MiCOM P12y使用说明书
在可翻开的下盖板的下面,有一个电池舱,可使用½AA 型电池。该电池可作
P126 和 P127)。盖板下还有一个 9 针的母 D 型前部通讯端口。它的作用是通过
RS232 串行数据连接(SK1 口),在本地实现 PC 机和保护装置的通讯(最长距离
警告指示灯(L3:桔黄色 LED 指示灯,标注为 Warning):
灯亮表示 MiCOM P12y 保护装置有内部警告。当检测到一个“非严重”的内部 警告时,该指示灯将持续闪烁。只有当导致内部警告的原因不存在了(修理模块,故 障消失等),指示灯才会熄灭。
辅助电源(L4:绿色 LED 指示灯,标注为 Aux. Supply):
灯亮表示 MiCOM P12y 保护装置工作正常,装置电源的辅助电源存在。
可自由编程的指示灯(L5 to L8:标签自由标注):
这些 LED 指示灯可以由用户以提供的门槛(瞬动和延时信号)信息为基础自由 编程。用户选择他想用指示灯看到的信号,通过菜单将它们分配到每一个 LED 指示 灯上(用逻辑 OR)。当相关信号启动时,对应的指示灯亮。当相应的报警被确认了 之后,指示灯熄灭。
第 3 页/共 24 页 使用说明书
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上海阿海珐电力自动化有限公司 MiCOMP12y 系列
第 4 页/共 24 页 使用说明书
1. 装置介绍
MiCOM P125、P126、P127 系列保护装置是法国 AREVA 公司继 K 系列、 MODN 系列以及 MX3 系列产品获得成功后新研制的换代产品。所设计的 MiCOM P125、 P126、P127 保护装置具有保护、控制和监视等多重功能,适用于工业, 配电网络和变电站中,可作为变压器和发电机变压器保护方案的一部分以及为高压 和超高压输电系统提供后备保护等。
XPTHC-100弧压调高控制器使用说明书深圳市宏宇达数控技术有限公司2007-05-05目录1、简介1.1、产品型号 (4)1.2、中文名 (4)1.3、适用范围 (4)1.4、工作原理 (4)1.5、基本功能 (4)1.6、弧压检测方式 (5)2、技术参数 (6)3、工作过程 (7)3.1、方式一 (8)3.2、方式二 (8)4、操作面板功能介绍 (9)5、分压板 (10)5.1、非隔离直接分压方式 (10)5.2、隔离分压方式 (11)6、初始定位 (12)6.1、割炬保护帽定位检测方式 (12)6.2、常开型(NPN)、常闭型(PNP)接近开关定位方式 (14)7、接口电路 (15)7.1、电源接口 (15)7.2、割炬升降接口 (15)7.3、连接到等离子的接口 (17)7.4、连接到数控的接口 (17)7.5、接近开关初始定位接口 (18)7.6、电流反馈设置 (18)8、控制接线 (19)8.1、保护帽定位接线图 (19)8.2、接近开关/开关定位接线图 (20)1、简介1.1、产品型号:XPTHC-1001.2、中文名:弧压高度控制器1.3、适用范围:具有恒流特性的或在一定电压范围内具有恒流特性的等离子切割机的割炬高度控制,适用于绝大多数的进口或国产机型。
Smart Pthc-2说明书中文
Smart PTHC-2Ver2.05弧压调高控制系统欢迎你选用Smart PTHC-2调高系统,我们将竭诚为你服务!选择Smart PTHC-2调高系统*******让你更的产品更加胜人一筹,优质的售后服务、便捷高品质的产品性能,快捷的技术支持。
AVC103 弧压自动调高控制器
版本 Version 3.0A 2010 年 5 月
深圳市昂泰科技有限公司 电话:0755-29489105 传真:0755-29489061
Web Site:
AVC103 等离子弧压调高控制器利用等离子电源的恒流特性,在切割过程中, 切割电流总是等于设定的电流,而切割的弧电压在固定的速度下跟随割炬与板材 的高度变化而变化,当割炬与板材的高度增大时,弧电压上升;当割炬与钢板的 高度减小时,弧电压下降。AVC103 弧压调高控制器通过检测弧电压的变化,进 而控制割炬的升降电机来控制割炬与板材的距离,使弧电压保持不变,割炬高度 同时也保持不变。
AVC103 控制器的工作电压为:交流 AC24V+10%,50Hz/60Hz,控制器本身功 耗<10W。请使用隔离变压器供电,变压器功率需大于(升降电机功率+10W)的 120%,一般在 100W-200W 之间;请勿与其他强干扰源如点火器、电磁阀等共用该 变压器;电源连接请参考图 2-5。
升降电机:DC24V 直流电机。 驱动方式:PWM(脉宽调制方式) 输出功率:最大 60W 工作温度:调高器-10∽60℃ 初始定位方式:接近开关式初始定位(适用水上水下切割的各种等离子) 保护帽定位(适用于水上切割的的中小功率的等离子) 分压比:100:1 精度:最高±1V,可调 外形尺寸:长 X 宽 X 高:180mmX160mmX50mm
HEAVTH PTHC-2装箱单PTHC-2弧压自动控制系统序号 名称 数量 备注 1 PTHC-2主机2 航空插座 2,3,4,7,103 100:1分压板4 系统使用说明书5 接近开关 PR12-2DN6 防碰撞夹具7 8注:用户收到货后,请及时开箱检查。
装箱:__________ 日期:__________产品质保说明:感谢您选用本公司产品!凭机身编号和主板编号,海斯科技将为您提供主机保修一年服务,终生成本维修。
下列情况,不属免费服务范围:a) 不符合保修规定,产品上所粘贴的编号或标签破损、缺失、 或与产品不符。
b) 由于环境因素、使用不当及不可抗拒的因素造成之损坏; 未经我公司许可,自行维修或改动造成损坏。
HEAVTH PTHC-2PTHC-2弧压高度自动控制系统使用说明书版本:091109常州海斯科技有限公司HEAVTH PTHC-2目录一、基本概念二、功能简介及特点三、技术参数四、干式切割和水下切割五、工作过程六、操作面板功能介绍七、基本参数调整八、内部参数调整九、分压板十、初始定位介绍十一、接口电路十二、故障维护十三、控制原理图框图与控制接线敬请注意:在使用PTHC-2控制器以前,请仔细阅读本说明书。
6SE70变频器调试基本参数设置恢复缺省设置P053=6 允许参数存取6:允许通过PMU和串行接口OP1S变更参数P060=2 固定设置菜单P366=0 0:具有PMU的标准设置1:具有OP1S的标准设置P970=0 恢复出厂设置(恢复完以后P970自动变为“1”)参数设置P060=5 系统设置菜单P071=400 装置输入电压P095=10 异步/同步电机,国际标准P100=3 1:V/f控制3:无测速机的速度控制4:有测速机的速度控制5:转矩控制P101=380 电机额定电压P102=31 电机额定电流P103= 0 电机励磁电流,如果此值未知,设P103=0当离开系统设置,此值自动计算。
4、操作面板功能介绍面板示意图如图一:给定弧压弧压显示初始定位穿孔时间起弧测试穿孔高度高度设置设置初始定位测试自动(上)/手动开关上升/下降图一:面板弧压显示(Arc Voltage):在起弧前显示的是给定弧压,在起弧后显示的是实际弧压。
引弧高度设置电位器(Set IHS):设置初始定位的高度,顺时针旋转,高度增加。
PTHC-ⅡOperation manualContents 1.Summarize2.Function & Feature3.Technical Data4.Above And Under Water Cut 5.Working Process6.The Function of Operating Bboard 7.B asic parameters8.Inner Parameters9.Divided voltage board 10.Introduction Of IHS11.Port Circuit12.Control Connection 13.TroubleShootingⅠ、 SummarizePTHC-II plasma arc voltage height controller is equipped with constant current plasma . During cutting course, the current always equals the given current. And the cutting arc voltage will be changed with the fixed speed being the height of torch changing. When the distance gets farther,the arc voltage increases; On opposite, the arc voltage will decrease. PTHC-II plasma arc voltage height controller will inspect the voltage change, then control the distance between cutting torch and material via the lift motor. So that the arc voltage is fixed, the same is the height of cutting torch.Generally, the instruction will list all the cutting parameters for some type of plasma . The user can refer to these parameters. Adjust the voltage in arc voltage height controller to match the selected current. The torch height will keep constant under regular speed.In fact,the user should set the arc voltage according to the height of the cutting torch.In the status of automation ,the arc voltage more high,then the height of the cutting torch more highThe appendix lists the plasma cutting parameters about some American HYPERTHERM plasma . Please refer to the instruction of plasma category to get more details.In fact, the arc voltage height controller should have more assistant functions if it come true completely automatic cutting,the concept of the basic function as below.A、ARC-ON&ARC-OFFARC-ON is the act process that the plasma gets from static state to cutting. Contrarily, the ARC-OFF is. There are2 types of ARC-ON. One is High Frequency input Arc style. The otheris Touch input Arc style.。
HXFQ-2全自动焦炭反应性及反应后强度测定仪使用说明书冶金行业煤、焦、炭素实验仪器定点单位上虞市宏兴机械仪器制造有限公司地址:浙江省上虞市道墟镇屯南工业区45号邮编:312368电话:0575-******** 82588043 传真:0575-******** 82581522公司网址: 电子信箱:**************网上直营店: 旗下网站:上虞市宏兴机械仪器有限公司忠告用户1、请专人操作使用本仪器,并留意注意事项。
多谢合作!本公司是参加GB/T4000-2008《焦炭反应性及反应后强度试验方法》的唯一生产型企业目录一、测定原理 (3)二、基本技术要求 (4)三、控制软件系统主要功能要求 (4)四、设备安装 (5)五、试验前的准备 (6)六、试验方法 (6)七、实验结果计算 (7)八、实验误差 (8)九、使用注意事项 (8)十、温控系统说明 (8)1、软件使用说明 (8)2、调整和使用 (9)十一、主要技术参数 (9)十二、安装调试及设备验收 (10)十三、软件使用手册 (11)焦炭反应性及反应后强度试验系统控制软件11焦炭反应性及反应后强度试验系统查询软件14本装置是用来测定高炉炼铁用焦炭在高温状态下的重要性能——焦炭反应性及反应后强度的专用测定装置(焦炭热强度检测设备)。
Hayward TB 系列真合球阀说明书
HAYWARD INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS, INC.2-1/2”, 3”, 4” and 6” TB SERIES TRUE UNION BALL VALVESINSTALLATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSPLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION PRIOR TO INSTALLING AND USING HAYWARD TB SERIES TRUE UNION BALL VALVES. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS MAY RESULT IN PRODUCT DAMAGE, PROPERTY DAMAGE, PERSONAL INJURY, OR EVEN DEATH.1. Hayward Industrial Products, Inc. (Hayward) guarantees its products against defective material and workmanship only. Hayward assumes noresponsibility for property damage or personal injury resulting from improper installation, misapplication, or abuse of any product.2. Hayward assumes no responsibility for property damage or personal injury resulting from chemical incompatibility between its products and theprocess fluids to which they are exposed. Determining whether a particular PVC or CPVC product is suitable for an application is the responsibility of the user. Chemical compatibility charts provided in Hayward literature are based on ambient temperatures of 70°F and are for reference only. 3. Hayward products are designed for use with non-compressible liquids.WARNINGHayward PVC and CPVC products should NEVER be used or tested with compressible fluids such as compressed air or nitrogen.Use of PVC and CPVC products in compressible fluid applications may result in product damage, property damage, personal injury, or even death.4. The maximum recommended fluid velocity through any Hayward product is eight feet per second (8 ft/s). Higher fluid velocity can result in damagedue to the water hammer effect.5. Piping systems must be designed and supported to prevent excess mechanical loading on Hayward products due to system misalignment, weight,shock, vibration, and the effects of thermal expansion and contraction.6. The effect of temperature on plastic piping systems must be considered when the systems are initially designed. The pressure rating of plasticsystems must be reduced with increasing temperature. Maximum operating pressure is dependent upon material selection as well as operating temperature. Before installing any Hayward product, consult Hayward product literature for pressure vs. temperature curves to determine any operating pressure or temperature limitations.7. PVC and CPVC plastic products become brittle below 40°F. Use caution in their installation and operation below this temperature.WARNINGHayward PVC and CPVC products should not be used in services with operating temperature below 34°F.8. Due to differential thermal expansion rates between metal and plastic, transmittal of pipe vibration and pipe loading forces, DIRECTINSTALLATION OF PLASTIC VALVES INTO METAL PIPING SYSTEMS IS NOT RECOMMENDED. Wherever installation of plastic valves into metal piping systems is necessary, it is recommended that at least 10 pipe diameters in length of plastic pipe be installed upstream and downstream of the plastic valve to compensate for the factors mentioned above.9. Published operating torque requirements are based on testing of new valves using clean water at 70°F. Valve torque is affected by many factorsincluding fluid chemistry, viscosity, flow rate, and temperature. These should be considered when sizing electric or pneumatic actuators.10. Systems should always be depressurized and drained prior to installing or maintaining any Hayward product.SOCKET (SOLVENT CEMENT)CONNECTIONS:a) Socket end connectors are manufactured to ASTM Specification D2467 for PVC products and to ASTM Specification F439 for CPVC products.b) Solvent cementing of socket end connections to pipe should be performed per ASTM Specification D2855 for PVC and ASTM Specification F493for CPVC.c) Perform pipe preparation per solvent cement manufacturer’s recommended procedure.d) Remove nuts and end connectors from valve assembly and slide assembly nuts, with threads facing valve, onto pipe to which the end connector isto be cemented. (Caution: Fumes from primer and solvent cement can attack seats and seals inside the valve. Always remove end connectors and nuts from valve prior to applying primer and solvent cement to the end connector.)e) Apply primer and solvent cement to pipe and end connector per solvent cement manufacturer’s recommended procedure. (Caution: Never allowprimer or cement to contact valve ball or end connector o-ring sealing surfaces, as damage to the valve may result.)f) Assemble the end connector to the end of the pipe, rotating the end connector 1/4 turn in one direction while simultaneously pushing the endconnector onto the end of the pipe until the pipe end is inserted to the full depth of the socket of the end connector.g) All solvent cemented joints have a recommended “set” time and cure time. After assembling the end connector to the end of the pipe, hold the endconnector in position for the set time recommended by the solvent cement manufacturer’s procedure. After assembly, wipe off excess cement.(Note: Set times and cure times are dependent upon type of cement and temperature at time of application. Consult solvent cement manufacturer’s procedure for proper set and cure times at specific temperatures.)THREADED CONNECTIONS:a) Threaded end connectors are manufactured to ASTM Specification D2464 for PVC, ASTM Specification F437 for CPVC, and ASME/ANSI B2.1.b) Wrap male threads of pipe end with Teflon®* tape.Proper application of Teflon® tape will provide a sufficient seal for PVC and CPVC threadedjoints.WARNINGDo not use “pipe dope”, liquid sealant, or thread sealant on any PVC, or CPVC, threaded connections. Pipe dope and thread sealants may react with the PVC, or CPVC, weakening the material and potentially resulting in failure of the joint, product damage, property damage, personal injury, or even death.Thread the end connector onto the end of the pipe until “hand tight”. Using a strap wrench only (never use a pipe wrench), tighten the joint an additional 1/2 to 1 turn past hand tight. (Caution: Tightening beyond this point may introduce excessive stress that could cause failure of the end connector or the threaded end of the pipe.)FLANGED CONNECTIONS:Flange bolts should be tight enough to slightly compress the gasket and make a good seal, without distorting or putting excessive stress on the flanges. Flat washers should be used between the bolt head and flange, and flat washers and lock washers between the nut and flange. Bolts should betightened in an alternating and crossing sequence. Use well lubricated metal bolts and nuts, and soft rubber gaskets. Recommended flange bolt torque is shown in the following table:Recommended Flange Bolt TorqueFlange Size (in)BoltDiameter(in)BoltTorque(ft·lbs)2-1/2 5/8 20-253 5/820-254 5/820-256 3/430-40INSTALLATION:a) Align one end of the valve with the exposed face of the end connector, slide the nut over the end connector and engage the start of the nut threadwith the start of the external body thread. Body and nut threads are right-hand threads.b) Assemble nut until hand tight. Repeat assembly of nut to body on second valve end.c) Using a strap wrench, continue tightening each nut for an additional 1/4 to 1/2 turn.d) Upon system startup, check for leaks between the end connector and body. Tighten nut(s) as needed to obtain sufficient compression of the endconnector o-ring.Installation Notes:•Hayward TB Series True Union Ball Valves are bi-directional. These valves can be installed independent of flow direction.•It is not necessary to lubricate the end connector o-ring before assembling the end connector to the valve body via the nut.•It is not necessary to lubricate the external body threads or the internal nut threads before assembling the nuts to the body.WARNINGThe piping system immediately upstream and downstream from the valve must be properly aligned prior to valve installation. Do not use the valve to pull adjacent piping into alignment. Use of the valve to align the adjacent piping system may result in product failure, system damage, property damage, personal injury, or even death.WARNINGThis valve contains a bottom mounting pad intended for use as a “panel mount” feature. Do not use the bottom mounting pad of the valve to anchor the piping system. Standard practice of spacing and placement of pipe hangers and anchors should be used when designing systems and installing this valve. Use of the bottom mounting pad of the valve as an anchor for the adjoining piping system may result in product failure, system damage, property damage, personal injury, or even death.SEAT ADJUSTMENT:WARNINGWhen performing any maintenance or adjustment on this valve, the piping system must be depressurized and drained. Performing maintenance on any pressurized product, or system, may result in product failure, property damage, personal injury, or even death.b) Remove the assembly nut, end connector and any adjoining piping from the seal retainer end of the body. The seal retainer end of the body isidentified on the product label with an arrow and the phrase “Seat Adjust”.c) Turn the valve to the fully closed position. (Note: Seat adjustment should always be conducted with the ball in the closed position.)d) Remove the handle of the valve and engage the “lugs” on the top of the handle with the matching cavities in the face of the seal retainer.e) Rotate the seal retainer counterclockwise to increase the compression between the seats and the ball, or clockwise to decrease the compressionbetween the seats and the ball. The front face of the seal retainer indicates which direction of rotation tightens or loosens the seal retainer, with the word “Tighten” and a directional arrow, and the word “Loosen” and a directional arrow. The seal retainer thread is a left-hand thread.f) Once the seal retainer adjustment is complete, place the handle back onto the valve stem, and reinstall the valve into the system following theinstallation steps defined above.SEAT/SEAL REPLACEMENT:(Note: Hayward recommends the replacement of all internal o-rings and seats whenever a valve is disassembled for repair.)a) Follow the adjustment sequence and information above to step “e”, but rotate the seal retainer in the clockwise (i.e. “loosen”) direction until the sealretainer thread disengages completely from the internal body thread, and remove it from valve body. The o-rings and seats are now accessible for replacement using a Hayward seal repair kit.b) Carefully remove the ball, o-rings and seats from the valve body and seal retainer.c) If it is necessary to replace stem o-rings, push down on stem and remove it from the valve body.d) Install new o-rings and seats in the body and seal retainer (and on the stem, if necessary).e) If the stem was removed from the valve body, reinstall the stem, leaving it positioned to receive the ball in the open position.f) Place ball into valve body in the open position, while ensuring that the ball slot is properly aligned with the bottom of the stem.g) Rotate the ball to the closed position. (Note: Valve reassembly and seat adjustment should always be conducted with the ball in the closedposition.)h) Reassemble the seal retainer to the valve body by engaging the mating threads and rotating the seal retainer in the counterclockwise direction.i) Using a torque wrench, measure the torque at the valve stem required to rotate the ball 360°. See the following table for the proper stem torque.j) Adjust the seal retainer in either the counterclockwise (tighten), or clockwise (loosen), direction until the proper stem torque is achieved.k) Place the handle back onto the valve stem, turn the ball to the open position, and reinstall the valve into the system following the installation instructions above.Recommended Valve Stem Torque Required to Rotate Ball 360° During ReassemblyValve Size(in) Stem Torque(in·lbs)ValveSize(in)Stem Torque(in·lbs)2-1/2” 140 4 170 3” 140 6 170ASSEMBLY & PARTS LIST:PRESSURE & TEMPERATURE RATINGS: •Pressure rating of PVC and CPVC products at 70°F non-shock: 235 PSI •Minimum service temperature of PVC and CPVC: 34°F •Maximum service temperature of PVC: 140°F •Maximum service temperature of CPVC: 180°FChemical Compatibility Charts: • Consult the Hayward Industrial Product Guide or for complete chemical compatibility charts for all materials of construction of the valve.*Teflon ® is a registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company.Item Description 1 Body 2 Ball 3 Stem 4 Seat 5 Seat O-ring 6 Seal Retainer 7 Seal Retainer O-ring 8 Lower Stem O-ring 9 Upper Stem O-ring 10 End Connector O-ring 11 End Connector 12 Nut 13 Handle 14 Bezel 141 2 3 4 5678 9 45 111112 10 10 13 Operating Pressure vs. Temperature 12。
5~100W 5~200W 5~100W
16A 继电器输 20W
便携式等离 子切割机 便携式等离 子切割机 台式数控和 龙门数控
16A 继电器输 20W
两位,改 变 PWM 频 率调速。
电流反馈式 PWM 驱动
四位,改 变给定电 压调速。
两位,改 变 PWM 频 率调速。
电流反馈式 PWM 驱动
台式数控和 龙门数控
XPTHC-200 型接口 电路一样。
HYD-XPTHC 系列等离子弧压高度调高器选型说明:
参数 型号 XPTHC-II 供电 电压 DC24V 100:1& 50:1 XPTHC-III AC220V #DC24V 100:1 DC24V 步 进 电 机 XPTHC-100 AC24V 100:1 DC24V 低电平 1、 保护帽接触式定位 2、开关定位 XPTHC-200 AC24V 50:1 DC24V 低电平 1、 保护帽接触式定位 2、开关定位 双速,慢速可 四档调节 双速,慢速是 快速的 1/4 双速,慢速是 快速的 1/4 定速 低电平 1、 保护帽接触式定位 2、 开关定位 定速 分压比 控 制 电 机 DC24V 低电平 1、 保护帽接触式定位 控制电平 初始定位方式 定位速度调 节 定速
(跳线切换) 2、开关定位 XPTHC-300Ⅱ AC24V 50:1 DC24V 高、低电平
(跳线切换) 2、开关定位
参数 型号 XPTHC-II
手动速度 调节 无
弧压调高器 等离子弧压调高器
——FY-10 型分压板
功能 接单相 220V 火线 接单相 220V 零线 接等离子电源弧压信号(不分正负) 接等离子电源弧压信号(不分正负) 接调高板的 RAC+ 接调高板的 RAC-
——FY-20 型分压板
接单相 220V 火线
接单相 220V 零线
YTM300 型弧压调高器是烟台扬科电子出品的第三代高性能调
高器,采用 32 位高速 ARM 处理器,响应速度快,适应高速切割
要求。调高器以 PWM 方式驱动直流电机,兼容步进和伺服电机,
按键说明:菜单——通常显示界面下按此键进入参数设置,允 许用户进行各项参数设定。在参数设置是按此键退出参数设定。 确定:在参数设定时按此键后所设本项参数的数值将被保存到 控制器中,并显示下一项参数。↑键:按此键光标处数字增加。 ↓键:按此键光标处数字减小。←键:通常显示界面下按此键 切换显示信息(0 运行状态→1 电机速度→2 弧压值→3 电机电 流值→4 电机驱动电压),参数设定时按此键光标左移一位,移 到最左一位后再按此键光标将回到最右面的数字位。复位:用 于故障复位。
7. 工作温度:-10-50℃ 8. 初始定位方式:开关式和保护帽接触式 9. 分压比:100:1 10. 弧压测量范围与调节精度:±2V@30-210V 11. 外形尺寸:长 X 宽 X 高=200X240X60mm(不含安装支架尺寸) 三、 随机配件 1.100:1 分压板 一块; 2.NPN 型接近开关 一个。 四、 安装及接线 YTM300 型弧压调高器安装孔尺寸
Workrite Sierra HXL Crank 调整杆产品介绍说明书
A GREAT ALTERNATIVE FOR THE HEALTHY WORKFORCEThe Workrite Sierra HXL Crank is engineered to enable manual adjustability requiring minimal amounts of human force, making it a good alternative for the healthy workforce or for areas where frequent adjustments are not required.The HXL Crank adjusts from 25.5"– 43" and will accommodate the average male or female worker, making it a good solution for companies seeking limited height adjustability. It adjusts at a rate of 5.6 turns per inch even with up to 125 pounds of equipment on the worksurface.Sierra HXL Crank is available in silver with two foot design options that can be selected to build the best workcenter for each specific application.Easily raise height 1" for every 5.2 turns.ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT WORKCENTERS SIERRA HXL™ CRANKFlat Foot25.5"–43"1.44"Sierra HXL Crank Frame SetSpecifications• Frame options: 2-leg frames • 24" or 30" depths• Widths from 36" to 72" depending on shape • Finish options: silver, black, and white • Height range: 25.5" to 43" • Payload capacity: 125 pounds •Travel speed: 1 inch = 5.6 turns•• • ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT WORKCENTERSSIERRA HXL ™ CRANK FRAME SETSierra HXL Front Crank Base SetsFoot Size Model # Color Weight US $ List CAN $ List 2-Leg Worksurfaces 36" wide 24" deep SCFHXL36-F24-☐45 $974 $1,249 30" deep SCFHXL36-F30-☐48 $985 $1,263 42" wide 24" deep SCFHXL42-F24-☐45 $980 $1,256 30" deep SCFHXL42-F30-☐48 $990 $1,269 48" wide 24" deep SCFHXL48-F24-☐46 $985 $1,263 30" deep SCFHXL48-F30-☐49 $995 $1,276 54" wide 24" deep SCFHXL54-F24-☐46 $990 $1,269 30" deep SCFHXL54-F30-☐49 $1,000 $1,282 60" wide 24" deep SCFHXL60-F24-☐47 $995 $1,276 30" deep SCFHXL60-F30-☐50 $1,005 $1,288 66" wide 24" deep SCFHXL66-F24-☐47 $1,000 $1,282 30" deep SCFHXL66-F30-☐50 $1,010 $1,295 72" wide24" deep SCFHXL72-F24-☐48 $1,005 $1,288 30" deepSCFHXL72-F30-☐51$1,016$1,303Frame Set colors: S :Silver, B :Black, W :WhiteSierra HXL T op Crank Base Sets2-Leg Worksurfaces 42" wide 24" deep SCTHXL42-F24-☐45 $980 $1,256 30" deep SCTHXL42-F30-☐48 $990 $1,269 48" wide 24" deep SCTHXL48-F24-☐45 $985 $1,263 30" deep SCTHXL48-F30-☐49 $995 $1,276 54" wide24" deep SCTHXL54-F24-☐46 $990 $1,269 30" deepSCTHXL54-F30-☐49$1,000$1,282Frame Set colors: S :Silver, B :Black, W:WhiteProducts listed on this page are available through GSA ContractGS-28F-0030S SIN #711-2 (Schedule 71)ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT WORKCENTERSSIERRA HXL ™ CRANK FRAME SETSierra HXL Accessories & Replacement Parts WorksurfaceDepth Model #Weight US $ List CAN $ ListFlat Foot Kit Reinforced steel construction for added stabilitySold as a pair for a single workstation24"FFK24-❒15$79 $10130"FFK30-❒18$90 $115Dual Depth FFK2430-❒17$85 $109Foot colors: S:Silver, B:Black, W:WhiteFour casters required for 2-leg work centers, fivecasters required for 3-leg work centersPremium PolyurethaneCastersCompatible with carpet and hard flooringLocking casters with smooth rolling 1"W × 3"Htranslucent polyurethane wheelsCasters raise work centers by 3.5"Use with all Styled Foot and Flat Foot Kits (notavailable on Cascade Work centers)Four casters for 2-leg work centers, 400 lb. grossload capacityFive casters for 3-leg work centers, 500 lb. grossload capacity4ACC-CASTER-4PK3IN-CP2$153$1965ACC-CASTER-5PK3IN-CP2$184$236 SIERRA HXL CRANK FRAME SETLaminate Price Tier 1White* SW811SD Folkstone Gray*SG241SDSlate*SG228SDHardrock MapleWM791SDMillwork CherryWC431SDFormal MahoganyWY031SDWalnut GroveWW050SDLaminate Price Tier 2078506007937380799238079253807054600798938Shadow Zephyr*0485760Misted Zephyr*0484360 Laminate Price Tier 3Grey Elm8201K12Fawn Cypress8208K16Veranda Teak8209K28Phantom Cocoa8213K28Studio Teak7960K18Phantom Charcoal8214K28Skyline Walnut7964K12Walnut Heights7965K12Figured Mahogany7040K78Black Velvet*1550531STANDARD LAMINATE AND EDGEBAND COLOR SELECTIONSApplies to: Sit-Stand Desk Worksurfaces, Sonoma Table Worksurfaces, Laminated Modesty Panels, Laminated Mobile &Hanging PedestalsWorkrite's standard laminate selections includes many popular colors from Pionite and Wilsonart. Starting with our Tier 1 selection for greatest value, through our premium Tier 2 wood grains and patterns, ending with our Tier 3 embossed and special finishes round out our offering. Our tops feature color coordinated matching 3 mm edgeband. For more accurate color selection we recommend reviewing our laminate sample chain when making selections.Note: Due to printing limitations, these colorsare not guaranteed to be accurately reproduced.For best results order actual Laminate MaterialSamples by calling (800) 959-9675.*These laminates are not available for mobile or hanging pedestal collectionSPECIAL ORDER LAMINATESWorkrite has access to many laminate manufacturers. We can quote special order laminates on request from Wilsonart, Pionite, Nevamar, Formica, and Abet Laminati. If you don't see the brand, give us a call.Please note for special order laminate colors: based on laminate brand, color requested, and specific color matching edgeband requirements, minimum order requirements and special order upcharges may apply.Flexible Solutions for the Ergonomic Workplace.©2019 Workrite Ergonomics, 2277 Pine View Way, Suite 100, Petaluma, CA 94954 800.959.9675WORKSURFACES0919 Subject to change without notice.ExploreLaunch website。
Oventrop 双重调节和调试阀门 “Hydrocontrol R”说明书
Flow meter OV-DMC 2 Item 106 91 77
Insulation shell for “Hydrocontrol R”
Hydrocontrol valves can be installed in any orientation (e.g. vertical or horizontal). It is recomended to take caution if installing the valve with the test ports pointing down, as this could lead to clogging of the test ports.
Dimension ½”
1¼” 1½”
L (F-NPT) 3.15 3.31 3.84 4.33 4.72 5.91
L (sweat) 3.51 3.81 4.31 5.03 5.57 6.60
4.49 4.57 4.69 5.35 5.43 5.83
Installation Notes When installing the hydrocontrols, it is to be observed that the direction of flow conforms with the arrow on the valve body and that the valve is installed with a minimum of 3 D (3 x nominal pipe diameter) of straight pipe at the valve inlet and of 2 D (2 x nominal pipe diameter) of straight pipe at the valve outlet.
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HEAVTH PTHC-2装箱单PTHC-2弧压自动控制系统序号 名称 数量 备注 1 PTHC-2主机2 航空插座 2,3,4,7,103 100:1分压板4 系统使用说明书5 接近开关 PR12-2DN6 防碰撞夹具7 8注:用户收到货后,请及时开箱检查。
装箱:__________ 日期:__________产品质保说明:感谢您选用本公司产品!凭机身编号和主板编号,海斯科技将为您提供主机保修一年服务,终生成本维修。
下列情况,不属免费服务范围:a) 不符合保修规定,产品上所粘贴的编号或标签破损、缺失、 或与产品不符。
b) 由于环境因素、使用不当及不可抗拒的因素造成之损坏; 未经我公司许可,自行维修或改动造成损坏。
HEAVTH PTHC-2PTHC-2弧压高度自动控制系统使用说明书版本:091109常州海斯科技有限公司HEAVTH PTHC-2目录一、基本概念二、功能简介及特点三、技术参数四、干式切割和水下切割五、工作过程六、操作面板功能介绍七、基本参数调整八、内部参数调整九、分压板十、初始定位介绍十一、接口电路十二、故障维护十三、控制原理图框图与控制接线敬请注意:在使用PTHC-2控制器以前,请仔细阅读本说明书。
B 、 初始定位(IHS )等离子在起弧前总要将割枪移到距板材的一定高度才能进行起弧操作,我们将实现这一过程称为初始定位,自动实现初始定位的过程称为自动初始定位。
C 、 起弧完毕输出(ARC transfer )起弧完毕输出(ARC transfer ):等离子起弧产生转移弧后向数控系统发出的信号,数控接受到该信号后,在设置的穿孔时间结束后使数控切割运行。
D 、 穿孔完成输出(Pierce transfer )通过在调高器上设置穿孔时间,数控接受到该信号后,数控系统进行切割运行。
二、 功能、特点简介PTHC-2弧压高度控制器的开发人员具有多年开发和使用弧压调高的经验,它总结了国内外弧压调高器的各种特点,综合设计而成。
1、 PTHC-2以高性能微处理器为核心;采用大屏幕图文液晶显示界面;PWM 控制输出。
2、 分压比可调:PTHC-2具有分压比调节电位器,可根据需要调整分压比,当外部弧压分压器分压比为50:1时,调高器分压比应设置为50:1;当外部弧压分压器分压比为100:1时,调高器分压比应设置为100:1。
PTHC-2参数设置只有四个键,分别为MEMU(菜单键)ENTER(确认键)FUP (上查键)FDOWN(下查键)。
模拟操作分为:ARC TEST(起弧测试):IHS TEST (初始定位测试)TORCH-↑(割炬上升手动操作)TORCH-↓(割炬下降手动操作)AUTO-HAND(自动-手动操作键):在自动切割过程中,如须取消自动调高,通过操作该键,使液晶屏的“自动允许”转为“自动禁止”即可。
(可通过参数设置)本调高器通过参数设置,即可传输起弧完成信号,也可传输穿3、检查割炬配件7 割炬等离子弧不能转移到工件1、检查工作导线连接2、检查割炬配件8 在割炬穿孔结束前割炬移动在操作画面,“IHS时间”延迟设置太短。
9 数控刚启动,割炬立即朝工件下栽1、加大“给定弧压”设置”2、在数控中延长自动加入的时间3、减少过弧压保护值的设置(ARC_MAX_ERROR)10 在弧转移及穿孔过大后等离子弧立即熄灭在参数设置界面检查“穿孔时间”延迟设置太长,(在机器移动前,割炬在穿孔位置驻留时间太长,等离子弧易熄灭)11 保护帽定位,割炬接触到钢板不抬起1、IHS时间设置太短。
2、感应导线和保护帽接触不良12 初时定位时,没有接触到工件即提升割炬。
在静态下顺时针旋转电位器RP302,使运放N310的一脚电压为-0.2V,如不能改善,可将该电压调为-0.4V13 自动切割时,割炬一直向上提升,直到把弧拉断。
1 电机不转或只有一个方向运转3、过流保护Q301∽Q304(IRF640)可能损坏1、割炬上定位接近开关没有安装到位。
处于开路状态将接近开关安装到位2 打开电源后,割枪一直向上提。
(开关定位方式)2、接近开关损坏更换接近开关3 弧压控制不稳定检查接地是否不对(工作导线连接),8号灵敏度设置太高检查是否有水渗漏4 系统对周期启动信号无响应显示界面处于参数设置状态将显示界面设置在工作状态5 在初始定位完成前等离子起弧数控延时时间太短将数控延时时间加长6 割炬不能起弧1、确认等离子电源在工作状态2、检查看初始定位穿孔高度是否正确。
升降电机:DC24V直流电机驱动方式:PWM(脉宽调制方式)输出电流:MAX4A输出功率:100W工作温度:调高器-10∽60℃初始定位: 开关式初始定位(水上水下切割的各种等离子)保护帽接触式初始定位(水上切割的接触式的引弧等离子)运行传输方式:起弧完成传输和穿孔完成传输任选一种分压比:100:1精度:±1V∽±5V外形尺寸:长X宽X高:310mmX270mmX95mm四、干式切割和水下切割1、干式切割干式切割又称水上切割,采用这种切割方式的设备投资小、控制相对简单,割炬切割高度容易观察,切割效率比水下切割高20%左右。