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Re sear ch of So il and Water Co nser vatio n

Vo l.16,N o.3







摘 要:以都汶公路左右5km为研究区,引入森林立地类型划分方法,根据研究区的实际情况,把研究区划分为6类立地类型组,其中低海拔阳坡有176.11km2、低海拔阴坡有156.89km2、中海拔阳坡有174.76km2、中海拔阴坡有174.80km2、高海拔阳坡有41.59km2、高海拔阴坡有39.35km2,并分析了各地层岩性在各类立地类型组的分布关系;然后利用敏感性系数SC,分析了研究区内崩塌滑坡对地层岩性的敏感性,根据区域实际情况将敏感性系数划分为4个等级,其中极敏感区占研究区的29.39%、较敏感区占24.57%、较不敏感区占19.62%、极不敏感区占26.42%。


中图分类号:P642.22 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-3409(2009)03-0125-06

Sensitivity Analysis of Collapse and Landslide on Stratum Lithology -Taking Dou-w en Highw ay of Po st-earthquakewen A s a Example

LIU Ying-hui1,2,ZH U Ying-yan1,3,SU Feng-huan2,3,WANG Chun-zhen2,3

(1.School o f Civ il Engineering and Machanics,L anzhou University,Lanz hou730000,China;2.K ey Labo-

ratory of Mountain H azards and Sur f ace Process,C AS,Chengd u610041,China;3.Institute of Mountain

Hazards and Env ironment,C AS,Chengd u610041,China)

A bstract:T aking Do u-wen H ighw ay abo ut five kilo meters as research area,introducing the method of w oods site ty pe classification,acco rding to research area actual situation,the research area is divided into six kinds of site types g roups:low elevatio n sunny slo pe(176.11km2),low elevation shady slope(156.89 km2),middle elevation sunny slope(174.76km2),middle elev ation shady slo pe(174.80km2),high eleva-tion sunny slope(41.59km2),hig h elevatio n shady slope(39.35km2),and analyzed the relationships be-tw een site ty pe groups and stratum litholog y.Then using sensitivity coefficient analyzed the sensitivity of collapse and landslide to stratum lithology in research area,acco rding to research area actual situatio n,the sensitivity coefficient is divided into four ranks w hich e xtremely sensitive area accounts fo r29.39%o f the area of research area,slightly sensitive area accounts fo r24.57%,slig htly insensitive area acco unts fo r 19.62%,ex tremely insensitive area acco unts fo r26.42%o f the area of research area respectively.

Key words:site ty pe;sensitivity coefficient;collapse and landslide;stratum litholog y




 作者简介:刘应辉(1982-),男,河南洛阳市人,在读硕士,主要从事GIS应用、山地灾害评价。E-mail:yh liu1982@
