调酒师培训(英文版) PPT
• 调酒师必须熟悉所有的酒水和软饮料: 它们的品牌,种类,生产 方式,饮用规则.这些知识将在他/她与顾客打交道时,或者与供 应商接触以及制定酒单时都会有所帮助; 他/她要区分各类用来装饰鸡尾酒的香料和食物.还要熟悉开 胃酒和鸡尾酒配菜的食物; 调酒师要掌握鸡尾酒地分类及它们的调制方法; 调酒师要在脑中记住大量的鸡尾酒配方 (伦敦的mixologist, Adam Hierons能背下300个配方,其中包 括使用何种酒杯, 用何种装饰物.
花式调酒 Flair Bartending
花式调酒(Flair Bertending 或者Flair-Tending )是一种耍瓶子的杂 技和调制鸡尾酒的超级特技.汤姆 克鲁斯(Tom Cruise) 出演 的的电影<<鸡尾酒>> (Cocktail)使花式调酒这个职业风靡 世界.在这本书的附录中您会找到国际调酒师联合会(IBA International Bartenders Association) 制定的花式调酒的比 赛规则.当然这显得有些令人奇怪,花式调酒是酒吧总自由工 作的一个象征,即使是这种工作,也要遵守一定的规范.但是, 在研究了这些规则之后,我们的奇怪的是,IBA所认定的最重 要的标准却是鸡尾酒最终的味道.
• 善于交谈,但一定要保持距离. 处理好同顾客的关系是调酒师工作的重要方面,但其行为的 其它方面也同样重要; 调酒师要熟知近期酒类供销趋势.这能帮助他/她回应顾客的 要求,为顾客提供所点购的酒品,或拿出些意想不到的东西; 调酒师应是具有创造力,善于发明,品位高雅的人.酒吧的成 绩----这是个难以界定的因素,在这里,调酒师的创造力起着 关键作用,特别在酒吧之间竞争十分激烈的情况下.
绝密!苹果内部培训手册相信进过苹果专卖店的朋友都看到过“天才吧”(Genius Bar)里那些身着蓝衣的“天才”们,想知道他们是怎样成为“天才”的吗?随我们来看个仔细。
有“诊断设备的使用(Using Diagnostic Services这里有一个问题,图片中明显是Using Service Diagnostics)”、“组件绝缘(Component Isolation)”和“同理心的神奇力量(The Power of Empathy)”等等。
我们可以发现苹果在给每一个即将走进“天才吧”的员工做心理培训,这和Apple Store的环境有着紧密的联系。
与其他的零售店相比,Apple Store员工的一大工作职责就是让每一个顾客过得开心。
对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料电试力卷保相护互装作置用调与试相技互术关,系电,通力根1保过据护管生高线产中敷工资设艺料技高试术中卷0资不配料仅置试可技卷以术要解是求决指,吊机对顶组电层在气配进设置行备不继进规电行范保空高护载中高与资中带料资负试料荷卷试下问卷高题总中2体2资,配料而置试且时卷可,调保需控障要试各在验类最;管大对路限设习度备题内进到来行位确调。保整在机使管组其路高在敷中正设资常过料工程试况1卷中下安,与全要过,加度并强工且看作尽护下可1都关能可于地以管缩正路小常高故工中障作资高;料中对试资于卷料继连试电接卷保管破护口坏进处范行理围整高,核中或对资者定料对值试某,卷些审弯异核扁常与度高校固中对定资图盒料纸位试,置卷编.工保写况护复进层杂行防设自腐备动跨与处接装理地置,线高尤弯中其曲资要半料避径试免标卷错高调误等试高,方中要案资求,料技编试术写5、卷交重电保底要气护。设设装管备备置线4高、调动敷中电试作设资气高,技料课中并3术试、件资且中卷管中料拒包试路调试绝含验敷试卷动线方设技作槽案技术,、以术来管及避架系免等统不多启必项动要方高式案中,;资为对料解整试决套卷高启突中动然语过停文程机电中。气高因课中此件资,中料电管试力壁卷高薄电中、气资接设料口备试不进卷严行保等调护问试装题工置,作调合并试理且技利进术用行,管过要线关求敷运电设行力技高保术中护。资装线料置缆试做敷卷到设技准原术确则指灵:导活在。。分对对线于于盒调差处试动,过保当程护不中装同高置电中高压资中回料资路试料交卷试叉技卷时术调,问试应题技采,术用作是金为指属调发隔试电板人机进员一行,变隔需压开要器处在组理事在;前发同掌生一握内线图部槽 纸故内资障,料时强、,电设需回备要路制进须造行同厂外时家部切出电断具源习高高题中中电资资源料料,试试线卷卷缆试切敷验除设报从完告而毕与采,相用要关高进技中行术资检资料查料试和,卷检并主测且要处了保理解护。现装场置设。备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线等情况,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试卷方案。
PRIMER BOOTH USE AND INSTRUCTIONHANDBOOKCustomer:SIH IVECO – NEW CABS PAINTING SHOP00M00DO 01009 A Project: OTV 4563 SPEC. No.P R I M E R B O O T H U S E A N DI N S T R U C T I O NH A N D B O O KA 04.08.08 FIRST ISSUE BELLAGAMBA BELLAGAMBA JULITTA Rev. Data Description By Checked ApprovedPRIMER BOOTH USE AND INSTRUCTIONHANDBOOKCustomer:SIH IVECO – NEW CABS PAINTING SHOP00M00DO 01009 A Project: OTV 4563 SPEC. No.TABLE OF CONTENTS1PRIMER BOOTH (3)1.1GENERAL DESCRIPTION (3)1.2WORKING PRINCIPLE (7)1.3REFERENCE DRAWINGS (11)2 SYSTEM CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE (12)2.1ORDINARY PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE TABLES (12)2.2ORDINARY PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE TABLES (14)2.3INSTRUCTIONS FOR SAFELY PERFORMING USE AND MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS FOR PAINTING BOOTHS (14)2.3.1 RISKS OF FIRE (14)2.3.2 HEALTH MEASURES AND PRECAUTIONS (15)2.3.3 ORDINARY MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS (16)2.3.4 EXTRAORDINARY MAINTENANCE AND/OR REPAIRS (16)PRIMER BOOTH USE AND INSTRUCTIONHANDBOOKCustomer:SIH IVECO – NEW CABS PAINTING SHOP00M00DO 01009 A Project: OTV 4563 SPEC. No.1P R I M E R S P R A Y B O O T H1.1G E N E R A L D E S C R I P T I O NThe goal of this booth is to realize an ideal working area to apply the first paint layer (called primer) on the body. This has been divided into five (5) areas:- 1° Tack-rag, 6 m long, for body tack rag and clean.- 2° Tack-rag, 6 m long, for body tack rag and clean.- Internal manual, 6 m long, where the body is painted in its internal parts with pistols manuals by operators.- External manual, 6 m long, where the body is painted in its external parts with pistols manuals by operators.- Flash-off (room temperature), 4 m long. In this zone car body is dried before entering the baking oven.This subdivision refers to 1° phase, in case you decide to move to 2 ° phase (40,000 v / h), the supply must be increased with a new AMU and a fan of extraction. The line would be longer of 12 m, the current tack rag become No. 2 positions painting Interior Manuals. In the scheme 00M00SC 01400 is well represented the difference between the 1 and 2 ° phase.PRIMER BOOTH USE AND INSTRUCTIONHANDBOOKCustomer:SIH IVECO – NEW CABS PAINTING SHOP00M00DO 01009 A Project: OTV 4563 SPEC. No.Fig. 1.1 – Primer booth aeraulic schematicThe primer booth lies on level + 5.800 mm and develops along a total length of 28 m.It is made of an upper part, including the painting chamber and the plenum for air distribution, and a lower part made of a wet bottom incorporated in the air extraction chamber.The upper part is made of a self-supporting structure to which are fixed the plenum and the booth lateral walls made of wide glass frames.At the level of the manual spray stations there will be casings, applied to the inferior part of the booth, to arrange the painting equipments.The lighting system will be made with casings hinged to the lateral walls, with the possibility to open it from the outside for maintenance. The position of the casing outside the booths, their dimensions, the amount of neon and their internal parables guarantee a minimum lighting of 800 lux on the body inside the painting booth.PRIMER BOOTH USE AND INSTRUCTIONHANDBOOKCustomer:SIH IVECO – NEW CABS PAINTING SHOP00M00DO 01009 A Project: OTV 4563 SPEC. No.Fig. 1.2 – Primer booth assemblyThe plenum for air distribution is divided in two sections. The upper part is used as air supply duct and it is connected to the lower part by means of dampers; the access to the plenum is granted thanks to lateral walkways and doors.The filtering ceiling is made of filtering elements that can be substituted from within the plenum. The filtering panels cover the whole width of the booth.Between the areas with different abatement speeds there will be silhouettes to divide the glasses equipped with anti-shear system.On the whole surface of the ceiling there will be a grate in stainless steel that allows walking in case of filters substitution operations. Upstream and downstream the filtering ceiling there are proper tie-ins to insert differential pressure gauges to monitor possible clogging.The floor is made of a grating level. Under the grating level there is an overspray abatement system, complete with lateral tanks with overflow regulation, water slopes and rinsing pipes.The lower part includes an over spray abatement system, made of pre-assembled booth bottom modules, one for pitch, closed within the air extraction chamber. The modules are made of gooseneck beams, to which the stainless steel panels are fixed, to form the water slopes, the lateral tanks and the rinsing pipes. The extraction chamber is modular too, and is made of a structure of carbon steel section bars, to which the stainless steel panels are fixed, for walls and bottom.The booth bottom is completed by the water-recycling duct, in stainless steel, and the supply ducts with respective connections and supports.PRIMER BOOTH USE AND INSTRUCTIONHANDBOOKCustomer:SIH IVECO – NEW CABS PAINTING SHOP00M00DO 01009 A Project: OTV 4563 SPEC. No. There is 1 centrifugal fans for air extraction, complete with connection ducts to the booth bottom, stacks, chimney weathering and support structures.All personnel entering the booths must wear all individual protectiveequipments needed for the type of activities to be carried out, inparticular safety shoes, mask, work coat or overalls, etc.Fig. 1.3 – Primer booth sectionHIGH VELOCITY PLENUMLOW VELOCITYPLENUMCEILING FILTERS WATER DUCTAIR DUCTPRIMER BOOTH USE AND INSTRUCTIONHANDBOOKCustomer:SIH IVECO – NEW CABS PAINTING SHOP00M00DO 01009 AProject: OTV 4563 SPEC. No.1.2W O R K I N G P R I N C I P L EFig. 1.4 – Sections boothPRIMER BOOTH USE AND INSTRUCTIONHANDBOOKCustomer:SIH IVECO – NEW CABS PAINTING SHOP00M00DO 01009 A Project: OTV 4563 SPEC. No.Air supply is done through one (1) Air Make-up Unit (AMU for short) placed on the platform at level +17.500. The flow of air is 141,000 m³ / h.Their air is to guarantee temperature and humidity requirements both for paint application and operators wellness. The target window is 24 ± 3 °C and 70 ± 10% R.H.Following a summary chart describing main air treatment stages:STAGE NOTES1 Fresh air intake Motorized damper with anti-leaf grid.Without intake tower.2 Heating with gas burner Direct fired3 Pre-filtration with pleated filters Degree of filtration4 First filtration with pocket filters Degree of filtration G35 Cooling coil Powered with cold water6 Humidification fed with raw water Adiabatic cooling7 Post-heating coil Only provide space for future installation8 Second filtration with pocket filters Degree of filtration F59 Supply fan N° 2 to double inlet10 Silencer C onsisting of sound insulation panelsChart 1.1 – Air treatment stagesAir thermo-hygrometric regulation is managed through one (1) temperature probe and one (1) humidity probe. Both send a signal to the PLC that controls gas burner and humidification pump by mean of a VFD.In order to run the correct cycle, AMU need to know also the external air conditions. Such purpose is reached through two probe, that send both temperature and humidity value to the PLC. They are located in the fresh air intake of AMU, before any air treatment.PRIMER BOOTH USE AND INSTRUCTIONHANDBOOKCustomer: SIH IVECO – NEW CABS PAINTING SHOP 00M00DO 01009 AProject:OTV 4563SPEC. No.Fig. 1.5 – Primer booth AMU functional schemeThe regulation of the amount of air is done through dampers located in the high velocity plenum. The air, which has already been treated with three filtration stages (G3-F5) within the air make-up unit, reaches the lower part of the plenum and it passes through ceiling filters, placed on the whole length of the booth. Since ceiling filters have a lower degree of filtration (F5) compared to previous stages, they are just used to obtain the desired downdraft velocity in the booth (refer to Chart 1.2).The plain filters are the last step of filtration. Thanks to the use of differential pressure gauges, it is possible to determine the level of clogging. When the filters reach the maximum level advised of loss of load, theyFor further and more detailed information, please see the Use and Instructions Handbook of the Air Supply Houses supplier.External conditionsprobeHumidification pumpProbesGas burnerPRIMER BOOTH USE AND INSTRUCTIONHANDBOOKCustomer:SIH IVECO – NEW CABS PAINTING SHOP00M00DO 01009 A Project: OTV 4563 SPEC. No. The particles that do not deposit on the body are captured on a water film located under the gratings, and then conveyed to the under-booth through rinsing ducts properly dimensioned.The extraction system forces the air into a circuit that is winding on purpose, to prevent possible water drops from being conveyed to the stacks.AREA DOWNDRAFT VELOCITY1° Tack-rag 0.1 m/s2° Tack-rag 0.1 m/sInternal Manual 0.4 m/sExternal Manual 0.4 m/sFlash-off 11.000 m³/hChart 1.2 – Downdraft velocityFig. 1.6 – Wet bottom detailPRIMER BOOTH USE AND INSTRUCTIONHANDBOOKCustomer:SIH IVECO – NEW CABS PAINTING SHOP00M00DO 01009 A Project: OTV 4563 SPEC. No. The air extraction from the booth bottom is carried out thanks to 1 extractor, with a capacity of 141.000m3/h , placed at level + 17.500 mm. The regulation of air flow to extract is done manually by the operator using plc, that operate on the inverter of the electric motor that feed the same fan. The air is sent directly in the atmosphere through a common stack.The access to the plenum, for ceiling filters replacement and dampers regulation, is granted by maintenance doors, located on the lateral wall of the plenum, to which you can access thanks to a lateral walkway that runs the all length of the booth. Since the plenum is sectorized, to have in the different areas of the booth a different speed of the air, there will be at least an access door for the maintenance of each area of the plenum.1.3R E F E R E N C E D R A W I N G SFor an easier understanding of the primer coat spray booth please refer to the below listed schematics:DrawingDescriptionnumber00M00LA 00002Lay out00M00LA 00003Lay out - Sections00M00LA 00005Lay out – Longitudinal SectionsDAM00SC 01411 Primer Line Functional SchemeDAM02SC 01400 Primer Line – Air Make – up Unit Functional SchemePRIMER BOOTH USE AND INSTRUCTIONHANDBOOKCustomer:SIH IVECO – NEW CABS PAINTING SHOP00M00DO 01009 A Project: OTV 4563 SPEC. No.2S Y S T E M C L E A N I N G A N D M A I N T E N A N C E2.1 ORDINARY PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE TABLESBefore starting any maintenance work on the systems the following preliminary operations are necessary:-I nform the personnel concerned about the maintenance works and affix the notice “Maintenance works in progress – DO NOT TOUCH –“-Deactivate the automatic operating cycle of the system and prevent any accidental starting.-Section the electric supply of the machines and prevent any accidental starting.-Place barriers to prevent the access of unauthorized personnel to the maintenance zones.-Fix the mobile parts with temporary mechanical clamping devices, to avoid inconvenient and accidental movements.-Section the supply of fluids, compressed air, overheated water, gas, etc… making sure they are not restored accidentally.-Leave the doors or access zones open, to prevent the operator from getting accidentally locked inside parts of the system; you are advised to install notices with the words “Maintenance works in progress –DO NOT TOUCH –“PRIMER BOOTH USE AND INSTRUCTIONHANDBOOKCustomer:SIH IVECO – NEW CABS PAINTING SHOP00M00DO 01009 A Project: OTV 4563 SPEC. No. SymbolsOVERALLSSAFETY HELMETPROTECTIVE GLOVESPROTECTIVE GOGGLES Array SAFETY SHOESSAFETY MUFFSPRIMER BOOTH USE AND INSTRUCTIONHANDBOOKCustomer:SIH IVECO – NEW CABS PAINTING SHOP00M00DO 01009 AProject: OTV 4563 SPEC. No.2.2 ORDINARY PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE TABLESSEE ANNEXED PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE TABLE.REFER TO PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE DATASHEET HIGHLIGHTING FOR EACH TYPE OF INTERVENTION, TOOLS NEEDED, SAFETY EQUIPMENTS ADVISED AND ACTION TO DO.2.3 INSTRUCTIONS FOR SAFELY PERFORMING USE ANDMAINTENANCE OPERATIONS FOR PAINTING BOOTHSThe booth must be used only for the purpose for which it was designed.For safe use remember that it is prohibited to:-Smoke in the booth and near it (it is recommended to place a notice “No Smoking”at all the entrances)-Prepare, mix, and keep paint and / or solvents in the booth.-Keep paint and / or solvent containers that are not suitable in the booth, even if empty-Keep work clothes, cloths soaked in solvent and other inflammable objects-Store paint or other inflammable products near the booth.-Use tools or equipment that may cause sparks or flames.-Spray excessive amounts of paint.-Modify or tamper with the operating cycle logic and / or safety devices provided.-Turn off or tamper with the control systems and safety devices provided by the manufacturer.-Spray paint in the booth when it is not operating or when the ventilation is not working properly.The aim of the above-mentioned prohibitions is to avoid the risks of fire, explosions and damage deriving from incorrect operating conditions.2.3.1 RISKS OF FIREIn normal operating condition the booth is safe against fire and explosion.The possible causes have been eliminated:- Avoiding concentrations of solvent by appropriately sizing the ventilation system- Preventing the immediate blocking of the spray guns if ventilation is interrupted.-Avoiding the possibility of short circuits, as the lights, electric cables and users are located outside the booth.PRIMER BOOTH USE AND INSTRUCTIONHANDBOOKCustomer:SIH IVECO – NEW CABS PAINTING SHOP00M00DO 01009 A Project: OTV 4563 SPEC. No.- Equipping the booth with a fire-prevention system.- Informing about the risks, specifications and prohibitions to be adhered to and the maintenance operations to be carried out.Any dangerous situations can arise only in cases of faults due to negligence in checks,insufficient maintenance or serious lack of attention.In emergency situations due to failures or anything else, if there is the presence of concentrated solvent in the booth, pay attention not to cause sparks.For example, avoid accidentally rubbing two metals.In the case of fire promptly evacuate the booth and call the fire department.2.3.2 HEALTH MEASURES AND PRECAUTIONSAlthough continuous ventilation, during spraying operations, the air in the booth still contains traces of solvent.The operator is recommended to use suitable individual protective items (such asgloves, specific mask, etc.).This mask must be fitted with filters (to be replaced at routine intervals) or must be connected directly to the outside atmosphere.You are recommended to avoid direct contact with toxic products (solvents or paint), to prevent dermatitis or other forms of irritation.Therefore operators are recommended to use gloves, goggles and suitable clothing during the different operations (manual spraying, washing the guns, preparing paints, pouring or anything else).In particular if a harmful product hits the eyes, use the emergency eyewashes immediately and call the sickroom for a check.At the first symptoms of inhalation of toxic products (solvents) consult themedical staff.PRIMER BOOTH USE AND INSTRUCTIONHANDBOOKCustomer:SIH IVECO – NEW CABS PAINTING SHOP00M00DO 01009 A Project: OTV 4563 SPEC. No.2.3.3 ORDINARY MAINTENANCE OPERATIONSBefore entering the booth for carrying out maintenance or repair operations, always wait for the parts that have just been painted, to complete the flash-off cycle and be sent towards the oven.Once the production cycle has ended, wait for another short length of time (10 ÷15 min.) so that the solvents present are removed completely.Then stop the system and put it in safety conditions.You are also advised to place a “works in progress” notice.In many cases, for example, for cleaning work, the booth needs to be in safety conditions but with the ventilation working. In this case, start only the fans needed manually, usually the central air delivery ones and related exhausts, cutting off all the rest and taking care to signal the condition of the system.Conveyor must in any case be stopped in the safety condition.2.3.4 EXTRAORDINARY MAINTENANCE AND/OR REPAIRSBefore doing any work using electromechanical tools or tools for cutting and welding, the booth must be put in the safety conditions as described previously and it must be firstly cleaned of any deposits of paint as described in the paragraphs below.It is absolutely necessary that skilled personnel carry out these operations.The following operations are recommended:Grid cleaningThe grilled booth floor is of slip-proof type, however the paint sprayed, collecting on the grill surface, makes it slippery, causing the risk of falling.In addition heavy deposits of paint on the grills and/or underneath increase the potential risk of fire. Therefore it is necessary to regularly clean residues of paint, using special cleaning machines on the spot or removing the panels for other types of cleaning operations (solvent bath, sanding or anything else).When the grill panels are removed, always indicate the danger caused by the presence of openings in the floor.Cleaning the surface under grills and washing pipesPRIMER BOOTH USE AND INSTRUCTIONHANDBOOKCustomer:SIH IVECO – NEW CABS PAINTING SHOP00M00DO 01009 A Project: OTV 4563 SPEC. No. After removing the grills, it is possible to access to the surface below.It is helpful to keep the ventilation on during cleaning operations.When cleaning is carried out using solvents, ventilation becomes absolutely necessary.You are also recommended to wear the suitable protective devices (mask, gloves and suitable clothing). Afterwards, take care to put the grilled panels correctly back in place.Cleaning exhaust ducts and booth primerHeavy paint remainders collect in these areas causing problems of functionality and danger for the spreading of possible fires.Therefore, regular removal and cleaning is necessary.Doors along the booth are provided for accessThis operation, too, is to be carried out with the system stopped in safety conditions, but with the ventilation on.Opening booth base doors is dangerous because room is in depression whileexhaust fans are running. This operation must be done only turning on exhaustfans after doors opening and its block in open position.Personnel involved is recommended to use suitable clothing, including gloves, mask, overalls, safety shoes or boots and in the specific case, a helmet.Once the operations have been ended, after making sure that all the personnel has gone out and that all the openings have been closed again, the booth can be re-started.Cleaning the wallsFor good quality painting, the environment in which one is working must be clean.You are therefore recommended to remove deposits of paint and dust from the walls.Checking and changing filtersFor satisfactory operation of the booth and to avoid the danger of a high concentration of solvents in the booth due to insufficient ventilation, it is necessary to check the condition of clogging of the filters upstream of the booth that are in the following order:Pleated and pocket filters in the Air Supply HouseCeiling filters in the boothFor pocket filter maintenance, see paragraph “Air make up unit for booths”.PRIMER BOOTH USE AND INSTRUCTIONHANDBOOKCustomer:SIH IVECO – NEW CABS PAINTING SHOP00M00DO 01009 AProject: OTV 4563 SPEC. No. Ceiling filtersTo check the efficiency of the filters, special sockets are provided upstream and downstream of them to which a differential pressure gauge is applied.In general the reading is approximately 50 Pa.The filters are considered clogged when the rating rises to 150 ÷ 200 Pa.For more accurate reading, consult the supplier’s specific literature.Before replacement, check that the new filters are free of defects or transport damage such as fraying ladders or holes.Changing filtersThe filters need changing when clogging occurs.The filters of the ceiling filters are supplied as small mattresses without frame.Take care in positioning them correctly so as not to allow air between the filters.Make sure they are positioned so that the air crosses them in the correct direction; they are made with layers of meshes of variable fineness, so that they trap the largest impurities immediately and then the finer ones. This way the filter takes longer to clog. In any case, the bottom face is marked.Air make-up units for booths and heating unitIt is severely forbidden access to unauthorized personnel to this areaDuring normal working, is not foreseen any personnel presenceThe units are subdivided into stages according to the planned air treatment.Access to each stage is gained through special doors.Don't remove, tamper with or try to elude such safety devices that periodically mustbe checked for verifying its good operation. Before any type of intervention insidethe air supply houses remove tension from the electric panels of command andattend that the fan finishes completely the rotation motion. The intervention of oneof the electric safeties provokes the immediate arrest of the fan. Before restartingthe plant, verify that the zone is completely free and that there are no people insidethe air make-up units.The dangers the operator could be exposed to are mainly the following:-Shearing or crushing due to the door swinging shut owing to the effect of the vacuum exerted by the fan.-Fan rotating.PRIMER BOOTH USE AND INSTRUCTIONHANDBOOKCustomer:SIH IVECO – NEW CABS PAINTING SHOP00M00DO 01009 AProject: OTV 4563 SPEC. No.-Burns due to contact with the burnersBefore entering the units, always stop the fan and put it in safety conditions.Good air conditions and efficient ventilation mainly depend on the satisfactoryworking conditions of the air supply house.Remember that efficient ventilation is a safety factor against the concentration ofsolvent in the booth.The main maintenance points of the unit are the following:-Checking and/or changing the pocket filters installed before the fan. These filters also trap the finest impurities. Their degree of clogging is controlled with a differential pressure gauge. Initially the load loss is very low (approx. 50 Pa.). The differential pressure indicator indicates clogging when the difference in pressure is approx. 200÷250 Pa. Make sure that the new filters are intact before installing them. After positioning framed filters in the housing, fasten them using the special blocks and make sure there are no gaps between the frame and housing. Specific information is given on the manufacturer’s technical sheet.-Fan maintenance following the instructions contained in the specific handbook.-Checking that the temperature and humidity probes are working properly and correctly transmitting the signal to the board.-Periodic cleaning of the unit floor, walls and ceiling.-Functional check and integrity of safety micro-switches.-Functional check and integri ty of gas train and burners (see supplier’s specific documentation).After completing the maintenance operations inside the unit, upon leaving, make sure that no objects, clothing or tools have been left inside.When closing the doors again, check that the seals are intact.PRIMER BOOTH USE AND INSTRUCTIONHANDBOOKCustomer:SIH IVECO – NEW CABS PAINTING SHOP00M00DO 01009 A Project: OTV 4563 SPEC. No. After making sure that all the maintenance personnel has left the unit and that all the doors are shut, the unit can be started again.For further information, refer to the specific component handbooks.。
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会 议 的 性 质: 1.提供信息2.寻求解决方法精品资料Word 欢迎使用3.总结 个人笔记精品Word文档 欢迎下载精品资料Word 欢迎使用 有关主题商业:-商业精品Word文档 欢迎下载-关于产品-广告精品资料Word 欢迎使用精品Word文档 欢迎下载 精品资料Word 欢迎使用 管理: - 经营损益表- 工作安排及工作条件精品Word文档 欢迎下载 公司及商场的生活精品资料Word 欢迎使用个人笔记精品Word文档 欢迎下载精品资料Word 欢迎使用 我在会议部门中的角色1.激发培训人员的兴趣精品Word文档 欢迎下载2.使每个员工不感到拘束3.促进理解4.鼓励培训者积极参加精品资料Word 欢迎使用5.鼓励采取行动精品Word文档 欢迎下载精品资料Word 欢迎使用精品Word文档 欢迎下载标题主持人技巧 工具,设备 主持人的行为需要避免的错误信息会议寻求解决 方法会议总结会议精品资料Word 欢迎使用精品Word文档 欢迎下载 精品资料Word 欢迎使用部门会议的准备*主持人应自问精品Word文档 欢迎下载*主持人应准备需要提供的资料和会议的进程*主持人应该组织会议精品资料Word 欢迎使用精品Word文档 欢迎下载个人笔记精品资料Word 欢迎使用寻求解决办法的会 议精品Word文档 欢迎下载头脑风暴法stormingBrain此种方法可以为一个给出的主题寻找到最大量的答案 拥有 4 条规则1.23.4.精品资料Word 欢迎使用精品Word文档 欢迎下载-2 有个阶段 1.2.6K 法这种方法可以协助我实施保留下来的解决方法 什么?精品资料Word 欢迎使用谁? 哪里? 什么时候? 怎么? 为什么?个人笔记精品Word文档 欢迎下载精品资料Word 欢迎使用精品Word文档 欢迎下载部门会议的规则: 1.____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _________ 2.____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _________ 3.____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________精品资料Word 欢迎使用_________精品Word文档 欢迎下载4.____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _________个人笔记: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ___________________________ ______________________________________________ ___精品资料Word 欢迎使用在会议最后我应该对自己提的问题精品Word文档 欢迎下载1._________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ________ 2._________________________________________________________ ____ ___________________________________________________________ ____ 3._________________________________________________________ ____ ___________________________________________________________ ____ 4._________________________________________________________ ____ ___________________________________________________________ ____ 5._________________________________________________________ ____ ___________________________________________________________ ____ 6._________________________________________________________精品资料Word 欢迎使用精品Word文档 欢迎下载____ ___________________________________________________________ ____ 7._________________________________________________________ ____ ___________________________________________________________ ____ 8._________________________________________________________ ____ ___________________________________________________________ ____ 9._________________________________________________________ ____ ___________________________________________________________ ____ 10.________________________________________________________ ____ ___________________________________________________________ ____ 11.________________________________________________________ ____ ___________________________________________________________精品资料Word 欢迎使用精品Word文档 欢迎下载____ 12.________________________________________________________ ____ ___________________________________________________________ ____ 13.________________________________________________________ ____ ___________________________________________________________ ____ 14.________________________________________________________ ____ ___________________________________________________________ ____ 15.________________________________________________________ ____ ___________________________________________________________ ____ 16.________________________________________________________ ____ ___________________________________________________________ ____ 17.________________________________________________________精品资料Word 欢迎使用精品Word文档 欢迎下载____ ___________________________________________________________ ____ 18.________________________________________________________ ____ ___________________________________________________________ ____七. _面谈的技巧1. 二种会谈类型2.你的态度:精品资料Word 欢迎使用3. 三个步骤个人笔记精品Word文档 欢迎下载.开始精品资料Word 欢迎使用 倾听精品Word文档 欢迎下载 交流精品资料Word 欢迎使用精品Word文档 欢迎下载 精品资料Word 欢迎使用.激励精品Word文档 欢迎下载 总结精品资料Word 欢迎使用笔记精品Word文档 欢迎下载精品资料Word 欢迎使用精品Word文档 欢迎下载会谈分析得出什么结论?面谈分析 1.是否有一次真正地交流?为什么?是 不是 为什么?2.我是否注意倾听 ?3. 我是否促使他的 表达?3.1 我是否采取了一种积极的态度?3.2 是否按对方原话进行重新表达?3.3 我的表达是否清晰明确?3.4 我是否客观?3.5 我是否让对方理解我?通过交谈员 工的问题解决了吗?精品资料Word 欢迎使用4. 通过交谈员工的问题解决了吗?5. 这次面谈能促使我的合作者发 展吗?精品Word文档 欢迎下载精品资料Word 欢迎使用。
Merrill Speller Book Two 学习手册说明书
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一站式稳定性测试UNcle 革命性的整合了 3 种不同的检测模式:荧光、静态光散射 SLS 和动态光散射 DLS,提供 11种特色的应用及组合。
高通量 UNcle 使得制剂配方筛选成为小菜一碟,不再为繁琐的重复劳动而困扰。
• 熔解温度 (T m) & 聚集温度 (T agg)• 采用SYPRO(DSF法)检测T m• ΔG• 等温稳定性实验• 热恢复实验• 颗粒大小 & 多分散性• 颗粒升温实验• B22• k D• 黏度独一无二的 UNi更少的样品,更多的数据。
一个 UNi 有 16 个加样孔,每孔只需要 9 µL 样品。
UNi 可耐受高温,样品无挥发;可由进行等温稳定性实验。
UNcle 每次实验可以同时测试 48 个样 本,8小时内进行 144 个样品测试,人工花费时间少于1小时。
使 用 UNcle, 拥有全光谱荧光 ,无需用其他仪器提前检测样品,提高实验效率。
UNcle 在 266nm 和 473nm 两个波长检 测聚集体。
Intensity40302010700600500400300Wavelength (nm)Trp FluorescenceSLS266SLS473T m 、T agg 、DLS 三合一尝试新的配方或构建新的蛋白? 48 个样品筛选可在 2 小时内得到答案。
同时测试 T m 和 T agg ,全面了解并且分析蛋白在升温过程中的变性和聚集过程。
在初始和最终两点加入DLS 测试,使得聚集发生过程有了更确凿的证据。
UNcle 一天可筛选 144 个以上的样品,高通量使得配方筛选更简单更高效。
T m1 = 65.3 °C T m2 = 76.7 °C T agg = 73.8 °C 010 20 30 40 5060 Aggregation (SLS) 344 345 346347 348 349 350 351 35225 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 U n f o l d i n g (F l u o r e s c e n c e ) Temperature (°C)Hydrodynamic Diameter (nm) m p l i t u d e DLS Before DLS After 10-110-2100101102103104105106107108等温稳定性实验UNcle可在样品无挥发状态下连续数日检测,长期等温稳定性。
小学英语教师培训手册第一节使用歌曲一.理解理论1. 人们通常可以记住歌词。
2. 当不是以英语为母语的人们用英语唱歌的时候,他们的腔调通常不像说英语时那样明显。
3. 歌曲中为了使歌词压韵,常常会重复一句歌词中的最终几个音。
4. 在很多英语课上都强调写作和书面文字。
5. 语言教学倾向于仅培育某些类型的智能。
6. 有些学生须要用语言进展活动。
7. 年幼的学生只有短暂的留意力持续时间,大约只能维持八分钟左右。
易迪思(中国)培训手册 2022说明书
易迪思培训手册2022 Eddic·Training BrochureBusiness Training Choose Eddic 商业培训选择易迪思Since 2003易迪思(中国)培训中心是中国领先的人才培养及管理咨询服务供应商,为企业提供项目咨询、人才测评、工作坊、内训课、公开课、在线知识付费课程等专业化高端学习服务。
公司始创于 2003 年,商务总部设立在天津,教研中心总部设立在北京。
金牌讲师均为英美管理协会会员、顶级全球 500 强企业中高层管理者、清华大学研究学者等。
易迪思结合近 20 年培训服务的经验,针对企业的管理实际不断总结,形成了独具特色的课程体系和咨询辅导系统。
通过与国内外优秀企业、机构交流合作,开展标杆学习、主题论坛、沙龙交流等特色服务,为企业管理者、学员搭建一个多样化的学习平台,累计为4000 余家企业提供定制化学习方案。
秉承“增值课程、创新服务”的理念,易迪思在培训咨询领域的出色表现获得了业界的广泛关注和一致赞誉,被众多知名企业评为“年度最佳培训供应商”,并获得“2011 年度中国企业培训行业标杆品牌”、“最受企业欢迎的专业培训机构”和“2014 中国人才-年度最佳培训机构”等称号。
About us关于易迪思易迪思天津培训中心创立,发展为 ORACLE 中国培训合作伙伴。
易迪思上海、广州、深圳培训中心创立,组织架构完善为2B 企业学习发展事业部、2C 个人学习发展事业部。
同时为及时满足 2B2C 学员的线上学习需要,2B2C 线上训练营产品及时迭代发布。
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