
Fabco TC-200 分动箱零件手册说明书

Fabco TC-200 Transfer C ase P arts ManualPro Gear Fabco TC-200 Transfer C ase Parts Manual t o assist in identifying your Fabco unit.If you need any assistance identifying the correct transfer case unit for your truck and equipment, contact your Fabco replacement part specialists at Pro Gear and Transmission.Pro Gear Transmission has same day shipping and 1000’s of products in stock and ready to ship internationally for your next project.For parts or service contact the Fabco specialists at Pro Gear & Transmission, Inc.1 (877) 776-4600(407) 872-1901******************AUTOMOTIVE CORPORATIONFABCO TC-200TRANSFER CASEPARTS MANUALPart Number873-0042-001Fabco Automotive Corporation, Livermore, CA9. ILLUSTRATED PARTS MANUALTABLE OF CONTENTSPAGE P.1 Introduction (33)P.2 Input Shaft Parts (34)P.3 Intermediate Shaft Parts (36)P.4 Front Output Shaft Parts (38)P.5 Rear Output Shaft Parts (40)P.6 Front Drive Shift Parts (42)P.7 High/Low Range Shift Parts (44)P.8 Rear Drive Shift Parts (46)P.9 Housing Parts (48)P.1 INTRODUCTIONTO USE THIS ILLUSTRATED PARTS SECTION:1. Refer to the figure which illustrates the needed part.2. Find the required part and note the item number.3. Locate the item number in the parts list section for the required part number, description, andquantity used.NOTE: When ordering parts, specify the transfer case model number, the serial number and any other information that is on the Fabco nameplate located on the transfer case housing. The part numbers contained in this manual were in effect at the time the manual was approved for printing and are subject to change without notice or liability. Fabco Automotive Corporation reserves the right to change parts at anytime.USE ONLY GENUINE FABCO PARTSP.2 TC-200 INPUT SHAFT PARTSSee Figure P.2FOOT ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION QTY NOTE1 688-0694 Locknut, 1 1/2-12 12 927-0775-005 Washer 13 732-0396 Oil Seal 14 233-0537 Bearing Cup 15 233-0558 Bearing Cone 16 432-0667 Gear 17 966-0329 Woodruff Key 18 776-0269 Shaft 19 432-0669 Clutch Collar Gear 110 233-0542 Bearing Cone 211 233-0539 Bearing Cup 212 756-0257-001 Bearing Spacer Ring,.352 Thick 1756-0257-002 Bearing Spacer Ring,.355 Thick 1756-0257-003 Bearing Spacer Ring,.358 Thick 1756-0257-004 Bearing Spacer Ring,.361 Thick 1756-0257-005 Bearing Spacer Ring,.348 Thick 1756-0257-006 Bearing Spacer Ring,.349 Thick 1756-0257-007 Bearing Spacer Ring,.350 Thick 1756-0257-008 Bearing Spacer Ring,.351 Thick 1756-0257-009 Bearing Spacer Ring,.353 Thick 1756-0257-010 Bearing Spacer Ring,.354 Thick 1756-0257-011 Bearing Spacer Ring,.356 Thick 1756-0257-012 Bearing Spacer Ring,.357 Thick 1756-0257-013 Bearing Spacer Ring,.359 Thick 1756-0257-014 Bearing Spacer Ring,.360 Thick 113 432-0665 Gear 114 756-0259 Spacer Ring 115 233-0443 Bearing Cone 116 233-0444 Bearing Cup 117 756-0258 Spacer Ring 118 688-0645 Bearing Locknut 1219 744-0359-001 Shim, .002 Thick Red A/R744-0359-002 Shim, .005 Thick Blue A/R 2744-0359-003 Shim, .015 Thick Pink A/R 2744-0359-004 Shim, .030 Thick Coral A/R 220 235-0647-001 Cap 1 3235-0647-002 Cap 1 421 265-0238 Cap Screw, 7/16-14 x 1 1/4 6FOOTNOTES:1. Select one spacer ring. See service manual.2. See service manual.3. Models without optional lubrication pump.4. Models equipped with optional lubrication pump.P.300 IN T ER M E D I A TE SHAFT PARTS See Fig u re P.3FOOT ITEM PART NO.DE S CRIP T IO N QTY NOTE 1688-0645Bear i ng Locknut 12756-0258Spacer Ring 13233-0444Bear i ng Cup 14233-0443Bear i ng Cone 15233-0542Bear i ng Cone 26233-0539Bear i ng Cup 27432-0668Gear 18756-0257-001Bear i ng Spacer Ring,.352 Thick 1756- 0257- 002Bear i ng Spacer Ring,.355 Thick 1756- 0257- 003Bear i ng Spacer Ring,.358 Thick 1756- 0257- 004Bear i ng Spacer Ring,.361 Thick 1756-0257- 005Bear i ng Spacer Ring,.348 Thick 1756-0257- 006Bear i ng Spacer Ring,.349 Thick 1756-0257- 007Bear i ng Spacer Ring,.350 Thick 1756-0257- 008Bear i ng Spacer Ring,.351 Thick 1756-0257- 009Bear i ng Spacer Ring,.353 Thick 1756-0257- 010Bear i ng Spacer Ring,.354 Thick 1756-0257- 011Bear i ng Spacer Ring,.356 Thick 1756-0257- 012Bear i ng Spacer Ring,.357 Thick 1756-0257- 013Bear i ng Spacer Ring,.359 Thick 1756-0257- 014Bear i ng Spacer Ring,.360 Thick 19432-0669Clutch Col l ar Gear 110776-0262Shaft 111966-0328Wood r uff Key 112432-0666Gear 113233-0379Bear i ng Cone 114233-0378Bear i ng Cup 115744-0362-001Shim, .002 Thick Red A/R 2744- 0362- 002Shim, .005 Thick Blue A/R 2744- 0362- 003Shim, .015 Thick Pink A/R 2744- 0362- 004Shim, .030 Thick Coral A/R 216235-0653Cap 117427-0468Gasket 118235-0633Cap 1319927-0299Lockwasher, 5/166320265-0355Cap Screw, 5/16- 24 x 3/46321265-0238Cap Screw, 7/16- 14 x 1 1/46TES:1.ect one spacer ring. See serv i ce man u al.2.See serv i ce man u al.3.Parts not used for TC- 200’s with lu b ri atin pump. See lu b ri ion sys t em parts.P.3 TC- 200 INTER TE SHAFT PARTSSee Figure P.3FOOTITEM PART NO. NQTY NOTE1688-0645ng Locknut12 756-0258 Spacer Ring 13 233-0444 ng Cup 1 4 233-0443 ng Cone 15 233-0542 ng Cone 26 233-0539 ng Cup 27 432-0668 Gear18756-0257-001 ng Spacer Ring,.352 Thick 1 02 ng Spacer Ring,.355 Thick 1 03 ng Spacer Ring,.358 Thick 1 04 ng Spacer Ring,.361 Thick 1 05 ng Spacer Ring,.348 Thick 1 06 ng Spacer Ring,.349 Thick 1 07 ng Spacer Ring,.350 Thick 1 08 ng Spacer Ring,.351 Thick 1 09 ng Spacer Ring,.353 Thick 1 10 ng Spacer Ring,.354 Thick 1 11 ng Spacer Ring,.356 Thick 1 12 ng Spacer Ring,.357 Thick 1 13 ng Spacer Ring,.359 Thick 1 14 ng Spacer Ring,.360 Thick 19432-0669 Clutch Collar Gear 110 776-0262 Shaft1 11 966-0328 uff Key 1 12 432-0666 Gear1 13 233-0379 ng Cone 1 14 233-0378 ng Cup1 15744-0362-001 Shim, .002 Thick Red A/R 202 Shim, .005 Thick Blue A/R 2 03 Shim, .015 Thick Pink A/R 2 04 Shim, .030 Thick Coral A/R 216235-0653 Cap 1 17 427-0468 Gasket 1 18 235-0633 Cap1 319 927-0299 Lockwasher, 5/16 6 3 20 265-0355 Cap Screw, 5/16-24 x 3/4 6 321265-0238Cap Screw, 7/16-14 x 1 1/46FO O T N O TES:1. Se l ect one spacer ring. See service manual.2.See service manual.3. Parts not used for TC-200’s with lubri c atin pump. See lubric a t ion system parts.P.4 TC-200 FRONT OUTPUT SHAFT PARTSSee Figure P.4FOOT ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION QTY NOTE1 688-0694 Locknut, 1 1/2-12 12 927-0775-005 Washer 13 732-0396 Oil Seal 14 233-0272 Bearing Cup 15 233-0559 Bearing Cone 16 776-0272 Shaft 17 432-0669 Clutch Collar Gear 18 233-0542 Bearing Cone 29 233-0539 Bearing Cup 210 756-0257-001 Bearing Spacer Ring,.352 Thick 1756-0257-002 Bearing Spacer Ring,.355 Thick 1756-0257-003 Bearing Spacer Ring,.358 Thick 1756-0257-004 Bearing Spacer Ring,.361 Thick 1756-0257-005 Bearing Spacer Ring,.348 Thick 1756-0257-006 Bearing Spacer Ring,.349 Thick 1756-0257-007 Bearing Spacer Ring,.350 Thick 1756-0257-008 Bearing Spacer Ring,.351 Thick 1756-0257-009 Bearing Spacer Ring,.353 Thick 1756-0257-010 Bearing Spacer Ring,.354 Thick 1756-0257-011 Bearing Spacer Ring,.356 Thick 1756-0257-012 Bearing Spacer Ring,.357 Thick 1756-0257-013 Bearing Spacer Ring,.359 Thick 1756-0257-014 Bearing Spacer Ring,.360 Thick 111 432-0665 Gear 112 756-0259 Spacer Ring 113 233-0443 Bearing Cone 114 233-0444 Bearing Cup 115 756-0258 Spacer Ring 116 688-0645 Bearing Locknut 117 744-0359-001 Shim, .002 Thick Red A/R 2744-0359-002 Shim, .005 Thick Blue A/R 2744-0359-003 Shim, .015 Thick Pink A/R 2744-0359-004 Shim, .030 Thick Coral A/R 218 235-0649 Cap 119 265-0238 Cap Screw, 7/16-14 x 1 1/4 6FOOTNOTES:1. Select one spacer ring. See service manual.2. See service manual.P.5 TC-200 REAR OUTPUT SHAFT PARTSSee Figure P.5FOOT ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION QTY NOTE1 233-0272 Bearing Cup 12 233-0543 Bearing Cone 13 776-0273 Shaft 14 432-0669 Clutch Collar Gear 15 233-0542 Bearing Cone 26 233-0539 Bearing Cup 27 756-0257-001 Bearing Spacer Ring,.352 Thick 1756-0257-002 Bearing Spacer Ring,.355 Thick 1756-0257-003 Bearing Spacer Ring,.358 Thick 1756-0257-004 Bearing Spacer Ring,.361 Thick 1756-0257-005 Bearing Spacer Ring,.348 Thick 1756-0257-006 Bearing Spacer Ring,.349 Thick 1756-0257-007 Bearing Spacer Ring,.350 Thick 1756-0257-008 Bearing Spacer Ring,.351 Thick 1756-0257-009 Bearing Spacer Ring,.353 Thick 1756-0257-010 Bearing Spacer Ring,.354 Thick 1756-0257-011 Bearing Spacer Ring,.356 Thick 1756-0257-012 Bearing Spacer Ring,.357 Thick 1756-0257-013 Bearing Spacer Ring,.359 Thick 1756-0257-014 Bearing Spacer Ring,.360 Thick 18 432-0665 Gear 19 756-0262 Spacer Ring 110 233-0493 Bearing Cone 111 233-0544 Bearing Cup 112 756-0263 Spacer Ring 113 432-0678 Gear, Speedometer Sensor 114 744-0278 Shim, .030 Thick Coral A/R 2744-0279 Shim, .015 Thick Pink A/R 2744-0282 Shim, .005 Thick Blue A/R 2744-0283 Shim, .002 Thick Red A/R 215 237-0629 Carrier 116 732-0396 Oil Seal 117 688-0738 Locknut 118 265-0238 Cap Screw, 7/16-14 x 1 1/4 6FOOTNOTES:1. Select one spacer ring. See service manual.2. See service manual.Pro Gear and Transmission • 906 W. Gore St. Orlando, FL 32805 • 1 (877) 776-4600 / (407) 872-1901P.6 TC-200 FRONT DRIVE SHIFT PARTSSee Figure P.6ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION QTY1 265-0386 Cap Screw, 1/4-20 x 3/4 42 235-0634 Cap 13 673-0229 O-Ring 14 688-0464 Locknut, 3/8-24 15 927-0643 Washer 16 675-0326 O-Ring 17 753-0232 Piston 18 339-0223 Felt Strip 19 736-0747 Stop Ring 110 777-0477 Spring 111 782-0288 O-Ring 112 776-1265 Shifter Shaft Assembly 113 927-0427 Copper Washer 114 798-0245 Indicator Switch 115 746-0739 Shift Indicator Pin 1 Pro Gear and Transmission • 906 W. Gore St. Orlando, FL 32805 • 1 (877) 776-4600 / (407) 872-1901P.7 TC-200 HIGH/LOW RANGE SHIFT PARTSSee Figure P.7ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION QTY1 758-0328 Expansion Plug 12 776-0267 Shifter Shaft 13 782-0288 O-Ring 14 947-0223 Lockwire 25 724-0222 Set Screw 26 367-0292 Shift Fork 27 675-0224 O-ring 38 884-0224 Adapter Tube 19 883-0887-007 Shift Cylinder Tube 110 777-0534 Spring 111 736-0747 Stop Ring 112 339-0223 Felt Strip 113 753-0232 Piston 114 675-0326 O-Ring 115 927-0643 Washer 116 688-0464 Locknut, 3/8-24 117 235-0352 Cap 118 283-0235 Cap Screw, 1/4-20 x 4 1/4 4 Pro Gear and Transmission • 906 W. Gore St. Orlando, FL 32805 • 1 (877) 776-4600 / (407) 872-1901P.8 TC-200 REAR DRIVE SHIFT PARTSSee Figure P.8ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION QTY1 758-0328 Expansion Plug 12 776-0266 Shifter Shaft 13 782-0288 O-Ring 14 947-0223 Lockwire 15 724-0222 Set Screw 16 367-0292 Shift Fork 17 675-0224 O-Ring 38 883-0482 Adapter Tube 19 883-0887-016 Shift Cylinder Tube 110 777-0477 Spring 111 736-0747 Stop Ring 112 339-0223 Felt Strip 113 753-0232 Piston 114 675-0326 O-Ring 115 927-0643 Washer 116 688-0464 Locknut, 3/8-24 117 235-0352 Cap 118 265-0769 Cap Screw, 1/4-20 x 3 3/4 4 Pro Gear and Transmission • 906 W. Gore St. Orlando, FL 32805 • 1 (877) 776-4600 / (407) 872-1901P.9 TC-200 HOUSING PARTSSee Figure P.9FOOT ITEM PART NO. DESCRIPTION QTY NOTE1 478-0282 Housing, Front 12 478-0284 Housing, Rear 13 265-0535 Bolt, 1/2-13 x 4, Grade 5, Hex Head 34 927-0722 Washer, 1/2" 225 287-0276 Bushing 2 16 427-0539 Gasket 17 758-0232 Plug, 1/4 NPT 28 836-0223 Vent, Breather 19 357-0678 Elbow 110 626-0228 Serial Number Plate 111 724-0276 Drive Screw 212 758-0229 Plug, 3/4 NPT 213 265-0979 Bolt, 1/2-13 x 3 1/2, Grade 5, Hex Head 1814 758-0274 Magnetic Drain Plug, 3/4 NPT 2 215 758-0375 Plug, 3/8 NPT 1FOOTNOTES:1. Upper plug not used for transfer case with lubricatin pump. See lubricatin system parts.2. Lower rear plug not used for transfer case with lubrication pump. See lubrication system parts.Pro Gear and Transmission • 906 W. Gore St. Orlando, FL 32805 • 1 (877) 776-4600 / (407) 872-1901。

二、产品结构电动分离机主体包括以下部分:1. 机座:为整个设备的基础支撑,保证设备的稳定性;2. 机壳:覆盖在机座之上,起到保护内部零部件的作用;3. 主电机:提供动力,带动分离机内部的旋转部件;4. 分离鼓:设备的关键部分,旋转时完成物料的分离;5. 进料管道:用于物料的输入;6. 出料口:用于分离后的液体和固体的分别排出;7. 控制面板:用于控制电动分离机的启停、转速等参数。
三、使用方法1. 准备工作:检查电动分离机的电源接线是否正常,机器是否安装稳固,检查机壳是否关闭牢固;2. 启动电机:按下控制面板上的启动按钮,确保电机转速正常;3. 输入物料:将需要分离的混合物通过进料管道输入电动分离机;4. 调整转速:根据物料的性质和分离要求,适当调整电动分离机的转速;5. 分离过程:启动电机后,电动分离机内部的分离鼓开始旋转,物料被分离成固体和液体两个组分;6. 收集分离物料:固体和液体分别从出料口排出,收集并储存。
四、注意事项1. 操作前请认真阅读本使用说明书,并确保掌握正确的使用方法;2. 在操作过程中,应注意个人安全,避免手指或其他物体接触旋转部件;3. 在使用过程中,如发现电动分离机存在异常噪音、异味等现象,请立即停机检查;4. 若长时间不使用电动分离机,请将电源拔掉,以免造成不必要的安全隐患;5. 请勿私自拆卸或修改设备内部结构,如有需要,请联系专业人员进行维修。

▲高速档:换挡滑动齿轮10前移通过花键与齿轮9联接,不接前桥;只后桥驱动;传动比i H=(Z11/Z2)×(Z9/Z11)=(31/20)×( 24/31)= 1.2▲低速档:先接前桥——用接合套6,换挡滑动齿轮10后移与齿轮4啮合;全轮驱动;传动比i D=(Z11/Z2)×(Z10/Z4)=(31/20)×(41/24)=2.648退出低速档:先将换挡滑动齿轮10退出啮合;再摘下前桥接合套。

ABSTRACTThe DongfengEQ1092 cars are more advanced military and civilian cars, which are used widely and take the important role. In order to output the power to drive axle reasonably we settle transfer case drive in the car. The function of transfer case is output the power which from the gear box to drive axle and increase the torque. T he transfer case is a gear transmission system .It is fixed on the frame alone. The output axis and the transfer case output axis are connected by universal driven device .There are several output axis in transfer case, which link to driving axle by universal driving device .When the cross country vehicle running on the good way ,it always cut down the power to front axle in order to reduce consumption of transmitting mechanism and wheel. According to the need ,the cars connect the front axis and use low speed when in the off-road driving to increase the number of driven wheels and drive power. This paper outlines the transfer case and its further development meanwhile describe the theory of work. This design takes mechanical transfer case. It has a simple structure, high transmission efficiency, low manufacturing cost and working and reliable. Mainly to explain the three-axis sub-actuator design and calculation process, a reasonable choice to design the structure of the program. Accounting the low and high gear of transfer case and drive axis detailedly and analyses the stress and strength . Carrying out the type selected and shell design in a number of standard parts.Keywords:Thansfer; Triaxial type; Check; High low-grade; Gear transmission目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT (II)第1章绪论 (1)1.1 概述 (1)1.2 分动器类型和发展 (1)1.3 分动器的功用及意义 (2)1.4 设计内容 (3)第2章分动器结构的确定及主要参数的计算 (4)2.1 设计所依据的主要技术参数 (4)2.2分动器的设计要求 (4)2.3 分动器结构方案的选择 (4)2.4 传动方案 (5)2.5 齿轮的安排 (5)2.6 换挡结构形式 (6)2.7分动器壳体 (6)2.8分动器的操纵机构设计 (7)2.9 传动比的计算 (7)2.10 中心距A确定 (8)2.11 本章小结 (9)第3章分动器的齿轮设计 (10)3.1 模数的确定 (10)3.2 齿形压力角及螺旋角 (10)3.3 齿宽 (11)3.4 各档齿轮齿数的确定 (11)3.4.1 低速档齿轮副齿数的确定 (11)3.4.2 对中心距进行修正 (12)3.4.3 确定其他齿轮的齿数 (13)3.5 齿轮损坏的原因和形式 (14)3.6 齿轮的材料选择 (15)3.7 齿轮的强度计算 (16)3.7.1 轮齿的弯曲应力 (16)3.7.2 轮齿触应接力 (19)3.8 本章小结 (22)第4章轴的设计 (23)4.1轴的尺寸初选 (23)4.2 轴的结构设计 (23)4.3 花键的形式和尺寸 (26)4.4 轴承的设计 (26)4.5齿轮和轴上的受力计算 (28)4.6 轴的强度校核 (30)4.7 本章小结 (33)结论 (34)参考文献 (35)致谢 (36)附录 (37)第1章绪论1.1 概述东风EQ1092F型汽车作为我国较先进的军用和民用汽车,有着广泛的用途和重要的作用[17]。
Parker Hannifin 水力泵和动力分割器分类 F12 系列服务手册说明书

Effective: April, 2011Supersedes:March, 2011Bulletin HY30-5504-M1/UKService Manual Series F122Parker HannifinPump and Motor Division Trollhättan, SwedenService Manual Series F12HY30-5504-M1/UKList of contents PageGeneral information ...................................................................................3Specifications ............................................................................................4Disassembling ....................................................................................5 - 10Assembling F12-30/40/60/80/90/110/125 .........................................11 - 16Change of shaft seal ...............................................................................17Valve plates .............................................................................................18Splitview F12-150.................................................................................... 19Assembling F12-150......................................................................... 20 - 22Splitview F12-250.................................................................................... 23Assembling F12-250......................................................................... 24 - 28Test procedure.. (29)Conversion factors1 kg = 2.2046 lb 1 N = 0.22481 lbf 1 bar = 14.504 psi 1 l = 0.21997 UK gallon 1 l = 0.26417 US gallon1 cm 3= 0.061024 in 31 m = 3.2808 feet 1 mm = 0.03937 in 9/5 °C + 32 = °FOffer of SalePlease contact your Parker representation for a detailed ”Offer of Sale”.FAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS AND/OR SYSTEMS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE.This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product and/or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application, including consequences of any failure, and review the information concerning the product or sys-tem in the current product catalogue. Due to the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met.The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing, are subject to change by Parker Hannifin Corporation and its subsidiaries at any time without notice.WARNING!3Parker HannifinPump and Motor Division Trollhättan, SwedenService Manual Series F12HY30-5504-M1/UKGeneral informationF12 is bent axis, fixed displacement heavy-duty motor/pump seris. They can be used in numerous applications in both open and closed loop circuits.Series F12 conforms to current ISO and SAE mounting flange and shaft end configu -rations. A very compact cartridge version is also available.Frame sizes: F12-30, -40, -60, -80, -90, -110, -125, -150, -250.Thanks to the unique spherical piston de-sign, F12 motors can be used at unusually high shaft speeds. Operating pressures to 480 bar provides for the high output power capability.The 40° angle between shaft and cylinder barrel allows for a very compact, lightweight motor/pump.The laminated piston ring offers important advantages such as low internal leakage and thermal shock resistance.The pump version has highly engineered valve plates for increased selfpriming speed and low noise, available with left and right hand rotation.The F12 motors produce very high torque at start-up as well as at low speeds.Our unique timing gear design synchronizes shaft and cylinder barrel, making the F12 very tolerant to high ’G’ forces and torsional vibrations.Heavy duty roller bearings permit substan-tial external axial and radial shaft loads.The F12’s have a simple and straightfor-ward design with very few moving parts, making them very reliable motors/pumps.The unique piston locking, timing gear and bearing set-up as well as the limited num-ber of parts add up to a very robust design with long service life and, above all, proven reliability.F12 cross section1. Barrel housing2. Valve plate3. Cylinder barrel4. Piston with piston ring5. Timing gear6. Tapered roller bearing7. Bearing housing8. Shaft seal9. Output/input shaft4Parker HannifinPump and Motor Division Trollhättan, SwedenService Manual Series F12HY30-5504-M1/UKOperating temeratureThe following temperatures should not be exceeded (N shaft seals): Drain fluid: 90 o C.FPM shaft seals (type V ) can be used to 115 o C drain fluid temperature.NOTE: The temperature should be measured at the utilized drain port.Continuous operation may require case flushing inorder to meet the viscosity and temperature limitations.For further information we refer to:Catalogue HY30-8249/UKFrame sizeF12-030F12-040F12-060F12-080F12-090F12-110F12-125F12-150F12-250Displacement (cm 3/rev) Pressure max intermittent 1) (bar)480480480480420480480420420max continuous (bar)420420420420350420420350350Motor operating speed max intermittent 1) (rpm)7 300 6 700 5 800 5 300 5 000 4 800 4 60035003000max continuous (rpm) 6 700 6 100 5 300 4 800 4 600 4 400 4 20032002700min continuous (rpm)505050505050505050Max pump sefprimingspeed 2)L or R function; max (rpm)31502870 2 500 2 300 2 250 2 200 2 10017001500Motor input flow max intermittent 1) (l/min)219256347426465528575525726max continuous (l/min)201244317386428484525480653Main circuit temp.3)max (o C)808080808080808080min (o C)-40-40-40-40-40-40-40-40-40Mass moment of inertia(x10-3) (kg m 2)1.72.9 Intemittent: max 6 seconds in any one minute.2) Selfpriming speed valid at sea level.3) See also below, operating temperature.5Parker HannifinPump and Motor Division Trollhättan, SwedenService Manual Series F12HY30-5504-M1/UKDisassembleFasten the unit in a vice. Loosen the 4 boults (item 491).491Disassemble the barrel housing (item 110). Make sure that the valve plate doesn’t fall out when lifting the barrel housing off.Remove the cylinder barrel (item 411). Take the shim (item 488) away.1104114886Parker HannifinPump and Motor Division Trollhättan, SwedenService Manual Series F12HY30-5504-M1/UKRemove the barrel support (item 430).Disassemble the pistons (item 440).Remove the O-ring (item 221).4304402217Parker HannifinPump and Motor Division Trollhättan, SwedenService Manual Series F12HY30-5504-M1/UK237Disassemble the retaining ring (item 237).231Remove the seal carrier (item 231).225Remove the O-ring (item 225).8Parker HannifinPump and Motor Division Trollhättan, SwedenService Manual Series F12HY30-5504-M1/UK478Disassemble the retaining ring (item 478).476Remove the spacer washer (item 476).311211Place the bearing housing (item 211) on a tube. Press uot the shaft (item 311) by pres-sing on the shaft end.9Parker HannifinPump and Motor Division Trollhättan, SwedenService Manual Series F12HY30-5504-M1/UKRemove the small tappered roller bearing (item 470).Tap the small bearing ring off with a mandrel.Tap the large bearing ring off with a mandrel.47010Parker HannifinPump and Motor Division Trollhättan, SwedenService Manual Series F12HY30-5504-M1/UKPlace the ring gear (item 452) on a tube. Press the shaft (item 311) out with a press.452311TubePress down the bearing ring (item 460) in the bearing housing (item 211) with a press. Use a tube to match the outer diameter off the bearing ring.211Press down the bearing ring (item 470) in the bearing housing (item 211) with a press. Use a tube to match the outer diameter off the bearing ring.211Press down the tappered roller bearing (item 460) and the ring gear (item 452) on the shaft with a press. Use a tube (see page 16).460452Assemble F12-30/40/60/80/90/110 and 125Press down the Bearing (item 470) witha press until correct preload is achieved.Install the spacer washer (item 476). 476Install the retaining ring (item 478).478Install the O-ring (item 225).225Install the seal carrier (item 231). 231Install the retaining ring (item 237). 237Install the O-ring (item 221).221440Install the pistons (item 440).430Install the barrel support (item 430).488Install the shim (item 488).411Install the cylinder barrel (item 411). Ensure correct timing. (marking - punch mark)Put some grease on the valve plate (item 121) and install it into the barrel housing (item 110).Make sure you have installed the valve plate correct (see page 18).121110Install the barrel housing (item 110).Fasten two bolts and secure that the back-lash is between 0,1 - 0,3 mm. Check it with a feeler gauge in the drain port.At the same time double check the timing,(marking - punch mark).110...Fasten the 4 boults (item 491) to specified torque.F12-030 65 ± 10 Nm F12-040 65 ± 10 Nm F12-060 65 ± 10 Nm F12-080 115 ± 10 Nm F12-090 115 ± 10 Nm F12-110 115 ± 10 Nm F12-125 115 ± 10 Nm F12-150 220 ± 35 Nm F12-250 220 ± 35 Nm491Type ØA ØB ØC F12-030 60 49 42F12-040 65 58 52F12-060 73 64 57F12-080/090 74 70 62F12-110/125 82 75 67F12-150/250 97 - 82Tools to be used to facilitate theinstallation of the tappered roller bearings.Remove the retaining ring (item 237).Remove the seal carrier (item 231).Tap the shaft seal out with hammer andmandrel.Tap the new shaft seal back with a tube anda hammer.The outside diameter on the tube is 65mm. 237231Change of shaft sealValve plates F12Following valve plates can be fitted in F12.RGXR = R.H. rotation, pump operationG = L.H. rotation, internal drain, motor operationX = Bi-directional, pump operation, high self priming speedAgainst cylinder barrelAgainst cylinder barrelMLM = Bi-directional, motor operationL = L.H. rotation, pump operationAgainst cylinder barrel491464460452321440411431121310486488222221130110415237236233211475474470Splitview F12-150Assembly F12-1501. Press down the tappered roller bea-ring (item 460) and the ring gear (item 452) on the shaft with a press. Use atube (see page 16). 2. Carefully press down the tappered roller bearing (item 470) until correct preload of the bearing package isachieved. Use a tube (see page 16).3. Assemble the lock washers (item 474) and the round nut (item 475). Tap in the lock washers to lock the roundnut.4. Assemble the pistons (item 440). Lubricate the ball sockets before assembling.Assembly F12-1505. Assemble the valve plate (item 121) in the barrel housing (item 110). Make sure you have installed the valve plate correct (see page 18).6. Tap down the cylinder barrel (item 411) with barrel retaining ring (item 431) and needle bearings (item 415) Use a plastic collar.7. Assemble the shims (item 488) and the guide spacer (item 486). Lo-cate one opening in the guide spacer against the drain connection on the barrel housing.8. Assemble the bearing package withpistons.Assembly F12-1509. Make sure the timing is correct.10. Assemble the shaft seal (item 233) and the support ring (item 236). Locate the chamfer on the support ring down-wards.Tap it down with a plastic collar.11. Assemble the retaining ring (item 237). Lubricate the shaft seal before assembling the housing.12. Assemble the bearing housing (item 211), tap it down with a plastic hammer.Torque the screws to 220 ± 35 Nm.488*3429428493*3222321413*3424411440*9414423224415*2422425433427426475474470464460452237211233236130481491*4111223310Splitview F12-250Assembly F12-2501. Press down the tappered roller bea-ring (item 460) and the ring gear (item 452) on the shaft with a press. Use a tube (see page 16).2. Carefully press down the tappered roller bearing (item 470) until correct preload of the bearing package is achieved. Use a tube (see page 16).3. Assemble the lock washers (item 474) and the round nut (item 475). Tap in the lock washers to lock the round nut.4. Assemble the shaft seal (item 233) and the support ring (item 236). Locate the chamfer on the support ring down-wards.Tap it down with a plastic collar. Assemble the retaining ring (item 237). Lubricate the shaft seal before assem-bling the housing.Assembly F12-2505. Tap down the bearing package into the bearing housing (item 211) by usinga plastic collar and a plastic hammer.6. Assemble the pistons (item 440). Lubricate the ball sockets before assembling.7. Assemble the tap rol bearing (item 425), the disc spring (item 433), the spacer washer (item 426) and the re-taining ring (item 427).8. Press down the bearing ring (item 425), the spacer sleeve (item 422), the neddle bearings (item 415) and the retaining ring (item 414).Locate the needle bearings against the retaining ring.Assemble the spring pins (item 413)and the sliding plate (item 424).Assembly F12-2509. Assemble the cylinder barrel (item 411) on the pistons (item 440). Make sure the timing is correct.10. Assemble the O-ring (item 222) on the barrel housing (item 481). Lubricate the O-ring.11. Assemble the barrel housing. Make sure the cylinder barrel is in correct position by holding the barrel spindle (item 423). Tap the housing down witha plastic hammer.12. Assemble the O-rings (item 223 and 224) on the end cap (item 111).Lubricate the O-rings.Assembly F12-25013. Place the end cap on to the barrel housing until the O-ring is entered. 14. Fit a long screw (M12) to the barrel spindle and pull the barrel spindle up with a universal pliers.15. Knock down the end cap with a plastic hammer and fit shims (item 488) and hexagon screws (item 493). Torque the screws to 330 ± 10 Nm. 16. Install the cap screw (item 428) thatsecures the barrel spindle.Assembly F12-25017. Torque the cap screw to 40 - 45 Nm and back off 1/3 off a turn to obtain correct axial play.18. Hit the cap screw one time to obtain back-lash. Make sure the back-lash is correct.The general condition of the unit can be established by checking the drain flow. Remove the drain line and keep the drain port above a suitable container. Run the unit at normal speed and pressurize the system to 2000-3000 psi. (150 - 200 bar)Measure the drain flow for one minute; if it exceeds the maximum figures shown below, the unit is worn or damaged internally and should be replaced or repaired. Also, check for leakage at the shaft seal and between the bearing and barrel housings.Series Normalcu.in./min Normall/minMaxgpm.Maxl/minF12-030240.4.55 2.0 F12-040300.5.65 2.5 F12-060430.7.70 2.7 F12-08061 1.0.80 3.0 F12-09061 1.0.80 3.0 F12-11061 1.0.80 3.0 F12-12561 1.0.80 3.0 F12-15073 1.2.80 3.0 F12-25092 1.5.80 3.0Notes:31Parker Hannifin Pump and Motor Division Trollhättan, SwedenService Manual Series F12HY30-5504-M1/UK Notes:Parker HannifinPump and Motor Division Flygmotorvägen 2SE-461 82 Trollhättan SwedenTel: +46 (0)520 40 45 00 Fax: +46 (0)520 371 05 。
分动器 介绍

(Optional: Identify event)
“主动” 系统: 主动” 系统:
• 根据整车的运动状态,提供自动的,连续可变的反应模式. 根据整车的运动状态,提供自动的,连续可变的反应模式.
“被动” 系统: 被动” 系统:
(Optional: Identify event)
(Optional: Identify event)
(Optional: Identify event)
(Optional: Identify event)
– 无须增加额外的离合器等零部件,可以与ABS,ESP,TCS系统兼 容 – 利用CAN 系统实现在线通讯
– 转弯或停车时无转向制动现象 – 加速是可实现最佳的牵引动力
(Optional: Identify event)
电动分动器 TOD(适时分动器)
(Optional: Identify event)
TOD (适时分动器)
TOD分单速TOD及双速TOD两种产品,双速TOD相对单速 TOD增加了一个4L档位。 单速TOD有2H和自动(ATUO)档位,通过换档开关实现 档位切换。如果整车不设2H档位,只有AUTO档的情况下 ,不需换档开关,TOD根据路况,智能控制四驱状态, 适时传递大小可控扭矩给前桥。 双速TOD有2H、ATUO及4L档位,在ATUO档时,同样根据 路况,传递大小可控扭矩。增加的4L档位,用于低速越 野路面。 TOD属主动技术产品,而电动分动器属被动技术产品。

ZQC1600型分动器是自主研发的与重型越野汽车 配套的新产品,具有国际同类产品先进水平,产 品结构为三轴两档式,内置润滑油泵,润滑好, 使用寿命长。总成承载能力强,该总成适配于 550马力以下发动机,最大整车总质量80吨。可 匹配军车、沙漠车及其它全轮驱动商用汽车。
润滑油量(加注至油标) 总质量 可选装置
带差速器 8.4L 350Kg 可选装N200取力器或ZF8605油泵连接装置
不带差速器 9.0L 335Kg
版权所有:潍柴动力股份有限公司 沪ICP 备10010924号
Hale Waihona Puke 命名规则技术参数表最大输入扭矩 最大输入转速 / 输入转向 输入输出中心距 速比
18000Nm 2800rpm / 顺时针 300或396mm 系列 1 高档 0.89 位置 朝后 低档 1.536
换档操作 前桥输出操作(或差速锁操作) 轴间差速器前后分扭比 气动操作气压
类型 三位气动 气动操作带指示开关 1 : 2.214\1:2.69\1:3.0(可选不带差速器) 6.5~8 bar

AutoRep™电子连续分配器操作手册按键说明按键说明::显示屏上下调节键确认键菜单键电池舱吸、排液键锁杆电池安装与充电电池安装与充电操作操作操作::装电池:1、 打开电池盖,装入电池,确保电源正确接触。
2、 盖上电池盖充电:充电电池可直接放在机器里随机一起充电,也可以单独用配备的座充来充。
一、开机1、 分液管安装如上图操作,分液管安装成功后,机器会自动识别并显示分液管的规格,如图4、5。
2、 分液管卸载按上图步骤操作。
二、电子连续分配器的功能:AutoRep™ E 电子连续分配器具有如下功能: 1、 DISP 连续分配功能(详见第5页):此功能为开机默认模式。
2、 AUTO DISP 自动连续分配功能(详见第5页):此功能与DISP 功能区别的是,他的排液是自动的。
3、 PIP 普通移液功能:普通一次吸液一次排液功能,类似手动单道移液器功能。
三、吸液1、 短按松开6号吸、排液键进行吸液。
(为吸液状态)2、 待吸到所需液体量,再按6号键停止。
3、长按6号吸、排液键排光残留液体(完成最后一次排液后,一般分液管底部会残留下部分液体)五、AUTO DISP自动连续分配模式1、连续短按Menu两次进入AUTO DISP设置状态2、键选择AUTO开与关3、选择后按Enter确认4、长按吸、排液键进行自动连续排液。

Compliant■ 智能型,内藏运动控制器 ■ 总线控制,多轴网络通讯 ■ 加强型电机,长寿命设计 ■ 高效率,高精度,高响应 ■ 低振动,低噪音,低发热SSS tep -S ervoNew步进伺服第三代步进伺服闭环步进(20000 counts/rev)全闭环MOONS 创新性地将伺服控制技术融入步进电机之中,创造出具有全新优异性能表现的分体式运动控制终端。
运动指令反馈全闭闭环全闭环速度力矩位置运动模拟量速度ID 1ID 2ID n 多轴网络RS-485Downloading运动编程能量输出80%发热损耗energy能量输出30%发热损耗energyStepper SS产品内置20000 脉冲定位误差仅为1脉冲(0.018圈高分辨率编码器,提供了准确的位置精 基于5000线高精度编码器的空间矢量电流控制算法,在全速度范围内均有优异的性能表现,即使在低速应用时仍可保持平稳、安静的运行。
------在运行和静止时都确保定位的精确简单参数整定高速响应大力矩运动检测关键特性速度距离负载惯量1:10 1:5 1:1使用预定义的整定参数即可获得最优的性能表现及系统稳定性。
对某些实时性运动有苛刻精确性要求的应用场合,Step-Servo Quick Tuner 提供了一个简单实用的工具用来监测实际运动轨迹。
可用来监测诸如实际速度和位置误差等常用指标,以此评估系统当前实际性 能表现。
SS 始终在全伺服模式下运行,电机的力矩可以被100%充分利用,系统设计时无需考虑力矩冗余。

目录第一章产品介绍和说明 (3)1-1. 介绍 (3)1-2. 产品说明 (3)第二章车上分动器维护和故障检查及排除 (4)2-1. 维护 (4)检查润滑油 (4)更换润滑油 (4)2-2. 故障检查 (5)2-3. 拆解和安装 (6)分动器的拆解 (6)分动器的安装 (7)第三章分动器的拆解 (9)3-1. 概况 (9)3-2. 分动器的拆解 (9)3-3. 拆解接通前桥换档件 (11)3-4. 拆解链条传动系统 (11)3-5. 油泵总成 (12)3-6. 减速换档件的拆解 (12)3-7. 前输出分总成拆解 (12)3-8. 拆解前壳体、输入轴分总成和行星机构分总成 (13)3-9. 拆解换挡凸轮机构 (14)3-10. 拆解分动器前壳体分总成 (14)第四章清洗、检查、维修或更换 (15)4-1 清洗 (15)4-2 检查 (15)一般的检查过程 (15)特定的检查过程 (16)齿轮或链轮齿的检查 (16)花键齿的检查 (17)4-3 维修或替换 (17)齿轮和链轮齿的维修 (17)第五章装配 (20)5-1 概况 (20)装配中的润滑 (20)5-2 分动器壳体装配 (20)5-3. 电动换挡凸轮的装配 (21)5-4. 前壳体、输入轴分总成及行星机构的装配 (22)5-5. 前输出轴的装配 (24)5-6. 减速换挡零件的装配 (24)5-7. 油泵的装配 (25)5-8. 链条传动系统的装配 (25)5-9. 换挡锁止机构的装配 (25)5-10. 后壳体的装配 (27)5-11. 后壳体分总成的装配 (27)5-12. 换挡马达的装配 (29)5-13. 法兰盘部件的装配 (30)第六章电气部分检修 (31)6-1. 电动控制单元 (31)6-2. 四驱分动器换挡控制 (32)6-3. ECU电子控制单元的检测 (32)6-4. ECU电子控制单元的诊断 (33)第七章专用工具 (35)第八章零部件分解爆炸图及易损件明细 (36)第一章产品介绍和说明1-1. 介绍本手册内容包括了北京博格华纳汽车传动器有限公司生产的BW17-08电控系列四轮驱动电控分动器的维修、服务和零件信息。

关键词:越野车分动器;齿轮;轴;啮合套The design of BJ2020 two suvs thansferAbstractThe need for off-road vehicles often have no bad roads and traffic situations, especially military vehicles driving conditions even worse. This requires increasing the number of motor vehicle wheel, therefore, off-road vehicle use multi-axis drive. Sub-actuator function is the allocation of transmission power output to the drive axle, and further increase the torque. Actuator is also a sub-gear drive system, which separately fixed on the vehicle chassis, the transmission input shaft and output shaft gear connected with universal joints, sub-actuator output shaft of a number of roots, respectively, by the universal gear with the bridge driver. This article describes the sub-terrain vehicle actuator design calculations, design and technology is divided into two major parts. The design of some of the more detailed description of the sub-actuator design process, select the structure of the program, the main parameters, gear design, shaft design, calculation verification, the design of other structural components.Key words:Actuator sub-terrain vehicle;Gear;Axis;Meshing sets目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)第1章绪论 (1)1.1 分动器的功用 (1)1.2 国内外研究现状 (1)1.3 研究方法及内容 (2)第2章分动器结构方案的选择 (3)2.1 传动方案 (3)2.2 齿轮的安排 (3)第3章分动器主要参数的选择 (5)3.1 传动比的分配 (5)3.2 中心距的计算 (5)3.3 轴的结构 (5)3.4 轴的设计 (6)3.5 花键的形式和尺寸 (8)3.6 轴承的选用 (9)3.7 齿轮参数的确定 (9)3.7.1 模数 (9)3.7.2 压力角 (9)3.7.3 螺旋角 (9)3.7.4 齿宽 (10)3.7.5 各档齿轮齿数的分配 (10)3.8 啮合套的设计 (11)3.9 壳体的设计 (12)第4章零件的校核 (13)4.1 轴的校核 (13)4.2 齿轮的校核 (15)4.2.1 齿轮接触强度的校核 (16)4.2.2 齿轮弯曲强度的校核 (16)结论 (18)参考文献 (19)致谢 (20)BJ2020两轴越野汽车分动器设计第1章绪论1.1 分动器的功用分动器的功用就是将变速器输出的动力分配到各驱动桥,并且进一步增大扭矩,是越野车汽车传动系中不可缺少的传动部件,它的前部与汽车变速箱联接,将其输出的动力经适当变速后同时传给汽车的前桥和后桥,此时汽车全轮驱动,可在坏境恶劣的地区地面行驶。

>> 第10章变速器与分动器10.5 分动器一、分动器的功用1.将变速器输出的动力分配到各驱动桥:越野汽车因多轴驱动而装有分动器,因而需要将动力分配到各驱动桥。
l.三个输出轴式分动器 ,(如图10-25所示)(点击图片可放大)图10-25 三个输出轴式分离器1-输出轴;2-分离器;3、5、9、10、13、15-齿轮;4-换档结合套;7-分动器盖;8-后桥出轴;11-中间轴;12-中桥输出轴;14-换档拨叉;16-前桥结合套;17-前桥输出轴1)结构:图10-26为三轴式两档分动器的结构简图。
分动器单独安装在车架上,其输入轴l 用凸缘通过万向传动装置与变速器第二轴连接。
图10-26 三个输出轴式分动器的结构l-输入轴;2-分动器壳;3、5、6、9、10、13、15-齿轮;4-换档接合套;8-后桥输出轴;11-中间轴;12-中桥输出轴;16-前桥接合套;17-前桥输出轴2)工作情况:(1)空档:图10-26所示的是分动器空档位置。


• 需要强调的是,因修复拆卸损坏的螺栓以及因疲劳等损 坏的连接螺栓,不能重复使用,再装配时应采用新的同
• 6.将轴承240安装到箱体末端的轴承座上。将O形圈345放到端盖 030的凹槽中后用螺盯安装到轴承端面上。
• 7.用木材支撑泵的法兰端面,将轴承260,270,210分别安装入相应的 轴承座中。
• 8.将轴承230的内圈预热到100度左右,热安装到轴130上,将轴承 270的内圈预热到100度左右,热安装到轴120上。当轴承270内圈冷 却后,。。。。接着将轴承240的内圈预热到100度左右和轴承260涂 上润滑油,热安装到轴110上。
分动箱已转换至“作业”位置;按规定打好支腿;整机调 平;泵车轮胎离地(50mm);清洗系统水箱加满水;可以 操纵布料臂进行工作或正在进行工作的状态。
• 1.3从行驶状态到作业状态的操作
• 1.踏下离合器,将变速杆放到空档位置,拉上手刹。 • 2.将驾驶室内面板上的“行驶/作业”转换开关转换到
作业侧,作业指示灯亮;按该面板上的电源开关,“电 源”灯亮,泵车主电控柜得电,进入可操作状态。 • 3.按下电源开关,指示灯亮。 • 4.踏下离合器,将变速杆放到直接档位置。
• 特别注意:
• 目前已开始批量用双取力行程开关分动箱。 • 分动箱的行程开关由原来的单侧(行驶侧)常闭触点改
元件)。 • ——零部件的状态(元件可能破裂或者折断)。 • ——臂架及支座等各处死、磨损
(可能断裂)。 • ——由于零部件相互运动,过度磨损产生的游动间隙。

关键词:分动器;分时;设计Design Of Time Four-wheel ActuatorAbstractThe design is based mainly on the modern lion run manually 2.0L four-wheel-drive SUV vehicle-related parameters at the design of the actuator. In accordance with the conditions of vehicles and vehicle parameters, in accordance with the actuator sub-system design steps and requirements, mainly related to design work, including the sub-center distance of actuators, bevel gear and other parameters. And a sub-axis actuators, gears and other parts of the design and verification of the relevant work.Keywords: Sub-actuator; center distance; design目录摘要Abstract1 绪论 (1)1.1分动器简介 (1)1.2 分动器的构造及原理 (1)1.3 分动器的类型 (2)2 分动器主要参数的选择 (4)2.1档数及传动比 (4)2.2 中心距的确定 (5)2.3 齿轮参数的确定 (5)2.4高低档传动比及其齿数的确定 (6)3 分动器齿轮强度计算及材料选择 (8)3.1 齿轮失效形式与原因 (8)3.2 齿轮强度计算与校核 (8)4 分动器轴的计算与校核 (10)4.1 分动器轴的失效形式 (10)4.2 分动器轴的初选 (10)4.3 分动器轴承的选择 (11)4.4 键的选择与计算 (11)5 同步器 (13)5.1 同步器的结构类型 (13)5.2锁环式同步器的工作原理 (13)5.3惯性锁止式同步器的主要结构参数 (15)6总结 (17)参考文献致谢分时四驱分动器设计1 绪论1.1分动器简介装于多桥驱动汽车的变速器后,用于传递和分配动力至各驱动桥,兼作副变速器之用。
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毕业设计(论文)中文摘要毕业设计(论文)外文摘要目录1绪论 (1)1.1 毕业设计任务及要求 (1)1.2 分动器的公用和设计要求 (1)2 分动器结构方案的选择 (2)2.1 传动方案 (2)2.2 齿轮的安排 (2)2.3 换档结构形式 (3)3 分动器主要参数的选择 (4)3.1传动比分配 (4)3.2 中心距A (4)4 分动器齿轮参数的确定 (4)4.1 模数 (4)4.2 压力角 (4)4.3螺旋角 (5)4.4 齿宽 (5)4.5各档齿轮齿数的分配 (5)5 啮合套的设计计算 (7)6 分动器结构元件 (7)6.1 齿轮 (7)6.2 轴及相关零件 (8)6.3 分动器壳体 (11)7 零件的校核 (12)7.1 齿轮的校核 (12)7.2 轴的校核 (13)8 分动器操纵机构 (16)9 工艺分析 (17)9.1 壳体加工工艺 (17)9.2 拨叉加工工艺 (17)9.3 齿轮加工工艺 (18)9.4 轴的加工工艺 (19)9.5 总成的装配 (19)结论 (21)致谢 (22)参考文献 (23)1 绪论越野车需要经常在坏路和无路情况下行驶,尤其是军用汽车的行驶条件更为恶劣,这就要求增加汽车驱动轮的数目,因此,越野车都采用多轴驱动。
1.1 毕业设计任务及要求题目:EQ2080型汽车分动器设计设计参数:课题内容:完成分动器的选型、设计计算并绘制相关图纸。
1.2 分动器的功用和设计要求分动器的功用就是将分动器输出的动力分配到各驱动桥,并且进一步增大扭矩。
2 分动器结构方案的选择分动器的结构形式是多种多样的,各种结构形式都有其各自的优缺点,这些优缺点随着主观和客观条件的变化而变化。
图 2-1 分动器传动示意图2.1 传动方案分动器的设计类比于变速器和减速器的设计。
2.2 齿轮的安排各齿轮副的相对安装位置,对于整个分动器的结构布置有很大的影响,要考虑到以下几个方面的要求:1)整车总布置根据整车的总布置,对分动器输入轴与输出轴的相对位置和分动器的轮廓形状以及换挡机构提出要求2)驾驶员的使用习惯3)提高平均传动效率4)改善齿轮受载状况各挡位齿轮在分动器中的位置安排,考虑到齿轮的受载状况。
2.3 换档结构形式目前用于齿轮传动中的换挡结构形式主要有三种:1)滑动齿轮换挡通常是采用滑动直齿轮进行换挡,但也有采用滑动斜齿轮换挡的。
3 分动器主要参数的选择 3.1传动比分配高速级传动比:08.1i =高;低速级传动比:05.2i =低。
3.2 中心距A将中间轴与第二轴之间的距离称为中心距A 。
4 分动器齿轮参数的确定 4.1 模数齿轮模数是一个重要参数,并且影响它的选取因素又很多,如齿轮的强度、质量、噪声、工艺要求、载荷等。
根据国家标准GB1357—78的规定,选取各齿轮副模数如下:常啮合齿轮:m n =4mm ; 低速档:m n =4mm , 高速挡:m n =3mm 。
啮合套采用渐开线齿形,取m=3mm 。
4.2 压力角α压力角较小时,重合度较大,传动平稳,噪声较低;压力角较大时,可提高轮齿的抗弯强度和表面接触强度。
4.3 螺旋角β螺旋角β一般范围为10°~35°。
4.4 齿宽齿轮宽度大,承载能力高。
齿宽可根据下列公式初选:直齿轮b=(4.5~7.5)m,斜齿轮b=(6.0~8.5)m n 。
综合各个齿轮的情况,均为斜齿轮,齿宽选为30mm 。
4.5 各档齿轮齿数的分配 4.5.1 确定低速档齿轮副齿数在初选中心距、齿轮模数和螺旋角以后,可根据档数、传动比和传动方案来分配各档齿轮的齿数。
齿数和:1.61420cos 1302cos 2z S 21=⨯⨯==+=οn m A z β圆整取S=61根据经验数值,一轴低速档齿轮齿数在z 1=24~28之间选取。
表 4-1 不同齿数时传动比对比z 1 z 2 Z 3 Z 4 I 低 24 37 35 26 2.075 25 36 36 25 2.074 26 35 37 24 2.075 27 34 38 23 2.081 283339222.089通过比较可以得出z 1=25,z 2=36时,i 低=2.074,与设计要求2.05最接近。
下面以z 1=25为例对计算过程进行说明: z 1=25,z 2=36mm mm A n 8.12920cos 2461cos 2Sm =⨯⨯==β修正中心距,取A=130。
重新确定螺旋角β,其精确值应为9121202052.201302614cos 2cos12'''==⨯⨯==οοA S m n β 下面根据方程组:4236.1362505.261420cos 1302cos 221431243=⨯===⨯⨯==+z z i z z m A z z n 低οβ确定常啮合齿轮副齿数分别为2536z 43==z ,。
重新确定螺旋角β,其精确值为表4-2 各齿轮基本参数齿轮高速档低速档常啮合齿轮齿数 输入轴齿轮6中间轴 齿轮7 输入轴 齿轮1 中间轴 齿轮2 输出轴 齿轮3 中齿4735253636实际传动比i 0.7451.441.44 螺旋角β 613518'''ο912120'''ο912120'''ο法面模数m n (mm ) 3 4 4 法面齿顶高系数*an h1 1 1 法面顶隙系数*n c0.25 0.25 0.25 端面模数m t (mm ) 3.1707 4.2623 4.2623 分度圆压力角αn 20°20°20°分度圆直径d (mm ) 149.02110.98106.56153.44 153.4410中心距A (mm ) 130 130 130 中心距变动系数 0 0 0 齿顶高h a (mm ) 3 4 4 齿根高h f (mm ) 3.75 5 5 齿全高h (mm ) 6.75 9 9 有效齿宽b (mm ) 303030当量齿数z v 55.4941.32 30.2543.5643.5635 啮合套传动副的设计计算啮合套轮齿为直齿,其齿廓曲线为渐开线,啮合角为20°,模数取3mm ,齿顶高系数5.0h a =*,其他参数与普通齿轮一样,齿数一般为30~80。