



苏州大学研究生英语(免修)读写佳境答案Unit TwoVocabulary & StructureA. 1. elaborate 2. prosecution 3. controversial 4. ammunition 5.compassion6. response7. hospitalized8. surged9. moderately 10.zealC. 1. incurably ill 2. bring about 3. grown fast into 4. winning an advantage5. given6. hidden, stealthy7. struggled with8. mild,not harshTranslationB.1. Quite a few terminally ill patients would often like their doctors toadminister lethal drugs to them to be relieved of suffering; there are also some of their families who would prefer that doctors withdraw any life-prolonging treatment since there is no hope of effecting an ultimate cure. This problem has lately boiled over into a fierce public debate in some European countries.2.Those who are opposed to ‘Euthanasia’ believe that it is no differentfrom murder and that it is unethical, while the pro-euthanasists contend that since the incurably ill consider their existence more of a torment and suffering, why not let them end their lives in a decent and humane way? We ought to respect the patients’ final decision.3.The fear that ‘mercy killing’ will be abused or used unnecessarily isnot groundless. But with effective measures rigorously taken by the government and the departments concerned, and under tightly controlled conditions in hospitals, this problem would most probably be resolved in the end.Unit ThreeText AVocabulary & StructureA. 1. backwards 2. a babe 3. chance 4. odds5. smites6. splash7. shinning8. hasty 1. The plunge we take is no different from the gamble we are takingagainst chance, against destiny, and in the course of it we may realize ourselves as an added bonus. And as a consequence we would be either bled white or finally make a career after painstaking efforts, or in rare cases, be continuously blessed with an unhindered advance, and we would take great pride in our obtained success.2.If a man makes gambling an obsession, he will not only lose hisproperty gained through years of toil, he will also lose his dignity and conscience. Therefore it is advisable that they beat a hasty retreat from such an indulgence and be away from the sea of troubles.3.On the bright side of the coin, we win in the struggle againstdestiny, and the odds are in our favor, then gambling is no longer a toxic drug, rather it is one against boredom and apathy, and may well preserve our good temper, patience and optimism, which will do us a world of good.Text BB. 1. depends 2. prides 3. volumes 4. numbers 5. blows 6. blueUnit 5 Text A Vocabulary & structureA. 1. bane 2. anecdotes 3. mundane 4. stimulus5. intriguing6.epidemic7. bout8. pathological Translation A. 笑有很多好处。



Text one1.At this height, the jungle looked like a gigantic green carpet, except for the red rivers snaking through it ...the plane took a dramatic dive along the trajectory of the mightly Angel Falls ------the longest waterfall in the world ----as it plummeted down into Devil’s Canyon.2.It was one of the most awe-inspiring sights I have ever beheld,but ,but almost equally incredulous was the fact that we were the only ones there!3.Canaima ‗s remoteness is one reason; there is no road access so you must charter a flight from Puerto Ordaz, a one-hour jourey from the Venezuelan capital of Caracas.4.The tour operators at Angel eco-tours take an intesting approach in that they emphasize the park and its people more than Angel Falls. In the previous stays at indigenous village.I had often gotten significantly to the sense that tourists were well receivd primarily because they contribute significantly to the village’s income .5. My fondest memory is of spending an evening watching three generations of Pemon ,decked out in their traditional garb,perform a ceremonial dance ….Our inhibitions quickly disappeared and before we knew it ,we were dancing alongside the Pemon .6. Given the other –worldliness of the park,I was not surprised to hear that a large number of the flora,including several carnivorous plant varieties ,are endemic to the region .7. As much as I found the trip exhilarating ,I would not say it is for everyone .Eco-tourism means responsible ,low-impact travel,and generally involves some degree of “roughing-it”.Text two1.The long simmering euthanasia issue has lately boiled over into a sometimes fierce public debate with both sidesclaiming the mantle of ultimate righteousness.2.And so the euthanasists have begun to press their case with greater force . ********3.Cancer patients and sufferers from multiple sclerosis are the most frequent subjects of euthanansia in Holland.st fall 19 distinguished British doctors wrote an open letter calling for the legalization of euthanansia for AIDS patientsin the advanced stages of their illness.5.Some zealous actions by pro-euthanasists have supplied ammunition to those who contend that legalizing activevoluntary euthanasia would be the sin edge of the wedge for a variety od abuse6.Even in the Netherlands ,the proposals now before Parliament would restrict euthanasia to a small number of cases andwould surround ever those with elaborate safe guardsText Three1. a business transaction , even a chance remark may result immediately or ultimately in tragedy .2.To many of us , gambling is ,in many cases, a non-toxic drug against boredom and apathy ,and may well help preservegood temper ,patience and optimism .which will do us a world of good .3.As a matter of fact ,few of us have the right to condemn gambling as few of can say that they never gamble .4.If a man makes gambling an obsession ---almost a form of insanity-he will not only lose his property gained throughyears of toil.5.if one sticks to his limits , it is more a game of fun than the root of all evils.6.that gambling itself will lose its fascination as an opiate to a colorless and dreary existence .Text four1.No matter what we do,we are always involved with other people ,whether we want to be or not.2.We might have some friction with a member of the family or a quarrel with someone in the neighborhood..We might getcross with a co-worker in the factory or get in Dutch with the boss.3.Someone else may look down upon us or deliberately hurt us by flinging mud at us in the public .Someone may evensteal an attack on us or hit us below the belt or speak evil of us.4.If you happen to have friction with someone around you ,try to have a heart-to-heart walk with him in a placid mood .5.…,you will find yourself in more trouble ,because evils bounce back.6.If ,on the other hand ,you stick to your guns and become contumacious,you are bound to suffer heavty losses or atleast make yourself unpopular, which will again bring you a lot of stress.Text five1.The search for an answer brings you face to face with problems that are at once both the bane and lifeblood ofvirtually all reseach into human emotions.2.You may also set out with the belief that the emotion has evolved into something rather sophisticated,3.…most people cannot will themselves to laugh on command or suppress an unwanted attack of the giggles.4.Indeed studies have shown that people are thirty times more likely to laugh in social settings than when they are alone ,inthe absence of pseudo-social stimuli like television .5.To many researchers ,laughter is about strengthening social bonds.6.Politicians and other public speakers understand the power of laughter to break down barriers and forge a connectionswith their audience .7.By inviting the audience to join him in laughter ,Kennedy bridged much of the social gap between his wealthy , noblestatus and ordinary votes.8.But laughter can exclude as well as include ,as another American president learnt to his cost.9.Gruner believes that laughter originated from the cry of triumph and mock that a fighter might utter when he defeatshis foe.10.In the end ,though . a convincing explanation of why people laugh must wait for more and better dataText six1. A bit of wisdom and experience go a long way.2.…but I am convinced we should accompany our offsping to university open days because we can make difference totheir futures.3.Nothing beats seeing for yourself.4.Many universities did their utmost to separate students from their parents ,5.So ,masquerading as a mature student,I often sneaked in the back of the student sessions.6.…and the chap at University of London seemed to a bit out of touch .7.Armed with the answers to these questions ,applicants are better able to prepare.8.And ,of course ,they deserve (almost) all the credit when they get in .Text seven1.That cultural imperialism is said to impose American values as well as products,promote the commercial at theexpense of the authentic , and substitute shallow gratification for deeper satisfaction.2.Globalization not only increases individual freedom ,but also revitalizes cultures and culture artifacts through foreigninfluences ,technologies ,and markets .Thriving cultures are not set in stone.3.In some ways ,America is an outlier ,not a global leader .Most of the world has adopted the metric system born fromthe French Revlution ;America persists with antiquated measurements inherited from its British-colonial past.4.Local fare glues more eyeballs to TV screens than American programs.Although nearly three-quarters of televisiondrama exported worldwide comes from the United States ,most countries‘ favorite shows are homegrown .5.With one big excepetion :cinema .Yet Hollywood’s hegemony is not as worrisome as people think .Note first thatHollywood is less American than it seems .To some extent ,then Hollywood is a global industry that just happens to be in American ..Rather than exporting Americana,it servers up pap to appeal to a global audience.6.Germans once objected to soccer because it was deemed English ;now their soccer team is emblematic of nationalpride.7.English may be all-conquering outside American ,but in some parts of the United States ,it is now second to Spanish .8.Individuals are forming new communities ,linked by shared interests and passions ,that cut across nationalborders.Friendships with foreigners met on holiday.Scientists share ideas over the Internet.Environmentalists campaigning together using e-mail .House-music lovers swapping tracks online .Greater individualism does not spell the end of community.9.People may lament passing of old ways .Indeed , many of the worries about globalization echo age-old fears aboutdecline , a lost golden age ,and so on..Text eight1.Between the chaos of Regent Street and the opulent bustle of New Bond Street is a little region that is curiouslyhushed .It is made up of short streets that pretend to run parallel to one another ,but actually go off at all angles.2.The establishments there have a certain air of dignified secrecy ,not unlike that of servants of the old school ,thoseimpassive butlers who appeared to know nothing ,but really knew everything .3.The electric-light bills must be very modest indeed ,for there are no flashing signs to assault the eye,no gaudily dressedwindows to tempt the feet to loiter.4.In a new world in which anything will do so long as it arrives quickly and easily ,this region has fallen sadly behind theitems .It is still engaged in the old quest for perfection.5.That they are artists and not tradesmen is proved by the fact that ,unlike tradesmen , they do not labor to please theircustomers ,but to please themselves.6.By the time I have been inside one of those places ten minutes I have not shred of self-respect left .To stand like adummy ,to be simply a shape of flesh and bone ,is bad enough ,but what make it much worse are the mirrors and lighting .7.He has one of those tight ,healthy-looking ,clean-shaven faces ,like a brownish apple ;and looks something between apriest , a surgeon ,and a solicitor who occasionally rides to hounds.8.When he once condescended to tell me about his boy ( who is at a public school) I felt immensely flattered andrushed to agree with everything he said.Text nine1.Few understand the magnitude of the potential tragedy ;fewer still have a good idea of what to do about it .2.The Titanic‘s passengers were mainly innocent victims ,but the dilemma now facing society is large of our ownmaking ..And for us ,there is still hope .3.The 20 years since that meeting have seen the birth of a worldwide environmental movement,the emergence ofthousands of grass-roots environmental organizations , and the proliferation of environmental laws and regulations on nations around the world.4.These fundamental assaults on the atmosphere are caused almost entirely by rich nations that use most of the fossilfuels and ozone–depleting chemicals .Yet the long-term costs will be borne by humanity as whole .5.In many nations environmental degradating is now recognized as a key barrier to governments’ability to meet basicneeds and sustain living standards.6.Stabilizing the climate ,for example depends on restructuring national energy policies.Getting the brakes on populationgrown requires fundamental energy changes in social values and services .So far ,only a handful of countries have undertaken such initiatives .7.The growth in Third World jobs has fallen short of population growth,leaving tens of millions unemployed andhundred of millions underemployed .Even more people lack access to clean water ,adequate health care ,and a full and balance diet(食物).8.Once the self-reinforcing trends of environmental degradation and deepening poverty are too deeplyestabilished ,only a superhuman effort could break the cycle and reverse the trend .Text ten1.Abandoned in hash weather ,she huddled in a ball on the front steps of our building ,an elementary school for emotionallydisturbed children where I provided therapy three days a week.2.When they spotted the kitten , their faces suddenly brightened .Their reticence and tenseness seemed to melt away asthey petted the stray ,and our sessions were relaxed and open .3.My dog ,Holly ,was a gentle gregarious ,well-behaved sever-year-old of mixed parentage.Couldn‘t she have the samerelaxing effect on the children I counseled ?4.The project was approved ,but my supervisor clearly let me know that Holly and I were on trial .The responsibility for anyproblem with the ―dog experiment ‖ would land squarely on my shoulder.5.She neatly and gently took the treat ,swallowed it quickly and licked the boy‘s hand .The boy smiled . Holly‘s critical debuthad been a success.6.After the bell rang ,a succession of little visitors came to our door,vying(争着) to see Holly ,As they took turnshanding treats to Holly ,she wagged her tail and licked their hands ,showing her approval .7.As they relaxed with Holly , they let down their defenses . Our counseling session became smooth and productive.8.Even the teachers ducked in for some pet therapy throughout the day ,giving Holly a short pat and restoring their spiritsin her presence.9.I slide into the front seat of my car that afternoon ,I leaned back ,exhausted from the emotional trauma .10.…I felt a pang of guilt .Was a fair to ask my dog to take on the emotional responsibilities of troubled children.?Text eleven1.It is not long ago that the term makeover suggested little more than a new eye shadow or a dye job.2.That attaining such features often involves anesthesia ,injection ,incisions ,blood and professional with at least seven yearsof medical training is a distinction increasingly lost on the general population .3.But plastic surgery does mean going under the knife ,and lately there have been plenty of reminders of the risksinvolved .4.This is the same location where last month ,in a case that made the national headlines,the First Wivies Club author OliviaGoldsmith ,whose work often celebrated and satirized plastic surgery ,died after seeking a cosmetic procedure.5.The vast majority of cosmetic procedure –both surgical ,such as face-lift and liposuction ,and nonsurgical ,like Botox andcollagen injections-conclude with out incident.6.But many doctors don’t bother with the special training and practice the surgery anyway to supplement their income7.Patients often enjoy a doctor‘s office because it feels more personal ;many doctors prefer it because they exercisecomplete control over their surroundings and costs.8.It is uncommon for people to have multiple procedures performed at once ,and when the patient is in health ,it is notespecially perilous.9.Sometimes a patient can appear to do everything right but still end up paying the ultimate price .10.It did ,however .cause a momentary flutter in the plastic-surgery community .Doctors across Florida ,California and NewYork said they received a few concerned calls f rom patient that week .Text twelve1. When our founders boldly declared America's independence to the world and our purposes to the Almighty, they knewthat America, to endure, would have to change. Not change for change's sake, but change to preserve America's ideals;life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. Though we march to the music of our time, our mission is timeless. Each generation of Americans must define what it means to be an American.当我们的缔造者们大胆地向全世界宣布美国的独立,向上帝宣布我们的目的时,他们知道,美国要长久地存在下去,就必须改革。



考研最美英文作文The beauty of taking the postgraduate entrance examination lies in the sense of accomplishment and self-improvement it brings. It's a challenging journey, but the process of learning and growing is truly rewarding.The most beautiful thing about preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination is the opportunity to delve deep into the subjects we are passionate about. It allows us to expand our knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of the world around us.The beauty of the postgraduate entrance examination is that it pushes us to go beyond our limits and discover our true potential. It's a test of perseverance and determination, and it teaches us valuable lessons about hard work and resilience.One of the most beautiful aspects of the postgraduate entrance examination is the support and camaraderie amongfellow test-takers. We share tips, encourage each other,and celebrate our successes together, creating a strong sense of community.The beauty of the postgraduate entrance examinationlies in the doors it opens for us. It's a stepping stone to new opportunities, further education, and a brighter future. It's a reminder that hard work and dedication can lead to great achievements.In conclusion, the beauty of the postgraduate entrance examination is not just about the end result, but the journey itself. It's about the growth, the friendships, and the opportunities it brings. It's a testament to thestrength of the human spirit and the beauty of knowledgeand learning.。

研究生英语读写佳境(苏州大学)作文复习 精品

研究生英语读写佳境(苏州大学)作文复习 精品

Writing1.Directions: You are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled “Leading Childrenin the Right Direction”. An outline has been given below.1)中国许多儿童优越的生活环境2)媒体对儿童造成的不利影响3)我们应该如何引导和教育儿童Leading Children in the Right DirectionSince the reform and opening up of China, our country has made great progress. Our world is now full of different colors and opportunities, especially for children. Children who have been regarded as flowers of our motherland are now taken better care of. They are really living in a very comfortable environment.This is good but it is sometimes bad for them since the golden age of innocence seems to have disappeared. The new generation of Chinese live in a culture saturated with Hollywood movies, rock music, and media which confronts them with sex and violence. As Children are naturally vulnerable both emotionally and spiritually, these things affect children most seriously.What shall we do so as to protect children from the media which seems to be seeping into every aspect of our lives. Obviously, there is no sense in trying to protect children from exposure to it because it is almost inevitable. We should teach them from an early age how to interpret what they are seeing. Teach them to dismiss sex and violence as tasteless trash. We can also use media at our disposal and show children the wonders of the world, inspire and stimulate them. It is our responsibility to lead them in the right direction.2.Directions: You are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled “Health, Wealthand happiness”. An outline has been given below.1)不同的人对健康、财富和幸福的不同看法2)健康、财富和幸福之间的相互关系3)保持乐观的心态十分重要Wealth, health and happinessAs to what are the elements of happiness, the answers can be varied greatly. Yet, it is universally acknowledged that the most essential constituent is health. Without a fit body and sound mentality, how can you take on genuine smiles everyday? Then what about health, can it bring you happiness? It may be not. It is true that if a person possesses large sums of money, he or she is allowed to buy a wide range of articles, such as books, clocks, houses, but by no means will he or she be able to exchange them for knowledge, time and home. Without this spiritual fulfillment, they would still find it hard to be truly immersed in happiness.Nowadays, health has become an increasingly concerned topic among people from all walks of life. Different people adopt different measures to obtain health. Usually those who spend generous amount of money on exotic gourmet food and beauty saloons are anything but happy, because those fat-laden food may build up on their waist and years may still wrinkle their face and they may easily regain their weight by the smallest cheese burg. These can be the best proof of the truth that money can not buy health. But happiness, on the contrary, may generate health to some extent. A happy mind can take you everywhere. So long as you maintain a jocund mood, health will no longer be far away.Wealth, health and happiness are the common aspirations of everyone, but only those wise enough can achieve them at the same time. So try to strike a balance.3.Directions: You are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled “Which Is Better,Working in a Multinational or as a Civil Servant?”. An outline has been given below.1)现在有人选择到跨国公司做白领,有人则到政府部门当公务员2)在跨国公司做白领或在政府部门当公务员的利弊3)我的选择Working in a Multinational Company or as a Civil Servant?A Decision to Make Before Graduation.Today, seeking a job in a large joint venture company is still one of the best choices for many university graduates. And yet, there is also a growing trend for graduating students to prepare for civil servant recruitment examinations to work for the government office.To be a white-collar in a multinational company or to be a civil servant, each has advantages and disadvantages of its own.First, a job with the former means high pay but longer working hours. They have to weigh the loneliness of being away from home against the opportunity to make new friends.Second, one might be able to develop his or her abilities rapidly and fully in a high competitive environment, which of course also makes his or her jobs an extremely tiring and stressful one. However, in my hometown, sheltered by family influence and surrounded by good friends, one might never meet the challenge of developing his or her unknown potential.Third, promotion in a multinational company is based largely on one’s merits and contributions, therefore one does not have to worry too much about strained relations, though it is by no means easy to get promoted in such companies.Despite all the advantages of being a white-collar, I have a strong desire to be a civil servant.For one thing, it is a stable job and has little risk in work and life in general.For another, the pay rises for civil servant has shown that working for the government is getting very desirable. Most important of all, I enjoy working for people, for the general public. So instead of being my mother’s baby all my life, I’ll make parents feel proud of me.Working in a multinational Company or as a civil Servant?Today, seeking a job with a multinational company is still one of the best choice for many university graduates. And yet, there is also a growing trend for graduating students to prepare for civil servant recruitment examinations. To be a white-collar in a multinational company or to be a civil servant , each has advantages and disadvantages of its own. First, a job with the former means high pay but longer working hours. Second , one might be able to develop his or her abilities rapidly and fully in a highly competitive environment, which of course also makes his or her job an extremely tiring and stressful one. Third , promotion in a multinational company is based largely on one's merits; therefore one does not have to worry too much about strained relations , though it is by no means easy to get promoted in such companies.Despite all the advantages of being a white-collar, I have a strong desire to be a civil servant. For one thing, it is a stable job. For another, the pay rises for civil servant has shown that working for the government is getting very desirable. Most important of all, I enjoy working for people, for the general public.4.Directions: In the information age, computers and internet come to transform the way people live and work , and shopping over the internet has become popular. In this part, you are allowed 40 minutes to write a composition of no fewer than 150 words on the title: Shopping over the internet or in stores. Your composition should be based on the following outline:1. 网上购物渐渐流行起来。



Part I Reading ComprehensionTest One ~ Four 任选两篇+ 书本外的两篇Test OneSometimes negative reactions do not result from actual interaction but rather from the fixed, preconceived beliefs we have about other people. These over-generalized beliefs or "stereotypes" frequently shape people's perceptions of each other.有时消极反应并不是源于实际交互从固定的,而是先入为主的信仰我们对他人。


Stereotypes originate and develop from numerous sources such as jokes, textbooks, movies, and television. Movies about cowboys and Indians portray cowboys as "civilized" and Indians as wild and "primitive." A child who knows about the American Indians only through watching these movies will have a distorted and false image of this group of people. Stereotypes perpetuate inaccuracies about religious, racial, and cultural groups.刻板印象产生和发展从许多来源,如笑话、教科书、电影和电视。



Test OnePart Ⅰ VocabularySection ADirections: There are thirty incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the one that best completes the sentence.1. His career was not noticeably__________by the fact that he had never been to college.A) prevented B) restrained C) hindered D) refrained2. When trapped in drifting sands, do not struggle, or you will be_______in deeper.A) absorbed B) pushed C) heaved D) sucked3. To_______for his unpleasant experiences he drank a little more than was good for him.A) commence B) compromise C) compensate D) compliment4. All visitors are requested to_________with his regulations.A) comply B) agree C) assist D) consent5. The captain__________the horizon for approaching ships.A) scanned B) scrutinized C) explored D) swept6. The vast majority of people in any given culture will________to the established standards of that culture.A) confine B) conform C) confront D) confirm7. Although he was on a diet, the food__________him enormously.A) inspired B) tempted C) overcame D) encouraged8. His argument doesn't suggest that mankind can_________to be wasteful in the utilization of these resources.A) resort B) grant C) afford D) entitle9. If you want this painkiller, you will have to ask the doctor for a____________ .A) receipt B) recipe C) subscription D) prescription10. Some fish have a greater__________for acid water than others.A) tolerance B) resistance C) dependence D) persistence11. There was once a town in this country where all life seemed to live in______with its surroundings.A) coincidence B) harmony C) uniform D) alliance12. The court considers a financial_________to be an appropriate way of punishing him.A) payment B) obligation C) option D)penalty13. It is true that_________a wild plant into a major food crop such as wheat requires much research time.A) multiplying B) breeding C) magnifying D) generating14. The government has devoted a larger slice of its national_________to agriculture than most other countries.A) resources B) potential C) budget D) economy15. In this poor country, survival is still the leading industry; all else is__________ .A) luxury B) accommodation C) entertainment D) refreshment16. The students showed ____________when solving the difficult math problem.A) ingenuity B) validity C) impurity D) infinity17. The document is__________unless it is officially stamped.A) valid B) deliberate C) confidential D) invalid18. She showed taste and _______________in furnishing her home.A) recognition B) discrimination C) realization D) normalization19. Do you have a ___________of ownership for this car?A) document B) label C) passport D) certificate20. The original canal was twice__________for the larger modern boats.A) broadened B) brightened C) flattened D) strengthened21. A building__________the idea of the architect.A) embodies B) embraces C) integrates D) deviates22. The boy __________up the room again by dropping bits of paper everywhere.A) messed B) threw C) confused D) upset23. People had been conscious of the problem before, but the new book made them aware of its________ .A) manuscript B) multitude C) masterpiece D) magnitude24. His________habits soon exhausted all the money he had inherited.A) significant B) extravagant C) exquisite D) fantastic25. The story was___________; it was complete untrue.A) facilitated B) fascinated C) fabricated D) formulated26. He_______several paragraphs from the newspaper article to read at the meeting.A) concentrated B) omitted C) distracted D) extracted27. The young man __________himself bitterly for his behavior that evening.A) approached B) reproached C) praised D) encouraged28. In the sentence ―She lives alone by himself‖, the word alone is___________ .A) artificial B) necessary C) suitable D) redundant29. At present, China has signed many_________trade agreements with other countries.A) comprehensive B) reciprocal C) favorable D) advantageous30. A country isn't respected if it__________an international agreement.A) simplifies B) cancels C)postpones D)violatesSection BDirections: For each of the italicized words or phrases, four choices are given. Choose the one that best explains or defines the italicized part.1. The plane took a dramatic dive along the trajectory of the mighty Angle Falls –the longest waterfall in the world – as it plummeted down into Devil‘s Canyon.A) ascended B) fell C) dropped D) descended2. It was one of the most awe-inspiring sights I have ever beheld, but almost equally incredulous was the fact that we were the only ones there!A) saw B) met C) looked at D) thought about3. But the Pemon are extremely gracious hosts. From the moment we arrived, it was clear that they were genuinely excited to share their culture and learn about us.A) compassionate B) attractive C) hospitable D) unfriendly4. Our inhibitions quickly disappeared and before we knew it, we were dancing alongside the Pemon.A) embarrasment B) oppression C) suppression D) constraints5. As much as I found the trip exhilarating, I would not say it is for everyone.A) cheerful B) stimulating C) interesting D) charming6. Three of the five nights were spent in hammocks, which did not suit everyone‘s natural contours.A) outline B) inclinations C) tendency D) shape7. The long simmering euthanasia issue has lately boiled over into a sometimes fierce public debate, with both sides claiming the mantle of ultimate righteousness.A) excuse B) cover C) consideration D) protection8. Reasons for the latest surge of interest in euthanasia are not hard to find.A) uprising B) upgrading C) increase D) rolling9. He was sentenced to nine months' imprisonment for providing poison to a lonely 83-year-old woman suffering from severe back pains, as well as incipient deafness and blindness.A) initial B) serious C) deadly D) initiative10. Some zealous actions by pro-euthanasists have supplied ammunition to those who contend that legalizing active voluntary euthanasia would be the sin edge of the wedge for a variety of abuses.A) arguments B) reasons C) evidence D) counter-arguments11. The proposal produced a storm of outrage in France.A) offense B) indignation C) criticism D) hatred12. Hitler's horrifying program of exterminating the weakest members of society regularly comes up in European debates on euthanasia.A) eradicating B) destroying C) extinguishing D) expelling13. From the time when we first begin to make friends with the opposite sex, to when we start dating and going steady, till we finally take the plunge and get married, few of us realize that we are gambling all along.A) being intimate B) becoming regular C) getting absorbed D) getting normal14. To many of us, gambling is, in many cases, a non-toxic drug against boredom and apathy.A) indifference B) cynicism C) unfeeling D) lack of interest15. If a man makes gambling an obsession, he will not only lose his property gained through years of toil, he will also lose his dignity and conscience.A) an instinct B) a persistent desire C) a good idea D) an impulse16. Ever since then, he had developed an itching palm and got so addicted to gambling that nothing and nobody can stop him.A) irritating B) annoying C) restless D) uncontrollable17. We can accomplish this by encouraging an interest in so many other activities that gambling itself will lose its fascination as an opiate to a colorless and dreary existence.A) change B) remedy C) modification D) opium18. This idea is more appropriate today than before.A) difficult to see B) actually legal C) favored D) suitable19. The ice will dissolve fast on a warm day like this.A)freeze B)slip C)melt D) flow20. New duties were imposed on wines and spirits.A) removed B) cut C) charged D) checked21. But whenever a new and fast method of transport comes up, Americans are quick to discard the old.A) destroy B) improve C) throw away D) decide22. All foreign troops must withdraw from the country.A) retire B) retain C) retreat D) revise23. There was no trace of poison in the coffee the chemist analyzed.A) indication B) taste C) color D) smell24. You always follow your own inclinations instead of thinking of our feelings.A) conducts B) profits C) occupations D) dispositions25. The farm ministers scheduled an emergency meeting in Luxemburg in hopes of easing the worldwide mad cow panic.A) crisis B) peril C) hazard D) alarmTest TwoPart ⅠV ocabulary6. A washing machine of this type will certainly _____ up to normal domestic use.A) hold B) stand C) come D) take7. Passengers are_____ not to leave their cases and packages here.A) commanded B) informed C) notified D) ordered8. Could you possibly ______ me at the next committee meeting?A) stand in for B) make up for C) fall back on D) keep in with9. Complete the form as _____ in the notes below.A) insisted B) specified C) implied D) devised10. We couldn't ______ the old lady to travel by air.A) initiate B) inquire C) induce D) indicate11. A promising executive should be ready to welcome tight ______ and hard work.A) deposit B) bid C) speed D) budget12. Guess whom I ______ into this morning.A) hit B) stepped C) bumped D) met13. The new director of the television station wants to ______ its programs.A) divide B) decide C) diversify D) divert14. The educational plan will fail because it has no______ .A) vacation B) version C) vision D) variation15. Mark offered to help me to learn English .A) on duty B) in vain C) on purpose D) in earnest16. The international community imposed ______ on that country for its terrorism.A) sanctions B) safeguards C) tariffs D) measures17. Don't be carried away by mere_____ in this matter.A) sentiment B) sensitivity C) session D) sensation18. Difficulties and hardships have ______ the best qualities of the young geologist.A) brought out B) brought aboutC) brought forth D) brought up19. The hall was very crowed with over fifty people ______ into it.A) pushed B) packed C) stuck D) stuffed20. If the land belongs to you, why don't you lay ______ to it?A) label B) demand C) right D) claimSection B1. Many laughs followed mundane statements such as ―It was nice meeting you, too.‖A) special B) ordinary C) sour D) funny2. The Chamber of Commerce boosts local business.A) restrains B) controls C) advances D) oversees3. In our life, it is likely for us to have some friction with others.A) conflict B) divergence C) harmony D) connection4. Masquerading as a mature student, I often sneaked in to the back of the student sessions.A) serving B) pretending C) escort D) dressing up5. The Irish people have forged a hatred toward the British government after the Irish famine.A) produce B) influence C) indulge D) inquiry6. Other experts concede that some laughter is indeed aggressive in nature.A) admit B) announce C) assert D) insist7. If these bad weather conditions persist, the game will be canceled.A) stay B) continue C) permit D) insist8. The doctor did not rule out the possibility of food poisoning.A) foresee B) accept C) exclude D) foretell9. There are subtle differences between these two words.11. A statement issued by the two companies uses the phrase ―increased cooperation‖,thereby inferring quite accurately that the two firms already work together.A) claimed B) produced C) predicted D) reported12. The simple plan evolved into a complicated scheme.A) developed B) summarized C) exaggerated D) transformed13. They give top priority to protecting endangered animals.A) favor B) assistance C) significance D) precedence14. Most traditional folk songs are of anonymous origin.Test ThreePart I VocabularySection ADirections: There are twenty five sentences in this section. Each sentence has one word or a set of words underlined. Below the sentence are four words or phrases marked A), B), C), and D). Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined one.1. Fears that globalization is imposing a deadening cultural uniformity are as ubiquitous as Coca-Cola, McDonald‘s, and Mickey Mouse these days.A) troublesome B) enticing C) existing everywhere D) disgusting2. If critics of globalization were less obsessed with ―Coca-colonization,‖ they might notice a rich feast of cultural mixing that belies fears about Americanized uniformity.A) lies beneath B) disproves C) disapproves D) strengthens3. The beauty of globalization is that it can free people from the tyranny of geography.A) restraint B) cruel government C) demoralization D) imposition4. For a start, many archetypal ―American‖ products are not as all-American as they seem.A) characteristic B) traditional C) synthetic D) artificial5. Most of the world has adopted the metric system born from the French Revolution; America persists with antiquated measurements inherited from its British-colonial past.A) time-honored B) antique C) outdated D) consistent6. The biggest publisher in the English-speaking world is Germany‘s Bertelsmann, which gobbled up America‘s largest, Random House, in 1998.A) ate quickly B) eroded C) hammered D) annexed7. People‘s culture—in the sense of their shared ideas, beliefs, knowledge, inherited traditions, and art—may scarcely be eroded by mere commercial artifacts that, despite all the furious branding, embody at best flimsy values.A) unconvincing B) weak C) superficial D) commercial8. Most developed countries have become intensely secular, but many Americans burn with fundamentalist fervor—like Muslims in the Middle East.A) unreligious B) pious C) religious D) superstitious9. Latin American salsa, Brazilian lambada, and African music have all carved out global niches for themselves. In most countries, local artists still top the charts.A) fans B) enthusiasts C) musicians D) popularity10. Germans once objected to soccer because it was deemed English; now their soccer team is emblematic of national pride.A) an embellishment B) the embodiment C) symbolic D) an embarrassment11. ―What's happening now is the trisection of world power,‖ he continued. ―Agrarian nations on the bottom, smokestack countries in between, and knowledge-based economies on top.‖A) agricultural B) uncivilized C) underdeveloped D) underprivileged12. The electric-light bills must be very modest indeed, for there are no flashing signs to assault the eye, no gaudily dressed windows to tempt the feet to loiter.A) arrest B) dazzle C) shield D) glisten13. If you have the audacity (as I once had) actually to walk into one of these establishments wearing a ready-made suit, you will regret it.A) rashness B) courage C) tenacity D) shrewdness14. Meanwhile, the tailors themselves, so neat, so clean, so deft, are busy with the pins and the chalk.A) gracious B) spruce C) adroit D) polished15. My usual trouser man is smaller and livelier, more bustling, more given to cheerful gossip. A long and intimate acquaintance with trousers has made him far more democratic and earthy.A) hostile to B) sensitive to C) detached from D) prone to16. When I was young, I lived much outside my own country. I found this very profitable in diminishing the intensity of insular prejudice.A) narrow-minded B) hypothetical C) irrational D) foolproof17. The first step—waking up to the dimensions of the world's environmental problems—has in a sense been under way for more than two decades.A) magnitude B) impacts C) urgency D) irreversibility18. Environmental concerns were viewed by many Third World leaders in 1972 as ―luxury problems‖ that only rich nations could af ford to deal with. Although this view is still espoused by some, it has a thoroughly unconvincing ring.A) loathed B) embraced C) rectified D) verified19. Meanwhile, foreign-aid donations have stagnated since the mid-1980s, and $ 1.2 trillion worth of foreign debt has accumulated, sapping financial earnings and undermining the credit-worthiness of low-income countries.A) diminishing B) illustrating C) underlying D) magnifying20. While the rich may congregate on the upper decks and protect themselves for a while, they too are ultimately threatened.A) shelter B) assemble C) relax D) watch indifferently21. A sustainable society is one that satisfies its needs without jeopardizing the prospects of future generations.A) disturbing B) neglecting C) sacrificing D) penalizing22. The Merrill Center epitomizes the new wave of ―green architecture,‖ a catchall term for design and construction practices that take into account a whole checklist of environmental goals.A) revolutionizes B) quantifies C) typifies D) parallels23. In summer the garden helps keep the building cool by shielding it under a layer of moist material. In winter it insulates against cold.A) shadowing B) relieving C) benefiting D) protecting24. Relying on an incomplete accounting system, one that does not measure the destruction of natural capital associated with gains in economic output, we deplete our productive assets, satisfying our needs today at the expense of our children.A) reduce greatly B) drain C) exhaust D) liquidate25. Boosters of Western culture can point to increased efforts to preserve and protect the environment. Yet they make no mention of some less salubrious aspects of Western culture, such as cigarettes and automobiles.A) civilized B) desirable C) ostensible D) formidableSection BDirections: There are twenty five sentences in this section. Each sentence has something omitted. Choose the word or words from the four choices given to best complete each sentence.26. In order to repair barns, build fence, grow crops, and care for animals a farmer must indeedbe__________.A. restlessB. skilledC. strongD. versatile27. It is a(n) ___________ that the French eat so much rich food and yet have a relatively low rateof heart disease.A) analogy B) paradox C) correlation D) illusion28. He said that ending the agreement would _________ the future of small or family-run shops, lead to fewer books being published and increase prices of all but a few bestsellers.A) venture B) expose C) jeopardize D) legalize29. These continual ________ in temperature make it impossible to decide what to wear.A) transformations B) relations C) fluctuations D) expeditions30. The conference discussed, ________, the possibility and measures of environmental pollution protection.A) all the same B) in the long runC) among other things D) to the point31. Under the guidance of their teacher, the pupils are building a model boat ________ by steam.A) towed B) pressed C) tossed D) propelled32. Parents often faced the ________ between doing what they felt was good for the development of the child and what they could stand by way of undisciplined noise and destructiveness.A) paradox B) junction C) dilemma D) premise33. His use of color, light and form quickly departed from the conventional style of his________ as he developed his own technique.A) descendants B) predecessors C) successors D) ancestors34. A 1994 World Bank report concluded that ________ girls in school was probably the single most effective anti-poverty policy in the developing world today.A) assigning B) admitting C) involving D) enrolling35. It seems somewhat ___________ to expect anyone to drive 3 hours just for a 20- minute meeting.A) eccentric B) impossible C) absurd D) unique36. Professor Smith explained the movement of light___________ that of water.A) by analogy with B) by virtue of C)in line with D)in terms of37. The hands on my alarm clock are __________, so I can see what time it is in the dark.A) exotic B) gorgeous C) luminous D) spectacular38. The Government‘s policies will come under close ________ in the weeks before the election.A) appreciation B) specification C) scrutiny D) apprehension39. Anyone not paying the registration fee by the end of this month will be _________ to havewithdrawn from the program.A) contemplated B) deemed C) acknowledged D) anticipated40. Police and villagers unanimously _________ the forest fire to thunder and lightning.A) ascribed B) approached C) confirmed D) confined41. You shouldn‘t _______ your father‘s instructions. Anyway he is an experienced teacher.A) deduce B) deliberate C) defy D) denounce42. The company management attempted to _______information that was not favorable to them, but it was all in vain.A) suppress B) supplement C) concentrate D) plug43. High grades are supposed to____________ academic ability, but John's actual performance did not confirm this.A) certify B) clarify C) classify D) notify44. Millions of people around the world have some type of physical, mental, or emotional __________ that severely limits their abilities to manage their daily activities.A) scandal B) misfortune C) deficit D) handicap45. During the famine, many people were __________ to going without food for days.A. sunkB. reducedC. forcedD. declined46. The team‘s efforts to score were __________ by the opposing goalkeeper.A. frustratedB. preventedC. discouragedD. accomplished47. The software is a popular tool in business, where it ________ and simplifies such procedures as budgeting.A) puts on B) puts forward C) takes after D) speeds up48. In order to raise money, Aunt Nicola had to __________ with some of her most treasured possessions.A. divideB. separateC. partD. abandon49. Years after the accident he was still _________ by images of death and destruction.A) twisted B) dipped C) haunted D) submerged50. Tom is bankrupt now. He is desperate because all his efforts __________ failure.A) tumbled to B) hinged upon C) inflicted on D) culminated inTest FourPart ⅠVocabularySection ADirections: There are twenty sentences in this section. Each sentence has one word or a set of words underlined. Below the sentence there are four words or phrases marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined one.1.We can‘t assume the suspect to be guilty simply because they have decided toremain silent.A) accept the idea that B) resumeC) consume D) agree the idea that2.The group remain steadfast in its support for the new system, even when it wascriticized in the newspapers.A) happy B) angry C) firm D) strange3.Among other things, the museum boasts an unrivaled collection of FrenchPorcelain.A) unlocked B) unchallenged C) unknown D) unsolved4.The closure of the factory could devastate the lives of thousands of families in the area whose incomes depend on it.A) support B) decide C) dedicate D) destroy5.Throughout history, peopled have been intrigued by the question of whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.A) lead B) puzzled C) complicated D) explained6. Northern areas of the country were engulfed by/in a snowstorm last night.A) surrounded B) tested C) escaped D) discover7.The detail of her wildlife painting is a testament to her power of observation.A) test B) exam C) proof D) statement8.The arrival of a group of friends on Saturday infuses new life into the weekends.A)take B) get C) throw D) put9.The new technique involves surgeons making small incisions in the skin into which tubes are inserted.A) decision B) discussion C) cut D) pot10.Seeing the children in the park prompted thoughts of his own sons on the other side of the Atlantic.A) lead to B) promote C) protect D) throw to11.‗Spitting image‘ is a British television program which satirizes the political events of thepast week.A) criticizes ironically B) praises C) comments D) explain calmly12. The money he got from teaching evening classes provides a supplement to his incomeof his job to pay the 10-year housing loan.A) compliment B) complement C) addition D) supervision13. He had a suspicion that the certificate was forgery, but on closer inspection, it seemedOK.A) incision B) installation C) inflammation D) examination14. It was snowing heavily in the mountain areas. The drivers were facing the dual hazardsof black ice and frozen snow.A) decision B) donation C) provision D) danger15. The Beatles‘ rise to fame was quite phenomenal---in less than two years it was ahousehold name, for nobody had heard anything like that before.A) noticeable B) miraculous C) complicated D) precautious16. After so many years of hard life experiences, he has formed a habit of keeping reticentabout his past, which makes his colleagues very suspicious of him.A) silent B) talkative C) practical D) romantic17. She was very tense as she was waiting for the interview because she know there were alot of candidates competing for the position in this big company.A) intelligent B) nervous C) decisive D) confident18. Psychologists were astounded to discover that volunteers in the experiment were oftenwilling to inflict pain on others If they were told to.A) decided B) agreed C) surprised D) enjoyed19.For this venture to be really successful we must start by mustering the enthusiasm ofparent, teachers and pupils.A) throwing away B) leading to C) taking out D) picking up20.A statement issued by the two companies uses the phrase ―increased cooperation‖,thereby inferring quite accurately that the two firms already work together.A) claimed B) produced C) predicted D) reportedSection BDirections: There are twenty sentences in this section. Each sentence has something omitted. Choose the word or words from the four choices given to best complete each sentence.1. The computer revolution may well change society as______ as did the Industrial Revolution.A) certainly B) insignificantlyC) fundamentally D) comparatively2. The moon has a mass that is nearly one hundred times less than that of the earth;_________, the force of gravity at the moon's surface is only one-sixth of that at the earth‘s surface.A) in consequence B) in nature C) in essence D) in practice3. One of the wildest and most ___________ parts of the United States is the Everglades where wild life is abundant and largely protected.A) unattainable B) unavailable C) inaccessible D) unobtainable4. The tourists __________ through the fog, trying to read what was engraved on the gravestone Shakespeare had chosen for himself.A) glanced B) glimpsed C) peered D) peeped5. Shaka _________ power and became the king of the Zulus upon the death of his father.A) presumed B) resumed C) consumed D) assumed6. Good lighting in factories leads to greater comfort, higher___________ and productivity, fewer mistakes and accidents.A) profusion B) proficiency C) efficiency D) efficacy7. It will be safer to walk the streets because people will not need to carry large amounts of cash; virtually all financial __________ will be conducted by computer.A) transactions B) transmissionsC) transitions D) transformations8. Just imagine the shock of the Prime Minister when three of his senior Cabinet colleagues______________ and resigned in protest on Friday night.A) revolved B) resolved C) revived D) revolted9. For Americans a friendship may be_________,casual, situational or deep and enduring. But to an European, who sees only the surface behavior, the differences are not clear.A) identical B) superficial C) compulsory D) beneficial10. What we mean by salesmanship often refers to the ability to __________ people to willingly buy products or support new ideas.A) deduce B) reduce C) induce D) seduce11. The means ________ the scientists transformed the invention into application came largely from their years of studies and experiments.A) wherein B) whereon C) whereof D) whereby12. Being introduced to someone may be a signal to bow in one country while in another it is a ____________ to shake hands.A) cure B) cue C) coup D) core13. If you push hard on the world, the world will push back on you;_____________, if you touch the world gently, the world will touch you gently .A) in return B) in the long run C) in turn D) in place14. We must cherish experience acquired__________ our own blood.A) by reason of B) at the mercy ofC) at the cost of D) by virtue of15. While machines have rescued farmers from a mainly labor-intensive existence, still the ______________ on weather plagues their days.A) availability B) changeability C) dependence D) relevance16. The successful hijacking _____________ a number of terrorist activities.A) triggered B) propelled C) upheld D) testified17. Workers in America are getting higher wages while turning out poor products that do not_________ the test of international competition.A) put up with B) stick up for C) stand up to D) face up to18. At first, the speaker was referring to the problem of pollution in the country, but halfway in her speech, she suddenly_______________ to another subject.A) committed B) favored C) switched D) transmitted19. In a _____________ between the management and the union, a 4% pay raise was agreed on in return for an increase in productivity.A) promise B) collaboration C) compromise D) cooperation20. The president's abuse of power and negligence of duty were ________________ in all the newspapers.A) renounced B) demonstrated C) protested D) denouncedVocabulary & StructureA.Fill in each blank with a word or phrase given below, changing the form where necessary.Awe-inspiring credulous plummeted eerie decked outgracious endemic exhilarated lucid inhibit。



Unit 1在一切生物中,要算蜂鸟体形最优美、颜色最鲜艳。









Unit 2她的眼睛睁开了,四肢扭动着并且哭起来了. 如果Briana早出生五年甚至十年的话,她的哭声就没人理睬了,因为医生们无法解决出生时如此弱小的婴儿的种种问题. 在整个七十年代,比她大一倍的早产儿的存活可能性极其微小. 但医学的进步帮助了Briana,在过去的几年当中,医生们在新生儿学方面取得了很大的进步. 在尖端的医疗设备与发达的技术的帮助下, 医生们能拯救那些只有成年人手掌大小的婴儿. 早产儿通常转至特别护理婴儿室,在那里,那些最弱小的婴儿在强烈的灯光下,在不停的警报声中,为多活一天挣扎着. 为此付出的费用(不管是人力还是财力)都是昂贵的. 虽然绝大多数早产儿会正常地活下去,一些会在经历数天或数星期的昼夜护理后死去,而有一些婴儿会落下如此严重残疾以致他们的父母不知道拯救他们孩子的技术给他们带来的是负担还是幸运.Unit 3几乎每一个成年人都知道爱钱乃万恶之源这一事实。










研究生英语读写佳境课文翻译精品1 Why do we laugh? Because we find something funny ,most people would say. Robert Provine, a behavioral neurobiologist at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, once thought so too. But then he and his students began wandering about the college campus notebooks in hand, recording exactly what really made people laugh.为什么我们会笑?大部分的人都会说那是因为我们找到了一些有趣的事情。

Robert Provine是Maryland大学的行为精神生物学家,他曾经也是这样认为的。


2 Twelve hundred “laugh episodes”later, Provine was convinced that most laughter has little to do with jokes or funny stories. The vast majority or laughs followed mundane statements(普通话语)such as “It was nice meeting you, too” or“Can I join you?”Only some 10 to 20 percent followed anything remotely recognisable(细微联系)as a punch line(妙句、关键句).So what are the majority of laughs actually about?记录下一千二百个“笑的事件”后,Provine相信大部分的笑与开玩笑和滑稽的故事没有关联。



6个研究生中考题英语作文1. My Study Abroad ExperienceStudying abroad has been an incredible experience for me. It has opened my eyes to a new way of life and broadened my horizonsin ways I never imagined.Firstly, studying abroad has allowed me to immerse myself in a different culture and language. Being surrounded by native speakers has greatly improved my language skills, and I have gained a new perspective on the world and different ways of thinking. This has not only enhanced my academic knowledge, but also my personal growth.Moreover, studying abroad has provided me with the opportunityto make lifelong friendships with people from all around the world. Interacting with fellow international students has taught me tolerance, understanding, and respect for different customs and traditions. The friendships I have formed during my time abroad are invaluable and have expanded my network across the globe.Additionally, studying abroad has given me the chance to explore new places and travel extensively. I have visited famous landmarks, experienced diverse cuisines, and witnessed breathtaking landscapes. These experiences have enriched my understanding of different cultures and made me more adaptable to new environments.Furthermore, studying abroad has enabled me to gain a global perspective on my field of study. Being exposed to different teaching methods and academic systems has broadened myknowledge and given me new insights. It has allowed me to collaborate with experts in my field from around the world, fostering a global mindset and expanding my professional opportunities.In conclusion, studying abroad has had a profound impact on my life. It has not only advanced my academic and professional development, but also enriched my personal growth and global awareness. I would highly recommend studying abroad to any graduate student who wants to challenge themselves, broaden their horizons, and embark on a life-changing journey.。



Warming-upB. 1. armchair travelers 2. budget travelers 3. family travelers4. business travelers5. adventure travelers6. luxury travelersComprehensionB. 1- f 2- c 3-d 4-a 5-e 6-bVocabulary & StructureA. 1. inhibitions 2. incredulous 3. endemic 4. eerie 5. exhilarated6. lucid7. decked out8. awe-inspiring9. plummeted 10. graciousTranslationA.在一切生物中,要算蜂鸟体形最优美、颜色最鲜艳。









B. 1. After climbing up to the top of the mountain and looking afar from the vantage point, I saw laid out before me aspectacular view, which was one of the most awe-inspiring view I have ever beheld; but equally exhilarating was the fact that some distance away a hawk was soaring high, and then, for an instant, it suddenly plummeted down into the canyon.2. My fondest memory is of spending a few days with a family in a mountain village, dinnering with them and enjoyingvarious dishes endemic to the region. It is of mellow sweetness to have watched them, decked out in their traditional garb, moving around the house. Of course, a stay there for some more days involves some degree of ‘roughing-it’.Writing 1… Paragraph 1introduces the trip by describing the author’s initial venture into the park. Paragraph 2 comments on the absence of tourists in the area through which the tour was passing. Paragraph 3 provides a few reasons why there were so few tourists, including the remoteness of the area and the effect involved in getting there. Paragraph 4 discusses the approach used by the eco-tour company and their focus on the culture, people, and customs. Paragraph 5 describes the hospitality of the traveler’ hosts, the Pemon Indians, and some of the activities in which they participated. Paragraph 6 reflects on the education and understanding that the tourists gained about the area and the culture. Paragraph 7 discusses the system of spirituality and beliefs of the Pemon tribe and the rare ‘energy meridians’ of the area. Paragraph 8 concludes by stating that, while the trip was exciting for those who took it, the eco-tour style of traveling may not be for everyone.Unit TwoText AComprehension1. C2. C3. D4. C5. A6. DVocabulary & StructureA. 1. elaborate 2. prosecution 3. controversial 4. ammunition 5. compassion6. response7. hospitalized8. surged9. moderately 10. zealC. 1. incurably ill 2. bring about 3. grown fast into 4. winning an advantage5. given6. hidden, stealthy7. struggled with8. mild, not harsh1. Quite a few terminally ill patients would often like their doctors to administer lethal drugs to them to be relieved of suffering;there are also some of their families who would prefer that doctors withdraw any life-prolonging treatment since there is no hope of effecting an ultimate cure. This problem has lately boiled over into a fierce public debate in some European countries.2.Those who are opposed to ‘Euthanasia’ believe that it is no different f rom murder and that it is unethical, while thepro-euthanasists contend that since the incurably ill consider their existence more of a torment and suffering, why not let them end their lives in a decent and humane way? We ought to respect the patients’ fi nal decision.3.The fear that ‘mercy killing’ will be abused or used unnecessarily is not groundless. But with effective measures rigorouslytaken by the government and the departments concerned, and under tightly controlled conditions in hospitals, this problem would most probably be resolved in the end.Unit ThreeText AVocabulary & StructureA. 1. backwards 2. a babe 3. chance 4. odds5. smites6. splash7. shinning8. hastyB. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. G 5. D 6. F 7. H 8. E1. The plunge we take is no different from the gamble we are taking against chance, against destiny, and in the course of it wemay realize ourselves as an added bonus. And as a consequence we would be either bled white or finally make a career after painstaking efforts, or in rare cases, be continuously blessed with an unhindered advance, and we would take great pride in our obtained success.2.If a man makes gambling an obsession, he will not only lose his property gained through years of toil, he will also lose hisdignity and conscience. Therefore it is advisable that they beat a hasty retreat from such an indulgence and be away from the sea of troubles.3.On the bright side of the coin, we win in the struggle against destiny, and the odds are in our favor, then gambling is nolonger a toxic drug, rather it is one against boredom and apathy, and may well preserve our good temper, patience and optimism, which will do us a world of good.Text BB. 1. depends 2. prides 3. volumes 4. numbers 5. blows 6. blueUnit 4 Text A Vocabulary & StructureA. 1. involved 2. touch 3.. spoil 4. boost 5. get on6. get in Dutch7. flinging mud at8. heart-heart9. profusion 10. bit her tongue offTranslationA.首先,教师应性情开朗,具有魅力。



研究生考试的英语作文The graduate entrance examination is a crucial step for many students who want to pursue further studies. It is a test that requires thorough preparation and a high level of proficiency in various subjects. The pressure and competition are intense, and many students feel overwhelmed by the prospect of taking the exam.The examination covers a wide range of subjects, including English, mathematics, and specialized knowledgein the field of study. The English test, in particular, is challenging for many students, as it requires not only a good command of grammar and vocabulary but also the ability to express ideas clearly and coherently.Preparing for the examination can be a daunting task. Many students spend months, if not years, studying and reviewing the materials. They often feel the need to sacrifice their leisure time and social activities in order to focus on their studies. The pressure to perform well cantake a toll on their mental and physical well-being.On the day of the examination, students are filled with a mix of anxiety and determination. They know that the results will have a significant impact on their future academic and career prospects. The atmosphere in the examination room is tense, and every student is focused on doing their best.After the examination, students experience a mixture of relief and uncertainty. They are relieved that the grueling test is over, but they are also anxious about the results. They know that their performance will determine their future, and the waiting period for the results can be agonizing.In conclusion, the graduate entrance examination is a challenging and pivotal moment in the academic journey of many students. It requires dedication, perseverance, and a high level of proficiency in various subjects. The pressure and competition can be overwhelming, but for many students,the opportunity to pursue further studies is worth the sacrifice.。



Unit 21.On the average of six times a day,a doctor in Holland practices“active”euthanasia:intentionally administering a lethal drug to a terminally ill patient who has asked to be relieved of suffering. Twenty times a day, life-prolonging treatment is withheld or withdrawn when there is no hope that it can effect an ultimate cure.荷兰的医生平均每天6次实施“主动”安乐死:即有意提供给要求从痛苦中得以解脱的晚期病人致命药物。


2.The long simmering euthanasia issue has lately boiled over into a sometimes fierce public debate, with both sides claiming the mantle of ultimate righteousness.争论了很久的“安乐死”问题最近时不时地演变成激烈的公众大争论,双方都声称自己的事业是最终的正义。

3.And so the euthanasists have begun to press their case with greaterforce.They argue that every human being should have the right to “die with dignity”, by which they usually meanthe right to escape the horrors of a painful or degrading hospitalization.因此,安乐死提倡者们已开始积极主张他们的观点。


在英国,虽然有一个成功运作了半个世纪的支持安乐死的集团,但是不太可能有真正法律上的改变。积极安乐死依然是个犯罪行为,被认为是协助自杀行为的犯罪。最近在1984年,一个叫Helen Charlette Hough的义工被判处了9个月的监禁。因为他给一个82岁的孤独痛苦的早起耳聋和失明的老妇人提供了毒药。一年以后,对英国自杀案的修正案再提到上议院的第一轮辩论中就被迅速否决了,被描述为“有执照的谋杀”。



Vocabulary & Structure(unit2)prosecute controversy respondent hospitalization moderatezealous surge compassionate ammunition elaboorate1. Green plants organic compounds from inorganic by means ofphotosynthesis.2. Many court cases in the past 15 years have shown that a competent physician whocarries out euthanasia will suffer no .3. Euthanasia has been a very issue in Europe since at least 1963.4. The facts he had collected through on-the-spot observation provided him with‘ for his argument.5. We will never take on snake-like scoundredls.6. 76% of those who participated in the poll gave almost the same .John’’s arthritis is getting so unbearable these days that he has to7. Johnbe .8. hatred against those spreading rumors about him within him.9. Despite some exceptions, compassionate killing are dealt with very inBritish courts.10. The advocates of euthanasia have been working with such great that theyare regarded as quite radical in some European countries.Vocabulary & Structure(unit3)hasty chance shine backwardsbabe smite odd splash1. V ery many of the things we bend over to do involve taking somerisk.2. Joe said that the first time he was at the conference he was just like in thewood.3. Sometimes, even a remark may result in tragedy.4. The are usually in favor of those who are brave enough.5. Mind you: she always with her tongue.6. Dick is not the kind of person who likes to his money about.7. You can rest assured that the sun is not always on him.8. I asked him to beat a retreat but my words were like water off aduck’’s back.duck1Vocabulary & Structure(unit5)Anecdote bane epidemic stimulus pathologicalintriguing bout mundane1. This high tech is more of a than a boon for mankind.2. He listened to these small-town with contempt.3. George resented returning to this kind of routine.4. Light is a to growth in plants.5. All the school in the city were closed during the of scarlet fever.To me that’’s what is really about him.6. To me that7. mother was in the midst of a of house cleaning.8. His hatred of her was almost .Vocabulary & Structure(unit7)fragment tailor relevant to flock hark back tolament tyranny dissolve deem notch upcarve out niches have a finger in every pie1. All man recognize the right of revolution; that right to refuse allegiance to ,andresist, the government, when its or its inefficiency are great andunendurable.2. In an international conference UN Secretary General Kofi Annan says that thefreshly minted plans for Irap as soon as they begin to take shape.3. Visitor soon began to in from county houses, villages and lonelyuplands to see the reception, or if not to see it, and any rate to be near it.4. It seems to me if I were young and in love I should never a man ofordinary caliber worthy of my devotion.5. And Mr.Brocke looked so contented and cheerful that Meg was ashamed to‘ her hard lot.6. I handled this amazing antiquity with the greatest possible tenderness, lest itshould in my hands.7. When it comes to trade in the underdeveloped parts of the world, most Westerncountries want to .8. Whilst the film does become somewhat over-indulgent in parts, its nostalgic feelis excellently used to make all of us want to the care-free days ofchildhood.9. Research projects should the requirement of the country and shouldhelp in improving the quality of life of the people.10. Legal advice needs to should specific circumstances, and youshoud therefore consult with an attorney for advice regarding your particular situation.11. Because nomadic life style is often unstable and hostile, nomads are alwaysfighting their way through harsh elements and foreign territories in the effort to ‘ for themselves.12. We expect the group consisting of Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic andSlovakia still to growth of almost 2% this year.Vocabulary & Structure(unit9)espouse inhabit wake up to predicament stagnateparadox jeopardize hinge on inextricably undermine1. The root cause of the grave historical error that is American image andinterest is the outcome of its misguided foreign policy which is designed to favor specific individuals and political groups at the expense of the will and aspirations of the general public.the government’’s ability to 2. AfghanistanAfghanistan’’s future as a democratic nation the governmentemancipate Afghan women in all spheres of society.3. Father Claude taught the boy to respect the rights of others, to the causeof the poor and wak and to revere God.4. Some of these lizards the high and damp parts of the islands, but they aremuch more numerous in the lower and sterile districts near the coast.Johnson’’s reputation as the chief English 5. It is an interesting that while Johnsonman of letters of his age seems secure for all time, his works, for the post part, have long ceased to be read.6. Our village life would have if it had not been for the unexplored forestsand meadows which surrounded it.7. Night was falling rapidly, and their wwa rendered doubly worse whenthey could not even find the trail which they had been following.8. The man is mad-quite mad-and we cannot longer our own throats merelyto humor his crazy and criminal whims.9. What I can say is that the uprising in Iraq will continue and the American publicmay well the deaths of thousands of its sons and daughters.10. He felt the good and had within himself mingled and overlapping.。



硕士英语考试环境范文Master's English Exam Environment Essay。

In recent years, the issue of environmental protection has become increasingly important. As we face the challenges of climate change, pollution, and resource depletion, it is crucial for individuals and governments to take action to preserve our planet for future generations. This essay will explore the importance of environmental awareness and the role it plays in the context of the Master's English Exam.First and foremost, environmental awareness is essential for the Master's English Exam because it reflects the global concerns of our time. As the world becomes more interconnected, it is crucial for candidates to demonstrate an understanding of the environmental issues that affect us all. By incorporating environmental topics into the exam, it ensures that candidates are well-rounded and knowledgeable about current affairs.Moreover, addressing environmental topics in the Master's English Exam encourages candidates to develop critical thinking skills. Environmental issues are complex and multifaceted, requiring candidates to analyze and evaluate different perspectives. This not only enhances their ability to think critically but also prepares them for real-world challenges where they will need to consider multiple viewpoints.Furthermore, environmental awareness in the Master's English Exam promotes sustainability and responsible behavior. By including questions about environmental conservation and sustainable practices, candidates are encouraged to think about their own impact on the environment. This can lead to a shift in mindset, where candidates become more conscious of their actions and strive to make environmentally friendly choices in their personal and professional lives.Additionally, incorporating environmental topics into the Master's English Exam can inspire candidates to become advocates for change. By studying and discussing environmental issues, candidates may develop a passion for environmental protection andfeel compelled to take action. This can lead to a ripple effect, where candidates become ambassadors for environmental causes and inspire others to join the movement.In conclusion, environmental awareness is of utmost importance in the context of the Master's English Exam. By addressing environmental topics, candidates are exposed to global concerns, develop critical thinking skills, promote sustainability, and become advocates for change. As we navigate the challenges of the 21st century, it is crucial for individuals to understand the importance of environmental protection and strive to make a positive impact. The Master's English Exam plays a vital role in shaping the minds of future leaders and ensuring that they are equipped with the knowledge and skills to address environmental challenges effectively. Let us embrace this opportunity to create a greener and more sustainable future for all.。



研究生英语读写佳境Test Writingp.3021.Leading Children in the Right Direction范文:In China, both of the parents have their jobs. With the development of economy, people tend to pursue high quality living conditions. Most of the parents try their best to offer their children comfortable circumstances, but they seldom have time to stay with their children. In my point of view, no matter how busy they are, they should make the best use of their time to stay with their children.First, the love between children and adults will be improved by spending more time on their children. Children could feel parents' affection through the genial conversation and sharing their pleasure with them. Every time when parents take them to amusement park, help them to prepare their birthday parties, applaud for them when they are competing in the sports meeting, the time they spend with children will become treasure in their memories.Second, children need the direction from their parents. There are some wrong behaviors in our society such as dishonesty, corruption, violence and eroticism and so on. Children have weak resistance in defending this detrimental influence. In this case, parents' instructions seem to be very important to children's growth. Parents should sit down and talk with them about what they should do and should not do. In addition, if parents often spend time in staying with their children, adults' good behaviors will greatly influence their children.Here I do not deny that there are some disadvantages in spending too much time on children. Some parents restrict their children, and give them little freedom to develop their interests. Therefore, I emphasize that parents should educate and instruct their children appropriately in their spare time apart from their busy works.I agree that it is good to educate children according to their own traits, for example, some children who have special talent, lead a live that is so different from ordinary people, partly because of the individualized teaching methods. At the same time, we also know there are some abnormal persons, who need to be educated specially and with more efforts, compared to others. Just take the famous writer Helen Keller for example, it is the individualized education that help the little blind girl to gain success.范文: From very young, we have always hoped to be educated specially, and do not like to be treated the same as others. We also admire successful people, believing they must have received education different from ordinary people and they must be lucky enough to own enlightened parents and teachers. Sometimes we also disliked the general patterns of education we received in the school.However, most of us are ordinary people. For us, the purpose of education is more than just paying attention to individual needs and interests. My opinions are as follows.First of all, for ordinary ones, talent ones and abnormal persons, we are people living in a certain society and it is important for us to learn how to survive harmoniously with others. Every individual should know how to obey laws, follow certain moral standards, accept some models of thoughts, and acquire communication skills. It is the education which helps us to gain these above.Second, education aims to help one to develop fully and properly.This should be done firstly according to his/her own traits and abilities. We should show the children to a right way but not only one definite way. If you wonder what on earth the way is, I think the answer will have close relationship with our social standards first, then comes the person’s own individual needs and interests.We must consider the two factors above when educating, but sill should integrate lots of other factors, such as the trend of the history, the fund supporting from families, school and even our government. Also, we should decide whether the children’s needs which are reasonable and practical.In sum, education should pay attention however not too much to the individual needs and interests of each student. The truly effective way is to integrate many different aspect of factors.2. Health ,Wealth and Happiness范文:1Happiness means different things to different people. For example, some students believe that if they have much money or a large number of possessions, they will be happy. They believe that they will be able to do anything they want to if they have money. Some students think that they should be in good health, and enjoy whatever they like. Many students wish to have much wealth from their parents. In this way they don’t have to work hard, and they can have everything. I don’t agree with the above points. We can’t buy many important things with money, such as health, happiness and knowledge. I value knowledge, which makes me happy, for I can do much for mankind with knowledge. Although different people value happiness differently, my “wealth” of happiness is in my study.范文:2Well,nowadays we are living in a more materialistic society and consumer goods are desirable everywhere.Wealth is so great an apeal to people that they work hard to earn money, as it seem to make everything possible.I once heard of some old sayings about money such as "Money talks" and "No money, No honey". These proverbs gave me deep impressions when I was a little girl. At least it made me know about the importance of money.With time passing by , I begin to know money is not the only thing that matters in life. But in reality without money you cannot live a happy life,either. So for me "enough money " means I can afford the cost of my living and I can have extra money to support my hobbies.3.Working in a Multinational Company or as a Civil Servant?范文:Today, seeking a job in a large joint venture company is still one of the best choices for many university graduates. And yet, there is also a growing trend for graduating students to prepare for civil servant recruitment examinations to work for the government office.To be a white-collar in a multinational company or to be a civil servant, each has advantages and disadvantages of its own.①First, a job with the former means high pay but longer working hours.They have to weigh the loneliness of being away from home against the opportunity to make new friends.②Second, one might be able to develop his or her abilities rapidly and fully in a high competitive environment, which of course also makes his or her jobs an extremely tiring and stressful one. However, in my hometown, sheltered by family influence and surrounded by good friends, one might never meet the challenge of developing his or her unknown potential.③Third, promotion in a multinational company is based largely on one’s merits and contributions, therefore one does not have to worry too much about strained relations, though it is by no means easy to get promoted in such companies.Despite all the advantages of being a white-collar, I have a strong desire to be a civil servant.①For one thing, it is a stable job and has little risk in work and life in general.②For another, the pay rises for civil servant has shown that working for the government is getting very desirable.③Most important of all, I enjoy working for people, for the general public. So instead of being my mother’s baby all my life, I’ll make parents feel proud of me.P.3171.Shopping over the Internet or in Stores范文:Have you experienced shopping by clicking the mouse without going outdoors? With the development of the Internet and the increase of net citizens, a new style of shopping is prevailing. More and more corporations provide shopping service over the Internet. The electronic commerce is moving toward prosperity.Some people prefer online shopping because of its convenience. Time and labor can be saved to do something else. And more discount merchandise can be easily found and bought over the Internet. But some people dislike it when they concern the quality of goods, the safety of payment and the after-sale service. Actually they fear being cheated. Purchasing goods in stores, they could check what they buy on the spot. And the invoice could ensure the after service.I like both of them. I have been buying books on Bertelsmann website for many years. As one of its members, I enjoy its regular promotions and free delivery. I pay for my orders in cash or by credit card through the Internet banking. But when it comes to goods such as costume, cosmetics and home appliances, I'd like to purchase them in stores. They are more expensive than books. And quality and safety should be concerned firstly. You see, the style of shopping depends on what you are to buy.2.On Overseas Study范文:In recent years, studying abroad has flourished. Thousands of scholars and students have gone to foreign countries to study. Many people are sparing no effort in applying for going abroad.Attending schools abroad has many advantages. In the first place, students who have studied abroad can act as mediators between peoples of different cultures so as to promote international understanding. Secondly, we can learn much more advanced knowledge of science and technology from the foreign countries. Thirdly, we can enjoy the contact with new and different cultures so as to increase the awareness of our own culture. Fourthly, we can learn a foreign language more quickly.However, studying abroad may have disadvantages such as language barrier in the first few months or financial difficulties before getting a scholarship. In spite of these, the advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages. It is advisable to attend schools abroadDifferent people have various ambitions. Some want to be engineers or doctors in the future. Some want to be scientists or businessmen. Still some wish to be teachers or lawers when they grow up in the days to come. Unlike other people, I prefer to be a farmer. However, it is not easy to be a farmer for Iwill be looked upon by others. Anyway,what I am trying to do is to make great contributions to agriculture. It is well known that farming is the basic of the country. Above all, farming is not only a challenge but also a good opportunity for the young. We can also make a big profit by growing vegetables and food in a scientific way. Besides we can apply what we have learned in school to farming. Thus our countryside will become more and more properous.I believe that any man with knowledge can do whatever they can so long as this job can meet his or her interest. All the working position can provide him with a good chance to become a talent.3.The Art of Establishing Harmonious Relationship between People范文:In daily life, people should not be self-centered, when they are together with other people, they’d better listen to others more not only act according to themselves’ opinion. Unconscious of an equal and open-hearted attitude toward others, people will not develop a cooperative mind in a group work. In present life , international communication is more and more popular, the spirit of cooperation is also important for international communication.Communication is very important for people and the society. Whenever people at work or play with friends they have to communicate with the others. Some people are very good at communicating with the others, but some people are not. In Communication, language is very important for people to have a harmonious relationship with each other. Usually ,a word, a sentence will make a person happy in a proper manner. Whoever knows how to communicate with people , it will be much easier to make friends. When someone does not know how to communicate with people, it is difficult to make friends. Sometimes, people will find it is hard to communicate with the foreigner. It is because they don't understand how to communicate with the foreigners. Communication is also a good way to improve people’s ability and their experience to communicate with each other. In our society, a harmonious relationship between people is very important for the development of career. It seems to be difficult to have harmonious relationship with people, but if everyone can treat others with kind and friendly attitude, our society will be a harmonious society. Sometimes, people living near don’t know each other. It reflects interpersonal relationships in our society today. In present life, many people live in apartments, they close their doors and seldom go out when they get home from outside. When they feel lonely, they will watch TV in their spare time. They have little communication with their neighbors, and become more and more indifferent. That is why more and more people feel lonely in our society and people becomes indifferent. So a harmonious interpersonal relationship is so important. People live closely should have communication more.Although interpersonal relationship seems complicated, it will be easy if people have an equal and open-hearted attitude toward other people. Everyone plays a role in our society, their social status is different, their dignity should be respected. People all have dignity, he or she should be confident in interpersonal communication. If people do not look down upon others, he or she will surely be respected by other people, and accepted by our society. Therefore, in interpersonal communication, confidence and respect are equally important. People should pay attention to what others want, and put themselves in other’s s hoes in interpersonal communication.Today, competition is everywhere in our society. People will have more chance if they obey the rules in the pursuit of success. The attitude is not only necessary for people’s success, but also important for the establ ishment of harmonious society. It is useful for everyone to know how to get along with other people and have harmonious interpersonal relationship in our society. To have harmonious interpersonal relationship, including self-confidence, respect other people and care about other people. Our society will be a harmonious community.P.3371.My ideal job范文:Every person has his own ideal job. Some people wish to be doctors, while others want to be teachers and so on. As far as I am concerned, I have been dreaming of being a guide for a long time. First, my major is the manage of tourism, so I want to get a job about tourism. Secondly, good guides are knowledgeable and amiable, meanwhile, they have wide vision. Finally, guide can constantly expand his knowledge and understand lots of customs about different cultures and countries.To achieve my dream of being a qualified guide, I have to make sufficient preparations. Fro one thing, I must learn my specialty well and travel at my spare time, just as the saying goe s: “Seeing is believing.” For another, Ishould enhance my eloquence so that I can express the allusion about the view clearly. What’s more important ,I should control my mood freely and treat every traveler kindly.Being a good guide is difficult, but I b elieve if I endeavor to do this things in all hands. I’ll be successful sooner or later.2.Travel Broadens the Minds范文:1Nowadays, travel has become a popular activity. More and more people have enough money to travel abroad or at home. As a matter of fact, travel has become part of our life. This situation is encouraging, for it not only broadens people's minds to the extend which may not be reached previously, but also relaxes the m physically, which help people work out mental problems more actively.One of my best friends is so exclusively engaged in his works that he did not even know what was happening out of his own discipline. What’s worse, his progress was nearly little. After accepting my advice, he travelled a few cities and towns. The experience gave him a good opportunity of learning. Today, he gets a bumper harvest in his knowledge——the longstanding dream of entering graduate school comes true.In conclusion, travel opens our mind because it enables us to know about the history and culture of a nation. In a way, going on travels is like reading books..范文:2Travel has many benefits to offer. It enriches our experiences and helps us know more about the world, aside from relaxing ourselves both physically and psychologically.To begin with, travel is one of the best ways to enrich our experiences. If we visit tourist attractions and historical or cultural relics at different places of our country or foreign lands, we will meet different people, enjoy exotic natural sceneries, have a taste of varied cultures and, in the long run, enrich our knowledge. Moreover, travel also helps to enlighten and broaden our minds, since it provides us with new perspectives through what we learn from other cultures. For example, it helps to reduce cultural prejudice after we have got a better understanding of civilizations that vary sharply from one another.Travel is gaining increasing popularity among us. We travel to relax ourselves, enrich our experiences and broaden our minds.范文:3Nowadays, travel has become a popular activity. Many people are rich enough to afford a travel at home or abroad. As a matter of fact, travel has become part of our life. The increasing popularity of travel is, among others, due to the following reason: travel broadens our minds to an extent which may not be reached previously.For example, if we travel to Africa, we will find a culture totally different from that of ours, and people who think and live in a way unimaginable for us before we set foot on the continent. And we will marvel at the natural wonders, historic miracles and cultural brilliances we find there. All these experiences help to broaden our minds. As a result, our misunderstanding about the continent, if any, will be weeded out, our perspective of seeing the world possibly changed, our mode of thinking altered and, above all, our mind broadened.Reading makes an erudite man; practicing a capable man; and traveling a broad-minded man.3.What Makes Life Worthwhile范文:What makes life worthwhile? Different people may have differen answers to this question. Some people may think that money and power is the most important for one’s life. Others may regard devotion and success as essential for their life. As for as I’m concerned I agree with the latter instead of the former.There goes an old saying:no pains,no gains. In our country as well as all over the world, there are many scientists who spent much of time and energy doing research work. Though they do not necessarily earn much money, they are very happy when they succeed, because they have done something meaningful and have contributed, in a degree, to human beings.Therefore,we may conclude that money or the like is useful ,while devotion and contribution is indispensable for our life.Only when we have worked hard and have done something beneficial to our career and to man-kind, can we feel our life really worthwhile.4.Love, and Then Be LovedIn recent years, more and more teachers complain that their students are indifferent to others. Some even worry that the young generation might ruin the future of China. To be sure, many of our young people cannot see eye to eye with this view. However, as a university student, I myself would like to content that we young people today are in general more self-centered and unsympathetic than our previous generations.To start with, most, if not all, young people choose to attend exclusively to their own needs. In their eyes, It is all too natural to seek satisfaction from what they do, even if it may mean inconvenience to others. Take my dormitory for example. It is a common scene here that a roommate cheerfully talks to his girlfriend on the phone at midnight when others are struggling for a sound sleep. One may complain now and then, but to no avail. In fact, the others, to the exclusion of me, live their dormitory life much in the same way. When I take a nap at noon, they often play cards. They have no regard for others. Life is a joy to them, yet they often enjoy it to the neglect of others’ feelings. In sharp contrast, our caring parents always pay heed to our needs and those of others. Whenever my father comes back home late in the night, he tiptoes In for fear that he might awake me.Moreover, our young people tend to be insensitive to others’ difficulty.When a classmate falls ill, few people offer to help, but regard it as none of their business. Some students in my class come from poor families. Yet, they are active mobile phone users, who may spend twice as much as what their parents earn from arduous labor. When asked why they behave so, they answer that their parents have the obligation to accommodate their expenses. Personally, I detest their answer, for I know my parents never thought that way when they were young. Being aware of their parents’ financial difficulty, they managed to save every penny they could.For the above reasons and those not mentioned here, I subscribe to the view that young people in today’s China are more self-centered and unsympathetic than were our previous generations. It is high time that we learned from older generations so that a harmonious and splendid future can be anticipated.P.354A.Challenges and Successes范文:1There are lots of challenges in variety field, and people are facing them every day. There not just physical challenges, but also mental, will challenges. If you like challenges there are many ways you can do, for example, risk your life to do some extremely hard sports, invent something to make life easier, and learn things as many as you can. Whatsoever, you do, you are enjoying life. People enjoy challenges may caused by curiosity, successful feeling, or glory. Today we still have a lot of challenges before us. Doctors are facing many diseases that still cause people death. Scientists are facing how to make life more convenient or to search other planets. Engineersalso have some problems to be solved such as how to make buildings stronger, healthier, and more convenient. Challenges just like goals; my challenge now is that study hard, and go to UNBC.范文:2For thousands of years, people have accepted challenges in different fields. There are not only physical challenges, but also social and intellectual challenges. Some people risk their lives in playing sports to see how well they can do. Others try to make and invent something to make life easier. They all enjoy challenges.Why do people enjoy these challenges? There are probably many reasons. One is curiosity. The other is the personal feeling of success, of achievement, and nowadays, for some people, it is a business.Today, we still have many challengers before us. Medical science faces the challenges of conquering many diseases which still attack human beings. Engineers and planners must build new cities, design and produce new kinds of transportation. Scientists must develop new forms of energy. In short, we live in an age of challenges.B.The Career I Pursue范文:In China young people usually want to be engineers, doctors, businessmen, etc. and few want to be teachers. Unlike most young people I decide to be a teacher. There are many reasons for my personal preference but generally they come down to three major ones.First, I was born in a teacher's family and so I was greatly influenced by my father. Second, I find that education is important because it is the basis of science and technology and if a country's education is backward, its science and technology will never be advanced. Third, teachers are needed in our country, especially in the countryside.However, it is not easy to be a qualified teacher. A qualified teacher must have a good command of his specialty. Besides, he should be responsible and devoted to the educational cause. Most important of all, he should be patriotic. To be a qualified teacher in the future I must lose no time to acquire as much knowledge as possible. 'Furthermore I must know the history of our country so as to cultivate patriotism.C.How should college students face to the pressure?范文:In recent years, the pressure of job-seeking for college students becomes bigger and bigger because the distributions of them have changed a lot. That directly causes study pressure more great.How to release the pressure and get used to the circumstance?1) Believe yourself; self-confidence is the first important factor for u.2) Communicate with others such as your parents, classmates, friends etc; take an active part in the public activities.3) Keep exercises and keep fit. Only both of the mental and physical health can lead you to success.4) Refer to the mental consulters, they will help u to recognize the world correctlyPs: you can extend the four points on your opinion!。



研究生英语读写作文The Importance of Graduate English Reading and Writing。

As a graduate student, the ability to read and write effectively in English is crucial for success in academic and professional endeavors. In today's globalized world, English has become the lingua franca of academia and business, making it essential for graduate students to be proficient in the language. In this essay, we will explore the importance of graduate English reading and writing, and discuss strategies for improving these skills.First and foremost, the ability to read and comprehend complex academic texts in English is essential for graduate students. Whether it's conducting literature reviews, analyzing research articles, or understanding course materials, graduate students are required to engage with a wide range of written texts. Without strong reading skills, students may struggle to grasp key concepts, synthesize information, and critically evaluate scholarly works.Therefore, developing effective reading strategies, such as skimming, scanning, and annotating, is essential for graduate students to succeed in their studies.In addition to reading, the ability to write clearlyand persuasively in English is equally important for graduate students. Whether it's writing research papers, thesis proposals, or academic articles, graduate students are expected to communicate their ideas in a coherent and compelling manner. Strong writing skills not only demonstrate a student's understanding of the subject matter, but also contribute to the advancement of knowledge intheir field. Therefore, graduate students should focus on developing their writing skills, including structuringtheir arguments, using appropriate academic language, and citing sources accurately.Moreover, the importance of English reading and writing extends beyond the academic realm. In today's global job market, employers often seek candidates with strong communication skills in English. Whether it's writing reports, presenting findings, or collaborating withinternational colleagues, the ability to read and write proficiently in English can open up a wide range of career opportunities for graduate students. Therefore, investing in the development of English reading and writing skills can greatly enhance a student's employability and professional success.In order to improve their English reading and writing skills, graduate students can take advantage of various resources and strategies. For instance, students can enroll in academic writing courses, participate in writing workshops, or seek feedback from professors and peers. Additionally, reading widely in their field of study, practicing summarizing and paraphrasing, and engaging in regular writing exercises can help students hone their language skills. Furthermore, utilizing online resources, such as grammar and vocabulary websites, language exchange platforms, and academic writing forums, can provide valuable support for students looking to improve their English proficiency.In conclusion, the ability to read and writeeffectively in English is crucial for graduate students. Strong reading and writing skills not only contribute to academic success, but also enhance employability and professional advancement. By investing in the development of these skills and utilizing the available resources and strategies, graduate students can improve their English proficiency and excel in their academic and professional pursuits.。

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研究生英语读写佳境Test Writingp.3021.Leading Children in the Right Direction范文:In China, both of the parents have their jobs. With the development of economy, people tend to pursue high quality living conditions. Most of the parents try their best to offer their children comfortable circumstances, but they seldom have time to stay with their children. In my point of view, no matter how busy they are, they should make the best use of their time to stay with their children.First, the love between children and adults will be improved by spending more time on their children. Children could feel parents' affection through the genial conversation and sharing their pleasure with them. Every time when parents take them to amusement park, help them to prepare their birthday parties, applaud for them when they are competing in the sports meeting, the time they spend with children will become treasure in their memories.Second, children need the direction from their parents. There are some wrong behaviors in our society such as dishonesty, corruption, violence and eroticism and so on. Children have weak resistance in defending this detrimental influence. In this case, parents' instructions seem to be very important to children's growth. Parents should sit down and talk with them about what they should do and should not do. In addition, if parents often spend time in staying with their children, adults' good behaviors will greatly influence their children.Here I do not deny that there are some disadvantages in spending too much time on children. Some parents restrict their children, and give them little freedom to develop their interests. Therefore, I emphasize that parents should educate and instruct their children appropriately in their spare time apart from their busy works.I agree that it is good to educate children according to their own traits, for example, some children who have special talent, lead a live that is so different from ordinary people, partly because of the individualized teaching methods. At the same time, we also know there are some abnormal persons, who need to be educated specially and with more efforts, compared to others. Just take the famous writer Helen Keller for example, it is the individualized education that help the little blind girl to gain success.范文: From very young, we have always hoped to be educated specially, and do not like to be treated the same as others. We also admire successful people, believing they must have received education different from ordinary people and they must be lucky enough to own enlightened parents and teachers. Sometimes we also disliked the general patterns of education we received in the school.However, most of us are ordinary people. For us, the purpose of education is more than just paying attention to individual needs and interests. My opinions are as follows.First of all, for ordinary ones, talent ones and abnormal persons, we are people living in a certain society and it is important for us to learn how to survive harmoniously with others. Every individual should know how to obey laws, follow certain moral standards, accept some models of thoughts, and acquire communication skills. It is the education which helps us to gain these above.Second, education aims to help one to develop fully and properly.This should be done firstly according to his/her own traits and abilities. We should show the children to a right way but not only one definite way. If you wonder what on earth the way is, I think the answer will have close relationship with our social standards first, then comes the person’s own individual needs and interests.We must consider the two factors above when educating, but sill should integrate lots of other factors, such as the trend of the history, the fund supporting from families, school and even our government. Also, we should decide whether the children’s needs which are reasonable and practical.In sum, education should pay attention however not too much to the individual needs and interests of each student. The truly effective way is to integrate many different aspect of factors.2. Health ,Wealth and Happiness范文:1Happiness means different things to different people. For example, some students believe that if they have much money or a large number of possessions, they will be happy. They believe that they will be able to do anything they want to if they have money. Some students think that they should be in good health, and enjoy whatever they like. Many students wish to have much wealth from their parents. In this way they don’t have to work hard, and they can have everything. I don’t agree with the above points. We can’t buy many important things with money, such as health, happiness and knowledge. I value knowledge, which makes me happy, for I can do much for mankind with knowledge. Although different people value happiness differently, my “wealth” of happiness is in my study.范文:2Well,nowadays we are living in a more materialistic society and consumer goods are desirable everywhere.Wealth is so great an apeal to people that they work hard to earn money, as it seem to make everything possible.I once heard of some old sayings about money such as "Money talks" and "No money, No honey". These proverbs gave me deep impressions when I was a little girl. At least it made me know about the importance of money.With time passing by , I begin to know money is not the only thing that matters in life. But in reality without money you cannot live a happy life,either. So for me "enough money " means I can afford the cost of my living and I can have extra money to support my hobbies.3.Working in a Multinational Company or as a Civil Servant?范文:Today, seeking a job in a large joint venture company is still one of the best choices for many university graduates. And yet, there is also a growing trend for graduating students to prepare for civil servant recruitment examinations to work for the government office.To be a white-collar in a multinational company or to be a civil servant, each has advantages and disadvantages of its own.①First, a job with the former means high pay but longer working hours.They have to weigh the loneliness of being away from home against the opportunity to make new friends.②Second, one might be able to develop his or her abilities rapidly and fully in a high competitive environment, which of course also makes his or her jobs an extremely tiring and stressful one. However, in my hometown, sheltered by family influence and surrounded by good friends, one might never meet the challenge of developing his or her unknown potential.③Third, promotion in a multinational company is based largely on one’s merits and contributions, therefore one does not have to worry too much about strained relations, though it is by no means easy to get promoted in such companies.Despite all the advantages of being a white-collar, I have a strong desire to be a civil servant.①For one thing, it is a stable job and has little risk in work and life in general.②For another, the pay rises for civil servant has shown that working for the government is getting very desirable.③Most important of all, I enjoy working for people, for the general public. So instead of being my mother’s baby all my life, I’ll make parents feel proud of me.P.3171.Shopping over the Internet or in Stores范文:Have you experienced shopping by clicking the mouse without going outdoors? With the development of the Internet and the increase of net citizens, a new style of shopping is prevailing. More and more corporations provide shopping service over the Internet. The electronic commerce is moving toward prosperity.Some people prefer online shopping because of its convenience. Time and labor can be saved to do something else. And more discount merchandise can be easily found and bought over the Internet. But some people dislike it when they concern the quality of goods, the safety of payment and the after-sale service. Actually they fear being cheated. Purchasing goods in stores, they could check what they buy on the spot. And the invoice could ensure the after service.I like both of them. I have been buying books on Bertelsmann website for many years. As one of its members, I enjoy its regular promotions and free delivery. I pay for my orders in cash or by credit card through the Internet banking. But when it comes to goods such as costume, cosmetics and home appliances, I'd like to purchase them in stores. They are more expensive than books. And quality and safety should be concerned firstly. You see, the style of shopping depends on what you are to buy.2.On Overseas Study范文:In recent years, studying abroad has flourished. Thousands of scholars and students have gone to foreign countries to study. Many people are sparing no effort in applying for going abroad.Attending schools abroad has many advantages. In the first place, students who have studied abroad can act as mediators between peoples of different cultures so as to promote international understanding. Secondly, we can learn much more advanced knowledge of science and technology from the foreign countries. Thirdly, we can enjoy the contact with new and different cultures so as to increase the awareness of our own culture. Fourthly, we can learn a foreign language more quickly.However, studying abroad may have disadvantages such as language barrier in the first few months or financial difficulties before getting a scholarship. In spite of these, the advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages. It is advisable to attend schools abroadDifferent people have various ambitions. Some want to be engineers or doctors in the future. Some want to be scientists or businessmen. Still some wish to be teachers or lawers when they grow up in the days to come. Unlike other people, I prefer to be a farmer. However, it is not easy to be a farmer for Iwill be looked upon by others. Anyway,what I am trying to do is to make great contributions to agriculture. It is well known that farming is the basic of the country. Above all, farming is not only a challenge but also a good opportunity for the young. We can also make a big profit by growing vegetables and food in a scientific way. Besides we can apply what we have learned in school to farming. Thus our countryside will become more and more properous.I believe that any man with knowledge can do whatever they can so long as this job can meet his or her interest. All the working position can provide him with a good chance to become a talent.3.The Art of Establishing Harmonious Relationship between People范文:In daily life, people should not be self-centered, when they are together with other people, they’d better listen to others more not only act according to themselves’ opinion. Unconscious of an equal and open-hearted attitude toward others, people will not develop a cooperative mind in a group work. In present life , international communication is more and more popular, the spirit of cooperation is also important for international communication.Communication is very important for people and the society. Whenever people at work or play with friends they have to communicate with the others. Some people are very good at communicating with the others, but some people are not. In Communication, language is very important for people to have a harmonious relationship with each other. Usually ,a word, a sentence will make a person happy in a proper manner. Whoever knows how to communicate with people , it will be much easier to make friends. When someone does not know how to communicate with people, it is difficult to make friends. Sometimes, people will find it is hard to communicate with the foreigner. It is because they don't understand how to communicate with the foreigners. Communication is also a good way to improve people’s ability and their experience to communicate with each other. In our society, a harmonious relationship between people is very important for the development of career. It seems to be difficult to have harmonious relationship with people, but if everyone can treat others with kind and friendly attitude, our society will be a harmonious society. Sometimes, people living near don’t know each other. It reflects interpersonal relationships in our society today. In present life, many people live in apartments, they close their doors and seldom go out when they get home from outside. When they feel lonely, they will watch TV in their spare time. They have little communication with their neighbors, and become more and more indifferent. That is why more and more people feel lonely in our society and people becomes indifferent. So a harmonious interpersonal relationship is so important. People live closely should have communication more.Although interpersonal relationship seems complicated, it will be easy if people have an equal and open-hearted attitude toward other people. Everyone plays a role in our society, their social status is different, their dignity should be respected. People all have dignity, he or she should be confident in interpersonal communication. If people do not look down upon others, he or she will surely be respected by other people, and accepted by our society. Therefore, in interpersonal communication, confidence and respect are equally important. People should pay attention to what others want, and put themselves in other’s s hoes in interpersonal communication.Today, competition is everywhere in our society. People will have more chance if they obey the rules in the pursuit of success. The attitude is not only necessary for people’s success, but also important for the establ ishment of harmonious society. It is useful for everyone to know how to get along with other people and have harmonious interpersonal relationship in our society. To have harmonious interpersonal relationship, including self-confidence, respect other people and care about other people. Our society will be a harmonious community.P.3371.My ideal job范文:Every person has his own ideal job. Some people wish to be doctors, while others want to be teachers and so on. As far as I am concerned, I have been dreaming of being a guide for a long time. First, my major is the manage of tourism, so I want to get a job about tourism. Secondly, good guides are knowledgeable and amiable, meanwhile, they have wide vision. Finally, guide can constantly expand his knowledge and understand lots of customs about different cultures and countries.To achieve my dream of being a qualified guide, I have to make sufficient preparations. Fro one thing, I must learn my specialty well and travel at my spare time, just as the saying goe s: “Seeing is believing.” For another, Ishould enhance my eloquence so that I can express the allusion about the view clearly. What’s more important ,I should control my mood freely and treat every traveler kindly.Being a good guide is difficult, but I b elieve if I endeavor to do this things in all hands. I’ll be successful sooner or later.2.Travel Broadens the Minds范文:1Nowadays, travel has become a popular activity. More and more people have enough money to travel abroad or at home. As a matter of fact, travel has become part of our life. This situation is encouraging, for it not only broadens people's minds to the extend which may not be reached previously, but also relaxes the m physically, which help people work out mental problems more actively.One of my best friends is so exclusively engaged in his works that he did not even know what was happening out of his own discipline. What’s worse, his progress was nearly little. After accepting my advice, he travelled a few cities and towns. The experience gave him a good opportunity of learning. Today, he gets a bumper harvest in his knowledge——the longstanding dream of entering graduate school comes true.In conclusion, travel opens our mind because it enables us to know about the history and culture of a nation. In a way, going on travels is like reading books..范文:2Travel has many benefits to offer. It enriches our experiences and helps us know more about the world, aside from relaxing ourselves both physically and psychologically.To begin with, travel is one of the best ways to enrich our experiences. If we visit tourist attractions and historical or cultural relics at different places of our country or foreign lands, we will meet different people, enjoy exotic natural sceneries, have a taste of varied cultures and, in the long run, enrich our knowledge. Moreover, travel also helps to enlighten and broaden our minds, since it provides us with new perspectives through what we learn from other cultures. For example, it helps to reduce cultural prejudice after we have got a better understanding of civilizations that vary sharply from one another.Travel is gaining increasing popularity among us. We travel to relax ourselves, enrich our experiences and broaden our minds.范文:3Nowadays, travel has become a popular activity. Many people are rich enough to afford a travel at home or abroad. As a matter of fact, travel has become part of our life. The increasing popularity of travel is, among others, due to the following reason: travel broadens our minds to an extent which may not be reached previously.For example, if we travel to Africa, we will find a culture totally different from that of ours, and people who think and live in a way unimaginable for us before we set foot on the continent. And we will marvel at the natural wonders, historic miracles and cultural brilliances we find there. All these experiences help to broaden our minds. As a result, our misunderstanding about the continent, if any, will be weeded out, our perspective of seeing the world possibly changed, our mode of thinking altered and, above all, our mind broadened.Reading makes an erudite man; practicing a capable man; and traveling a broad-minded man.3.What Makes Life Worthwhile范文:What makes life worthwhile? Different people may have differen answers to this question. Some people may think that money and power is the most important for one’s life. Others may regard devotion and success as essential for their life. As for as I’m concerned I agree with the latter instead of the former.There goes an old saying:no pains,no gains. In our country as well as all over the world, there are many scientists who spent much of time and energy doing research work. Though they do not necessarily earn much money, they are very happy when they succeed, because they have done something meaningful and have contributed, in a degree, to human beings.Therefore,we may conclude that money or the like is useful ,while devotion and contribution is indispensable for our life.Only when we have worked hard and have done something beneficial to our career and to man-kind, can we feel our life really worthwhile.4.Love, and Then Be LovedIn recent years, more and more teachers complain that their students are indifferent to others. Some even worry that the young generation might ruin the future of China. To be sure, many of our young people cannot see eye to eye with this view. However, as a university student, I myself would like to content that we young people today are in general more self-centered and unsympathetic than our previous generations.To start with, most, if not all, young people choose to attend exclusively to their own needs. In their eyes, It is all too natural to seek satisfaction from what they do, even if it may mean inconvenience to others. Take my dormitory for example. It is a common scene here that a roommate cheerfully talks to his girlfriend on the phone at midnight when others are struggling for a sound sleep. One may complain now and then, but to no avail. In fact, the others, to the exclusion of me, live their dormitory life much in the same way. When I take a nap at noon, they often play cards. They have no regard for others. Life is a joy to them, yet they often enjoy it to the neglect of others’ feelings. In sharp contrast, our caring parents always pay heed to our needs and those of others. Whenever my father comes back home late in the night, he tiptoes In for fear that he might awake me.Moreover, our young people tend to be insensitive to others’ difficulty.When a classmate falls ill, few people offer to help, but regard it as none of their business. Some students in my class come from poor families. Yet, they are active mobile phone users, who may spend twice as much as what their parents earn from arduous labor. When asked why they behave so, they answer that their parents have the obligation to accommodate their expenses. Personally, I detest their answer, for I know my parents never thought that way when they were young. Being aware of their parents’ financial difficulty, they managed to save every penny they could.For the above reasons and those not mentioned here, I subscribe to the view that young people in today’s China are more self-centered and unsympathetic than were our previous generations. It is high time that we learned from older generations so that a harmonious and splendid future can be anticipated.P.354A.Challenges and Successes范文:1There are lots of challenges in variety field, and people are facing them every day. There not just physical challenges, but also mental, will challenges. If you like challenges there are many ways you can do, for example, risk your life to do some extremely hard sports, invent something to make life easier, and learn things as many as you can. Whatsoever, you do, you are enjoying life. People enjoy challenges may caused by curiosity, successful feeling, or glory. Today we still have a lot of challenges before us. Doctors are facing many diseases that still cause people death. Scientists are facing how to make life more convenient or to search other planets. Engineersalso have some problems to be solved such as how to make buildings stronger, healthier, and more convenient. Challenges just like goals; my challenge now is that study hard, and go to UNBC.范文:2For thousands of years, people have accepted challenges in different fields. There are not only physical challenges, but also social and intellectual challenges. Some people risk their lives in playing sports to see how well they can do. Others try to make and invent something to make life easier. They all enjoy challenges.Why do people enjoy these challenges? There are probably many reasons. One is curiosity. The other is the personal feeling of success, of achievement, and nowadays, for some people, it is a business.Today, we still have many challengers before us. Medical science faces the challenges of conquering many diseases which still attack human beings. Engineers and planners must build new cities, design and produce new kinds of transportation. Scientists must develop new forms of energy. In short, we live in an age of challenges.B.The Career I Pursue范文:In China young people usually want to be engineers, doctors, businessmen, etc. and few want to be teachers. Unlike most young people I decide to be a teacher. There are many reasons for my personal preference but generally they come down to three major ones.First, I was born in a teacher's family and so I was greatly influenced by my father. Second, I find that education is important because it is the basis of science and technology and if a country's education is backward, its science and technology will never be advanced. Third, teachers are needed in our country, especially in the countryside.However, it is not easy to be a qualified teacher. A qualified teacher must have a good command of his specialty. Besides, he should be responsible and devoted to the educational cause. Most important of all, he should be patriotic. To be a qualified teacher in the future I must lose no time to acquire as much knowledge as possible. 'Furthermore I must know the history of our country so as to cultivate patriotism.C.How should college students face to the pressure?范文:In recent years, the pressure of job-seeking for college students becomes bigger and bigger because the distributions of them have changed a lot. That directly causes study pressure more great.How to release the pressure and get used to the circumstance?1) Believe yourself; self-confidence is the first important factor for u.2) Communicate with others such as your parents, classmates, friends etc; take an active part in the public activities.3) Keep exercises and keep fit. Only both of the mental and physical health can lead you to success.4) Refer to the mental consulters, they will help u to recognize the world correctlyPs: you can extend the four points on your opinion!。
