



If you insist, you will shine. Time is an invincible weapon. It can gather arms and sand into towers, making the impossible in life possible.简单易用轻享办公(WORD文档/A4打印/可编辑/页眉可删)海事局面试真题及答案一1. 在旅游景区,正规游艇收费高,小游艇收费低,为此很多游客都会选择没有正规手续的小游艇,对此你怎么看?2. 临近春节,你辖区内要组织一个关于水上交通安全的会议,领导让你负责,请问你如何组织?3. 现在推广办公系统自动化,但在推广过程中出现很多问题,甚至影响了工作的开展。

有一个老同志打电话反映,情绪比较激动,这时你该怎么办?4. 你是一名水上交通救助员,现在得知海上有大风浪,有一群众被困海上,派你去营救群众,但这位群众不愿弃船离开,你会怎么劝说? 20__年3月20日二1. 海上超载现象非常严重,而且超载屡禁不止,对这个现象你怎么看?2. 为了提高船员整体素质,让他们更有归属心和责任心,航运公司要跟船员签署长期合同,现在让你做一个前期调研,你会怎么做?3. 你局所管辖的海域内发生了两船相撞的事故,处长提出处理建议并发出命令,但是你认为按照处长的命令去处理的话后果会很严重,你会如何跟处长沟通?4. 你所在的地区是旅游胜地,岛上有大雾导致停航,导致旅客们无法返程,聚集在政府门口,情绪非常激动,你怎么办?三1.有群众举报建筑工地建筑物乱摆乱放,垃圾也随地乱扔,假如你是张勇,领导让你去调查此事,请问你将如何开展?2. 张勇和李佳与工程队的负责人就建筑垃圾乱倒的问题进行沟通,但是未果,如果领导让你再单独去工地与负责人进行沟通,你会怎么做?3. 市卫生部、质检部、工商局三天后要联合做一个关于食品安全的检查,领导让你全力配合,做好协助工作,你会如何做?4. 无照摊贩对于小区居民生活带来了一定的影响,并且产生了大量的'垃圾,作为城-管取缔路边的一些小商贩,但却招致部分群众的不满,说没了小商贩会给生活带来很多不便,指责城-管这样是乱管,请问你怎么看?四1. 企业家在自然灾害发生后,带一大笔现金去灾区救援,其希望通过它的行为让更多的群众也来献爱心,问你对此怎么看?2. 小赵和你是同事,平时做事很谨慎,经常在材料的细节上琢磨很久,甚至连标点符号都要反复斟酌,还总爱拉着你一起看,导致你的工作没法正常开展,拖延了你的下班时间,你怎么处理?3. 你作为教育部门的工作人员,领导要你负责一次关于中小学食堂饮食安全、卫生状况等的突击检查活动,你将怎么组织?4. 学校公布的就业数据,学生对部分数据有疑问,说数据不真实,并发布到了网上,引起网民和媒体的关注,你是该校就业办的负责人,你怎么办?5. 你单位的业务科同事在接待群众上交材料审批时,告诉该群众缺少一份材料,该群众补齐该材料后又被告知还缺少一份材料,而今天是审批的最后一天,再回家去取已经来不及了,因此引起群众的不满,并向你投诉,问你将如何处理此事?海事局面试真题及答案问题:1.领导要张勇去城-管对辖区的垃圾及噪音做一个摸底调查,为领导提供参考依据,问如果你是张勇,该如何组织这次调查?【考察能力】组织管理能力,如何做好调查工作,做事情的先后逻辑性【思路分析】调查人员,调查对象,调查方式,调查控制,控制报告【答题思路】(1)调查对象涉及施工队,小区居民以及工业园区相关负责人;(2)针对不同的调查对象采用不同的调查方式,如施工队,暗访的方式;小区居民,采访的方式;工业园区,访谈的方式;且组织好调查小组,如采访人员,访谈人员,数据分析人员;(3)调查结束之后,形式调查报告,报告内容需要包括具体性存在的问题以及解决方案;2.张勇和李佳是同事,李佳是领导派来加强城-管工作的,如果你是李佳,该如何做这个工作?【考察能力】人际协调能力+解决问题能力【思路分析】讲究团队协调,符合做事的程序;【答题思路】(1)先虚心向同事了解实际情况,并说明来意,共同解决当地问题,希望起合作,解决问题(2)可以根据张勇提出的问题提出解决的方案,并与张勇一起探讨,求同存异;(3)在方案实际操作过程中,协助张勇,一起完成任务;(4)工作完成之后,向领导汇报工作,并真实说明同事张勇在工作过程中表现。





1. 轮机员______机器、设备是衡量其业务素质和技术水平的标准。

A.熟练的操纵B.定期保养C.正确管理D.熟悉和掌握2. 某些采用预防维修不经济的耗损性设备,一般采用:A.状态维修B.定时维修C.事后维修D.视情维修3. 实施状态维修方式的设备:A.有确定的维修期B.无确定的维修期C.具有六种故障率曲线D.对监控手段无要求4. 属于船舶短时间停航的重大故障是主机:A.曲轴折断B.某缸主轴轴瓦烧熔C.螺旋桨损坏D.船舶搁浅5. 船龄______的船舶,修理后应达到保持原设计性能。

A.<5年B.<10年C.<12年D.<15年6. ______现象是反映船机性能的故障先兆。

A.轴承发热B.漏水C.滑油量消耗过多D.冒黑烟7. 已发生故障的产品在规定的时间内通过维修使之保持或恢复到规定的条件下完成规定功能的能力,称为:A.可靠度B.可靠性C.可维修性D.可维修度8. 下列故障/事故的原因,不属于人为因素的是:A.船员技术水平有限,对先进的设备不敢动,致使缺乏维护而损坏B.船长经常要求快加速至全速,轮机长完全满足船长要求C.设备材质不佳、设计不合理引发的曲轴断裂D.连杆螺栓服役>1.5 ~ 2万小时后仍继续使用,后来引起“伸腿”事故9. 下列哪项不属于船机故障发生前的外观征兆?A.外观反常B.示功图异常C.声音异常D.气味反常10. 可靠性理论是研究______的理论。

A.故障B.排除故障C.故障规律D.维修11. 现代船舶对其可靠性影响最大的因素是:A.设计方面B.制造方面C.材料方面D.管理水平12. 研究机械设备的可靠性不仅是为了减少故障和维修工作,而且可以:A.节省材料B.节约费用C.提高耐用度D.延长使用寿命13. 机器在运转过程中,相对运动的摩擦表面的物质逐渐损耗,使零件尺寸、形状和位置精度以及表面质量发生变化的现象,称为:A.摩擦B.干摩擦C.磨损D.微动磨损14. 实现流体动压润滑的摩擦表面应具有较高的加工精度和表面粗糙度,以及:A.尺寸精度B.形状精度C.合适的配合间隙D.光滑的表面质量15. 对于“干摩擦”的理解,正确的是:A.摩擦表面没有任何吸附膜或化合物B.两摩擦表面仅产生塑性变形C.干摩擦的过程中不存在分子间的吸附与扩散D.干摩擦过程中表面层的硬度共有两次提高16. 半干摩擦是指摩擦副表面间同时存在:A.滑动摩擦与滚动摩擦B.干摩擦与液体摩擦C.边界摩擦和干摩擦D.边界摩擦和液体摩擦17. 一般曲轴转速越高越容易形成油膜,但过高时,因______而使油膜破坏。



1.唯物辩证法的核心是 A 。

2.我国解决民族问题的基本政策是 B 。



这项改革有利于 C 。

4.科学发展观的根本要求是 C 。

5.对外开放是 A 。

6.“三个代表”重要思想的本质是 B 。

7.下列哪一项不属于海事行政处罚的种类 B 。

8.下列哪一个情形,不应当从轻或者减轻行政处罚 B 。




海事考试题及答案一、单选题1. 根据《国际海上避碰规则》,当两艘机动船在相反方向行驶时,应遵循哪项规定?A. 各自向右转向B. 各自向左转向C. 保持直航D. 减速并让路答案:A2. 海上船舶在能见度不良时,应采取哪些措施以确保安全?A. 增加航速B. 减速并使用雷达C. 保持航向不变D. 关闭所有灯光答案:B3. 船舶在航行中遇到紧急情况,需要发出遇险信号时,应使用哪种信号?A. SOS信号B. 国际信号代码C. 无线电紧急频率D. 所有上述选项答案:D4. 船舶在国际水域航行时,必须遵守哪项国际公约?A. 国际海事组织公约B. 联合国海洋法公约C. 国际劳工组织公约D. 所有上述选项答案:D5. 船舶在航行中遇到海盗威胁时,应采取哪些措施?A. 直接对抗B. 尝试逃避C. 保持冷静并通知相关部门D. 停止航行答案:C二、多选题6. 船舶在航行中,以下哪些设备是必须配备的?A. 雷达B. 无线电通讯设备C. 救生设备D. 消防设备答案:ABCD7. 船舶在遇到恶劣天气时,应采取哪些措施?A. 增加航速B. 调整航线C. 减速并采取避风措施D. 保持航向不变答案:BC8. 船舶在国际水域航行时,需要遵守哪些国际规则?A. 国际海上避碰规则B. 国际船舶载重线公约C. 国际船舶安全公约D. 国际防止船舶造成污染公约答案:ABCD9. 船舶在航行中,以下哪些行为是被禁止的?A. 酒后驾驶B. 超载航行C. 非法排放污染物D. 无证航行答案:ABCD10. 船舶在航行中,以下哪些情况下需要发出遇险信号?A. 船舶失火B. 船舶碰撞C. 船舶搁浅D. 船舶遭遇恶劣天气答案:ABCD三、判断题11. 船舶在航行中,船长有责任确保船舶的安全和船员的安全。

(对/错)答案:对12. 船舶在航行中,可以随意排放油污水。

(对/错)答案:错13. 船舶在航行中,遇到海盗威胁时,可以直接对抗。

(对/错)答案:错14. 船舶在航行中,可以超载航行。

海事局海船船员适任证书全国统考试卷:35602 轮机英语

海事局海船船员适任证书全国统考试卷:35602 轮机英语



一、单项选择题1.Which one is not fixed on the cylinder cover of a four-stoke diesel engine?A. indicator cockB. fuel valveC. main bearingD. safety valve2.The main function of tie rods in the construction of large, low speed diesel engines is to_____.A. stiffen the bedplate in way of the main bearings to increase the engine's longitudinalstrengthB. accept most of the tensile loading that results from the firing forces developed duringoperationC. mount the engine frame securely to the hull to prevent shaft coupling misalignmentD. connect the crosshead solidly to the piston rod3.A level gauge for a tank is to______.A. give the pressureB. give the contentsC. give the shape of the tankD. give the accuracy temperature4.A slow-speed two-stroke diesel is usually arranged to operate continuously on heavy fuel oiland has available a ______supply for manoeuvring conditions.A. lubricating oilB. diesel oilC. residual oilD. hydraulic oil5.The amount of lubricating oil in the drain tank should be checked by ______.A. measuringB. sounding rodC. meteringD. weighting6.Operating conditions in the crank chamber are very ______those in the cylinder.A. the same asB. similar toC. separated fromD. different from7.______ is used for cylinder and cylinder head , the salt water is used for cooling thelubricating oil ,the fresh water in the coolers and the charging air in the air cooler.A. The fuel oilB. The lube oilC. The sea waterD. The fresh water8.A naturally aspirated diesel engine at full throttle will have an intake manifold pressure_____.A. slightly less than atmospheric pressureB. approximately equal to exhaust manifold pressure at all timesC. that is widely fluctuating constantlyD. decreasing as engine load increases9.Charging is the filling of the engine cylinder with a supply or charge of fresh air ______compression.A. to needB. ready forC. want toD. going to be10.In using reduction gears to obtain efficient propeller speeds, ______.A. they must be located at the after end of the engineB. they can only be used with one engine at a timeC. they eliminate the need for controllable pitch propellersD. they are connected to the engine with a flexible coupling11.Misalignment of the drive shaft and propeller shaft flanges can be detected by using a dialindicator or ______.A. inside micrometerB. feeler gaugeC. adjustable trammelD. sighting device12.A thrust bearing is used with a propulsion diesel engine to ______.A. control axial movement of the crankshaftB. transmit engine thrust to the propeller shaftC. absorb vibrations in the propeller shaftingD. prevent propeller thrust from being transmitted to the hull13.Increasing the load on an engine equipped with a constant speed mechanical governor, willcause the engine speed to initially ______.A. increaseB. decreaseC. fluctuateD. remain constant14.Which of the following devices is common to both mechanical and hydraulic governors?A. Direct linkage between the ball-head and fuel rack.B. A servomotor.C. A compensating device.D. Flyweights.15.On most diesel engines, the governor controls the output speed by ______.A. controlling the amount of fuel injected into the cylindersB. varying the speed of the turbochargerC. adjusting the compression ratioD. changing the timing of the fuel injection camshaft16.An indicator diagram is a pressure-volume graph taken from the pressure in the ______of aworking engine.A. crankcaseB. fuel pumpC. scavenge trunkD. cylinder17.If we wanted to increase the output further, the main engine ______.A. would be overloadB. would be overloadedC. must overloadD. is overloaded18.If a cylinder is not firing ______.A. its exhaust temperature will be lowB. both A and DC. neither A nor DD. the temperature at its cooling water outlet will be high19.______ is used for washing and drinking.A. The ballast systemB. The salt water systemC. The bilge systemD. The domestic system20.To operate a centrifugal fire pump at reduced capacity, you should ______.A. readjust the relief valveB. throttle the suction lineC. throttle the discharge valveD. open the priming line21.The valve best suited for throttling gas or liquid flow in a pipeline is the ______.A. gate valveB. globe valveC. check valveD. plug cock22.In a ______boiler the hot gases from the furnace pass through the tubes while the water is onthe outside.A. water-tubeB. fire-tubeC. exhaust gasD. None of the above is true.23.The tube in a boiler should be blinded if found ______.A. scaledB. informedC. leakyD. deformed24.The internal part of the boiler, if found ______, has to be chemically washed by yard.A. deformedB. rustedC. crackedD. scaled25.Which of the following operations need NOT to be entered on the Oil Record Book Part I ?I.Disposal of oil residues. II.Internal transfer of fuel oil.A. I onlyB. II onlyC. both I and IID. neither I nor II26.A centrifuge arranged to separate two liquids is known as ______.A. an oily water separatorB. a purifierC. a centrifugal compressorD. a clarifier27.Sediment collects in a tubular purifier______.A. on top coverB. on sides of bowlC. in drain line on the discsD. on the discs28.Oil water separators are used to ensure that ships don't discharge oil when pumping out _____.A. ballast waterB. boiler waterC. bilge waterD. sewage water29.The ______is fitted on an oily water separator.A. sliding bowl bottomB. gravity discC. bowlD. liquid level detector30.______ are used to handle anchors and chains.A. Cargo winchesB. Mooring winchesC. WindlassesD. Cargo hatches31.In a ordinary cargo crane, ______is fitted to rotate the crane.A. the slewing motorB. the luffing motorC. the hoisting motorD. none of the above32.The hand steering is a method by which the motion of the rudder is controlled with ______.A. a motor-driven steering wheelB. a pneumatic steering wheelC. a hand-driven steering wheelD. an electric steering wheel33.The control rod of a steering gear pump is attached at its outer end to ______.A. the hunting gearB. the rudder stockC. the rudder controllerD. the feedback unitv34.If a heavy sea strikes the rudder, the shock is transmitted through the tiller to______.A. the tiller armsB. the swivel blocksC. hunting gearsD. the ramspressed air is used on board ship______.A. for starting diesel enginesB. in pneumatic control systemC. in pneumatic toolsD. All the above are true.36.The starting air bottle should be pumped up to maximum pressure by the ______before startof the engine.A. air compressorB. refrigeration compressorC. vacuum pumpD. purifier37.The principle of mechanical refrigeration is ______.A. the conversion of a liquid to a gasB. the absorption of temperature under heat, pressure, compression and expansionC. the compression of a liquid under temperature and expansionD. the absorption of heat under temperature, pressure, compression and expansion38.The boiling and condensation points of refrigerant mainly depend on the _____exerted upon it.A. temperatureB. densityC. volumeD. pressure39.The purpose of the skirt or trunk in four-stroke cycle engines is to act in a similar manner toa_____.A. crossheadB. crownC. piston rodD. connecting rod40.______ is used for sensing the temperature of the room in the air condition system.A. An expansion valveB. An evaporatorC. A thermostatD. A condenser41.The main causes of fire on board ships are ______.A. oil leakage in engine-roomB. hot work (welding, cutting, etc. )C. static electricityD. all of the above42.The flash point of a liquid refers to the temperature ______.A. at which a liquid will give off inflammable vaporsB. at which a liquid will burn steadilyC. at which a liquid will explodeD. that a liquid must reach before it will flow readily43.The operation of paralleling two alternators requires the voltages to be_____ and also in phase.A. zeroB. eliminatedC. differentD. equal44.When securing an AC generator, you should FIRST______.A. open the generator circuit breakerB.switch the voltage regulator to … manual'C. decrease the field excitation to minimumD. reduce the load on the unit45.Prior to any overhaul work on electric equipment, it is important to ensure the circuits are ___.A. liveB. deadC. excitedD. on line46.The primary function of an electric motor is to ______.A. develop torqueB. generate high voltagesC. produce a magnetic fieldD. generate high electrical resistance47.An ohmmeter can be used to measure ______.A. current flow in a circuitB. voltage between two points in a circuitC. circuit continuityD. power48.The resistance of electric wire will decrease as its ______.A. length increasesB. cross-sectional area increasesC. temperature increasesD. percent of metallic purities increases49.Bourdon Tube is probably the most commonly used______ measuring instrument.A. the absolute pressureB. the gauge pressureC. the vacuum pressureD. the differential pressure50.Which of the following is operated from the main engine room console on an automatedvessel?A. Fire pump and lube oil pumpB. Lube oil pump and distilling plantC. Distilling plant and shaft alley doorD. Shaft alley door and fixed CO 2 release51.Electrical circuits are protected against overheating by means of a/an ______.A. circuit breakerB. amplifierC. diodeD. capacitor52.The development of the high automation in marine engineering ______to use the unmannedmachinery space on board the ship.A. makes possibleB. makes possible itC. makes it possibleD. makes that is possible53.The crank-room cover should not be opened until at least _____minutes after the engine stops.A. 10B. 15C. 20D. 3054.The Company should ensure that the master is fully______ with the Company's SMS.A. familiarB. understandC. conversationD. confused55.“Movement of engine no longer required.” means “______”.A. Stop EngineB. No Engine RevolutionsC. Stand-by EngineD. Finished With Engine56.The order “Bow thrust stop” means “______”.A. Bow thrust full to portB. Bow thrust full to starboardC. No bow thrust revolutionsD. No stern thrust revolutions57.The difference between the starboard and port drafts caused by a transverse shift in weightis______.A. listB. heelC. trimD. flotation58.Seawater may be used for drinking water ______.A. at a maximum rate of two ounces per dayB. after mixing with an equal quantity of fresh waterC. if gather during or immediately after a hard rainD. under no circumstance59.A fire and boat drill on a tank vessel shall, by regulation, include______.A. starting the fire pumpsB. checking fireman's outfits and other personnel rescue equipmentC. checking relevant communications equipmentD. all of the above60.One of the methods NOT usually allowed in cleaning up oil spills in the United States is____.A. skimmersB. strawC. dispersantsD. sawdust61.______may have two emergency source of power, thus requiring two emergencyswitchboards.A. Large passenger vesselsB. General cargo shipsC. Container shipsD. Oil tankers62.A______ sometimes called filters, is a device designed to prevent the passage of unwantedsolids into the system.A. Steam trapB. Check valveC. SeparatorD. Strainer63.A portable foam fire extinguisher is placed in operation by ______.A. turning it upside downB. pressing the foam leverC. squeezing the grip handleD. opening the hose valve64.If liquid freon should come in contact with your shin, you should ______.A. wash with salt waterB. wash with sterile mineral oilC. treat it like frostbiteD. treat it like any burn65.Before entering a fuel tank that has been cleaned, it should be checked with an oxygenindicator and a/an ______.A. Orsat apparatusB. flame safety lampC. Halide torchD. combustible gas indicator66.Water can‟t be used to put out fir es of ______.A. Class AB. Class BC. Class CD. B+C67.The minimum number and capacity of bilge pumps and fire pumps and their dispersementwithin the ship is governed by______.A. Classification Society RulesB. National requirementsC. The IMO International Convention for the Safety of Life at SeaD. All of the above.68.Each completed page of the Oil Record Book must be signed by the ______.A. Engineer on watchB. Chief EngineerC. Chief MateD. Master二、关联题(每组关联题题干下有4个小题,每小题4个选项)第一组:Generally people use diesel engines, gasoline engines or electrical motors to drive a modern ship.But none of them can work without oils. The burning of the oil in the cylinders of the diesel engine or gasoline engine provides the ship with driving power. The electrical motor runs on the electrical power. But the generator also consumes oil to produce this kind of power. Beside, the lube oil can reduce the friction between the moving parts of the engine and has much to do with its working condition.69.What do people use to drive a modern ship?A. the windB. the sailC. the oarsD. the machines70.Which of the following does not directly burn oil?A. A gasoline engineB. A diesel engineC. An electrical motorD. None of them71.What does a generator provide?A. driving powerB. a great deal of heatC. frictionD. electricity72.What‟s the function of the lube oil?A. to take away the heatB. to reduce frictionC. to remove the detritusD. all of the A.B.C 第二组:The field current supply in older machines comes from a lower voltage direct current generator or exciter on the same shaft as the alternator. Modern machines however are either statically excited or of the high-speed brush-less type. The exciter is required to operate to counter the effects of power factor for a given load. The power factor is a measure of the phase difference between voltage and current and is expressed as the cosine of the phase angle.With a purely resistance load the voltage and the current are in phase, giving a power factor of one. The power consumed is therefore the product of voltage and current. Inductive or capacitive loads, combined with resistance loads, produce lagging or leading power factors which have a value less than one. The power consumed is therefore the product of current, voltage and power factor. The alternating current generator supplying a load has a voltage drop resulting from the load. When the load has a lagging power factor this voltage drop is considerable. Therefore the exciter, in maintaining the alternator voltage, must vary with load current and also the power factor. The speed change of the prime mover must also be taken into account.73.The word “machines” in the passage refers to ______.A. the direct current generatorB. the alternating current generatorC. the exciterD. the prime mover 74.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage ?A. With a purely resistance load, the power factor is zero.B. Inductive loads combined with resistance loads produces leading power factors.C. Capacitive loads combined with resistance loads produces lagging power factors.D. With a purely resistance load, the phase angle is zero.75.When the load has a lagging power factor this voltage drop is considerable. This sentencemeans that ______.A. with a purely resistance load, the voltage drops too muchB. there is a considerable voltage drop in the capacitive load combined with resistance loadC. when the load is the capacitive load combined with resistance load, the voltage drops tozeroD. when the load is the inductive load combined with resistance load, the voltage drop isfairly large76.The exciter must vary with : Ⅰ. load current. Ⅱ. the power factor. Ⅲ. speed change of theprime mover.A. onlyⅠB. only ⅡC.Ⅰand ⅡD.Ⅰ, Ⅱand Ⅲ三.中译英77. 螺旋桨需拆卸,尾轴拉出检查修理,所有拆卸部件重新装妥。







Ⅰ、主机Ⅱ、副机Ⅲ、锅炉A.Ⅰ+ⅡB.Ⅰ+ⅢC.Ⅱ+ⅢD.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ9.负责值班的轮机员:Ⅰ、对驾驶台所有命令应迅速执行Ⅱ、对主推进装置的变向应做记录Ⅲ、对主推进装置的变速应做记录A.Ⅰ对B.Ⅱ对C.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+ⅢD.Ⅱ+Ⅲ10.使用蒸汽的船舶,甲板蒸汽各阀由______操作:A.甲板部人员B.大管轮C.二管轮D.值班机匠11.柴油机冷却水化验和投药处理由______负责.A.轮机长B.大管轮C.二管轮D.三管轮12.按传动功率方式的不同,可列为船舶推进装置型式的是:Ⅰ、调距桨Ⅱ、定距桨Ⅲ、电力传动A.Ⅰ+ⅡB.Ⅰ+ⅢC.Ⅱ+ⅢD.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ13.低速柴油机的最低稳定转速一般为标定转速的:A. 20%B. 1/4~1/3C. 50%D. 1/6~1/514.柴油机制造商提供的柴油机布置区内每一点都可供设计者选用,在布置区域内同一航速:A.如选用高转速、小直径螺旋桨,就必须增加功率B.如选用低转速、大直径螺旋桨,就必须增加功率C.如选用大缸径、低转速柴油机,螺旋桨直径可以小一些D.如选用小缸径、高转速柴油机,螺旋桨直径就必须大15.采用轴带发电机的推进装置主要目的是:Ⅰ、提高经济性Ⅱ、减少发电柴油机的台数Ⅲ、降低发电柴油机的磨损A.Ⅰ+ⅡB.Ⅰ+ⅢC.Ⅱ+ⅢD.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ16.当主机转速在标定转速的______范围内变化时,轴带发电机可以正常工作。






/ 打屁股小游戏




海事局2004年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第33期)科目:船舶辅机 试卷代号:842(33842)

海事局2004年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第33期)科目:船舶辅机     试卷代号:842(33842)




A. 大于B.小于C. 等于D. B或C2.对空压机着火爆炸原因的分析表明,下述说法中错的是:A. 工作温度不超过150℃和低于油的闪点约28℃B. 自燃并不一定要气温达到油的闪点C. 气道中的积碳和积油应及时清除,使积碳厚度不超过4毫米D. 空转和低排气量长时间运转不安全3.空压机采用多级压缩和级间冷却不能:A. 降低排气温度B. 提高输气系数C. 节省压缩功D. 使高压和低压缸活塞(非级差式)承受压差都减轻4.空压机的自动保护不包括:A. 排气温度过高B. 滑油油压过低C. 冷却水压过低D. 排气压力过低5.关于空压机的卸载,说法不准确的是:A. 起动前卸载阀应开启B. 起动后应由低至高关闭各级泄放阀C. 停车前应由高至低开启各级泄放阀D. 停车前应由低至高开启各级泄放阀6.活塞式空气压缩机所用的润滑油,其主要性能要求有:A. 闪点多在180℃B. 抗氧化安定性要好C. 摄氏零度以下有较低的粘度D. 电绝缘性要好7.船用活塞式空压机的活塞销与活塞是______配合,活塞销与连杆是______配合。

A. 过盈,过盈B. 动,动C. 动,过盈D. 过盈,动8.管理中若发现空压机排气量减少, 较合理的检查步骤是: ①气阀②活塞环③滤器④冷却器A. ②→①→③→④ B.④→①→②→③C.①→②→③→④ D.③→④→①→②9.关于空压机气阀升程,下列说法错的是:A. 工作中流量变,升程不变B. 不宜过大,以免关闭滞后和撞击加重C. 转速高的及工作压力大的升程较大D. 严格限制,多在2-4mm左右10.两级活塞式空压机高压级安全阀开启原因不包括:A. 气瓶压力继电器上限调得太高B. 通气瓶的截止阀未开C. 安全阀弹簧调得太紧D. 冷却不良,排气温度太高11.下列油马达中,轴承完全不受径向液压力的是:①连杆式②叶片式③内曲线式④五星轮式A. ①③B. ②③C. ③④D. ②③④12.液压马达调速方法一般不包括改变:A. 液压泵每转排量B. 液压马达每转排量C. 液压泵转速D. 流量调节阀调节流量13.轴向柱塞泵与径向柱塞泵相比,下列说法错的是:A. 主要部件采取了静力平衡措施B. 滤油精度要求较低C. 允许吸上真空度较小D. 转动惯量较小,可适用更高转速14.三位四通换向阀能在中位使执行油缸锁闭、油泵不卸荷的机能是:A. OB. PC. HD. M15.执行机构负载增大时旁通型调速阀中:A. 减压阀开大B. 减压阀开小C. 溢流阀开大D. 溢流阀开小16.轴向柱塞泵的配油盘采用非对称负重迭型结构的目的是:A. 防止排压过高B. 减少配油盘磨损C. 减少液压冲击和降低噪音D. 增加密封性能17.调节液动换向阀左端阻尼器使其节流口关小,则阀芯移动速度:A. 向左减慢,向右不变B. 向左不变,向右减慢C. 向左右都减慢D. 向左右都不变18.下列说法中错的是:A. 普通型调速阀和定压油源配合使用B. 旁通型调速阀和定量油源配合使用C. 旁通型调速阀自带定差溢流阀,节流阀的出口一般都设有安全阀D. 普通型调速阀是由定差减压阀和节流阀并联而成19.在液压泵变量机构达到最大行程之前,舵机追随机构的储存弹簧:A. 随泵偏心距的增大而逐渐被拉长B. 不起作用C. 随泵偏心距的增大而逐渐压缩D. 被拉长或压缩,由操纵点移动方向确定20.平衡舵有利于:A. 减小舵叶面积B. 减少舵机负荷C. 增大转船力矩D. 增快转舵速度21.关于舵的下列说法错的是:A. 船船主机停车,顺水漂流前进,转舵会产生较小的舵效B. 倒航时的最大水动力矩一般不会超过正航时的最大水动力矩C. 转舵可能使船横倾和纵倾D. 舵效与船速有关22.液压舵机当舵叶受较大冲击负荷时不致损坏是由于:A. 主油路中充满有弹性的油B. 装置有足够的强度C. 装有弹性底座D. 主油路有安全阀23.正航船舶平衡舵的转舵力矩会出现较大负扭矩的是:A. 小舵角回中B. 小舵角转离中位C. 大舵角回中D. 大舵角转离中位24.降低舵机安全阀整定压力后:A. 各舵角的工作油压降低B. 转舵速度减慢C. 公称转舵扭矩可能降低D. 转舵速度加快25.反馈杠杆的操纵点A从一舷满舵位置移到另一舷满舵位置所需时间应在:A. 22s~24sB. 10s~14sC. 28s以内D. 30s以内26.以下各项不符合主操舵装置规范要求的是:A. 有两台动力设备共同工作能满足主操舵装置要求的客船要设辅操舵装置B. 一般应设两套能在驾驶台控制的独立的控制系统C. 一万总吨以上油船舵机管系或动力设备发生单项故障时能在60s内恢复操舵能力D. 其他船(除油轮、化学品船、液化气体船外)发生上述单项故障应能迅速恢复操舵,但不提具体时间要求27.对舵柄处舵杆直径大于230mm(不包括航行冰区加强)的船应设有能在________秒内向操舵装置提供的替代动力源。
















































A.4支B.5支C.6支答案:C3.保温用具一般存放在比较结实的真空袋内,以免意外损坏,平时存放于oA.船员房间内B.驾驶台内C.救生艇筏和救助艇内答案:C4.良好的人际关系有利于:①船员形成群体感;②减少船员工作上的内耗;③完成复杂的工作任务;④船员的身心健康,促进个性的健康发展A.①②B.①②③C.①②③④答案:C5 .进入封闭舱室采样监测的人员必须戴隔绝式呼吸器。

A.对B.错答案:A6.衣服着火后,正确的处置方式是oA.用手打火焰B.奔跑呼救C.脱去衣服或就地打滚答案:C7.窒息法灭火的原理是.A.减少氧气含量B.降低现场温度C.隔离可燃物答案:A8.下列关于三角巾包扎法,说法错误的是A.头顶部伤口可釆用风帽式包扎法B.面部受伤可采用面具式包扎法C.三角巾不可用于手、足的包扎答案:C9. 既是气体的通道,又是发音器官。

A.喉B.鼻C.咽答案:A10.火势蔓延的主要原因是 OA.风势B.热传播C.气候答案:B11.应变部署表应张贴在哪些地点?①驾驶台内;②机舱集控室内;③餐厅内A.①②B.①③C.①②③答案:C12.在开敞式救生艇内人员活动非常方便,一旦艇被风浪打翻,很容易扶正。








假设2018年该商品的劳动生产率提高25%,与此同时,该国的通货膨胀率为24%,在其它条件不变的情况下,2018年这款Real香蕉商品的价值为:A.9.6元B.10元C.9.92元D.6.4元【答案】:C1/ 104.古人把自然看得很神秘,认为各种自然现象都有自己的主宰者,人们常常会把它们人格化并赋予名字。






A.隶书字体B.行书字体C.楷书字体D.篆书字体【答案】:D8.陶渊明是东晋时期著名的山水田园诗人,为官十余载后,他厌倦了官宦生活,2/ 10归隐田园。








一、单项选择题:1.Because the castings of smaller engines are not so big and heavy, ______ and cylinder block maybe made in one piece.A. the columnB. the jacketC. cylinder coverD. cylinder liner2.______ of an engine crankshaft can be detected by measuring deflections of crank webs for eachunit of the engine.A. MisalignmentB. LengthC. StrengthD. Stresses3. A common trouble with the fuel pump plungers or fuel valve spindle is______.A. broken downB. stuckC. oil leakageD. carbonized4.Diesel fuel oil having a low cetane rating can result in ______.A. improved cold weather startingB. smoother engine operationC. combustion knockD. reduce ignition lag5.______ is arranged for cleaning the lubricating oil in the system and clean oil can be providedfrom a storage tank.A. A filterB. A centrifugeC. A distillerD. A generator6.The emulsion of the oil is mainly caused by ______.A. the solid impurities of large particleB. the solid impurities of fine particleC. the water contentD. both water and solid impurities7.Cylinders of marine diesel engines are normally cooled by ______.A. sea waterB. fine mineral oilC. sanitary waterD. fresh water8.______ are fitted in the exhaust system and facilitate charge removal and scavenging in eachcylinder.A. DiffusersB. CompressorsC. Steam boilersD. Soot blowers9.______ device is provided to prevent starting air from being admitted to the cylinder before thereversing is completed.A. An automaticB. A transmissionC. A self-regulatingD. An interlocking10.The difference between a supercharged engine and an un-supercharged engine is that ______operates at an increased pressure.A. the laterB. the latterC. the formerD. the farmer11.______ for attachment to the propeller shaft also accommodates the turning gear and is integrallyforged with the crankshaft.A. The coupling flangeB. The camshaftC. The cross-head pinD. The cylinder jackets12.A(n) ______is a chemical or electro-chemical attack on the metal surface which may be furtherincreased if the sea-water is polluted.A. errosionB. corrosionC. cavityD. scouring 13.The two-stroke cycle begins with the piston coming up from the bottom of its stroke, withscavenge ports in the sides of the cylinder being ______.A. shutB. closingC. openedD. closed14.The governor of a generator engine is to ______.A. make the engine stopB. regulate the timing of camshaftsC. make the rpm stabilize at any required valueD. make the engine run at nearly constant speed15.The ability of the governor to prevent fluctuations(波动) in engine speed is termed ______.A. sensitivityB. stabilityC. promptnessD. speed droop16. A governor automatically controls engine speed by regulating ______.A. fuel supplyB. firing orderC. engine loadD. oil level17.The volute pump is one in which the impeller ___.A. discharges into a gradually widening channelB. has stationary diffuser vanesC. produces no kinetic energyD. All of the above are true18.As for a hydraulic single action vane pump, the inner wall of the stator is usually of ______ shape.A. circularB. elliptical( 椭圆的)C. rectangular(矩形的)D. hexagon19.Gear pumps are of positive displacement type pumps because they discharge a near constantamount of liquid ______ pressure.A. depending onB. in relative toC. regardless ofD. because of20.If an operating auxiliary boiler has a water pH reading of 7, you should ______.A. bottom blow the boilerB. treat the water with caustic sodaC. treat the water with chemical scavengersD. reduce the water alkalinity to recommended readings21.When steam is being raised on a boiler, the water level will normally ______.A. drop as the boiler warms upB. rise as the boiler warms upC. remain unchanged until the boiler is hot enoughD. rise and fall with the steam demand22.For a purifier, changing to a gravity disc with larger hole diameter will move the interfacetowards the ______.A. bowl peripheryB. bowl centerC. upper surfaceD. lower surface23.When in operation, it is unavoidable that a small amount of oil ______ through leakage, and inorder to compensate for these leaks the system is connected to a feed pump.A. escapesB. overheatsC. expandsD. accelerates24.The pollution prevention regulations state that slop oil and sludge that result as part of normalfueling operations should be disposed of by ______.A. discharging ashore into the sewer systemB. sealing in disposable plastic barrels aboard shipC. discharging into a shore tank or slop bargeD. dumping into the ship’s bunker tanks25.If a bilge pump failed to build up discharge pressure, you should check for ______.A. excessive water in the bilgesB. a clogged suction strainerC. oil in the bilgesD. all of the above26.Here some oil in the oily water separator, as a result of its lower ______, will separate and riseinto the oil collection space.A. temperatureB. viscosityC. densityD. velocity27.The drive motor will have a brake arranged to fail-safe, i.e. it will ______ the load if power failsor machine is stopped.A. castB. putC. holdD. let out28.Morring winches are often combined with ______ units so that one prime mover drives both.A. craneB. hatch coverC. windlassD. steering gear29.The air compressor pumps air to the ______.A. air cylinderB. combustion chamberC. steam drumD. expansion tank30.The process of boiling seawater in order to separate it into freshwater vapor and brine is usuallydefined as ______.A. dehydrationB. condensationC. evaporationD. dissolution31.The cooler as the liquid becomes, ______.A. the faster it will evaporateB. the slower it will condenseC. the slower it will evaporateD. the faster it will flow32.During working, thermostatic expansion valve should be ______.A. either all the way open or all the way closedB. normally fully openC. throttled depending on loadD. controlled by liquefied pressure33.Prior to any overhaul work on electric equipment, it is important to ensure the circuits are ______.A. liveB. deadC. excitedD. on line34.Why is it desirable to operate paralleled AC generators at the same power factor?A. Circulating currents are kept to a minimum.B. Field excitation losses are kept to a minimum.C. Generator rotors will have a lesser tendency to hunt.D. Because a power factor increase will decrease kilowatt output.35.In a modern three-phase A.C. synchronous brushes generator, the excitation winding is on therotor. That means ______.A. the generator need not excitation.B. the winding on the rotor is for inputting excitation current.C. there are three phase windings on the rotor.D. the generator has brushes.36.The main generators are connected to ______.A. distribution boardsB. section boardsC. emergency switch boardsD. main switch boardsually the panels are interlocked with ______ so that the devices can be made dead before thedoors are opened.A. protective earthB. isolatorsC. ground switchD. circuit-breakers38.Which of the listed devices is used to measure pressure and convert it to an electrical signal?A. TransducerB. ReducerC. TransformerD. Rectifier39. A manometer is used to measure ______.A. pressureB. temperatureC. volumeD. specific gravity 40.An ohmmeter can be used to measure ______.A. current flow in a circuitB. voltage between two points in a circuitC. circuit continuityD. power41.Engine protection by means of an alarm or shutdown control can be obtained with devices thatare sensitive to ______.A. temperatureB. pressureC. engine speedD. all of the above42.When the current in a power transmission line is increased, the power loss ______.A. increases as the square of the currentB. decreases as the square root of the currentC. remains the same, as it is independent of current flowD. increases in direct proportion as the current43.The conclusion that mechanical efficiency is always ______ 100 per cent is correct.A. small thanB. more thanC. little thanD. less than44.In a diesel engine, an extremely leaking exhaust valve can cause ______.A. misfiringB. pre-ignitionC. interrupted scavengingD. reduced scavenging45. A crack in a cylinder liner can be caused by ______.A. worn piston ringsB. installation of undersized sealing ringsC. operating the engine at low loadsD. restricted cooling water passages46.Poor combustion in a diesel engine can be caused by ______.A. high compression pressureB. low intake air temperatureC. low exhaust pressureD. high scavenge air temperature47.Diesel engine exhaust temperatures may be used to indicate ______.A. leaking exhaust valvesB. an overloaded cylinderC. a clogged injector nozzleD. all of the above.bustion knock can occur in the cylinders of a diesel engine under any condition permitting______.A. a shortened ignition delay periodB. a lean fuel/air mixtureC. excess fuel in the combustion chamberD. rapid vaporization of injected fuel droplets49.During the inspection, the starting air valves should be closed ______ the engine from turning.A. to increaseB. to speed upC. to preventD. to reduce50.Lower suction pressure of a pump may be caused by ______.A. too much air in the pipe lineB. clogged strainerC. empty tankD. leaky pipe51.To prevent excessive _____ in the transverse girders, the tie bolts are positioned as close to thecenter of the crankshaft as possible.A. thermal stressesB. bending momentsC. thermal loadsD. surface tensions52.During repair, lubrication lines and orifices must be ______.A. taken awayB. engagedC. connectedD. sealed off53.If the effective bearing bush area has been reduced ______, remedial action should be taken.A. by more than 5 percentB. by less than 10 percentC. to 95 percentD. to less than 90 percent54. A centrifugal pump can’t supply water after starting. You should check ______.A. priming waterB. power supplyC. packing glandD. bearing lubrication55.The ______ is used to measure current.A. ammeterB. voltmeterC. wattmeterD. frequency meter56.The ______ is used to measure power.A. ammeterB. voltmeterC. wattmeterD. frequency meter57.At the beginning of the watch the current operational parameters and the condition of allmachinery should be verified and also the log readings should correspond with those ______.A. noted by the bridge officerB. told by last duty engineerC. observedD. in the instruction manual58.In the engine department, the ______ is looked upon to provide the leadership that is needed.A. captainB. chief engineerC. chief officerD. chief motorman59.Routine monitoring of a diesel engine should include ______.A. checking for leaksB. checking temperatures and pressuresC. listening for abnormal noisesD. all of the above.60.The stability of a vessel is normally the greatest when all fuel and water tanks are full because the______.A. center of gravity is loweredB. center of buoyancy is loweredC. reserve buoyancy is unchangedD. hull freeboard is increased61.Hydrocarbon vapors are usually detected by the use of the ______.A. flame safety lampB. combustible gas indicatorC. gasometerD. oxygen indicator62.The order“Bow thrust stop.”means“______”.A. Bow thrust full to portB. Bow thrust full to starboardC. No bow thrust revolutionsD. No stern thrust revolutions63.______ may have two emergency source of power, thus requiring two emergency switchboards.A. Large passenger vesselsB. General cargo shipsC. Container shipsD. Oil tankers64. A ______ sometimes called filters, is a device designed to prevent the passage of unwanted solidsinto the system.A. steam trapB. check valveC. separatorD. strainer65.It is usual to identify the fluids in pipes by bands of paint at intervals, and the engineer shouldfamiliarize himself with the code in use. According to the above sentence, which of the following statements is true?A. People can know the types of fluids in pipes by feeling with hands.B. There are series of rings painted in the pipes to show various fluids.C. Engineers should wear cards standing for ranks.D. Engineer knows his own code very well.66.One of the disadvantages of using carbon dioxide to extinguish a fire in an enclosed space is______.A. the ‘ snow ’ which is sometimes discharged along with the gas is toxicB. prolonged exposure to high concentrations of CO 2 gas causes suffocationC. rapid dissipation of the CO 2 vaporD. the CO 2 gas is lighter than air and a large amount is required to extinguish a fire near the deck67.Administrations should bear in mind the significance(重要性) of ______ in maintaining safetyof life and property at sea and in preventing marine pollution.A. advanced nautical equipmentB. advanced performance main enginesC. emergency equipmentD. communication and language skills 68.The SOLAS Convention in its successive forms is generally regarded as the most important of allinternational treaties concerning the ______ of merchant ships.A. pollutionB. economizationC. safetyD. efficiency二、关联题(每组关联题题干下有4个小题,每小题4个选项)第一组:At the first start, listen carefully for possible jarring sounds. If anything is suspected, stop the engine immediately, otherwise stop the engine after 5 minutes' idling. Check at least the temperatures of the main and big end bearings and of all other bearings which have been opened.Make visual inspection from below to the cylinder liners and piston skirts which have been opened. If everything is in order, restart.Check that there is no leakage of gas, water, fuel or lubricating oil. Especially observe the fuel lines, HP fuel pumps and injectors. Watch the quantities emerging from the leak oil pipes!Check that the starting air manifold is not hot at any cylinder (leaky starting valve may cause explosion!After overhaul, the following instructions are important:- check pressure and temperature gauges.- check the automatic alarm and stop devices.- check the pressure drop over the fuel filter and lubricating oil filter.- check the oil level in the oil sump/oil tank. Estimate the condition of the oil.- check the de-aerating of the engine circulating water system.- check the quantity of fuel leak.- check the telltale holes for leaks.- check the circulating water quality- check the cylinder pressures.- listen for jarring sounds.- check the crankcase pressure.- check the starting air manifold.Running-in is mainly intended to let piston rings "wear" to fit properly in the cylinder liner.Do not continuously run at constant load during the running -in process.It is important to vary the load several times. The ring grooves in the piston will have a different tilting angle at each load and consequently the piston ring has a different contact line to the cylinder liner wall.69.Paragraph 1 tells us that ______.A. if we hear vibration sounds, we should stop the engine quickly, or allow it to operate at lowspeed for 5 minutes, then stop it and check everythingB. if we hear vibration sounds, we should stop the engine quickly, otherwise the engine will bestopped automatically after 5 minutesC. if we hear explosion sounds we should stop the engine then check everythingD. if we hear surging sounds, we should stop the engine immediately otherwise after 5 minutesthe engine will be destroyed70.After overhaul, following instructions are important except ______.A. release air from the engine circulating water systemB. treat the circulating water if necessaryC. make sure the pressure drop is enough besides the fuel filterD. make sure the quantity of lube oil meets the requirement71.After piston overhaul, the running -in process should be carried out ______.A. periodically at steady loadB. occasionally at various loadC. continually at constant loadD. continually at various load72.When dealing with engine troubles, ______.A. no leakage of lubricating oil should be checkedB. quantities of oil emerging from the leak oil pipes must be watchedC. quality of the leak oil must be watchedD. the number of the leaking fuel lines should be checked第二组:At appropriate intervals inspection should be made of the main propulsion plant, auxiliary machinery and steering gear spaces. Any routine adjustments may then be made and malfunctions or breakdowns can be noted, reported and corrected. During these tours of inspection bilge level should be noted, piping and systems observed for leaks, and local indication instruments also be observed.Bridge orders must be promptly carried out and a record of any required changes in speed and direction should be kept. When under standby or maneuvering conditions with the machinery being manually operated the control unit or console should be continuously manned.Certain watchkeeping duties will be necessary for the continuous operation of equipment or plant-the transferring of fuel for instance. In addition to these regular tasks other repair ormaintenance tasks may be required of the watchkeeping personnel. However no tasks should be undertaken which will interfere with the supervisory duties relating to the main machinery and associated equipment.During the watch a log or record will be taken of the various parameters of main and auxiliary equipment. Fuel consumption figures are used to determine the efficiency of operation, inaddition to providing a check on the available bunker quantities. Lubrication oil tank levels to some extent indicates engine oil consumption. If the sump level were to rise this would indicate water leakage into the oil and an investigation into the cause must be made. The engine exhaust temperature reading should all be about the same to indicate an equal power production from each cylinder. The various temperature and pressure values for the cooling water and lubrication oil should be at, or near to, the manufacturer’s designed values for the particular speed or fuel lever settings.(The following questions are based on the passage above)73.The first paragraph mainly about ______.A. what should be done during the watchB. what should be done during tours of inspectionC. what the duty personnel should do when they begin their watchD. all of the above74.The watchkeeping personnel ______.A. should note bilge levelB. should observe piping for leaksC. should undertake required tasks not affecting their supervisory dutiesD. All of the above are true75.Fuel consumption figures are used to ______.A. determine the efficiency of operationB. provide a check on the available bunker quantitiesC. Both A and B are trueD. Neither A nor B is true76.The fourth paragraph is mainly about ______.A. why certain parameters should be recordedB. where to get these readingsC. the purpose to log the sump levelD. all of the above三、中译英(共2题,请将答案写在答题纸上)77.在港口国监督检查中,根据SOLAS 74,下列缺陷可以作为船舶滞留的明显理由:推进及其他关键设备,包括电气装置,不能进行正确操作。








A.巴士底狱遗址——《晚钟》B.比萨斜塔——《泉》C.美泉宫——《复活》D.埃菲尔铁塔——《土耳其进行曲》- 1 -5.以下各选项中,属于管理人依法可以从事的活动的是()。


A.市场经济B.共享经济C.交换经济D.计划经济【答案】:C8.刘勰《文心雕龙·明诗》对《古诗十九首》的评价是:()A.发于天赖,本乎人情B.婉转附物,怊怅切情C.凭空模拟,文法极奇D.惊心动魄,一字千金【答案】:B9.两千多年来,儒家思想之所以能够长盛不衰,主要是因为()A.中国是礼仪之邦,儒家思想集礼教之大成B.其他思想对儒家思想构不成威胁C.儒家思想本身具有兼容和发展的特性D.中国崇尚以德治国,儒家思想受统治阶级重视- 2 -10.假设全国居民消费价格指数同比上涨2.4%,高于同期银行一年期定期存款基准利率1.5%,导致银行存款实际利率为负数。

海事局考试行测答案及解析 【完美】

海事局考试行测答案及解析 【完美】


请开始答题:1. 3,5,6,10,11,17,18( )A.25B.26C.27D.282. 3,45,97,( ) A.256129 B.1615 C.8114 D.6173. 3,10,31,94,( ),850A.250B.270C.282D.2834. 3,2,11,14,27,( )A .32 B.3 C.36 D.405.3,-15/4,14/5,-45/28,( )A .25/36 B.33/41 C.21/48 D.35/64二、数学运算。



请开始答题:6.的末位数字是:A.2B.4C.6D.87.—群人坐车旅游,每辆车坐22人,剩5人没有座位,每辆坐26人,空出5个座位, 问每辆车坐25人,空出多少座位?A.20B.15C.10D.58.甲地到乙地,步行比骑车速度慢75%,骑车比公交慢50%,如果一个人坐公交从甲地到乙地共用1个半小时,问:骑车从甲地到乙地多长时间?A.10分钟B.20 分钟C.30分钟D.40分钟9.某项工程计划300天完成,开工100天后,由于施工人员减少,工作效率下降20%,问完成该工程比原计划推迟多少天?A.40B.50C.60D.70 10. 甲容器有浓度为3%的盐水190克,乙容器中有浓度为9%的盐水若干克,从乙取出210克盐水倒入甲,甲容器中的盐水的浓度是多少?A .5.45% B.6.15% C.7.35% D.5.95%11. 正六面体的表面积增加96%,棱长增加多少?A .20% B.30% C.40% D.50%12.有70名学生参加数学、语文考试,数学考试得60分以上的有56人,语文考试得60分以上的有62人,都不及格的有4人,则两门考试都得60分以上的有多少人?A.50B.51C.52D.5313.由1-9组成一个3位数,3位数肯定有数字重复的组合有多少种?A.220B.255C.280D.22514.某个公司在甲乙丙丁四个地方各有一个仓库,四个地方依次排列,大致都在一条直线上,分别相距6千米、10千米、18千米,甲仓库有货物4吨,乙仓库有货物6吨,丙仓库有货物9吨,丁仓库有货物3吨。










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中华人民共和国山东海事局海船船员适任证书全国统考试卷科目:水手业务试卷代号1004适应对象:无限航区、沿海航区500总吨及以上值班水手单项选择(共70题,每题1分)1.已知起航点经度○31=006·12`.7W,到达点经度107·24`.9E,则两地间的经差D○3为:A.113·37`.6W B.113·37`.6E C.101·12`.2E D.101·12`.2W2.设物标高度为H(单位:米),则理论上物标能见地平距离Dh(单位:海里)为:A.2.09√e B.2.09√H C.2.09√e+2.09√H D.2.20√e3。

航海上,公式DH(海里)=2.09√H是用于计算:A.测者能见地平距离B.物标能见地平距离C.物标地理能见距离D.雷达地理能见距离4.中版海图和航标表中所标灯塔射程,通常是:A.光力能见距离B.5米眼高灯塔地理能见距离C.AB中较小者 D.AB中较大者5.英版海图和航标表中所标灯塔射程,通常是:A.光力射程或额定光力射程B.该灯塔的地理能见距离C.光力能见距离D.5米眼高灯塔地理能见距离6.用罗经点划分方向,相临两罗经点间的夹角为:A.11·30` B.22·30` C.11·15` D.45·7.向180*,某船位于我船右面舷角30·若该船航向为350·则我船位于该船舷角:A.40·右 B.30·右 C.150·左 D.150·右8.罗经自差是A.磁北与罗北的夹角B.罗经差减去磁差C.磁方位减去罗方位D.以上三者都对9.半圆方向30°NE换算成圆周方向为A.030°B.150°C.330°D.030°10.真北与磁北之间的夹角是A.磁差B.自差C. 罗经差D.陀螺差11.某轮罗航向为046°,磁差为2°E,自差3°W, 则该轮右正横物标的真方位是A.135°B. 315°C.137°D.136°12.罗经点方向NNE换算成圆周方向为A.25°B.22°33′C.11°25′D.45°13.墨卡托海图投影方法是A.等角横圆柱投影B.等角正圆柱投影C.等角圆锥投影D.等角斜圆柱投影14.某航标涂色为上黑下黄,则该标是A.北方位标B.南方位标C.东方位标D.西方方位标15.某方位标顶标为两黑色圆柱,尖对尖则该标A. 东方位标B.南方位标C.西方位标D.北方位标16.等角横圆柱投影,即高斯-克吕格投影,在航海上常被用来绘制:A.半球星图 B.大圆海图 C.墨卡托航用海图 D.打比例尺港泊图17. 墨卡托海图的比例尺:A.图上各个局部比例尺的平均B.图上某基准纬线的局部比例C.寸图外某基准纬度的局部比例尺D.B或C18.下列有关墨卡托海图局部比例尺的说法中,何者正确?A. 墨卡托海图内各点局部比例尺相同B. 墨卡托海图同一纬线各点的局部比例尺相同C. 墨卡托海图某点各方向局部比例尺相同D.B+C19.灯塔的塔高起算面是采用:A.当地平均海面B.平均大潮高潮面C.地面D.海图基准面20.海图高程基准面通常作为海图上所标___等高程的起算面:A.山头B.岛屿C.明礁D.以上都是21.加值班的船员必须:A.符合主管机关规定B.足以保证船舶安全C.明确自己的职责D.A+B+C22.值班驾驶员的首要职责是:A.熟悉《海上避碰规则》B.海图作业C.监督舵工职责D.负责船舶的安全航行23.下列说法错误的是:A.船长应提前24小时通知轮机长预计开航时间B.开航前1小时,值班驾驶员同轮机员核对车、钟、舵C.机舱试车、并车不必通知驾驶台,但航行中调换发电机必须通知驾驶台D.因装卸造成船舶过度倾斜,影响机舱正常工作,轮机长必须征得值班驾驶员同意方可采取纠正措施24.下列有关船员健康要求错误的是:A.参加值班的船员在24小时内必须有至少10小时休息时间B.一定时间内的平均工作小时最长不应超过12小时C.严禁船员有吸毒和贩毒行为D.值班人员值班前喝酒要适量,严禁喝醉25.负责货舱系统和舱外淡水、压载水和污水系统的使用和保养的部门是:A.甲板部 B.业务部 C.轮机部 D.甲板部和轮机部共同进行26.充气式救生筏在环境温度为18度至20度之间时,自动充气不超过:A.30秒 B.60秒 C.90秒 D.100秒27.救生艇属具中,每人配备淡水A.1升B.4升 C3升 D.至少3升28.人体体内温度下降到多少度以下时,人会失去知觉.A.35度B.31度C.28度D.25度29气胀式救生筏适用的温度范围是A.-20℃~+40℃B.-18℃~+50℃C.30℃~65℃D.-30℃~+70℃30.救生艇筏上求生者饮水的正确方法是:A一饮而尽 B漱口、润唇、慢慢咽下 C漱口、吐出、再喝 D随意31.目前船舶上用的最多的舵为:A支持式不平衡舵 B支持式平衡舵 C支持式半平衡舵 D特种舵32目前我国小型船舶采用的舵多为A支持式不平衡舵 B支持式平衡舵 C支持式半平衡舵 D特种舵33.船舶止舵装置的极限舵角A35·~38· B.20~30 C.15 D.1034.下列不属于随动舵转换步骤的是A.操舵仪电源开关放在随动B.操舵方式选择自动C.驾驶室电源开关放在1或235.当驾驶台自动舵和手操舵都出现故障时应A.迅速使用舵机房应急舵B.迅速使用驾驶台应急舵C.迅速弃船以保人命安全D.都对36.船舶使用的号型白天一般黑色,其中号型的垂直距离不得小于A1.5米B0.6米 C1米 D0.9米37.船在预计开航前12H应在船舶明显的位置悬挂37.船在预计开航前12H应在船舶明显的位置悬挂A P旗B Q旗C G旗D H旗38.机动船的机动船用号笛表示“我船正在向后推进”方法正确的是A .B ..C …D ….39.机动船在狭水道或航道表示“我船企图从你船左舷追越”方法正确的是A —— .B —.—. C——..D….40. 机动船在狭水道或航道表示“我船同意追越”方法正确的是A —— .B —.—. C——..D….41.上高时连接坐板与绳索的结是A单套结 B双套结 C单索花 D架板结42.对于登高下列描述不正确的是A自下而上等高 B自下而下松降 C可用鲁班结代替丁香结 D带好保险带43.登高时可临时代替保险带的是A单编结 B单索花 C单套结 D单杠棒44.登高时桅上人员应注意A注意力集中 B不准穿硬底鞋C不准带皮手套 D以上都对45.搭跳的绳直径长一般为A10毫米 B20毫米 C30毫米 D40毫米46.系泊作业时,连接缆绳与琵琶头的是A撇缆活结 B系缆活结 C以上均可 D以上都错47.带缆时一口带缆成功,应注意A不可一次出缆太多 B应尽可能多的出缆距离码头25米处就可抛缆 D都对48.缆绳上卷筒的圈数应为A钢丝缆5到 B化纤绳3—4到 C以上都对 D以上都错49.将滚筒上的缆绳缠到缆桩上要用A止索结 B扎绳结 C撇缆活结 D系缆活结50.带缆时应注意A缆绳不能压叠 B钢丝绳不能与化钎缆同桩 C“8”挽桩 D以上都对51.解缆时应注意A先松出少许 B码头上解掉缆绳后快收 C通过导敛孔要慢 D以上都对52.进行系缆作业时A人员可站在绳子前方 B人员不可站在绳圈内 C只能站在后方 D BC对53.传用纤维绳主要有A白棕绳 B棉麻绳 C化学纤维绳 D都对54.化纤绳主要用以下那几类A棉纶 B丙纶 C维纶 D都对55.化纤绳中,强度最高的是A棉纶 B丙纶 C维纶 D都对56.是船舶在狭水道,港内安全移动和避让的依据A登记尺度 B船型尺度 C最大尺度 D垂线尺度57.横骨架式船舶特点是A货仓容积是多少 B船舶足重相对减轻 C横向构件距离大 D干隔仓可少设58.油船同往双层底的入口应安置在A驾驶台上 B露天甲板上 C内底板上 D船底板上59.无杆锚与其它类型的锚相比,其主要优点是A稳性好 B便于收藏 C重心底 D抓力系数大60.货船上的污水沟一般设在A舭列板外部 B舱内舭部 C主甲板下部 D舱内中部61双层底内的油舱与食用水舱之间应A确保油密 B设组合肋板 C设置隔离舱空舱 D设实肋板62.目前海船上经常使用的锚是A有杆锚 B无杆锚 C有杆大抓力锚 D无杆大抓力锚63.(SOLAS公约)规定:凡载客超过()人均为客船A6 B12 C20 D3864.目前海船上已不再使用的锚链是A铸钢锚链 B电焊锚链 C锻造锚链 D A+C65.下列哪种船属于工程船A拖船B打捞船 C修理船 D消防船66.锚链的手动式制动器用来杀住(),控制松连的速度A主轴 B锚轮 C电机 D悬筒67各种不同规格的钢丝(6×24)的重量可用公式W≈0.35D2估算,如果钢丝直径D的单位是MM,则W的含义是每()钢丝缆的重量A1m B10m C100m D捆68.位于双层底外既能装货又可压载的舱室被称为A隔离空舱 B 深舱 C底舱干货船 D制荡舱69目前船上用最多的缆绳是A尼龙绳 B 乙纶绳 C 丙纶缆 D维尼龙缆70船用导钳的形式有A单柱式单滚轮式 B闭式开式 C 双三滚轮式 D A+B+C二多项选择问题每题3分71.关于操舵仪关机步骤正确的是1将调节旋纽放在最大位置2将调节旋纽放在最小位置3选择开关及舵轮处于随动位置4电源开关放在断开位置A1234 B234 C134 D12372驾驶台应急操舵装置失灵时值班驾驶员应1派舵工到舵机房进行操舵2呼唤船长到驾驶台 3交通繁忙区停车 4增派一名舵工进行操舵 5通知大管轮.电机工到舵机房协助舵工A12345 B1345 C2345 D123473系泊时应进行以下实验1自一旋35度转到另一旋35度并且时间不超过28S2辅助操舵装置周期应最大营运航述的1\2或7节 ,自一旋15转至另一旋15度的时间不超过60S 3主操舵装置应有足够强度74.船信号旗的用法包括①字母旗用法②数字旗用法③回答旗用法④代旗用法⑤悬挂旗用法A①②③④⑤ B②③④⑤ C①②③④ D①②③⑤。
