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2. 结尾是e的动词加-d
• use——used • live——lived • Hope——hoped • • 3、重读闭音节词,单辅音字母结尾胡动词, 结尾的辅音字母双写后加-ed • stop——stopped • plan——planned • trip——tripped • travel——travelled
• If you are going to play football this afternoon, you’d better wear your sport shoes.
⑥ 表示不受主观意愿影响胡单纯将来,一般 只能用will结构 • 明天是教师节 • Tomorrow will be Teacher’s Day. • ⑦ 在正式的通知(如新闻媒体公布的消息, 气象预报等),多用will。 • 淮河以北有大风 • There will be a strong wind to the north of Huai River.
谓语动词的时态 Verb Tenses
• 一般现在时(The Simple Present Tense) • 一般过去式(The Simple Past Tense) • 一般将来时(The Simple Future Tense)
一般现在时(The Simple Present Tense)
• 一般现在时表示主语的状态,特征,经常或反复发 生的动作,或表示真理。如: • He is fourteen. He is at school. • 他14岁了,在上学。 • Do you go to school at 7:00 every day? • 他每天7点钟去上学吗? • She doesn’t like apples. • 她不喜欢苹果 • The earth moves round the sun. • 地球绕着太阳运行。
⑤ 在含有条件(时间)状语从句的复合句中,主语 一般一般使用will/shall结构表示将来,而不用be going to
• If it rains tomorrow, we’ll stay at home. • 明天如果下雨,我们将呆在家里。
• (在条件(时间)状语从句中,不能使用 will/shall结构表示将来,但可以用be going to结 构)
③ 对于事先未经考虑的打算,计划,而是临 时起意,则用will/shall结构而不用be going to结构。 • • • • -Where is the telephone book? -I’ll go and get it for you. 电话号码薄在哪? 我去拿给你。
• (这种用法常用于会话时,乙听了甲的画 之后做出的反应。)
• 1. It __ be Wednesday tomorrow. • 2. She has bought some cloth; she __ make herself a dress. • 3. I __ never do that again. • 4. All the students __ trees next week. • A. are planting B. planted • C. plant D. will plant • 5. There __ a League meeting the day after tomorrow. • A. don’t B. will have • C. be D. have
④在表示即将发生某事时,两者区别意义不 大,多可互换。
• • • • -what is going to happen? 就要发生什么事? -what will happen? 将要发生什么事?
• (一般来说,Be going to 表示较近的将来,而will 则表示较远胡将来。 ) • • It is going to rain tonight. • There will be a heavy snow in a few days. • 今晚要下雨 • 几天后将会有一场大雪
4.Mary __ breakfast now. She often __ breakfast at 7:30.
A. is having, have B. is having, has c. has, has 写下下列动词的单数第三人称 come_____ Make____ carry____ say____ buy____ go___ cost____ pass___ guess___ rush____ catch ___ stop___
• fly——flies • carry——carries • study——studies
• * 动词be的一般现在时是am,is,are;动 词have的第三人称单数形式是has。
• • • • 动词一般现在时,表示经常发生(的)事。 三单人称作主语,动词后加-s或-es。 主语之后是谓语,肯定陈述的语序, 一般疑问do当先,否定谓语前don’t添。
4. 结尾是“辅音字母+ y”的动词,先变‘y’ 为‘i’,再加-ed, 读/d/.
• study——studied • carry——carried • worry——worried • • • • • • 常见的不规则动词的过去式变化表: am/is—was are—were go—went have—had do—did get—got come—came say—said see—saw put—put eat—ate take—took swim—swam
• • • • • 动词三单现在式,一般词尾加-s。 s, x, ch, sh在结尾,直接加上-es。 词尾若是字母o,加上-es不用愁。 “辅音字母+y”来结尾,变y为i是正规, -es后边紧跟随,study-studies看明白。
1. His sister ___ kind of her neighbors. A. am B. are C. is D. be 2. –Is your father a doctor? --Yes, he is. He ___ in town hospital. A. has worked B. had worked C. works D. worked 3. If we ___ the smaller computer, we’ll change it in a few years’ time. A. will buy B. buying C. buy D. may buy
② 用“be going to + 动词圆形” 表示 将要发生的事或打算,计划,决定要做 的事
• • • • • What are you going to do next Saturday? 你下周六干什么? We are going to meet at the school gate. 我们将在校门口见面。 He’s not going to have any classes next week. • 他下周没课。
一般过去时要用动词的过去式,规则动词的 词尾加-ed,不规则的要逐个记忆。
1. 一般在动词原形末尾加-ed,-ed的读音有三种: ① 原词尾音为辅音,-ed读作/t/. work /w3: k/ worked /w3: kt/ ② 原词尾音为浊辅音或是元音,-ed读/d/ turn /t3:n/ turned /t3:nd/ play /pleI/ played /pleId/ ③ 原词尾音为/t/肯/d/, -ed 读作/id/ want /wDnt/ wanted /’ wDntId / need / ni:d/ needed /’ni:dId/
Comes says buys goes makes costs passes guesses carries rushes stops
• 一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作和存在的 状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如 yesterday,last night,in 1989, two days ago等。 My teacher wasn’t at home last Saturday. She was in the library. 我的老师上周六不在家,她在图书馆。 He got up at 6 this morning. 他今天早晨六点起床。 -Did you go to the supermarket yesterday? -Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. 你昨天去超市了吗?是的,我去了。/ 不,我没 去。
以字母s,x,ch,sh结尾的动词加-es,动 词原形已有e。只加s,读/iz/;以o结尾的 的动词加es,读/z/
• • • • • • Guess——guesses Fix——fixes teach——teaches Wash——washes Close——closes go——goes
辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先变y为i, 再加-es,读/z/.
• ① 一般将来时由“助动词 shall/will + 动词原 形”构成。主语是第一人称(I 和 we)时, 常用助动词shall,也可用will。其他人称用 will。 • We shall have a football match next week. • 我们下周有足球赛。 • He won’t come back until 5:30. • 他5点半才会回来。 • Shall I open the window? • 要我打开窗户吗?
• 谓语动词用原形; • 当主语是第三人称单数时,动词原形词尾有加-s的 变化。 • 规则动词在词尾加-s。在清辅音后读/ s /, 在浊辅 音及元音后面读/ z /. 在t后面读/ ts /, 在d后面读 • / dz /. • • • • • help——helps swim——swims know——knows get——gets ride——rides
• 1. Some boys ____(swim) in the lake yesterday. • 2. He ___ (get up) at 6 this morning. • 3. A month ago, I ___ (come) to our school.
• 一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作 或存在的状态,常与表示将来胡时间状语连用, 如: tomoห้องสมุดไป่ตู้row, next week, next Sunday等. • I shall go to Dalian next week. • 我下周要去大连开会。 • We shall have a class meeting tomorrow. • 我们明天开班会。
shall/will 和 be going to 结构的区别
• ①二者均可用来表示将来的意图,但是“be going to” 结构语义稍强些。 • I am going to /will climb that mountain one day. • 我准备/想将来某一天去爬那座山。
• ②对于事先经过考虑胡打算,计划,意图,应使用 be going to,而不用will/shall结构。 • -why are you taking down all the pictures? • -I am going to repaint the wall. • 你为何取下所有画? • 伙打算再粉刷一下墙体。(粉刷墙体是取下画之前 就已经考虑好的打算)