甲烷传感器结构尺寸图:甲烷传感器直视图和PIN 脚定义图甲烷传感器工作电压DC5V±1%/DC24±1%波特率9600测量气体甲烷CH4气体检测原理电化学/红外NDIR采样精度±2%F.S 响应时间<30S重复性±1%F.S 工作湿度0-95%RH,(无冷凝)工作温度-30~50℃长期漂移≤±1%(F.S/年)存储温度-40~70℃预热时间30S 工作电流≤50mA 工作气压86kpa-106kpa安装方式8脚拔插式质保期1年输出接口8pIN 外壳材质铝合金使用寿命2年外型尺寸(引脚除外)33.5X3121.5X31测量范围详见选型表输出信号TTL(标配)0.4-2.0VDC(常规)定制RS485/4-20mA甲烷传感器串口和电压采集连接定义图:甲烷传感器I2C 连接定义图:引脚名称说明1+5V 电源接入PIN 脚2EN Rs485(3.3V),可接MCU Tx 3Rx/A 串口RX(3.3V),可接MCU Rx 5Scl I2C,Scl(3.3v)引脚6SDA I2C(3.3V)引脚7GND 电源GND 引脚8VOUT电压输出,0-5V/0.4-2.0V甲烷传感器RS485连接定义图:甲烷传感器交叉干扰系数高精度的传感器检测原理决定了它有良好的一致性,重复性,温湿度补偿等特性,但也不能忽略被检测气体之间的交叉干扰,为了达到很好的检测精准度,须考虑以下气体对该检测气体的干扰系数。
MH-441D 甲烷气体传感器使用说明书
甲烷气体传感器(型号:MH-441D)使用说明书版本号:1.0实施日期:2020.09.14郑州炜盛电子科技有限公司Zhengzhou Winsen Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd声明本说明书版权属郑州炜盛电子科技有限公司(以下称本公司)所有,未经书面许可,本说明书任何部分不得复制、翻译、存储于数据库或检索系统内,也不可以电子、翻拍、录音等任何手段进行传播。
郑州炜盛电子科技有限公司MH-441D 甲烷气体传感器产品描述MH-441D 甲烷气体传感器是一款通用型智能红外气体传感器(以下简称传感器),运用非色散红外(NDIR )原理对空气中存在的甲烷气体进行检测,具有很好的选择性,无氧气依赖性;该传感器是将成熟的红外吸收气体检测技术与微型机械加工、精良电路设计紧密结合而制作出的小巧型高性能传感器。
传感器特点 高灵敏度、高分辨率、低功耗、响应时间快 提供UART 、模拟电压等多种输出方式温度补偿,卓越的线性输出,优异的稳定性、使用寿命长抗水汽干扰、不中毒,可直接替换催化燃烧原理传感器主要应用暖通制冷与室内空气质量监控工业过程及安全防护监控农业及畜牧业生产过程监控技术指标表1产品型号MH-441D 检测气体甲烷工作电压 3.6~5V DC (需由安全栅供电)平均电流<85mA测量范围0~10%Vol 范围内可选(详见表2)接口电平3.0V输出信号UART0.4~2V (需经过安全栅输出)预热时间3min 响应时间T90<30s 工作温度-20~60℃工作湿度0~95%RH (无凝结)外形尺寸Φ20×22.2mm重量35g 寿命>5年防护等级IP54电源端、通讯端本安参数Ui=7.5VDC ,Ii=265mA ,Pi=0.5W ,Ci=10μF ,Li=0mH图1:传感器结构图常用量程和精度表2气体名称分子式量程分辨率小数位备注甲烷CH 40~5.00%Vol0.01%Vol 2位温度补偿0~10.00%Vol 2位100%LEL1%LEL无产品尺寸图图2:产品尺寸图引脚定义MH-441D 引脚定义表3引脚名称引脚说明Pin 2V+电压输入Pin 1GND Pin 4Vout (0.4~2V)Pin 3UART (RXD )0~3.0V 数据输入Pin 5UART (TXD )0~3.0V 数据输出图3:引脚定义模拟电压输出Vout 输出电压范围(0.4~2V ),对应气体浓度(0~满量程)。
目次前言 (I)1 概述 (1)2 工作原理及结构特征 (2)3 技术特性 (3)4 尺寸、重量 (4)5 使用、调校 (4)6 典型故障处理 (6)7 维护、保养 (7)8 运输、贮存 (7)9 开箱及检查 (8)KG9701型智能低浓度沼气传感器1 概述KG9701型智能低浓度沼气传感器是一种专门用以监测煤矿井下低浓度沼气气体的本质安全型检测仪表。
1.1 产品特点1.1.1 KG9701型传感器在设计上采用新型单片微机和高集成数字化电路,结构简单、性能可靠、调试、维护方便。
1.1.2 KG9701型传感器的传感头为新型的热催化元件,整机性能稳定,调校周期大大延长。
1.1.3 KG9701型传感器的零点、灵敏度及报警点皆采用红外遥控器调节。
1.1.4 KG9701型传感器除可连续检测沼气外,还能输出断电控制信号。
1.1.5 KG9701型传感器的电源部分采用了新型的开关电源,整机功耗低,增加了传感器的传输距离。
1.1.6 KG9701型传感器具有故障自检功能,使用、维护方便。
1.1.7 KG9701型传感器的外壳采用了高强度结构设计,抗冲击能力强。
甲烷传感器技术参数检测⽓体:甲烷检测原理;红外原理检测范围:0~100%LEL、50%Vol、100%Vol;可选分辨率:0.1%LEL(0~100%LEL)、0.01%Vol(0~100% Vol);检测⽅式:泵吸式;显⽰⽅式; LCD液晶背光显⽰;检测精度:±2%.FS;报警⽅式:声光报警(报警点可调);响应时间:⼩于30S;恢复时间:⼩于40S;线性误差:±1.0%;不确定度:2%Rd±0.1;零点漂移:≤±2.0%FS/年;跨度漂移:≤±1.0%FS/⽉;⼯作电源:DC3.6V;传感器寿命:5年以上;使⽤环境:温度-20~+70;相对湿度≤95%RH(⾮凝露);在凝露环境下使⽤需订制电池容量:3.6VDC,5000mA ,带充电保护功能;外型尺⼨:180×190×100mm(L×W×H);标准配件:0.8m采样⼿柄⼀根,仪器箱⼀个,充电器⼀个;重量:1.5Kg。
Figaro 2600系列技术信息:TGS2611甲烷气体传感器说明书
Technical Information for Methane Gas SensorsThe Figaro 2600 series is a new type thick f ilm metal oxide semiconductor, screen printedgas sensor which o f f ers miniaturization and lower power consumption. The TGS2611displays high selectivity and sensitivity to methane.PageSpecificationsFeatures.....................................................................................2Applications...................................................................2Structure...................................................................................2Basic Measuring Circuit................................................................2Circuit & Operating Conditions.....................................................3Specifications.......................................................................................3Dimensions.......................................................................................3Basic Sensitivity CharacteristicsSensitivity to Various Gases..........................................................4Temperature and Humidity Dependency......................................5Heater Voltage Dependency...................................................................6Cautions on Sensor Power Consumption.................................................6Gas Response..............................................................................................7Initial Action....................................................................................7Long Term Characteristics....................................................................8ReliabilityCorrosion Test..........................................................................................9Ignition Test....................................................................................9Effect of Air Flow..............................................................................9Heater Resistance Durability........................................................10HMDS Test............................................................................................11Lighter Gas Exposure Test..........................................................................11Cautions (12)See also Technical Brochure ‘Technical Information on Usage of TGS Sensors for Toxic and Explosive Gas Leak Detectors’.a n I S O 9001 a n d 14001 c o m p a n yIMPORTANT NOTE: OPERATING CONDITIONS IN WHICH FIGARO SENSORS ARE USED WILL VARY WITH EACH CUSTOMER’S SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS.FIGARO STRONGLY RECOMMENDS CONSULTING OUR TECHNICAL STAFF BEFORE DEPLOYING FIGARO SENSORS IN YOUR APPLICATION AND, IN PARTICULAR, WHEN CUSTOMER’S TARGET GASES ARE NOT LISTED HEREIN. FIGARO CANNOT ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY USE OF ITS SENSORS IN A PRODUCT OR APPLICATION FOR WHICH A SENSOR HAS NOT BEEN SPECIFICALLY TESTED BY FIGARO.Both TGS2611-C00 and -E00 are UL recognized components in accordance with the requirements of component recognition testing has confirmed long term stability in 60ppm of methane; other characteristics shown in this brochure have not been confirmed by UL as part of component recognition.TGS2611 is available in two different models with different external housings but identical sensitivity to methane gas. TGS2611-C00 possesses small size and quick gas response, making it suitable for gas leakage checkers, while TGS2611-E00 uses filter material in its housing to eliminate the influence of interference gases such as alcohol, resulting in highly selective response to methane gas. Both models are capable of meeting the requirements of EN50194 and UL1484.1. Specifications1-1 Features*High selectivity to methane*Low power consumption*Small size*Long life and low cost*Uses simple electrical circuit1-2 Applications* Residential gas alarms* Portable gas detectors* Gas leak detectors for gas appliances1-3 StructureFigure 1 shows the structure of TGS2611. Using thick film techniques, the sensing material (SnO2) is printed on electrodes (noble metal) which have been printed onto an alumina substrate. One electrode is connected to pin No.2 and the other is connected to pin No.3. The sensor element is heated by RuO2 material printed onto the reverse side of the substrate and connected to pins No.1 and No.4.Lead wires are Pt-W alloy and are connected to sensor pins which are made of Ni-plated Ni-Fe 50%.The sensor base is made of Ni-plated steel. The caps of both TGS2611-C00 and TGS2611-E00 are stainless steel. The upper opening in both caps is covered with a double layer of 100 mesh stainless steel gauze (SUS316). The TGS2611-E00 utilizes a charcoal filter inside the cap for reducing the influence of interference gases.1-4 Basic measuring circuitFigure 2 shows the basic measuring circuit. Circuit voltage (Vc) is applied across the sensor element which has a resistance (Rs) between the sensor’s two electrodes and the load resistor (R L) connected in series. When DC is used for Vc, the polarity shown in Figure 2 must be maintained. The Vc may be applied intermittently. The sensor signal (V RL) is measured indirectly as a change in voltage across the R L. The Rs is obtained from the formula shown at the right.Fig. 1 - Sensor structureVc - V RLV RLRs = x R LFormula to determine RsFig. 2 - Basic measuring circuitNOTE: In the case of V H, there is no polarity, so pins 1 and 4 can be considered interchangeable. However, in the case of V C, when used with DC power, pins 2 and 3 must be used as shown in theFigure above.TGS2611-E00Sensingelement1-5 Circuit & operating conditionsThe ratings shown below should be maintained at all times to insure stable sensor performance:1-6 Specifications NOTE 1Mechanical Strength:The sensor shall have no abnormal findings in its structure and shall satisfy the above electrical specifications after the following performance tests:Withdrawal Force - (pin from base) Vibration - Shock -withstand force of 5kg in each directionfrequency-1000cycles/min.,total amplitude-4mm, duration-one hour, direction-verticalacceleration-100G, repeated 5timesNOTE 1: Sensitivity characteristics are obtained under the following standard test conditions:(Standard test conditions)Temperature and humidity: 20 ± 2˚C, 65 ± 5% RH Circuit conditions:Vc = 5.0±0.01V DCV H = 5.0±0.05V DC R L = 10.0k Ω ± 1%Preheating period: 7 days or more under standard circuit conditions.1-7 DimensionsFig. 3 - Sensor dimensionsAll sensor characteristics shown in this brochure represent typical characteristics.Actual characteristics vary from sensor to sensor and from production lot to production lot. The only characteristics warranted are those shown in the Specification table above.TGS2611-C00 TGS2611-E00Pin connection: 1: Heater2: Sensor electrode (-) 3: Sensor electrode (+) 4: Heater2-1 Sensitivity to various gasessensor resistance in 5000ppm of methane (Ro).sensitivity to methane.and with a matched R Lvoltage (V RL) change as shown in Figure 5. NOTE:calibration is required for each sensor (for Toxic and Explosive Gas Leak Detectors’).under various ambient conditionsTable 1 - Temperature and humidity dependency(typical values of Rs/Ro for Fig. 6)Table 1 shows a table of values of the sensor’s resistance ratio (Rs/Ro) under the same conditions as those used to generate Figure 6.Figure 7 shows the sensitivity curve for TGS2611 to methane under several ambient conditions. While temperature may have a large influence on absolute Rs values, this chart illustrates the fact that effect on the slope of sensor resistance ratio (Rs/Ro) is not significant. As a result, the effects of temperature on the sensor can easily be compensated.For economical circuit design, a thermistor can be incorporated to compensate for temperature (for additional information on temperature compensation in circuit designs, please refer to the Technical Advisory ‘Technical Information on Usage of TGS Sensors for Toxic and Explosive Gas Leak Detectors’).2-3 Heater voltage dependencyratio according to variations in heater voltage (V typical characteristics shown in this brochure.2-4 Cautions on sensor power consumptionFigure 9relationship is referred to as V-I characteristics.basic measuring circuit (see Figure 2and can be calculated according as follows:Ps =where :R L : Load resistor value (k Ω)V RL : Sensor output voltage (v)Vc : Circuit voltage (v)Ps : Power consumption (mW)Vc 2/(4 x R L damage to the sensor due to Joule heat.minimum R L voltage.Table 2 - Minimum suggested R L valuesV RL x (Vc-V RL )R L2-7 Long-term characteristics3000ppm of ethanol.were powered under standard test conditions. 1000ppm of a stable level within three days of energizing.As the charts presented in this section illustrate, the sensor shows stable long term characteristics.3. Reliability3-1 Corrosion testFigure 15 shows the effect on TGS2611 of corrosivegases specified in Item 43.15 of the UL 1484 standard.Sensor resistance prior to corrosive gas exposure wasmeasured. Unenergized sensors were then placedinto an environment of 23˚±2˚C and 95%RH. In thisenvironment, two separate tests were conducted: onein 0.1% H2S, the other in a combination of 0.5% SO2and 1.0% CO2, with each test exposure lasting 10days. After this exposure, the sensor was re-energized in normal air prior to measuring sensorresistance after removal from corrosive gases.As this data would suggest, sensor characteristics aretemporarily influenced by exposure to corrosive gasconcentrations specified by Sec. 43.15 of UL 1484,TGS2611 has been successfully tested against theignition test requirements of the UL1484 standard.The sensor did not initiate ignition of a propaneFigure 16 shows how the sensor signal (V RL) isaffected by air flow. The test procedure involvessituating the sensor in an air stream of 3.1 meters persecond, with the air flow vertical/horizontal to theflameproof stainless steel double gauze of theThe decrease in sensor signal shown in Figure 16resulted from the decrease in sensor elementtemperature caused by the air flow. As a result, directFig. 16 - Effect of air flow on TGS2611-C00Fig. 17 - Test procedure for heater durability3-4 Heater resistance durabilityFigure 17 illustrates the procedure for testing the effects of excess voltage applied to the heater. Heater resistance was measured while the heater was unpowered and at room temperature.The results of this test are shown in Figure 18 which shows the change in resistance of the heater when various heater voltages (rather than the standard 5.0V) are applied in the absence of gases.As this section demonstrates, the heater shows good durability against increased heater voltage.However, since excessive heater voltage will cause the sensor’s heater resistance to drift upwards,excessive heater voltage should still be avoided.standard circuit conditions. After returning the sensorexposure as shown in Figure 20.The result of the above test is shown in Fig. 20. A 10% iso-butane exposure for 60 seconds appears to cause an increase in Rs in gas. Furthermore, sensor to its original value after energizing in normal air.may cause a permanent change in the sensor’sdone, it must be carefully administered to avoid sensor damage.NOTE: To achieve the optimal level of accuracy in gas detectors, each TGS2611 sensor should be individually calibrated by matching it with a load resistor (R L) in an environment containing the target gas concentration for alarming (refer to Fig. 2).For the convenience of users, TGS2611 is classified into 24 groups according to the each sensor’s Rs in methane. ID numbers marked on the sensor’s body indicate the sensor’s grouping. Individual sensor calibration can be eliminated by matching the sensor with the recommended R L for each sensor ID. However, because group calibration is used instead of individual calibration, an average of 10% less accuracy would result for detectors using group calibration. Please refer to “Application Notes for TGS2611” for more information.4 Cautions on Usage of Figaro Gas Sensors4-1 Situations which must be avoided1) Exposure to silicone vaporsIf silicone vapors adsorb onto the sensor’s surface, the sensing material will be coated, irreversibly inhibiting sensitivity. Avoid exposure where silicone adhesives, hair grooming materials, or silicone rubber/putty may be present.2) Highly corrosive environmentHigh density exposure to corrosive materials such heater material.3) Contamination by alkaline metalsSensor drift may occur when the sensor is contaminated by alkaline metals, especially salt water spray.4) Contact with waterSensor drift may occur due to soaking or splashing the sensor with water.5) FreezingIf water freezes on the sensing surface, the sensing material would crack, altering characteristics.6) Application of excessive voltageIf higher than specified voltage is applied to the sensor or the heater, lead wires and/or the heater may be damaged or sensor characteristics may drift, even if no physical damage or breakage occurs. 7) Operation in zero/low oxygen environment TGS sensors require the presence of around 21% (ambient) oxygen in their operating environment in order to function properly and to exhibit characteristics described in Figaro’s product literature. TGS sensors cannot properly operate in a zero or low oxygen content atmosphere.8) Excessive exposure to alcoholIF TGS2611-E00 is exposed to high concentrations of alcohol (such as 10,000ppm or more) for a long period of time, the filter may become saturated. In this case,Figaro USA Inc. and the manufacturer, Figaro Engineering Inc. (together referred to as Figaro)reserve the right to make changes without notice to any products herein to improve reliability,functioning or design. Information contained in this document is believed to be reliable. However, Figaro does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit describedherein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, nor the rights of others.Figaro's products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support applications wherein a failure or malfunction of the products may result in injury or threat to life.the sensor would show a lower resistance in alcohol than that indicated in Figure 4a.4-2 Situations to be avoided whenever possible 1) Water condensationLight condensation under conditions of indoor usage should not pose a problem for sensor performance.However, if water condenses on the sensor’s surface and remains for an extended period, sensor characteristics may drift.2) Usage in high density of gasSensor performance may be affected if exposed to a high density of gas for a long period of time,regardless of the powering condition.3) Storage for extended periodsWhen stored without powering for a long period, the sensor may show a reversible drift in resistance according to the environment in which it was stored.The sensor should be stored in a sealed bag containing clean air; do not use silica gel. Note that as unpowered storage becomes longer, a longer preheating period is required to stabilize the sensor before usage .4) Long term exposure in adverse environmentRegardless of powering condition, if the sensor is exposed in extreme conditions such as very highhumidity, extreme temperatures, or high contamination levels for a long period of time, sensor performance will be adversely affected.5) VibrationExcessive vibration may cause the sensor or lead wires to resonate and break. Usage of compressed air drivers/ultrasonic welders on assembly lines may generate such vibration, so please check this matter.6) ShockBreakage of lead wires may occur if the sensor is subjected to a strong shock.7) SolderingIdeally, sensors should be soldered manually.However, wave soldering can be done under the following conditions:a) Suggested flux: rosin flux with minimal chlorine b) Speed: 1-2 meters/min.c) Preheating temperature: 100±20˚C d) Solder temperature: 250±10˚Ce) Up to two passes through wave soldering machine allowedResults of wave soldering cannot be guaranteed if con-ducted outside the above guidelines since some flux vapors may cause drift in sensor performance similar to the effects of silicone vapors.。
关键词:甲烷; 激光; 传感器; 无线;引言瓦斯灾害始终是煤矿安全生产的大敌,瓦斯是易燃易爆气体,当空气中瓦斯浓度在5%~16%时,遇到火源就会发生爆炸。
针对上述情况,本文提出了一种基于Wave Mesh无线自组网技术的激光甲烷传感器的研究与设计。
1 煤矿安全监控系统概况1.1 安全监控系统现状目前, 煤矿安全监控系统用于监测矿井气体的关键措施, 其利用各种传感器, 可以对矿井下各种气体的含量及残留状况进行监测, 可以对各种安全监测信息进行分析与利用。
现行的安全监控系统大多是20世纪90年代后期所创建的, 具有较高的智能化水平, 可以与网络相连接, 但其中依旧存在较多的问题:①不具有标准的、统一的通讯协议, 因厂商较多, 设备类型也各种各样, 其兼容性不好。
产品说明书GJG4型光谱吸收式甲烷传感器编写人员董雷,薛野,韦云波部门研发中试部日期2010-11-8版本号 1目录1GJG4型光谱吸收式甲烷传感器功能说明 (2)2GJG4型光谱吸收式甲烷传感器工作原理 (3)3BGD-16M各功能单元分析 (4)3.1光学/光电子部分 .............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
3.1.1解调器光路.............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
3.1.2梳状滤波器.............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
3.1.3光纤光栅.................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
3.1.4O波段扫频激光器 .................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
3.2电路部分 ............................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
的密码(默认密码 123),否则无法进入标定状态。传感器开机后在默认的测量显
示界面下按遥控器的功能键使小数码管显示“ 4”,大数码管不显示,按遥控器的确 定键进入密码输入状态,小数码管显示“ P”,大数码管显示 3 位密码数字。在该界
同。具体的功能码见 4.1 所述。
4.7 恢复出厂设置 如因误操作导致参数错误而无法正常使用时,可通过遥控器操作使仪器恢复出
厂设置。操作方法如下:传感器开机后在默认的测量显示界面下按遥控器的功能键 使小数码管显示“ d”,大数码管不显示,按遥控器的确定键进入密码输入状态,小 数码管显示“ P”,大数码管显示 3 位密码数字。在该界面下按遥控器的功能键改变 密码位置, 再按增加或减少键改变对应密码位的数字使输入的密码为已知的密码时, 按遥控器的确定键进入恢复出厂设置界面, 小数码管显示 “ d”,大数码管显示 “ FFF”, 按遥控器的确定键完成操作。
F04:甲烷浓度 0~10%~100% 对应频率 200~1000~2000Hz 4.6 报警值、断电值、复电值设置
4.6.1 报警值范围在 0.00~9.99 区间 传感器开机后在默认的测量显示界面下按遥控器的功能键使小数码管显示
“ 7”,
传感器由激光测量探头、信号处理电路,主控制器,电源调理电路,信号输出 电路等组成。激光测量探头由主板提供稳定电源,内部电路驱动激光管产生甲烷气 体特征吸收激光。激光经过测量室后被探测器接收,经光电转换后由单片机处理, 计算激光强度的变化,并换算为气体浓度。主控制器对信号进行处理运算得到甲烷 浓度,显示在液晶屏或数码管上,同时控制信号输出电路输出标准的频率信号或 RS485数字信号。 2.3 原理框图
Intelligent Infrared Methane Gas Sensor(Model: MH-741A)ManualVersion: 3.3Valid from: May 1st, 2014Zhengzhou Winsen Electronics Technology Co., Ltd.StatementThis manual copyright belongs to Zhengzhou Winsen Electronics Technology Co., LTD. Without the written permission, any part of this manual shall not be copied, translated, stored in database or retrieval system, also can’t spread through electronic, copying, record ways.Thanks for purchasing our product. In order to keep customers using it better and reduce the faults caused by misuse, please read the manual carefully and operate it correctly in accordance with the instructions. If users disobey the terms or remove, disassemble, change the components inside of the sensor, we shall not be responsible for the loss.The specific such as color, appearance, sizes etc., please in kind prevail.We are devoting ourselves to products development and technical innovation, so we reserve the right to improve the products without notice. Please confirm it is the valid version before using this manual. At the same time, users’ comments on optimized using way are welcome.Please keep the manual properly, in order to get help if you have questions during the usage in the future.Zhengzhou Winsen Electronics Technology CO., LTD.MH-741A Infrared CH4 Gas Sensor1. Product DescriptionMH-741A is a universal type intelligent sensor todetect CH4 gas,taking advantage of non-dispersiveinfrared (NDIR) principle. With high selectivity, nooxygen dependence, high performance and longlifespan features, MH-741A also has built-intemperature compensation feature. MH-741A is acompact and high-performance sensor based oninfrared absorption of gas detection technology,micro-machining and sophisticated circuit design.2. FeaturesHigh sensitivity, high resolution, low power consumptionOutput method: UART, analog voltage signal, etc.Quick responseTemperature compensation, excellent linear outputExcellent stability, Long lifespanAnti-poisons, anti-vapor interferenceDetect combustible gas concentration matching with flame-proof marked detector in area 1&2 explosive environments which mix of ⅡA, ⅡB, ⅡC and T1-T6 flammable gases, vapors and air 3. ApplicationWidely used for industrial field instrumentation, industrial-process control and safety protection 4. Specification Table 1 Technical IndexProduct Model MH-741AGas Detected Flammable GasWorking Voltage 4.5 V ~ 5.5V DCAverage Current < 100mAInterface Level 3.3VMeasurement Range 0~100%VOL optional (view table 2)Output Signal IIC0.4-2V DCWarm-up Time 3minResponse Time T90 < 30sWorking Temperature -40℃ ~ 70℃Working Humidity 0 to 95%RH, non-condensing Dimension Φ44×61mmWeight 350gLifespan >5 yearsEx-marking Ex d ⅡC T6 GbProtected Class IP65Table 2 Measurement Range and AccuracyDetected Gas MeasurementRangeAccuracy RemarkMethane(CH4) 0~5%VOL 0.01%VOL Temperature compensation Methane(CH4) 0~10%VOL 0.01%VOL Temperature compensation Methane(CH4) 0~100%VOL 0.1%VOL Temperature compensation 5. Structural DrawingFigure 1 Structural Drawing of SensorFigure 2 Pin DefinitionPin DescriptionPad1V in (input voltage 4.5V~5.5V)Pad4GNDPad5V out (0.4~2V)Pad2IIC(SCL) clockPad3IIC(SDA) dataPad6, Pad7, Pad8Pad10, Pad11, Pad12Reserved, do not connectTable 3 Definition of Pin6. Application CircuitFigure 3 Application Circuit7. Explanation7.1 Analogue Voltage OutputInput 5V voltage to Win Pin, GND Pin connect power ground and Vout Pin connect input side of ADC, then warm-up the sensor, the Vout side will output a voltage value which stands for the gas concentration, while output voltage range 0.4V~2V stands for gas concentration 0~FS. If it found introuble in self-inspection process, the output voltage of sensor is 0V.Figure 4 Analogue Voltage Output7.2 Digital OutputInput 5V voltage to Win Pin, GND Pin connect power ground, CLK side of user’s communication interface connect CLK side of detector while SDA side connect SDA side of detector, then the detector will read the value of gas concentration directly through the IIC of the sensor (The pull-up resistor of user’s SCL and SDA signal lines must be no more than 10k to ensure the normal work of the communication interface), no need to calculate. 7.2.1 Communication ProtocolInfrared sensorInfrared sensorInfrared sensorDisplayUserMicro controllerRelayIsolationMH-741A is communicated through IIC bus. The module works basing IIC slave mode and can connects to external MCU, module address: 0x55, write operation address: 0xAA, read operation address: 0xAB. Every frame number data contains 10 bytes. Different host orders lead to different data and the last byte of data is the proof test value. The SCL clock frequency is recommend less than 10K.1) Device AddressAddress format: Highest seven digits are the module add of the sensor(0x55), the least significant digit is SDIR, 0 stand for Reading, 1 stand for Writing.Table 4: Address FormatIIC communicationWrite address: 0xAA, Read address: 0xAB2) Bus DescriptionIIC interface protocol is a special bus signal protocol, is composed of 3 parts - Start(S), Stop(P) and binary data, as shown below. At start,SCL is high,SDA is at falling edge.Aftter that,send the slave add.After the seven add digits is the control read&write digits,choose the read&write operation as above picWhen the slave device recognizes the corresponding add information,it sends a responsive signal to main device and SDA is pulled down at the ninth clock cycle.At stop,SCL keeps high level,SDA is at rising edge.Figure 5 IIC Sequence Chart3) CommandEvery frame number data of IIC communication command contains 10 bytes. Different host orders lead to different data and the last byte of data is the proof test value. Table 5 Command List0x96 Gas Concentration 0xA0 Calibrate zero point (ZERO ) 0xAACalibrate span point (SPAN )A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 W/R1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0/1Gas Concentration Reading1 0x96 Gas Concentration ReadingSend0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Command -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --CheckCode 0x96 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x6AEXP. 96 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6AReturn0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModuleStatusHighDensityLowDensityHighRangeLowRangeCheckCodeEXP. ReturnGas concentration= high density *256 + low density Calibrate Zero1 0xA0 Gas Concentration ReadingSend0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Command-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --CheckCode 0xa0 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x60EXP. A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60Return 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --EXP. No value returnCalibrate Span1 0xAA Gas Concentration ReadingSend0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CommandSPAN Value -- -- -- -- -- --CheckCode 0xaaHighByteLowByte0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xbbEXP. AA 13 88 00 00 00 00 00 00 BB (Eg. calibrate 5000ppm, HEX:0x1388)Return 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --EXP. No value return7.2.2 Calibrate and CalculateThe checksum = (invert (byte0 +... + 8)) + 1For example, Gas Concentration ReadingCommand SentByte0 Byte1 Byte2 Byte3 Byte4 Byte5 Byte6 Byte7 Byte8 Byte9 Command - - - - - - - - CheckValue 0x96 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x6AA. Add all the bytes together except byte 00x96 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 0x96B. Get the value from step A, then invert it.0xff – 0x96 = 0x69C. Plus one based on the value of step B0x69 + 0x01 = 0x6A7.2.3 Example ProgramC Language Calibrate & Calculate and Routinechar getCheckSum(char *packet){char i, checksum;for( i = 1; i < 9; i++){checksum += packet[i];}checksum = 0xff – checksum;checksum += 1;return checksum;}8. Notes For Maintenance8.1 The sensor should be calibrated regularly. Recommended cycle time is once per 6 months.8.2 Do not use the sensor in the high dusty environment for long time.8.3 Please use the sensor with correct power supply.Zhengzhou Winsen Electronics Technology Co., LtdAdd.: NO.299 Jinsuo Road, National Hi-Tech Zone,Zhengzhou, 450001 ChinaTel.: 0086-371-67169097Fax: 0086-371-60932988E-mail:*******************Website:。
100 (3-15/16)
80 (3-3/16)
Dimensions: mm (inch)
Electrical Connection
S4 S3
S2 S1
Analog Output Analog GND (0V) 4 - 20 mA (0 to 10V) Power Supply OV
Compensated Temperature Range: -10 to 70°C (14 to 158°F)
Power Consumption: Approx 350 mA @ 24 Vdc (without load)
Protection Class: IP65
Dimensions: 100 W x 135 H x 80 mm D (3.9 x 5.3 x 3.1")
Analog Output Current Output: 4 to 20 mA Load: Maximum RI = 600 Ω at 24 Vdc excitation Load Influence: 0.3%/100 Ω Scanning Rate: 1 msec Voltage Output: 0 to 10 Vdc Rating: Maximum 10 mA, short circuit-proof Adjustment Range: 25 to 100% full scale
Display Height: Green, 8-digit, 14-segment LCD, 12.7 mm (0.5")
Bargraph: 20-segments
GCG1000矿用粉尘浓度传感器-使用说明书V1.00安装、使用产品前,请详细阅读使用说明书GCG1000矿用粉尘浓度传感器使用说明书(V1.00)执行标准: GB 3836-2010、MT/T 1102-2009、Q/DX RSC0085-2016防爆合格证号:XXXXXXX安全标志证书:XXXXXXXXX(2016年6月)尊敬的用户:感谢您选购使用本公司研制的GCG1000矿用粉尘浓度传感器。
目录1概述 (1)2产品型号及意义 (1)3工作原理与结构 (2)4主要技术参数 (4)5安装使用 (5)6遥控器及菜单操作 (6)7调校和设置 (7)8保养与维护 (9)9故障分析和排除 (9)10运输和贮存 (10)11开箱检查 (10)附录A 关联、配接设备 (12)附录B 资质 (15)1概述GCG1000矿用粉尘浓度甲烷传感器(以下简称传感器)是一种基于光散射法的矿用本质安全型粉尘测量设备,防爆标志:Exib I。
该传感器具有以下特点:(1) 采用红外激光器和进口光电倍增管,粉尘测量准确、稳定;(2)采用新型单片机和高集成数字电路,使电路结构简单,性能可靠;(3)实现红外遥控调校零点,灵敏度,报警点等功能,操作方便,调校简单;(4)采用新型开关电源,整机功耗低;(5)可根据不同需要输出频率信号或数字信号(RS485);(6)防护等级为IP65;(7)优异的抗电磁干扰能力。
GJG100J矿用激光甲烷传感器使用说明书执行标准:GB 3836-2010AQ 6211-2008Q/NCS015-2016宁波创盛仪表有限公司NINGBO TRUNSUN INSTRUMENT CO﹒,LTD.安标编号:MFB170040 防爆合格证号:320161115 版本号:VER1.1 颁布日期: 2016.08.15警告:本传感器检修时不得改变本安电路和本安电路有关的元器件的电气参数、规格和型号,本安产品不得随意与其他未经联检的设备连接。
GJG100J矿用激光甲烷传感器一概述1.1 产品特点、主要用途及使用范围GJG00J矿用激光甲烷传感器(以下简称传感器)采用光谱吸收原理测量甲烷气体浓度,测量精确,工作稳定,无需用户校准,可长期在线工作。
1.2 使用环境条件a) 环境温度:0℃~+40℃;b) 平均相对湿度:不大于95%(+25℃);c) 大气压力:80kPa~116kPa;d) 无显著振动和冲击的场合;e)煤矿井下有甲烷、煤尘爆炸性混合物,但无破坏绝缘的腐蚀性气体的混合气体。
1.3 关联设备见附录A.1。
1.4 防爆型式:矿用本质安全型,防爆标志:ExiaⅠMa。
1.5 型号及命名G J G 100 J激光原理测量范围:(0%~100%)CH4光学原理甲烷传感器二结构特征、工作原理、接线示意图2.1结构特征传感器采用密封结构的不锈钢壳体,在壳体侧面和底面分别设有电缆接口和测量进气口,壳体顶部设有报警灯。
2.2 工作原理传感器由激光测量探头、信号处理电路,主控制器,电源调理电路,信号输出电路等组成。
CQCCRI 2008─12 第1页共6页1 目的保证GJG100H(B)型红外甲烷传感器(管道用)在各种工况条件下长期稳定运行。
2 适用范围适用于现场一体化样气处理装置施工工艺参考及其安装指导。
3 指导流程3.1 设备检查及其介绍→ 3.2与V锥流量计配合安装方式选择→ 3.3 性能检验→3.4一体化样气处理装置常见故障及其处理处理手册4 作业要领及其检验4.1 传感器检查及其仪器介绍4.1.1 开箱检验,对照发货单看零部件是否齐全,检查仪表外观是否完好。
4.1.2 GJG100H(B)型红外甲烷传感器(管道用)介绍图1 GJG100H(B)型红外甲烷传感器结构示意图1- 传感器表头2- 排气螺钉3-卡盘(配卡箍带硅胶密封垫)4- 气室5- 显示窗6- 电源/通讯接头7- 铭牌8- 提手使用说明:传感器安装使用前先在空气中对传感器上电,观察传感器是否工作正常,若在清洁空气中工作二十分钟以上零点有偏差,请先将仪器零点清零,具体操作可见<<GJG100H(B)型红外甲烷传感器使用说明书>>。
CQCCRI 2008─12 第2页共6页4.1.3 一体化样气处理装置介绍图2 管道气体检测装置箱结构示意图1-样气入口2- 冷却水出(1/4”)3 -冷却水进(1/4”)4-窥视/注水孔5-旁管2-6-样气出口7- 回流管路8-进气管路9-排渣口10-传感器11-卡箍(带硅胶密封垫)主要作用:本装置为集样气冷却、气水分离、固体杂质过滤和自动差压排水于一体气体检测处理装置,为后部传感器浓度检测提供清洁的样气,并实现自动排水功能。
再配合V锥流量计时焊接固定座为焊接螺柱M8x20(GB/T 902.1-1989),要求焊接间距为48mm.。
二、激光甲烷传感器的特点1. 高精度:激光甲烷传感器采用先进的激光吸收光谱技术,能够实时监测甲烷气体的浓度,具有较高的准确性和精度。
2. 快速响应:传感器在探测到甲烷气体后,迅速给出报警信号,及时警示人们有危险气体存在。
3. 多功能:传感器还可以监测其他可燃气体,如乙烷、丙烷等,具有较广泛的应用领域。
4. 长寿命:传感器采用先进的光学元件和电子组件,并采取适当的保护措施,使其具有较长的使用寿命。
三、激光甲烷传感器的使用方法1. 安装:根据安装位置和要求,固定传感器,确保其稳固且与待测气体的接触充分。
2. 预热:启动传感器后,等待预热时间,一般在10-20分钟左右。
3. 校准:根据设备的说明书,进行校准操作。
4. 检测与监测:传感器启动后,根据现场需求和使用要求进行持续检测和监测。
5. 报警处理:当传感器检测到甲烷气体超过设定的阈值时,会发出声光报警信号,此时应采取相应的措施,确保人员的安全。
四、激光甲烷传感器的注意事项1. 请遵守设备的规定和操作要求,正确使用传感器。
2. 应定期进行设备的维护与保养,确保其正常工作状态。
3. 避免传感器接触强酸、强碱等腐蚀性物质,以免影响传感器的使用寿命和准确性。
1 类激光产品 220 µW
2 类激光产品 560 µW
* 该等级是根据 IEC60825-1 标准做出的,并符合 Laser Notice No.50 of FDA (CDRH) 的要求。
在激光发射期间,激光辐射发射指示灯将点亮。 而在激光停止发射时,它将不停闪烁。
< 传感器放大器 >
< 传感头 >
若将激光发射停止输入设定为一个外部输入,则可以通过接通一个外部输入(输入响 应时间为 20ms)来停止激光发射。 而在外部输入接通期间,激光发射将保持在停止 状态。 在外部输入被切断后 20ms 时间内,将重新发射激光。 至于在激光发射停止 输入期间关于输出的检测和模拟量输出等情况,请参见用户手册 “4-2 11 外部输入 ” 一 节中的内容。
• 本产品可在海拔 2000 m 及 2000 m 以下使用。 • 只能在室内使用。 • 在安装传感头电缆以及传感头连接电缆时,必须注意避免机械损伤(例如绝缘层破
裂等)。 • 放大器单元的电源电缆和 I/O 电缆只能在内部接线。 • 以下电缆的额定电压为 30 V:
- 传感头电缆 - 传感头连接电缆 - 放大器单元的电源电缆和 I/O 电缆 • 电缆安装时,应当远离 30 V 以上的电路。
CMOS 激光位移传感器
IL 系列
为充分发挥本产品的最大性能,请在使用前仔细阅读本手册。 在阅读本手册后,应将其妥善保存,以便随时取用。
以下符号为本手册中的重要提示信息。 请务必仔细阅读。
1 产品概述MH-741A传感器是一款通用型智能传感器,运用非色散红外(NDIR)原理对空气中存在的碳氢类气体进行探测,具有很好的选择性,无氧气依赖性,性能稳定、寿命长;内置温度传感器,可进行温度补偿。
本产品设计、制造、检定遵循以下国标:GB15322.1-2003 可燃气体探测器第1部分:测量范围为0~100%LEL的点型可燃气体探测器GB3836.1-2010 《爆炸性环境 第1部分:设备 通用要求》GB3836.2-2010 《爆炸性环境 第2部分:由隔爆外壳“d”保护的设备》GB3836.9-2006 《爆炸性环境 第9部分:浇封型“m”》GB4208-2008 外壳防护等级(IP代码)GB/T13384-2008 机电产品包装应用技术条件主要功能及特点:在有ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC级T1-T6级可燃性气体,蒸气与空气混合形成的爆炸性环境的1区或2区场所中配合具有隔爆标志的探测器检测环境中的可燃气体浓度。
高灵敏度、高分辨率低功耗多种信号输出响应时间快温度补偿,卓越的线性输出优异的稳定性使用寿命长抗水汽干扰不中毒专利号:200920223212.0 微型智能红外传感器201010131273.1 高分辨率红外气体传感器201020041218.9 微型防爆多气体红外传感器警告:传感器只能与具有隔爆标志的探测器配套使用,严禁单独使用。
传感器工作电压为4.5~5.5V DC ,推荐电压5V DC。
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将串口波特率设置为 115200,数据位设置为 8 位,停止位设置为 1 位、奇偶校验位设置为无。 注:可以使用超级终端或相关软件进行信息的显示。
上电后,传感器会自动发送数据(采用 ASCII 字符形式): x.xx nn.n℃ pppp.ppmbar<CR><LF> x.xx 表示浓度(%),nn.n 表示温度,pppp.pp 表示压强,<CR>表示回车,<LF>表示换行 例如:1.53 25.0℃ 1001.30mbar<CR><LF>,表示当前甲烷浓度为 1 .53%,模块内部温度 25.0℃, 压强为 1001.30mbar。
产品特点 超低功耗(<1W) 响应速度快(10s) 无须校正 检测气体无交叉干扰 高稳定性 RS232 串口输出
产品应用场合 煤矿
参数 工作电压 工作电流 测量范围 工作温度 工作湿度 工作压强 贮存温度
版本号:V1.0 实施日期:2016.05.05
郑州炜盛电子科技有限公司 Zhengzhou Winsen Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
本说明书版权属郑州炜盛电子科技有限公司(以下称本公司)所有,未经书面许可,本 说明书任何部分不得复制、翻译、存储于数据库或检索系统内,也不可以电子、翻拍、录音 等任何手段进行传播。
运输、贮存 传感器能适应水、陆、空各种运输方式,运输中要求防水、防碰撞。 传感器在运输,安装过程中应避免剧烈冲击、振动。 不使用的传感器应放在仓库内保管,室内温度-40℃~60℃,相对湿度不大于 99%,无腐蚀性气体。
使用前,请确保电源线连接正确,电压正常。 禁止在爆炸性气体环境中拆卸和维修。 禁止将传感器置于高温和火源旁烧烤。 禁止带电对传感器接口连线进行焊接等操作。 若使用电池提供电源进行测试应在安全场所进行。 建议独立测试时使用对外接线焊接专用的转接头进行测试。 请勿尝试自行拆开和修理传感器。 传感器使用期间,工作环境温度发生剧烈变化(每秒升高或降低 1℃)时,显示值受影响而出现跳动
MH-L41 激光甲烷传感器
产品描述 MH-L41激光甲烷气体传感器是一个通用智能传感
器,它以激光器为检测元件,利用合适的微功率激光能被 不同浓度的甲烷所吸收原理而设计的高精密甲烷传感器。 此传感器具有体积小、功耗低、性能稳定、传感器元件寿 命长、灵敏度高等特点,连续检测空气中的甲烷浓度,并 将相关数据实时传输,同时该传感器还具有内部温度和气 压检测的功能。
单位 V mA % ℃
%RH kPa ℃
Baud Bit Bit Bit
编号 1 2 3 4
管脚颜色 红色 白色 蓝色 绿色
管脚定义 +5V GND
TX(RS232) RX(RS232)
按照管脚定义表进行传感器的连接。将+5V 的电源连接至输出接口红色线,电源地连接至输出接口蓝 色线,上电后传感器开始正常工作,可以通过蓝、白、绿三根 RS232 串口数据线进行甲烷浓度、内部温 度和气压等信息的读取。
波特率 数据位 停止位 校验位
甲烷(CH4) 工作环境
--40-Fra bibliotek0.01%~1.00%CH4
最大值 -
150 99.9 40 99 106 60
±0.06% 真值±0.06%
使用时,将蓝、白、绿色三根线缆按照管脚定义,连接至电脑或工控机 RS232 串口的对应管脚(RS232
定义见下表),将串口波特率调至 115200,即可实现信息的实时传输和显示。
RS232(9 针)
RS232(9 孔)
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