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作 业

1. 长方形浮码头,长25m, 宽5m, 深3m, 空载时吃水1m (淡水)。当中部10m 范围内承受均布载

荷时,吃水增加到2m 。假定船体质量沿船长均匀分布,试作出该载荷条件下的浮力曲线、载荷曲线、静水剪力和弯矩曲线,并求出最大剪力和最大弯矩值。

2. 某型深为3.5m 的横骨架式船舶,第一次近似计算船中剖面要素时,参考轴选在基线上 1.4m 处,

不小于0.5, 该船底板的最小厚度至少应为多少(肋距为600mm, 船底板的临界应力




t cr =σ, N/mm 2, s 为肋距, t 为板厚)。

3. 某方形驳船L=90m, 空船质量W=450t, 沿

全船均布,载矿砂500t 分布于船中部70m 。设矿砂沿船长均布,但沿船宽方向呈图1所示分布且前后反对称,试画出扭矩曲线。

4. 试计算图2所示横骨架式内河驳船在甲板和船底处的总纵


型深 D =3.2m , 船宽B =6.0m , 吃水 d=2.0m ,

肋距 S =500mm; 甲板厚度 t 1=3.5mm ;船底、舷侧板厚度t 0=4.0mm; 甲



,中垂弯矩 M =1250 kNm , 剪力V =

1125kN 。


200×5 60×6

250×5 80×6



A ship with length 90 m, floats in still fresh water at a draft of 5.8 m when loaded. The weight curve of the loaded ship may be regarded as linear, from zero at the two ends to a maximum at the mid-length. The simplified cross-section of the hull with a superstructure is shown in Figure 3. The cross-sectional dimensions are also shown in Figure 2. The hull girder is made of steel and the superstructure of aluminium. The modulus of elasticity of the steel steel E is 2.1×105 MPa and that of the aluminium alu E is 0.7×105 MPa.

(a) Draw the shear force and bending moment curves respectively.

(b) Compute the normal stresses at top deck house and at the bottom shell of the mid-section respectively.

6. Analyze strength computational model of a typical deck grillage, ones of stability and

strength analyses of a longitudinal at deck, and one of a longitudinal at bottom for its strength analysis. Briefly explain the reasons.

Figure 3
