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( )1.My uncle is very______and he is always ready to help those who are in trouble.


cruel B.helpful C.smart D.violent

( )2.The police chief advised his men to keep______and not lose their tempers.

A.calm B.quiet

C.still D.


( )3. As we joined the big crowd, I got_______from my friends.

A separated

B spared

C lost

D missed

( )4.I’d like to have a car________.

A.of my own B.on my own

C.my own D.own

( )5. My mother was seriously ill last month. Luckily, she managed to ______.

A.get back

B.run away

C.pull through

D.look through

( )6 .Her family ________ to Canada three years ago where they are living a happy life.


B.has moved

C.had moved

D.was moving

( )7. They ______ football on the playground when suddenly it began to rain.

A. were playing

B. had played

C. are playing

D. Have played

( )8. ______the cake ______ five parts. We will share three of them and leave the rest to Jack.

A. Separate …from

B. Take …from

C. Divide … into

D. Divide …from

( )9. Since the speech was ________ tiring, he brought out a novel and started to read.

A. too far

B.far from

C. far too

D. so far

( )10. Beijing is _______that we can hardly visit all the beautiful places in one or two days.

A so a big city

B so big a city

C such big city

D such big a city

( )11. How did Mary react ______ your idea?

A on

B at C

in D to

( )12.Ten years ago the population of our village was _____that of theirs.

A.as twice large as B.twice as large as

C.twice as much as D.as twice much as

( )13. The Williams moved to a safer area and since then they

_____ back to their past life.

A. haven’t looked


didn’t look

C. wouldn’t look

D. hadn’t looked

( )14. The 29th Olympics is coming. I _____ as a volunteer in 2008.

A. am working

B. have worked

C. had worked

D. am going to work

( )15.—My mother is preparing my favorite dishes.Go with me and have a taste,okay?

—________.And I’ll be glad to meet your parents.

A.I think so B.I’d love to

C.I’m sure D.I hope so



Jonathan lived alone in a house, which he looked after carefully. One summer evening Jonathan returned home 16 usual at 4:53. When he opened the front gate he suddenly noticed something 17 . There

was 18 in the earth in one of the flower beds. Jonathan was just going to blame(责备)the milkman or the postman 19 he noticed that one of the curtains(窗帘)in the front room downstairs was 20 . Jonathan never did it like that.

He walked up to the porch(门廊)and 21 it quietly.

He 22 carefully for a few seconds 23 could hear nothing. The front door was half-open. Jonathan studied it carefully, 24 if he had forgotten to close it that morning. He had 25 forgotten before. He stepped silently 26 the hall to the door and looked 27 the room. The shadow(影子)of a man was clearly 28 on the far wall in the evening sunlight. He had clearly been standing 29 the door since Jonathan’s return. Jonathan closed the door and turned the key quickly.
