



钛白粉,学名二氧化钛,是一种多晶型的化合物,在自然界中有3 种结

板钛型在自然界中很稀有,属斜方晶系,是不稳定的晶型,在650 摄氏度左右即转化为金红石型,因而没有工业价值。


金红石型和锐钛型为同一晶型,都属于四方晶系,但具有不同的晶格,因而X 射线图像也不同,锐钛型二氧化钛的衍射角(2B)位于25. 5 度,金红石型二氧化钛的衍射角(2B)位于27. 5 度。


图1 为二氧化钛的3 种晶型形态示意图。

无论是金红石型还是锐钛型,它们每个钛原子都位于八面体的中心,并且被6 个氧原子环绕,但是锐钛型分子的八面体上只有两个共用边。

这就是说金红石型的单体晶格,是由2 个二氧化钛分子组成;锐钛型是由4 个二氧化钛分子组成。




图2 为金红石型和锐钛型二氧化钛的晶型结构立体模型。

表1 为二氧化钛的结晶特征及物理性能。

金红石型二氧化钛经处理又可分为4 类,其电镜照片如图3 所示。

自 然界 中主要有锐钛矿 相和金红石相两种 晶

自 然界 中主要有锐钛矿 相和金红石相两种 晶


锐钛矿相纳米T i O 2 材料具有很高的光电
3 8 7 .5 n m以下的紫外光有很强的吸收能力,并且

利用纳米T i O 2 这些本征特性
(E u 3 + 掺杂T i O 2 纳米晶的制备及光致发光研究
( 大连海事大学光电子技术研究所,辽宁大连1 1 6 0 2 6 ))
2 θ/( 。








在一定(a) (b) (c)图2 TiO?的三种晶体结构:(a)金红石,(b)锐钛矿,(c)板钛矿温度下,Ti02晶型之间可以转变,其晶型转变相图,如图3。

一般而言,锐钛矿T102的光催化活性比金红石型HO?耍高,其原因在于:(1)金红石型HO?有较小的禁带宽度(锐钛矿HO?的禁带宽度为3.2 eV,金红石型HO?的禁带宽度为 3.0 eV),其较正的导带阻碍了氧气的还原反应;(2)锐钛矿型TiO2晶格中有较 多的缺陷和位错,从而产生较多的氧空位来捕获电子,而金红石型TiO2是T1O2 三种晶型中最稳定的晶型结构,具有较好的晶化态,缺陷少,光生空穴和电子在 实际反应中极易复合,催化活性受到很大的影响:(3)金红石型Ti 。

?光催化活 性低,同时还与高温处理过程中粒子大量烧结引起比表而积的急剧下降有关。

Anatase-200 0 200 400600 800 1000 1200CC) 图3TiO2晶型转变相图本文首先以金红石型为例计算其消光系数和结构因子,结合我最近的实验结 果分析TiO?及其复合物的XRD 表征结果。

2.金红石型TH 》结构及XRD 谱图特征b• TiO O图4 (a)金红石晶胞结构,(b)金红石晶胞垂直于(001)面的剖面图金纤石屈于四方晶系,空间群P 兰nm •晶胞参数a o =O.4S9 nm^ c o =0.?96 nm m 其结构如图 4。



1、(锐钛型二氧化钛与金红石型二氧化钛)的区分1.1 方法利用X射线衍射仪得到XRD图谱进行分析1.2用到的仪器X射线衍射仪X射线产生原理:高速运动的电子与物体碰撞时,发生能量转换,电子的运动受阻失去动能,其中一小部分(1%左右)能量转变为X射线,而绝大部分(99%左右)能量转变成热能使物体温度升高1.2.1 X射线管的结构阴极:又称灯丝(钨丝),通电加热后便能释放出热辐射电子。

阳极:又称靶,通常由纯金属制成(Cr,Fe,Co,Ni,Cu,Mo,Ag, W等),使电子突然减速并发射X射线。




1.2.2 X射线特点1.2.3理论基础:布拉格方程1.2.4具体方法用X射线衍射分析法中的粉末法来分析两种结构。







1.2.5 两者结构分析晶胞结构的不同金红石型二氧化钛及锐钛型二氧化钛结晶类型均为正方结晶,前者为R型,后者为A型。




二氧化钛结构式二氧化钛(titanium dioxide,TiO2)是一种重要的功能性无机材料,具有广泛的应用前景。



锐钛矿型二氧化钛的结构式可以用简单的晶体单胞描述,其化学式为TiO2,重复晶胞中含有6个原子,其中正交晶胞中Ti 占据四分之一和O占据八分之三的位置。



金红石型二氧化钛的结构式也可用简单的晶体单胞描述,其化学式为TiO2,重复晶胞中含有5个原子,其中正交晶胞中Ti 占据四分之一和O占据四分之三的位置。









































锐钛矿、金红石和板钛矿降解罗丹明 B 光催化活性的比较研究

锐钛矿、金红石和板钛矿降解罗丹明 B 光催化活性的比较研究

2011Chinese Journal of Catalysis V ol. 32 No. 6文章编号: 0253-9837(2011)06-0983-09 国际版DOI: 10.1016/S1872-2067(10)60222-7 研究论文: 983~991锐钛矿、金红石和板钛矿降解罗丹明B光催化活性的比较张静1,*, 阎松1, 付鹿1, 王飞1, 原梦琼1, 罗根祥1, 徐倩2, 王翔2, 李灿21辽宁石油化工大学化学与材料科学学院,辽宁抚顺1130012中国科学院大连化学物理研究所催化基础国家重点实验室,辽宁大连116023摘要:详细考察并比较了采用低温制备的锐钛矿、金红石和板钛矿氧化钛降解罗丹明B的光催化活性.与传统高温焙烧制备的金红石相比,低温制备的金红石粒径小,比表面积大,表面羟基数目多,因此光催化效率明显增加.更重要的是,当锐钛矿和金红石具有相似粒径和比表面积时,金红石具有较高的光降解罗丹明B活性.对于板钛矿氧化钛而言,虽然其表观光催化活性(单位时间内降解的罗丹明B)远低于锐钛矿或金红石的表观光催化活性,但是其本征光催化活性(单位比表面积、单位时间内降解的罗丹明B)却远远高于锐钛矿或金红石的本征光催化活性.关键词:氧化钛;紫外拉曼;晶相;罗丹明 B; 光催化; 降解中图分类号:O643文献标识码:A收稿日期: 2011-01-23. 接受日期: 2011-03-15.*通讯联系人. 电话: (0413)6863390; 传真: (0413)6860548; 电子信箱: jingzhang_dicp@基金来源: 国家自然科学基金 (20903054).本文的英文电子版(国际版)由Elsevier出版社在ScienceDirect上出版(/science/journal/18722067).Photocatalytic Degradation of Rhodamine B on Anatase, Rutile,and Brookite TiO2ZHANG Jing1,*, YAN Song1, FU Lu1, WANG Fei1, YUAN Mengqiong1, LUO Genxiang1,XU Qian2, WANG Xiang2, LI Can21School of Chemistry and Materials Science, Liaoning Shihua University, Fushun 113001, Liaoning, China2State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian 116023, Liaoning, ChinaAbstract: This study compared the photocatalytic activities for the degradation of Rhodamine B (RhB) in aqueous solutions of anatase, rutile, and brookite TiO2. The TiO2 powders were prepared at low temperature. As compared with rutile obtained by a conventional high temperature calcination, the rutile TiO2 prepared by the low temperature route had a smaller particle size, higher surface area, and more sur-face hydroxyl groups, and it gave a high photocatalytic activity. Rutile gave a faster photocatalysis reaction rate than anatase TiO2 for the same particle size and surface area. A pure brookite phase showed a lower photocatalytic activity when this was expressed in moles con-verted RhB per hour than the anatase and rutile phases. However, its areal photocatalytic activity expressed in moles converted RhB per hour per surface area was much higher than that of anatase and rutile TiO2.Key words:titania; ultra-violet Raman spectroscopy; crystal phase; Rhodamine B; photocatalysis; degradationReceived 23 January 2011. Accepted 15 March 2011.*Corresponding author. Tel: +86-413-6863390; Fax: +86-413-6860548; E-mail: jingzhang_dicp@This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (20903054).English edition available online at Elsevier ScienceDirect (/science/journal/18722067).Heterogeneous photocatalysis is an attractive approach for the removal of inorganic and organic pollutants in air and water [1]. Among the various semiconductors, TiO2 is the most used photocatalyst because of its high efficiency, non-toxicity, chemical and biological stability, and low cost [2–4]. The catalytic performance of TiO2 is a function of984 催化学报Chin. J. Catal., 2011, 32: 983–991many factors, such as the phase structure, specific surface area, crystallite size, particle shape, and amount of surface hydroxyl groups [5,6]. The crystalline phase of the TiO2 plays a significant role in the photocatalysis [7,8]. TiO2 has three natural crystalline phases: anatase (tetragonal), rutile (tetragonal), and brookite (orthorombic). Rutile is the stable form, and anatase and brookite are metastable. The anatase phase and brookite phase transforms into the rutile phase over a wide range of temperatures [9].There are many studies on the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 in its different phases [10,11]. It is usually accepted that anatase is more efficient as a photocatalyst than rutile [12], and pure rutile is rarely active for the photodegrada-tion of organic species in aqueous solutions [13,14]. How-ever, some works have indicated that rutile titania can pos-sess high photocatalytic activity [15,16]. There are still dis-agreements on the effects of the TiO2 crystalline structure on its photocatalytic activity [17,18]. Therefore, it is of im-portance to investigate and compare the intrinsic photocata-lytic activity of TiO2 of different crystal phases.In contrast to the extensive researches on the anatase and rutile phases, few studies [19] have examined the photo-catalytic activity of pure brookite TiO2 powders or films. This is mainly because pure brookite TiO2 without any rutile or anatase phase is difficult to prepare [20]. In fact, Ohtani et al. [21] found that brookite nanocrystals possessed good photocatalytic activities for silver deposition and de-hydrogenation of 2-propanol.This paper is a contribution to the understanding of the effect of the crystalline phase on the photocatalytic activity of TiO2, and it provides new insights for designing TiO2 photocatalysts. Pure anatase, rutile, and brookite TiO2 were prepared and characterized by UV Raman spectroscopy, visible Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), dif-fuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and N2 adsorption (BET). Their photocatalytic activities were compared for the photocatalytic degradation of Rho-damine B (RhB).1 Experimental1.1 Preparation of anatase and rutile TiO2Titanium chloride (98% TiCl4, China National Medicines Corporation Ltd.) was used as a precursor without further purification. It was added slowly into distilled water in an ice water bath to slow down the rapid exothermic reaction [22]. The concentration of TiCl4 in the solution was 2 mol/L. Distilled water was added to the solution to get a transparent stock solution with a TiCl4 concentration of 0.5 mol/L (pH value of the stock solution was 1.3).The stock solution was divided into two parts. One part was heated at 70 o C for 5 h under stirring (denoted as TiCl4-1). Ammonia solution was added to the other part of the stock solution under stirring until the pH of the solution reached 5. Then the solution obtained was stirred at 70 o C for 5 h (denoted as TiCl4-2). TiCl4-1 and TiCl4-2 obtained were centrifuged and washed with distilled water until chlo-ride ions were not detected in the washed water. The solid sample was dried at 120 o C for 12 h, then calcined in air at 300 and 500 o C for 2 h.1.2 Preparation of brookite TiO2The preparation of brookite TiO2 followed the procedure of Yang et al. [23]. The sodium hydroxide solution (2 mol/L) was added dropwise to a solution of 1 mol/L tita-nium sulfate (Ti(SO4)2) under stirring at room temperature. The molar ratio of NaOH to Ti(SO4)2 was maintained at 5:1. The precipitate was separated by filtering and washed with water three times. Then the slurry was sealed in a Tef-lon-lined stainless steel autoclave and hydrothermally treated at 200 o C for 24 h, cooled naturally to room tem-perature, filtered, washed, dried in air at 120 o C for 12 h, and calcined at 400 o C for 2 h. In this synthesis procedure, the molar ratio of alkali ion to titanium ion, hydrothermal synthesis temperature, and duration of the hydrothermal treatment used were important.1.3 CharacterizationUV Raman spectra were measured at room temperature with a Jobin-Yvon T64000 triple-stage spectrograph with a spectral resolution of 2 cm−1. The laser line at 325 nm of a He-Cd laser was used as the exciting source with an output of 25 mW.Visible Raman spectra were recorded at room tempera-ture on a Jobin-Yvon U1000 scanning double monochro-mator with a spectral resolution of 4 cm−1. The line at 532 nm from a DPSS 532 Model 200 532 nm single-frequency laser was used as the excitation source.X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) patterns were obtained on a Rigaku MiniFlex diffractometer with Cu Kα radiation source. Diffraction patterns were collected from 20°~60° at a speed of 5°/min.Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images taken on a JEOL 2000EX were used for estimating particle size and morphology.The morphology was also characterized using scanning electron microscope (SEM) QUANTA 200F. Ultravio-let-visible diffuse reflectance spectra were recorded on a JASCO V-550 UV-Vis spectrophotometer.The Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface areas of the 张 静 等: 锐钛矿、金红石和板钛矿降解罗丹明 B 光催化活性的比较 985TiO 2 samples were measured by nitrogen adsorption at 77 Kusing a Micromeritics ASAP 2000 adsorption analyzer. 1.4 Photocatalytic activity testThe photocatalytic degradation experiments were per-formed with the photodegradation of RhB carried out in a 100 ml Pyrex reactor filled with ion-exchanged water (60 ml) containing RhB (20 mg/L, 2.5 × 10−6 mol) and TiO 2 sample. The suspension was stirred for 30 min in the dark to give adsorption-desorption equilibrium of the dye before illumination. After irradiation with a 250 W high voltage mercury lamp (λ = 365 nm, Shanghai Yaming Lighting Co.) with an intensity of 1.7 mW/cm 2, a 3 ml aliquot was taken every 10 min, which was immediately centrifuged. The RhB concentration in the clear solution was analyzed by optical absorption (22PC spectrophotometer, Shanghai Lengguang Technology Co., LTD) at 553 nm. Blank experiments with the mercury lamp and without catalysts under the same conditions were performed. The blank study showed that there was no photolysis of RhB.2 Results and discussion2.1 UV Raman spectra, visible Raman spectra, and XRD analysis 2.1.1 Rutile TiO 2Figure 1 displays the XRD patterns and UV Raman spec-trum of a dried TiCl 4-1 sample. The XRD measurement showed that the TiCl 4-1 sample existed in the rutile phase because only the characteristic peaks of the rutile phase (27.6o , 36.1o , 41.2o , and 54.3o ) were observed [24]. In the UV Raman spectra, only typical rutile Raman bands (235, 444, and 612 cm –1) were observed, indicating the formation of a pure rutile TiO 2 phase. The XRD patterns and UV Ra-man spectra of rutile TiO 2 calcined at 300 and 500 o C (Fig. 1(a) and (b)) showed that the characteristic peaks of rutile TiO 2 increased in intensity and decreased in band width with increasing calcination temperature.The average crystallite size of rutile TiO 2 was calculated using Scherrer’s equation D = k λ/βcos θ, where D is the crystallite size, k the Scherrer constant (k = 0.9 assuming that the particles are spherical), λ the wavelength of the X-ray radiation (Cu K α radiation, λ = 0.15406 nm), β the line width (obtained after correction for instrumental broadening), and θ is the diffraction peak angle. The aver-age crystallite sizes of rutile calcined at the different tem-peratures were determined to be 6.5, 14.2, and 30.3 nm, respectively (Table 1). The above changes in the XRD and UV Raman peaks can be attributed to that the crystallite size and crystallinity of rutile increased gradually with calcina-tion temperature [25,26].We also characterized a commercial rutile TiO 2 (Alfa Aesar) by XRD and UV Raman spectra (Fig. 1). The UV Raman spectrum (Fig. 1(b)) suggested that a small amount of anatase phase existed in the commercial rutile TiO 2 al-though only rutile peaks were observed in the XRD pattern (Fig. 1(a)). This may be mainly due to that the rutile was20304050607080100200300400500600700800900(4)(4)(3)(2)(1)(a)I n t e n s i t y (a .u .)2θ/( o)RRARA: anataseR: rutile(1)(2)(3)× 3(b)I n t e n s i t y (a .u .)Raman shift (cm −1)Fig. 1. XRD patterns (a) and UV Raman spectra (b) of rutile TiO 2 calcined at 120 o C (1), 300 o C (2), and 500 o C (3) and commercial rutile TiO 2 (4).Table 1 Crystallite size and specific surface area of anatase, rutile, and brookite TiO 2 derived from XRD and N 2-adsorption SampleCalcination temperature (oC)D /nmBET surface area (m 2/g)Anatase 120 6.3 306.3300 13.4 134.0 500 26.7 76.9Rutile 120 6.5 303.4300 14.2 109.4 500 30.3 62.2 Commercial rutile— 500a6.1Brookite 120 46.8 19300 50.6 12 aParticle size from SEM.986 催 化 学 报 Chin . J . Catal ., 2011, 32: 983–991prepared by the calcination of the anatase phase at high temperatures. However, the anatase phase did not com-pletely transform into rutile, thus there were small amounts of anatase TiO 2 in the commercial rutile sample. It is diffi-cult to detect the existence of anatase TiO 2 by XRD when its content is less than 5% [27]. As compared with XRD, a small amount of the anatase phase can be sensitively de-tected by UV Raman spectroscopy.XPS was also used to investigate the surface composition and chemical state of the dried TiCl 4-1 and the commercial rutile. The XPS spectra of Ti 2p and O 1s are shown in Fig. 2. In Fig. 2(a), the two peaks located at 458.4 and 464.1 eV were assigned to Ti 2p 3/2 and Ti 2p 1/2, respectively. These results demonstrated that Ti existed mainly in the +4 va-lence state in the two rutile samples [28]. As illustrated in Fig. 2(b), there were at least two O chemical states, which included those of crystal lattice oxygen (529.3 eV) and hy-droxyl oxygen (531.4 eV) [29,30] in the two O 1s XPS spectra. The peak at 529.3 eV was attributed to Ti–O in the TiO 2 crystal lattice. The other oxygen contribution could be attributed to the hydroxyl group (OH), with its peak position at 531.4 eV. It was obvious that the hydroxyl content in theprepared rutile was more than that in the commercial rutile sample, indicating the loss of surface hydroxyl species from the latter during the high temperature treatment. 2.1.2 Anatase TiO 2Figure 3 shows visible Raman spectra and UV Raman spectra of TiCl 4-2 samples after these were dried at 120 o C and calcined at different temperatures. Six Raman bands at 143, 195, 395, 514, 519 (superimposed with the 514 cm –1 band), and 635 cm –1 were observed both in the visible Ra-man spectrum and UV Raman spectrum. These bands can be attributed to the six Raman-active modes of the anatase phase with the symmetries of E g , E g , B 1g , A 1g , B 1g , and E g , respectively [31]. These results in the visible and UV Ra-man spectra indicated that the TiCl 4-2 powder was a pure anatase phase. In order to study the thermal stability of the anatase TiO 2 nanoparticles, we calcined the anatase TiO 2 powder at different temperatures (300 and 500 o C) for 2 h. With the increasing of the calcination temperature to 300 oC, the high frequency region in the visible Raman spectra (Fig. 3(a)) showed interference by fluorescence. However,450455460465470475525530535540545522527532537(1)(a)Ti 2p 1/2 464.1Ti 2p 3/2 458.4(2)I n t e n s i t y (a .u .)Binding energy (eV)Binding energy (eV)Binding energy (eV)(1)(2)531.4529.3(b)I n t e n s i t y (a .u .)dried rutile531.4529.3Fig. 2. XPS spectra of Ti 2p (a) and O 1s (b) of dried TiCl 4-1 (1) and commercial rutile (2).10020030040050060070080090010001002003004005006007008009001000× 3(a)I n t e n s i t y (a .u .)Raman shift (cm −1)143395514635500 o C300 o C120 o C(b)× 3195I n t e n s i t y (a .u .)Raman shift (cm −1)143395514635500 o C300 o C 120 o CFig. 3. Visible Raman spectra (a) and UV Raman spectra (b) of the TiCl 4-2 samples calcined at different temperatures. 张静等:锐钛矿、金红石和板钛矿降解罗丹明B光催化活性的比较 987 the fluorescence can be avoided when a UV laser line (325nm) was used as the excitation line for UV Raman spectra(Fig. 3(b)). After calcination at 500 o C, most of the bands inthe UV and visible Raman spectra became narrow and in-tense, which was due to the increasing of particle size andcrystallinity with the higher calcination temperature. Ac-cording to the results, pure anatase or rutile phase TiO2 witha similar crystallite size and surface area can be obtained bycontrolling the pH value when TiCl4 was used as precursor.This made it possible to systematically investigate andcompare the photocatalytic performances of pure anataseand rutile TiO2 nanoparticles.2.1.3 Brookite TiO2Figure 4 shows XRD, visible Raman spectra, and UVRaman spectra of dried brookite and brookite calcined at400 o C. According to the XRD results (Fig. 4(a)), the TiO2powder dried at 120 o C had crystallized and all the XRDdiffraction patterns can be indexed to brookite TiO2 (JCPDS29-1360), with the peaks at 25.34o, 25.69o, and 30.81o as thediffraction from the (120), (111), and (121) planes ofbrookite, respectively. In the visible Raman spectrum (Fig.4(b)), there were fifteen Raman-active modes for thebrookite phase with the symmetries of A1g (122, 149, 192,244, 405, and 630 cm–1); B1g (212, 321, and 504 cm–1); B2g(364, 392, 463, and 583 cm–1), and B3g (284 and 455 cm–1).In the UV Raman spectrum (Fig. 4(c)), typical brookiteRaman bands at 121, 150, 244, 284, 321, 363, 402, 487,542, and 630 cm–1 were observed. These results indicatedthat a pure brookite phase was obtained and the brookitewas stable after annealing up to 300 o C.In addition, by comparing the visible Raman spectra (Fig.4(b)) and UV Raman spectra of the brookite phase (Fig.4(c)) excited by 532 and 325 nm lines, it was found that therelative intensities of the characteristic bands due to thebrookite phase in the high frequency region were different. The intensity of the band at 244 cm–1 was stronger than that of the band at 284 cm–1 in the visible Raman spectrum but the intensities of these two bands were comparable in the UV Raman spectrum. That the relative intensities of the Raman bands of the brookite phase were different for UV Raman spectroscopy and visible Raman spectroscopy was mainly due to the UV resonance Raman effect [32].2.2 UV visible diffuse reflectance spectraUV-Vis DRS of the TiO2 samples were recorded to ob-tain insight into their light absorption characteristics. Typi-cal results are shown in Fig. 5. The optical absorption of TiO2 in the wavelength range shorter than 390 nm is mainly associated with the O2−→Ti4+ charge transfer, which is re-lated to electron excitation from the valence band to the conduction band [33]. As compared with dried anatase and rutile TiO2, the band edge showed a red shift (decrease in band gap energy) with increasing calcination temperature. For example, as compared with dried rutile TiO2, there was a shift in the absorption edge of 9 nm from that observed with the rutile sample calcined at 500 o C. The decrease in band gap energy can be attributed to the increase of the par-ticle size of rutile TiO2 (from 6.5 to 30.3 nm).Figure 5(c) compares the UV-Vis DRS of anatase, rutile, and brookite TiO2. For the anatase, rutile, and brookite phases, the absorption band edges were estimated to be 390, 412, and 370 nm, respectively. The adsorption edge shifted towards shorter wavelengths in the sequence of rutile, ana-tase, and brookite TiO2, which clearly indicated a gradual increase of the band gap. The band gap energies were cal-2030405060701002003004005006007008001002003004005006007008002θ/( o )(a)Intensity(a.u.)(2)(1)(2)(1)(b)122149212321284244453634945554258363Intensity(a.u.)Raman shift (cm−1)(c)(2)(1)6354248742363321284244147121Intensity(a.u.)Raman shift (cm−1)Fig. 4.XRD patterns (a), visible Raman spectra (b), and UV Raman spectra (c) of dried brookite (1) and brookite calcined at 300 o C (2).988 催 化 学 报Chin . J . Catal ., 2011, 32: 983–991culated according to the formula [34] E g = 1240/(λg ), where λg is the wavelength corresponding to the intersection point of the vertical and horizontal parts of the spectra in Fig. 5(c). Thus, the calculated band energies of rutile, anatase, and brookite were 3.0, 3.13, and 3.35 eV, respectively. 2.3 TEM (SEM) and BET analysisThe morphologies of the anatase and rutile TiO 2 samples were analyzed by TEM (Fig. 6). Figures 6(a) and (c) show the images of dried anatase and rutile TiO 2 powders. The aggregated anatase particles consisted of many nearly spherical nanoparticles, while the aggregated rutile particles consist of many needlelike nanoparticles. The mean crystal-lite size of the primary anatase nanoparticles was 5 nm and the mean diameter of the needlelike primary rutile nanopar-ticles was 7 nm.A clear increase in the particle size of anatase and rutile TiO 2 was observed with an increase in the calcination tem-perature (Fig. 6(b) and (d)). These results are in agreement with those obtained by the Scherrer’s equation. The SEM results (Fig. 7(a)) showed that the prepared brookite powder had an ellipsoidal morphology of 50 nm (diameter) × 80 nm (length). After calcination at 300 o C, there was no obvious change in particle size (Fig. 7(b)) and specific surface area for brookite TiO 2 (Table 1).2.4 Photocatalytic activity of anatase, rutile, and brookite TiO 2RhB is an important chemical used widely in industrial production, which often causes environmental pollution [35]. Therefore, it was chosen as representative of organic pollutants to evaluate the photocatalytic activity of the ana-tase, rutile, and brookite TiO 2 samples. In a photodegrada-tion process, photoexcited electrons (e −) are transferred to the conduction band (CB) from the valence band (VB), while holes (h +) are formed in the VB when an oxide semi-conductor (TiO 2) is irradiated with light (Fig. 8) [1]. These electrons and holes can migrate to the oxide surface andA b s o r b a n c e (a .u .)A b s o r b a n c e (a .u .)Wavelength (nm)I n t e n s i t y (a .u .)Fig. 5. UV-Vis reflectance spectra of anatase (a) and rutile (b) TiO 2calcined at different temperatures, and the comparison of UV-Vis DRS of anatase, rutile, and brookite TiO 2 (c).(c)(A)a)(A)a) (a)(B)b) (B)b) (b)(d)Fig. 6. TEM images of anatase (a), anatase calcined at 500 o C (b), rutile (c), and rutile calcined at 500 o C (d).(A)(B)(a)(b)Fig. 7. SEM images of brookite TiO 2 (a) and brookite TiO 2 (b) cal-cined at 300 o C. 张 静 等: 锐钛矿、金红石和板钛矿降解罗丹明 B 光催化活性的比较 989participate in half-cell reactions that form a closed catalyticcycle. The photoexcited holes in the VB can form the hy-droxyl radical •OH (e.g. h + + OH − → •OH, h + + H 2O → •OH) that can oxidize organic pollutants and the electrons in the CB participate in a reduction process.)22H 5)2νdegradation 2Fig. 8. Schematic of the photocatalytic mechanism for TiO 2.For anatase TiO 2 calcined at different temperatures, the only-dried anatase TiO 2 showed the highest photodegrada-tion of RhB, and the photocatalytic activity gradually de-creased as the thermal treatment temperature increased (Fig. 9). As compared with the only-dried sample, the TiO 2 sam-ple calcined at 300 o C showed more crystallization (Fig. 3). A high anatase crystallinity usually means fewer defects, which act as the recombination centers for photogenerated electrons and holes [36,37]. Thus, a high crystallinity would promote photocatalytic reactions. However, the surface ar-eas were adversely decreased from 306.3 to 134.0 m 2/g (Ta-ble 1) when the calcination temperature was increased from 120 to 300 o C. The higher surface area has an active role in the adsorption of the reactant, which results in a higher photocatalytic activity [38]. Thus, it was deduced that the decrease in the activity for the anatase calcined at the high temperature can be mainly attributed to the large decrease in the surface area shown in Table 1. For rutile TiO 2 calcined at different temperatures, as expect, the calcined powder samples showed decreased photocatalytic activities.The conversion of RhB was significantly higher for the synthesized rutile TiO 2 sample after 1 h of reaction (74%) as compared to the commercial rutile TiO 2 sample (12%) (Fig. 9). As shown in Table 1, as compared with the com-mercial rutile TiO 2, the synthesized rutile TiO 2 had a smaller crystallite size and larger BET surface area. The decrease in the particle size of the synthesized rutile en-hanced the photoinduced charge transfer from the bulk of the particles to surface-absorbed reactants [39]. Moreover, the larger specific surface area of the synthesized rutile photocatalyst provided more adsorption sites for the RhB[38].In addition, an increase of OH groups was observed for synthesized rutile as compared with the commercial rutile in the XPS results (Fig. 2). Hu et al. [40] reported that an in-crease of the hydroxyl content on the surface of TiO 2 will increase the amount of •OH (h + + OH → •OH) produced on the surface of TiO 2, and the photocatalytic activity was en-hanced. Therefore, the higher reactivity of the synthesized rutile was attributed to the small particle size, large surface area, and the abundance of surface hydroxyl groups.Furthermore, it is interesting to note that synthesized rutile TiO 2 displayed a faster photocatalysis reaction rate for the degradation of RhB as compared with anatase TiO 2 (Fig. 9) when they had a similar particle size and surface area. We found that the adsorption of RhB on the surface of ana-tase and rutile were similar (8% and 5%). Sun et al. [27] also showed that their laboratory-synthesized rutile titania gave a higher activity in the degradation of phenol in water than the anatase phase with a similar surface area. They attributed the higher photocatalytic activity of rutile TiO 2 to there being more hydroxyl groups on the surface of rutile. In addition, the charge separation between photoexcited elec-trons and holes may be improved by the exposed crystal surface of the needlelike rutile nanoparticles, resulting in the improvement of photocatalytic activity [41].The pure brookite samples gave good photocatalytic ac-tivity (34.7%, Fig. 9) for the degradation of RhB in spite of the high value of E g and low surface area (19 m 2/g, Table 1). It should be noted that the surface area of brookite was lower by 15 times than those of the anatase and rutile. This was the main reason why the degradation efficiency of brookite was lower than that of anatase and rutile. Sclafani et al. [42] suggested that the factor of the BET surface area should be eliminated in order to give information on the areal photocatalytic properties of the photocatalyst. There-fore, the areal photoactivities, expressed in moles converted20406080Calcination temperature (o C)c o m m e r c i a l r u t i l eanatase rutile brookite500 o C 300 o C 120 o C C o n v e r s i o n o f R h B (%)Fig. 9. Photocatalytic activity for RhB on anatase, rutile, and brookite TiO 2 samples calcined at different temperatures.990 催 化 学 报 Chin . J . Catal ., 2011, 32: 983–991RhB per hour per surface area, of the TiO 2 samples with different crystal phases were compared (Fig. 10). It can be seen from Fig. 9 that anatase and rutile showed higher photocatalytic conversion than brookite TiO 2 under identical conditions. However, the areal photocatalytic activity was higher with brookite TiO 2 (Fig. 10). These results indicated that high crystallinity and large surface area pure brookite can be used as an effective photocatalyst.102030405060C o n v e r s i o n o f R h B m o l /(h ⋅(m 2/g ))×106Calcination temperature (oC)anatase rutile brookite500 oC 300 o CFig. 10. Areal photocatalytic activity for removal of RhB with ana-tase, rutile, and brookite TiO 2 calcined at different temperatures.The atomic symmetry of a unit cell of brookite is de-scribed by the space group Pbca. The octahedra arrange-ment produces a crystalline structure with tunnels along the c-axis in which small cations, like hydrogen or lithium, could be incorporated [43]. In addition, it was proposed that the crystal planes perpendicular to the [100] direction is completed by exposing oxygen atoms, which act as the ac-tive atoms of catalytic reactions [43]. Thus brookite is a potential material for applications in electronics and cataly-sis, besides anatase, and rutile. Some researchers have found that pure brookite nanocrystals obtained by the reaction of a mixed solution of urea and TiCl 3 showed good photocata-lytic properties for the degradation of acetaldehyde [44] and 4-chlorophenol [45], although the activity was lower than that of Degussa P25.2.5 Long term stability of the anatase, rutile, and brookite TiO 2 photocatalystsTo evaluate the stability of the catalysts, repeated ex-periments for the photodegradation of RhB were performed with anatase, ruitle, and brookite calcined at 300 o C. The results are shown in Fig. 11. After each photocatalytic reac-tion, the catalyst was recovered and washed with deionized water for reuse. The next cycle was started after setting the initial concentration of MB to 20 mg/L. As illustrated in the inset in Fig. 11, after three cycles, the catalytic activities of the three photocatalysts were slightly decreased but still maintained very high, indicating the good stability of theanatase, rutile, and brookite. However, obvious decreases of the photocatalytic activities for anatase, rutile, and brookite were found after four recycles. These decreases may be attributed to the coverage of the surface of the photocata-lysts by RhB molecules, which are very difficult to remove [46].1020304050rutileanatasefirst cycle second cycle third cycle fourth cycleC o n v e r s i o n o f R h B (%)Fig. 11. Stability of the anatase, rutile, and brookite samples shownby four reaction cycles for photodegradation of RhB.3 ConclusionsPure anatase, rutile, and brookite TiO 2 phases were syn-thesized at low temperature and characterized. The photo-catalytic degradation of RhB on these titania phases (ana-tase, rutile, and brookite) in an aqueous phase was investi-gated and compared. The lower photocatalytic activity of rutile TiO 2 prepared by conventional high temperature cal-cination was due to the large crystalline size, small surface area, and small amount of hydroxyl group on the surface. In the RhB degradation reaction, the rutile TiO 2 powder pre-pared in our lab was found to have a higher photocatalytic activity than that of anatase TiO 2 with a similar particle size and specific surface area. With brookite TiO 2, the observed photocatalytic activity was lower than that of anatase and rutile TiO 2 because of its high value of E g and low surface area. However, the areal photocatalytic activity, expressed in moles converted RhB per hour per surface area, was the highest among these three crystalline phases of TiO 2. These results indicated that high crystallinity and large surface area pure brookite can be used as an effective photocatalyst. This study provided new insights for designing new TiO 2 photocatalysts.References1 Fox M A, Dulay M T. Chem Rev , 1993, 93: 3412 匡继董, 林碧洲, 陈亦琳, 骈雪涛, 张克智, 张鸥. 催化学报 (Kuang J D, Lin B Z, Chen Y L, Pian X T, Zhang K Zh, Zhang O. Chin J Catal ), 2010, 31: 13993 Zhang K, Meng Z, OH W. Chin J Catal (催化学报), 2010, 31:。
















锐钛矿TiO2转变为金红石TiO2机制和性能摘要:TiO2 是多相光催化研究中使用较多的一种材料。



金红石是热力学稳定相, 锐钛矿是亚稳相, 并且从锐钛矿相到金红石相的相变是亚稳相到稳定相的不可逆相变。





目前,在光催化降解领域所采用的光催化剂多为N型半导体材料, 如TiO2、ZnO、Fe2O3、SnO2、WO3和CdS 等, 其中TiO2以其无毒、价廉、稳定和特殊的光、电性能等优点倍受人们青睐,成为最受重视的一种光催化剂[1]。

1.二氧化钛的结构近年来, TiO2纳米材料制备、表征及改性一直是光催化研究领域的重点。


二氧化钛是白色粉末状多晶型化合物, 自然界有锐钛矿型, 金红石型和板钛型三种晶型结构, 但板钛型二氧化钛极不稳定且无实用价值[2]。


TiO2晶体基本结构是钛氧八面体( TiO6)。






锐钛氧化钛转化金红石氧化钛 温度

锐钛氧化钛转化金红石氧化钛 温度


















要实现TiO2彻底的相变, 通常需要较高的加热温度和较长的加热时间。

这就导致工业生产能耗大, 成本高。

为了降低能耗, 必须寻找降低TiO2相变温度的方法。




















































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