中考英语专题练习 动词及动词短语辨析(含答案解析)

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(2019辽宁抚顺)2. In the summer camp, the boy learned to ________ all kinds of difficulties.

A. manage

B. protect

C. remain

D. control

2. A 考查动词辨析。句意:在夏令营里,孩子学会了____各种各样的困难。manage经营,处理,应对;protect保护;remain保护;control控制。根据句意可知:孩子学会了处理各种各样的困难。

(2019 辽宁抚顺)5. —Will Bob help me look after my pet dog when I’m away?

—Of course. He won’t ________ your request. He loves animals a lot.

A. put down

B. write down

C. turn down

D. take down

5. C 考查动词短语辨析。由句中“He loves animals a lot”可知,Bob不会拒绝让他帮忙照看宠物狗的要求的。put down扑灭;write down记下;turn down拒绝;take down记下,同write down。

(2019 辽宁抚顺)7. Not only Chinese kids but also western kids ________ Journey to the west. A. are famous for B. are afraid of

C. are worried about

D. are interested in

7. D 考查动词短语的用法。句意为“不但中国的孩子们,而且还有西方的孩子们都对《西游记》感兴趣”。be famous for因……而出名;be afraid of害怕;be worried about为……担心;be interested in对……感兴趣。

(2019广西梧州)32. Luckily, some firemen arrived in time and ________ the fire.

A. put out

B.put up

C. put in

D. put through

32. A 考查固定搭配。句意:幸运地是,一些消防员准时到达,然后扑灭了火。put out扑灭,put up 建起,put in 表达,put through 使……经历。

(2019辽宁葫芦岛)5. New energy cars have been ________ to cut down air pollution.

A. discovered

B. found

C. invented

D. refused

5.C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:为了减少空气污染,人们发明了新能源汽车。discovered 发现,指本来存在但是人们不知道的东西被发现了;found找到,发现,指本来丢了的东西重新出现;invented发明,指本来没有的东西,发明出来;refused拒绝。

(2019辽宁葫芦岛)13. Every evening my father_______ newspapers while my mother watches TV.

A. puts up

B. looks for

C. gives away

D. looks through

13.D考查动词短语辨析。句意:每天晚上,我父亲看报纸,而我母亲看电视。puts up举起,搭建,张贴;looks for寻找;gives away捐赠;looks through浏览,翻阅。

(2019 辽宁辽阳) 9.John didn’t get the job he wanted. Let’s go and ______。

A. turn him down

B. call him back

C. cheer him up

D. let him down

9. C考查动词短语辨析。句意:约翰没有找到如意的工作。咱们去_____。turn him down 拒绝他,call him back叫他回来,cheer him up 为他鼓劲,let him down让他沮丧。显然是为他鼓劲。

(2019 辽宁辽阳) 12. It’s impolite to ______ your teachers’ office without knocking at the door.

A. describe

B. check

C. choose

D. enter

12. D考查动词词义辨析。句意:不敲门_____你的老师的办公室是不礼貌的。describe描述, check检查, choose选择, enter进入。enter合乎语境。

(2019辽宁铁岭)4. The cover of the book _______ comfortable. It’s made of silk.

A. tastes

B. feels C .looks D. sounds

4. B 考查动词辨析。tastes尝起来;feel感觉;look看起来;sound听起来。根据句意:这本书的封面感觉很舒服。它由丝绸做成。

(2019辽宁铁岭)10. My cousin volunteers in the Children’s Home. His job is to _______ food and clothes.

A. sell out

B. work out

C. hand out

D. find out

10. C 考查动词短语辨析。sell out卖完;work out解决,算出;hand out分发;find out 查明。根据句意:我堂兄在儿童之家做志愿者。他的工作是分发食物和衣服。

(2019云南曲靖)28. Teamwork is very important, so we need to ________ when we do something in groups.

A. pull down

B. pull together

C. put together

D. put down

28. B 考查动词短语。句意:合作非常重要,故当我们集体做事情的时候,我们需要______。短语pull down拆掉,pull together齐心协力,put together把……放在一起,put down放下。根据语境,应该“齐心协力”才符合语境意思。

(2019山东日照) 3. —Are you feeling any better now?

—No. I have taken some medicine, but it just doesn’t _______.

A. use

B. care

C. help

D. fit

3. C考查动词辨析。句意:——你现在感觉好些了吗?——没有。我已服过一些药物了,但这不起作用。use“使用”;care“关注;在意”;help“有帮助;起作用”;fit“适合”。根据句中but可知,药物并没有起作用。

(2019山东日照)8. The traveler ______ his map to make sure he was not lost.

A. looked after

B. looked up

C. looked for

D. looked down

8. B考查短语动词的辨析。句意:这名游客查看地图,以确保他没有迷路。look after“照看”;look up“查找;查阅(信息) ”;look for“寻找”;look down“向下看”。结合句中的map和make sure he was not lost可知是在地图中查找信息。

(2019云南)29. —What’s up, Lisa?

—I have to hand in the report tomorrow, but I can’t ______ anything to write.

A. talk of

B. think of

C. speak of

D. hear of

29. B考查短语辨析。talk of谈到,说到;think of想到;speak of说到;hear of听说。联系上文“丽莎,怎么了”可知,此处指“我明天必须交上报告,但是,我没有想出写什么来。”需用think of“想出;想到”。

(2019云南)34. —I can’t find my keys. Maybe I _____ them at home this morning.

A. left

B. forgot

C. lost

D. missed

34. A 考查动词辨析。left专指“把某东西忘在某处”;forgot忘记;lost丢失;missed想念,错过。联系上句“我找不到钥匙”可知,此处指“也许是今天早上我把它们忘在家里了”这是“把钥匙落家里了”用left。

(2019 辽宁本溪)7. Frank is an honest boy and he never tells a lie. We all _______ him.

A. miss

B. mind

C. doubt

D. trust

7. D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:弗兰克是一个诚实的男孩,他从不撒谎。我们都信任他。miss想念;mind介意;doubt怀疑;trust信任。

(2019 辽宁本溪)11. To feed her little son. Mr s. Smith has to _______ the vegetables and meat.

A. make up

B. put up

C. set up

D. cut up

11.D 考查动词词组辨析。句意:为了喂养她的儿子,史密斯夫人必须切碎蔬菜和肉。make
