第 2 页,共 3 页
某12层框架-剪力墙结构平面图如图1所示,层高3m ,总高36m 。
沿y 轴方向作用地震力,在各楼层处的水平地震力如图2所示。
已知沿y 轴方向,边柱D 值为
41.210/kN m ⨯,中柱D 值为41.810/kN m ⨯,每片剪力墙726.0210w EI kN m =⨯⋅,1~12层截面不变。
图1 结构平面图 图2 各楼层处的水平地震力
第 3 页,共 3 页。
用意大利经济学家帕累托的效率准则来阐释税收效率的经济含义(3 分)。二是从经济
5、( )是公共品的唯一提供者。
A 政府机构;B 立法机构;C 司法机构;D 政治家。
6、税收成本不包括( )
A 征税成本;B 纳税成本;C 社会经济成本;D 储蓄成本。
7、在任何社会条件下,保障充分就业的根本手段是( )
A 努力发展经济;
B 实行扩张性财政政策;
C 实现扩张性货币政策;D 实行社会主义政策。
微观经济效益的提高。如果税收分配失当,就会扭曲经济运行机制,影响生产者和消费 者的正确决策,给社会带来福利损失,形成税收超额负担。(3 分)三是从税务行政效 率角度来考察,即政府在征税过程中本身的效率,它要求税收在征收和缴纳过程中耗费 的成本最低(2 分)。
4、什么是经济政策? 经济政策是指政府在某种特定的经济秩序和经济结构基础上,采用行政的、法律的、 经济的手段实现某种特殊目标的行动或行动方案(8 分)。 五、论述题(共 13 分) 简要评述一致同意投票规则的优缺点。
A 垄断抑制了市场机制的有效运作;B 垄断降低了经济效率;
C 垄断妨碍了资源的合理配置; D 垄断实现了 Pareto 效率。
3、投票悖论是由法国学者( )提出来的。
A K.J.阿罗;B 孔多塞;C 俾斯麦;D 拉丰。 4、税收公平原则的核心可以体现在以下几个方面( )
A 机会均等;B 结果公正而非结果相等;C 促进社会公平;D 资源以权力大小分配。 5、产业政策的宏观构成主要包括( ) A 产业结构政策;B 产业组织政策;C 产业布局政策;D 产业技术政策。 三、判断题(正确的画×,错误的画√,每题 2 分,共 20 分) √ 1、福利经济学的基本假设是政府经济学研究的出发点。 √ 2、政府经济学假设政府既是一个经济人又是一个道德人。 √ 3、重商主义认为国家制定经济政策的目的是获取金银。 √ 4、政府机构拥有暴力性强制力;而私人机构没有。 √ 5、政府实现公平的手段主要是通过再分配政策。 √ 6、利益集团是一个持有共同态度、向社会其它集团提出要求的集团。 √ 7、凡是为他人提供利益而不索取任何报酬的行为效应,称为正外部效应。 √ 8、货币政策的内容主要包括货币政策目标、中介目标和货币政策工具。 √ 9、税目是课税对象内容的具体化,它反映了具体的课税界限。 √ 10、间接税不利于促进分配公平。 四、简答题(每题 8 分,共 32 分)
西南科技大学网络教育英语(A)1题目解答一、单选题1.----- Guess what? I passed the English exam!----- ___.A.That’s fineB.It’s OKC.Congratulations!D.Believe it or not标准答案:C标准答案解析:根据语境和语言习惯,表示恭贺。
e and sit down by the fire. Your hand ___.A.feel so coldlyB.is feeling so coldC.feels so coldD.is felt so cold标准答案:C标准答案解析:系动词 feel不能用进行时态,也不能用被动语态,主语 Your hand 是可数名词的单数,主谓一致,谓语动词选feels。
3. I decided to stop and have a lunch, __________ I am hungry.A.andB.forC.soD.but标准答案:B标准答案解析:连词for,表示“因为”,引导原因状语。
4. He asked who I voted for and I said it was my own ________.A.thingB.matterC.dutyD.business标准答案:D标准答案解析:固定搭配的短语 one's own business, 表示是某人自己的事。
5.I don’t think___.A.that he came to the concert yesterday trueB.true that he came to the concert yesterdayC.it that he came to the concert yesterday trueD.it true that he came to the concert yesterday标准答案:D标准答案解析:代词 it 充当形式宾语,真正的宾语是that he came to the concert yesterday。
西南科技大学网络教育学院(2017)/(2018)学年第 2 学期试题单〈A卷〉课程名称:化学反应工程专业班级:命题教师:廖辉伟学生姓名:学号:成绩:考试时间:月日一、单选题 ( 每题3分,共10题,共30分,下列各小题备选答案中,只有一个符合题意的答案。
多选、错选、不选均不得分 )1. 对一级反应,反应物浓度C与时间t的关系是:(A) 以1/C对t作图为直线 (B) 以C对t作图为直线(C) 以㏑C对t作图为直线 (D) 以C对1/t作图为直线2.关于催化剂的作用,下列说法中不正确的是(A) 催化剂能改变反应途径 (B) 催化剂能改变反应的速率(C) 催化剂能改变体系的始末态 (D) 催化剂能改变反应的活化能3.某反应的速率常数为0.099min-1,反应物的初始浓度为0.2mol·dm-3,则反应的半衰期为___。
A. 7minB. 1.01minC. 4.04minD. 50.5min4. 若反应速率常数的量纲是:[浓度]·[时间]-1,则该反应是:(A)三级反应 (B)二级反应 (C) 一级反应 (D) 零级反应5.加催化剂可使化学反应的下列物理量中哪一个发生改变___ ___?A. 反应热B. 平衡常数C. 反应熵变D. 速率常数6.某反应, 以㏒(-dC/dt) 对㏒C作图得直线, 如果该反应为二级, 则直线的(A)截距=2 (B) 截距=0.3010(C) 斜率=2 (D) 截距/斜率=27.今有一可逆反应,欲用某种催化剂,以增大正反应产物的产量,该催化剂应该具有下列哪一性质?A. 仅能增大正反应速率B. 同等程度地催化逆反应,从而缩短达到平衡时的时间C. 能使平衡常数发生改变,从而增加正反应速率D. 降低正反应活化能,从而使正反应速率加快8.催化剂能极大地改变反应速率, 以下说法不正确的是。
A. 催化剂改变了反应历程B. 催化剂降低了反应的活化能C. 催化剂改变了反应的平衡, 以致使转化率大大地提高了D.催化剂能同时加快正向和逆向反应速率9.在对峙反应A+B→C+D中加入催化剂时, 那么(A) K1增大 K-1增大 K1/ K-1增大(B) K1增大 K-1减小 K1/ K-1增大(C) K1增大 K-1增大 K1/ K-1不变(D) K1增大 K-1增大 K1/ K-1减小10.某反应的速率常数k=0.0462-1,又知初始浓度为0.1mol.dm-3,则该反应的半衰期为:(A) 1/(6.93×10-2×0.12) (B) 15分(C) 30分 (D) 1/(4.62×102×0.1)分二、填空题1 ( 每题4分,共5题,共20分 )11.理想气体双分子反应 A+B→产物, 反应温度600K, 阈能95KJ.mol-1, 活化能97.5 KJ.mol-1, 其有效碰撞分数是____________.12.某反应在10℃时,k = 2.0×103 s-1,Ea(正)=20 kJ·mol-1,当T = 25℃时,k =。
西南科技大学网络教育学院试题答案单课程名称:计算机网络应用基础命题教师:彭红第1页,共3页一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1.C2.C3.C4.C5.A6.A7.A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1.开放式标准化网络2.报文交换网分组交换网3.纠错码循环冗余码(或CRC码)4.2r≥K+r+15.虚实6. B DLE DLE STX7.010*********8.固定路由选择随机路由选择三、判断正误(每小题5分,共15分;正确的打“√”;错的打“×”,并改正;)1.√(5分)2.×(2分),对模拟信号进行数字化的技术称为脉码调制PCM技术。
(3分)2.答:ISO/OSI参考模型每层的名称和主要功能:(1)物理层:完成原始比特传输;(0.5分)(2)数据链路层:完成相邻结点之间的可靠数据传输;(0.5分)第 2 页,共3页(3)网络层:完成任意两台主机之间的数据传送;(1分)(4)传输层:完成两台主机上两个进程之间数据通信;(1分)(5)会话层:完成进程之间的会话管理;(1分)(6)表示层:完成数据格式转换以及数据加密、压缩等工作;(1分)(7)应用层:是用户访问网络的接口。
西南科技大学网络教育学院(2019)/(2020)学年 第 1 学期试题单〈A 卷〉 课程名称: 钢筋砼与砌体结构 专业班级: 命题教师: 周俐俐 学生姓名: 学 号: 成 绩: 考试时间: 月 日一、 单选题 ( 每题2分,共15题,共30分,下列各小题备选答案中,只有一个符合题意的答案。
多选、错选、不选均不得分 )1. 结构在使用年限超过设计基准期后( )。
A.结构立即丧失其功能B.可靠度减小C.不失效D.可靠度不变2. 建筑结构按承载能力极限状态设计时,计算式中采用的材料强度值应是( )。
A.材料强度的平均值B.材料强度的设计值C.材料强度的标准值D.材料强度的极限变形值3. 混凝土的弹性模量是指( )。
A.原点弹性模量B.切线模量C.割线模量D.变形模量4. 防止梁发生斜压破坏最有效的措施是:( )。
A.增加箍筋B.增加弯起筋C.增加腹筋D.增加截面尺寸5. 设计双筋梁时,当',s s A A 未知时,引入补充条件的出发点是:( )。
A.用钢量最小B.混凝土用量最小C.计算简单D.混凝土和钢筋用量均最小6. 提高混凝土等级与提高钢筋等级相比,对受弯构件承载能力的影响是( )。
A.提高钢筋等级效果大B.提高混凝土等级效果大C.提高混凝土等级与提高钢筋等级是等效的D.不能确定 7. 应用双筋梁基本公式时,必须满足'2a x 是为了( )。
A.防止梁发生脆性破坏B.保证受压钢筋在构件破坏时,达到其屈服强度C.充分利用混凝土抗压强度D.减小受拉的钢筋用量8. 偏心受压柱发生材料破坏时,大小偏压界限截面( )。
A.受拉钢筋s A 达屈服B.s A 屈服后,受压混凝土破坏C.s A 屈服同时混凝土压碎D.',s s A A 均屈服 9. 钢筋混凝土大偏心受压构件和大偏心受拉构件的正截面受弯承载力计算中,要求受压区高度 ,是为了 ( )。
A.保证受压钢筋在构件破坏时能达到其抗压强度设计值B.防止受压钢筋压屈C.避免保护层剥落D.保证受拉钢筋在构件破坏时能达到其抗拉强度设计值10. 矩形截面对称配筋小偏拉构件( )。
一、单选题1. Most students in the class _______ from the countryside.A. isB. areC. willD. would2. I’m afraid that I can’t finish the work ________ to help me.A. unless you will comeB. unless you comeC. until you will comeD. until you shall come3. They drank, _____ and danced all night.A. sangB. singC. sungD. singing4. He _______ the Communist Party _______ 2005.A. has joined, inB. has joined, sinceC. joined, onD. joined, in5. ______ we need more practice is quite clear.A. IfB. WhatC. ThatD. /6. One __________ if one breaks the law.A. will be punishedB. will punishC. is being punishedD. has been punished7. That factory __ _ nearly 50 years ago.A. has been builtB. had builtC. was builtD. has built8. This company was the first ________ portable radios as well as cassette tape recorders in the world.A. producingB. to produceC. having producedD. produced9. Mark often attempts to escape ________ whenever he breaks traffic regulation.A. having been finedB. to have been finedC. to be finedD. being fined10. The problem is ________ difficult for us .A. so; work outB. very too; to be worked outC. rather too; to work outD. quite too; to work it out11. ________, I found all the seats were taken.A. To enter the classroomB. Entered the classroomC. Entering the classroomD. To be entered the classroom12. ----- Why were you late?----- I had a hard time ________ up this morning.A. to getB. getC. gotD. getting13. We can’t imagine ________ in the entrance examination, for she has never been to school.A. she succeedingB. her succeedingC. she succeedD. her to succeed14. ----- Guess what? I passed the English exam!----- ___ _ .A. That’s fineB. It’s OKC. Congratulations!D. Believe it or not15. In order to strengthen his muscles, Mike goes to the gym ________ to do exercises.A. increasinglyB. oftenC. regularlyD. lively16. Nearly one hundred people _____ attended the meeting.A. areB. haveC. hasD. were17. Some of the water _______wasted by them.A. wasB. wereC. areD. being18. I went home, _____ she stayed at the station.A. butB. orC. soD. and19. Kate said that_________ ___.A. she had finished writing the composition the night beforeB. she had finished writing the composition last dayC. I finished writing the composition on the last nightD. she finished writing the composition before the night20. The reason I have to go is _________ __ if I don’t.A. that she will be disappointedB. because she will be disappointedC. on account of her being disappointedD. that she will be disappointing21. If you __ ___ quiet, I’ll tell you what happene d.A. beB. are to beC. areD. will be22. We all believe that computer _______ smaller and smaller in the coming years.A. can be becomeB. will be gotC. will be changedD. can turn23. The purpose of new technology is to make life easier, ________ it more difficult.A. not makingB. not makeC. not to makeD. nor to make24. My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate ________ from you sometime.A. to have heardB. to hearC. for hearingD. hearing25. ________ in simple English, the book is easy to understand.A. WritingB. WrittenC. To writeD. Being written26. I remember ________ to help us if we ever got into trouble.A. once offeringB. him once offeringC. him to offerD. to offer him27. I don’t like ________ at me.A. them laughingB. their laughC. them laughD. them to have laughed28. ----- I must go now. The plane will leave in half an hour. Thank you for seeing me off. ----- ___ _ .A. Good luckB. Be carefulC. Best WishesD. Hurry to catch the plane29. He asked who I voted for and I said it was my own ________.A. thingB. matterC. dutyD. business30. The number of teachers in this school ___ __ unknown.A. areB. is beingC. isD. are being31. Come and sit down by the fire. Your hand ___ __.A. feel so coldlyB. is feeling so coldC. feels so coldD. is felt so cold32. He as well as his students ___ __ interested in sports.A. areB. isC. wereD. was33. My classmate ___ __ a lot of good deeds for others.A. has been doneB. didC. was doingD. had done34. I wonder ___ __ he asked such a silly question in public.A. howB. whatC. thatD. why35. Middle school boys _____ not to smoke.A. always tellB. are told alwaysC. are always toldD. is always told36. He _____ not to leave waste paper in public places any more.A. warnsB. warnedC. is warnedD. was warned37. Helen had to shout ________ above the sound of the music.A. making herself hearB. to make herself hearC. making herself heardD. to make herself heard38. The thief took away the woman’s wallet without ________ .A. being seenB. seeingC. him seeingD. seeing him39. I’ve worked with children before, so I know what________ in my new job.A. expectedB. to expectC. expectsD. to be expecting40. John regretted ________ to the meeting last week.A. not goingB. not to goC. not having been goingD. not to be going41. We suggested ________ in hotels but the children were anxious out.A. sleeping; to campB. sleeping; campingC. to sleep; to campD. to sleep; camping42. ----- Will you be able to come to my birthday party this Saturday?----- _______________.A. No, I’d like toB. I believe I can’tC. I’m afraidD. Yes, I’d love to43. Mr. Smith was determined to ________ the experiment after many years’ interruption.A. carry onB. carry outC. carry awayD. carry forth44. Four hours ________ too long for him to write the letter.A. hasB. areC. isD. have45. Various programs ________on TV. World news___ __ best received.A. will show, areB. are shown, isC. are showing, isD. have shown, are46. I decided to stop and have a lunch, __________ I am hungry.A. andB. forC. soD. but47. Jack ___ __ on the street when I ___ __on him.A. walked, calledB. was walking, was callingC. walked, was callingD. was walking, called48.I don’t think_____.A. that he came to the concert yesterday trueB. true that he came to the concert yesterdayC. it that he came to the concert yesterday trueD. it true that he came to the concert yesterday49. If you study hard, you ___ __ the examination.A. has passedB. are passingC. have passedD. will pass50.Don’t worry. Everything will ________ in time.A. be finishedB. finishC. finishedD. be finishing51.I don’t know whether you happen ________, but I am g oing to study in the U. S. A. this September.52. People appreciate ________ with him because he has a good sense of humor.A. to workB. to have workedC. workingD. have working53. I feel it is your husband who ________ for the spoiled child.A. is to blameB. is going to blameC. is to be blamedD. should blame54. Look, this roof is covered with ________ leaves.A. fallingB. fallenC. fellD. felt55. It is difficult to get used ________ in a tent after having soft, comfortable bed to lie on..A. sleepB. to sleepingC. sleptD. to slept56. I have no objection ________ the evening with them.A. to spendB. to spendingC. of spendingD. spending57. ----- Tom, this is Hack, Fred is ill in hospital.----- Oh, _______________.A. It’s sadB. it’s badC. I’m sorry to hear thatD. that’s not good58. Drunken driving is often the major ________ of traffic accidents.A. reasonB. causeC. excuseD. way59. Physics ________ interesting subject.A. is anB. are anC. is aD. are a60. You don’t need to describe her. I ________ her several times.A. had metB. have metC. metD. meet61. It was going to rain just now; _______, it is clear now.A. butB. forC. moreoverD. therefore62. ----- “Did you enjoy last night’s concert?”----- “Yes, Though the last piece ________ rather poorly.”A. was playedB. playedC. was playingD. playing63. She told us ________ interesting story________ we all laughed.A. such, thatB. such an, thatC. so, thatD. so an, in order to64. John does a lot of housework every morning, but now he ___ __ his schoolmates with their lessons.A. helpB. is helpingC. helpsD. has helped65. Such problems ________ as soon as possible.A. have solvedB. have been solvingC. have to solveD. have to be solved66. The news reporters hurried to the airport, only ________ the film star had left.A. to tellB. to be toldC. tellingD. told67. I’ve enjoyed ________ to talk with you.A. to be ableB. being ableC. to been ableD. of being able68. He gives people the impression ________ many poems.A. of having writtenB. to have writtenC. of being writtenD. to write69. After ________ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.A. being interviewedB. interviewC. interviewingD. having interviewed70. ----- Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the railway station?----- ________________ .A. No, I couldn’tB. Sorry, I don’t know. I’m new hereC. I couldn’t tell youD. You can’t ask me71. The case ________ a lot of things, ________ a second-hand watch.A. included; containedB. included; containingC. contained; includedD. contained; including72. ----- “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.”----- “Oh, not at all. I _____ here only a few minutes.”A. have beenB. had beenC. wasD. will73. --- Study hard, __ ___ you will fail in the exam.A. stillB. andC. orD. therefore74. David ________ himself while he ________ the machine.A. hurted, was fixingB. hurts, is fixingC. hurt, fixedD. hurt, was fixing75. The song ___ __ by children.A. is often sungB. was often sungC. singsD. has often sung二、英语完形填空76. Hollywood produces many different kinds of films, ( 1 ) mysteries, musical, love stories and horror films. ( 2 ) these films maybe, they generally have one thing ( 3 ) common:The ( 4 ) character wants something very ( 5 ) and will do ( 6 ) to get it. The opponent tries to stop the main character ( 7 ) achieving his goal. This opposition ( 8 ) conflict. And conflict is the ( 9 ) of drama. To give an example, Let’s say the main character is a young man of ( 10 ) origin who wants to ( 11 ) the beautiful daughter of a rich banker. The father thinks the young man is ( 12 ) of his daughter and he does not allow her to see him. The young man, who was very ( 13 ) in love, refuses to give ( 14 ) without a fight. The conflict b etween the young man and the girl’s father is what makes the story interesting. It forces the main character to ( 15 ) action. And through their actions, we see then ( 16 ) they really are. In a good story, the main character ( 17 ) .he is not the same at the end of the story as he was at the ( 18 ) .he learns something ( 19 ) his own experiences that make him a different, or perhaps better person. And we learn something from watching him. Good movies not only ( 20 ) us, they also help us understand a little more about life.1. A. except B. besides C. including D. apart form2. A. Mysterious B. Different C. Horrible D. Musical3. A. of B. at C. in D. on4. A. main B. small C. great D. minor5. A. worst B. worse C. bad D. badly6. A. everything B. anything C. something D. what7. A. from B. of C. at D. with8. A. makes B. turns C. has D. creates9. A. mind B. center C. soul D. point10. A. good B. high C. humble D. bad11. A. marry B. marry with C. marry to D. get married12. A. worthwhile B. worthy C. unworthy D. worth13. A. little B. much C. deeply D. /14. A. out B. off C. in D. up15. A. find B. take C. make D. do16. A. who B. when C. unlike D. as17. A. turns B. changes C. forces D. gets18. A. middle B. last C. beginning D. first19. A. of B. from C. with D. on20. A. entertain B. enjoy C. enrich D. embody77.“Cool” is a word with many meanings. It’s traditional meaning is used to ( 1 ) a temperature that is fairly cold. As the world has ( 2 ) , however, the word has expanded to ( 3 ) many different meanings.“Cool” can be used to express feelings of ( 4 ) in almost anything.When you see a brand-name car in the street, maybe you can’t help ( 5 ) , “It’s cool.” You might think, “He’s so cool,” when you see your ( 6 ) footballer.We all enlarge the meaning of “cool”. You can use it ( 7 ) many words such as “new” or “amazing.” Here’s an interesting story we can see ( 8 ) illustrate(阐述)the usage of the word: A teacher asked her students to ( 9 ) the waterfall they had visited. On one student’s paper was just the one ( 10 ) , “It’s so cool.”( 11 ) he thought it was ( 12 ) to describe ( 13 ) he saw and felt.( 14 )the story also proves the shortage of words and expressions. ( 15 ) “cool,” some people have no words to express the same meaning. So it is ( 16 ) to improve our word strength to maintain some ( 17 )As a popular word, “cool” stands for a kind of special ( 18 ) that people can accept easily. Excepting “cool,” can you think of many words that ( 19 ) your life as colorful? I can. and I think they are also very ( 20 ) .1. A. find B. take C. show D. make sure2. A. changed B. been developed C. been cleaned D. informed3. A. turn out B. take on C. take in D. come into4. A. satisfaction B. interest C. sense D. interesting5. A. to say B. telling C. shout D. saying6. A. famous B. out of date C. favorite D. modern7. A. instead of B. in place of C. to take place of D. exchange8. A. is used to B. showing C. used to D. explaining9. A. write for B. copy down C. describe D. say something10. A. phrase B. word C. story D. sentence11. A. However B. May C. As far as D. Perhaps12. A. The just thing B. the very mean C. some methods D. the best way13. A. the means B. what C. how D. wherever14. A. And B. If C. So D. But15. A. WithoutB. Using C. Not being used D. With16. A. important B. necessary C. impossible D. natural17. A. true B. belief C. richness D. interest18. A. habit B. culture C. language D. enjoyment19. A. put B. changeC. better D. make20. A. cool B. easy C. difficult D. important78. Sports and games are also very useful for character-training. In ( 1 ) lessons at school, boys and girls may ( 2 ) such virtues as unselfishness, courage, ( 3 ) and love of one’s country; ( 4 ) what is learned in books ( 5 ) have the same deep ( 6 ) on a child’s character ( 7 ) what is learned by experience. The ( 8 )day-school cannot give much ( 9 )training in living, ( 10 ) most of the pupils’ times is (11 ) in classes, studying lessons. So ( 12 ) what the pupils do in their ( 13 ) time that really prepares them to ( 14 ) in society as citizens when they ( 15 ) . If each of them learns ( 16 ) for his team and not for himself ( 17 ) the football field, he will ( 18 ) find it natural to work for the ( 19 ) of his country ( 20 ) only for his own benefit.1. A. his B. their C. our D. her2. A. learn about B. listen to C. worry about D. talk to3. A. calmness B. beauty C. loveliness D. discipline4. A. but B. so C. hence D. moreover5. A. can B. will C. would not D. might6. A. affect B. effort C. effect D. afford7. A. like B. that C. as D. with8. A. usual B. often C. future D. ordinary9. A. painful B. political C. popular D. practical10. A. in which B. therefore C. because D. so that11. A. made B. spent C. taken D. carried12. A. it seemed B. it is C. they are D. they have13. A. extra B. school C. spare D. study14. A. take their place B. have their landC. make their positionD. win their fame15. A. grow up B. grow out C. grow upon D. grow in16. A. target B. fighting C. to work D. stressing17. A. in B. on C. over D. across18. A. latest B. later C. latter D. the latter19. A. profit B. value C. privilege D. good20. A. in spite of B. in order C. because of D. instead of79.Martin Luther King. Jr. was born in Georgia in 1929. When was ( 1 ) a boy Martin learned that his ( 2 ) , the black Americans, were ( 3 ) treated differently from most of( 4 ) fellow Americans. Many could not attend good schools, ( 5 ) good jobs, or live in nice houses because of the color of their ( 6 ). Martin knew that in a free country this was ( 7 ) . He wanted to help his black brothers, ( 8 ) he decided to go to school and ( 9 ) a minister. He became a pastor (牧师)in Montgomery, Alabama. This is ( 10 ) Martin Luther King's "peaceful fight" first began.Dr. King worked ( 11 ) equality in other cities. He knew that the ( 12 ) way people could win their rights was to remain peaceful, ( 13 ) in face of danger. Dr. King won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his achievements and ( 14 ).The whole nation ( 15 ) the terrible event that ( 16 ) on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. Martin Luther King, Jr, was ( 17 ). The man who had preached (倡导) nonviolence (非暴力) died ( 18 ).But Dr. King's dream can never ( 19 ). Many Americans are still ( 20 ) to make that dream come true.1. A. already B. still C. such D. not2. A. family B. friends C. people D. country3. A. much B. sometimes C. seldom D. often4. A. his B. those C. most D. their5. A. get B. look for C. having D. to do6. A. faces B. skin C. bodies D. people7. A. even worse B. different C. wrong D. reasonable8. A. as B. because C. so D. but9. A. helped B. ask C. visited D. became10. A. where B. why C. said D. because11. A. with B. in C. by D. for12. A. only B. other C. wrong D. second13. A. except B. even C. if D. not14. A. honor B. victoryC. courage D. strength15. A. discouraged B. saw C. mourned D. rebelled16. A. passed B. he did C. happened D. they managed17. A. defeated B. shot C. caught D. put into prison18. A. bravely B. violently C. quietly D. nonviolently19. A. die B. be believed C. realize D. fail20. A. wanted B. working C. prepared D. struggling80. Not long ago my wife sent me to the nearest market to buy something, I went there directly, and ( 1 ) a pound of sugar. Then I returned home and ( 2 ) my wife the paper bag in which there was one pound of sugar. I s aid to her, “Here is the ( 3 ) you want.” My wife looked into the bag, and then looked at me in a ( 4 ) way, saying very slowly, “I told you to get me a bottle of milk”.I was so ( 5 ) my absent-mindedness that I paid ( 6 ) to my family doctor, who was bothlearned and kind.“Your problem,” He said, “is a (7 ) one and it should not ( 8 ) you at all. If you know you’re absent-minded, you’re quite all right. It’s nothing to worry about. But if you don’t know you’re absent-minded, you’re surely in ( 9 ).”“Many (10 ) people are absent-minded,” the doctor told me. “(11 ),Thomas Edison was standing ( 12 ) one day to pay taxes when he arrived ( 13 ) window, that is to say, it was his ( 14 ) to pay his money, he found that he ( 15 ) his own ( 16 ). He ( 17 ) the man next in the line and asked,” Can you tell me who I am? The man told him.I felt ( 18 ) and got up to leave. “Thank you, doctor,” I said, “How much should I pay you?” “Ten dollars for the (19 ).”“But, doctor, I didn’t have a check-up.” The doctor looked much puzzled. “Oh, yes,” he said, “it was that ( 20 ) before you. How absent-minded I am too!”1. A. sold B. ordered C. bought D. borrowed2. A. handed B. put C. paid D. borrowed3. A. milk B. sugar C. vegetable D. book4. A. friendly B. kind C. open D. strange5. A. worried about B. fond of C. interested in D. proud of6. A. some money B. taxes C. a visit D. great attention7. A. difficult B. good C. bad D. simple8. A. excite B. worry C. interest D. pay9. A. need B. future C. troubleD. fact10. A. famous B. ordinary C. sick D. honest11. A. In fact B. For example C. At once D. Long, long ago12. A. among people B. in passengers C. in a queue D. between two13. A. to B. in C. on D. at14. A. moment B. duty C. turn D. time15. A. had remembered B. had forgotten C. thought of D. lost16. A. telephone number B. name C. address D. age17. A. turned to B. looked at C. listened to D. passed on18. A. even worse B. more worried C. much better D. more excited19. A. check-up B. talk C. medicine D. time20. A. me B. your wife C. patient D. scientist三、英语阅读理解81. Any person who can read words and understand what they mean is fortunate. More than half the people in the world cannot read or write. They can learn about things only by watching and listening. However, people who can read are able to learn about anything they wish.People can read a language better if they have listened to it or learned to speak it. Reading, listening, and speaking are ways people come to understand the words of a language. Being able to write also makes reading easier.A mother or father is often a child’s first reading teacher. By speaking to a baby, the parent helps the baby understand what language is and what it is for. Children feel love and joy in the sounds of words. They try to talk back. As babies listen and speak, they store up facts and ideas. Certain things children do in the early years help them learn. Young children enjoy looking at picture books. Later, the parent reads books that the child can look at as well as listen to. At age five many children are beginning to read and write. Some can recognize their own names. Children continue to learn to read in school with their teacher’s help. Sometimes children read out loud. At other times they read silently. They learn to understand and remember. Reading teaches them new facts and helps them get along in everyday life.1. The word “fortunate” in the first paragraph means .A. luckyB. successfulC. wealthyD. good2. People who can read .A. can learn by reading.B. can understand a language better.C. are probably able to learn better.D. all of the above3. A child can learn things around very quickly. It may be because .A. his parents often speak to him.B. He can understand things by listening.C. He has his own storage of knowledge by and by.D. All of the above.4. Parents often read books for their children mainly because .A. stories in the books can make children calm.B. Children can gain some knowledge form the books.C. It is easy to make children fall asleepD. Parents need to talk with their children in this way.5. Speaking and reading are very important because .A. they are two fundamental ways through which children learn a languageB. children should make a living through these ways.C. because children learn the two skills since they are very youngD. children should learn to read to recognize their own names82. Sometimes when you walk outside, you see a little hole with sand around it. Guess what! You have found a city under the ground. Ants live in this city. There, many ants live together with their queen. The queen is the biggest ant of all. Most of the time, there is only one queen in an ant city.When a queen starts her own city, she digs a hole. She takes bits of sand to the top. Then she piles up the sand. It makes a little hill. She is making a good place for her eggs. It is a nest. When baby ants come out of the eggs, they are called grubs. They look like worms. The queen feeds them food and water. But when a grub is a week or two old, it stops eating. It no longerneeds food. It makes a bag around itself and goes to sleep. Then it grows into a big ant.Most grubs turn into worker ants. Workers take over running the nest. They dig more holes. This makes the nest bigger. They also keep it clean. They get food and water. Workers bring food to other ants that are too busy to go out. Some also fight off ants from other cities.Ants are fun to watch. You can dig up an ant hill and put it in a bowl. It should be made of glass. That way, you can see through it. Then you can watch the ants at work.1. “Guess what” mean .A. can you guess what it isB. please guess what happensC. could you think for a while and find the answerD. can yo u guess what’s up with the hole2. The writer uses “a city under the ground” referring to .A. queen’s cityB. ants’ holeC. ants’ hillD. baby ants’ nest3. All of them are the “citizens”of an ants’ city except .A. a queenB. baby antsC. worker antsD. ants from other cities4. “Workers take over running the nest” implies that .A. at first the queen runs the nestB. worker ants take the job after they grow upC. the queen is not the ruler thenD. A and B5. “Ants are fun to watch”, because .A. they are little livesB. they live under the groundC. they live in a different way that we may ignoreD. none of the above83.Teeth have been a part of animals almost from the beginning of animal life. The first animals to have teeth were fish. These sea creatures lived millions of years ago. They had many finely pointed teeth for grabbing food from the water. They were distant cousins of today’s sharks.The teeth of animals help them do certain jobs or eat certain kinds of foods. Elephants have two large teeth, called tusks, which they use for digging up plants or for fighting. Lions and tigers have long, sharp teeth for tearing apart other animals. Those of horses and cows are short and flat. They are used for grinding plants.People have three main kinds of teeth. They have teeth that cut, teeth that tear, and teeth that grind. When biting into a piece of fruit, people use their cutting teeth. When pulling a piece of meat from a bone, they use their tearing teeth. When nibbling on a fresh carrot, they use their grinding teeth.Every person grows two sets of teeth. The first set often begins to appear when a baby is about six months old. It lasts until the child is about six years old. Then the baby teeth fall out and the second te eth come in. This second set must last for the rest of a person’s life.It is important for people to take care of their teeth. They must eat the right foods. They shouldbrush their teeth properly. Teeth should be checked twice a year by a dentist.1. Fish have many teeth for food.A. noticeable, catchingB. visible, graspingC. sharp, snatchingD. fine, catching2. Which of the following statements about teeth is true?A. Elephants have three large tusks.B. Teeth of horses and cows are short and sharp.C. The first set of teeth of a person often begins to appear when he is about six years.D. Sea creatures were the first animals having teeth.3. The word “nibble” in the third paragraph bears the meaning of .A. eating with small repeated bitsB. showing slight interest in somethingC. taking hold of with a sudden rough movementD. crushing into small pieces or into powder4. From this passage we can draw a conclusion that .A. all the teeth have the same functionB. animals do n’t try to protect their teethC. teeth are important both for human and animalsD. we should care our teeth and often have them checked5. It is a piece of writing about .A. botanyB. animalsC. popular scienceD. dentistry84. There are many books for young readers. Some of these are for youths 12 to 18. Others are for children under 12. There are even some books for babies. And they can’t even read!People who write for youths write all kinds of books. Some write about real things, like stars, cars, or boats. But others tell stories that are made up. Many of these stories took place in the past. But some show what it’s like to live today. These may be about going to school or being part of a family.Books for young children use a lot of beautiful pictures. They are a big part of each book. So, many writers of children’s books also draw the pictures. These writers make sure that their books are more than just fun stories to read. They make them look good, too!Some children’s books tell very old s tories. Many have animals in them that talk and do things that people do. Some of these animals might be bears. Others might be foxes. A little mouse and a big lion might even be in the same story.Many books for very little children are all pictures. Others may have a word here and there. Books for babies may have something to push that makes sounds. This kind of bookmay make animal sounds. Then it may have a picture of the animal that makes each sound. It may also have its name. This way, the baby gets know what sounds some animals make.1. According to the passage we know that there are many books for .A. young people between 12 – 18B. children under 12。
西南科技大学网络教育学院(2017)/(2018)学年第 2 学期试题单〈A卷〉课程名称:供用电网络的继电保护专业班级:命题教师:毕效辉学生姓名:学号:成绩:考试时间:月日一、单选题 ( 每题2分,共12题,共24分,下列各小题备选答案中,只有一个符合题意的答案。
多选、错选、不选均不得分 )1.时间继电器在继电保护装置中的作用是______。
西南科技大学网络教育学院(2017)/(2018)学年 第 2 学期试题单〈A 卷〉课程名称: 化工热力学 专业班级: 命题教师: 蒋琪英 学生姓名: 学 号: 成 绩: 考试时间: 月 日一、 单选题 ( 每题2分,共15题,共30分,下列各小题备选答案中,只有一个符合题意的答案。
多选、错选、不选均不得分 )1. 对于化工热力学的核心问题,以下表达最正确的是()。
A.热力学性质的计算、物性参数的测量 B.能量的合理利用、过程方向性和限度 C.用能过程的经济性D.相平衡或过程的方向与限度2. 纯物质p —V 图临界等问线上临界点的特性是()。
A.22()0,()0T T T T c cp pV V ==∂∂==∂∂B.22()0,()0T T T T c cp pV V ==∂∂=<∂∂ C.22()0,()0T T T T c cp pV V==∂∂>>∂∂D.22()0,()0T T T T c cp pV V==∂∂>=∂∂ 3. T 温度下的过热蒸汽的压力p ()。
A.>p S (T )B.< p S (T )C.= p S (T )D.不能判断4. (/)(/)(/)T s p p v T p S T 等于()。
A. (/)T S VB. (/)V p TC. (/)S V TD. -(/)V p T5. 根据偏摩尔性质的定义和特征,下列选项正确的是()。
A.ˆlnln(),ln ln()ii i i iif y f y y y B.ˆˆln ln(),ln ln()i i i y f y f C .ˆˆlnln(),ln ln()i i i i if y fy yD.ˆˆlnln(),ln ln()ii i iy f y fy6.关于理想溶液的物理特征说法中,不正确的是()。
西南科技大学网络教育学院(2019)/(2020)学年第 1 学期试题单〈A卷〉课程名称:宪法学专业班级:命题教师:何礼果学生姓名:学号:成绩:考试时间:月日一、单选题 ( 每题1分,共20题,共20分,下列各小题备选答案中,只有一个符合题意的答案。
多选、错选、不选均不得分 )1.划分成文宪法与不成文宪法的依据在于()A、宪法是否具有统一法典的形式B、宪法的效力和修改程序的不同C、宪法制定的有关机关D、宪法所反映的阶级本质不同2.我国宪法规定:“中华人民共和国公民有维护国家统一和全国各民族团结的义务。
禁止用任何方式对公民进行()A、侮辱B、诽谤C、陷害D、侮辱、诽谤和诬告陷害10.游行自由是指公民有在公共道路或露天场所采取()方式表达意愿的自由A、列队行进B、聚集在一起,发表意见C、组成固定组织D、进行罢工11.国务院组成成员是()A、总理、副总理、国务委员、秘书长B、总理、副总理、各部部长、各委员会主任C、总理、副总理、国务委员、各部部长、各委员会主任、秘书长D、总理、副总理、秘书长12.按照我国的宪法监督制度,国务院有权改变和撤销各部委发布的不适当的()A、命令B、指示C、命令、指示和规章D、法规和规章13.在宪法中体现分权、制衡原则的典型国家是()A、英国B、法国C、美国D、瑞士14.对于县级和乡级人民代表大会代表,原选区选民()人以上联名可以提出罢免要求A、50B、40C、30D、1015.我国宪法规定有权修改宪法的机关()A、全国人大B、全国人大常委会C、全国人大及其常委会D、中共中央16.国家允许私营经济在法律规定的范围内存在和发展是在()中规定的A、1982年宪法B、1988年宪法修正案C、1993年宪法修正案D、1999年宪法修正案17.在全国人民代表大会开会期间,没经过()的许可,全国人大代表不受逮捕或者刑事审判A、全国人民代表大会主席团B、全国人民代表大会C、委员长会议D、全国人民代表大会常务委员会18.建立宪法监督制度的根本原因是()A、有利于巩固和发展国家的根本制度B、有利于保障公民基本权利和义务的实现C、有利于建设法治国家D、有利于保障宪法的最高法律地位19. 1989年海南省设立,有权批准它设立的机关是()A、全国人大B、全国人大常委会C、国务院D、国家主席20.我国有权监督宪法实施的国家机关是()A、全国人民代表大会和全国人民代表大会常务委员会B、中国共产党中央委员会和中共中央纪律检查委员会C、全国人民代表大会法律委员会和全国人大常委会法制工作委员会D、最高人民法院和最高人民检察院二、多项选择题 ( 每题2分,共10题,共20分,以下各小题备选答案中,有两个或两个以上符合题意的答案。
西南科技大学网络教育学院试题答案单〈A卷〉课程名称:制造业信息化导论命题教师:一、名词解释题 ( 每题5分,共3题,共15分 )1.并行工程——并行工程的实质就是集成的、并行的设计产品及其零部件和各种相关过程的一种系统方法。
二、填空题 ( 每题4分,共10题,共40分 )4.设计数字化、生产过程数字化5.变化、特征6.模型精度的提高、数字化模型的检测7.缩短产品投放市场的时间、降低成本8.高质量、低成本9.多元化、个性化10.经营规划、销售与运作规划11.多目标、多约束12. CAD、CAM13.手工编程、数控语言编程三、简答题 ( 每题6分,共5题,共30分 )14. 1)用信息化可以加强企业市场竞争当中的T(时间)、Q (质量)、C(成本)、S(服务)的优势。
15. 1)用户是上帝——产品面向用户,与用户保持密切联系,将用户纳入产品开发过程,以多变的产品、尽可能短的交货期来满足用户的需要。
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西南科技大学网络教育学院试题答案单〈A 卷〉
课程名称: 概率与数理统计 命题教师: 龙祖利
一、 计算题1 ( 每题15分,共4题,共60分 ) 1. 解:(1)A B C ⋃⋃
(2)ABC ABC ABC ⋃⋃ (3)ABC ABC ABC ⋃⋃ (4) BC AC AB ⋃⋃ (5) ABC (每小题3分)
2. 解:记{}A =第一次为次品、B {}=第一次为正品,要求P AB ()。
P A 0.1P B A 99()=,而()=
,因此(8分) 90
P AB P A P B A 0.10.09199
3. 解:
(1)由于()lim ()1x F F x →+∞
lim ()1x x A Be
A -→+∞
X 为连续型随机变量,()F x 应为x 的连续函数,应有
B A Be
A x F x F x x x x +=+===-→→→+-)(lim )(lim 0)(lim 2
所以A+B=0,B=-A=-1,代入A 、B 之值得⎪⎩⎪⎨
x x e x F x (5分) (2)对函数()F x 求导得x 的概率密度为⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧<≥==-0
x x xe
x F x f x
(10分) (3)由⎰-==<<b
a F
b F dx x f b X a
P )()()(}{式有
e e
F F X P (15分)
4. 解:令Y=|X|,所以:⎰⎰⎰∞
2)(||)(dx e x dx e x
dx x f x X E x
x (15分)
二、 计算题2 ( 每题20分,共2题,共40分 )
5. 解:因为2)(b
a X E += ,12)()(2a
b X D -=,而∑==n i i X n X 11,
i i X X n n S 1
⎪⎪⎨⎧-=+=12)ˆˆ()(2ˆˆ22b a n S b a
X (20分) 解得:)(3ˆn S X a
-= ,)(3ˆn S X b +=,这就是参数a,b 的矩法估计值。
6. 解:本问题要求在水平0.02下,检验假设H 0:σ2=5000 (H 1:σ2≠5000)(4分) 因为524.11)25()1(2
2/02.0122/1==---χχn a ,(8分)
314.44)25()1(22/02.022/==-χχn a (12分)
σχS n (18分)
2/222/1-<<--n n a a χχχ所以接受H 0,即认为在0.02水平下这批电池的波动