海滩 The Beach - 电影剧本 英文
The beach

Critiques on The Beach
"[Garland is a] natural-born storyteller" who "combines an unlikely group of influences Heart of Darkness, Vietnam War movies, Lord of the Flies, the Super Mario Bros. video game into ... ambitious, propulsive (有推进力的)fiction." ------Washington Post. "A furiously (猛烈地)intelligent first novel … a book that moves with the kind of speed and grace many older writers can only day-dream about" ------Washington Post
After buying boat L from a waterfall
Life in a paradise
self-sufficient(自给自足) community off from civilization Various work: fishing, gardening, cooking carpentry Unwelcome---fit in---accepted
Main characters
Richard - a young British traveler and the main narrator of the novel. Daffy - A Scottish traveler and one of the three original founders of the beach; appears as a mental apparition (鬼) in Richard's mind after his suicide. tienne and Franoise – the French couple; goes to the beach with. Keaty - English; becomes close friends with Richard. Jed - English; becomes close friends with Richard, and is the island's guardian who is also a mysterious outsider on the beach . Sal - American; unofficial sophisticated leader on the beach group.
Cast Away荒岛余生剧本

Cast Away(Drama) (2000)© 2001 by Raymond WeschlerMajor CharactersChuck Noland…………………………………………………..Tom HanksA manager for the Federal Express Delivery Company (“Fed Ex”), wholives in Memphis, Tennessee, but travels all over the world for his job. Avery nice, smart and resourceful man who is always fighting the passageof time.Kelly Frears………………………………………………………..Helen Hunt Chuck’s charming girlfriend, who used to work for Fed Ex,but who is now working on her Ph.D. degree. Stan……………….…………………………………………………..Nick SearlyA friend of Chuck’s at Fed Ex, whose wife is dying of cancer.Plot SummaryThis is the story of Chuck Nolan, a midlevel manager for the Fed Ex Delivery Company, which is one of the two biggest delivery companies in the United States. Chuck lives in Memphis, Tennessee, where Fed Ex is based. He is planning to marry his girlfriend, Kelly, who is finishing up a Ph.D. (The highest academic degree). Kelly loves Chuck very much, but is frustrated by how much he works, especially since he travels overseas a lot. When the film opens, Chuck is helping Fed Ex set up their office in Moscow, Russia.One day while flying to Australia, Chuck’s Fed Ex plane crashes during a storm, and as the only survivor, he suddenly finds himself on a very small and empty island, with virtually nothing to eat except crabs and coconuts. As the days turn into months and then years, Chuck learns to physically survive, but he must also face the emotional challenge of being completely alone (except for the company of “Wilson,” who is in fact nothing more than a volleyball with a painted face). After several years, Chuck decides to risk his life in a courageous attempt to sail off the island. If he fails, he will drown in the ocean, but even if he is successful, he will face the new challenge of returning to friends and family that thought he had died several years earlier….A note on the title: A “castaway” is a person stuck on a small island, usually after a ship sinks. “To cast away” something is to throw it away.Some Words and Expressions that You May not KnowChuck teaches the Russians about Fed Ex and time….I’ll have another pick-up for you on Thursday.In the Fed Ex or delivery business, this is a nounthat refers to the act of picking up a package.Time rules over us without mercy, not caring whether we are healthy or ill…“Mercy” is the willingness to forgive or not punish, or perhaps anotherword for compassion. If a person is “ill,” they are physically sick.We live or die by the clock.This is Chuck’s philosophy of life; Time isthe most critical factor in work and life.We never allow ourselves the sin of losing track of time.A “sin” is a religious word that refers to an evilor immoral act that God does not approve of.That’s how much time before the pulsating, accursedrelentless taskmaster tries to put us out of business.If something is “pulsating,” it is beating strongly, like your heart after you exercise. “Accursed” is a rare word meaning cursed, which itself meanslikely to face destruction or great harm. If a person is “relentless,” theynever stop to rest, and a “taskmaster” is a person who forces others towork on many projects or assignments (A ‘task’ is a physical act of labor). 50,000,000 Elvis fans can’t be wrong!The name of a well known Elvis Presley album.I took the liberty of sending this to myself; I fed ex’d it before I left Memphis.“To take the liberty” of doing something is a fancy way of saying to do it, even if others may not approve. Note that “to fed-ex” a package hasbecome a common verb, meaning to send it by fed-ex.It is a clock that I started at absolute zero hour.A technical way of referring to midnight at Greenwich, England. Technical drawings. Architectural plans.These are official drawings that architects or engineersdesign in order to build houses or other buildings.87 hours is a shameful outrage! This is just an egg-timer.“Shameful” is a strong adjective meaning very badly done. An “outrage”is a very bad, cruel or scandalous action that causes great anger. An “egg-timer” is a device used to measure the passage of a few minutes time,usually by having sand fall through a tube of glass.Adoption papers.The official papers that are needed in order to adopt a child.87 hours is an eternity!A great word which means forever, or perhaps until the end of time. The cosmos were created in less time.A scientific word that refers to the entire universe.Wars have been fought and nations toppled in 87 hours!“To topple” an enemy is to crush or completely defeat them.When his truck broke down, he stole a boy’s bicycle to do his delivery.If any kind of machine “breaks down,” it stops working.15 minutes! Crunch time!A slangy way of referring to a very important time in which people mustact very quickly and effectively in order to accomplish a goal.The truck in Red Square is stuck!“Red Square” is the historic center of Moscow, Russia.If a car or truck is “stuck,” it will not move.Tick tock, tick tock!The sound that a clock makes. Chuck’s way of telling people to hurry.I’m doing the sorts in the middle ofRed Square….in the shadow of Lenin’s tomb.“To sort” mail is to organize it, though note that in the fed-ex world,it can be used as a noun! “Lenin’s tomb” is where the Russian leader’sbody has been housed since 1924 (Thousands still visit it each day).I’m outta here in 2 minutes and I’m picking up the sweep through Paris.Note that “out of” becomes “outta” in rapid speech. “I’m outta here” is a slangy way of saying “I’m leaving.” In this case, “the sweep” is a planethat travels through Paris on the way to the US (but this is never used). Try U.P.SUnited parcel Service, which is Fed Ex’s main competition.With this extra head wind, are we goingto be able to push it and make the sort?“Head wind” is wind that blows against the direction of a plane or boat.Remember that in the fed-ex world, a “sort” is the act of organizingpackages (Chuck is asking if they can deliver the packages in time).Jack keeps getting certified to fly?“To certify” a person to do something like fly a plane is to officiallyapprove of them doing it, often by giving them a license to do it.That’s the spirit! Relentless is our goal!“That’s the spirit” is a way of encouraging a person after they show theyare going to try and do something difficult. Note that “relentless,” anadjective meaning to continue without rest, is used here as a noun.What do you expect from the guy who stole a crippled kid’s bicycle?If a person is “crippled,” they are physically disabled or handicapped(This word is generally considered old fashioned).2, 4, 6, 8 minutes late. Next thing you know, we’re the US mail.This is Chuck’s way of saying that if they don’t do better,Fed Ex will be as inefficient as the U.S. Mail service.Those Ruskies would be walking on water right now.A silly and old-fashioned way of referring to Russians.It’s a 1992 full-bodied grape juice.“Full-bodied” is a fancy way of referring to the taste of good wine,but it is never used for juice, unless the person is not being serious.See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.An expression that can be used to refer to people who refuse to seehorrible things happening around them, thus making it easier for abusive governments to repress their people.She went to the doctor. It wasn’t metastasized.A medical word that refers to cancer thathas spread to different parts of the body.It’s just kind of wait and see.If a person has a “wait and see” attitude, they have decided not totake any more action until they see what happens in the future.I’m going to come by and see her on my next layover.“To come by” a person’s house is to visit. A “layover” is usually a cityairport where a plane lands before going on to the final destination.He’s a systems analyst. He played centerfieldfor us in the softball tournament last labor day.A “systems analyst” is a person who works with computer networks.“Centerfield” is a position in baseball (and softball), and a “tournament” isa series of games to see who has the best team.“Labor Day” is an American holiday held to celebrate workers.That’s beside the point.If something you say is “beside the point,” it is notrelevant to the main part of the conversation.Chuck returns to Kelly, but is soon off again on another quick trip.Is Kelly Frears around? :: She’s copying her dissertation.A “dissertation” is a major research paper that iswritten in order to get the graduate degree of Ph.D.You’re home. :: Home, indeed.A British word that means certainly, without question or for sure.He’s been declared physically fit to fly; Santa gotchecked out by doctors at the VA hospitalIf a person is “fit” to do something, they are physically able to do it.“To check out” a person is to carefully examine them. A “VA” hospital isrun by the Veterans Administration, which serves people who served inthe military.After they declared the jolly old elf in tip top shape,Santa took off into the wild blue yonder.“Jolly” is an old fashioned word for very happy, and an elf is a mythicalchildren’s character, like Santa Claus. If a person is in “tip top shape,” they are in excellent physical health. “The wild blue yonder” is a literary way of referring to a place in the distance that is very far away.You’ve got to be in the market for some of those candied hams.If you are “in the market” for something, you want to buy it.“Candied hams” are a type of sugar-covered sweet hamthat is popular for holidaysWhen I was there we did 2,000,000 andwe thought that was a big deal. The glory days.If something is “a big deal,” it is considered important or impressive.A Person’s “glory days” are those days in the past when they were attheir best or most impressive.And Fred Smith had that cardtable bronzed.“To bronze” a piece of furniture is to cover it with a shiny brown coating that will make it last a very long time (Fred Smith is the founder and head corporate officer of the Fed Ex company).The new hub in Anchorage.A “hub” is an airport that an airline uses as a center of its operations, fromwhich it flies to lots of other cities (Anchorage is the biggest city in thestate of Alaska).It’s state of the art and a perfect marriagebetween technology and systems management.If something is “state of the art,” it is made with the very latest and besttechnology. “Systems management” is the science of managing networks made of either people or computer technologies.Why don’t you make an honest women out of Kelly?This is a silly way of asking Chuck to marry Kelly.Kelly is still recovering from that failed relationship with that parolee.A “parolee” is a person who was in prison but has been released “onparole,” which means they can stay free so long as they agree to certainconditions, such as reporting to a parole officer once a week.I knew it had something to do with swearing to tell the truth.In a court of law, a person “swears to tell the truth,” which is a dramaticway of saying that they promise to tell the truth.He tripped on a curb holding the door open for me.A “curb” is the edge of a sidewalk, where it meets the street.Kelly just can’t see being with a man who wears a pager to bed.A pager is a small electronic device that people wear on their belts thatallows them to know when somebody wants to talk to them (They are no longer as important since cell phones are now so common).When you wear it to bed, I hope you get one ofthose things that go vibrating. :: I’m not touching that.“To vibrate” is to shake gently back and forth. Here. “I’m nottouching that” is a slangy way of saying “I refuse to talk about it.”When are you defending your dissertation?Note that a student “defends” their Ph.D. dissertation in an officialceremony in which professors ask them questions on what theyhave written.Merry Christmas! :: I thought you were going to stiff her.“To stiff” a person is a slangy way of saying to cheat them out of money, or perhaps to refuse to give them something they deserve.Is it a test fishing line or something?A “test” product is one that is used just to see if the product workslike it is supposed to. A “fishing line” is used to catch fish.I love the wrapping.“Wrapping” is the paper that covers a box.This is terrific. :: My granddaddy used it on the Southern Pacific.“Terrific” is a good alternative word to excellent or fantastic. The“Southern Pacific” is the name of a major railroad that crosses the US.You can program it so it vibrates.“To program” a watch, computer or other machineis to set it up in such a way that it does what you want.Sorry about the hand towels. You’re hard to shop for.If a person is “hard to shop for,” it’s difficult to know what kind of present you should get them because it’s not clear what they would want (orperhaps what you know they want is difficult to find).Take it and hold on to it so that you can open it on New Year’s Eve.“To hold on to” something is to keep it indefinitely.Is all this turbulence from Santa and those 8 tiny reindeer?“Turbulence” is the violent shaking that planes sometimes experiencewhen flying. “Tiny” means very small, and a “reindeer” is a type of deerthat people associate with Santa Claus.Tell them we’re deviating South for weather.“To deviate” from a planned route is to move in another direction.I got us plotted; We’re 200 miles South of our original course.“To plot” a plane on a map is to locate exactly where it is.A plane’s “course” is the planned direction it is supposed to take. Continue plotting and check contingency procedures.“Contingency procedures” are back-up plans that are taken if the original plan can no longer work because of a change in the situation. Broadcasting in the blind; How do you read?If a pilot is “broadcasting in the blind,” he is making radio contact without being able to see anything outside the plane. “How do you read?” is apilot’s way of asking “What do you think?”I’ve never been out of comm this long.A pilot’s slangy way of saying communication.Buckle up, Chuck. It’s gonna get bumpy.“To buckle up” is another way of saying to put on a seat belt.If a flight is “bumpy,” there is a lot of shaking, or turbulence.We may have to ditch! Mayday, mayday!“To ditch” a plane is to jump out and abandon it. “Mayday”is an official way of screaming for help in an emergency.Chuck, life vest!A “life vest” is a type of padded shirt that people wear in order tobe able to float on the water after a ship sinks or plane crashes.Brace for impact!“To brace oneself” is to physically or emotionally prepare for somethinghorrible, in this case a plane crash (the “impact” refersto the moment that the plane crashes into the water).Chuck becomes a castaway, alone with Mr. Wilson…Over here! SOS, please!The letters “SOS,” when written out, are the international wayof asking for help (Some people say it means “save our souls”).Come on, come on!The most versatile phrasal verb in English,in this case used simply to mean “please.”The time to hesitate is through, come on baby, light my fire!“To hesitate” is to wait or pause before taking action (These words arefrom the song “Light my Fire,” by the 1960s rock group The Doors). Meteor shower! It’s a signal fire!A “meteor shower” is a shower of bright lights in the sky caused byfalling bits of rock, perhaps from a comet. A “signal fire” is Chuck’s word for the same thing, though this is never used.You gotta love crab; Just in the nick of time.Note that “have got to”----> “gotta” in rapid speech. “Just inthe nick of time” is a colloquial way of saying “just in time.”Coconut is a natural laxative, too.A “laxative” is a food that causes a person to often go to the bathroom. Things that Gilligan never told us.This is a reference to the 1960s TV show “Gilligans’ Island,” whichwas about seven people who were stuck on a deserted island.400 miles squared. That’s 160,000 square miles times pi.Two math terms: A number “squared” is that number multiplied by itself.“Pi” is the famous number that refers to the number of times that theradius of a circle will go around the diameter of a circle (3.14…).This tooth is just killing me.If something is “killing you,” it is hurting you very much.And just think, I used to avoid going to the dentist like the plague.The “plague” is the black death that killed millions in Europe in the 1300s(People who really want to avoid doing something try to “avoid it like the plague”).I put off every chance I got…now, what Iwouldn’t give to have a dentist in this cave.“To put off’ something is to postpone it, or decide to do it later.“What I wouldn’t give” is a stylistic way of saying “I would give anything if I could…”You want to hear something funny? Back home inMemphis, my dentist’s name is Dr. James Spalding.Chuck is talking to Wilson the volleyball, and he’s noting that his dentist is named Spalding; The two biggest American sport and ball manufacturers are the Wilson and Spalding companies.Bakersfield!A small city in central California.44 lashings.A rarely used word for a knot or rope or anything used to tie.We’re going to have to make a hell of a lot of rope.A colloquial expression that adds emphasis or emotion.March and April are our best chances for the high tides and ocean breezes.“High tides” are those times at the beach when the water has risen updeep into the sands (which would make it easier to sail away).We need 425 feet of good rope plus another 50 feet for miscellaneous.A key word that means various or diverse things.Round it off to 475 feet of good rope.“To round off” a number is to estimate to the nearestbig number (i.e.…498 is usually rounded off to 500).We’re going to be short.“We’re not going to have enough.”Do you have to keep bringing that up? Can’t we just forget it?“To bring up” something in a conversation is to start to talk about it.You were right…it wasn’t going to be a quick little snap.A “quick little snap” is a slangy way of referring to something that is veryeasy to do (A ‘snap” is a brief and sudden sound, such as the type that ismade when you forcefully close a book).It was the only option I had at the time.A good word for a choice or possibility.What’s your point?“What are you trying to say?”We might just make it! Did that thought ever cross your brain?In this case, “to make it” means to survive or succeed.Regardless, I would rather take my chances out there onthe ocean than to stay here and die on this shithole island.A rarely used but interesting slang word for a small and horrible place. Never again!A common expression that is used to express the desire that somethingterrible that was done in the past can be allowed to happen again.I’ll do all the paddling! You just hang on!“To paddle” a boat is to move it forward while usingoars (wooden sticks) to push it through the water.After four long years, Chuck starts a new life.Dr. Pepper.A popular soft drink.Here’s the drill. The plane pulls in, we get off.“The drill” is a slangy way of referring to a precise planof action that everybody involved should know very well.There’s a ceremony right there in the hanger.A “ceremony” is an official or formal set of public acts or procedures, inthis case to honor Chuck. A “hanger” is a very big building in whichairplanes are parked so they can be repaired.What in the world am I going to say to her?A curious filler expression added to WH questionsto show emotion such as excitement, surprise or fear.We had a funeral, a coffin and a gravestone.A “coffin” is the box that human bodies are buried in, and a “gravestone”is the stone with writing carved on it that is placed in a cemetery where a person is buried.A cell phone, a beeper.A device, like a pager, that lets peopleknow when others want to talk to them.That was a terrible and tragic day.A powerful adjective that refers to somethinghorrible that causes great pain or suffering.I actually did root canal on you about 5 years ago.A dental procedure in which dentists operate below the teeth.Kelly, she’s had it rough. She’s…sort of lost.If a person has “had it rough,” they have had a difficult life(And thus in this case, she is emotionally lost or confused).I have to brief this man in his meetingstomorrow with the accountants and attorneys.“To brief” a person is to tell them the most important facts (It is oftendone before the person has a meeting or is going to give a speech).If you need anything, just sign for it.This is a way of saying “You sign the bill and we’ll pay for it.”It takes a lot of paperwork to bring back a man.“Paperwork” refers to official papers and forms that are usually produced and filled out in an office. In this case, “to bring back a man” means toofficially declare them alive, after having been declared dead.Chuck and Kelly face the passage of time….It’s a nice house. :: We got a nice mortgage, too.A “mortgage” is the monthly payment that people make to the bankin order to pay off the money they borrowed to buy their house.The second sentence is Kelly’s way of saying their mortgage is a lot. She’s a beautiful little girl. :: She’s a handful.If a child is “a handful,” it’s a lot of work to take care of.Let’s get one thing straight here; We have aPro Football team now, but they’re in Nashville?“Let’s get one thing straight” is a way of sayingthat “we need to talk directly and honestly.”The Houston Oilers are the Tennessee Titans?This refers to the fact that Houston’s Professional Football team moved to Tennessee and then changed their names (Houston is known for oilcompanies, and “titans” are very powerful rulers or businessmen).They went to the Super Bowl last year!The “Super Bowl” is the championship game in Americanfootball and the most watched sporting event in the United States.They almost won by one yard! One lousy yard!“Lousy” is a good word that means of poor quality, or in thiscase, insignificant or stupid. A “yard” is a distance of three feet.I got whole milk, 2% and non-fat. I don’t have half and half.Milk can be whole (3% fat), 2% fat, 1% fat, or non-fat.“Half and half” is half milk and half cream (and very fattening!)That will do fine.One way of saying “that’s good.”What happened to you becoming a professor? ::You’re not Dr. Kelly Frears-Lovett?Note that when a person gets a Ph.D. degree, they are giventhe honorary title of Dr., though this is rarely used in practice.When your plane went down, everything just sort of got put on hold.“To put a plan on hold” is to delay doing it untilthe situation becomes clearer or easier to deal with.I think about taking it up again.“To take up” a plan is to begin to do it.I kept the picture. It was all faded.If a photograph is “faded,” it has lost it’s colorand newness, and looks degraded or old.That’s a family heirloom and it should stay in your family.A “family heirloom” is a small object, such as a watch or ring,that has been passed down from one generation to the next.They said they never figured out what caused the crash.“To figure out” a mystery or question is to solve or understand it. Probably some mislabeled hazardous material caught fire.If some product is “mislabeled,” it is wrapped in packaging that says it is something that it is not. If a material is “hazardous,” it is dangerous. You drifted about 500 miles; This is where yourisland was, about 600 miles South of the Cook Islands.“To drift” on the water is to slowly floataway, but with no particular direction.And there are the search grids.A “grid” is a map with many squares drawn on itthat allow you to quickly identify where something is.You kept our car; All right, now this is weird.An excellent word that means strange or bizarre.Let me get some stuff out of the back.A critical word that generally means “things,” though note thatthis can refer to anything from physical objects to emotions.You’re the love of my life.A very romantic and poetic way of telling a person that they are the mostimportant person they have ever been with, or ever will be with. Everyone said I had to let you go.In this case, to “let go” of a person is to emotionallyaccept that they can no longer be a part of your life.Chuck prepares for an uncertain future….We did the math. Kelly added it all up.In this case, to “add up the numbers” is to see whatthe odds or chances of something happening are.I was going to get sick or injured or something.If a person is “injured,” they have beenphysically hurt, often in an accident.I made a rope and went up to the summit to hang myself.The “summit” of a mountain is its highest point. “To hang oneself”is a common form of suicide in which the person puts a rope around their neck after hanging it from a tree or the ceiling.The weight of the log snapped the limb of the tree.A “log” is a thick piece of wood. If something “snaps,” it suddenly breaksinto two pieces. The “limb” of a tree refers to its branches.This is Chuck’s way of explaining why he was not able to hang himself. All my logic said I would never see this place again.“Logic” is reason or rational thought. Chuck is explaininghow he thought he would probably die on the island.The tide came in and gave me a sail.The “tide” is the rise and fall of the water over time as it hits the beach.A “sail” is a piece of cloth or material placed on a boat that allows it to bemoved forward by the wind.I’m so sad that I don’t have Kelly, but I’m sograteful that she was with me on that island.“Grateful” is a good alternative to appreciative. This is Chuck’s way ofsaying that it was the memory of Kelly that motivated him to keep aliveon the island.Tomorrow the sun will rise; Who knows what the tide could bring?Chuck’s way of saying that nobodyknows what will happen in the future.“Return to Sender, Address unknown.”The words of a famous Elvis Presley song.You look lost…where are you headed?If a person is “headed,” somewhere, that is where they plan to go.I was just about to figure that out.“To figure out” a question is to find the answer or solution to it.This road here will hook you up withthe I-40 East. Amarillo, Flagstaff…California.If a road “hooks up” with another, it is connected to it, or leads into it.“I-40” is a short way of referring to an Interstate Highway (#40). Amarillo is a town in Texas, and Flagstaff is a town in Arizona.You’ll find a whole lot of nothing all the way to Canada.A poetic way of saying “nothing.”Cast AwayPossible Topics for ESL Class Discussion1) If you found yourself like Chuck, suddenly alone on that island, would you try to kill yourself? If so, after how long?2) What would be harder?---The physical challenge of getting enough food and water, or the emotional challenge of being constantly alone? 3) What would you have done if you were inKelly’s situation at the end of the movie?4) What would be the hardest part about being out of touch with society?5) What did you like and not like about this movie?。
cast away荒岛余生 英文剧本

The Texas plains, horizon to horizon, nothing but the browns
and ochres of earth and the blue and violet of the sky. The
sheer scope of it sinks in: the blank slate of nature, March 13, 1998
Daylight now. YURI, a Supervisor, saunters over, picks up
the Angel Box, sees an attractive co-worker, puts it down.
Night again. A cat walks by the table where our two Boxes
prints out a label and sticks it on the Box, ready to go.
But something on the box catches her eye. She wants it back.
He glances at his watch. She draws RINGS around the Wings,
of rollers onto a larger truck. The doors of the truck
close. The latch slams down.
A forklift hoists the container to the cargo doors of a 737.

- Wow. - Mmm.- 哇! - 嗯Wow. Yes, Marlin. No, I see it. It's beautiful.够了啦马林我看到了真的很美So, Coral, when you said you wanted an ocean view...珊瑚你说你想看到海景you didn't think you'd get the whole ocean, did you?没想到会是整片大海吧?Oh, yeah. A fish can breathe out here.太舒服了在这儿能呼吸新鲜空气Did your man deliver, or did he deliver?你老公真有一套对吧?My man delivered.他真是没话说And it wasn't so easy.这可是得来不易呀Because a lot of other clownfish had their eyes on this place. 因为好多小丑鱼都在抢这地方You better believe they did... every single one of them.千万别怀疑每一条都在抢You did good.你真行And the neighborhood is awesome.而且这儿的环境超优So, you do like it, don't you?你到底喜不喜欢嘛?No, no. I do, I do. I really do like it.当然喜欢罗真的很棒But, Marlin, I know that the drop off is desirable...不过虽然这儿的学区很好with the great schools and the amazing view...景观也一级棒But do we really need so much space?不过非要这么大的地方吗?Coral, honey, these are our kids we're talking about.珊瑚这都是为了孩子们They deserve the best. Look, look, look.要嘛就要给他们最好的瞧瞧瞧They'll wake up, poke their little heads outand they see a whale!他们一睁开眼就看得到鲸鱼Right by their bedroom window.从窗口游过去You'll wake the kids.你会把孩子们吵醒Oh, right, right.是哦Look.你看They're dreaming.他们在做梦We still have to name them.我们还没替他们取名字You want to name all of them right now?你现在就要替他们取名字?All right, we'll name this half Marlin Junior...好吧这一半就叫小马林and this half Coral Junior.这一半叫小珊瑚- OK, we're done. - I like Nemo.- 好了搞定了- 我喜欢尼莫这名字Nemo. We'll name one Nemo...尼莫?有一个叫尼莫无所谓but I'd like most of them to be Marlin Junior.其他的还是叫小马林吧- Just think, in a couple of days, we're going to be parents. - Yeh- 再过两天咱们就要当父母了- 是啊What if they don't like me?他们不喜欢我怎么办?- Marlin. - No, really.- 马林- 我是说真的耶There's over 400 eggs. Odds are, one will like you.这儿有四百多颗鱼卵总有一个会喜欢你What?你在笑什么?- You remember how we met? - I try not to.- 你记得咱们怎么认识的吗?- 我很想忘掉Well, I remember. 'Excuse me, miss...我记得很清楚对不起小姐'can you check and see if I have a hook in my lip?'请你帮我看我嘴巴有没有鱼钩You got a little closer because it was wiggling.马林你可以靠近一点再近一点- Get away, get away! - Here he is. Cutie's here.- 走开啦我来了- 大帅哥来了Where did everybody go?大伙儿都跑哪儿去了?Coral, get inside the house.珊瑚快进屋子去No, Coral, don't. They'll be fine.不要去孩子们不会有事Just get inside... You, right now.快进去快点不!Coral!珊瑚! 珊瑚?珊瑚?珊瑚?珊瑚?珊瑚?There, there, there.还有你在这It's OK. Daddy's here.好了没事了别怕爸爸在这儿Daddy's got you.爸爸会保护你I promise, I will never let anything happen to you...我保证不会让你发生任何事Nemo.尼莫海底总动员First day of school!第一天上学First day of school! Wake up!第一天上学起床罗wake up! First day of school.起床罗今天第一天上学I don't want to go to school... five more minutes.我不想上学让我再睡五分钟Not you, Dad, me. Get up, get up.不是你是我要上学啦It's time for school, time for school.快起床啦上学了...上学了...All right, I'm up.我起来了怎么回事?- Nemo! - First day of school!- 棒呆了尼莫! 第一天上学耶Nemo, don't move.尼莫别动You'll never get out of there yourself.你自己出不来I'll do it.让我来- You feel a break? - No.你受伤了吗?没有Sometimes you can't tell 'cause fluid rushes to the area. 受一点小伤都不行有没有?- Are you woozy? - No.没有啦你有没有头昏眼花?没有- How many stripes do I have? - I'm fine.我身上有几条斑纹?我没事啦- Answer the stripe question. - Three.快回答我的问题三条No! See? Something's wrong with you.不对你生病了我只有一条I have one, two, three... That's all I have?两条三条...三条斑纹你真的没事You're OK. How's the lucky fin?你的幸运鳍怎么样?- Lucky. - Let's see.- 很幸运- 给我看看Are you sure you want to go to school this year?你今年真的想上学吗?There's no problem if you don't. You can wait 5 or 6 years.你大可以再等个五六年Come on, Dad, it's time for school.爸我早就该上学了Forgot to brush.你忘了刷身体Do you want this anemone to sting you?你想不想被海葵刺到?- Yes. - Brush.想啊快刷呀- OK, I'm done. - You missed a spot.我好了你没刷到一个地方- Where? - There.- 哪里?- 这里这里Right there. And here and here.这里和All right, we're excited.这里第一天上学The first day of school. Here we go.我们都很兴奋We're ready to learn to get some knowledge.我们要学很多新知识What's the one thing we have to remember about the ocean? 你千万要记得大海像什么?- It's not safe. - That's my boy.大海如虎口这才是我的乖儿子First, we check to see that the coast is clear.所以出门一定要左右看We go out... and back in.先出去再进来And then we go out... and back in.然后出去再进来And then one more time... out and back in.再来一次出去进来And sometimes, if you want to do it four times...你想这样来回四次也行Dad... - All right, come on, boy.爸爸好啦走吧Maybe while I'm at school, I'll see a shark.也许我到了学校会看到鲨鱼- I highly doubt that. - Have you ever met a shark?我看不太可能你有没有看过鲨鱼?No, and I don't plan to.没有我也不想- How old are sea turtles? - I don't know.海龟有多老?海龟?我不知道Sandy Plankton from next door...隔壁的阿弟仔说海龟he says that sea turtles live to be about 100 years old.可以活到一百岁耶He says that sea turtles live to be about 100 years old.要是我遇到一只海龟If I ever meet a sea turtle, I'll ask him.我会问他After I'm done talking to the shark, OK?在我跟鲨鱼聊天以后好吗?Hold on. Wait to cross.等一下等红绿灯Hold my fin.孔盼业啮Dad, you're not going to freak out...你不会像到动物园like you did at the petting zoo, are you?那样抓狂吧?That snail was about to charge.那只海螺想要攻击你I wonder where we're supposed to go.新生要到哪儿报到呢?Bye, Mom!拜了妈I'll pick you up after school.我等放学再来接你们Come on, you guys, stop it! Give it back!拜托别闹了啦快还给我Come on, we'll try over there.我们去那儿看看Excuse me, is this where we meet his teacher?抱歉是在这儿等老师吗?Well, look who's out of the anemone.哇塞你终于肯出门啦?Yes. Shocking, I know.是啊没想到吧?- Marty, right? - Marlin.马提对吧?马林- Bob. - Ted.我是巴伯泰迪Bill. Hey, you're a clownfish.菲尔你是一条小丑鱼You're funny, right? Tell us a joke.一定很会搞笑说一个笑话吧- Yeah. - Yeah.- 好- 说一个冷笑话Well, actually, that's a common misconception.其实这是误解小丑鱼并没有特别会搞笑Clownfish are no funnier than any other fish.少来了小丑- Come on, clownie. - Do something funny.说个笑话嘛All right, I know one joke.好吧说就说吧There's a mollusk, see? And he walks up to a sea... 有一只软体动物走到...He doesn't walk up, he swims up.他不是用走的是用游的Actually, the mollusk isn't moving.他哪儿也没去He's in one place, and then the sea cucumber...他留在原地有一只海参...Well, they... I'm mixed up.我搞混了There was a mollusk and a sea cucumber.有一只软体动物和一只海参None of them were walking, so forget that l...他们都不是用走的东东Sheldon! Get out of Mr. Johannsen's yard now!别在强森先生身上乱跳All right, you kids!够了小鬼头Ooh, where'd you go?你们跑到哪儿了?Dad, can I go play, too? Can I?爸我也能去玩吗?I would feel better if you'd play on the sponge beds. 我只让你去跳海绵弹簧床That's where I would play.那儿比较安全- What's wrong with his fin? - He looks funny.他的鱼鳍怎么了?他长得好好笑哦Hey, what'd I do?我做了什么?Be nice. It's his first time at school.他第一天上学别欺负他He was born with it. We call it his lucky fin.这是天生的这是他的幸运鳍- Dad... - See this tentacle?老爸看到这根触角吗?It's actually shorter than all my other tentacles...这根比别的短but you can't really tell.不过你看不出来Especially when I twirl them like this.尤其是当我乱扭的时候I'm H- 2- O intolerant.我对海水会过敏I'm obnoxious.我的脾气很坏Let's name the zones, the zones, the zones让我们认识大海Let's name the zones of the open sea让我们为大海分区Mr. Ray!雷老师- Come on, Nemo. - You better stay with me.来吧尼莫- 你最好跟着我Mesopelagic, bathyal, abyssalpelagic中层区深海区深渊区All the rest are too deep for you and me to see更深的地方谁也不能去I wonder where my class has gone?同学们都跑哪儿去啦?We're under here!我们在这儿There you are.原来你们在这儿Climb aboard, explorers.上来吧小小探险家Oh, knowledge exploring如果你想要探索知识Is so lyrical 热情奔放的就要勇敢去When you think thoughts that are empirical 凭借经验的亲身体验Dad, you can go now.爸你可以走了- Hello. Who is this? - I'm Nemo.这位小朋友是谁?我是尼莫Nemo, all new explorers must answer a science question. 新来的探险家都要回答一个问题- OK. - You live in what kind of home?好啊你住在什么地方?An anemon- none.我住在一个海...龟A nemenem-menome....葵OK, don't hurt yourself. Welcome aboard, explorers.好了别勉强了欢迎小小探险家Just so you know, he's got a little fin.他的鱼鳍很小I find if he's having trouble swimming...所以游得比较慢I let him take a break, 10, 15 minutes.多让他休息十十五分钟Dad, it's time for you to go now.爸你该走了Don't worry. We're gonna stay together as a group.放心我们都集体行动OK, class, optical orbits up front.同学们专心看着前方And remember, we keep our supraesophogeal ganglion... 记住哦触角和鳍不要伸出车外to ourselves. That means you, Jimmy.尤其是你吉米Aw, man!讨厌啦拜了尼莫拜了爸爸Bye, Dad!拜了Bye, son!儿子Be safe.小心点You're doing pretty well for a first- timer.你第一次还算挺放得下心的You can't hold on to them forever, can you?我总不能照顾他一辈子吧I had a tough time with my oldest out at the drop off.他们要去峭壁我也挺紧张的They got to grow up... The drop off?小孩都会长大...峭壁?They're going to the drop off? What are you, insane?他们要去峭壁?你疯啦?Why don't we fry them up now and serve them with chips? 不如直接把他们炸成天妇罗算了Hey, Marty, calm down.马提冷静点Don't tell me to be calm, pony boy.别叫我冷静小马僮Pony boy?小马僮?For a clownfish, he really isn't that funny.他这只小丑鱼真不好笑Pity.可怜哟Let's name the species, the species, the species让我们认识大海的物种Let's name the species that live in the sea海绵动物腔肠动物There's水螅虫Porifera, coelenterata, hydrozoa, scyphozoa水母珊瑚Anthozoa, ctenophora, bryozoas, threeT板苔藓Gastropoda, arthropoda, echinoderma腹足节肢和棘皮动物And some fish like you and me还有你跟我这些鱼类Come on, sing with me.跟我一起唱Just the girls this time.海藻很炫Oh, seaweed is cool海藻很酷Seaweed is fun它们靠阳光It makes its food制造食物OK, the drop off.峭壁到了All right, kids, feel free to explore...去探险吧but stay close.不过别走散了Stromalitic cyanobacteria! Gather.蓝绿藻原核生物An entire ecosystem contained in one infinitesimal speck. 小小一块就蕴藏整个生态系统There are as many protein pairs contained in this...蛋白质的数量...Come on, let's go.走吧跟我来Come on, sing with me!同学们跟我一起唱There's porifera, coelenterata海绵动物Hydrozoa, scyphozoaAnthozoa, ctenophora, bryozoas, three喂等Hey, guys, wait up!等我Cool.酷毙了Saved your life!我救了你一命You guys made me ink.讨厌啦你们害我吐墨了What's that?那是什么?I know what that is. Sandy Plankton saw one.我知道阿弟仔看过He said it was called a butt.他说那叫做...屁股('船'的谐音)That's a pretty big butt.哇塞好大的屁股哦Look at me. I'm going to touch the butt.你们看我要去摸屁股哦Oh, yeah? Let's see you get closer.来呀你们有种就跟来Beat that.好啊Come on, Nemo. How far can you go?我游得比你更远尼莫你敢游多远?My dad says it's not safe.我爸说这很危险- Nemo! No! - Dad?尼莫别去爸?You were about to swim into open water.你想游进大海No, I wasn't...才没有Good thing I was here. If I hadn't shown up...幸好我及时赶到- He wasn't going to go. - He was too afraid.- 他才不敢游- 是啊他太胆小了No, I wasn't.才不是This does not concern you, kids...这不关你们的事and you're lucky I don't tell your parents.小心我向你们爸妈告状You know you can't swim well.你知道你不太会游泳I can swim fine, Dad, OK?我很会游泳啦No, it's not OK. You shouldn't be near here.不行你不该来这儿I was right. You'll start school in a year or two.我说的对你过两年再来上学No, Dad! Just because you're scared of the ocean...不要是你自己怕得要命You're not ready, and you're not coming back until you are. 你没准备好等你长大再说你以为你能独立自主You think you can do these things, but you just can't!但是你就是不行I hate you.我恨你There's nothing to see.没什么好看的Gather. Over there.过来吧Excuse me. Is there anything I can do?我能帮忙吗?I am a scientist, sir. Is there any problem?我是老师有问题吗?I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt things.真是不好意思He isn't a good swimmer, and it's a little too soon...他不太会游泳我只是觉得for him to be out here unsupervised.他不能没有人照顾I can assure you, he's quite safe with me.我向你保证有我在他很安全I'm sure he is, but you have a large class...那是一定的and he can get lost from sight if you're not looking. 不过班上学生这么多你一不注意他就会走丢I'm not saying you're not looking.我不是说你会那么不小心可是他...Oh, my gosh! Nemo's swimming out to sea!天啊尼莫游出去了Nemo!尼莫What do you think you're doing?你在做什么?You'll get stuck out there...你会回不来的and I'll have to get you before another fish does. 这下我得过去救你了Get back here!快回来吧I said get back here now!我叫你马上回来Stop! You take one more move, mister...别游了你敢再游过去Don't you dare!你敢?If you put one fin on that boat...别碰那艘船Are you listening to me?听到没?Don't touch the bo... Nemo!别碰那艘船尼莫He touched the butt.他摸了屁股耶You paddle your little tail right back here, Nemo. 你给我赶快回来尼莫That's right.这就对了You are in big trouble, young man.你的麻烦大了Do you hear me? Big...听到没有?大的...Big...大的...Daddy! Help me!爸爸! 救救我I'm coming, Nemo!我来了尼莫Get under me, kids!快躲到我下面Dad! Daddy!爸! 爸爸!Nemo!尼莫...Nemo! No... Nemo Nemo No! No...尼莫不! ...尼莫尼莫不!Hold on.坐好了Oh, no.糟了No, it's gone. It's gone.船不见了不见了No, no, it can't be gone.不可能No, no! Nemo!不尼莫尼莫...No, please, no!不要求求你不不Has anybody seen a boat?有人看到一艘的船吗?Please! A white boat!一艘白色的船!They took my son!他们抓走我儿子My son! Help me, please.我儿子拜托帮帮忙- Look out! - What?- 小心- 什么Sorry. I didn't see you.抱歉我没看到你- Sir? Are you OK? - He's gone, he's gone.- 先生你没事吧?- 他不见了他不见了There, there. It's all right.乖乖没事吧- He's gone. - It'll be OK.- 他不见了- 不会有事的No, no. They took him away. I have to find the boat.他被抓走了我得找到那艘船A boat? Hey, I've seen a boat.船?我看到一艘船- You have? - It passed by not too long ago.- 真的吗?- 它刚刚才经过- A white one? - Hi. I'm Dory.- 白色的船吗?- 嗨我是多莉Where? Which way?在哪儿?哪个方向?It went this way.它往这儿开去Follow me.跟我来Thank you, thank you so much.谢谢你真是谢谢你No problem.不客气Wait!等一下- Will you quit it? - What?- 别跟着我- 什么?I'm trying to swim here. Ocean isn't big enough for you? 我想自己游泳大海不够大吗?You got a problem, buddy?你有毛病吗?好友?Do you? Do you?是不是?You want a piece of me?你想跟我单挑- I'm scared now. - What?- 我可不怕你- 什么Wait a minute. - Stop following me, OK?等一下别一直跟着我What? You're showing me where the boat went.你在说什么?你明明说你要带我去找船A boat? Hey, I've seen a boat.船?我看到一艘船It passed by not too long ago.它刚刚才经过It went this way. Follow me.它往这儿开去跟我来Wait a minute. What is going on?等一下搞什么鬼?You already told me which way the boat was going.这句话你已经说过了I did? Oh, no.真的吗?糟糕If this is some kind of practical joke, it's not funny.这种笑话并不好笑And I know funny. I'm a clownfish.我是小丑鱼讲到笑话我最懂No, it's not. I know it's not. I'm so sorry.这不是笑话真是对不起See, I suffer from short- term memory loss.是这样的我有短暂失忆症Short- term memory loss. I don't believe this. 短暂失忆症太扯了No, it's true. I forget things almost instantly.是真的任何事我都马上忘记It runs in my family. At least, I think it does.这是家族遗传我是说...我记得是这样吧Where are they?我的家人呢?Can I help you?我能帮忙吗?Something's wrong with you... really.你有病是真的You're wasting my time.你在浪费我的时间I have to find my son.我要去找我儿子Hello.你好Well, hi!嗨Name's Bruce.我叫布鲁斯It's all right. I understand.行我了解Why trust a shark, right?你们信不过一只鲨鱼对吧So, what's a couple of bites like you doing out 你们为何到处乱晃?so late?这么晚了We're not doing anything. We're not even out. 没事我们也没乱晃Great! Then how'd you morsels...太好了你们这两条小鱼like to come to a little get- together I'm having? 想不想参加聚会呀?You mean, like a party?像是派对吗?Yeah, right. A party. What do you say?是啊派对怎么样?I love parties. That sounds like fun.我最爱派对了听起来很好玩Parties are fun, and it's tempting, but...我也很想去可是不行...Oh, come on, I insist.来嘛我坚持OK. That's all that matters.好吧你说了算Hey, look, balloons. It is a party.有气球耶这真的是派对Mind your distance, though.离远一点Those balloons can be a bit dodgy.这些气球很容易破You wouldn't want one of them to pop.要是爆炸就完蛋了Anchor! Chum!安安小沉There you are, Bruce. Finally.布鲁斯你回来了- We got company. - It's about time, mate.- 我找到同伴了- 你总算找到了We've already gone through the snacks...咱们把点心吃完and I'm still starving.还是很饿We almost差点就要had a feeding frenzy.大开吃戒Come on, let's get this over with.咱们这就开始吧Right, then.好吧The meeting has officially come to order.会议正式开始Let us all say the pledge.咱们一起宣誓I am a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine.我是好鲨鱼不是杀人机器If I am to change this image...如果我想改变形象I must first change myself.就要先改变自己Fish are friends, not food.鱼是朋友不是食物Except stinking dolphins.除了海豚以外Dolphins. Yeah. They think they're so cute.臭海豚自以为很可爱'Look at me. I'm a flippin' little dolphin.瞧我会跳耶'Let me flip for you. Ain't I something?'我跳给你看Right, then. Today's meeting is Step 5...好吧今天是第五阶段Bring a Fish Friend.带一个鱼朋友回来Do you all have your friends?你们带来没有?Got mine.我有- Hey, there. - How about you, Chum?- 这儿- 小沉你呢?I seem to have misplaced my friend.我的鱼朋友不见了That's all right, Chum.我就知道你会忍不住I had a feeling this would be a difficult step.我替你带了一个鱼朋友You can help yourself to one of my friends.谢了老友Thanks, mate. A little chum for Chum, eh?谢了队友小沉的好朋友I'll start the testimonies.我先做见证Hello. My name is Bruce.大家好我是布鲁斯Hello, Bruce.你好布鲁斯It has been three weeks since my last fish.我有三个礼拜没吃过鱼了On my honor, or may I be chopped up and made into soup. 要是我说谎就会被煮成鱼翅汤- You're an inspiration! - Amen.- 你好伟大哦- 阿门Right, then. Who's next?没错下一个是谁?Pick me, pick me.选我啦Yes. The little Sheila down the front.好吧前面的这位小姐Come on up here.请上来Hi. I'm Dory.嗨我是多莉Hello, Dory.你好多莉I don't think I've ever eaten a fish.我这辈子连一条鱼都没吃过- That's incredible. - Good on you, mate.- 真是了不起- 做得好小妹子I'm glad I got that off my chest.能一吐为快感觉真好All right, anyone else?还有人要说吗?How about you, mate? What's your problem? 你呢?你有什么问题?Me? I don't have a problem.我?我没有问题Oh, OK.才怪Denial.驼鸟心态Just start with your name.先自我介绍吧OK. Hello.好吧My name is Marlin. I'm a clownfish.我叫马林我是小丑鱼- A clownfish? Really? - Tell us a joke.- 小丑鱼?真的吗?- 说个笑话来听听I love jokes.我最爱听笑话I actually do know one that's pretty good.我正好知道一个超好笑的笑话There was this mollusk...有一只软体动物and he walks up to a sea cucumber.跟海参说Normally, they don't talk, sea cucumbers...通常海参不会说话but in a joke, everyone talks...不过这是笑话大家都会说话so the sea mollusk says to the cucumber...所以软体动物跟海参说...Daddy!爸爸!Nemo!尼莫Nemo! Nemo! I don't get it.尼莫?我听不懂耶For a clownfish, he's not that funny.他这只小丑鱼不好笑耶No, he's my son.不尼莫是我儿子He was taken by these divers.他被潜水员抓走Oh, my. You poor fish.天啊真可怜Humans... think they own everything.人类都以为他们能为所欲为Probably American.尤其是美国人Now, there is a father...他真是一个好爸爸Looking for his little boy.爱儿子的好爸爸What do these markings mean?这些字代表什么?I never knew my father!我从小就没爹没娘- Group hug. - We're all mates here, mate.- 抱一抱- 我们都是好兄弟I can't read human.我看不懂人类的字We got to find a fish that can read this.那就找一个识字的鱼吧- Hey, look, sharks. - No, no, no, Dory!- 你看有鲨鱼- 不要去多莉- Guys, guys. - No, Dory.- 大伙儿... - 不要去That's mine. Give it to me.那是我的还给我Gimme!不要去别闹了I'm sorry. Are you OK?对不起还好吗I'm so sorry.你没事吧?You really clocked me there. Am I bleeding?你K到我我在流血吗?Dory, are you OK?多莉你没事吧?That's good.好香哦Intervention!快拦住他- Just a bite. - Hold it together, mate!- 让我咬一口- 忍一忍老兄Remember, Bruce, fish are friends, not food!鱼是朋友不是食物Food!食物Dory, look out!多莉小心I'm having fish tonight!我今晚一定要吃鱼Remember the steps, mate!你一定要撑过去Just one bite!我只咬一口G'day.你们好There's no way out!没有出口There's got to be a way to escape!一定有别的出路Who is it?什么人?Dory, help me find a way out!快帮我找到出口Sorry. Come back later. We're trying to escape.待会再来我们正在逃命- There's got to be a way out! - Here's something.- 一定有出口- 我找到了'Es- cap- e.' I wonder what that means.逃...生...口什么意思呀?Funny. It's spelled just like 'escape.'跟出口一样都有口耶Let's go.我们走Here's Brucey!我布鲁斯来了Wait a minute. You can read?等等你识字吗?I can read? That's right. I can read!我识字?是哦我识字耶Well, then, here. Read this now.那就快念这些He really doesn't mean it. He never even knew his father. 他真不懂他从小没爹没娘很可怜Don't fall off the wagon!千万别把持不住Oh, no, it's blocked!死胡同No, Bruce, focus.布鲁斯忍一忍Sorry about Bruce, mate.真是抱歉...布鲁斯老大He's really a nice guy.他其实是个大好人I need to get that mask.我要那个蛙镜You want that mask? OK.你要吗?好吧Quick, grab the mask!快去快去拿蛙镜Oh, no. Bruce?完了布鲁斯What?做什么?Swim away! Swim away!快逃命快逃命Is the party over?派对结束了吗?Nice.好臭哦Dad?爸?Daddy?爸爸!Barbara.芭芭拉?Prep for his anterior crown, would you, please?把他的牙套准备好And I'm going to need a few more cotton rolls.还要几颗棉花球Hello, little fella.你好小家伙Beauty, isn't he?很漂亮吧?I found that guy struggling for life...我在珊瑚礁附近看到他out on the reef, and I saved him.就把他救了回来So, has that Novocaine kicked in yet?麻药生效了吗?I think so. We're ready to roll.应该可以吧可以开始了Bubbles!Bubbles!泡泡!泡泡!My bubbles.I would like to save you.my bubble好多泡泡哦我要救你们我的泡泡He likes bubbles.他超爱泡泡Bonjour.早安Slow down, little fella. There's nothing to worry about. 别紧张不必害怕- He's scared to death. - I want to go home.- 他被吓得半死- 我想回家Do you know where my dad is?我爸爸在哪里?Honey, your dad's probably back at the pet store.他大概在水族店吧Pet store?水族店?Yeah, you know, like, I'm from Bob's Fish Mart.是啊我来自巴布水族店- Pet Palace. - Fish- O- Rama.- 皇宫水族店- 好邻居水族店- Mail order. - Ebay.- 我是邮购的- eBay拍卖网站- So, which one is it? - I'm from the ocean.- 你到底来自哪儿?- 我来自大海The ocean. The ocean?大海大海?!He hasn't been decontaminated. Jacques!他还没被消毒虾虾!- Oui. - Clean him!- 有! - 快替他消毒Oui.遵命- Ocean. - La mer. Bon.- 大海大海哦- 香格里拉滨海.盂兰盆Voila. He is clean.好了他很干净Wow. The big blue. What's it like?蔚蓝大海形容一下- Big and blue? - I knew it.- 很大很蓝- 我就知道If there's anything you need, just ask your Auntie Deb. 有事就找漂漂阿姨Or if I'm not around, you can talk to my sister Flo.我不在就找我妹妹亮亮Hi. How are you?嗨你好吗?Don't listen to anything my sister says.别理她She's nuts.她脑袋不太清楚We got a live one.病人来了- Can't hear you, Peach. - I said we got a live one.- 我听不到耶小桃- 来了一个病人- Boy, oh, boy. - What do we got?- 男孩- 有什么状况?Root canal... and by the looks of those x- rays...根管治疗从X光看起来it's not going to be pretty.情况不妙Dam and clamp installed? - Installed装了橡皮障吗?- 装了- What did he use to open? - Gator- Glidden drill.- 他用什么器械?- 盖氏钻牙器He seems to favor that one lately.他最近很爱用I can't see, Flo.我看不到亮亮You're getting a little too...别这么用力Now he's doing the Schilder technique.他在使用施德技术He's using a Hedstrom file.他用的是镍钛根管锉针That's not a Hedstrom file. That's a K- Flex.才不是那是K锉针It has a teardrop cross- section. Clearly a Hedstrom.圆弧形切面明明是镍钛锉针- No, no, K- Flex. - Hedstrom.不对K锉针- H锉针- K- Flex! - Hedstrom!- K锉针! - H锉针!There I go. A little help, over here.来人呀帮帮忙I'll go deflate him.我来替他消气All right. Go ahead and rinse.好了请漱口The human mouth is a disgusting place.人类的嘴巴好恶心哦- Hey, Nigel. - What did I miss?- 祖哥- 我错过什么好戏?Root canal... a doozy.根管治疗超酷的Root canal? What did he use to open?根管治疗?他用什么钻牙器?- Gator- Glidden drill. - He's favoring that one.- 盖氏钻牙器- 他的新欢Hope he doesn't get surplus sealer at the portal terminus. 根管封填剂最好不要放太多- Hello. Who's this? - New guy.这是谁?- 新来的家伙The dentist took him off the reef.牙医在海底抓到他An outie. From my neck of the woods地带,地段, eh? 偷渡客跟我一样Sorry if I ever took a snap at you.抱歉我想吃你Fish gotta必须swim, birds gotta eat.鱼要游泳鸟要吃鱼No, no! They're not your fish. They're my fish.这些是我的鱼不是你的Come on, go. Go on, shoo!快给我滚The picture broke.镜框裂了This here's Darla. She's my niece.这是我侄女妲拉She's going to be eight this week.她这礼拜就满八岁Hey, little fella.小鱼儿Say hello to your new mummy.她是你的新主人She'll be here Friday to pick you up.她礼拜五就来带你走You're her present.你是她的生日礼物It's our little secret.这可是咱们的小秘密Well, Mr. Tucker, while that sets up...请等一下塔克先生I'm going to see a man about a wallaby.我去一下厕所Oh, Darla.惨了小魔女What? What's wrong with her?什么?她有什么毛病呀?She wouldn't stop shaking the bag.她会用力摇晃塑胶袋- Poor Chuckles. - He was her present last year.- 可怜的恰可- 他是去年的礼物Hitched a ride 搭便车on the porcelain express.下场是被冲下马桶She's a fish killer.她是热带鱼杀手I can't go with that girl.我不想死I have to get back to my dad.我要回去找我爸Daddy! Help me!爸爸救救我He's stuck.他被卡住了Nobody touch him.谁也别碰他Nobody touch him.别碰他Can you help me?请你救救我No. You got yourself in there.不行你惹的祸You can get yourself out.自己想办法出来Gill...吉哥I want to see him do it.我要他自己来Calm down. Alternate wiggling your fins and your tail. 冷静下来轮流摇晃你的鱼鳍和鱼尾I can't. I have a bad fin.不行我的鱼鳍有毛病Never stopped me.那不是问题Just think about what you need to do.冷静想想你该怎么做Come on.加油Perfect.很好You did it!你成功了Good squirming.做得好Wow. From the ocean... just like you, Gill.吉哥他跟你一样来自大海耶Yeah.是啊I've seen that look before.。

The Beach- 海滨 _900 字
It was weekend again. John went to the beach to
spend his weekend. He was lying on the sand and listening
to music, suddenly he heard someone crying for help. He jumped up hurriedly and looked towards the voice. He saw a little kid waving his hands in the distant water. He took off
his clothes and jumped into the water quickly. He swam to
the little kid, held him, kept his head above the water and swam back to the beach. At last, the kid was saved.
1 / 1。
The Beach_translate


海滩TheBeach-电影剧本英文海滩 The Beach电影剧本-英文The BeachWritten by John HodgeBased on the Novel by Alex GarlandFigment Films ltd. 15 June 19982-4 Noel StreetLondon W1V 3RBTel. 0171 287 32091. EXT. BANGKOK. NIGHT.A single headlamp in close up shines directly and brightly outExtreme noise and light.Beyond its glare can be seen the outline of a motorized tricycle ("tuk-tud") and its Thai driverA young man, Richard, sits in the back, his rucksack beside him, swaying with the motion ofthe vehicle. He is worn and sweating.They travel through nocturnal Bangkok: fleets of tuk-tuks, taxis, road works, food vendors, do gs, tourists.Music and credits.2. EXT. KHAO SAN ROAD. NIGHTThe bright headlight comes to a halt.Richard climbs down from the tuk-tukRICHARD(V.O.)When you hit Bangkok, there's really only one place to go.The street is busy, full of Thai's and travelers.Richard picks his way through the crowd, his rucksack on his back.He absorbs the scene as he passes boarding houses and hotels, and the shops and stalls s elling food, clothes, pirated tapes, jewelry, travel tickets, and international phone calls. Restaurantes are filled with western travelers watching American films or European sport.RICHARD(V.O.)(continuing)The Khao San Road is a decompression chamber between east and west. It's where you lea rn to breathe car fumes and tropical air for the very first time, or else carefully rearrange your mem ories before you catch your flight home.Richard is approached by a young male Thai Hustler who walks backwards in front of him w hile making his pitch.HUSTLERYou need somewhere to stay?RICHARDI'll be OK, Thanks.Richard politely ignores each of his subsequent offers.HUSTLERWhat do you want? Sell your passport? Buy passport? Airline tickets? You want silk? I'll take you to the best silk place? You get a suit in twenty-four hours. Diamonds? You want to come with me, you get present for your girlfriend. Maybe no girlfriend. You want a girl, no problem. Good time. Boy girl fucking no problem. You want to drink some snake blood?At this last one Richard stops and addresses the Hustler.RICHARDNo thanks.Richard walks on, the hustler fading out behind him.HUSTLERYou want designer clothes? I get you Versache, Gucci, Armani, no problem. You want a cam era, all the best makes: Nikon, Leica, Canon I can get you.RICHARD(V.O.)Yeah, it's all here: you an phone home, meet up with strangers, split up with your friends, w atch Hollywood movies while you sip Budweiser and eat a burger or get some massage and green chicken soup. You could be anywhere in the world bu you could only find it here. And what do th ey want, all these people?3. EXT. KHAO SAN ROAD. NIGHT./ INT. BARS AND SHOPS. NIGHT.Various young travelers, male and female, in snapsho9t exerpts, address their comments to the ca mera or each other.TRAVELER 1Where you been?TRAVELER 2Where you going?TRAVELER 3I've been thereTRAVELER 4It's a waste of timeTRAVELER1We just got backTRAVELER2FantasticTRAVELER 3How much did it cost?TRAVELER5A complete rip off.TRAVELER3Too many people. There's a much better place along the coast.TRAVELER 4We're going exploring. We've read this book. It tells us all the best places to explore.TRAVELER 2I know a place that everyone says is really unspoiled.TRAVELER 1I heard they built a big hotel there.TRAVELER 5Some sort of sewage problem, apparently.TRAVELER 1We're going anyway: all the rooms have got air conditioning.RICHARD(V.O.)But for me it's all about finding out something about a place, and something about yourself.And when you get off the beaten track, that's where you find out what there is to find out.Richard turns into one of the restaurants.4. INT. RESTAURANT. NIGHT.The restaurant extends deeply back away from the street. Richard passes many diners not dissimila r to himself. Some are talking, many are engrossed in the video entertainment.At the back he reaches a reception desk where he drops his pack.A Thai female HOTEL RECEPTIONIST sits behind the desk. She immediately shows Richarda "menu" of available rooms. The menu offers a spread of prices for single/double/window/fan/aircon/bathroom.Richard points to the cheapest combination and hands over 300 baht.The Receptionist becomes aware that he is being started at.A worn, disheveled man in his mid-thirties is standing at the nearby bar, a bottle in his hand,studying Richard. This is Daffy.RICHARDGood evening.Daffy says nothing but continues to stare and takes a drink.Richard will not be stared down. Neither turns away.The Receptionist passes over a key and smiles broadly.HOTEL RECEPTIONISTWelcome to Thailand.Richard turns to her.RICHARDThank you.5. INT SHOWER. NIGHTIn a small windowless shower room, Richard stands motionless, eyes closed, facing with pleasure t he spray of cold water.6. INT. HOTEL CORRIDOR. NIGHTThe sound of the shower can be heard through a door marked with a shower sign.The sound stops and the door is opened. Richard emerges with a towel wrapped around his waist, carrying his key andwashbag.He walks the short distance to his room. He puts the key in the door but the lock is stiff and he has to fiddle with it, bent over and dripping water on the floor.While he is doing so, the sound of footsteps climbing nearby stairs can be heard.There is the sound of a loud wolf-whistle.Richard turns to the source of the whistle.A beautiful European woman is smiling at him. This is Francoise. She approaches and takesthe key from his hand. She turns the key in one direction, then the other, while twisting the handle.FRANCOISEt voila.The door swings gently open. She stands backRICHARDThank you.Footsteps approach from the stair.Francoise is joined by a young man, ETIENNE, who catches up with her. He nods at Richard as he takes her arm. They walk away from Richard to the next door.FRANCOISEBonsoir.RICHARDEh - bonsoir.ETIENNEGoodnight.The couple reach their door. They enter their room and the door is closed behind them.Alone in the corridor again, Richard contemplates their presence.RICHARD(V.O.)I was traveling alone for two reasons. First of all, being alone allows you more opportunity toabsorb your experiences on a personal level. Secondly, and this I felt acutely at that moment, there was no one who wanted to go with me.7. INT RESTAURANT. NIGHTRichard is in the restaurant which is quiet now.He is alone at a table eating and drinking. On a high shelf several feet away a Hollywood a ction film, all gunshots, car chases, and explosions, plays on the television.Most of the tables around him are empty.Richard is interrupted by the man he met earlier, Daffy, who pulls up a chair beside him.DAFFYExcuse me.RICHARDYes?DAFFYI'm Daffy.RICHARDRichard. Hi.DAFFYLook, I'm sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you could help me out.RICHARDHelp you out?DAFFYYeah; just ten or fifteen dollars maybe.RICHARDI'm sorry, I don't think so.DAFFYI'm waiting on some money coming through. It's just that at the moment, you know, I'm short.They're going to chuck me out. On the street in Bangkok, that's bad.RICHARDI'm really sorry but I just arrived; I'm on a pretty tight budget myself. I just can't afford it.DAFFYJust five dollars, please.He leans in close to RichardDAFFY(continuing)I'll share something with you.RICHARDI'm sorry. I can't lend you any money.Daffy retreats.Richard turns back to the video and his food.Daffy approaches two young women sitting at a nearby table.DAFFYExcuse me, ladies, is there any chance you could help me out. I'm down on my luck at the moment.The two young women seem uncomfortable. Richard notices.DAFFY(continuing)if you could see your way to lending me some cash -RICHARDHere.He leans across and holds out a ten dollar note for Daffy.DAFFYThank you, sir. Thank you. I promise I will repay you.RICHARDJust take it, OK.Daffy takes it.Richard returns to the video as a big yellow explosion is reflected on his face.8. INT. RICHARD'S HOTEL ROOM. NIGHT.Some light enters from the street through a small window.Richard lies on his bed, watching the fan rotate above him.He is listening to the sound of Etienne and Francoise engaging in noisy sex. They reach the climax of their activity and fall silent.Richard just has time to enjoy the silence when a new disturbance begins, this time from the next room in the other direction. It is a man, Daffy, banging on the wall just above Richard's head and shouting in time.DAFFY(O.S.)Have. You. Got. Anything. To. Smoke.Have. You. Got. Anything. To. -9. INT. HOTEL CORRIDOR. NIGHT.Richard knocks sharply on the door of Daffy's room.The door is opened immediately by Daffy, looking even worse then before.RICHARDNo, I don't have anything to smoke.Daffy stares at him for a moment. Recognition dawns.DAFFYYou. You're the guy that lent me the money.RICHARDYeah, that's right. Now could you be quiet so I can get some sleep.DAFFYTen dollars. I'll find a way to pay you back. How would you like to know About somewhere special? The perfect beach. Paradise. No one else knows about it. That's got to be worth something. What do you say?RICHARDLook I don't care about the money right now: I just want some sleep. So if you could be qui et -DAFFYYea, OK. I will be, I will be, I promise.RICHARDThanks.Richard turns away.DAFFYRichard -He turns back.DAFFY(Continuing)Been nice knowing you.He sticks his hand out.Richard politely reciprocates.RICHARDSure.They shake hands.10. INT. EXT. RESTAURANT. DAY.The restaurant fronts on to the street where a new day's activity is beginning.Richard watches this as he eats his breakfast.He notices Etienne and Francoise sti down at the next table.RICHARDBonjour.ETIENNEGood morning.FRANCOISEDid you sleep well?RICHARDNot too bad.FRANCOISEI hope our noise did not keep you awake.Richard looks from one to the other.RICHARDThe noise? Don't worry. You're on holiday.ETIENNEShe means your neighbor. The ScotsmanRICHARDOh, that noise! Yes, he certainly did.ETIENNEWe moved rooms because of him.FRANCOISEHe tried to borrow money from us.ETIENNEWhat idiot would lend him money? It would disappear.FRANCOISEHe said if we lent him money h would tell us about a secret beach.ETIENNEIt's on an island that no one get to.FRANCOISEBut he has been there, off course.ETIENNEIt was ridiculous; all this at three o'clock in the morning.RICHARDIt would be nice though, if there was a place like that. You know, that no one could get to.ETIENNEOf course, but look; all these people. If that place existed, they'd all be there.11. INT. TRAVEL AGENT'S. DAYOn a large board are details, photographs and prices of various standard excursions. A Thai TRAV EL AGENT reels them off at great speed.TRAVEL AGENTNakhon - Pathom - Phra Ptahom Chedi - Damnoen Sadual floating market - eight hundred b aht. Kanchanburi - Erwan national Park Phrathat Cave, huang Khamin Falls - six hundred baht. Na m Tok, hellfire Pass, Three Pagodas, Sai Yok National Park - fifteen hundred baht. Bang Pa In Ro yal Palace, Ayatthaya, Wat Phra Manhathat, Wat Raburna - one thousand baht. What do you wan t?Richard studies the board but is not excited.RICHARDTwenty Marlboro light, please.Instantly the Travel Agent produces the packet of cigarettes from a shelf and lays them on the counter.12. EXT. KHAO SAN ROAD. DAY.Richard lights up and looks around.He looks through the tapes at a stall.13. INT. HOTEL CORRIDOR. DAYRichard walks along the corridor towards his room, his new tape playing on his walkman.On his door, a folded sheet of paper is attached with a pin.Richard lifts it off and unfolds it.It is a detailed and carefully drawn map of a cluster of islands. Some are named. One is un named. On it, some features are marked; hills, forest, river and a letter X.In the corner it reads "X = beach".Richard switches his Walkman off.He studies the map then walks to Daffy's door and knocks.No reply.Richard twists the handle and pushes gently. The door opens.14. INT DAFFY'S ROOM. DAY.The room is dim, be even so the blood can be seen sprayed and smeared around the walls, sheet s and floor.There is no sign of Daffy.Richard treads carefully, avoiding the pools of blood on the floor.He reaches the other side of the room. There, wedged in the narrow gap between bed and wall, is Daffy's corpse. His wrists have been cut.Richard studies the map again.RICHARD(V.O.)You hope and you dream, but you never believe that something's going to happen for you, n ot like it does in the movies. And when it does, you sort of expect it to feel different. More visceral.More real. Like IMAX maybe. I was waiting for it to hit me, but it didn't. And just for the record, I never did get my ten dollars back.Richard switches his walkman back on.15. INT. POLICE STATION. DAY.In an office, two policemen, one in UNIFORM and the other a DETECTIVE, stand over Richard whi le he signs a statement.RICHARD(V.O.)The police didn't want to waste any time on it. They were just pissed off becase he was trav eling on a false passport, name of Mr DaffyDuck, birthplace Ruritania, which kind of fucked up all the paperwork. They pulled everyone i n from the hotel, but all they wanted form me was a statement saying I found him and it looked like he cut his wrists. No problem.The detective studies Richard's passport.DETECTIVEWhat are you doing in Thailand? Tourist?RICHARDTraveler.DETECTIVEYou go to Patpong? See smoke from pussy, ping pong ball from pussy, razor blade from pu ssy; bird from pussy.RICHARDI don't think so.DETECTIVEWhy not? Thai girls best in the world. Thai food best in the world. Thai dope best in the wor ld.RICHARDI wouldn't know anything about that, sir.16. INT. POLICE STATION CORRIDOR. DAYThe door of the office opens and Richard walks out.Lined up in the corridor, slouching against the walls, are several other travelers from the hote l. At the front of the queue are Francoise and Etienne.The officer beckons Etienne into the office and closes the door.Richard and Francoise acknowledge each other with a smile.17. INT. RICHARD'S HOTEL ROOM. DAY.Richard is seated at the top of his bed, addressing his speech out of shot while he holds the map.RICHARDOK, this island may not actually exist. And even if it does, we might not be able to get there.But look at it like this: what else is there to do around here?Richard is alone.RICHARD(continuing)So what do you think? Are you going to come or not. I'd be thrilled if you'd join me, you and your厃ou and your boyfriend.18. INT. HOTEL CORRIDOR. DAYRichard knocks on his neighbors' door.Etienne opens it.RICHARDHi. You want to take a hike? I mean a trip. A journey. With your girlfriend and me. I mean t he two of you, and me. It's a secret island. Paradise. You know the kind of thing I'm talking about.Francoise appears behind Etienne.FRANCOISEHi.RICHARDHi there. Here, take a look.He shows Etienne the map.RICHARD(continuing)It's a map. The dead guy left it for me; I think it's the place he tried to sell you. It's going t o be just fucking great. You want to come? I'd be thrileld ifFrancoise and Etienne are looking at him.RICHARD(V.O.)I realized that I had absolutely no idea of how I was going to get there.19. EXT. RAILWAY/THAI COUNTRYSIDE. NIGHT.A train travels at night alongside fields.20. INT. TRAIN. NIGHTRichard is awake. Opposite him, Etienne and Francoise are slumped together in sleep.RICHARD(V.O.)Etienne, however, and I have to hand it to the guy, was fucking great. He organized the wh ole thing: tickets, timetables, best route, the whole damn trip.21. EXT. SEA. DAY.The bow of a passenger ferry crashes through a wave.22. EXT. BOAT DAY.The decks are crowded with travelers and their packs. Amongst them are Richa rd, Francoise, and Etienne. Maps and guidebooks are being studied by many. T he noise of the engines and the wind deters conversation.RICHARD(V.O.)Thanks to him we hit the final stop on the tourist trail inside twenty-four h ours, where, Etienne assured me, we would hire what he called a "local fisher man" to take us on the last stage of our journey.。

1.《充气娃娃之恋》lars and the real girl心理学看点:孤僻症,妄想症。
2.《吮拇指的人》thumbsucker心理学看点:ADHD Ritalin,注意缺陷与多动障碍。
3. 《大象》elephant4. 《秘窗》secret window心理学看点:DID,多重人格。
DID 身份识别障碍多重人格6. 《火柴人》matchstick men心理学看点:洁癖、强迫性人格。
8. 《失眠》insomni心理学看点:严重失眠症。
9.《异度空间》inner senses心理学看点:精神分裂症。
10. 《美国精神病人》american psycho心理学看点:双重人格精神分裂症NC-17意味着有看着猝死的可能11.《钢琴教师》la pianiste心理学看点:继《蓝丝绒》以后最卓越的性心理变态电影杰作。
12.《美丽心灵》a beautiful mind心理学看点:妄想型精神分裂症,以及爱在精分治疗中起到的决定性作用。
13.《死亡试验》das experiment心理学看点:服从心理,经典的社会心理学实验。
14. 《海滩》the beach心理学看点:假人性的贪婪,是彻头彻尾的一个心理学实验。
15.《记忆碎片》memento心理学看点:Short-term memory failure 短时记忆障碍,海马体损伤。
16. 《搏击俱乐部》fight club心理学看点:DID,身份识别障碍,多重人格。
17.《灵异第六感》the six sense心理学看点:儿童心理学。
18. 《圣女贞德》the messenger:the story of joan of arc心理学看点:精神分裂症。
信仰就是精神分裂19. 《一树梨花压海棠》lolita心理学看点:性心理变态。
the beach 黑布林英语a级 文字

the beach 黑布林英语a级文字English: The beach is a place that invokes a sense of relaxation, freedom, and tranquility. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore, the feeling of warm sand beneath your feet, and the sight of the endless horizon stretching out before you all combine to create a peaceful and serene atmosphere. Whether you are taking a leisurely stroll along the water's edge, soaking up the sun's rays while lounging on a beach towel, or splashing in the cool ocean waters, the beach offers a myriad of activities to help you unwind and recharge. The salty sea breeze carries with it a refreshing scent that tingles your senses and invigorates your spirit. Seagulls wheel overhead, their cries mingling with the joyful laughter of children playing in the sand. As the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky in brilliant hues of orange, pink, and purple, a sense of gratitude for the beauty of nature washes over you. The beach is not just a physical location; it is a state of mind—a place where worries drift away on the tide, leaving behind nothing but a deep sense of peace and contentment.中文翻译: 海滩是一个让人感到放松、自由和宁静的地方。

是鲨鱼吗? 不,这是山姆!“这里没有鲨鱼会抓到你!”山姆说。
《Daughter of the Sea》英语短剧剧本

《Daughter of the Sea》英语短剧剧本 Scene 1 Sea Palace Grandma: Finally, you’re back! How’s the shopping on the ground? Little Mermaid: Well, the supermarket is really fantastic! Let’s see what I’ve got… This is the fried fish, and this is the spicy hamburger from McDonald, and here, (holding the tape-recorder) WOW! Hi-tech product! Grandma: Cool, and we won’t worry about our dinner today. What’s more, did you see anything unusual there? Little Mermaid: Sure! The storm came and a ship was nearly destroyed! Grandma: Well, that’s commonplace. Go and swim with your sisters now! Little Mermaid: Thanks, grandma. Scene 2 Seashore (Narrate: Little mermaid doesn’t tell Grandma more about the ship. She also saw the people who drowned in the sea. Among them there was a handsome young man with big blue eyes and curl hair. Little Mermaid soon fell in love with him, and saved him by sending him to the seashore) Little Mermaid (dragging the prince): He’s sure heavy! (Throwing the prince onto the shore) (A woman comes along, and Little Mermaid hides herself behind a board, which reads” You can’t see me”. The prince wakes up) Woman: Oh! You’re alive! Prince: Sure am I! You saved me? Woman: Come on, this way! (Prince goes away, and Little Mermaid puts the board down, sits still, sadly) (Duck Ugly passes by) Duck Ugly: Badibadidibadidibadididido…(knocks into Little Mermaid) Oh! Sorry. Little Mermaid: Why are you so happy, Duck Ugly? Duck Ugly: Because I’m going to the clinic of the Sea Wizard! He’s gonna turn me into a beautiful goose! Little Mermaid: That’s wonderful! How can I contact him?1/6Duck Ugly: You may call 5643456 at any time of the day. Also you can visit his private website, and the IP address is es in, only to find that there is a monk saying something rapidly in a low voice, with his right hand holding a bunch of prayer beads) Little Mermaid: Sir! What are you doing? (Music on. Backstreet’s “I want it that way”, the monk dances to the music) Monk: Er-Mi-Tuo-Buddha! I am the wizard of the sea. What do you want, darling? Little Mermaid: You! Why, I’ve never seen you before! Monk: That’s true. I’m an exchange wizard from China. Anything wrong with you, girl? Little Mermaid: Yeah. I’d like to turn my tail into legs, and can you give me a hand with it? Monk: That’s easy. (Takes out a broad saber) (Light off, and a sharp voice can be heard) Monk: All right! You have them now! Little Mermaid: Thank you, sir! (Leaving) Monk: One more thing. From now on, you owe me something! God bless you, I just can’t remember what it is according to the writer. Well, go as you wish. Er-Mi-Tuo-Buddha! Scene 3 In the Prince’s House (Narrate: Little Mermaid successfully gets into the prince’s house because of her beauty, and soon the prince regards her as his best friend. But the prince is ordered to marry another woman at once in order to be the king of this country. On hearing this Little Mermaid is extremely sad. One day, however, she met with the wizard) Monk: I don’t think you are living a good life here. As I can see, the prince is going to marry another person, not you. And as a result of that, you will have to die if he really does. (Takes out the saber, passes it to Little Mermaid) The only way to solve the problem is to kill him. Understood? Little Mermaid: (nodded slightly)… (In the prince’s bedroom. The prince is sleeping heavily. Little Mermaid goes up to him quietly) Little Mermaid: Oh, love! To kill, or not to kill, that is the question. (Hesitates for a while, then begins to attack)2/6Prince: (Suddenly jumps up and protects himself with his own sword) You dare attack me! Speak to my sword! (The two begins to fight. During the fight, they hurt each other badly. Finally, both of them die) (The monk goes up, and put two handkerchiefs on their faces) Monk: Sigh! Er-Mi-Tuo-Buddha!3/64/65/66/6。

电影《海滩》经典台词《海滩》(英语:The Beach)是一部由丹尼·鲍尔执导改编同名小说的美国电影,剧情描述美国记者李察到泰国度假,偶然得到地图并为之探险的事件。
下面给大家分享一些该影片中的经典台词,欢迎欣赏!《海滩》经典台词1.Richard: My name is Richard. So what else do you need to know? Stuff about my family, or where I'm from? None of that matters. Not once you cross the ocean and cut yourself loose, looking for something more beautiful, something more exciting and yes, I admit, something more dangerous. So after eighteen hours in the back of an airplane, three dumb movies, two plastic meals, six beers and absolutely no sleep, I finally touch down; in Bangkok.Richard:我的名字叫理查德。
2.Richard: And me, I still believe in paradise. But now at leastI know it's not some place you can look for, 'cause it's not where you go. It's how you feel for a moment in your life when you're a part of something, and if you find that moment... it lasts forever...Richard:至于我,我仍然相信有天堂存在。
迷失 第一季剧本3

-MARSHAL: Don't trust her. She's dangerous.
trust: 相信 dangerous: 危险
-JACK: You should try not to move, man.
puppet show: 木偶表演 puppet: 木偶 fantastic: 极好的,非同一般的
But we're stuck in the middle of damn nowhere. How about we talk about that other thing?
stick: 棍子
-SAYID: Two days ago we take off from Sydney.
take off: 起飞
We fly along the same north east route every commercial airliner bound for Los Angeles does.
-SAWYER: Yeah, why's that?
[Shot of Charlie looking away.]
-KATE: Trust me.
[Shot of the group around a fire at night. Sayid putting a rock on the ground, and holding a torch.]
shot: 镜头 mug shot: 脸部照片【此处是指嫌疑犯照片】 wear a sign: 【此处是指照片底下有着这样一行字】 wear: 带着,呈现 sign: 符号,签名
the beach 黑布林英语a级 文字

the beach 黑布林英语a级文字The BeachThe beach is a place of serenity and beauty, where the golden sands meet the crystal clear waters of the ocean. It is a place where one can escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and find peace and tranquility in the sound of the waves and the warmth of the sun.At the beach, time seems to stand still as one immerses oneself in the beauty of nature. The gentle lapping of the waves against the shore, the cries of the seagulls overhead, and the feel of the sand between your toes all serve to create a sense of calm and relaxation.The beach is a place for contemplation and reflection, where one can sit and watch the world go by or simply soak in the beauty of the natural surroundings. It is a place for rest and rejuvenation, where the stress of everyday life can be washed away by the gentle tide.But the beach is not just a place of relaxation – it is also a place of adventure and excitement. Whether it's swimming in the ocean, building sandcastles, or going for a leisurely stroll along the shore, there are countless activities to enjoy at the beach.One of the most popular activities at the beach is surfing, where thrill-seekers brave the waves in search of the perfect ride. Surfing is a sport that requires skill and balance, but the feeling of riding a wave is like no other – a rush of adrenaline and a sense of freedom that is hard to find anywhere else.Another popular activity at the beach is beach volleyball, where teams compete against each other in a fast-paced and energetic game. Beach volleyball is a great way to stay active and socialize with friends, all while enjoying the beautiful surroundings of the beach.And let's not forget about the beach parties – a staple of beach culture where people come together to dance, drink, and have a great time. Whether it's a bonfire on the shore or a DJ spinning tunes on the sand, beach parties are a fun and festive way to celebrate the beauty of the beach.In conclusion, the beach is a place of beauty, relaxation, and adventure. Whether you're looking to unwind and soak up the sun, or get your adrenaline pumping with some water sports, the beach has something for everyone. So next time you're in need of a break from the stress of everyday life, why not head to the beach and let the waves wash your worries away?。
大猫英语分级阅读 二级1 The Beach 课件

Now we are near the beach. But we don’t know that. How do we feel?
Where would you like to go? What can you see there? Can you act it out?
What is this? Do you know?
What differences can you tell?
Seagulls, seagull, we can see. Sand, sand, we can see. Ice-cream van, ice-cream van, we can see. Sea, sea, we can see. Mum and Dad, Mum and Dad, we can see. We are happy at the beach.
What can you see at the beach?
ice-cream van
Where are they? Are they at the beach?
How do you know?
They are not at the beach. ThsaenydTseahneedythtAaherreeesWesoteanhhgaeeturythlehlesar,atwortutaehhgyehtethibtoceheeyte-a?hcicrerheb?baienmaoccvhua.lna,rtsh. e
Where did see the sand? What differences can you tell?
Where did they see the sea? What differences can you tell?
Wonder Wheel《摩天轮(2017)》完整中英文对照剧本

康尼岛 1950年代Coney Island, 1950s.热闹的海滩人来人往的栈道The beach, the boardwalk.这里的繁华Once a luminous jewel, but growing relentlessly seedier曾经犹如珠宝般璀璨as the tides roll in and out.夏日里我负责七号♥救生站Summers, I work here on Bay Seven.到了秋天我便是纽约大学的一名学生Comes the fall, I'm a student at New York University攻读欧洲戏剧硕士学位going for my master's in European Drama.我是米琦·鲁宾I'm Mickey Rubin.天生诗意拥有成为作家的梦想Poetic by nature, I harbor dreams of being a writer...梦想着成为拥有伟大作品的作家A writer of truly great plays,这样我就能用惊世巨作轰动全世界so I can one day surprise everyone and turn out a profound masterpiece. 那么Anyhow,我们先来说说这个故事我也是其中一个角色所以请注意:let me get to the story, in which I am a character, so be warned:作为诗人我会用象征手法作为展露头角的剧作家As a poet I use symbols, and as a budding dramatist...我偏爱戏剧化以及夸张的人物I relish melodrama and larger-than-life characters.接下来卡洛琳娜登场了Enter Carolina.可以了玩得开心Okay, have fun.好的Yeah.对不起Excuse me.你知道哈姆迪·贾福林在哪吗?他是不是在这工作?Where is Humpty Jablon? Does he work here?哈姆迪在旋转木马那边他今天上晚班Humpty works the carousel, but today he's working nights. 你知道他住哪里吗?Do you know where he lives?呃就住在附近Uh, it's around here.你问问金妮吧You can ask Ginny.金妮是谁?Ginny?嗯他老婆Yeah, his wife.呃她在卢比海鲜餐厅工作Uh, she works at Ruby's Clam House.你一直往前走就是了Oh. You just keep going down that way there.哦谢谢 - 嗯Oh, thank you. - Yeah.一切顺利You have a good one.抱歉请问金妮在这吗?Excuse me. Do you know if Ginny's here?在就是我Yeah. I'm Ginny.我是卡洛琳娜I'm Carolina.谁?Who?卡洛琳娜哈姆迪的女儿Carolina. Humpty's daughter.我的天Jesus.那他真是大吃一惊了Is he gonna be surprised.我知道他会生气I know he's gonna be upset.但我还是得来But I had to come here.我也不想这样但我别无选择I didn't want to, but I don't have a choice.说老实话I'll tell you the truth.他可能从来没想到会有这么一天I don't think he ever expected this.你是他老婆?You're his wife?你为什么这么看我?Why are you looking at me?你比我想象中的还要年轻You're much younger than I would've imagined.是吗?Really?我倒不觉得自己有多年轻I don't feel much younger.我想起了我妈妈I was thinking of my mother.她去世的时候几乎满头白发了When she died she was practically... All gray.我长得像她I look like her.哈姆迪应该再过半小时就会回来了Humpty should be back in half an hour.他去羊头湾码头钓鱼了He went fishing off the pier at Sheepshead Bay.我一直以为他去新泽西州了I'd always heard that he'd moved to New Jersey.没有我们被赶出来了No, we got thrown out of our place there. Oh.你父亲就是这个样子Well, I'm not telling you anything new about your father. 他酒瘾大发弄得一团糟He fell off the wagon and busted up the lobby.我想你应该习惯这些噪音了I guess you're used to all this noise.习惯不了You never get used to it.讨厌至极I hate it.这个垃圾至极的乐园This whole honkytonk fairyland.我们住在这上边We live up here.这里原本是做怪物表演的地方Place used to house a freak show.我们花了很大力气才弄成这样Humpty had to do a lot of fixing up.天啊Oh, God.我希望他看到我时不会大发雷霆I hope when he sees me he doesn't fly off the handle. 我想不会的 - 要是他把我赶出去No, I don't think it's... - I hope he doesn't throw me out. 我都不知道该去哪里I, I don't know what I'll do.我穷的一无所有了I don't have a dime to my name.真的连十块钱都没有了I literally don't have ten pennies.这个这个该死的噪音This, this, this goddamn noise.我早就说过我永远习惯不了I tell you, you never get used to it.喔!我脑袋里都在嗡嗡叫Ugh, my head's throbbing.还有我我的孩子And my, my kid...他今天在学校还惹了麻烦My kid had some trouble in school today.你和我爸爸有孩子?You and my father have a child?不是是和我前夫的No, from my first husband.千万不要有孩子Don't ever have kids.喔!我的头都要炸裂了Oh! Now my head's cracking open.我有偏头痛I get migraines.如果你不喜欢康尼岛怎么不离开呢?If you don't like Coney Island, why don't you move?那只是做梦From your mouth to God's ears.没钱亲爱的Money, honey.钞票生活开支Mazuma. The wherewithal.金妮!Ginny!金妮今天赚大了Ginny, big score.鲽鱼比目鱼Fluke. Flounder.还有些蓝蟹Some blue claws.不No.你♥他♥妈♥怎么会在这?No. What the hell you doing here?我告诉过你不要再迈进家门一步I told you never to step foot in my home again.我有麻烦了没有办法I'm in serious trouble. I couldn't help it.你让她进来的?You let her in here?该死!Christ!简直不敢相信I don't believe this.出去快出去Can you just go? Come on, go.不行I can't.如果他们找到我会杀了我的If they find me, they're gonna kill me.你好好听她说哈姆迪You better hear her out, Humpty.少管闲事Mind your own business.我头还疼着呢I got a bad headache!里奇又闯了祸你不是该和他谈谈吗?And Richie did it again. You were supposed to talk to him. 我找他谈过了I talked to him.弗兰克要杀了我Frank's gonna kill me.我逃跑了什么都没拿I ran away and... I, I took nothing.衣服也没有拿只能在雨天里睡马路I have no clothes. I've been sleeping in the rain.我被追杀了And I'm marked.他们要杀了我They're gonna kill me.是吧嫁给黑道就是这种下场Well, that's what you get when you marry a gangster.老天爷他们不会追到这里来吧?Jesus, they're not gonna come after you here, are they?我可不想惹麻烦I don't like trouble.你没听到我说的吗?Do you hear what I'm saying?他们要杀了我!They're gonna kill me!我家还有个孩子呢你的事可不是我们的事There's a young kid here. This is not our problem.好吧好吧好吧都住嘴吧All right, all right, all right. Knock it off.那个我要出去喝一杯I, I got to have a drink.不行哈姆迪你戒酒了No, Humpty. You've been good.我…我得去喝一杯I need one.我得去喝一杯!你看看这都什么事儿啊!I need one! Look what's going on here!不许喝酒!No booze.我给你泡杯咖啡去I'll make you coffee.真♥他♥妈♥该死!God damn it.你以为嫁给一个流氓会有什么好下场?What the hell do you expect to happen when you marry a cheap hoodlum? 那时我才二十岁I was 20.I didn't know better.对不起I'm sorry.你怎么不去报♥警♥?Why didn't you go to the police?我就是告诉警♥察♥太多了所以才这样I told the police too much. That's the problem.那你为什么要说?Why the hell did you open your mouth?警♥察♥说如果我不配合的话,会被盼五年Police told me that I could be looking at five years if I didn't cooperate.好吧你又能知道点什么?Well, what the hell do you know?你什么时候还知道黑道上的事了?Since when do you know what happens inside the rackets?我怎么可能不知道?How could I not know?嫁了这样的人多少都会知道些You can't be married to one of those guys and not pick up on what's going on. 真♥他♥妈♥见鬼!Jesus Christ!我早就说了不许你嫁给那个骗子!I told you not to marry that racketeer!我早就告诉你他是混黑社会的身上背着人命呢!I told you he was all mobbed up! He stank of murder!她还觉得这种垃圾很刺♥激♥呢!She found this, this greaseball exciting.他长得也不好看啊!He wasn't even good-looking!他就是个混混!He was a punk.我要喝一杯!I need a drink!想都别想哈姆迪Forget it, Humpty.我他妈的就要喝!I need one, God damn it!冷静点!Calm down.该死的!见鬼了!God damn it.你本来可以嫁个同学的!She could've married a few guys from school,或者邻居之类的都可以from the neighborhood. All of 'em!都是些好孩子Decent kids.我们把你教得好好的We raised her nice.你妈和我…Your mother and I,我们拼死拼活就为了供你上大学we broke our backs off working so you could go to college.可你呢And you know, you didn't.你辜负了这一切!You threw it all away!你看你一个多漂亮的女孩You're such a beautiful girl.你都是自找的You had your pick.我是爱弗兰克的好吗?I loved Frank, okay?你给我选的那些男孩And all the guys you handpicked for me,都特别得愚蠢无聊毫无亮点they were dull, colorless, boring guys.都是老实正直的人每个都是All of 'em, honest men. Every one of 'em.妈的Christ!你母亲的遗愿Your mother's last dying request...就在她临终的床前On her deathbed...就是希望你不要和那个垃圾弗兰克·阿多诺在一起Was that you didn't run off with that slime Frankie Adato.但你连这个小小的愿望都不能让她满足是吗?But you wouldn't give her that one bit of satisfaction, would you?你这样她都不能瞑目You wouldn't let her die in peace!我爱他的I loved him.我那时20岁有很多梦想I was 20. I... I wanted more.很多More.很多很多什么?More. More what?真是哈姆迪各人头上一方天Jesus, Humpty. There's a world out there!这事儿与你无关This does not concern you.我可以肯定的是你失魂落魄了吧All I know is you lost your head.因为那个垃圾你脑子都秀逗了Your head was in the clouds over that gutter guinea.那个低俗无♥耻♥的蠢货That flashy, cheap, flashy little wop.你以为我不知道他带着枪出现在这里?You didn't think I knew he carried a gun up here? Huh? 他会知道他会知道你来这里了He'll know, he'll know you came here.不会他绝不会到这里找我No. It's the last place he'll look.他知道你怨恨我He knows how you feel about me.对Yeah.你是说他知道…You mean he knows...因为我对他的看法,你有多恨我How much you hated me for calling it the way I saw it. 见鬼!Christ!你妈去世的时候我只能依靠你I counted on you when she died.我当时很迷茫I was lost.你为了那个垃圾离我而去You dumped me for that trash!所以他才认为我不会来这里That's why he wouldn't think I'd come here.他知道我们已经五年没有说过话了He knows that we haven't exchanged words in five years... 我们两个之间的积怨太深That the bad blood between us ran too deep.如果他敢在这出现我立刻杀了他If he shows up here, I'll kill him.哦我的天不要说这样的话我可不想惹麻烦Oh, God, don't say that. I don't... I don't want trouble.可以 - 行了我都神经紧张了All right. - Okay, my nerves are shot as it is.你最好冷静点吧And you better calm down.可以了All right.别在那对我指手画脚的Just don't tell me what I should or shouldn't do.她是我的女儿She's my daughter.喔,真该死Oh, Christ.你是我的一束光宝贝You were a light, baby.照亮了我的生命You were a light in my life.你知道我有多想你吗?Do you know how much I missed you?嗯?Huh?该死说着说着我都饿了Jesus! Suddenly, I'm starving.去把鱼整一下金妮Clean the fish, Ginny.那个我来做个汤Yeah, I'll make everybody stew.那什么做饭能让我冷静下来You know, cooking relaxes my nerves.整鱼?我头还疼着呢!Clean the fish? I got a headache.把鱼整干净金妮至少要两三条呢Clean the fish, Ginny! Two or three at least.地上铺张纸上次你弄得满地都是鱼内脏And put paper down this time. Last time you got guts all over the floor. 嘿还记得吗?我以前做的烘焙Hey, you remember, Carolina? Remember I used to bake?我给你做的巧克力豆曲奇?I used to make you those chocolate chip cookies?嗯 - 我还会加一点点盐进去?Hmm. - And I'd put a little salt on it?嗯嗯Mmm-hmm.你回来晚了而且你真的还闯了祸You're late. And you're in real trouble.你知不知道放火会把别人害死?You know, you could kill somebody starting fires!你是在发什么疯?What kind of craziness is that?嘿!给我好好听着!Hey, listen to me!你会弄伤别人You could hurt someone.你怎么会想到放火的?Where'd you get this idea to make fires?天啊哈姆迪你怎么这么高兴?Jesus, Humpty, you sound so happy tonight.怎么了?中奖了?What happened, your number come in?比中奖还好Better than my number came in.我孩子回来了My ship came home!好吧祝你今天一切顺利All right. Have a good night at the merry-go-round.好嘞你也是All right. You, too, man.哦就这样坐稳了Oh, that's it. Hold on there.她要在这里呆多久?How long is she gonna stay here?不知道I don't know.对了你可不可以在你们餐厅给她找份工作?Hey, maybe you can get her a job at that clam joint you're working at. 你觉得这样好吗?You think that's a good idea?你说过餐厅在招第二个女服务员You said they were looking for a second waitress.可他们在找她她不是应该继续逃命吗?But they're after her. Shouldn't she move on?去哪?Move where?谁知道?或许可以去国外比如墨西哥?I don't know, maybe out of the country. Mexico?你傻吗?What are you, nuts?她去了墨西哥后怎么办?What the hell's she gonna do in Mexico?不行他们不会来这里的她待这挺好No, they're not coming back here. She's right.他知道我们关系不好He knows how we feel about each other.当然以前是不好Well, we did.不过现在不一样了我们和好了Different now. Cloud's been lifted.我可不希望有人来这惹事儿家里还有孩子呢I don't want guys coming around causing trouble. There's a kid here. 那没事,只要他不放火烧了自己就行That's okay, as long as he doesn't burn himself或者把别人点着就行or kill somebody with those goddamn fires of his.这孩子情绪不稳He's a moody kid.他还有个情绪化的妈He's got a moody mother.你这话什么意思?What's that supposed to mean?见鬼我真不敢相信卡洛琳娜会沦落成服务员Jesus Christ, I can't believe Carolina's gonna wind up a waitress.幸好她妈妈看不到了Thank God Shirley's in her grave.我不就是个服务员吗?What about me winding up a waitress?虽然这也不是我原本期望的It's not what I had in mind, either.嘿...Hey...你想周五晚上去钓鱼吗?You want to go fishing Friday night?哥们几个都会带老婆来The boys are bringing the wives.我不去钓鱼哈姆迪I don't go fishing, Humpty.你还想我说几次?How many times do we have to go over this?你…你不喜欢钓鱼不喜欢划船不喜欢打保龄球You, you don't like fishing, you don't like boating, you don't like bowling. 那你到底喜欢什么?What the hell do you like?喜欢音乐和电影明星是吗?You like the radio and the movie stars, right?整天看那些没用的电影杂♥志♥Reading those goddamn movie magazines all the time.我很担心里奇I'm worried about Richie.那个我跟你说你儿子Yeah, well, let me tell you something about your son.他总有一天会一把火毁掉什么东西He's gonna burn down something.你在这There you are.我就知道你在这里I knew I'd find you here.你怎么不去学校?Why aren't you in school?我想来看这个电影 - 明天就下映了I want to see this picture. - It's the last day.你不能逃学You can't not go to school.听着里奇Jesus, Richie.你上暑期班就是因为你逃课次数太多了That's why you're in summer school, 'cause you missed so many days. 他们又打电♥话♥给我问你是不是生病了They called again and they asked, "Is he sick?"我不喜欢上学I don't like school.你喜不喜欢并不重要It doesn't matter if you don't like it.我也不想当服务员但…I don't like waiting on tables, but...可我们要吃饭还要付房♥租We need to eat and pay the rent.有些事不管你喜欢不喜欢你都得去做Some things in life you have to do whether you like it or not.让我好好看电影行吗?Let me watch the picture.你看电影的钱从哪里来的?Where'd you get the money for the movies anyhow?我趁着哈姆迪睡着的时候从他口袋里拿了5毛钱I took 50 cents out of Humpty's pants when he was asleep.什么?你偷你♥爸♥爸的钱?What? You steal from your father?他不是我爸我讨厌他He's not my father, and I hate him!不许你说这话Don't you dare say that.是他拯救了我的人生He saved my life.他是… 你知道的… 他是一个好人He's... You know, he's... He's a good person.那他为什么打你?Then why does he hit you?他没有打我He doesn't hit me!当然他喝醉了见人就打不过他现在…Yeah, when he gets drunk he hits everybody, but he hardly...他现在不怎么喝酒了He hardly drinks anymore.听着我没时间坐这跟你聊这些我还要去工作Look, I can't sit here arguing with you. I have to go to work.上学去行吗?Go to school, okay?如果我再看到你玩火柴…If I catch you playing with matches...没错这是一个问题Yes, it's a problem.这孩子喜欢玩火The kid makes fires.而且玩得还很过火And not such little ones.他在暑假班打曲棍球的时候在海滩上放了一把火He played hooky from summer school and even made fires on the beach 那里可是禁火的where it's forbidden.当他注视火焰的时候他到底看到了什么?What the hell does the kid see when he just stares into the flames?是宇宙无限的力量?Is it the eternal power of the universe?由质量转化为能量?The conversion of mass into energy?还是他满腔怒火?The Furies at work?不管他如何想的这样的做法很不好Whatever his motive, it is not appreciated.嘿!Hey!可那条件是什么?But what's the conditional?要命里奇Oh, Jesus, Richie, I...这我怎么记得I can't remember.我上学都是很多年前的事了I went to school years ago.你该上课好好听讲的God. If you'd pay attention in class...你讨厌上学You hated school.什么?才不是我喜欢上学的很What? No, I didn't. I liked it!我喜欢上学I liked school.可…可是因为家里穷不得不退学然后我去工作了But, but I had to quit, we were poor. You know, I had to work. 我曾经很幸运我曾经很幸运I was lucky. I was lucky.我也… 我也有些天赋I, I had some talent.你知道我以前可是个…You know? I was a... I was a...可是个很有前途的年轻演员I was a very promising young actress.哦天哪Oh, God.天哪要是你能看到我的演出样子就好了Oh, God! If you could've seen me in some of those shows.我拿些东西给你看这是…这…Let me show you a couple of pieces. This is... This...这是出演达尔西那时候的好吗? - 又给我看?This is from Dulcy, okay? - Again?我知道我知道我都给你看过了You know, I know I showed you these pieces,但我不知道你有没有注意到but I never know if you're paying any attention.我演达尔西的时候戴的虽然是假的但是现在…I wore this in Dulcy, look at that. It's not real, but... You know. 我看过了 - 你看看是不是很漂亮?I've seen it. - Isn't it beautiful?噢看这个给你看看这个God, look at that. Let me show you this, uh...等等我给你看过音乐剧的那件装扮没?Wait, did I show you the piece from the musical?看过 - 是吗?Yes. - From Oh, Kay!?我怎么不记得了我当时声音很好听I don't know if I did. I had an incredible voice.你知道吗?我差点就当了主角You know, I almost got the lead in that show.演主角的那个女孩And the girl who got the part...她可胖了She was fat.而且我声音可比她好听多了And I had a much better voice than her.你就是在那遇见的爸爸?Is that where you met Dad?对啊Yeah.嗯你亲爹可是个鼓手Yeah. Your real father was a drummer.他玩爵士乐He played jazz music.那节奏感太棒了God, he had perfect rhythm.噢简直美妙的很Oh, it was quite amazing.而且他还有一头乌黑的头发And he also had black hair and...他有… 他有一双绿眼睛He had, he had green eyes.我爸爸在哪呢?Where is my father?我真正的爸爸My real father.我告诉你很多次了他走了I told you many times. He's gone.海滩的下雨天A rainy day at the beach.就是我的休息日Time off for me.没有人会在雷雨天游泳Nobody swims during a lightning storm.我想是时候给你们坦白一件事:I guess this is as good a time as any to tell you:哈姆迪的老婆金妮…I'm having an affair with Ginny...在和我偷♥情♥Humpty's wife.让我和你们娓娓道来吧Let me fill you in on that.一切开始于那个初夏It started at the beginning of the summer.那时我还不认识哈姆迪和金妮At that point, I didn't know either Humpty or Ginny. 那天乌云密布然后下起了雨And then, at the end of a cloudy day, it started to rain,零星的几个游客开始收拾东西准备离开and the last few stragglers were packing up and leaving the beach. 突然一个饶有趣味的女人出现了And suddenly, this kind of interesting woman...沿着海水边漫步comes walking along the water's edge.我那戏剧的直觉告诉我她身陷混沌And the dramatist in me sensed she was in some kind of trouble, 因为她的肢体语言透露出“脆弱”和“绝望”because her body language read "vulnerable" and "desperate".女士!Miss!你现在不能待在这里You can't be out here right now.大家都要回里面去Everybody has to go in.暴风雨要来了We're expecting lightning storms.什么? - 我要清场了快回去吧What? - We got to go in. We got to clear the beach.是吗?Really?对快回去吧Yeah, got to go in.对我…我到过世界各地Yeah, I... I've been all over the world.嗯我在纽约大学读过书Uh, I went to NYU and...刚上学那会日本人偷袭了珍珠港Right when I started, boom, the Japs hit Pearl Harbor.所以当我退伍后So, after I got out,我就回到了学校目前在读硕士I went back to school, and now I'm working to get my master's.但我并不后悔入伍海军的那些年But I, I don't resent my years in the Navy.我意思是我真的看到了世界I mean, I really saw the world.你旅行过吗?You ever travel?不算吧Not really.都是些无聊的地方No place magical.你想知道我去过最好玩的地方是哪里吗?You want to know the best place I ever saw?哪里?Where's that?波拉波拉岛Bora Bora.我听说过那里I heard of it.大溪地还过去高更曾经远遁于此在那里作画It's over by Tahiti, where Gauguin ran away to paint.那里的水The water there是如此清澈如此洁净is so clear and unspoiled.你一眼就能看到水里鲜艳的小鱼儿You can look down and see all the bright-colored fish.有红的黄的鲜艳的鱼儿Bright red and yellow fish.还有那花儿也很漂亮And, and the flowers are amazing.而且到了晚上你能看到这个星球上绝无仅有的星空And at night, you never saw stars like that on this planet.甚至你能在星光下看书You can actually read by starlight.那你准备写什么?And what are you gonna write?关于人类生活的剧本Plays about human life.伟大的悲剧剧作Great tragic plays where主角被自己致命弱点所打败the protagonist gets crushed because of some fatal weakness. 比如?Like what?我的致命弱点就是太浪漫了My tragic flaw is I'm too romantic a character.你听过那首歌♥吗?《我太容易陷入爱情》You ever hear that song I Fall in Love Too Easily?你一直You always...认为个人的悲剧都是自己的过错造成的吗?think a person's tragedy is their own fault?不No.很大程度上是因为命运使然Fate plays a big role.我们不愿意承认的是我们无法掌控生活中的很多事情More stuff in life is out of our control than we'd like to admit. 没错Except...我总是将错误归咎于我自己I brought my troubles on myself.对啊Yeah.我看到你时也是这么想的I guessed that when I saw you.我心想她是多么漂亮I thought, she's very pretty,但是她仍有可怜的弱点but somewhere there's a tragic flaw.是的Yeah,我做了错事I made a mistake.但那是几年前的事了But that was years ago.之后我再也没犯过此类错误I'll never make that mistake again.什么?Yes?我得走了I have to go.嘿…Hey...你还会来海滩吗?You think you'll make it down to the beach again soon?嗯或许吧Yeah, I might.可能会I might.你去哪了?回来这么晚Where'd you go today? Came home late.我到海滩上散心去了I took a walk on the beach.这可不像你That's unlike you.嗯我心情不太好Well, I was in a funny mood.嘿Hey...周日你去洋基体育场吗?You want to go to Yankee Stadium Sunday?有红袜队的比赛It's the Red Sox.不适合我哈姆迪It's not me, Humpty.跟你说过很多次了我不喜欢棒球For the millionth time, I don't care about baseball.但你以前还去看过的But you used to go!那是为了你才去的可我并不喜欢No, I tried to get interested for your sake. I couldn't do it.你要去吗?我还多一张票You want to go? I got an extra ticket.我想去看电影I want to go to the movies.你知道吗?You know what?电影看多了会伤眼的You're gonna hurt your eyes with so many movies.你跟你妈一样老听收音机里的那些垃圾You're just like your mother. She listens to that crap on the radio. 而且还当真了She thinks it's real.米奇我要跟你坦白I want to be honest with you, Mickey.我结婚了I'm married.我是个有夫之妇I'm a married woman.我要跟你坦白米奇I want to be honest with you, Mickey.我是有夫之妇I'm a married woman.我结婚了米奇I'm married, Mickey.我觉得我说出来会很怪异不是因为你问了I felt strange mentioning it. Not that you asked.我让自己陷入不好的境地I got myself into a bad situation.我让自己… 让自己陷入困境I got myself, I got myself into a bad situation.你说对了我想…You're right, I had...我想过一了百了I had notions about ending everything.我想过溺水I thought about drowning.当然为了孩子我不能这么做Of course, with a kid that's not an option.而且…Besides...你会跳水救我让我更加难堪You'd have dived in and ruined my dramatic finale.我感觉被困住了I feel trapped.我感觉被困住了I feel trapped.金妮又一次来到了海滩Ginny did come back to the beach,打扮得很性感and she looked sexy.而且我知道在栈道的最远处有一个绝佳的地方And I knew a spot on the far end of the boardwalk.我要跟你说点事I have something to tell you.两件事Two things to tell.任何事都不会影响如此美妙的夜晚Nothing you could tell me could put the slightest shadow on this evening.我不是35岁了I'm not 35.我38了I'm 38.好吧 39了I'm 39.哦Mmm.对女人而言正式火♥辣♥的年龄That's a very hot age for a woman.我还真是幸运I'm a very lucky guy.我老了比你岁数大I'm old, older than you.那第二件事呢?What's the second thing?我结婚了的I'm married.你吗?You are?我有丈夫I have a husband.还有个和前夫生的孩子And a child from my first marriage.你觉得…嗯…你觉得告诉我这些会毁了一切?You thought, uh, you thought it would spoil everything, right? 会吗?Has it?你不是我认识的第一个漂亮的有夫之妇It's not the first time I've found a married woman beautiful. 我曾经因为一次出轨…I ruined my life by...就毁了自己的人生By being unfaithful once, and...现在我又重蹈覆辙了Now I'm doing it again.你觉得你的不幸都是因为出轨吗?You brought about your own downfall by being unfaithful?我曾经深爱过一个人It was someone I loved.一个鼓手A drummer.他的节奏如生命般跃动Whose rhythm pulsated with life.我们结了婚还有了一个孩子And we married and had a child, and...而且他很爱我He adored me.然而And yet...唉…然而Oh, and yet...我却抵挡不了那个I couldn't resist the beautiful young man饰演马奇班克斯的年轻人in the cast who played Marchbanks.他甚至不是主演可是他…God, he wasn't even the leading man, but he,可是他每晚都会在台上吻我but he kissed me onstage every night,而我也慢慢开始期待他吻我and I started looking forward to those kisses,最后我上了他的床and I wound up in his bed, and...然后我丈夫发现了And then my husband found out, and...他被击垮了And it crushed him.唉… 他该找个比我更好的人才对Oh, he deserved so much better than me.我…我伤了他的心I, I broke his heart.他颜面尽失于是离开了我Humiliated, he ran away.我并不怪他离开我I didn't blame him for going as far from me as he could. 当他离开的时候And when he left...我才第一次明白爱是什么I learned for the first time what love was.但那已经太晚了But I was too late。
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海滩 The Beach电影剧本-英文The BeachWritten by John HodgeBased on the Novel by Alex Garland?Figment Films ltd. 15 June 19982-4 Noel StreetLondon W1V 3RBTel. 0171 287 32091. EXT. BANGKOK. NIGHT.A single headlamp in close up shines directly and brightly outExtreme noise and light.Beyond its glare can be seen the outline of a motorized tricycle ("tuk-tud") and its Thai driverA young man, Richard, sits in the back, his rucksack beside him, swaying with the motion ofthe vehicle. He is worn and sweating.They travel through nocturnal Bangkok: fleets of tuk-tuks, taxis, road works, food vendors, do gs, tourists.Music and credits.2. EXT. KHAO SAN ROAD. NIGHTThe bright headlight comes to a halt.Richard climbs down from the tuk-tukRICHARD(V.O.)When you hit Bangkok, there's really only one place to go.The street is busy, full of Thai's and travelers.Richard picks his way through the crowd, his rucksack on his back.He absorbs the scene as he passes boarding houses and hotels, and the shops and stalls s elling food, clothes, pirated tapes, jewelry, travel tickets, and international phone calls. Restaurantes are filled with western travelers watching American films or European sport.RICHARD(V.O.)(continuing)The Khao San Road is a decompression chamber between east and west. It's where you lea rn to breathe car fumes and tropical air for the very first time, or else carefully rearrange your mem ories before you catch your flight home.Richard is approached by a young male Thai Hustler who walks backwards in front of him w hile making his pitch.HUSTLERYou need somewhere to stay?RICHARDI'll be OK, Thanks.Richard politely ignores each of his subsequent offers.HUSTLERWhat do you want? Sell your passport? Buy passport? Airline tickets? You want silk? I'll take you to the best silk place? You get a suit in twenty-four hours. Diamonds? You want to come with me, you get present for your girlfriend. Maybe no girlfriend. You want a girl, no problem. Good time. Boy girl fucking no problem. You want to drink some snake blood?At this last one Richard stops and addresses the Hustler.RICHARDNo thanks.Richard walks on, the hustler fading out behind him.HUSTLERYou want designer clothes? I get you Versache, Gucci, Armani, no problem. You want a cam era, all the best makes: Nikon, Leica, Canon I can get you.RICHARD(V.O.)Yeah, it's all here: you an phone home, meet up with strangers, split up with your friends, w atch Hollywood movies while you sip Budweiser and eat a burger or get some massage and green chicken soup. You could be anywhere in the world bu you could only find it here. And what do th ey want, all these people?3. EXT. KHAO SAN ROAD. NIGHT./ INT. BARS AND SHOPS. NIGHT.Various young travelers, male and female, in snapsho9t exerpts, address their comments to the ca mera or each other.TRAVELER 1Where you been?TRAVELER 2Where you going?TRAVELER 3I've been thereTRAVELER 4It's a waste of timeTRAVELER1We just got backTRAVELER2FantasticTRAVELER 3How much did it cost?TRAVELER5A complete rip off.TRAVELER3Too many people. There's a much better place along the coast.TRAVELER 4We're going exploring. We've read this book. It tells us all the best places to explore.TRAVELER 2I know a place that everyone says is really unspoiled.TRAVELER 1I heard they built a big hotel there.TRAVELER 5Some sort of sewage problem, apparently.TRAVELER 1We're going anyway: all the rooms have got air conditioning.RICHARD(V.O.)But for me it's all about finding out something about a place, and something about yourself.And when you get off the beaten track, that's where you find out what there is to find out.Richard turns into one of the restaurants.4. INT. RESTAURANT. NIGHT.The restaurant extends deeply back away from the street. Richard passes many diners not dissimila r to himself. Some are talking, many are engrossed in the video entertainment.At the back he reaches a reception desk where he drops his pack.A Thai female HOTEL RECEPTIONIST sits behind the desk. She immediately shows Richarda "menu" of available rooms. The menu offers a spread of prices for single/double/window/fan/aircon/bathroom.Richard points to the cheapest combination and hands over 300 baht.The Receptionist becomes aware that he is being started at.A worn, disheveled man in his mid-thirties is standing at the nearby bar, a bottle in his hand,studying Richard. This is Daffy.RICHARDGood evening.Daffy says nothing but continues to stare and takes a drink.Richard will not be stared down. Neither turns away.The Receptionist passes over a key and smiles broadly.HOTEL RECEPTIONISTWelcome to Thailand.Richard turns to her.RICHARDThank you.5. INT SHOWER. NIGHTIn a small windowless shower room, Richard stands motionless, eyes closed, facing with pleasure t he spray of cold water.6. INT. HOTEL CORRIDOR. NIGHTThe sound of the shower can be heard through a door marked with a shower sign.The sound stops and the door is opened. Richard emerges with a towel wrapped around his waist, carrying his key and washbag.He walks the short distance to his room. He puts the key in the door but the lock is stiff and he has to fiddle with it, bent over and dripping water on the floor.While he is doing so, the sound of footsteps climbing nearby stairs can be heard.There is the sound of a loud wolf-whistle.Richard turns to the source of the whistle.A beautiful European woman is smiling at him. This is Francoise. She approaches and takesthe key from his hand. She turns the key in one direction, then the other, while twisting the handle.FRANCOISEt voila.The door swings gently open. She stands backRICHARDThank you.Footsteps approach from the stair.Francoise is joined by a young man, ETIENNE, who catches up with her. He nods at Richard as he takes her arm. They walk away from Richard to the next door.FRANCOISEBonsoir.RICHARDEh - bonsoir.ETIENNEGoodnight.The couple reach their door. They enter their room and the door is closed behind them.Alone in the corridor again, Richard contemplates their presence.RICHARD(V.O.)I was traveling alone for two reasons. First of all, being alone allows you more opportunity toabsorb your experiences on a personal level. Secondly, and this I felt acutely at that moment, there was no one who wanted to go with me.7. INT RESTAURANT. NIGHTRichard is in the restaurant which is quiet now.He is alone at a table eating and drinking. On a high shelf several feet away a Hollywood a ction film, all gunshots, car chases, and explosions, plays on the television.Most of the tables around him are empty.Richard is interrupted by the man he met earlier, Daffy, who pulls up a chair beside him.DAFFYExcuse me.RICHARDYes?DAFFYI'm Daffy.RICHARDRichard. Hi.DAFFYLook, I'm sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you could help me out.RICHARDHelp you out?DAFFYYeah; just ten or fifteen dollars maybe.RICHARDI'm sorry, I don't think so.DAFFYI'm waiting on some money coming through. It's just that at the moment, you know, I'm short.They're going to chuck me out. On the street in Bangkok, that's bad.RICHARDI'm really sorry but I just arrived; I'm on a pretty tight budget myself. I just can't afford it.DAFFYJust five dollars, please.He leans in close to RichardDAFFY(continuing)I'll share something with you.RICHARDI'm sorry. I can't lend you any money.Daffy retreats.Richard turns back to the video and his food.Daffy approaches two young women sitting at a nearby table.DAFFYExcuse me, ladies, is there any chance you could help me out. I'm down on my luck at the moment.The two young women seem uncomfortable. Richard notices.DAFFY(continuing)if you could see your way to lending me some cash -RICHARDHere.He leans across and holds out a ten dollar note for Daffy.DAFFYThank you, sir. Thank you. I promise I will repay you.RICHARDJust take it, OK.Daffy takes it.Richard returns to the video as a big yellow explosion is reflected on his face.8. INT. RICHARD'S HOTEL ROOM. NIGHT.Some light enters from the street through a small window.Richard lies on his bed, watching the fan rotate above him.He is listening to the sound of Etienne and Francoise engaging in noisy sex. They reach the climax of their activity and fall silent.Richard just has time to enjoy the silence when a new disturbance begins, this time from the next room in the other direction. It is a man, Daffy, banging on the wall just above Richard's head and shouting in time.DAFFY(O.S.)Have. You. Got. Anything. To. Smoke.Have. You. Got. Anything. To. -9. INT. HOTEL CORRIDOR. NIGHT.Richard knocks sharply on the door of Daffy's room.The door is opened immediately by Daffy, looking even worse then before.RICHARDNo, I don't have anything to smoke.Daffy stares at him for a moment. Recognition dawns.DAFFYYou. You're the guy that lent me the money.RICHARDYeah, that's right. Now could you be quiet so I can get some sleep.DAFFYTen dollars. I'll find a way to pay you back. How would you like to know About somewhere special? The perfect beach. Paradise. No one else knows about it. That's got to be worth something. What do you say?RICHARDLook I don't care about the money right now: I just want some sleep. So if you could be qui et -DAFFYYea, OK. I will be, I will be, I promise.RICHARDThanks.Richard turns away.DAFFYRichard -He turns back.DAFFY(Continuing)Been nice knowing you.He sticks his hand out.Richard politely reciprocates.RICHARDSure.They shake hands.10. INT. EXT. RESTAURANT. DAY.The restaurant fronts on to the street where a new day's activity is beginning.Richard watches this as he eats his breakfast.He notices Etienne and Francoise sti down at the next table.RICHARDBonjour.ETIENNEGood morning.FRANCOISEDid you sleep well?RICHARDNot too bad.FRANCOISEI hope our noise did not keep you awake.Richard looks from one to the other.RICHARDThe noise? Don't worry. You're on holiday.ETIENNEShe means your neighbor. The ScotsmanRICHARDOh, that noise! Yes, he certainly did.ETIENNEWe moved rooms because of him.FRANCOISEHe tried to borrow money from us.ETIENNEWhat idiot would lend him money? It would disappear.FRANCOISEHe said if we lent him money h would tell us about a secret beach.ETIENNEIt's on an island that no one get to.FRANCOISEBut he has been there, off course.ETIENNEIt was ridiculous; all this at three o'clock in the morning.RICHARDIt would be nice though, if there was a place like that. You know, that no one could get to.ETIENNEOf course, but look; all these people. If that place existed, they'd all be there.11. INT. TRAVEL AGENT'S. DAYOn a large board are details, photographs and prices of various standard excursions. A Thai TRAV EL AGENT reels them off at great speed.TRAVEL AGENTNakhon - Pathom - Phra Ptahom Chedi - Damnoen Sadual floating market - eight hundred b aht. Kanchanburi - Erwan national Park Phrathat Cave, huang Khamin Falls - six hundred baht. Na m Tok, hellfire Pass, Three Pagodas, Sai Yok National Park - fifteen hundred baht. Bang Pa In Ro yal Palace, Ayatthaya, Wat Phra Manhathat, Wat Raburna - one thousand baht. What do you wan t?Richard studies the board but is not excited.RICHARDTwenty Marlboro light, please.Instantly the Travel Agent produces the packet of cigarettes from a shelf and lays them on the counter.12. EXT. KHAO SAN ROAD. DAY.Richard lights up and looks around.He looks through the tapes at a stall.13. INT. HOTEL CORRIDOR. DAYRichard walks along the corridor towards his room, his new tape playing on his walkman.On his door, a folded sheet of paper is attached with a pin.Richard lifts it off and unfolds it.It is a detailed and carefully drawn map of a cluster of islands. Some are named. One is un named. On it, some features are marked; hills, forest, river and a letter X.In the corner it reads "X = beach".Richard switches his Walkman off.He studies the map then walks to Daffy's door and knocks.No reply.Richard twists the handle and pushes gently. The door opens.14. INT DAFFY'S ROOM. DAY.The room is dim, be even so the blood can be seen sprayed and smeared around the walls, sheet s and floor.There is no sign of Daffy.Richard treads carefully, avoiding the pools of blood on the floor.He reaches the other side of the room. There, wedged in the narrow gap between bed and wall, is Daffy's corpse. His wrists have been cut.Richard studies the map again.RICHARD(V.O.)You hope and you dream, but you never believe that something's going to happen for you, n ot like it does in the movies. And when it does, you sort of expect it to feel different. More visceral.More real. Like IMAX maybe. I was waiting for it to hit me, but it didn't. And just for the record, I never did get my ten dollars back.Richard switches his walkman back on.15. INT. POLICE STATION. DAY.In an office, two policemen, one in UNIFORM and the other a DETECTIVE, stand over Richard whi le he signs a statement.RICHARD(V.O.)The police didn't want to waste any time on it. They were just pissed off becase he was trav eling on a false passport, name of Mr DaffyDuck, birthplace Ruritania, which kind of fucked up all the paperwork. They pulled everyone i n from the hotel, but all they wanted form me was a statement saying I found him and it looked like he cut his wrists. No problem.The detective studies Richard's passport.DETECTIVEWhat are you doing in Thailand? Tourist?RICHARDTraveler.DETECTIVEYou go to Patpong? See smoke from pussy, ping pong ball from pussy, razor blade from pu ssy; bird from pussy.RICHARDI don't think so.DETECTIVEWhy not? Thai girls best in the world. Thai food best in the world. Thai dope best in the wor ld.RICHARDI wouldn't know anything about that, sir.16. INT. POLICE STATION CORRIDOR. DAYThe door of the office opens and Richard walks out.Lined up in the corridor, slouching against the walls, are several other travelers from the hote l. At the front of the queue are Francoise and Etienne.The officer beckons Etienne into the office and closes the door.Richard and Francoise acknowledge each other with a smile.17. INT. RICHARD'S HOTEL ROOM. DAY.Richard is seated at the top of his bed, addressing his speech out of shot while he holds the map.RICHARDOK, this island may not actually exist. And even if it does, we might not be able to get there.But look at it like this: what else is there to do around here?Richard is alone.RICHARD(continuing)So what do you think? Are you going to come or not. I'd be thrilled if you'd join me, you and your厃ou and your boyfriend.18. INT. HOTEL CORRIDOR. DAYRichard knocks on his neighbors' door.Etienne opens it.RICHARDHi. You want to take a hike? I mean a trip. A journey. With your girlfriend and me. I mean t he two of you, and me. It's a secret island. Paradise. You know the kind of thing I'm talking about.Francoise appears behind Etienne.FRANCOISEHi.RICHARDHi there. Here, take a look.He shows Etienne the map.RICHARD(continuing)It's a map. The dead guy left it for me; I think it's the place he tried to sell you. It's going t o be just fucking great. You want to come? I'd be thrileld ifFrancoise and Etienne are looking at him.RICHARD(V.O.)I realized that I had absolutely no idea of how I was going to get there.19. EXT. RAILWAY/THAI COUNTRYSIDE. NIGHT.A train travels at night alongside fields.20. INT. TRAIN. NIGHTRichard is awake. Opposite him, Etienne and Francoise are slumped together in sleep.RICHARD(V.O.)Etienne, however, and I have to hand it to the guy, was fucking great. He organized the wh ole thing: tickets, timetables, best route, the whole damn trip.21. EXT. SEA. DAY.The bow of a passenger ferry crashes through a wave.22. EXT. BOAT DAY.The decks are crowded with travelers and their packs. Amongst them are Richa rd, Francoise, and Etienne. Maps and guidebooks are being studied by many. T he noise of the engines and the wind deters conversation.RICHARD(V.O.)Thanks to him we hit the final stop on the tourist trail inside twenty-four h ours, where, Etienne assured me, we would hire what he called a "local fisher man" to take us on the last stage of our journey.。