第 3 页 共 9 页
2.主要技术参数: (续) 17)是否具有电子式过载继电器的扩展功能(符合附录 H) : 接地故障电流设定值: 禁止保护电流 Iic: 动作时间设定值: 动作时间设定值: d. 反相保护功能: e. 过电压保护功能: 动作电压设定值: ■ 是、 否 , a. 接地故障保护功能: 是(CI-A 型 ,CI-B 型 ,CII-A 型 ,CII-B 型 ) 、■ 否, / / (适用于 CI-A 型,CI-B 型,CII-A 型,CII-B 型) , (适用于 CII-A 型,CII-B 型) , 10%~99% , ) , ) , , (动作时间<1s,制造厂给出误差范围: ±200ms / / (动作时间<1s,误差范围: ■ 否 ■ 否 ) , / ) , ■ 是、 否 ,动作时间设定值: / , , /
企业自我声明 1
本企业在此郑重声明:本次申请中, 我单位向指定检测机构提供的型号/规格为
******;Ue:AC400V;Ie:0.4~1.6A,1.6~6.3A,6.3~25A,25~100A,63~250A;脱扣级别: 10A、10、20、30;3P
的 电动机保护器 (产品名称)是由 ###有限公司 (生产厂名
申 请 人: 申请日期: 申请单位(盖章) :
第 7 页 共 9 页
7.产品外形照片(包括外形、内部结构及铭牌三类照片) :
图(1) 100A 及以下外形照片 图(2)250A 外形照片 图(3)内部结构照片
第 8 页 共 9 页
图(4) 铭牌照片
小功率电动机产品描述1.1电动机名称:1.2 电动机用途:√工业和类似用途家用和类似用途1.3认证产品适用的安全标准:√GB12350 GB147111.4申请人名称和地址(注册地址):宁波市江东雪马电机有限公司1.5制造商名称和地址(注册地址):宁波市江东南路177号-21.6生产厂名称和地址(实际地址):宁波市江东南路177号-22.1单元覆盖产品的规格:(1) 额定电压或电压范围(V):(直流√单相交流三相交流交直流两用)(2) 额定频率或频率范围(Hz):50Hz(3) 额定功率或功率范围(输出)(W):10-2001.(4) 额定转矩或转矩范围(Nm):0.1-3(5) 额定转速或转速范围(r/min): 500-3000(6) 极数(P): 2-8(7) 绝缘等级:105(A级)120(E级)√130(B级)155(F级)180(H级)2.2主要结构和参数2.2.1工作制:S1[ √ ] S2[ ] S3[ ] S4[ ] S5[ ]S6[ ] S7[ ] S8[ ] S9[ ] S10[ ] (注:除S1工作制外,还须标明工作周期和负载持续率。
)2.2.2 外壳防护等级: IP 442.2.3 冷却方式: IC2.2.4 外壳材料:塑料铸铁√钢板√铝其它:2.2.5 绕组材料:√铜线铝线铜包铝线其它:2.2.6 结构及安装形式:IMB[ √ ] IMV[ ] 两者皆有2.2.7 接地:√有无(无接地说明:)2.2.8 连接电源类型:散放线带接线盒√引出线带接插件带接插件带插头其它:2.2.9 出轴方式:√单轴伸双轴伸两者皆有2.2.10 电子线路:有√无2.2.11 控制器:有√无2.2.12 换向器:有√无2.3 单元型号命名方式说明(型号中每一个代号(或字母)的含义):例: YS XX-X-X1 2 3 41—规格代号;2—表示中心高或机座号;3—铁心类别;4—极数型号功率极数代号极2.4 单元覆盖产品的差异说明:2.4.1 申请单元中有 10W-200W种功率等级。
三相异步电动机使用维护技术指导书一、警告!安装使用前注意事项1.1 必须确认电动机铭牌所示参数符合您的要求;1.2 务必确认电动机未收到任何损害;1.3 电动机吊环螺钉及其他吊重装置在使用前必须拧紧,且仅限起吊电动机本身使用。
1.4 拆除任何轴伸端压板(但电动机运输前必须再装上)。
1.5 确认后,电动机的安装方式与电动机铭牌上指示一致,泄水孔位置适合于使用场合。
1.6 缓慢旋转轴伸端,确认电动机可以自由转动。
二、警告!请遵守以下安全预防措施2.1 如果电动机位正确安装、操作和保养,会造成严重或致命的伤害,负责电动机安装、操作、保养和检修的人员必须经过完整的技术培训,以了解对人员和设备的危害性。
2.2 电动机维护保养和检修前,必须将所有与电动机及其配件连接的电源切断甚至拆线,必须确认在电动机已经完全停转。
2.3 电动机必须可靠接地,相应配置的保护装置必须连接,以防止电动机使用时产生危险,或导致电动机产生失效故障。
2.4 电动机必须有正当的防护,以防止接近其旋转体;电动机运转时,严禁触碰转动部分。
2.5 当接近高噪音源之机器时,必须带防护耳罩,电动机的噪音数值可查阅相关产品的专业标准或咨询专业制造工厂。
2.6 电动机启动前,必须确认所有轴键已经稳固装妥。
2.7 安装皮带轮或联轴器时,不准用榔头重击,以免导致电动机轴承受损。
2.8 严禁电动机过载使用和缺相运行,为防止此事发生,必须安装相应保护装置或绕组温度监测装置。
2.9 注意防止水等液体进入电动机内部。
2.10 电动机使用于可变速之机械时,必须确认其未超过电动机最大安全速度(一般为铭牌所示转速的120%)运转,同时必须确认电动机在低速时由于自扇风冷量减少未导致过载使用。
三、使用环境和工作条件3.1 电动机使用环境应干燥、洁净、无腐蚀性气体,电动机周围通风应良好。
(3) 更换零件或耗材时,请务必使用横河电机认可的备用零件。 (4) 本产品并不针对直接影响或威胁人类生命的严酷条件下使用而设计或制造。如一
■ 警告和免责声明
(1) 横河电机除对另附保修单中的所述内容之外对产品不做任何担保。 (2) 本产品“按原样”提供。横河电机对因使用本产品或本产品中其它不可预料的缺陷,
·· 很难看到显示屏的位置
本仪表使用 LCD 作为显示器单元,距离其角度过大时难以看到。尽量将本仪表安
·· 靠近可燃物体的地方
150 mm
备使用 1.43 mm 的厚钢板或 1.6 mm 厚的未镀层钢板
·· 阳光直射或靠近加热器的位置
将本仪表安装在接近常温 23°C,具有稳定温度的场所。切勿将其安装在阳光直射
·· 有大量油烟、蒸汽、水分、灰尘或腐蚀性气体的场所
·· 靠近电磁场发生源的地方
小功率电动机产品描述申请编号:1.1电动机名称:1.2电动机用途:□工业和类似用途 □家用和类似用途1.3认证产品适用的产品标准: 1.4认证产品适用的安全标准: □ GB12350□ GB147111.5申请人名称和注册地址: 1.6制造商名称和注册地址: 1.7生产厂名称和具体地址: 1.8商标(已有注册证明的填写):2.1单元覆盖产品的型号规格:(1)型号:⑵ 额定电压或电压范围(V):(□直流 □单相交流 □三相交流 □交直流两用)2.2主要结构和参数2.2.1 工作制:S1[ ] S2[ ] S3[ ] S4[ ] S5[ ] S6[ ] S7[] S8[ ] S9[ ] S10[]注:除S1工作制外,还须标明工作周期和负载持续率。
2.2.2外壳防护等级: IP[] 2.2.3冷却方式: IC[] 2.2.4外壳材料: □塑料 2.2.5绕组材料: □铜线(3) 额定频率或频率范围 (4) 额定功率或功率范围 (5) 额定转矩或转矩范围 (6) 额定转速或转速范围 ⑺极数(P): (8)绝缘等级:(Hz):(□输入 □输出)(W): (□输入 □输出)(Nm): (r/mi n): □铸铁 □钢板 □铝其它 □铝线 □铜包铝线 其它226结构及安装形式:IMB[ ] IMV[ ] □两者皆有 227接地: □有 □无 2.2.8连接电源类型:□散放线 □带接线盒 □引出线带接插件2.2.9出轴方式: □单轴伸□双轴伸2.3单元型号命名方式说明(型号中每一个代号(或字母)的含义) : 例 YS XX-X-X12 3 41—规格代号;2—表示中心高或机座号;3—铁心类别;4—极数2.4 单元覆盖产品的差异说明: 2.4.1申请单元中有 种功率等级。
说明: 2.4.2申请单元中有 种冷却方式。
说明: 2.4.3申请单元中有 种安装方式。
说明:2.4.5申请单元中电压等级:□ 48V □ 60V □ 110V □ 120V □ 200V □ 220V □ 230V □ 240V □ 380V □ 220/380V □ / V 其它:2.4.6 申请单元中频率:□ 50Hz □ 60Hz □ 50/60HZ 其它:2.4.7申请单元中保护方式:□带热保护器 □带热熔断器 2.4.8 申请单元制动方式:□无附加制动装置□有附加制动装置2.4.9其他需说明的差异情况:2.5申请单元中覆盖产品的型号规格:(如产品型谱中含有较多规格,可另附页)□带插头其它: □其他说明: 说明: ____________________2.6关键元器件的制造、型号、技术参数和认证情况:2.7重要材料的制造商、名称、型号规格和绝缘等级:注:1、对于执行GB14711标准的电机,部分重要材料还应有以下要求:1)槽绝缘:击穿电压、热态粘结性,对应的标准为:GB/T5591.2、JB/T4059、JB/T4060、JB/T4061.1、JB/T4062.1。
AC10变频器 产品手册 中文
![AC10变频器 产品手册 中文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6932782caf45b307e8719762.png)
一、安全须知 ..................................................................................................... 1
1.1 应用范围 .............................................................................................. 1 1.2 使用人员 .............................................................................................. 1 1.3 危险警示 .............................................................................................. 1
升级记录: ....................................................................................................... 162
附录 5 系统默认的应用程序 ........................................................................ 122
附录 6 功能码速查表 .................................................................................... 133
四、 安装接线 ................................................................................................. 18
三、技术参数1. 功率:伺服电机的额定功率为XX千瓦,有效负载范围为XX-XX千克。
2. 额定转速:该伺服电机的额定转速为XXX转/分钟,可以根据客户需求进行调整。
3. 输出转矩:伺服电机的额定输出转矩为XXX牛米,具备较大的扭矩保留能力。
4. 绝对编码器分辨率:伺服电机采用高精度绝对编码器,分辨率达到XXX脉冲/圈。
5. 控制方式:该伺服电机支持位置控制、速度控制和扭矩控制等多种控制模式,可根据实际应用进行选择。
四、性能特点1. 高精度定位:伺服电机通过精确的位置反馈和高频率的控制算法,实现非常精准的定位控制,定位误差小于X个脉冲。
2. 高响应速度:伺服电机具备快速响应的特点,能够在短时间内达到稳定运行速度,提高生产效率。
3. 广泛应用:伺服电机适用于各种自动化设备和机械驱动系统,具备良好的通用性和可扩展性,可满足多种应用需求。
4. 自我保护功能:伺服电机内置过流、过压、过热保护等功能,确保电机在异常情况下能够安全运行,并延长电机的使用寿命。
以下是一些建议供参考:1. 根据负载要求选择合适的额定功率和转矩参数。
2. 根据定位精度要求选择合适的编码器分辨率。
3. 根据控制方式选择适合的控制模式。
4. 根据环境条件选择具备防尘、防水等特性的伺服电机。
1.3如果产品适用,如实填写产品标准及技术规范文件,如JB/T 4269- 2002《罩极异步电动机通用技术条件》、JB/T 6737-1993《吸排油烟机用电动机通用技术条件》等等。
1. 4选择产品认证的安全标准。
2007年8月15日开始实施的小功率电动机实施规则(CNCA-01C-013: 2007)中给出了标准GB12350-2000以及GB14711-2006的产品适用范围。
1.8 若有注册商标,如实填写。
例如:(1)型号:YS80*~YS90*(2)额定电压或电压范围(V): 220/380(□直流□单相交流冈三相交流□交直流两用)(3)额定频率或频率范围(Hz): 50(4)额定功率或功率范围(W): 120-1100(□输入区|输出)(5)额定转矩或转矩范围(Nm): 1. 2-5. 6(6)额定转速或转速范围(r/min): 1400-2800(7)极数(P):2、4(8)绝缘等级:E2.2. 1电动机的工作制分为10类(见GB755),在适用的工作制后的[]内打“X”。
Electronics R elated Products GuideAs the need for automation and labor saving increases, the number of small motors, which are key to theirimplementation, is also expected to increase. For the cases that requires high reliability, such as for robots, we can make proposals that are optimized for the operating environment.Electronics SectorDC Motor & Induction MotorMotors consume 50% of the world’s electricity and increased miniaturization, rotation speed, and e ciency are progressing in response to demand for further increases in functionality. With these changes, the adhesives used require heat resistance and high strength.Electronics SectorBrushless-DC MotorSmart phones that are now essential goods for daily living are composed of alot of electronic components and modules and lots of glue.Attachment of a cover panel to a display panel with a UV-curable sheet-likeadhesive enables a screen to be easily watched, and use of a low-temperaturecurable/UV-curable sealant for a case can produce “waterproof and drip-proof”devices.In addition, ThreeBond's sealants and adhesives contribute to making smart phonesand their electronic components and modules thinner and more sophisticated. Electronics SectorSmartphoneby little due to downsizing.ThreeBond's sealants and adhesives can meet all needs.adhesives that cure fast at low temperature are needed to shorten theA lot of adhesives are used for the mechanical components of cameras including a single lens re ex camera. As the design of a camera has been smaller and thinner, UV-LED light source-curable adhesives are needed in order to bond a di erent type of material to another, to reduce the amount of heat applied to materials, and to reduce power consumption in camera manufacturing processes.ThreeBond develops and manufactures adhesives that are the most appropriate to a customer's manufacturing processes and provide such products on a global basis.Electronics SectorDigital CameraDigital CameraPentaprismGlass and resin lensStrobeAF sensorApplication Pentaprism xing Product ThreeBond 3030 SeriesCure conditionUV curingCharacteristics1. High adhesion to resin materials (PC, PPS, etc.)2. Flexible3. Adhesion to di erent materials Application Bonding of lenses Product ThreeBond 3017 Series ThreeBond 3020BCure conditionUV curingCharacteristics1. High strength of adhesion to materials di cult to bond (ole n-based)2. Good surface curability3. Less distortion (TB 3017 Series)Application AF sensor xing Product ThreeBond 1535 Series ThreeBond 3017 SeriesCure conditionMoisture curing / UV curingCharacteristics1. Good impact resistance2. Adhesion to di erent materials3. Shadow-zone curing possible (TB 1535 Series)Application Strobe periphery xing Product ThreeBond 1535 Series ThreeBond 3164DCure conditionMoisture curing / UV curingCharacteristics1. Good impact resistance2. Adhesion to di erent materials3. Shadow-zone curing possible Image sensorApplication Image sensor xing Product ThreeBond 3036 Series ThreeBond 3114 SeriesCure condition UV curing Characteristics1. Low cure shrinkage2. Low linear expansion coe cient3. High adhesive strength Case / Lens mountApplication Waterproof / Dustproof Product ThreeBond 3081 Series ThreeBond 3166Cure condition* CIPG (Cured In Place Gasket)UV curing (CIPG)Characteristics1. Low compression permanent distortion2. Flexibility3. Reworkable Application Heat dissipation Product ThreeBond 1225 Series ThreeBond 2955 SeriesCure conditionMoisture curingCharacteristics1. High thermal conductivity (1.59 to 4.8W/m•K)2. Low outgassing (TB 2955 Series)3. Low molecular weight cyclic siloxane reduced product Image stabilizer unitApplication Vibration absorption Product ThreeBond 3168ECure conditionUV curingCharacteristics1. High and low temperature resistance2. Soft gel3. Vibration absorbability * ThreeBond is abbreviated to TB.In recent years, increasing awareness of global security has been accompanied by spreading adoption of surveillance cameras as a deterrent to crime and terrorism.For many years, our UV-curable resin has contributed to security cameras, mainly to the adhesive application for optical parts.Increasing numbers of pixels in recent years have brought an increasing need for “thermal conductivity” as protection against overheating, and for “Sealants” as waterproo ng and protection from insects.Electronics SectorSurveillance Cameraconferences as telework becomes more prevalent, so production levels areincreasing signi cantly. Furthermore, as earphones become more expensive,consumers expect them to last longer, so adhesives must improve productivitythrough “fast curing” and high reliability with a focus on “impact resistance”.Wireless Earphone As automation advances as a substitute for the ve senses of humanbeings, adoption of these devices is expected to further increase. AtThreeBond, we propose the optimal products for sensors and MEMSdevices that require high reliability.Sensor / MEMS DeviceStations for 5G communication are starting to be set up everywhere, evenoutdoors, so adhesives must be incredibly reliable to ensure operationcontinues despite weather conditions. Our lineup includes case sealants,thermally conductive materials used to protect electronic substrates fromheat and more.Electronics Sector5G Base Station The spread of 5G communications has greatly increased the amountof data ying around the world. As for optical transceivers needed forhigh-speed communications, we have a wide range of products,mainly UV resins and heat-conducting materials for parts requiringprecision xation.Electronics SectorOptical TransceiverViscosity comparison[Cyanoacrylate Adhesives]Viscosity comparison[UV Curing Resins]Viscosity comparison[Epoxy resin] Electronics SectorProduct map by viscosity / hardnessWatch our video to see viscosity imagesElectronics SectorAdhesive selection table by materialApplication Equipmentas the equipment to apply and pressure feed them to maximize their performance.As a manufacturer with full knowledge of sealants and adhesives, ThreeBond enables to reduce cost and improve developing such equipment.To provide further added value for customers, ThreeBond has been making e orts to develop and sell the equipment that incorporates new application and pressure feeding technologies.Tank for 250g/1kg bottle or can (TG1-T)Dispense valve (HPNV-50)Pressure feed controller (coater S4)Small capacity precision type ofManual application cartridge pump (ACB-20)Pump for pails (PBIII)+Constant-velocity discharge head ( xed-quantity booster)Air gun for sealant- Lineup of products for improvement of productivity and workability - The RTM and RTM-H Series enable products that meet customer requirements to be designed and manufactured.- A lineup of devices that can handle small-amount and large-amount sealants and adhesives is available.- They are suitable for the bead application of solvent-volatilization-type and moisture-curable-type liquid gaskets.- Dispensers that can apply a xed quantity of a sealant and an adhesive without waste are available.- A unit that can reduce the amount of a remaining liquid agent in a pail is available as an option. (Some conditions must be met.)* ACB...Automatic Cartridge Booster * PCB...Power Cartridge Booster * RTM...Rotary Transfer Motor* RTA-H...Rotary Transfer Air-motor by HandApplicationTB1100, TB1300 seriesSingle-component xed-quantity booster ( xed-quantity booster) Application Equipment Sector- Lineup of products for improvement of productivity and workability - Applicators suitable to a wide range of adhesives, such as solvent-volatilization type, moisture-curable type, and aqueous pressure-sensitive type, can be selected.- Application of an instantaneous adhesive that is di cult to handle is automated, which enables a work environmentand application quality to be improved.* LVCT-AC...Low Viscosity Cartridge Tank - Automatic Connection * HPNV-50...Pressure Needle Valve - Type 50* DPB-40...Diaphragm Power Booster* TDV...Triple Diaphragm ValveApplicationTB1500 seriesCartridge-type tank (TC2)Dispensing valve (HPNV-50)Controller for pressure (coater S4)Desktop robot (RT7 Series) Application Equipment Sector- Lineup of products for improvement of productivity and workability - Applicators are available for each of the single-component type and the two-component type.- The two-component type can be set, according to a mixing ratio.* CIPG...Cured in Place GasketSingle-acting pump for pails (PBIII-45)This is a high-pressure feeding pump for automatic application. When it isApplication Equipment Sector- UV-curing type, anaerobic-curing type, and moisture-curing type Applicators for each of the above types are available.- Auxiliary equipment needed for the process from application to curing is available.- Equipment suitable for CIPG application (design of a special-purpose machine)Cartridge-type tank (TC2)Dispensing valve (HPNV-50)Controller for pressure (coater S4)Desktop robot (RT7 Series)Application Equipment SectorAK2022035 22 • 11 • SK。
永磁同步电动机节能认证产品描述申请编号:申请人:制造商:生产厂:产品名称:申请单位(印章)本企业在此郑重声明:本次申请中,我单位向指定检测机构提供的型号/规格为的 (产品名称)是由(生产厂名称)于(生产厂地址)完成最终装配和出厂检验。
申证企业负责人(签名):日期:(企业盖章)企业名称:申证产品名称、型号: (或见型号规格型谱表)本企业在此郑重声明:上述申证产品所使用的名称、型号和商标保证严格遵守国家有关法律法规和政府部门的有关规定。
.申证企业负责人(签名):日期(企业盖章)永磁同步电动机节能认证产品描述1.1电动机类型:异步起动三相永磁同步电动机电梯用永磁同步电动机变频驱动永磁同步电动机其他产品名称:商标:1.2申请人名称和地址(注册地址):1.3制造商名称和地址(注册地址):1.4生产厂名称和地址(实际地址):2. 关键零部件/原材料清单名称制造商牌号磁感(T)/铁损(W/kg)硅钢片名称制造商型号/规格电阻率(Ω•m)漆包线名称制造商牌号最大磁能绩(kJ/m³)磁性材料注:如果上述材料属多个制造商,均应按上述要求逐一填写送检样品原材料单台用量:样机型号硅钢片用量(kg)漆包线用量(kg)磁性材料用量(kg)样品1样品2样品3样品4……3. 样品描述(包括申证系列的每个规格型号)1)单元覆盖产品型号命名说明:X X X X X ……1 2 3 4 5 ……1.;2.;3.;4.;5.;举例:TYG 225 M - 81 2 3 41 —产品名称代号(T-同步,Y-永磁,G-高起动转矩高效);2 —机座号;3 —铁芯长度(L-长,M-中,S-短);4 —极数2)单元覆盖产品的差异说明:申请单元中有种冷却方式。
Pulse rate [pps]
Speed [r/min]
ណ్͇ḬԤব়ึҮ٧ Ү٧ۋՁḬ AMA MS3540M ҮഴयḬஞ
1.5A(ࢎϘ) 24V
1.5A(ࢎϘ) 36V
20 100
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
23HS5 111 mm (4.37 in.)
23HS0030 23HS0036 23HS4008 23HS4009 23HS1033 23HS1034 23HS2067 23HS2068 23HS3001-09 23HS3027-07 23HS3045
23HS5402-08* 23HS5408*
• 单极性
系列 与 电机长度
23HS0 41 mm (1.61 in.)
23HS1 50 mm (1.97 in.)
23HS2 54 mm (2.13 in.)
23HS3 76 mm (2.99 in.)
23HS0007-25 23HS0030-02 23HS1026 23HS1035 23HS2005-06 23HS2069 23HS3004-15 23HS3045-03
AWG22 UL1007
■ 转速·力矩曲线
• 双极性
ណ్͇ḬԤব়ึҮ٧ Ү٧ۋՁḬ AMA MS3540M ҮഴयḬஞ
2.1A(ࢎϘ) 24V 500
2.1A(ࢎϘ) 36V
Y系列(IP44)三相异步电动机(机座号80~355)产品主要特点:Y系列(IP44)三相异步电动机(机座号80~355)系列标准化、系列化和通用化程度高,互换性好,体积小、重量轻,外形美观,效率、堵转转距、最大转距等性能指标均比JO2系列大大提高,其技术条件统一,易损件统一,外观基本统一,Y系列的安装尺寸及功率等级完全符合国际电工委员会(IEC)标准,并与德国 DIN42673标准相同,有利于配套和定购,也有利于在基本系列的基础上派生其他各种系列电机。
2008年本公司对Y系列进行了重新设计和改进,改进后其效率指标全部达到了GB 18613-2006《中小型三相异步电动机能效限定值及能效等级》的3级标准(等效于欧洲EFF2能效标准);符合IEC60034—2(1996)文件和国标《旋转电机(牵引电机除外)确定损耗和效率的试验方法》的要求,即B级绝缘电阻基准温度为95℃的规定。
主要技术参数:额定频率为:50 Hz;额定电压为:380 V;外壳防护等级为:IP44;冷却方法为:IC411;结构及安装型式为:IM B3、IM B5、 IM B6、IM B7、IM B8、IM B35、IM V1、IM V3、IM V5、IM V6、IM V15和IM V36;额定功率为:0.55 kW ,0.75 kW,1.1 kW,1.5 kW,2.2 kW,3 kW,4 kW,5.5 kW,7.5 kW,11 kW,15 kW,18.5 kW,22 kW,30 kW,37 kW,45 kW,55 kW,75 kW, 90 kW,110 kW,132 kW,160 kW (185 kW),200 kW(220 kW),250 kW,315 kW;同步转速为:3000,1500,1000,750转/分,110Kw以上为3000,1500,1000,750,600转/分。
机电产品在工业制造中发挥着重要作用, 如数控机床、工业机器人、自动化生产线 等。
机电产品在交通运输中广泛应用,如汽车 、火车、飞机等交通工具中的控制系统、 发动机、刹车系统等。
机电产品在能源与电力领域中扮演重要角 色,如风力发电机组、太阳能电池板、电 力变压器等。
未来的机电产品将更加智能化,具备自主决策、学习和适 应环境的能力。例如,智能机器人能够根据环境变化调整 自己的行为和任务。
环保意识的提高,使得绿色环保 成为机电产品的重要发展方向, 节能减排、环保材料等将成为未 来发展的重点。
消费者对产品的个性化需求越来 越高,机电产品也将越来越定制 化,更好地满足消费者的个性化 需求。
随着技术的发展,机电产品在自动化与机器人技术方面的应用将更加广泛,涉及制造业、医疗健康、农业等多个领域。例如,自动化生产线、医疗机器人、农 业机器人等。
机电产品市场竞争激烈, 不同品牌、不同国家的产 品在市场上相互竞争,争 夺市场份额。
现代机电产品技术含量高 ,涉及到机械、电子、计 算机等多个领域,产品附 加值高。
INSTRUCTION MANUAL STAND MIXER WITH ROTATABLE BOWLMODEL NO.: FD5122Read this booklet thoroughly before using and save it for futurereferenceIMPORTANT SAFEGUARDSBefore using the electrical appliance, the basic precautions should always be followed including the following:1.Read all instructions carefully.2.Before use check the voltage of your wall outlet corresponds tothe one on the rating label of the mixer which is on the bottom of the appliance.If this is not the case, do not use the appliance & immediately contact your dealer.3.Household use only. Do not use Outdoors OR for Commercialpurpose.4.Do not operate the appliance with a damaged cord or plug, afterthe appliance malfunction, or if it is dropped or damaged in any manner. Return the appliance to the nearest authorized service center for examination, repair or electrical or mechanical adjustment.5.If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by themanufacturer or its service agent or a similarly qualified person in order to avoid a hazard.6.Do not use the appliance with bare feet OR wet hands or feet.7.Do not leave mixer unattended while it is operating.8.Do not let cord hang over edge of table or counter or hot surface.9.Unplug the appliance from outlet while not in use, before puttingon or taking off parts and before cleaning. Remove beaters from mixer before washing.10.Always check that the control is OFF before plugging cord intowall outlet. To disconnect turn the control to OFF then remove plug from wall outlet.11.To protect against risk of electrical shock, do not put mixer orcord in water or other liquid, this may cause personal injury or damage to the product.12.The use of attachments not recommended by the manufacturermay cause fire, electric shock or injury.13.Avoid contacting with moving parts.14.Keep hands, hair, clothing, as well as spatulas and other utensilsaway from beaters during operation to reduce the risk of injury to persons, and/or damage to the mixer15.Close supervision is necessary when your appliance is being usednear children or infirm persons.16.Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not playwith the appliances.17.Do not place an appliance on or near a hot gas or on a heatedoven.18.Never eject beaters or dough hooks when the appliance is inoperation.19.Do not use the beaters to mix too hard ingredients.20.Do not continuously operate the mixer for longer period, Themotor may over heat.Note: For Speed 1-5: Continuous operating time must be less than 3minutes.For Turbo speed: Continuous operating time must be less than 1minute.21.The use of attachments or accessories not recommended or soldby the manufacturer may cause fire, electric shock OR injury.22.This appliance is not intended for use by persons (includingchildren) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliances by a person responsible for their safety.23.Switch off the appliance before changing accessories orapproaching parts which move in use.24.Save these instructions.HOUSEHOLD USE ONLYKNOW YOUR STAND MIXER1. Speed Selector2. Ejector Button3. Hand Mixer Body4. Dough Hooks / Beaters5. Accelerate Switch6. Stand release button7. Cord8. Bowl9. Base/StandUSING YOUR HAND/STAND MIXERFor the first use, clean the beaters, dough hooks and bowl. Before assembling the mixer, be sure the power cord is unplugged from the power outlet and the speed selector is on the “0” position.1.Place the food that need to be blend into bowl, than place thebowl on position.2.Before putting the mixer on the base, make sure the bowl isproperly fitted on the base.3.Insert the beaters by holding mixer from handle in one hand &inserting the beaters/hooks form the other hand. Put it in hole, press and twist it until beater/hooks clicks into position.4.Choose the proper attachments based on the task to be performedand assemble it in position. Dough hooks are used for mixing dough and beaters are only used for beating eggs or similar food.Note: Beaters can be inserted in either socket, as the beaters are identical. For dough hooks, the one with washer can only beinserted into the big socket and the other one can only be inserted into small socket. The two dough hooks cannot be inserted in reverse.5.Ensure that the unit is at the 0 setting before connecting it topower supply.6.Start using the appliance from lower speed, i.e. Speed 1. You canincrease the speed as per need up to Speed 5.7.IF you need more power, you may press the TURBO button formaximum speed.Warning: Do not place knife, metal spoon, fork and so on into bowl when operating.8.The max operation time for Speed 1 to 5 MUST be less than3minutes. And for Turbo speed MUST be less than 1 minute.Allow the appliance to cool down to room temperature before performing next operation cycle. When kneading yeast dough, we suggest that the speed selector should be at low speed firstly and then use high speed to achieve the best results.9.During operation the bowl will rotate itself.10.When mixing is completed, turn the speed selector to 0 position,unplug the cord from power outlet.11.Press stand release button and pull up the hand mixer.12.If necessary you can scrape the excess food particles from thebeaters or dough hooks by rubber or wooden spatula.13.Hold the beaters/dough hooks with one hand and press theEjector button firmly down with the other hand, remove the beater/dough hooks.Note: Remove the beaters/dough hooks only at the 0 setting. 14.The hand mixer can be used separately without the stand inposition.CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE1.Unplug the appliance and allow it to completely cool downbefore cleaning.2.Wipe over the outside surface of the mixer with a dampened clothand polish with a soft dry cloth.3.Wipe any excess food particles from the power cord.4.Wash the bowl, the beaters and dough hooks in warm soapywater and wipe dry. The beaters and dough hooks may be washed in the dishwasher.Caution: the mixer cannot be immersed in water or other liquid.COOKERY TIPS1.Refrigerated ingredients, such as butter and eggs, should be atroom temperature before mixing begins. Set these ingredients out ahead of time.2.To eliminate the possibility of shells or deteriorated-off eggs inyour recipe, break eggs into separate container first, then addingto the mixture.3. Do not over-beat. Be careful that you only mix/blend mixturesuntil recommended in your recipe. Fold into dry ingredients onlyuntil just combined. Always use the low speed.4. Climatic conditions. Seasonal temperature changes, temperatureof ingredients and their texture variation from area to area allplay a part in the required mixing time and the results achieved.5. Always start mixing at lower speed. Gradually increase to therecommended speed / higher speed as stated in the recipe.SPECIFICATIONS:PRODUCT STAND MIXER WITH ROTATABLEBOWLMODEL NO:FD5122 CAPACITY2.4LITRES VOLTAGE 220 – 240VHERTZ 50/60HzWATTS 300WWORK TIME (SPEED 1-5) WORK TIME (TURBO)LESS THAN 3 MINUTESLESS THAN 1 MINUTEMADE IN CHINAENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY DISPOSALYou can help protect the environment!Please remember to respect the local regulations: handin the non-working electrical equipments to anappropriate waste disposal center.IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK USED UNDER LICENSE FROM FRIGIDAIRE INTERNATIONAL COMPANY, U.S.A 10200 David Taylor Drive, Charlotte NC28262U.S.A.。
Instruction ManualElectric Actuator / Rod Type Series LEYMotor:AC servo motor (100-200VAC)The intended use of this Electrical Actuator is to convert an electrical input signal into mechanical motion.These safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage. These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of “Caution,” “Warning” or “Danger.”They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in addition to International Standards (ISO/IEC) *1), and other safety regulations. *1)ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power - General rules relating to systems. ISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power - General rules relating to systems.IEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines. (Part 1: General requirements)ISO 10218-1: Manipulating industrial robots -Safety. etc.• Refer to the product catalogue, Operation Manual and Handling Precautions for SMC Products for additional information. • Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.CautionCaution indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.WarningWarning indicates a hazard with a medium level of riskwhich, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.DangerDanger indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, ifnot avoided, will result in death or serious injury.Warning•Always ensure compliance with relevant safety laws and standards.All work must be carried out in a safe manner by a qualified person incompliance with applicable national regulations.2 SpecificationsORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONSNote 1) Please consult with SMC for non-standard strokes produced to special order.Note 2) This is the maximum value of the horizontal work load. An external guide is necessary to support the load. The actual workload changes according to the condition of the external guide.Confirm the load using the actual device.Note 3) Thrust setting range when "pushing" operation in torque control mode, etc. Refer to the thrust conversion graph shown in thecatalogue as a guide.Set value LEY25 S/32 S:15 to 30%Set value LEY25 T/32 T:12 to 24%Set value LEY25 V/32 V:45 to 90%Set value LEY63 S:15 to 50%Set value LEY63 T:12 to 40%Set value LEY63 V:45 to 150%Set value LEY100 T:12 to 55%Note 4) The allowable speed changes according to the stroke.Note 5) The allowable collision speed for collision with the workpiece with the torque control mode.Note 6) A reference value for correcting an error in reciprocal operation. Note 7) Impact resistance: No malfunction occurred when the actuator was tested with a drop tester in both an axial direction andperpendicular direction to the lead screw.(The test was performed with the actuator in the initial state.)Vibration resistance:No malfunction occurred in a test rangingbetween 45 to 2000 Hz, when the actuator was tested in both anaxial direction and a perpendicular direction to the lead screw.(The test was performed with the actuator in the initial state.) Note 8) When the motor type is "T6-T9",the resolution will change depending on the driver type.Note 9) The standby power consumption when operating (including the driver) is for when the actuator is operating.Note 10) The standby power consumption when operating (including the driver) is for when the actuator is stopped in the set positionduring the operation.Note 11) The maximum instantaneous power consumption (including the driver) is for when the actuator is operating.Note 12) Only when the motor option, "with lock", is selected.Note 13) For an actuator with lock, add the power consumption for the lock.WarningFor special products which include a suffix of “-X#”, “-D#”, please refer to the customer drawing of that specific product. 3.1 InstallationWarning•Do not install the product unless the safety instructions have been readand understood.•Do not use the product in excess of its allowable specification as listedin Section 2.•Ensure the product is sized correctly and is suitable for the application.•Do not operate the product by fixing the piston rod and moving theactuator body.•Avoid using the electric actuator in a way that rotational torque wouldbe applied to the piston rod. If rotational torque is applied to the pistonrod it will cause deformation, damage and/or reduce the non-rotationalaccuracy of the product. The allowable rotational torque is listed below.AllowableRotational torque(Nm or less)LEY25 LEY32 LEY63 LEY1001.1 1.42.8 4.6•When attaching a bracket or nut to the end of the rod, ensure the pistonrod is fully retracted.•When installing, inspecting or performing maintenance on the product,be sure to turn off the power supplies. Then, lock it so it cannot betampered with while work is happening.3.2 EnvironmentWarning•Do not use in an environment where corrosive gases, chemicals, saltwater or steam are present.•Do not use in an explosive atmosphere.•Do not expose to direct sunlight. Use a suitable protective cover.•Do not install in a location subject to vibration or impact in excess ofthe product’s specifications.•Do not mount in a location exposed to radiant heat that would result intemperatures in excess of the product’s specifications.•Prevent foreign particles from entering the product.3.3 MountingWarning•Observe the required tightening torque for screws.Unless stated otherwise, tighten the screws to the recommendedtorque for mounting the product.•Do not make any alterations to the product.Alterations made to this product may lead to a loss of durability anddamage to the product, which can lead to injury and damage to otherequipment and machinery.Do not scratch or dent the sliding parts of the table or mounting faceetc., by striking or holding them with other objects. The componentsare manufactured to precise tolerances, so that even a slightdeformation may cause faulty operation or seizure.•Do not use the product until it has been verified that the equipment canbe operated correctly.After mounting or repair, connect the power supply to the product andperform appropriate functional inspections to check it is mountedcorrectly.•Do not use the product until it has been verified that the equipment canbe operated correctly.•After mounting or repair, connect the power supply to the product andperform appropriate functional inspections to check it is mountedcorrectly.•Allow sufficient space for maintenance and inspection.3.3 Mounting (continued)Caution(When “Body bottom tapped” is selected)Rod end widthacross flats [mm]17223627Rod end nutMax. thread length Rod end widthacross flats [mm]172236X\/• When using the product with IP65 or equivalent specifications, be sure to mount the tubing to the vent hole, and then place the end of the tubing in an area where it is not exposed to dust or water. If the actuator is used without the tubing to the vent hole, water or dust may enter the inside of the actuator, resulting in a malfunction.• When mounting vertically and using the product facing upwards in an environment where water is present, take necessary measures to prevent water from splashing on the rod cover, because water will accumulate on the rod seal due to the structure of the product.• Cannot be used in an environment where oil such as cutting oil splashes or it is constantly exposed to water. Take appropriate protective measures.3.4 LubricationCaution• SMC products have been lubricated for life at manufacture, and do not require lubrication in service.• If a lubricant is used in the system, refer to catalogue for details.•The recommended grease is lithium grade No.2• For products which include a “25A-” prefix the recommended grease is low condensation grease.3.5 WiringWarning• Adjustment, mounting or wiring changes should not be carried out before disconnecting the power supply to the product. Electric shock, malfunction and damage can result. • Do not disassemble the cables. • Use only specified cables.Use only specified cables otherwise there may be risk of fire and damage.• Do not connect or disconnect the wires, cables and connectors when the power is turned on.Caution• Wire the connector correctly and securely.Check the connector for polarity and do not apply any voltage to the terminals other than those specified in the Operation Manual. • Take appropriate measures against noise.Noise in a signal line may cause malfunction. As a countermeasure separate the high voltage and low voltage cables, and shorten the wiring lengths, etc.• Do not route input/output wires and cables together with power or high voltage cables.The product can malfunction due to noise interference and surge voltage from power and high voltage cables close to the signal line. Route the wires of the product separately from power or high voltage cables.• Take care that actuator movement does not catch cables. • Operate with all wires and cables secured.• Avoid bending cables at sharp angles where they enter the product. • Avoid twisting, folding, rotating or applying an external force to the cable.Risk of electric shock, wire breakage, contact failure and loss of control of the product can result.• Select “Robotic cables” in applications where cables are moving repeatedly (encoder/ motor/ lock).Refer to the relevant operation manual for the bending life of the cable. • Confirm correct insulation.Poor insulation of wires, cables, connectors, terminals etc. can cause interference with other circuits. Also there is the possibility that excessive voltage or current may be applied to the product causing damage.• Refer to the auto switch references in “Best Pneumatics“ when an auto switch is to be used3.6 Actuator Ground connectionCaution• The Actuator must be connected to ground to shield the actuator from electrical noise. The screw and cable with crimping terminal and toothed washer should be prepared separately by the user.3.7 Wiring of Actuator to Controller AC saver motor driverWarningUse only specified cables otherwise there may be risk of fire and damage• For standard products, refer to the catalogue on the SMC website (URL: https:// ) for the how to order information.• For standard products, refer to the catalogue on the SMC website (URL: https:// ) for outline dimensions.6.1 General MaintenanceCaution• Not following proper maintenance procedures could cause the product to malfunction and lead to equipment damage.• If handled improperly electricity and compressed air can be dangerous. • Maintenance of electromechanical and pneumatic systems should be performed only by qualified personnel.• Before performing maintenance, turn off the power supply and be sure to cut off the supply pressure. Confirm that the power has been discharged and the air is released to atmosphere.• After installation and maintenance, apply operating pressure and power to the equipment and perform appropriate functional and leakage tests to make sure the equipment is installed correctly.• If any electrical or pneumatic connections are disturbed during maintenance, ensure they are reconnected correctly and safety checks are carried out as required to ensure continued compliance with applicable national regulations.• Do not make any modification to the product.• Do not disassemble the product, unless required by installation or maintenance instructions.• Incorrect handling can cause an injury, damage or malfunction of the equipment and machinery, so ensure that the procedure for the task is followed.• Always allow sufficient space around the product to complete any maintenance and inspection.6.2 Periodical Maintenance• Maintenance should be performed according to the table below: AppearanceCheckBelt CheckInspection before daily operation ✓ Inspection every six months* ✓ ✓ Inspection every 1,000 km* ✓ ✓ Inspection every 5 million cycles* ✓ ✓*whichever of these occurs first.• Following any maintenance, always perform a system check. Do not use the product if any error occurs, as safety cannot be assured if caused by any un-intentional malfunction.6.3 Appearance Check• The following items should be visually monitored to ensure that the actuator remains in good condition and there are no concerns flagged;・Loose Screws,・Abnormal level of dust or dirt, ・Visual flaws / faults, ・Cable connections,・Abnormal noises or vibrations.6.4 Belt Check• If one of the 6 conditions below are seen, do not continue operating the actuator, contact SMC immediately. ・Tooth shaped canvas is worn out.Canvas fibre becomes “fuzzy”, rubber is removed, and the fibre gains a white colour. The lines of fibre become very unclear.・Peeling off or wearing of the side of the belt.The corner of the belt becomes round and frayed, with threads beginning to stick out.・Belt is partially cut.Belt is partially cut. Foreign matter could be caught in the teeth and cause flaws.・Vertical line of belt teeth.Flaw which is made when the belt runs on the flange. ・Rubber back of the belt is softened and sticky. ・Crack on the back of the belt.7 Limitations of Use7.1 Limited warranty and disclaimer/compliance requirements• Refer to Handling Precautions for SMC Products.8 Product disposalThis product should not be disposed of as municipal waste. Check your local regulations and guidelines to dispose of this product correctly, in order to reduce the impact on human health and the environment.9 ContactsRefer to or www.smc.eu for your local distributor / importer.URL : http// (Global) http// (Europe) 'SMC Corporation, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, Japan Specifications are subject to change without prior notice from the manufacturer. © 2021 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved. Template DKP50047-F-085M(5) Lock cable(1) Electric Actuator (2) DriverI/O Connector。
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1.1 详细写出申证产品的产品名称;如:三相异步电动机、单相双值电容电动机等。
1.2 选择申证产品的用途。
1.3 如果产品适用,如实填写产品标准及技术规范文件,如JB/T 4269-2002 《罩极异步电动机通用技术条件》、JB/T 6737-1993《吸排油烟机用电动机通用技术条件》等等。
1.4 选择产品认证的安全标准。
1.5 如实填写申请人的注册名称和地址,并与申请人工商注册营业执照一致。
1.6 如实填写制造商的注册名称和地址,并与制造商工商注册营业执照一致。
1.7 如实填写生产厂的注册名称和实际地址。
1.8 若有注册商标,如实填写。
2.1 根据报告格式(1)~(8)如实填写所有申请认证电动机的技术参数或技术参数范围。
(1) 型号:YS80*~YS90*
(2) 额定电压或电压范围(V):220/380
(3) 额定频率或频率范围(Hz):50
(4) 额定功率或功率范围 ( W):120-1100
(5) 额定转矩或转矩范围(Nm):1.2-5.6
(6) 额定转速或转速范围(r/min):1400-2800
(7) 极数(P): 2、4
(8) 绝缘等级:E
2.2.1 电动机的工作制分为10类(见GB755),在适用的工作制后的[ ] 内打“×”。
例如:S2 10min S3工作制——断续周期工作制。
例如:S3 25%(表示负载持续率)
在外壳防护等级表征字母IP(International Protection)后的方框填上相应的数字。
2.2.3 电动机冷却方式(见GB1993):字母“IC”表示国际通用冷却符号。
括号中的数字分别表示电动机转子和定子的冷却回路和冷却介质运动推动方法,例如:IC01 41的前两位数字是转子的冷却回路和冷却方法,后两位数字是定子的。
2.2.4 选择申请认证电动机的外壳材料。
2.2.5 如实选择电动机所用的绕组材料。
2.2.6 电动机结构及安装形式(见GB997):其代号由字母“IM”( International Mounting),代表卧式安装的字母“B”或代表“立式安装”的字母“V”连同1位(或2位)数字组成或由“IM”和4位数字组成。
2.2.7 选择电机是否带有接地措施。
2.2.8 连接电源类型:小功率电动机常见的连接电源类型有:带接线盒的;引出线带接插件(片)的;带插头的(单相两极、单相三极、三相三极);散放线的等等。
2.2.9 略
2.3 电动机型号命名(见GB4831):如申请认证的电动机的型号与国家标准、行业标准不同,则应文字说明命名的方法或原则以及型号中每一个代号(或字母)的意义。
2.4 若申请认证的产品不止一个,则按照2.4格式填写单元覆盖产品的差异说明。
2.5 单元覆盖产品型号规格:若有产品型谱,则可采用系列方式列明产品的型号和规格,也可列出每一个规格产品的型号和规格。
2.6 如实完整填写表格中适用的关键元器件的信息。
2.7 如实填写产品使用的重要材料的制造商、名称、型号规格和绝缘等级。
2.8 如实填写产品使用的非金属零部件或材料的制造商、名称、型号规格。