
英语国家概况下册笔记English: The United Kingdom is a country located off the northwest coast of mainland Europe. It is comprised of four constituent countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The UK has a population of over 66 million people, with London being the capital and largest city. It is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system of government. The country has a rich history, with influential developments in literature, science, and industry. The UK is known for its cultural contributions in music, art, and sports, as well as its historic landmarks like Stonehenge and Buckingham Palace.中文翻译: 英国位于欧洲大陆西北海岸。

“英语国家概况”新大纲中文考点英国概况1. Land and People 国土与人民Different names for Britain and its parts 英国的不同名称及其区域正式名称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。
2. Origins of the Nation 英国的起源Arrival and settlement of the Celts 凯尔特人的到来和迁居自公元前700年不断迁入,来自东欧及中欧,即现在的法国,比利时和德国南部。
Basis of modern English race:the Anglo-Saxons 现代英格兰民族的基础:盎格鲁——撒克逊人三支日尔曼(条顿)部落的入侵:朱特人:来自朱特兰岛(现丹麦南部)。

CHAPTER ONELAND AND PEOPLEDifferent Names for Britain and its PartsWhen people refer to Britain, they often use different names such as Britain, Great Britain, England, the British Isles, the United Kingdom or the U. K. Do they mean the same thing?当人们提及英国时,常用不同的名称,如不列颠、英格兰、不列颠群岛、联合王国,以及缩写的U.K…这些不同的称呼是不是指向相同的事物?Strictly speaking, the British Isles, Great Britain and England are all geographical names. They are not the official name of the country. The British Isles are made up of the two large islands—Great Britain and Ireland and hundreds of small ones. The two large islands are Great Britain and Ireland. Britain, or Great Britain, is the larger of the two islands. It forms the United Kingdom with Northern Ireland——the northern part of Ireland. So the official name of the United Kingdom is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. But it is too much of a mouthful to say such a long name for a country, so people just say Britain, the United Kingdom or simply U. K. This is one country on the British Isles and its capital is London. There is another country called the Republic of Ireland or Eire on the British Isles. It takes up the reminder of Ireland——the southern part of Ireland. It has been an independent republic since 1949 and its capital is Dublin.严格地说,不列颠群岛、大不列颠群岛和英格兰都是地理名称。

5 英国有.有多少大都市区?英国有七个大都市区。
11.多长时间是在罗马占领下的英国?英国是下近400 年的古罗马人占领。
13.当盎开始在英国定居?盎开始在英国定居在 5 世纪。
14.当英国开始将Christianized?英格兰开始将在579 Christianized。
15.什么是664 惠特比在约克郡的议会的结果?惠特比议会的结果是罗马的传教士占了上风,对凯尔特人的传教士。
16.哈罗德·时候做什么他获悉由T ostig 和Hardrada 哈罗德·诺森堡入侵?他在南方抵制诺曼底的预期的攻击的准备工作。
17 哈罗德· Tostig 和Hardrada.凡打败?哈罗德·击败T ostig 和哈罗德· Hardrada 在斯坦福桥。
19.做威廉后他压抑中北部的撒克逊risings 做?他建了一个字符串的防御城堡,确保整个国家的军事控制。


Ⅰ.工业 Manufacturing Industry澳大利亚的制造业以制砖开始。
Manufacturing in Australia began with the making of bricks. It is estimated that 86% of all manufacturing firms are small businesses.在世界的总格局中,澳大利亚的制造业是独特的。
它的特点包括下面几点:In a world context Australian manufacturing is unique. Its features include the following:1)效率低Inefficiency澳大利亚的市场有限,它在地理上与外界的隔绝以及很高的关税壁垒是影响澳大利亚工业效率的几个因素。
Australia's limited local market, its geographical isolation and high levels of tariff protection are the factors that affect the efficiency of Australian manufacturing.效率最低并且最受保护的工业是汽车、纺织、服装和制鞋工业。
The industries that are most inefficient and most highly protected are automobile, textiles, clothing and footwear industries.2)高度集中Concentration在过去20年里,大的联合企业在澳大利亚经济中一直起中心作用。
Over the last 20 years large conglomerates have been given a central role in the Australian economy.整个钢铁工业由一个公司控制,这就是布洛肯·希尔专卖有限公司。

1. How does the United States rank among the countries of the world in population and area?The United States of America is the third-largest country in the world in population and the fourth-largest country in area.人口:印度-中国-美国-面积:俄罗斯-加拿大-中国-美国-巴西-澳大利亚-印度2. What are the two major mountain ranges in the United States?They are the Appalachian Highlands 阿巴拉契亚山脉and the Rocky Mountains. 落基山脉3. What is the Continental Divide, or Great Divide?The Continental Divide, or Great Divide, is an imaginary line that separates streams that flow into the Pacific Ocean from those that flow into the Atlantic.4. What are the five Great Lakes of the United States?They are Erie, Huron, Michigan, Ontario, and Superior.5. How many geographical regions can be found in the United States? What are they? There are seven geographical regions in the United States. They are New England, the Middle Atlantic States, the southern States, the Midwestern States, the Rocky Mountain states, the Southwestern States, and the Pacific Coast States and the New States.6. What states are in New England?New England is made up of six states of the North-East. They are Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut.7. Apart from Now York City, what other large cites are located in the Middle Atlantic region? Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, and Newark.8. What is the Midwest famous for?The Midwest is famous for its large stretches of fertile soil.9. What states make up the Pacific Coast Region?The region known as the Pacific Coast includes the western parts of Washington and Oregon and nearly all of California.10. What role does tourism play in Hawaii’s economy?Tourism is Hawaii’s most important industry.11. What is the population of the United States? How does it rank in the world?The United States is the third most populous country in the world after China and India, with a population of 267 million (estimated) in April 1997.12. What is the reason for the growth of population in Florida?It is because of its warm climate and convenience in doing business with and traveling to Central and South America.13. Which are the five biggest cities, in terms of population, in the United States?New York,Los Angeles,Chicago, San Francisco, Philadelphia.14. Why are people moving so often in the United States?People often move from one place to another for various reasons:to look for better job opportunity or for better climate or for other goals.15. What are some of the consequences of the outflow of city residents to the suburbs?The movement brings serious consequences to big cities:1)rising unemployment rate,2)the increase of the number of poor people,3)the worsening of city living conditions4)and the fall of government revenues.16. Which are the three largest groups of Hispanics?The Chicanos, the Puerto Ricans and the Cuban-Americans.17. Why do many Puerto Ricans go to the United States?They are drawn to the United States by better job opportunities.18. What explanation do experts give for the success of Asian-Americans?The experts attribute the success to Asian cultural tradition: emphasis on education, hard work and family.19. What was the fate of Japanese-Americans in WWII?The Japanese-Americans were taken to relocation centers in isolated parts of the western mountain and plains states and stayed behind barbed wires.20. Can you give an example to show the awakening of American Indians?Many Indians are taking legal steps to demand compensation for land and resources grabbed from them illegally.21. What is one of the explanations of how the early Indians came to the Americans?One of the explanations is the Indians crossed from Asia on the landbridge that connected Siberia and Alaska.22. How did the Plymouth settlers manage to survive?The neighboring Indians came to teach them how to grow corn and they succeeded in having a good harvest.23. In what way were the Puritans different from the Pilgrims?The Pilgrims were mostly poor, labouring people while the Puritans were wealthy, well-educated gentlemen.24. Did the War of Independence start with the adoption of the Declaration of Independence? No. It started when clashes (冲突)took place at Concord and Lexington.25. What was the chief weakness of the Articles of Confederation?The chief weakness was the document failed to set up a government that couldfunction.26. What was the significance of the adoption of the Bill of Rights?The adoption of the Bill of Rights in addition to the Constitution completed the foundation of the American constitutional system.27. Why did American territorial expansion threaten British interest?Because some Americans wanted to take advantage of the war in Europe to expand into Canada. This ran counter to British interest.28. What was the Compromise of 1850?The Compromise of 1850 was an arrangement which kept a balance between free and slave states in the Senate(参议院).29. Why did the Civil War break out?The Civil War broke out because the southern states left the Union and formed a new nation but president Lincoln was determined to maintain the Union.30. How did the government help in the development of American economy?The government carried out the policy of trade protectionism.(贸易保护政策-提高进口产品的关税,降低出口产品的关税)31. What were the three features in the growth of American economy at the beginning of the 20th century?Large corporation, 联合企业urbanization 城市化and new technology 新技术were the three features.32. What was the basic demand of the Progressive Movement?The basic demand was government regulation of economic and social conditions. 33. Why did the United States pursue a policy of pro-Ally partiality in the early part of WWI?Because of ethnic ties, cultural tradition, social background, economic interests and successful British propaganda(宣传), the U.S. government pursued such a policy. 34. What were the immediate causes that led the United States into the war?The immediate causes were Germany’s unlimited submarine warfare and Germany’s attempt to get Mexico into the war against the United States.35. What government policies in the 1920s helped big business?The policies of tariff protection, favorable tax rates and little government restrictions contributed to high profits of big businesses.36. How did many Americans view their country after WWI?They believed that American political, economic and social institutions were the best in the world.37. What was the experience of WWI veterans demanding payment of bonuses in WashingtonD.C. in 1932?They were driven out of the capital by military force directed by General McArthur. 38. What were some of the personal characteristics of F.D.R. that helped him in doing his work as president?He had a sure sense of what was practical or possible, a strong sense of timing and was a great communicator.39. What were the two guiding principles underlying American diplomatic activities in WWII? The first was to win the war; 打胜仗the second was to bring the Soviet Union into a postwar world order under American leadership. 控制战后世界格局40. What was the basic reason for the postponement of the opening of the Second Front?It was a reflection of the desire of not letting the Soviet Union expand into eastern and central Europe too quickly.41. What was the postwar strategy of the United States?The strategy was American leadership of the world and open market for American goods and capital.42. What was the theory put forward by the Soviet Union in around 1946?There could be no long-term peaceful co-existence between socialism and capitalism.43. What was the immediate cause of the Berlin crisis in 1948?The Soviet Union cut off Western routes to West Berlin.44. What decision did President Truman make to deal with the Berlin crisis?He decided to mobilize all possible American cargo planes to airlift supplies into West Berlin.45. What effect did the Berlin blockade have on the people in West Berlin and western occupied zones?it pushed the people in West Berlin and western occupied zones further to the side of the United States because they were grateful for American airlifts.46. What measure did the United States take in the Cuban Missile Crisis?The United States introduced a naval blockade 封锁,阻塞around Cuba and demanded the dismantlement拆除and withdrawal 撤走of the missiles from Cuba.47. Did the allies of the United States give their full support to the U.S. in the Vietnam War? No , some criticized the United States for escalation 扩大of the war, some refused to support American war efforts.48. What is the significance of the Shanghai Communique?The key thing is American commitment to a one China policy.49. What is the importance of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?The Act outlawed 被剥夺法律权利racial discrimination in housing and employment.50. What is the Port Huron Statement about?The Port Huron Statement was the platform of the Students for a Democratic Society ( SDS ) which condemned racism, poverty amidst plenty, big corporations and the Cold War.51. How does the United States rank among the countries of the world in the total value of its economic production?The United States ranks first among the countries of the world in the value of its economic production.52. What kind of system is the United States economy based on?The United States economy is based on a free enterprise system.53. What are the factors that have helped build the United States into the economic giant it is today?The United States has one of the world’s most varied populations, and the vast space and resources of the land, the ideals of freedom and economic opportunity, and hard work by the people have helped build the United States into the economic giant it is today.54. What are the major natural resources in the United States?Fertile soil, forests, water, and minerals are the major natural resources in the United States.55. What are some of the leading farm products in the United States?They are corn, wheat, beef cattle, milk, soybeans, cotton, chickens and eggs, and hogs.56. What has helped make U.S farms the most efficient in the world?The use of modern farm machinery and agricultural methods has helped make U.S. farms the most efficient in the world.57. What areas have long been major U.S centers of manufacturing?The Midwest and Northeast.58. How does California rank among the states in the value of its manufactured goods? California ranks first among the states in the value of its manufactured goods.59. What are the problems the U.S economy has faced form time to time?They are recessions, depressions and inflation.60. Why is the poverty rate higher in the United States than in several other industrialized nations, including Canada, Australia, and Germany?Because they have more generous social programs for the poor and a higher minimum wage than the United States.61. What role has the Constitution played?The Constitution has been the basis for the evolution of governmental institutions and for political stability, economic growth and social progress in the United States.62. What were the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?The weaknesses were: there was no national executive to enforce the laws and there was no national court system and Congress had no power to tax, nor to regulate trade between states.63. What mechanism did the writers of the Constitution introduce to provide safeguards? They introduced the mechanism of separation of powers and checks and balances. 64. What are the three branches of the government?They are the legislative, the executive and the judicial.65. How is the American president elected?The voters vote for the electors and the electors vote for the president. But as soon as the votes of the voters are counted the number of electors for each candidate is known and who has won the election is known.66. According to the Constitution, what judicial power does the President have?He has the power to give reprieves and pardons in federal criminal cases.67. How are the two chambers of Congress made up?The Senate is composed of two members from each state, with a total number of 100 while membership in the House of Representatives is based on population. Currently the House has 435 members.68. What are the two special powers of the Senate?One is to confirm presidential appointments and the other is to ratify treaties by a tow-thirds vote.69. What is the composition of the federal court system?The federal court system consists of a supreme court, 11 courts of appeals, 91 district courts ( including one for the District of Columbia and one for Puerto Rico ) and three courts of special jurisdiction.70. What is the cause for the decline of the influence of political parties?The near destruction of the patronage system and the wide use of direct primaries in the selection of delegates to the party national conventions contribute to the decline of the influence of political parties.71. Is there any single sex educational institution in the U.S.?Yes, there are quite a number.72. Why is it that responsibility for education fall on the state?Because it is laid down in the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution.73. Why are there many variations in the education system of the 50 states?Because each state is expected to develop policies for the education within its boundary.74. Who is the chief executive officer under the local board of education?The superintendent of schools.75. What are the three types of high schools?They are comprehensive, academic, vocational and technical schools.76. Why does the number of graduate school enrollment keep climbing?Because an advanced degree is viewed as a major way to move ahead in the career.77. What are the fields favored by postgraduates?Those fields that would not only make students easily employed but would provide them with rewarding jobs.78. What is the guiding principle of community college?It is higher education for everyone and the philosophy that equality must mena equal opportunity for self-realization and for the recognition of individual difference.79. What are the two focuses of the reform in the 1980s?They are the raising of the standards of teaching and learning and the restructuring of the schools.80. Are the goals set out in the plan “America 2000” easy to achieve?No, they are very difficult to achieve.81. Who were the writers of the first American writings?They were the first settlers.82. How does the story “Rip Van Winkle” end?When the story ends, Rip Van Winkle’s fierce wife is dead and he lives happily with his daughter.83. What is Emerson’s view o f man and nature?He holds that man’s relationship with nature should not be confined to making use of nature.84. Why did Hawthorne attack transcendentalism?Because it glorified absolute individualism without any regard for social impact.85. What does Mark Twain want to put across in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?He wants to show the basic goodness and wisdom of ordinary people.86. What does “leaf of grass” stand for?It stands for all ordinary things and common people.87. What were the two guides for Dickinson in her search for faith?They wee the Bible and the philosophy of Emerson.88. What contrast did Dreiser make in Sister Carrie?He made sharp contrast of wealth and poverty in Chicago and New York.89. What was the first uniquely American contribution to architecture?It was skyscraper.90. When did rock ‘n’ roll become the standard form of popular music for teenagers?By the early 1960s it had become the standard popular m91. What do people say to each other at Time Square when the clock strikes at twelve o’clock on New Year’s Day?They say Happy New Year.92. Why did Congress vote to set a day in honor of Martin Luther King?Because he was respected and loved by the Americans, black and white, for his leadership of the Civil Rights Movement.93. Why was Lincoln considered to be a man who lived out the American Dream? Because Lincoln was born in a poor family in Kentucky and through hard work and study , honesty, he became America’s sixteenth President.94. What do peop le usually do on Valentine’s Day?It is popular to send cards decorated with hearts and flowers to express love.95. Why do children eat cherry pies on Washington’s birthday?Because they are familiar with the story of Washington and the cherry tree and they eat cherry pie to remember him as an honest man.96. What are the two symbols frequently associated with EasterThey are the egg and the hare ( or the bunny ).97. What did a group of women in the south do on May 30, 1868?They decorated the graves of both Union and Confederate soldiers.98. Why were American children awarded the 1965 Nobel Prize for peace?They were awarded the prize for their collection of money for UNICEF to help children in developing countries.99. Why was the unknown soldier buried at Arlington in 1921 awarded two medals?The honors were not for one but for all who had given their lives in the war.100. What is the typical food for Thanksgiving dinner?The typical food is roast turkey, pumpkin pie and cranberry sauce.。

英语国家概况(An Overview ofEnglishSpeaking Countries)一、英国(United Kingdom)1. 地理位置:英国位于欧洲大陆的西北边缘,由大不列颠岛、北爱尔兰和若干小岛组成。
2. 首都:伦敦(London),是英国的政治、经济、文化和交通中心。
3. 官方语言:英语4. 人口:约6600万,其中英格兰占最大比例。
5. 国旗:英国国旗被称为“米字旗”,由蓝、白、红三种颜色组成。
6. 经济:英国是世界上发达国家之一,拥有强大的金融、工业和科技实力。
7. 教育体系:英国教育体系享誉世界,牛津、剑桥等世界知名学府坐落于此。
8. 文化特色:英国有着丰富的历史文化底蕴,如莎士比亚、牛顿、披头士乐队等均诞生于此。
二、美国(United States of America)1. 地理位置:美国位于北美洲,东临大西洋,西濒太平洋,南接墨西哥湾和加勒比海,北邻加拿大。
2. 首都:华盛顿特区(Washington, D.C.),是美国政治中心。
3. 官方语言:英语4. 人口:约3.3亿,是世界上第三人口大国。
5. 国旗:美国国旗被称为“星条旗”,由红、白、蓝三种颜色组成。
6. 经济:美国是全球最大的经济体,拥有强大的科技创新能力和金融市场。
7. 教育体系:美国教育资源丰富,世界顶尖大学如哈佛、斯坦福等均位于此。
8. 文化特色:美国文化多元化,涵盖了欧洲、亚洲、非洲等多种文化元素。
三、加拿大(Canada)1. 地理位置:加拿大位于北美洲北部,东临大西洋,西濒太平洋,北接北冰洋,南邻美国。
2. 首都:渥太华(Ottawa),是加拿大的政治中心。
3. 官方语言:英语和法语4. 人口:约3800万,是世界上面积第二大国家。
5. 国旗:加拿大国旗被称为“枫叶旗”,由红、白两色组成。
6. 经济:加拿大经济发达,资源丰富,特别是石油、天然气和矿产资源。

第十一章Part Two The Republic of Ireland爱尔兰共和国地理与历史Geography and History不列颠群岛由两大岛屿和几百座小岛构成。
The British Isles are made up of two large islands and hundreds of small ones. The two large islandsare Great Britain and Ireland. Ireland is also called the Emerald Isle because ot its rich green countryside. Ireland is divided into two political units. They are Northern Ireland and the Republic ofIreland. Northern Island is part of the United Kingdom. The Republic of Ireland (Eire) is an independentcountry.I.Geographical Features地理特点爱尔兰共和国的面积为70 , 282 平方公里。
与北爱尔兰接壤的界限为434 公里。
The Republic of Ireland covers an area of 70,282 sq.its land border with Northern Ireland is 434 km.国都是都柏林,The capital is Dublin.爱尔兰向来被比作盆地,内有海滨高地围起的石灰岩高原。

英概一句话简答完整版(余志远版本)1. What is the full name of the United Kingdom?It is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.2. What are the two large island that make up the British Isles?They are Great Britain and Ireland.3. What are the four political divisions of the United Kingdom?They are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.4. Why does the United Kingdom have a mild climate, even though it lies farther north than our Heilongjiang Province?Because Britain’s climate is in fluenced by the Gulf Stream.5. How many metropolitan areas does England have?England has seven metropolitan areas.6. What is the backbone of England?It is the Pennines.7. What is the largest lake in the British Isles?It is Lough Neagh.8. From what languages is English derived?England is mainly derived from the Anglo-Saxon and Norman-French languages.9. What is an eisteddfod?An eisteddfod is a Welsh festival of poetry, music and other arts.10. What have the Scottish people been famous for?The Scottish people have been famous for their close-knit clans, colorful plaid kilts, and skill as fierce warriors.11. How long was Britain under the Roman occupation?Britain was under the Roman occupation for nearly 400 years.12. Why was the Roman impact upon the Britons surprisingly limited?The R oman impact on the Britons was surprisingly limited because the R omans always treated the Britons as a subject people of slave class and they never intermarried with the native Britons.13. When did the Anglo-Saxons begin to settle in Britain?The Anglo-Saxons began to settle in Britain in the 5th century.14. When did England begin to be Christianized?England began to be Christianized in 579.15. What was the result of the Synod of Whi tby in Yorkshire in 664?The result of the Synod of Whi t by was that the Roman missionaries gained the upper hand over the Cel t ic missionaries.16. What was Harold doing when he was informed of the invasion of Northumbria by Tostig and Harold Hardrada?He was in the south preparing to resist the expected attack from Normandy.17. Where did Harold defeat Tostig and Hardrada?Harold defeated Tostig and Harold Hardrada at Stanford Bridge.18. By whom was William crowned King of England in Westminster A bbey?William was crowned King of England in Westminster Abbey by the Archbishop of York.19. What did William do after he suppressed the Saxon risings in the north?He built a string of defense castles to ensure his military control of the whole country.20. Was the Norman Conquest the last successful invasion of England?Yes. The Norman Conquest was the last successful invasion of England because England has never been invaded since.21. Why did William I give his barons large estates in England?William I gave large estates to his barons because he wanted to get a promise of military service and a proportion of the land’s produce.22. What was the peculiar feature of the feudal system of England?All landowners, big and small, took the oath of allegiance for the land they held, not only to their immediate lord, but also to the king.23. Why did William I have the Domesday Book compiled?William I had the Domesday Book compiled because he wanted to have a reliable record of all his land, his ten ants and their possessions and to discover how much his tenants could be asked to pay by way of taxes.24. What was William I ‟s policy towards the church?He wanted to keep it completely under his control, but at the same time to uphold its power.25. Why did Henry II make Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canterbury?He thought that Thomas Becket would assist him in carrying out legal reforms.26. What brought Henry II into collision with Thomas Becket, the Archbishop of Canterbury?The exceptional privileges enjoyed by the clergy brought Henry II into collision wi t h Thomas Becket.27. What are the two aspects of the Norman legacy that contributed to great domestic unrest in England in the 12th and 13th centuries?One was England’s possession of territor y in France. The other was Norman adherence to Roman Catholicism.28. Who was the French national heroine during the Hundred Year‟s War who helped the French to drive the English out of France?Joan of Arc.29. When did the government establish rules for the first time to keep down wages?The government established rules for the first time to keep down wages in 1351.30. How many peasant in Kent and Essex were killed by Richard II ‟s troops?40,000 peasants in Kent and Essex were killed by Richard II’s troops.31. What were the emblems of the Houses of York and Lancaster?The emblem of the House of York was a white rose and the emblem of the House of Lancaster was a red rose.32. What was the impact of the Wars of the Roses on feudalism in England?The Wars of the Roses dealt a death blow to feudalism in England.33. How did Elizabeth I try to avoid troubling Parliament too often for pounds?She tried to avoid troubling Parliament by making strict economies at Court.34. What questions did Elizabeth I treat as personal and private?These questions were her religion, her marriage, her foreign policy, the succession to the throne, and her finance.35. How did Elizabeth I manage to maintain in friendly relationship with France?She managed to maintain a friendly relationship with France through her marriage alliances which were never materialized.36. When was Mary Queen of Scots executed?Mary Queen of Scots was executed in 1587.37. What did the destruction of the Spanish Armada show?It show ed England’s superiority as a naval power.38. What was the long-term result of the Gunpowder Plot?The long-term result of the Gunpowder Plot has been an annual celebration of November 5, when a bonfire is lit to burn a guy and a firework display is arranged.39. What was Puritanism noted for?It was noted for simple dress, high moral standards and very egalitarian attitudes.40. What is a constitutional monarchy?A constitutional monarchy is one whose power is limited by Parliament.41. What did the Whigs stand for in the early 19th century?They stood for a reduction in Crown patronage, sympathy towards Nonconformists, and care for the interests of merchants and bankers.42. Why did changes in farming methods affect lives of millions in the 18th century?Changes in farming methods affected lives of millions in the 18th century England because village and agriculture were the backbone of England at that time.43. What did the land owners want to do in the late 18th and early 19th centuries?They wanted to replace the small farms cultivated on the “open-field” system by larger, economically more efficient farms with hedge-divided fields.44. Why was King George III nicknamed “Farmer George”?King George III was nicknamed “Farmer George” because he was very enthusiastic about agricultural changes at Winsor.45. What were the two events which most alarmed the British ruling classes in the closing decades of the 18th century?They were the American War of Independence and the French R evolution.46. When did the British begin to transport convicts to Australia?The British began to transport convicts to Australia in 1788.47. What was the result of the general strike of 1926?The strike failed. The miners were forced to return to work with longe r hours and lower wages even than before. Yet, outside the mining district, the strike seemed to have improved relations between the workers and the middle classes. 48. Why d4id Edward VIII abdicate in 1936 after a reign of 10 months?Edward VIII abdicated because he wanted to marry Wallis Simpson, a twice-divorced American.49. When did Britain finally become a full member of the European Economic Community?Britain finally became a full member of the European Economic Communi t y in January,1973.50. Why was Mrs. Thatcher removed from office in 1990?It was because of her opposition to European Union and her imposition of an extremely unpopular flat-rate “poll tax” in place of property taxes to pay or local government service.51. What are the economic problems Britain is now faced wi th?Britain is now faced wi t h a low rate of industrial growth, unemployment, and a rising inflation rate.52. What percentage of British workers are employed in service industries?More than 70% of British workers are employed in service industries.53. Why were early factories located near the coal fields?Because coal powered the steam engines that moved the machinery.54. In which British industry did the Industrial Revolution begin?The Industrial Revolution bega n in Britain’s textile industry.55. Where are oil and natural gas found in Britain?Oil and natural gas are found under the North Sea.56. Why is it that Britain imports more clothing than it exports?Because many countries with lower labor costs can produce clothing more cheaply than the British can.57. Which area in Britain is called the “Silicon Glen”?The area between Glasgow and Edinburgh in Scotland is called the “Silicon Glen”.58. What is the county of Kent in southeastern England famous for?It is famous for its beautiful blossoms of its apple and cherry orchards in springtime.59. What are Britain‟s most important imports?British imports include chemicals, clothing, foods, machinery, metals, motor vehicles, paper and newsprint, petrole um products, and textiles.60. What are Britain‟s most important exports?British exports are aerospace equipment, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, foods and beverages, machinery, motor vehicles, petroleum, and scientific and medical equipment.61. Where does the Sovereign‟s coronation take place?The Sovereign’s coronation takes place at Westminster Abbey in London.62. When is the Sovereign‟s birthday officially celebrated?It is officially celebrated in June every year.63. What does the Duke of Edinburgh do when the Queen pays state visits to foreign governments?He accompanies her.64. Where does the Queen‟s expendi ture arising from public duties come from?The Queen’s expenditure arising from public duties comes from the Civil List and governm ent departments.65. What does the term “parliament” originally mean?The term “parliament” originally means a meeting for a parley or discussion.66. What is the main function of the House of Lords?The main function of the House of Lords is to bring the wide experience of its members into the process of law-making.67. What is the Speaker‟s task in the House of Commons?His task is to preside over the House and enforce the rules of order.68. How many counties are there in England and Wales?There are 53 counties in England and Wales.69. What are the three island areas where single-tier authorities were introduced in Scotland?They are the Orkneys, the Shetlands and the Western Isles.70. How do local authorities in Great Britain raise revenue?They raise revenue through the council tax.71. What are the two main branches of the law in Britain?They are criminal law and civil law.72. How many types of criminal courts are there in Scotland?There are three types of criminal courts in Scotland. They are the High Court of Justiciary, the sheriff court, and the district court.73. What is the difference between solemn procedure and summary procedure?In solemn procedure, a defendant is tried by a judge sitting with a jury. In summary procedure the judge sits without a jury.74. What are the three divisions of the High Court?They are the Family Division, the Chancery Division, and the Queen’s Bench Division.75. What is the ul timate court of appeal in civil cases throughout the United Kingdom?It is the House of Lords.76. Who directly controls London‟s Metropolitan Police Force?The Home Secretary controls London’s Metropolitan Police Force.77. What are the chief aims of the penal system?The chief aims are to deter the potential law-breaker, and to reform the convicted offender.78. How many prisons are there in Northern Ireland?There are 4 prisons in Northern Ireland.79. How long can a court probation order last?A court probation order can last between 6 months and 3 years.80. What courses (or schemes) and services are provided in all prisons?Training courses, educational schemes, medical services and welfare services are provided in all prisons.81. Are British people obliged to use the National Health Service?No. They are not obliged to use the service.82. What are services for elderly people aimed at?Services for elderly people are aimed at helping them live at home whenever possible.83. What is the aim of the social security system?The aim of the social security is to secure a basic standard of living for people in financial need.84. At what age do men and women generally retire?Men generally retire at the age of 65, and women at the ate of 60.85. What are the two established churches in Britain?They are the Church of England in England and the Church of Scotland in Scotland.86. How many provinces does the Church of England have?The Church of England has two provinces: Canterbury and York.87. When were the first women priests ordained in Britain?They were ordained in March 1994.88. Who founded the Salvation Army in the East of London in 1865?William Booth, a great follower of John Wesley, founded the Salvation Army.89. Where do the people in London go to see the Christmas decorations?They go to Oxford Street, Regent Street and Piccadilly to see the Christmas decorations.90. Why is December 26th called “Boxing Day”?December 26th is called Boxing Day because i t was formerly the custom to give “Christmas boxes”, or gifts of money, to servants and tradesmen on this day.91. How many kinds of state secondary schools are there in Great Britain?Three. They are grammar school, secondary modern school and comprehensive school.92. When was the Open University founded? When did it begin its first courses?It was founded in 1969, and i t began its first courses in 1970.93. Why is the Open University so named?It is so named because it is “open” to all to become students.94. How much money is spent on press advertising every year in Great Britain?About £5,100 million.95. How much time do British people spend a day watching television?People spend an average of over three and a half hours a day watching television.96. How are the state-run television channels BBC1 and BBC2 financed?They are financed from the sale of television licences.97. How are independent channels ITV and C4 funded?They are funded entirely by advertising.98. When did the BBC begin to provide regular television broadcasts?The BBC began to provide regular television broadcasts in 1936.99. Which sport is regarded as typically English?Cricket is the most typically English sport.100. What is a “copyright” library?It is a library which is entitled to receive a free copy of every book published in the United Kingdom.1. How does the United States rank among the countries of the world in population and area?The United States of America is the third-largest country in the world in population and the fourth-largest country in area.2. What are the two major mountain ranges in the United States?They are the Appalachian Highlands and the R ocky Mountains.3. What is the Continental Divide, or Great Divide?The Continental Divide, or Great Divide, is an imaginary line that separates streams that flow into the P acific Ocean fromthose that flow into the Atlantic.4. What are the five Great Lakes of the United States?They are Erie, Huron, Michigan, Ontario, and Superior.5. How many geographical regions can be found in the United States? What are they?There are seven geographical regions in the United States. They are New England, the Middle Atlantic States, the southern States, the Midwestern States, the R ocky Mountain states, the Southwestern States, and the Pacific Coast States and the New States.6. What states are in New England?New England is made up of six states of the North-East. They are Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut.7. Apart from Now York City, what other large cites are located in the Middle Atlant ic region? Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, and Newark.8. What is the Midwest famous for?The Midwest is famous for its large stretches of fertile soil.9. What states make up the Pacific Coast Region?The region known as the Pacific Coast includes the western parts of Washington and Oregon and nearly all of California.10. What role does tourism play in Hawaii‟s economy?Tourism is Hawaii’s most important industry.11. What is the population of the United States? How does it rank in the world?The Uni t ed States is the third most populous country in the world after China and India, with a population of 267 million (estimated) in April 1997.12. What is the reason for the growth of population in Florida?It is because of its warm climate and convenience in doing business with and traveling to Central and South America. 13. Which are the five biggest cities, in terms of population, in the United States?New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Philadelphia.14. Why are people moving so often in the United States?People often move from one place to another for various reasons: to look for better job opportunity or for better climate or for other goals.15. What are some of the consequences of the outflow of city residents to the suburbs?The movement brings serious consequences to big cities: rising unemployment rate, the increase of the number of poor people, the worsening of city living conditions and the fall of government revenues.16. Which are the three largest groups of Hispanics?The Chicanos, the Puerto Ricans and the Cuban-Americans.17. Why do many Puerto Ricans go to the United States?They are drawn to the United States by better job opportunities.18. What explanation do experts give for the success of Asian-Americans?The experts attribute the success to Asian cultural tradition: emphasis on education, hard work and family.19. What was the fate of Japanese-Americans in WWII?The Japanese-Americans were taken to relocation centers in isolated parts of the western mountain and plains states and stayed behind barbed wires.20. Can you give an example to show the awakening of American Indians?Many Indians are taking legal steps to demand compensation for land and resources grabbed from them illegally.21. What is one of the explanations of how the early Indians came to the Americans?One of the explanations is the Indians crossed from Asia on the landbridge that connected Siberia and Alaska.22. How did the Plymouth settlers manage to survive?The neighboring Indians came to teach them how to grow corn and they succeeded in having a good harvest.23. In what way were the Puritans different from the Pilgrims?The Pilgrims were mostly poor, labouring people while the Puritans were wealthy, well-educated gentlemen.24. Did the War of Independence start with the adoption of the Declaration of Independence?No. I t started when clashes took place at Concord and Lexington.25. What was the chief weakness of the Articles of Confederation?The chief weakness was the document failed to set up a government that could function.26. What was the significance of the adoption of the Bill of Rights?The adoption of the Bill of Rights in addition to the Consti t ution completed the foundation of the American constitutional system.27. Why did American territorial expansion threaten British interest?Because some Americans wanted to take advantage of the war in Europe to expand into Canada. This ran counter to British interest.28. What was the Compromise of 1850?The Compromise of 1850 was an arrangement which kept a balance between free and slave states in the Senate.29. Why did the Civil War break out?The Civil War broke out because the southern states left the Union and formed a new nation but president Lincoln was determined to maintain the Union.30. How did the government help in the development of American economy?The government carried out the policy of trade protectionism.31. What were the three features in the growth of American economy at the beginning of the 20th century? Large corporation, urbanization and new technology were the three features.32. What was the basic demand of the Progressive Movement?The basic demand was government regulation of economic and social conditions.33. Why did the United States pursue a policy of pro-Ally partiality in the early part of WWI?Because of ethnic ties, cultural tradition, social background, economic interests and successful British propaganda, the U.S. government pursued such a policy.34. What were the immediate causes that led the United States into the war?The immediate causes were Germany’s unlimited submarine warfare and Germany’s attempt to get Mexico into the war against the United States.35. What government policies in the 1920s helped big business?The policies of tariff protection, favorable tax rates and little government restrictions contributed to high profits of big businesses.36. How did many Americans view their country after WWI?They believed that American political, economic and social institutions were the best in the world.37. What was the experience of WWI veterans demanding payment of bonuses in Washington D.C. in 1932? They were driven out of the capital by military force directed by General McArthur.38. What were some of the personal characteristics of F.D.R. that helped him in doing his work as president? He had a sure sense of what was practical or possible, a strong sense of timing and was a great communicator.39. What were the two guiding principles underlying American diplomatic activities in WWII?The first was to win the war; the second was to bring the Soviet Union into a postwar world order under American leadership.40. What was the basic reason for the postponement of the opening of the Second Front?It was a reflection of the desire of not letting the Soviet Union expand into eastern and central Europe too quickly.41. What was the postwar strategy of the United States?The strategy was American leadership of the world and open market for American goods and capi t al.42. What was the theory put forward by the Soviet Union in around 1946?There could be no long-term peaceful co-existence between socialism and capitalism.43. What was the immediate cause of the Berlin crisis in 1948?The Soviet Union cut off Western routes to West Berlin.44. What decision did President Truman make to deal wi th the Berlin crisis?He decided to mobilize all possible American cargo planes to airlift supplies into West Berlin.45. What effect did the Berlin blockade have on the people in West Berlin and western occupied zones?it pushed the people in West Berlin and western occupied zones further to the side of the United States because they were grateful for American airlifts.46. What measure did the United States take in the Cuban Missile Crisis?The Uni t ed States introduced a naval blockade around Cuba and demanded the dismantlement and withdrawal of the missiles from Cuba.47. Did the allies of the United States give their full support to the U.S. in the Vietnam War?No , some criticized the Uni t ed States for escalation of the war, some refused to support American war efforts.48. What is the significance of the Shanghai Communique?The key thing is American commitment to a one China policy.49. What is the importance of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?The Act outlawed racial discrimination in housing and employment.50. What is the Port Huron Statement about?The Port Huron Statement was the platform of the Students for a Democratic Society ( SDS ) which condemned racism, poverty amidst plenty, big corporations and the Cold War.51. How does the United States rank among the countries of the world in the total value of its economic production?The United States ranks first among the countries of the world in the value of its economic production.52. What kind of system is the United States economy based on?The United States economy is based on a free enterprise system.53. What are the factors that have helped build the United States into the economic giant it is today?The United States has one of the world’s most varied populations, and the vast space and resources of the land, the ideals of freedom and economic opportuni t y, and hard work by the people have helped build the United States into the economic giant it is today.54. What are the major natural resources in the United States?Fertile soil, forests, water, and minerals are the major natural resources in the United States.55. What are some of the leading farm products in the United States?They are corn, wheat, beef cattle, milk, soybeans, cotton, chickens and eggs, and hogs.56. What has helped make U.S farms the most efficient in the world?The use of modern farm machinery and agricultural methods has helped make U.S. farms the most efficient in the world.57. What areas have long been major U.S centers of manufacturing?The Midwest and Northeast.58. How does California rank among the states in the value of i ts manufactured goods?California ranks first among the states in the value of i t s manufactured goods.59. What are the problems the U.S economy has faced form time to time?They are recessions, depressions and inflation.60. Why is the poverty rate higher in the United States than in several other industrialized nations, including Canada, Australia, and Germany?Because they have more generous social programs for the poor and a higher minimum wage than the United States. 61. What role has the Constitution played?The Constitution has been the basis for the evolution of governmental institutions and for political stability, economicgrowth and social progress in the United States.62. What were the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?The weaknesses were: there was no national executive to enforce the laws and there was no n ational court system and Congress had no power to tax, nor to regulate trade between states.63. What mechanism did the writers of the Consti tution introduce to provide safeguards?They introduced the mechanism of separation of powers and checks and balances.64. What are the three branches of the government?They are the legislative, the executive and the judicial.65. How is the American president elected?The voters vote for the electors and the electors vote for the president. But as soon as the votes of the voters are counted the number of electors for each candidate is known and who has won the election is known.66. According to the Consti tution, what judicial power does the President have?He has the power to give reprieves and pardons in federal criminal cases.67. How are the two chambers of Congress made up?The Senate is composed of two members from each state, with a total number of 100 while membership in the House of Representatives is based on population. Currently the House has 435 members.68. What are the two special powers of the Senate?One is to confirm presidential appointments and the other is to ratify treaties by a tow-thirds vote.69. What is the composition of the federal court system?The federal court system consists of a supreme court, 11 courts of appeals, 91 district courts ( including one for the District of Columbia and one for Puerto Rico ) and three courts of special jurisdiction.70. What is the cause for the decline of the influence of political parties?The near destruction of the patronage system and the wide use of direct primaries in the selection of delegates to the party national conventions contribute to the decline of the influence of political parties.71. Is there any single sex educational insti t ution in the U.S.?Yes, there are qui t e a number.72. Why is it that responsibility for education fall on the state?Because it is laid down in the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution.73. Why are there many variations in the education system of the 50 states?Because each state is expected to develop policies for the education within its boundary.74. Who is the chief executive officer under the local board of education?The superintendent of schools.75. What are the three types of high schools?They are comprehensive, academic, vocational and technical schools.76. Why does the number of graduate school enrollment keep climbing?Because an advanced degree is viewed as a major way to move ahead in the career.77. What are the fields favored by postgraduates?Those fields that would not only make students easily employed but would provide them wi t h rewarding jobs.78. What is the guiding principle of community college?It is higher education for everyone and the philosophy that equality must mena equal opportunity for self-realization and for the recognition of individual difference.79. What are the two focuses of the reform in the 1980s?They are the raising of the standards of teaching and learning and the restructuring of the schools.80. Are the goals set out in the plan “America 2000” easy to achieve?No, they are very difficult to achieve.81. Who were the writers of the first American writings?。


英语国家概况(汉英对照)Isles consist of two large islands and several hundred small islands。
The two large XXX larger and is the home of England。
XXX is also part of the United Kingdom and is locatedin the northern part of XXX。
the official name of the country isthe United Kingdom of Great XXX。
due to its length。
people often refer to it as Britain。
the United Kingdom。
or simply the UK。
The UK is a country located on the island of Great Britain。
with its capital in London。
Another country。
the Republic of Ireland or simply Ireland。
is also located on the island of Ireland。
It occupies the rest of the island。
in the south。
It gained independence in 1949 and its capital is Dublin.Ⅱ.英国的地理和气候2.Geography and Climate of the UK英国位于欧洲西北部,是一个由四个国家组成的岛国。

简答题1.What were the names of the two great walls built by the RomansThey were the Hadrian’s Wall and the Antonine Wall.2.Who were the LollardsThey were poor priests and interant preachers who were John Wyclif’s a followers in the 14th century.3.Why was King George Ⅲnicknamed “Farmer George”George Ⅲwas so enthusiastic about farming changes at Windsor tha he got the nickname “Famer George”4.What does the term “parliament”originally meanIt originally meat a meeting for parley or discussion.5.Which sport is the most tyically EnglishCricket is the most rypical English sport.6.Why is the Shannon River important to IrelandBecause it provides electricity for much of the Republic.7.Which are the five biggest cities in the . in terms of populationThey are New York,Los Angeles,Chicago,San Franciso and Philadelphia.8.What are the two special powers of the SenateThe senate also has certain powers especially kept to tha body,including the authority to confirm presidential appointments of high officials of the federal government as well as ratify all treaties by a two-thirds vote .In the case of accusation of federal officials of wrongdoings the House has the sole right to bring charges of improper behaviour which can lead to a senate has the sole power to try such cases,and to find officials guilty or not guilty.9.Why has Austrialia always been a continent with few peopleBecause most of the continent is hot an dry.10.What do you think is the most noticeable feature of Nesw Zealand geographyIt is its moutains widely spread all over the country where active volcanoes scatter.11.In what respects,the two world wars greatly weakened BritainThe British colonies became independent one after British Empire gradually disappeared and it was replaced by the British commonwealth or the commmonwealth of Nations in 1931.12.What’s ElizabethⅠ’s religious reformElizabethⅠ’s religious reform was a compromise of views.13.What were the two events that most alarmed the British ruling classes in the closingdecades of the 18th centuryThey were the American War of Independence and the French Revolution.14.How many provinces does the Church of England haveThe Church of England has two provinces:Cantebury and York.15.What were the two guiding principles of the Amercian diplomacy during the SecondWorld WarThere were two guiding principles behind all America’s diplomatic activities:the first was to win the war;the second was to establish a postwar political structure in accord with Amercian interests and to prevent the Soviet Union from overexpansion.16.What is the general view of education in AmerciaThe general view of education in Amercia is that every Amercian has the right and obligation to become educated. two of Theodore Dreiser’s novels.Sister Carrie,Trilogy of Desire and American Tragedy.18.What kind of history do people often say that the history of CanadaPeople often say that the history of Canada is a hostory of immigration.19.Why is the southern area of the Northern Territory called the Red Center of Australia Because it consists of miles and miles of red-sand and desert and moutain ranges.20.What is the RenaissanceRenaissance was the revival of classical literature and artistic styles in European history.21.When did the Queen Voctoria become Empress of IndiaIn 1877 Queen Victoria became Empress of India.22.When is the Sovereign’s birthday officially celebratedIt is officially celebrated in June every year.23.Why is the Open Uinversity so namedIt is so named because it is “open”to all to become students.24.Explain why Ireland has been geographically compared to a basinIn Ireland,a limestone plateau is rimmed by coastal highlands.25.When did the “Baby Boom”occurIt occurred between 1946 and 1961.26.What is meant by “Vietnamization”of the warIt meant tha South Vietnamese troops would be war built up to replace American fighting force.27.What were the two serious weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation①There was no national executive or law-enforcing branch②Neither was there a national court System.28.What is “urban sprawl”It refers to a city that has grown over large area of land.29.What caused the land disputes between the Maories and the settlers in New Zealand The land disputes were mainly caused by the repid acquisition of Mari land by the government and pressure by settlers fof direct purchase.30.Why did WilliamⅠgive his barons large estates in EnglandWilliamⅠgave large estates to his barons because he wanted to get a promise of military service and a proportion of the land’s produce.31.What was the Queen Mary known asShe was known as the “Bloody Mary”and aslo remembered as the monarch who lost the last British possesion on the lontinent,that the French port of Cala’s during a renewed war with France.32.Which war was relatively smooth,with no bloodshed ,nor any execution of the king inBritainIt is the Glorious Revolution.33.What is American labour force likeThe American labour force in not only hard working ,but also willing to experiment,to change and to learn new technologies.34.What is the hihgest duty of the President in the United StatesThe highest duty of the President is the execution or carrying out of the law.35.Who was the first to explore fully the possibilities of free verseWalt Whitman was the first to exploer fully the possibilities of free verse.36.When is “Trick or treat”played and what does it meanIt is in means”give something nice ,or I will play a trick on you.”37.How do children in remote areas of Austrilia receive their educationThe receive their education at home through a radio educational system called School of the Air.38.Why is Austrilia’s New South Wales called the premier stateIt is because it was the first colony established by Britain in 1788.39.What is the most potential serious natural disaster in New ZealandIn New Zealand,earthquakes and volcanoes are the most serious potential natural disasters. 40.Who began to invade England from the end of the 8th century.From the end of the 8th century,the Norwegian Vikings and the Danes from Denmark began to invade England.41.What ws Domesday BookThe book was the result of a general survey of England made in 1085,and stated the extent,values,the population,state of cultivation and ownership of the land.42.In Britain, what does BBC stand forBritish Broadcasting Corporation.43.What is largely responsible for the lack of extreme summer heat and winte cold inIrelandThe North Atlantic Current is responsiblef for the lack of extreme summer heat and winte cold in Ireland.44.Which state is the largest in the Uinted StatesAlaska is the largest one.45.Who drafted “The Declaration of Independence”in the .He was Thomas Jefferson.46.What mechanism did the writers of the Constitution introduce to provide safeguards ofthe new government misusing its powerThey introduced the mechanism of separation of powers and checks and balances.47.What was the consequence of the Seven Years’War between the British and the French After the Seven Years’ War from 1756-1763,the Frence were forced to give up every inch of land in North America and the whole of Canada came under the British rules.48.What does the outback refer to in AustraliaThe outback usually refers to the interior and the centre of the Western Plateau and its northern plains.49.What animal is regarded as a national symbol of New ZealandThe kiwi.50.What the peculiar feature of the feudal system of EnglandAll landowners,big and small, took the oath of allegiance for the land they held,not only to their immediate lord,but also to the king.51.What is the main function of the House of Lords in BritainThe main function of the House of Lords is to bring the wide experience of its members into the process of lawmaking.52.What is a “copyright”library in BritainIt is a library which is entitled to receive a free copy of erery book published in the United Kingdom;libraries of other universities and learned institutions;and the Public libraries.53.Who was the first king to bring all Ireland under English controlHenryⅧwas the first king to bring all Ireland under English control54.What is tariff protectionTariff Protection means to get higher import taxes to protect domestic production.55.What role has the Constitution playedThe Constitution has been the basis for the evolution of governmental institutions and has provided the basis for political stability,economic growth and social progress in the United States.56.What is the guiding principle of community collegeThe principle is higher education for ereryone and the philosophy that equality must mean equal opportunity for self-realization and for the recognition of individual differerces.57.What is considered to be the first real American writingFranklin’s uncompleted Autobiography is the first real American writing.58.What is the built environmentThe built environment refers to those parts of the environment built by people or changed by people.59.Where is the highest peak in New ZealandThe highest peak,Mt Cook,is in the center of the moutain range,which is called the Southern Alps.60.How did the Celts invade BritainThe Celts invaded Britain in three waves;the Gaels,the Brythons and the Belgae.61.Why do we call the English Civil War the Puritan WarIt is because the supporters of Parliament were mainly Puritans.62.Who were the forerunners of the Liberal Party in BritainThe forerunners of the Liberal Party in Britain were Whigs.63.What field did the Industrial Revolution firstly occur inThe Industrial Revolution firstly occur in the field of textile.64.What is “a nation on wheels”A nation on wheels refers to the Untited States because many Americans have their cars.65.What kind of economic system does the United States haveThe . has a free-market economy with a dominant private sector.66.What are the three principal funtions of the higher education in the United StatesThe three principal functions are teaching,research ,and public service.67.What do people usually do on Valentines Day in AmericaIt is popular to send cards decorated with hearts and flowers to express love.68.What is the chief language of instruction in IrelandIt is English.69.What is another name of New Zealand National DayIt is Waitangi Day.。

英语国家概况精讲:第一章英国的国土与人民Chapter 1: Land and People 英国的国土与人民I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts 英国的不同名称及其各组成部分1.Geographical names: the British Isles, Great Britain and England.地理名称:不列颠群岛,大不列颠和英格兰。
2.Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.官方正式名称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。
3.The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain (the larger one) and Ireland, and hundreds of small ones.不列颠群岛由两个大岛—大不列颠岛(较大的一个)和爱尔兰岛,及成千上万个小岛组成。
4.Three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wales.大不列颠岛上有三个政治区:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。
(1) England is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is the largest, most populous section.英格兰位于大不列颠岛南部,是最大,人口最稠密的地区。
(2) Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. It has three natural zones (the Highlands in the north; the Central lowlands; the south Uplands) Capital: Edinburgh苏格兰位于大不列颠的北部。

1.Shakespeare:Great Tragedies:Hamlet\ Macbeth\ Othello\ King LearGreat Comedies:The Merchant of Venice\The Twelfth Night\A Midsummer Night's Dream\As you like it2.The Privy Council was formerly the chief source of executive power in the state and give private advice to the King.So the Privy Council was also called the King's Council in history.Today its role is largely formal,advising the sovereign to approve certain government decrees.3.Civil ServiceImplementation of the Minister’s decisions is carried out by a permanent politically neutral organization known as the civil service.The civil service is non-political.Changes of government do not involve changes in departmental staff.Civil servants are recruited mainly by open competition.4. Norman ConquestIn 1066, Edward died childless. Harold, Edward’s brother-in-law, and William, Duke of Normandy, Edward’s Norman cousin, both claimed the throne.William, Duke of Normandy, crossed the Channel , killed Harold and defeated the English army at the battle of Hastings.After Norman Conquest, feudalism was established inEngland.5. Great CharterRichard I demanded more feudal taxes and army service. The lords became angry, marched to London and forced him to sign a long document on June 17th.The Great Charter contained 3 sets of provisions.It was made in the interests of the feudal lords.6.Bourgeoisie RevolutionCharles I ascended the throne in 1625.Like his father,he was constantly at loggerheads with Parliament.At the beginning of the Civil War,two camps were formed;the king's men were called "Cavaliers" and the supporters of parliament were called "Roundheads".The King ran away to join the revolt in 1648.The army,under the leadership of Cromwell,defeated the revolt in a few months.The king was recaptured on 1649.English then called itself a Commonwealth.7. Restoration of the StuartThe bourgeoisie compromised with the rightists and invited Charles II to come back from Holland to the throne in 1660.The expansion of James II’s power soon clashed with the interests of the bourgeoisie, and in 1688, the 2 parties of thebourgeoisie united and staged a bloodless coup d’ etat.8.What were the consequences of the British Industrial Revolution ?First, the industrial bourgeoisie gained supremacy in the 1840s.Second, productivity was greatly increased.Third, population was more and more concentrated in towns and cities.Fourth, the rapid growth of capitalism caused miseries and disasters among the working people.9. Why is the United States a melting pot?The United States has long been known as a “melting pot”, because it is a country of many ethnic groups from different parts of the world.There are many different Americans, who have been dissipating their different ethnic cultures toward some “standard” by living and working together in the “melting pot”of the United States and gradually forming a new nation.10. What are the 2 principles followed by the constitution ? Explain each.The Constitution follows two principles : the federal system and the “separation of powers”. The federal system means that the states have the right to self-government. There is also a division of powers among the three branches of the federal government: the legislative branch, the executive branchand the judicial branch. They are supposed to be independent of each other, but each checks the other two which calls for “checks and balances”.11. Use the process of law-making to illustrate the relationship between the president and congress.After both houses have passed the bill, it is sent to the President, who should sign it or veto it within ten days. If he vetoes the bill, it goes back to Congress; his veto may be overruled by a two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress and the bill then becomes a law.12. Use the process of impeachment to explain the relationship between the president and congress.Under the Constitution, a sitting President may be removed from office before his term expires only by an impeachment process whereby the House of Representatives, upon sufficient evidence, brings a “bill of impeachment”approved by two-thirds of its membership. Next there comes a trial in the Senate, with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court as the judge and the Senators as the jury. In 1868, Congress tried to impeach President Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, but both failed.13. When the first 13 colonies were established how werethey divided? What were their distinctive features in terms of economy?Firstly, the New England Colonies became a center for lumbering, shipping and fishing.Secondly, the Central Colonies became a region of small farms.Thirdly, the Southern Colonies developed a plantation system with the exploitation of slave labor.14. the Stamp ActThe British Parliament passed the Stamp Act of 1765, which required that a stamp, purchased from the British government, be placed on all legal documents, newspaper and other printed materials. The reaction from the colonies was so violent that the British government was forced to repeal the Act.15. Boston Tea PartyIn 1773, the British government passed the Tea Act, which permitted the British East India Company to sell tea directly to its agents in the colonies. A group of Boston citizens, who disguised themselves as Indians, boarded three British ships in the labor and tossed a cargo of tea worth 17000 overboard. 16.Monroe DoctrineIn 1823,President James Monroe announced his "Monroe Doctrine",which warned the European powers against anyattempt at intervention in Latin American affairs with the aim of keeping Latin American countries for the United States itself. 17. Cuban Missile CrisisIn 1962 after the discovery of Soviet nuclear missile bases in Cuba,the US imposed naval as well as air blockade on Cuba while Pres.Kennedy demanded that the Soviet Union dismantle the missiles.For several days the world stood on the brink of its first nuclear war,however,the USSR later removed the missiles.18.我们认为下述真理是不言而喻的:人人生而平等,造物主赋予他们若干不可剥夺的权利,其中包括生存权,自由权和追求幸福的权利。

简答:1、为什么游客喜欢去Scotland?答:enjoy the beautiful Scottish scenery, to drink Scotch whisky and to see Scotsmen wearing kilts and playing bagpipes.2、英语发展有哪几个阶段?分别是什么?答:Three. Old English, Middle English, Modern English.3、在黑死病之后,为何英语变得更加重要?答:Because after the Black Death, the laboring and the merchant classes grew in economic and social importance.4、维多利亚女王的成就有哪些?答:She promoted further industrialization, the building of railways,and the growth of trade and commerce. During her reign, Britain developed into an empire.5、一战两大阵营是?答:the Central Powers—Germany, Austria-Hungry, TurkeyThe Allies—France, Great Britain, Russia and Italy, USA6、二战后英国和美国为何如此亲近?答:They were the Allies during the war and shared the same concerned about the Soviet Union.7、下议院的功能是什么?答:To draft laws, to inspect the activities of the government and to influence future government policy.8、自由民主党在人们心目中是什么形象?答:A middle party between two main party. People see it as flexible and pragmatic in its balance of the individual and the social.9、为什么独立党派难以取得选举胜利?答:Even if they were elected, they would be powerless in Parliament against the larger parties.10、grammar school 和vocational school 的作用是什么?答:grammar school: train the most academically capable student for university Vocational school: help less successful student to learn a trade.11、comprehensive school会上什么课?答:provide a general education, and more practical subjects like cooking.12、莎士比亚作品的三种分类和代表作是什么?答:Comedy: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, As you like itTragedy: Hamlet, OthelloHistorical play: Richard3, Henry513、什么是批判现实主义?答:It’s a literary school which flourished in the 1840s.Discribe the chief traits of society and criticized the capitalist system from a democratic view point.14、美国人口是怎么分布的?答:uneven. The most populated region is the northeastern part od the country. The great Plains have a small population. The South has a population of over 100 million. The west is not populated, except for some cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco.15、为何颁布1924年移民法案?答:The new immigrants are poor, so they were willing to work for very low wages. This madeother workers afraid that immigrants would lower wage levels and take jobs away from them. 16、美国为什么改变策略,加入二战呢?答:The America government feared that the Axis countries were winning the war, which might threaten America’s security and interests. The Japanese air raid on Pearl Harbor became the direct cause for America’s entrance into World War 2.17、尼克松有名的贡献是什么?答:Ending the military involvement in the Vietnam War. Reestablishing the relationship with China. Negotiating the first Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty with the Soviet Union.18、里根的经济计划是什么?答:Called for reductions in income taxes and business taxes in order to encourage investment, and proposed deep cuts in federal spending in every area except defense. Also reduced the federal government’s role in the day-to-day operation of business.19、美国宪法两个特点是什么?答:One is checks and balances. The other is the powers of the federal government and of the state government are specified in the constitution.20、成为众议员或者参议员的条件各是什么?答:A senator must be over 30 years old, a U.S. citizen for at least 9 years and a resident in the state which they represent.A representative should be at least 25 years old and a U.S. citizen for no less than 7 years.21、最高法院的主要权力是什么?答:to interpret laws.To hear appeals from any federal court casesTo hear appeals from state court cases that involve the Constitution and national lawsTo declare a law unconstitutionalTo declare a presidential act unconstitutional22、民主党和共和党之间的区别是什么?答:Democratic party has a liberal ideology, while Republican party is more conservative. Democratic want the government to play an important role in the economy, while Republican party favor an economic system which gives enterprises greater freedom.23、美国大学如何挑选录取?答:their high school records. Recommendations from their high school teachers. Impression during interview. The SAT scores.24、美国高等教育组织有什么功能?答:teaching, research and public service, with each college or university having its own emphasis with regard to its functions.25、著名高校有什么共同点?答:They all have long history. They all have excellent faculty, having made more extensive academic achievements. Some of their graduates are very successful.26、美国清教的本质是什么?答:stress predestination, original sin, total depravity, and limited atonement or the salvation of a selected few who would receive god’s grace.27、什么是迷失的一代?答:the young writers caught up in world war 1 and cut off from the old values, unable to terms with the new era28、什么是beat movement?答:began in the 1950s, the word “beat” suggests a rebellious attitude towards conventional values, an attitude which results from the feeling of depression and the need to escape into an unconventional mode of life.论述1、英国人是谁?答:The earliest inhabitant were Celts, then came the Anglos, the Saxons and the Jutes. In modern times there are lots of immigrants from former colonies of the British Empire.2、什么是英语标准?答:Standard English is based on the speech of the upper class of southeastern England. Nowadays, the standard of English is the same all over the world.3、英国工业革命的结果是什么?答:British became the most advanced industrial country in the world. And the urbanization took place. And the capitalist became the most important force in the country.4、阐述英帝国的沉浮。

The English-speaking countries, also known as Anglophone countries, refer to those countries where English is the primary spoken language. These countries include the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and some Caribbean nations. English-speaking countries are known for their diverse cultures, rich history, and strong economies. They are also influential in global politics, business, and entertainment, and are considered major players in international affairs.
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5 英国有.有多少大都市区?英国有七个大都市区。
11.多长时间是在罗马占领下的英国?英国是下近400 年的古罗马人占领。
13.当盎开始在英国定居?盎开始在英国定居在 5 世纪。
14.当英国开始将Christianized?英格兰开始将在579 Christianized。
15.什么是664 惠特比在约克郡的议会的结果?惠特比议会的结果是罗马的传教士占了上风,对凯尔特人的传教士。
16.哈罗德·时候做什么他获悉由Tostig 和Hardrada 哈罗德·诺森堡入侵?他在南方抵制诺曼底的预期的攻击的准备工作。
17 哈罗德· Tostig 和Hardrada.凡打败?哈罗德·击败Tostig 和哈罗德· Hardrada 在斯坦福桥。
19.做威廉后他压抑中北部的撒克逊risings 做?他建了一个字符串的防御城堡,确保整个国家的军事控制。
27.有哪些贡献大国内的动乱,在英国,第12、13 世纪的诺曼旧式的两个方面?一是在法国境内英格兰的管有。
28 法国国家女主角是帮助了法国人开出的法国英国百年战争期间.谁的?圣女贞德。
29 政府.何时建立压低工资的第一次的规则?政府成立了第一次在1351年压低工资的规则。
30.有多少农民在肯特郡和艾塞克斯理查德·二部队被杀?理查德·二部队在肯特郡和艾塞克斯40000 农民被杀害。
33 我试着避免英镑太经常困扰议会的伊丽莎白.如何?她试图回避困扰议会在法院作出严格的经济体。
34 伊利沙伯我视为个人及私人.哪些问题?这些问题是她的宗教,她的婚姻,她的外交政策,继承王位和她的未婚夫。
35 我设法与法国保持友好关系中的伊丽莎白.如何?她设法与法国保持友好的关系,通过她的婚姻联盟,永远不会实例化。
37 西班牙无敌舰队显示销毁.是什么?这表明英国的海军力量的优势。
39 清教主义的货量.什么呢?它指出简单的衣服、崇高的道德标准和很平等的态度。
[由Microsoft® Translator 自动翻译]41.做辉格党人什么在19 世纪初?他们站冠载客量减少、同情老大哥,和照顾的商人和银行家们的利益。
42 耕作方法的变化.为什么会影响在18 世纪的数百万人的生命?耕作方法的变化影响18 世纪英国数百万人的生命,因为当时是英国的骨干村和农业。
43 土地拥有人想要做的18 世纪末19 世纪初.什么呢?他们想要对冲划分的字段替换耕地露"系统上的更大的经济效率更高的农场的小农场。
45.什么是18 世纪的最后几十年中最震惊英国统治阶级的两个事件?他们是美国独立战争和法国大革命。
46 英国运送囚犯到澳大利亚.何时开始?英国人开始1788 年运送囚犯到澳大利亚。
47.什么是1926 年总罢工的结果?这次罢工失败。
然而外采区中,, 这次罢工似乎已改善工人和中产阶层之间的关系。
48.为什么d4id 1936 年10 月执政后的爱德华八世放弃吗?爱德华八世放弃了,因为他想娶瓦利斯辛普森,两次离婚的美国。
49.当英国终于成为欧洲经济共同体的正式成员?英国终于在1973 年1 月,成为欧洲经济共同体的正式成员。
50.为什么是撒切尔夫人免职1990 年?这是因为她反对欧洲联盟和她施加的极不受欢迎划一收费"人头税"支付物业税或地方政府服务的位置。
[由Microsoft® Translator 自动翻译]61 最高统治者的加冕.在哪里发生?最高统治者的加冕都发生在伦敦的西敏寺。
62.当正式庆祝主权的生日?它是在6 月正式庆祝每年。
64 女王的开支引起公众的职责从.哪里来?女王的开支引起公共职责来自公务员列表和政府部门。
68 在英格兰和威尔士有县.有多少?有53 县在英格兰和威尔士。
69.什么是单层当局提出在苏格兰的三个岛屿地区?它们的Orkneys、Shetlands 和西部群岛。
70 地方当局在英国.如何开源?他们通过安理会的税收收入。
72 在苏格兰有刑事法院.有多少种?有三种类型的苏格兰的刑事法庭。
77 刑法制度的主要目的是.有哪些?主要目的是阻止潜在的犯法,并改革被定罪的人。
78.有多少监狱在北爱尔兰的存在?在北爱尔兰有4 监狱。
79.多久法院感化最后可以订购?法院感化令可以持续6 个月至3 年。
84.在什么年龄做男人和女人一般退休?男人一般退休年龄65,和妇女在60 地吃着。
85 在英国的两个已建立教会.有哪些?他们是在英国圣公会和苏格兰教会。
86 圣公会有.有多少个省?圣公会有两个省份:坎特伯雷和纽约。
87.当英国被命定的第一女祭司?他们是在1994 年 3 月命定的。
88.谁在1865 年成立的救世军在东伦敦?威廉·展位,约翰.卫斯理的伟大追随者成立救世军。
90.为什么是12 月26 日称为"拳击天"?12 月26 日是称为拳击一天,因为它以前是圣诞节框或礼物的钱,给公务员和商人在这一天的自定义。
[由Microsoft® Translator 自动翻译]91 在英国有国家中学.有多少种?三个。
92 公开大学.何时成立?它什么时候开始其第一次的课程?它成立于1969 年和1970 年开始它的第一课。
94.有多少钱用于广告每年在英国的新闻?约100 万英镑。