关键词: JAVA 多线程 SOCKET 五子棋AbstractAt present , with the development of computer networks , computer and network technology as the core of modern network technology has been widely used in real life and production, the casual game set interesting , entertaining, interactive and puzzle in one, has become the majority population of leisure, but also for the majority of people have preferences.The design of the collection of books on the JAVA -based , focusing on the collection of content SOCKET programming , found the data overview and backgammon rules , access to the network communication technology related papers also refer to a lot of information on backgammon program implementation as well as on document describes the JAVA development tools . In the meantime, I learned the multi-threading technology, data transmission technology , SOCKET programming technique to study the principle of network communication , JAVA write a series of principles such as the principle . Developed backgammon online play code implements online chat , online gaming, network communications, interface organizations such as : the board , establish a server , connect to the server and other functions. Through the above technical study and research , the use SOCKET programming, connections between the server and client can use multi-threading technology to complete the data transfer between the client and the server , and network communication , so that both the client can synchronize for processing.Keywords:JAVA multithreading SOCKET Gobang目录1 绪论 (1)1.1 背景及意义 (1)1.2 选题的目的 (1)1.3 五子棋介绍 (2)1.4 主要完成内容 (2)2 开发环境及工具介绍 (3)2.1 开发环境及运行环境 (3)2.1.1 开发环境 (3)2.1.2 运行环境 (3)2.1.2 开发工具 (3)2.2 Java 简介 (3)2.2.1 Java的起源和发展 (3)2.2.2 Java特点 (4)2.3 Java Socket网络编程简介 (5)2.3.1 Java Socket 网络编程基础 (5)2.3.2 Socket编程的实现 (6)2.4 Java 图形编程 (7)2.5多线程机制 (7)3 需求分析和总体设计 (9)3.1 需求分析作用 (9)3.1.1 界面需求分析 (9)3.1.2 软件需求分析 (9)3.2 总体设计 (9)3.2.1 系统设计思想 (10)3.2.2 系统总体设计 (10)3.3 功能模块及流程 (11)3.3.1 系统主要模块 (11)3.3.2服务器端作用 (12)3.3.3客户端作用 (13)4 详细设计及实现 (15)4.1 系统主流程 (15)4.2 如何判断输赢 (16)4.3 开发环境的搭建 (19)4.4 功能模块的界面实现 (20)5 软件的测试 (23)5.1 软件测试的方法 (23)6 总结语 (25)参考文献 (26)1 绪论1.1 背景及意义1.背景随着经济社会的迅速发展,人们生活水平有了很大的提高,人们的生活观念也发生了巨大的改变。
文中应用参考文献处应标出文献序号,文后“参考文献”的书写,应按照国标GB 7714—87《文后参考文献著录规则》的要求书写,不能有随意性;4.学生的“学号”要写全号(如020*******,为10位数),不能只写最后2位或1位数字;5. 有关年月日等日期的填写,应当按照国标GB/T 7408—94《数据元和交换格式、信息交换、日期和时间表示法》规定的要求,一律用阿拉伯数字书写。
如“2004年3月15日”或“2004-03-15”;6. 指导教师意见和所在专业意见用黑墨水笔工整书写,不得随便涂改或潦草书写。
现代五子棋日文称之为“连珠”,英译为“Renju”,英文称之为“Gobang”或“FIR”(Five in a Row的缩写),亦有“连五子”、“五子连”、“串珠”、“五目”、“五目碰”、“五格”等多种称谓。
计算机毕业论文五子棋游戏软件的设计与实现北方工业大学继续教育学院本科毕业论文(设计)序框架,随微软Visual C++开发工具发布。
该类库提供一组通用的可重用的类库供开发人员使用,大部分类均从CObject 直接或间接派生,只有少部分类例外。
MFC 提供了MFC AppWizard 自动生成框架。
Windows 应用程序中,MFC 的主包含文件为\。
此外MFC的部分类为MFC/ATL 通用,可以在Win32 应用程序中单独包含并使用这些类。
作为Application Framework,MFC的使用只能提高一些情况下的开发效率,只起到辅助作用,而不能替代整个Win32 程序设计。
郑州科技学院课程设计论文基于C#的五子棋游戏的设计与实现1 引言 (1)1.1 五子棋介绍 (1)2 软件架构 (1)3 五子棋设计说明 (1)3.1 主要成员变量说明 (2)3.2 回溯栈元素类——StackElement (2)3.3 棋子点属性类——qzdianshuxing (3)3.4 主要成员函数说明 (3)3.5 实现人机对弈的主要函数 (5)3.6 实现菜单功能的函数 (19)3.6 程序运行界面 (22)4 心得体会 (231)1 引言1.1 五子棋介绍五子棋是起源于中国古代的传统黑白棋种之一。
现代五子棋日文称之为“連珠”,英译为“Renju”,英文称之为“Gobang”或“FIR”(Five in a Row的缩写),亦有“连五子”、“五子连”、“串珠”、“五目”、“五目碰”、“五格”等多种称谓。
2 软件架构软件的总体架构如图2.1:图2.1 软件架构3 五子棋设计说明人机对战人人对战主界面游戏控制游戏模式重新开始退出声音控制悔棋开始3.1 主要成员变量说明1)选择游戏模式标志——m_renren用来表示当前玩家选择游戏的情况,当m_renren为false时,表示人机对战;为true时,表示人人对弈。
上海海事大学程序设计课程设计报告课程题目FIVE CHESS GAME作者姓名学号联系方式指导教师学科(专业)所在学院提交日期目录1引言 (3)1.1五子棋介绍 (3)1.2选题背景和动机 (3)1.3系统所要解决的问题 (3)2 系统框架 (5)2.1棋盘类 (6)2.1.1 主要成员变量说明: (6)2.1.2清空棋盘——Clear (6)2.1.3绘制棋子——Draw (6)2.1.4左键消息——OnLButtonUp (7)2.1.5载入棋盘 (7)2.1.6对方落子完毕——Over (7)2.1.7设置游戏模式——SetGameMode (7)2.1.8胜负的判断——Win (7)2.2游戏模式类 (8)3关键技术 (9)3.1 棋盘对话框的制作 (9)3.1.1 对话框机制 (9)3.1.3 棋子 (10)3.2 人机对弈 (10)3.2.1 难度的选择 (10)3.2.2 机器的落子判断 (11)4运行结果 (15)4.1开发环境及运行环境 (15)4.1.1开发环境 (15)4.1.2运行环境 (15)4.2运行图示 (15)4.2.1 棋盘显示 (15)4.2.2 开始的选择对话框 (16)4.2.3 主界面中的游戏难度选项 (16)4.2.4 电脑的应对 (17)5调试分析 (19)6总结 (21)参考文献 (22)1引言1.1五子棋介绍五子棋是起源于中国古代的传统黑白棋种之一。
现代五子棋日文称之为“連珠”,英译为“Renju”,英文称之为“Gobang”或“FIR”(Five in a Row的缩写),亦有“连五子”、“五子连”、“串珠”、“五目”、“五目碰”、“五格”等多种称谓。
五子棋游戏总体设计与实现4、系统总体设计与实现4、1 总体设计分析总体设计就是软件开发过程中的另一个重要阶段,在这一阶段中将根据需求分析中提出的逻辑模型,科学合理地进行物理模型的设计。
4、1、1 总体设计原则(1)整体性:软件就是作为统一整体而存在的。
4、1、2 软件模块总体设计软件中各模块之间的关系通常利用层次图来表示。
图4-1 游戏功能结构本研究中将游戏软件分为三大模块,如图4-1所示,包括:游戏选项、游戏设置与帮助。
4、2 游戏设计4、2、1 游戏前的准备本游戏在开发之前需要做一些前期准备工作,尤其就是对于精通五子棋游戏的Java 游戏开发者来说。
毕业设计(论文)五子棋的设计与实现Graduation Project (Thesis)Harbin University of CommerceThe Design and Implementationof GobangStudent Zhou YuchunSupervisor Li EnlinSpecialty Computer Science and Technology School Computer and InformationEngineering2010 - 06 - 02毕业设计(论文)任务书姓名:周玉春学院:计算机与信息工程班级:2006级4班专业:计算机科学与技术毕业设计(论文)题目:五子棋的设计与实现立题目的和意义:本程序旨在用JA V A实现一个基本于C/S模式的五子棋网络对战游戏。
技术要求与工作计划:开发环境:Intel core 2 duo 1.8GHz 1G内存160硬盘;Microsoft® Windows™XP Professional;JDK 1.50;Eclipse 3.3.2运行环境:IntelPentium® 2及以上处理器,32M以上内存,4G以上硬盘;Microsoft® Windows™ 9X/NT/XP 操作系统;800*600或以上的屏幕分辨率工作计划:第一阶段需求分析第二阶段系统设计第三阶段系统实现第四阶段论文初稿,程序调试第五阶段论文终稿,程序修订第六阶段准备论文答辩时间安排:1月--2月收集论文资料,确定毕业设计题目3月--4月实习和调研,编写开题报告4月--5月程序设计和调试5月--6月论文初稿6月--答辩论文终稿及答辩指导教师要求:(签字)年月日教研室主任意见:(签字)年月日院长意见:(签字)年月日毕业设计(论文)审阅评语一、指导教师评语:指导老师签字:年月日毕业设计(论文)审阅评语二、评阅人评语:评阅人签字:年月日毕业设计(论文)答辩评语三、答辩委员会评语:四、毕业设计(论文)成绩:专业答辩组负责人签字:年月日五、答辩委员会主任签章答辩委员会主任单位:(签章)答辩委员会主任职称:答辩委员会主任签字:年月日摘要随着互联网迅速的发展,网络游戏已经成为人们普遍生活中不可或缺的一部分,它不仅能使人娱乐,也能够开发人的智力,就像本文所主要讲的五子棋游戏一样能挖掘人们聪明的才干与脑袋的机灵程度。
本毕业设计所完成的五子棋游戏(网络版)是在Windows XP下使用Microsoft Visual C++,可以实现网络间的双人对战,并且可以提供多媒体播放功能。
包括服务器端、客户端的socket 编程,五子棋服务器和客户端通信的实现,五子棋判断算法的实现,主界面视图,多媒体播放以及定时器等附加功能的实现。
关键词:网络游戏;五子棋;VC;WinSocket;MCIThe Design and Development of the on -lineBlack&White GameAbstractOn-line games bring to a new form of entertainment. Until now, on-line games is charming more and more players. As the development of game industry, there will be more and more developers join in the game development team.The on -line Black&White game was developed by Microsoft Visual C++ on Windows XP platform. In this game, two people can play the game on line, and the game also provides multimedia player function.The thesis start with introduction of network socket programming, the development processing of the on -line Black&White game are introduced in detail as followed. The thesis have a full touch on server and client socket programming, the communication between server and client was implemented, the algorithm of the five-in-a-row game, the multimedia playback functions.Key words: On-line games; Black&White game; VC; WinSocket; MCI目录论文总页数:27页1引言 (6)网络游戏背景 (6)五子棋游戏现状及研究意义 (6)2游戏开发环境介绍 (6)环境介绍 (6)Visual C++ (6)OSI模型介绍 (7)TCP/IP模型介绍 (7)Winsock技术 (8)Winsock编程流程简介 (8)CAsyncSocket类介绍 (9)CSocket类介绍 (10)多媒体MCI接口介绍 (11)3五子棋游戏(网络版)研究方法 (12)五子棋游戏(网络版)需求分析 (12)五子棋游戏(网络版)研究思路 (13)4五子棋游戏(网络版)设计 (14)五子棋游戏(网络版)流程 (14)五子棋游戏(网络版)功能设计方案 (14)主要类介绍 (14)主要类的工作示意图 (15)五子棋游戏实现 (15)游戏连接——CServerSocket类的实现 (15)游戏连接——CClientSocket类的实现 (17)网络信息——CMessg类的实现 (19)下棋算法——Match类的实现 (19)主界面——CFiveChessView类的实现 (21)多媒体——CSoundThread类的实现 (27)定时器的实现 (28)5游戏测试 (29)五子棋下棋功能测试 (29)音乐播放测试 (29)定时器以及其他响应测试 (30)结论 (30)参考文献 (30)致谢 (31)声明 (32)1引言1.1网络游戏背景中国民族原创网络游戏为中国网络游戏产业所做出了巨大贡献,民族原创网络游戏已经成为产业发展的主导力量。
关键词:人工智能;计算机博弈;搜索算法;五子棋;AbstractWith development of economy, social competition is intense, now society has entered into the competition era. Office worker in order to complete the company business, overworked every day; For catching up with others, the student rises early, sleeps late and studies hard. The pressure builds up. So in order to alleviate the pressure, make everyone all over the job, study entertained, active brain, improve work, learning efficiency, I design a simple renju.This system will take the object of study using the renju, designs one to be able to realize the man-machine under the Windows platform with Java language to the simple game which fights.The system involves knowledge of artificial intelligence, and the computer game is one of the important research on artificial intelligence branch, including several important search algorithm. Only through certain research, can realize renju against function Man-machine.Keywords: a rtificial intelligence;computer game;search algorithm;renju;目录摘要 ........................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
This system mainly includes the man-machine game and everyone had the two types of games, at the same time realize the user registration and login, HuiQi, etc. The gobang man-machine game is one of the computer game. Study the computer algorithms, we can see the young form of artificial intelligence, also helps to the development of the human brain. Gobang is invented in China, the research it can let more foreigners know renju, which helped popularize Chinese excellent culture.
些算法的基础上分析一些提高电脑AI方案,如递归算法、电脑 学习等。算法的研究有助于理解程序结构,增强逻辑思维能力, 在其他人工智能方面也有很大的参考作用。本文结合五子棋这 个游戏的特点,将阐述五子棋算法设计,突出人工智能在博弈 方面的应用,旨在试验人工智能里的一些搜索算法,最终确定 人工智能在未来科学里的一些重要应用性。
既然是Java Application,要实现网络对战,故采用
编写,程序包含7个独立的类文件-ChessWZQ.java、 Group.java
Java是美国Sun公司开发的语言,它使用解释器执行代码,因此, 无需对源代码进行任何更改即可在不同计算机上运行,是真正跨平台 的编程开发语言。
Java有以下主要特点: 1:简单(Simple) 2:面向对象(Object-Oriented) 3:分布式(Distributed) 4:强壮性(Robust) 5:安全性(Secure) 6:结构中立性(Architecture Neutral) 7:多线程(Multithreaded)
使用Jcreator开发环境必须安装JDK,我安装的版本是1.5.0, 在环境变量里新建名为Path的变量名,变量值为D:\软件\JAVA\bin (根据JDK的安装目录而定)。在命令提示窗口输入Java -version如 果能正确显示版本号,则表示环境配置成功。
现代五子棋棋盘,经过国际棋联的多次修改,最终定为15 X
毕业论文(设计)题目五子棋游戏的设计与实现姓名王勇学号**********所在院(系)数学与计算机科学学院专业班级信息与计算科学1101班指导教师拓守恒完成地点陕西理工学院2015年5 月18日五子棋游戏的设计与实现作者:王勇(陕理工学院数学与计算机科学学院信息与计算科学专业1101班,陕西汉中 723000)指导教师:拓守恒[摘要]五子棋是起源于我国古代的黑白棋种之一,是一种简单的娱乐性较强的大众游戏,深受广大玩家的喜爱,但同时作为比赛,五子棋游戏还有着深奥的技巧。
本系统的实现采用了C语言的模块化的程序设计方式,用Visual C++ 6.0软件来实现程序的编译运行。
[关键词]五子棋,游戏设计,C语言,双人对战,人机对战,人工智能Designer and implementation of gobang gameAuthor: wangyong(Grade11,Class 1, Major in Information and computing science, Mathematics and computer science Dept.Shaanxi University of Technology, Hanzhong 723000,Shaanxi)Tutor: Tuo shouhengAbstract:Gobang is one of the black and white kind of originated in ancient China, is a simple and entertaining stronger mass games, loved by the majority of players, but at the same time as the game, gobang game with profound skills.The implementation of this system has adopted C of modular program design method, using Visual C + + 6.0 software to realize the program compiler running. Implementation of black and white two parties move later, respectively, by the board at the top of the dynamic message board, take turns to move later, this game in the system each function in the program is a relatively independent modules, such as, the board module, pawn module, select game mode module, back module and so on in the program are independent, but the link through the logical relationship between them and form a can make the normal operation of the game program.In order to realize the double mode and man-machine game mode, and make the game as far as possible the simplification, the system needs to achieve the following goals: design a simple game of initial interface;the legal rules, can make the game fair, and you can call;support the man-machine mode, can be a computer by artificial intelligence and legal rules to select the optimal move later;can take back, fall in the players move later fault location, can press the back button to back.Key words:gobang,Game design,The C Programming Language ,Double against,The man-machine against,Artificial intelligence(AI)目录1.绪论 (1)1.1 引言 (1)1.2 研究的背景及意义 (1)1.2.1研究背景 (1)1.2.2研究意义 (1)1.3 基本目标及主要内容 (1)2.系统开发环境的介绍及选择 (1)2.1 C语言 (1)2.2开发及运行环境 (2)3.需求分析 (2)3.1总体需求分析 (2)3.2可行性分析 (2)3.2.1技术可行性分析 (2)3.2.2经济可行性分析 (2)3.2.3操作可行性分析 (2)3.3功能分析 (2)4.概要设计 (3)4.1五子棋特点与规则 (3)4.2流程图 (3)4.3双人模式 (5)4.4人机模式 (5)4.5智能算法 (5)4.6悔棋流程 (6)4.7输赢判断 (6)5.详细设计 (6)5.1画出游戏界面 (6)5.2画出棋子 (8)5.3设置棋局规则 (10)5.3.1落子规则 (10)5.3.2悔棋规则 (11)5.3.3输赢规则 (11)5.4实现双人对战 (12)5.5悔棋功能 (12)5.6判断输赢 (14)5.7退出游戏 (16)5.8实现人机对战 (16)5.8.1先手设置界面 (16)5.8.2电脑智能落子 (17)5.8.3可以悔棋、退出 (21)5.8.4显示输赢 (21)5.9各模块之间的衔接 (21)6.总结 (24)致谢 (25)参考文献 (26)1.绪论1.1 引言随着社会经济和科学技术的发展,计算机已经深入到人们日常工作和生活的方方面面,各种各样的程序软件也逐渐进入大众的生活,比如在闲暇时间的娱乐生活也开始变得被网络电子游戏等所充斥。
本科毕业论文:基于C#的五子棋毕业论文毕业设计(论文)题目基于C#的五子棋游戏的设计与开发系别软件与服务外包学院专业软件技术(游戏设计) 班级*** 学生姓名******学号 *********** 指导教师 **** 2012年 4月基于C#的五子棋游戏的设计与开发摘要:随着人们的生活节奏的变快,游戏已经成为人们生活中不可缺少的一部分,它不仅能使人娱乐,放松人们的心情,也能够开发人的智力。
关键词:五子棋、C#语言、软件Based on the C # Gobang Development and DesignAbstract:With the faster pace of life, the game has become an indispensable part of life, which not only makes fun, relax the mood, but also to the development of human intelligence. So the development of casual games will be the trend, this paper is on the development of Gobang to improve their programming skills.Gobang game is a simple and popular game, since the computer to achieve, by the love of computer players, but now most popular game soft gobang lack aesthetic interface, and easy method of operation, the value of the computer AI is not high. The adoption of the C# programming language in computer graphics, designed gobang game software to enable the software with a beautiful and friendly interface in both game, the computer has a higher IQ. The game is based on C# language, using searching algorrithm to design best gobang. The detailed presentation of the whole process of gobang game software design, describes the software functions and procedures and other gobang other gobang some more.Key Words:Gobang、C# language、Software目录前言 1第一章需求分析 21.1本课题研究的意义 21.2五子棋发展史 21.3五子棋特点及规则 21.4五子棋常用术语 31.5五子棋攻防41.6开发工具选择 51.7 C#编程语言的介绍 61.8 C#编程语言的特点 61.9 Visual Studio 软件简介71.9.1简介 71.9.2 Visual Studio 2005的特点 7第二章系统分析9 2.1系统调研及可行性分析9 2.1.1 系统调研92.1.2 可行性分析92.1.3 技术可行性分析 102.2设计分析102.2.1游戏运行说明112.2.2游戏规则112.2.3游戏操作122.3游戏玩法132.4主要模块分析142.4.1下棋类的实现142.4.2游戏输赢判断类162.4.3悔棋类的实现18第三章运行测试20第四章总结部分22 致谢22参考文献24前言五子棋是人们喜欢的一种棋类游戏,近来,随着计算机的快速发展,以计算机作为对战平台,各种棋类游戏如雨后春笋般纷纷冒出,使得那些喜爱下棋,有常常苦于没有对手的棋迷们能随时过足棋瘾,而且这类软件个个水平颇高,大有与人脑分庭抗礼之势。
本系统就以五子棋游戏作为研究课题,对五子棋的算法与规则做了研究,阐述了如何在Microsoft Visual C++ 下用API 函数来开发Windows下的游戏并给出了具体的实现。
关键字:五子棋;Microsoft Visual C++;API函数The Design and Exploitation of Gobang Game with VCAbstractArtificial intelligence is one of the brisk research areas. The chess game on computer is an important branch of the research on artificial intelligence. The researches on chess game bring plenty of important methods and theories for researching on artificial intelligence, and cause broad influences on society and academe. Gobang chess game means five pieces on one line, is a sort of game, which is full of wisdom, leisure and benefits, and the rules of it are very simple.This paper focuses on the study of this chess game, and uses the Microsoft Visual C++ to explore the Window’s game. This system mainly uses t he function of Visual C++/API to realize the export of chessboard and checker, and people can play with computer. Moreover, this system has the assistant functions such as “Deuce”、“ Play Again”、“ Help” and so on.Key words:Gobang; Microsoft Visual C++; API Function目录论文总页数:21页1 引言 (1)2 开发工具和应用平台 (1)2.1 M ICROSOFT V ISUAL C++的介绍 (1)2.2 W INDOWS 编程的特点 (2)3 系统需求分析 (4)3.1 系统需求 (4)3.2 功能需求 (4)3.3 系统运行环境 (4)4 五子棋算法分析 (5)4.1 五子棋的发展 (5)4.2 五子棋的规则 (6)4.3 具体算法分析 (7)4.3.1 棋盘局势状态表示 (7)4.3.2棋盘中下棋的顺序表示 (7)4.3.3具体算法 (7)5 系统流程 (9)6 系统功能实现 (10)6.1 窗口设计 (10)6.2 棋盘设计 (11)6.3 按钮功能的实现 (12)6.4 胜负判断 (13)7 系统测试与分析 (14)7.1 运行结果 (14)7.2 问题的发现与解决............................................................................错误!未定义书签。
关键词:深度搜索,电脑AI,五子棋,算法,人工智能Gobang Java-based games designAbstractWith the development of IT technology,a lot Games have been moved to the computer for public entertainment. As a sport, gobang is very popular in civil, in order to become familiar with gobang rules and techniques, and the study of simple artificial intelligence, I decide to use the Java to develope gobang games and complete the two functions including man-machine war and man-man war. During the man-machine players, it improves intelligence of the computer players through depth search and valuation module. Analyzes Module valuation of the precise elements, as well as a number of increased precision, and compares their search for nodes, which raises some computer AI programs on the basis of analysis, such as recursive algorithm, computer learning. Algorithm of procedures contribute to the understanding of the structure, logical thinking ability, In other areas of artificial intelligence has great references. In this Paper,with the characteristics of Gobang,I will describe algorithm design on stand-alone version of Gobang,to highlight the application of artificial intelligence in the game,and test some search algorithms of artificial intelligence ,and ultimately determine the important application of artificial intelligence in the various disciplines..Key words: Search depth,Computer AI,Gobang,Algorithm ,Intelligence目录1 引言 (2)1.1课题背景 (1)1.2本课题研究的意义 (1)1.3本课题的研究方法 (2)2课题相关基础 (3)2.1五子棋 (3)2.1.1棋盘和棋子 (3)2.1.2规则及解释 (3)2.1.3五子棋常用术语 (4)2.1.4 五子棋攻防 (9)3 JAVA (10)3.1J AVA简介 (10)3.2J AVA开发环境 (12)4 课题详细研究方法 (14)4.1程序结构说明 (14)4.2棋盘及棋子的类 (15)4.2.1棋盘 (15)4.2.2 棋子 (18)4.3胜负判断条件 (18)4.4网络对战 (21)4.5电脑AI (24)5结论 (29)参考文献 (30)致谢 (31)1 引言1.1 课题背景五子棋是起源于中国古代的传统黑白棋种之一。
Dissertation ProposalGobang's design and the developmentSubmitted ToSchool of Computer and SoftwareNanjing University of Information Science & TechnologyJuly 2020Supervised ByStudent Name:Student Number:20071356001Table of Contents1 INTRODUCTION (5)GOBANG INTRODUCTION (5)DEVELOPMENT BACKGROUND (7)DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT AND RUNTIME ENVIRONMENT (7)DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT (7)OPERATING ENVIRONMENT (8)2 SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE (8)BOARD TYPE (9)GAME MODE CLASS (9)3 BOARD TYPE——CTABLE (10)KEY MEMBERS OF THE VARIABLE DESCRIPTION (10)NETWORK CONNECTION LOGO——M_BCONNECTED (10)BOARD WAITING FOR SIGNS——M_BWAIT,BOLDWAIT (10)NETWORK SOCKET——M_SOCK和M_CONN (10)BOARD DATA——M_DATA (10)GAME MODE POINTER——M_PGAME (10)KEY MEMBERS OF THE FUNCTION DESCRIPTION (11)SOCKET CALLBACK HANDLER——ACCEPT、CONNECT、RECEIVE (11)EMPTY BOARD——CLEAR (11)DRAW PIECE——DRAW (11)LEFT MESSAGE——ONLBUTTONUP (11)DRAWING BOARD——ONPAINT (12)COMPLETION OF THE OTHER EXPANDED STORE-OPENING——OVER .. 12 SET GAME MODE——SETGAMEMODE (12)DETERMINE THE OUTCOME OF——WIN (13)4 GAME MODE CLASS——CGAME (15)KEY MEMBERS OF THE VARIABLE DESCRIPTION (16)BOARD POINTER——M_PTABLE (16)EXPANDED STORE-OPENING STEP——M_STEPLIST (16)KEY MEMBERS OF THE FUNCTION DESCRIPTION (16)UNDO OPERATION——BACK (16)INITIALIZATION——INIT (16)RECEIVING MESSAGES FROM THE OTHER SIDE——RECEIVEMSG (17)SEND EXPANDED STORE-OPENING NEWS——SENDSTEP (17)TREATMENT AFTER THE VICTORY——WIN (17)5 SOME ADD THAT (17)Gobang's design and the developmentABSTRACTThe gobang was stems from the Chinese ancient times's traditional black and white chess to plant one. The modern gobang Japanese called that it “continuous”, UK translates is “Renju”, English called that it “Gobang” or “FIR” (the Five in a Row abbreviation), also has “five, “five sub-companies”, “the string of beads”, “five items”, “five items to bump”, “five standards” continually” and so on many kinds of names. The gobang not can only strengthen the power of thought that enhances the intelligence, moreover contains the philosophy richly, is helpful in practicing moral culture grows the soul. The gobang both has the modern leisure obvious characteristic “short, to be even, to be quick”, and has the classical philosophy profound knowledge “the masculine and feminine elements easy principle”; It both has the characteristic which simple easy to study, loves for the people, and has the abstruse skill and the high level international competition; Its chess culture source deep pool class is long, has the East mystically with West's direct-viewing; Also has “the field” the concept, also has “the spot” connection. It is China and the West culture alternating current, is the ancient and modern philosophy crystallization. This gobang software including single plane version and online edition. Take the VC++ programming language as the tool, both has realized the man-machine playing chess, and has realized between the network two person playing chess. And has provided the background, the broadcast music, “drawning game” “takes back a move” “admits defeat” the function, as well as chats and so on functions through Internet's news.Key word: GobangVC++man-machine playing chessnetwork playing chess1 IntroductionGobang IntroductionBackgammon is originated in ancient China one of the traditional Othello species. 4000 Monarch Yao years ago during the Chinese civil to have backgammon game. Five in a Row, also known as "Five" and "five head touch" and "five head", "bead" and "five sub-links", "with five sons," and so on, the English called "Gobang" or "FIR" (Five in a Row of abbreviation). Backgammon theory from the classical philosophy of Higher Learning "yin and yang theory", but also with profound mathematical theory of human wisdom. Backgammon originated in ancient China, developed in Japan, popular in Europe. Go for it and the relationship between the two versions, one that early Go back in, "Yao made Go" before the civil backgammon games on there; one that comes from Go, is a branch of chess development. In Chinese culture, have become people of all ages. Ancient chess backgammon and chess with the same aspect of all 17. Go along with backgammon some time has passed in our Southern and Northern Korea, and Japan. According to Japanese historical documents introduced by the ancient Chinese backgammon is Korea (DPRK), was from 1688 to 1704 era of the Japanese Yuan Lu was introduced to Japan. Japan Meiji 32 years (1899 AD), through public solicitation of names, "Renju" This name was formally finalized, taking meaning to "sun and moon, such as co-walled, five-star as Lianzhu." Since then, after Lianzhu continuous improvement activities, mainly changes in the rules (ie restrictions on the enforcement side of the Black), for example, 1899, prohibiting black and white sides to the "two-three"; in 1903, provides that only go against Black "Two-Three"; 1912 provides that Black was forced to take the "Double Three" are considered lost; 1916 provides that Black must not be followed, "long link"; in 1918 stipulates that Black must not be followed "four, three, three" ; 1931 provides that Blackmust not be followed "double 4" and provides for 19 × 19 of the 15 × 15 Go set to renju special board. Introduced to Europe early this century and quickly swept backgammon in Europe. Through a series of changes to the game backgammon complicate this simple, standardized, and eventually into today's professional Lianzhu backgammon, but also become an international chess competition. Now the world has many variants of backgammon, to some extent, they are the restrictions on the players, mainly inhibition of Black first-mover advantage. In this article, and does not involve employment for some of the rules of backgammon in the limit, but the discussion is usually the Freestyle's backgammon chess. Backgammon can not only enhance the thinking ability, improve intelligence, and rich in philosophy will help self-cultivation. Backgammon obvious features of both modern leisure "short, flat, fast", but also a profound knowledge of classical philosophy of "yin and yang, the theory"; it is both easy to learn the characteristics, as loved by the people, there are profound skills and high level of international competition; its Source of the chess culture, elongated, with Eastern and Western mystical intuition; both "field" concept, also "point" connections. It is the cultural communication point, is the crystallization of ancient and modern philosophy. In this paper the basic rules of backgammon are as follows: (1) board: The international standard 15 × 15 square board line. (2) non-viable: two are black and white chess pieces enforcement, turn the board to select a free child's cross Forks go son, no son, also known as empty intersection point, provided the first run by the Black chess. (3) determine winners and losers: black, white on both sides one of the five pieces in the balance, vertical or oblique direction join into a continuous line shall be the party to win. Note: The above rules shall be the usual unrestricted amateur chess method, and in the professional backgammon game, for the dark side of "three-three" no-hands, "43" no hand, prohibits "long links" and other restrictions.Figure 1-1 The ban on hand sunspot March 3 chartFigure 1-2 The ban on hand sunspots on April 4Figure 1-3 Sunspot long hand with the banDevelopment BackgroundThe current spread of the backgammon game on the network function is not perfect, the most important issue is machine online play can not play against and with the implementation, so I decided to develop [1] a machine only to play against, they can play against a backgammon for network system.Development environment and runtime environmentDevelopment environment,512M Memory,80G Hard diskMicrosoft® Windows™ 2000 ProfessionalMicrosoft® Developer Network for Visual 2003Operating environmentIntel® Pentium® 2 And above processors ,32M And above Memory ,4G And above Hard diskMicrosoft® Windows™ 9X/NT Operating System800*600 Or above screen resolution2 Software architecture:Figure 2.1 Software ArchitectureTaking into account the whole process of playing chess (whether the other is a computer or other network players) can be divided into two: one's own expanded store-opening, wait for the other expanded store-opening, the other expanded store-opening, set one's own board of this series of process data, so one game type, game type and two The relationship between the board class reference AbstractFactory (abstract factory) mode, in order to achieve two One game type Two game type Board typeThe main interface Users Game classdifferent modules on generalized control. [2]Board typeThe core of the whole structure, the class named CTable. Encapsulates the board may use a variety of functions [3], such as the preservation board data, initialization, determine the final outcome. User action the main interface, the main interface to interact with CTable to complete the operation of the game.游戏模式类Of games used to manage human-computer / Internet games on two game modes, the class named CGame. CGame is an abstract class, derived through it one game type COneGame and network game CTwoGame, shown in Figure 2.2:Figure 2.2 CGame class derived relationsThis, CTable class to class through a CGame pointer [4], when the game initializes the request based on specific game modes or CTwoGame class instantiation COneGame object; then use polymorphism [5], using CGame class provide the public interfaces to complete different game modes of different functions.3 棋盘类——CTable要紧成员变量说明网络连接标志——m_bConnected用来表示当前网络连接的情形,在网络对弈游戏模式下客户端连接效劳器的时候用来判定是不是连接成功;事实上,它也是区分当前游戏模式的唯一标志。
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TitleDesign and Implementation ofBackgammongames
This topicusing theprogrammingdevelopment language isC + +,design and implementation ofastand-aloneVersusandonline playcapabilitiesofBackgammongames.Thesystem usesVC+ + 6.0development platform, is divided intoaplayerclass,twoclassesofgames,therelationshipbetweentheboardwith reference totheabstract factory pattern,and the softwareto achieveitsownmessagemechanismforonline playresponsemessage,devotes considerable space tothe softwarealgorithm,thefocus and difficultyofthesubject, includingtheboardinitializationoftheBackgammonprocedures,the rules of the game,theoutcome ofjudgment.Thetopicsto achieveafinalstand-aloneand networkmultiplayer gaming features,elegantinterface,fully functional,easy to operatetheBackgammongame.
Microsoft®Visual C++ 6.0
第二章 软件架构
Key words:Initialization,theabstractfactory, message mechanism,Judgment
目 录
第一章 绪论
1.1 五子棋介绍
五子棋是起源于中国古代的传统黑白棋种之一。现代五子棋日文称之为“連珠”,英译为“Renju”,英文称之为“Gobang”或“FIR”(Five in a Row的缩写),亦有“连五子”、“五子连”、“串珠”、“五目”、“五目碰”、“五格”等多种称谓。