流利说商务英语Level5 Unit1 Part1 Time Management Tips

流利说LEVEL5的第⼀部分UNIT1LEVEL5-UNIT1-PART1-LISTENING-Jessica is 35 years old-She graduated from middle school 20 years ago.-This year her middle school class had its 20-year class reunion([?ri??ju?ni?n]聚会-All of her classmates and teachers were invited to attend.-It was going to be at a hotel near where their school used to be-It had been replaced by some apartment buildings-At first, she wasn’t sure if she could go to the reunion-One reason was that there wasn’t anyone in particular that she wanted to see-She was a working mother, with a boy 8 years old and a husband who was rarely at home-Going to the reunion meant that she would have to arrange for someone to take care of things while she was away.-That wouldn’t be easy-She didn’t want to take her boy with her, and her husband wouldn’t take time off from work-Then she got a message from Sharon, one of her classmates-Sharon was contacting people from their class and urging everyone to come -In their school days, Sharon was class monitor, and now she was helping to organize the reunion-They exchanged messages, and Jessica said she couldn’t make it-Then Sharon gave her a call and they talked for almost an hour-Sharon really wanted her to come, and so did a couple of Jessica’s old friends -They were all wondering how she was doing -None of them had seen or heard from her since graduation-They were especially curious since she hadn’t gone to their first reunion 10 years beforeLEVEL5-UNIT1-PART1-LISTENING-He agreed to do it because her mother had offered to come and stay for a while so Jessica would attend the reunion-Since he and her mother didn’t get along, he decided to change his schedule and work from home for a few days-He really didn’t want her mother to come, though he didn’t say so-Once she got to the reunion, she was shocked震惊-Everyone had aged so much, and many were out of shape-Some who used to be good-looking had lost their looks completely and others looked much better than before-Anyway, she decided that since she was there, she would try to enjoy it LEVEL5-UNIT1-PART-1-VOCABULARY-To replace something means to put something else in its place-To tear something down means to break it apart-To tear a person down means to hurt them by saying negative things about them-To construct somethings means to build it or put it together.-Large construction projects include buildings, bridges and organizations.-The opposite of constructive is destructive.引起破坏(或毁灭)的; 破坏(或毁灭)性的;-To organize something means to arrange things in elderly logical way.-An organization is something that has a logical structure such as a well-managed company.-To support something such an idea is to help or add strength to it.--It may take a long time to tear down a big building-They are too disorganized to get anything done on timeLEVEL5-UNIT1-PART-1-VOCABULARY-if a store is open to the public, it means anyone can come in.friend to family.-Information about one’s secret hopes or dreams is usually private.-Confidentia l机密的; 保密的; 秘密的; 隐密的; 受信任的; 委以机密的information is not supposed to be shared with others. -Gossip流⾔蜚语; 闲⾔碎语; 说长道短; 闲聊; 喜欢传播流⾔蜚语的⼈is information that is often be exchanged because of its exciting and fun, even though it maybe not be true.-Offering gossip is often entertaining but it can often be damaging.-Opinions are what people think and feel about something as it supposed to factual information.-Factual information is based on facts or evidence, but opinions are what people think or feel.本章各种填空例题A public company makes its shares available for purchase by any investorThey are too disorganized to get anything done on time.To replace something means to out something else in its place.The opposite of construct is tear down.Opinions often differ, and when they do people may argue.Gossip is information that is often made up or exaggerated.The password to your bank account information is privateinformation.Many people make money by investing in public companies.Revealing confidential information may be illegal.Someone’s opinion is what they think or feel about somethingWhen people gossip, they may hurt someone by spreading false or embarrassing使窘迫,使尴尬; 使困惑; 使为难; 使陷⼊困境information.Anyone can invest in a public company by buying its shares LEVEL5-UNIT1-PART-1-DIALOGUE-Is this the Ace service center?-Yes, it is, Sir. May I help you?-Yes, I’m calling to complaining about your service.-Certainly, sir. I’m sorry to hear that. Let me see if th ere’s something I can do to help you. Please tell me what happened. -I order a new washing machine at new website. It was more than a week ago. -Before you go on, may I have your order number please?-Sure, it’s abc1005.-And may I have the last 4 digits of your social security number?-I don’t have a social security number. I’m an illegal alien.-Very funny, sir. Ok, then. What’s your first pet’s name?-Mr. Kidi.-OK, I see your all information. Now, what’s the problem?-I ordered a new washing machine and paid for it. Then I chose the delivery date for a set of choices. It was supposed to be delivered today, but it’s still not here.-Did anyone contact you?-No, I haven’t received any messages.-I’m sorry to hear that sir.-I see here that the washing machine you ordered hasn’t arrived in our warehouse(仓库) yet. It can’t be delivered until next week.-You don’t even have it yet? Why haven’t I been notified. I took time off from work to be at home today.-You should have been notified by phone or email.-I wasn’t. I haven’t received any notification. This is very upsetting.-I understand, sir. I’m really sorry for this.-Being sorry isn’t enough.I’m really upset. This is no way to do business.-Yes, sir, I understand.-I can send you a 50-dollar gift coupon as a way to express our appreciation for your patience.-I don’t care about the money.I don’t blame you of course but I want you to know how disappointed that I am with Ace. Iexpected much better service. -I’m really sorry, sir. Is there anything else that I can do for you?-Yes, that is. I’d like to cancel the order and get a refund.-I’m sorry to hear that, sir. But I understand.I’ll see to it that you get your refund.-How long will it take before I get the refund?-You should see the credit on your next month’s credit card billing sta tement. -Thanks for your help.-You are welcome sir. and once again, please accept my apologies.本章节Persuasive 有说服⼒的Illogical 不合逻辑Constructed 修建Tear down 拆毁、拆除Destroyed 毁灭、破坏Built up 建⽴Strengthened 加强、增强Arrogant 傲慢的Confident 机密的Effective 有效的Upset 难过不⾼兴的LEVEL5-UNIT1-PART2-LISTENING-Jessica’s 20-year class reunion was held at a fancy hotel.-When she arrived, she wasn’t sure she was in the right place.-At first, she didn’t recognize anyone.-She felt a bit awkward令⼈尴尬的; 使⼈难堪and out of place.-But it wasn’t long before a strange man came up to her.-He was already losing his hair and he was wearing thick glasses(深度眼镜).-Don’t you remember me? He asked.-When he said who he was, she barely remembered him, especially since he has changed so much.-Then he told her that he had always had crush on her.-He said she looked beautiful and he immediately took a selfie⾃拍of them, with his arm tight around her waist. -This made her felt a bit strange.-She smiled at him and pretended to be happy to see him.-But in fact, she was sure how to react, thought he seemed nice.-She finally excused herself and went to the ladies’ room.-She was beginning to regret having come to the reunion.-She had always been shy, and she still was.-When she returned to the party, Sharon invited her to sit at her table.-Dinner was going to be served soon, and some of the classmates were going to give speeches.-Sharon asked Jessica to say a few words too, because people were curious.-This was a surprise.-Jessica had never been very popular, and she didn’t think anyone had noticed her.-Still, she had been one of the best students and people remembered her. LEVEL5-UNIT1-PART2-LISTENING-As the evening wore on, Jessica began to really enjoy herself.-She talked with her old friends and was amazed by how some others had changed.-For example, Tom used to be good looking and athletic健壮的体育运动.-He was one of the most popular students, and star basketball player.-His one problem was math.-He had had a hard time in math, especially in geometry[d?i??m?tri]⼏何学.-This wa s because he wasn’t a logical thinker.-Except for basketball, he didn’t want to do anything, unless it was easy.-Tom was no longer good looking.-His nose which had always been large, had grown even larger.-He had also gained a lot of weight.-His wife had left him, so for the first time ever, he was alone.-He looked lonely and depressed, not at all like he used to be.-Steve was a nobody in middle school.-People hardly noticed him.-He was small, quiet and a bit ugly with crooked teeth.-What he was good at was English.-His English was even better than their teachers.-After graduating, he went to a low-ranked university and eventually dropped out.-For a while, he worked as a tour guide.-Then, 10 years ago, he and some friends started a little company which is nowa great success.-In fact, he had become a rich, generous man.-He had a nice warm smile and his success hadn’t gone to his head(冲昏头脑). -It was a pleasure to be around him.-She wasn’t very smart, but she was a great singer.-She made a video of her singing and it went viral ⾛红-She became famous overnight, but it only lasted for about 2 years.-After that, her fans lost interested in her.-She tried to become an actress, but she failed.-She has been too stiff僵硬and nervous in front of the camera.-Betty has a nice husband who seems to adopt收养、领养her.-The one tragedy悲惨的事情in her life happened about 5 years ago when she lost her daughter to a rare form of cancer.-Because of that, her hair had begun to turn grey.-Jessica couldn’t help but feel sorry for her.-Betty had had such high hope in tremendous energy巨⼤能量as a girl, but things didn’t work out.-And then there was John. John used to be the school bully霸王.-He had been big, strong and mean吝啬.-He hadn’t been nice to anybody.-It seemed that he was always angry and ready to hit someone.-After graduating, he joined the army and went overseas to fight in a war.-His saw many people die, and he grew to hate fighting of any kind.-Then one day, he was nearly killed when a helicopter he was in was shut down. -He survived the crash(事故) ,but he lost a leg and was hospitalized for nearlya year.-Now he had completely changed.-He had gentle, kind eyes and beautiful smile.-He was working for an organization that provides support for elderly people.-From Jessica’s point of view, John had turned out to be a wonderful surprise.LEVEL5-UNIT1-PART2-VOCABULARY- A broken heart is what happens when a love relationship is broken off.-Someone with the broken heart is usually depressed which means they feel awful and don’t enjoy life.-To fall in love with someone can be a wonderful experience, with powerful emotions.-People in love often share their deepest feelings and emotions, which is intimacy(n.亲密;亲近;亲昵的⾔⾏;性⾏为).-To find someone attractive usually means there is a physical desire to be with him.-Physical attraction may sometimes lead to love, but in many cases, it may only lead to a short-term sexual relationship.-Physically attractive people attract people of the opposite or same sex, depending on their sexual orientation性取向.-To flirt(调情) with someone means to let him or her know that you want to be approached.-Some people use their eyes or smile to flirt.-If someone is flirting with you, they are coming on to you. Knowing how torespond to such an invitation is a skill many people don’t have. they may not recognize the fact that someone is inviting themto approach.-Jealousy is what often happens when two people compete for the love of the same person.-The one who loses may be very jealous of the other and tries to break things up.-If two men are rivals for the same woman, they may dislike or even hate each other because of jealousy.-The emotions of love have inspired poets throughout history.LEVEL5-UNIT1-PART2-VOCABULARY-Some people can remain calm even when everyone else is confused and upset. -When you are calm, you can think clearly and make good decisions.-People react to disappointing news in different ways.-Sometimes they get discouraged and lose their confidence.-Sometimes they get depressed and began to cry or even get drunk.-People who are furious at each other may end up fighting or trying to hurt each other.-To be excited is usually a good thing.-People can become excited while watching a soccer match and seeing their team score a goal.-The opposite of “exciting” is “doll” or “boring”.-Terrified people will often scream and run away from whatever is threatening them.-Being in love can blind you from seeing things as they really are.-The emotions of love have inspired poets throughout history.LEVEL5-UNIT1-PART2-DIALOGUE-What are you so exciting about?-Have you heard? John and Sylvia are getting a divorce.-No, I haven’t. But I’m not surprised. To be honest, I never expected their marriage to last for very long. She is so aggressive ⽓势汹汹and bossy(专横) .-Well, I think John has an affair. He met someone on the business trip.-Really, how did you find that out.-Sherry told me a few minutes ago.-Oh, Sherry. She is such a gossip. I wouldn’t believe anything she says.-No, really. This time I think we can trust her. I don’t think she’s making it up. -Wow, this is news. What about their baby?-I don’t know. I haven’t heard anything about that.-Well, that’s too bad. Even though I don’t like either one of them, I feel sorry for them. It’s so sad when this happens especially for the child.-Yeah, right. It’s easy to…for the gossip and forget to think about the serious consequences.-Still, I can’t sense surprised. Can you imagine living with someone like that? -No, I can’t. She is so self-center.-And what about him?-I don’t know him well, but he seems nice.-I think so too. I’m not sure how he ever felt for her.-Are you kidding? Hormones(荷尔蒙),You have to admit that she is physically attractive. He probably couldn’t help himself. And now he seems to have fell in love with someone else.-I guess he can’t control himself.I’ve heard he had a drinking problem too. -Oh, I wasn’t aware of that. Well, what’s new, right? Something’s never changed.-That’s for sure. Hey, what about lunch?-No, thanks. I’d better to get back to work.Speaking-If you support someone, it means you are trying to help them succeed-Some diseases such as influenza are viruses-If citizens of a country disagree about a policy or leader, they may fight a civil war-His wife had left him, so for the first time ever, he was alone-Jessica’s 20-year class reunion was held at a fancy hotel-When she arrived, she wasn’t sure she was in the right place-Many women use makeup to make themselves more physically attractive. LEVEL5-UNIT1-PART3-LISTENING-Emma’s Best is a small but growing health food company.-It was started in 1995, by a marriage couple who were tired of working for large companies.-The two founders were Ed and Emma smith, both health-conscious有意思的vegetarians素⾷主义者.-Despite the risks, Ed, Emma wanted to start their own business.-They knew it would be hard work but they were determined to try.-Their plan was to create a business that provided healthy food to busy people. -They wanted it to be something they could be proud of.-(They wanted their new company to be something they could be proud of.-When they started their business, organic food 有机⾷品was becoming more popular.-People were becoming more food conscious 在意and worried about food safety.-In fact, people were willing to pay higher prices for food that was free of harmful chemicals. (people were willing to pay more for food that was free of harmful chemicals )-In addition, an increasing number of people have little time to go shopping and cook at home.-They wanted the meals that were healthy but easy to prepare.-There were very few frozen meals available at the time and none of them were vegetarian or organic.-There was a gap in the market.-Ed and Emma immediately saw the opportunity and launched their first product.-It was a frozen pasta meal(速冻⾯⾷餐) with a mix of vegetable and delicious cream sauce.-The market response was enthusiastic热情and profitable beyond their expectations.-Their product was an instant success.-To their surprise, it was soon being eaten by millions of people, not only vegetarians or those interested in organic foods. -It was being bought because it was easy to prepare, and it tasted good.-And of course, it was healthy.-As a result, at the end of 5 years, the company was producing over 100 frozen meals.-Since then, they have increased the number of meals to over 150, including pizzas, sandwiches and snacks.-Their foods are carried by natural food stores and supermarkets throughout North America.LEVEL5-UNIT1-PART3-LISTENING-Although they had expanded their production facilities and increased the number of employees, they have remained a private company.-They enjoyed the fact that they are family-owned business, sensitive to the needs of their customers.-They don’t have to wo rry about pleasing shareholders.-Rather than paying dividends to shareholders, Emma’s Best has a profit-sharing plan that benefits its employees.-As a result, employee turnover is low and the company has been recognized as one of the best companies to work for. -In addition, Emma’s Best supports local charities, especially those that provide healthy food to children from low-income families.-Given its success, the company feels an obligation义务to contribute to society.-In spite of the fact that other company now produce similar products, Emma’s Best remains the market leader.-Their totally commitment to quality has made the difference and they are proud of their accomplishments.LEVEL5-UNIT1-PART3-VOCABULARY-People are often nervous or apprehensive before performing in front of an audience.-People who are really nervous may feel tense which is the opposite of the relaxed.-When someone is nervous their muscles often tense up and their heart rate increases.-Someone who strongly believes in their ability to do something is often confident.-The best way of build confidence is to practice what you’re going to do until you can do it with ease.-The key to building confidence and reducing nervousness is effective and frequent practice.-To be indifferent means to not care one way or the other about something. -If you are indifferent to a person or project, it means that the person or project isn’t important to you.-(people who are indifferent may not value anything or anyone but themselves)-To be appreciative is to be thankful or grateful for something.-If someone does something nice for you, you should appreciate it.-If someone dose a favor for you, you should show your appreciation by thanking them-To be depressed is the opposite of to be happy.-When someone is depressed, they feel very sad.-Depression can be caused by disappointing news or by failing to reach a goal.LEVEL5-UNIT1-PART3-VOCABULARY-Aggressive好⽃的people often push their only ideas or try to force others follow them.-Someone who is passive消极的will usually not resist that of others.-An aggressive person pushes or attacks, and a passive person doesn’t resist -An optimistic乐观person believes in a positive future.-Optimists see a glass of half full rather than half empty.-(pessimists see a glass as half empty rather than half full)-The opposite of an optimist is a pessimist.- A pessimist see things with a negative light and has little hope for the future. -Sensitive people are emotional and have strong feelings about things.-It’s important to be careful when dealing with sensitive people because it’s easy to upset them.-Insensitive people don’t seem to be aware of or care about the feeling of others.-It’s important to know how to act around extremely sensitive people.- A mean person doesn’t treat other people well or with kindness.-Mean 狂怒的、苛刻的people often enjoy making people suffer遭受for their mistakes.-To be kind is the opposite of to be mean.-Nobody ever asks him for help because he’s mean and selfish.-Conceited(⾃负的)people have very high opinion of themselves.。
流利说商务英语Level5 Unit1 Part4 Workplace Misconduct

流利说商务英语Level5 Unit1 Part4 Workplace MisconductAll offices should aim to make sure their employees are treated fairly and equally. Here are some common forms of misconduct that are either unethical or illegal in an office.BullyingBullying is the act of treating people in a mean and threatening way.Office bullies target people who they can push around.In most cases, office bullying is done by someone with authority, such as a manager or senior employee.Sexual harassmentSexual harassment is when someone behaves sexually in a way that makes people uncomfortable.It includes sexual jokes or comments about a person's appearance.Sometimes people won't report sexual harassment because they're afraid of being retaliated against.An office bully may use their power to embarrass or insult other employees.He was fired after being accused of s exual harassment.While many people have experienced workplace bullying, many officers don't have policies to prevent it.More often than not, workplace bullying won't be reported and the victim will just leave their job.If someone is being sexually harassed, they won't feel safe at work.Many companies have a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual harassment.DiscriminationDiscrimination happens when someone is treated differently from others in an unfair way.People are often discriminated against because of their age, race or sex.If someone has been refused a job because of their skin color, they have been discriminated against.RetaliationRetaliation refers to acting against someone who has upset you.In the office, retaliation can occur when an employee has offended their manager.If they have reported their manager, their manager may try to punish them.They may give the employee extra work to do or become overly critical of the employees’ work.If an employee is unfairly treated because she is a woman, she is a victim of gender discrimination.He said he was fired in retaliation for reporting the sexual harassment problem in his company.She thought her manager was retaliating against her by not giving her a promotion. Most countries have laws to protect against workplace discrimination.It is illegal to discriminate against someone's age when hiring them.。
流利说商务英语Level5 Unit1 Part2 Setting Priorities

流利说商务英语Level5 Unit1 Part1 Setting PrioritiesLooks like it's going to be another late night for me.Why?Well, it's already six o'clock and I'm only halfway through writing this financial report. I think it's going to take me another three hours to finish it.What? I finished my part an hour ago.She’s only halfway through writing the report.Wow really. I thought we were allocated a similar amount of work.What is your secret?Eight cups of coffee a day.I just prioritize my workload.What do you mean?By saying he drinks eight cups of coffee to stay productive, he’s making a joke. Well, when I found out that the report had to be finished today, I made it my top priority.Originally, I had planned to make some calls, but I rescheduled them to Friday because they weren't urgent.That's a good idea.I and two clients call today that took up an hour.I could have spent more time on the report if I did not have to make them. Exactly, they weren’t a high priority.Secondly, I scheduled the most important tasks to be completed in the morning because it's usually the most quiet time in the office.Also it's when I'm most productive.Interesting, I never thought of that before.When the office gets busy, it can become very distracting and hard to focus on work. He is most productive when it's quiet in the office.But how do you decide which tasks are the most important? It's pretty simple.At the end of every day I spend 10 minutes writing down all of the tasks that I need to complete the following day.Then I go through the list and rank them in order of importance.Wow, no wonder you are so efficient, max. Thanks for all the great tips.Don't mention it. Don't worry about the report either, I'll help you finish it tonight. Really? You're going to help me finish it.Yes, On one condition.What's that?You order in some pizza for us to eat while we finish. Deal.By writing down the work he needs to do, he can see which tasks are high priorities.。

流利说商务英语Level5unit1part5Lesson1 Stages of negotiationA negotiation is a discussion between people who want to reach an agreement.Whether negotiating at a business deal or a salary, a negotiation will normally go through five stages.PlanningBefore entering a negotiating, the negotiators must plan and prepare their positions.I n the planning stage, negotiators will research the other side’s position and anticipate where they may agree or disagree.They will also set goals, establish their bottom line and research the other side.ClarifyingDuring the clarifying stage, negotiators will contact each other to clarify what they want to achieve.By discovering what the other side wants, both parties can see if they share a common goals. Once their needs have been clarified, the negotiations can begin.BargainingDuring the bargaining stage, negotiators make compromises until an agreement is reached. They often aim for an outcome that benefits both sides without giving up too much. Settling In the settling stage, negotiators reach an agreement and decide how to implement it.After the terms of an agreement have been decided, a contract will be drafted and signed. If an agreement can’t be reached, negotiators may find a third party for advice. ImplementingIn the implementation stage, an agreement or contract is put into effect.Implementing an agreement strengthens relationship between both parties.If both parties follow through on the agreement, it will be easier to negotiate next time.Lesson2 Negotiating termsAnchor pointAn anchor point is a reference point that negotiations are centered around.It is the best outcome that one side hopes to achieve.Normally, the first offer made during a negotiation serves as the anchor point.Negotiators try to anchor the negotiation to their advantage to gain the upper hand. Bottom lineA bottom line is the worst outcome that one side will accept.If someone is pushed beyond their bottom line, they may walk away from the negotiation. BATNABATNA stands for Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement.It is the second best option a side may have in a negotiation.An BATNA can be used as an alternative if an agreement can’t be reached.When one side has a good BATNA they can make fewer compromises, so they have more power.LeverageLeverage is the power one side has to influence another.If you have more leverage in a negotiation, you can persuade people to accept your terms.Typically, the side most in need of an agreement has the leastamount of leverage.Dead lockIn a dead lock, neither side is willing to compromise and no agreement can be made.A dead lock happens when one side pursue its own interests instead of mutually beneficial terms.To break a dead lock, negotiators must find a win-win outcome.ConcessionA concession is a compromise that’s made in order to reach an agreement.Making concession allows both sides to get part of what they want.But giving too many concessions may make one side seem weak or desperate.Lesson3 Negotiation techniquesYou can use various techniques to help you improve your chances of having a successful negotiation.Listen activelyListen actively to your counterpart to understand their needs and point of view.This shows them you are interested in their needs which help built trust.Build rapportWhen people have rapport, they understand each other and communicate well.Building rapport increases the chance of reaching an agreement during a negotiation. Rapport can be built by listening actively, sharing information and finding a common interest. Ask open-ended questionsAsking open-ended questions allow you to gather more information from the other side.It encourages your counterpart to give longer answer which help you understand their position and needs.Set a high anchorSetting a high anchor point increases your chances for a good deal.By setting a high anchor point, your counterpart may make concessions that are closer to what you want.However, if your anchor is too high, you may be seen as unreasonable or unrealistic. Emphasize urgencyCreating a sense of urgency can lead to a quick agreement.If negotiations are moving slowly, you could set a deadline or stop the talks.But if you push to aggressively, the other side may become uncomfortable and walk away.Lesson4 Negotiation stylesBecause people have different negotiating styles, it can be hard to predict how the other party will act in the negotiation.Knowing different negotiation styles will prepare you to negotiate successfully.AvoidingNegotiators who have an avoiding style are often cautious and try to avoid conflict.T hey don’t immediately pursue their own interests and let their counterpart control the negotiation.AccommodatingAccommodating negotiators focus on building and maintaining relationships with their counterpart.Rather than pursuing their own interests, they are concernedwith how to satisfy the needs of the other party.CompromisingCompromising negotiators look for the middle ground.They will often make concessions in order to satisfy both parties’ basic needs. CollaborativeCollaborative negotiators try to understand and collaborate with their counterpart.They focus on solutions that satisfy the needs of both parties as much as possible. CompetitiveCompetitive negotiators are aggressiveThey focus on their own needs rather than maintaining a relationship with the other party. Negotiating in a competitive way can lead to a fast agreement but it can also lead to a fast deadlock.。
流利说商务英语Level5 Unit1 Part3 Seeking Advice

流利说商务英语Level5 Unit1 Part3 Seeking AdviceHi Mark, you look stressed out recently. How's life?Hi Sharon. I'm finding it hard to balance work and life.I feel like I'm always working late with no time for anything but the job.But you always seem to have time for your personal life. What's your secret?There is no secret really.It's about knowing what you need to do and arranging it around what you'd like to do. For example, if I have dinner plans one night, I will get into work earlier to meet my deadlines ahead of schedule.What does she arranged her work around? Her personal life.She arranges what she needs to do around what she wants to do.But I think that is hard.Even if I've done all my work for the day, I'll probably be hit with a new assignment at five o'clock.Well, sometimes working late is unavoidable, but you also need to set boundaries. Working so late every day isn't healthy. Haven't you heard of the power of no?Why does he need to set boundaries? He has no work-life balance.Well…NO. What does it mean?It means you shouldn't be afraid to turn down something when you have too much work.You're allowed to say. I can't finish this by today, can I get it to you tomorrow?But if I do that, won’t people be upset?As long as you are reliable, they will be fine.As long as his work is reliable, people won’t mind giving him more time on assignments.In my experience, doing a good job is better than doing a rushed job.But people won’t give you more time to do your job unless you ask for it.That’s really good to know.I guess because I’m still new here, I didn’t know I could do that.Yeah, do you work well but also try to have fun a few times a week.It’s good for your productivity.If you work all the time but don’t make time for yourself, you will burn out. Thanks for the advice, I’ll try it out.Good luck.Having fun a few times a week is good for his productivity.。

Level 5 Unit 11/4ListeningJessica’s Class Reunion 1Jessica is 35 year old.She graduated from middle school 20 years ago.This year her middle school class has its 20 year class reunion. All of her classmates and teachers were invited to attend.It was going to be at a hotel near where their school used to be. Like many other buildings, the school had been torn down.It had been replaced by some apartment buildings.At first, she wasn’t sure if she could go to the reunion.One reason was that there wasn’t anyone in particular that she wanted to see (from her school days). Another reason was that she was very busy.She was a working mother with a boy 8 years old and a husband who is rarely at home.Going to the union meant that she would have to arrange for someone to take care of things while she was away. That wouldn’t be easy.She didn’t want to take her boy with her, and her husband wouldn’t take time off from work.Then she got a message from Sharon, one of her old classmates.Sharon was contracting people from their class and urging everyone to come.In their school days,Sharon was class momitor,and now she was helping to organize the reunion.They exchange messages and Jessica said she c ouldn’t make it. Then Sharon gave her a call, and they talk for nearly an hour.Sharon really wanted her to come, and so did the couple of Jessica‘s’ old friends.They were all wandering how she was doing.None of them has seen or heard from her since graduation.They were a especially curious since she hadn’t gone to the ir first reunion 10 years before.Jessica’s Class Reunion 2Jessica decided to arrange thing so that she could go.Her husband finally agreed to take care of things while she was away.He agreed to do it, because her mother had offered to come and stayed for a while, so Jessica could attend the reunion.Since he and her mother didn’t get along, he decide d to change his schedule and work from home for a few days. He really didn’t want h er mother to come though he didn’t say so.Once she got to the reunion she was shocked.Everyone had aged so much and many were out of shape.Some who used to be good looking had lost their looks completely and others looked much better than before. It was strange how time had changed people in such different ways.Anyway, she decided that since she was there, she would try to enjoy it.VocabularyActions and ChangeTo replace something means to put something else in its place.When something gets old and begins to break down, it may need to be replaced.The person who replaces someone is the person’s replacement.When a person leaves a company,the person may need to be replaced by someone else.To tear something down means to break it apart.To tear a person down means to hurt them by saying negative things about them.It may take a long time to tear down a big building.The Earthquake destroyed several buildings and left many people without homes.To construct something means to build it or put it together.Large construction projects include buildings, bridges and organizations.The opposite of constructive is destructive.To be constructive means to help build an idea or process by contributing something helpful, such as positive feedback.Destructive comments in a discussion can be very nagative and cause bad feelings.To organize something means to arrange things in an orderly logical way.An organization is something that has logical structure such as a well-managed company.Some people are poorly organized, so they have a hard time finding things.They are too disorganized to get anything done on time.An event or party can be well organized, poorly organized or completely disorganized.When things are not arranged well, you need to organize.To support something such as an idea is to help add strength to it.The opposite of support is to undermine or weaken.If you support someone, it means you are trying to help them succeed.To work against someone means to undermine them, or make them less effective.Types of InformationPublic information is available to anyone who wants to know it.If a store is open to the public, it means anyone can come in.A public company makes its shares available for purchase by any investor.Many people make money by investing in public companies.Anyone can invest in a public company by buying its shares.Private information is not open to everyone, but is only available to trusted friends or family.Information about one’s secret hopes and dreams is usually private.You had better keep information about your passwords private or you may lose a lot.The password to your bank account is private information.Most people keep their personal information private.-To keep something private means...-...it shouldn’t be shared with others.Confidential information is secret information.Confidential information is not supposed to be shared with others.The details of a secret design or how a company makes decisions are often confidential.Revealing confidential information may be illegal.Gossip is information that is often exchanged because it’s exciting or fun, even though it may not be true. Office gossip is often entertaining but it can also be damaging.Gossip may hurt or embarrass the person being gossiped about.People who gossip often enjoy embarrassing or hurting other people.When people gossip,they may hurt someone by spresding fales or embarrassing information.Opinions are what people think or feel about something as a pose to facts or information.Factual information is based on facts or evidences but opinions are what people think or feel.Someone’s opinion is what they think or feel about something.Opinions often differ, and when they do people may argue.DialogueA Customer ComplaintM: Is this the Ace service center?W: Yes, it is, sir. May I help you?M: Yes, I’m calling to complain about your service.W: Certainly, sir. I’m sorry to hear that. Let me see if there is something I can do to help you. Please tell me what happened.M: I ordered a new washing machine on your website. It was more than a week ago.-The phrase,may I,signals...-...a request.W: Before you go on, may I have your order number please?M: Sure, i t’s ABC1005.W: And may I have the last four digits of your social security number?M: I don’t have a social security number. I’m an illegal alien.W: Very funny sir. OK, then, what is your first pet’s name?M: Mister Kitty.W: OK. I see your order inform ation. Now, what’s the problem?M: I ordered a washing machine and paid for it. Then I chose a delivery date from a set of choices. It was supposed to be delivery today, but it’s still not here.W: Did anyone contact you?M: No, I haven’t received any mess ages.W: I’m sorry to hear that, sir.W: I see here that the washing machine you ordered hasn’t arrived in our warehouse yet. It can’t be delivery until next week.M: You don’t even have it yet? Why haven’t I been notified? I took time off from work to be at home today.W: You should have been notified, by phone or email.M: I wasn’t. I haven’t received any notification. This is very upsetting.W: I understand, sir. I’m really sorry for this.M: Being sorry isn’t enough. I’m really upset. This is no way t o do business.W: Yes, sir. I understand.W: I can send you a 50 dollar gift coupon as a way to express our appreciation for your patience.M: I don’t care about the money. I don’t blame you of course,but I want you to know how disappointed I am withACE. I expected a much better service.W: I’m really sorry, sir. Is there anything else I can do for you?M: Yes, there is. I’d like to cancel the order and get the refund.W: I’m sorry to hear that, sir. But I understand. I’ll see to it that you get your refund.M: How long will it take before I get the refund?W: You should see the credit on your credit card billing statement.M: Thanks for your help.W: You’re welcome, sir. And once again, please accept my apologies.2/4ListeningAt Jessica’s Reunion Party 1Jessica’s 20-year class reunion was held at a fancy hotel. When she arrived, she wasn’t sure she was in the right place. At first, she didn’t recognize anyone.She felt a bit awkward and out of place.But it wasn’t long before a strange man came up to her.He was already losing his hair, and he was wearing thick glasses. Don’t you remember me? He asked.When he said who he was, she barely remembered him, especially since he had changed so much. Then he told her that he always had a crash on her.He said she looked beautiful and he immediately took a sofy of them with his arm tite around her waist. This made her feel a bit strange.She smiled to him and pretended to be happy to see him.But in fact, she wasn’t sure how to react, though he seemed nice.She fina lly excused herself and went to the lady’s room. She was beginning to regret having come to the reunion. She had always been shy and she still was.When she returned to the party, Sherry invited her to sit at her table.Dinner was going to be served soon and some of the classmates were going to give speeches. Sharon asked Jessica to say a few words too, because people were curious.This was a surprise.Jessica had never been very popular and she didn’t think anyone had noticed her. She had always felt like an outsider, with only a couple of close friends.Still she had been one of the best students and people remembered her.At Jessica’s Reunion Party 2As the evening were on, Jessica began to really enjoy herself.She talked with her old friends and was amazed by how some others had changed. For example, Tommy used to be good-looking and athletic.He was one of the most popular students and a star basketball player. His one problem was math.He had had a hard time in math, especially in geometry. This was because he wasn’t a logical thinker.Except for basketball, he didn’t want to do anything, unless it was easy.Tom was no longer good-looking.His nose, which had always been large, had grown even larger. He had also gained a lot of weight.His wife had left him, so for the first time ever, he was alone. He looked lonely and depressed not at all like he used to be.Steven was nobody in middle school. People hardly noticed him.He was small, quiet and a bit ugly, with crooked teeth. What he was good at was English.Hi s English was even better than their teacher’s.After graduating, he went to a low-ranked university and eventually dropped out.For a while he worked as a tour guide.Then, 10 years ago, he and some friends started a little company which has now a great success. In fact, he had become a rich, generous man.He had a nice warm smile and his success hadn’t gone to his head. It was a pleasure to be around him.His success hadn’t gone to his head means that his success didn’t make him think he was better than othe rs.-His success hadn’t gone to his head means that his success...-...didn’t make him think he was better than others.Betty used to be the most beautiful girl in school. She wasn’t very smart but she was a great singer. She made a video of her singing and it went viral.She became famous overnight but it only lasted for about 2 years. After that, her fans lost interest in her.She tried to become an actress,but she failed.She had been too stiff and nervous in front of the camera.Betty had a nice husband who seemed to adore her.The one tragedy in her life happened about 5 years ago,when she lost her daughter to a rare form of cancer. Because of that her hair had begun to turn grey.Jessica couldn’t help but fe el sorry for her.Betty had had such high hopes and tremendous energy as a girl, but things didn’t work out.And then there was John.John used to be the school bully. He had been big, strong and mean. He hadn’t been nice to anybody.It seemed that he was always angry and ready to hit someone.After graduating he joined the army and went overseas to fight no war. He saw many people die and he grew to hate fighting of any kind.Then one day he was nearly killed when the helicopter he was in was shot down. He survived the crash but he lost a leg and was hospitalized for nearly a year.Now he had completely changed.He had gentle, kind eyes and beautiful smile.He was working for an organization that provides support for elderly people. From Jessica’s point of view, John had turned out to be a wonderful surprise.In the end, Jessica was glad she went to her reunion.It was interesting to see how people had changed through the years.Still she was happy to get home and appreciate everything that she had.VocabularyLanguage of LoveA broken heart is what happens when a love relationship is broken off.Someone with a broken heart is usually depressed which means they feel awful and don’t enjoy life.If someone you love breaks off the relationship it feels like the end of the world.She broke his heart when she told him their relationship was over.To fall in love with someone can be a wonderful experience with powerful emotions.People in love often share their deepest feelings and emotions,which is intimacy.Being in love can blind you from seeing things as they really are, so it is easy to make a bad decision.When you are in love with someone you can hardly think of anything else.The emotions of love have inspired poets throughout history.She has found the man of her dreams.To find someone attractive usually means there is a physical desire to be with them.Physical attraction may sometimes lead to love, but in many cases, it may only lead to a short term sexual relationship.Physically attractive people attract people of the opposite or same sex, depending on their sexual orientation. Many women use makeup to make themselves more physically attractive.To flirt with someone means to let him or her know that you want to be approached.Some people use their eyes or a smile to flirt.The skill of flirting is something that comes naturally to some people, but for many people, they just act awkwardly.If someone is flirting with you, they are coming on to you. You may reject their advance or accept it and begin a relationship.Jealousy is what often happens when 2 people compete for the love of the same person.The one who loses may be very jealous of the other and try to breaks things up.If 2 men are rivals for the same woman, they may dislike or even hate each other because of jealousy.A jealous person often wants to possess the person they love.Feelings of jealousy may last for a long time and can destroy friendships.Reactions to NewsSome people can remain calm even when everyone else is confused and upset.When you are calm you can think clearly and make good decisions.Some people are easily upset and have a hard time controlling their emotions.Sometimes it’s best to control your emotions and be calm rather than react in anger.Their actions can upset everyone around them.People react to disappointing news in different ways.Sometimes they get discouraged and lose their confidence.Sometimes they get depressed and begin to cry or even get drunk.When disappointed, be calm, think clearly and act constructively.When disappointed, it’s much better to face the facts and decide what to do next than get discouraged.She was really disappointed when she failed to pass the examination.Discouraging news can cause people to lose their confidence.People are furious when they are extremely angry.People who are furious at each other may end up fighting or trying to hurt each other.Some people become furious when they are driving and another driver cuts in front of them.When people are furious at each other they often yell and insult each other.To be excited is usually a good thing.People can become excited while watch a soccer match and seeing their team score a goal.The opposite of “exciting” is “dull” or “boring”.Everyone was excited when they heard that their favorite team had won the game.He expected the game to be exciting, but it was so boring that he left early.Someone is terrified if they are extremely afraid and shaking with fear.Terrified people will often scream and run away from whatever threatening them.Being in the Earthquake was a terrifying experience, especially for the children.When people are furious at each other they often yell and insult each other.People who can’t control their emotions are difficult to work with.When people are furious at each other, they often yell and insult each other.He was terrified when he thought the building he was in was going to collapse in the Earthquake. DialogueOffice GossipW1: What are you so excited about?W2: Have you heard? John and Sofaier are getting a divorce.W1: No, I haven’t,b ut I’m not surprised. To be honest, I never expected their marriage to last very long. She’s so aggressive and bossy.W2: Well, I think John had an affair. He met someone on a business trip.W1: Really? How did you find THAT out?W2: Sherry told me a few minutes ago.W1: Oh, Sherry. She is such a gossip. I wouldn’t believe anything she says.W2: No, really. This time I think we can trust her. I don’t think she’s making it up.W1: Wow, this IS news. What about their baby?W2: I don’t know. I haven’t heard anything about that.W1: Well, that’s too bad. Even though I don’t like either one of them, I feel sorry for them. It’s so sad when this happens, especially for the child.W2: Ya, right. It’s easy to get cort up off in a gossip and forget about the serious consequences.To have an affair means foe a married person to have a romantic relationship outside of the marriage.To gossip is to talk about or spread rumors about the lives of other people.W1: Still, I can’t say I’m surprised. Can you ima gine living with someone like that?W2: No, I can’t. She is so self-centered.W1: And what about him?W2: I don’t know him well, but he seems nice.W1: I think so too. I’m not sure how he ever fell for her.W2: Are you kidding? Hormones. You have to admit that she’s physically attractive. He probably couldn’t help himself. And now it seems he has fallen for someone else.-To fall for someone means...-...to fall in love with them.-Hormones are...-...chemicals in the body that control how people feel.W1: I guess he can’t control himself. I’ve heard he has a drinking problem too.W2: Oh I wasn’t aware of that. Well, what’s new, right? Something’s never change.W1: That’s for sure. Hey, what about lunch?W2: No, thanks. I’d better get back to work.3/4ListeningEmma’s Best 1Emma’s Best is a small but growing health food company.It was started in 1995 by a married couple who were tired of working for large companies.The two founders were Ed and Emma Smith, both health-conscious vegetarians.Despite the risks, Ed and Emma wanted to start their own business. They knew it would be hard work, but they were determined to try.Their plan was to create a business that provided healthy food to busy people. They wanted it to be something they could be proud of.-They wanted to start their own business the risks.-despite.-Their plan was to create a business that...-...provided healthy food to busy people.When they started the company, organic food was becoming more popular. People were becoming more food conscious and worried about food safety.In fact, people were willing to pay higher prices for food that was free of harmful chemicals. In addition, an increasing number of people had little time to go shopping and cook at home. They wanted meals that were healthy but easy to prepare.There were very few frozen meals available at the time and none of them were vegetarian or organic. There were the gap in market.To be more conscious of something means to be more aware of it.Ed and Emma immediately saw the opportunity and launched their first product. It was a frozen pasta meal with a mix of vegetables and delicious cream sauce.The market response was enthusiastic and profitable beyond their expectations. Their product was an instant success.To their surprise, it was soon being eaten by millions of people not only vegetarians or those interested organic foods.It was being bought because it was easy to prepare and tested good.And of course it was healthy.People were willing to pay more for food that was free of harmful chemicals.To their surprise, it was soon eaten by a wide variety of people.Other products followed in rapid succession.As a result, at the end of 5 years, the company was producing over 100 frozen meals.Since then they have increased the number of meals to over 150, including pizzas, sandwiches and snacks. Their foods are carried by natural food stores and supermarkets thoughtout North America.People were willing to pay more for food that was free of harmful chemicals.Emma’s Best 2Although they have expanded their production facilities and increased the number of employees,they haveremained a private company.They enjoy the fact that they are a family-owned business, sensitive to the needs of customers. They don’t have to worry about pleasing shareholders.Rather than paying dividends to shareholders, Emma’s Best has a profit-sharing plan that benefits its employees.Dividends are that are paid to the shareholders.Bonuses and salary increases keep employees happy and motivated to work hard.As a result, employee turnover is low and the company has been recognized as one of the best companies to work for.In addition, Emma’s Best supports local charities, especially those that provide healthy food to children from low-income families.Giving it success, the company feels an obligation to contribute to society.In spite of the fact that other companies now produce similar products, Emma’s Best remains the market leader.Their total commitment to quality has made the difference and they are proud of the accomplishments.If employees are happy and motivated, employee turnover is usually low.They have remained a private company.Other products followed in rapid succession.It was being bought because it was easy to prepare and it tested good.VocabularyFeelings and AttitudesPeople are often nervous or apprehensive before performing in front of an audience.People who are really nervous may feel tense, which is the opposite of relaxed.When someone is nervous their muscles often tense up and their heart rate increases.Sometimes, taking a deep breath can help a nervous person feel more relaxed.People are often nervous or apprehensive before performing in front of an audience.Someone who strongly believes their ability to do something is often confident.The best way to build confidence is to practice what you are going to do until you can do it with ease.The key to building confidence and reducing nervousness is effective and frequent practice.Someone with confidence can perform at a higher level than someone who is nervous.The best way to build confidence is to practice hard.To be indifferent means to not care one way or the other about something.If you are indifferent to a person or a project, it means that the person or project isn’t important to you.People who are indifferent are often cold and uncaring about others.People who are indifferent may not value anything or anyone but themselves.To be appreciative is to be thankful or grateful for something.If someone does something nice for you, you should appreciate it.It’s important to show your appreciation for someone’s support or help.If someone does a favor for you,you should show your appreciation by thanking them.To be depressed is the opposite of to be happy.When someone is depressed they feel very sad.Depression can be caused by disappointing news or by failing to reach a goal.When people are depressed, they are usually pessimistic about the future.Types of CharacterAggressive people often push their own ideas or try to force others to follow them.Someone who is passive will usually not resist efforts of the others.A passive person is often seen as weak and easy to control.An aggressive person pushes or attacks, and a passiv e person doesn’t resist.An optimistic person believes in a positive future.Optimists see a glass that half full rather than half empty.The opposite of an optimist is a pessimist.Pessimists see a glass as half empty rather than half full.A pessimist sees things with a negative light and have little hope for the future.Sensitive people are emotional and have strong feelings about things.It’s important to be careful when dealing with sensitive people because it’s easy to upset them.Insensitive people don’t seem to be aware of or care about the feeling s of others.He doesn’t realize when she’s upset because he’s quite insensitive to the feelings of others.It’s important to know how to act around extremely sensitive people.A mean person doesn’t treat other people well or with kindness.Mean people often enjoy making people suffer for their mistakes.To be kind is the opposite of to be mean.Nobody ever asks him for help because he’s mean and selfish.He was really mean to her when she disagreed with him and he told her to shut up.He was really mean when he told her how badly she had performed.Conceited people have a very high opinion of themselves.They often talk about how great they are and tend to exaggerate their strength.Modest people don’t show off their strengths, but are often very good at what they do.Modest people are often overlooked in a job interview because they fail to communicate their strengths. Conceited people often exaggerate their abilities and can fool people into believing them.DialogueArranging an AppointmentW: ACE Industries. May I help you? This is Sue Mitchell speaking.M: Hi Sue, this is Ben Wang of Job LINK.W: Oh hi Ben, how are you? I’ve been excepting your call.M: I’m sorry to be late. I’ve been tr avelling.W: It seems like everyone is travelling these days.M: That’s for sure. I’m a way more than I’m here. Anyway, I’m calling to see if we can arrange a meeting.W: Good. There are several matters I’d like to discuss with you.M: Sure, would later this week be possible?W: Let me see. According to my schedule, I’ll have some time Thursday afternoon and Friday morning.M: How long do you think we’ll need?W: I think an hour should be enough.M: That should be fine. Would Thursday at 3:30 work for you?W: Yes, that’s fine.W: OK, I’m looking forward to seeing you at 3:30 on Thursday.M: Right, see you then, and thanks.W: You are welcome, Ben. Take care.He suggests that they meet later this week.M: Hi Sue, I’m sorry but something urgent has come up, so I’d like to change the time for our meeting on Thursday.W: Oh I’m sorry to hear that. What about Friday morning?M: That should work. How early?W: I’m usually here by 9 o’clock. Could you be here by then?M: Yes, that shouldn’t be a problem.W: OK, Friday at 9 o’clock.M: Once again, sorry for the last minute change.4/4ListeningMysteries of Nature 1There are many mysteries in nature.Mysteries are things we don’t understand, such as how the Egyptian pyramids were built. In fact, we are surrounded by mysteries.What we know about the world seems like very little.-Things we don’t understand are...-...mysteries.Scientists tell us that what we see in the universe is only a small part of what is there. The rest is invisible, including dark matter and dark energy.These two unknowns make up around 95% of the universe.Evidence for their existence comes from their effects on that what we can observe, such as the motion and positions of distant galaxies.Most of what makes up the universe is invisible.Yet though we know very little, we are able to build airplanes and communicate with smart phones. In some ways we humans are very smart or at least we think we are.We still need to face big issues like climate change and that is going to be a huge challenge. The challenge for humans will be our ability to adapt to our changing environment.。

-Information about one’ssecret hopes or dreams is usually private.
Opinions often differ, and when they do people may argue.
Gossipis information that is often made up orexaggerated.
The password to your bank account information is private information.
-Factual informationis bபைடு நூலகம்sed on facts or evidence, but opinions are what people think or feel.
A public company makes its shares available for purchase by any investor
-Jessica decided to arrange things so that she could go
-Her husband finally agreed to take care of things while she was away
-He agreed to do it because her mother had offered to come and stay for a while so Jessica would attend the reunion
流利说商务英语Level5 Unit1 Part2 How to Set Priorities

流利说商务英语Level5 Unit1 Part1 How to Set PrioritiesWhen everything you have to do seems important, figuring out where to begin can be difficult.Here are some suggestions to help you evaluate and prioritize your work.❖List your tasksBefore you prioritize your work, make a list of your tasks for the day or week.This lets you see what you need to do and determine your priorities.And it helps you keep track of your work.❖Determine their urgencyUrgent tasks are tasks that must be done soon, or even immediately.If something is due by the end of the day, it is likely to be urgent.But if you have a week to finish it, it will be a lower priority.When a priority is urgent, it should be handled as soon as possible.When you need to work on several important tasks, using a to-do list can make you feel less overwhelmed.If you do not list what you need to do, you may forget an important task or fail to prioritize effectively.After you have listed the work you need to do, you can determine whether it is a high priority.The closer the deadline gets, the more urgent a project becomes.❖Determine their importanceImportant tasks are valuable activities that will greatly influence your future.You should schedule time for important tasks every day, especially when you feel most productive.Important tasks usually take a longer time to complete than urgent tasks.Failing to complete important tasks could prevent you from reaching your long-term goals.❖Estimate time neededEstimate how long it will take to complete each task.Splitting up a large assignment into smaller tasks can make it easier to estimate.If you estimate that something will take a long time to complete, you should start it soon.Otherwise you may not have enough time.Even if a long report isn't urgent, it may still be an important priority because it could greatly influence your future.He had estimated that this project would take more than a month to finish, so he started two months before the deadline.。
流利说商务英语Level5 Unit1 Part1 Time Management Terms

流利说商务英语Level5 Unit1 Part1 Time Management TermsInterruptionAn interruption is something that stops work from being done.Frequent interruptions prevent you from staying focused.PriorityA priority is a task that should be completed before others.If a task is important and needs to be finished as soon as possible, it is a high priority. He said he was going to work from home so he could finish his work without interruptions.She had been concentrating on her work when she was interrupted by a colleague. He had two weeks until the report was due, so he didn't treat it as a priority.He has put off his team meeting since the upcoming meeting with his clients is a higher priority.ReminderA reminder is a message that helps you remember to do something.If you have something important to do, you should leave a reminder so you don't forget about itTo do listA to-do list is a list of tasks that need to be completed.Making a to do list of your work helps you set priorities and organize your time.If you need to remember to do something, you should set a reminder for it.He left a reminder on his desk so he would remember to call his client after lunch. His assistant left a reminder that he had to deliver a speech at the conference.She had noticed the reminder on her desk before she left the office.Before she goes to bed, she adds her work for the next day on her to-do list.His to-do list is an unstructured mess since he never organizes it.。
流利说商务英语Level5 Unit1 Part3 Main benefits

流利说商务英语Level5 Unit1 Part3 Main benefitsWork life balance can benefit the company as much as its employee.Here are some ways in which a satisfied workforce can help its employer.Reduced turnoverTurnover refers to the rate at which employees leave and are replaced at the company. When employees are happy at work, they are unlikely to leave, so turnover rate will be low.The higher the company's turnover rate, the more new employees it will need to train, which can be expensive and time consuming.Word-of-mouth referralsEmployees who like where they work are likely to refer people to open positions within their company.Word-of-mouth referrals can lower the costs spent on recruitment agencies to hire employees.What can be reduced by employee referrals?Hiring costs.A low turnover reduces the resources a company spends on training employees.The higher a company's turnover rate, the more employees it will have to train.Reduce stress and absencesWhen employees have been overworked, they often become stressed.Over time, stress can cause employees to burnout or get sick, which decreases productivity.By supporting work-life balance, a company can reduce stress and absences due to illness or fatigue.Positive brand reputationPeople want to work for companies that treat them well.A business that has a reputation for work-life balance will likely be attractive to top talent.But a business that is known for having a poor work culture could have trouble hiring talented employees.An investment in emplo yees’ well-being is an investment in the company's future. Focusing on work life balance can reduce the company's costs, improve its reputation, and increase its productivity.Employees are likely to burn out when they have been working for too long.。
流利说商务英语Level5 Unit1 Part5 Negotiating Advice

流利说商务英语Level5 Unit1 Part5 Negotiating AdviceHey Jack, it's Alice.Hey, Alex what's up?Actually I'm calling you for some advice.Last week you told me you had negotiated a big raise for yourself.So I'm wondering if you can give me some tips.Sure, I'd be glad to help. What do you want to know?I'll have a performance review next Friday, and I really want to use this opportunity to negotiate a raise.Do you think I should make the first offer?Well, traditional wisdom would suggest you let your boss make the first offer.But the key is that whoever makes the first offer sets an anchor point around which the negotiation will be centered.If you start high, your boss may adjust the figure down slightly.But that's better than receiving a low offer and trying to negotiate up.That makes a lot of sense.Actually, I was hoping to get a 10% raise, so I should probably ask for like a 15% raise first, so I'll have room to make concessions, right?You've got the idea. It's more likely that you can get a bigger raise that way.And when negotiating, remember to give examples to highlight your performance. Is there anything you've done that really shows your boss why you deserve a raise? Yes sure. I developed managed and launched our last three marketing campaigns.As a result, our sales have increased by 25% over the past two quarters.In addition, I have taken on responsibilities that are not in my job requirements, such as leading team meetings and mentoring new staff.Wow, I definitely would give you a big raise if I were your boss.If he were her boss, he would definitely give her a big raise.Thanks, but I'm still concerned. What if he turns me down?Well, in that case, you need to be firm and stick to your position.Try to find out why your request was rejected and how you could improve in the future.And don't be afraid to ask to revisit the conversation at a later time.A good manager will recognize your achievements and value to the company.You're right. Thank you so much, jack.I'll definitely use your tips next Friday.Don't mention it. I'm confident you'll get what you deserve.Thanks. Talk to you later, bye.Good luck.If her boss won't give her a raise, she shouldn't give up.。
流利说商务英语Level5unit2part1(Market share)

Lesson1 Calculating market shareMarket share is the percentage of a market total sales earned by a company or product. Calculating market share allows a company to determine its position in the market.Here are some basic steps to calculate market share.Determine a periodTo calculate a company’s market share, you must choose a period to examine such as a quarter or a year.For example, a company can compare its first and second quarter to see how quickly it is growing in the market.Find out the company’s total salesNext, calculate the company’s total sales revenue within that period.Multiply the total number of unit sold by the average sales price per unit.If a company only sales one product, its sales revenue is the total sales revenue of the company.If a company sales multiple products, add up the sales revenue for each product.Find out the total market salesNext, calculate the total sales for a market the company operates in.Sales information from publicly traded companies is easy to obtain, since they are legally required to share it.It can be found through company websites, shareholder reports and trade association. Divide the company’s revenue by the industry’s totalFinally, to divide the company’s total sales by the total market sales.The result is the company market share.Comparing a company’s market share with the growth of the market shows whether it has increased or decreased.If a company’s revenue has grown more slowly than the market, its market share has declined.Lesson2 The 4Ps of MarketingThe marketing mix is a model that help a company make marketing decisions.I t can be used to influence consumers to purchase a company’s products.It consists of four factors: Product, Price, Promotion, and Place.ProductProducts are goods or services that satisfy consumers needs or desires.A company should regularly update its products to meet changing customer demands. Understanding the product life cycle can help companies prepare for and adapt to these changes.PricePrice impacts supply, demand, marketing strategies and profits margin.Consumer demand is one factor to consider before a company decide the price of a product. For example, customers shop more around certain holiday like Christmas.PromotionPromotion allows a company to build brand awareness and interest in its product.A business can promote itself through advertising, marketing, and public relations.When promoting a product, a company should give consumers a clear reason for why theyshould buy it.PlacePlace relates to the channels that a company uses to sell its products.These channels may include stores, websites, and mobile apps.In a placement strategy, a company identifies the best channels to distribute its products.Lesson3 Market share termsTAMTotal addressable market or TAM is the total market demand for a product in a year.It is used to indicate how much potential a business has in a market.Before calculating in the TAM, a company should consider its ability to reach its target market. Target marketA target market refers to a group of consumers that a product or a service is aimed at. These customers can be identified by income level, age, gender, and location.By defining a target market, companies can make their marketing campaigns more focused. Unit salesUnit sales refers to the number of products a company sales over a period of time.For example, if a company sold 5 million mobile phones in a year, then it sold 5 million units. Unit sales analysis can be used to calculate a company’s average product price.Key playersCompanies with a large market share are known as key players.They have a dominate position in market.Without competitive products and services, new companies may struggle to compete with key players.However, by analyzing key players’ strengths and weaknesses, companies can find their own niche in the market.Market growth rateMarket growth rate refers to percentage increase in sales in market over a period of time. Keeping track of market growth rate allows a company to compare its performance with competitors.F or example, if a company’s sales have grown less than the market sales, it has lost market share.Lesson4 Market positionsMarket dominance is how strong a company’s brand, services and products are, compared to its competitor.Typically, there are four types of market dominance categories.LeaderA market leader has the largest market share in its industry.It holds a dominant position.Market leaders are often the first to develop new products and business methods.In order to maintain their position, most market leaders invest heavily in research and development.ChallengerA market challenger has a strong position in the market, but not a dominant market share. It may adopt aggressive strategies to increase its market share.Challengers can also increase their market share by focusing on areas that a market leader has overlooked.FollowerA market follower does not have a strong position in the market.I t doesn’t take risks and usually copies other companies’ products or strategies.They do not focus on increasing their market share.But by adopting the best practice of other companies, they can maintain a stable position in the market.NicherA nicher is a company that concentrates on a specialized market.Nichers typically provide products or services that are not offered by other companies.By establishing a niche, a company can avoid competition while making a profit.。

商务英语视听说unit5听力Unit 5 Business English ListeningPart 1: Meeting RequestIn this part, a woman calls a company to talk to the sales manager. She is requesting a meeting with him to discuss potential collaboration.Woman: Hello, my name is Jane Smith and I'm calling from ABC company. I'm interested in talking to your sales manager. Is he available?Receptionist: Yes, he is. How can I help you?Woman: I'm interested in arranging a meeting with your sales manager to discuss a potential collaboration between our companies.Receptionist: Sure, I'll connect you with him. One moment please.Part 2: Meeting DetailsIn this part, the sales manager and the woman discuss the details of the meeting.Sales Manager: Hi, this is Thomas Davis speaking. How can I help you?Woman: Hi Mr. Davis, my name is Jane Smith and I'mcalling from ABC company. I was calling to arrange a meeting with you to discuss a potential collaboration between our companies.Sales Manager: Certainly, what did you have in mind?Woman: I was thinking we could meet face-to-face next week. Is that possible?Sales Manager: Yes, that could be arranged. What day and time were you thinking?Woman: How about Wednesday afternoon at 3pm?Sales Manager: That works for me. Where should we meet?Woman: How about your office?Sales Manager: Sure, that's fine. Can I expect you around 3pm then?Woman: Yes, I'll see you then.Part 3: Follow-up EmailIn this part, the woman sends a follow-up email to the sales manager confirming the meeting details.Subject: Meeting RequestHello Mr. Davis,This is a follow-up to our phone conversation earlier today. I am writing to confirm our meeting for Wednesday, October 17th at 3pm at your office. I look forward to discussing the potential collaboration between our companies.Thank you,Jane Smith。

流利说商务英语Level5Unit1Part4ABadEmployee流利说商务英语Level5 Unit1 Part4 A Bad EmployeeThanks for coming to see me, Daniel.I've read your email.You said you've been having trouble with one of your team members?Yes, his name is Sam.On one hand he's done some great work that shows real creativity and passion.But sometimes he is very sloppy.And he never double checks his work, which creates more work for others.I have been receiving complaints from more than one of my team members.Have you done anything to discuss this issue with him?That's the problem.I told him again and again that he needs to stop making the same mistakes, but he ignores me.If I tell him that he has done something wrong, he gets defensive.Last week I got so fed up that I yelled at him.It was bad, but I just want our team to do well and he's making it really hard.I understand.But judging from what you have said, Sam has got some potential, right?He does great work when he’s careful and stays focused.But more often than not, he isn’t so focused and he makes mistakes.This is certainly a challenge.But have you considered changing your approach when talking to him? Approach? What do you mean?Well, I feel like you've made it sound like he's the problem, not his work.If he senses you think that he's a problem, it may be why he gets defensive.I think your feedback can be more effective if it is framed more around his work. Maybe I made my feedback to personal negative.Yeah instead of saying you did this wrong, say this document needs more revisions.It may seem unimportant, but some employees are sensitive.I see, maybe I should give him more positive encouragement.Definitely.You’ve said he can be passionate, so he clearly cares about some of the work he does, but you need to show him that it's his contribution that makes a difference, not just his mistakes.A good manager not only hit their targets but also brings out the best of their employees.Yeah, I'll try to make a change and talk to him this afternoon.Great, let's see how it goes. If it still doesn't go well, we can take things from there. Of course, thanks for your advice. I'll make a better effort.He accepts her advice and will make a better effort.。
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流利说商务英语Level5 Unit1 Part1 Time Management Tips
Do you often struggle to finish your work on time?
Improving your time management skills can help you do more in less time.
Here are some tips for managing your time effectively.
❖Set goals
The first step towards managing your time effectively is to set clear goals for what you want to accomplish.
These goals should be organized by how urgent and important they are.
Once they have been ordered, you will know what you need to do first.
❖Set time blocks
Time blocking arranges your day into periods of time based on different tasks.
It shows you how much time you have, and what you should spend it on.
Once your goals have been established, you can focus on the most urgent ones.
If your don’t set goals, you won’t know where to focus your attention.
When you have several small tasks, you can arrange them into one time block.
❖Take breaks
A break is a short rest taken from work.
After you have been working for a long time, you should take a break. Otherwise, you may get tired and have trouble focusing on your work.
❖Delegate your work
If you are a manager, knowing how to delegate can help save you time.
Delegating work frees up your time and allows you to concentrate on what's most important.
If someone on your team can do a task, you should consider delegating it to them. She often works overtime because she takes on too much work and never delegates it to others.。