图示化Saber仿真软件详解—暨开关电源仿真目录第一章Saber Sketch 工作界面及下拉菜单 (1)1.1Saber Sketch工作界面 (1)1.2Saber Sketch下拉菜单详解 (2)1.2.1 File菜单 (2)选项 (2) 选项 (2) 选项 (3) 选项 (3)略。
(3) 选项 (3)选项 (4) File 标签 (4) Preferences标签 (5)1.2.2Edit菜单 (5) Find/Select 选项 (6) Alter选项——快捷图标 (7) Netlist标签 (8) History标签 (9) Experiment选项——快捷图标 (9) File菜单 (10) Edit菜单 (11) Option选项 (11) Option选项 (11)菜单 (12) PostProcessing选项 (13) Status 选项 (14) Configuration 选项 (14) Outline 标签 (15)标签 (15) Left Top Right Bottom Right Next To B_R 标签 (15) Schematic Preferences选项 (16) General标签 (16) Parts Gallery Preferences选项 (17) Design Tool Settings 选项 (21) Settings选项 (22) Configuration Editor选项 (22) Saber(R)Guide Preferences 选项 (23) Saber/Netlister Settings选项 (23)1.2.3View菜单 (26) Color/Grayscale选项 (27)1.2.4 Design菜单 (28) Use选项 (28) Simulator选项 (28) Netlist 选项 (28) Simulate 选项 (29) Back-Annotate选项 (29) check Symbols选项 (29)1.2.5Schematic菜单 (29) Rotate 选项 (30) Filp 选项 (31) Back选项 (31) Front 选项 (32) Get Part选项 (32) Parts Gallery选项——快捷键图标 (33) By Symbol Name...选项 (34) Parametric Search选项 (34) Great选项 (35) Multi-Sheet 选项 (36) Switch Style Sheet 选项 (36) Define Style sheet选项 (37)1.2.6Analyses 菜单 (38) Operation Point 选项 (38) DC Operating Point 直流工作点分析——快捷键图标 (38) DC Transfer直流传输分析——快捷键图标 (40) Time Domain 选项 (42) Transient 瞬态分析——快捷键图标 (43) Operating Point/ Transient选项—快捷键图标 (46) Frequency频域分析 (48) Small Signal AC交流小信号分析——快捷键图标 (48)噪声分析 (49) Distortion失真分析 (51)两端口分析 (52) Linear Systems Analysis线性系统分析 (54)零极点分析——快捷键图标. (55) Time Response 线性时间响应 (56) Response频率响应分析 (57) System Time Parameters 评估系统时间参数 (59) System Frequency Parameters评估系统频率参数 (60) 参数分析 (61) Vary选项——快捷键图标 (62)菜单 (62) Addloop菜单 (63) Vary对话框 (64) Add Analysis菜单 (65) Sensitivity灵敏度分析——快捷图标 (66) Edit标签 (67) Add Analysis标签 (68) Statistical统计分析 (68) Monte Carlo蒙特卡洛分析——快捷键图标 (69) Statistical Summary统计摘要 (69) Histogram 直方图 (70) Stress应力分析 (71) Fourier傅里叶分析 (73) Fouier(傅里叶变换) (73) FFT快速傅里叶变换 (75) IFFT 逆快速傅里叶变换 (77) Batch Messure批测量 (78) Forms表格 (79) Interupt中断——快捷键图标 (80) Continue继续仿真 (80)1.2.7 Extrat菜单 (80) Add Signals to Plotfile选项 (80) Get Initial Point选项 (81) Transform Plotfile选项 (82)1.2..7.4 Limit Poles and Zeros选项 (84)1.2.8 Results菜单 (85)1.2.9 Probe菜单 (85)1.2.10 Tools菜单 (86) Command Line命令行选项 (86) Drawing Tool绘图工具——快捷图标 (86) Part Gallery元件库——快捷键图标 (86) Design Tool设计工具——快捷键图标 (86) Macro Recorder宏记录器——快捷键图标 (87) SaberRT——快捷键图标 (87) Model Architect模型构造大师——快捷键图标 (88) Design Example设计示例——快捷键图标 (88) Report 报告——快捷键图标 (89) Testify验证——快捷键图标 (90)1.2.11 window菜单略 (92)1.2.12 Help 菜单略 (92)第二章ComosScope 工作界面及下拉菜单 (93)2.1ComosScope工作界面 (93)2.2ComosScope下拉菜单 (93)2.2.1 File菜单 (93)2.2.2 Edit 菜单 (94) Find signal寻找信号选项 (94) Hotkeys快捷键选项 (95) Preferences属性选项 (95)2.2.3 Graph菜单 (100) Member Attributes...选项 . (101) Measure Results选项 (102) Waveform Compar选项 (103)2.2.4. Signal菜单 (104) Attributes选项 (104) Member Attributes成员属性选项 (105) Measure Results测量结果选项 (105) Info注释信息选项 (105) Move to Stack Region选项 (105) Bring to Front 选项 (106) Color 选项 (106) Style 选项 (106) Line Width 选项 (107) Symbol选项 (107) Symbol Size选项 (108) Bar选项 (108) View 选项 (109) Create Bus 选项 (109) Burst Bus选项 (110) Contract Bus 选项 (111) Great Mult-Member选项 (112) Convert to Digital (A2D) 选项 (113) Convert to Analog (D2A) 选项 (114) Trace Hight 选项 (115) Set Digital Display选项 (115) Display Digital Signal Grid选项 (116) To Time Domain选项 (116) Envelope Spectrum频谱包络选项 (116)2.2.5 Axis菜单 (117) Attributes选项 (117) Zoom选项 (118) Pan选项 (118) Scale选项 (118) Display Axis Grid选项 (119)2.2.6 Tools菜单 (121) Command Line选项——快捷键图标 (121) Drawing Tool选项——快捷键图标 (122) Signal Manage r选项——快捷键图标 (123) File菜单 (123) Poltfile菜单 (124) Signals菜单 (124) Measurement Tool测量工具选项——快捷键图标 (124) Waveform Calculator波形计算选项(波形计算器)——快捷键图标 (125) Macro Recorder宏记录器选项——快捷键图标 (126) RF Tools射频工具选项——快捷键图标 (126) Matlab Command Line Matlab命令行选项——快捷键图标 (126)2.2.7 Windows菜单 (127)2.2.8 Help菜单 (127)第三章测量仿真波形 (128)3.1测量工具菜单介绍 (128)3.1.1 General 常规测量项 (129)3.1.2 Time Domain 时域测量 (129)3.1.3 Levels 电平测量 (129)3.1.4 Frequency Domain 频域测量 (130)3.1.5 S Domain S域测量 (130)3.1.6 Statistics 统计测量 (130)3.1.7 RF 射频测量 (131)3.2波形操作技巧 (131)3.2.1 波形的缩放 (131)3.2.2 合并波形 (132)3.2.3 坐标轴调整 (133)3.3 测量实例 (135)3.3.1 General 常规测量 (135) At X 测量——快捷图标 (135) Threshold(At Y)测量——快捷图标 (137) Delta X 测量 (138) Delta Y 测量 (139) Length 测量 (140) Slop 斜率测量 (141) Local Max/Min 测量 (142) Horizontal Level 测量 (145) Vertical Level测量 (146) Vertical Cursor测量 (147) Point Marker测量 (148) Point to Point测量——快捷图标 (149) Vertical Marker测量——快捷图标 (150)3.3.2 Time Domain 时域测量 (151) Falltime下降时间测量 (151) RiseTime上升时间测量 (152) Slew Rate转换速率测量 (154) Period周期测量 (155) Frequency频率测量 (156) Duty Cycle占空比测量 (157) Pulse Width脉宽测量 (158) Delay延时测量 (160) Overshoot过冲测量 (161) Undershoot负过冲测量 (162) Time稳定时间测量 (162) Eye Diagram 眼状图测量 (164) Eye Mask测量 (165)3.3.3 Levels电平测量 (165) maximum最大值测量 (166)最小值测量 (167) X at Maximum测量 (168) X at minimum测量 (168) Peak to Peak峰-峰值测量 (169) Topline顶线测量 (170)基线测量 (170)振幅测量 (171) 平均值测量 (172)有效值测量(均方根) (172) Coupled RMS 有效值交流分量测量 (173)3.3.4Frequency Domain频域测量 (174) Lowpass(3db Point)低通(3db点)测量 (174) Highpass(3db Point)高通(3db点)测量 (175) Bandwidth带宽测量 (176) Stopband带阻测量 (177) Gain Margin增益余量测量 (179) Phase Margin相位裕量测量 (180) Slope斜率测量 (181) Magnitude等级测量 (181) dB分贝测量 (182) Phase相位测量 (183) Real实部测量 (184) Nyquist Plot Frequency奈奎斯特绘图频率测量 (186) THD/SNR/SINAD总谐波失真/信噪比/信号噪声余波形失真比测量 (187)第四章波形计算器 (188)4.1 波形计算器的用户界面 (188)4.2 波形计算器的下拉菜单 (189)4.2.1File菜单 (189)4.2.2 Edit 菜单 (190)4.2.3 Preferences菜单 (190)4.3 计算器快捷图标 (190)4.4扩展操作按钮 (191)4.4.1 Misc 按钮 (191) vma 选项 (191)4.4.2 Wave 按钮 (192)4.4.3 Cmplx 按钮 (193)4.4.4 Logic 按钮 (193)4.4.5 Trig 按钮 (193)4.4.6 Stack 按钮 (194)4.4.7 基本操作按钮 (194)4.5 波形计算器的基本操作 (194)4.5.1 代数运算 (194) 2个数字运算 (194) 多个数字运算 (197) 单个数字运算 (199)4.5.2 复数运算 (204)4.5.3 波形的计算 (207)4.6.波形计算器编程 (210)第五章创建原理图 (212)5.1 Saber元件库的界面 (212)5.1.1 快捷图标 (213)5.1.2 Browse/Search 标签 (213) Browse 标签 (213) Search 标签 (213) Parametric Search 参数搜索 (214)5.1.3 Saber 元件库分类介绍 (215)5.2 生成原理图 (216)5.2.1 查找元件 (216)5.2.2 设定元件参数 (220)5.2.3 连接元件 (221)5.3 编辑导线属性 (223)第六章常用基本仿真分析 (224)6.1 直流分析 (225)6.1.1 DC Operating Point直流工作点分析 (225)6.1.2 DC Transfer直流传输分析 (227)6.1 时域分析 (237)6.2.1 Transient 瞬态分析 (237)6.3 Frequency频域分析 (244)6.3.1交流小信号(small singal AC)分析 (244)6.3.3 Noise噪声分析 (254)6.3.3 Distortion失真分析 (258)6.3.4 Two-port二端口分析 (258)6.4 Linear Systems Analysis线性系统分析 (260)6.4.1 Pole-Zero零极点分析 (260)测量系统零极点 (260)调整系统相位裕量 (262)直流工作点分析,确认静态误差能满足要求。
SABER讲义第一章使用Saber Designer创建设计本教材的第一部分介绍怎样用Saber Design创建一个包含负载电阻和电容的单级晶体管放大器。
有以下任务:*怎样使用Part Gallery来查找和放置符号*怎样使用Property Editor来修改属性值*怎样为设计连线*怎样查找一些常用模板在运行此教材前,要确认已正确装载Saber Designer并且准备好在你的系统上运行(找系统管理员)。
1. 创建(如有必要的话)一个名为analogy_tutorial的目录,以创建教材实例。
2. 进入analogy_tutorial目录。
3. 创建一个名为amp的目录。
4. 进入amp目录。
二、使用Saber Sketch创建设计在这一部分中,你将使用Saber Sketch设计一个单级晶体管放大器。
1. 调用Saber Sketch(Sketch),将出现一个空白的原理图窗口。
2. 按以下方法为设计提供名称3) 通过选择File>Save As …菜单项,存储目前空白的设计。
此时将出现一个Save Schematic As对话框,如图1所示。
图 12) 在File Name字段输入名称Single_amp。
3) 单击OK。
3. 检查Saber Sketch工作面1)将光标置于某一图符上并保持在那里。
图 2 单级晶体管放大器部件布局1.按以下方式查找和放置npn晶体管符号:1) 单击Parts Gallery图符出现Parts Gallery对话框,如图3所示。
Saber主要软件模块功能说明产品编号:6771-0说明:SaberSketch原理图输入工具所需模块:功能:∙所有建模工具,包括二极管、MOSFET、磁性器件,图表建模等∙与其他软件的接口,如SIMULINK、ModelSim、cadence、mentorSaber Sketch是Saber的原理图输入工具,通过它可以直接进入Saber仿真引擎。
在Saber Sketch中,用户能够创建自己的原理图,起动Saber完成各种仿真,可以直接在原理图上察看仿真结果。
Saber Sketch及仿真功能可以帮助用户完成混合信号、混合技术(电气、机械、液压、气动、控制等)系统的仿真分析。
Saber Sketch中的原理图可以输出成多种标准图形格式,用于报告、设计审阅或创建文档。
Saber提供了多种建模工具,磁性器件建模工具可以帮助建立电感、绕组、变压器等的模型;StateAMS可以用状态机方法建模;二极管,MOSFET、IGBT建模工具帮助建立自己的模型与其他软件的接口,如数字仿真器ModelSim、cadence、mentor,信号流仿真工具SIMULINK 等的接口扩充了Saber的应用。
产品编号:6770-0说明:Saber® Mixed-Signal SimulatorSaber®混合信号仿真器(包括CosmosScope)所需模块:功能:∙MAST®模拟硬件描述语言(HDL)∙SaberGuide™交互式仿真环境∙NSPITOS−SPICE(2G6)到Saber网表的转换器∙实时仿真工具∙故障状态分析(FMEA)工具∙直流传输特性∙直流工作点分析∙瞬态分析∙交流小信号分析∙打印机绘图仪驱动程序∙参数替换与参数扫描∙提取内部模型参数Extract∙SaberBook 在线文档internal model parameters∙少量基本模板,如电阻、电容∙模型加密Saber混合信号仿真器提供了分析模拟及混合信号系统完整行为的方法,这些混合系统包括电子、机械、液压、气动、控制和含有其它技术的子系统,以及他们之间的相互作用。
Saber 软件简介Saber软件主要用于外围电路的仿真模拟,包括SaberSketch和SaberDesigner两部分。
SaberSketch用于绘制电路图,而SaberDesigner 用于对电路仿真模拟,模拟结果可在SaberScope和DesignProbe中查看。
要调用库,在Parts Gallery中,通过对库的描述、符号名称、MAST模板名称等,进行搜索。
启动SaberSketch:▲UNIX:在UNIX窗口中键入 Sketch▲Windows NT:在SaberDesigner程序组中双击SaberSketch图标下面是SaberSketch的用户界面及主要部分名称,见图1-1:退出SaberSketch用 File>Exit。
第一章使用Saber Designer创建设计本教材的第一部分介绍怎样用Saber Design创建一个包含负载电阻和电容的单级晶体管放大器。
有以下任务:*怎样使用Part Gallery来查找和放置符号*怎样使用Property Editor来修改属性值*怎样为设计连线*怎样查找一些常用模板在运行此教材前,要确认已正确装载Saber Designer并且准备好在你的系统上运行(找系统管理员)。
1. 创建(如有必要的话)一个名为analogy_tutorial的目录,以创建教材实例。
2. 进入目录。
3. 创建一个名为amp的目录。
4. 进入amp目录。
二、使用Saber Sketch创建设计在这一部分中,你将使用Saber Sketch设计一个单级晶体管放大器。
1. 调用Saber Sketch(Sketch),将出现一个空白的原理图窗口。
2. 按以下方法为设计提供名称3) 通过选择File>Save As …菜单项,存储目前空白的设计。
此时将出现一个Save Schematic As对话框,如图1所示。
图 12) 在File Name字段输入名称Single_amp。
3) 单击OK。
3. 检查Saber Sketch工作面1) 将光标置于某一图符上并保持在那里。
在工作面底部的Help字段也可查看有关图符的信息2) 注意有一个名为Single_amp的Schematic窗口出现在工作面上。
图 2 单级晶体管放大器部件布局1. 按以下方式查找和放置npn晶体管符号:1) 单击Parts Gallery图符出现Parts Gallery对话框,如图3所示。
双击轴线,AXIS ATTRIBUTE对话框里的GRID increment可以调制轴线等分间距!!路径中不能有中文,要在全英文下看波形可以放大的,选中托一下即可。
6.原理图放大或缩小:按“page up”或“page down”即可7.局部放大显示波形:直接拖动鼠标放大,或按“page up”即可8.恢复波形显示原始大小:按“page down”,或在右键菜单里点“zoom →to fit”即可9.按鼠标中键可拖动整个原理图包括波形显示图。
10.波形高级分析:①.双击波形图标,进入cosmosScooe 窗口界面,②.点击tools →measurement tool 显示measurement 窗口,③.点击measurement 窗口的measurement 后面的按钮,默认为At X 按钮,④.共有general 、time domain 、levels 、statistics 、RF 共5个可设置项,分别说明如下:*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***A.general(综合)设置,共有14 个参数:*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***At X :显示X轴Y轴参数At Y :只显示X轴参数Delta X :测量X轴任意两点间的时间,单位:SDelta Y :测量Y轴任意两点间的电压,单位:V(电压有方向)Length :测量Y轴任意两点间的电压,单位:V(电压无方向,取绝对值)Slope :测量斜坡???Local max/min :局部最大、最小测量Crossing :交叉Horizontal level :水平测量线Vertical level :垂直测量线Vertical cursor :垂直测量指针Point marker :波形任意单个点数据测量Point to point :波形任意两点间综合测量Vertical marker :垂直测量线*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***B.time domain(时频)设置,共有14 个参数:*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***falltime :测量脉冲下降时间risetime :测量脉冲上升时间slew rate :脉冲从0上升到最大值所需的时间period :测量脉冲周期frequency :测量脉冲频率fulse width :测量脉冲频率delay :测量脉冲延迟时间overshoot :测量脉冲正峰值undershoot :测量脉冲负峰值settle time :测量脉冲稳定时间eye diagram :*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***C.levels 设置,共11 个测量参数*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***maximum :波形最大值minimum :波形最小值x at maximum :最大值出现时间x at minimum :最小值出现时间peak to peak :脉冲峰–峰值topline :脉冲群顶线base line :脉冲群基线amplitude :脉冲振幅(0 ~ 正最大值)arerage :脉冲直流平均值(包括脉冲负值)RMS :脉冲直流均方根值(正平均值)AC coupled RMS :脉冲交流有效值*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***D.statistics(统计)设置,共13 个测量参数*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***maximum :波形最大值minimum :波形最小值rangl :脉冲峰–峰值mean :脉冲直流平均值(包括脉冲负值)median :中线值standard deviation :标准背离mean +3 std_dev :mean -3 std_dev :histogram :直方图。
3. Batch Picking 批量拾取
你应该用少量的炮点记录来测试你的道预处理和图像预处理的参数设置。查看工区内不同地区的 炮点记录,查看初至参数去除初至到达前噪音的效果及初至趋势增强效果如何。你可以在 Trace Display(道显示)窗口中使用导航工具,或者在 Fold Plot (覆盖显示)窗口按下 shift 键并 在一个特定炮点处点击鼠标左键,以获取不同的炮点记录。用同一参数设置将一个真实的地震测 线上每一炮点记录转化为一个良好的可进行拾取的位图,是不可想象的。你只需要调整此设置并 进行足够多的点校验,以确认你的参数对多数炮点记录是否也能得到合理结果。
在 XSaber 中,我们决心使用一个不同的方法以处理拾取初至问题。我们不再看地震道的属 性,而是试图简化此问题。人眼对于识别线性趋势的图像很擅长。经过一定的对数据准备, 计算机边缘检测的算法已经证明是很成熟的。XSaber 使用多种图像处理技术以加强和分离 出地震记录的初至。
Method 方法
XSaber 将地震炮点记录转化为灰度位图图像。每一道代表位图中的一列像素。图像中每一 个样点像素值代表着原始地震道样点上的瞬时振幅,标准化为 0 到 255。在将数据转化为位 图前,有一些标准化地震处理技巧可以先应用于炮点记录,以极大地改进这一转换过程。 XSaber 在转换图像之前,可应用一些常规处理功能如滤波、振幅标定、初至切除和应用静 校正。
SABER 环路计算,补偿和仿真
![SABER 环路计算,补偿和仿真](
BUCK 电路的环路计算,补偿和仿真Xia Jun 2010-8-14 本示例从简单的BUCK 电路入手,详细说明了如何进行电源环路的计算和补偿,并通过saber 仿真验证环路补偿的合理性。
等式:V out=[Vin-V out*H(S)]*G(S)公式:Vout Vin G S ()1G S ()H S ()⋅+G(S)/(1+G(S)*H(S))就称之为系统的闭环传递函数,如果1+G(S)*H(S)=0,那么闭环系统的输出值将会无限大,此时闭环系统是不收敛的,也即是不稳定的。
G(S)*H(S)是系统的开环传递函数,当G(S)*H(S)=-1时,以S=j ω带入,即获得开环系统的频域响应为G(j ω)*H(j ω)=-1,此时频率响应的增益和相角分别为:gain =‖-1‖=1angle=tan -1(0/-1)=180°从上面的分析可以看出,如果扰动信号经过G(S)和H(S)后,模不变,相位改变180°,那么这个闭环系统就是不稳定的。
Saber中文使用教程之软件仿真流程(1)今天来简单谈谈 Saber 软件的仿真流程问题。
利用 Saber 软件进行仿真分析主要有两种途径,一种是基于原理图进行仿真分析,另一种是基于网表进行仿真分析。
前一种方法的基本过程如下:a. 在 SaberSketch 中完成原理图录入工作;b. 然后使用 netlist 命令为原理图产生相应的网表;c. 在使用 simulate 命令将原理图所对应的网表文件加载到仿真器中,同时在Sketch 中启动 SaberGuide 界面;d. 在 SaberGuide 界面下设置所需要的仿真分析环境,并启动仿真;e. 仿真结束以后利用 CosmosScope 工具对仿真结果进行分析处理。
在这种方法中,需要使用 SaberSketch 和 CosmosScope 两个工具,但从原理图开始,比较直观。
所以,多数 Saber 的使用者都采用这种方法进行仿真分析。
基于网表的分析基本过程如下:a. 启动 SaberGuide 环境,即平时大家所看到的 Saber Simulator 图标,并利用 load design 命令加载需要仿真的网表文件 ;b. 在 SaberGuide 界面下设置所需要的仿真分析环境,并启动仿真;c. 仿真结束以后直接在 SaberGuide 环境下观察和分析仿真结果。
但它由于使用网表为基础,很不直观,因此多用于电路系统结构已经稳定,只需要反复调试各种参数的情况;同时还需要使用者对 Saber 软件网表语法结构非常了解,以便在需要修改电路参数和结构的情况下,能够直接对网表文件进行编辑。
S a b e r软件简介Saber软件主要用于外围电路的仿真模拟,包括SaberSketch和SaberDesigner两部分。
要调用库,在Parts Gallery中,通过对库的描述、符号名称、MAST模板名称等,进行搜索。
启动SaberSketch:▲UNIX:在UNIX窗口中键入 Sketch▲Windows NT:在SaberDesigner程序组中双击SaberSketch图标下面是SaberSketch的用户界面及主要部分名称,见图1-1:退出SaberSketch用 File>Exit。
saber仿真软件tdsa模块使⽤说明tdsa tdsa (MX-Scan)Associated Symbols:tdsaLicense Requirements:MODEL_SYNTHESISPart Category:Analog Model Synthesis Templates Related Topics:Analog Model Synthesis Overview Functional DescriptionThe tdsa template uses sine wave stimulus techniques to obtain phase and gain information for a large-signal circuit. You connect the output as a source for the design under test, and the input to the output of the design. When you run a transient analysis, tdsa simulates the design, measures its output, and calculates phase and gain information, which it stores in a plot file. It also offers an optional bandpass input filter, and includes a source for a standard AC analysis.Template Description SectionsConnection PointsSymbol PropertiesPost-Processing InformationModel DescriptionUsage NotesExampletdsa Connection PointsName Type Descriptionoutp electrical positive output of sinusoidal source outm electrical negative output of sinusoidal source inp electrical positive input for measurements inm electrical negative input for measurements enbl logic_4enable input for frequency sweepMX Scan (tdsa)tdsa tdsa Symbol PropertiesPropertyprimitive Description:This symbol calls the templatetdsa. The template will create anAC or complex plot file for thecircuit under test during atransient analysis. This is notmeant to replace the standard ACanalysis, but to allow AC resultsto be obtained for circuits thatwill not work with the standardAC analysis. An example isswitching circuits.file, analyses with looping (suchas vary and mc) will not functionas expected. Only the AC dataobtained from the last loop will bein the plot file created by the tdsatemplate.ref Description:Suffix appended to a template name that uniquely identifies apart in a schematic.Default: If not specified will be assignedby Schematic Capture ToolExampleCan be any alpha-numeric stringInput:fbegin Description:Starting frequency value for the frequency sweep. A value isrequired and it must be > 0.Default (units):value required (Hz)ExampleInput:100fend Description:Ending frequency value for the frequency sweep. A value isrequired and it must be > 0.Default (units):value required (Hz)ExampleInput:10kpfile Description:Name of the plot file created by tdsa template. File identifier(suffix) identifying AC plot fileshowing the frequency responsedetermined by tdsa.ac_tdsaExample Input: Can be any alpha-numeric string in quotes. ac_1 Plot file generated: design.ac_1 Propertytdsa ampl Description:Peak amplitude of output sinewave relative to DC offset.Default (units): 100m (V)ExampleInput:200moffset Description:Offset voltage of the outputwaveform.Default (units): 0 (V)ExampleInput:2npoints Description:Number of frequency steps totake during the frequency sweepfrom fbegin to fend. Must be aninteger > 0.Default (units): 100 (—)Example Input: 200Propertymode Description:Type of frequency sweep to beperformed.Default (units):logswp (—)Values:linswp Linear spacing offrequency points. All points areequally spaced from fbegin tofrequency points. All points areequally spaced on a log scale.rlogswp1-log base 10 spacing offrequency points. Distribution ofpoints is weighted toward fendon a log scale.Example Input:logswpPropertytdsa max_err Description:Maximum error allowed for writing data to the plot file andgoing to the next frequency pointin the sweep. Error is calculatedfor gain and phase and both mustbe less then max_err to continueon to next frequency point. Mustbe > 0.Default (units): 0.01 (—)ExampleInput:0.005max_nper Description:Maximum number of periods allowed before switching to thenext frequency point, even if theerror is larger then max_err.Data gets written to the plot fileand a warning is sent to thescreen. Must be an integer >= 3.Default (units): 30 (—)Example Input: 40Proprequired before switching to thenext frequency even if the error isless than max_err. Must beinteger >= 3 and < max_nper.Default (units): 3 (—)ExampleInput:4min_tspp Description:Minimum number of time steps taken during a period. Forcircuits with very little switchingyou need to insure a reasonablenumber of time steps are takenper period. Must be >= 20. Thisaffects the accuracy of the phaseinformation obtained. A largernumber increases the accuracybut can slow down the simulation.Default (units): 40 (—)Example Input: 35Propertytdsa a0 Description:The gain of the input bandpass filter. Can be positive or negativeif you want to invert the inputsignal.Default (units): 1 (—)ExampleInput:1q0 Description:The quality factor of the input bandpass filter. A larger valuequality factor effects thebandwidth of the filter as well asthe settling time.Quality = Center Frequency/BandWidthDefault (units): 10 (—)Example Input: 10Propertyfilter Description:The input signal can be ran through a second order bandpassfilter. The gain and qualityfactors are controlled by theparameters a0 and q0. The centerfrequency of the filter changes asthe frequency is swept fromfbegin to fend. For circuits withswitching and/or Non-linearcomponents the prefilter shouldbe used to filter out unwantedharmonics. If the circuit undertest already has filtering then useof the input filter is optional.Default (units): yes (—)Values: yes(Filter the input signal)no(Do not Filter the input signal)Example Input: noPropertyac Description:Specify parameters for a standard AC analysis.Input:1,0enbl_init Description:Used to internally enable thetdsa. If _1 is specified, then thetdsa will be enabled even thoughthe enable pin is not connected.Other values imply the tdsa isnot enabled. If the enable pin isconnected, then events on thatpin will override the effect of theinternal enable.Default: _1Values:_0 logic 0_1 logic 1_x logic x_z logic zExample Input: _xPropertytdsa Post Processing InformationName Type Units Descriptionvin V input differential voltage (vin =v(inp) - v(inm))vout V output differential voltage (vout =v(outp) - v(outm))gain_err V calculated gain error for the inputsignalphase_err rad calculated phase error for the inputsignalcycle_cnt—number of complete sine waveperiods taken to obtain a gain andphase error less than max_err tdsa_info—grouping of signals (vin, vout,tdsa Model DescriptionThe tdsa template uses sine wave stimulus techniques to obtain phase and gain information for a circuit. Note that output impedance is zero and input impedance is infinite. A sine wave from the output stimulates the circuit under test. The output response from the circuit under test is measured and phase, gain information are calculated.tdsa The on/off input is digital and turns a sweep on or off. Each time on/off goes high a new sweep is started. Keep in mind that any previous sweep data will be deleted. If you want to perform multiple sweeps you need to halt the simulation alter the pfile parameter of the tdsa template and then restart the simulation.To use the template connect the output of our source to the portion of the circuit under test that you want to stimulate. Then connect the input or measurement pins to the output of the circuit under test that you want the AC results for. If you leave the on/off input unconnected the sweep will start at the beginning of the tr analysis. Otherwise the sweep will start when on/off goes high.A set of signals have been grouped together under the name tdsa_info. These can be useful in determining what is actually happening during the tr analysis. Use the extraction command to extract these signals and view them after the tr analysis has completed.tdsa Usage NotesThe tdsa template is useful for performing an AC analysis in cases where the standard analysis techniques do not produce useful information (some examples are switching power supplies, sigma delta A/D converters, and mixed technology systems). The template has a set of output ports for simulating a design and a set of input ports for measuring the response of the design. It also has an enable port (labeled ON/OFF on the symbol) to which you can connect a device to control how and when it is enabled.During a transient (time domain) simulation, the template stimulates the design with a sine wave over a range of frequency points. For each frequency, it measures the output of the design and calculates the phase shift and gain. From the data points generated for all the frequencies it constructs a frequency response, which it writes to a plot file. Normally, good results can be produced for signal attenuation down to -80 dB.By adjusting the max_err, max_nper and min_nper arguments, you can instruct the tdsa template how to determine when and if it has a reliable response from the design and when to move on to the next frequency point. By setting the offset property value to match the steady-state voltage level of the circuit, you can maintain the design’s typical operating conditions while it is being simulated (tdsa detects a measurable response only when the signal from the circuit crosses this threshold value). When you invoke the simulator on a design that includes tdsa, or change the values of the properties of tdsa, it calculates the maximum and estimated TEnd (Time End) for the simulation, and alerts you with a message on the screen. As the simulation run proceeds, status messages tell you how much of the simulation period has elapsed. When you compare this to the “real”time that has elapsed, you can estimate how long it will take your computer to complete the entire simulation run. This is useful information (particularly for switched systems) for simulation runs that can take hours, depending on the switching frequency and the sweep arguments.tdsa Because a template is creating the plot file (rather than the simulator), the analyses with looping (such as “vary” or “Monte Carlo”) do not produce multi-segment signals in the plot file, unlike a plot file generated by the simulator. Only the AC data obtained from the last loop is recorded in the plot file created by tdsa. If you want to perform multiple frequency sweeps during the same simulation session, rename the plot files between sweeps to avoid overwriting the previously-generated one.The tdsa template automatically halts a simulation when the frequency sweep is completed. You can stop a sweep before the last frequency point is reached by using the enbl input (labeled ON/OFF on the symbol). If you do this, the simulation continues but stops taking measurements. The simulation also stops if tdsa cannot obtain valid results due to a lack of threshold crossings on the measurement input.Several tdsa arguments affect accuracy and simulation time: npoints determines how many frequency points will be measured. Increasing this value increases theresolution of the results, but also increasesimulation time.comparing it to the current phase and gain. Whenthe calculated measurement error is belowmax_err, data is written to the plot file and thenext frequency point is started.Large-signal systems may produce unwanted harmonics. You can use the bandpass filter to remove these unwanted harmonics from the input waveform. The filter automatically changes its center frequency to each frequency point during the sweep. The filter section uses a second-order filter of the form:max_nper and min_nper sets upper and lower bounds on the number of periods tdsa can continue generating a signal at a given frequency . If npoints is large, the error insome circuits will be less than max_err within 3 to4 periods. However, the phase and gain error is stillaffected by values from the previous frequency .Setting min_nper = 5 ensures that all the phaseand gain values used to calculate the phase andgain error are based on the current frequency value.The max_nper argument is supplied to help limitsimulation times. It overrides the max_errargument, causing the template to go to the nextfrequency , even if the calculated measurement erroris still too large.min_tspp sets minimum time steps per period, which affectsthe accuracy of the phase. Because tdsa calculatesphase information from zero crossings, the moretime steps per period, the more accurate the zerocrossing calculation. Increasing this number yieldsmore accurate phase information but slowssimulation. The default value of 40 gives goodresults for most circuits.tdsaThe arguments a0 and q0 let you control filter gain and quality, respectively. The bandwidth is determined by f0/q0, so a larger q0narrows the bandwidth, but increases the input settling time, which can increase simulation time. In some switched circuits, if the switching noise is large compared to the stimulus signal, a high q0 value can actually reduce simulation time. If you do not connect the enbl input (labeled ON/OFF on the symbol) and you set the argument enbl_init to a value of _1write any data to the plot file for that frequency point. If this occurs, a warning message is sent and the simulation proceeds to the next frequency point. This can happen if you set tdsa to take large frequency steps (a small npoints value) and/or you set the max_nper value too low. If tdsa skips three consecutive frequency points due to lack of threshold crossings, it assumes no valid phase and gain information can be obtained after that point, at which time it halts the simulation and alerts you with a warning message.。
首先进人SaberSketch 界面,点击Part。
寻找元件的方法有两种,可以通过Search String搜索,也可以双击Available Categorie中的Mast Parts Library项,在各类别中寻找。
符号要与电路或MAST 模板连接。
最后点击Design 菜单中的Netlist选项生成该设计的网络表。
点击Design 菜单中的Simulate 选项加载设计。
Saber 中主要有直流工作点分析、直流传递特性分析、时域分析、频域分析、线性系统分析、灵敏度分析、参数扫描分析、统计特性分析(蒙特卡罗分析等)、傅立叶变换。
其中,直流工作点分析要注意Holldnodes项的设置以及算法的选择;直流传递特性的分析要注意在某一电源变化时电路中的参数随电源的变化规律;交流小信号分析要注意number of points项设置;暂态分析要注意Run DAnalysis First 项,Allow IP=EP项,Initial Point File 的设置。
计算直流工作点,点击Analyses > Operating Point >DOperating Point…,确定后即开始分析。
通过Results>Operating Point Report…生成的报告可以看到直流分析结果。
频域分析,点击Analyses >Frequency >Small-SignAC…,设定Start Frequency :0.1;End Frequency :1000;Number of Points:10000;Plot。
Saber仿真软件入门教程SABER讲义第一章使用Saber Designer创建设计本教材的第一部分介绍怎样用Saber Design创建一个包含负载电阻和电容的单级晶体管放大器。
有以下任务:*怎样使用Part Gallery来查找和放置符号*怎样使用Property Editor来修改属性值*怎样为设计连线*怎样查找一些常用模板在运行此教材前,要确认已正确装载Saber Designer并且准备好在你的系统上运行(找系统管理员)。
1. 创建(如有必要的话)一个名为analogy_tutorial的目录,以创建教材实例。
2. 进入analogy_tutorial目录。
3. 创建一个名为amp的目录。
4. 进入amp目录。
二、使用Saber Sketch创建设计在这一部分中,你将使用Saber Sketch设计一个单级晶体管放大器。
1. 调用Saber Sketch(Sketch),将出现一个空白的原理图窗口。
2. 按以下方法为设计提供名称3) 通过选择File>Save As …菜单项,存储目前空白的设计。
此时将出现一个Save Schematic As对话框,如图1所示。
图 12) 在File Name字段输入名称Single_amp。
3) 单击OK。
3. 检查Saber Sketch工作面1)将光标置于某一图符上并保持在那里。
Saber 软件简介Saber软件主要用于外围电路的仿真模拟,包括SaberSketch和SaberDesigner两部分。
SaberSketch用于绘制电路图,而SaberDesigner 用于对电路仿真模拟,模拟结果可在SaberScope和DesignProbe中查看。
2.完整的图形查看功能:Saber提供了SaberScope和DesignProbe 来查看仿真结果,而SaberScope功能更加强大。
要调用库,在Parts Gallery中,通过对库的描述、符号名称、MAST模板名称等,进行搜索。
启动SaberSketch:▲UNIX:在UNIX窗口中键入Sketch▲Windows NT:在SaberDesigner程序组中双击SaberSketch图标下面是SaberSketch的用户界面及主要部分名称,见图1-1:退出SaberSketch用File>Exit。
但对于⾃激振荡电路应从零时刻开始:结束时间时间步长显⽰进度先运⾏DC分析5.显⽰瞬态分析结果:点击Results > Operating Point Report,弹出:下划线可以减少空间点击Design > Back-Annotate > Place Across Values,查看每个点的电压值。
下⾯以三极管的发射极电阻(re)变化时的分析举例:在saber sketch窗⼝中单击,显⽰:单击上⾯对话框中的显⽰窗⼝应更改后的对话框如下:后单击Accept,回到Looping Commands中单击选择Within Loop(s)> Transient显⽰下窗⼝:点击弹出:只需要修改InputOut的参数,所以点击并修改参数后如下所⽰:然后点击Accept.回到Looping Commands对话框中单击显⽰如下:只需要修改InputOutput,修改后如下:点击Accept,后点击OK10.显⽰参数扫描结果a.打开CosmosScope窗⼝,点击清除先前的波形;b.关掉先前的XX.vary_ac.ai_pl窗⼝;c.从Signal Manager中单击在新的对话框中按Shift键选择后点击“打开”,显⽰:后选择下的各点显⽰波形:可以从上图中删除(DEG):F(Hz)图形,剩下就是我们需要的图形:d.双击XX.vary_tr.ai_pl中的每个点,(V):t(s)图形也将会显⽰在Graph中。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
tdsa tdsa (MX-Scan)Associated Symbols:tdsaLicense Requirements:MODEL_SYNTHESISPart Category:Analog Model Synthesis Templates Related Topics:Analog Model Synthesis Overview Functional DescriptionThe tdsa template uses sine wave stimulus techniques to obtain phase and gain information for a large-signal circuit. You connect the output as a source for the design under test, and the input to the output of the design. When you run a transient analysis, tdsa simulates the design, measures its output, and calculates phase and gain information, which it stores in a plot file. It also offers an optional bandpass input filter, and includes a source for a standard AC analysis.Template Description SectionsConnection PointsSymbol PropertiesPost-Processing InformationModel DescriptionUsage NotesExampletdsa Connection PointsName Type Descriptionoutp electrical positive output of sinusoidal source outm electrical negative output of sinusoidal source inp electrical positive input for measurements inm electrical negative input for measurements enbl logic_4enable input for frequency sweepMX Scan (tdsa)tdsa tdsa Symbol PropertiesPropertyprimitive Description:This symbol calls the templatetdsa. The template will create anAC or complex plot file for thecircuit under test during atransient analysis. This is notmeant to replace the standard ACanalysis, but to allow AC resultsto be obtained for circuits thatwill not work with the standardAC analysis. An example isswitching circuits.WARNING! Since a template andnot the simulator creates the plotfile, analyses with looping (suchas vary and mc) will not functionas expected. Only the AC dataobtained from the last loop will bein the plot file created by the tdsatemplate.ref Description:Suffix appended to a templatename that uniquely identifies apart in a schematic.Default: If not specified will be assignedby Schematic Capture ToolExampleCan be any alpha-numeric stringInput:fbegin Description:Starting frequency value for thefrequency sweep. A value isrequired and it must be > 0.Default (units):value required (Hz)ExampleInput:100fend Description:Ending frequency value for thefrequency sweep. A value isrequired and it must be > 0.Default (units):value required (Hz)ExampleInput:10kpfile Description:Name of the plot file created bytdsa template. File identifier(suffix) identifying AC plot fileshowing the frequency responsedetermined by tdsa.Default(units):ac_tdsaExample Input: Can be any alpha-numeric string in quotes. ac_1 Plot file generated: design.ac_1Propertytdsa ampl Description:Peak amplitude of output sinewave relative to DC offset.Default (units): 100m (V)ExampleInput:200moffset Description:Offset voltage of the outputwaveform.Default (units): 0 (V)ExampleInput:2npoints Description:Number of frequency steps totake during the frequency sweepfrom fbegin to fend. Must be aninteger > 0.Default (units): 100 (—)Example Input: 200Propertymode Description:Type of frequency sweep to beperformed.Default (units):logswp (—)Values:linswp Linear spacing offrequency points. All points areequally spaced from fbegin tofend.logswp Log base 10 spacing offrequency points. All points areequally spaced on a log scale.rlogswp1-log base 10 spacing offrequency points. Distribution ofpoints is weighted toward fendon a log scale.Example Input:logswpPropertytdsa max_err Description:Maximum error allowed forwriting data to the plot file andgoing to the next frequency pointin the sweep. Error is calculatedfor gain and phase and both mustbe less then max_err to continueon to next frequency point. Mustbe > 0.Default (units): 0.01 (—)ExampleInput:0.005max_nper Description:Maximum number of periodsallowed before switching to thenext frequency point, even if theerror is larger then max_err.Data gets written to the plot fileand a warning is sent to thescreen. Must be an integer >= 3.Default (units): 30 (—)Example Input: 40Propertymin_nper Description:Minimum number of periodsrequired before switching to thenext frequency even if the error isless than max_err. Must beinteger >= 3 and < max_nper.Default (units): 3 (—)ExampleInput:4min_tspp Description:Minimum number of time stepstaken during a period. Forcircuits with very little switchingyou need to insure a reasonablenumber of time steps are takenper period. Must be >= 20. Thisaffects the accuracy of the phaseinformation obtained. A largernumber increases the accuracybut can slow down the simulation.Default (units): 40 (—)Example Input: 35Propertytdsa a0 Description:The gain of the input bandpassfilter. Can be positive or negativeif you want to invert the inputsignal.Default (units): 1 (—)ExampleInput:1q0 Description:The quality factor of the inputbandpass filter. A larger valuewill cause longer settling timesand longer simulations. Thequality factor effects thebandwidth of the filter as well asthe settling time.Quality = Center Frequency/BandWidthDefault (units): 10 (—)Example Input: 10Propertyfilter Description:The input signal can be ranthrough a second order bandpassfilter. The gain and qualityfactors are controlled by theparameters a0 and q0. The centerfrequency of the filter changes asthe frequency is swept fromfbegin to fend. For circuits withswitching and/or Non-linearcomponents the prefilter shouldbe used to filter out unwantedharmonics. If the circuit undertest already has filtering then useof the input filter is optional.Default (units): yes (—)Values: yes(Filter the input signal)no(Do not Filter the input signal)Example Input: noPropertyac Description:Specify parameters for a standardAC analysis.Default (units): [mag=1,phase=0] (V, degrees)ExampleInput:1,0enbl_init Description:Used to internally enable thetdsa. If _1 is specified, then thetdsa will be enabled even thoughthe enable pin is not connected.Other values imply the tdsa isnot enabled. If the enable pin isconnected, then events on thatpin will override the effect of theinternal enable.Default: _1Values:_0 logic 0_1 logic 1_x logic x_z logic zExample Input: _xPropertytdsa Post Processing InformationName Type Units Descriptionvin V input differential voltage (vin =v(inp) - v(inm))vout V output differential voltage (vout =v(outp) - v(outm))gain_err V calculated gain error for the inputsignalphase_err rad calculated phase error for the inputsignalcycle_cnt—number of complete sine waveperiods taken to obtain a gain andphase error less than max_err tdsa_info—grouping of signals (vin, vout,gain_err, phase_err,cycle_cnt)tdsa Model DescriptionThe tdsa template uses sine wave stimulus techniques to obtain phase and gain information for a circuit. Note that output impedance is zero and input impedance is infinite. A sine wave from the output stimulates the circuit under test. The output response from the circuit under test is measured and phase, gain information are calculated.tdsa The on/off input is digital and turns a sweep on or off. Each time on/off goes high a new sweep is started. Keep in mind that any previous sweep data will be deleted. If you want to perform multiple sweeps you need to halt the simulation alter the pfile parameter of the tdsa template and then restart the simulation.To use the template connect the output of our source to the portion of the circuit under test that you want to stimulate. Then connect the input or measurement pins to the output of the circuit under test that you want the AC results for. If you leave the on/off input unconnected the sweep will start at the beginning of the tr analysis. Otherwise the sweep will start when on/off goes high.A set of signals have been grouped together under the name tdsa_info. These can be useful in determining what is actually happening during the tr analysis. Use the extraction command to extract these signals and view them after the tr analysis has completed.tdsa Usage NotesThe tdsa template is useful for performing an AC analysis in cases where the standard analysis techniques do not produce useful information (some examples are switching power supplies, sigma delta A/D converters, and mixed technology systems). The template has a set of output ports for simulating a design and a set of input ports for measuring the response of the design. It also has an enable port (labeled ON/OFF on the symbol) to which you can connect a device to control how and when it is enabled.During a transient (time domain) simulation, the template stimulates the design with a sine wave over a range of frequency points. For each frequency, it measures the output of the design and calculates the phase shift and gain. From the data points generated for all the frequencies it constructs a frequency response, which it writes to a plot file. Normally, good results can be produced for signal attenuation down to -80 dB.By adjusting the max_err, max_nper and min_nper arguments, you can instruct the tdsa template how to determine when and if it has a reliable response from the design and when to move on to the next frequency point. By setting the offset property value to match the steady-state voltage level of the circuit, you can maintain the design’s typical operating conditions while it is being simulated (tdsa detects a measurable response only when the signal from the circuit crosses this threshold value).When you invoke the simulator on a design that includes tdsa, or change the values of the properties of tdsa, it calculates the maximum and estimated TEnd (Time End) for the simulation, and alerts you with a message on the screen. As the simulation run proceeds, status messages tell you how much of the simulation period has elapsed. When you compare this to the “real” time that has elapsed, you can estimate how long it will take your computer to complete the entire simulation run. This is useful information (particularly for switched systems) for simulation runs that can take hours, depending on the switching frequency and the sweep arguments.tdsa Because a template is creating the plot file (rather than the simulator), the analyses with looping (such as “vary” or “Monte Carlo”) do not produce multi-segment signals in the plot file, unlike a plot file generated by the simulator. Only the AC data obtained from the last loop is recorded in the plot file created by tdsa. If you want to perform multiple frequency sweeps during the same simulation session, rename the plot files between sweeps to avoid overwriting the previously-generated one.The tdsa template automatically halts a simulation when the frequency sweep is completed. You can stop a sweep before the last frequency point is reached by using the enbl input (labeled ON/OFF on the symbol). If you do this, the simulation continues but stops taking measurements. The simulation also stops if tdsa cannot obtain valid results due to a lack of threshold crossings on the measurement input.Several tdsa arguments affect accuracy and simulation time: npoints determines how many frequency points will bemeasured. Increasing this value increases theresolution of the results, but also increasesimulation time.max_err sets the maximum allowable error of the phase and gain. It is calculated by keeping a running averageof the last 3 phase and gain measurements andcomparing it to the current phase and gain. Whenthe calculated measurement error is belowmax_err, data is written to the plot file and thenext frequency point is started.Large-signal systems may produce unwanted harmonics. You can use the bandpass filter to remove these unwanted harmonics from the input waveform. The filter automatically changes its center frequency to each frequency point during the sweep. The filter section uses a second-order filter of the form:max_nper and min_nper sets upper and lower bounds on the number of periods tdsa can continue generating a signal at a given frequency . If npoints is large, the error insome circuits will be less than max_err within 3 to4 periods. However, the phase and gain error is stillaffected by values from the previous frequency .Setting min_nper = 5 ensures that all the phaseand gain values used to calculate the phase andgain error are based on the current frequency value.The max_nper argument is supplied to help limitsimulation times. It overrides the max_errargument, causing the template to go to the nextfrequency , even if the calculated measurement erroris still too large.min_tspp sets minimum time steps per period, which affectsthe accuracy of the phase. Because tdsa calculatesphase information from zero crossings, the moretime steps per period, the more accurate the zerocrossing calculation. Increasing this number yieldsmore accurate phase information but slowssimulation. The default value of 40 gives goodresults for most circuits.tdsaThe arguments a0 and q0 let you control filter gain and quality, respectively. The bandwidth is determined by f0/q0, so a larger q0narrows the bandwidth, but increases the input settling time, which can increase simulation time. In some switched circuits, if the switching noise is large compared to the stimulus signal, a high q0 value can actually reduce simulation time.If you do not connect the enbl input (labeled ON/OFF on the symbol) and you set the argument enbl_init to a value of _1 (enabling tdsa), it initiates a frequency sweep at the beginning of a transient simulation. If you connect the enbl input, it controls when a sweep starts and stops.If no threshold crossings occur for the input signal at a given frequency, tdsa cannot obtain accurate AC data, and does not write any data to the plot file for that frequency point. If this occurs, a warning message is sent and the simulation proceeds to the next frequency point. This can happen if you set tdsa to take large frequency steps (a small npoints value) and/or you set the max_nper value too low. If tdsa skips three consecutive frequency points due to lack of threshold crossings, it assumes no valid phase and gain information can be obtained after that point, at which time it halts the simulation and alerts you with a warning message.。