
RCT和观察性研究的报告规范RCT(Randomized Controlled Trial,随机对照试验)和观察性研究是科学研究中常用的两种研究设计。

样本量 随机化 盲法 统计学方 法
a.受试者的纳入排除标准;b.数据收集的环境及地点 详述每组干预的细节(以便其它研究者的复制)及实际实施 5 情况,包括了实施时间和实施方式 a. 明确定义预先指定的首要和次要结局变量,包括了如何和 6 何时进行评价; b. 如果在试验开始后对结局变量进行修改, 必须说明原因 7 a.如何确定样本量;b.必要时,解释期中分析及试验终止原则 8-10 序列产生;分配遮蔽;实施 a. 若使用了盲法,需指明谁是干预的被盲者(例如受试者、 11 干预给予者、结果评价者)以及如何设盲; b. 如若涉及,描 述每组干预的相似性 a.用于比较组间主要和次要结局的统计学方法; 12 b.附加分析的统计学方法,比如亚组分析和校正分析
RCT研究的报告规范 ——CONSORT
观察性研究的报告规范 ——STROBE
RCT研究的报告规范 ——CONSORT
观察性研究的报告规范 ——STROBE
2000年与2006年PubMed中有缺陷临床试验文章的百分比(%) 2000年 2006年 报告缺陷 (n=519) (n=616) 79 未报告分配受试者的方法 66 55 47 未报告主要结局指标 73 55 未报告样本量的计算

观察研究报告范文1. 引言本报告基于对某一观察对象(以下简称“被观察对象”)的观察和研究而得出的结论和发现。
2. 被观察对象的描述被观察对象是一种动物,属于鸟类,具体为红蓝鸟。
3. 观察方法为了对红蓝鸟进行观察和研究,我们选择了以下方法:1.选择适当的观察地点:我们选择了多个森林地点,其中有丰富的红蓝鸟种群,以确保观察的代表性。
4. 观察结果和分析通过对红蓝鸟的观察和记录,我们得出了以下结论:1.外观特征:红蓝鸟羽毛艳丽,背部呈红色,腹部呈蓝色,极具吸引力。
5. 结论通过对红蓝鸟的观察和研究,我们深入了解了其外观特征、行为习性和生态角色。
2 STROBE(观察性研究的报告标准)

2. STROBE(观察性研究的报告标准)项目条目队列研究病例对照研究横断面题目和摘要 1 ①在题目和摘要中 确定是 确定是确定队列研究 病例对照研究 横断面研究②摘要是结构式的对文章内容的高度总结,应包括以下各项目引言背景 2 解释其科学背景及研究的理由目的 3 目的和假设方法研究设计 4 陈述设计中主要因素研究场所 5 陈述研究场所,收集资料的时间、地点、周期参加者 6 入选和排除标准 对病例和对照分别 入选及排除选择参加者的来源和方法 给出入选和排除标准 标准,说明分别描述暴露和非暴露 选择病例与对照的 参加者的来列出随访时间 来源和方法。
源和方法病例组有确切的诊断标准选择对照的合理性,配对研究给出配对标准和每个病例配对对照数目感兴趣的变量 7 列出并清楚地定义所有列出并清楚地定义所有列出并清楚结局,潜在的预测变量暴露因素,潜在的混杂地定义所有和混杂因素,预先确定因素,预先确定亚组结局,潜在的亚组预测变量、混杂因素,预先定义亚组测量8 ①对每一个兴趣变量给出详细的测定方法②描述两队列间测定 描述病例与对照间 描述组间措施的可比性 措施的可比性 措施可比性偏倚 9 描述任何在测定过程中可能产生偏倚的原因样本量 10 描述研究样本量的合理性,包括实际与统计学两方面的考虑统计方法 11 ①描述所有统计方法包括如何控制混杂因素描述如何失访和如何处理失访资料;说明设计的处理失访资料和配对作用和如何处理失访资料②必要时描述亚组分析和敏感性分析暴露因素 12 ①对暴露因素的定量分析有清晰的解释,分组如何选定,为什么这样选 定量分析 ②展示连续分析及成组分析结果经费 13 写出经费来源,资助者的作用结果参加者 14 报告每组可能入选的数目 分别报告病例和 报告可能入进行检查的入选人数, 对照的可能入选 选人数,受最后进入研究的的人数, 人数,受检人数, 检人数,进入完成随访和进入研究分析 进入研究人数和 研究人数及的人数,报告确定的随访 分析人数,配对 进行分析的日期 研究给出一个 人数病例配几个对照描述资料 15 ①陈述参加对象的基础资料,包括地理、临床、社会等资料,暴露因素和潜在的混杂因素②对每一个感兴趣变量有完整的资料结局资料 16 报告发生结局事件的数量 报告对每个暴露 报告发生结局事件的数量总结整段时间对每个比较 因素的病例数和 总结整段时间对每个比较组的测定情况 对照 组的测定情况主要结果 17 给予矫正混杂因素前后的因果关系的测定值和95%可信区间,说明哪个混杂因子被矫正必要时转换,将相对值转换为绝对危险性差值其他分析 18 报告任何其他分析,包括亚组分析和敏感性分析讨论关键发现 19 总结关键发现及对于假设的参考文献局限性 20 讨论研究局限性,说明可能产生的偏倚和由于暴露和结局多重性分析引起的问题 外推性 21 讨论研究发现的外推性和普遍应用价值解释 22 小心地解释研究结果形成的目前证据的内容,研究的局限性(王吉耀译, 2009)。

万方数据 万方数据 万方数据如何撰写高质量的流行病学研究论文第一讲观察性流行病学研究报告规范--STROBE介绍作者:王波, 詹思延作者单位:100083,北京大学医学部公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系刊名:中华流行病学杂志英文刊名:CHINESE JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY年,卷(期):2006,27(6)被引用次数:6次参考文献(11条)1.History of STROBE2.IEA European Federation Good Epidemiological Practice (GEP):proper conduct in epidemiological research3.Ottenbacher KJ Quantitative evaluation of multiplicity in epidemiology and public health research [外文期刊] 19984.Erik von E;Matthias E The scandal of poor epidemiological research.Reporting guidelines are needed for observational epidemiology[外文期刊] 2004(7471)5.Pocock SJ;Collier TJ;Dandreo KJ Issues in the reporting of epidemiological studies:a survey of recent practice[外文期刊] 2004(7471)6.Olson SH Reported participation in case-control studies:changes over time[外文期刊] 20017.Olson SH;Voigt LF;Begg CB Reporting participation in casecontrol studies[外文期刊] 2002(2)8.Slattery ML;Edwards SL;Caan BJ Response rates among control subjects in case-control studies[外文期刊] 1995(05)9.Wacholder S Design issues in case control studies 1995(04)10.Olson SH;Voigt LF;Begg CB Reporting participation in casecontrol studies[外文期刊] 2002(2)11.Maria B;Carsten H;Oliver R Critical reading of epidemiological papers 2001(11)本文读者也读过(10条)1.罗晓敏.詹思延如何撰写高质量的流行病学研究论文第六讲非随机对照试验研究报告规范——TREND介绍[期刊论文]-中华流行病学杂志2007,28(4)2.王波.詹思延如何撰写高质量的流行病学研究论文第五讲 整群随机对照试验的报告规范——CONSORT扩展声明[期刊论文]-中华流行病学杂志2007,28(2)3.余灿清.詹思延如何撰写高质量的流行病学研究论文第二讲遗传关联性研究及其Meta分析的报告规范[期刊论文]-中华流行病学杂志2006,27(8)4.王波.詹思延如何撰写高质量的流行病学研究论文第四讲随机平行对照试验报告规范——CONSORT介绍[期刊论文]-中华流行病学杂志2006,27(12)5.朱成斌.詹思延如何撰写高质量的流行病学研究论文 第八讲 非劣效性和等效性随机对照试验的报告规范——CONSORT声明的扩展[期刊论文]-中华流行病学杂志2007,28(8)6.詹思延第三讲:如何报告观察性流行病学研究——国际报告规范STROBE解读[期刊论文]-中国循证儿科杂志2010,5(3)7.王波.詹思延如何撰写高质量的流行病学研究论文第三讲诊断试验准确性研究的报告规范——STARD介绍[期刊论文]-中华流行病学杂志2006,27(10)8.张婷.梁瑞英.吕筠.曹卫华.李立明近年来《中华流行病学杂志》上发表的横断面研究报告完整性评价[期刊论文]-中华流行病学杂志2009,30(1)9.夏愔愔.詹思延如何撰写高质量的流行病学研究论文第七讲随机对照试验Meta分析的报告规范——QUOROM介绍[期刊论文]-中华流行病学杂志2007,28(6)10.本刊近期连载"如何撰写高质量的流行病学研究论文"系列讲座[期刊论文]-中华流行病学杂志2006,27(5)引证文献(6条)1.詹思延第三讲:如何报告观察性流行病学研究——国际报告规范STROBE解读[期刊论文]-中国循证儿科杂志2010(3)2.吕晓珍.詹思延第四讲:病例对照研究[期刊论文]-中国循证儿科杂志 2009(5)3.刘清海.方积乾.甘章平.朱佩玲.常湘珍RCT论文统计学报告自查清单与报告指南的应用与评价[期刊论文]-中国科技期刊研究 2009(6)4.夏愔愔.詹思延第三讲:队列研究[期刊论文]-中国循证儿科杂志 2009(4)5.宋青.刘韫宁.郭秀花.王玮.闫宇翔.杨兴华.张普洪探讨代谢综合征中血压组分异常的影响因素[期刊论文]-首都医科大学学报 2009(4)6.张婷.梁瑞英.吕筠.曹卫华.李立明近年来《中华流行病学杂志》上发表的横断面研究报告完整性评价[期刊论文]-中华流行病学杂志 2009(1)本文链接:/Periodical_zhlxbx200606020.aspx。
6 第三讲_如何报告观察性流行病学研究_国际报告规范STROBE解读

临床流行病学论文写作系列讲座DO I :10.3969/j .iss n .1673 5501.2010.03.011第三讲:如何报告观察性流行病学研究国际报告规范STROBE 解读詹思延作者单位 北京大学循证医学中心 北京,100083通讯作者 詹思延,E m ai:l s i yan z han@b j m u 观察性研究是相对于实验性研究而言的,指研究者不对被观察者的暴露情况加以限制,通过现场调查分析的方法,客观地记录某些现象的现状及相关特征,进行流行病学研究,主要用途是描述疾病或健康状况在人群中的分布,探索和检验疾病与暴露之间的因果关联。
与R CT 相比,观察性研究中研究对象所具有的各种特征是客观存在的,研究者不能随机分配研究因素予观察对象,只能靠全面、客观的描述或精心设计的方案对人群现象进行分析、比较、归纳和判断,以揭示事物之间的联系。
加强观察性流行病学研究报告的质量(strengthen i ng the reporting of observati onal st udies i n ep i de m i o l ogy ,STROBE)是由一个国际性合作小组共同起草,主要目的是为观察性流行病学研究论文提供报告规范,从而改进这类研究报告的质量。
目前S TROBE 已被百余种杂志的稿约所推荐,受到了学术界的广泛关注,本文对STRO BE 进行解读。
1 观察性流行病学研究的内容观察性研究中按事先有无专门设计的对照组又可以分为描述性研究与分析性研究。


RCT (Randomized Controlled Trial,随机对照试验)和观察性研究是目前医学研究中最常使用的两种研究方法。

The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement: guidelines for reporting observational studiesErik von Elm, Douglas G Altman, Matthias Egger, Stuart J Pocock, Peter C Gøtzsche, Jan P Vandenbroucke, for the STROBE initiativeMuch biomedical research is observational. The reporting of such research is often inadequate, which hampers the assessment of its strengths and weaknesses and of a study’s generalisability. The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) initiative developed recommendations on what should be included in an accurate and complete report of an observational study. We defi ned the scope of the recommendations to cover thre e main study de signs: cohort, case-control, and cross-se ctional studie s. We conve ne d a 2-day workshop in September, 2004, with methodologists, researchers, and journal editors to draft a checklist of items. This list was subsequently revised during several meetings of the coordinating group and in e-mail discussions with the larger group of STROBE contributors, taking into account e mpirical e vide nce and me thodological conside rations. The workshop and the subsequent iterative process of consultation and revision resulted in a checklist of 22 items (the STROBE statement) that relate to the title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, and discussion sections of articles.18 items are common to all three study designs and four are specifi c for cohort, case-control, or cross-sectional studies.A detailed explanation and elaboration document is published separately and is freely available on the websites of PLoS Medicine, Annals of Internal Medicine, and Epidemiology. We hope that the STROBE statement will contribute to improving the quality of reporting of observational studies.IntroductionMany questions in medical research are investigated in observational studies.1Much of the research into the cause of diseases relies on cohort, case-control, or cross-sectional studies. Observational studies also have a role in research into the benefits and harms of medical interventions.2 Randomised trials cannot answer all important questions about a given intervention. For example, observational studies are more suitable to detect rare or late adverse eff ects of treatments, and are more likely to provide an indication of what is achieved in daily medical practice.3 Research should be reported transparently so that readers can follow what was planned, what was done, what was found, and what conclusions were drawn. The credibility of research depends on a critical assessment by others of the strengths and weaknesses in study design, conduct, and analysis. Transparent reporting is also needed to judge whether and how results can be included in systematic reviews.4,5 However, in published observational research important information is often missing or unclear. An analysis of epidemiological studies published in general medical and specialist journals found that the rationale behind the choice of potential confounding variables was often not reported.6 Only a few reports of case-control studies in psychiatry explained the methods used to identify cases and controls.7 In a survey of longitudinal studies in stroke research, 17 of 49 articles (35%) did not specify the eligibility criteria.8 Others have argued that without sufficient clarity of reporting, the benefi ts of research might be achieved more slowly,9 and that there is a need for guidance in reporting observational studies.10,11 Recommendations on the reporting of research can improve reporting quality. The Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) statement was devel-oped in 1996 and revised 5 years later.12 Many medicaljournals supported this initiative,13 which has helped toimprove the quality of reports of randomised trials.14,15Similar initiatives have followed for other researchareas—eg, for the reporting of meta-analyses ofrandomised trials16 or diagnostic studies.17 We estab-lished a network of methodologists, researchers, andjournal editors to develop recommendations for thereporting of observational research: the Strengtheningthe Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology(STROBE) statement.Aims and use of the STROBE statementThe STROBE statement is a checklist of items that shouldbe addressed in articles reporting on the three main studydesigns of analytical epidemiology: cohort, case-control,and cross-sectional studies. The intention is solely toprovide guidance on how to report observational researchwell: these recommendations are not prescriptions fordesigning or conducting studies. Also, while clarity ofreporting is a prerequisite to evaluation, the checklist is notan instrument to evaluate the quality of observationalresearch.Here we present the STROBE statement and explainhow it was developed. In a detailed companion paper, theexplanation and elaboration article,18–20 we justify theinclusion of the different checklist items and givemethodological background and published examples ofwhat we consider transparent reporting. We stronglyrecommend using the STROBE checklist in conjunctionwith the explanatory article, which is available freely on thewebsites of PLoS Medicine (), Annalsof Internal Medicine (), and Epidemiology().Lancet 2007; 370: 1453–57Institute of Social andPreventive Medicine (ISPM),University of Bern, Bern,Switzerland (E von Elm MD,Prof M Egger MD);Centre forStatistics in Medicine,University of Oxford, Oxford,UK (Prof D G Altman DSc);Department of Social Medicine,University of Bristol, Bristol,UK (M Egger);London School ofHygiene and Tropical Medicine,University of London, London,UK (Prof S J Pocock PhD);NordicCochrane Centre, Copenhagen,Denmark (P C Gøtzsche MD);and Department of ClinicalEpidemiology, LeidenUniversity Hospital,Leiden, Netherlands(Prof J P Vandenbroucke MD)Correspondence to:Dr Erik von Elm, Institute ofSocial and Preventive Medicine(ISPM), University of Bern,Finkenhubelweg 11, CH-3012Bern, Switzerlandstrobe@ispm.unibe.chSTROBE StatementSTROBE StatementSTROBE StatementDevelopment of the STROBE statementWe established the STROBE initiative in 2004, obtained funding for a workshop, and set up a website (). We searched textbooks,bibliographic databases, reference lists, and personal fi les for relevant material, including previous recommendations, empirical studies of reporting, and articles describing relevant methodological research. Because observational research makes use of many diff erent study designs, we felt that the scope of STROBE had to be clearly defi ned early on. We decided to focus on the three study designs that are used most widely in analytical observational research: cohort, case-control, and cross-sectional studies.We organised a 2-day workshop in Bristol, UK , in September, 2004. 23 individuals attended this meeting, including editorial staff from Annals of Internal Medicine , BMJ , Bulletin of the World Health Organization , Inter-national Journal of Epidemiology , JAMA , Prev e ntive Medicine , and The Lancet , as well as epidemiologists, methodologists, statisticians, and practitioners from Europe and North America. Written contributions were sought from ten other individuals who declared an interest in contributing to STROBE, but could not attend. Three working groups identifi ed items deemed to be important to include in checklists for each type of study. A provisional list of items prepared in advance (available from our website) was used to facilitate discussions. The three draft checklists were then discussed by all participants and, where possible, items were revised to make them applicable to all three study designs. In a fi nal plenary session, the group decided on the strategy for fi nalising and disseminating the STROBE statement.After the workshop we drafted a combined checklist including all three designs and made it available on our website. We invited participants and additional scientists and editors to comment on this draft checklist. We subsequently published three revisions on the website, and two summaries of comments received and changes made. During this process the coordinating group (ie, the authors of the present paper) met on eight occasions for 1 or 2 days and held several telephone conferences to revise the checklist and to prepare the present paper and the explanation and elaboration paper.18–20 The coordinating group invited three additional co-authors with method o logical and editorial expertise to help write the explanation and elaboration paper, and sought feedback from more than 30 people, who are listed at the end of this paper. We allowed several weeks for comments on subsequent drafts of the paper and reminded collaborators about deadlines by e-mail.STROBE componentsThe STROBE statement is a checklist of 22 items that we consider essential for good reporting of observational studies (table). These items relate to the article’s title and abstract (item 1), the introduction (items 2 and 3), methods (items 4–12), results (items 13–17), anddiscussion sections (items 18–21), and other information(item 22 on funding). 18 items are common to all three designs, while four (items 6, 12, 14, and 15) are design-specific, with diff erent versions for all or part of the item. For some items (indicated by asterisks), information should be given separately for cases and controls in case-control studies, or exposed and unexposed groups in cohort and cross-sectional studies. Although presented here as a single checklist, separate checklists are available for each of the three study designs on the STROBE website.Implications and limitationsThe STROBE statement was developed to assist authors when writing up analytical observational studies, to support editors and reviewers when considering such articles for publication, and to help readers when critically appraising published articles. We developed the checklist through an open process, taking into account the experience gained with previous initiatives, in particular CONSORT . We reviewed the relevant empirical evidence as well as methodological work, and subjected consec-utive drafts to an extensive iterative process of consultation. The checklist presented here is thus based on input from a large number of individuals with diverse back-grounds and perspectives. The comprehensive explana t oryarticle,18–20which is intended for use alongside the check-list, also benefi ted greatly from this consultation process.Observational studies serve a wide range of purposes, on a continuum from the discovery of new fi ndings to the confi rmation or refutation of previous fi ndings.18–20 Some studies are essentially exploratory and raise interesting hypotheses. Others pursue clearly defi ned hypotheses in available data. In yet another type of studies, the collection of new data is planned carefully on the basis of an existing hypothesis. We believe the present checklist can be useful for all these studies, since the readers always need to know what was planned (and what was not), what was done, what was found, and what the results mean. We acknowledge that STROBE is currently limited to three main observational study designs. We would welcome extensions that adapt the checklist to other designs—eg, case-crossover studies or ecologicalstudies—and also to specific topic areas. Four extensions are now available for the CONSORT statement.21–24 A fi rst extension to STROBE is underway for gene-disease association studies: the STROBE Extension to Genetic Association studies (STREGA) initiative.25 We ask those who aim to develop extensions of the STROBE statement to contact the coordinating group fi rst to avoid duplicationof eff ort.The STROBE statement should not be interpreted as an attempt to prescribe the reporting of observational research in a rigid format. The checklist items should be addressedin sufficient detail and with clarity somewhere in an article, but the order and format for presenting informationFor more on theSTROBE initiative see STROBE Statementdepends on author preferences, journal style, and the traditions of the research fi eld. For instance, we discuss the reporting of results under a number of separate items, while recognising that authors might address several items within a single section of text or in a table. Also, item 22, on the source of funding and the role of funders, could be addressed in an appendix or in the methods section of the article. We do not aim at standardising reporting. Authors of randomised clinical trials were asked by an editor of a specialist medical journal to “CONSORT” their manuscripts on submission.26 We believe that manuscripts should not be “STROBEd”, in the sense of regulating style or terminology. We encourage authors to use narrative elements, including the description of illustrative cases, to complement the essential information about their study, and to make their articles an interesting read.27We emphasise that the STROBE statement was not developed as a tool for assessing the quality of published observational research. Such instruments have been developed by other groups and were the subject of a recent systematic review.28 In the explanation and elaboration paper, we used several examples of good reporting from studies whose results were not confi rmed in further research—the important feature was the good reporting, not whether the research was of good quality. However, if STROBE is adopted by authors and journals, issues such as confounding, bias, and generalisability could become more transparent, which might help temper the over-enthusiastic reporting of new fi ndings in the scientific community and popular media,29 and improve the methodology of studies in the long term. Better reporting may also help to have more informed decisions about when new studies are needed, and what they should address.We did not undertake a comprehensive systematic review for each of the checklist items and subitems, or do our own research to fi ll gaps in the evidence base. Further, although no one was excluded from the process, the composition of the group of contributors was infl uenced by existing networks and was not representative in terms of geography (it was dominated by contributors from Europe and North America) and probably was not representative in terms of research interests and disciplines. We stress that STROBE and other recommendations on the reporting of research should be seen as evolving documents that require continual assessment, refinement, and, if necessary, change. We welcome suggestions for the further dissemination of STROBE—eg, by re-publication of the present article in specialist journals and in journals published in other languages. Groups or individuals who intend to translate the checklist to other languages should consult the coordinating group beforehand. We will revise the checklist in the future, taking into account comments, criticism, new evidence, and experience from its use. We invite readers to submit their comments via the STROBE website.ContributorsThe following individuals have contributed to the content and elaboration of the STROBE statement: Douglas G Altman,Maria Blettner, Paolo Boff etta, Hermann Brenner, Geneviève Chêne, Cyrus Cooper, George Davey-Smith, Erik von Elm, Matthias Egger, France Gagnon, Peter C Gøtzsche, Philip Greenland, Sander Greenland, Claire Infante-Rivard, John Ioannidis, Astrid James, Giselle Jones, Bruno Ledergerber, Julian Little, Margaret May, David Moher,Hooman Momen, Alfredo Morabia, Hal Morgenstern,Cynthia D Mulrow, Fred Paccaud, Stuart J Pocock, Charles Poole, Martin Röösli, Dietrich Rothenbacher, Kenneth Rothman,Caroline Sabin, Willi Sauerbrei, Lale Say, James J Schlesselman, Jonathan Sterne, Holly Syddall, Jan P Vandenbroucke, Ian White, Susan Wieland, Hywel Williams, Guang Yong Zou.Confl ict of interest statementWe declare that we have no confl ict of interest.AcknowledgmentsThe workshop was funded by the European Science Foundation (ESF). Additional funding was received from the Medical Research Council Health Services Research Collaboration, and the National Health Services Research and Development Methodology Programme. We are grateful to Gerd Antes, Kay Dickersin, Shah Ebrahim, andRichard Lilford for supporting the STROBE initiative. We are grateful to the following institutions that have hosted working meetings of the coordinating group: Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM), University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK; Nordic Cochrane Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark; and Centre for Statistics in Medicine, Oxford, UK. We are grateful to six reviewers who provided helpful comments on a previous draft of this paper.References1 Glasziou P, Vandenbroucke JP, Chalmers I. Assessing the quality ofresearch. BMJ 2004; 328: 39–41.2 Black N. Why we need observational studies to evaluate theeff ectiveness of health care. BMJ 1996; 312: 1215–18.3 Papanikolaou PN, Christidi GD, Ioannidis JP. Comparison ofevidence on harms of medical interventions in randomized andnonrandomized studies. CMAJ 2006; 174: 635–41.4 Jüni P, Altman DG, Egger M. Systematic reviews in health care:assessing the quality of controlled clinical trials. BMJ 2001; 323:42–46.5 Egger M, Schneider M, Davey Smith G. Spurious precision?Meta-analysis of observational studies. BMJ 1998; 316: 140–44.6 Pocock SJ, Collier TJ, Dandreo KJ, et al. Issues in the reporting ofepidemiological studies: a survey of recent practice. BMJ 2004; 329: 883.7 Lee W, Bindman J, Ford T, et al. Bias in psychiatric case-controlstudies: literature survey. Br J Psychiatry 2007; 190: 204–09.8 Tooth L, Ware R, Bain C, Purdie DM, Dobson A. Quality ofreporting of observational longitudinal research. Am J Epidemiol2005; 161: 280–88.9 Bogardus ST Jr, Concato J, Feinstein AR. Clinical epidemiologicalquality in molecular genetic research: the need for methodological standards. JAMA 1999; 281: 1919–26.10 Anon. Guidelines for documentation of epidemiologic studies.Epidemiology Work Group of the Interagency Regulatory LiaisonGroup. Am J Epidemiol 1981; 114: 609–13.11 Rennie D. CONSORT revised – improving the reporting ofrandomized trials. JAMA 2001; 285: 2006–07.12 Moher D, Schulz KF, Altman DG. The CONSORT statement:revised recommendations for improving the quality of reports ofparallel-group randomised trials. Lancet 2001; 357: 1191–94.13 Moher D, Altman DG, Schulz KF, Elbourne DR. Opportunities andchallenges for improving the quality of reporting clinical research: CONSORT and beyond. CMAJ 2004; 171: 349–50.14 Plint AC, Moher D, Morrison A, et al. Does the CONSORT checklistimprove the quality of reports of randomised controlled trials? Asystematic review. Med J Aust 2006; 185: 263–67.15 Egger M, Jüni P, Bartlett C. Value of fl ow diagrams in reports ofrandomized controlled trials. JAMA 2001; 285: 1996–99.STROBE Statement16 Moher D, Cook DJ, Eastwood S, Olkin I, Rennie D, Stroup DF.Improving the quality of reports of meta-analyses of randomisedcontrolled trials: the QUOROM statement. Quality of Reporting of Meta-analyses. Lancet 1999; 354: 1896–900.17 Bossuyt PM, Reitsma JB, Bruns DE, et al. Towards complete andaccurate reporting of studies of diagnostic accuracy: The STARDInitiative. Ann Intern Med 2003; 138: 40–44.18 Vandenbroucke JP, von Elm E, Altman DG, et al, for the STROBEinitiative. Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE): explanation and elaboration. PLoS Med2007; 4: e297.19 Vandenbroucke JP, von Elm E, Altman DG, et al, for the STROBEinitiative. Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE): explanation and elaboration. Ann Intern Med (in press).20 Vandenbroucke JP von Elm E, Altman DG, et al, for the STROBEinitiative. Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE): explanation and elaboration. Epidemiology (in press).21 Ioannidis JP, Evans SJ, Gotzsche PC, et al. Better reporting ofharms in randomized trials: an extension of the CONSORTstatement. Ann Intern Med 2004; 141: 781–88.22 Campbell MK, Elbourne DR, Altman DG. CONSORT statement:extension to cluster randomised trials. BMJ 2004; 328: 702–08.23 Piaggio G, Elbourne DR, Altman DG, Pocock SJ, Evans SJ.Reporting of noninferiority and equivalence randomized trials: an extension of the CONSORT statement. JAMA 2006; 295: 1152–60. 24 Gagnier JJ, Boon H, Rochon P, Moher D, Barnes J, Bombardier C.Reporting randomized, controlled trials of herbal interventions: an elaborated CONSORT statement. Ann Intern Med 2006; 144: 364–67.25 Ioannidis JP, Gwinn M, Little J, et al. A road map for effi cient andreliable human genome epidemiology. Nat Genet 2006; 38: 3–5.26 Ormerod AD. CONSORT your submissions: an update for authors.Br J Dermatol 2001; 145: 378–79.27 Schriger DL. Suggestions for improving the reporting of clinicalresearch: the role of narrative. Ann Emerg Med 2005; 45: 437–43.28 Sanderson S, Tatt ID, Higgins JP. Tools for assessing quality andsusceptibility to bias in observational studies in epidemiology: asystematic review and annotated bibliography. Int J Epidemiol 2007;36: 666–76.29 Bartlett C, Sterne J, Egger M. What is newsworthy? Longitudinalstudy of the reporting of medical research in two Britishnewspapers. BMJ 2002; 325: 81–84.© 2007 The Authors。

❖ 主要研究结果 (a) Give unadjusted estimates and, if applicable, confounderadjusted estimates and their precision (eg, 95% confifounders were adjusted for and why they were included (b) Report category boundaries when continuous variables were categorized (c) If relevant, consider translating estimates of relative risk (RR) into absolute risk (AR)for a meaningful time period
❖ 方法中各类观察性研究的不同规范---研究对象
❖ 方法中各类观察性研究的不同规范---统计方法
❖ 方法中各类观察性研究的不同规范---数据来源和测量 ❖ For each variable of interest, give sources of data and details
of methods of assessment (measurement). Describe comparability of assessment methods if there is more than one group ❖ 队列研究和横断面研究:分别给出暴露和非暴露组的信息 ❖ 病例对照研究:分别给出病例组和对照组的信息
总结: (a) 题目中应包含 “cohort study”, “cross-sectional study” and

第1篇一、实验目的1. 通过实验,让学生了解观察在科学研究中的重要性。
2. 培养学生学会观察的方法和技巧。
3. 提高学生运用观察方法解决实际问题的能力。
三、实验材料与工具1. 实验材料:白菜、萝卜、茄子等植物种子。
2. 实验工具:放大镜、尺子、记录本、相机等。
四、实验步骤1. 实验前准备:选取生长状况良好的白菜、萝卜、茄子等植物种子,确保种子质量。
2. 种植:将种子按照一定间距种植在花盆中,注意保持土壤湿润。
3. 观察记录:每天观察植物的生长状况,记录植物的生长高度、叶片数量、颜色变化等。
4. 分析比较:对观察到的数据进行整理和分析,比较不同植物的生长差异。
5. 实验总结:撰写实验报告,总结观察方法、实验结果及心得体会。
五、实验结果与分析1. 种植后第1天:植物种子发芽,生长出幼嫩的芽苗。
2. 种植后第3天:植物芽苗逐渐长高,叶片数量增加。
3. 种植后第7天:植物芽苗长至10厘米左右,叶片颜色由嫩绿变为深绿。
4. 种植后第14天:植物芽苗长至20厘米左右,叶片数量增加,颜色更加鲜艳。
5. 种植后第21天:植物生长趋于稳定,高度不再明显增加。
六、实验结论1. 观察是科学研究的基础,学会观察对于学生掌握科学方法具有重要意义。
2. 通过观察植物生长过程,学生掌握了观察方法,提高了观察技能。
3. 观察方法有助于我们了解植物生长规律,为农业生产提供理论依据。
七、实验心得体会1. 观察是一种科学的方法,通过观察可以发现问题、解决问题。

STROBE清单的“结果部分”Item 13 研究对象1)报告研究各个阶段研究对象的数量,要尽量详细。
3)建议使用流程图,例如:Item 14 描述性资料➢描述研究对象的特征(如人口学、临床和社会特征)以及关于暴露和潜在混杂因素的信息以及关于暴露和潜在混杂因子的信息;➢指出每个关心的变量有缺失值的研究对象数目、暴露、潜在混杂因子和患者的其他重要特征,不同程度和原因的失访;➢队列研究总结随访时间,报告随访期限的最大值和最小值或总体分布的百分位数,总随访人年,所获得潜在数据的一些比例指标。
Item 15 结局资料1)报告发生结局事件(队列研究、横断面研究)或暴露类别(病例-对照研究)的数量;2)或根据时间总结发生结局事件的数量。
Item 16 主要结果1)给出未校正的和校正的混杂因素的关联强度估计值、精确度(如95%CI);➢阐明根据哪些混杂因素进行了调整以及选择这些因素的原因;2)当对连续性变量分组时,报告分组界值;3)如有关联,可将有意义时期内的相对危险度转化成绝对危险度。

培美曲塞维持治疗加最佳支持治疗 与安慰剂加最佳支持治疗对非小细 胞肺癌的治疗效果:一项随机,双 盲,III期临床研究
Item 3a. 描述试验设计类型 包括每组的分配比率
例3a This multicentre (多中心), randomized (随
机), double-blind (双盲), placebo controlled (安慰
The number of papers that use statistical tests has considerably increased among Chinese authors, but use of inappropriate statistical methods remains high, especially in the presentation of results as well as in fundamental statistics.
国外占50%,国内则达80%以上。 统计学缺陷: 研究设计(设计水平低下) 加强统计知 统计分析(方法使用错误) 识的学习、 理解与运用 统计推断(推断过于肯定) 统计报告(报告项目不全)报告规范化进展
国外:约20多年 国内:主要介绍和翻译国外规范
表1 常见研究设计形式及其报告规范
1994年,两组杂志编辑、试验人员和方法学专家分别 发 表 了 关 于 RCT 试 验 报 告 的 建 议 ——Standardized Reporting of Trials (SORT) statement和Asilomar提议 1996 年 , 共 同 发 展 CONSORT statement ( 发 表 于 JAMA)
最新版本:CONSORT 2010 statement 许 多 杂 志 , The Lancet, British Medical Journal, Journal of the American Medical Association, Annals of Internal Medicine …都正式支持CONSORT statement

在报告书写时,应按照以下改写法进行:1. 标题标题应简洁明了,准确表达研究主题,可使用非常州的语言,示例:”运动与心理健康:一项横截面研究”2. 摘要摘要是研究报告的核心部分,通常介绍目的、方法、结果和结论等核心内容,应注意不要过分细节。
3. 引言在引言部分,需要对研究背景和意义进行阐述并提出研究问题或假设。
4. 方法在方法部分中,需要清晰地描绘研究设计、参与者招募、数据收集方法和分析流程。
具体可以分以下几个方面进行撰写:4.1 研究对象:明确研究对象的人口学特征和分组数量,并对招募对象的来源做出明确描述。
4.2 数据的采集和分析: 描述研究的数据采集、测量方法和及数据的存储、处理、分析方法。
4.3 伦理问题:描述实验过程中的伦理问题及处理方案。
5. 结果在结果部分中,需要客观、清晰地描述研究发现和数据分析结果,依据实验流程将每个研究目标变量进行数据表述。
6. 讨论讨论部分旨在解释研究发现的意义、探讨可能的理论解释并对研究的限制进行分析。

流行病学观察性研究报告规范———STROBE声明介绍 流行病学观察性研究(strengtheningthereportingofobservationalstudiesinepidemiology,STROBE)是指应用观察法客观地记录某些现象的现状及相关特征,以评估潜在的有害暴露对个体健康或公共卫生的影响、描述疾病或治疗模式的现状、分析某种治疗的罕见或远期副作用、确定疾病致病因素的一类研究。
表1 STROBE声明清单条目号描述 项目与主题 文题和摘要1①采用专业术语描述研究类型;②摘要内容丰富,能准确表述研究的方法和结果前言背景和合理性2解释研究的科学背景和依据研究目标3阐明研究目标,包括任何预先确定的假设方法研究设计4描述研究设计的要素研究现场5描述研究现场,包括具体场所和相关时间(研究对象征集、暴露、随访和数据收集时间)研究对象6①队列研究描述研究对象的入选标准、来源和方法,描述随访方法;病例对照研究描述病例和对照的入选标准、来源和方法,描述选择病例和对照的原理;横断面研究描述研究对象的入选标准、来源和方法;②队列研究:配对研究需描述配对标准、暴露与非暴露数量;病例对照研究:配对研究需描述配对标准和与每个病例匹配的对照研究变量7明确界定结局指标、暴露因素、预测指标、潜在混杂因素及效应修饰因子,如有可能应给出诊断标准资料来源与评估8描述每一研究变量的数据来源和详细的测定、评估方法(如有多组,应描述各组之间评估方法的可比性)偏倚9描述潜在的偏倚及消除方法样本量10描述两本量的确定方法定量指标11解释定量指标的分析方法,如有可能应描述如何选择分组及其原因统计学方法12①描述所用统计学方法,包括控制混杂因素的方法;②描述亚组分析和交互作用所用方法;③描述缺失值的处理方法;④如有可能,队列研究应解释失访资料的处理方法;病例对照研究应解释病例和对照的匹配方法;横断面研究应描述根据抽样策略确定的方法;⑤描述敏感性分析方法结果研究对象13①报告各阶段研究对象的数量,包括征集着、接受检验者、检验合格者、纳入研究者、完成随访者和进行分析者的数量;②描述各阶段研究对象退出的原因;③可考虑使用流程图描述性资料14①描述研究对象的特征(如人口学、临床和社会特征)以及暴露因素和潜在混杂因素的信息;②描述各相关变量有缺失值的研究对象数量;③队列研究描述随访时间(如平均随访时间、总随访时间)结局资料15队列研究报告发生结局事件的数量或根据时间总结发生结局事件的数量;病例对照研究报告各暴露类别的数量或暴露的综合指标;横断面研究报告结局事件的数量或总结暴露的测量结果主要结果16①给出未校正和校正混杂因素的关联强度估计值、精确度(如95%CI)。


1. 研究目的和问题:评价报告应首先关注研究的目的和问题是否明确、具体。
2. 研究设计和方法:评价报告应关注研究设计是否合理、科学,研究方法是否恰当、可行。
3. 样本和数据:评价报告应关注研究样本的选择方式、规模以及样本和数据的代表性。
4. 分析和解释:评价报告应关注研究结果的分析和解释是否合理、有据可依。
5. 结论和启示:评价报告应关注研究结论的可靠性和普适性,结论是否与研究目的和问题相符。

观察报告的构成要素(一)标题:《关于……的观察》: 3-5个正文:一、导论:介绍观察的背景及观察所要达到的目标。
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主要研究结果 (a) Give unadjusted estimates and, if applicable, confounder-
adjusted estimates and their precision (eg, 95% confidence
eligible, included in the study, completing follow-up, and
analyzed (b) Give reasons for non-participation at each stage
(c) Consider use of a flow diagram
“case-control study”等词语。
(b) 摘要中表达清楚 “study’s design” “what was done and what was found”。
前言: (a) Background/rationale: explain the scientific background and
comparability of assessment methods if there is more than one
group 队列研究和横断面研究:分别给出暴露和非暴露组的信息
研究对象 (a) Report numbers of individuals at each stage of study—eg numbers potentially eligible, examined for eligibility, confirmed
rationale for the investigation being reported.
(b) Objectives: state specific objectives, including any prespecified hypotheses. 总结:前言应该包括背景介绍,研究的理由,研究的目的
的亚组,追踪其各自的结局,比较不同亚组之间结局频率的差异,从而 判定暴露因子与结局之间有无因果关联及关联大小的一种观察性研究方 法。
(或某些)可能危险因素的百分比差异,以判断这(些)因素与该病有无 关 联及关联程度大小的观察性研究方法。
横断面研究:横断面研究(cross-sectional study)是在某一特定时间
其他 (a)报告任何其他分析,包括亚组分析和敏感性分析
总结: (a) 根据研究目的讨论关键关键结果 (b) 局限性(偏倚,样本量,研究对象)
(c) 谨慎的解释和总结我们的结果
(d) 意义
Funding Give the source of funding and the role of the funders for the present study and, if applicable, for the original study on which the present article is based
方法中各类观察性研究的共同规范 Variables : clearly define all outcomes, exposures, predictors, potential confounders, and effect modifiers. Give
diagnostic criteria, if applicable
结果描述 Cohort study—Report numbers of outcome events or summary
measures over time
Case-control study—Report numbers in each exposure category, or summary measures of exposure
方法中各类观察性研究的共同规范 Study size: Explain how the study size was arrived at Quantitative variables: Explain how quantitative variables
were handled in the analyses. If applicable, describe which
对某一定范围内的人群,以个人为单位收集和描述人群的特征以及疾病 或健康状况。
题目和摘要: (a) Indicate the study’s design with a commonly used term in
the title or the abstract
(b) Provide in the abstract an informative and balanced summary of what was done and what was found 总结: (a) 题目中应包含 “cohort study”, “cross-sectional study” and
分类: 队列研究:将人群按是否暴露于某种可疑因素及其暴露程度分为不同
confounders (b) Indicate number of participants with missing data for each
variable of interest
队列研究和横断面研究:分别给出暴露和非暴露组的信息 病例对照研究:分别给出病例组和对照组的信息 (c) 此外,对于队列研究: Summarize follow-up time (eg, average and total amount)
方法中各类观察性研究的共同规范 Study design: Present key elements of study design early in the paper
Setting: Describe the setting, locations, and relevant dates,
Cross-sectional study—Report numbers of outcome events or
summary measures 对于队列或者横断面研究: 发生某个结局的数目(分类变量)
对于病例对照组: 病例和对照组中暴露于某个因素(分类变量)
groupings were chosen and why 总结: (a) 样本量: 病例收集过程 (b) 定量指标的定量;如何根据定量指标分组,这样分组的
方法中各类观察性研究的不பைடு நூலகம்规范---研究对象
方法中各类观察性研究的不同规范---数据来源和测量 For each variable of interest, give sources of data and details of methods of assessment (measurement). Describe
interval). Make clear which confounders were adjusted for and why they were included
(b) Report category boundaries when continuous variables were
categorized (c) If relevant, consider translating estimates of relative risk (RR) into absolute risk (AR)for a meaningful time period
including periods of recruitment, exposure, follow-up, and data collection
Study design: 研究对象, 分组情况,干预情况,检测指标及方法。 Setting: 研究地点,相关时间(招募时间,随访时间,数据采集时间
队列研究和横断面研究:分别给出暴露和非暴露组的信息 病例对照研究:分别给出病例组和对照组的信息
数据描述 (a) Give characteristics of study participants (eg demographic,
clinical, social) and information on exposures and potential
Bias: describe any efforts to address potential sources of bias 总结: (a) 定义 (某个要检测指标或者随访的结果),诊断标准 (b) 防止偏倚的努力(病例纳入和排除标准;盲法;根据混