



爱尔兰英⽂导游词爱尔兰英⽂介绍Republic of Ireland⽤英语介绍爱尔兰As far as tourist appeal goes, the small island of Ireland punches far above its own weight. The country is so packed with delights that visitors are often reduced to describing its charms in hyperbolic clichés: it is the greenest country, full of the friendliest people, all of whom would be geniuses if they weren't distracted by the lure of the pub.Ireland is indeed a green country - so much rainfall must have its benefits - and the people are justifiably renowned for their friendliness. As for the geniuses, well, the Irish will proudly point to their four Nobel Laureates for Literature and declare that the success rate is unmatched in any other country of its size, all the while ensuring that the sacred 'round' system (where everyone buys a drink for everyone else in turn) is strictly adhered to.Yet Ireland's charms run far deeper than the legendary craic of the pub or the accomplishments of a bunch of (mostly) dead writers. It has a remarkable history that is woven into virtually everything, from the prehistoric stone monuments of the Boyne Valley to the monuments honouring its fallen patriots, men and women who dared challenge the imperious might of its longtime occupier and contemporary friend, Britain.It has a vibrant and dynamic capital, Dublin, which has spearheaded a stunning period of economic growth that has seen the country transformed from rural backwater to the envy of Europe. As a result, the Irish have grown in worldliness that continues to propel them to greater heights of achievement. Even the thorniest issue of all - Northern Ireland - has seen a kind of resolution and Ireland looks to the future with untrammelled confidence.位于欧洲西部的爱尔兰岛南部。


National emblem
National lag
• Geography • History
• Politics
• Economy
• Culture
• Advice for conversation
Ireland is a small island off the northwest cost of Great Britain, divided from Scotland by a narrow strait of water.
The Parliament or Dail enacts all legislation for the country. This legislation is interpreted by a hierarchy of courts. At the bottom of this ladder is the District Court. The next rung is represented by the Circuit Court, which tries more serious cases. The next rung on the ladder is called the High Court. The High Court has full jurisdiction and determining power in all matters of law or fact. The Supreme Court is the court of final appeal.
• The Celts
The Celts were commonly thought to have come to Ireland as early as the 6th century BC, with subsequent groups arriving up to the time of Christ. The Celts had deep influence on Ireland. Among all the legacies of the Celts, it is their language that has proved the most lasting. Along with the language, the Celts also brought an instrument of social and cultural unity and a legal system to the island.

Ireland 爱尔兰简介英文版PPT课件

Ireland 爱尔兰简介英文版PPT课件
• What are some famous cities and places in Ireland?
• Who are some famous Irish people? • What are some important events in Irish
history? • What is an important Irish holiday? • What do Irish people eat? • What are some national symbols of Ireland?
• The proximate cause of famine was a potato disease commonly known as potato blight.[
• Although blight ravaged potato crops throughout Europe during the 1840s, the impact and human cost in Ireland – where one-third of the population was entirely dependent on the potato for food – was exacerbated by a host of political, social and economic factors which remain the subject of historical debate.
• The Good Friday Agreement or The Belfast Agreement
• a major political development in the Northern Ireland peace process. The Agreement was made up of two inter-related documents, both signed in Belfast on 10 April 1998 (Good Friday): a multi-party agreement by most of Northern Ireland's political parties, and an international agreement between the British and Iris6h


• The Celts
The Celts were commonly thought to have come to Ireland as early as the 6th century BC, with subsequent groups arriving up to the time of Christ. The Celts had deep influence on Ireland. Among all the legacies of the Celts, it is their language that has proved the most lasting. Along with the language, the Celts also brought an instrument of social and cultural unity and a legal system to the island.
Christianity was introduced into Ireland some time in the 5th century. Traditionally, it was said to have been brought by Saint Patrick. Although there were some Christians in Ireland before Patrick's arrival, by the time of his death in 461 AD, the whole island was effectively Christian.
• Early Modern Period
In 1541, Henry Ⅷ declared himself king of Ireland---the first English monarch to do so. Queen ElizabethⅠcontinued and amplified her father’s Irish campaigns. When her army defeated the Irish at the Battle of Kinsale in 1601, the native political system was overthrown and, for the first time, the entire island was controlled by a strong English central government. Because of the repressive policies of the English administration, the English Protestantism was resisted in Ireland. When the new English republic was established under Oliver Cromwell, he took such drastic measures to crush the rebellion on Irish soil that the massacres of his parliamentary army are still recalled today.



Ireland has a lot of reputation,such as European Manor and Celtic Tiger.Irish economy is small but very well-developed.In between 1995 to 2004,the economy has grown by 7 percent developed,which depend on trade,small and modern.and in 2003,Ireland has become the world's second national per capita GDP.This picture is about Ireland's GDP from 2006 to 2011,we can see that GDP stabilized at around $ 50,000.January 1999, Ireland and 11 other countries took part in the euro zone,and start using the euro currency.Now we highlight several aspects of the Irish economy.First,Export-oriented economy.Look at this chart,since many years, the Irish export trade to GDP has remained at more than 45%,much higher than the United States, China, Japan and other economic powers.the reason is that Ireland has small size and population,domestic demand is relatively limited, products and services mainly depend on the international market, so its exports remain an important position in the economy and long-term.Second,Changing economic structure.The first stage.Historically, Ireland is a country with agriculture and animal husbandry,the economy is undeveloped.The second stage.Since the 1980s, the Irish economy driven by high-tech industry development, and a good investment environment to attract a lot of foreign investment, completed by the pastoral economy to a knowledge-based economy by leaps andbounds.Since 1995, the Irish economy continued to grow rapidly, becoming the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development of the fastest growing economies in countries.The third stage.Since 2008, the international financial crisis,Ireland began to change the economic structure,increasing the proportion of tertiary industry in the economy.Through this chart, we can see services accounted for 70 percent of GDP, as the economy leading industries.。


▪ In 2006 the Irish Government celebrated 90 years since the Rising.
Independence and the division of
▪ Michael Collins had led the war effort against Britain.
▪ Norman castles can be found across Ireland.
The start of British rule in
▪ In 1171 King Henry 2 of England came to Ireland to claim sovereignty over Ireland.
The Great Famine 18451850
▪ Thple at this time was the potato.
▪ The potato was almost entirely releyed upon by Irish people.
▪ The Vikings especially raided Christian monasteries where precious treasures and goods could be stolen.
▪ The monks built tall round towers to hide in when the Vikings attacked.
▪ Many people died or emigrated to America.
▪ Since the 1840s emigration became a part of Iirsh life up until the late 1990s.



a power-sharing executive
In January 1974, the British Prime Minister Edward Heath set up a power-sharing executive which involved representatives from both the Republic and the North of Ireland as well as Great Britain in the governance of the North. However, this was brought down by the concerted efforts of the Protestant loyalists.
• Towards agreement • On April 10 1998, the Good Friday Agreement, known also as the Belfast Agreement emerged. This agreement assures the loyalist community that Northern Ireland “remains part of the United Kingdom and shall not cease to be so without the consent(同意) of the majority of the people of Northern Ireland.”
The pro-agreement result was greeted at the time with relief by supporters of the agreement. However, the scale of sceptical and anti-agreement sentiment in the unionist community, their continued misgivings over aspects of the agreement, and differing expectations from the Agreement on the part of the two communities were to cause difficulties in the following years.


Republic of Ireland Capital: Dublin Population: 4.3million Currency: Euro
Northern Ireland Capital: Belfast Population: 1.7million Currency: Pound
In 2006 the Irish Government celebrated 90 years since the Rising.
Independence and the division of
Michael Collins had led the war effort against Britain.
Later the Vikings began to settle in Ireland and build port towns such as Dublin.
The Normans
Normans came in the 12th century and built castles all over the country and founded many towns. The Normans came originally from Normandy in France.
The struggle with England and a poor economy was the cause of so many leaving.
The population of Ireland has always been small as a result and today is only 6 million.
The Easter Rising of 1916



• The climate is perfect for many domestic animals (such as cows and horses) and for growing grass.
• Pre-history
The earliest settlers arrived around 7000 BC in the middle stone age period.Irelandຫໍສະໝຸດ National emblem
National flag
• Geography • History
• Politics
• Economy
• Culture
• Advice for conversation
Ireland is a small island off the northwest cost of Great Britain, divided from Scotland by a narrow strait of water.
• Early Modern Period
In 1541, Henry Ⅷ declared himself king of Ireland---the first English monarch to do so.
Rival colonialists of the new stone age period reached around 3000 BC. These were farmers who raised animals and cultivated the soil.
Within about another thousand years, around 2000 BC, prospectors and metal workers arrived.


• Mawlawi as an agricultural country, more than 90% of the population engaged in agriculture, the economy is very backward, is the United Nations to determine the least developed countries, economic development depends heavily on foreign aid. The main cultivation of tobacco, cotton, corn, etc., is one of Africa's major tobacco producing countries, tobacco exports accounted for 70% of the country's foreign exchange earnings. Its white rib tobacco quality, reputation in the world of tobacco industry.
Independent Malawi
• Banda led the Malawi Congress Party advocated by a legal struggle and Non Violence forced the British colonial authorities. In May 1961 first general elections Nyasaland Malawi Congress party wins, Banda, as the British colonial government minister. In February 1963, Nyasaland was granted internal self-government, the prime minister Banda. In 1963 12 months of non federal disintegration. Nyasaland gained independence in July 6, 1964, renamed the Republic of Malawi, still remain in the Commonwealth, Banda became the president. 1971 president of the tenure of office. After the independence of Mawlawi, the foreign policy of freedom to choose alliance and neutrathe earliest residents of kafura.



Traditionally, the Irish people spoke their own language, called Irish or Erse. Under English colonial policy, they were forced to learn standard English. During the Great Famine of 1845-1848, the Irish language suffered the death blow. Much of native culture such as songs, poems and stories emigrated or died. After 1921, the official concerted attempt was made to make Irish once again and the national language. However, despite the pressure, the universally language in Ireland is still a version of standard English.
The Middle Ages
Around 800 onwards, Viking marauders became attack Ireland. These raids continued right the 9th century and were followed in the 10th century. These people did much to develop commerce and found the major towns. The 11th and 12th were a period of progress. Art activity prospered and religious reform were made to bring the church more fully into line with Roman Catholic orthodoxy. They also tried to establish a strong monarchy, but it was interrupted by Normans.


back to the 15th century.
• Scotland was not conquered by the Romans • Romans built Hadrian’s wall to keep out
Scottish invaders. The wall still exists and is where the current border now stands. • Anglo-Saxons were not able to conquer Scotland either, although they did occupy parts of southeast Scotland. This is why Edinburgh has a Germanic name. • 6th century, Scots from northern Ireland invaded the southwest.
• Some areas in the Highlands still have people speaking Gaelic in addition to English.
• Scotland was made up of small kingdoms. Viking invasions and wars with England forced the Scottish king to unite and defend the land.
• North part of Great Britain
• Population: 5.2 million • 3 regions – Highlands, Southern Uplands, and

Ireland 爱尔兰简介英文版PPT课件

Ireland 爱尔兰简介英文版PPT课件
References used
• /wiki/Bloody_Sunday_(1972) • /wiki/Good_Friday_Agreement • /wiki/Great_Famine_(Ireland) • /wiki/Irish_literature
Some Irish Symbols
• Finish Ireland DVD worksheet (Due next class) • Read Unit Three “History” pages 23-41 and Unit Nine
“Education” Pages 91-100 • Read PDF related to Irish “Society and culture” (will be
• Dia duit - God to you. • Oíche mhaith (duit) - Good night • Codladh sámh (duit) - A pleasant sleep • a ghrámo chroí- ... love of my heart • Níl aon tintéan mar do thintéan féin. -There's no place like home. • Maith thú- Well done / Way to go etc. • Sláinte - Cheers. • Sláinte chugat - Good health to you. • Go raimh maith agat - Thanks.
• The Good Friday Agreement or The Belfast Agreement



a power-sharing executive
In January 1974, the British Prime Minister Edward Heath set up a power-sharing executive which involved representatives from both the Republic and the North of Ireland as well as Great Britain in the governance of the North. However, this was brought down by the concerted efforts of the Protestant loyalists.
The referendum campaign
On 22 May 1998, The referenda were held. The pro-agreement was promoted to the nationalist community as delivering civil rights, inclusive government, recognition of their Irishness, and a peaceful route to Irish reunification. To the unionist community, it was presented as bringing an end to the troubles, a guaranteed end to paramilitaries and their weapons, and a guarantee of the Union for the foreseeable future.


国际评价: 爱尔兰共和军由于是反对英国政府的武装组织, 并长时间通过暴力活动实现政治诉求,故被许多国家视为恐 怖组织。1980年代,爱尔兰共和军曾遭撒切尔夫人镇压。 2005年7月28日,在国际社会多年的调解和斡旋下,爱尔兰 共和军正式下令终止武装斗争。它要求所有的爱尔兰共和军 单位必须放弃使用武器,只通过和平的方式,协助发展纯政 治和民主计划.
Northern Ireland and the IRA
• The flag of Northern Ireland
General Introduction Of Northern Ireland
它是英国的一个地区,位于爱尔兰岛东北部,首府是 贝尔法斯特。地形中间低平,周围多山,属温带海洋性 气候。1801年爱尔兰岛划归英国。1921年南部26郡组 成自由邦,1937年成立共和国,北部6郡仍归英国,称 北爱尔兰,成为大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的组成部 分。 历史沿革:按1920年的爱尔兰政府法,北爱尔兰 和南爱尔兰同时诞生于1921年。南爱尔兰立刻改名为爱 尔兰自由邦。按1921年的英爱条约爱尔兰共和国独立后 北爱尔兰可以自主决定是否参加爱尔兰共和国。北爱尔 兰决定留在英国。大多数爱尔兰人(联合派)希望留在 英国,但民族派希望加入爱尔兰共和国。从1960年代到 1990年代两派之间的斗争武装化。1972年北爱尔兰的 自治权为此被取消。从1990 年代中开始,两派的主要 半军事组织达成一个不十分可靠的停火。2007年北爱尔 兰恢复自治权。
中兴与分裂: 60年代末,随着北爱尔兰民权运动的高涨和 民族冲突的激化,爱尔兰共和军再度兴起。1969 年12月分裂为正统派和临时派,同时成立了正式 爱尔兰共和军和临时爱尔兰共和军。1970年初两 派之间出现了严重分裂。前者自称奉行马克思主 义路线,从事武装斗争,但1972年5月宣布休战, 基本上放弃了武装斗争的形式,支持以政治行动 争取爱尔兰统一。临时派成为主要的共和军,其 思想极左,具有更浓厚的民族主义色彩,进行爆 炸、暗杀等暴力活动,攻击目标主要是安全部门 和军界人物和机构,主要分支有传承爱尔兰共和 军和真爱尔兰共和军等派别。


• Irish rebellions lost and Anglican control became stronger.
• The Irish remained Catholic, but immigrants from Scotland and England were Protestant.
• 18th century, many Catholic aristocracy left for mainland Europe
back to the 15th century.
• Scotland was not conquered by the Romans
• Romans built Hadrian’s wall to keep out Scottish invaders. The wall still exists and is where the current border now stands.
• Some areas in the Highlands still have people speaking Gaelic in addition to English.
• Scotland was made up of small kingdoms. Viking invasions and wars with England forced the Scottish king to unite and defend the land.
• Traditional formal dress in the highlands includes the kilt for men.
• Scottish music is most noted for the bagpipes.
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Towards another ceasefire
• On Wednesday 25 June 1997, The British and Irish governments gave the IRA 5 weeks to call an unequivocal(明确的) ceasefire. 6 weeks later Sinn Féin would be allowed into the talks. • On Saturday 19 July 1997, The IRA announced the renewal(更新) of its 1994 ceasefire as of 12.00pm on 20 July 1997.
• Towards agreement • On April 10 1998, the Good Friday Agreement, known also as the Belfast Agreement emerged. This agreement assures the loyalist community that Northern Ireland “remains part of the United Kingdom and shall not cease to be so without the consent(同意) of the majority of the people of Northern Ireland.”
3、Towards negotiations
• On Tuesday 28 November 1995, a joint communiqué by the British and Irish Governments outlined a" 'twin-track' to make progress in parallel on the decommissioning issue and on all-party negotiations". Preparatory talks were to lead to all-party negotiations beginning by the end of February 1996.
Valid votes
Invalid or blank votes Total votes Registered voters and turnout
17,064 1,545,395 2,747,088
1.10 100.00 56.26
• In Northern Ireland, the results of the vote on the agreement were:
Topic: The Peace Building Process in Northern Ireland
The Northern Ireland peace process is often considered to cover the events leading up to the 1994 Provisional Irish Republican Army(IRA) ceasefire, the end of most of the violence of the Troubles, the Good Friday (or Belfast) Agreement, and subsequent political developments. There are three saparate atttampts made to draft an agreement between the British and Irish governments that would lead to a resolution of the Northern Ireland conflict.
The pro-agreement result was greeted at the time with relief by supporters of the agreement. However, the scale of sceptical and anti-agreement sentiment in the unionist community, their continued misgivings over aspects of the agreement, and differing expectations from the Agreement on the part of the two communities were to cause difficulties in the following years.
• The Good Friday Agreement(GFA) or Belfast Agreement was a major political development in the Northern Ireland peace process of the 1990s. Northern Ireland's present devolved system of government is based on the Agreement. The Agreement also created a number of institutions between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and between the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom.Issues relating to civil and cultural rights, decommissioning(退役) of weapons, justice and policing were central to the Agreement.
2、Towards a ceasefire
Through the actions of a constitutional Nationalist politician, John Hume, leader of the SDLP, and the leader of Sinn Fein, Gerry Adams, on Wednesday 31 August 1994, the Provisional IRA announced a ceasefire. Protestant paramilitary groups did the same. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but the problem was not solved.
the Anglo-Irish Agreement 英爱协议
The next attempt at an allgovernment solution was known as the Anglo-Irish Agreement of 1985. This agreement gave the Irish a right to consultation on Northern Irish matters and guaranteed the loyalist Protestant community their right to decide their future. Despite this provision, the loyalist politicians once again rejected this agreement.
a power-sharing executive
In January 1974, the British Prime Minister Edward Heath set up a power-sharing executive which involved representatives from both the Republic and the North of Ireland as well as Great Britain in the governance of the North. However, this was brought down by the concerted efforts of the Protestant loyalists.
The votes
• In the Republic of Ireland, the results of the vote to change the constitution in line with the agreement were:
Nineteenth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland referendum [7] Choice Yes No Votes 1,442,583 85,748 % 94.39 5.61
the Downing Street Declaration 唐宁街宣言
On Wednesday 15 December 1993,John Major, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom ,and the Irish Prime Minister Taoiseach jointly to produce the Downing Street Declaration. It affirmed both the right of the people of Ireland to self-determination, and that Northern Ireland would be transferred to the Republic of Ireland from the United Kingdom only if a majority of its population was in favor of such a move.