Google 搜索-很详细-英文原版
只需要在搜索里面加上inurl:pdf然后后面加上杂志的限制,比如"by cell press"就可以查到很多cell杂志的文章,更深入的大家看看下面吧。
(转载)一,GOOGLE简介Google()是一个搜索引擎,由两个斯坦福大学博士生Larry Page与Sergey Brin于1998年9月发明,Google Inc. 于1999年创立。
2000年7月份,Google 替代Inktomi成为Yahoo公司的搜索引擎,同年9月份,Google成为中国网易公司的搜索引擎。
Google an American multinational corporation that provides Internet-related products and services, including internet search, cloud computing, software and advertising technologies. Advertising revenues from AdWords generate almost all of the company's profits.The company was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while both attended Stanford University. Together, Brin and Page own about 16 percent of the company's stake. Google was first incorporated as a privately held company on September 4, 1998, and its initial public offering followed on August 19, 2004. The company's mission statement from the outset was "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful" and the company's unofficial slogan is "Don't beevil".In 2006, the company moved to its headquarters in Mountain View, California.半年启用。
1 国外论文搜索我们注意到,从网上找到的国外论文大部分是pdf格式。
所以,细心一点会发现,在google搜索的文献旁边都有一个[pdf]字样,因此我尝试用“key words" +"pdf" 的模式搜索国外文献,效果很好!比如,我查找国外海洋防污涂料的文献,输入“antifou ling pdf ",结果举例:[PDF] SEAPRO ANTIFOULING SEAPRO ANTIFOULING M014[PDF] Biocide-free Antifouling coatings Performance,Prospects and ...[PDF] 2002grc093 The Antifouling Performance of Non-Toxic Silicone ...等等。
2 利用google搜密码最早以前,我曾经用" password+journal" 方法搜过一些,效果也很明显。
后来有人提出一个号称通吃天下文献数据库的密码万能的公式,password=welcome+(X),x 可以为任何一个文献数据库的名称,可以写成password=welcome+ProQuestpassword=welcome+Ingentapassword=welcome+EBSCO。
等等,放到google里后,检索为“password welcome ProQuest”这样会有好多的密码出现,你慢慢尝试吧!据说这个方法是一个叫Hmongbook 的人概括出来的,真感谢他!我个人使用后感觉不错!另外,并不是所有的数据库登陆都是username password,比如我前几天查找的英国economist周刊,他的检索关键词就应该为:"password e-mail ",这需要各位的细心了!上述一种常用方法,现在也提供一下个人以及网友提供的检索常用搜索词的一些例子,模式上基本大同小异medicine journal ID pw PASSWORDVirtuelle Bibliothek PASSWORD“Online Full Text Resources password”“health sciences library password ”“OvidLWW password”“medizin bibliothek password”“medizin Volltext password”“medizin literatur password”“health ejournals password ”“medizin elektronik password”medicina BIBLIOTECA passwordmédecine PéRIODIQUES éLECTRONIQUES passwordhealth ejournals passwordAmerican Journal of Medicine OnLine FULL TEXT Journals username passwordmedicine journal fulltext username同时,如果你足够细心,你会在这样的检索中有很多以外的收获。
全球搜索引擎大全1、谷歌搜索引擎:/GOOGLE搜索引擎是由两位斯坦福大学的博士LARRY PAGE和SERGEY BRIN在1998年创立的,几年间发展为目前规模最大的。
4、HotBot搜索引擎:/HotBot 是美国一个非常优秀的搜索引擎,它获得了许多杂志及媒体的奖项。
HotBot 最大的特点在于它的界面组织和丰富的检索功能。
5、InfoSpace 搜索引擎:/InfoSpace(纳斯达克股票代码:INSP)是一家拥有众多搜索引擎产品的上市公司(Dogpile,Zoo等),是实力雄厚的ComScore公司的子公司之一,是美国著名的元搜索引擎公司。
每一条搜索结果都综合自数个搜索引擎,包括Google, Yahoo!, Ask Jeeves, About, FindWhat, LookSmart,Live等。
Dogpile提出的口号是"Good Dog,Great Results"。
以下是百度搜索排名1. index of mpeg43. index of mp34. index of cnki5. index of rmvb6. index of rm7. index of movie8. index of swf9. index of jpg10. index of admin12. index of pdf13. index of doc14. index of wmv15. index of mdb16. index of mpg17. index of mtv18. index of software19. index of mov20. index of asf23. index of lib24. index of vod25. index of rar27. index of exe28. index of iso29. index of video30. index of book31. index of soft32. index of chm33. index of password34. index of game35. index of music36. index of dvd37. index of mid38. index of ebook40. index of download再按搜索你就可以突破网站入口下载软件[attachmentid=1642]到这里,大家也许都明白了,其实就是"index of /"这个关键词在起的作用,使用它可以直接进入网站首页下的所有文件和文件夹中,不必在通过HTTP的网页形式了,从而避免了那些网站的限制,作到了突破限制下载超级P2P搜索引擎让所有收费网站破产!类似搜索Google大家都用过吧?我们正是利用它强劲的搜索功能来突破封锁下载,Google搜索和限制下载有什么关系,没可能实现吧?不要不相信哦,往下看哦!/intl/zh-CN///首先打开Google,在关键词输入框中输入"index of/"inurl:lib(双引号为英文状态下),选择“搜索简体中文网页”选项,回车搜索,得到了一些网页,不要以为这是一些普通的页面,其实它们是一些图书网站的资源列表,点击打开它来看看,怎么样?是不是所有资源一收眼底了?使用其他关键字可能得到更多的资源:在搜索框上输入:"index of /"cnki再按搜索你就可以找到许多图书馆的CNKI、VIP、超星等入口!在搜索框上输入:"index of /" ppt再按搜索你就可以突破网站入口下载powerpint作品!在搜索框上输入:"index of /"mp3再按搜索你就可以突破网站入口下载mp3、rm等影视作品!在搜索框上输入:"index of /"swf再按搜索你就可以突破网站入口下载flash作品!在搜索框上输入:"index of /"加上要下载的软件名再按搜索你就可以突破网站入口下载软件!在搜索框上输入:"index of /"AVI再按搜索你就可以突破网站入口下载AVI视频你会找到什么呢?同理,把AVI换为MPEG看看又会找到什么呢?呵呵!接下来不用我再教了吧?那就试一下你的手气吧!"index of /" RMVB"index of /" WMA"index of /" MTV"index of /" MPEG到这里,大家也许都明白了,其实和百渡一样。
Google基本搜索•Google 查询简洁方便,仅需输入查询内容并敲一下回车键(Enter),或单击“Google 搜索”按钮即可得到相关资料。
搜索两个及两个以上关键字•Google 只会返回那些符合您的全部查询条件的网页。
拼音汉字转换•Google 运用智能软件系统对拼音关键词能进行自动中文转换并提供相应提示。
例如:搜索“yue guang”, Google 能自动提示“您是不是要找:月光”。
如果您点击“月光”,Google 将以“月光”作为关键词进行搜索。
整词的搜索•在Google 中,可以通过添加双引号来搜索短语。
比如你可以搜一下“when i was young i'd listened to the radio * my favorite songs waiting ”可以通过模糊记忆的单词找到“yesterday once more”的歌词地址•Google良好的搜索和易用性已经得到了广大网友的欢迎,但是除了我们经常使用的Google网站、图像和新闻搜索之外,它还有很多其他搜索功能和搜索技巧。
google检索技巧1.在google中输入:关键词filetype:pdfpdf是文件格式,可以换成doc, ppt, xls, rtf,swf等等均可!举例:在google的搜索栏输入:姜黄属植物的植物化学研究进展filetype:pdf直接可以找到姜黄属植物的植物化学研究进展.pdf文件2.把搜索范围限定在特定站点中(site)格式:毕业论文filetype:doc site: (搜索所有教育网内的原版毕业论文)3.把搜索范围限定在url链接中(inurl)格式:CorelDraw 下载inurl:down4.要善于利用Google和百度的“快照”功能。
通过"全部文章"连接你可以查看与此旧文献相关的所有文献.8.百度MP3搜索利用歌词搜索百度歌词搜索引擎能够搜到歌词,还能用来寻找mp3,比如我很喜欢齐秦一首歌,不记得歌名,记得歌词中有一句,“也许一杯清清的水”,用“清清的水”在歌词搜索引擎中搜索,知道这首歌歌名是“也许...就足够”,点击右下角→搜索下载"也许...就足够",就能找到这首歌9.比较大的pdf书,如果是字符型的,用Acrobat Professional的"高级--PDF优化"可以变小很多.图片型的则变化不大。
Google 网站搜索 | 数据表Google 网站搜索专为您单位定制的 Google 网络搜索Google 网站搜索 专为企业精心设计,可让企业为自己的网站创建可高度自定义、具有 Google 风格的搜索解决方案。
Google 网站搜索是一套无需硬件和软件的 SaaS (软件即服务)解决方案,具有以下功能和特点:• 为您的网站提供 Google 业界领先的相关性搜索技术和强大的搜索功能 • 易于部署和管理• 针对搜索结果的外观和属性提供多种自定义选项 • 采用按搜索查询次数划分的灵活付费方案需要特别指出的是,Google 网站搜索会为您指定的网站创建单独索引。
这不会影响您的网站在 上的排名。
您的公司如何获益用户粘度提升绝大多数客户在部署 Google 网站搜索之后,都向我们反映网站各项指标都有改善,包括:• 转化率提高 • 搜索使用率提高 • 跳出率降低Google网站搜索包含强大的自定义选项,可让您将搜索体验与您的网站完美整合。
Google 网站搜索要了解详情,请访问:/enterprise/search/您可获得以下功能和服务:• Google 相关性• 可完全自定义的选项• 网页和图片搜索• 同义词匹配• 查询字词自动填充• 增强的索引编制功能• 80种支持的语言• 灵活的付费方案• 无广告• 电子邮件技术支持(以及为 Enterprise版本提供电话和寻呼机技术支持)客户满意度提升客户普遍希望获得像 上一样的搜索体验,而 Google 网站搜索能够在客户使用的任意设备上提供这样的搜索体验。
易于管理Google 网站搜索的注册和管理通过在线控制台进行处理。
您提供想要 Google 网站搜索编入索引的网站后,这些网页将在数小时内被编入索引。
GOOGLE 对“cgi-bin/phf”中的“/”当成空格处理。
例如: 输入“link:”可以搜索所有含指向天极下“”链接的网页。
注意:“link”不能与其他语法相混合操作,所以“link:”后面即使有空格,也将被GOOGLE 忽略。
4.allintext: 当我们用allintext提交查询的时候,Google会限制搜索结果仅仅在网页正文里边包含了我们所有查询关键词的网页。
例[allintext: travel packing list],提交这个查询,Google仅仅会返回在一个网页包含了三个关键词”travel”“packing”和”list”的网页。
5.allintitle: 当我们用allintitle提交查询的时候,Google会限制搜索结果仅在网页标题里边包含了我们所有查询关键词的网页。
例[allintitle: detect plagiarism],提交这个查询,Google仅会返回在网页标题里边包含了”detect”和”plagiarism”这两个关键词的网页。
6.allinurl: 当我们用allinurl提交查询的时候,Google会限制搜索结果仅在URL(网址)里包含我们要查询关键词的网页。
例[allinurl: google faq],提交这个查询,Google仅会返回在URL里边包含了关键词”google”和”faq”的网页,象/help/faq.html等的网页。
英文搜索引擎1. 简介英文搜索引擎是一种通过关键字搜索英文内容的工具。
2. 著名的英文搜索引擎以下是一些著名的英文搜索引擎:•Google: Google是目前全球范围内最受欢迎和广泛使用的搜索引擎。
•Bing: Bing是微软公司开发的搜索引擎,虽然在全球范围内使用率比Google低,但在一些特定领域,如商业和科技,Bing的搜索结果更为准确和相关。
•Yahoo: Yahoo曾经是互联网界最受欢迎的搜索引擎之一,但近年来逐渐失去了市场份额。
3. 搜索引擎的工作原理搜索引擎的工作原理可以简单概括为三个步骤:•爬取:搜索引擎的爬虫程序会按照一定的规则从互联网上抓取网页。
4. 搜索引擎的搜索算法搜索引擎使用复杂的搜索算法来确定搜索结果的相关性和排序。
•TF-IDF算法:TF-IDF算法通过计算词频(Term Frequency)和逆文档频率(Inverse Document Frequency)来确定关键词的重要性。
1. 使用关键词搜索:使用相关的关键词来搜索你感兴趣的主题。
2. 使用双引号搜索精确短语:如果你想搜索一段具体的短语,
3. 使用排除词限制结果:如果你想排除某些词汇,可以在搜索
例如,搜索"气候变化",但不包括"极端气候变化",可以输入"气候变化 -极端"。
4. 使用站点限制搜索:如果你只想在特定网站上搜索,可以使用"site:"后跟网站域名来限制搜索范围。
5. 查看相关文献和引用:谷歌学术会显示与所选择的文章相关
6. 添加限制器过滤结果:通过使用谷歌学术的过滤器,可以更
7. 了解高级搜索选项:点击谷歌学术搜索框右侧的三个竖点图标,可以打开高级搜索选项。
第36首《nothing s gonna change my love for you》
这是格莱恩·梅德罗斯(Glenn Medeiros)的《Nothing‘s gonna change my love for you》(中文:此情永不移,也有译成:痴心不改), 是《廊桥遗梦》主题曲。原唱是一位黑人爵士樂手,名字叫George Benson,遗憾的是,在他唱的时候没有走红。
最值得推荐的就是渡岸学术网 Biblioteka /eb/index.htm
还有很多面向 rapidshare的搜索引擎:
⾄于到底为何要⼀门⼼思舍近求远下载国外版本呢?其实在之前的⽂章中已经介绍过很多次了,⽐如:国际版爱奇艺、优酷没有⽚头⼴告;国际版的应⽤不会像国内流氓版索要太多不必要权限;国际版应⽤不会⽆缘⽆故唤醒应⽤,来回跳转等等……这么说吧,如果你把国内版本的 App 都换成⾕歌市场的版本,⼿机续航⾄少能提⾼ 20%,⿊哥亲测。
既然⽆法通过⾕歌商店直接下载这些应⽤,还有其它⽅法吗?很早以前给⼤家介绍过 Apkpure,不过很可惜,现在已经不能⽤了。
还好,最近⼀段时间,⼀个叫APKHere 的国外市场⽐较⾛红,估计已经有不少⼩伙伴开始⽤起来了。
它既有⽹页版,也有 App,这个市场收录的⼤部分都是 Google Play 版应⽤,⽽且还可以下载到安卓应⽤的历史版本,之前不习惯微信7.0 版本的⼩伙伴可以使⽤这个来降级了~今天就以 App 为例给⼤家介绍⼀下~打开 App,界⾯⾮常简洁,没有⼴告。
不过App 排版逻辑和我们平时⽤的应⽤商店差不多,纯英⽂也不太影响什么,这⾥主要有主页、热门和分类三个界⾯。
可以直接搜索我们需要的App,⽐如优酷,下载安装后,发现它和国内版App 基本没有差别。
我试验了⼀下,没有开启任何拦截⼴告软件,⽽打开视频也没有⽚头⼴告,这么说,前⼏天的那篇屏蔽⼴告的⽂章⽩给⼤家推荐了~同时因为这⾥的应⽤基本都来⾃⾕歌商店,所以我们在搜索软件的时候,如果中⽂名字⽆法搜索到,那就换成英⽂名进⾏搜索,⽐如 IQIYI,WeChat。
1.更加全面地用Google搜索的最好方式是点击高级搜索.2. 它可以让你搜索更加精准的词组,“所有词组”或者是适当的搜索框里输入词组的某一个特定关键词.3. 在高级搜索里你依然可以自定义在一张页面上展示多少个搜索结果,你所寻找的信息语言和文件格式.4. “搜索以下网站或网域”可以让你通过输入一个顶级域名(如)来限定搜索结果.5. 你也可以点击“日期、使用权限、数字范围和更多”的链接以获取更高级的功能.(Google中文直接分条在页面展示.)6. 保存设置,这些高级功能大多也可以在Google首页的搜索框中通过命令行参数来实现7. Google的主要搜索可以无形地用布尔结构“AND”来结合.你当输入smoke fire - 它表示寻找smoke AND fire. 8. 要让Google搜索Smoke 或者fire,只需要输入smoke OR fire. 9. 你也可以用| 来代替OR.如:smoke | fire. 10. 像AND 和OR 这样的布尔结构对大小写非常敏感.他们必须是全部大写.11. 搜索专有名词,然后输入用括号括住的一个或者几个关键词.比如water (smoke OR fire) 12. 寻找短语,可以把它们放在引号里.比如:”there's no smoke without fire”. 13. 同义搜索来寻找那些类似的信息,只须在你的关键词臆加一根波浪线,比如:~eggplant. 14. 用减号来排除关键词,如:new pram -ebay 可以让搜索结果排除来自Ebay的婴儿车信息.15. 像I, and, then ,if 这类普通词语是要被Google 忽略的.他们被称作停滞词语.16. 而加号却可以让这些停滞词语给包含进来,比如:fish +and chips. 17. 如果一个停滞词语被包含在那些作为短语的引用标记中间的句子中时,这些词语是被Google允许的.18. 你也可以要求Google进行简省搜索,试一下:Christopher。
101个Go ogle技巧——Google技巧的终极收集字号: 小中大| 打印发布: 2008-9-11 15:42 作者: webmas ter 来源: 未知查看: 2730次1. The best way to beginsearch ing harder with Google is by clicki ng the Advanc ed Search link.2. This lets you search for exactphrase s, "all thesewords", or one of the specif ied keywor ds by enteri ng search termsinto the approp riate box.3. You can also define how many result s you want on the page, what langua ge and what file type you're lookin g for, all with menus.4. Advanc ed Search lets you type in a Top LevelDomain (like ) in the "Search within site of domain" box to restri ct result s.5. And you can clickthe "Date, usagerights, numeri c rangeand more" link to access more advanc ed featur es.6. Save time – most of theseadvanc ed featur es are also availa ble in Google's frontpage search box, as comman d line parame ters.7. Google's main search invisi bly combin es search termswith the Boolea n constr uct "AND". When you entersmokefire – it looksfor smokeAND fire.8. To make Google search for smokeor fire, just type smokeOR fire9. Instea d of OR you can type the | symbol, like this: smoke| fire10. Boolea n connec torslike AND and OR are case sensit ive. They must be uppercase.11. Search for a specif ic term, then one keywor d OR anothe r by groupi ng them with parent heses, like this: water(smokeOR fire)12. To look for phrase s, put them in quotes: "there's no smokewithou t fire"13. Synony m search looksfor wordsthat mean simila r things. Use the tildesymbol before your keywor d, like this: ~eggpla nt14. Exclud e specif ic key wordswith the minusoperat or. new pram -ebay exclud es all result s from eBay.15. Common words, like I, and, then and if are ignore d by Google. Theseare called "stop words".16. The plus operat or makessure stop wordsare includ ed. Like: fish +and chips17. If a stop word is includ ed in a phrase betwee n quotemarksas a phrase, the word is search ed for.18. You can also ask Google to fill in a blank. Try: Christ opher Columb us discov ered*19. Search for a numeri cal rangeusingthe numran ge operat or. For exampl e, search for Sony TV betwee n £300 and £500 with the string Sony TV £300..£50020. Google recogn ises13 main file typesthroug h advanc ed search, includ ing all Micros oft Office Docume nt types, Lotus, PostSc ript, Shockw ave Flashand plaintext files.21. Search for any filety pe direct ly usingthe modifi er filety pe:[filety pe extens ion]. For exampl e: soccer filety pe:pdf22. Exclud e entire file types, usingthe same Boolea n syntax we used to exclud e key wordsearlie r: rugby-filety pe:doc23, In fact, you can combin e any Boolea n search operat ors, as long as your syntax is correc t. An exampl e: "sausag e and mash" -onions filety pe:doc24. Google has some very powerf ul, hidden search parame ters, too. For exampl e "intitl e" only search es page titles. Try intitl e:herbs25. If you're lookin g for filesrather than pages– give indexof as the intitl e: parame ter. It helpsyou find web and FTP direct ories.26. The modifi er inurlonly search es the web addres s of a page: give inurl:spices a go.27. Find live webcam s by search ing for: inurl:view/view.shtml28. The modifi er inanch or is very specif ic, only findin g result s in text used in page links.29. Want to know how many linksthereare to a site? Try link:sitena me – for exampl e link:www.mozill 30. Simila rly, you can find pagesthat Google thinks are relate d in conten t, usingtherelate d: modifi er. Use it like this: relate d:www.micros 31. The modifi er info:site_n ame return s inform ation aboutthe specif ied page.32. Altern ative ly, do a normal search then clickthe "Simila r Pages" link next to a result.33. Specif y a site to search with the site: modifi er – like this: search tipssite:www.techra 34. The abovetip workswith direct ory siteslike and dynami callygenera ted sites.35. Access Google Direct ory – a databa se of handpi ckedand ratedsites– atdirect ory.googl36. The Boolea n operat ors intitl e and inurlwork in Google direct ory, as does OR.37. Use the site: modifi er when search ing Google Images, at images.googl. For exampl e: dvd record er site:www.amazo38. Simila r, using"" will only return result s from .com domain s.39. Google News (news.googl) has its own Boolea n parame ters. For exampl e "intext" pullstermsfrom the body of a story.40. If you use the operat or "source:" in Google News, you can pick specif ic archiv es. For exampl e: heathe r millssource:daily_mail41. Usingthe "locati on:" filter enable s you to return news from a chosen countr y.locati on:uk for exampl e.42. Simila rly, Google Blogse arch(blogse arch.googl) has its own syntax. You can search for a blog title, for exampl e, usinginblog title:<keywor d>43. The genera l search engine can get very specif ic indeed. Try movie:<name of film> to look for moviereview s.44. The modifi er film: worksjust as well!45. Entershowti mes and Google will prompt you for your postco de. Enterit and it'll tell you when and wherelocalfilmsare showin g.46. For a dedica ted film search page, go to www.googl/movies47. If you ticked "Rememb er this Locati on" when you search ed for show times, the next time you can enterthe name of a curren t film instea d.48. Google really likesmovies. Try typing direct or: The Dark Knight into the main search box.49. For cast lists, try cast: name_o f_fil m50. The modifi er music: follow ed by a band, song or albumreturn s musicreview s.51. Try search ing for weathe r London– you'll get a full 4-day foreca st.52. There's also a built-in dictio nary. Try define:<word> in the search box.53. Google stores the conten t of old sites. You can search this cachedirect with the syntax keywor d cache:site_u rl54. Altern ative ly, entercache:site_u rl into Google's search box to be takendirect to the stored site.55. No calcul atorhandy? Use Google's builtin featur es. Try typing 12*15 and hittin g "Google Search".56. Google's calcul atorconver ts measur ement s and unders tands natura l langua ge. Type in 14 stones in kilos, for exampl e.57. It does curren cy conver siontoo. Try 200 pounds in euros58. If you know the curren cy code you can type 200 GBP in EUR instea d for more reliab le result s.59. And temper ature! Just type: 98 f to c to conver t Fahren heitto Centig rade.60. Want to know how clever Google really is? Type 2476 in romannumera ls, then hit "Google Search"...61. You can person alise your Google experi enceby creati ng a Google accoun t. Go to www.googl/accoun t/ then click"Create Accoun t".62. With a Google accoun t thereare lots more extras availa ble. You'll get a free Gmailemailaccoun t for one...63. With your Google accoun t, you can also person alise your frontpage. Click"iGoogl e" to add blog and site feeds.64. Click"Add a Tab" in iGoogl e to add custom tabs. Google automa tical ly popula tes them with suitab le site sugges tions.65. iGoogl e allows you to themeyour page too. Click"Select Theme" to change the defaul t look.66. Some iGoogl e themes change with time..."SweetDreams" is a themethat turnsfrom day to nightas you browse.67. Click"More" under"Try someth ing new" to access a full list of Google sitesand new featur es.68. "Custom Search" enable s you to create a brande d Google search for your own site.69. An active, useful servic e missin g from the list is "Person alise d Search" – but you can access it via www.googl/psearc h when you're logged in.70. This page listssearch es you have recent ly made – and is divide d into catego ries. Clicki ng "pause" stopsGoogle from record ing your histor y.71. Click"Trends" to see the sitesyou visitmost, the termsyou entermost oftenand linksyou've clicke d on!72. Person alise d Search also includ es a bookma rk facili ty – whichenable s you to save bookma rks online and access them from anywhe re.73. You can add bookma rks or access your bookma rks usingthe iGoogl e Bookma rks gadget.74. Did you know you can search within your return ed result s? Scroll down to the bottom of the search result s page to find the link.75. Search locall y by append ing your postco de to the end of query. For exampl e Indian food BA1 2BW findsrestau rants in Bath, with addres ses and phonenumber s!76. Lookin g for a map? Just add map to the end of your query, like this: Leedsmap77. Google findsimages just as easily and liststhem at the top, when you add imageto the end of your search.78. Google ImageSearch recogn isesfaces... add &imgtyp e=face to the end of thereturn ed URL in the locati on bar, then hit enterto filter out pictur es that aren't people. 79. Keepin g an eye on stocks? Type stocks: follow ed by market ticker for the compan y and Google return s the data from Google Financ e.80. Enterthe carrie r and flight number in Google's main search box to return flight tracki ng inform ation.81. What time is it? Find out anywhe re by typing time then the name of a place.82. You may have notice d Google sugges ts altern ate spelli ngs for search terms– that's the builtin spellchecke r!83. You can invoke the spellchecke r direct ly by usingspell: follow ed by your keywor d.84. Click"I'm Feelin g Lucky" to be takenstraig ht to the firstpage Google findsfor your keywor d.85. Entera statis tics-basedquerylike popula tionof Britai n into Google, and it will show you the answer at the top of its result s.86. If your search has none-Englis h result s, click"Transl ate this Page" to see it in Englis h.87. You can search foreig n sitesspecif icall y by clicki ng "Langua ge Tools", then choosi ng whichcountr ies sitesto transl ate your queryto.88. Otherfeatur es on the langua ge toolspage includ e a transl atorfor blocks of text you can type or cut and paste.89. There's also a box that you can entera direct URL into, transl ating to the chosen langua ge.90. Near the langua ge toolslink, you'll see the "Search Prefer ences". This handypage is full of secret functi onali ty.91. You can specif y whichlangua ges Google return s result s in, tickin g as many (or few) boxesas you like.92. Google's Safe Search protec ts you from explic it sexual conten t. You can choose to filter result s more string ently or switch it off comple tely.93. Google's defaul t of 10 result s a page can be increa sed to up to 100 in SearchPrefer ences, too.94. You can also set Google to open your search result s in a new window.95. Want to see what others are search ing for or improv e your page rank? Go towww.googl/zeitge ist96. Anothe r useful, experi menta l search can be foundat www.googl/trends– whereyou can find the hottes t search terms.97. To compar e the perfor mance of two or more terms, enterthem into the trends search box separa ted by commas.98. Fancysearch ing Google in Klingo n? Go to www.googl/intl/xx-klingo n99. Perhap s the Swedis h chef from the muppet s is your role modelinstea d? Checkwww.googl/intl/xx-bork100. Type answer to life, the univer se and everyt hinginto Google. You may be surpri sed by the result...101. It will also tell you the number of hornson a unicor n.1 更加全面地用Googl e搜索的最好方式是点击高级搜索。
关键词格式:[关键词]+[空格]+国家域名后缀解释:“关键词”就是你要找的东西,比如:toys;“空格”就是键盘上的空格了,记住是半角的空格,也就是在英文输入状态下输的空格;国家后缀,比如: cn是中国的域名后缀,uk是英国的国家域名后缀。
那么我们要搜索英国的toys,那使用的关键词就是:toysuk,GGL D:2005-15,GGLD:en&q=toys+uk约有30,900,000项符合toysuk的查询结果,以下是第1-10项。
ATat奥地利ADad安道尔AEae阿联酋AFaf阿富汗AIai安奎拉ALal阿尔巴尼亚AMam亚美尼亚AOao安哥拉AQaq南极洲ARar阿根廷ASas美属萨摩亚群岛AUau澳大利亚AZaz阿塞拜疆BAba波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那BBbb巴巴多斯BDbd孟加拉BEbe比利时BFbf布基那法索BGbg保加利亚BHbh巴林BIbi布隆迪BJbj贝宁BMbm百慕大BNbn文莱BObo玻利维亚BRbr巴西BSbs巴哈马BTbt不丹BWbw博茨瓦纳BZbz伯里兹CAca加拿大CFcf中非共和国CGcg刚果CHch瑞士CIci象牙海岸CKck库克群岛CLcl智利CMcm喀麦隆CNcn中国COco哥伦比亚CRcr哥斯达黎加CScs捷克斯洛伐克(前) CUcu古巴CVcv佛得角群岛CYcy塞浦路斯CZcz捷克共和国DEde德国DJdj吉布提DKdk丹麦DMdm多米尼加DOdo多米尼加共和国DZdz阿尔及利亚ECec厄瓜多尔EEee爱沙尼亚EGeg埃及EHeh西撒哈拉ERer厄立特利亚ESes西班牙ETet埃塞俄比亚FIfi芬兰FJfj斐济FKfk马尔维那斯群岛FMfm密克罗尼西亚FRfr法国GAga加蓬GBgb英国GDgd格林纳达GEge乔治亚GFgf法属圭亚那GHgh加纳GIgi直布罗陀GLgl格陵兰(岛) GMgm赞比亚GNgn几内亚GPgp瓜德罗普GQgq赤道几内亚GRgr希腊GTgt危地马拉GUgu关岛GWgw几内亚比绍GYgy圭亚那HKhk香港HNhn洪都拉斯HRhr克罗地亚HTht海地HUhu匈牙利IDid印度尼西亚IEie爱尔兰ILil以色列INin印度IQiq伊拉克IRir伊朗ISis冰岛ITit意大利JMjm牙买加JOjo约旦JPjp日本KEke肯尼亚KHkh柬埔寨KMkm科摩罗群岛KPkp韩国KRkr北朝鲜KWkw科威特KYky开曼群岛KZkz哈萨克斯坦LAla老挝LBlb黎巴嫩LClc圣路西亚LIli列支敦士登LKlk斯里兰卡LRlr利比里亚LSls莱索托LTlt立陶宛LUlu卢森堡LVlv拉托维亚LYly利比亚MAma摩洛哥MCmc摩纳哥MDmd摩尔多瓦MGmg马达加斯加MHmh马绍尔群岛MLml马里MNmn蒙古MOmo澳门MPmp南马利亚那群岛MQmq马提尼克岛MRmr毛里塔尼亚MSms蒙特塞拉特克岛MTmt马耳他MUmu毛里求斯MVmv马尔代夫MWmw马拉维MXmx墨西哥MYmy马来西亚MZmz莫桑比克NAna纳米比亚NCnc新喀里多尼亚岛NEne尼日尔NGng尼日利亚NIni尼加拉瓜NLnl荷兰NOno挪威NPnp尼泊尔NRnr瑙鲁NUnu纽埃岛NZnz新西兰OMom阿曼PApa巴拿马PEpe秘鲁PFpf法属玻利尼西亚PGpg巴布亚新几内亚PHph菲律宾PKpk巴基斯坦PLpl波兰PRpr波多黎哥PTpt葡萄牙PYpy巴拉圭QAqa卡塔尔REre留尼汪岛ROro罗马尼亚RUru俄罗斯RWrw卢旺达SAsa沙特阿拉伯Sbsb所罗门群岛SCsc塞舌尔SDsd苏丹SEse瑞典SGsg新加坡SHsh圣赫勒拿岛SIsi斯洛文尼亚SJsj斯瓦巴德群岛SKsk斯洛伐克SLsl塞拉利昂SMsm圣马力诺SNsn塞内加尔SOso索马里SRsr苏里南STst圣多美岛和普林西比岛SUsu苏联(前) SVsv萨尔瓦多SYsy叙利亚SZsz斯威士兰TDtd乍得TGtg多哥THth泰国TJtj塔吉克斯坦TKtk托克劳群岛TMtm土库曼斯坦TNtn突尼斯TOto汤加TPtp东帝汶岛TTtt特立尼达和多巴哥TWtw中国台湾TZtz坦桑尼亚UAua乌克兰UGug乌干达UKuk英国USus美国。
2 你也可以点击“日期、使用权限、数字范围和更多”的链接以获取更高级的功能。
(Google 中文直接分条在页面展示。
)3. Google的主要搜索可以无形地用布尔结构“AND”来结合。
你当输入smoke fire - 它表示寻找smoke AND fire. 要让Google搜索Smoke 或者fire,只需要输入smoke or fire. 你也可以用| 来代替OR。
如:smoke | fire. 像AND 和or 这样的布尔结构对大小写非常敏感。
4. 搜索专有名词,然后输入用括号括住的一个或者几个关键词。
比如water (smoke or fire)5. 寻找短语,可以把它们放在引号里。
比如:”there’s no smoke without fire”。
6. 同义搜索来寻找那些类似的信息,只须在你的关键词臆加一根波浪线,比如:~eggplant.7. 用减号来排除关键词,如:new pram -ebay 可以让搜索结果排除来自Ebay的婴儿车信息。
8. 像I, and, then ,if 这类普通词语是要被Google 忽略的。
9. 而加号却可以让这些停滞词语给包含进来,比如:fish +and chips.如果一个停滞词语被包含在那些作为短语的引用标记中间的句子中时,这些词语是被Google允许的。
10. 你也可以要求Google进行简省搜索,试一下:Christopher Columbus discovered *11. 用数字范围功能来搜索数字范围。
一、Google谷歌搜索高级语法1. 减除无关资料(-)如果要避免搜索某个词语,可以在这个词前面加上一个减号(“-”,英文字符)。
2. 英文短语搜索(””)在Google 中,可以通过添加英文双引号来搜索短语。
双引号中的词语(比如"like this")在查询到的文档中将作为一个整体出现。
Google 将“-”、“\”、“.”、“=”和“..."等标点符号识别为短语连接符。
3. 指定网域有一些词后面加上冒号对Google 有特殊的含义。
要在某个特定的域或站点中进行搜索,可以在Google 搜索框中输入“site ”。
例如,要在Google 站点上查找新闻,可以输入:新闻site:4. 查找特定文件Google 已经可以支持13种非HTML文件的搜索——PDF文件,Microsoft Office (doc, ppt, xls, rtf)、Shockwave Flash (swf)、PostScript (ps)和其它类型文档。
例如,如果您只想查找PDF或Flash 文件,而不要一般网页,只需搜索“关键词filetype:pdf”或“关键词filetype:swf”就可以了。
5. 按链接搜索例如,“link:”将找出所有指向Google 主页的网页。
不能将link: 搜索与普通关键词搜索结合使用。
6. 限定关键词只在标题中例如“allintitle:中国苹果”表示“中国”和“苹果”都必须出现在标题中“intitle:中国苹果”表示“中国”必须出现在标题中,“苹果”可以出现在网页的任意位置,可以是标题也可以不是。
7. 限定关键词只在URL中例如“allinURL:koko com”表示“koko”和“com”都必须出现在URL中“inURL:koko com”表示“koko”必须出现在URL中,“com”可以出现在网页的任意位置,可以是URL也可以不是。
如何使用Google Scholar查找外文文献的技巧和方法
如何使用Google Scholar查找外文文献的技巧和方法Google Scholar是Google于2004年底推出的专门面向学术资源的免费搜索工具,能够帮助用户查找包括期刊论文、学位论文、书籍、预印本、文摘和技术报告在内的学术文献,内容涵盖自然科学、人文科学、社会科学等多种学科。
Google Scholar的资料来源主要有以下几方面的资料来源:1. 网络免费的学术资源:随着开放获取运动(Open Access)的开展,有许多机构网站,特别是大学网站汇聚了大量本机构研究人员的学术成果,包括已经发表的论文,论文的预印本、工作报告、会议论文、调研报告等等,并向所有人提供免费公开获取。
这些资源有很多在普通Google 搜索中可以搜索到的,现在Google将这部分资源集中到Google Scholar中,以提供更加专指的搜索结果。
2. 开放获取的期刊网站:许多传统的期刊出版商也加入到开放获取期刊行列,如:英国牛津大学出版社允许全球科研人员在线免费搜索访问2002年以来牛津大学作者出版的学术论文。
斯坦福大学的High wire出版社将其出版的期刊提供全文免费网络服务,截止到2004年5月2日已开放全部1741023篇论文的716615篇,被称为全球最大的免费全文学术论文数据库。
这些开放获取的期刊网站的内容已基本为Google Scholar所包括,可以通过Google Scholar检索并提供全文的链接。
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byDebasis Mohanty (Orissa, India)IntroductionI have been thinking of publishing this paper since long but due to lack of time I was not able to complete it. I use to add and keep this paper updated when I get tired of my daily research work.Google is world’s most popular and powerful search engine which has the ability to accept pre-defined commands as inputs and produce unbelievable results. This enables malicious users like hackers, crackers, and script kiddies etc to use Google search engine extensively to gather confidential or sensitive information which are not visible through common searches.In this paper I shall cover the below given points that an administrators or security professionals must take into account to prevent such information disclosures:-Google’s Advance Search Query Syntaxes-Querying for vulnerable sites or servers using Google’s advance syntaxes-Securing servers or sites from Google’s invasionGoogle’s Advance Search Query SyntaxesBelow discussed are various Google’s special commands and I shall be explaining each command in brief and will show how it can be used for critical information digging.[ intitle: ]The “intitle:” syntax helps Google restrict the search results to pages containing that word in the title. For example, “intitle: login password”(without quotes) will return links to those pages that has the word "login" in their title, and the word "password" anywhere in the page.Similarly, if one has to query for more than one word in the page title then in that case “allintitle:” can be used instead of “intitle” to get the list of pages containing all those words in its title. For example using “intitle: login intitle: password” is same as querying “allintitle: login password”.[ inurl: ]The “inurl:” syntax restricts the search results to those URLs containing the search keyword. For example: “inurl:passwd” (without quotes) will return only links to those pages that have "passwd" in the URL.Similarly, if one has to query for more than one word in an URL then in that case “allinurl:” can be used instead of “inurl” to get the list of URLs containing all those search keywords in it. For example: “allinurl: etc/passwd“ will look for the URLs containing “etc” and “passwd”. The slash (“/”) between the words will be ignored by Google.[site:]The “site:” syntax restricts Google to query for certain keywords in a particular site or domain. For example: “exploits site:” (without quotes) will look for the keyword “exploits” in those pages present in all the links of the domain “”. There should not be any space between “site:” and the “domain name”.[ filetype:]This “filetype:” syntax restricts Google search for files on internet with particular extensions (i.e. doc, pdf or ppt etc). For example: “filetype:doc site:gov confidential” (without quotes) will look for files with “.doc” extension in all government domains with “.gov” extension and containing the word “confidential” either in the pages or in the “.doc” file. i.e. the result will contain the links to all confidential word document files on the government sites.[ link: ]“link:”syntax will list down webpages that have links to the specified webpage. For Example: “link:” will list webpages that have links pointing to the SecurityFocus homepage. Note there can be no space between the "link:" and the web page url.[ related: ]The “related:” will list web pages that are "similar" to a specified web page. For Example: “related:” will list web pages that are similar to the Securityfocus homepage. Note there can be no space between the "related:" and the web page url.[ cache: ]The query “cache:” will show the version of the web page that Google has in its cache. For Example: “cache:” will show Google's cache of the Google homepage. Note there can be no space between the "cache:" and the web page url.If you include other words in the query, Google will highlight those words within the cached document. For Example: “cache: guest” will show the cached content with the word "guest" highlighted.[ intext: ]The “intext:” syntax searches for words in a particular website. It ignores links or URLs and page titles. For example: “intext:exploits” (without quotes) will return only links to those web pages that has the search keyword "exploits" in its webpage.[ phonebook: ]“phonebook” searches for U.S. street address and phone number information. For Example: “phonebook:Lisa+CA” will list down all names of person having “Lisa” in their names and located in “California (CA)”. This can be used as a great tool for hackers incase someone want to do dig personal information for social engineering.Querying for vulnerable sites or servers using Google’s advance syntaxesWell, the Google’s query syntaxes discussed above can really help people to precise their search and get what they are exactly looking for.Now Google being so intelligent search engine, malicious users don’t mind exploiting its ability to dig confidential and secret information from internet which has got restricted access. Now I shall discuss those techniques in details how malicious user dig information from internet using Google as a tool.Using “Index of ” syntax to find sites enabled with Index browsingA webserver with Index browsing enabled means anyone can browse the webserver directories like ordinary local directories. Here I shall discuss how one can use “index of” syntax to get a list links to webserver which has got directory browsing enabled. This becomes an easy source for information gathering for a hacker. Imagine if the get hold of password files or others sensitive files which are not normally visible to the internet. Below given are few examples using which one can get access to many sensitive information much easily.Index of /adminIndex of /passwdIndex of /passwordIndex of /mail"Index of /" +passwd"Index of /" +password.txt"Index of /" +.htaccess"Index of /secret""Index of /confidential""Index of /root""Index of /cgi-bin""Index of /credit-card""Index of /logs""Index of /config"Looking for vulnerable sites or servers using “inurl:” or “allinurl:”ing “allinurl:winnt/system32/” (without quotes) will listdown all the links to the server which gives access to restricted directories like “system32” through web. If you are lucky enough then you might get access to the cmd.exe in the “system32” directory. Once you have the access to “cmd.exe”and are able to execute it then you can go ahead in further escalating your privileges over the server and compromise “allinurl:wwwboard/passwd.txt”(without quotes) in theGoogle search will list down all the links to the server which are vulnerable to “WWWBoard Password vulnerability”. To know more about this vulnerability you can have a look at the following link:/exploits/2BUQ4S0SAW.htmling “inurl:.bash_history” (without quotes) will list downall the links to the server which gives access to “.bash_history” file through web. This is a command history file. This file includes the list of command executed by the administrator, and sometimes includes sensitive information such as password typed in by the administrator. If this file is compromised and if contains the encrypted unix (or *nix) password then it can be easily cracked using “John The Ripper”.d. Using “inurl:config.txt” (without quotes) will list down allthe links to the servers which gives access to “config.txt”file through web. This file contains sensitive information, including the hash value of the administrative password and database authentication credentials. For Example: Ingenium Learning Management System is a Web-based application for Windows based systems developed by Click2learn, Inc. Ingenium Learning Management System versions 5.1 and 6.1 stores sensitive information insecurely in the config.txt file. For more information refer the following links:/securitynews/6M00H2K5PG.htmlOther similar search using “inurl:” or “allinurl:” combined with other syntaxs inurl:admin filetype:txtinurl:admin filetype:dbinurl:admin filetype:cfginurl:mysql filetype:cfginurl:passwd filetype:txtinurl:iisadmininurl:auth_user_file.txtinurl:orders.txtinurl:"wwwroot/*."inurl:adpassword.txtinurl:webeditor.phpinurl:file_upload.phpinurl:gov filetype:xls "restricted"index of ftp +.mdb allinurl:/cgi-bin/ +mailtoLooking for vulnerable sites or servers using “intitle:” or “allintitle:”ing [allintitle: "index of /root”] (without brackets) willlist down the links to the web server which gives access to restricted directories like “root” through web. This directory sometimes contains sensitive information which can be easily retrieved through simple web [allintitle: "index of /admin”] (without brackets) willlist down the links to the websites which has got index browsing enabled for restricted directories like “admin”through web. Most of the web application sometimes uses names like “admin” to store admin credentials in it. This directory sometimes contains sensitive information which can be easily retrieved through simple web requests.Other similar search using “intitle:” or “allintitle:” combined with other syntaxs intitle:"Index of" .sh_historyintitle:"Index of" .bash_historyintitle:"index of" passwdintitle:"index of" people.lstintitle:"index of" pwd.dbintitle:"index of" etc/shadowintitle:"index of" spwdintitle:"index of" master.passwdintitle:"index of" htpasswdintitle:"index of" members OR accountsintitle:"index of" user_carts OR user_cartallintitle: sensitive filetype:docallintitle: restricted filetype :mailallintitle: restricted filetype:doc site:govOther interesting Search QueriesTo search for sites vulnerable to Cross-Sites Scripting (XSS) attacks: allinurl:/scripts/cart32.exeallinurl:/CuteNews/show_archives.phpallinurl:/phpinfo.phpTo search for sites vulnerable to SQL Injection attacks:allinurl:/privmsg.phpallinurl:/privmsg.phpSecuring servers or sites from Google’s invasionBelow given are the security measures which system administrators and security professionals must take into account to secure critical information available online, falling into wrong hands:-Install latest security patches available till date for the applications and as well as the operating system running on the servers.-Don’t put critical and sensitive information on servers without any proper authentication system which can be directly accessible to anyone on internet.-Disable directory browsing on the webserver. Directory browsing should be enabled for those web-folders for which you want to give access to anyone on internet.-If you find any links to your restricted server or sites in Google search result then it should be removed. Visit the following link for more details:/remove.html-Disable anonymous access in the webserver through internet to restricted systems directory.-Install filtering tools like URLScan for servers running IIS as webserver.ConclusionSometimes increase in sophistication in the systems creates new problems. Google being so sophisticated can be used by any Tom, Dick & Harry on internet to dig sensitive information which is normally neither visible nor reachable to anyone.Well, one can’t stop anyone making something sophisticated then the only options left for the security professionals and systems administrators is to secure and harden their systems from such un-authorized invasion.About MeThere is nothing much that I can tell about myself. Well to brief in, I spent most of my time doing vulnerability research, a cup of coffee and internet. That’s all about me.To know more about me visit Debasis MohantyEmail: debasis_mty@I can also be found at:/group/Ring-of-FireComments and suggestion are invited in debasis_mty@.Demystifying Google HacksBy Debasis Mohanty。