
思辨类英语作文写作指导标题,Guidelines for Writing Speculative English Essays。
Writing speculative essays involves exploring ideas, concepts, and theories, often delving into the realm of imagination and critical thinking. Here, we'll delve intothe essential elements and techniques required to craft compelling speculative essays.Introduction。
Begin your essay with a captivating introduction that hooks the reader's attention and provides an overview of what to expect. Define speculative writing and its significance, emphasizing its role in stimulating critical thinking and creativity.Thesis Statement。
Craft a clear and concise thesis statement thatencapsulates the main argument or exploration of your essay. This statement should guide the reader and provide a roadmap for the discussion that follows.Body Paragraphs。
《大学思辨英语教程写作1》练习答案-Unit 5 Dream and Faith

Unit5Dream and FaithPart I:Learning the SkillsActivity1:Match the themes with the following stories.A.The greatest kindness will not bind the ungrateful.B.Idleness brings want.C.Contentment with our lot is an element of happiness.D.Unity is strength.E.Fine feathers don’t make fine birds.Story1:CStory2:BStory3:AStory4:EStory5:DActivity2:Review the texts you have read in the previous units and figure out the theme(s)revealed in each text.Discuss with your partner how these themes are developed and revealed in the texts,and comment on the techniques that the authors use to develop the themes.Text Theme(s)How the theme(s)is(are)revealedCommentsThe Story of My Life(Chapter4)One could overcomea problem thatseems to beinsurmountable--Offered backgroundinformation about herself atthe beginning--Described the skillfulnessand patience of Ann Sullivan--the key moment of epiphany“The Diamond Necklace”Vanity and pride canbe expensiveA great contrast betweenwhat life is and what lifeMathilde fancies at thebeginningMathilde borrowed a necklaceand had a moment of herfancied life,Madame Loisel’s vanity causesher to want to live beyond hermeans and her pride thatprevents her from tellingMadame Forestiere the truth.“After Twenty Years”Justice is higher than friendship“The Selfish Giant”Sharing can bring joy “Too Soon aWoman”True courage is love“My Father sits in the Dark”The love of family members“The three Little Pigs(V1)One should try his best“The three Little Pigs(V2)Truth might take a turn when the narrator is different“A Day’s Wait”Courage isActivity3Read the poem“Sea-Fever”by John Masefield carefully.Write your answer to each question and then discuss your answer with your partner.1)What is the theme,or message that the author expresses in this poem?The simple things in life may be the best.2)What words are repeated to point out the theme?Without these words,do you think thatthe theme will be weakened or strengthened in the poem?Why?“all I ask”is used in all these stanzas to emphasize that what“I”want is easy to satisfy.Without these phrases,the effect will be weakened.3)What do you gain from this poem in terms of living a life?One can live a happy life without too many materials possessions.Activity4Read the following passage,and then complete the statements that follow.1)The phrase“not the brightest bulb in the lamp”in Para.1means he is not smart at all.2)After reading about Epaminondas’dealing with the cake,the butter and the puppy,your impression about him is he is quite simple-minded--not able to adapt with the change of specific circumstances.3)The theme of this folk tale is give unconditional love and accept the differences between people.Part II:Case AnalysisActivity5Read Text A and consider how the author develops the main theme of the story.Task1Understanding the textWork in groups or pairs and fill in the blanks with the missing information about how the author develops the main theme through a series of events and a twist with the last event.Soapy’Action Results Your Commentsthe1st event Dined luxuriously atsome expensiverestaurant.The head waiter kepthim from getting in.The snobbishwaiter judged himby his appearance.the2nd event Broke a shop windowand waited for thepolice to arrest him.The policeman didnot believe he did it.The policemantrusted only theirown judgment.the3rd event Asked the waiters tocall the police bytelling them he had nomoney for the dinnerhe just had at arestaurant.Two waiters pitchedhim out.He again failed.the4th event Accosted a youngwoman who wasnearby a police Rather than beingoffended,the womancame to him joyfully.The woman,probably aprostitute,is asocial problem.the5th event Started to yell andmake a noisy scene infront of a police.The policeman didnothing consideringhim as a universitystudent celebratingtheir victory ingames.The law wasenforceddifferentlytowards differentpeople.the6th event Stole a well-dressedman’s umbrella.It turned out the mantook the umbrellathat didn’t belong tohim in a restaurant.It is ironic that awell-dressed manstole an umbrella.the7th event Being touched bymusic from churchSoapy decided torestart.A policeman cameover and arrestedhim.The climax andending is quitedramatic.Task2Responding to the textWrite your answer to each question in full sentences.Then discuss your answers with your partner.1)Why did Soapy want to be arrested and what does that tell us about the theme of the story? Soapy wanted to have a“nicer”place for the coming winter.The living of the poor in that society seems quite hopeless and abnormal.2)What are the regular responsibilities of a policeman?How did the cop respond to Soapy’s several attempts to get arrested and how does that help to develop the theme of the story?A policeman’s regular responsibilities include order maintenance and misconduct prevention. By letting Soapy go several times despite his attempt to get arrested,it showed the police was not doing their job.It further prepared for the climax of the story and strengthened the theme.3)When Soapy was moved by the anthem music near the church and planned to start over,he was arrested.What is the significance of this event in further developing the theme?This is the climax of the story which made a sharp turn from what has happened in the previous events and makes the readers feel strongly about the absurdity of the society.4)Does the author convey his theme clearly in the text?How do you figure out the theme in the story?The author did not explicitly state the theme in the text.It was presented through the description of Soapy’s winter plans and what he had tried hard to achieve his purpose.5)What impact do you think the unexpected arrest would have on Soapy’s regained faith to “battle with his desperate fate”and“make a man of himself again”?It might ruin his plan to restart his life and probably he would lose his faith because of this event.Activity6Read Text B and consider how the author develops the main theme of the story.Task1Understanding the textWrite your answer to each question in full sentences.Then discuss your answers with your partner.1)Who is the protagonist and who is the antagonist in this story?The protagonist is a woman and the antagonist is a boy.2)What is the conflict mentioned at the beginning of the story?The boy tried to snatch her purse.3)What leads to the encounter between the protagonist and the antagonist?The boy wanted to buy a pair of shoes but couldn’t come up with the money needed.4)What did the woman decide to do after the first encounter with the boy?She dragged the boy to her home.5)Did the boy try to run away when he got a chance later?Why or why not?The boy did not try to run away when he got a chance at Mrs.Jone’s home because he got treated well by Mr.Jones.Task2Responding to the textThe dialogue plays an important role in the development of the theme of this story.Read the following dialogue excerpts and discuss with a partner how they demonstrate the theme in the story.The dialogue helps to develop the plot in which the theme is embedded.The first two dialogues introduced the first encounter of these two main characters as a background.Starting from the third dialogue,Mrs.Jones showed her concern for the boy by asking him to come along with her and wash his face.The following dialogues also revealed the kind heart of Mrs.Jones(not sending him to the jail and inviting the boy eat together with her).She also revealed that she made mistakes in the past but still warned that boy that he should not do illegal things in future. Task3Making a comparison between“The Cop and the Anthem”and“Thank You,M’am”Write your answer to each question in full sentences.Then discuss your answers with your partner.1)Are there any similarities between Soapy and Roger?Both Soapy and Roger were trying to do something bad to meet their own purposes.2)Are there any similarities between the policemen and Mrs.Luella Bates Washington Jones? Both the policemen and Mrs.Jones did what they thought they should do when dealing with Soapy and Roger respectively.3)What might happen if Soapy had met someone like Mrs.Luella Bates Washington Jones earlier in his life?Soapy might have become what he intended to become at the end of the story.4)What might happen if Roger had met a policeman as that in“The Cop and the Anthem”? Roger might be sent to prison and became someone like Soapy or even worse.5)What distinguishes Mrs.Luella Bates Washington Jones from the cops and what are the consequences of these differences?Mrs.Jones educated the boy in her own way and possibly prevented the boy from going astray in his future life.6)What are the respective viewpoints of the authors toward the disadvantaged(Soapy and Roger)and the powerful(the cops and Mrs.Luella Bates Washington Jones)in your opinion? How does that serve the theme of each story?The authors showed sympathy towards Soapy and Roger but in“The Cop and the Anthem”the author portrayed the cops as not doing what they were supposed to do while“Thank you Ma’m”offered a positive image of Mrs.Jones.The different treatment of the powerful makes these two stories developing towards different directions,each serving its own theme?????7)Do you think Mrs.Jones acted out of faith in the story?Why or why not?In what ways do you think a person of faith differs from a person without faith?Yes,she mentioned that she had done something wrong as a youth but she would not tell.Part III:Language StudyActivity7The following sentences are all from O.Henry’s works.Find out the figurative device(s)in each sentence and discuss the effect with your partner.There may be more than one answer.1)Hyperbole2)Metaphor3)Hyperbole4)Personification5)Metaphor6)Irony7)Personification8)Metaphor9)Understatement10)Personification11)Personification12)Simile13)Personification14)Metaphor15)PersonificationActivity8Read the following lines of poetry and find out the figurative device(s)in each excerpt. Excerpt1:simileExcerpt2:hyperboleExcerpt3:personificationExcerpt4:metaphorExcerpt5:personificationExcerpt6:metaphorExcerpt7:simileExcerpt8:personificationExcerpt9:metaphorActivity9Read the following two stories and underline the different parts.What makes the difference? Discuss your understanding with your partner.In these two excerpts,the difference lies in the figurative use of language.In the second excerpt, there were uses of onomatopoeia(Thunk,thunk)simile(soft pine needles covered the ground like a soft brown blanket;as anxious as a fish out of water),alliteration(twittered and tweeted), hyperbole(the sky-scraping branches of trees),and personification(made his heart dance).It creates images in the readers’mind.Activity10Read the following paragraph and then rewrite it using figurative language.1)Using Alliteration:Tanysha sat up late in her bedroom trying to study.Tanysha sat up late in her bedroom silently and studiously trying to study.2)Using Hyperbole:She was an all-A student…She was such a great student that anything less than a100++would send her sobbing from the room.3)Using Simile:…and tomorrow’s math test was an important one.Tomorrow’s math test was as important to Tanysha as a candidate’s final election speech is in the presidential election.4)Using Onomatopoeia:Lying back on her bed for a minute…With a squeak of bedsprings and the crunch of crumpled paper,Tanysha lay back on her bed for a minute.5)Using Metaphor:…Tanysha started daydreaming about going to college and becoming adoctor one day.She started daydreaming about going to the ivory tower learning to become a diseasefighter one day.。
《大学思辨英语教程写作1》练习答案-unit 3 growth and maturity (2)

大学思辨英语教程写作1练习答案 - Unit 3 Growth and Maturity一、词汇学习1. Command - Verb: to give an authoritative order. - Noun: an authoritative order.2. Accumulate - Verb: to gather or collect.3. Inevitable - Adjective: certain to happen; unavoidable.4. Rites - Noun: a religious or other solemn ceremony or act;a way of behaving or doing something that is customary.5. Entail - Verb: involve (something) as a necessary or inevitable part or consequence.二、短文改写原文: Growth and maturity entail several stages and experiences that shape who we become. It is inevitable that we encounter challenges and difficulties along the way. However, it is through overcoming these obstacles that we gain maturity and wisdom.改写: Becoming mature and growing up involve a series of stages and experiences that influence our personal development. It is unavoidable that we face various challengesand hardships throughout this process. Nevertheless, it is by successfully conquering these obstacles that we acquire wisdom and maturity.三、完形填空原文: Ad vertisements in today’s society often try to 1 the idea that people can purchase happiness. They try to 2 us that buying certain products will make us happier and more fulfilled. While it is true that having some material possessions can bring us temporary joy, true happiness and fulfillment come from 3 sources.Money is a 4 tool that can be used for good or for evil. It can provide us with security and opportunities, but it can also make us 5 and lead to dissatisfaction if we become too focused on accumulating wealth. We must remember that there are certain things that money cannot 6. It cannot buy love, friendship, or personal growth, which are all essential for true happiness.In order to truly be happy and fulfilled, we must 7 on developing meaningful relationships, pursuing our passions, and 8 to become the best version of ourselves. This requires self-reflection and self-improvement. 9 happiness comes from within and is not dependent on external factors such as possessions or wealth. It comes from living a life aligned with our values and finding fulfillment in the things that truly matter to us.It is 10 to sometimes be tempted by the notion that possessions can bring us happiness. However, it is important toremember that true happiness is not something that can be bought; it is something that comes from within.完形填空: 1. A. persuade 2. B. convince 3. D. inner 4. C. neutral 5. A. greedy 6. D. acquire 7. B. focus 8. A. striving 9. C. True 10. B. natural四、阅读理解1.原文: A 2016 study found that the average person spends nearly six hours a day on their phone. For many of us, our phone has become an extension of ourselves and a constant source of entertainment and distraction. However, what are the effects of this constant screen time on our mental health?One study conducted by researchers from the University of Pittsburgh found a correlation between increased social media use and feelings of depression and loneliness. The study followed over 1,700 adults and found that those who spent more time on social media platforms were more likely to report feelings of isolation and dissatisfaction with their lives.Another study published in the journal Computers in Human Behavior found that excessive smartphone use can lead to symptoms of addiction. Researchers surveyed over 300 college students and found that those who reported higher levels of dependence on their smartphones were more likely to experience symptoms of anxiety, depression, and loneliness.While smartphones and social media can provide us with a sense of connection and entertainment, it is important to bemindful of our usage. Excessive screen time can have negative effects on our mental health and well-being. It is essential to find a balance and engage in activities that promote our mental and emotional well-being.改写: According to a study conducted in 2016, the average person spends nearly six hours a day on their mobile phones. For many individuals, their phone has become an integral part of their lives, providing constant entertainment and distraction. However, what impact does this excessive screen time have on our mental health?Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh conducted a study that found a correlation between increased use of social media and feelings of loneliness and depression. The study, which involved over 1,700 adults, discovered that those who spent more time on social media platforms were more likely to feel isolated and dissatisfied with their lives.Another study published in the journal Computers in Human Behavior revealed that excessive use of smartphones can lead to symptoms of addiction. The study surveyed more than 300 college students and found that those who reported higher levels of smartphone dependency were more likely to experience symptoms of anxiety, depression, and loneliness.While smartphones and social media can offer a sense of connectivity and entertainment, it is crucial to be mindful of our usage. Spending excessive time on screens can have adverse effects on our mental health and overall well-being. Striking a balance and engaging in activities that promote our mental and emotional well-being is essential.2.原文: Growth and maturity involve taking responsibility for our actions and choices. As we grow older, we gain the autonomy to make decisions that shape our lives. This freedom comes with the need to take ownership of our actions and accept the consequences that result from them.Taking responsibility requires recognizing our role in the outcomes of our choices. It means acknowledging that the decisions we make have an impact on ourselves and those around us. By taking responsibility, we demonstrate our maturity and willingness to learn from our mistakes and grow as individuals.However, taking responsibility does not mean that we are entirely to blame for every negative outcome. It means understanding that we have the power to control how we respond to situations and make choices that align with our values and goals. It also means acknowledging that we have the ability to change and improve ourselves, even in challenging circumstances.Taking responsibility is a sign of personal growth and maturity. It allows us to demonstrate integrity, accountability, and resilience. By embracing responsibility, we develop a sense of ownership over our lives and take an active role in shaping our future.改写: Developing and maturing involves assuming responsibility for our actions and decisions. As we age, we obtain the independence to make choices that impact our lives. With this freedom comes the necessity to acknowledge the consequences that arise from our actions and accept them.Assuming responsibility entails understanding our involvement in the outcomes resulting from our decisions. It means recognizing that the choices we make have an influence on ourselves and those around us. By shouldering responsibility, we exhibit our maturity and willingness to learn from our errors and evolve as individuals.However, accepting responsibility does not imply that we bear full blame for every negative consequence. It means comprehending that we possess the power to control our responses to situations and make choices that are in line with our values and aspirations. It also means acknowledging our ability to adapt and better ourselves, even in the face of challenging circumstances.Taking responsibility signifies personal growth and maturity. It enables us to demonstrate integrity, accountability, and resilience. By embracing responsibility, we foster a sense of ownership over our lives and actively shape our own future.五、写作题目: Write an essay discussing the importance of personal growth and maturity in academic and professional settings.写作: In both academic and professional settings, personal growth and maturity play an indispensable role in our success and development. They not only shape our character but also determine our ability to handle challenges and make wise decisions.First and foremost, personal growth and maturity are fundamental for academic excellence. As students, we are constantly faced with the need to acquire new knowledge and skills. It is through personal growth that we can develop a thirst for learning, curiosity, and an open mind. By cultivating these qualities, we become more receptive to new ideas and perspectives, enhancing our ability to grasp complex concepts and apply them in academic endeavors.Furthermore, personal growth and maturity enable us to take responsibility for our academic progress. They teach us to prioritize our commitments, manage our time effectively, and persevere through obstacles. As we grow and mature, we recognize that success is not solely determined by intelligence but also by discipline and hard work. This self-discipline and work ethic become the driving forces behind our academic achievements.In addition to academic pursuits, personal growth and maturity are equally critical in professional settings. As professionals, we must navigate complex work environments, collaborate with diverse individuals, and handle challenging situations. Personal growth equips us with the necessary emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills to thrive in such environments.Moreover, personal growth encourages us to strive for continuous improvement in our professional lives. By being self-aware and open to feedback, we can identify areas for growth and actively seek opportunities for development. This may involve attending workshops, exploring new roles or responsibilities, or seeking guidance from mentors. Ultimately, personal growth and maturity enable us to adapt to evolving job demands and contribute meaningfully to our organizations.In conclusion, personal growth and maturity are essential components of success in academic and professional settings. They not only enhance our ability to acquire knowledge and overcome challenges, but also equip us with the skills necessary to excel in our chosen fields. By investing in our personal growth and embracing maturity, we position ourselves for an enriching and fulfilling academic and professional journey.。

大学思辨教程写作2说明文写作unit1答案Unit1 Explanation Writing:1. What is the relationship between language and thought?Answer: Language and thought are closely intertwined. Language shapes our thinking by providing structure to it, while thought influences the way language is used. We use language to express our thoughts and feelings, and in doing so, our thoughts are shaped by the language we choose.2. How does the development of language affect our thinking?3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using language?5. How does culture influence language use?Answer: Culture plays an important role in the way we use language. Different cultures have different conventions for language use, such as grammar, syntax and pronunciation. Additionally, certain words and phrases may mean different things in different cultures, and this can lead to misunderstandings between people from different backgrounds.6. In what ways can language reveal the culture of a certain group or society?Answer: Language can reveal a lot about the culture of a certain group or society. A language can reflect a culture’svalues, beliefs and attitudes, as well as its history and traditions. Additionally, certain dialects of a language can be used to identify a group or region, indicating the cultural heritage of the people who use it.7. What is the power of language?9. What are the effects of incorrect language use?。
《大学思辨英语教程写作1》练习答案-Unit 4 Truth and Interpretation

Unit4Truth and InterpretationPart I:Learning the SkillsActivity1Review the texts you have read in the previous units.Discuss with your partner which point of view is employed in each text and whether you would have different feelings about these texts if different points of view were employed.Suggestions for instructors:Discuss with students how the point of view change leads to the differences in the narration.Activity2Read the following four excerpts and discuss with your partner which point of view is employed in each excerpt,whether the difference gives you different feelings toward the same event and how your response is influenced by how much the narrator knows and how objective the narrator is.Activity3Narrate an incident in your childhood(either real or made-up)from several points of view: first from your own point of view;next from the point of view of your family;finally from the point of view of a stranger who witnessed the incident.Evaluate which point of view is easier to write and which point of view tells the story best.Suggestions for instructors:Another option:Read the following examples and ask the students to work in groups and rewrite from a different point of view(first person point of view,for instance)and share their writing with other groups.Leslie sat in front of Paul.She had two long,brown pigtails that reached all the way down to her waist.Paul saw those pigtails,and a terrible urge came over him.He wanted to pull a pigtail. He wanted to wrap his fist around it,feel the hair between his fingers,and just yank.He thought it would be fun to tie the pigtails together,or better yet,tie them to her chair.But most of all,he just wanted to pull one.---Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar At the pizza place,Tony the baker was getting the pizzas ready for baking.He flattened out a ball of dough into a large pancake and tossed it in the air.He spread tomato sauce on it, sprinkled it with cheese,and shoved it in the oven.Then the telephone rang.“A fellow from the factory wants a large pizza delivered in a hurry,”Tony’s wife called.“OK,I’ll get my coat,”said Tony.---Curious George and the Pizza by Margret ReyPart II:Case AnalysisActivity4Read the above two versions of“The Three Little Pigs”and consider the differences it makes when the narrator is different.Task1Understanding the textComplete the following sentences based on your understanding of the texts.1)The point of view in the first version is third-person limited omniscient point of view.2)The wolf in the first version was described as big and bad.3)The third little pig in the first version was described as smart.4)The point of view in the second version is first-person point of view.5)The wolf in the second version was described as innocent.6)The third little pig in the second version was described as impolite.Task2Responding to the textWrite your answer to each question in full sentences.Then discuss your answers with your partner.1)What leads to the different characterization of the wolf in the two versions?The different characterization of the wolf was created through the different points of view. 2)Which characterization of the wolf do you think is more reliable and what leads to your conclusion?The first was more reliable because the second version was using the first-person point of view.3)How does the change of point of view change the development of the story?The change of point of view leads to quite different interpretation of the same event.Text B A Day’s WaitSuggestions for instructors:The whole story was written from the father’s point of view.The students may be asked to work in groups and retell the story orally with the boy being the narrator.Activity5Read Text B and think about the story’s point of view.Task1Understanding the textFind out the following elements of the text.Character(s):a little boy and his fatherSetting:the little boy had a feverPoint of view:first person point of viewPlot:The little boy who had a fever thought he would die because he confused Fahrenheit and Celsius. Theme:It shows how death lets things appear in a different way.Task2Responding to the textWrite your answer to each question in full sentences.Then discuss your answers with your partner.1)Do you think the narrator is well chosen in the text?Why or why not?2)Was there any misunderstanding between the boy and his father?If yes,please find out the evidence.When the boy told his father that“…I mean you don’t have to stay if it’s going to bother you,”his father thought he would like to be left alone while the little boy thought he would die.3)What are the clues showing that the boy was very worried?4)Text B is mainly composed of dialogue.But there are two paragraphs used to describe what the father saw and did(“It was a bright,cold day,the ground covered with…We flushed a covey of quail under a high clay bank with overhanging brush…”).What functions do these two paragraphs play in developing the story?5)What does the author try to reveal through the boy’s struggle with his fever?6)Suppose you were going to die in a week.How would you spend the last week of your life?To what extent would this change your view of life?Part III:Language StudyActivity6The following is an excerpt from“The Selfish Giant.”Read and discuss how the words and phrases create the image of a harsh winter.Then the Spring came,and all over the country there were little blossoms and little birds.Only in the garden of the Selfish Giant it was still winter.The birds did not_______to sing in it as there were no children,and the trees forgot to______.Once a beautiful flower put its head out from the grass,but when it saw the notice-board it was so sorry for the children that it______back into the ground again,and went off to sleep.The only people who were_____were the Snow and the Frost.“Spring has forgotten this garden,”they cried,“so we will live here all the year round.”The Snow______up the grass with her great white_______,and the Frost______all the trees_______.Then they invited the North Wind to stay with them,and he came.He was____in furs,and he_____all day about the garden,and blew the chimney-pots down.“This is a delightful spot,”he said,“we must ask the Hail on a visit.”So the Hail came.Every day for three hours he_____on the roof of the castle till he broke most of the slates,and then he ran round and round the garden as fast as he could go.He was dressed in grey,and his breath was like ice. Activity7Read the following excerpts and discuss with your partner how many kinds of tenses are used in each excerpt and what the functions of tenses in narrative writing are.Mary______(like)to look at her mother from a distance and she_______(think)her very pretty, but as she______(know)very little of her she could scarcely have been expected to love her or to miss her very much when she was gone.She did not miss her at all,in fact,and as she was a self-absorbed child she gave her entire thought to herself,as she had always done.If she had been older she would no doubt have been very anxious at being left alone in the world,but she________(be)very young,and as she had always been taken care of,she supposed she always would be.She_______(get)up very early in the morning and_____(work)hard in the garden and she______(be)tired and sleepy,so as soon as Martha________(bring)her supper and she_______(eat)it,she was glad to go to bed.As she laid her head on the pillow she murmured to herself:“I’ll go out before breakfast and work with Dick on and then afterward—I believe—I’ll go to see him.”She thought.Activity8Read the following passages and fill in each blank with the given verb in its appropriate tense.He1)remembered the books of poetry upon his shelves at home.He2)had bought them in his bachelor days and many an evening,as he3)sat in the little room off the hall,he4)had been tempted to take one down from the bookshelf and read out something to his wife.But shyness had always held him back;and so the books5)had remained on their shelves.At times he6) repeated lines to himself and this consoled him.The Secret Garden1)was what Mary called it when she2)was thinking of it.She liked the name, and she liked still more the feeling that when its beautiful old walls shut her in no one knew where she was.It3)seemed almost like being shut out of the world in some fairy place.The few books she4)had read and liked had been fairy-story books,and she had read of secret gardens in some of the stories.。

大学思辨英语教程说明文写作Old Age andWisdomU3答案

大学思辨英语教程说明文写作Old Age andWisdomU3答案1、- I haven't been to Guilin yet.- I haven t been there, ______. [单选题] *A. tooB. alsoC. either(正确答案)D. neither2、Where have you _______ these days? [单选题] *A. been(正确答案)B. beC. isD. are3、I tell my mother not ______ me.()[单选题] *A. worry aboutB. to worry about(正确答案)C. worry withD. to worry with4、Tomorrow is Ann’s birthday. Her mother is going to make a _______ meal for her. [单选题] *A. commonB. quickC. special(正确答案)D. simple5、40.—________ apples do we need to make fruit salad?—Let me think…We need three apples. [单选题] *A.How longB.How oftenC.How muchD.How many(正确答案)6、pencil - box is beautiful. But ____ is more beautiful than ____. [单选题] *A. Tom's; my; heB. Tom's; mine; his(正确答案)C. Tom's; mine; himD. Tom's; my; his7、Tom will _______ me a gift from Japan. [单选题] *A. takeB. getC. carryD. bring(正确答案)8、It' s a pity that we have to stay at home when we are having()weather. [单选题] *A. so fineB. so fine aC. such fine(正确答案)D. such a fine9、—Where did you get the book?—From my friend. I ______ it three days ago. ()[单选题] *A. lentB. borrowed(正确答案)C. keptD. returned10、People cut down many trees ______ elephants are losing their homes. ()[单选题] *A. ifB. butC. so(正确答案)D. or11、We moved to the front row_____we could hear and see better. [单选题] *A. so asB. so that(正确答案)C. becauseD. such that12、A survey of the opinions of students()that they admit several hours of sitting in front of the computer harmful to health. [单选题] *A. show;areB. shows ;is(正确答案)C.show;isD.shows ;are13、If we want to keep fit, we should try to _______ bad habits. [单选题] *A. keepB. haveC. getD. get rid of(正确答案)14、John had planned to leave but he decided to stay in the hotel for _____ two days because of the heavy rain. [单选题] *A. otherB. another(正确答案)C. the otherD. others15、He usually ________ at 6:30 a.m. [单选题] *A. gets toB. gets up(正确答案)C. gets overD. gets in16、-Do you have tickets for Friday? -Sorry, we've got _____ left. [单选题] *A. eitherB. none(正确答案)C. no oneD. neither17、There _____ wrong with my radio. [单选题] *A. are somethingB. are anythingC. is anythingD. is something(正确答案)18、Bliss, who worked in an information centre, began to work on the book in 1 [单选题] *A. 策划B. 上班C. 写作(正确答案)D. 销售19、Mary's watch is more expensive than _____. [单选题] *A. Susan's(正确答案)B. that of Susan'sC. that of SusanD. Susan20、( ) The Great Wall was listed by the UNESCO as ___ World Heritage Site. [单选题]*A. a(正确答案)B. theC.\D.an21、This is not our house. lt belongs to _____. [单选题] *A. the Turners'B. the Turners(正确答案)C. Turner'sD. Turners22、—______? —Half a kilo.()[单选题] *A. How much are theyB. How much is itC. How much would you like(正确答案)D. How many would you like23、Jim will _______ New York at 12 o’clock. [单选题] *A. get onB. get outC. get offD. get to(正确答案)24、(), it would be much more sensible to do it later instead of finishing it now. [单选题] *A. FinallyB. MildlyC. Actually(正确答案)D. Successfully25、How can I _______ the nearest supermarket? [单选题] *A. get offB. get upC. get to(正确答案)D. get on26、39.—What do you ________ my new dress?—Very beautiful. [单选题] *A.look atB.think aboutC.think of(正确答案)D.look through27、I always make my daughter ______ her own room.()[单选题] *A. to cleanB. cleaningC. cleansD. clean(正确答案)28、—Whose book is it? Is it yours?—No, ask John. Maybe it’s ______.()[单选题] *A. hersB. his(正确答案)C. he’sD. her29、____ China is ____ old country with ____ long history. [单选题] *A. /, an, a(正确答案)B. The, an, aC. /, an, /D. /, the, a30、While they were in discussion, their manager came in by chance. [单选题] *A. 抓住时机B. 不时地C. 碰巧(正确答案)D. 及时。
大学思辨英语写作Unit 2 Empathy and Justice

Unit 2 Empathy and JusticePre-class exploration2. Look at the people around you. Select one of them and make a carefulobservation of this person such as his or her appearance, clothing, hairstyle, facialexpression and behavior (such as chewing gum or typing a text message). As youlook at the person, what general impression do you get? Do you like his or her lookor not? Does the person make you smile, chuckle, frown or feel annoyed? Then writedown your observations and discuss them with your partner. Suggestions for instructors:1The instructor can ask students to describe someone in class in detail and let the others guess who that person is.2The instructor can provide some pictures from newspapers or magazines so that the students can use those as discussion materials. Ask one group to describea certaincharacter in words and another group to draw the characterbased on the description.Part I: Learning the SkillsActivity 1 Beaver Goes ShoppingRead the following story and discuss with your partner the techniques used in developing the character Beaver.What Beaver saysBeaver talked to different animals about what food to buy. He communicated with several animals about his food.What Beaver doesBeaver talked and acted and kept trying different food after listening to different people’s advice.What Beaver thinks and feelsHe felt sad ( unhappy) when he couldn’t find the food he wanted and happy when he got the carrots.Activity 2The following two passages are about two best friends, Deanna and Beverly. Read thetwo passages carefully and discuss with your partner the techniques the authors useto develop the characters in each passage. In Passage 2, highlight those sentences thatcan correspond tothe sentences ([1], [2], [3] and [4]) in Passage 1 and think about theimpact of these differences on readers’ impressions of the two characters.The technique here is whether using showing or telling in character development. While the first uses telling, the second mostly used showing with specific details and dialogues.Part II: Case AnalysisActivity 3Read Text A and consider how the author keeps moving the plot of the story forward. What techniques are employed to develop the characters?Task 1 Understanding the textTask 2 Responding to the textWrite your answer to each question in full sentences. Then discuss your answers withyour partner.1) What had happened in the past 20 years to Jimmy and Bob?Jimmy became a policeman while Bob got rich by involving in criminal activities.2) What kind of person was Jimmy in the eyes of Bob? Could you imagine Bob’s feeling while he was waiting for Jimmy?Jimmy was a nice and honest guy. He was excited and proud that he had been “successful”. 3) How did Jimmy deal with the awkward situation?He did not reveal his real identity.4) If you were Jimmy, how would you deal with the awkward situation?Answers may vary.Activity 4Read Text B and consider how the author presents the change of the Selfish Giant. What techniques are employed to develop the character Giant?Task 1 Understanding the textComplete the chronological outline of the text. Include the most important events in the story.1) Children liked to play in the Giant’s garden.2)One day the Giant came back and _put a sign up to keep the garden to himself__.3)Then the Giant had a long winterandspringnever came.4) One morning the Giant heard some lovely music and saw a most wonderful sight.5) Every afternoon, when school was over, the children came and played withthe Giant.6) Years went over, and the Giant grew very old and feeble.7) One winter morning he looked out of his window he found a tree covered with lovely white blossomsand underneath it stood the little boy he had loved.8) When the children ran in that afternoon, they found the Giant lying deadunder the tree, all covered with white blossoms.Task 2 Responding to the textWrite your answer to each question in full sentences. Then discuss your answers with your partner.1) Why was the Giant unhappy to see the children playing in his garden when he cameback from his visit to his friend? Have you ever seen a similar phenomenon in your life?He thought the garden was his and he did not want to share it with others.2) How did the author present the Giant’s realization of his selfishness?Through a monologue “my own garden is my own garden” and his action of putting a no trespassing sign.3) What did the Giant gain by allowing the children to play in his garden?He gained happiness.4) What role did the little boy play in the development of the story?The little boy changed the selfish giant into a loving giant and as a symbolic figure(angel); he was very important.Part III: Language StudyActivity 5Read Text A and Text B and find more examples of concrete language and figurative language. Then discuss their functions with your partner.Activity 6The following sentences are developed from the sentence Sheila replied,“I don’tknow where he is.”With different concrete details, Sheila becomes different kindsof person.Discuss with your partner your understanding of what kind of personSheila is in each context.1) Sheila rolled her eyes and sighed loudly, then threw up her hands in exasperation and replied curtly, “I don’t know where he is.”Sheila was quick-tempered.2) Staring blankly out of the window, Sheila exhaled softly, closed her eyes for a moment and replied, “I don’t know where he is.”Sheila was gentle.3) Sheila stared at her mother, teary-eyed, shuddering with fear, and sobbingly replied, “I don’t know where he is.”Sheila was timid /fearful.4) Sheila continued to pass the items over the scanner, staring down at the counter, and without even looking at the customer, replied indifferently, “I don’t know where he is.”Sheila was impolite.Activities 7-8Suggestions for instructors:These two activities would help students to practice the characterization skills as well as characterization through concrete and/or figurative language.We suggest that the teacher could ask students to work on the two activities themselves first. If in class, the teacher could ask students to select one task from each activity and work in pair about 10 minutes. Then the teacher could ask students to share their work and arrange the whole class to appreciate their writing.More examples for Activity 8The old woman looked old and sad.A.When I came out of the train, I heard someone sobbing. I headed towards the direction whereby the sobbing came from. I spotted an old woman with wrinkled skin and silver hair. She had teeth that had yellowed with age. She also looked miserable and gloomy. The old woman was sitting in a humid corner whereby no one cared about her. As I went closer to her, I could see tears streaming down her face. I realized that she was hunched-back. I could tell from her appearance that she was a burden to her family.B.The frail-looking lady inched forward like she only had a limited space to move her feet. From a far distance, I could see her wrinkled skin and her teeth that had yellowed with age. She looked cheerless with sunken eyes and cheeks. Her sinewy hands looked like she had worked hard for many years. She looked really feeble and seemed like she could not even swat a fly without missing it. Her silvery hair was no longer bright and shiny, but instead it was dull. Her face was gloomy and her smile was gone. She hunched her back and took a couple of steps forward. She looked up in dismay and sighed.If time permits, the instructor can ask students to work in groups and list five ways to show that a person is sad, or angry or happy.For example:On entering the door I remembered the doll I had broken. I felt my way to the hearth and picked up the pieces. I tried vainly to put them together. Then my eyes filled with tears; for I realized what I had done, and for the first time I felt repentance and sorrow.—The Story of My LifeHe stopped, distracted, seeing that his wife was weeping. Two great tears ran slowly from the corners of her eyes toward the corners of her mouth.—The Diamond NecklaceShe wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sister’s arms.—The Story of an HourAfter Harry Potter’s parents were killed, baby Harry was put onto the doorsteps of his uncle and aunt which made Hagrid, Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore sad:For a full minute the three of them stood and looked at the little bundle; Hagrid's shoulders shook, Professor McGonagall blinked furiously, and the twinkling light that usually shone from Dumbledore's eyes seemed to have gone out.—Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s StoneShe was crying too, and she wiped her face on her torn and singed sleeve as she spoke, but she took great heaving breaths to calm herself as, still keeping a tight hold on Ron, she turned to Harry.– (Fred was killed and Hermione was sad, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)Hermione burst into tears. Before Harry could say or do anything, she tucked the enormous book under her arm, and, still sobbing, ran toward the staircase to the girls’ dormitories and out of sight.—Harry Potter and the Prisoner of AzkabanHarry suddenly realized that there were tears on his face mingling with the sweat. He bent his face as low as possible, wiping them off on his robes, pretending to do up his shoelace, so that Lupin wouldn't see.–Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban“You may rest assured that she will be punished,” Mr. Crouch added coldly.“M-m-master…” Winky stammered, looking up at Mr. Crouch, her eyes brimming with tears. “M-m-master, p-p-please…”—Harry Potter and the Goblet of FireWinky's lip quivered. Thenshe burst into tears, which spilled out of her great brown eyes and splashed down her front, just as they had done at the Quidditch World Cup.—Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire“Master Barty, you bad boy!” whispered Winky, tears trickling between her fingers.—Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire。
《大学思辨英语教程写作1》练习答案-unit 4 truth and interpretation

《大学思辨英语教程写作1》练习答案-unit 4 truth and interpretation1、Unit 4 Truth and Interpretation Part I: Learning the Skills Activity 1 Review the texts you have read in the previous units. Discuss with your partner which point of view is employed in each text and whether you would have different feelings about these texts if different points of view were employed. Suggestions for instructors: Discuss with students how the point of view change leads to the differences in the narration. Activity 2 Read the following four excerpts and discuss with your partner 。
2、which point of view is employed in each excerpt, whether the difference gives you different feelings toward the same event and how your response is influenced by how much the narrator knows and how objective the narrator is. Activity 3 Narrate an incident in your childhood (either real or made-up) from several points of view: first from your own point of view; next from the point of view of your family; finally from the point of view of a stranger who witnessed the incident. Evaluate which point。

英语思辨作文万能模板英文回答:Introduction:Begin by stating the topic of the essay and providing a brief overview of the key arguments that will be presented.Body Paragraph 1: Present the first argument and provide evidence to support it.State the first argument clearly and concisely.Provide specific examples, data, or research to support the argument.Explain how the evidence demonstrates the validity of the argument.Body Paragraph 2: Present the second argument andprovide evidence to support it.Repeat the same process as in Body Paragraph 1.Ensure that the second argument is distinct from the first and offers a different perspective.Body Paragraph 3: Present a counterargument and address its weaknesses.Identify a potential counterargument to the presented arguments.Explain why the counterargument is flawed or insufficient to refute the main arguments.Provide evidence or logical reasoning to support the refutation.Body Paragraph 4: Present a nuanced perspective or explore additional implications.If applicable, introduce a more nuanced perspective that takes into account both sides of the debate.Explore the broader implications or consequences of the arguments presented.Conclusion:Summarize the main arguments and evidence presented.Restate the thesis statement and emphasize its relevance or importance.Conclude with a thought-provoking statement or call to action.中文回答:导言:提出议论文的主题,并简要概述将要论述的关键论点。

大学思辨英语教程说明文写作2第三单元课后答案Activity 5Read Text A and Text Band find more examples of concrete language and figurative language.Then discuss their functions with your partner.Activity 6The following sentences are developed from the sentence Sheila replied,“ldon'tknow where he is."With different concrete details,Sheila becomes different kindsof person.Discuss with your partner your understanding of what kind of personSheila is in each context.1)Sheila rolled her eyes and sighed loudly, then threw up her hands inexasperation and replied curtly,“l don't know where he is.”Sheila was quick-tempered.2)Staring blankly out of the window, Sheila exhaled softly, closed her eyes for a moment and r eplied,"l don't know where he is.”Sheila was gentle.3) Sheila stared at her mother, teary- eyed,shuddering with fear, and sobbingly replied,“I don't know where he is.”Sheila was timid /fearful.4)Sheila continued to pass the items over the scanner, staring down at the counter, and without even looking at the customer, replied indifferently,“I don't know where he is.”Sheila was impolite.Activities 7-8Suggestions for instructors:These two activities would help students to practice the characterization skills as well as characterization through concreteand/or figurative language.We suggest that the teacher could ask students to work on the two activities themselves first. lf in class, the teacher could ask students to select one task from each activity and work in pair about 10 minutes. Then the teacher could ask students to share their work and arrange the whole class to appreciate their writing More examples for Activity8The old woman looked old and sad.A.When Icame out of the train, l heard someone sobbing.I headed towards the direction whereby the sobbing came from.l spotted an old woman with wrinkled skin and silver hair She had teeth that had yellowed with age.She also looked miserable and gloomy. The old woman was sitting in a humid corner whereby no one cared about her. As I went closer to her,l could see tears streaming down her face.l realized that she was hunched-back.l could tell from her appearance that she was a burden to her family.B.The frail-looking lady inched forward like she only had a limitedspace to move her feet. From a far distance,Icould see her wrinkled skin and her teeth that had yellowed with age. She looked cheerless with sunken eyes and cheeks. Her sinewy hands looked like she had worked hard for many years. She looked really feeble and seemed like she could not even swat a fly without missing it. Her silvery hair was no longer bright and shiny, but instead it was dull. Her face was gloomy and her smile was gone. She hunched her back and took a couple of steps forward.She looked up in dismay and sighed.If time permits, the instructor can ask students to work in groups and list five ways to show that a person is sad, or angry or happy.For example:On entering the door I remembered the doll l had broken. l felt my way to the hearth and picked what l had done, and for the first time l felt repentance and sorrow.-The Story of My Life-The Diamond NecklaceShe wept at once,with sudden, wild abandonment,in her sister's arms.-The Story of an Hour After Harry Potter's parents were killed, baby Harry was put onto the doorsteps of his uncle and aunt which made Hagrid,Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore sad:For a full minute the three of them stood and looked at the little bundle; -Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Harry -(Fred was killed and Hermione was sad, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)Hermione Before Harry could say or do anything, she tucked the enormous ran toward the staircase to the girls’dormitories and out of sight.-Harry Potter and the Prisoner ofAzkaban face as low as possible, wiping them off on his robes, pretending to do up his shoelace,so that Lupin wouldn't see.-Harry Potter and the Prisoner ofAzkaban “You may rest assured that she will be punished,"Mr. Crouch added coldly.“M-m-master..."Winky stammered, looking up at Mr.Crouch,“M-m-master,p- p-please.….”-Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire -Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire“Master Barty,you bad boy!"whispered Winky, tears trickling between her fingers.-Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire。

思辨类作文模板英语版英文回答:Argumentative Essay Template。
I. Introduction。
Hook: Begin with a compelling statement or question that captures the reader's attention.Background Information: Provide context and relevant information related to the topic.Thesis Statement: Clearly state the argument that you will be presenting in the essay.II. Body Paragraphs。
Paragraph 1: Present the first supporting point for your thesis.Topic Sentence: Introduce the main idea of the paragraph.Evidence: Provide specific examples, data, or expert opinions to support your claim.Analysis: Explain how the evidence supports your point.Paragraph 2: Present the second supporting point for your thesis.Topic Sentence: Introduce the main idea of the paragraph.Evidence: Provide specific examples, data, or expert opinions to support your claim.Analysis: Explain how the evidence supports your point.... (Repeat for as many supporting points as needed)。


思辨类英语作文写作指导Title: A Guide to Writing Speculative English Essays。
In the realm of English essay writing, exploring speculative topics requires a blend of critical thinking, creativity, and clarity of expression. Whether delving into philosophical inquiries or projecting future scenarios, crafting a compelling speculative essay demands a structured approach and mastery of language. Here's a comprehensive guide to aid you in navigating theintricacies of speculative English essay writing.Understanding Speculative Writing:Speculative writing involves contemplating hypothetical situations, exploring abstract concepts, or envisioning potential outcomes. It transcends the bounds of empirical evidence and invites readers to engage with imaginative scenarios or philosophical inquiries.Choosing a Topic:Select a topic that sparks curiosity and allows for exploration of multiple perspectives. It could revolve around ethical dilemmas, futuristic technologies, societal transformations, or existential questions. Ensure that the topic aligns with your interests and offers ample room for speculation and analysis.Structuring Your Essay:1. Introduction:Begin with a captivating hook or an intriguing question to grab the reader's attention.Provide context for the topic and briefly outline the scope of your essay.Present a clear thesis statement that encapsulates the main argument or speculative premise of your essay.2. Body Paragraphs:Organize your ideas logically, with each paragraph focusing on a distinct aspect or subtopic.Support your arguments with evidence, whether it's theoretical frameworks, hypothetical scenarios, or philosophical concepts.Engage in critical analysis and explore the implications of the speculative elements you introduce.Incorporate relevant examples, anecdotes, or quotations to enrich your arguments and provide context.3. Counterarguments and Rebuttals:Anticipate potential objections or alternate viewpoints and address them thoughtfully.Acknowledge the complexities of the topic and demonstrate intellectual flexibility by consideringopposing perspectives.Strengthen your argument by refuting counterarguments with reasoned evidence or by offering nuanced interpretations.4. Conclusion:Summarize the key points discussed in your essay and restate the significance of your argument.Reflect on the broader implications of your speculative exploration and its relevance to the larger discourse.End on a thought-provoking note that encourages further reflection or discussion.Crafting Persuasive Arguments:1. Clarity and Precision:Express your ideas concisely and clearly, avoiding ambiguity or convoluted language.Use precise terminology and define key concepts to ensure coherence and understanding.2. Evidence and Reasoning:Ground your speculations in logical reasoning and evidence, even if the subject matter is inherently speculative.Draw upon established theories, empirical data, or logical deductions to support your claims and hypotheses.3. Creativity and Originality:Embrace creativity in your exploration of speculative topics, allowing for imaginative scenarios and unconventional perspectives.Strive to offer fresh insights or novelinterpretations that contribute to the richness of the discourse.4. Critical Thinking:Cultivate a critical mindset that questions assumptions, evaluates evidence, and discerns between conjecture and substantiated claims.Engage in reflective analysis and intellectual inquiry, fostering a deeper understanding of the complexities inherent in speculative discourse.Refining Your Writing:1. Revision and Editing:Review your essay meticulously, paying attention to coherence, structure, and clarity of expression.Eliminate redundancies, clarify ambiguous statements, and refine your arguments for maximum impact.Proofread for grammatical errors, punctuation inconsistencies, and typographical mistakes.2. Seeking Feedback:Solicit feedback from peers, instructors, or mentors to gain valuable insights and perspectives on your writing.Consider constructive criticism with an open mind, using it to refine your arguments and strengthen your essay.3. Continuous Learning:Cultivate a habit of reading widely across diverse genres and disciplines, expanding your knowledge base and honing your analytical skills.Stay informed about current events, emerging trends, and new developments relevant to your speculative interests.In conclusion, mastering the art of speculative Englishessay writing requires a synthesis of intellectual rigor, creative imagination, and effective communication. By following the guidelines outlined in this guide and embracing the spirit of exploration, you can craft thought-provoking essays that inspire curiosity, stimulate debate, and contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of speculative discourse.。

思辨作文英语模板英文回答:The Efficacy of Artificial Intelligence in Education。
Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force with the potential to revolutionize numerous industries, including education. By leveraging its advanced capabilities, AI can enhance teaching and learning processes, augmenting the abilities of educators and empowering students. This essay explores the multifaceted efficacy of AI in education, examining its potential to improve learning outcomes, personalize instruction, and revolutionize the educational landscape.Enhancing Learning Outcomes。
AI-powered tools can assist students in achievingbetter learning outcomes by providing personalized support and targeted interventions. For instance, intelligenttutoring systems can diagnose students' individual needs, tailoring instruction to their strengths and weaknesses. This individualized approach enables students to progressat their own pace, reinforcing concepts where necessary and challenging them when appropriate. Furthermore, AI-driven simulations and virtual reality experiences can create immersive learning environments that enhance understanding and retention.Personalizing Instruction。

大学思辨英语教程写作4答案unit8Warmth is a kind of psychological feeling, a kind of warm spiritual touch. There are many feelings in life. Can you remember that a look, a pair of big hands, a sentence, faint, faint, just inadvertently give you warm comfort and moisture.There are many ways to express love. Such as: tolerance, consideration, respect for the old and love the young, happiness sharing, pain sharing... A simple action, a simple language, may bring you and me happiness or distress, life gives you happiness, anger, sorrow and joy, warmth is in it.There are always times when life is not satisfactory. There are always so many variables in the journey of life, and there are always some frustrations and setbacks. When someone reaches out to you at this critical juncture and gets rid of the dilemma, such feelings will appear in his heart: it is really "carbon in the snow" or "mountains and rivers are full of doubts, there is no way, willows and flowers are bright in another village" and "it takes no effort to step through iron shoes and find nowhere to get it".Entering the second day of junior high school, in this nearly one year of study and life, I have also received the care and help of many students. Even if I speak a question, a pen... I feel extremely grateful and warm. Since May Day, we have changed our schedule. We have classes at 2:30 p.m., and day students must enter school at 2:00. When I changed my duty, I was often late on duty because of the regulations. That time, I panted to the classroom, and class was about to begin, but I haven't done my duty yet. At this time, a member of our group came up to me and said, "I'll sweep it for you before you come." At that time, I really wanted to pick her up. I didn't know how to thank her. My heart was warm.Love doesn't need to be passed on vigorously to others, but it's enough to reach out and pull others when they are eager for your help. In our real life, one action, one sentence, one smile and one look can bring great care and warmth to others. With the development of society, people's quality is also gradually improving, knowing to give others warmth. There are more people planting trees and fewer people cutting trees; This is the warmth sent to nature; Respect the old and love the young much more, and thereare fewer fights. This is the warmth sent to social security... There are many, many warmth waiting for us to pass on and spread.We love our relatives, friends, classmates and strangers, and receive them from them, both giving and receiving. I think our hearts are warm. If you give a little love and warm your heart, your life will be full of poetic feelings.温暖是一种心理感受,是一种温馨的心灵触摸,生活中有许多感觉,可曾记得,一个眼神,一双大手,一句话,淡淡的,幽幽的,只是不经意时给你暖暖的抚慰与湿润。

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern society, critical thinking has emerged as an indispensable skill. The ability to analyze information, evaluate evidence, and formulate well-informed judgments is crucial for navigating the complexities of life. As such, educational institutions around the world have recognized the importance offostering critical thinking skills among students. This essay will explore the significance of critical thinking in education, examining its benefits and discussing effective pedagogical approaches to its development.Benefits of Critical Thinking。
Critical thinking offers numerous advantages to individuals both within and beyond the classroom. Thesebenefits include:Enhanced Problem-Solving: Critical thinking enables individuals to identify and analyze problems, generate creative solutions, and evaluate their effectiveness.Improved Decision-Making: By assessing information critically, individuals can make well-informed decisions that are supported by evidence and reason.Increased Intellectual Curiosity: Critical thinking fosters a thirst for knowledge and encourages individuals to explore new ideas and perspectives.Effective Communication: The ability to think critically allows individuals to express their ideas clearly and persuasively, effectively communicating their thoughts and opinions.Personal Empowerment: Critical thinking empowers individuals to take ownership of their learning and make informed choices that shape their lives.Pedagogical Approaches。

大学英语思辨期末总结范文Introduction:The college English discourse course has been an incredible journey of intellectual growth and personal development. Over the course of the semester, I have acquired valuable skills, broadened my horizons, and learned a multitude of theories and techniques related to the art of discourse. This reflective summary aims to provide an overview of my experiences throughout the course, highlighting the most impactful aspects as well as the challenges and future goals.1. Challenges Faced:The initial stages of the course presented several challenges, both in terms of language proficiency and the ability to articulate arguments effectively. As a non-native English speaker, expressing complex thoughts fluently posed a significant barrier initially. Additionally, understanding abstract theories and integrating them into my written and spoken discourse proved to be intellectually demanding. However, with consistent effort and guidance from the instructor, I managed to overcome these difficulties and grew more confident in my English language skills.2. Development of Reading Skills:The extensive reading assignments were pivotal in fostering critical thinking and improving my comprehension abilities. Engaging with a wide range of texts from different genres, including essays, articles, and academic papers, helped me grasp various strategies employed by writers to convey their ideas effectively. Furthermore, learning how to annotate, summarize, and analyze texts facilitated a deeper understanding of complex arguments and bolstered my ability to engage in scholarly conversations.3. Enhancing Writing Skills:The course has been an instrumental platform for honing my writing skills. I have grasped the importance of crafting a clear and concise thesis statement, maintaining logical coherence, and providing sufficient evidence to support my claims throughout the essay. Regular writing assignments, along with critical feedback from the instructor and peers, have immensely improved the quality of my writing. In addition, I have learned various techniques, such as using effective transitions and employing persuasive language, which have enhanced the persuasiveness of my papers.4. Development of Speaking Skills:Participating in class discussions, group presentations, and debates has greatly enhanced my confidence and fluency in verbal communication. The course created a comfortable environment to express my thoughts and opinions, and provided constructive feedback that helped refine my speaking skills. Engaging in these activities allowed me to sharpen myability to articulate arguments, listen actively to others, and respond persuasively. These skills are not only crucial for academic success but are also applicable in real-world scenarios.5. Understanding Rhetorical Strategies:Studying rhetorical strategies has been a significant aspect of the course, allowing me to comprehend the techniques used to persuade audiences effectively. By analyzing various speeches, advertisements, and literary works, I gained an understanding of how language, tone, and style can influence readers and listeners. This knowledge has not only improved my writing and critical thinking skills but has also made me a more discerning consumer of persuasive media.6. Cultural Awareness and Global Perspectives:The college English discourse course has been an eye-opening experience in terms of cultural awareness and global perspectives. Through studying texts from diverse cultural backgrounds, I have learned to value and appreciate different perspectives. The exposure to global authors and their works has broadened my understanding of the world and has made me more sensitive to social issues. This cross-cultural understanding is crucial in fostering empathy, tolerance, and effective communication in an increasingly interconnected world.Conclusion:In conclusion, the college English discourse course has enabled me to develop essential skills in reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking. The challenges faced throughout the semester were surmountable, and each obstacle acted as a catalyst for growth. The understanding of rhetorical strategies and cultural awareness gained during the course has equipped me with valuable tools to navigate the complexities of discourse in both academic and professional settings. As I move forward, I aim to continue refining these skills and applying them to further academic pursuits and real-world scenarios.。
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omniscient point of view limited omniscient point of view objective or dramatic point of view
omniscient point of view
omni: all; scient: know; the narrator knows everything about all the characters. The narrator retains full control over the narrative.
Understand the functions of point of view in narrative wring. Get familiar with various types of points of view. Choose a proper point of view for your narrative essay.
1. read and rewrite “A Rose for Emily” from the first-person point of view (Emily, Toby). 2. rewrite any famous legend or folklore but change its narrative perspective.
Write a narrative essay of about 350 words. Options: 1. read and rewrite “A Rose for Emily” from the first-person point of view (Emily, Toby). 2. rewrite any famous legend or folklore but change its narrative perspective.
First person plural and Frame narrator (first person re-teller)
“A Rose for Emily” The Sound and the Fury
Frankenstein Wuthering Heights
The third-person point of view (narrator as non-
Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown”; Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”
objective or dramatic point of view (camera-
eye perspective)
does not take us into the mind of any character. The story is presented dramatically through action and dialogue. Like a film. Impersonal and objective. Modern and contemporary writers.
Detailed peer evaluation required Deadline: Saturday 10 p.m.
Individual counsel
结合大学英语写作与创意写作 结合批判性思维与创新思维 大量补充材料,以读促写、以写促读 相信学生潜力无穷 教师的引路人角色
Comment on the second drafts of students’ assignments Explain point of view in narrative writing Read writing samples in the textbook Assign homework
Unreliable narrator: usually inexperienced, deceptive or deluded.
Two broad categories:
the first-person point of view
the third-person point of view
What are the pros and cons of the two perspectives?
What is point of view?
The vantage point from which the author presents the actions of the story: who tells the story and how the story is told.
Textbook P82 Six Blind Men and Elephant
Narrator and Point of View
Narrator: the one who tells the story;
In literature, one should not assume that the narrative voice of a story is always the author.
Hemingway “Hills Like White Elephants”
Classroom activity (I)
Identify the points of view of the stories in the textbook.
Classroom activity (II)
Brainstorm for assignment:
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn The Catcher in the Rye “The Tell Tale Heart”
narrator as minor participant (first person
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes The Great Gatsby Moby Dick “Call me Ishmael”
Classic novels by Charles Dickens, Leo Tolstoy, and Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings
limited omniscient point of view
The knowledge of a limited omniscient narrator is restricted to one character. What the reader learns about the events in a story is always restricted to what the narrator can see or know.
大学思辨英语教程 记叙文写作
Week 1
Guidelines for a pattern with practice exercises
Readings on the unit subject (2 or 3 pieces)
Comments on first draft
Discussion about
revision of first draft
Writing Critically: Narrative Writing
Unit 4 Truth and Interpretation
Point of View in Narrative Writing
What about the “second-person” point of view?
The first-person point of view
narrator as either major or minor participant
single “I” or plural “we”
narrator as major participant (first person
Essays from peers (3 or 4 pieces)
Brainstorming for
Guidelines for parts/elements of the essay with practice exercises
Week 2
More Readings on the unit subject (1 or 2)