电动托盘搬运车CBD图片 价格 参数


电动托盘搬运车参数 图片

电动托盘搬运车参数 图片















以下情况下拔出电源插座切断电源。 ※ 事故 ※ 紧急、危险情况下 ※ 焊接时
在车身周围进行焊接时,蓄电池易受损,焊接电流如窜入蓄电池,会造成破 坏,这时必须拔出插座。
进行充电时,拔出电源插座,并将充电机插头与带有拉手的活动插座相连接, 充电完成后,将电源插座复位。
当钥匙开关处于打开状态,电量表显示蓄电池余量,共十格,当最左二格二 极管交换闪烁时,表示电量不足,蓄电池需要充电。
驾驶操作: 1、启动
请按以下顺序依次进行,否则电动托盘搬运车不运行: (1) 确保电源插座插牢。 (2) 将钥匙开关打到开位。 (3)确保蓄电池组有足够的电量。
在 24V 电压下正常运行,通过电控调节速度。
蓄电池固定在电池箱内,电压为 24V,标准电容量为 210Ah。
控制装置: 1、起升控制
(1)松开方向选择开关。 (20 将货叉降到最低位,使液压系统内无系统压力。 (3)松开操纵臂,操纵臂将自动回到停车制动位置。 (4)将钥匙开关旋至关位。
不允许擅自开车。 人若离开,请将钥匙随身带走。





一、操作前的准备1. 确保电动托盘搬运车的电池已经充满电,并检查电池的连接是否良好。

2. 检查车辆的刹车系统、转向系统、灯光等各项功能是否正常。

3. 检查车辆的轮胎是否充气良好,确保能够顺利行驶。

4. 穿戴好安全装备,如安全帽、安全鞋等。

二、正确使用电动托盘搬运车1. 上车前,确保车辆周围没有障碍物和其他人员,以免造成意外伤害。

2. 打开电动托盘搬运车的电源开关,确认车辆处于工作状态。

3. 控制手柄位于操纵杆上方,握住手柄,将操纵杆推到前方,车辆即可前进。


4. 控制手柄的左右移动可以控制车辆的转向。


5. 在行驶过程中,应注意观察前方和周围情况,避免撞到障碍物或其他车辆。

6. 当需要停车时,将操纵杆置于中立位置,车辆会停止行驶。

7. 在上下坡道或转弯处,应减速慢行,确保安全。

8. 若需要提升货物,操纵杆上方配有升降按钮,按下升降按钮即可将货物提升到合适的高度。

9. 在搬运货物时,应保持货物平稳,避免晃动,以免影响安全。

10. 若需要长时间停车,应将电动托盘搬运车的电源开关关闭,以节约能源。

三、安全注意事项1. 在操作电动托盘搬运车时,应集中注意力,不要分散注意力。

2. 不得在车辆行驶过程中站立、行走或坐在车辆上。

3. 严禁超载行驶,应根据车辆的载重能力合理分配货物。

4. 不要将手或其他物体伸入车辆的运行部位,以免造成伤害。

5. 严禁在车辆行驶过程中使用手机或其他电子设备,以免分散注意力。

6. 若发现车辆有异常情况,应立即停车检查,不得继续使用。

7. 在使用过程中,如遇特殊情况或紧急情况,应立即切断电源,以确保人身安全。




A I R C H ALODESTAR XL 2 to 7 1/2 tonn n n n n n n XL AIR 2 to 7 1/2 ton n n n n n nE V E R S P E C I A LOW HEADROOM CHAIN 1 to 24 tonn n Upper Shipyard Hook Lower Shipyard HookSERIES 6331/2 to 5 ton n Frames connected by steel equalizer pin, secured by two nuts on each side n Rugged steel side plates formed to include bumpersCBT1/4 to 5 ton n nn Bridge Crane Kits n Jib Cranesn LodeRail™Systems n Chain Containersn Cord Reelsn Festooning Packagesn Bronze Wheels / Hooks n Zinc Plated Chain / Hooks n Variable Speed Control n Stainless Steel Chain n NEMA Push Button Stations n Infrared Remote Control n Cady Spreader Beams n Plate Clamps nBinders n Herc Alloy Chain Slings n Hooks n Shackles n Hammerloks n Hoist Rings ACCESSORIES & PRODUCTS © 2012 Columbus McKinnon Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Stock # CMPG-0212 SS 5M GK Phone: (800) 888.0985•(716) 689.5400•Fax: (716) 689.5644•In addition to the strong knowledge base exemplified by comprehensive training programs, Columbus McKinnon is one of the only manufacturers supplying complete lifting systems to satisfy unique material handling requirements of users in a variety of environments. From jib cranes and hoists to chain slings, clamps, and related attachments;systems include products that are matched specifically to the lifting needs of the application. Products may also be modified in order to ensure that the proper system is in place for the job.Whether your needs call for a single electric chain hoist or a completely engineered system to outfit your production facility, Columbus McKinnon provides the products and expertise to keep your workforce productive and safe.。


额定承载能力(载荷中心600mm kg




作为卓沃的⼩编,今天我们就先了解叉车配件,卓沃叉车配件,英⽂名:forklift parts或lift parts 是指叉车的发动机配件,底盘配件,变速箱配件,冷却系统配件,电器件,及各种属具。





——底盘配件底盘配件包括:刹车总泵刹车分泵制动器总成刹车蹄⽚⼿刹线前轮古(也称为驱动轮毂)前轮钢圈前轮毂螺丝刹车毂(制动毂)离合器总泵离合器分泵离合器压盘离合器⽚分离轴承分离轴承座离合器拉线多路阀总成油式总泵修理包多路阀修理包⽅向盘⽅向机总成⽅向机修理包⽅向机⼗字轴液压泵总成液压泵修理包液压泵传动轴液压油格拉杆球头转向缸修理包转向缸活塞杆转向节三连板三连板主销及修理包转向节主肖及修理包后轮⿎(转向轮毂)后轮⿎螺丝后轮钢圈桥底端衬套横置缸连杆横置缸连杆销横置缸关节轴承横置缸修理包升降缸修理包门架轴承门架轴⽡门架链条门架侧滚轮门架链轮倾斜缸活塞杆倾斜缸修理包——变速箱配件变速箱配件包括:前进档齿轮后退档齿轮⼀档齿(低速档齿轮⼆档齿(⾼速档齿轮)前后档齿合套(滑套组)⼀⼆档齿合套同步环⼀轴⼀轴盖⼀轴套筒⼀轴套⼀轴套流针轴承⼆轴输出齿轮波箱传动轴花键波箱万向节波箱控制阀(波箱电磁阀档位拉线挂挡球头档位开关摩擦⽚(也称为铜⽚)隔⽚(也称为钢⽚)离合器壳⾃动变速箱修理包变矩器变矩器连接套(也称为泵⿎) 供油泵连接板(也称为弹性板) 差速器⼗字轴⾏星齿⾏星齿垫⽚半轴半轴齿半轴齿垫⽚盘⾓齿——电器件电器件包括:起动机发电机总成起动继电器磁吸开关电喇叭⽕花塞分电器总成分电器盖分⽕线化油器点⽕开关⼤灯开关转向灯开关倒车开关刹车开关延时开关波箱控制阀⾼压油泵电磁阀⽔温感应塞油温感应塞油量传感器仪表盘总成电⼦闪光器预热计时器前⼤灯预热塞转向灯后尾灯灯泡液压件包括:多路阀总成油式总泵修理包多路阀修理包分流阀⽅向盘⽅向机总成⽅向机修理包⽅向机⼗字轴液压泵总成液压泵修理包液压油管各种油管接头——适⽤范围编辑叉车配件⼴泛应⽤于港⼝、车站、机场、货场、⼯⼚车间、仓库、流通中⼼和配送中⼼等,并可进⼊船舱、车厢和集装箱内进⾏托盘货物的装卸、搬运作业,是托盘运输、集装箱运输中必不可少的设备。



1 600 –2 000 KGJ1.6-2.0XN FOUR-WHEEL ELECTRICCOUNTERBALANCED LIFT TRUCKSS T I N G U I S H I N G M A R K S1.1 Manufacturer (abbreviation) 1.2 Manufacturer’s type designition1.3 Drive: electric (battery or mains), diesel, petrol, fuel gas 1.4 Operator type: hand, pedestrian, standing, seated, order-picker 1.5 Rated capacity/rated load Q (t)1.6 Load centre distancec (mm)5.1 Travel speed, laden/unladen r km/h 5.1.1 Travel speed, laden/unladen, backwards km/h 5.2 Lift speed, laden/unladen m/sec 5.3 Lowering speed, laden/unladenm/sec5.5 Drawbar pull, laden/unladen ** N 5.6 Max. drawbar pull, laden/unladen *** N 5.7 Gradeability, laden/unladen † **** %5.8 Max. gradeability, laden/unladen † *** %5.9Acceleration time, laden/unladen r s5.10 Service brake 3.1 Tyres: L = pneumatic,V = cushion, SE = Pneumatic Shape Solid6.1 Drive motor rating S2 60 min kW 6.2 Lift motor rating at S3 15%kW6.3 Battery according to DIN 43531/35/36 A, B, C, no 6.4 Battery voltage/nominal capacity K5(V)/(Ah)6.5 Battery weight Ù kg 6.6 Energy consumption according to VDI cycle r kWh/h 4.1 Tilt of mast/fork carriage forward/backward a / b (°) 4.2 Height, mast loweredh 1 (mm)4.3 Free lift ¶ h 2 (mm) 4.4 Lift ¶ h 3 (mm)4.5 Height of mast, extended è h 4 (mm) 4.7 Height of overhead guard (cabin) n h 6 (mm) 4.7.1 Cab height (open cab) (mm)4.8 Seat height/stand height ¢ h 7 (mm)4.12 Coupling height h 10 (mm) 4.19 Overall length l 1 (mm) 4.20 Length to face of forks l 2 (mm) 4.21 Overall width * b 1/b 2 (mm)4.22 Fork dimensionss/e/l (mm)4.23 Fork carriage DIN 15173. Class, A/B4.24 Fork carriage width l b 3 (mm) 4.31 Ground clearance, laden, below mast m 1 (mm) 4.32 Ground clearance, centre of wheelbase v m 2 (mm)4.33 Load dimension b 12 × l 6 crossways b 12 × l 6 (mm) 4.34Aisle width predetermined load dimensionsAst (mm) 4.34.1 Aisle width with pallets 1 000 long x 1 200 wide u Ast (mm) 4.34.2 Aisle width with pallets 1200 long x 800 wide u Ast (mm) 4.35 Turning radius W a (mm) 4.36 Internal turning radiusb 13 (mm)4.41 90° intersecting aisle (With pallet W = 1200mm, L = 1000mm) mm 4.42 Step Height (from ground to running board) S mm4.43 Step Heightmm2.1 Service weight r kg 2.2 Axle loading, laden front/rear (max. battery) r kg 2.3 Axle loading, unladen front/rear (max. battery) r kg P E R F O R M A N C ED I ME N S I O N SW E I G H T SJ1.6XN (MWB)J1.6XN (LWB)Electric (battery)Electric (battery)Seated Seated 1.6 1.6 500 500 326 3261 4311 539HYSTER HYSTER3036 3209 3986 650 3992 8171461 1575 1533 1676SE SE 18 x 7-818 x 7-8140/55-9140/55-92X22X2889 889 918 9185 5 5 5 2 230 2 230 1001003 320 3 3203 8683 8682070 2070 2087 2087 1017 1017 360 360 2980 3088 1980 20881050 <1050 < 40 80 1000 40 80 1000 2A 2A 907 907 70 70 100 1001000 x 12001000 x 12003309 3417 3309 3417 3432 3540 1654 1762 0 0 1778 1824 526 526 484484 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 0.43 0.59 0.43 0.59 0.50 0.47 0.50 0.47 3406 3680 3406 3680 11415 11690 11415 11690 11 16 11 16 25 3525 354.6 4.1 4.6 4.1 Electric Electric E L E C T R I C -E N G I N E8.1 Type of drive unit10.1 Operating pressure for attachments m bar 10.2 Oil volume for attachments y l/min 10.3 Hydraulic oil tank, capacity l10.7 Sound pressure level at the driver’s seat L PAZ J dB(A)10.8Towing coupling, type DINA D D I T I O N A L D A T A2x 5.0 2x 5.0 12 12DIN 43531-ADIN 43531-A48 625 48 750 813 899 962 1 064 4.4 4.5AC InductionAC Induction180 180 40 40 19 19 69 69 PinPinSpecification data is based on VDI 2198. * Standard / Wide tread ** 60 minute rating *** 5 minute rating **** 30 minute ratingEQUIPMENT AND WEIGHT:Weights (line 2.1) are based on the following specifications: 3360mm (Vista Plus) and 3430mm (Vista) to top of fork, 2 stage LFL mast with standard carriage and 1000mm forks, with HiP performance setting, DIN battery configuration.DISTINGUISHING MARKSPERFORMANCEDIMENSIONSTYRES/CHASSISWEIGHTS1.1J1.8XN (MWB) J1.8XN (LWB) J2.0XN (MWB) J2.0XN (LWB) 1.2Electric (battery)Electric (battery)Electric (battery)Electric (battery)1.3Seated Seated Seated Seated1.41.8 1.82.0 2.0 1.5 500 500 500 500 1.6 321 321 321 321 1.8 1431 1539 1539 1539 1.9 HYSTER HYSTER HYSTER HYSTER 3288 3282 3565 33862.1SE SE SE SE 3.1200 / 50-10 200 / 50-10 200 / 50-10 200 / 50-10 3.2140 / 55-9140 / 55-915 x 4.5-8140 / 55-93.32X 2 2X 2 2X 2 2X 2 3.5 908 908 906 908 3.6 918 918 918 918 3.7 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4.1 2180 2180 2180 2180 4.2 100 100 100 100 4.33390 3390 3390 3390 4.4 4006 4006 4006 4006 4.5 2070 2070 2070 2070 4.7 2087 2087 2087 2087 4.7.1 1017 1017 1017 1017 4.8 360 360 360 360 4.122975 3083 2975 3083 4.19 1975 2083 1975 2083 4.20 1116 1116 1116 11164.2140 80 1000 40 80 1000 40 100 1000 40 100 1000 4.222A 2A 2A 2A 4.23 977 977 977 977 4.24 70 70 70 70 4.31 100 100 100 100 4.321000 x 12001000 x 12001000 x 12001000 x 12004.33 3305 3413 3305 3413 4.34 3305 3413 3305 3413 4.34.1 3427 3535 3427 3535 4.34.2 1654 1762 1654 1762 4.35 0 0 0 0 4.36 1800 1846 1800 18464,41526 526 526 526 4.42 484 484 484 484 4.43 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 5.1 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 5.1.1 0.41 0.60 0.41 0.60 0.40 0.58 0.40 0.58 5.20.46 0.40 0.46 0.40 0.47 0.40 0.47 0.40 5.3 3337 3646 3337 3646 3260 3603 3294 3637 5.5 11355 11664 11346 11655 11269 11612 11304 11647 5.6 10 15 10 15 9 14 9 15 5.7 23 35 23 36 31 34 22 36 5.8 4.6 4.1 4.6 4.1 4.6 4.1 4.6 4.1 5.9 Electric Electric Electric Electric 5.10ELECTRIC-ENGINEADDITIONAL DATA2x 5.0 2x 5.0 2x 5.0 2x 5.0 6.1 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 6.2DIN 43531-ADIN 43531-ADIN 43531-ADIN 43531-A6.348 625 48 750 48 625 48 750 6.4 813 899 962 1064 813 899 962 1064 6.5 5.0 5.0 5.5 5.5 6.6AC InductionAC InductionAC InductionAC Induction8.1180 180 180 180 10.1 40 40 40 40 10.2 19 19 19 19 10.3 69 69 69 69 10.7 PinPinPinPin 10.8FORKS:J1.6-J1.8XN: 80 x 40 x 1 000 to 1 200J2.0XN: 100 x 40 x 1 000 to 1 200 FORK SPACING:Inside to inside, minimum: 30 mm Outside to outside, maximum:900 mmNOTESThe rated capacities shown are for masts in a vertical position on trucks equipped with standard or sideshift carriage and nominal length forks. Masts above the maximum fork heights shown in the mast table are classified as high lift and, depending on the tyre/tread configuration may require reduced capacity, restricted back tilt or wide tread.Values shown are for standard equipment. When using non-standard equipment these values may change. Please contact your Hyster dealer for information.VISTA PLUS MASTS J1.6XNVista Plus 2-Stage Limited Free Lift Vista Plus Maximum fork height (mm)Back tilt Overall lowered height (mm)Overall extended height (mm)Free lift (top of forks)(mm)3 360 3 8604 3604 8602 2302 5802 8303 180 3 868 «4 368 «4 868 «5 386 «140140140140 4 600 2 080 5 108 S 1 572 æ5˚5˚5˚5˚5˚Maximum fork height(mm)Maximum fork height(mm)J1.6XN (MWB)J1.6XN (MWB)J1.6XN (LWB)J1.6XN (LWB)J1.8XN (MWB)J1.8XN (MWB)J1.8XN (LWB)J1.8XN (LWB)J2.0XN (MWB)J2.0XN (MWB)J2.0XN (LWB)J2.0XN (LWB)Vista 2-Stage Limited Free Lift Vista 2-Stage Limited Free Lift Vista Plus 3-Stage Full Free LiftVista Plus 3-Stage Full Free LiftVista 3-Stage Full Free LiftVista 3-Stage Full Free LiftVista Plus 2-Stage Limited Free Lift Vista Plus 2-Stage Limited Free Lift 3 3603 8604 3604 8603 3603 8604 3604 860 1 6001 6001 5801 4901 4501 4501 4301 350 1 6001 6001 5801 500----------------------------------------------------------------1 4501 4501 4301 3603 2183 7184 3383 2183 7184 338 1 6001 6001 5801 4901 4501 4501 4301 3501 5001 3501 2201 0901 4501 4001 3501 2201 5701 4601 3201 1901 4501 4201 3701 3201 6001 6001 6001 4501 4501 450 1 6001 6001 5801 5001 4501 4501 4301 3601 5101 3601 2301 1001 4501 4001 3601 230----------------------------------------------------------------1 5701 4501 3301 2001 4501 4201 3801 3201 6001 6001 6001 4501 4501 4503 4323 9323 9323 9323 4323 9324 4324 9324 6004 9005 200 S 5 500 S 4 6004 9005 200 S 5 500 S 4 6004 9005 200 S 5 500 S4 6004 9005 200 S 5 500 S1 6001 5901 5701 4801 4301 4301 4101 320 1 6001 5901 5701 4801 4301 4301 4101 3302 0002 0002 0001 8001 8001 800 1 5801 5701 5501 4501 4101 4101 3901 3001 4501 4001 3601 2301 4501 4001 3601 2301 5701 5401 4201 2901 1601 4101 3801 3301 2701 5701 5601 5501 4101 4001 390 1 5801 5701 5501 4601 4101 4101 3901 3101 4501 4001 3601 2301 4501 4001 3601 2301 5701 5401 4301 2901 1601 4101 3801 3301 2701 5701 5601 5501 4101 4001 3901 8001 8001 7801 5801 6001 6001 5801 5001 7701 7101 6501 5901 6001 5701 5201 4702 0002 0001 9801 5701 8001 8001 7801 5701 8801 7101 5801 4401 8001 7701 7101 5701 7401 7401 7201 5401 5601 5601 5401 4501 7401 7101 6501 5901 5201 4101 3801 3301 2701 8001 8001 8001 6001 6001 6002 0002 0002 0001 8001 8001 800 1 7501 7501 7401 5701 5601 5601 8001 8001 7801 5801 6001 6001 5801 5001 7701 7101 6001 4701 6001 5701 5201 4701 7401 7401 7201 5401 5601 5601 5401 4501 7401 7101 6501 5801 4401 5601 5301 4801 4201 9201 9101 9001 5201 7201 7201 7001 520 1 9201 9101 8901 5201 7201 7201 7001 5201 9101 8401 6901 5401 4101 7101 6901 6401 5401 9101 8801 7701 6401 5001 7101 6901 6301 5701 8001 8001 8001 6001 6001 600 1 7501 7501 7401 5701 5601 560 1 9301 9201 9101 7301 7201 720 1 9301 9201 9101 7301 7201 7202 0002 0001 9801 5701 8001 8001 7801 5701 9601 9101 6701 5401 8001 7701 7101 660Vista 2-Stage Full Free Lift Vista 2-Stage Full Free Lift Pneumatic Shaped Solid TyresPneumatic Shaped Solid TyresJ1.6XN (MWB)J1.6XN (MWB)J1.8XN (MWB)J1.8XN (MWB)J2.0XN (MWB)J2.0XN (MWB)J2.0XN (LWB)J2.0XN (LWB)J1.6XN (LWB)J1.6XN (LWB)J1.8XN (LWB)J1.8XN (LWB)With integral sideshiftWith integral sideshiftWithout sideshiftWithout sideshiftS Tilt speed reduced to 1° per second by mechanical tilt speed restictors for mast heights 5000mm and above.PRODUCT FEATURESDEPENDABILITYn Robust mast design for high visibility and reliable, high performance lifting. n Steel hoods and durable side covers provide increased resistance to impact damage and general wear and tear. n AC motor technology on traction and hoist allows the truck to work more reliably and for longer shifts, reducing downtime significantly. n Hall-Effect sensors on transmission replace internal encoder bearing, making the truck more reliable and decreasing downtime. n Strong chassis construction provides excellentdurability and stability, boosting driver confidence and enhancing productivity. n IP54 enclosed traction motors and IP65 protection of controls, prevent ingress of water and dust particles, reducing the probability of truck breakdown. n Use of O-Ring face seals in the hydraulic system, sealed electrical connectors and LED lights, replacing light bulbs, gives maximum uptime over the product life cycle.PRODUCTIVITYn Dual front wheel AC drive motors provides smooth acceleration and excellent travel and torqueperformance. This is combined with regenerative braking to deliver efficient load handling.n Robust Zero Turn Radius (ZTR) axle with allow tight turning circles for excellent maneuverability in working aisles or congested loading/unloading bays. n E-braking system provides service braking to be achieved using regenerative motor braking, offering increased energy efficiency, reduced energy consumption and increases uptime.n Comprehensive range of truck wheelbases andbatteries, can be matched to the application, optimising performance, maneuverability and battery shift life. n Energy Low (eLo) settings provides best balance between truck performance and battery shift life.n High Performance (HiP) settings will ensure that truck performance.n Easy side extraction battery removal with 180°-fold back door, allows more uninterrupted uptime with a fast, simple exchange process to keep trucks on the move.n The maintenance-free mechanical Hyster Stability Mechanism (HSM) reduces truck lean when travelling over obstacles, increasing driver confidence and productivity.ERGONOMICSn Zero Turn Radius (ZTR) axle gives tighter turn radius, allowing a roomier, comfortable truck to maneuver in standard working aisles. n Generous foot space, intuitive pedal arrangement and low step and hood heights offer a comfortable working space for the driver. This means on/off access and driving in reverse cause less fatigue over long shifts. n Full suspension seat with 80mm of travel reduces truck vibrations, creating a smoother ride for the operator. Swivel seat option for operations requiring frequent reversing. n Optional InteligentBelt TM interlock system prevents truck from traveling until operator is seated withseat belt securely fastened to ensure that seat belt is used correctly. n Multiple choices of Hydraulic controls:- S eat side manual lever control with new designmanual levers for superb handling productivity. - T he latest design adjustable TouchPoint TM armrestmodule with built in hydraulic controls, integrated directional control, emergency off switch and horn offers the ultimate in comfort and control. - N ew design ergonomic joystick with integratedhydraulic controls including direction change, return to set tilt and clamping, designed and positioned to provide maximum comfort for operator.n Optional Synchronous steering maintains the steering knob at the preferred angle for the driver when driving straight increasing operator comfort and reduces fatigue. n Steer Column is infinitely adjustable via adjustable gas spring support, optional height adjustment available.n The memory tilt option allows the steering column to be released to the most vertical position to allow the operator to get off the truck easily. When getting back on the truck, the operator simply pulls the steer column back to the preset position. n A choice of weather protection options promotes a comfortable working environment, whatever the conditions. n Easy to open 180°-fold back door for simple and efficient horizontal battery exchange.LOW COST OF OWNERSHIPn The right balance of performance, manoeuvrability and battery provision, matched to the application needs gives productivity and throughput at less cost.n The Vehicle System Manager (VSM) allows adjustment of truck performance parameters as well as monitoring key functions, leading to application matched performance and low maintenance. n Durable, quality components mean long term reliability and lower maintenance costs. Virtually maintenance free components such as brushless AC motors mean that Hyster Electrics require a full service check only after 1 000 hours.n In-built thermal protection on traction motors and advanced cooling system protect truck components, leading to reduced maintenance costs. n Fast delivery of diagnostic information allows precise troubleshooting, easy maintenance planning and lower costs. n E-braking system reduce ‘wear parts’ and and are less vulnerable to ingress of dirt and floor debris, reducing maintenance costs.SERVICEABILITYn Access to diagnostic information via the display or plug-in point on the steering column allows engineers to monitor truck conditions and plan maintenance requirements. n Easily removable 2-piece floor plate provides easy access to power contactor, fuses and relays. n Automatic park brake system can be released manually by activating lever arrangement underneath floor plates, reducing downtime. n Motor, pump, controller and oil tank are located in the counterweight and are easily accessible, requiring only 2 thumb screws to be removed.PRODUCT FEATURES (2)@fwww.hyster.eu*********************/HysterEurope @HysterEurope/HysterEuropeSTRONG PARTNERS. TOUGH TRUCKS.TMFOR DEMANDING OPERATIONS, EVERYWHERE.Hyster supplies a complete range of warehouse equipment, IC and electric counterbalanced trucks, container handlers and reach stackers. Hyster is committed to being much more than a lift truck supplier.Our aim is to offer a complete partnership capable ofresponding to the full spectrum of material handling issues: Whether you need professional consultancy on your fleet management, fully qualified service support, or reliable parts supply, you can depend on Hyster.Our network of highly trained dealers provides expert,responsive local support. They can offer cost-effective finance packages and introduce effectively managed maintenance programmes to ensure that you get the best possible value. Our business is dealing with your material handling needs so you can focus on the success of your business today and in the future.HYSTER-YALE UK LIMITED trading as Hyster Europe. Registered Address: Centennial House, Building 4.5, Frimley Business Park, Frimley, Surrey, GU16 7SG, United Kingdom.Registered in England and Wales. Company Registration Number: 02636775.HYSTER,and FORTENS are registered trademarks in the European Union and certain other jurisdictions.MONOTROL® is a registered trademark, and DURAMATCH andare trademarks in the United States and in certain other jurisdictions.Printed in Netherlands. Part number: 3990041 Rev08-01/16-TLCHYSTER EUROPECentennial House, Frimley Business Park, Frimley, Surrey, GU16 7SG, England.Tel: +44 (0) 1276 538500。



1.15 能见度: 驾驶人员必须注视行驶的方向,对前面的通道情况清晰可见。车辆运载 货物倒退注意事项:当运载的货物挡住了视线时,托盘车在倒退行驶, 必须配有第二个人在托盘车的前面步行给予相应的指引和警告。(引导)
1.16 通过斜坡和斜面: 当车辆在被认可的狭窄通道内通过允许的斜坡和斜面时,所处的地面应 干净并防滑,允许在托盘车技术规范(说明书)中规定的斜坡或斜面上 安全行驶,装载在货叉上的重物必须面向上坡。在斜坡或斜面上“U” 型转弯和在斜坡或斜面上停车是不允许的。通过斜面时必须慢速,同时 驾驶员必须做好随时刹车的准备。
1.5 安全操作和环境保护 检查和维护操作这一章的内容必须依照维护清单上的时间间隔来执行。
未经许可不得更改托盘车上的零部件尤其是安全装置,车辆的行车速度决 不允许私自改变设置。 所有的原厂备用件都经过质量保证部门验证,为确保托盘车操作的安全性和 可靠性,必须只能使用制造商的备用件。替换下的零件如油类和燃料必须 依照相应的环境保护规则进行处理。
1.21 安全停车: 停车时要注意安全 。绝对不能将车辆停放在斜面或斜坡上。停车后货 叉必须完全降到最低位置,为了保障避免未经许可人员操作车辆,必须 关闭电锁开关,并取走钥匙。
如果在再次充电以前,将有较长的一段时间不再使用该车,请务必将电池 连接线断开。
1.22 发信号: 可用车载喇叭,(声光报警器)来发出警告信号。
单只电池电压经常低于1.7V;负载较重的电池组(比如给启动电机和升降电机供电的电池 组);放电后没有及时充电的电池组:过量放电的电池以及长时间未使用的电池。



1. 确保车辆的电源充足,并将车辆开关置于“关”位,将插头插入电源插座进行充电,直到电量充满。

2. 将车辆开关置于“开”位,确认车辆电路正常工作。

3. 检查车辆的制动系统,确保刹车能够正常工作。

4. 根据需要将货物放置在电动托盘搬运车上,并确保货物稳固。

5. 操作车辆的控制杆或按钮来控制车辆的行进方向和速度。

6. 在行驶过程中,保持警觉,注意观察前方和周围环境,确保安全通行。

7. 在遇到斜坡或不平地面时,特别小心慢行,避免车辆失控或货物滑落。

8. 在停车时,先将车辆减速至静止状态,然后将车辆开关置于“关”位。

9. 车辆停车后,及时将货物取下,并在车辆不使用时将其储存在安全的位置。

10. 定期检查车辆的电池状态,并根据需要进行维护和更换。




『润联网』登录【润联网】查询价格全电动托盘搬运叉车CBD20-460和手动堆高车液压叉车价格标题:手动电子称搬运车和1.5吨叉车价格库号:JX108775 价格:百度搜【润联网】查询主要技术参数:一、CBY-手动电子称搬运车简要说明:CBY-手动电子称搬运车,带电子称的搬运车:载重量2T 3T,各主要配件均采用进口配置。


二、CBY-手动电子称搬运车技术参数:型号长规车非标车额定起重量(Kg )2000-30002000-3000货叉最大高度(mm )200200货叉最低高度(mm )8585-125货叉长度(mm )1150-1220600-2000货叉外总宽度(mm )540-680540-680-800-1000前轮(小)尺寸及材质(mm)ф80×70尼龙轮或聚氨酸轮后轮尺寸及材质(m m )ф200×50尼龙轮或聚氨酸轮或橡胶 叉车的技术参数:是用来表明叉车的结构特征和工作性能的。


1、额定起重量:叉车的额定起重量是指货物重心至货叉前壁的距离不大于载荷中心距时,允许起升的货物的最大重量,以t (吨)表示。

当货叉上的货物重心超出了规定的载荷中心距时,由于叉车标题:升高车和C 型钢2吨手动液压升降叉车价格库号:JX108776 价格:百度搜【润联网】查询主要技术参数:参数信息:手动液压堆高车常见故障与日常维护:故障:1.升不到最高原因分析:液压油不够维修方法添加液压油2.叉不上升原因分析:液压油中有杂质、放压维护步骤:前提:保持现场清洁1、向油箱中加同一品牌的液压油这样才能确保工作效率。




当钥匙开关处于打开状态,电量表显示蓄电池余量,共十格,当最左二格二 极管交换闪烁时,表示电量不足,蓄电池需要充电。
驾驶操作: 1、启动
请按以下顺序依次进行,否则电动托盘搬运车不运行: (1) 确保电源插座插牢。 (2) 将钥匙开关打到开位。 (3)确保蓄电池组有足够的电量。
附有电磁通电制动器、行走电机、齿轮箱和驱动轮,驱动电机与齿轮箱之间 装有转向轴承。
电动托盘搬运车又称电动托盘车或电动搬运车。适用于重载及长时间货物转 运工况,可大大提高货物搬运效率,减轻劳动强度。
CBD 系列现有 2 吨、3 吨电动托盘搬运车,下表是电动托盘搬运车的有关参数:
叉车类型 额定起重量 kg 空载行走速度 km/h 满载行走速度 km/h 满载时最大爬坡度%
(1)松开方向选择开关。 (20 将货叉降到最低位,使液压系统内无系统压力。 (3)松开操纵臂,操纵臂将自动回到停车制动位置。 (4)将钥匙开关旋至关位。
不允许擅自开车。 人若离开,请将钥匙随身带走。
※ 喇叭功能正常。 ※ 操纵功能完好。 ※ 刹车功能正常。 ※ 液压功能正常。
(1)当操纵臂向移至最上端或最下端时,叉车实现通电制动。 (2)当方向开关在正常运行时转至反向位置,则可执行电制动功能。控制运 行速度可以控制行走电机制动力的大小。 (3)停车:通过松开行驶方向开关将其回至空挡位置而使电动托盘搬运车停 止运行。 (4)气隙调整:在制动器断电情况下,通过调整三处空心螺钉与制动器安装 螺钉,借助塞将定子与衔铁间的气隙调节到额定值“Z”,注意保证各个方向的气 隙相同。然后将制动器安装螺钉锁紧。 (5)气隙的重调:额定气隙 Z 会因磨损而变大.为确保制动器有足够的制动扭 矩,必须在气隙达到最大气隙值前重调气隙.气隙可多次调节,当摩擦制动片的厚 度达到允许的最小厚度时,必须换摩擦制动盘.制动器的噪音值大小有关,在要求 噪音很低的应用中,建议在气隙达最大值范围内重调气隙.气隙超过最大气隙值, 可能导制动器无法释放、摩擦制动片烧坏、制动力或保持力减小,甚至导致重大 事故。所以必须定其检查并重调气隙,注意必须断开设备电源。





























FICHA TÉCNICADE PRODUCTOTRANSPALETA MANUAL DE PERFIL BAJO 1500Kg1.DESCRIPCIÓNTranspaleta manual de perfil bajo para 1500 kg. Gracias a su diseño especial permite usarla para maniobrar con palets bajos.Construida en chapa de acero plegada que aporta una gran robustezEquipada con rueda de timón en goma y rodillos en wulkollan.El sistema de elevación se realiza mediante una bomba hidráulica de simple efecto, equipada con una válvula de sobrecarga.La elevación se produce bombeando con el timón, y el descenso al liberar la válvula del grupo hidráulico, con lo que se consigue un descenso uniforme.Tirador ergonómico para su fácil manipulación.Rango de temperaturas de trabajo de -20ºC a +40ºC.2.INSTRUCCIONES DE SEGURIDAD•El operario debe leer y entender el manual y todas las señales de advertencia de la transpaleta antes de empezar a usarlo.•No usar la transpaleta sin previamente tener los conocimientos adecuados.•Revisar e inspeccionar la elevación de las horquillas antes de usar la transpaleta. Poner especial atención a las ruedas, el timón, las horquillas y la palanca de descenso.•No usar la transpaleta en pendiente.•Cuando las horquillas estén subiendo o bajando, no permitir que ninguna persona se sitúe bajo ellas, pase entre ellas o se suba a ellas.•Cuando la carga sea elevada o transportada es recomendable que no haya ninguna persona a menos de 600mm de la transpaleta.•No sobrepasar la carga máxima especificada en este manual.•El peso de la carga se debe distribuir entre las dos horquillas. No usar únicamente una horquilla. El centro de gravedad de la carga debe estar en el centro de las dos horquillas.•Es recomendable el uso de guantes para una mejor protección durante el uso de la transpaleta.•En caso de no usar la transpaleta mantener las horquillas en la posición más baja.•En cualquier otra circunstancia el operario deberá tener mucho cuidado a la hora de usar la transpaleta.© Este documento es propiedad de Disset Odiseo S.L.3.ESPECIFICACIONES TÉCNICASReferencia TH0005Capacidad de carga (kg) 1.500Altura de elevación máxima (mm) 165Altura mínima de elevación (mm) 51Altura del timón (mm) 1.230Dimensiones horquillas (mm) 160x60Longitud horquillas (mm) 1.150Anchura total (mm) 540Rodillos delanteros (∅ x espesor) (mm) 50x70Diámetro rueda timón (mm) 1804.MANTENIMIENTO•Revisar el nivel de aceite cada seis meses. El aceite puede ser del tipo hidráulico ISO VG32, con viscosidad entre 32cSt a 40ºC. El volumen total de aceite recomendado es de unos 0,3 litros.•Para conseguir que la transpaleta esté en buenas condiciones es necesario revisarlo diariamente. Poner especial atención a las ruedas, la cadena.•Use aceite de motor o grasa para lubricar todas las partes móviles y con fricción.Hacerlo cada seis meses.•Es posible que el aire entre dentro del circuito hidráulico del cilindro de la transpaleta, por lo que puede ocasionar que las acciones de elevación y descenso no funcionen correctamente. Para expulsar el aire, mantener la palanca de control de descenso en la posición más baja y accionar la palanca del timón arriba y abajo varias veces.© Este documento es propiedad de Disset Odiseo S.L.5.TABLA DE RESOLUCION DE PROBLEMASNº PROBLEMA CAUSAS SOLUCION1 Las horquillas no suben hasta laposición más alta. - No hay suficiente aceitehidráulico.- Reponga el aceite.2 Las horquillas no se elevan. - No hay aceite hidráulico.- Hay impurezas en el aceitehidráulico.- La cadena de la base del timónno está bien ajustada, quedando laválvula del hidráulico siempreabierta.- Entra aire en el circuitohidráulico. - Rellene el aceite.- Cambie el aceite.- Ajuste la arandela de la cadena.- Expulse el aire.3 Las horquillas no descienden. - El émbolo o mástil estándeformados, resultado de unacarga no uniforme hacia un lateralo de una sobrecarga.- Las horquillas permanecieron enuna posición elevada durantetiempo prolongado, y el émbolo enel exterior, produciéndoseoxidación y atrancándose elhidráulico.- La cadena de la base del timónno está bien ajustada. - Cámbielo por uno nuevo.- Mantenga la mesa siempre en la posición mas baja. Preste atención a los engrases de la barra.- Ajuste la arandela de la cadena.4 Fugas hidráulicas. - Juntas desgastadas o dañadas.- Grietas o pequeños poros. - Cámbielas por unas nuevas. - Cámbielas por unas nuevas.5 La transpaleta desciende sin laválvula de control de descensoactuando. - Las impurezas en el aceite nopermiten cerrar la válvula decontrol de descenso.- Juntas desgastadas o dañadas, opiezas dimensionalmentepequeñas debido al desgaste.- Filtraciones de aire dentro delcircuito hidráulico.- La válvula de control de descensoestá dañada.- La cadena del timón está malajustada.- Cámbielo por aceite nuevo.- Cámbielas por unas nuevas.- Purgar el cilindro según seexplica en el apartado demantenimiento.- Cámbiela por una nueva.- Ajuste la arandela de lacadena.NOTA: NO INTENTE REPARAR LA TRANSPALETA, SI USTED NO ESTA CAPACITADO O AUTORIZADO PARA HACERLO.6. NORMATIVALa transpaleta TH0005 es un modelo a seguir por las empresas en el cumplimiento de su responsabilidad de proporcionar un ambiente de trabajo cómodo y seguro de acuerdo con las directivas europeas.Así mismo, cumple con las ISO 9001 / ISO 14001.© Este documento es propiedad de Disset Odiseo S.L.。



一、 应用概述
准确方 2) 操作时,打开电锁将手柄置于中间位置,缓慢向前(或向后)
按下操作盒上的调速按钮,车辆便会缓慢起步,控制调速按钮开 合角度,就可控制车辆的运行速度,调速按钮的操作应平衡均匀, 严禁野蛮操作,以免产生较大的惯性力,损坏机体的零件,造成 不必要的损失。 3) 放开调速按钮,按钮自动复位。当操纵手柄处于最高或最低位 置时,车辆便处于制动状态。 3、蓄电池充电 1) 本车辆使用过程中对蓄电池的充电非常关键,当蓄电池电压低于
5) 充电应在通风良好,无明火,无电火花及无热辐射源的场合进行。
2、必要时补充液压油 YA-NF32 或类似品种。
10701 10702 10703 10704A 10704B 10704C 10704D 10704E 10705B 10705C 10705D 10705E 10706 10707 10708 10709 10710 10711 10712 10713
侧向滚轮组 调整垫片 螺钉 外门架 1600mm 外门架 2450mm 外门架 2900mm 外门架 3100mm 外门架 3300mm 外门架 2450mm 内门架 2900mm 内门架 3100mm 内门架 3300mm 螺钉 下梁 滚轮 轴承 挡圈 侧滚轮架 销轴 侧滚轮

Yale 四轮电动货运搬运机性能数据说明书

Yale 四轮电动货运搬运机性能数据说明书

4 000-5 500 KGJ4.0-5.5XN6FOUR-WHEEL ELECTRICCOUNTERBALANCED LIFT TRUCKSD I S T I N G U I S H I N G M A R KP E R F O R M A N C E D A T AT Y R E S /C H A S S I SW E I G H T SE L E C T R I C -E N G I N EA D D I T I O N D A T AEQUIPMENT AND WEIGHT: Weights (line 2.1) are based on the following specifications: Complete truck with 3350 mm (J4.0XN) / 3090 mm (J4.5-5.0XN) / 3100 mm (5.0-5.5XN6),2 stage limited free lift mast, standard carriage, 1000 mm forks (4.0) / 1200 mm forks (4.5-5.5) and load backrest, manual hydraulics and pneumatic shaped solid drive and steer tyres.1.1 Manufacturer (abbreviation) 1.2 Manufacturer’s type designitionModel1.3 Drive: electric (battery or mains), diesel, petrol, LPG1.4 Operator type: hand, pedestrian, standing, seated, order-picker 1.5 Rated capacity/rated load Q (t)1.6 Load centre distancec (mm)2.1 Service weight « kg 2.2 Axle loading, laden front/rear « kg 2.3 Axle loading, unladen front/rear « kg 3.1 Tyres: L = pneumatic, V = solid, SE = pneumatic-shaped solid 3.2 Tyre size, front 3.3 Tyre size, rear3.5 Wheels, number front/rear (x = driven wheels)3.6 Tread, front, standard/wide tread * b 10 (mm) 5.1 Travel speed, laden/unladen r km/h5.1.1 Travel speed, laden/unladen, backwards km/h 5.2 Lift speed, laden/unladen m/s 5.3 Lowering speed, laden/unladenm/s 5.5 Drawbar pull, laden/unladen ** ¨ N5.6 Maximum drawbar pull, laden/unladen *** N 5.7 Gradeability, laden/unladen **** † %5.8 Maximum gradeability, laden/unladen *** † %5.9 Acceleration time, laden/unladen r s5.10 Service brake6.1 Drive motor rating S2 60 min kW 6.2 Lift motor rating at S3 15%kW6.3 Battery according to DIN 43531/35/36 A, B, C, no 6.4 Battery voltage/nominal capacity K5 (V)/(Ah)6.5 Battery weight (min/max)kg6.6 Energy consumption according to VDI cycle ¥ kWh/h @Nr of Cycles8.1 Drive control10.1 Operating pressure for attachments bar 10.2 Oil volume for attachments s l/min 10.3 Hydraulic oil tank, capacity l10.7 Average noise level at operator’s ear ¯ dB(A)10.8Towing coupling, type DINJ4.0XN J4.5XN J5.0XN J5.0XN6 J5.5XN6 Advance Advance Advance Advance Advance Electric (battery)Electric (battery)Electric (battery)Electric (battery)Electric (battery)Seated Seated Seated Seated Seated 4.0 4.5 4.9 5.0 5.5 500 500 500 600 600 523 523 523 581 591 2 020 2 020 2 020 2 180 2 180* Standard / Wide tread ** 60 minute rating *** 5 minute rating **** 30 minute rating. Specification data is based on VDI 2198HYSTER HYSTER HYSTER HYSTERHYSTER7 4357 5687 8218 6568 867 10006 1429 10801 1267 11603 1219 12236 1420 13025 1342 3980 3455 4022 3546 4070 3751 4467 4189 4520 4347SE SE SE SE SE 250 x 15 250 x 15 355/50-15 355/50-15 355/50-15 7.00 x 12 7.00 x 127.00 x 1228 x 9-15 28 x 9-15 2X 2 2X22X 2 2X2 2X 2 1 123 1 1671 123 1 167-1 167-1 167 -1 1671 1431 1431 1431 1431 1436 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 2320 2320 2320 2320 2320 100 100 100 100 100 3 300 3 040 3 040 3 040 3 040 4 109 3 855 3 855 4 030 4 030 2 338 2 338 2 338 2 338 2 338 2 350 2 350 2 350 2 350 2 3501 3181 3181 3181 318 1 318 526 526 526 526 526 3908 3908 4108 4326 4336 2908 2908 2908 3126 31361 373 1 451 1 373 1 451 - 1 451 -1 451 - 1 451 50 120 1 00050 120 1 00050 150 1 20050 1501 200 60 1501 2003A 3A 3A 4A 4A 1219 1219 1219 1219 1219 130 130 135 135 135 177 177 177 177 177 1000 x 12001000 x 1200 1000 x 1200 1000 x 1200 1000 x 1200 4 161 4 161 4 161 4 381 4 391 4 161 4 161 4 161 4 381 4 391 4 336 4 336 4 336 4 555 4 565 2 411 2 411 2 411 2 573 2 573 313 313 313 337 337 2 302 2 302 2 302 2 421 2 423 840840 840 84084049049049049049020.0 21.0 20.0 21.0 20.0 21.0 20.0 21.0 19.5 21.0 20.0 21.0 20.0 21.0 20.0 21.0 20.0 21.0 19.5 21.0 0.44 0.60 0.38 0.47 0.36 0.47 0.30 0.46 0.30 0.46 0.53 0.48 0.45 0.37 0.45 0.37 0.46 0.36 0.46 0.36 6 4226 5616 4936 6406 4876 6276 6026 4426 5986 42917203 17725 17382 17904 17377 17891 17326 17880 17312 17874 8.1 11.8 7.7 11.7 7.3 11.3 6.7 9.9 6.4 9.7 15.6 23.0 14.9 22.7 14.1 22.2 13.7 21.5 13 21 5.1 4.6 5.2 4.6 5.3 4.6 4.70 4.20 4.90 4.20 Hydraulic Hydraulic H ydraulic Hydraulic Hydraulic 2x 14.7 2x 14.7 2x 14.7 2x 14.7 2x 14.7 36 36 36 36.0 36.0 43536 A 43536 A 43536 A 43536 A 43536 A 80 840/93080840/930 80840/930 80840/93080840/9302069 22872069 2287 2069 2287 2069 2287 2069 2287 10.6 11.2 12.3 13.10 13.40AC electronicA C electronicA C electronic AC electronicAC electronic155 155 155 155 155 60 60 60 60 60 49.6 49.6 49.6 49.6 49.6 68 68 68 68 68 Pin Pin PinPinPinJ4.0XN = 50x120x1000 mm forksJ4.5XN = 50x120x1000 mm forks J5.0XN = 50x150x1000 mm forksMaximum fork height (mm)v Back tilt Overall lowered height (mm)Overall extended height (mm)Free lift (top of forks) (mm) o VISTA MASTS J5.0-5.5XN62-Stage Full Free Lift2-Stage Limited Free Lift3-Stage Full Free Lift3 090 D 3 390 D 3 990 D4 690 D5 290 D 5 890 D 2 3202 4702 7703 2203 6204 020 4 030 ¥4 330 ¥4 930 ¥5 630 ¥6 230 ¥6 830 ¥150 D 150 D 150 D 150 D 150 D 150 D 8°8°8°8°8°8°4 137 D 4 690 D 4 990 D 5 290 D 2170237024702570 5 129 S 5 682 S 5 982 S 6 282 S 1 178 < D 1 378 < D 1 478 < D 1 578 < D8˚8˚8˚8˚J4.0XN - CAPACITY CHART in kg @ 500, 600 and 700mm Load CentresMaximum fork height (mm)v2-Stage Full Free Lift2-Stage Limited Free Lift3 3503 6504 2504 950 4 0004 0004 0004 000 3 5003 5003 5003 500 3 4803 4703 4603 430 3 3703 3603 3503 3203 5003 5003 5003 5004 9505 2505 5506 0004 0004 0004 0004 0004 0003 8903 5003 500 3 5003 490 3 4303 4303 5003 5003 5003 5003 5003 4103 4403 4303 4203 3203 3603 3503 3503 2503 5003 5003 5003 4103 3753 6754 0004 0003 9903 9504 0004 0003 9803 9703 9703 8503-Stage Full Free LiftPneumatic Shaped Solid TyresJ4.0XN500mm LCJ4.0XN 600mm LCJ4.0XN 700mm LCJ4.0XN 500mm LCJ4.0XN 600mm LCJ4.0XN 700mm LCWithout sideshift With integral sideshiftJ4.5-5.0XN - CAPACITY CHART in kg @ 500, 600 and 700mm Load CentresJ5.0-5.5XN6 - CAPACITY CHART in kg @ 500, 600 and 700mm Load CentresMaximum fork height (mm)v Maximum fork height (mm)v 2-Stage Full Free Lift 2-Stage Limited Free Lift3 0903 3903 9904 6905 2905 8904 5004 5004 5004 5004 4104 260 4 1004 1004 1004 1004 0203 8904 8355 1355 4354 5004 4404 3804 3104 1004 0503 9903 9303 559 3 0903 3903 9904 6905 2905 8904 0904 0804 0604 0303 9203 770 3 9503 9503 9503 9503 9503 7504 4804 4704 4504 4104 3004 130 4 9104 9004 8804 7604 5404 300 4 4904 4804 4604 3504 1503 930 3 9503 9503 9503 9503 8403 6404 8355 1355 4354 1004 0203 9503 8803 9503 9503 9503 8804 500 4 970 4 500 3 9504 3904 3204 2404 6904 5804 4704 2904 1904 0903 9503 8903 8003 559 3-Stage Full Free LiftPneumatic Shaped Solid TyresJ4.5XN 500mm LCJ4.5XN 500mm LCJ4.5XN 600mm LCJ4.5XN 600mm LCJ4.5XN 700mm LCJ4.5XN 700mm LCJ5.0XN 500mm LCJ5.0XN 600mm LC J5.0XN700mm LC J5.0XN 500mm LCJ5.0XN 600mm LCJ5.0XN 700mm LC3 8803 8703 8603 8203 7203 5803 8803 7903 7303 6604 9904 9904 9904 9104 7004 450 4 9904 9904 9904 9104 7004 4503 7603 7603 7403 7103 6103 4704 990 4 500 3 8104 7904 6904 5904 3104 2204 1303 7103 6403 580With integral sideshiftWithout sideshift2 815 (9)2 1703 807 S1 184 < D8°4h 6y FWm 2x l 2l 1KVUHh 10REB CJ JNb 1/b 2Wab 13b 11ZZb 10a/2a/2qAst9271R = (16+ x)2 + b 12- b 13 22A st = W a + R + a (see lines 4.34.1&4.34.2)a = M inimum operating clearance(VDI standard = 200 mm BITA recommendation = 300 mm)l 6 = Load Length45005000550060001500250500600750100012501500200025003000350040004500500055006000J5.0XN J5.5XN6J5.0XN6J4.5XN J4.0XNSTANDARD CARRIAGELoad centre Distance from front of forks to centre of gravity of load.Rated load Based on 2-stage LFL mast with 5450mm lift height for J4.0XN, 4890mm for J4.5XN, 4390mm for J5.0XN, 5100mm for J5.0XN6, 4700mm for J5.5XN6 and 1374mm integral sideshift carriage with load backrest. Minimum battery weight 2070kg for all models.Standard 500mm load centre – J4.0-5.0XN Standard 600mm load centre – J5.0-5.5XN6(k g )Load Moment - cmkgs409200460350511500561500617650Vertical CO G d mm 690 689 677 703 703 Horizontal COG f mm 929 913 956 1040 1068 Step heightk mm490490490490490Head clearance n mm 978 978 978 978 978J4.0XN J4.5XN J5.0XN J5.0XN6 J5.5XN6INTEGRAL SIDE SHIFT CARRIAGER a t e d l o a d (k g )PRODUCT FEATURESThe J4.0XN-5.5XN6 is designed to handle the loads found in tough indoor or outdoor applications such as timber processors and handlers, automotive manufacturers, paper / pulp, beverage / bottlehandling and breweries / distilleries, metal works and fabricators, cargo storage and warehousing, building and construction. Offers many functions and features, including eLo and HiP performance settings and high mounted multi feature dash display which can be found on the successful J1.5-3.5XN series.DEPENDABILITYn Part of the successful XN range that has brought you industry leading reliabilityn Strong construction and proven components ensure long term reliability and durability e.g. VSM (Vehicle system manager), O-ring face seal fittings, AC motors, sealed electrical connectors, Hall effect sensors, Solid state encoders n Robust truck with highly rigid construction hasbeen designed with a heavy duty mast and axle for excellent load handling capability and high residual capacity, in order to ensure fast, stable load handling and high productivity in arduous and intensive heavy duty applications n Optional auxillary hydraulic cooler for the mostintense of lifting applications, side thrust bearings in carriage for attachment use COST OF OWNERSHIPn Designed to deliver the optimal balance between productivity and energy consumption (e-Balance) to give you a low cost per pallet moved in varying application conditions n Designed to be the most robust electric CB on the market, to withstand the rigours of the toughest applications n 840-930 Ah 80V DIN batteries availablen Oil immersed brakes and automatic park brakes save money by lowering maintenance requirementsPRODUCTIVITYn 80V dual front wheel drive with AC motors throughout (hoist/steer and traction)n HiP performance setting offers the ultimate in eBalance. ICE-like productivity and low energy consumptionn Dual drive motor and ZTR Axle is a unique feature in this capacity segment, which allows for excellent manoeuvrability and productivity, thanks to a 4161mm turning aisle width for H4.0-5.0XN (1000x1200mm pallet), while still offering unrivalled operator space and comfortn The truck is designed for heavy duty usage withsuperb residual capacity and Heavy Duty Class IV carriage and side shift on J5.0XN6 and J5.5XN6 models. This allows operators to be more productive through confident load handling n Offers the fastest travel speeds in the industry (21km/h unladen) to match ICE truck performance with a stunning maximum laden lift speed of 0.44 m/s. Designed to meet the requirements of intensive applications where high productivity is of the essence n Available options, which enhance productivity include; TouchPoint TM mini levers integrated into the armrest, light kits, carriage with integral side shift, full orpartial cabins including optional heater, programmable maintenance reminder optionERGONOMICSHyster focuses on ensuring that the operator’s first hour is as productive as the lastn Lowest vibration seat. 0.5 m/s2 according to EN13059 - Safety Of Industrial Trucksn The acclaimed TouchPoint TM mini-levers and armrest ensure that the operator is comfortable at all timesn Low noise 68 dB(A) with standard truckn The dual drive motors and ZTR steer axledeliver a very tight turning circle, allowing thetruck to be long enough to feature a veryspacious operator compartmentn PPS tyres for a comfortable ride over rough terrainn Options - Full or partial cabin with heater option High backrest seat with lumbar support, TouchPoint TM mini lever module and armrest, Telescopic steer column with memory tiltSERVICEABILITYn Service intervals = 1000 hours / 6 monthsn VSM and CANbus technology - faster troubleshooting and resolutionn Maintenance free automatic park braken Oil-immersed brakes service interval = 4000 hoursn Drive axle / transmission oil change interval =4000 hoursn AC motors on traction and hoist are Maintenance free n Hydraulic oil change interval = 4000 hoursn Standard warranty = 2000 hours or one yearn Power train warranty = 4000 hours or two yearsn Available programmable maintenance reminder OPTIONSn 10 class III standard mast offeringsn 10 class IV standard mast offeringsn Wide tread (front) for wide load handling and dual wheels for enhanced ride on rough yardsn Load backrest and forksn Integral side shiftn Non marking tyresn TouchPoint TM mini leversn Swivel full suspension seats (cloth/vinyl)n High Backrest seat with lumbar support and headrest n Telescopic steering column with memory tiltn Modular cabin with heatern Monotroln LED light packages with visible alarm stroben Audible back up alarmn 12V power outletn DIN Batteries and chargers from multiple suppliersn Extended Warranty (36 Months / 6000 hours)n Dual internal and Panoramic mirrorn Load weight indicatorn Impact sensorn Keyless start with Operator IDn Daily Operator checklistn System Monitoringn Auxillary hydraulic cooler (standard on J5.5XN6)n Side thrust bearings for attachment usen Spray and corrosive environment “wash down” protection kitContact your local Hyster Dealer/Hysterasiapacific @Hyster_APHYSTER ASIA PACIFIC1 Bullecourt Avenue, Milperra NSW, Australia 2214 Tel: +61 (2) 9795 3800 Fax: +61 (2) 9792 8484No. 49, Jalan Astaka V8/84A, Bukit Jelutong, 40150 Shan Alam, Selangor, Malaysia Tel: +603 7831 /pacific/en-au /asia/en-sg.AUHYSTER ®DEALERSis a Registered Trademark.HYSTER is a Registered Trademark. STRONG PARTNERS. TOUGH TRUCKS. EZXCHANGE, HSM and VISTA are trademarks in the United States and certain other jurisdictions. © Hyster Asia Pacific 2016. All rights reserved. Printed in Australia. Specifications and details in this brochure are subject to change without prior notification. Please consult with your Hyster dealer for the most up to date information and to confirm exact capacities. 3990073 Rev. 04-12/15-TLCContact your nearest Hyster Dealershipby visiting .auA 970。


托 盘 车
托 盘 车
• 在停放车辆的地面上,检查是否有液压油、齿轮油、电解液泄 漏。
• 检查货叉是否开裂、弯曲。 • 检查轮子是否开裂、损伤或异常磨损。检查轮子紧固件是否松
减速 慢慢松去大拇指,方向速度控制按 钮便会自动回位,车辆速度下降。 转向 双手握住操纵把手的左右手柄,下 压至倾斜位置,左右搬动操纵把手 实现车辆转向。向左转时,车辆向 左转;向右转时,车辆向右转。 制动 大拇指离开方向速度控制按钮,搬 动操纵把手至水平位置或垂直位置 时,实现车辆制动。
前移式叉车在倒退行驶时,脚被夹在叉车和 货架之间造成受伤
• 以错误的驾驶姿势(单脚伸
到脚踏板之外)驾驶前移式 叉车
①驾驶前移式叉车时,应用正确的 驾驶姿势双脚都站在脚踏板上驾 驶叉车。
行驶时不观察路况, 会造成碰撞。
行驶时应主动观察路 况,并及时改变操 作。
• 左右转动操作把手使车辆左右各运行三圈,检查转向系统是 否正常。
• 按下喇叭,检查声音。 • 压下紧急断电开关,检查电源是否被即刻切断。 • 检查是否有异常噪音。
起动 插上电瓶插头,打开紧急断电开关,打开钥 匙开关。 前进 用双手向后将操纵把手下压至0°- 90°之间。 大拇指将方向速度控制按钮向前渐渐转动, 车辆超前运行,速度由方向速度控制按钮转 动角度控制。 倒车 双手向后将操纵把手下压至0°- 90°之间。 大拇指将方向速度控制按钮向后渐渐转动。 车辆朝后运行。
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此数据仅供参考,具体以实物为准Data are for reference only,specific in kind prevail.。
