



Agilent1100液相基本操作步骤(一)、开机:1、打开计算机,进入Windows NT (或Windows 2000)画面,并运行Bootp Server程序。

2、打开 1100 LC 各模块电源。

3、待各模块自检完成后,双击Instrument 1 Online图标,化学工作站自动与1100 LC通讯,进入的工作站画面如下所示。

4、从“View”菜单中选择“Method and Run control”画面, 单击”View”菜单中的“Show Top Toolbar”,“Show status toolbar”,“System diagram”,”Sampling diagram”,使其命令前有“√”标志,来调用所需的界面。



7、单击Pump图标,出现参数设定菜单,单击Setup pump选项,进入泵编辑画面。

8 、设Flow:5ml/min,单击OK。

9、单击Pump图标,出现参数设定菜单,单击Pump control选项,选中On,单击OK,则系统开始Purge,直到管线内(由溶剂瓶到泵入口)无气泡为止,切换通道继续Purge,直到所有要用通道无气泡为止。

10、单击Pump图标,出现参数设定菜单,单击Pump Control选项,选中Off,单击Ok 关泵,关闭Purge valve。

11、单击Pump图标,出现参数设定菜单,单击Setup pump选项,进入Pump编辑画面,设Flow:1.0ml/min。




(二)数据采集方法编辑:1、开始编辑完整方法:●从“Method”菜单中选择“Edit entire method”项,如上图所示选中除“Data analysis”外的三项,单击Ok,进入下一画面。

2、方法信息:●在“Method Comments”中加入方法的信息(如:方法的用途等)。



安捷伦液相工作站操作安捷伦(Agilent)液相工作站(LC workstations)是一种用于高效液相色谱(HPLC)操作的设备。





















tered 注意:
is 2.2 关机步骤
步骤 1 1. 将一个装有洗针溶剂的样品瓶放在自动进样器上,并记住摆放位置。
g 2. 执行原厂工程师所建立的清洗色谱柱及预柱的方法。 UnRe (AcquisitionàQuick Startà找出 Wash Column 的 method)
步骤 2 1. 建立新方法,请选择 FileàNew Method
tered 步骤 3 点击后出现下面窗口,此时需要选择该新方法属于哪一个仪器使用。 UnRegis 选好后点击”Next”继续。
步骤 4 1. 输入 方法名称 2. 输入 方法描述(可以不填写) 3. 按 OK 键继续
步骤 8
red Misscellaneous:
1. Start mode:请选择 inject trigger on pumpA
te 2. End of Sequence:请选择 Leave pump on UnRegis 以上设定如无特别需要,建议不需要更改内容。
步骤 9
ed Pressure:保护系统及色谱柱的压力设定 r Min. Pressure :请设定 100psi te Max. pressure:请设定 4000psi
210 pump 设定结束。
is 步骤 10 1. 以下为 325 detector 的设定: UnReg (i) 点击 325 图标
Signal: Detector Bunch Rate、Noise Monitor Length、Response time: 定义为检测取样的点数及噪声监 控时间选取点数。 Detector Bunch Rate:建议设定为 2 (10Hz)。 Noise Monitor Length:建议设定为 64。 Response time:建议设定为 0.5。



OPERATOR’S MANUALFORVarian 356-LCControl Software Polymer Laboratories Ltd, Now a part of Varian, Inc., Essex Road, Church Stretton,Shropshire SY6 6AX, UKTel +44 (0)1694 723581, Fax +44 (0)1694 722171, Service Tel +44 (0)1694 724333Polymer Laboratories, Varian, Inc., Amherst Fields Research Park, 160 Old FarmRoad,Amherst, MA 01002, USA Tel +1 413 253 9554, Fax +1 413 253 2476Polymer Laboratories, Varian B.V., Herculesweg 8, 4339 PL Middelburg,The Netherlands Tel +31 (0) 118 671500, Fax +31 (0)118 671502Polymer Laboratories, Varian Belgium NV SA, Mechelsesteenweg 362,2860 St.-Katelijne-Waver, Belgium Tel +32 (0) 15 556460, Fax +32 (0) 15 556186Polymer Laboratories, Varian Deutschland GmbH, Alsfelder Stra€e 6,D-64289 Darmstadt, Germany Tel: +49 (0) 6151 7030 Fax: +49 (0)6151 703237Varian S.A.,7 Avenue des Tropiques, Z.A. Courtaboeuf, B.P. 12F-91941 Les Ulis Cedex, France Tel +33 1.6986.3838 Fax: +33 1.6928.2308Please note that Varian, Inc. is now part of Agilent Technologies. For more information, go to /chem.CONTENTS1GENERAL INFORMATION3 1.1I NTRODUCTION (3)1.2S PECIFICATIONS (4)1.3C ONNECTING THE V ARIAN 356-LC TO A PC (5)1.3.1Use a Universal Serial Bus Interface (USB)51.3.2Adding an Extra Serial Card to your PC -Using Multiple Serial Ports5 1.4U SING S TAR W ORKSTATION WITH I NSTRUMENT C ONTROL S OFTWARE (5)1.5I NSTALLATION P ROCEDURES-S OFTWARE (7)1.5.1Installation of the PL Instrument Control Software from CD71.5.2Installation of the PL Instrument Control On-line Help from CD71.5.3Configuring the PL Instrument Control Software8 2THE GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE10 2.1O VERVIEW (10)2.2S UMMARY V IEW (11)2.3C OMPONENT V IEW (11)2.4A UTOMATING THE V ARIAN 356-LC (12)3TROUBLESHOOTING14 3.1E RRORS (14)3.2V ARIAN 356-LC E RRORS (15)1General Information1.1IntroductionThe Varian 356-LC differential refractometer is a universal detector designed for high-performance analyses where the refractive index of a flowing liquid with respect to a reference is required. Its small cell volume, high sensitivity, and accurate temperature control make it well-suited for use as a detector in automated and manual high performance liquid chromatography.The Varian 356-LC RI detector can be operated as an integrated module within a Liquid Chromatography System using Galaxie™ Chromatography software. Alternatively, the detector can be used as a stand-alone HPLC detector through serial communications.This manual instructs the user how to install the PL Instrument Control software for operation of the Varian 356-LC RI as a stand-alone detector. For information on operating the detector please refer to the Operation manual.1.2SpecificationsRI range 1.0~1.75 RIURange 150-600x10-6/FS RIULinearity 600 ‚RIUSensitivity LOW (2), MED (4), HIGH (8) mV/‚RIUShort-term noise 1<5.0x10-9RIUDrift <2.5x10-7RIU/hourResponse time 0.1-5.0 secTemperature control OFF, 30-50 ƒC (1 ƒC increments)Cell volume 6 ‚LLight source LED 880 nmAnalogue output 1 V FSDDigital output24 bit (10 Hz) via serial portPolarity Positive/NegativeExternal communication RS232Autozero YESPurge YESFlow rate range0.1-10 mL/minPressure rating100 kPa (15 psi)Internal volume-inlet15 ‚LInternal volume-outlet459 ‚LTotal internal volume Normal operation 474 ‚LPurge mode 491 ‚LWetted material 316 SST, Quartz Glass, PTFE, PerfluoroelastomerPower requirements AC 100~240 V 50/60 HzPower consumption150 W (max)Dimensions (wxdxh)(unpacked)296 x 475 x 212 mmDimensions (packed)460 x 775 x 385 mmWeight (unpacked)11 kgWeight (packed)13.5 kgPC Requirements Windows…2000 & XPproRemote operation Remote purge & autozeroSafety features Error and leak detectionTable 1.Performance Specification of the Varian 356-LC RI Detector1According to ASTM method E-1303-95 “Practice for Refractive Index Detectors used in Liquid Chromatography”. Detector conditions; temperature 35 ƒ C, response time 4 sec.1.3Connecting the Varian 356-LC to a PC1.3.1PC RequirementsTo operate the Varian 356-LC detector using the Instrument Control Software, a free Serial (RS-232) communications port (1 to 255) is required on your PC. Mostcomputers are supplied with at least one serial port as standard, but if your PC does not provide a serial port, please see section Varian 356-LC Instrument Control Software is only compatible with Windows…2000 & XP Pro. a Universal Serial Bus (USB)to Serial InterfaceIf your PC has one or more Universal Serial Bus (USB) connectors then you can use a “USB –Serial Port Adaptor” (part # 0860-0620), which provides a Serial Port connection to your PC. The Universal Serial Bus interface is supported on:④ Windows 98④ Windows ME④ Windows 2000④ Windows XPUSB is NOT Supported on NT 4.0. You may require extra software to use USB on Windows1.3.1.2Adding an Extra Serial Card to your PC -Using Multiple Serial Ports Multiple Port Serial cards are available, which allow 4, 8 and 16 extra serial ports to be added to your PC using a single PCI card.1.3.2Serial ConnectionEnsure that the Varian 356-LC detector is switched on and operating normally. Make sure you have one free and valid RS-232 communications port (1 to 255).Connect the serial port on your PC to the port labelled "RS232" on the rear of the detector, using the serial cable provided. Ensure that the flash upgrade switch, (see figure 1) is located in the RUN position (i.e. downwards).1.4Instrument Control for non-Galaxie UsersThe Varian 356-LC was designed to integrate fully into Galaxie Chromatography software, allowing the user to control the instrument,remotely for unattendedoperation.However, for non-Galaxie users (e.g. Star or MS workstation)the Varian 356-LC Control software (v2.2), provides a standalone control of the Varian 356-LC NOTE !The 356-LC Instrument Control software provides direct control of the Varian 356-LC, via the RS232 port, in much the same way as front panel control. It does not provide data acquisition.For data acquisition and control, the Control software must be used in conjunction with a chromatographic data acquisition package,such as Star or MS Workstation. The Varian 356-LC’s analogue data can be collected by connecting the supplied analogue output cable (Part No. PL0880-0310) from the rear of the detector (see figure 1) to an A/D interface (e.g.Star MIB 800 module). Please refer to the Star or MS workstation user manual for more information on how to configure the Star 800 modules.Figure 1. Rear view of the Varian 356-LC RI Detector1.Serial RS232 connector –24 bit digital output2.Control firmware flash upgrade switch3.Connector control I/O –15 pin D type female4.Analogue output -‰1 V5.Mains switch6.Mains input1235461.5Installation Procedures-Software1.5.1Installation of the PL Instrument Control Software from CDPlace the CD-ROM containing the Varian 356-LC Control software into the CD drive. In most cases the CD browser window will automatically open. However if the window does not appear then select the Run option in the Start menu, and type in D:\launch.exe (where D: denotes the CD drive).From the CD browser window select the Install the Software option and follow the on-screen instructions, it is recommended that the default settings are selected.Ensure that when you log on to the PCyou have full administration rights.You may need to restart your computer at the end of installation; if this is required you will be prompted to do so.After successful installation of the Control software, the program is simply run by clicking on the application named PL Instrument Control (PLInstControl.exe) installed in the PL Instrument Control group of the Programs option in the Start menu.The default location for the program files will be C:\Program Files\Polymer Laboratories\PL Instrument Control, which contains the following files:-Before running the program thesoftware must be first configured,see section of the Instrument Control On-line Help from CDFrom the CD browser window select the Install Online Help option and follow the on-screen instructions, it is recommended that the default settings are selected. Thetwo help files (one for the PL Instrument Control software and the other for the PL Instrument Configuration Editor program) will be installed and the default location will be C:\Program Files\Polymer Laboratories\PL Instrument Control\Docs.1.5.3Configuring the Instrument Control SoftwareThe Control Software needs to be closed down before startingthis program.The configuration of the Varian 356-LC should normally be doneby a qualified Varian representative.To configure the Control software for the Varian 356-LC, you need to run the PL Instrument Configuration Editor to define the components that make up the instrument. The PL Instrument Configuration Editor is simply run by clicking on the application named PL Instrument Configuration Editor (PLInstConfigEd.exe) installed in the Service group of the PL Instrument Control group of the Programs option in the Start menu.The first time the PL Configuration Editor program is run, theprogram displays all the components that are available forcontrol.For the initial configuration of the system select the Varian 356-LC from the list by left clicking on the name of the component so that the configuration matches the instrument.Once the Varian 356-LC configuration has been completed the correct Com port needs to be assigned. To set the Com port, double click on the component name. The Configure Component dialog will open, where the correct Com port can be entered.Once the Com ports is set correctly, close the configuration editor and wait while the new configuration is saved. While the new configuration is being saved the following message will be displayed: -Updating the instrument configuration cantake up to a minute so please bepatience.For further information on configuring a system then please see the on-line help within the PL Configuration Editor program.Chapter 2-The Graphical User Interface2The Graphical User InterfaceTotal instrument control of the Varian 356-LC is provided by a Windows-based Graphical User Interface (GUI). This intuitive interface provides simplistic control as well as a comprehensive monitoring system.For further information on the PL Instrument Controlsoftware please see the on-line help within theprogram.To start the 356-LC Control software, select the PL Instrument Control item in the PL Instrument Control program group of the Programs option in the Start menu. 2.1OverviewThe Control screen is effectively divided into two main Views, these are:1.The Summary View2.The Component View2.2Summary ViewThe summary view displays the status of the Varian356-LC and a quick way of accessing the various parameters and options available within the PL Instrument Control software.A green LED next to the Varian 356-LC name indicates the module is being controlled and running whereas a red LED would indicate the module is either not running or not controlled.For further information on the Summary View please see the on-line help within the PL Instrument Control software.2.3Component ViewThe component view provides direct access to the Varian 356-LC control parameters. In general each component view contains a number of common items and options. The actual items available in a view are dependent on the component selected.The general component view for all components except for autosamplers/carousels is shown below.Status Bar–This displays Varian 356-LC description and current status.On-line Help Button–This is a direct link to the on-line help for that component view. Parameter Grid–This displays the current set parameter(s) for the 356-LC. To set and update the parameter(s) enter the required value(s) in the Set Value column and press the UPDATE button.To undo any parameter(s) prior to pressing the Update button press the Undo button,.To reset the parameter(s) back to the default value(s) press the Factory Reset button, .Help Output Window–This displays a simple summary help for each parameter and action. To view this information, select the parameter or action. The information displayed in the Help Window will be a short description about the action or parameter, the Factory Default Value and the Minimum and Maximum Values for the parameter.Action Button(s)–The Varian 356-LC can be Purged or Autozeroed using the Action Buttons, as well as from the Action List. To run an action, press the required Action button.Press the STOP button, to stop all the procedures currently running on the selected component.For information on the Toolbar menus please see the on-line help within the PL Instrument Control software.2.4Automating the Varian 356-LCThe Instrument Control software provides the ability to automate the control of the Varian 356-LC using the Events Schedule Editor. To open the Events Schedule Editor and create a schedule, select the Edit Schedule option from the Automation menu on the toolbar. The editor will initially display a default Events Schedule consisting of a single Process and Sequence entry. This ensures you only have to add a Procedure entry for the schedule to be valid.To add a Procedure right click on the Sequence entry in the schedule, the Procedure Details window will open where the required action can be selected.Once the Events Schedule is completed press the Start button, to start the schedule.The schedule can be used to equilibrate the detector by automatically purging a autozeroing the detector.Message boxes can be displayed at key stages during an Event Schedule. These message boxes require user input before the rest of the schedule can be run. The text displayed in the message box is customisable allowing simple status information or more detailed instructions to be displayed to the operator. Two examples of this are: -∙ Providing a simple guide path to an operator for the manual operation of the system.∙ Providing feedback / key information to an operator at key stages of a more automated system.For further information on the Event Schedule Editor please see the on-line help within the Instrument Control software.3Troubleshooting3.1ErrorsAny error(s) that occur with communications or operations (running component actions, updating parameters etc.) with the instrument, the Diagnostic Output Window will automatically open with the error(s) displayed in the Component Error Status Tab of the Diagnostic Output Window as shown below. Each error is uniquely identified with a number that can be referenced back to the control code.Figure 2.Diagnostic Output WindowNote:The information displayed in last two Tabs is primarily for service diagnostics and the Window does not need to be open for normal operation of the instrument.If an error is displayed it needs to be cleared in order for the diagnostic window to be closed, allowing access back to the PL Instrument Control software. To clear an error press the Select button to highlight the row and press the Clear button. Multiple errors can be selected at a time. Once all errors have been cleared the diagnostic window can be closed.Clearing an error will stop all procedures that are running and attempting to communicate with the component. To re-establish communications with the component either select the Reconnect option from the Instrument menu or return to the component view and resend the parameters or repeat the required action.The errors that can be displayed from the software are listed on the following pages.3.2Varian 356-LC ErrorsGeneral System ErrorsError Cause(s)ActionCould not initialise specified comms port Incorrect Com portassigned to thecomponent, the PL-GPC50 Plus is not poweredon or the USB cable isnot connected.Ensure the correct Com port has beenassigned within the PL InstrumentConfiguration Editor program. Ensurethe PL-GPC 50 Plus is powered on andthe USB cable is connected.No response received from the device Incorrect Com portassigned to thecomponent orcommunications lost withthe component, e.g.power failure.Ensure the correct Com port has beenassigned within the PL InstrumentConfiguration Editor program. Ensurethe PL-GPC 50 Plus and/or componentis powered on. If assigned Com port iscorrect and the system is powered onthen contact Polymer Laboratories oryour local agent.Unrecognised response from the device Turn the PL-GPC 50 Plus off and then on again (ensure the control software has been closed before turning the instrument off). If this error persists then contact Polymer Laboratories or your local agent.The device rejected the last command Incorrect componentassigned to the Comport.Ensure the correct component hasbeen assigned to the correct Com portwithin the PL Instrument ConfigurationEditor program.The device returned an error The component failed tocomplete an action.Reinitialise the component from the PLInstrument Control software and ensurethe initialisation is completedsuccessfully. Otherwise turn the PL-GPC 50 Plus off and then on again(ensure the control software has beenclosed before turning the instrumentoff). If unsuccessful and no obviouscause for the error then contactPolymer Laboratories or your localagent.Instrument ErrorsError Cause(s)Action01Fan stopped/failed Fault with the circuitry/wires/fan. Callyour Varian customer supportrepresentative if this happens regularly.02Upper leak detectorthermistor failure.Liquid sensor needs replacing. Call your Varian customer supportrepresentative.03Lower leak detectorthermistor failure.Liquid sensor needs replacing. Call your Varian customer supportrepresentative.04Internal vapour sensorfailure.Vapour sensor needs replacing. Call your Varian customer supportrepresentative.05External vapour sensorfailure.Vapour sensor needs replacing. Call your Varian customer supportrepresentative.06Liquid leak sensor hasdetected liquid in driptray.Liquid in the base of the unit -Stop pump and investigate.07High concentration ofvapour detected outsideof unit.Ensure sufficient ventilation around themodule.Check for a solvent leak.08Heated block thermistorbelow minimumthreshold.Call your Varian customer supportrepresentative.09Heated block thermistorabove maximumthreshold.Call your Varian customer supportrepresentative.0A Light source error Replace the light source assembly. Callyour Varian customer supportrepresentative.Auto-Zero (01)Autozero timeout Re-autozero the detector.。



(一)开机1 打开载气(N2),空气,氢气等气源的开关,调整载气输出气压为约0.5 M Pa。

2 启动电脑,进入Windows 系统后3 打开气相色谱仪前左下方的电源开关,GC进入自检后,启动完成。

4. 双击电脑桌面的“仪器2联机”图标,进入GC化学工作站“方法和运行控制”界面(二)7890A配置编辑:1.点击“仪器”菜单,选择“GC 配置…”2.点击“色谱柱”按钮,进入柱参数设定画面,在“”下方第一行空白按钮处,单击鼠标,在弹出的界面中选择“毛细柱”或“填充柱”,如为毛细柱,还应输入色谱柱的“长度”,“模厚”,“直径”,“最高使用温度”等。


2、方法信息:在“方法注释”中输入方法的信息(如,this is for test!),点击“确定”进入下一画面。

3、进样器设置:在“选择进样源/位置”画面中选择“GC 进样器”,并选择所用的进样口的物理位置(前或后)。



如:压力,25 psi;或流速,6.5ml/min。




在“分流出口吹扫流量”下边的空白框内输入吹扫流量(如0.75min 后60ml/min); 如选择分流方式, 则要输入“分流比”。




Agilent 化学工作站操作说明

Agilent 化学工作站操作说明

Agilent 化学工作站操作说明目录第一章 工作站和色谱仪的开启 (1)第二章 编辑分析方法 (2)第三章 运行方法 (31)第四章 数据分析 (33)第五章 校正设置 (39)第六章 工作站的配置 (47)一、工作站和色谱仪的开启1.1 检查色谱仪主机的所有气源是否连接好、所有气体是否打开并进行试漏。

1.2 确保上述情况完好,开色谱仪主机电源并等待通过自检。


图1:工作站开启界面1.3 在计算机屏幕上单击Start选择Programs再选择ChemStations双击Instrument 1 Online.等待GC与工作站的连接出现初始状态。

如有第二通道则有Instrument 2 Online 存在。

图2:工作站开启图标1.4 也可在计算机屏幕上双击图标。

1.5 Instrument 1 Online为连接GC状态、Instrument 1 Offline为脱离GC状态。

先开Instrument 1 Online可继续打开Instrument 1 Offline、先开Instrument1 Offline不能继续打开Instrument 1 Online。

1.6 注意:在Instrument 1 Offline状态下改动分析方法如果存储则Instrument 1Online下的方法也将改动。

1.7 本操作说明均指在Instrument 1 Online状态并安装EPC。


图3 显示菜单2.1 此菜单提供显示的画面,前三项与选择是方法和运行控制界面、数据分析界面还是报告设计界面相同,Show Top Toolbar为快捷方式工具栏(本界面最上的图标一栏),Show Status Toolbar为仪器状态栏(本界面第二图标栏),其他经常使用的为在线信号(Online Signals)1或2和仪器状态(Instrument Actuals)及化学工作站状态(Chemstation Status)。









安捷伦气相色谱系统化学工作站安装与卸载:(本方法适用于B.01.01C/B.02.01SR1/B.03.01SR1 版安捷伦气相化学工作站安装与卸载,本方法仅供你们使用,请勿向外传播,谢谢!祝一切顺利!!)卸载化学工作站有时,可能需要卸载化学工作站(例如,化学工作站出了问题,或要在其他位置安装该软件)。

要完全删除化学工作站安装,您可以使用标准Windows 卸载程序(“控制面板”→“添加/ 删除程序”)。

要进行卸载,请执行以下步骤:1 如果化学工作站正在运行,请关闭所有会话并重新引导计算机。

2 选择“开始”→“设置”→“控制面板”→“添加/ 删除程序”。

选择“”,然后按“更改/ 删除”。





4 在卸载过程中,系统将备份化学工作站数据、方法、序列、UV 库和自定义报告类型,以及所有自定义宏(例如user.mac)(如果有)。


数据的原始结构将保留,例如:• \CHEM32_Backup\1\• \CHEM32_Backup\2\• \CHEM32_Backup\3\• \CHEM32_Backup\4\包含仪器1 至4 的所有数据、方法、序列和超级序列软件• \CHEM32_Backup\REPSTYLE 包含自定义的报告• \CHEM32_Backup\CORE 包含最终的自定义宏user.mac5 完整的CHEM32 文件夹将从硬盘上被删除。

6 化学工作站路径声明将从Windows 操作系统环境中的环境路径变量中被删除。




使用方法:一、开机:1. 打开气源(按相应的检测器所需气体)。

2. 打开计算机,进入Windows界面。

3. 打开6890N GC电源开关。

4. 待仪器自检完毕,双击Instrument 1 Online 图标,化学工作站自动与6890N通讯,此时6890N显示“Loading”。

5. 从“View”菜单中选择“Method and run control”画面,点击“Show top toolbar”,“Show status toolbar”,“Instrument diagram”,“Sampling Diagram”,使其命令前有“√”标志,来调用所需的界面。

二、数据采集方法编辑:1. 开始编辑完整方法从“Method”菜单中选择“Edit Entire Method”项,选中除“Data Analysis”外的三项,点击OK,进入下一界面。

2. 方法信息:在“Method Comments”中输入方法的信息(如,this is for test),点击Ok进入下一界面。

3. 进样器设置:&548; 如果未使用自动液体进样器7683,则在“Select Injection Source/Location”画面中选择Manual,并选择所用的进样口的物理位置(Front或Back或Double);&548; 如果使用自动液体进样器,则选择GC Injector;&548; 点击Ok,进入下一画面。

4. 柱参数设定:&548; 点“Columns”图标,进入柱参数设定画面,在“Columns”下放选择1或2,然后点击“Change…”钮;&548; 点击“Add”钮,点击“Increment”钮,点击Ok,从柱子库中选择柱子,点击“Install as columns 1”或“Install as columns 2”;&548; Mode—选择合适的模式,恒压或恒流;Inlet—柱连接进样口的物理位置;Detector—柱连接检测器的物理位置;Outlet Psi—选择Ambient&1548; 选择合适的柱头压、流速、线速度。


Agilent GCMS化学工作站操作培训
第一章 气相色谱/质谱基础
MS和GC检测器的对比 MS的基本理论
5975B MSD 和 6890 GC 5975C MSD 和 7890 GC 5973 MSD 和 6890 GC
AMU Gain 及其偏移
Mathieu Stability Diagram 马绍方程图解
DC 电压
RF 电压
AMU Gain 及其偏移
DC 电压
RF 电压
Signal Out
EM Voltage (0 to -3000 V)
• 电压有使用上限(3000伏) • 电压的提高,可以提高检测器的信号
•提供足够的平均自由程 •提供无碰撞的离子轨道 •减少离子-分子反应 •减少背景干扰 •延长灯丝寿命 •消除放电 •增加灵敏度
eeeeeeeMe+. e
M e eM
M+. F1+ F2.
化学电离(CI) 快原子轰击(FAB) 场电离与场解析(FI,FD) 电喷雾电离(ESI) 大气压化学电离(APCI)



Cary50 中文操作手册美国瓦里安中国有限公司分析仪器服务部一九九九年八月目录开机及基本操作步骤……………………………… 3-3 软件功能简解……………………………………… 4-4 简单读数固定波长测定软件……………………… 5-7 高级读数定波长测定软件………………………… 8-14 浓度测定软件……………………………………… 15-24 波长扫描软件……………………………………… 25-34 仪器检定软件……………………………………… 35-36 仪器调整软件……………………………………… 37-39 仪器调整软件……………………………………… 40-42开机及基本操作步骤1.开电脑进入Win98系统。







2).按Cary Control→Standards→Options→Samples→Reports→Auto store 顺序,设置好每页的参数。



基本选顷 Toolber;buttons;Graphics;Report。


提示:Load blank press ok to read(放空白按ok读)。


Solutions Available(溶液有效)。


Selected for Analysis(选择分析的标准和样品)。



Present std1(1.0 g/l)提示:放标准1然后按OK键进行读数。



安捷伦操作1 开机1.1 打开电脑1.2 打开液相色谱各个模块的电源1.3 双击桌面“LC1260(Online)”,进入联机界面1.4 排气:1.4.1 手动旋开泵处冲洗阀(逆时针旋转约1圈)1.4.2 右键单击“Pump”图标区域,选择“Method”选项,进入泵编辑画面,设流速:5ml/min,点击“确定”;1.4.3 右键单击“Pump” 图标区域,点击“Control”选项,选中“ON”,点击“确定”,则系统开始冲洗,直到管线内(由溶剂瓶到泵入口)无气泡为止(一般为5分钟),切换通道继续冲洗,直到所有要用通道无气泡为止;1.4.4 右键单击“Pump” 图标,点击“Method”选项,设流速:0ml/min,手动旋紧冲洗阀;1.4.5 右键单击“Pump”图标,点击“Method”选项,按照方法要求选择合适比例的流动相,设流速:1.0ml/min;(不一定是1)1.4.6 同理右键单击“Column Comp”,“DAD”图标,点击“Method”选项,按照方法的要求设置温度,波长,点击“控制” 选项,“ON”打开柱温箱和检测器。

2 编辑方法2.1 点击“Method”——“Edit EntireMethod”开始编辑完整方法;2.2 选中除“Data Analysis ”外的三项,进入下一选项卡,选择“Als”(自动进样),点击“OK”,进入下一选项;2.3 选择“Method”菜单下“Method Information”选项,在“Method Comments”中加入方法的信息(如:This is for test!),选择“OK”,进入下一选项;2.4 泵参数设定:右键单击“Pump”图标,点击“Method…”选项,设置“Flow”:如1.0ml/min;“Stop Time”:如10 min (该停止时间仅为做一个样品需要的时间),按照要求选择合适比例的流动相配比,选择“OK”,进入下一选项;2.5 自动进样器参数设定:右键单击“Sampler”图标,点击“Method”选项,选择“Injection volume”,输入进样体积,选择“OK”,进入下一选项;2.6 柱温箱参数设定:右键单击“Column Comp”,点击“Method”选项,设置“Left”温度(可设置温度范围:低于室温10℃-80℃),一般“Left”和“Right”温度一致,选择“Combined”绑定即可,“Stop Time”选择“As Pump /Injector”,选择“OK”,进入下一选项;2.7 UV检测器参数设定: 右击“DAD” ,点击“Method…”选项,下方的空白处输入所需的检测波长(可根据需要选择多个波长,最多可选8个波长);“Stop Time”选择“As Pump /Injector”;“Spectrum”——“Store”选项下,根据需要选择“None”或“All(全波长扫描)”等选项,选择“OK”,进入下一选项;2.8 编辑方法完毕,从“Method”菜单中,选中“Save Method As”,输入一方法名,选择“OK”,保存方法成功。




5、由主菜单校正进入校正设置,分别修改浓度单位、校准曲线类型和时间窗口等:1)在含量单位栏中输入组分浓度单位;2)在缺省校正曲线类型栏中输入曲线类型(直线,抛物线等);3)在原点栏中选择曲线过不过原点(忽略,包含,强制,连接);4)在其它峰栏中设定峰识别时间窗口(一般设为5%);6、点击确定,退出校正表;7、调出第二点浓度的标准品的色谱图,并检查积分参数是否合适;8、由主菜单校正进入添加级别,对照相应组分,分别输入第二点的各组分浓度,点击确定退出;第三点、第四点等类推;9、由主菜单的校正进入校正表,可检查、修改校准表上的各参数;10、由主菜单上的报告,进入设定报告,将定量结果定量:改为内标法,点击确定退出;二)样品分析1、由主菜单的文件到调用方法…,在D:\ CHEM32\1\METHOD\…中调出已做好校正表的方法;2、调出样品色谱图,预览报告及打印;3、对于同一浓度的标样,可多次平行进样,取其平均值,加以校准:调出同一浓度标准品的色谱图,由主菜单校正进入再校正取平均,再确定,即得到同一浓度的两次进样的平均校准表。




It works as hard as you do.Agilent 6890N NetworkGC• Rugged and reliable for unsurpassed uptime• Advanced EPC ensures precision and accuracy of results• Retention Time Locking for consistent results• Accomplish more with fast GC capabilites2Acccomplish more with networking abilities •Lets you share business and scientific data easily within a laboratory and across sites for fast and informed decision making.•Incorporates local area network (LAN) technology as a standard feature, which makes it easy to link communication and control of multiple analytical instruments. With networking, you can work smarter,faster, and more economically.Wide selection of inletsSplit/splitless (S/SL) capillary Packed purged injection port Cool on-column (COC)Cool on-column with solvent vapor exit (COC-SVE)Programmable temperature vaporizing (PTV)Volatiles interface (VI)•T emperature-programmable pre-column**Agilent 7694E headspace sampler Purge and trapGas and liquid sampling valves Deans Switch for 2D GC Ambient air sampler and preconcentrator**Thermal desorber**Pyrolyzer**HP-5MS)•Midpolarity (HP-35, HP-35MS, DB-35, DB-35MS, DB-17, DB-17MS, HP-50+)•High-polarity PEG (HP-Wax, HP INNOWax, DB-Wax, HP-FFAP)•PLOT (MoleSieve, PLOT Q, GS-GasPro, HP-PLOT Al 2O 3, HP-PLOT MoleSieve)•Application-specific columns (DB-VRX, DB-Dioxin, DB-ALCl and ALC2)*The 6890N network gas chromatograph is ready for attaching the Agilent 7683 series automatic liquid sampler.**Available through Agilent Channel Partners.***For a complete list of Agilent columns and supplies, visit our Shopping Village on the World Wide Web at /chemWe have one thing in mind:hard work.Laboratories worldwide are looking for a GC solution that delivers reliability, performance, and reproducible results. And nothing produces these benefits like the Agilent 6890N Network GC. By integrating leading-edge technologies with an emphasis on quality manufacturing processes, the 6890N will bring a work ethic to your laboratory that’s matched only by your own.6890N N e t w o r k G C :I t w o r k s a s h a r d a s y o u d o .* Available through Agilent Channel Partners.6890N Network GC: It works as hard as you do. 3More Productive than Any Other ECDThe Agilent 6890N micro-electron capture detector gives you greater throughput, less rework, reduced susceptibility to contamination, and expanded detection limits compared with any other electron capture detector. This detector offers the best sensitivity and linearity in the world. You do not have to concentrate extremely dilute samples and you do not have to dilute concentrated samples to get within the sample calibration range. Furthermore, this rugged, completely redesigned detector,which is optimized for capillary chromatography, lets you perform fast GC.Decreased Calibration TimeYou can manually enter existing calibration data and make a run with just one standard peak.The system can normalize the calibration table for you, allowing you to cutcalibration time and avoid re-running your calibration standards.Increased Laboratory EfficiencyClock-time programming allows you to set up runs for unattended operation whenever you want. The system can be ready to work when you get to your laboratory.Pre-run and post-run commands automatically prepare the system for the next sample.An instrument that understandsan honest day’s work.From operator interaction and sample input to separation, data acquisition, and analysis, the Agilent 6890N network GC system is Micro-Electron Capture Detector6890N N e t w o r k G C :I t w o r k s a s h a r d a s y o u d o .4High Sample ThroughputThe 6890N network GC system is already set up for the Agilent 7683 automatic liquid sampler,enabling fast and easy installation.Single or dual injectors, equipped with either an 8-sample turret or a 100-vial sample tray, allow unattended operation. Using the 11-vial transfer turret with the tray and the solvent saving mode,you have enough solvent to run unattended eight times longer than before.100-vial sample tray8-sample turret for use without trayEfficient Data HandlingThe Agilent ChemStation for the 6890N network GC system lets you display, calibrate, and report data from up to four signals—without having to synchronize separate runs and merge results.This isparticularly efficient when you need to set up and report complex analyses.Agilent’s Cerity Networked Data System for Chemical QA/QC givesyou exactly what you need for your particular laboratory environment. Use-specific applications model your everyday tasks,making every step more efficient. Cerity NDS also connects you with your company’s intranet and the Internet for pulling in what you need to work efficiently or sending out results to your customers, fast.Automatic Liquid Sampler6890N Network GC:It works as hard as you do.511-vial transfer turret for use with trayMinimal ReworkThe Agilent 6890N network GC system is the only GC system that automatically selects the optimum pressure-control mode for split and splitless analyses. Forward-pressure control is best for splitless injections. Along with a large inlet liner volume and pressure-pulse operation,this mode reduces discrimination, sample degradation, and sample loss caused by liner overload while maximizing sensitivity.For split injections, the system automatically selects back-pressure control for linear split ratios over the entire usable split-ratio range and over wide column flow and pressure ranges. This reduces sample preparation and increases reproducibility and accuracy.Automatic switching between forward-and back-pressure modes yields optimal results in less time and with less effort.6890N N e t w o r k G C :I t w o r k s a s h a r d a s y o u d o .6The Agilent 6890N works as hard to meet regulatory requirements as it does to meet the needs of your lab. That’s why Agilent designed into the GC ChemStation a variety of features to answer the strict regulatory, certification, and quality control requirements of your industry. Agilent’s expert staff of engineers will work for you too— our installation qualification and operational qualification/performance verification services can help ensure your lab is in complete compliance.A Record of All EventsBoth the Agilent Cerity Networked Data System and Agilent ChemStation Plus family ease the burden of meeting regulatory and quality requirements.Both software programs, for example,record all system events during an analysis. This includes any anomalies or deviations from method setpoints.System Performance ControlA system suitability table lets you easily set range limits on critical parameters toestablish and verify system performance.Results that meet regulations—and your expectations.Good Laboratory PracticeAssured Method SecurityYour original method, including all GC parameters and data files, can be stored in a single protected,uneditable format for assured integrity. Furthermore,your methods and data are protected by a keyboard lock and multilevel security.6890N Network GC:It works as hard as you do.7You want to keep your cost-per-analysis down— but not at the cost of unreliable results. That’s why Agilent designed the 6890N to do much of the work for you. It’s easy to operate, with minimal time required for training, prep and data handling.You’ll save time by entering all GC parameters electronically. Once set, they remain precisely the same for accurate and reproducible results you can count on, every time, with every operator, and with minimal rework.Unsurpassed Reproducibility Full electronic pneumatics control (EPC) makes it fast and easy to set all pressures and flows.Our fourth-generation EPC keeps these setpoints constant from run to run,providing excellent retention time reproducibility.Simplified ControlThe 6890N keyboard simplifies parameter entry and system control.The keyboard displays four parameters of your choice,giving you instant access to system information— for fast,effective diagnostics and troubleshooting. All parameters can be stored and recalled at the touch of a button.Retention Time (min)Run Peak 1Peak 218.3778.63228.3778.63238.3778.63348.3778.63258.3768.63268.3748.63078.3758.63188.3758.63198.3748.630108.3748.630118.3758.631128.3768.632138.3768.632148.3768.632158.3768.632Average 8.3768.632Standard0.001 0.001DeviationMethod setup that’s fast,results that stay true.Fourth-Generation Pneumatics Control6890N N e t w o r k G C :I t w o r k s a s h a r d a s y o u d o .8Different Detector, Different Location,Different Operator—Same ResultsRetention Time Locking (RTL) software is a powerful productivity tool that lets you reproduce exactly the same results on multiple Agilent GCs with EPC—configuration to configuration, location to location,operator to operator. This revolutionary technology allows retention times to be reproduced between Modularity to Meet Changing Needs Modular design of system components lets change or upgrade GC MSD Method Locked to FID Method Mixture of 25 PesticidesRetention Time Locking with GC and GC/MSD ChemStation6890N Network GC:It works as hard as you do.96890N N e t w o r k G C :I t w o r k s a s h a r d a s y o u d o .Sampling FlexibilityThe Agilent automatic liquid sampler lets you mimic manual injection. At the same time, you get the convenience of automated injection. Other benefits include improvedprecision and accuracy (with the industry’s fastest injection speed) and the ability to sample individual layers in a vial for automated micro-liquid/liquid extraction and ambientheadspace analysis.No Sample ConcentrationThe system’s automatic liquid sampler offers large-volume injection, eliminating sampleconcentration steps. Using the programmable temperature vaporizing inlet or cool on-column inlet, you can inject up to 50 µL in a single injection.If you are using a programmable temperature vaporizing inlet, you can inject up to 500 µL, with multiple injections. This gives you highly sensitive quantitation—especially useful for mass selectivedetection and atomic emission detection.With enhanced technologies, the 6890N works harder than ever to increase your lab’s performance. Both injection and headspace sampling are automated, which means less manual work and even more precise results. You’ll enjoy quicker turnaround time, lower cost per analysis, and less waste.Small-Volume SamplingMultiphase Sampling Ambient HeadspaceSamplingT ake the work outof manual sample prep.Large-Volume Injection10No Sample PreparationHeadspace sampling can eliminate sample preparation byintroducing volatile components automatically—from virtually any matrix—directly into the GC. A low-volume, highly inert volatiles interface is optimized for headspace-GC analysis, preventingsample loss or degradation. Agilent headspace instrument control is fully integrated into the Agilent GC ChemStation software.Reduced DerivatizationA cool on-column inlet offers a gentle environment for thermally labile compounds. This minimizes the need for derivatization and improves the accuracy of sample characterization.6890N Network GC:It works as hard as you do.116.00 6.00 8.00 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.006.00 6.00 8.00 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.002334Standard GCFast GC HP-INNOWax 60m x 0.32mm x 0.5µmHP-INNOWax 25m x 0.2mm x 0.313µmStyrene5 7.510 12.5 15 17.5 200.5 1 1.5 2 2.5minminThe Agilent 6890N network GC system lets youReal GC—T en Times FasterThe Agilent 6890N network GC system provides everything you need for fast GC. This includes fast automatic injection, split/splitless inlets,0.1-mm capillary columns, high-speed detectors, fast data handling, and method translation software. You get real chromatography, accurately and consistently, two or five or even ten times faster than standard GC.And you can switch back to standard GC with ease.Waste no time,results come in minutes.6890N N e t w o r k G C :I t w o r k s a s h a r d a s y o u d o .12Easy Translation to Fast GCFree method translation software lets you transfer currentmethods to faster methods in minutes.You can see the impact of parameter changes on analysis speed—before you run a sample.At the same time, the software identifies any potential method or instrument constraints so that you know what will work before investing significant time and money.6890N Network GC:It works as hard as you do.132D GC Made EasySetup and operation of 2D GC is made reliable and easy to use by combining Micro-fluidic and EPC technologies. This unique software tool minimizes operator effort by automatically calculating restrictions and pressures. The reproducibility ofretention times of the 6890N GC results in improved accuracy and reliability. 2D GC is available pre-configured by Agilent, as a standard option, or as an accessory for existing 6890N GC systems.2D GC Using Micro-Fluidic T echnologyAgilent’s patented Micro-fluidic technology greatly improves the performance of 2D GC. Internal volumes are optimized tomaximize separation efficiency and eliminate peak tailing. Each device is deactivated to produce superior results even for trace analysis of chemically active compounds. A new fitting and ferrule design simplifies column installation and eliminates leakage even with repeated oven temperature programming to final temperatures over 400 C.Agilent Columns and Supplies— The Perfect FitFor greater confidence in your GC results,you can optimize your total system with quality Agilent columns and supplies—the perfect fit for the Agilent 6890N network GC system. A wide range of GC columns,supplies, kits, and accessories is designed,manufactured, and tested to rigorous Agilent specifications, under a quality system registered to ISO 9001. Why risk compromising your analytical results with anything less than genuine Agilent consumables?Backed by Agilent SupportYou can also ensure the best performance from your 6890N by relying on a variety of Agilent-brand services. Whether you need assistance in hardware or software installation, performance checks, or on-going technical support, Agilent can help maintain reliable operations over the life ofyour instrument.Created for endurance—now and for years to come.6890N N e t w o r k G C :I t w o r k s a s h a r d a s y o u d o .14The Agilent 6890N network GC system incorporates the lessons learned from 40 years of producing the world’s best-selling and most reliable GCs. In fact, labs turn to Agilent because they know the instruments will perform accurately and consistently over extended periods— and when they do replace or upgrade a system, they regularly return to Agilent.You can be sure your Agilent instrument will prove to be a workhorse for your lab, too. Each 6890N network GC system ships with a Declaration of Conformity that certifies it has passed stringent safety tests, ensuring the instrument will meet Agilent’s performance specifications. We back it all up with our Agilent Value Promise that guarantees you’ll have at least 10 years use from your 6890N (see back panel for details). Now that’s a hard-working promise.Special Service BundlesAgilent offers special service bundles that are designed to meet the needs of your laboratory. Essential services include:• T elephone support to resolve hardware problems• At-your-site instrument service plus consumables used for repairs • Off-site instrument repair service • Annual preventative maintenanceAgilent customer service centers are located worldwide. With Agilent support, you can reduce operational costs, increase laboratory productivity, and lighten the load of regulatory compliance.Agilent has a series of convenient 6890 system GC Web-based training modules. You can learn at your desk—with minimal disruption to work schedules—or wherever you can connect to the Internet. e-Learning gives you focused instruction in instrument theory, operation, routine maintenance, as well as common problems and solutions.You can view module descriptions, try a demo, register, and purchasemodules by visiting /chem/elearning.GC e-Learning On-Demand and Live Course Titles and DescriptionsSee how Agilent trainingcan work for you.6890N Network GC:It works as hard as you do.15Product Number Course TitleDescriptionR1691A6890 GC Split Inlet Mode OperationThis module teaches you the basic theory and operation of the 6890 GC split/splitless capillary inlet when operating in the split mode.R1692A 6890 GC Splitless Inlet Mode OperationThis module teaches you the basic theory and operation of the 6890 GC split/splitless capillary inlet when operating in the splitless mode.R1693A 6890 GC Purged Packed Inlet OperationThis module teaches you the basic theory and operation of the 6890 GC purged packed inlet.R1694A Capillary Columns Theory and OperationThis self-paced e-Learning module teaches you the basic theory and operation of capillary columns.R1695A 6890 GC Keyboard OperationThis self-paced e-Learning module teaches you the basic operation of the 6890 GC keyboard. It is designed to help you to understand all of the keys to gain the maximum benefit from your GC.R1696A 6890 GC FID Theory and Operation This module teaches you the basic theory and operation of the FID.R1697A 6890 GC ECD Theory and Operation This module teaches you the basic theory and operation of the ECD.R1698A 6890 GC TCD Theory and Operation This module teaches you the basic theory and operation of the TCD.R1699A GC Automatic Liquid Sampler OperationThis module teaches you the basic operation of the Agilent automatic liquid sampler system (ALS). It is designed to help you gain the maximum productivity from the ALS.R1700A Logical GC TroubleshootingThis module teaches logical steps in troubleshooting GC system problems.These steps are designed to identify the source of the problem quickly and prevent the troubleshooting task from becoming overwhelming.Find out more todayFor more information about how you can benefit from the Agilent 6890N Network GC system, Agilent’s support services, or Agilent training courses, visit us online or call toll free:/chem1-800-227-9770 (in the U.S. and Canada)Outside the U.S. and Canada, please call your local AgilentT echnologies analytical sales office or authorized AgilentT echnologies distributor.Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publicationare subject to change without notice.© Agilent T echnologies, Inc. 2004Printed in the USAJune 2, 20045989-0973EN A Sizable PromiseFor nearly two decades, Agilent T echnologies has been improving the way laboratories get results, perform their processes, and enhance their businesses. And the Agilent 6890N Network GC is no exception. With exemplary performance and outstanding ease-of-use packed into its compact frame, the 6890 will help improve the efficiency and productivity of your lab.The Agilent Value Promise–10 years of guaranteed valueIn addition to continually evolving products, we offer something else unique to the industry-our 10-year value guarantee. The Agilent Value Promise guarantees you at least 10 years of instrument use from your date of purchase, or we will credit you with the residual value of that system toward an upgraded model. Not only does Agilent ensure a safe purchase now, we help ensure your investment is as valuable to you in the long run.Information at your fingertipsStay up-to-date on the 6890N Network GC and other Agilent products. Register at /chem to receive exclusive benefits, such as:• Personalized email notifications that reflect your selected interests• Access to how-to videos, chromatogram libraries,application notes, and more• Free firmware and software updates• Fast enrollment for e-Seminars and other training。



方法三:添加PDF虚 拟打印机,以输出.pdf 文件
2、图谱转移 3、用VWD轻松实现DAD的功能-光谱扫前 提下,进一步优化 检测波长。
优化3.9min 的色谱峰。
将3.9min的色谱峰放大, 将上升沿的3分之1处设为 停泵的时间。
允许保留时间漂移 的范围
积分不 合理
将手动积分事件保存 到方法中
2、图谱转移 3、用VWD实现DAD的功能-光谱扫描
方法二:改 变文件输出
多了一个文本 文档
Agilent 化学工作站
—— 使用小贴士
2、图谱转移 3、用VWD实现DAD的功能-光谱扫描
点击enter Yes
特别注意压力的下 限,一定要设为0
扣除空白后的, 目标化合物的紫 外谱图。
安捷伦 应用工程师:于保生工程师 安捷伦 维修工程师:邰会军工程师 Thank you for your attention



Agilent Technologies
2 建立运行校验样品的方法 • 溶剂瓶装满溶剂 (A 通道为水 , B 通道为乙腈)。 • 已经在 2 ml 的样品瓶中准备好了样品,并用带隔垫的瓶盖密封。 • 调用了缺省方法 def_lc.m。
建立运行校验样品的方法 2 设置进样器
1 在系统示意图 (System Diagram) 中,单击进样器图标, 选择设置进样器 (Set up Injector)。
平衡系统 1 配置用户界面 3 从可用的信号 (Available Signals) 面板,根据您已经配置的检测器,选择 DAD 1A, MWD 1A 或 VWD A,然后单击添加 (Add)。 4 从可用的信号 (Available Signals) 面板,根据您已经配置的泵类型,选择二元 / 四元泵压力 (Binary/Quaternary Pump Pressure),然后单击添加 (Add)。 5 在选择信号 (Selected Signals) 面板,选择泵压 (pump pressure)。 a 在视窗 (Window) 组,设定 x- 轴范围 (x-axis range) 为 10 min。 b 在泵压力 (Pump Pressure) 组,设定范围 (Range) 为 200 bar。 6 在选择信号 (Selected Signals) 面板,选择检测器信号。 a 设定 y- 轴范围 (y-axis range) 为 1000 mAU。 7 单击 OK 。
• 所有组件的电源均已打开。 • 化学工作站配置正确。关于配置编辑器 (Configuration Editor) 和化学工作站
(ChemStation),请参看在线帮助。 • 溶剂瓶装满溶剂 (A 通道为水 , B 通道为乙腈)。



Slide 33
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Slide 34
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Slide 35
第三章 谱图优化
•谱图调用 •空白谱图的扣除 •谱图优化 •谱图加标注 •谱图比较、处理
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Slide 8
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Slide 9
从View菜单选择Logbook,单击Current Logbook 显示当前Logbook内容。
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Slide 10
Slide 28
灯开/关 (钨灯/氘灯) 自动开灯 模拟信号输出范围
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Slide 29
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Slide 30
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Slide 31
操作者姓名(Operator Name),存盘数据文件(Data File),样品参数(Sample Parameters) 样品评述(comment)。
然后运行方法(Run Method)。
Update: 2020/11/24
Slide 25



1981About this ManualWe’ve added this manual to the Agilent website in an effort to help you support your product. This manual is the best copy we could find; it may be incomplete or contain dated information. If we find a more recent copy in the future, we will add it to the Agilent website.Support for Your ProductAgilent no longer sells this product. Our service centers may be ableto perform calibration and repair if necessary, but no other support fromAgilent is available. You will find any other available product information on the Agilent Test & Measurement website, .HP References in this ManualThis manual may contain references to HP or Hewlett-Packard. Please note that Hewlett-Packard's former test and measurement, semiconductor products and chemical analysis businesses are now part of Agilent Technologies. We have made no changes to this manual copy. In other documentation, to reduce potential confusion, the only change to product numbers and names has been in the company name prefix: where a product number/name was HP XXXX the current name/number is now Agilent XXXX. For example, model numberHP8648A is now model number Agilent 8648A.。

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与导入相关的录入项是仪器专用的,并且设置在chemstation.ini/win.ini文件的[PCS,n] 部分(其中n 为仪器编号)。



在自动模式下,系统会在序列运行时自动将XML 结果文件从本地原始数据文件目录复制到的远程位置。


如果复制过程在尝试指定的次数(请参阅上文)之后失败,以下录入项会指定保存XML 文件的恢复目录。



第三步:将谱图处理完毕以后,再次确认Sample ID是否正确;

Xcopy .\*.txt /Q/S \\\CP3800\
Del .\*.txt /Q/S 【见下图】

