笔译作业 七夕-中国的情人节 中译英

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Qixi - Chinese Valentine’s Day


The seventh day of the seventh month of lunar calendar ( it is 31st, July in 2006 ) is Chinese traditional festival - “Qixi”. “Xi” means “night”. Why Qixi is Chinese Valentine’s Day? There is a moved story about Niulang - the cow herd and Zhinv - the weaver.

传说,牛郎是人间的青年农民,救过一头神牛。织女是天上王母娘娘的孙女,有一天,天上的织女们来到人间游玩,还跑到河里洗澡,那头神牛让牛郎拿走了第七个织女的衣服。织女在寻找衣服的过程中爱上了牛郎,他们结为夫妻,男耕女织,过着幸福的生活。王母娘娘知道了这件事,非常生气,强迫织女跟她回到天上。牛郎追了上来,眼看着就要追上了,王母娘娘拔下头上的银簪子*在身后划了一下,立刻,牛郎与织女之间出现了一条大河,这就是天上的银河,也就是西方所说的“奶路”(Milky Way)。结果牛郎和织女无情地隔开。后来,他们的爱情感动了喜鹊,每年七夕,所有的喜鹊都飞过来,在银河上搭起一座桥,让牛郎和织女在鹊桥相会。

It was said that Niulang was a terrestrial young farmer, he once saved a bull. Zhinv was the grandson of Wangmuniangniang - the Queen Mother of the West. One day, the weavers from the heaven came to the earth for fun. They went to the river for shower. The bull let Niulang take away the seventh weaver’s clothes. The weaver fell in love with Niulang while she was finding her clothes. They got married. They lived a happy life that Niulang did the farm work and Zhinv engaged in spinning and weaving. The Queen Mother of the West got the news and was in a great anger. She compelled Zhinv came back to the heaven. Niulang chased after them. Niulang almost caught them. Then the Queen Mother of the West plucked a

hairpin and scribed the very broad river between them. It was heavenly Silver River that was so-called Milky Way in the West. The result was that Niulang and Zhinv was relentlessly separated. Later, magpie was moved by their love. On Qixi every year, all magpies flied to the Milky Way and formed a bridge to let Niulang and Zhinv meet.


According to this story, people named the two bright stars on both side of Milky Way “Altair”and “Vega”. And the two less bright stars next to Vega were regarded as the children of Niulang and Zhinv. Sitting in the yard and watching Altair and Vega on Qixi’s evening had become a unique Chinese folk custom. On cloudless night in late summer, you can see Altair and Vega looking at each through the white Milky Way. Girls will look towards the bright moon and worship, praying for meeting their Mr.Right.


On Qixi, there is a Chinese folk custom of releasing lotus lantern. When night falls, surfaces of rivers, lakes and ponds are filled with lotus lanterns that released by young people. The lanterns with their wish and longing to happy marriage are drifting slowly on the water. At this moment, the stars on the sky, the lotus lanterns on the water and the couples under the moonlight and lanterns’ shadow constitute a wonderful scenery in the world.
