

以下是一个示例对话:Customer: Good morning. I would like to open a bank account.Bank Staff: Good morning. Sure, I can help you with that. Do you have any specific type of account in mind?Customer: I am looking for a basic savings account.Bank Staff: That's great. We have a few options available. Let me explain them to you. Our basic savings account offers a competitive interest rate and no monthly fees.You can access your funds anytime through our online banking platform or by visitingany of our branches.Customer: That sounds good. What documents do I need to provide?Bank Staff: You will need to bring your identification documents, proof of address, and an initial deposit of at least $100. Once we have verified your documents, we will process your application and issue you a debit card and account number.Customer: Thank you for your help. I will gather the required documents and come back tomorrow.Bank Staff: You're welcome. We look forward to assisting you. Have a great day!通过以上对话,我们可以看到在剑桥雅思听力银行场景中,银行职员和客户之间的对话主要围绕开户的具体细节展开。

雅思听力必备情景词汇朗阁雅思考试研究中心Listening situation: students survey, case study, placement (section 3)在学校中接触的人从辅导员到督导再到讲师教授都会跟你的海外学习发生密切的关系,在上课和日常学习过程中要注意跟他们的交流。
⏹Teachers: tutor, supervisor, lecturer, professor, coordinator, DOS⏹Checklist: notebook, cassette recorder, outline, objectives, camera, video recorder, laptop, curriculum, ID, student card, passport, driver’s license, map, equipment, laptop, notebookProcedure: data collection, data analysis, report writing, presentation, hand in report to faculty office, department head, welfare departmentListening situation: urban development随着城市化的进程越来越快,现代人的生活发生了很多改变。
⏹Areas: suburbs, outskirts, city center, rural areas, countryside⏹Population: farmer, craftsmen, carpenter, fisherman, hunters, worker, merchants, money lenders⏹Sectors: farming (agriculture), industry, forestry, fishing, husbandry, manufacturing, tourism, mining, ship building industry⏹Animals: mammals, amphibian, birds, beast, predatorCattle, sheep, goats, poultry, chickens, donkey,mules, horse, pony⏹Landscape: coast, beach, trees, highrises, block⏹Problems: too crowded, noisy, crime, violence⏹Facilities:health services, police, schools, sports facilities, sewer, sewage, drainage, tube, cableListening situations: accommodation雅思听力中最经典的一个话题可以算是住宿了,烤鸭和专业雅思教师对这个场景的剖析也从未停止过。

剑桥雅思听力原文加翻译双语Text 1Section1W: Good evening. King's restaurant.W:晚上好。
M: Good evening. I'm ringing about the job I understand you have vacant?M:晚上好。
我打电话是关于工作我理解你有空吗?W: Oh, yes.W:哦,是的。
M: I'd like to find out a few more details if I may.M:我想如果我可以找到更多的细节。
W: Yes, of course. Can I take your name?W:是的,当然。
我能把你的名字吗?M: It's Peter Chin.M:这是彼得的下巴。
W: Ok, Peter. Well, if you want to ask about the job and then if we're both still interested, we could arrange you to come for an interview.W:好的,彼得。
M: Great, thanks. I'm afraid I missed the advert for the job but I heard about it from a friend.M:很好,谢谢。
W: That's no problem at all. What would you like to know? W:没问题。
你想知道什么?M: Well, um, what sort of work is it- washing up?M:好吧,嗯,什么样的工作——洗餐具吗?W: It's answering the phone.W:这是接电话。

SECTION 1Questions 1 – 8Complete the form below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.Tapescript for IELTS Listening Recording 1You will hear a telephone conversation between a customer and an agent at a company which ships large boxes overseas.A Good morning Packham’s Shipping Agents. Can I help you?B Oh yes, I’m ringing to make enquiries about sending a large box, a container,back home to Kenya from the UK.A Yes, of course. Would you like me to try and find some quotations for you?B Yes, that’d be great. Thank you.A Well first of all, I need a few details from you.B Fine.A Can I take your name?B It’s Jacob Mkere.A Can you spell your surname, please?B Yes, it’s M-K-E-R-E.A Is that ‘M’ for mother?B Yes.A Thank you, and you say that you will be sending the box to Kenya?B That’s right.A And where would you like the box picked up from?B From college, if possible.A Yes, of course. I’ll take down the address now.B It’s Westall College.A Is that W-E-S-T-A-L-L?B Yes, ... college.A Westall College. And where’s that?B It’s Downlands Road, in Bristol.A Oh yes, I know it. And the postcode?B It’s BS8 9PU.A Right ... and I need to know the size.B Yes, I’ve measured it carefully and it’s 1.5m long ...A Right.B0.75m wide ...A OK.B And it’s 0.5m high or deep.A Great. So I’ll calculate the volume in a moment and get some quotes for that. Butfirst can you tell me, you know, very generally, what will be in the box?B Yes there’s mostly clothes.A OK. [writing down]B And there’s some books.A OK. Good. Um ... Anything else?B Yes, there’s also some toys.A OK and what is the total value, do you think, of the contents?B Well the main costs are the clothes and the books – they’ll be about £1500 butthen the toys are about another two hundred – so I’d put down £1700.Answers:1Mkere2Westall3BS8 9PU4 0.75 m/metre(s)/meter(s) (wide) / three(-)quarter(s) (of) (a) metre/meter (wide) /¾ m (wide) / 75 cm(s) (wide)5 0.5 m/metre(s)/meter(s) (high/deep) / (a) half (a) metre/meter (high/deep) /½ m (high/deep) / 50 cm(s) (high/deep)6 &7 in either orderbooks(some)toys(some)8 1,700Words in brackets are optional - they are correct, but not necessary. Alternative answers are separated by a slash (/).。

英语情景对话两人日常A: Hi, how are you doing today?B: I'm doing well, thank you. How about you?A: I'm good, thanks. What have you been up to lately?B: Not much, just working and spending time with family. How about you?A: Same here. So, what are your plans for the weekend?B: I'm thinking of going for a hike in the mountains. How about you?A: I'm planning to go to the beach with some friends.这是两个朋友在街上相遇后的第一次对话。
A: Hey, did you watch the game last night?B: Yes, I did. It was amazing. What about you?A: I missed it. Who won?B: The Lakers won by four points in the last quarter. LeBron James scored thirty-five points.A: Wow, I wish I had watched it. Do you know when their next game is?B: Yes, they play against the Warriors on Friday. Are you interested in watching it together?A: Sure, that sounds great.这是两个朋友聊天时提到篮球比赛的一段对话。

雅思英语对话:Dialogue 1A: You know, Aiden, I don’t know much about you. Where were you born? B: I was born in London, but I spent most of my childhood in Hong Kong. A: What was your childhood like?B: I had a pretty strict upbringing, and my parents and I were always fighting about it. A: Do you get along with your parents now?B: Oh sure. Once they reached middle-age, they became a lot less uptight. A: Where did you go to university?B: My parents wanted me to stay in Hong Kong, but I decided to go back to England. I graduated from Oxford University with a degree in English Literature. A: What is your current occupation?B: I’m a freelance writer. I write magazine articles and fiction books. A: Did you always know you wanted to be a writer?B: No, I didn’t. I was an English teach er for about 5 years, but by the time I was 30, I decided I wanted a fresh challenge.A: How did you start writing?B: I started writing magazine articles for fun and eventually was asked to write a book. So I was pretty lucky. A: Are you writing a book now?B: Yes, it’s about a group of friends living in a foreign country and all the strange experiences they have. A: Sounds interesting.Dialogue 2A: What was the biggest turning-point in your life?B: I guess I would say that would be moving out of mypare nts’ house for the first time. A: Really? Why is that?B: After I moved out of my parents’ home, I became a lot more independent. A: What would you say was the lowest point in your life? B: That would definitely be getting a divorce. A: What went wrong?B: We just weren’t right for each other. A: How long were you married?B: That marriage only lasted about a year. A: Have you remarried since then?B: Yes, I got married to a man that I met shortly after I divorced my first husband. A: Do you think you’ll ev er get a divorce again?B: Oh, I hope not. My first marriage was a mistake, but this one isn’t. A: How long have you been married? B: About 15 years.A: Do you think you’ll still love him when he’s old and grey? B: I think so. Hopefully we’ll have a long a nd happy life together.A: I’m sure you will.2. First impressions Words Storm•Height and Build身高和体格tall and slim高瘦的 medium height and build中等身材 short and fat矮胖的 stout强壮的 skinny皮包骨头的 plump丰满的 fat(not polite)肥的 overweight超重的•Appearance外貌beautiful漂亮的nice美丽的elegant优雅的gorgeous美艳handsome帅气的 good-looking好看的 pretty漂亮的 ugly丑陋的plain 普通的•Hair头发straight直发 wavy大波浪 curly小卷 brown棕发 dyed hair染的头发 fair hair金发blond金发碧眼,“没大脑花瓶”的代名词 bald 秃顶的 balding秃头的part it in the middle中分 pony tail马尾辫 long/short plaits 长/短辫子•No ticeable feature明显的特征freckles雀斑 pierced ears穿了耳洞的耳朵 tattoo纹身 angular 长得有棱角scar疤痕beard络腮胡moustache小胡子wearing glasses戴眼镜的contact lenses隐形眼镜birthmark胎记 bad skin坏皮肤 deep voice声音低沉 lovely complexion长得甜美,长得好看等等Dialogue 1A: Jacob, are you interested in helping me out and going on a blind date with a friend of mine? B: That depends. What does she look like?A: Well, she’s got a beautiful face and long curly red hair. B: How tall is she?A: She is fairly tall,maybe two inches taller than me. B: Is she chubby?A: Not at all. She is actually very athletic.B: It sounds like she is pretty good-looking. Does she wear glasses? A: No, but she does wear contact lenses. B: How is her skin?A: She’s got gorgeous complexion with a few freckles on her nose. B: Does she have any piercing or tattoos?A: I think she has her ears pierced and she definitely has a few tattoos: one on her lower back, one on her neck and one on her left foot. B: What’s the tattoo on her foot like?A: It’s a butterfly. Everyone in her family has o ne. B: Even her Mom? A: Yes, even her Mom.B: What’s her personality like? A: Em…she is a lot like me.B: So there is something wrong with her. It was beginning to sound like she was too good to be true.Dialogue 2A: Did you see the picture of the guy on the front page of thenewspaper this morning? B: No, I haven’t had a chance to read the paper yet.A: You’ve got to see it. It’s an unbelievable picture. B: What’s so interesting about it?A: Well, this guy fell asleep on the sofa, and when he woke up, half his face had been bitten off. B: What? How did that happen?A: They think his dog was trying to wake him up and couldn’t, So ended up biting him in the face. B: Wow, what does his face look like now?A: It looks pretty frightening. He doesn’t have any lips, so all you can see are his gums and teeth. Most of his nose and chin are missing too.B: What did he look like before his dog bit his face off? A: He was actually quite handsome. What a shame. B: What’s he going to do now?A: It is said that he’s ho ping to get a face transplant, but until then, he’s looking forward to Halloween, so he isn’t the only one wearing a mask.3. Getting personal Words stormamusing有趣的 cheerful高兴的 conservative保守的 narrow-minded小心眼的sensitive敏感的stubborn顽固的generous慷慨的 relaxed and easy-going随和的 aggressive攻击性的,有进取心的 arrogant傲慢的 coward懦夫,胆小的 liar骗子 moody喜怒无常的nosy好管闲事的selfish自私的theme主题optimistic乐观的pessimistic悲观的 cold and unfriendly冷漠不友好的 horrible可怕的 mean低劣的 nasty肮脏的 fussy挑剔的,大惊小怪的 a bit dull有点无聊 gossip流言 a bit workaholic有点疯狂工作Dialogue 1A: Are you alright, Ethan? You don’t seem to be as cheerfulas you normally are. B: To be honest, Ava, I’ve just had a really bad day. A: What happened?B: First, I slept through my alarm and ended up two hours late to work. A: What did your boss say?B: He told me that if I showed up late one more time, he’d fire me. He’s so mean. A: En, that’s horrible. Was that the first time you’d shown up late to work? B: That was my second time. The first time, I was in a car accident. A: Is your boss Chinese?B: No, he’s…he’s from Australia. Before I met him, I thought Australians were supposed to be relaxed and easy-going.I had no idea he’d be so fussy about things. A: What are you going to do?B: I think I’m going to look for another job. I need to find a boss that is a bit more sensitive and optimistic than my current boss.A: That sounds like a sensible plan. Do you want me to help you with your job search? B: That’s very generous of you. Thanks for your offer. A: Don’t mention that. That’s what friend s are for.Dialogue 2A: I don’t know what to do about the people who live in the flat above me. B: Why? What are they like?A: They are incredibly selfish. They are always up until the wee hours of the night, playing their music so loudly that I have to wear earplugs in order to fall asleep.B: Have you ever talked to them about it?A: I tried to introduce myself to them when they moved in, but they were so arrogant that I didn’t want to ever talk to them again. B: What did they say?A: They both just talk about how great they are all the time.B: They sound like neighbors from hell.A: They are. Besides being loud and arrogant, they are also terrible gossips. They are always talking about everybody else in the apartment. B: I thought you didn’t talk to the m much.A: I don’t, but they talk so loudly that I can hear what they are talking about from my bedroom. And it’s not very nice.B: What do the other people in your apartment think about them? A: Most of my other neighbors are scared of them. B: Maybe you should think about moving. A: I can’t afford to move right now.B: Well, perhaps you should have a party and try to get to know them better. Maybe once you get to know them they’ll turn out to be more sensitive.A: Em, I think you’re being a bit optimistic. If you met them, you’d understand.B: Well, I don’t know what else you could do then. Do you think bribing them with chocolate would work?4. Every part of your body can speak Words stormankle脚踝 armpit腋窝 back背 bottom臀部 chest胸部 elbow 手肘 knee膝盖 palm手掌 shoulder肩膀 stomach胃 waist腰 wrist 手腕 frown皱眉 grin露齿笑 gum牙龈 scalp头皮 suck吮吸 wink眨眼 wrinkle皱纹 yawn打哈欠 nail指甲limb肢 trip over绊倒 look看 sound听 smell闻 taste尝。

剑桥雅思12Test5雅思听力Section1答案+解析剑桥雅思12Test5雅思听力Section1答案+解析谈话场景:旅游场景人物关系:顾客与旅行社工作人员谈话话題:家庭短途旅行的咨询交际与语言表达I ? “I’d like to find out if you have any excursions suitable for families.(我想知道你们是否有适合家庭的短途旅行。
)”其中I’d like to find out意为“我想知道/我想咨询一下……”2. “OK. And I assume there’s a cafe or something on board?(好的。
我想你们船上应该有咖啡馆成行类似的东西吧?)"其中assume意为“猜测’假设”;cafe意为“咖啡馆”; or someing 意为类似的东西(与cafe类似的);on board意为“在交通工具上”,此处特指“在船上”。
3. "Right. Well there are various things you can do once you've crossed the lake, to make a day of it.(对了,一旦你过了湖,你可以做很多事情,你可以花一整天的时间在那里。
)”其中various 意为“各种各样的”; make a day of it意为“为...........花上一整天的时间'4. 'One thing that s very popular is a visit to the Country Farm. YouVe met off the boat by the farmer and he’ll take you to the holding pens, where the sheep are kept.(去参观乡村农场是一个很受欢迎的活动。
雅思听力part1 话题场景

以下是一些可能出现的话题场景:1. 医院场景医院是一个常见的场景,考生有可能在听力考试中会听到相关对话,例如患者交流医生关于病情、就诊流程等内容。
2. 学校场景学校场景也是一个常见的话题,可能涉及到学生和老师之间的交流,或者学生之间的对话。
3. 餐厅场景餐厅场景也可能是听力考试中的一部分,考生需要能够听懂顾客和服务员之间的交流对话,包括点餐、询问菜单内容等。
4. 购物场景购物场景也是一个常见的话题,考生可能需要听懂顾客和店员之间的交流对话,包括询价、购物流程等内容。
5. 交通场景交通场景可能涉及到乘客和司机之间的交流,考生需要听懂乘客对目的地的描述、对路线的询问等内容。

一文全解!雅思听力part1常见七大场景(最新版)目录1.雅思听力 Part1 的概述2.七大常见场景的具体内容2.1 租房场景2.2 咨询场景2.3 购物场景2.4 餐饮场景2.5 旅行场景2.6 学习场景2.7 休闲娱乐场景正文一、雅思听力 Part1 的概述雅思听力 Part1 是雅思考试中一个重要的部分,主要考察考生对英语口语的理解和识别能力。
这篇文章将为大家详细解析雅思听力 Part1 常见的七大场景,帮助考生更好地理解和应对这个部分的考试。
二、七大常见场景的具体内容2.1 租房场景租房场景是雅思听力 Part1 中的经典场景,出现的几率特别高。
2.2 咨询场景咨询场景包括各种日常生活中的咨询,如询问路线、购物、餐饮等。
2.3 购物场景购物场景是雅思听力 Part1 中常见的一个场景,主要涉及到购物过程中的各种信息,如购物清单、商品价格、优惠活动等。
2.4 餐饮场景餐饮场景主要涉及到订餐、点餐、付款等环节。
2.5 旅行场景旅行场景是雅思听力 Part1 中一个重要的场景,主要涉及到旅行过程中的各种信息,如机票预订、酒店预订、旅行路线等。
2.6 学习场景学习场景主要涉及到学习过程中的各种信息,如课程安排、考试日期、学术讲座等。

剑桥雅思听力原文---------------------------------------T e x t 1 Section 1Man: Hello,this is Land Transport information at toronto Airport.Woman: Oh,good morning,I’m flying to toronto Airportnext week, and I need to get to a town called um,Milton.Cpould you tell me how I canget there?Man: Milton,did you say? Let me see. I think that’s about 150 miles south-west of here .In fact it’s 147 miles to be exact, so it’ll take you at least –say ,three to four hours by road.the Greyhound.Woman:Oh, that doesn’t sound too bad.especially if it*ll take me straight to the hotel.Man:But you do need to reserve a seat.Woman:OK. Is it possible to make a booking right now? Through you?Man:Sure.Man: OK.I just have to fill this form out for you. So what date do you want to book this for? Woman:The 16th of Octobler –oh,no,sorry.that’s my departure date. I arrive on the 17th, so book it for then,please.Man: So, That’s the Toronto Airport Shuttle to Milton.And this is for just one person or…? Woman: yes, just me, please.Man:Right. And you said your excepted time of arrival was 11:30? So if I book your Shuttle for after 12:00-let’s say, 12:30 that should give you plenty of time to, you know, collect your baggage maybe grab a coffee?Woman:Yeah, that sounds fine, as long as we land on time!Man: Well,we’ll take you flight details so you don’t need to warry too much about that. Now. what about the fare? What sort of ticket do you want? One way or…?Woman:Yes,that’ll be fine, provided I can book the return trip once I’m there.Man:No problem – just allow a couple of days in advanced to make sure you get a seat. And what’s you name, please?Woman:Janet, Janet Thomson.Man:Is that Thompson spelt with a “p”?.in the We’ve upgraded all these Spanish sites, and improved them considerably from their original three-star ratingWe believe our holidays offer superb facilities for the whole family. Parents who want their children to be fully occupied for all or part of the day can take advantage of our children’s activities. These are organised by our well-qualified and enthusiastic staff. Each day kicks off a sports match, perhaps football, or volleyball, followed by an hour of drama for everyone. This may include singing or dancing, mime or other activities. In the afternoon, there’s a different art activity for each day of the week including a poster competition or model making. What’s m ore, our sites are truly child-friendly, and, with this in mind, we operate a no-noise rule in theevenings. Children’s evening activities usually finish at 9:30, or occasionally 10, and from 10:30 holiday-makers are expected to be quiet in the areas where there are tents.We want nothing to go wrong on a PS Camping holiday, but if it does, we also want all customers to be insured. If you haven’t organised an annual insurance policy of your own you’ll need to take out the low-cost cover we offer and we require that you arrange this when you take your holiday reservation.There are many advantages to choosing PS Camping, and to recommending it to others. As a regular customer. You’ll be kept informed of special offers. And your friends can benefit from ten per cent off their holiday, or book a luxury tent for the price of a standard one. In return, we’ll send you a thank-you present, which you can choose from a list of high-quality items.When it comes to our tents, these are equipped to the highest standard. We really do think ofin Philip:Yes, I did. On the positive side, exposure to such diversity helps encourage creativity which is generally an asset to a company. But unfortunately individual difference are also the rootof conflict between staff and they can lead to difficulties for management, which can sometimes be serious.**********************************************Tutor:Thanks,philip. So now I guess the two main things to remember here are to identify individual talent and then to utilize it. So Janice, you were looking at identifying different talents in workers Do you think this is easy for managers to do?Janice:Well,currently teamwork is in fashion in the workplace and in my opinion the importance of the individual is generally neglected. What managers should be targeting is those employees who can take the lead in a situation and are not afraid to accept the idea of responsibility.Tutor:That’s true. Janice but unfortunately many managers think the entire notion of encouraging individuality amongst their staff is far too hard.Janice:Yes. That may be true but I think one of the most important tasks of managers is to consider the needs of the individual on one hand and group co-operation and conformity on the other. It requires creative thinking on the part of management to avoid tension.Tutor:So Janice, what kind of people do you think companies should be looking for?Janice Well, it has to start from the very beginning when companies are looking for new employees. When the personal department is choosing between applicants they need to look for someone who’s broken the mould and can think for themselves. Instead, people making these decisions often ues a range of psychological tests to see if a person is a problem solver, or will do as they’re told. I’m not convinced these qualities are actually the most important.This is the first seninar in preparation for our archaeological fieldwork in Namibia, we are fantastically luck to have received partial research funding for this trip from our Institute, so I shall expect 200% attention and participation from you all. First in this seminar, I’m going to give a brief introduction to contemporary research on rock art, and in the seco nd part I’m going to give you some do’s and don’ts for our fieldwork trip in April – so please listen very carefully.I’m first going to focus on the interpretation of rock art in Namibia, we are very fortunate to be going to an area where you can find some of the most important sites in the entire world. And I hope to show you how easy it is foe everyone to make mistakes in looking at cultures which are different from our pwn – the first and most important lesson we have to learn.In Namibia there are both paintings and engraving –that’s where the surface of the rock is cut out. Many of the engravings show footprints of animals and most scholars used to think that the purpose of these was simple and obvious. This r ock art was like a school book with picture to teach children about tracks whick belonged to which animal – giraffe, lion and so on.But there were some mysteries. First, when you look at a typical Namibian painting or engraving, you see the tracks are repeated, there are dozens of tracks for t he same animal. You’d expect just one clear illustration if the reason – the aim – was to teach tracking.Now there were two more problem, why are some of the engraving of animals very accurate as you’d expect – all clearly identifiable- and others quite unrealisticAnd another mystery – some of these unrealistic animals – that*s in the engravings – seem to be half human. Some, for example, have got human faces, Many reaearchers now think that theseAnd lastly please don’t even move rocks or branches to take photographs – you should leave the site intace –I’m sure I can rely on you to do that..Well,That’s about all I want to say before today’s first discussion, but if you have any question please ask them now –and don’t forget you’ll find some fascinating information aboutworld-wide sites on the Internet. Right, first question then?Text 2Section 1Woman: Hello… motor insurance department …Man: Oh hello… I’d like to ask about insurance for my car.Woman: Yes, of course. I’ll just take a few details. What’s your name?Man: Patrick Jones.Woman: And your addrss?Man: It’s 27 Bank Road.Woman: 27 Bank Road. Is that in Greendale?Man: Yes.Woman: And what’s your daytime phone number?Man: My work number is 730453.Woman: And could ask what your occupation is?Man: Dentist.Woman: OK… now a few details about your car… What size is the engine?Man: It’s a Hewton Sable.Woman: Social use (murmuring). Will you be using it to travel to work?Man: Yes… sometimes.Woman: …Anything else?Man: No. that’s it…Woman: And finally… when would you like to start the insurance?Man: I’ll need it from the 31st of January.Woman: Right… Mr Jones… I’m getting a couple of quotes coming up on the computer now… and the best bet looks like being with a company called Red Flag. Man: Yeah.Woman: And that comes out at $540 per year…Man: Well … that seems OK… it’s quite a bit lower than I’ve been paying up to now…Woman: Great… so would you like me to go ahead with that?Man: Sure… why not?Woman: How would you like to pay?Section 2Thank you for calling the Tourist Line. There are many different ways of getting round the city and we’d like to suggest some you may not have thought of.How about a city trip by boat? Thare are four main stopping points – from west to east: atop A Green Banks, stop B City Bridge, stop C Roman Landing and atop D Newtown.You can find the main booking office at stop A.The first boat leaves at 8 a.m. and the last one at 6:30 p.m. There are also many attractions youInterviewer: Now my first question is about the choice of location for the centre. Why Christchurch? Was it because of the climate?Doctor: Well, actually New Zealand is the second closest country to Antarctica and Christchurch isoften used on Antarctic expeditions.Interviewer: Right. So it’s because of where we are… coupled with our historical role. So tell us – what is the main purpose of the centre?Doctor: Well…we have two complementary roles. One is as a scientific base for expeditions and research and the other is as an information centre.Interviewer: Tell ue something about the role as a scientific base.Doctor: We’re able to provide information about what scientists should take with them to the South Pole – for example, the centre contains a clothing warehouse where expeditions are supplied with suitable clothing for the extreme conditions.Interviewer: I suppose you need a bit more than your normal winter coat!Doctor: yes, exactly and then there’s also the specialist library and mapping services. Interviewer: Right. And which countries are actually located at the centre?Doctor: Well…the centre houses research programmes for New Zealand, for The United States as well as for Italy…there*re even a US post office at the American airforce base here. Interviewer: Really?And what does the v isitor’s centre offer?Doctor: Well, since very few people will ever experience the Antarctic first hand, the visitors* centre aims to recreate the atmosphere of Antarctica. There’s a mock camp site where you canDoctor: Well, as far back as the 19th century, when eleven nations organised an international event.Interviewer: When was that exactly?Doctor: In 1870. And it was called the Polar Research Metting. And then, Not long after that, they organised something called the First International Polar Year.Interviewer: And that took place when exactly?Doctor: Over two years from 1882 to 1883. But it wasn’t until the 1950s that the idea of an international treaty was proposed. And in 1959 the Treaty was actually signed. Interviewer: What do you see as the main achievements of the treaty?Doctor: Well, firstly it means that the continent is reserved for peaceful use.Interviewer: That’s Article a, isn’t it?Doctor: Yes…Interviewer: That’s impor tant since the territory belongs to everyone.DOCTOR: yes but not as important as Article 5, which prohibits any nuclear explosions or waste disposal.Interviewer: Which is marvellous. Well, I’m afraid we’re going to have to stop there because I’m afraid w e’ve run out of time. Thanks for coming along today and telling us all about the centre and its work.Section 4My topic is handedness – whether in different sports it is better to be left – or right-sided or whether a more balanced approach is more succes sful .I’m left-handed myself and I actually–STUDENT:Oh,good morning ,Is this…er… room number 26?AGENT:Yes,that's rightSTUDENT:So ls this the Student Job Centre?AGENT:It certainly is.How can I help you?STUDENT:Well,actually I’m looking for a job -a part-time Job, Do you haveanything available at the moment?AGENT:Ah.Yes… Are you a registered student?I`m afraid this service isonly available to full-time studentsSTUDENT:Yes… I am I'm doing a degree in Business Studies.Here's mystudent cardAGENT:Which year are you in?STUDENT:Well… I've been at uni for four years but I'm in the Third Yearbecause I took last year off.AGENT:Right… well,let's just have a look at what positions are available at The moment There's a Job working at the reception desk at the SportsCentre,for three evenings a week that's Wednesdays ,Thursdays andFridays.STUDENT:That sounds 1ike fun but unfortunately I have evening lectures- sothat's not possible ,I’m afraid Is th ere anything during the day? AGENT:OK.That's no good then .Um .What about cleaning ? There's aposition for a cleaner at the Child Care Centre.thing.STUDENT:Well.I speak some JapaneseAGENT:Right I’ll make a note of that Now- let's see what else is availableWhat do you think of administrative work? There is a position for anOffice Assistant at the English Language CentreSTUDENT:That sounds interesting.AGENT:It's for 3 days a week—Monday , Friday and Saturday mornings.Interested?STUDENT:Mmm, I was hoping to have Saturdays free . But I need the work so… can you tell me what the job Involves?AGENT:Yes, sure. It says here that you'll be required to deal with studentenquiries and answer the phone.STUDENT:I’m su re I can handle all that without a problemAGENT:Great Well,would you like me to arrange an interview for you ? Say,Friday morning,around ten?STUDENT:Could we make it a bit later ? Unfortunately , I've got something to doat ten、Would that be OK?AGENT:Not a problem , How about eleven thirty ? Hope it works out for youAnitaSTUDENT:Me too . And thanks for all your help.However , you will need to be extremely fityou’re interested in coming with us . You have plenty of time to get into shape.You will be sleeping in tents so you must have quite a bit of equipment with you but you will be helpedby local assistants .Your bedding and so forth will be carded by them . We ask that you only walk with a small rucksack with needs for the day .I don’t think I've really said enough about the mar vell ous area you’ll be walking in . Let's havea look at some of the sights you’11 be seeing Apart from these spectacular snow-covered peaks and valleys, there are marvellous historic villages.The area has been famous for centuries for making beautiful carpets , although recently there has been a trend to moveinto weaving blankets and wood carving The people are extremely friendly and welcoming . We deliberately keep the parties small in size to minimize disruption to people and landscape .I hope that there are still some people interested . I will be distributing leaflets at the end where you call find out more information,but just for the moment I’ll outline the itinerary, the main highpoints of the holiday.Obviously , you’ll start by flying out to Kishba ,the capital city , on Day One.After a couple of days to acclimatize yourself , you’ll start the trek on Day Three walking through the enormous Katiba Forest which will take the whole of the day.Day Four takes us higher up,going through the foothills past a number of villages and visiting a school for the disabled in Sohan . Then you have a rest day ,that's Day Five ,before going to the spectacular Kumi Temple with twelfth-century carvings ,set in a small forest bya lake and that's Day Six,the highlight for many.We stay near there for Day Seven because then comes the hardest day ,walking through very mountainous country ,but culminating in a swim in the Parteh Falls , This is the highest waterfall in the region . Day Nine is much easier,whole kilometres down in the water.It stays at this depth for about 10days and is carried around by the currents which operate in the oceanat this level . During this time it's possible for it to cover quite largedistances but the average is fifty kilometresSTUDENT 2:So what is it actually recording ?SIMON:Well at this stage nothing.but as it rises to the surface it collects allsorts of data,most importantly variations in salinity ,that's salt levelsand the changes In temperature,a bit like underwater weather balloons”then when it gets back to the surface all the data it's collected isbeamed up to the satellite . After about five hours on the surface thefloat automatically sinks , beginning the whole process again STUDENT 1:What happens to the data?SIMON:Well the information Is transferred direct to onshore meteorological stations...like our one in Hobart...and within four hours thefindings can be on computers and they can be mapped and analysed.STUDENT 2:You say you're building models of the world's ocean systems buthow're they going to be used,and more importantly , when? SIMON:Some of the data has already helped in completing projects . Forexample,our understanding of the underlying causes of El Niňoevents is being confirmed by float data Another way we’re using floatdata is to help us to understand the mechanics of climate change,likeSECTION 4Good morning everyone . Today's lecture forms part of the Hospitality and Tourism module Last week 1 looked at the economy end of the hotel business;this week I'm going to discuss The luxury end of the market . Let's consider the following scenario. . .You wake up in the middle of the night in a strange hotel miles away from home , disoriented most probably from jet lag,when even the most expensive surroundings can seem empty and dispiriting . You have paid a great deal of money to stay in this first—class hotel with its contemporary technology ,but according to recent research carried out by an international travel and public relations company , all is not well . The research suggests that even the mostopulent,luxurious hotels seem to have underestimated the most basic needs of their customers-be they travelling for work or pleasure:the need to feel at home in surroundings which are both familiar and inviting .Do these findings , however apply only to hotels situated in particular areas ? Is it possible that the external environment can affect a guest's well-being ? The company's research covered a whole range of different hotel types , both independent hotels and those which are part of large chains . They investigated chic so-called boutique hotels in the heart of downtown business districts,stately mansions located in the depths of beautiful countryside ,and plush hotels built at the edge of tropical beaches surrounded by palm trees and idyllic blue ocean And the research concluded that what was outside the hotel building simply didn't matter.This is a fascinating revelation and those of you hoping to move into careers in the travel andPopular. . .Test 4SECTION 4OFFICER:Yes ,what can I do for you?SUTDENT:My friend Is in homestay … and she really enjoys it… so I'd like tojoin a family as wellOFFICER:Okay ,so let me get some details What's your name?SUTDENT:My name is Keiko YuichiniOFFICER:Could you spell your family name for me? SUTDENT:It's … Yuichini that's Y_U—l—C—H—I—N.I_ OFFICER:And your first name?SUTDENT:It's Keiko.K.E-I—K—O感谢阅读,欢迎大家下载使用!。

1. "Hello, and welcome to today's English listening practice. Today's topic is about…""大家好,欢迎参加今天的英语听力练习。
2. "Good morning/afternoon/evening, and thank you for tuning in to our English listening program. Today we will be discussing…""大家早上/下午/晚上好,感谢收听我们的英语听力节目。
今天我们将讨论……"3. "Welcome to our English listening program. In this segment, you will hear a conversation betwe en two people discussing…""欢迎来到我们的英语听力节目。
在这个环节中,你将听到两个人讨论……"4. "Hello and welcome to our English listening comprehension exercise. Wewill begin with a short dialogue between two people followed by a series of questions to test your understanding.""大家好,欢迎参加我们的英语听力理解练习。

Transcripts &Translation 聽力練習題目全文及翻譯 Unit 1 Transport and Travel Listening 1 TrainAnnouncements The next train at Platform 3 will be the 15:20 service for Bath Spa calling at Swindon.This is the 14:48 service from London ,Paddington 。
The train now standing at Platform 1 is the 15:05 service from Reading to Oxford 。
At Platform 2,the train just arriving is the 14:53 Thames train service for Southampton Central ,calling at Basingstoke and Winchester.This is the 14:25 service from Oxford. We would like to apologise to passengers at Platform 6 waiting for the 14:50 First Great Western service to London,Paddington.This 13:55 service from Taunton is running approximately 20minutes late 。
Because of the recent heavy rain,regular local services between Reading and Oxford have been reduced to two trains per hour 。
Easy English 雅思300篇情景对话: A new roommate

Are you a night owl or an early bird?A new roommateA:Hello?B:Hello. My name is John,and I'm calling to ask about the apartment for rent.I saw your advertisement online.A:Yes!Thanks for calling,John!I'm Matthew.I have a two-bedroom apartment,and I'm looking for a roommate to share the rent.B:Great! Where is the apartment located?A:the address is 345 South Street ,Apartment C. It is across from the library and right next door to the pizza restaurant.B:I know exactly where that is. That's a great location.A:Yes. I find it very convenient.B:And what is the rent?A:It's $800per month,so your half would be$400.B:That sounds good to me.A:Would you like to come by and check out the apartment?B:That would be great.How about 5pm today?A:Perfect! I'll see you then!So,John,I've prepared a few questions to see if you'd be a good match as a roommate.Are you ready?B:Go for it.A:Okay.First of all,are you a smoker?B:I am not a smoker.Do you smoke?A:I don't,and I'm really glad you don't either.I would prefer to keep the apartment smoke-free.B:Me too.I cannot stand the smell of smoke.A:Perfect.Next question:Are you a night owl or an early bird?B:I tend to get up early because I like to get to the gym early and work out most days.I have always liked staying active and fit.A:Great! I'm an early bird as well ,and I like to run in the morning whenever I get the chance.How often would you plan on having friends or family visit? Are you very outgoing?B:I would probably have friends over a few nights a week,but I wouldn't host a lot of parties.I'm pretty laid back and prefer a night of playing cards with friends rather than a loud and crazy dance party.My little brother will probably come visit a few times a year,but he is really friendly and easy to get along with.A:That sounds good.I do host a few parties a year;but otherwise,I too just have a few friends over every once in a while.How old is your brother? B:He is 16.He might be coming to college here in a few years.Do you have siblings?A:I have a brother too,but he is older than me.He's married and has kids,so he will not be visiting me anytime soon.I think it's cool if your brother wants to come visit us a few times.That shouldn't be a problem.Another question:When it comes to chores and cleaning,what tasks do you prefer to take on? And how clean do you expect the apartment to be?B:I generally like things to be pretty tidy. I'll gladly help out to make sure we keep the apartment clean.I'll do the dishes and run the vacuum often.How clean do you like to keep things?A:I'm pretty neat as well.I hate coming home to a messy apartment.So I'm constantly cleaning up the kitchen and mopping the floors.I'd also help out with cleaning the bathroom and dusting around the apartment.It sounds like we would both keep things clean,which is good.What are you studying in school?B:I'm a chemistry and biology major.I hope to become a doctor one day. A:Wow!That's impressive.I am majoring in business,but I am not exactly sure what I will do after I graduate.Do you have any questions for me?B:Yes.In general,what are some things you like to do?How do you spend your weekends and free time?A:I like to go the movies a lot.I also like to cook and try new recipes.On the weekends,I swim,meet friends for lunch ,go on hikes,and play video games. How about you?What do you like to do?B:I love to read and play video games.I also like to go to concerts and listen to music.A:Nice I love music as well.Is there anything you really don't like?B:Hmm…I guess I don't like cold weather activities. I don't like skiing or playing in the snow.I'd rather vacation at a beach than at a ski resort.So,in the winter I'll probably stay inside a lot and read and watch television.A:That's funny.I work as a ski instructor during the winter.So ,while I'm out skiing you can have apartment to yourself.B:Sounds great to me!A:Oh! I almost forgot to ask:Do you have a car?B:I do.A:We have two parking spaces. One is in a garage,and one is on the street.Do you have a preference for where you would park?B:I'm fine with parking on the street.My car isn't very fancy.It doesn't need to be in the garage.A:Great!Well,I think we would make a good fit as roommates.What do you think?B:Yes! I agree.Let's do this!When can I move in?A:You can move in on Monday,if that works for you.Rent would be$400 each month.B:Sounds great! I'm looking forward to it.A:Me too!I'll have the landlord add your name to the lease,and you can sign it next week.B:Awesome!Thank you!A:We're going to have a great time here.。

雅思口语情景对话【场景一】就医A: Good morning. I have an appointment with Dr. Smith at 10 o'clock.B: Good morning, Mr./Ms. [Your Name]. Have a seat, please. Dr. Smith will be with you shortly.(After waiting for a while)C: Mr./Ms. [Your Name], Dr. Smith is ready to see you now. Please follow me.A: Thank you.(Entering the doctor's office)D: Good morning, Mr./Ms. [Your Name]. How can I assist you today?A: Good morning, Dr. Smith. I've been experiencing a persistent cough and occasional fever for about a week. I'm concerned it might be something serious.D: I understand your concern. Let me first take your temperature and listen to your lungs.(After examining)D: It seems like you have a respiratory infection. I suggest we do a thorough check-up and some tests to confirm the diagnosis. Would that be acceptable to you?A: Yes, definitely. I want to get to the root of the problem.D: Great. I will write you a referral for some blood tests and a chest X-ray. Once we have the results, we can discuss further treatment options. Does that sound alright?A: Yes, that sounds good. Thank you for your help, Dr. Smith.D: You're welcome. Let's make an appointment for next week after the results come in. Take care, Mr./Ms. [Your Name].A: Thank you, Dr. Smith. Goodbye.【场景二】租房A: Hello, I'm interested in the apartment you advertised online. Is it still available?B: Yes, it is. I'm the landlord. May I know your name, please?A: Of course. My name is [Your Name].B: Nice to meet you, [Your Name]. Would you like to schedule a visit to see the apartment?A: Yes, that would be great. When is a convenient time for you?B: I'm available tomorrow afternoon after 2 o'clock. Does that work for you?A: Yes, that works well for me. How long does the visit usually take?B: The visit usually takes around 30 minutes. I'll show you the apartment and answer any questions you may have.A: Perfect. I'm looking for a clean and quiet place. Could you briefly describe the apartment's condition and the neighborhood?B: The apartment is newly renovated with modern amenities. It's located in a safe and residential neighborhood with easy access to public transportation and nearby shops. It's also close to parks and recreational facilities.A: That sounds great. How much is the monthly rent and is a security deposit required?B: The monthly rent is $1000, excluding utilities. A security deposit of one month's rent is required.A: I see. Is there a lease agreement and what are the terms?B: Yes, there is a standard lease agreement. The terms are a minimum of one year lease, with the option to renew after that.A: That's understandable. Thank you for the information. I look forward to seeing the apartment tomorrow.B: You're welcome, [Your Name]. See you tomorrow.。

雅思听力考试的Part 1 通常涉及日常生活场景,以下是一些常见的场景:
1. 预订:包括预订酒店、预订机票或旅游套餐等。
2. 求职:与求职面试或工作申请相关的场景,例如询问工作经验、技能和个人信息等。
3. 租房:涉及租赁房屋或公寓的场景,例如询问房屋信息、租赁协议和费用等。
4. 课外活动:与学生的课外活动相关的场景,如加入俱乐部、参加社团或报名课程等。
5. 日常生活:包括购物、银行业务、医疗保健、图书馆借阅等日常生活场景。
6. 旅游:与旅游相关的场景,如询问旅游信息、预订旅游服务或介绍旅游景点等。
7. 学术讨论:与学术或教育相关的讨论,例如课程选择、学术项目或研究等。
这些场景涵盖了日常生活中的常见情境,通过熟悉这些场景和相关的词汇、表达方式,有助于更好地理解和应对雅思听力考试Part 1 的内容。

剑桥雅思考试全真试题集7听力部分第一部分:社交场景对话1-5 填空题1. 请根据对话内容,填写以下空白处的单词。
Now, listen to the conversation between a student and a librarian about borrowing books.[Audio clip plays]Librarian: Good morning. How can I help you today?Student: Hi, I’m here to 1. ________ some books on environmental science for my research paper.Librarian: Sure, you can find them in the 2. ________ section on the second floor.Student: I also need to 3. ________ a book I borrowed last month; I think I lost it.Librarian: No problem. Just let me 4. ________ the title and author, and I’ll check our records.Student: It’s “Sustainable Futures” by Jane Doe. I’m afraid I might have to 5. ________ it.Librarian: Let’s see. Yes, we do have a copy, but it’s currently checked out. You can put your name on the reserve list, and we’ll notify you when it’s available.第二部分:学术讲座6-10 选择题6. What is the main topic of the lecture?A. The history of the universityB. The development of renewable energyC. The impact of technology on educationD. The importance of cultural exchange[Audio clip plays]Lecturer: Good morning, everyone. Today, we’re going to delve into the fascinating world of renewable energy sources and how they have evolved over the past century.第三部分:教育访谈11-14 填空题11. The interviewee believes that the most important skillfor students to develop is 11. ________.[Audio clip plays]Interviewer: In your opinion, what should be the primary focus in a student’s education?Interviewee: I think critical thinking is essential. It allows students to analyze information, form opinions, and make informed decisions.第四部分:环境问题讨论15-20 选择题15. Why did the group decide to focus on the issue of plastic waste in their project?A. It’s a local problem that’s easy to study.B. It has gained international attention recently.C. It’s closely related to daily life.D. It’s an issue that can be easily solved.[Audio clip plays]Moderator: So, can you tell us why your group chose to concentrate on the issue of plastic waste for your environmental project?Group member: Well, we felt that it’s something that affects everyone, and it’s a problem we encounter in our daily lives. Plus, it’s a topic that’s been in the spotlight globally, which makes it even more relevant.阅读部分第一部分:广告与宣传21-26 判断题21. 广告中提到的“family-friendly”活动适合所有年龄段的人参加。

雅思听力Section1的解题技巧雅思听力的section 1是最容易的一部分,因此也经常在备考中被烤鸭们所忽略,从而马虎丢分。
如:租房场景中,当问到房屋类型,即house type的时候,考生应立刻反应出可能性的房型:hotel(酒店)、studenthostel(学生宿舍)、youthhostel(青年旅舍)、flat(apartment)(公寓)、orm(dormitory)(宿舍)、motel(汽车路馆)、homestay(住家)等,这就要求考生在平时对相应场景非常熟悉。
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A: Hi, can I help you?
B: Yes. I’m looking for a three-bedroom apartment in the Manhattan area. A: We do have some apartments in that area.
B: What’s the rent?
A: $1100 a month for a three-bedroom apartment.
B: How much is the deposit?
A: The security deposit is equal to one month’s rent.
B: When can I get the deposit back?
A: One week after you move out.
B: How long is the lease for?
A: At least one year.
B: Does the rent include the utilities?
A: Yes.
B: Is it a furnished apartment?
A: Yes.
B: Is it a furnished apartment?
A: Yes, it is.
B: When is the rent due each month?
A: The first day of each month.
B: Is the apartment clean?
A: Absolutely.
A: 你好,我能帮您什么?
B: 我正在曼哈顿地区找一套三室的公寓。
A: 在那个区域,我们确实有几套公寓。
B: 租金多少?
A: 三室的是月租1100美金。
B: 押金是多少?
A: 一个月的房租。
B: 我什么时候能够拿回押金?
A: 你搬走一周后。
B: 合同是多长时间?
A: 至少一年。
B: 租金包括水电煤气吗?
A: 包括。
B: 公寓里有家具吗?
A: 有家具。
B: 每月什么时候交房租?
A: 每月的第一天。
B: 公寓干净吗?
A: 绝对干净。