英语教学 lesson plan
lesson planning教案模板
Lesson Plan TemplateLesson Title: [Insert Lesson Title Here]Grade Level: [Insert Grade Level Here]Subject: [Insert Subject Here]Duration: [Insert Duration Here]Objectives:Cognitive: [Insert specific learning objectives related to knowledge and understanding]Affective: [Insert specific learning objectives related to attitudes and feelings]Psychomotor: [Insert specific learning objectives related to physical skills]Materials Needed:[List all materials and resources needed for the lesson]Standards Addressed:[Insert relevant educational standards or benchmarks]Vocabulary:[List key vocabulary words and definitions]Introduction (5-10 minutes):Hook/Attention Grabber: [Describe an engaging activity or question to capture students’ interest]Objective Sharing: [Explain the lesson objectives to the students]Prior Knowledge Activation: [Discuss what students already know about the topic]• • • • • • • • •Instruction (15-20 minutes):Direct Instruction: [Provide detailed steps for teaching the content,including explanations, examples, and demonstrations]Guided Practice: [Describe activities where students practice new skills with teacher support]Check for Understanding: [List questions or formative assessments to gauge student comprehension]Independent Practice (10-15 minutes):[Describe activities where students practice skills independently]Closure (5-10 minutes):Summary: [Recap the main points of the lesson]Student Reflection: [Ask students to reflect on what they learned]Preview of Next Lesson: [Briefly introduce what will be covered in the next lesson]Assessment:Formative: [Describe how you will assess student understanding during the lesson]Summative: [Describe any end-of-lesson assessments, such as quizzes or projects]Differentiation:For Advanced Learners: [Describe how you will challenge advanced students]For Struggling Learners: [Describe how you will support students who need extra help]Extensions:[List additional activities or projects for students who finish early or want to explore the topic further]Reflection:[Space for teacher to reflect on the lesson’s effectiveness and areas for improvement]• • • • • • • • • • • • •Example Lesson PlanLesson Title: Introduction to PhotosynthesisGrade Level: 5th GradeSubject: ScienceDuration: 45 minutesObjectives:Cognitive: Students will understand the basic process ofphotosynthesis.Affective: Students will appreciate the importance of plants in the ecosystem.Psychomotor: Students will create a diagram of the photosynthesis process.Materials Needed:Whiteboard and markersChart paper and markersPhotosynthesis worksheetPlant samplesVideo on photosynthesisStandards Addressed:NGSS 5-LS1-1: Support an argument that plants get the materials they need for growth chiefly from air and water .Vocabulary:PhotosynthesisChlorophyllCarbon dioxideOxygenGlucose• • • • • • • • • • • • • •Introduction (5-10 minutes):Hook/Attention Grabber: Show a short video clip of plants growing in fast motion.Objective Sharing: Explain that today we will learn how plants make their own food through photosynthesis.Prior Knowledge Activation: Ask students what they know about how plants grow.Instruction (15-20 minutes):Direct Instruction: Explain the process of photosynthesis using a diagram on the whiteboard. Highlight the role of sunlight, water , and carbon dioxide.Guided Practice: Work through a photosynthesis worksheet as a class,filling in the blanks and labeling parts of the process.Check for Understanding: Ask students to explain the process in their own words and answer questions about the diagram.Independent Practice (10-15 minutes):Students will draw their own diagram of the photosynthesis process and label each part.Closure (5-10 minutes):Summary: Recap the main points of photosynthesis.Student Reflection: Ask students to share one new thing they learned about plants.Preview of Next Lesson: Introduce the next topic: the role of plants in the food chain.Assessment:Formative: Monitor student participation during guided practice and check for understanding.Summative: Review the diagrams students create for accuracy and completeness.Differentiation:For Advanced Learners: Provide additional reading material on the chemical equations involved in photosynthesis.• • • • • • • • • • • • •For Struggling Learners: Pair students with a buddy for the independent practice activity.Extensions:Research project on different types of plants and their photosynthesis processes.Reflection:[Teacher’s notes on what worked well and what could be improved for next time]• • •。
少儿英语启蒙 英语游戏 lesson plan01-introduction 超详细教学步骤内容
Lesson 01Intro Lesson (Ages 3-7) General:Age: 3-7 years Time: 40 mins - 1 hourObjectives: Greetings, names, follow simple instructions, identify and recognize 3 colorsStructures: "Hello", "What's your name", "My name is...", "Goodbye", "Give me..."Target Vocab: red, blue, green, flower, stand up, sit down, hands up, hands down,jump, run, turn around, pass, touchYou will also need:•name tags for each student• a glove puppet• a small ball•crayons• 3 sheets of origami colored paper (red, green, blue)• 3 balloons (red, blue, green)•cushions (1 per student)•CD / Tape player / PC / Something to play the Hello and Goodbye songs on Your students will need:•colored crayons (or pencils)Lesson Procedure:Greetings Warm Up and Maintenance:1. GreetingsGreet the students by name as they enter the classroom and gesture for them to sit down. It's a good idea to have a cushion for each student (and parent if also taking part) as this makes sitting arrangements easy to organize. Try and arrange the cushions beforehand spaced out in a fan-shape around you.2. Name TagsName Tags Before class prepare some name tags (stickers or pin-on tags) with each student's name written on in lower case letters. Sit down with your students and lay out the name tags in front of you. Pick up each tag and call out the name. Try and encourage each student to put their hand up and say "yes". Hand over the tags andhelp to pin / stick on.In later lessons, once your students can recognize their written name, you can have them pick out their own name tags.New Learning and Practice:1.Play "Ball Pass" and say namesTake a soft ball and pass it to your nearest student, saying "Pass". Have each student pass the ball around the circle. Next, hold the ball and say your name. Have each student say their name as they pass the ball to each other. Make sure they pass, not throw, roll, etc. If a student doesn't pass make sure s/he does it again until done properly.2.Introduce glove puppet - greetings and introductions activityYour students will love this. Get hold of a glove puppet (I use Cookie Monster bought from Toys 'R' Us) and put it in a bag before class. Bring out the bag, open it enough to see in and shout into the bag "Hello!". Then move your ear to the opening to listen - nothing. Go to each student and encourage them to shout "Hello" into the bag - each time nothing happens. Finally, get all the students together to shout "Hello!" at the same time. This time the puppet wakes up and jumps out of the bag! Then model the role play with the puppet:Introduce glove puppet - greetings and introductions activity Teacher:"Hello", What's your name?"Puppet:"My name is...".Then move onto the first student and say "Hello". Encourage him/her to say hello back. Let the students touch, cuddle and stroke the puppet. My puppet also likes to nibble their feet and arms. Next, the puppet asks each student: "What's your name?". If they are old enough try and encourage "My name is..." but for the really little ones (3 and under) just saying their name is fine. Finally, go around saying "Goodbye" and "See you" before going back into the bag and back to sleep.3.Sing the "Hello Song"Sing the "Hello Song" Sit in a circle and listen to the song (clap along or pat knees). Play it once more emphasizing "Hello". Your students will pick up the words surprisingly quickly.Alternatively, you can sing the "Hello, Hello" song following the tune of Frere Jacques: Hello, hello, Hello, hello,How are you? How are you?I'm fine, thank you, I'm fine, thank you,We're ok, We're ok.Lyrics for "The Hello Song"Hello, hello,How are you today?Hello, hello,How are you today?I’m fine, thank you,I’m fine, thank you,I’m fine, thank you,And how about you?Hello, hello,How are you today?I’m fine, thank you,And how about you?Gestures for "The Hello Song"These are quite straight forward. First time you play the song do the gestures and encourage everyone to do them with you.Wave as you sing the "Hello, hello" parts.Gesture to others as you sing "How are you today?"Point to yourself as you sing "I’m fine, thank you"Hand gesture towards another student as you sing "And how about you?".4. Do "Exercise Routine" activityTime for some action. Say the following and have the students follow your lead:Do "Exercise Routine" activity" Stand up (T stands and so does everyone else) "Hands up / hands down" (do 4 or 5 times)"Jump" (4 or 5 times)"Run! / Stop!" (4 or 5 times)"Turn around! / Stop!" (4 or 5 times)finally "Sit down".5. Name writing practiceIn this lesson your students are going to practice writing their names. For really young ones, this may be their first time to do so - don't worry if their first effort is a scrawly mess - always encourage and praise.You will need to prepare a writing sheet for each student before class with their name written in dots for them to practice tracing their names .Prepare the sheets something like this:6. Do the Name Flower Craft activityDo the Name Flower Craft activityNow that everyone has had a chance to practice writing their name you can do the name craft activity.Before class print out the "Name Flower Craft" sheet and copy / cut out the flower shapes so that there are enough to give one to each student (do a few extra in case of emergencies!).Get each student to write their name on the line and then color in their flower. Students can now decorate the classroom by sticking their name flowers on the walls. Alternatively, have students make a name poster by sticking all of the name flowers onto one large piece of construction paper (I like to make a tree shape out of brown card for students to stick their flowers on).7.Teach Colors: red, blue, greenTeach Colors: red, blue, greenA great lesson to follow this one is the "Colors Lesson" (you can download it for free at our website). In this lesson you can start by teaching the first 3 colors (red, blue and green) and then in the next class you can continue with the other colors (yellow, pink, purple, orange).Origami paper is great for this, or just some colored paper/card cut into squares. Sit everyone in a circle and hold up the first colored paper and elicit the color (e.g. red). Chorus and practice saying the color. Do this for the rest of the colors.8.Play "Color Pass", "Color Touch" and "Color Hold Up"Play "Color Pass", "Color Touch" and "Color Hold Up"Now take each color and pass it to your nearest student. Say "red" as you pass red, etc. The students pass the colors round the circle. Next, lay the 3 colors in the middle of the circle. Say "Hands up". Students raise their hands. Then say "Touch.....red!" and the students should all try and touch the red colored paper. Do for all of the colors. Finally, give each student one of the colored papers. Say "Hold up....blue!" - the students holding the blue papers raise them into the air.NOTE: for these games you'll probably have to give lots of help and encouragement. For example, if one of your students doesn't hold up the colored paper when asked look at him/her and gesture what to do. If their mothers are with them have them help.9.Play "Find the Color"Now get each student to give you back their colored paper by saying "Give me (blue)". Collect all the colors. Then place the colored papers on the floor around the room. First model by saying "Touch blue". Then stand up, go to a blue paper, touch it and say "blue" and go back to your place. Now say to one student "(Miki), touch green" and that student should stand up, find the correct color and touch it. Get everyone to have at least one go. Finally, get students to stand up and give you back the colors as you say them (e.g. Paulo, give me red").10.Play "Balloon Kick"You need three balloons - a red, a blue and a green one. Take one balloon and elicit the color. Then chorus "(blue) balloon" x3. Now blow up the balloon (little kids love watching this) and tie the end. Pat the balloon to one student and encourage him/her to say its color as they catch it. Let the student pat it back to you and repeat the color with all students. Then do the same for the other 2 balloons. Finally, line the balloons up, have the students stand up and model the activity: "Ok, (your name) kick the (blue) balloon!", then run up to the (blue) balloon and kick it. Now instruct one student to kick a balloon, give loads of help and encouragement and then do with all the other students.Wrap Up:1.Assign Homework: "Color the Balloons"Hold up the homework worksheet and model coloring in the 3 balloon pictures (in red, blue and green). Elicit each color as you go. Give out the worksheets and say "Put your homework in your bags" and help them to do so - this is important as they will probablywant to start coloring them right away.2. Say Goodbye to glove puppetSay Goodbye to glove puppetTake out the bag again and get everyone to wake up the glove puppet by shouting its name into the bag (e.g. "Cookie Monster!"). Bring out the puppet and go through the same routine - go to each student and say hello, ask their name and the say goodbye / see you. Then put the puppet back in the bag (back to sleep).3.Sing "Goodbye Song"The "Goodbye Song" is a great way to sign off the class. Sit together in a circle and sing and clap along.。
关于lesson plan的笔记
一、什么是lesson planLesson plan,即课程教案,是指教师为一个教学单元所制定的详细教学计划。
Lesson plan起着指导教师教学、保证教学效果和提高教学质量的重要作用。
二、为什么lesson plan重要1. 有效组织教学过程Lesson plan能够帮助教师有效地组织教学过程,确保教学内容全面、系统地展开。
通过lesson plan,教师可以清楚地了解课程的目标和所需教学要点,有针对性地设计教学活动,从而提高教学效率。
2. 提高教学质量Lesson plan能够帮助教师对教学活动进行全面细致的规划和准备,使得教学过程更加科学合理、有条不紊。
通过lesson plan,教师可以合理安排教学时间和教学步骤,充分调动学生的学习积极性,提高教学效果。
3. 为教学评估提供依据Lesson plan中通常包含对教学内容的评价方式和标准,教师可以通过lesson plan对学生的学习情况进行评估。
三、如何制定lesson plan1. 确定课程目标制定lesson plan的第一步是确定课程目标。
2. 设计教学内容根据课程目标和学生的实际情况,教师需要设计教学内容。
3. 选择教学方法教学方法是实施lesson plan的关键环节。
4. 准备教学资源教学资源是lesson plan的重要组成部分,包括教材、教具、多媒体资料等。
英语季节讲解 lesson plan
LESSON PLANTopic: SeasonObjective:1. Students will be able to identify and name the four seasons.2. Students will be able to describe the characteristics of each season.3. Students will be able to use appropriate vocabulary related to the seasons.4. Students will be able to express preferences for different seasons.Materials:- Pictures or illustrations representing each season (spring, summer, autumn, winter)- Flashcards with season vocabulary words- Whiteboard or chart paper- Markers- Worksheets or coloring pages for each seasonProcedure:Introduction (5 minutes):1. Greet the students and review previous knowledge about seasonal changes.2. Ask questions to assess their understanding of the topic, such as "Can you tell me what season comes after winter?" or "What kinds of changes do you notice in the weather during different seasons?"Lesson Development:1. Introduce the topic of seasons by showing pictures or illustrations representing each season.2. Engage students in a discussion about each season.- Describe the characteristics of each season, such as weather, activities, and changes in nature.- Encourage students to share their own experiences and observations about the seasons.3. Write the names of the seasons on the whiteboard or chart paper.4. Teach season vocabulary words using flashcards.- Show a flashcard and pronounce the word aloud, having students repeat after you.- Repeat this process for each vocabulary word, including words like spring, summer, autumn, winter, rain, sunny, hot, cold, leaves, flowers, snow, etc.5. Practice vocabulary by playing a game of "Simon Says" using the flashcards. Give instructions like "Simon says touch the card for the season with flowers."Activity (10 minutes):1. Distribute worksheets or coloring pages featuring scenes from different seasons.2. Instruct students to color or label the picture according to the appropriate season.3. Provide assistance and feedback as necessary.Conclusion (5 minutes):1. Review the names of the seasons and the vocabulary words learned during the lesson.2. Engage students in a brief discussion about their favorite season.- Encourage students to share why they like a particular season.- Model sentence frames for expressing preferences, such as "I like ___ because ___."3. Recap the main points of the lesson and encourage students to share what they have learned.Assessment:1. Observe students' participation during discussions and activities.2. Evaluate students' completion of the worksheets or coloring pages.3. Informally assess students' ability to use season vocabulary words during discussions.4. Review students' ability to express preferences for different seasons during the conclusion discussion.。
Lesson Plan 教案
Learning objectives學習目標:
Prior Knowledge & skills已有知識及技能:
# 展示在教學活動中為照顧高能力/資優學生而調適的教學內容和策略。
Lesson Plan 教案
Learning objectives學習目標:
Prior Knowledge & skills已有知識及技能:
Lesson Plan 教案
Learning objectives學習目標:
Prior Knowledge & skills已有知識及技能:
# 展示在教學活動中為照顧高能力/資優學生而調適的教學內容和策略。
Lesson Plan 教案
Learning objectives學習目標:
Prior Knowledge & skills已有知識及技能:
Lesson Plan 教案
Learning objectives學習目標:
Prior Knowledge & skills已有知識及技能:
Lesson Plan英语教案一般现在时教学设计
Lesson PlanTeaching the present simple tense is one of the first, and most important tasks when teaching beginners. It's a good idea to teach the present simple of the verb 'to be' to begin with, and introduce simple adjectives to help students expand their understanding of the verb 'to be'. After English learners are comfortable with the present and past forms of the verb 'to be', teaching the present simple and past simple will be much easier.5 Steps for Introducing the Present SimpleStart by Modeling the Present SimpleMost English learners are false beginners. In other words, they have already studied English at some point. Begin teaching the present simply by stating some of your routines:I get up at six-thirty in the morning.I teach at the Portland English School.I have lunch at one o'clock.Students will recognize most of these verbs. Model some questions for the students as well. At this point, it's a good idea to ask yourself a question and provide the answer.When do you have dinner? - I have dinner at six o'clock.When do you come to school? - I come to school at two o'clock.Where do you live? - I live in Portland.Continue by asking students the same questions. Students will be able to follow your lead and answer appropriately.Introduce the Third Person SingularOnce the students are comfortable speaking about their own basic daily activities, introduce the third person singular for 'he' and 'she' which willprove the most difficult for students. Again, model the present simple third person ending in 's' for the students.When does Mary have dinner? - She has dinner at six o'clock.When does John come to school? - He comes to school at twoo'clock.Where does she live? - He lives in Portland.Ask each student a question and ask another for a reply, creating a chain of questions and answers changing from 'you' to 'he' and 'she'. This will help students memorize this crucial difference.Where do you live? - (Student) I live in Portland.Where does he live? - (Student) He lives in Portland.Introduce the NegativeIntroduce the negative form of the present simple in the same manner as above. Remember to continually model the form to the students and immediately encourage a similar answer.Does Anne live in Seattle? - No, she doesn't live in Seattle. Shelives in Portland.Do you study French? - No, you don't study French. You studyEnglish.Introduce QuestionsUp to this point, students have been answering questions so they should be familiar with the form. Make sure to point out the difference between 'yes/no' questions and information questions. Start with 'yes/no' questions encouraging students to answer in the short form.Do you work every day? - Yes, I do./No, I don't.Do they live in Portland? - Yes, they do./No, they don't.Does she study English? - Yes, she does/No, she doesn't.Once students are comfortable with short 'yes/no' questions, move on to information questions. Make sure to vary the subjects up to help students become familiar with the tendency to drop the 's'.Where do you live? - I live in Seattle.When do you get up in the morning? - I get up at seven o'clock.Where does she go to school? - She goes to school at theUniversity of Washington.Discuss Important Time WordsOnce students become comfortable with the present simple, introduce important time words such as 'everyday' and adverbs of frequency (usually, sometimes, rarely, etc.). Contrast these with common time words used in the present continuous such as 'now', 'at the moment', etc.She usually takes the bus to work. Today, she is driving.My friend sometimes goes out for dinner. At the moment, he'scooking dinner at home.Jennifer rarely talks to strangers. Right now, she's talking to afriend.3 Strategies for Practicing the Present Simple Explaining the Present Simple on the BoardStudents will now recognize the present simple tense and be able to respond to simple questions. It's time to introduce the grammar. Use a present simple tense timeline on the board to stress the fact that this tense is used to express routines. I also like to use simple charts showing the underlying structure of this tense.Comprehension ActivitiesOnce you have introduced the tense and used the whiteboard to explain forms, continue teaching the present simple tense through activities which use the present simple in context.Continued Activity PracticeStudents have learned to recognize the present simple, as well as understand the form in comprehension activities. It's time to continue by having students use the present simple to describe their own lives inboth spoken and written form. This detailed lesson on daily routines will help you continue the practice.Expected ProblemsHere are the most common challenges for students when using the present simple:•Confusing with the present continuous for actions occurring at the moment of speaking.•Use of 's' in the third person.•Auxiliary verb usage in the question and negative form, but NOT in the positive form.•Placement of adverbs of frequency.。
英语教案Lesson plan
Lesson planBackground information:Students: 60 Junior high school students, Grade1Lesson duration: 45 minsTeaching objectives:By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1.Say in English the plurals of Nouns.2.Ask and answer questions about the Nouns.e the interview Strategies to ask information and take notes.4. learn to be a good listener and brave to ask questions in English. Teaching contents: the classification of Nouns, the plurals of Nouns map---maps box---boxes sheep---shee p…Wha t’s this? ---This is a pianoHow many books are there in the desk? ---Ten books.Teaching aids: blackboard, chalk, PPT, picturesTeaching procedures:Step1. Review (10 mins)a) Students write down the Nouns they know.b) Students try to guess the plurals of the Nouns.c) Teacher summarizes, and writes the words on board.Step2.Learn the related information about Nouns: the classification of Nouns, the plurals of Nouns (20 mins)a) Use a chart to show the students the classification of Nouns.b) Learn the plurals of Nouns.c) do some exercises about Nouns.Steps3.More practice (15 mins)a) Work in pairs, and ask and answer the questions related to Nouns. Use the structure: what’s this?--- This i s…/How many are there on the desk?--- They ar e…b) V olunteers to present the result.Homework: Make some sentences and dialogues about Nouns learned in class.Reflection: (to be written immediately after the lesson).。
下面将介绍一些常见的英语教案中使用的英文术语:1. Lesson Plan (教案)Lesson Plan是指教师在教学前所制定的详细计划。
一个好的Lesson Plan能够帮助教师有效组织课堂教学。
2. Teaching Goals (教学目标)Teaching Goals是指教师在教学中想要达到的具体目标。
3. Classroom Management (课堂管理)Classroom Management是指教师在课堂上对学生行为、注意力和秩序进行管理的过程。
4. Differentiated Instruction (分层教学)Differentiated Instruction是指根据学生的不同学习需要和能力,采取不同的教学策略和方法进行教学。
5. Assessment (评估)Assessment是指对学生学习成果进行评价和反馈的过程。
6. Engaging Activities (引人入胜的活动)Engaging Activities是指吸引学生注意力、激发学习兴趣的各种教学活动。
Lesson Plan英文版教案模板
Lesson PlanTeaching contents: Asking the colorDescription of students: Junior 1(40 students)Time and date: 14:00-14:40, Thursday, 22th September.2012Teaching aids: PPT, tape recorder, cards, school bagsTeaching objectives: 1. Students can introduce and describe the color of their things to others.2. Students can ask the color and things they don't knowMain structure: What is this? It is...What color is it? It is...Main vocabulary: color red yellow green blue black whiteLearning strategies: Listening to the color songGuessing gameGroup cooperation in the role playBuilding up confidence in presentationTeaching procedure:Step1: Warm up (3 min)Teacher says "Good morning boys and girls." students will say "Good morning Miss Zheng" Teacher asks "How is the weather today?" The answer of the students' will depend on the real weather that day. Next, teacher will ask "How about tomorrow? Do you remember?" The answer of the students' depends on the weather that day. Then teacher will ask the students" Do you remember the song we learned yesterday? ABC song, do you remember? Now let's sing it together "They sing the ABC song together. After that teacher will ask them "Do you like songs? Let's enjoy another song. Please listen carefully and think about one question, what is the song about?" So teacher will play the color song for them.Step 2: Teach (6 min)Teacher asks the students "What is this song about?" It is about color, right? Look at the blackboard and read after me color... "The students follow. Teacher says, "If we want to ask others the color we should say-what color is it, now read after me, what color is it..." the students follow. Teacher takes out some cards and asks "Now all eyes on me, what are they?" The students will answer "They are cards." Teacher says "Last class, we learned letters right? Now I'll ask you some questions about these letters, are you ready? The students will answer "Yes!" Next, teacher will take out these cards one by one and ask them "What is this?" After the students answered teacher will ask them "what color is it" and lead them to red these colors. The contents of these cards are "white u, red v, blue w, yellow x, green y, and black z"Step3: Guessing game (6 min)At first, the teacher will divide the whole class into 4 groups and let them choose one color as their group name, and tell them the rules. If they can be active inthese games they can get stars, and the group which get the most stars is the winner.Then Teacher will say "now let's play a guessing game. Look at the picture." Teacher will point the picture and show them "This is a piece of cloth, and behind the cloth there is something. I leave some parts of it out, so please base on these parts to guess what it is and what color it is, understand?...Let's begin..." Then the teacher will ask the whole class, or just one student, or let two students ask each other, or let the students ask the teacher. The questions are "what is this? What color is it?"The contents of these pictures are "red apple, yellow banana, green tree, blue sky, white clouds, and black Chinese ink". These students who asked or answered questions in the game can get stars for their team.Step4: Counting color game (2 min)Teacher will show the students a picture of Olympic rings, and let the students to count how many colors are there in the picture and read them out. If someone can count them out and say it out accurately he or she can get one star for his or her group. Step5: Make conversations (9 min)Teacher will let the students take out their school bags and introduce their things to their group members, they can ask any thing about the things, but they must ask the color (5 min). Then they should show their conversation to the whole class (4 min).Step6: Write a passage (13 min)The teacher will let the students to think about their bed room, and write a passage to describe their bed room and those things in their bedroom (9min).Then choose some students read their passage for the whole class (4 min). Step7: Homework (1 min)Draw a picture of the things you like and paint the color you like most on it. ReflectionStrong points:Smiles sweet, good pronunciation, natural transition, logical organization.Shortcomings:Teaching contents looks not so rich, those cards can be better, rewarding system can be more attractive and interesting.。
Lesson plan教学计划
Computer PPT picture white papers
Teaching procedures
Warming up
Teachers’ activity
Students ’ activity
Design intention
Make a brief introduction ofbusiness letter.
answer the question about the 7 characteristic of business.
The purpose is to arouse the students’ interest of the study of business letter.
Also, this can form a better English learning surrounding for students.
Learning strategies
Self-study: The students are the dominant part of learning, who can finish their part with the help of dictionary or by themselves to some extent.
and grammar, they can’t speak or write that good.
teaching objective
By the end or the lesson,student should be able to:
1.Know the essential requirements for a good business letter.
Lesson Plan英语教案给出建议giving advice
You shouldn't work so hard.
Whatever you do, don't work so hard.
Advice Construction
Verb Form
I don't think you shouldwork so hard.
Whatever you do,don't work so hard.
Use 'Whatever you do' the imperative.
You ought not towork so hard.
Use 'You ought not to' the base form of the verb in a statement.
If I were you,
If I were in your position,
If I were in your shoes,I wouldn't work so hard.
Use 'I don't think you should' the base form of the verb in a statement.
You ouou ought to' the base form of the verb in a statement.
You had betterwork less.
Use 'You had better' (you'd better) the base form of the verb in a statement.
You shouldn't OR You shouldwork less.
Lesson PlanTeaching contents:PEP Primary English Grade4 Unit 2 Part A Let’s spell Analysis on teaching material:本课为小学四年级的语音教学,重点是学习i在开音节里面的发音,考虑到PEP小学英语三年级下册已经学过i在闭音节里的发音,因此在教学中,利用Bill和Mike为主线人物,通过复习i在闭音节的发音来引出新知i在开音节的发音,并且结合five,kite,nine,like,rice等单词,通过拆和拼的方式进行语音教学,从中不断渗透拼读方法,并让学生不断对比和区别i在开闭音节的发音,使学生能够掌握拼读规律与技巧,以及在阅读情境语句中体会单词的音,形,意和语言的无穷魅力。
Teaching aims:1.能够感知并归纳i-e在单词中的发音规则。
Teaching key points:1.掌握元音字母i在开音节的发音。
Teaching difficult point:能够正确说出字母i在开音节中的发音,并且能够根据发音规则,拼读出单词以及句子。
Teaching steps:(40mins)Step 1 Warming Up1. GreetingsT: Good morning, boys and girls! (Teacher is smiling!)Ss: Good morning, teacher!T: Now you will enjoy a song: Smart hand.Ss: sing song(To review the letter sound learnt before and make Ss focus on the sound of letters)1。
English Lesson Plan Design Intent: General English Version IntroductionEnglish lesson plans are essential for teachers to effectively deliver educational content to students. The design of a lesson plan needs to be well thought out to ensure that the learning objectives are met. This document aims to provide a general English version of a lesson plan design intent.Lesson Objectives1.To improve students’ English language skills.2.To enhance students’ reading and writing abilities.3.To develop students’ vocabulary and grammar knowledge.4.To encourage students to communicate in English effectively.Target AudienceThe target audience for this lesson plan is intermediate level English learners.Lesson Structure1.Warm-Up:–Engage students with a short English conversation or a fun language game.2.Introduction:–Present the topic of the les son and its relevance to students’ daily lives.3.Vocabulary Building:–Introduce new English vocabulary related to the topic.–Provide examples and exercises to reinforce understanding.4.Reading Activity:–Assign a reading passage or text that is appropriate for the students’ level.–Ask comprehension questions to check understanding.5.Grammar Focus:–Highlight a specific grammar point related to the reading material.–Provide explanations and exercises to practice the grammar concept.6.Speaking Practice:–Encourage students to engage in group discussions or role-plays related to the topic.–Provide prompts to guide the conversation.7.Writing Task:–Assign a writing task that requires students to apply the vocabulary and grammar learned in the lesson.–Ask students to focus on coherence and clarity in their writing.8.Closure:–Summarize the key points of the lesson and review the learning objectives.–Provide feedback to students on their performance.AssessmentAssessment of student learning can be done through various methods like quizzes, class participation, and evaluation of written assignments. It is important to gauge students’ understanding of the topics covered in the lesson plan.ConclusionA well-designed English lesson plan can make a significant impact o n students’ language learning journey. By following a structured approach and incorporating engaging activities, teachers can create a positive and effective learning environment for their students. This general English version of a lesson plan design intent serves as a guide for educators to create engaging and informative lessons for their students.。
lesson plan教学设计
lesson plan教学设计Lesson plan teaching designlesson plan教学设计前言:小泰温馨提醒,英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。
Lesson planDate:Dec.3 Period:oneClass:four Grade:oneTeaching materials: Text of lesson 49English Book I p61Teaching objectives: Help the students(1)learn the new words and be able to make sentences with then .(2)learn the test and be able to describe the colours in English .Type or lesson:Comphrehensive lesson .Teaching tools:a tape-recorder ,some pictures and a small blackboard .Organization of class:Ⅰ.Greeting students ready for class .1、Greeting students to order .2、Exchange of greeting with students .3、Ask the students on duty the following questions:T: Is everyone here ? S:T: Who is on duty today? S:T:Whats the weather like today?S:4、Telling students the teaching contents:Ⅱ.review and cheek-up .Ask students to answer the following questions with cards:T: whats this in English?S: Its……T:Whats that ?S: Its……T:Is this(that) a(an)……?S:Yes , it is ./No, it isn t .Ⅲ. Presentation of the new materials:1、Teching the following new words with a small blackboard .1)What colour is it ?(Teacher point to thepictures on the small blackboard)Itsblack/red/white/green/yellow/blue/purple/brown/orange/gre y.(students read out aloud)2)Whats colour is it ? (Teacher point to the classroom in the picture)Its…(red) . (students read aloud)2、Teach the text:1)Put up some pictures and ask students to listento the recording of the text while looking at the picture.(again and again)2)Ask the students some questions to cheek them .①Whats this (that) ?②Is this (that) a car ?③What colour is it ?④Its…(black) . Its a …(black) car .3)Explain some language points:①There is a car on the hill in the picture . (Explain why use "on" instead of "in")②A:what colour is it? B:Its black. Its a black car. (Extlain "black" and " a black car "the use of sentences) .Ⅳ. Reinforcement :1、Reading the text after the recording and theteacher gives some guideline to the pronuncition and intonation of reading the text .2、Ask students to read the text .3、Ask students to give some questions on the pictures and give answer.4、Play a game use pictures ( T : Act it.Ask students do it like this )Ⅴ. Summary:Today were learned some new words and the text please pay attention to those words in the text. (pointing to some important points)Ⅵ. Design for exercises:1、Homework:1)Revise the dialogues in lesson 49 .2)Write the new words .3)Finish the workbook esercises. Do Ex 2,3 in the exercise book .2、Additional exercises :A)词组互译:1、一只红色的风筝2、一朵黄色的花3、一辆蓝色的小汽车4、一只黑色的猫5、一只白色的鸟6、一个绿色的苹果B)Fill in the blank:A:Whats over there?B: ?A:Over there, the hill.B: a car.A:is it ?B:Its red. Its ared .A:Is a car , too ?B: , it is .A:What colour is it ?B:Its . Its a black car.-------- Designed By JinTai College ---------。
英语教学l e s s o np l a n-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIANLesson PlanI. Teaching material and learning condition1. The analysis of teaching materialThe teaching material is from Go For It Book 8A Unit 10 section A. The topic of this unit is about future intentions. The passage is a dialogue between a boy and a girl about …... Besides, there are some useful expressions. So in this lesson, students are going to learn 6 new words and some key sentence patterns.2. The analysis of learning conditionThe students are from grade 2 in junior high school. As junior high school students, they have acquired some words about jobs. Even though the topic future intention is familiar to them, still some of the Ss can’t ask others about their future intentions accurately and fluently. With the limited vocabulary, the students may lack of rich words to show their dreams. However, the passage 1a and 1c offer nice models for students to imitate.II. Teaching aims1 Knowledge aims(1) By the end of the class, the students are able to understand the passage.(2) T he students are able to use the sentence patterns” What are you going to be…”“I’m going to be a/an…”“How are you going to do that?”“I’m going to…”(3) The students are able to master the new words: computer programmer, professional basketball player, pilot, engineer, teacher and actor.2 Ability aims(1) The students are able to read the passage clearly and fluently.(2) The students are able to use the key sentence patterns to make conversations.(3) The students are able to listen, speak, write and use the new words and understand other words about jobs mentioned in our class.3 Affect aimsStudents will know the features of jobs and have their own future plan. What’s more, they will aware of that only when they work hard, can they achieve their dreams.Language focuses and anticipated difficulties1 Language focusesThis is a listening and speaking period so the focus is to cultivate the students’ listening and speaking skills. The many activities are designed to help Ss to train their listening and speaking skills, such as pair work, ask and answer, listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.It is also important for the Ss to master the new words and target language.2 Anticipated difficultiesAs the Ss have a limited vocabulary, so they may have difficulty in using the new words naturally and fluently in real situations. Besides, they may have problems in using the key sentence patterns naturally and fluently in making conversations.3 SolutionsBased on the different circumstances, I’ll adopt different solutions. For example, if Ss can’t use target language to make dialogues naturally, I’ll let them practice more and speak more in the class.Teaching methodWell, how to achieve the teaching goals better, to stress the key points and break through the difficult pointsThe key is how to make use of the proper teaching methods.So in this lesson, I plan to use Communicative language teaching, Situational language teaching, Task-based language teaching, The Audio lingual language teaching and CAI.Teaching aidsTapes, blackboard, chalks, multimedia devices and PPT documents: In order to help Ss to fully understand the whole passage, I adopt multimedia devices and PPT documents to bring the real-life situation into the classroom. Teaching proceduresStep1 Warm-up (6min)Activity 1 Watch a video frequency about basketball player Activity 2 Free-talkingAfter watching the video frequency, teacher asks the Ss:” Do you know what are they”, “Do you like playing basketball”” Do you want to be a basketball player?” and so on. Ss answer the questions individually. Then teacher leads into the topic: future intentions.Purpose: In this step, teacher first shows a video frequency, and then leads in the topic by talking with the Ss freely. It will help to arouse the Ss' participation desire, and lead the Ss into a relaxing English studying atmosphere at the beginning of the class. Good beginning is half done. And the most important purpose is to show the main clue of the whole class.Step2 Presentation and practice (22min)Activity 1 Present key words with pictures one by oneBefore presenting the new words, teacher shows Ss pictures of jobs and ask them questions, “what is he/she?” after answering questions, teacher presents the new words in the same PPT and teach Ss the pronunciation and spelling.Activity 2 BrainstormingTeacher designs a game for Ss. T divides the whole class into 4 groups, each group chooses a representative. The 4 Ss come to the blackboard and write down the jobs they know. Which one writes the most, his group wins. This is a kind of brainstorm; it can help arouse students’ interest of study.Activity 3 Present key sentence structure and passageT displays key sentence structures:” What are you going to be…”“I’m going to be a/an…”“How are you going to do that?”“I’m going to…”Above all, all the language points have been shown. Then T will present the passage and let Ss read it together.-“What are you going to be when you grow up?”-“I’m going to be a computer programmer.”- “How are you going to do that?”- “I ’m going to study computer science.”Activity 3 Pair workT shows Ss pictures about several jobs, puts on some phrases on the PPT.Ss make dialogues according to the pictures and phrases.For example: What are you going to be when you grow up? A pilotHow are you going to do that Learn more about science exercise everydayActivity 4 what do you think of these jobsT let Ss do the exercise as follows:Do you think these jobs are interesting? Rank them from [1--6] (1 is mostinteresting, 6 is least interesting.)___ Computer programmer___ Baseball player___ Pilot___ Engineer___ Teacher ___ ActorActivity 5 Listen to the tape and fill in the blanksT let Ss listen to the tape and finish the exercise in the textbook. It can make the students concentrate on the listening materials.Step3 Consolidation (10min)It’s important for students to speak English as much as possible in class orafter class. So in this part, I show students a picture. Students are required towriterteacher pilotactor interesting difficult (hard)easy boring excitingpractice the conversation in the picture. Then they make conversations aboutthe other jobs.Model: A: What are you going to be when you grow up?B: I’m going to be a reporter.A: How are you going to do that?B: I’m going to write articles and send th em to magazines and newspapers.A: When are you going to start?B: I’m going to finish high school and college first.A: Where are you going to work?B: I’m not sure. Maybe Beijing or Shanghai.A: Good luck!B: Thank you!Step4 Extension (6min)It’s ne cessary for Ss to do some extensive exercise in class to strengthen the knowledge they learned. So in this step, I display some exercises to let themmaster the new words and target sentence structures better.Exercise A1. I like computer. I’m g oing to be a c________ ____________.2. The actor ___going to New York.3. How ____you going to do that4. The boys___ _____ ___ play soccer.5 .___there ______ to ____ a fashion showExercise BA: (1) ______________________B: I'm going to buy a present(礼物).A: (2) __________________________B: I'm going to give it to my English teacher.Exercise C1—Are you going to be _____ actor?—Yes. I’m taking _____ acting lessons.A. a; theB. an; 不填C. the; anD. 不填; the2. —_____ are you going to keep healthy?—I’m going to exercise every morning.A. HowB. WhereC. WhyD. When3. —where are you going to live?—_____. Maybe Beijing or Tianjin.A. Yes, pleaseB. I’m not sureC. Don’t worryD. Good idea4. —My New Year’s resolution is to learn to play an instrument.—_____A. Sounds great.B. Sorry to hear that.C. What about you?D. Sure, I’d love to.Step5 Homework (1min)In order to let the Ss to review the learned knowledge and speak English more after class, I assign the homework as follows:1. Copy the new words.2. Write a composition about your plans for the future.3. Read the passage in the textbook after the tape.Blackboard design08051129 华夏怡。
下面是lesson plan的原则和组成部分:
1.符合教学目标:lesson plan应该与教育要求和学科标准相符合,明确教学目标,并能通过教学活动实现这些目标。
2.适应学生需求:lesson plan应该考虑学生的年龄、兴趣、学习风格和能力水平,针对学生的需求进行教学设计。
3.合理有序:lesson plan应该按照合理有序的结构进行编排,有助于教师组织教学活动并引导学生的学习。
4.多元化教学:lesson plan应该采用多种教学方法,培养学生的多样化能力,鼓励学生的参与和创造性思维。
5.反馈与评估:lesson plan应该包括对学生学习情况的反馈与评估,以便教师及时调整教学策略,帮助学生提高学习效果。
通过合理的设计和使用,lesson plan可以帮助教师高效地进行教学,确保课堂教学的质量和有效性。
教案的英语怎么读教案的英语怎么读标题:Teaching Pronunciation: How to Pronounce "教案" in English教案(jiào àn)是指教师在进行教学活动时所设计的教学计划和指导材料。
在英语中,我们可以使用“lesson plan”(lɛsn plæn)来表示教案。
在以下教案中,将介绍如何正确发音并使用“lesson plan”一词。
教案目标:- 学会正确发音和使用“lesson plan”一词。
- 理解教案在教学中的重要性。
教案步骤:1. 引入词汇:教师可以使用图片、实物或幻灯片等方式引入“lesson plan”一词。
2. 发音练习:- 教师可以先读出“lesson”一词,让学生跟读并注意发音。
- 然后,教师读出“plan”一词,让学生跟读并注意发音。
- 最后,教师将两个词组合在一起,读出“lesson plan”,让学生跟读。
3. 句子练习:- 教师可以提供一些句子,其中包含“lesson plan”一词,并让学生朗读这些句子。
- 学生也可以尝试用自己的话解释教案的含义,并在句子中使用“lesson plan”。
4. 拓展练习:- 学生可以与同伴进行对话练习,使用“lesson plan”一词来描述他们的教学计划。
- 学生可以在小组或个人中设计自己的教案,并在班级中展示。
评估方式:- 教师可以通过听学生的发音和观察他们在口语练习中的表现来评估他们是否正确地发音和使用“lesson plan”一词。
- 教师还可以要求学生书面回答一些与教案相关的问题,以评估他们对教案的理解程度。
延伸活动:- 学生可以使用互联网资源,查找并研究其他与教案相关的词汇和表达方式。
- 学生可以观察和分析其他教师的教案,并进行讨论和分享。
教案撰写的英语发音为“lesson plan”,通过以上的教学步骤和练习,学生将能够正确发音和使用这一词汇。
Lesson Plan英语教案英语口语交际寻求帮助asking for a favor教学设计
Lesson PlanAsking for a favor refers to asking someone to do something for you. Use these phrases to politely ask for a favor. When someone asks you for a favor, you'll have to either grant it (say yes) or refuse it (say no). Pay special attention to the form of the verb used in each case.Asking a FavorCould / Would you do me a favor?Could you do me a favor? is used to find out if someone will do a favor for you as a way to begin the conversation. The form Would you do me a favor? is more formal.•Would you do me a favor?•Could you do me a favor?Could you please + verbUse the simple form of the verb (do) to ask for help with specific actions such as asking for help in daily situations.•Could you please take me to work?•Could you please lend me a hand?Could you possibly + verbUse the simple form of the verb to ask for help with specific situations while being extremely polite.•Could I possibly take some time off to help?•Could you possibly work overtime today?Could I ask / bother / trouble you + infinitiveUse the infinitive form of the verb (to do) to ask for a favor in formal situations.•Could I ask you to help my brother?•Could I bother you to give me a ride to work?•Could I trouble you to open the door for me?Would you mind + verb + ingUse the gerund form of the verb (doing) to ask for a favor in everyday situations.•Would you mind closing the window?•Would you mind cooking dinner tonight?Would it be too much trouble for you + infinitiveUse this form with the infinitive to ask for a favor in very formal situations.•Would it be too much trouble for you to let me come in late tomorrow?•Would it be too much trouble for you to take a look at this letter? May I + verb?Use the simple form of the verb with "may" when the favor you're asking requires permission.•May I leave class early?•May we use your telephone?Granting a FavorIf you would like to say "yes" to someone who asks you for a favor, you can grant the favor using these phrases:•Sure•No problem.•I'd be happy to help you.•It would be my pleasure.•I'd be glad to help out.It's common to ask for more specifics when granting a favor. For instance, if your friend asks you to help him out with a project, you might ask some follow up questions to get an idea of what is needed.•Would you mind giving me a hand?•I'd be happy to help you. What do you need help with?Refusing a FavorIf you are unable to help out and need to say "no", you can refuse a favor with these responses:•I'm afraid I can't.•Sorry, but I'm unable + infinitive•Unfortunately, I'm not able + infinitive.•Regrettably, I can't + verbSaying "no," is never fun, but sometimes it's necessary. It's common to offer a different solution to try to help out even if you can't do the favor.•Could I ask you to help me with my homework?•Unfortunately, I'm not able to do that.•Why not?•Regrettably, I can't do math very well, so I won't be able to help. Practice DialoguesUse these dialogues to practice asking for a favor, granting favors, and refusing favors.Asking for a favor which is grantedPeter: Hi Anna. I've got a favor to ask. Would you mind cooking dinner tonight? I'm kind of busy.Anna: Sure, Peter. What would you like for dinner?Peter: Could I trouble you to make some pasta?Anna: That sounds good. Let's have pasta. Which type of sauce should I make?Peter: Would it be too much trouble to make a four cheese sauce? Anna: No, that's easy. Yum. Good idea.Peter: Thanks Anna. That really helps me out.Anna: No problem.Mark: Hey, could you please help me with the homework?Susan: I'd be glad to help out. What seems to be the problem? Mark:: I don't get this equation. Would you mind explaining it to me? Susan: No problem. It's difficult!Mark: Yeah, I know. Thanks a lot.Susan: Don't worry about it.Asking for a favor which is refusedEmployee: Hello, Mr. Smith. Could I ask you a question?Boss: Sure, what do you need?Employee: Would it be too much trouble for you to let me come in at 10 tomorrow morning?Boss: Oh, that's a little difficult.Employee: Yes, I know it's last moment, but I have to go to the dentist. Boss: I'm afraid I can't let you come in late tomorrow. We really need you at the meeting.Employee: OK, I just thought I'd ask. I'll get a different appointment. Boss: Thanks, I appreciate it.Brother: Hey. Would you mind letting me watch my show?Sister: Sorry, but I can't do that.Brother: Why not?Sister: I'm watching my favorite show now.Brother: But I'm going to miss my favorite game show!Sister: Watch it online. Don't bother me.Brother: Could you please watch your show online, it's a rerun! Sister: Sorry, but I'm unable to do that. You'll just have to watch it later. Practice SituationsFind a partner and use these suggestions to practice asking for favors, as well as granting and refusing favors as shown in the examples. Make sure to vary the language you use when practicing rather than using the same phrase over and over again.Ask someone to ...•loan you $50 for the weekend•help you with your homework•assist you with some paperwork such as filling out a form•give you a ride•check your writing or correct your grammar•practice speaking English with you•cook a meal•let you take a day off workMore English FunctionsAsking for, granting, and refusing favors are types of language functions. There is a wide range of English language functions such as making suggestions, giving advice and contrasting ideas that you can learn.1. Would you please _____ me a ride? (give)2. Would you mind _____ me with my homework?(help)3. May I _____ your phone?(use)4. I'd be happy _____ you a hand with your homework.(give)5. I'd be glad _____ you to the party.(drive)6. I'm afraid I can't _____ you any advice on that.(give)7. Sorry, but I'm unable _____ dinner this evening.(cook)8. Would it be too much trouble _____ a few questions?(answer)。
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Lesson PlanI. Teaching material and learning condition1. The analysis of teaching materialThe teaching material is from Go For It Book 8A Unit 10 section A. The topic of this unit is about future intentions. The passage is a dialogue between a boy and a girl about …... Besides, there are some useful expressions. So in this lesson, students are going to learn 6 new words and some key sentence patterns.2. The analysis of learning conditionThe students are from grade 2 in junior high school. As junior high school students, they have acquired some words about jobs. Even though the topic future intention is familiar to them, still some of the Ss can’t ask others about their future intentions accurately and fluently. With the limited vocabulary, the students may lack of rich words to show their dreams. However, the passage 1a and 1c offer nice models for students to imitate.II. Teaching aims1 Knowledge aims(1) By the end of the class, the students are able to understand the passage.(2) T he students are able to use the sentence patterns” What are you going to be…?”“I’m going to be a/an…”“How are you going to do that?”“I’m going to…”(3) The students are able to master the new words: computer programmer, professional basketball player, pilot, engineer, teacher and actor.2 Ability aims(1) The students are able to read the passage clearly and fluently.(2) The students are able to use the key sentence patterns to make conversations.(3) The students are able to listen, speak, write and use the new words and understand other words about jobs mentioned in our class.3 Affect aimsStudents will know the features of jobs and have their own future plan. What’s more, they will aware of that only when they work hard, can they achieve their dreams.Language focuses and anticipated difficulties1 Language focusesThis is a listening and speaking period so the focus is to cultivate the students’listening and speaking skills. The many activities are designed to help Ss to train their listening and speaking skills, such as pair work, ask and answer, listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.It is also important for the Ss to master the new words and target language.2 Anticipated difficultiesAs the Ss have a limited vocabulary, so they may have difficulty in using the new words naturally and fluently in real situations. Besides, they may have problems in using the key sentence patterns naturally and fluently in making conversations.3 SolutionsBased on the different circumstances, I’ll adopt different solutions. For example, if Ss can’t use target language to make dialogues naturally, I’ll let them practice more and speak more in the class.Teaching methodWell, how to achieve the teaching goals better, to stress the key points and break through the difficult points? The key is how to make use of the proper teaching methods.So in this lesson, I plan to use Communicative language teaching, Situational language teaching, Task-based language teaching, The Audio lingual language teaching and CAI.Teaching aidsTapes, blackboard, chalks, multimedia devices and PPT documents: In orderto help Ss to fully understand the whole passage, I adopt multimedia devices and PPT documents to bring the real-life situation into the classroom. Teaching proceduresStep1 Warm-up (6min)Activity 1 Watch a video frequency about basketball player Activity 2 Free-talkingAfter watching the video frequency, teacher asks the Ss:” Do you know what are they?”, “Do you like playing basketball?”” Do you want to be a basketball player?” and so on. Ss answer the questions individually. Then teacher leads into the topic: future intentions.Purpose: In this step, teacher first shows a video frequency, and then leads in the topic by talking with the Ss freely. It will help to arouse the Ss' participation desire, and lead the Ss into a relaxing English studying atmosphere at the beginning of the class. Good beginning is half done. And the most important purpose is to show the main clue of the whole class.Step2 Presentation and practice (22min)Activity 1 Present key words with pictures one by oneBefore presenting the new words, teacher shows Ss pictures of jobs and ask them questions, “what is he/she?” after answering questions, teacher presents the new words in the same PPT and teach Ss the pronunciation and spelling. Activity 2 BrainstormingTeacher designs a game for Ss. T divides the whole class into 4 groups, each group chooses a representative. The 4 Ss come to the blackboard and write down the jobs they know. Which one writes the most, his group wins. This is a kind of brainstorm; it can help arouse students’ interest of study.Activity 3 Present key sentence structure and passageT displays key sentence structures:” What are you going to be…?”“I’m going to be a/an…”“How are you going to do that?”“I’m going to…”Above all, all the language points have been shown. Then T will present the passage and let Ss read it together.-“What are you going to be when you grow up?”-“I’m going to be a computer programmer.”- “How are you going to do that?”- “I ’m going to study computer science.”Activity 3 Pair workT shows Ss pictures about several jobs, puts on some phrases on the PPT. Ssmake dialogues according to the pictures and phrases.For example: What are you going to be when you grow up? A pilotHow are you going to do that? Learn more about science exercise everydayActivity 4 what do you think of these jobsT let Ss do the exercise as follows:Do you think these jobs are interesting? Rank them from [1--6] (1 is mostinteresting, 6 is least interesting.)___ Computer programmer___ Baseball player___ Pilot___ Engineer___ Teacher ___ ActorActivity 5 Listen to the tape and fill in the blanksT let Ss listen to the tape and finish the exercise in the textbook. It can makethe students concentrate on the listening materials.Step3 Consolidation (10min)It’s important for students to speak English as much as possible in class orafter class. So in this part, I show students a picture. Students are required towriterteacher pilotactor interesting difficult (hard)easy boring excitingpractice the conversation in the picture. Then they make conversations about the other jobs.Model: A: What are you going to be when you grow up?B: I’m going to be a reporter.A: How are you going to do that?B: I’m going to write articles and s end them to magazines and newspapers. A: When are you going to start?B: I’m going to finish high school and college first.A: Where are you going to work?B: I’m not sure. Maybe Beijing or Shanghai.A: Good luck!B: Thank you!Step4 Extension (6min)It’s necessary for Ss to do some extensive exercise in class to strengthen the knowledge they learned. So in this step, I display some exercises to let them master the new words and target sentence structures better.Exercise A1. I like computer. I’m g oing to be a c________ ____________.2. The actor ___going to New York.3. How ____ you going to do that?4. The boys___ _____ ___ play soccer.5 .___there ______ to ____ a fashion show?Exercise BA: (1) ______________________?B: I'm going to buy a present(礼物).A: (2) __________________________?B: I'm going to give it to my English teacher.Exercise C1—Are you going to be _____ actor?—Yes. I’m taking _____ acting lessons.A. a; theB. an; 不填C. the; anD. 不填; the2. —_____ are you going to keep healthy?—I’m going to exercise every morning.A. HowB. WhereC. WhyD. When3. —where are you going to live?—_____. Maybe Beijing or Tianjin.A. Yes, pleaseB. I’m not sureC. Don’t worryD. Good idea4. —My New Year’s resolution is to learn to play an instrument.—_____A. Sounds great.B. Sorry to hear that.C. What about you?D. Sure, I’d love to.Step5 Homework (1min)In order to let the Ss to review the learned knowledge and speak English more after class, I assign the homework as follows:1. Copy the new words.2. Write a composition about your plans for the future.3. Read the passage in the textbook after the tape.Blackboard design08051129 华夏怡。