Chapter 5-22The friction factor chart 天大化工原理上册英文版课件


(流体力学与传热英文课件)Pressure drop and loss due to friction

(流体力学与传热英文课件)Pressure drop and loss due to friction

The equation(1.4-10) is the equation usually used to calculate skin friction loss in straight pipe.
For laminar flow only, combining Eqs. (1.4-20 ) and (1.4-10) .gives
f 16 Re
(1.4-22 )
It is not possible to predict theoretically the Fanning friction factor f for turbulent flow as was done for laminar flow.
1.4.3 Turbulent Flow in Pipes and Channels
Although the problem has not been completely solved, useful relationships are available.
• For turbulent flow the friction factor must be determined empirically, and it not only depends upon the Reynolds number but also on surface roughness of the pipe.
Rearranging equation (1.4-2 ) gives
Rp 2L
Substituting from equation above into equation (1.4-7) gives
fV 2 w /2R V p 2//2 2 L4D L pf V 2 2


Re ≤ 2000 2000 < Re <4000 Re ≥ 4000
稳定的层流区 由层流向湍流过渡区 湍流区
1.4 流体在管内的流动阻力 雷诺数Re的物理意义:
u2 u( uA) u 质 量 流 速 Re u / d . u . A 粘性力 d 单位时间单位截面积流 动量 惯性力 体 粘性力 粘性力 du
1.4 流体在管内的流动阻力 ⒉摩擦系数:
32 lu Pf d2
32 2 l u 2 64 l u 2 64 l u 2 Pf . . . . . . du d 2 ud d 2 Re d 2
64 Re
1.4 流体在管内的流动阻力 (三)湍流时的速度分布与摩擦系数
1.4 流体在管内的流动阻力
Pf K d a Lbu c e h g
将式中各物理量的因次用基本因次表达,根据因次 分析法的原则,等号两端的因次相同。
a b 1 c 3 h

1 e
物理量 英文名称 压力降 Pressure Drop Diameter 管径 Length 管长 平均速度 Average velocity Density 密度 Viscosity 粘度 粗糙度 Roughness parameter



General T eaching Outline forPrinciples of Chemical EngineeringCourse Number:Suitable for:Majors of chemical engineering and technology, biochemical engineering, food engineering, environment engineering, applied chemistry, industry equipment and control engineering, pulp and paper, polymer and inorganic material engineering.Course character: Basic course for technologyAcademic Credits: 7Academic Hours: 114Written by Hao Shixiong Writing Date: 2006.03.06 Proofread by Proofreading Date: 2006.03.06Section ⅠBasic requirements1. The Course objectiveThe ‘principles of chemical engineering’is a requirement course for general chemical engineering speciality. It is suitable for undergraduate students in the senior years who have the usual training in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and mechanics. It includes the principles of a fluid flow, heat transfer, principles of mass transfer and separation processes, the construction and operating principle of typical equipment, the experimental and researching methods of unit operation, and the calculation and selection of typical equipment. The course aims are to train and educate students to know or understand basic unit operations of chemical engineering. The course emphasizes the combination between the theory and practices, and ability of analysis and solution to practical process.2. Previous coursesAdvanced mathematics, physics, physical chemistry, mechanics, mechani cal drawi ng3. The basic requirements and contents for each chapterChapter 1 Definitions and principlesBasic law; Material balance; Law of motion; Energy balance; Equilibrium; Units and dimensions; Physical quantities; Primary and secondary quantities; Dimensions and dimensional formulas; Conversion of units; Dimensionless equations and consistent units; Dimensi onal equati ons.Chapter 2 Fluid statics and its applicationsNature of fluids; Hydrostatic equilibrium; Applications of fluid statics; Manometers continuous gravity decanter.Chapter 3 Fluid flow phenomenaThe velocity field; Laminar flow; Shear rate, and shear stress; Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids; Viscosity; Kinematic viscosity.Turbulence; Laminar and turbulent flow; Reynolds number and transition from laminar to turbulence flow; Nature of turbulence; Deviating velocities in turbulence flow; Eddy viscosity; Flow in boundary layers; Laminar and turbulent flow in boundary layers; Boundary-layer formation in straight tubes; Boundary-layer separation and wake formation.Chapter 4 Basic equations of fluid flowOne-dimensional flow; Mass balance; Macroscopic momentum balance; Layer flow with free surface; Momentum balance in potential flow; Discussion of Bernoulli equation; Bernoulli equation: correction for effects of solid boundaries; Kinetic-energy correction factor; Correction of Bernoulli equation for fluid friction; Pump work in Bernoulli equation.Chapter 5 Incompressible flow in pipes and channelsShear stress and skin friction in pipes; Relation between skin friction and wall shear; Relations between skin-friction factor; Laminar flow of Newtonian fluids; V elocity distribution in a pipe;A verage velocity for laminar flow in a pipe; Hagen-Poiseuille equation; Relations between maximum velocity and average velocity; Laminar flow in an annulus; Friction factor in flow through channel of noncircular cross section; Turbulent flow in pipes and channels; Effect of roughness; Hydraulically smooth; The friction factor and friction coefficient chart; Friction from changes in velocity or direction; Friction loss from sudden expansion of cross section; Friction loss from sudden contraction of cross section; Effect of fittings and valves; Form-friction losses in the Bernoulli equation.Chapter 6 Flow past immersed bodiesDrag, Drag coefficients; Drag coefficients of typical shapes; Mechanics of particle motion, Equation for one-dimensional motion of particle through fluid; Terminal velocity, drag coefficient, movement of spherical particles; The terminal velocities at the different Reynolds number; Criterion for settling regime.Chapter 7 Separation equipmentsGravity settling processes; Centrifugal settling processes; Separation of solids from gases; cyclones, filtration; Clarifying filters; Gas cleaning; Liquid clarification, discontinuous pressure filters; Filter press; Shell-and-leaf filters; Continuous pressure filters; Principles of cake filtration; Pressure drop through filter cake; Filter medium resistance; Constant-pressure filtration; Continuous filtration; Washing filter cakes.Chapter 8 T ransportation and metering of fluidsPipe and tubing; Selection of pipe sizes; Fluid-moving machinery; Developed head; Power requirement; Suction lift and cavitation; Suction lift; Positive-displacement pumps; V olumetric efficiency; Rotary pumps; Centrifugal pumps; Centrifugal pump theory; Head-flow relations for an ideal pump; The relation between head and volumetric flow; Effects of speed and impeller sizechange; Characteristic curves; Head-capacity relation; Efficiency; Centrifugal-pump characteristics; System head curve; Operating point; Operating point change; Operation in parallel and in series of centrifugal pump; Multistage centrifugal pumps; Pump priming; Fans; Blowers.Measurement of flowing fluids; Full-bore meters; V enturi meter; The basic equation for venturi meter; V enturi coefficient; Flow rate; Pressure recovery; Orifice meter; Pressure recovery; Area meters: rot meters; Theory and calibration of rotameters; Inserti on meters; Pi cot tube.Chapter 10 Heat T ransferNature of heat flow; Heat transfer by conduction; Basic law of conduction; Unsteady-state conduction; Steady-state conduction; Thermal conductivity; Steady-state conduction; Compound resistance in series; Heat flow through a cylinder.Chapter 11 Principles of heat flow in fluidsTypical heat-exchange equipment; Countercurrent and parallel-current flows; Single-pass shell-and-tube condenser; Energy balances, heat flux and heat transfer coefficient; Heat flux, A verage temperature of fluid stream; Overall heat-transfer coefficient; Mean temperature difference; Individual heat-transfer coefficients; Special cases of the overal l coeffi ci ent.Chapter 12 Heat transfer to fluids without phase changeRegimes of heat transfer in fluids; Heat transfer by forced convection in turbulent flow; Empirical equation; Effect of tube length; Estimation of wall temperature t w; Cross sections other than circular; Heat transfer in transition region between laminar and turbulent flow; Heating and cooling of fluids in forced convection outside tubes, fluids flowing normal to a single tube; Natural convection; Natural convection to air from vertical shapes and hori zontal pl ates.Chapter 13 Heat transfer to fluids with phase changeHeat transfer from condensing vapors; Dropwise and film-type condensation; Coefficients for film-type condensation; V ertical tubes, Horizontal tubes; Effect of noncondensables; Heat transfer to boiling liquids; Pool boiling of saturated liquid.Chapter 14 Radiation heat transferFundamental facts concerning radiation; Emission of radiation; Wavelength of radiation; Emissive power; Blackbody radiation; Emissivities of solids; Practical source of blackbody radiation; Laws of blackbody radiation; Absorption of radiation by opaque solids; Radiation between surfaces.Chapter 17 Principles of Diffusion and Mass T ransfer Between PhasesTheory of diffusion; Comparison of diffusion and heat transfer; Diffusion quantities; V eloc ities in diffusion; Molal flow rate, velocity, and flux; Relations between diffusivities; Interpretation of diffusion equations; Equimolal diffusion; One-component mass transfer (one-way di ffusi on).Prediction of Diffusivities; Diffusion in gases; Diffusion in liquids; Turbul ent di ffusi on.Mass transfer theories; Mass transfer coefficient; Film theory; Two-fi l m theory.Chapter18. Gas AbsorptionDefinition of absorption; Principles of absorption; Material balances; Limiting gas-liquid ratio; Rate of absorption; Calculation of tower height; Number of transfer units; Alternate forms of transfer coefficients; Effect of pressure; Temperature variations in packed towers; Stripping factor method for calculating the number of transfer units; Absorption efficiency A.Empirical correlations for mass transfer coefficients in absorption.Chapter 19 Introduction to Mass T ransfer and Separation ProcessesDefinition of separation processes; Importance and variety of separations; Economic significance of separation processes; Categorizations of separation processes; General separation process; Technological maturity of processes; Terminology and symbols.Supplementary:Phase equilibria: Phase rule; Equilibrium and equilibrium stage; Thermodynamic relationships: Equilibrium ratio ( or equilibrium constant or K value); Relative volatility----key separation factor in distillation; Ideal system and Dalton’s law, Raoult’s law; Phase equilibrium diagrams for ideal systems(t-x-y diagram; x-y diagram); Henry’s law; Azeotropes; Effect of total pressure on vapor/liquid equilibrium.Chapter 20 Equilibrium-Stage OperationsCascades. Ideal stage/equilibrium stage/theoretical stage; Equipment for stage contacts; Principles of stage processes; Terminology for stage-contact plants; Material balances; Enthalpy balances; Graphical methods for two-component system; Operating line diagram; Ideal contact stages; Determining the number of ideal stages; Absorption factor method for calculating the number of ideal stages.Supplementary:Introduction to distillation: Process description; Equilibrium/flash distillation; Principles and flow diagram of distillation.Chapter 21 DistillationContinuous distillation with Reflux. Material balances in plate columns: Overall material balances for two-component systems; Net flow rates; Operating linesNumber of ideal plates; McCabe-Thiele Method. Constant molal overflow; Reflux ratio; Condenser and top plate; Bottom plate and reboiler; Feed plate; Feed line; Construction of operating lines; Optimum feed plate location; Heating and cooling requirements; Minimum number of plates/total reflux; Minimum reflux/infinite number of plates; Invariant zone; Optimum reflux; Nearly pure products; Some special cases of distillation (Multiple feeds and side-stream drawoffs; Direct steam heating); Use of Murphree efficiency/determining the number of actual plates.Batch distillation. Simple distillation; Batch distillation with reflux. Calculation and analysisfor the operation of a distillation column.Chapter 24 Drying of SolidsIntroduction to methods for removing liquid from solid materials; Purposes and applications of drying; Classification of drying processes; Drying conditions for convecti ve dryers.Properties of moist air and humidity chart. Moist air properties: Humidity; Relative humidity; Humid volume; Humid heat; Total enthalpy of moist air; Dry-bulb temperature and wet-bulb temperature; Adiabatic saturation temperature; Dew point. Humidity chart of Air-Water system. Applications of H-I diagram.Material and energy balances; Expressions of water (moisture) content of solids; Material balances; Heat balances; Thermal efficiency of drying process; Air states when passing through the drying system.Phase equilibria and drying rates. Phase equilibria: Equilibrium water(moisture) and free water(moisture); Equilibrium-moisture curves; Bound and unbound water; Drying curves and drying rate curves under constant drying conditions; Drying mechanism of wet solids and the influencing factors: Constant-rate period (Period of controls of surface water vaporization); Drying in the falling-rate period (period of controls of water diffusing from interior to solid surface); Critical water(moisture) content and its influencing factors. Methods for increasing rate of drying.Calculation of drying time under constant drying conditions.4. T extbook and reference booksT extbook:Unit operation of chemical engineering(Sixth edition) Author: Warren L. McCabe, Julian C. Smith and Peter HarriottReference books:[1]. 姚玉英主编. 化工原理(上、下册)(新版)[M] . 天津: 天津大学出版社, 1998[2]. 赵汝溥, 管国锋. 化工原理[M] . 北京: 化学工业出版社, 1995.[3]. 大连理工大学化工原理教研室编. 化工原理(上、下册)[M]. 大连:大连理工大学出版社, 1992[4]. 陈敏恒,丛德滋,方图南,齐鸣斋编. 化工原理(上、下册)[M].(第二版).北京: 化学工业出版社, 1999[5]. 朱家骅,叶世超等编. 化工原理(上、下册)[M]. 北京:科学技术出版社, 2002[6]. 姚玉英. 化工原理例题与习题[M](第三版). 北京: 化学工业出版社, 2003[7]. 柴成敬,王军,陈常贵,郭翠梨编.化工原理课程学习指导[M]. 天津: 天津大学出版社, 2003[8]. 匡国柱. 化工原理学习指导[M]. 大连: 大连理工大学出版社, 20025. Periods for Every Unitl. Fluid flow 20 hours2. Fluid transportation 10 hours3. Separation of heterogeneous mixture 10 hours4. Heat transfer 20 hours5 Gas Absorption 24 hours6 Distillation 18 hours7 Drying of Solids 12 hours6. Evaluation Methods of the CourseThe assess method: quiz, homework and course report et al. which are determined by the teacher, and the unified final examination。

国际经济学Chapter 5

国际经济学Chapter 5

CHAPTER 5The Standard Trade Model* The differences and common features of the three models developed in previous chapter.·Differences·Common features(1)different PPF(2)different PPF different RS(3)different RS different P C/P F trade* A more general trade model: the models we have studied may be viewed as special cases.·Different PPF?(1)Home’s relative labor productivity of cloth is higher thanForeign’sor(2)Q C=Q C(K,L C), Q F=Q F(T,L F). Home has more capital while Foreign has more land.or(3)Home is labor-abundant and cloth is labor-intensive, while …Model Merit DefectThe Ricardian modelTechnology(trade pattern)Income distribution The Specific factormodelIncome distribution Trade patternThe H-O modelResources(trade pattern)Technology·Different Pc/P F?At any given Pc/P F, (Q C/Q F)>(Q C*/Q F*), RS lies to the right of RS*, that is (P C/P F)H<(P C/P F)F。



•© Pearson Education Limited 2015. All rights reserved.
Fig. 5-1: The Production Possibility Frontier without Factor Substitution
•© Pearson Education Limited 2015. All rights reserved.
Total calories of food production
Labor used for each yard of cloth production
•© Pearson Education Limited 2015. All rights reserved.
Total amount of labor resources
•© Pearson Education Limited 2015. All rights reserved.
(Country-specific) relative abundance of factors
proportion of factors available in the country( 国家要素丰裕度): 一国拥有的生产要素的相对比例。 存量概念、相对概念 在只考虑劳动和资本两种生产要素时,A国拥有资本-劳动存量比称为该国 的资本丰裕度 K / L 国家的要素禀赋类型(relative abundance of factor) 若两国有K / L ,K / L 则就A、B两国而言,称B国为资本丰裕(或劳动稀 缺)型国家,A国为劳动丰裕(资本稀缺)型国家。(in terms of physical


1. A 22% $5 increase in price... 4
90 100
2. ...leads to a 11% decrease in quantity.
Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright © 2001 by Harcourt, Inc.
Price elasticity of demand is greater than one.
Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright © 2001 by Harcourt, Inc.
Computing the Price Elasticity
Elastic Demand
- Elasticity is greater than 1
1. A 22% $5 increase in price... 4
2. ...leads to a 67% decrease in quantity.
Example: If the price of an ice cream cone increases from $2.00 to $2.20 and the amount you buy falls from 10 to 8 cones then your elasticity of demand would be calculated as:
The price elasticity of demand is computed as the percentage change in the quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in price.



⒋湍流摩擦系数-因次分析法的应用 :
实验证明:d、u、ρ 、μ 一定时,ΔPf∝l/d
Pf du l K 2 u d d
e g
e g
l u 2 Pf 2KRe d d 2
1 u umax 2
32 lu Pf 2 d
32 2 l u 2 64 l u 2 64 l u 2 Pf . . . . . . du d 2 ud d 2 Re d 2

64 Re
(三)湍流时的速度分布与摩擦系数 ⒈湍流速度分布: 湍流流动加剧了管内流体的混合 与传递,使截面上的速度分布更 趋平坦。 速度分布符合1/n 次方规律:
(一) 计算通式
l u2 hf d 2
J/k g
(一) 计算通式
l u 2 p f d 2
l u2 Hf d 2g
u↑, μ ↓ → 惯性力主导 → 湍流 u↓, μ ↑ → 粘性力主导 → 层流
二、 边界层概念
定义:通常把从流速为0的壁面处至流速等于主体流 速的99%处之间的区域称为边界层。
流型由Rex= xu0ρ /μ 值来决定,对于光滑的平板壁面:
Pf K d l u



Friction Coefficient in Laminar Flow
4L 32 Lu P s 2 d d L u 2 L u 2 P 4 f λ

64 4f 64 Re du
上式为流体在圆管内作滞流流动时λ与Re 的关系式。若将此式在对数坐标上进行标绘, 可得一直线。
L L P = 2 s 4 s R d
u 2 / 2
L u 2 L u 2 P 4 f λ d 2 d 2

L u2 hf λ d 2
λ 4 f
Formula for Straight Pipe Resistance

du dy

du l dy
Mechanics of Resistance in Fluid Flow

形体阻力:边界层分离时,由于逆压差的 作用,流体将发生倒流形成尾涡,消耗能 量,这称之为形体阻力。
Classification of Resistance in Fluid Flow

白金汉π定理指出:任何因次一致的物理方 程式都可以表示成为由若干个无因次数群 构成的函数,若物理量的数目为n ,用来表 示这些物理量的基本因次数目为m ,则特 征数的数目N=n-m。
Steps of Dimensional Analysis Method


流体流经管件、阀门等局部地区引起的局部阻力等同于流过与其具 有相同直径,长度为le的直管阻力。
• 对于管道进口,相当于突然缩 小时A1/A2=0,故ξ=0.5
• 对于管道出口,相当于突然扩 大时A1/A2=0,故ξ=1.0 A1—小管面积,A2—大管面积
层流区: Re≤2000
过渡区: Re=2000~4000
局部阻力:流体在管路的进口、出口、弯头、阀门、扩大、 缩小等局部位置流过时,其流速的大小和方向都发生变化, 且流体受到干扰和冲击,使湍流现象加剧而消耗能量。
化工管道大致有两种: 光滑管:玻璃管、黄铜管、塑料管 粗糙管:钢管和铸铁管
管壁粗糙度: 绝对粗糙度—壁面凸出部分的平均高度,ε(mm) 相对粗糙度—ε/d(无因次)。
摩擦系数曲线图(Friction factor chart)
流动阻力的大小与流体本身的物理性质、流动状况及壁面 的形状等因素有关。
直管阻力 h f —— 流体流径一定管径的直管时,因流体内
局部阻力 hf —— 流体流径管路中的管件、阀门及管截面
hf hf hf

the five factors of supersuasion文章 -回复

the five factors of supersuasion文章 -回复

the five factors of supersuasion文章-回复【The Five Factors of Supersuasion】In today's fast-paced world, effective persuasion is a vital skill to possess. Whether in business negotiations, personal relationships, or social interactions, the ability to influence others can greatly impact the outcome. However, what separates ordinary persuasion from exceptional persuasion, often referred to as "supersuasion," lies within the mastery of five key factors. In this article, we will explore each of these factors and provide a step-by-step analysis of how to apply them to achieve success in any persuasive endeavor.Factor 1: Emotional ConnectionThe first factor of supersuasion is establishing a powerful emotional connection. Emotions have a profound influence on decision-making processes, often guiding individuals towards favorable outcomes. To create an emotional connection, it is essential to understand the desires, fears, and values of the person you are trying to persuade. By tapping into their emotions and demonstrating a genuine empathy towards their needs, you can forge a powerful bond, increase trust, and ultimately sway theirdecisions in your favor.Step 1: Understand your audience: Conduct thorough research to identify the emotional triggers most prevalent within your target audience. Consider their background, experiences, and aspirations to gain valuable insight into their desires and fears.Step 2: Craft your message: Tailor your persuasive message to resonate with the emotions you have identified. Utilize storytelling techniques, personal anecdotes, or relatable scenarios to evoke an emotional response from your audience.Step 3: Demonstrate empathy: During your interaction, actively listen to your audience and show genuine understanding and compassion towards their concerns. Validate their emotions and demonstrate your commitment to addressing their needs.Factor 2: CredibilityCredibility plays a vital role in successful persuasion. People are more likely to be influenced by those they trust and perceive to beknowledgeable and reliable. Building credibility requires a combination of expertise, transparency, and consistency.Step 4: Establish expertise: Display your expertise in the relevant field by offering evidence, sharing experiences, or presenting data-driven arguments. Demonstrating deep knowledge instills confidence in your audience and enhances your overall credibility.Step 5: Be transparent: Honesty and transparency are key aspects of building trust. Clearly communicate your intentions, provide accurate information, and be open about the potential risks or limitations involved. This level of transparency enhances your credibility and reduces skepticism.Step 6: Consistency in messaging: Consistency reinforces your credibility. Ensure that your message remains consistent across various platforms and interactions. Inconsistencies raise doubts about your trustworthiness and may hinder your persuasive efforts.Factor 3: Social ProofSocial proof refers to the phenomenon where individuals adopt the opinions or behaviors of others to validate their own judgments. Utilizing social proof can enhance the persuasive impact by leveraging the power of conformity.Step 7: Provide testimonials or endorsements: Gather testimonials, endorsements, or case studies from credible sources or influential individuals within the field. These external validations serve as evidence of your claims and increase the perceived value of your message.Step 8: Utilize statistics and peer pressure: Presenting statistics or data that indicate a consensus among a majority of people can establish a sense of social proof. Moreover, highlighting the growing popularity or trendiness of a particular idea or course of action can exert additional persuasive pressure.Factor 4: ReciprocityReciprocity is a powerful psychological principle that states peopleare more likely to respond positively if they have received a favor or gesture of goodwill. Harnessing this principle can significantly increase your persuasive influence.Step 9: Give first: Initiate the persuasive interaction by providing value or assistance to your audience, without expecting anything in return. This creates a feeling of indebtedness and increases the likelihood of reciprocation.Step 10: Personalize favors: Tailor your acts of reciprocation to the specific needs or preferences of your audience. This demonstrates thoughtfulness and enhances the perceived value of the goodwill gesture.Factor 5: Frame of ReferenceThe final factor of supersuasion is the ability to frame your message in a way that aligns with the existing belief systems or ideologies of your audience. People are more open to accepting ideas that are congruent with their pre-existing views, making framing an essential component of persuasion.Step 11: Understand existing beliefs: Conduct research or engage in conversations to understand the belief system or ideology of your audience. Identify the shared values or perspectives that your message can align with.Step 12: Re-frame your message: Utilize language and examples that appeal to the existing beliefs of your audience. Demonstrate how your message supports or enhances their current worldview, making it easier for them to accept and adopt your ideas.In conclusion, supersuasion is not simply about convincing others; it requires a deep understanding of human psychology and the application of five key factors. By establishing emotional connections, building credibility, leveraging social proof, harnessing reciprocity, and framing your message effectively, you can become a master persuader. Remember, while persuasion can be a powerful tool, it is important to use it responsibly and ethically, always keeping the best interests of others in mind.。


- 11 -
workmanship 手艺;工作态度 worth 价值 autumn 秋 beginning 开始 cycle 循环 date 日期 day 日 duration 持续时间 fall 秋 hour 小时 infinity 无限;无穷 instant 瞬间 interval 间隔 meantime 同时 minute 分 moment 瞬间 month 月 night 夜晚
magnitude 大小 maximum 最大 minimum 最低 pair 一对 piece 片;块 pile 堆积;大量 plenty 很多 autobike 摩托车 bicycle 脚踏车 car 车 compact car 小车 convertible 敞篷车 coupe 双座轿车 hatchback 斜背式小客车 haul truck 拖车 jeep 吉普车 stream 流动 stroke 行程
economy 经济 effort 努力 endurance 持久力 experience 经验 importance 重要 intuition 直觉 knowledge 知识 occurrence 发生;事件 paradox 似非而是的议论 performance 性能 possibility 可能性 reliability 可靠性 safety 安全 sensitivity 敏感 tendency 倾向 theory 理论 thought 想法 variety 变化;多种
illustration 图解 information 信息;消息 inset 插图 instruction 说明 introduction 介绍 item 项目 label 标签 layout 配置 license 执照 list 目录 manual 手册 map 图 center 中心 core 心 corner 角;边缘 cross section 断面 diagonal 对角线 directon 方向

卡梅伦液压数据手册(第 20 版)说明书

卡梅伦液压数据手册(第 20 版)说明书

☰ Hydraulics
⌂ Cameron Hydraulic Data ☰
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................ 1-3 Liquids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... .......................... 1-3
Viscosity etc.
Steam data....................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
1 Liquid Flow.............................................................................. 1-4
Viscosity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... .......................... 1-5 Pumping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... .......................... 1-6 Volume-System Head Calculations-Suction Head. ........................... 1-6, 1-7 Suction Lift-Total Discharge Head-Velocity Head............................. 1-7, 1-8 Total Sys. Head-Pump Head-Pressure-Spec. Gravity. ...................... 1-9, 1-10 Net Positive Suction Head. .......................................................... 1-11 NPSH-Suction Head-Life; Examples:....................... ............... 1-11 to 1-16 NPSH-Hydrocarbon Corrections.................................................... 1-16 NPSH-Reciprocating Pumps. ....................................................... 1-17 Acceleration Head-Reciprocating Pumps. ........................................ 1-18 Entrance Losses-Specific Speed. .................................................. 1-19 Specific Speed-Impeller. .................................... ........................ 1-19 Specific Speed-Suction...................................... ................. 1-20, 1-21 Submergence.. . . . . . . . . ....................................... ................. 1-21, 1-22 Intake Design-Vertical Wet Pit Pumps....................................... 1-22, 1-27 Work Performed in Pumping. ............................... ........................ 1-27 Temperature Rise. . . . . . . ...................................... ........................ 1-28 Characteristic Curves. . ...................................... ........................ 1-29 Affinity Laws-Stepping Curves. ..................................................... 1-30 System Curves.. . . . . . . . ....................................... ........................ 1-31 Parallel and Series Operation. .............................. ................. 1-32, 1-33 Water Hammer. . . . . . . . . . ...................................... ........................ 1-34 Reciprocating Pumps-Performance. ............................................... 1-35 Recip. Pumps-Pulsation Analysis & System Piping...................... 1-36 to 1-45 Pump Drivers-Speed Torque Curves. ....................................... 1-45, 1-46 Engine Drivers-Impeller Profiles. ................................................... 1-47 Hydraulic Institute Charts.................................... ............... 1-48 to 1-52 Bibliography.. . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... ........................ 1-53

Chapter 5a

Chapter 5a

Symmetry? Use mean
• The formula for the mean is given by
Total ∑ y y= = n n
Standard Deviation
• Takes into account how far each value is from the mean
Chapter 5
Describing Distributions Numerically
Finding a typical value is a unimodal symmetric distribution is simple.
• If the data is skewed, has an outlier or gap → finding center is difficult
• After describing the center report the measure of spread • Range: max – min
– Not always accurate (again, the CEOs’ salaries)
• The interquartile range (IQR) lets us ignore extreme data values and concentrate on the middle of the data. • IQR = upper quartile – lower quartile
∑y− y =
n −1
• The variance gives us square units

曼昆《经济学原理》Chapter 05

曼昆《经济学原理》Chapter 05

The Elasticity of Demand
• Variety of demand curves
– Demand is perfectly inelastic
• Price elasticity of demand = 0 • Demand curve is vertical
– Demand is perfectly elastic
• Midpoint method
– Two points: (Q1, P1) and (Q2, P2)
Η Ο ∆ ς Ω Λ Φ Ρ Γ Ι Η Π ∆ Θ Γ (Q2 − Q1 )/[(Q2 + Q1 )/ 2 ] = (P2 − P )/[(P2 + P )/ 2 ] 1 1
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Elasticity and Its Application
PowerPoint Slides prepared by: Andreea CHIRITESCU Eastern Illinois University
© 2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part, except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.

化工原理英文教材管道和渠道中的不可压缩流动Incompressible flow in pipes and channels

化工原理英文教材管道和渠道中的不可压缩流动Incompressible flow in   pipes and channels

Integration of equation(5-10) with the boundary condition ur=0, r=rw gives
w 2 rw
rw2 r 2
The maximum value of the local velocity is denoted by umax and is located at center of the pipe. The value of umax is found from equation (5-11) by substituting 0 for r, gives
This chapter deals with the steady flow of incompressible fluids through closed pipes and channels
Shear stress and skin friction in pipes
Sheer—stress distribution
The treatment is especially straightforward fluid, for which quantities such as the velocity distribution, the average velocity, and momentum and kinetic energy correction factors are readily calculated.
Fluid element in steady flow through pipe.



Business Failure
Audit Failure
Audit Risk
来自 中国最大的资料库下载 ©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing and Assurance Services 9/e, Arens/Elder/Beasley 5 - 5
©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing and Assurance Services 9/e, Arens/Elder/Beasley 5 - 15
Liability and Standing
Gross negligence and fraud are a basis for liability in tort regardless of privity or standing
Third Party Beneficiary Standing
1. Limited exposure – several states
Only liable if the third party was specifically known to the auditor and that the third party would be relying on the F/S
Prudent person concept
Liability for the acts of others
Lack of privileged communication
来自 中国最大的资料库下载 ©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing and Assurance Services 9/e, Arens/Elder/Beasley 5 - 9






CHAPTER 1TEACHING NOTESYou have substantial latitude about what to emphasize in Chapter 1。

I find it useful to talk about the economics of crime example (Example 1.1) and the wage example (Example 1.2) so that students see, at the outset,that econometrics is linked to economic reasoning, even if the economics is not complicated theory.I like to familiarize students with the important data structures that empirical economists use, focusing primarily on cross—sectional and time series data sets, as these are what I cover in a first—semester course. It is probably a good idea to mention the growing importance of data sets that have both a cross—sectional and time dimension。



AIR DUCT SYSTEM AND SIZING1Fundamentals of Air Flow in Duct• Bernoulli Equation : There is no frictional loss for a streamline flow of ideal fluid in steady state. The Bernoulli equation applies:constant gz 2v ρp 2=++where P = static pressure, Paρ = density, kg/m 3v = streamline velocity, m/sg = gravitational acceleration, m/s 2z = height above datum, m• Steady Flow Energy Equation : Viscosity of a real fluid and the presence ofmechanical friction and turbulence result in energy loss which will usuallybe transformed into heat energy. The steady flow energy equation can beapplied to any two points in a system which after simplification is written as:f 2222212111gl w gz 2g v ρP gz 2v ρP ++++=++The first three terms on each side correspond to the pressure energy,kinetic energy and potential energy respectively. When work is done onthe fluid, e.g. a fan between the two points under consideration, w isnegative. l f is the pressure loss in meter.• Static Pressure, Velocity Pressure and Total Pressure : If the fluid densityis assumed constant, the equation becomes :f 222222112111P ∆w ρgz ρ2v ρP gz ρ2v ρP ++++=++The first three tems on each side are the static pressure, the velocity pressure and the elevation pressure respectively. The last term is the pressure loss due to friction.Total pressure (P t) at any point is equal to the sum of the static (P s) and velocity (P v) pressures.P t = P s + P v•Special Case: without Fan and Equal Fluid and Ambient Air TemperaturesIf no fan is present, w is equal to zero. If the fluid temperatures inside and outside an air duct are equal, the equation becomes:P s1 + P v1 = P s2 + P v2 + ∆P for P t1 = P t2 + ∆P fThe static pressure terms become gauge values. The frictional loss as air flows from one point to another can be evaluated by the difference in the corresponding total pressure.•Special Case: without Fan and Different Fluid and Ambient Air TemperaturesThe stack effect resulting from the difference in fluid densities has to be considered. The equation can be simplified by taking approximation:P t1 + (ρo - ρi) (z2 – z1) g = P t2 + ∆P fρo and ρi are the mean densities of the ambient air and in-duct air respectively.•Type of flow: depends on the Reynold no. (Re = ρvL/µ). It is laminar when Re < 2000 and turbulent when Re > 4000. The usually encountered situation in duct flow is turbulent.•Velocity Profile: The presence of friction between the fluid and the duct wall and the shearing stress in the viscous fluid results in a non-uniformvelocity throughout the duct cross-section with zero value at the duct walland a maximum value at the centre line of the duct. In practice, the meanvelocity will be used which is equal to the volume flow rate divided by thecross-sectional area.2.Air Flow Characteristics in Duct• A typical pressure profile along a duct is shown in Figure 2. The following characteristics can be observed:•At the suction side of a fan, the pressure is below atmospheric pressure (negative) while it is positive at the discharge side. The change resultsfrom the energy input from the fan.•At any point, the total pressure is equal to the sum of the static and velocity pressures.•The total pressure generally drops along the air flow because of frictional loss and turbulence loss. The sum of the energies of the entering airstreams must be greater than that of the leaving air streams.•Additional losses occur at ductwork transitions or irregularities and there will be a corresponding pressure drop.•Velocity pressure may drop with an increase in static pressure at a tee-off point or a gradual expander. This is known as static regain and can becalculated by:Static regain ∆P r.s = P s2 – P s1 = P v1 – P v2 - ∆P 1-2∆P 1-2 is the pressure loss through the fitiing.•The total pressure to be provided by the fan is the sum of the lossesthrough the inlet grille, friction loss in the inlet duct, friction loss in theoutlet duct, losses through the outlet grille and the kinetic energy loss fromthe system.3.Duct System Loss• Duct system consists of two main types of losses: frictional loss anddynamic loss.•Frictional loss : It results mainly from the shearing stress between the fluidlayers of the laminar sublayer which is adjacent to the rough surface of theduct wall. It can be evaluated using the Darcy-Weisbach equation:Pa 2v ρD L f P ∆2f =The friction factor f depends on Re and the surface roughness of the ductwall. Practically, duct friction charts have been developed for some typicalconditions: e.g. round galvanised steel duct, absolute surface roughness of0.15 mm, 20 o C and atmospheric pressure of 101.3 kPa. Correction factorshave to be applied for conditions other than the chosen ones. A chartdeveloped by ASHRAE is shown in Figure 3.Rectangular duct can be converted to its circular equivalent before usingthe friction chart. Through mathematical derivation, equations are obtainedfor circular equivalents. Alternately, tables are available for readyconversion between rectangular duct sizes and circular equivalents. Oneform is shown in Table 3.Frictional loss in Pa/m can readily be read off from the chart when any two parameters are known, e.g. volume flow rate and duct size.•Dynamic loss: It results from the change in air flow velocity or direction at duct fittings and irregularities resulting in flow separation and formation of eddies and turbulences. Energy will be lost. Examples include bends, tee-offs, dampers and transitions.It can be evaluated using the following general expression with C beingthe dynamic loss coefficient and P v being the velocity pressure:∆P = C P vThe dynamic loss ceofficients depend on the configuration of the fittings including for example the radius for elbows, the ratio of the cross-sectional areas for transition pieces, and the ratios of volume flow rates and cross-sectional areas for branches. Some examples are shown in Figures 3a and 3b.The dynamic loss coefficients for branches consist of two components: a straight-through and a branch.For converging ‘Wye’s:V s, A s, v s Straight through endV c, A c, v cCommon end V b, A b, v bBranch end∆P s, c = loss from straight end to common end = C s, c P v, c ∆P b, c = loss from branch end to common end = C b, c P v, cFor diverging ‘Wye’s:V b, A b, v b Branch end V s, A s, v s Straight through end∆P c, s = loss from common end to straight-through end = C c, s P v, c∆P c, b = loss from common end to branch end = C c, b P v, cDifferent notations are used in different manuals/handbooks for the valuesof dynamic loss coefficient and the associated velocity pressures. Exercisecare before using the data.4.Duct Sizing Methods•There are several duct sizing methods: velocity method, equal friction method, static regain method and optimization method. The first threemethods are more commonly used and will be discussed in details.•Velocity Method: A mean velocity is chosen for a section of the system. It usually applies to the first section after the fan discharge. Velocity insubsequent sections usually decreases.This method is suitable for maintaining velocity within certain desirablerange. It is simple to use. Yet, system balancing, initial and running costshave not been taken into consideration.•Equal Friction Method: The pressure loss per unit length ∆P l is the same for the entire system. Its selection is based on experience. Normally 0.8 - 1Pa/m is chosen. There is usually a gradual drop of velocity from the fan todischarge outlets.The velocity limits can safely be set at the following values to limit flow generated noise:Main duct: 8 m/sBranch duct: 6 m/sOutlet branch: 4 m/sThe pressure loss in each duct branch can be determined by adding the frictional and dynamic losses encountered throughout that branch. The frictional loss ∆P f can be obtained by multiplying the ∆P l to the total straight duct run L in that branch (∆P f = ∆P l x L). The dynamic losses ∆P dy can be calculated by making use of the dynamic loss coefficients of the fittings as described.This method is simple and easy. It can be applied manually. In industry, ductulators instead of the duct friction chart are used for quick duct sizing.System balancing is not considered. Initial and running costs are not particularly included in the sizing algorithm. It is more suitable for low velocity systems and those of comparatively smaller scale.•Static Regain Method: This method sizes the air duct so that the increase in static pressure in each branch (e.g. at 1s) just balances the pressure losses in the following section (e.g. 2). The increase results from the transformation of velocity pressure (e.g. from 1 to 1s). P s1 = P s2 if there isa perfect regain. It is suitable for high velocity system and large systemswith long branches. Better system balancing is achieved.Complexity in application is a drawback because it involves iteration in calculation and computer programme has to be used. The possibly lowvelocities and large duct sizes may result at the end of long duct runs.Initial and running costs are also not taken into consideration.5. Air Duct Design Considerations•Air Duct Layout: to reduce pressure loss by:-locating air handling unit near the centre of the conditioned space-using symmetrical layout-using direct and simple form of layout-using smaller and shorter air handling systems-using fittings with less dynamic loss•Fan Total Pressure Determination: The fan total pressure shall be determined according to the total pressure loss in the supply and returnsystems. The pressure loss in each system is governed by the critical pathwhich has the maximum branch pressure loss.•Types of Ductwork: Several types of ductwork can be used: round, rectangular, flat oval and flexible, each with its own merits and demerits.Consideration has to be given to the space requirement, rigidity, pressureloss, leakage, flexibility, aesthetics and cost.Commonly used ductwork material is galvanised iron/steel. Other materials are possible including for example fire resistance board. They have to satisfy the fire resistance properties as stipulated by the FSD.•Ductwork Classification: Ductwork can be classified according to velocity and pressure. Normally, systems with mean velocity less than or equal to10 m/s are classified as low velocity. Pressure classification can be inaccordance with DW143/144 (UK guidelines) or SMACNA (American guidelines). Different construction details and leakage tolerances are applied to different ductwork classifications.•Ductwork Insulation: Firbre glass duct wrap is most commonly used to prevent condensation and to reduce heat loss/gain. It comes with an external layer of aluminium foil. Other proprietory types are also available including for an example phenolic foam.Fibre glass insulation can be applied internally in the form of duct lining.It serves the dual purpose of thermal insulation and sound absorption. It can in the form of external duct wrap and shall be protected against mechanical damage, particularly in exposed areas. Cement plaster or aluminium cladding are possible alternatives.All lining and insulation shall satisfy the requirements of FSD.•Fire Stop Requirements: A fire/smoke damper has to be installed at the location where a ductwork penetrates a fire resistance compartment. It is to prevent the spread of fire/smoke through a ductwork. The FSD requirements have to be observed.•Flow Regulating Devices: Split, parallel and opposed blade dampers are frequently used to control the system flow. They impose additionalpressure loss in the branch.Parallel and Opposed Blade DampersFigure 2: Pressure ProfilesX315m m φ5.1 m /s0.95.400 l /sFigure 3At X, air flow rate = 400 l/s (0.4 m 3/s), duct size = 315 mm, air flow velocity = 5.1 m/s, duct friction loss = 0.95 Pa/m.Table 3The circular equivalent for 800 x 300 rectangular duct is 520 φ.400 φ duct is approximately the circular equivalent for 650 x 225 or 500 x 275rectangular duct. Other rectangular duct sizes are also possible.Figure 3aFigure 3bReferences:1. 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals, Chapter 26, 27 and 28.2. Ronald H. Howell, et al, “Principles of Heating, Ventilating and AirConditioning”, ASHRAE, Chapters 4 and 7, 1997.3. Wang S.K., “Handbook of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration”, McGraw Hill,1994.4. CIBSE Guide B5. SMACNA6. HVCA, DW143 & 144, "Specification for Sheet Metal Ductwork", Heating andVentilating Contractors Association.。



Darcy–Weisbach equationFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, searchIn fluid dynamics, the Darcy–Weisbach equation is a phenomenological equation, which relates the head loss— or pressure loss — due to friction along a given length of pipe to the average velocity of the fluid flow. The equation is named after Henry Darcy and Julius Weisbach.The Darcy–Weisbach equation contains a dimensionless friction factor, known as the Darcy friction factor. This is also called theDarcy–Weisbach friction factor or Moody friction factor. The Darcy friction factor is four times the Fanning friction factor, with which it should not be confused.[1]Contents[hide]∙ 1 Head loss form∙ 2 Pressure loss form∙ 3 Darcy friction factoro 3.1 Confusion with the Fanning friction factor ∙ 4 History∙ 5 Derivation∙ 6 Practical applications∙7 See also∙8 References∙9 Further reading∙10 External links[edit] Head loss formHead loss can be calculated withwhere∙h f is the head loss due to friction;∙L is the length of the pipe;∙ D is the hydraulic diameter of the pipe (for a pipe of circular section, this equals the internal diameter of the pipe);∙V is the average velocity of the fluid flow, equal to the volumetric flow rate per unit cross-sectional wetted area;∙g is the local acceleration due to gravity;∙f is a dimensionless coefficient called the Darcy friction factor.It can be found from a Moody diagram or more precisely by solving Colebrook equation.[edit] Pressure loss formGiven that the head loss h f expresses the pressure loss Δp as the height of a column of fluid,where ρ is the density of the fluid, the Darcy–Weisbach equation can also be written in terms of pressure loss:where the pressure loss due to friction Δp is a function of:∙the ratio of the length to diameter of the pipe, L/D;∙the density of the fluid, ρ;∙the mean velocity of the flow, V, as defined above;∙ a (dimensionless) coefficient of laminar, or turbulent flow, f. Since the pressure loss equation can be derived from the head loss equation by multiplying each side by ρ and g.[edit] Darcy friction factorSee also Darcy friction factor formulaeThe friction factor f or flow coefficient λis not a constant and depends on the parameters of the pipe and the velocity of the fluid flow, but it is known to high accuracy within certain flow regimes. It may be evaluatedfor given conditions by the use of various empirical or theoretical relations, or it may be obtained from published charts. These charts are often referred to as Moody diagrams, after L. F. Moody, and hence the factor itself is sometimes called the Moody friction factor. It is also sometimes called the Blasius friction factor, after the approximate formula he proposed.For laminar (slow) flows, it is a consequence of Poiseuille's law that λ=64/Re,where Re is the Reynolds number calculated substituting for the characteristic length the hydraulic diameter of the pipe, which equals the inside diameter for circular pipe geometries.For turbulent flow, methods for finding the friction factor f include using a diagram such as the Moody chart; or solving equations such as the Colebrook-White equation, or the Swamee-Jain equation. While the diagram and Colebrook-White equation are iterative methods, the Swamee-Jain equation allows f to be found directly for full flow in a circular pipe.[edit] Confusion with the Fanning friction factorThe Darcy–Weisbach friction factor is 4 times larger than the Fanning friction factor, so attention must be paid to note which one of these is meant in any "friction factor" chart or equation being used. Of the two, the Darcy–Weisbach factor is more commonly used by civil and mechanical engineers, and the Fanning factor by chemical engineers, but care should be taken to identify the correct factor regardless of the source of the chart or formula.Most charts or tables indicate the type of friction factor, or at least provide the formula for the friction factor with laminar flow. If the formula for laminar flow is f = 16/Re, it's the Fanning factor, and if the formula for laminar flow is f = 64/Re, it's the Darcy–Weisbach factor.Which friction factor is plotted in a Moody diagram may be determined by inspection if the publisher did not include the formula described above:1.Observe the value of the friction factor for laminar flow at aReynolds number of 1000.2.If the value of the friction factor is 0.064, then the Darcy frictionfactor is plotted in the Moody diagram. Note that the nonzero digits in 0.064 are the numerator in the formula for the laminar Darcy friction factor: f = 64/Re.3.If the value of the friction factor is 0.016, then the Fanningfriction factor is plotted in the Moody diagram. Note that thenonzero digits in 0.016 are the numerator in the formula for the laminar Fanning friction factor: f = 16/Re.The procedure above is similar for any available Reynolds number that is an integral power of ten. It is not necessary to remember the value 1000 for this procedure – only that an integral power of ten is of interest for this purpose.[edit] HistoryHistorically this equation arose as a variant on the Prony equation; this variant was developed by Henry Darcy of France, and further refined into the form used today by Julius Weisbach of Saxony in 1845. Initially, data on the variation of f with velocity was lacking, so the Darcy–Weisbach equation was outperformed at first by the empirical Prony equation in many cases. In later years it was eschewed in many special-case situations in favor of a variety of empirical equations valid only for certain flow regimes, notably the Hazen-Williams equation or the Manning equation, most of which were significantly easier to use in calculations. However, since the advent of the calculator, ease of calculation is no longer a major issue, and so the Darcy–Weisbach equation's generality has made it the preferred one.[edit] DerivationThe Darcy–Weisbach equation is a phenomenological formula obtainable by dimensional analysis.Away from the ends of the pipe, the characteristics of the flow are independent of the position along the pipe. The key quantities are then the pressure drop along the pipe per unit length, Δp/L, and the volumetric flow rate. The flow rate can be converted to an average velocity V by dividing by the wetted area of the flow (which equals the cross-sectional area of the pipe if the pipe is full of fluid).Pressure has dimensions of energy per unit volume. Therefore, the pressure drop between two points must be proportional to (1/2)ρV2, which has the same dimensions as it resembles (see below) the expression for the kinetic energy per unit volume. We also know that pressure must be proportional to the length of the pipe between the two points L as the pressure drop per unit length is a constant. To turn the relationship into aproportionality coefficient of dimensionless quantity we can divide by the hydraulic diameter of the pipe, D, which is also constant along the pipe. Therefore,The proportionality coefficient is the dimensionless "Darcy friction factor" or "flow coefficient". This dimensionless coefficient will be a combination of geometric factors such as π, the Reynolds number and (outside the laminar regime) the relative roughness of the pipe (the ratio of the roughness height to the hydraulic diameter).Note that (1/2)ρV2is not the kinetic energy of the fluid per unit volume, for the following reasons. Even in the case of laminar flow, where all the flow lines are parallel to the length of the pipe, the velocity of the fluid on the inner surface of the pipe is zero due to viscosity, and the velocity in the center of the pipe must therefore be larger than the average velocity obtained by dividing the volumetric flow rate by the wet area. The average kinetic energy then involves the mean-square velocity, which always exceeds the square of the mean velocity. In the case of turbulent flow, the fluid acquires random velocity components in all directions, including perpendicular to the length of the pipe, and thus turbulence contributes to the kinetic energy per unit volume but not to the average lengthwise velocity of the fluid.[edit] Practical applicationsIn hydraulic engineering applications, it is often desirable to express the head loss in terms of volumetric flow rate in the pipe. For this, it is necessary to substitute the following into the original head loss form of the Darcy-Weisbach equationwhere∙V is, as above, the average velocity of the fluid flow, equal to the volumetric flow rate per unit cross-sectional wetted area;∙Q is the volumetric flow rate;∙A w is the cross-sectional wetted area;For the general case of an arbitrarily-full pipe, the value of A w will not be immediately known, being an implicit function of pipe slope, cross-sectional shape, flow rate and other variables. If, however, the pipe is assumed to be full flowing and of circular cross-section, as is common in practical scenarios, thenwhere D is the diameter of the pipeSubstuting these results into the original formulation yields the final equation for head loss in terms of volumetic flow rate in a full-flowing circular pipewhere all symbols are defined as above.。

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V a : average velocity in pipe leading to fitting
K f : loss factor for fitting (管件), which is found by experiment and differs for
each type of connection. A short list of
Vb2 2
K c is called the contraction loss coefficient
V b is the average velocity in the smaller, or downstream, section
• By experiment,
• For laminar flow, Kc 0.1
10. Nonisothermal flow
• Liquid is being cooled • f is increased. • Liquid is being heated • f is decreased.
Байду номын сангаас
• f = f ’/ Ψ
•For Re>2,100:
w w00..1117
Note that flow rate, velocity and cross section area can’t be calculated by Deq .
• 1. Friction loss from sudden expansion of cross section
6. Separation from velocity decrease
• Boundary layer separation in no sudden change
cross section
sA :line of zero
tangential velocity
separation point
• 2. Friction loss from sudden contraction of cross section
• 3. Effect of fittings and valves • 4. Form friction losses in the Bernoulli equation • 5. Velocity heads • 6. Separation from velocity decrease • 7. Minimizing expansion and contraction losses
Laminar flow
f 16 16 DV Re
Turbulent flow: for hydraulically smooth pipe
Coburn equation Blasius equation
f 0.04R 6 e0.2
f 0.07R 9e0.25
This applies over Re from about 50,000 to 1 x 106.
11. Turbulent flow in noncircular channels
• Relationships for turbulent flow in pipes may be applied to noncircular channels by substituting the equivalent diameter Deq (or 4 times the hydraulic radius rH) for the diameter D in the relevant equations.
5.5 Design of piping system
• 1. Compound pipes in series • Pipeline has the same diameter or consist of
sections of different diameters. 2. Compound pipes in parallel Pipeline branches off at a common point or has a bypass.
9. Drag reduction in turbulent flow
• Dilute solutions of polymers in water or other solvents sometimes give the peculiar effect of a reduction in drag in turbulent flow.
For Re<2,100:
w w00..2338
fohr eating focrooling
fohr eating focr ooling
(5.60a) (5.60b)
(5.61a) (5.61b)
Viscous dissipation
• Frictional or viscous dissipation of mechanical energy can result in heating a fluid, especially highly viscous liquids in small channels.
D LKcKeKf V22
5. Velocity heads
• velocity heads
V /2
the friction loss in a complicated flow system can be expressed as a number of velocity heads(速度 头).
The skin friction loss in the straight tube is
4fL /D V 2/2
The contraction loss at the entrance to the tube is
KcV /2 2
The expansion loss at the exit of the tube is KeV /2
1. Friction loss from sudden expansion of cross section
• The friction loss from a sudden expansion of cross section
Va2 2
K e is a proportionality factor called the
expansion loss coefficient
V a is the average velocity in the smaller, or
upstream, conduit.
• According to the steady-flow momentum-balance
equation (4.42), and the Bernoulli equation (4.62),
7. Minimizing expansion and contraction losses
• Changing the cross section gradually rather than suddenly can minimize the friction loss.
• Such as using Conical reducer(trumpet-shape ) Conical expander
f 0.00140.125 Re0.3 2
Applicable over Re from 3,000 to 3 x 106
Turbulent flow: for rough pipe
f Re,k D
Complete turbulent flow:
f k D
☆ 8. Reynolds numbers and friction factor for non-newtonian fluids
•the contraction loss is negligible
For turbulent flow,
Sb Sa
where Sa and Sb are the cross-sectional areas of the upstream and downstream conduits, respectively.
The friction loss in the globe valve is Kf V /2
The total friction is
hf 4fD LKcKeKfV22
To write the Bernoulli equation for this assembly
T pS
• For the flow of polymers the temperature rise is about 4°C for a pressure drop of 10 MPa; for hydrocarbons it is about 6°C per 10 MPa.
• (a) Calculate the pressure drop in lbf/in.2 per 100 ft of pipe.
• (b) If the pressure drop must be limited to 2 lbf/in.2 per 100 ft of pipe, what is the maximum allowable velocity of the water?