

1. 婚礼仪式:希腊人认为婚礼是一种神圣的仪式,通常在教堂举行。
2. 食品和饮料:希腊婚礼通常是一个盛大的庆祝活动,开胃菜和美酒是必备的。
3. 舞蹈和音乐:希腊人喜欢在婚礼上跳舞。
4. 礼品和丢鞋传统:在希腊婚礼中,新娘通常会戴上一双蓝色鞋子(象征幸运),而新郎则需要支付通过“抢新娘鞋”的传统来改变新娘的运气。

济 南 职 业 学 院 学 报
A p r . 2 0 1 3 N o . 2( Se r i a l No . 9 7
《 我 的盛大希腊婚礼 》 中会话 含义与幽默效 果分析
( 华 南农业 大学 ,广 东 广州 5 1 0 9 0 0 )
摘要 :美国语言哲 学家提 出了会话含 义学说 ( T h e o r y o f C o n v e r s a t i o n a l I mp l i c a - t u r e ) ,以及 以此为基础 的
合 作 原 则 。 合 作 原 则 具体 包括 质 的准 则 、 量 的 准 则 、关 联 准 则 以 及 方 式 原 则 。合 作 原 则 是 人 类 话 语 交谈 的
般 准则。对 于合作原 则的违反往往 能表 达或者蕴含语 言外的意义。 《 我 的盛 大希腊婚 礼 》是一部加拿 大 关键词 :我 的盛 大希腊婚礼 ;合作原 则;幽默 中图分类号 :J 9 0 5 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1 6 7 3 — 4 2 7 0 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 0 2 — 0 1 0 7 — 0 3
果 ,因而备受喜爱 。 影 片主 角 T o u l a 虽 然生 活在 美 国 ,但过 的却 是 传统 的希腊式 的家庭生活 。父亲 的权威决 定着 她生
1 . 按当下交谈 目的要求 ,提供所需信息 ;
活里 的一切 。在希腊 式传统 中,女 性的 职责就 是嫁
2 . 不要提供 要求以外的信 息。
量 的准则要求 说话者按 当下交谈 目的要求 ,提 供所需信息 。 当T o u l a 委婉表达想要学习 电脑的时候 , 她 的父亲并没 有就其要 求给 出直接 的答 复 ,而是 用 另一种方式作 出了回答。具体如下 :

图菈的爸爸:不注重对 女性的教育无才便是德 图菈的妈妈:更为民主、 支持
个人主义倾向对比: 希腊:35% 美国:91% 同
1.希腊人很注重食物,你要是不吃肉,他们肯定无法理解, 但是他们又善于体谅人,马上会安慰你说:没关系,我 们还炖了羊羔肉。 2.希腊妈妈会在新婚前夜循循善诱:希腊女人,下厨房如 羊羔般温顺,进卧房如猛虎扑食。 3.希腊人认为世界上有两种人:希腊人和那些希望成为希 腊人的人。 4.丈夫是一家之首,妻子是脖子,她决定头向哪里转。 5.希腊女人一生中的三项使命:嫁给希腊小伙、生希腊小 孩、喂饱所有人。 6. 希腊人往别人身上吐口水表示祈福和辟邪 7.希腊的新人只有在教堂举行婚礼才算合法婚礼
家人生活在一起,工作在一起, 家族或者家庭式企业很常见,业 主就是家长。 希腊人性格直爽、个性鲜明,待 人诚恳热情,喜欢请朋友到家中 做客,也爱串门。助人为乐是他 们的传统美德。开朗的希腊人有 时容易情绪激动,与人发生争执, 脾气显得急躁,但之后又若无其 事、春风满面。希腊人口才甚佳, 大多能言善辩,他们天性幽默、 爱开玩笑、不拘小节。所以对希 腊人不必较真。
3 关于婚礼 伊安的父母以为只是在俱乐部搞一个简单的 婚礼即可。但图拉的父亲却坚持要租一个教堂,
请大量的宾客、搞一个盛大的婚礼。至于请哪些 宾客,还是由父母说了算。 每一个小小的细节都在表明:只要是家里某 一个人的事情,就是家里所有人的事情,而目, 其他人可以替这个人做决定,这是一番好意,别 人还必须领情。图拉结婚的请柬、婚礼当天的婚 纱、伴娘的礼服,甚至是配 婚纱的耳饰都是其他 人替她定的。而在婚礼当天,最激动的不是新娘 本人,而是那些来宾和伴娘。看她们激动和忙乱 的样子,你会以为是她们的大典。

从跨文化交际角度看《我的盛大希腊婚礼》关键词:我的盛大希腊婚礼;文化差异;文化融合中图分类号:j905 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1005-5312(2015)11-0137-01一、美国和希腊的文化差异影片中主人公来自于不同的文化背景,一个是美国男教师伊恩,象征着独立自由;一个是家庭餐馆的女服务生图拉,象征着保守和集体主义。

(司马晓兰编译) 《我盛大的希腊式婚礼》(My Big Fat Greek Wedding)编剧:尼娅・瓦尔扎洛斯导演:乔尔・兹维克主要演员:尼娅・瓦尔扎洛斯、约翰・科贝特、迈克尔・康斯坦丁、莱妮・卡赞等美国、加拿大合拍片 2002故 事 梗 概当代美国芝加哥。
评 论 摘 要2002年美国、加拿大合拍的低成本浪漫喜剧片《我盛大的希腊式婚礼》是这一年的新发现和夏季卖座片,全年票房收入二亿美元以上,获得影评家好评并轰动一时。

M y B Fa t Gr e e k We d d i n g: An Od e o f Gr e e k Cu l t ur e
T a o Qi a n Z e n g Qi n g y u
( S c h o o l o f F o r e i g n L a n g u a g e s J i n g c h u Un i v e r s i t y o f T e c h n o l o g y J i n g me n 4 4 8 0 0 0 Hu b e i C h i n a )
2 0 0 2)是一 部 展 现 希 腊 裔 美 国 人 生 活 的影 片 ,故
重 重 阻碍 。最 终 ,盛 大 的希 腊 式婚 礼 得 以在希 腊 教 堂举 行 ,有 情 人 终成 眷 属 。 影 片展 现 了 以土拉 父 亲 为代 表 的 典 型希 腊 人 的 生 活 ,他 们 的 一 言 一 行 , 一举 一动 无 不 向 我们 传 递 着 充满 魅 力 的 希腊
每个国家和 民族都有其独特 的文化 意蕴 。电 影 作 为 文 化 的 载 体 , 是 一 个 国 家 或 民 族 社 会 文 化 、风土人情等全面、客观 的真实反映 。 《 我的 盛大希腊婚礼》 ( y M B i g F a t G r e e k W e d d i n g ,
a n d p e r s o n i ie f s a l l a b s o l u t e p o we r t o t h e r e s t o f t h e f a mi l y . T h e we d d i n g p l a n n i n g h i t s s n a g a f t e r s n a g a s T u l a ' s n u me r o u s r e l a t i v e s” h e l p f u l l y ”i n t e r f e r e b y i mp o s i n g t h e i r i d e a s i n t o h e r p l nn a i n g. F i n a l l y

My Big Fat Greek Wedding《我盛大的希腊婚礼(2002)》完整中英文对照剧本

[芝加哥,清晨五点]你最好快点结婚You better get married soon.你看起来很老You're starting to look old.打从我十五岁起,老爸就开始念叨My dad bas been saying that to me since I was 15...因为好的希腊女孩儿,一生中应该做好三件事because nice Greek girls are supposed to do three things in life.嫁希腊老公,生希腊小孩Marry Greek boys, make Greek babies,煮饭给全家吃,做老妈子做到死and feed everyone...until the day we die.我的婚礼我的大婚礼我的盛大婚礼我的盛大希腊婚礼[佐巴舞蹈餐馆]我小时候就跟人家不一样When I was growing up, I knew I was different.其他女生像金发娃娃The other girls were blond and delicate.我是个又黑又丑,蓬松垢发的六岁女孩And I was a swarthy 6-year-old with sideburns.我是多么梦想成为一个受欢迎的女孩I so badly wanted to be like the popular girls...哈拉八卦,吃美国三明治all sitting together, talking...eating their Wonder Bread sandwiches. 你吃的是什么?What's that?[希腊名菜:焗肉酱茄片]幕斯阿卡It's moussaka.[Moose:麋鹿,ka-ka:大便]麋鹿大便?Moose ?当那些漂亮的女孩去参加幼童军时And while the pretty girls got to go to Brownies...我却被迫要去学希腊文I bad to go to Greek school.在希腊学校,我学到了很多“有用”的知识,比如At Greek school, I learned valuable lessons like:“尼克有一只羊,玛莉有九只羊”"If Nick bas one goat and Maria bas nine,“他俩多快可以结婚?”bow soon will they marry?"我老妈总会烧一桌热腾腾的好菜,里面充满着她的智慧My mom was always cooking foods filled with warmth and wisdom...她也一定不会忘了,再来些热腾腾的教训and never forgetting that side dish of steaming-bot guilt.尼克,别玩弄你的食物Niko, don't play with the food.我像你这么大的时候,还没东西吃呢When I was your age, we didn't have food.- 妈 - 干嘛?- Ma? - What?为什么我要去念希腊文?Why do I have to go to Greek school?你结婚以后,难道不想给你的婆婆写封信吗?When you get married, don't you want to be able to write your mother-in-law?尼克,乖乖吃饭Niko, come on, eat!我们住在芝加哥,一个普通中产阶级住♥宅♥区We lived in a normal, middle-class Chicago neighborhood of tasteful, modest homes. 结果房♥子盖的像雅典娜神殿Our house, however, was modeled after the Parthenon...科林斯式圆柱,希腊神像装备complete with Corinthian columns, and guarded by statues of the gods.如果邻居对我们的族裔背景,有任何疑问的话In case the neighbors bad any doubts about our heritage...那他们可以过来瞧瞧,咱们是多么景仰希腊的国旗they could just check out our subtile tribute to the Greek flag.老爸只相信两件事My dad believed in only two things...希腊人应该教化非希腊人,怎样做一个好希腊人…that Greeks should educate non-Greeks about being Greek...还有任何毛病,从鸡眼到红疹and that any ailment, from psoriasis to poison ivy,用稳洁喷了马上好could be cured with Windex.六年后,我十二岁,完美的老姐雅典娜十五岁Six years later, I was 12. Athena, my older, perfect sister, was 15.老弟尼克十一岁And my brother, Nick, was 1 1.每天早晨,老爸都会教导我们希腊历史,伟大的希腊文明和伟大的希腊人Every morning, my dad would Lecture us on the history of our people...the great civilization, the Greeks.说出三个古代希腊发明Now, name three things the Greeks did first.天文学,哲学,民♥主♥政♥治♥Astronomy, philosophy, and democracy.好极了,非常棒Bravo! Very good.给我一个英文字Now, give me a word...任何一个,我会证明它的字源是希腊文any word...and I show you, how the root of that word...is Greek. Sweet Lord, again. [arachnophobia:蜘蛛恐惧症]“arachnophobia”这个字如何?How about "arachnophobia"?“Arachno”来自希腊文蜘蛛"Arachno" that comes from the Greek word for spider...“phobia”也是希腊文,意思就是“恐惧”and "phobia" is a phobia, it means "fear."所以,加起来是“怕蜘蛛”的意思So, "fear of spiders." There you go.好吧,波托卡洛斯先生Okay, Mr. Portokalos,[kimono:和服]“kimono”怎么样?how about the word "kimono"?- “Kimono” - 好样的,kimono…- "Kimono." - Good one. kimono...当然了“kimono”是来自希腊文的…Of course, "kimono" comes from the Greek word...“cheimonas”意思是“冬天”"cheimonas" which means "winter."那么,冬天要穿什么…So, what do you wear in the wintertime...来保暖?一件袍子to stay warm? A robe.你瞧“袍子”“和服”懂了吧You see, "robe" "kimono" There you go.- 再见 - 再见,波托卡洛斯先生- Bye-bye. - Goodbye, Mr. Portokalos.图拉Toula!你该以身为希腊人为荣You should be proud to be Greek.过了几年A couple more years went by...老爸把奶奶从希腊接来和我们一起住and my dad brought his mother from Greece to live with us...大概觉得我们家还不够怪because we weren't weird enough.土耳其鬼,别想绑♥架♥我(希腊语)老公(希腊语)抓住她(希腊语)- 她要去哪里? - 妈,希腊人和土耳其人现在已经是朋友了- Where is she going? - Mama, please! The Greeks and the Turks friends now. 我们告诉奶奶战争结束了We told my grandma the war was over...她还是把匕♥首♥放在枕头下but she still slept with a knife under her pillow.不要打我!Stop hitting me!小心,尼克,她很凶的Niko, be careful. She has a very mean punch.即使一个好希腊女孩,如果找不到老公Nice Greek girls who don't find a husband只好在家里开的餐厅干活儿work in the family restaurant.所以,我在这里,日复一日,年复一年So, here I am, day after day, year after year.我三十岁了,早就过了保鲜期Thirty, and way past my expiration date.天啊,冷死人了My God. It's freezing.图拉Toula!昨晚是你打烊,今早又是你开店?You closed last night, you're opening this morning?我最有空I have no life.图拉,有心事要跟妈说Toula, you talk to me sometime.妈,你把我变猪头了啦Ma, you're gonna make me swallow my tongue.图拉Toula!妮姬在吗?Is Nikki here?怎么呢?What's up?妮姬要帮我卷头发No, my Nikki. She was supposed to come over to curl my hairs. 尼克检查过肉的新鲜度吗?Nick, did you check the meat before you signed for it?- 老爸检查的 - 最好是新鲜的- Dad checked it. - It better be fresh.我老弟有两个工作My brother bas two jobs,掌厨及娶希腊处♥女♥作老婆to cook and to marry a Greek virgin.舞拉,上班前先吃点东西Voula, have something to eat before you go to work.不了No如果“唠叨”是奥♥运♥项目If nagging was an Olympic sport,舞拉婶婶会拿金牌my Aunt Voula would have a gold medal.塔奇Taki,你就不能等我吗?you couldn't wait for me?对不起Sorry.不要来这一套Sorry, sorry. Don't "sorry" me.你看疹子,有人给我白眼Look at this. Rash. Somebody gave me the mati.- 喷稳洁 - 拜托啦- Put some Windex on it. - Oh, Gus, please.舞拉,有效耶Voula! This works.昨晚我的脚趾肿的跟脸一样大Last night, my toe was as big as my face.不会吧No为什么不等我?Why you not wait for me?加斯,他要跟我谈Gus. He wants to talk.无论如何,我都要告诉她…Anyway, I tell her...- 我准备让她去希腊找个老公 - 她并不算老- I will send her to Greece to find someone. - She's not too old.还好She's okay.到了希腊,别透露她的年龄In Greece...don't tell anyone how old she is.- 她不肯去 - 不肯去?- She won't go. - She won't go?她不想结婚It's like she don't want to get married.孩子们,去找尼克舅舅Come on, boys. Go in there.我老姐结婚得早My sister married young她变成制♥造♥希腊宝宝的机器and became a Greek baby-breeding machine.快走,孩子们Hey, guys. Come on, get out.我只能喝杯咖啡Just a quick coffee.要送小孩去打冰上曲棍球I have to drop the boys off at hockey然后去百货公♥司♥and then I got to get to the Jewel.要面包吗?丝♥袜♥特♥价♥九毛九Bread? Pantyhose are on for 99 cents.神父要过来为新房♥子祈福,我得做炸四角Then the priest is coming to bless the new house, so I have to make diples.- 你相信吗?家里没蜂蜜了,帮我放回去 - 放下我的沙基奇- Can you believe it? I'm out of honey. Put that back for me. - You dropped my tzatziki.- 安吉罗 - 闭嘴,妮姬- Angelo! - Nikki, shut up.我堂兄妹有两种音量My cousins have two volumes,“很吵”和“吵死人”Loud and Louder.- …你那大屁♥股♥女友,谢谢,图拉 - 不客气- ...your big-ass girlfriend. Thanks, Toula. - Sure.嗨,图拉,我们没有迟到很久Hey, Toula. We're not that late.大家好Hi, everybody.妮姬,你没来帮我做头发Nikki, how come you didn't come to curl my hair this morning? 妈,我得送老公上班Ma, I had to drop Dimo at work.现在又要去旅行社开门Now I got to go open the travel agency,因为狗弟弟和他的大屁♥股♥女友太忙because some jack-off...and his big-ass girlfriend are too busy. 每天干洗店都是我开的门Tell her I open up the cleaners every day.该她做点正事It's time she does something for a change.今天早上谁在干洗店?You know who's there this morning?- 你老是去美容院 - 我老公- You're always at the beauty parlor. - My husband.- 修指甲,做头发 - 你管我头发干嘛- Your nails, hair, everything. - Don't talk about my hair.懒鬼,你和大屁♥股♥女友什么都不做You're lazy. You and your big-ass girlfriend do nothing.谁坐过你的头发?有点塌Did somebody sit on your hair? It looks a little flat.安吉罗,去死吧你Angelo, bite me.说话淑女一点Disgusting, be a lady.妈Ma.安吉罗Angelo.安德,快点,孩子们,走了Ande. Come on, boys. Let's go.雅典娜,你来啦Athena, when did you come?嗨,妈,再见Hi, Ma. Bye, Ma.这么快要走?You're going?我去百货公♥司♥帮你买♥♥丝♥袜♥ I'm going to the Jewel. I'll get you some pantyhose.不要买♥♥特大号♥,会让我看起来更胖No queen size. They make me look fat.肯森做的Kansen did it.不是我啦I don't do it.谁把菜单乱放?Who put the menus there?这是什么?Toula, what's this?图拉,这是什么?Toula, what is this?- 不知道 - 妈- I don't know. - Mama.别忘了,帮我准备盘子和…Now don't forget, I need the plates and...自助餐用的比萨And the pizza for the buffet.吃饭的时候你说过了,快走,天啊You told me at dinner. Go. My God.好了,我们走吧All right, we're gonna go.- 拜! - 我要开车- bye! - I wanna drive.我快被你们逼疯了,快走吧You're driving me crazy, let's go.注意点,不要跑Just watch. Don't run.对我来说,她看上去不错To me, she looks okay.不错?什么不错?我看不行Okay? What okay? NoOkay.她问题大了,你看,雅典娜都有三个孩子了She's not okay. Look. Athena is married with three children. 我会结婚的,老爸,我答应你And I'll get married, Pops, I promise.你时间多得很呐,尼克You have plenty of time, Niko.图拉可以帮你打理餐馆And you'll always have Toula to run the restaurant.没错,反正她嫁不掉It's true. Toula will never leave you.我希望有不一样的人生I wish I bad a different life.自己更勇敢,漂亮I wish I was braver and prettier...至少要快乐or just happy.作梦也是没有用,因为不会有任何改变But it's useless to dream, because nothing ever changes. 嘿,近来如何?Hey, what's going on?你好吗?Hi. How are you?很好,你呢?Good. You?我很好Oh, good.很酷的餐馆Cool place.蛮可爱的Yeah, it's adorable.前晚的聚会,可惜你没来You missed a hell of a party the other night.你看她Look at that.你错过用手挽着她的机会That could have been you with that arm around her.你帮我介绍过她You set me up with her already.萳西Nancy?韩生家的野餐Hanson's picnic.不对,那是潘蜜拉,这是萳西No, that was Pamela. This is Nancy.看起来是同一个人They look the same.或许吧Well, maybe.要我帮你牵线吗?So, you want me to set you up?她们都一样,麦克They're all the same, Mike.嗨Hi.嗨Hi.对不起Sorry,我的脑子…暂停my brain stopped.你知道有时候本来还好好的,突然之间停住了You ever have one of those days, when it's going along and then stops? 我楞在这里,像个希腊神像Here I am, standing here, your own private Greek statue.我要咖啡Could I get some more coffee, please?当然Sure.谢谢你Thank you.走吧All right, let's go.我才刚到What do you mean? I just got here.我有课I got a class.马铃薯上的佐料是什么?I love the spice on these potatoes. What is that?管它呢,快点Like I care. Come on.我要给学生抽考Giving a pop quiz,等不及听他们大叫and I can't wait to hear the groans.你真狠Man, you're tough.我要考哈姆雷特,但事先警告过了I'm giving a test on Hamlet, but I give fair warning.嗨Hi.不用找了Keep the change.你喜欢吗?老爸You like this, Pops?新菜单的封面For the new menu?哪里来的?Where did you get that?我画的I drew it,爸Dad.老爸Dad.我看过仓库的货Dad, I've been going through our inventory...有些东西的量订得太多and I've noticed that we've been doing a lot of unnecessary ordering. 我们应该更新盘点系统I've been thinking that maybe we should update our system.买♥♥部电脑We could get a computer.你记得嘛,电脑课我拿最高分I don't know if you remember, but I got all A's in Computers.不过有很多新的东西该学But there's a lot of new stuff to learn now...我可以回学校选几门课so, if you want, I could go to college and take a few courses.为什么?Why?你要离开我吗Why you want to leave me?我没有要离开你I'm not leaving you.你不希望我有成就吗?Don't you want me to do something with my life? 对呀,结婚生子Yes! Get married! Make babies!你看起来好老You look so old!图拉Toula.图拉…好了Hey, Toula. Come on.妈知道你要什么I know what you want.你的…怎么说?You have, how you say,你很有斗志a spirit.你想看世界,你想学习You want to see things. You want to learn.我懂,你得到我娘家的遗传I know, you're from my side.别这样Come on. Don't you worry.放心,我会跟他说I'm gonna talk to him.老爸好顽固Dad is so stubborn. What he says goes.他说了就算,他是一家之主"The man is the head of the house."我告诉你Let me tell you something, Toula.男人是头,女人是脖子The man is the head, but the woman is the neck. 脖子往哪里扭,头就往哪里去And she can turn the head any way she wants.我的宝贝My baby.别哭,不要哭了Don't cry. Come on.图拉回学校修课有什么不对?And what is wrong with Toula going to school downtown?城里有毒品They use drugs downtown.你是说图拉会去吸毒What are you saying? Are you saying that Toula will get involved with drugs? 不是,有人会骗她No, but somebody will say to her:去运送毒品,她会呆呆地照做"Take this bag down to the bus depot," and she'll do it.她并不笨,她很精She's not stupid. She's smart.我知道她很聪明I know she's smart,这么聪明干嘛还念书?so what for she needs more school?女孩子这么聪明要干嘛?She's smart enough for a girl.你以为你比我聪明You think you're smarter than me?不是的,你知道…No, I mean, you know...什么?What?什么意思?What do you mean?我管理餐馆,我煮饭,打扫洗衣服,养大三个小孩I run the restaurant, I cook, I clean...I wash for you, and I raised three kids... 我还教主日学,你知道嘛and I teach Sunday school.谢谢你“教我”绑鞋带喔You know, it's lucky for me I have you to tie my shoes.玛莉亚Maria...[杜鲁门大学]- 抱歉,这位子有人坐吗? - 没人,来吧- Is this seat taken? - Sure.嗨Hi.[旅游业电脑整合研讨会]那就是我和你说的That's what I want to talk to you about.看看你,你胡说什么?Look at you. What are you talking about?- 什么? - 我的屁♥股♥- What? - my butt.我不喜欢我的屁♥股♥,塔奇喜欢I don't like my butt. Taki likes it.我原来对旅行社没有太大兴趣I won't pretend the travel industry is something I've always wanted to do. 但至少不同于餐馆I'm not gonna pretend that, but I'm saying that it's different.你们知道我在学电脑You know I've been learning about computers?有一门研讨课There's this course, a seminar.讲电脑和旅游业整合It's all about computers and tourism.最新的应用程式There are all the latest applications and programs.我可以帮你的旅行社赚钱I could apply it here, Tbia. And your business would double or triple.你可以多陪陪叔叔You could be with Tbio more, and you could take a vacation.你们去渡假,我来订位,婶婶,雇用我吧I could book it for you. But, Tbia, would you hire me?当然好Of course.天啊My God!好,太棒了,你是我的了My God! My God!我的天啊,妈Oh My God! Oh My God!让你老爸以为是他的主意,好的…We must let Kosta think this was his idea, that he came up with it.- 妈,会被看穿的 - 不用担心- Ma, he'll figure it out. - Don't worry.- 我知道啦 - 你只会说说说- I know what to do. - You don't know what to do, you talk.要我帮忙唱双簧就不要指挥我Do you want my help? Tell me what to say, but don't tell me what to say.- 完美 - 很好- Perfect. - That's good.舞拉,生意如何?So, Voula. How is business?我很惨,生意很差Woe to me. Business is bad.怎么搞的?出了什么事?What's the matter? What happened?你需要钱吗?Do you need money?不,她是说两个生意害她受苦No, what she means is that, with the two businesses,害她受苦,她很苦she suffers. She suffers.她整天待在旅行社She has to be at the travel agency alone, all day...其他人都得去干洗店帮忙because everybody else needs to be working at the big dry-cleaning store. 我要塔奇照顾干洗店That's right. I make Taki go to the dry-cleaner store...对,我都没有时间陪他and now I have no time with him.叫安吉罗或妮姬去看旅行社So, send Angelo or Nikki...换你去干洗店陪塔奇to the travel agency, you be with Taki at the dry cleaner.- 那样很好啊 - 那样不好- That would be good. - That would be no good.不好,不好no good. no good.因为…Because...安吉罗和妮姬不会用电脑neither Angelo nor Nikki know how to use the computer.所以不行That's why that no work.电脑Computer?我有答案了I have your answer.图拉Toula她去旅行社Toula will go to the travel agency...换妮姬来我店里帮忙and you send Nikki here to work for us.我不相信I can't believe this.太好了Wonderful.你看,男人比较厉害You see, a man...你好聪明,我爱你,加斯You're just so smart, I love you.克太太,谢谢你等候Hello, Mrs. Christakis. Thanks for holding.您的机位确认在旅客名单上Okay, your request pulled up "confirmed," so it is now PNR'd. 再等一下Hold again, please.英航,你们可以开票了Hi, British Airways. I'm gonna need a hard tick on that one.代号♥ABFCR,收到Reading, Alpha, Bravo, Foxtrot, Charlie. Roger, copy that.克太太Hi, Mrs. Christakis, your tickets are now in the mail...机票即刻为您寄去,谢谢,再见under "Doreen Christakis." Okay, thank you, bye-bye.我去I got it.这是你们走失的吗?Did you lose this?该死的土耳其猪(希腊语)白太太,又找到我妈了Oh, Mrs. White. You find my mama again.她从希腊来,我也是You know, she come from Greece, the country I come from, too. 拜托,我知道For God's sake, I know.听好,别让你妈踩我的草皮Listen, keep your mother off my lawn...不准她去我家地下室我家屋顶out of my basement and away from my roof.白太太,随便说一个字Mrs. White, come on. Give me a word, any word...我证明给你看那个字的来源and I'll show you that the root of that word...是希腊文is Greek.大家看谁回来了?Look, everybody. Look who's back again.奶奶(希腊语)坐吧,老妈Sit down, Yiayia. Very good.图拉,世界上有两种人Toula, there are two kinds of people...希腊人Greeks,有巴不得自己成为希腊人的人and everybody else who wish they were Greek.是呀,我们知道Okay. Yes, we know.她怎么啦?What's the matter with her?奥林匹斯旅行社Hi, Mount Olympus Travel Agency. May I help you?当然,这是我们的工作Sure. That's what we do.你在干什么?What are you doing? Wait!当然没错Absolutely. Right. Sorry, lady.你可以先订位Sure. You can book it now.我帮你留位子,我马上好I could reserve the seat for you. Be with you in a second.没问题,随时打给我,谢谢,再见That would be no problem. Call me back when you're ready. Bye-bye. 嗨Hi.嗨Hi.你要看小册子Did you wanna see some brochures?找到了Found them.就这样掉下去Look at this.唰!And then, whoosh,我还以为你昏倒了you were gone. I thought you'd fainted.好吧Okay.我神魂颠倒Yeah. I was swept off of my feet by你的“嗨”太酷了your very cool opening line of "hi."你叫图拉So, Toula?伊恩Ian.伊恩米勒Ian Miller.图拉波基巴瓜Toula Porkipakos?波多卡洛斯Portokalos.对,图拉Okay, Toula.很好,那么All right, then.跟人打架还是整容?Was that a biker fight or a nose job?是喔Yeah.我说真的No, really.你不会想知道You don't wanna know.要是换了我被老太太扁,我会大大吹嘘I don't know about that. If I'd survived an old-lady ass-kicking, I'd brag about it. 天啊Hey, Jesus! Ouch!陪我晚餐?You want to have dinner with me?好啊Yeah.原来我学的不是教育而是法律Actually, I wasn't in education first, I was prelaw.我爸是律师My dad's a lawyer and我爷爷是律师my grandfather is a lawyer and...我实在没兴趣it just wasn't for me,只好转行,我爸妈不太高兴,你懂吧?so I picked a new major. The parents weren't too pleased, you know?懂Yeah.我觉得…I think it...你很有勇气I think it takes a pretty strong person to do that.你很了解我了,我是个勇敢而且吃素的教师Well, you know everything about me, then...I'm a pretty strong, vegetarian teacher... 在底特律郊区长大over at Lincoln Park.我却不了解你I don't know anything about you,只知道你是希腊人except you're Greek.对了Hey...你想吃希腊菜吗?would you like to go have Greek food?没关系No, that's okay.我知道一家很棒的餐厅No, listen. I know this really great place,你可能听过,左巴什么的you probably know it, Zorba's something.我想请你去那家吃Anyway, I'd like to take you there, if you'd like to go.我不想去I don't wanna go there.你什么意思?为什么不?What do you mean? Why not?那个餐馆That place...跳舞左巴Dancing Zorba's.跳舞左巴Dancing Zorba's.是我家开的My family owns that restaurant.真的?Really?我记得你I remember you.你是那个服务生You're that waitress.是带位领班Seating hostess, actually.我记得你I remember you.我当时正处尴尬期I was kind of going through a phase...一直到现在up until now.而且…And...我是个丑女I was Frump Girl.我不记得丑女,但我记得你I don't remember Frump Girl, but I remember you. 好吧,不吃希腊菜Okay, no Greek.意大利菜,明天晚上?Italian? Tomorrow night?好Okay.你要去哪里?Where are you going?我有陶艺课I'm taking a pottery class.陶艺是希腊人发明的The Greeks invented pottery.只有我一个人,在山上,整个夏天跟父母共渡So, it was just me, all alone...up in the mountains in this cottage, with my parents, all summer.堂兄弟姐妹没一起去?Well, don't all your cousins go up, too?没有No!我只有两个表哥住在威斯康辛I only have two cousins. They live in Wisconsin.只有两个表哥?You only have two cousins?对Yeah.你有多少个?How many do you have?比两个多More than two.你有没有兄弟姐妹?Well, who else?你♥爸♥妈是怎么样的人?Didn't you have brothers and sisters? What are your parents like?怎么啦?What?这个嘛Well...好吧,讲讲圣诞节Okay, Christmas.你们家圣诞节怎么过?What do you do for Christmas with your family?我妈会烤羊排My mom makes roast lamb.- 沾薄荷酱吃吗? - 不是- With mint jelly? - No.还有呢?And?还有…And...- 我是希腊人,对吧? - 没错- I'm Greek, right? - Right.每到圣诞节我爸和我叔叔们So what happens is my dad and my uncles...争着吃烤羊的脑子fight over who gets to eat the lamb brain.舞拉婶婶叉着羊眼珠追着我跑And then my Aunt Voula forks the eyeball, and chases me around...迫我吃下去,因为吃眼珠会聪明trying to make me eat it, because it'll make me smart.你有两个表哥You have two cousins.我有二十七个堂兄弟姐妹I have 27 first cousins.光是堂兄弟姐妹就有二十七个Just 27 first cousins, alone.我家好多人又吵And my whole family is big and loud...工作和生活都是同一大家子and everybody's always in each other's lives and business.连思考的时间都没有,因为我们永远在一起吃You never have a minute alone to think, because we're always together eating. 我们认识的全是希腊人The only people we know are Greeks...希腊人娶希腊人because Greeks marry Greeks, to breed more Greeks...生更多希腊人,才可以更吵,吃更多to be loud, breeding, Greek eaters.哇Wow.我说真的I'm serious.我家没人跟外族约会过No one in my family has ever gone out with a non-Greek before.从来没有过No one.你是…And you're...你是…You're...你太好了God, you're just, you know, wonderful.我看不出我俩有什么前途But I just don't see how this is going to work out.所以…So...前途?我不懂你说的,我们都是人Work out? What's to work out? We're not a different species. 是的,我们的背景不同Yes, we come from different backgrounds...我长到这么大and, hey, here's some news about my life, to this point.这一生乏善可陈It's boring.直到遇见你Then I met you...你好好玩,你美丽又风趣and you're interesting, and you're beautiful and fun.你家的人很怪,谁家不是You've got a weird family. Who doesn't?你知道吗?You know?我只是想跟你在一起I just want to spend some time with you.只要跟你在一起I just want to spend a little time with you.你说我美?Did you say I'm beautiful?对Yes.你家是哪一栋?Which house is yours?送到这里就好了This is good, actually.- 能停下吗? - 没问题- Can you stop? - Sure.到这里就好了Right here is good. Just stop.谢谢Thanks.晚安Good night.晚安Good night.晚安Good night.晚安Good night.好了,晚安Okay, good night.什么?What?不,别走No, don't go.晚安Good night.别走Don't go.我让你做男子汉And I can make a man out of you因为我是女人'Cause I'm a womanWOMAN!W-O-M-A-N今天又那么开心Happy again today, Toula?是的Yeah.现在你每天笑得好灿烂Now every time I see you, you have a great big smile. 嗨,妈妈Hi, Ma.- 嗨,尼克,你去哪里? - 哪也不去- Hey, Niko. Where'd you go? - Nowhere.- 做了什么? - 没什么- What did you do? - Nothing.- 你要去见谁? - 没人- Who did you see? - No one.等一下,我放到你房♥间Wait a minute, Niko, I put them in your room.图拉,你的陶艺课上得如何?Toula, how was your class?我的陶艺课?My pottery class?很好It's great.那就好Good.你快走You've got to get out of here.再亲一个,我就走Just one more kiss, then I'll go.不No.搞什么东东?What is going on?陶艺先生Mr. Pottery Class,幸会了nice to meet you.我的表姐妮姬Ian, this is my cousin, Nikki.哈罗Hello!终于见到图拉的家人It's nice to finally meet a member of Toula's family.是喔Yeah, well...你不必担心我I'm the least of your worries.全家都知道了Listen, the family knows.昨晚巴维琪撞见你,在快餐店停车场热吻这名帅哥off his head, in the Denny's parking lot. Last night, Vicki Pavalopolis saw you sucking the lips...她告诉她妈,她妈告诉我妈She told her ma, who told my ma,我妈告诉你妈who told your ma...这样说吧,你被逮到了Let me put it this way. You're busted.你俩偷♥情♥偷遍整个芝加哥You sneak around, all over Chicago...却没来问我可不可以约我女儿but you never come here to ask me, can you date my daughter.我抱歉,但…问你可不可以约你女儿I'm sorry, but to ask you if I can date your daughter... 老伯,你女儿三十岁了Sir, she's 30 years old.我是一家之主I am the head of this house!好吧,能不能约你女儿?Okay, may I please date your daughter?不可以No!- 明天见 - 明天见- I'll see you tomorrow. - See you tomorrow.天啊God对不起Excuse me.我不是说过…Didn't I say it's a mistake...女人不该受教育to educate women?没人听我的话But nobody listened to me.竟然跑个男朋友到家里来Now we have a boyfriend in the house.他是希腊人吗?Is he a nice Greek boy?不是No, no Greek.不是希腊人是外族No Greek! A xeno!一个外族人,还留着长头发A xeno with a big long hairs...就在他的头顶!on top of his head!老天爷Kosta.对不起,我骗你们I'm sorry I lied to you.好啦,图拉Okay, Toula...你是一时被爱冲昏头maybe you are having a little romance.马上结束But end it now.我爱他I love him.图拉,吃你的东西Toula, eat something...拜托please.你♥爸♥请人到家里吃饭Your father has a friend for dinner.这是哪里?What's this? Where are we?我租的公♥寓♥My apartment.你要上来吗?You wanna go up?到了This is it.不错Nice别担心,他们会喜欢你的Don't worry, they're gonna love you.图拉这个名字不常听到"Toula." Now that's not a name you hear every day. 希腊文是什么意思?Does it mean anything in your language?希腊原名“佛图拉”,意思是“上帝之光”Well, my Greek name, Toula, means "Light of God." 谁要咖啡?Who would like a coffee?你是希腊人So, you're Greek then?姓什么?What's your last name?波多卡洛斯Portokalos.希腊文是“橘子”In Greek, it means "orange."是吃的橘子,有皮Like an orange that you eat, the one with the peel, 不是橘子色。

观后感小组成员:法学1204 刘锴王倩陈丹婷王佳敏张海荣苟琰翔刘馨阳讨论地点:309宿舍讨论时间:2014-10-19场景一:饮食文化的差异场景描述:影片中女主小时候去学校带的早餐是茄子加肉沫,而美国小孩吃的是三明治;还有,男主和女主确定关系后,第一次去男主家吃饭,非常简单的餐食:咖啡、芝士饼;气氛冷冷清清,就只是四个人围在桌子边吃饭而已,没有拥抱和亲吻。

论文题目:解析《我的盛大希腊婚礼》中希腊和美国家庭观的差异The analysis of family value between Greek andAmerican in MY BIG F AT GREEK WEDDING2013年06月28日The analysis of family value between Greek andAmerican in MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING IntroductionWith the globalization of economy, international communication has been increasingly relevant today. Films play an important role in diversified forms of intercultural communication. The films in different country reflect the different spiritual connotations of values and morals, thus the film works are the significant means to achieve cross culture communication and the fusion of culture.The film MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING is a semi-autobiographical work of NiaV ardalos who write and star in. Toula portokalos, the heroine in the movie, is a 30 years old Greek woman with an old look. She is a middle class Greek –American woman who falls in love with a non-Greek upper middle class man, Ian Miller. Although Toula grew up in American, she has big Greek family with strong Greek tradition and culture. What would be happen when the traditional Greek culture meet the American culture? MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING shows us a typical case that Greek American immigrants face numerous culture shocks between Greek and American culture, and successfully blend in cross-culture environment. The essay will analyze the culture differences in MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING from the perspective of family values.Different family values in Greece and the USFamily is the basic miniature of the social economic activity, and it is the basic unit that constitutes the society. Family value is the core in the research of cultural values, and it has decisive influence on people’s behaviors. Because of the differences of geographical background, religious and belief, different nations have their own family values. Family value is the biggest differences presented in the movie MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING.Toula lived in a big Greek family with 27 first cousins alone. And her whole family is big and loud. And everybody is in each other life and business all the time. At beginning of their acquaintances, Ian talked about his summer camp, and Toula first blurts out:” Y ou don’t know your cousin got into?” Ian is very surprise about this question. After determ ine the relationship between two people, Toula go to Ian’s family to have a dinner. At dinner, there are simple foods and the quiet atmosphere. There is no hug and kiss between Toula and Ian’s parents. After asking the meaning of Toula’ name in Greek, his parents have nothing more to say. Contrast to the situation of Ian’s parents to go to the Toula’s home at first time, it makes for a sharp contrast. Toula have planed Ian’s and her family sit together to have a simple family meal, in fact her mother is invite the whole family to join the party. Facing the grand andboisterous sight, Ian’s parents are stunned and speechless. It also make Ian’s parents feel so dizzy when Toula’ s father introduce the relatives of their family to them. Also, when they heard To ula’s aunt talk about some personal issue such as her tumour and menopause, they feel even more surprise because they seldom talk about their personal issue with people. Ian can get marry with a girl who has big different culture background with him and his parent never intervene his decision even have no objection in his decision to accept the baptism of the Greeks. But Toula is taught that people Greek married Greek and to breek more Greek. Although she lived in American, she had to go to Greek school in childhood. Her wedding dress, wedding invitations even her earrings is all decided by other people in her family.These detail description and comparison reflect the big difference between Greek and American in family values and family structure.In Greek family concept, the family is always the first place in their heart at any time. The Greek family value is extremely strong. They are accustomed to live together with the whole family and work together with them. The family run business is very broad, the owner is that parents. Socrates, the ancient Greece thinker, philosopher and educator, also put a high value on the relationship in family. He is a strong advocate for keeping harmonious relations among family life. In his eye, without harmony, a city will not be a good city, as the same way, a family can not become a happy family. In Athens law, the son must support and wait upon his parents. Their moral value also teaches the young people to be humble and polite towards the elders.In Greek fa mily value, it’s especially important for them to educate the children.In Athens, the children under the age of seven should receive the family education and telling them the story and mythology to cultivate a variety of polite behavior. There are too many children not picky of food in the world, but have you ever heard that the whole country’s children not picky of food? That is ancient Greece. The Greek always educate the children do not pick food, be polite, respect the old and cherish the young, live elegant life.“Ancient Greek philosopher Plato said that better be unborn than untaught, forignorance is the root of misfortune. His student Socrates also said “the roots of education are taste, but the fruit is sweet.”[2]So the Greek pay more attenti on on children education. Just like Toula’s father’s behavior in the movie. “Every morning our father would lecture us on the history of our people, the great civilization, the Greeks.”For the United States, “the family is not a usual frame of referenc e for decisions in US mainstream culture. Family connections are not so important to most people” (p84) American family values can be summarized as: personal independence, individual rights, freedom and equality. The independence in American family value means every family member has right to do what he or her want choose what he or her like without controlling or interference from other members. American has burning sense of individual right, and this kind of sense of individual right means every family member obey individualism not collectivism. Thereby, each member of family has his own sacrosanct rights which refuse to be interfered. For the education of child in US, parents mainly use an equal way to educate their children. They respect children’s personalities and rights. Children in families are treated as independent individuals. Parents and children are equal.ConclusionThus, many cultural differences exist in family structures and values. In some cultures, the family is the center of life and the main frame of reference for decisions. In other cultures, the individuals, not the family, is primary. In some cultures, the family’s reputation and honor depend on each person’s actions; in other cultures, individuals can act without permanently affecting the family life.Although the cultural conflict is bound to exist among the people who maintain different cultural background, they will eventually get integrated by accepting each other. Just as Toula’s father said, on the wedding, “so here night, we have an apple and orange, eh…, we are different but…in the end we are fruits”. Hence, whichever cultural background we maintained, we are ultimately the earthman and we can notavoid the tendency of Globalization. Cultural differences should create the history of human civilization, rather than become the human communication barrier. So, as long as we are full of love in heart and willing to establish a communicative bridge, the cultural conflict is not the barrier between us anymore.Reference1.许力生新编跨文化交际英语教程,[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,20092./article/4946.html 2008-12-07。

得到父母 的认可 ,在希腊教 堂举行 了盛大的希腊式婚礼 , 有
《 我盛大的希腊婚礼》 是一部展现希腊裔美国人生活的 电影 。 故 事发生在希腊裔美 国人的主要聚居城市——美 国第 三大城市芝加哥 。 女主人公 图菠生活在一个庞大 的希腊式的 大家庭 中 , 整个家族 以父亲为权威般 的意志力为代表 。 并认 为希腊是世界之源 的精神动力 。在这样 的一个传统家庭里 , 图箍被她母亲及奶奶教导人生 的三个 目 标 :嫁个希腊人 , 生
h o w Gr e e k Ame r i c ns a l i v e ,h u mo r o u s l y ef r l e c t i n g t h e c o n l f i c t s b e t we e n G ee r k c lt u u r e nd a Ame i r c n a c u l ur t e .G u i d e d b y Ho fs t e d e ’ S c r o s s - c lt u u r a l t he o r y , hi t s p a p e r i s t o e x p l o r e h o w Gr e e k Ame r i c a n s s h o ed h nd a l e t h e c o n l f i c t s , t h u s ea r l i z i n g t h e h a r mo n i o u s c o - e x i s — t e n c e wi t l l ma i n s t r e a m A me ie r a r l e lt u u r e .
A b s t r a c t : A s a t y p i c a l e ms s - e l u t u r  ̄m o v i e , My B i g F a t G r e e k We d d i n g i s a b o u t T u l a , a G r e e k A m e i r c a n d , w i t h h e r A me i r c a n


My big fat Greek weeding (我的盛大希腊婚礼)

Fotoula "Toula" Portokalos (Nia Vardalos) is going through an early midlife crisis. At thirty, she is the only woman in her family who has "failed". Her family expects her to "marry a Greek boy, make Greek babies, and feed everyone until the day she dies." Instead, Toula is stuck working in the family business, a restaurant, "Dancing Zorba's". In contrast to her "perfect" sister, Athena (Stavroula Logothetis), Toula is frumpy and cynical. She fears she's doomed to be stuck with her life as it is. At the restaurant, she briefly sees Ian Miller, a handsome school teacher. This event, combined with an argument with her overly-patriotic father, Gus - who merely wants his daughter to marry and settle down rather than pursue a career motivates her to begin taking computer classes at a local college. She also gets contact lenses, wears her hair curly, and begins to use makeup. Maria, her mother, and her aunt Voula (Andrea Martin) then contrive a way to get Gus to allow her to work at Voula's travel agency. Toula feels much better in her new job, especially when she notices Ian hanging around looking at her through the window. They finally introduce themselves and begin dating. Toula keeps the relationship secret from her family until some weeks later when Gus finds out. He throws a fit because Ian is not Greek and orders Toula to end the relationship, but Ian and Toula continue to see each other against Gus's wishes. Ian proposes marriage to her, she accepts. Gus is hurt and infuriated, feeling his daughter has betrayed him, and Ian agrees to be baptized in the Greek Orthodox Church and speak fluent Greek to be worthy of her family.


跨文化交际教程学期论文论文题目:“苹果”和“橘子”的婚礼——从电影《我的盛大希腊婚礼》看文化的差异与融合The wedding of “apple”and “orange”--------Analysis cultural differences and fusion学生姓名满丽丽学生学号201107050201418学生班级英语2011-2班学科专业英语学年学期2013-2014学年指导教师赵艳所在学院语言文化学院2014年06月24日“苹果”和“橘子”的婚礼——从电影《我的盛大希腊婚礼》看文化的差异与融合The wedding of “apple”and “orange”--------Analysis cultural differences and fusionIntroductionThe movie my big fat Greek wedding is a story about a a middle class Greek A merican girl who marry a non-Greek upper middle class "White Anglo-Saxon Protestant"Ian Miller. Tula is thirty years old who is the only women who has “failed”her trad itional Greek family hope she “marry a Greek boy, make Greek babies, and feed every one until the day she dies.” But unexpected Tula fall in love with an American man. Though Tula live in America her family is a big traditional Greek family, the family c onsisted of relatives was big and loud and all her family are the Orthodox Eastern Ch urch. Ian is a typical American, he is the only child in his family, compared with Tul a‟s family his is quite and boring. Just like Tula‟s father said: “they are dry, just likea piece of toast no honey, no jam, just dry.” The great differences between the twocultures have been a big obstacle of their marriage. Tula‟s family ask her mu st marrya Greek man so at the beginning her family disagree their marriage, especially her fat her, Tula‟s father is proud of they are Greek and their traditional Greek culture. In or der to be accepting by Tula‟s family Ian is baptized, he changes himself and finally m arries Tula. They have a great wedding ceremony, it is quite a beautiful and happy we dding ceremony, in the wedding Ian‟s “quiet ” and “boring ”parents dance and drink ing with Tula‟s family In the wedding Tula‟s father said: “So, okay, here tonight we h ave, uh, apple and orange... we all different, but, in the end, we all fruit.”Here “appl e” and “orange”represent three different meanings: first, of course, they mean different fruits, second they means different person and third they represent different culture.BadyI.Different LanguageLanguage is the basic of interpersonal communication, and also the most direct interc ultural communication. The Greek have strong sense of their race identity so that the Gr eek American has t heir language till now. In the movie Tula‟s father is prod of their Gr eek language very much, he fever for got a English word and then found its source in Greek language but for Tula and her brother they prefer to speaking English ,but they st ill have a good learning of Greek language, it is a fusion of two culture. Sometimes th ey also speak Greek language at home. It is funny that Tula‟s brother kid Ian because he do not know Greek language but at the end of the movie Ian has began to learn Greek languageII . Different life styleTula‟s family is a big traditional Greek family as Tula said: “my family is big and loud bu t they‟re my family. We fight and we laugh and yell, we roast lamb on a spit in the fron t yard. And where ever I go, wh at ever I do they will always be there.” As we saw in the movie Tula‟s family consisted of her parents ,her brother ,sister ,and a great members of r elatives was big and loud, they like dancing and eating roast together. Tula‟s parents have t heir own business—a restaurant “ Dancing Zorba's”, she and her brother work in the resta urant. But Ian‟s family is totally different, like other upper middle class American family Ia n‟s parents are quiet and not outgoing. His parents have their own job, and even Ian is the ir only child, he do not live with his family. For eating diet, Tula‟s family love all kinds o f good food, her mother are good at cooking , and they think the roast meat is the beat fo od, and Tula‟s family also love drinking a special drinking. On cont rary, Ian‟s family are v egetarian and they are not good at drinking. But at the end of the movie, Ian‟s parents lau gh and dance with Tula‟s family, they are even a little drunk, obviously Ian‟s family has fa miliar with Tula‟s aunt. The two different family finally enter into each other.II. Thinking patensAs Tula‟s father always said: “nice Greek girl are supposed to do three things in life: marry boys, make Greek babies, and feed everyone until the day we die.”we can see tr aditional Greek thinking in tulle‟s family, and it influence Tula …a sister and her. But Tu la born in America she also influence by American culture she desire new free different life, so Tula is 30years old but she have not got married. On the other hand in Tula‟s family her father plays a leading role, all the thing should got his agree, the father thi nk Ian should ask his agreement before they get together. But in American family when child become adult the parents do not have the right to bother they private life. And e ven a girl she is able to keep her own career, family is just a part of their life but not the whole thing.In the movie, Tula‟s got her mother‟s support and she went go school to learn computer course, at last she got a good job in her aunt‟s tour agency, right that time Ian meet a new and charming girl when she was working and fall in love with her, and then Tula decide to be together with Ian with ignorance her father‟s rules. It reflect that Tula hav e as an American Greek girl has change her family‟s traditional rules, because she influ enced by American culture. She has her own thinking and she want to lead her own me aningful life.And after several years when Tula has her own children she sent them to learn Greek a t Greek school but she promise her children could make their own choice on their love. And her husband, Ian begins to learn Greek language. Their marriage finally gets over differences in language, life style, and thinking patens and religion. Their happy marriage is a symbol of cultural fusion.III. ReligionThe Greek Orthodox Church as the Greek‟s state religion is the symbol of Greek race. I n Greek 90 present of people believe the Greek Orthodox Church. And the Orthodox Ch urch play an important role in Greek American people, they hold all their important cere monies in the church, like baptism, wedding, funeral, and so on. As a traditional Greek family Tula‟s family also believe in the Orthodox Church but Ian‟s family have different believe, though they have different background and different believe they still love each other. In spite of Tula believes the Greek Orthodox Church but she does not like her parents so fever for their belief. At first, Tula‟s families were opposed to their marriage. On the contrary Ian‟s par ents agreed with it. On this situation, Ian is willing to change himself, he decided to be baptized and join the Greek Orthodox Church. And at last, t hey hold their wedding ceremony in the Orthodox Church, but one thing we should kno w that though Tula does not as fever as her parents for their believe their marriage attri bute to Ian‟s compromise.ConclusionTula and Ian finally married , it is the important symbol of the culture fusion , they get over the different background ,language ,believe, life style , the big fat Greek weddi ng is so happy. But at the same time their marriage brings integration of two families. The re are many different culture in the word, first of all we should respect them, toda y as the development of world more and more intercultural communication in our life. We could see culture differences and culture fusions everywhere. Form the movie my bi g fat Greek wedding I feel deeply about the culture different Tula and Ian come form d ifferent background, they have different language, costumes, lifestyle, eating habits, and r eligions. But at the progress of two families‟communicate, they influenced each other. The different culture possibly cause conflicts but our life is colorful, sometime we need understanding and a little change, that is the culture fusion.。

Mr . P o r t o k a l o s : Wh y ?Wh y y o u w a n t t o l e a v e me ?( C yi r n g ) 在这一轮对话中 . T o u l a 希望得到父亲的意见。具体来说 ,
会话” 的演讲 时首次提 出了会话含义学说 ( T h e o r y o f C o n v e r s a . 她希望 父亲能就她提 出的问题 给出直接 的答 复 。但 是 , T o u l a t i o n a l I mp l i c a t u r e ) 。格莱斯认 为在会话 过程 中, 为了使 彼此谈 的父亲并没 有就此给出肯定或者否定 的意见 ,而是语带哭腔 话顺利进行 , 达到沟通交 流的 目的 , 会话 双方会 自觉或 不 自觉 的质 问 T o u l a 为什么要离开 自己。 父亲的回答偏离 了原来 的主 地遵守某种原则 。 格莱斯称之为“ 合作原则 ” 。 具体可分为量 的 题 , 自然也 就没 能提供足够 的信息 。 不过 , 格莱斯也 同样指出 , 准则 、 质 的准则 、 关系准则和方式准则 。具 体如 下 : 对于规则 的违反有 时在更 深层 次上依然遵守 了合作 原则 。而
原则具体 包括质的 准则 、 量的准则、 关联准则以及方式原则。 合作原则是人类话语交谈 的一般 准则。 对于合作 原则的违反往往能 表达或 者蕴含语 言外的意 义。 《 我 的盛大希腊婚礼》 是一部 加拿 大喜剧 电影 。以合作原则分析此部 电影 的台词 , 能更好 的理 解此
部 电影的言外之 意和喜剧效果 。
I c o u l d g o t o c o l l e g e a n d t a k e a f e w c o  ̄e s .
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第75届奥斯卡金像奖 (2003) 最佳原创剧本(提名)
2002年4月19日,500万美元投资的 《My Big Fat Greek Wedding》在 北美地区一上映就立即引发了观影 狂潮。时至今日,这场巨型婚礼已 经获得了超过2.4亿美元的票房收益, 排在北美历史总票房榜的第54位。 它甚至超过了大名鼎鼎的《侏罗纪 公园》(第61位)以及同样以兜售 传统文化见长的《卧虎藏龙》(第 242位)
相比较而言美国文化的不确定性规避程度就很低了。 当伊安的父母得知自己的儿子正在和一个希腊女孩交往时, 他们既没有表现惊讶,也没有强烈的兴趣去了解对方,更 没有过多地关注这件事情。他们非常平静地接受了图拉这 个希腊女孩。后来在图拉家的宴会虽然搞得他们头昏脑涨, 但他们并没有表现出任何反感和排斥。最后在婿宴上,他 们甚至融人其中,欢快地和众人跳起舞来。
6. 希腊人往别人身上吐口水表示祈福和辟邪 7.希腊的新人只有在教堂举行婚礼才算合法婚礼
影片不仅仅以个人主义文化的个体(伊安)进入集体主 义文化为主线,还穿插着在个人主义文化大背景之下(美国) 集体主义文化个体(图拉的希腊大家庭)的适应问题。这些 鲜明的文化对比集中体现在以下几个方面:
பைடு நூலகம்
3 关于婚礼
伊安的父母以为只是在俱乐部搞一个简单的 婚礼即可。但图拉的父亲却坚持要租一个教堂, 请大量的宾客、搞一个盛大的婚礼。至于请哪些 宾客,还是由父母说了算。
每一个小小的细节都在表明:只要是家里某 一个人的事情,就是家里所有人的事情,而目, 其他人可以替这个人做决定,这是一番好意,别 人还必须领情。图拉结婚的请柬、婚礼当天的婚 纱、伴娘的礼服,甚至是配 婚纱的耳饰都是其他
2.两种文化中的吃饭 图拉和伊安关系确定后,第一次到准公婆家吃饭,非常
简单的餐食,冷冷清清的气氛,一共就四个人,既不拥抱, 也不亲吻。准公婆问了她名宁和姓的含义后,就无话可说。 而这恰恰是典型的个人主义文化的体现。个人独立于周围的 人际环境之外,主张个人管好个人的事。因此伊安父母对希 腊这个与自己不相干的国家知之甚少。甚至连准媳妇的家庭 背景,工作单位、受教育情况这些在很多中国父母看来十分 重要的信息都没多大兴趣。在他们看来,自己的儿子伊安也 是独立于他们之外的个体。
人替她定的。而在婚礼当天,最激动的不是新娘 本人,而是那些来宾和伴娘。看她们激动和忙乱 的样子,你会以为是她们的大典。
希腊文化中的不确定性规避在所有被调查的国家中是 最高的,达到112,而美国文化的这一指数相对较低,两者 相差达到惊人的66个点。
在新的文化情境下,人们适应异文化的策略通常有四 种:同化、隔绝、边缘化和融合。在影片中,图拉的的父 亲显然采用的是隔绝,尽可能保持希腊文化不受美国文化 的影响。之所以选择隔绝,说到底就是对美国这种未知文 化和伴随而来的种种不确定情形怀有强烈的不安。典型的 例子是当图拉和伊安的恋情曝光后,其父大发雷霆,原因 是伊安不是一个希腊人,他对他一无所知。影片里从图拉 父亲的表现可以看出他对不确定事物的惶恐和不安。
我 的 盛 大 希 腊 婚 礼
《我的盛大希腊婚礼》是一 部2002年10月10日上映英国 喜剧电影名。英文名My Big Fat Greek Wedding,又名
《我的大旧婚礼》或《我的 希腊婚礼》,导演乔尔-兹 维克(Joel Zwick),编剧妮 娅·瓦达拉斯(Nia Vardalos), 主演妮娅-瓦达洛斯(Nia Vardalos)、约翰-科比特 (John Corbett)、吉娅-卡莱 迪斯(Gia Carides),IFC公司 (IFC Films)2002年出品。
影片《我的盛大希腊婚礼》讲述了生长在芝加哥的一 个希腊裔家庭中的女主人公图拉的故事。图拉年届三十还 待字闺中,父母和家族有着刻板的传统意识:女儿家只能 嫁个希腊人,生一群希腊孩子。而图拉有自己的追求,命 运让她等到高大英俊的美国男子伊安闯进她的生活。伊安 不是希腊人。于是剧情便围绕着家庭的传统专制和反传统 的斗争展开。
其实无论从剧情没置上还是拍摄技法来看,该片都乏 善可陈。但成功的秘诀在于:高概念叙事+异域文化奇观! 所谓异域文化奇观,说白了就是四大文明古国之一的希腊 以它悠久深厚的传统文化令只有200年历史的美国人瞠目 结舌。但前提是影片必须要展现足够巨大的文化差异来吸 引票房。美国和希腊的巨大的文化差异正是影片着力要表 现的。因此,从跨文化角度来重新剖析一下该片反映的文 化差异和最终走向的融合。
1.希腊人很注重食物,你要是不吃肉,他们肯定无法理解, 但是他们又善于体谅人,马上会安慰你说:没关系,我 们还炖了羊羔肉。
2.希腊妈妈会在新婚前夜循循善诱:希腊女人,下厨房如 羊羔般温顺,进卧房如猛虎扑食。
3.希腊人认为世界上有两种人:希腊人和那些希望成为希 腊人的人。
4.丈夫是一家之首,妻子是脖子,她决定头向哪里转。 5.希腊女人一生中的三项使命:嫁给希腊小伙、生希腊小
1 美国和希腊的家庭观
虽然在英文中,“family”一词同时具有“家庭、家族” 的含义,但在美国和希腊文化中,一提起它,人们心中却 是完全不同的概念。
图拉和伊安相识的初期,有一次伊安谈起自己的夏令 营,图拉脱口而出:“难道你的表兄弟不去吗?”伊安对这 个问题非常惊讶。图拉怕吓住伊安,避而不谈家庭情况。 最后在伊安的循循善诱下终于说出的情况是:“我是希腊 人,我有27个表兄弟,而且都是近亲。我的家族又大又吵, 每个人都在管别人的事。我们认识的都是希腊人,因为希 腊人只娶希腊人…”这种家庭观上的差异也反映在以下方面, 两种文化中的吃饭和婚礼上。