百果汁" ) . 21篇101.30 (五)12 . 是否有例例外 ,从百分之汁百分之汁规定规定 ? 一个例外是,饮料中含有少量果汁调味无须承担百分之汁宣言规定:(一)产品说明使用的术语是"滋味"或"味" , (二)而言, "果汁"是没有用以外的其他成分名单,以及( c )该饮料没有,否则给人一种含有汁.病死率为21 101.30 (三)13 . 是如何汁汁%计算计算 ? 汁直接表示,从水果或蔬菜: 对计算量/额满即止.汁中加入水集中:用计算值从表锤21篇101.30 (八) ( 1 )为基础,百分之百果汁.21篇101.30 (十) , 101.30 (八)14 . 要我的产品被打成打成打成""饮料饮料""或""饮料饮料"" ?饮料是百分之百果汁可称作"果汁" 不过,饮料是被稀释到低于百分之百果汁必须有"汁"有资格同一个词如"饮料" , "饮料" ,或"鸡尾酒" 另外,该产品可与标记名称使用"稀释果汁… … " (如"稀释果汁" ) . 21篇102.12 (七)15 . 是否有必要用""专心专心""的标签?果汁制成精矿必须附加条件,例如"专注" , "重组"作为企业名称,而似乎对这个标签. 一个例外是,在成分说明,果汁列为" … …浓缩果汁和水"或"水和浓缩果汁… … " ,是恰当的. 21篇102.12 (七)16 . 以什么名义,是用一种混合果汁或蔬菜汁饮料 ?说明时,姓名果汁(除在成分表)必须顺序为主,按体积计算 ,除非标签显示命名汁作为一种风味. 例子:"苹果,梨和草莓果汁饮料" "草莓味的苹果和梨果汁饮料"如果标签代表一个或更多,但不是所有机动车(除在成分列表) ,则名称必须表明,更多汁. 例子:"苹果汁混合型""苹果汁混合了其他两个果汁"当一个或更多,但并非全部都是果汁名字命名的果汁并不突出,果汁名称饮料要么必须申明饮料调味命名果汁或申报金额命名果汁5 43.59美元. 例子:( " raspcranberry "饮料主要是白葡萄汁与树莓和蔓越莓汁加)" raspcranberry 树莓口味蔓越莓果汁饮料" " raspcranberry 蔓越莓和覆盆子汁饮料 10-15 %蔓越莓汁3-8 %树莓汁"病死率为21 102.12 (二) , 102.12 (三) , 102.12 (四)17 . 什么类型类型的大小的大小必须用于%汁信息汁信息 ? 产品名称术语" ,从专注"或"再造"不得少于二分之一高度字母名称的果汁.百分之五的一系列信息一般不应少于二分之一高度最大型出现在常用名称或通用名称(不得少于1/16th 吋身高包500平方英寸或面积减小关于主显示器,并不得少于1 / 8英寸高,对包装的一个主要显示器大于5平方英寸 信息小组使用易读黑体字打印或那种鲜明的对比,与其他印刷或图形材料对信息小组. 型尺寸为百分之果汁标签必须不低于最大类发现的信息小组,除用作品牌名称,产品名称,标识,通用产品代码,或短语标题"营养事实"21篇101.30 (五) ( 2 ) , 102.5 (二) ( 2 ) , 102.12 (四) , 102.12 (七)第三章第三章------净量报表目录净量报表目录净量报表目录问题答案1 . 什么是净量的内容 ? 净量目录(净量的声明)是声明,对标签的规定数额食品在容器或包装.21篇101.105 (一)2 . 哪里是净量的声明内容放在标签?净量的声明(净量目录) ,是把它作为一个单独项目在底部的30 % ,主要显示面板,在一般线路并联同基地的货柜. 21篇101.105 (六) 3 . 如果净量的内净量的内容加以说明,既克克及盎司盎司盎司 ? 食品标签必须印展净含量均度量(克,千克,毫升,升)和美国是习惯法体系(盎司,磅,液盎司) . 公制声明,可放在前或结束后,美国的习惯,或者是它上面或下面. 以下的每一个例子是正确的(额外的例子出现在规例) :• 净重量1磅8盎司(格式) •净重量1磅8安士 680政• 500毫升( 1铂外语0.9安士) •净含量1加仑 3.79 1p.l 102-329 , 1992年8月3日; 21篇101.1054 . 为什么要计算面积主要显示器面积主要显示器 ? 该区的主要显示器(计算平方英寸或平方厘米)确定最低规模型,是允许的净量的声明(见下问题) .计算领域的主要显示面板如下. 面积长方形或正方形,主显示屏上的一个纸盒高度乘以宽度(两英寸或两公分) .计算领域的主要显示器为圆柱形容器,乘以40 %的高度所围.5 . 什么是最小最小最小的字体字体 ? 为净量报表,最小字体是最小的字体是允许基于空间可供标记,对主要显示面板. 确定高度类型由高程测量的小写英文字母" o "或其等值时,混合大小写字母用的,还是在高度上的情况时,信上只有案例的信件所用.最小字体该区主要显示器1 / 16一分钱( 1.6毫米)5平方 一分钱( 32平方厘米) .还是少1 / 8一分钱( 3.2毫米) 500多平方 一分钱( 32平方厘米) .但不超过25平方 一分钱( 161平方厘米) . 3 / 16一分钱( 4.8毫米)超过25平方 一分钱( 161平方厘米) .但不超过100平方 一分钱( 645平方厘米) .3 / 16一分钱( 4.8毫米) 超过25平方 一分钱( 161平方厘米) .但不超过100平方 一分钱( 645平方厘米) .1 / 4英寸( 640毫米)100多平方 一分钱( 645平方厘米) .但不超过400平方 一分钱( 2580平方厘米) .1 / 2英寸( 12.7毫米)超过400平方 一分钱( 2580平方厘米) . 21篇101.105 ( h )及( i )6 . 什么是conspicuousness 突出所需净量报表 ?选择打印风格突出,显眼且易于阅读. 英皇不得超过三倍,高达他们广泛,并刻字要充分对比与背景即可轻松阅读. 别挤净量声明艺术品或其他标记(最小间隔要求指明例) . 21篇和101.105 101.157 . 什么是包含在数量,净含量声明 ? 只是数量的食物容器或包装,是在净量的声明. 不包括集装箱的重量,包装及包装材料. 确定净重量,减去平均重量是空的容器,盖子及任何包装和包装材料的平均重量货柜时,充满食物.集装箱填充重量 18安士.空箱重量空箱重量空箱重量 2盎司. 包装重量包装重量包装重量 1盎司.净重净重净重 15盎斯. ( 425政)21篇101.105 (七)8 . 是水或其它包装中,包括在确定数量,净含量 ,在食品货柜?水或其他液体,以补充食物,在一个集装箱中通常包含在净申报数量上的一个标签而已. 在有些情况下,包装中,通常是被丢弃,重排是由于,例如,橄榄和蘑菇. 豆类权衡 9安士.水的重量水的重量水的重量 4盎司. 糖重量糖重量糖重量 1盎司. 净重净重净重 14盎司. ( 396政)净重净重净重 14盎司. ( 396政)21篇101.105 (一)9 . 什么是净量净量净量为内容加压可以加压可以加压可以 ? 净数量,重量或体积,该产品将交付从压力容器连同重量或者体积的推进剂. 鞭打霜 11.95盎司.推进剂推进剂推进剂 0.05盎司. 净重净重净重 12盎司. ( 340政)21篇101.105 (七)10 . 是什么政策,用修饰性词语净量修饰性词语净量报表报表 ? 不使用修饰性词语或词语,夸大食品数量.21篇101.105 (海外)第四章第四章------配料清单配料清单配料清单问题答案1 . 是什么成分名单成分名单 ? 成分清单上的食品标签是上市每种成分的顺序为主. ""成分成分::托豆类托豆类,,水和盐水和盐""21篇101.4 (一)2 . 何谓要求配料清单顺序为主顺序为主 ? 顺序为主,即原料的排列为主,按重量计算,那就是,成分,重量,最重要的是先上市,成分,重量最少的是去年上市(见插图质询# 3 ) . 21篇101.4 (一)越境是配料配料清单放在清单放在帽子? 成分名单是放在同一标签小组的名称和地址,制造商,包装商或经销商. 这既可能是信息小组或主显示屏. 可前或后的营养标签和名称和地址,制造商,包装商或经销商.21篇101.4 (一)4 . 什么类类型的大小型的大小是需要的成分成分表 ?使用字体即至少1 / 16英寸身高(小写"澳" ) ,这是突出,比较突出,便于阅读. 见类型的大小,知名度,并明确规定信息标记小组讨论,在第一章中 ,这本小册子. 21篇101.2 (三) 5 . 水水应该被列为一种成分成分成分 ? 水补充,使食物被认为是一个成分. 加上水,必须查明在配料表中列出其顺序为主,按重量计算.""配料配料::水,海军豆海军豆,,盐"21篇101.4 (一)6 . 应常用常用名称或通用名称名称始终用来为成份成份成份 ? 总是列出常用名称或通用名称的成份,除非有一个规定,规定了不同的词. 举例来说,用"糖" ,而不是学名"蔗糖" .""配料配料::苹果苹果,,糖,水和香料水和香料"" 21篇101.4 (一)7 . 是否有必要申报微微量成分量成分 ? 它取决于微量成分,是目前大量具有功能的成品食物. 如果物质是一个偶然的添加剂,并没有功能或技术的作用,在成品,则不必申报,对标签. 一个偶然的添加剂,通常是因为目前它是一个因素,另一个因素. 硫酸盐被认为是偶然的,只有在目前低于10 ppm .21篇101.100 (一) ( 3 )8 . 什么食品可替代清单油脂成上市替代性油脂成分( "与/或"标记) ,是允许的情况只有在食品中含有相对少量添加脂肪或油成分(在食品中添加脂肪或植物油不是最主要成分) ,如果只制造商是无法预测或脂肪油成分,将被采用.分 ? 法预测或脂肪油成分,将被采用.""成分成分: .: .: .植物油植物油植物油((包含一个或多个如下包含一个或多个如下::玉米油玉米油,,大豆油大豆油,,红花籽油红花籽油) . ") . ") . "了了.21篇101.4 (二) ( 14 )9 . 哪些因素是上市所需的化学防腐剂 ?当某个被批准的化学防腐剂,添加到食品,成分名单必须包括双方共同或通称的防腐作用和防腐剂等,由名词,如"防腐剂" , "延缓腐败" , "模具抑制剂" , "以帮助保护味道" ,或者" ,以促进色. """成份成份::干燥香蕉干燥香蕉,,糖,盐和抗坏血酸盐和抗坏血酸,,以促进色以促进色""21篇101.22 (十)10 . 如何香料 , 天然香精或人工香精宣布在配料清单 ? 这些可宣布在配料清单上,要么就使用特定的共同的或一般的名称或用报关单的"调味品" , "香料"或"天然风味" , "人工味" ""成份成份::苹果片苹果片 , 水水,甘蔗糖浆甘蔗糖浆,,玉米糖浆玉米糖浆,,改良玉米淀粉改良玉米淀粉,,香料香料,,食盐食盐,,天然香料和人工香料工香料""21篇101.22 (八) ( 1 )11 . 什么是上市上市上市用作香料香料 ,也是一种色彩色彩色彩 ? 调味品,如辣椒,姜黄,红花等也都是色泽必须宣布或者一词由"香料和着色"或由实际(共同或寻常)的名称,如"辣椒"病死率为21 101.22 (一) ( 2 ) 12 . 什么成分上市 ,是用于蔬菜粉 ?蔬菜粉必须申报的常用名称或通用名称,如"芹菜粉" 21篇101.22 (八) ( 3 ) 13 . 什么成分上市 ,是用人工色素 ? 它取决于人工色彩是一个认证颜色: 认证颜色 :名单中的具体或缩写名称,例如"衍生&三红40号"或"红40 "非认证颜色 :名单上的"人造的色彩" , "人工着色" ,或由它们共同的特定或一般的名字,如: "焦糖色" , "甜菜汁"21篇101.22 (钾) ( 1 ) ( 2 ) , 21 74.705篇(四) ( 2 )。

一、美国食品安全标识的背景1. 食品安全问题的严峻性近年来,食品安全问题频发,导致消费者对食品安全的关注度日益提高。
2. 消费者权益保护的需要食品安全标识有助于消费者了解食品的生产、加工、储存、运输等环节,从而保障消费者的知情权和选择权。
3. 食品产业健康发展的需求食品安全标识有助于规范食品产业的生产经营行为,提高食品质量,促进食品产业的健康发展。
二、美国食品安全标识的种类1. 预防性标识预防性标识主要包括以下几种:(1)营养标签:标明食品的营养成分、能量等信息,帮助消费者了解食品的营养价值。
2. 警示性标识警示性标识主要包括以下几种:(1)警示标签:提醒消费者注意食品可能存在的风险,如高温、高压、易碎等。
三、美国食品安全标识的要求1. 标识内容(1)标识内容应真实、准确,不得误导消费者。
2. 标识形式(1)标识形式应醒目、美观,便于消费者识别。
3. 标识位置(1)标识位置应明显,便于消费者查看。

那些个化学名称,长得那叫一个奇怪,什么“聚山梨醇酯 80”,看着就像外星文。
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食品标签指南行业指南2009年10月目录包括非约束性建议 1.2.3. 序言44 背景材料一般食品标签要求行业指南食品标签指南本《指南》代表食品和药物管理局(FDA)在该问题上的当前观点,并未产生或赋予任何人任何权利,亦未对食品和药物管理局或公众产生任何约束力。
4. 食品名称7 果汁5. 内容物净含量声明146. 配料名单17色素食品致敏原标签7. 营养成分标签25基本信息营养素标示带有单独包装配料的食品/食品分类标签格式/图表一般信息特殊标签格式反式脂肪贴标其他服食量免除情况/特殊贴标规定8. 说明72营养成分说明健康说明合格健康说明结构/功能说明9. 附录A:营养成分说明的定义8710. 附录B:营养成分说明的附加要求9111. 附录C:健康说明9512. 附录D:合格健康说明10413. 附录E:其他食品和药物管理局参考信息12314. 附录F:计算适当营养物质每日使用量百分比12415. 附录G:四岁以下婴幼儿、孕妇及哺乳期妇女每日所需量12516. 附录H:根据食品和药物管理局四舍五入规定进行数值的四舍五126 入1. 序言在一本类似本《指南》的文件中,不太可能事无巨细地回答所提出的每一个关于食品标签方面的问题,一般采用“问答”的形式解决最经常出现的问题。
有关食物产品标签方面的问题,可咨询食品和药物管理局,食品安全和应用营养中心,营养产品、标识和膳食补充剂办公室的食品标签和标准工作人员(HFS-820),地址是5100 Paint Branch Parkway, College Park, MD 20740-3835, 电话:(301)436-2371。
2. 背景材料美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)主要负责确保美国在售食品的安全、健康并准确无误地贴上标签。
该规定适用于国内所生产的食品以及从其他国家所进口的食品,《联邦食品、药品和化妆品法》(FD&C Act)以及《完好包装和标记法》是两部美国食品和药物管理局所管辖的关于食品方面的联邦法律。
所有新条例均在生效日期之前公布在联邦公报(FR)上,并编入每年的《美国联邦法规典籍》第21 篇。
上述文件代替1994 年9 月所颁布的原版本。
食品标签指南53. 一般食品标签要求1. 标签应标于容器和包裹何处?回答:在容器和包裹上贴标签有两种方式:a. 将所有要求的标签内容标注在前标签面上(主展示面),或者b. 将某一指定标签张贴在主展示面上,并将其他标签贴在信息面上(指紧靠主展示面的右侧面,便于消费者看到)。
21 美国联邦法规101.1, 21 美国联邦法规101.2, 21 美国联邦法规101.3, 21美国联邦法规101.4, 21 美国联邦法规101.9, 和21 美国联邦法规101.105,2. 什么是主展示面以及备用主展示面?回答:主展示面是消费者在购买产品时最可能看到的标有包装标签的部分。
21 美国联邦法规101.13. 主展示面上必须标注哪些标签内容?回答:主展示面和备用主展示面上一般包括特征性声明,或食品名称以及净含量声明或产品数量信息。
所要求的字号和重要性排列详见本《指南》第四章和第五章的相关内容以及21 美国联邦法规101.3(a) 和21 美国联邦法规101.105(a)4. 哪个标签面是信息面?回答:信息面是紧挨主展示面右侧,且面向消费者的标签面。
21美国联邦法规101.2(a) 包括非约束性建议净含量声明主展示面6 行业指南信息面主展示面特征性声明d. 所在州/省市 5. 什么是信息面标签?回答:“信息面标签”是指一般要求一起张贴在信息面或主展示面上的标签声明,(中间无干扰材料),如果此类标签未出现在主展示面上。
21 美国联邦法规 101.2(b) 和食品药物法 (d),第 403 (w) 节。
6. 要求使用何种字号、显著性和突出性?回答:关于信息面标签,应使用清晰、醒目、便于识别的印刷体或字号。
所使用字体应以小写字体“O ”为基础,高度应至少为十六分之一(1/16)英寸,字体的高度不应超过字体宽度的三倍,且所使用字体必须与背景鲜明地区分开来,以便于阅读。
可在较小食品包装的信息面标签上使用较小的字体,详见 21 美国联邦法规 101.2(c) & (f)的相关规定。
(详见第 7 节)有关特征性声明和净含量声明上所使用的字号要求,详见本《指南》第 4 和第 5 节的相关规定。
21 美国联邦法规 101.2(c) 和 21 美国联邦法规 101.9(d)(1) & (2) 7. 对干扰材料的禁止规定有哪些?回答:联邦食品和药物管理局所未要求的信息视为干扰材料,禁止将该等干扰材料标注在信息面的所要求标签之间(比如,UPC 条形码并非食品和药物管理局所要求的标签)。
21 美国联邦法规 101.2(e)8. 哪些名称和地址必须标注在标签上?回答:食品标签必须标注:a. 生产商、包装商或经销商的名称和地址。
b. 如果公司名称和地址未列入现行城市通讯录或电话薄上,请注明公司所在的街道地址;干扰材料c. 城市或城镇;(或国家,如果在美国以外的其他国家);以及 e. 邮政编码(或在美国以外其他国家所使用的邮政编码)21美国联邦法规101.5主展示面 信息面常见的干扰材料4. 食品名称包括非约束性建议1. 什么是食品声明,必须张贴在什么地方?回答:特征性声明是指食品的名称,必须标注在正面的标签上,或主展示面以及任何备用主展示面。
21 美国联邦法规 101.3 2. 所标注的特征性声明是否必须醒目?回答:特征性声明上必须使用醒目的打印字体或字号,使用粗体加黑字体。
一般而言,特征性声明上的字体应至少是标签最大1/2. 21 美国联邦法规 101.3(d) 3. 应将何种名称用于特征性声明? 回答:法律或法规所规定的名称,或者法律法规没有规定的,可将食4. 特征性声明应标注在标签的何处? 回答:将特征性声明标注在主展示面上,大体与包装底部平行。
21 美国联邦法规 101.3(d)5. 什么时候允许在特征性声明上使用花哨的名称? 回答:如果食品的特性显而易见,可使用常见的和公众理解的花哨名称。
21 美国联邦法规 101.3(b)(3)6. 是否必须使用常见的名称或普通名称来代替新名称? 回答:如有,则必须使用常见名称或普通名称。
21 美国联邦法规 101.3(b)(2)7. 切片和未切片食品是否应该使用修订后的特征性声明? 回答:如果食品以不同的形式出售,比如切片及未切片、整个或半个等形式出售,食品包装标签上必须明确注明食品的形式。
21 美国联邦法规 101.3(c)8. 哪种食品必须在标签上标注“仿制品”字样? 回答:一般而言,与传统食品相似且替代传统食品的新食品,且该新食品含有较少的蛋白质或较少的主要维他命或矿物质,则必须在标签上标注“仿制 品”字样。
21美国联邦法规101.3(e)特征性声明食品标签指南9. 在产品名称上需要用什么样的字体和醒目度来标注“仿制品”字样?回答:使用与所仿制的产品名称相同的字体和清晰度来标注“仿制品”字样。
21 美国联邦法规101.3(e)10. 是否对标签插图有限制?回答:不要使用隐藏或削弱所要求标签的显著度和可见度的插图,或失实描述食品的插图。
21 美国联邦法规1.21(a) (1), 21 美国联邦法规101.3(a), 21 美国联邦法规101.105(h)11. 应将食品原产国标注在进口食品包装的何处?回答:食品原产国声明必须醒目。
(食品和药物管理局/美国海关与边防局指南和海关条例19 美国联邦法规134)12. 是否允许标签使用外语?回答:如果标签上均使用了外语,那么所要求的所有标签上都必须同时用英语和外语标注。
21 美国联邦法规101.15(c)(2)果汁J1. 为什么必须在果汁饮料标签上标注果汁含量百分比?回答:声称含有果汁(水果或蔬菜汁)的饮料上必须标明所含果汁的百分比,可通过如下方式,如标注在标签声明上、或标签上的水果或蔬菜照片,或通过味道和外观让消费者了解饮料中含有的果汁等方式标明。
21 美国联邦法规101.30(a) J2. 在何处标注果汁含量百分比,如何标注?回答:果汁含量百分比必须标注在信息面上(针对带有信息面的包装),靠近顶端。