托福独立写作:Patience is usually not a good strategy. We should take action now rather later.

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Patience is usually not a good strategy. We should take action now rather later.

如果作为一种策略的话,耐心基本上意味着被动等待事情发生好转。因此我同意前半部分陈述in terms of a somewhat negative attitude involved。事实上,能够发现这一点是很需要的反思的。然而,我认为后半部分却显得assertion is naïve and imprudent 因为过于极端. 此外,我还想强调patience的内涵中有很多积极的因素是值得肯定和欣赏的。

To begin with, I have to admit that to challenge and question such a precious quality as patience really demands courage and insights.

首先,前半个assertion is indeed insightful and thought-provoking in that it reveals the negative sides of patience which people usually take for granted as a precious personal quality。这个貌似作开头比较好。

首先,patience, 确实不一定是个好的策略,因为用作处理问题时,patience通常意味着被动地等待situation发生好转或者一个过程结束。举一个很简单的例子,

Being patient under this circumstances typically means just waiting to …然而如果能够主动地选择其他的途径的话,situations will be better off。从这个程度上来说,patience 有可能称为懒惰或者是不懂得变通的借口或者代名词。

然而,possible negative consequences of being patient never means we should take actions immediately, as the assertion suggests. 虽然说在有些情况下或者针对某些职业,比如战场上的军事指挥官,immediate responses are critical,但是对大多数人,大多数情况下,immediate actions are not necessary. And in fact, immediate actions often amount to impulsive or casual actions. For example,家长面对孩子的叛逆的时候,虽然是出于好心,但是往往立即当面采取压迫、管制的方式来防止事态恶化。但实际上,这种做法通常是由于家长的冲动和不理性造成的。事实上,家长有很长的时间来思考如何正确地引导孩子。

最后,我想指出的是patience作为一种personal quality, 有很多值得学习和肯定的方面。比如,耐心意味着一个人在面对困境的时候保持乐观和镇定,起码不至于慌乱或者急躁。这对成功是很重要的。我很想举的一个有关耐心的例子是钓鱼。钓鱼之前要选好地点,撒好鱼饵,这是很重要的。但凭这些技巧或者是intelligence还不足以钓到鱼。还需要专心致志地观察,等待,这样才能抓住时机,成功地钓到鱼。这就是耐心的作用:在智慧地做,谨慎地选择好方向之后,one have to use patience to finish the rest of journey to success.
