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外贸英语函电复习题I.Please translate the following titles of shipping documents: 1.Beneficiary’s declaration 受益人证明

2..Certificate of Airmailing Samples 航邮样品证明3.Survey Report 检验报告

4.document of settlement 结算单据

5.delivery order 交货单

6.Container Booking Note 订舱通知7.Combined Transport B/L 多式联运提单

8.Rail Waybill 铁路运单

9.House Air Waybill 航空分运单

10.The Second Exchange 汇票第二联

11.Non-negotiable Sea Waybill 不可转让海运单12.Mate’s Receipt 大副收据

13.Original B/L 提单原件

14.Color Assortment List 颜色搭配单

15.Weight Memo 重量码单

16.Cargo Receipt 货物收据

17..Proforma Invoice 形式发票

18.Parcel Post Receipt 包裹收据

19..Dock Receipt 码头收据

20.Noitce of Arrival 到货通知

21.cargo manifest 货物舱单

22.Ship’s Log Book 船舶日志

23.Received for Shipment B/L 收货待运提单24.Master Air Waybill 航空主运单

25.Post –date B/L 顺签提单

26.blank endorsement 空白背书

27.Certificate of Origin 原产地证明

28.packing list 装箱单

29.shipping note 装船通知单

30.Stale B/L 过期提单

31.Contract of Carriage 承运合同

32.Open policy 预约保单

II.Please give the full form of the following abbreviations and translate them into Chinese:1.NVOCC Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier 无船公共承运人2.OMCC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses 海洋运输货物保险条款

3.ETD Estimated Time of Departure 预定出发时间

4.L/G Letter of Guarantee 保函

5.FCL Full Container Load 整柜

6.S.S Steamship 船运

7.TEU Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit 20尺标准货柜

8.CY Container Yard 集装箱堆场

9.LCL Less Container Load 拼箱

10.M.V Market Value市场价值

11.NCV No Commercial Value 无商业价值

III.Translate the following phrases into Chinese:

1.purchaser 买方

2.Freight space 舱位

3.In quadruplicate 一式四份

4.carrier 承运人

5.Final destination 最终目的地

6.Total amount in words 总价大写

7.particulars 详情

8.Description of Goods 货物描述

9.Port of Clearance 结关港口

10.Total Packages 总包装数

11.originator 提出者

12.Proceeds 收益

13.Conveyance 运输工具

14.Specifications of Commodities 货物规格15.Currency Conversion Rate 货币兑换率

16.By special express 特快专递

17.Commercial invoice 商业发票

18.vendor 卖主

19.Consignment note 收货单

20.Insurance broker 保险代理商

21.reefer 冷冻船、冷冻货车

22.Chargeable weight 计费重量

23.Currency of settlement 结算货币

24.Certifying authourity 证明权威机构

25.The subject goods 标题货物

26.Named B/L 记名提单

27.Exclusive agency 独家代理

28.International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织29.Term of payment 支付方式

30.Designated packing 指定包装

31.Under separate cover 另函

32.Have every advantage of doing something 做某事有优势33.Straight B/L 记名提单
