项目十: 应对国际商务谈判参考答案



















国际商务谈判模拟试题九参考答案一、单项选择题(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)1C 2D 3A 4B 5B 6A 7C 8D 9C 10D11 B 12B 13D 14B 15A 16A 17C 18D 19C 20C21A 22C 23A 24B 25D二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)26 ABCDE 27ABCDE 28AE 29 BCDE 30ACE三、判断改错题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)31、( V) 2分32、(X )1分, 将6人改为4人。

1分33、(X )1分,将己方计划改为己方利益。

1分34、(X )1分,将质量改为价格。

1分35、( V) 2分四、简答题(本大题共5小题,每小题5分,共25分)36、简述口头谈判的优缺点。





答:(1)完全回避风险(2) 风险损失的控制(3) 转移风险(4) 自留风险39、简述谈判中阻止对方进攻的策略。

















第一章商务谈判概述同步测试一、单项选择1.C2.C3.D4.C5.A6.A7.B8.D9.B 10.C二、多项选择1.BCD2.ABD3.ABDEF4.ABCDF5.BCE三、简答论述(答题要点)1. 联系实际,试述商务谈判的基本原则。










案例分析(答题提示)案例一1. 国家医保局为什么要对已经在医保目录内的药品进行降价谈判?降价的14种药品,价格比较昂贵,它们占用医保资金均超过10亿元以上,进入医保目录已久,相关研发成本早已收回,具备了降价空间。









1. 请列举出国际商务谈判中常见的谈判策略。






2. 在国际商务谈判中,如何应对对方的威胁和压力?答案:对方的威胁和压力是谈判中常见的策略之一。





3. 在国际商务谈判中,如何处理文化差异带来的挑战?答案:文化差异是国际商务谈判中常见的挑战之一。





4. 在国际商务谈判中,如何应对谈判中的不确定性?答案:谈判中的不确定性是无法避免的,但可以通过一些策略来应对。











二、单项选择题1.B;2.C;3.A;4.D;5.B;6.A三、多项选择题1.ABC2.ABCD3.BCD4.ABCD5.ABCD6.BC7.ACD 8.ABCD四、填空题1.谈判2.谈判当事人谈判议题谈判背景3.原则型谈判4.货物买卖谈判投资项目谈判技术贸易谈判劳务谈判索赔谈判。









国际商务谈判试题( 03) 课程代码:00186一、单项选择题( 本大题共20 小题,每小题 1 分,共20 分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。


1. 对谈判进行评价的主要指标是( )A.拖拖拉拉B. 速战速决A. 信誉B. 经济利益C .拥有信息 D. 稳定的交易关系2. 在国际商务谈判中,千万不能赠送酒类礼品的国家是( )A.美国B. 英国C.法国D. 阿拉伯3. 以下风险中,不属于非人员风险的是( )A. 沟通风险B. 市场风险C .合同风险 D. 自然风险4. 一般商品的交易谈判只需( )〜3人〜4人〜4人〜5人5. 符合商务谈判让步原则的做法是( )A. 作同等让步B. 让步幅度要大C. 让步节奏要快D. 在重要问题上不要轻易让步6. 如果是1 个小时的谈判,精力旺盛的阶段只是最初的( )分钟— 3 分钟分钟一 5 分钟分钟一8 分钟分钟一10 分钟7. 德国商人在谈判中往往习惯于( )C. 先礼后兵D.以势压人8. 不属于合同风险的是( )A. 支付风险B.交货风险C.技术风险D.质量数量风险9. 在国际商务谈判中,首先提出含有较大虚头的开价,然后再讨价还价,直至达成交易的是( )A. 西欧式报价B. 东欧式报价C. 北欧式报价D. 日本式报价10. “贵方某某先生的问题提得很好,我曾经在某一份资料上看过有这一问题的记载,就记忆所及,大概是……”这种答复谈判对手的技巧可称为()A. 避正答偏B. 推卸责任C. 以问代答D. 答非所问11. 十分回避“厕所” 这个词,一般都使用其他暗示的方法。

具有上述禁忌的国家是( )A. 法国B. 美国C. 英国D. 中国12. 在商务谈判中,不属于主谈人的职责是( )A. 掌握谈判进程B. 监督谈判程序C.汇报谈判工作D. 阐明参加谈判的意愿和条件13. 以下各项中,不属于影响国际商务谈判的财政金融状况因素的是( )A. 外债状况B. 支付信誉C .利率高低 D. 外汇储备14. 商务谈判中的“问”一般不包含( )A. 何时发问B. 怎样发问C.问什么问题D. 问多少问题15. 在商务谈判中,两臂交叉于胸前,一般表示( )A. 紧张B. 不耐烦C.充满信心D. 保守或防卫16. 必须选择全能型谈判人员的谈判类型是()A. 双边谈判B. 多边谈判C .个体谈判 D. 集体谈判17. 若我方在谈判中实力较弱,可选择的风险防范方法是()A. 平衡法B. 对等易货贸易法C.硬货币计价法D. 汇率风险分摊条款18. 以下各国中,属于大陆法系的是()A. 法国B. 德国C.英国D. 瑞士19. “您第一次发现商品含有瑕疵是在什么时候”这种商务谈判的发问类型属于()A. 封闭式发问B. 澄清式发问C .借助式发问 D. 探索式发问20. 从对手需要没有得到应有满足这个角度讲,何种谈判属于没有真正胜利者的谈判()A.让步型谈判 B •原则型谈判C.价值型谈判 D •立场型谈判21. 在商务谈判中,双方平等关系是指()A.利益平等 B .职权平等C.地位平等 D .实力平等22. 培养谈判人员基本素质的方式是()A.自我培养 B .企业培养C.社会培养 D .实践培养23.谈判中以试图控制谈判对手的谈判心理属于()A.进取型心理 B .关系型心理C.权力(顽固)型心理D .自残型心理二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。



国际商务谈判试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 国际商务谈判中,以下哪个因素不属于文化差异的影响?A. 语言B. 宗教信仰C. 谈判风格D. 技术标准2. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪种策略属于进攻型策略?A. 让步策略B. 等待策略C. 竞争策略D. 合作策略3. 国际商务谈判中,以下哪种沟通方式最为有效?A. 书面沟通B. 口头沟通C. 非语言沟通D. 电子沟通4. 以下哪个阶段不属于国际商务谈判的基本阶段?A. 准备阶段B. 交流阶段C. 决策阶段D. 结束阶段5. 国际商务谈判中,以下哪种行为属于不道德的?A. 充分准备B. 诚实守信C. 隐瞒信息D. 尊重对方6. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪种情况最可能导致谈判失败?A. 双方需求一致B. 双方存在共同利益C. 双方互不信任D. 双方目标一致7. 国际商务谈判中,以下哪种文化因素对谈判影响最大?A. 饮食文化B. 礼仪文化C. 商业文化D. 娱乐文化8. 以下哪种谈判技巧不属于有效的谈判技巧?A. 倾听B. 观察C. 打断对方D. 反馈9. 在国际商务谈判中,以下哪种行为有助于建立良好的第一印象?A. 穿着随意B. 准时到达C. 迟到D. 忽视对方10. 国际商务谈判中,以下哪种策略是最为保守的?A. 冒险策略B. 稳健策略C. 激进策略D. 保守策略答案:1. D2. C3. B4. C5. C6. C7. C8. C9. B 10. D二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述国际商务谈判中文化差异对谈判的影响。




2. 描述国际商务谈判中常见的几种谈判策略。










































二、选择题1、下列哪个国家在国际商务谈判中倾向于采用直接谈判方式?(A)A. 美国B. 日本C. 德国D. 法国正确答案是:A. 美国。


2、下列哪一项不是文化背景对国际商务谈判的影响?(D) A. 语言沟通 B. 社交礼仪 C. 价值观 D. 产品标准正确答案是:D. 产品标准。


3、在国际商务谈判中,下列哪个因素是最不重要的?(C) A. 文化背景 B. 政治环境 C. 个人性格 D. 经济条件正确答案是:C. 个人性格。


4、下列哪个国家在国际商务谈判中倾向于采用间接谈判方式?(B)A. 美国B. 日本C. 德国D. 法国正确答案是:B. 日本。



《国际商务谈判》参考答案及评分标准NOTE: Write your answer (s) on the Answer Sheet please.Ⅰ. Identify the following statements are True (T) or False (F). (40%)1 — 5: ( T ) , ( F ) , ( T ) , ( F ) , ( T );6 — 10: ( T ) , ( T ) , ( F ) , ( F ) , ( F ); 11—15: ( F ) , ( F ) , ( T ) , ( F ), ( T ); 16—20: ( T ) , ( F ) , ( T ) , ( T ) , ( T ); 21—25: ( F ) , ( T ) , ( F ) , ( F ) , ( F ); 26—30: ( F ) , ( F ) , ( F ) , ( F ) , ( T ); 31—35: ( T ) , ( T ) , ( T ) , ( T ) , ( F ); 36—40: ( T ) , ( F ) , ( T ) , ( F ) , ( T ); Ⅱ. Read the Case One below and make your comments about these phenomena.(30%)第1页共 2 页第 2 页 共 2 页Ⅲ. Read the Case Two below and answer the following question. (30%) Question: If you were the negotiating scholar, please make some analysis and suggestions for the American company.评分标准: 第I 题,1)本题满分为40分;2)每个选项1分,共40个选项,合计40分; 3)严格依照参考答案给分;第II 题,1)本题满分为30分; 2)给定答案为参考答案;3)依据参考答案,结合考生答案,可以灵活给分; 4)每个合理的comment 解释,可给5分;5)能答出5个合理的commen 解释,可给满分30分; 6)能答出5个以上合理的commen 解释,最多给满分30分; 7)每个不合理、或不正确的comment 解释,可给0分; 8)本题最多扣除30分;第III 题,1) 本题满分为30分; 2) 给定答案为参考答案;3) 依据参考答案,结合考生答案,可以灵活给分; 4) 每个合理的analysis 和suggestion ,可给5分;5) 能答出5个合理的analysis 和suggestion ,可给满分30分; 6) 能答出5个以上合理的analysis 和suggestion ,最多给满分30分; 7) 每个不合理、或不正确的analysis 和suggestion 解释,可给0分;8) 本题最多扣除30分;。






试题要求:1. 简要介绍你代表的中国制造商以及产品的特点和优势;2. 陈述你对订单数量和价格的初步立场,并解释你的理由;3. 描述你对于产品质量、交货时间、支付条件和售后服务等因素的保证措施;4. 针对德国买家的疑虑或反对意见,提出解决方案;5. 总结谈判过程并给出最终的谈判结果。


















Keys to the exercisesChapter 1 Fundamentals of International Business Negotiation Communication Exercises1. Change the sentences from negative to positive.1) I want a job.2) I work hard.3) My job is terrific.4) This office is great.5) My co-workers are super.6) The Personnel Director is nice.7) My health is good.8) My attitude is positive.9) I make a good impression.10) I understand.2. Change or add to these sentences so that they do not just state what you want, but invite your negotiating partner’s opinion.a) Could we finish at five---if that’s all right with you?b) I hope you don’t mind if Miss Li sits in during the negotiation?c) Perhaps we could take a break now. Is that OK?d) Could we look at these three areas this morning?e) I would like to go through the written offer clause by clause, if that’s OK?f) Do you mind if I answer your questions at the end?3. What is meant by “negotiation”? How would you define “negotiation”?A negotiation is a meeting in which both parties need each other’s agreement to reach a specific objective. It is the mechanism by which people trade things of value in a civilized manner. Negotiation depends on communication. It occurs between individuals acting either for themselves or as representatives of organized groups. Negotiations are very much part of working and home life. Negotiations could be either internal or external, long or short, formal or informal. The goal of negotiation is not to win but to succeed. The mechanism of successful negotiation is collaboration.In negotiations, both parties should know----why they negotiate----who they negotiate with----what they negotiate about----where they negotiate----when they negotiate----how they negotiate4. Fill in the blankshuman, negotiable, interest, giving, trust5. Answer the following questions1) Physical or survival needs; Security and safety needs; Social needs;Ego or esteem needs; Self-realization needs2) Exploration, bidding, bargaining, settling and ratifying.6. Put the following into English1) Are you negotiable?2) I’m sure there is some room for negotiation.3) Before we have anything to negotiate, you have to make me an offer.4) We could add it to the agenda.5) Would anyone like something to drink before we begin?6) See what I can do.7) I would if I could.8) I know I can count on you.9) We’ll come out from this meeting as winners.10) I’ll try to make you happy.7. True or false1) T 2) T 3) T 4) F (Everything is negotiable.)5) F (bargaining stage)6) F ( Do not often. Sometimes they will follow the sequence n one aspectof the deal and then start all over again on a second aspect.)7) T8) F (May not. Because either side may be wiling to say what it thinksor take a position and stick to it )9) T 10)Negotiation skills1. (omitted)2. What are the elements of a successful negotiation process?There are seven basic elements that should be considered when analyzing the negotiation process:a.The relationship among the parties.b.The parties’ interests -- why they need to reach their statedobjectivesc.An understanding of the choices available if the parties cannotreach agreement, often called their BATNA -- Best Alternative Toa Negotiated Agreementd.Creativity which will expand the bargaining choices among which theparties can choose to reach agreemente.Fairness -- a person who negotiates unfairly may be able to forcean agreement, but the ‘forced’party will be reluctant to fulfill their share of the agreementf.Whether commitment has been reached. Will the parties each feelcommitted to doing what they have agreed? Is each party capable of fulfilling their share of the deal?g.Negotiation is all about communicating information. If one partyknows everything then why do they need to negotiate with anyone else?And the foundation of good negotiation is preparation. Be prepared and the negotiation will bring a result that really works. If well prepared you are less vulnerable to surprise, and that increases the likelihood you’ll be happy with the result.3. Your client comes into your office and is exceedingly grumpy and difficult to talk to. How do you approach your client so as to make your meeting as productive as possible?Answer: (e)When the client is grumpy, their emotions will inevitably cloud their judgment and make it difficult to interact with them on substantive matters. At the same time, if they are experiencing anger, it is important to ensure them that we understand that they are upset. By acknowledging the client’s anger and offering our assistance, the client will feel as though we are on the "same side" and treat us as friends and continue to direct their anger elsewhere- allowing us to focus on the substantive issues.Chapter 2 Proper Behaviors in International Business Negotiation Communication Skills1. What would you say if…a.Thank you./No, after you.b.Thanks. I’ll need it.c.Thanks. That’s very kind.d.Thanks for coming all the way.e.Thanks for helping. That was very kind of you.f. Thank you for thinking of me, but I’m afraid I can’t take it.2. Answer the following questions.(1) Only about half of what he or she heard(2) Not only does note taking force you to listen carefully, but it alsopsychologically throws the speaker off the balance when he or she sees you nodding and furiously writing away and having a record of all the facts and basically everything said. A further benefit of note taking is that you have the perfect excuse to avoid eye contact if you are afraid to reveal your reactions to someone’s proposals(3) Questions appear to be able to be divided into five basic functions:① Cause attention.② Get information.③ Give information.④ Start thinking.⑤ Bring to conclusion.(4) There are two ways to assure a high degree of reliability for answersto your questions. One way is to lay the foundation for asking them.The second is through the use of the ta ctic called “bipolar questioning.”(5) A firm handshake gives the impression of quiet confidence and saysthat this person is glad to meet you.3. Choose the best answer.(1) D (2) C (3) B (4) A (5) (6) D (7) B (8) C (9) A (10)A4. Translate the following into English.(1) There’s a great demand for our new product.(2) This product has good prospects.(3) We need to talk about the basic terms of the transaction.(4) If your prices are reasonable and the quality is satisfactory, weshall place substantial orders with you.(5) It’s unwise for both of us to insist on his own price. Can we eachmake some concession?(6) If you cannot reduce your price, we’d rather call the whole deal off.(7) If you want to expand your business in this market, you have to takeflexible ways in adopting payment terms.(8) We regret that we cannot accept your demand for direct shipment.(9) This product has many advantages compared to other competing products.(10)I’m very glad that we have finally come to an agreement. We’llgo on to other terms and conditions tomorrow. Is it all right with you?5. True or false.(1) F (2) T (3) F (4) T (5) F (6) T (7) F (8) F (9) F (10) TNegotiation Skills1. The person you are negotiating with continually repeats the same argument despite the fact that you have given them a number of counterarguments. What do you do to move the negotiation forward?Answer: (a)One of the most powerful tools in negotiation is how to listen to what the other party is saying. Very often, we are too focused on the points we are trying to get across to listen to what our counterparts are trying to say.If people keep repeating themselves, they are subconsciously sending a signal that they feel what they are saying is important. And they want us to acknowledge that we have heard and understand them.Accordingly, the best thing to do in this situation is to rephrase what they keep repeating and ask them if we have accurately restated their point. Only when they feel as though they have been heard will they be able to listen to us Effective listening involves much more than simply hearing and understanding what the counterpart is saying. Effective listening is a set of tools and techniques which expert negotiators use to gain control of the negotiation and turn it to their advantage.2. What are the key communication skills used in negotiation? (omitted)Chapter 3 Choosing the Negotiation TeamCommunication Exercises1. What is the more indirect question or statement behind the following sentences?a. I’m not entirely convinced by these forecasts.b.We’d like to know something about your planning.c.I’d be interested to hear a bit about payment.d.Your costs could cause one or two problems.e.Perhaps we could talk a little bit about figures.f.That figure looks a little on the high side.g.Delivery is an area which we’d like to explore a little further withyou.h.I’d like to know more about your management structure.1.Write the name of the position in the blank.1) CEO/the president2) Assistant Manager, Europe3) Purchasing Clerk4) Personnel Assistant5) Vice-President, Administration3. (omitted)4. (omitted)5. Fill in the blanks1) maximum2) observers; advisers; speaking; training6. Translate the following into English1)Negotiation is a team sport.2)The negotiator’s function is to negotiate, while the functional specialists provide specialist advice or information.3) The team leader is the person who generates enthusiasm in his teamto maintains the morale under all conditions.4) The team members must learn that the opponent and its representativesare adversaries although they may be friendly.5)I’m afraid you are not in our ballpark.6) Excuse me, but it seems to me we’re giving up too much in this case. 7)That’s too great a financial burden for us.8) 10% is beyond my negotiating limit.9) If you can guarantee that on paper, I think we can discuss this further.10) Could you explain what you mean by that?7. True or false1). F 2). T 3). T 4). F (maximize) 5). T 6). F (can’t)7). F (both sides) 8). T 9). T 10). F (There is no need to ) Negotiation skills1. What do you think are the personal qualities of a good negotiator?A good negotiator needs to be:1) A good listener2)Open-minded3)Willing to do the homework to determine her/his interests,objectives, and alternatives4)Well-prepared5)Creative6)Able to merge what he knows about his own interests andresources with the interests and resources of his negotiationpartner7)Someone who is always learning from experience, from otherpeople and from history2. How to be a cool negotiator?Acting cool is a good part of successful negotiation. But one needs to make sure it is not just an act. The ‘coolness’ needed for successful negotiation really means keeping a cool analytical head.If there is any chance one should prepare ahead of time: what do I want and why do I want it? What do they want and why do they want what they want?During the process, one should find ways to take a step back from the discussion and look at what is going on with that same cool head. ‘Why did he say that? What arguments or tactics are being used?3. How to control anger for effective negotiating?When tempted to get angry, remember to check whether or not it is your turn. If it is someone else’s turn to get angry, sit there and take it by reminding you how wonderful you are to be in such control of your emotions.One fundamental rule is: only one person can be angry at a time. Don’t let the situation escalate, civility will slip away awfully quickly and there will be a very tough time healing the relationship or solving the initial issue.4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of team negotiations? (omitted)Chapter 4 Preparing for Negotiation1. What would you say in these situations?1) Mrs Zhang, I’d like you to meet Tracy Morris. She’s our new salesclerk.2) Hello, Kathy. Nice to meet you.3) That’s right. Yes, we once worked together in.4) I’m terribly sorry. I’ve forgotten your name.5) Yes, good morning. My name is … I’ve got an a ppointment with…6) Did you have a good journey? It’s very nice of you to come all thisway.7) Would you like a coffee? Or Would you like something to drink?8) Good heavens, is that the time? I didn’t realize it was so late.I really must be going now.2. Make these sentences more concise1) He’s an assistant in Personnel.2) She’s the Vice-President in Sales and Marketing.3) He’s the Assistant Manager in Domestic Sales.4) She’s the Manager in International Sales.5) He’s an accountant in Accounting.3. Combine these sentences as concise as possible1) She is a clerk in Purchasing at ABC Company.2) He’s a salesman in the Asian Pacific Division at Sun Computer Company.3) She’s the Manager of Domestic Sales at Legend Group.4) He’s a secretary in Personnel at Huatian Hotel.5) She’s the Vice-President of Administration at Three-One Steel.4. Do you think all negotiations need an agenda? Who should be responsible for controlling a negotiation?Informal negotiations don’t need an agenda. In some cases, you are negotiating just one point. An agenda is often best negotiated rather than imposed at the start of a meeting. Usually the host company should be responsible for controlling the negotiation.5. How can you prepare effectively for a negotiation? What issues do you need to discuss beforehand?The essential preparation areas are firstly to ensure that everyone in the team is clear what the objectives of the negotiation are. The objectives include:What is the best we can get?What’s the worst we can get?What is our bottom line?And secondly, to establish the role that each individual is expected to play in achieving those objectives. Namely:Who is responsible for different stages of the negotiation?What special skills/knowledge do individual members of the team have?What do we know about the other team?It is important to discuss strategies beforehand and to decide on the approach the team is going to take which include:What are the main areas of negotiation?What are likely to be the sticking points?What is the best order to discuss these points?What concessions can we give to achieve our main aim?It is also essential to discuss the communicative ways like:how we are going to maintain positive communication,who is taking notes or minutes andwho is going to ask questions and so on.6. Put the following into English1)Please take a look at the itinerary we prepared for you, and let me know if there’s anything inappropriate, please let me know.2)We are holding a banquet here tonight in honor of our friends coming from the other side of the Pacific Ocean.3)I believe that through our joint efforts, our corporation can be satisfactory and successful.4)Let’s come to the point, the purpose of my current visit here is to explore the possibility of doing barter trade with you.5)The contract will come into force from May 10, you can’t go back on your words then.6)We always fulfill our promise.7)Owing to our old relationship, we hold our offer valid for one other week, after which our price would probably be raised.8)I’ll do my best; and please, try your best too.9)Your price is too high. It’s hard for us to accept.10)All our products are high-grade commodities; naturally the prices are different.7. True or false1) T 2) F 3) F 4) T 5) T 6) F (unwise) 7) T 8) T9) F (fluid) 10) T 11) F(round table)12) FNegotiation Skills1. In your opinion, what are the benefits of considering your own and others’ outcomes in negotiation preparation?The benefit of considering the outcomes for ourselves and others gives us an initial sense of ‘what’ people are looking for.It is far more important to look to the interests of the others. The question to ask is why do people want the outcome they are pursuing.It is easy to think of desirable outcomes in terms of money, which is in many cases what people want.When thinking ahead of time about others’interests, we are makinga series of assumptions. We should use the negotiation process to pursuethe fundamental asset of negotiation, which is information. Are the assumptions accurate? If the interests assumed are ‘out there’, the answers we derive should yield a clearer understanding of the actual interests that motivate the parties and will lead to a successful agreement.2. How to measure a negotiator’s strengths and weaknesses?In general, measuring a negotiator’s strengths and weaknesses can involve a multiplicity of elements, but the most important are the following:1) A negotiator’s relative strength is determined by the qualityand extent of his preparation. The better one understand his/her interests and the better he/she understands the interests of other parties, the greater the chance he/she will be able to reach an elegant solution which leaves the parties feeling as if each has achieved the major portion of their goals.2) A negotiator’s relative strength can be measured by whetherpeople walk away thinking they would be pleased to negotiate with him again. That is to say----if people leave a negotiation thinking they never want to see him/her again, then he/she is a poor negotiator.3) A negotiator needs to understand that different issues shouldbe treated as of different priorities in different negotiations.Sometimes the relationship is most important; other times creativity is the measure of how well one negotiates. It is always true that good communication is fundamental of a negotiator’s strength. A good negotiator makes his points clearly understood by other parties. A better negotiator makes understanding other parties his top priority.Chapter 5 The Bargaining ProcessCommunication Exercises1. In the business world, everyone is very busy. Business calls are conciseand “to the point.” Remember to be positive. Which is the best expression?1) b 2) a 3) a2. Make proposals about the following:1) I think we should cut the training budget by five per cent.2) I suggest we aim for a two per cent rise in productivity.3) How about going for a meal after work?4)Why don’t we go to the National Forest Park this year for the companyexcursion?5) I advise you to reduce production costs.6) I propose that we shorten working hours by two and a half hours per week.3. Use the conditional constructions (if…or unless…) to exert pressure in the following situations.1) I’m afraid we’ll have to cancel the contract unless you reduce your fees.2) We’ll have to choose another supplier if you can’t pay us on time.3) That looks like the end of the negotiation, unless you can make a concession.4) I’m afraid you’ll lose your job unless you work harder.5) If you can’t offer me a better working condition than this, I’llleave the company.6) I’ll accept the new job only if I get a higher pay.7) Unless you order 10,000 pieces of this product immediately, youwon’t get a quantity discount.4. Once positions have been established in a negotiation, a process of making and responding to proposals usually follows. Which side (the customer or supplier) should start the process? What are the advantages of going first and second?The supplier will usually be expected to start this process the advantage is then given to the customer who doesn’t have t show his hand until he first hears what the supplier is proposing. On the other hand, making a proposal first may set the parameters for discussion and it could be an advantage if you want the negotiation to go in a certain direction.5. What can cause negotiations to fail? How important is it to maintaina positive tone throughout the meeting?Negotiations can fail for a variety of reasons:competitors offer a better deal;problems seem too difficult to solve;personalities clash;negotiating styles clash.Most negotiations will encounter difficult problems. There is a much greater chance that solutions will be found if both parties keep sightof the main objectives and maintain a positive tone.6. Fill in the blanks1). Assess,differences,strengths,next round;2). Fluid,escape routes,time breaks3).Bargaining to our advantage, the skilled negotiator will:a) outsetb) situationc) roundd) satisfactione) Bluff, brinkmanshipf) parallelg) impassesh) written, equal satisfaction7. Put the following into English1) I understand perfectly.2) Let’s compromise.3) That’s a smart decision.4) I expect to be compensated.5).The longer we wait, the less likely we will come up with anything.6) I’ll be expecting your call.7) I’d like to get the ball rolling by talking about prices8) I know your research costs are high, but what I’d like is a 25%discount.9) We’d need a guarantee of future business, not just a promise.10) If you can guarantee that on paper, I think we can discuss thisfurther.6.True or false1). F 2) T 3) F (positive tone) 4) T 5) T6) F (without comment) 7) T 8) F (more ) 9) F (high) 10) TNegotiation Skills1. You are negotiating a major purchase, and the sales agent suggests a ridiculously high price which is far above your anticipated purchase price. How do you address the agent in order to get the best price?(b) and (d)The sales agent is trying to get started on the traditional positional bargaining philosophy of "start high, counter low and end up in the middle." In order to counter their attempts at positional bargaining, we should begin by asking them what the basis for their initial price was. This tactic will draw attention away from the initial price and create a focus on the criteria for determining a fair price. Next, weshould suggest a price of our own, prove the offer with appropriate criteria and stick to our offer.2. Do you think it’s a good idea to raise the critical issue early in the negotiation? How would you handle the aggressive position immediately adopted by others?Most negotiators start by identifying the common ground. In other words, the points which both sides agreed on. Then have a firm basis to discuss problem areas. It is important that our team do not show too strong an emotional response to the other party’s aggression. Because they will see this as a weakness.3. How to deal with those who say " Our prices are set, we do not bargain "?Businesses were created to meet a perceived need in the marketplace. There are people who fear that if they negotiate, other parties will take advantage of them. This sort of thinking is the result of the belief that negotiation is a competitive process, and only one side can win.The Internet has created a variety of auction choices; many other companies always guarantee the lowest price. So price competition is far from dead. It is simply a matter of people’s choice. If you want to attempt to bargain for a better deal, don’t do business with no-negotiation companies.Chapter 6 Closing the NegotiationCommunication Exercises1. A positive comment makes people comfortable and ready to listen. Rewrite these sentences.1) Thanks for your understanding. I really appreciate it.2) Thanks for meeting me at the airport. I really appreciate it.3) Thanks for coming early. I really appreciate it.4) Thanks for working overtime. I really appreciate it.5) Thanks for your cooperation. I really appreciate it.2. A polite way to correct someone is to make the correction impersonal. Try not to use the word you. Which is a more polite correction?1) b 2)b 3) b 4) b 5) b 6) a 7) b 8) a3. Look at the expressions below. Which of them would you use to express each of these ideas in negotiating?What would you say in negotiating…if you’ve not understood an explanation? (10)when you want to complain indirectly to someone? (7)if you do not want to accept the advice someone is giving you? (5) when you want to tell someone something? (1)when you wish to agree with someone? (2)when someone you already know is introduced to you? (6)if you want to interrupt someone? (8)when it’s unlikely that you can do something? (3)when you would like a person to do something for you? (9)when you want to give someone some information? (4)4. Make these statements into proposals and suggestions. Be inclusive---use we rather than I. Try to word your sentences so that they encourage feedback.a. Let’s start by looking at the sales figures.b. Perhaps we should identify who our main competitors are first.c. Wouldn’t you agree that timing is essential?d. We think the main problem is the security system. Would you agree?e. Shall we discuss delivery issues at the end?5. Match each underlined expression (a-d) with its meaning from the expressions below and use the appropriate form of one of the expressions to complete the sentences(e-h).a. reduce our pricesb. a bargaining zonec. contingency pland. a tough negotiatore. room to manoeuvref. knock us downg. drives a hard bargainh. fall-back position6. What should happen at the end of a negotiation? What issues need to be agreed on before closing the meeting?It is important to round off a negotiation well, so that nothing remains ambiguous. Before closing the negotiation, the participants need to confirm what exactly has been achieved. They need to agree on future follow-up action and, if possible, set a date for the next or future meetings.7. What steps do you go through to close a negotiation effectively?To close a negotiation effectively we should do the following steps: 1) Summarizing---summarize issues discussed---confirm objectives attained---state areas where you have yet to reach agreement or where further discussion is needed2) Follow-up action---delegate responsibility for follow-up action and set time-scale---minute or document decisions3) Departing---confirm arrangements for next meeting (if there is to be one)---chairperson thanks participants for coming8. Fill in the blanksunsuccessful, close, maximum, enough, agenda .9. Put the following sentences into English1)I think we have discussed most of the key issues today.2) That takes care of business for today.3) We can work out the detail next time.4) We have done a lot.5) It’s party time.6) If there are still unanswered questions, I will be happy to help.7) I think we should meet again.8) Is a week too early to meet again?9) Feel free to call me.10) Do you have a problem with the contract?10. True or false1) T 2) T 3) F (should be in agreement as to) 4) T 5) F (positive)6) T 7) F (both sides have the chance to) 8) T 9) F (informally)10) F (helpful to set u p…)Negotiation Skills1. What should one NOT do in negotiation? Are there common mistakes to avoid?(omitted)2. What are the factors that can affect negotiations?Negotiation requires an open mind, good preparation, and a tremendous amount of creativity. If one always give the same kind of responses, that’s not creative and it is not likely to contribute to。















Keys to the exercisesChapter 1 Fundamentals of International Business NegotiationCommunication Exercises1. Change the sentences from negative to positive.1) I want a job.2) I work hard.3) My job is terrific.4) This office is great.5) My co-workers are super.6) The Personnel Director is nice.7) My health is good.8) My attitude is positive.9) I make a good impression.10) I understand.2. Change or add to these sentences so that they do not just state what you want, but invite your negotiating partner‟s opinion.a) Could we finish at five---if that‟s all right with you?b) I hope you don‟t mind if Miss Li sits in during the negotiation?c) Perhaps we could take a break now. Is that OK?d) Could we look at these three areas this morning?e) I would like to go through the written offer clause by clause, if that‟s OK?f) Do you mind if I answer your questions at the end?3. What is meant by “negotiation”? How would you define “negotiation”?A negotiation is a meeting in which both parties need each other‟s agreement to reach a specific objective. It is the mechanism by which people trade things of value in a civilized manner. Negotiation depends on communication. It occurs between individuals acting either for themselves or as representatives of organized groups. Negotiations are very much part of working and home life. Negotiations could be either internal or external, long or short, formal or informal. The goal of negotiation is not to win but to succeed. The mechanism of successful negotiation is collaboration.In negotiations, both parties should know----why they negotiate----who they negotiate with----what they negotiate about----where they negotiate----when they negotiate----how they negotiate4. Fill in the blankshuman, negotiable, interest, giving, trust5. Answer the following questions1) Physical or survival needs; Security and safety needs; Social needs; Ego oresteem needs; Self-realization needs2) Exploration, bidding, bargaining, settling and ratifying.6. Put the following into English1) Are you negotiable?2) I‟m sure there is some room for negotiation.3) Before we have anything to negotiate, you have to make me an offer.4) We could add it to the agenda.5) Would anyone like something to drink before we begin?6) See what I can do.7) I would if I could.8) I know I can count on you.9) We‟ll come out from this meeting as winners.10) I‟ll try to make you happy.7. True or false1) T 2) T 3) T 4) F (Everything is negotiable.)5) F (bargaining stage)6) F ( Do not often. Sometimes they will follow the sequence n one aspect of thedeal and then start all over again on a second aspect.)7) T8) F (May not. Because either side may be wiling to say what it thinks or take aposition and stick to it )9) T 10)Negotiation skills1. (omitted)2. What are the elements of a successful negotiation process?There are seven basic elements that should be considered when analyzing the negotiation process:a.The relationship among the parties.b.The parties‟ interests -- why they need to reach their stated objectivesc.An understanding of the choices available if the parties cannot reachagreement, often called their BATNA -- Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreementd.Creativity which will expand the bargaining choices among which the partiescan choose to reach agreemente.Fairness -- a person who negotiates unfairly may be able to force an agreement,but the …forced‟ party will be reluctant to fulfill their share of the agreementf.Whether commitment has been reached. Will the parties each feel committedto doing what they have agreed? Is each party capable of fulfilling their share of the deal?g.Negotiation is all about communicating information. If one party knowseverything then why do they need to negotiate with anyone else?And the foundation of good negotiation is preparation. Be prepared and the negotiation will bring a result that really works. If well prepared you are less vulnerable to surprise, and that increases the likelihood you‟ll be happy with the result.3. Your client comes into your office and is exceedingly grumpy and difficult to talk to. How do you approach your client so as to make your meeting as productive as possible?Answer: (e)When the client is grumpy, their emotions will inevitably cloud their judgment and make it difficult to interact with them on substantive matters. At the same time, if they are experiencing anger, it is important to ensure them that we understand that they are upset. By acknowledging the client‟s anger and offering our assistance, the client will feel as though we are on the "same side" and treat us as friends and continue to direct their anger elsewhere- allowing us to focus on the substantive issues.Chapter 2 Proper Behaviors in International Business Negotiation Communication Skills1. What would you say if…a.Thank you./No, after you.b.Thanks. I‟ll need it.c.Thanks. That‟s very kind.d.Thanks for coming all the way.e.Thanks for helping. That was very kind of you.f. Thank you for thinking of me, but I‟m afraid I can‟t take it.2. Answer the following questions.(1) Only about half of what he or she heard(2) Not only does note taking force you to listen carefully, but it alsopsychologically throws the speaker off the balance when he or she sees younodding and furiously writing away and having a record of all the facts and basically everything said. A further benefit of note taking is that you have the perfect excuse to avoid eye contact if you are afraid to reveal your reactions to someone‟s proposals(3) Questions appear to be able to be divided into five basic functions:①Cause attention.②Get information.③Give information.④Start thinking.⑤Bring to conclusion.(4) There are two ways to assure a high degree of reliability for a nswers to yourquestions. One way is to lay the foundation for asking them. The second is through the use of the tactic called “bipolar questioning.”(5) A firm handshake gives the impression of quiet confidence and says that thisperson is glad to meet you.3. Choose the best answer.(1) D (2) C (3) B (4) A (5) (6) D (7) B (8) C (9) A (10)A4. Translate the following into English.(1) There‟s a great demand for our new product.(2) This product has good prospects.(3) We need to talk about the basic terms of the transaction.(4) If your prices are reasonable and the quality is satisfactory, we shall placesubstantial orders with you.(5) It‟s unwise for both of us to insist on his own price. Can we each make someconcession?(6) If you cannot reduce your price, we‟d rather call the whole deal off.(7) If you want to expand your business in this market, you have to take flexibleways in adopting payment terms.(8) We regret that we cannot accept your demand for direct shipment.(9) This product has many advantages compared to other competing products.(10)I‟m very glad that we have finally come to an agreement. We‟ll go on to otherterms and conditions tomorrow. Is it all right with you?5. True or false.(1) F (2) T (3) F (4) T (5) F (6) T (7) F (8) F (9) F (10) T Negotiation Skills1. The person you are negotiating with continually repeats the same argument despite the fact that you have given them a number of counterarguments. What do you do to move the negotiation forward?Answer: (a)One of the most powerful tools in negotiation is how to listen to what the other party is saying. V ery often, we are too focused on the points we are trying to get across to listen to what our counterparts are trying to say.If people keep repeating themselves, they are subconsciously sending a signal that they feel what they are saying is important. And they want us to acknowledge that we have heard and understand them.Accordingly, the best thing to do in this situation is to rephrase what they keep repeating and ask them if we have accurately restated their point. Only when they feel as though they have been heard will they be able to listen to usEffective listening involves much more than simply hearing and understanding what the counterpart is saying. Effective listening is a set of tools and techniques which expert negotiators use to gain control of the negotiation and turn it to their advantage.2. What are the key communication skills used in negotiation?(omitted)Chapter 3 Choosing the Negotiation TeamCommunication Exercises1. What is the more indirect question or statement behind the following sentences?a. I‟m not entirely convinced by these forecasts.b.We‟d like to know something about your planning.c.I‟d be interested to hear a bit about payment.d.Y our costs could cause one or two problems.e.Perhaps we could talk a little bit about figures.f.That figure looks a little on the high side.g.Delivery is an area which we‟d like to explore a little further with you.h.I‟d like to know more about your management structure.1.Write the name of the position in the blank.1) CEO/the president2) Assistant Manager, Europe3) Purchasing Clerk4) Personnel Assistant5) Vice-President, Administration3. (omitted)4. (omitted)5. Fill in the blanks1)maximum2) observers; advisers; speaking; training6. Translate the following into English1)Negotiation is a team sport.2)The negotiator‟s function is to negotiate, while the functional specialists provide specialist advice or information.3) The team leader is the person who generates enthusiasm in his team to maintainsthe morale under all conditions.4) The team members must learn that the opponent and its representatives areadversaries although they may be friendly.5)I‟m afraid you are not in our ballpark.6) Excuse me, but it seems to me we‟re giving up too much in this case.7)That‟s too great a financial burden for us.8) 10% is beyond my negotiating limit.9)If you can guarantee that on paper, I think we can discuss this further.10)Could you explain what you mean by that?7. True or false1). F 2). T 3). T 4). F (maximize) 5). T 6). F (can‟t)7). F (both sides) 8). T 9). T 10). F (There is no need to )Negotiation skills1. What do you think are the personal qualities of a good negotiator?A good negotiator needs to be:1) A good listener2)Open-minded3)Willing to do the homework to determine her/his interests, objectives,and alternatives4)Well-prepared5)Creative6)Able to merge what he knows about his own interests and resourceswith the interests and resources of his negotiation partner7)Someone who is always learning from experience, from other peopleand from history2. How to be a cool negotiator?Acting cool is a good part of successful negotiation. But one needs to make sure it is not just an act. The …coolness‟ needed for successful negotiation really means keeping a cool analytical head. If there is any chance one should prepare ahead of time: what do I want and why do I want it? What do they want and why do they want what they want?During the process, one should find ways to take a step back from the discussion and look at what is going on with that same cool head. …Why did he say that?What arguments or tactics are being used?3. How to control anger for effective negotiating?When tempted to get angry, remember to check whether or not it is your turn. If it is someone else‟s turn to get angry, sit there and take it by reminding you how wonderful you are to be in such control of your emotions.One fundamental rule is: only one person can be angry at a time. Don‟t let the situation escalate, civility will slip away awfully quickly and there will be a very tough time healing the relationship or solving the initial issue.4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of team negotiations? (omitted) Chapter 4 Preparing for Negotiation1. What would you say in these situations?1) Mrs Zhang, I‟d like you to meet Tracy Morris. She‟s our new sales clerk.2) Hello, Kathy. Nice to meet you.3) That‟s right. Y es, we once worked together in.4) I‟m terribly sorry. I‟ve forgotten your name.5) Y es, good morning. My name is … I‟ve got an appointment with…6) Did you have a good journey? It‟s very nice of you to come all this way.7) Would you like a coffee? Or Would you like something to drink?8) Good heavens, is that the time? I didn‟t realize it was so late. I really must begoing now.2. Make these sentences more concise1) He‟s an assistant in Personnel.2) She‟s the Vice-President in Sales and Marketing.3) He‟s the Assistant Manager in Domestic Sales.4) She‟s the Manager in International Sales.5) He‟s an accountant in Accounting.3. Combine these sentences as concise as possible1) She is a clerk in Purchasing at ABC Company.2) He‟s a salesman in the Asian Pacific Division at Sun Computer Company.3) She‟s the Manager of Domestic Sales at Legend Group.4) He‟s a secretary in Personnel at Huatian Hotel.5) She‟s the Vice-President of Administration at Three-One Steel.4. Do you think all negotiations need an agenda? Who should be responsible for controlling a negotiation?Informal negotiations don‟t need an agenda. In some cases, you are negotiating just one point. An agenda is often best negotiated rather than imposed at the start of a meeting. Usually the host company should be responsible for controlling the negotiation.5. How can you prepare effectively for a negotiation? What issues do you need to discuss beforehand?The essential preparation areas are firstly to ensure that everyone in the team is clear what the objectives of the negotiation are. The objectives include: What is the best we can get?What‟s the worst we can get?What is our bottom line?And secondly, to establish the role that each individual is expected to play in achieving those objectives. Namely:Who is responsible for different stages of the negotiation?What special skills/knowledge do individual members of the team have?What do we know about the other team?It is important to discuss strategies beforehand and to decide on the approach the team is going to take which include:What are the main areas of negotiation?What are likely to be the sticking points?What is the best order to discuss these points?What concessions can we give to achieve our main aim?It is also essential to discuss the communicative ways like:how we are going to maintain positive communication,who is taking notes or minutes andwho is going to ask questions and so on.6. Put the following into English1)Please take a look at the itinerary we prepared for you, and let me know if there‟s anything inappropriate, please let me know.2)We are holding a banquet here tonight in honor of our friends coming from the other side of the Pacific Ocean.3)I believe that through our joint efforts, our corporation can be satisfactory and successful.4)Let‟s come to the point, the purpose of my current visit here is to explore the possibility of doing barter trade with you.5)The contract will come into force from May 10, you can‟t go back on your words then.6)We always fulfill our promise.7)Owing to our old relationship, we hold our offer valid for one other week, afterwhich our price would probably be raised.8)I‟ll do my best; and please, try your best too.9)Y our price is too high. It‟s hard for us to accept.10)All our products are high-grade commodities; naturally the prices are different.7. True or false1) T 2) F 3) F 4) T 5) T 6) F (unwise) 7) T 8) T9) F (fluid) 10) T 11) F(round table)12) FNegotiation Skills1. In your opinion, what are the benefits of considering your own and others‟outcomes in negotiation preparation?The benefit of considering the outcomes for ourselves and others gives us an initial sense of …what‟ people are looking for.It is far more important to look to the interests of the others. The question to ask is why do people want the outcome they are pursuing. It is easy to think of desirable outcomes in terms of money, which is in many cases what people want.When thinking ahead of time about others‟ interests, we are making a series of assumptions. We should use the negotiation process to pursue the fundamental asset of negotiation, which is information. Are the assumptions accurate? If the interests assumed are …out there‟, the answers we derive should yield a clearer understanding of the actual interests that motivate the parties and will lead to a successful agreement.2. How to measure a negotiator‟s strengths and weaknesses?In general, measuring a negotiator‟s strengths and weaknesses can involve a multiplicity of elements, but the most important are the following:1) A negotiator‟s relative strength is determined by the quality and extent of his preparation. The better one understand his/her interests and the better he/she understands the interests of other parties, the greater the chance he/she will be able to reach an elegant solution which leaves the parties feeling as if each has achieved the major portion of their goals.2) A negotiator‟s relative strength can be measured by whether people walk away thinking they would be pleased to negotiate with him again. That is to say----if people leave a negotiation thinking they never want to see him/her again, then he/she is a poor negotiator.3) A negotiator needs to understand that different issues should be treated as of different priorities in different negotiations. Sometimes the relationship is most important; other times creativity is the measure of how well one negotiates. It is always true that good communication is fundamental of a negotiator‟s strength. A good negotiator makes his points clearly understood by other parties. A better negotiator makes understanding other parties his top priority.Chapter 5 The Bargaining ProcessCommunication Exercises1. In the business world, everyone is very busy. Business calls are concise and “to the point.” Remember to be positive. Which is the best expression?1) b 2) a 3) a2. Make proposals about the following:1) I think we should cut the training budget by five per cent.2) I suggest we aim for a two per cent rise in productivity.3) How about going for a meal after work?4)Why don‟t we go to the National Forest Park this year for the companyexcursion?5) I advise you to reduce production costs.6) I propose that we shorten working hours by two and a half hours per week.3. Use the conditional constructions (if…or unless…) to exert pressure in the following situations.1) I‟m afraid we‟ll have to cancel the contract unless you reduce your fees.2) We‟ll have to choose another supplier if you can‟t pay us on time.3) That looks like the end of the negotiation, unless you can make a concession.4) I‟m afraid you‟ll lose your job unless you work harder.5) If you can‟t offer me a better working condition than this, I‟ll leave thecompany.6) I‟ll accept the new job only if I get a higher pay.7) Unless you order 10,000 pieces of this product immediately, you won‟t get aquantity discount.4. Once positions have been established in a negotiation, a process of making and responding to proposals usually follows. Which side (the customer or supplier) should start the process? What are the advantages of going first and second?The supplier will usually be expected to start this process the advantage is then given to the customer who doesn‟t have t show his hand until he first hears what the supplier is proposing. On the other hand, making a proposal first may set the parameters for discussion and it could be an advantage if you want the negotiation to go in a certain direction.5. What can cause negotiations to fail? How important is it to maintain a positive tone throughout the meeting?Negotiations can fail for a variety of reasons:competitors offer a better deal;problems seem too difficult to solve;personalities clash;negotiating styles clash.Most negotiations will encounter difficult problems. There is a much greater chance that solutions will be found if both parties keep sight of the main objectives and maintain a positive tone.6. Fill in the blanks1). Assess,differences,strengths,next round;2). Fluid,escape routes,time breaks3).Bargaining to our advantage, the skilled negotiator will:a) outsetb) situationc) roundd) satisfactione) Bluff, brinkmanshipf) parallelg) impassesh) written, equal satisfaction7. Put the following into English1) I understand perfectly.2) Let‟s compromise.3) That‟s a smart decision.4) I expect to be compensated.5).The longer we wait, the less likely we will come up with anything.6) I‟ll be expecting your call.7) I‟d like to get the ball rolling by talking about prices8) I know your research costs are high, but what I‟d like is a 25% discount.9) We‟d need a guarantee of future business, not just a promise.10) If you can guarantee that on paper, I think we can discuss this further.6.True or false1). F 2) T 3) F (positive tone) 4) T 5) T6) F (without comment)7) T 8) F (more ) 9) F (high) 10) TNegotiation Skills1. Y ou are negotiating a major purchase, and the sales agent suggests a ridiculously high price which is far above your anticipated purchase price. How do you address the agent in order to get the best price?(b) and (d)The sales agent is trying to get started on the traditional positional bargainingphilosophy of "start high, counter low and end up in the middle." In order to counter their attempts at positional bargaining, we should begin by asking them what the basis for their initial price was. This tactic will draw attention away from the initial price and create a focus on the criteria for determining a fair price. Next, we should suggest a price of our own, prove the offer with appropriate criteria and stick to our offer.2. Do you think it‟s a good idea to raise the critical issue early in the negotiation? How would you handle the aggressive position immediately adopted by others?Most negotiators start by identifying the common ground. In other words, the points which both sides agreed on. Then have a firm basis to discuss problem areas. It is important that our team do not show too strong an emotional response to the other party‟s aggression. Because they will see this as a weakness.3. How to deal with those who say " Our prices are set, we do not bargain "?Businesses were created to meet a perceived need in the marketplace. There are people who fear that if they negotiate, other parties will take advantage of them. This sort of thinking is the result of the belief that negotiation is a competitive process, and only one side can win.The Internet has created a variety of auction choices; many other companies always guarantee the lowest price. So price competition is far from dead. It is simply a matter of people‟s choice. If you want to attempt to bargain for a better deal, don‟t do business with no-negotiation companies.Chapter 6 Closing the NegotiationCommunication Exercises1. A positive comment makes people comfortable and ready to listen. Rewrite these sentences.1) Thanks for your understanding. I really appreciate it.2) Thanks for meeting me at the airport. I really appreciate it.3) Thanks for coming early. I really appreciate it.4) Thanks for working overtime. I really appreciate it.5) Thanks for your cooperation. I really appreciate it.2. A polite way to correct someone is to make the correction impersonal. Try not to use the word you. Which is a more polite correction?1) b 2)b 3) b 4) b 5) b 6) a 7) b 8) a3. Look at the expressions below. Which of them would you use to express each of these ideas in negotiating?What would you say in negotiating…if you‟ve not understood an explanation? (10)when you want to complain indirectly to someone? (7)if you do not want to accept the advice someone is giving you? (5)when you want to tell someone something? (1)when you wish to agree with someone? (2)when someone you already know is introduced to you? (6)if you want to interrupt someone? (8)when it‟s unlikely that you can do something? (3)when you would like a person to do something for you? (9)when you want to give someone some information? (4)4. Make these statements into proposals and suggestions. Be inclusive---use we rather than I. Try to word your sentences so that they encourage feedback.a. Let‟s start by looking at the sales figures.b. Perhaps we should identify who our main competitors are first.c. Wouldn‟t you agree that timing is essential?d. We think the main problem is the security system. Would you agree?e. Shall we discuss delivery issues at the end?5. Match each underlined expression (a-d) with its meaning from the expressions below and use the appropriate form of one of the expressions to complete the sentences(e-h).a. reduce our pricesb. a bargaining zonec. contingency pland. a tough negotiatore. room to manoeuvref. knock us downg. drives a hard bargainh. fall-back position6. What should happen at the end of a negotiation? What issues need to be agreed on before closing the meeting?It is important to round off a negotiation well, so that nothing remains ambiguous. Before closing the negotiation, the participants need to confirm what exactly has been achieved. They need to agree on future follow-up action and, if possible, set a date for the next or future meetings.7. What steps do you go through to close a negotiation effectively?To close a negotiation effectively we should do the following steps:1) Summarizing---summarize issues discussed---confirm objectives attained---state areas where you have yet to reach agreement or where further discussion isneeded2) Follow-up action---delegate responsibility for follow-up action and set time-scale---minute or document decisions3) Departing---confirm arrangements for next meeting (if there is to be one)---chairperson thanks participants for coming8.Fill in the blanksunsuccessful, close, maximum, enough, agenda .9. Put the following sentences into English1)I think we have discussed most of the key issues today.2) That takes care of business for today.3) We can work out the detail next time.4) We have done a lot.5) It‟s party time.6) If there are still unanswered questions, I will be happy to help.7) I think we should meet again.8) Is a week too early to meet again?9) Feel free to call me.10) Do you have a problem with the contract?10. True or false1) T 2) T 3) F (should be in agreement as to) 4) T 5) F (positive)6) T 7) F (both sides have the chance to) 8) T 9) F (informally)10) F (helpful to set up…)Negotiation Skills1. What should one NOT do in negotiation? Are there common mistakes to avoid? (omitted)2. What are the factors that can affect negotiations?Negotiation requires an open mind, good preparation, and a tremendous amount of creativity. If one always give the same kind of responses, that‟s not creative and it is not likely to contribute to a solution. If his/her response is unexpected and shows imagination, it is likely to bring others up and make them think more creatively themselves. What‟s more, the same person may respond differently on different days: health problems, issues at home or work, and other factors can also affect negotiations and make a difference.。

项目十: 应对国际商务谈判参考答案[3页]

项目十:  应对国际商务谈判参考答案[3页]

教材名称:商务谈判(第四版)出版时间:2014年6月主编:庞爱玲、岳军平课后习题答案项目十:应对国际商务谈判参考答案【知识强化】一、重点概念理解国际商务谈判P181 谈判风格P185 应对策略P188二、选择题1.国际商务谈判的特征(ABCD)。

A 国际性B 跨文化性C 复杂性、困难性D 政策性2.日本人的谈判风格(ABCD)。

A讲究礼仪 B 耐心 C 重视人际关系 D 团队意识强3.德国人的谈判风格(ABCD)。

A 自信B 准备充分C 态度严谨D 守信用4.特别喜欢使用本国语言与对方谈判是(B)的谈判风格。

A 日本B 法国C加拿大 D 韩国三、简答题1.日本人送礼的习惯是什么?P1862.美国人的谈判风格包括哪些?P197-1983.英国人的谈判风格包括哪些?P192-1934.法国人的谈判风格包括哪些?P189-190【技能强化】案例:王先生的环球商务旅行王先生是京达进出口公司的业务经理,由于工作关系经常与外商接触。




























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国际商务谈判P178 谈判风格P182 应对策略P182

A 国际性
B 跨文化性
C 复杂性、困难性
D 政策性

A讲究礼仪 B 耐心 C 重视人际关系 D 团队意识强

A 自信
B 准备充分
C 态度严谨
D 守信用

A 日本
B 法国C加拿大 D 韩国















