
La culture alimentair français
L’ histoire de le cuisine français
法国菜的文化渊原流长,相传16世纪意大利 女子Catherine嫁给法兰西国王亨利二世以后,把 意大利文艺复兴时期盛行的牛肝脏,黑菌,嫩牛 排,奶酪等烹饪方法带到法国,路易十四还曾发 起烹饪比赛,即现今流行的Corden Bleu奖——蓝 带奖,意为全法国第一美食。
蜗牛 Escargot
法国蜗牛和干贝、鲍鱼、鱼翅被称为法国四大名菜。法式蜗牛又是法国人的 最爱,据统计,法国一年要消耗三亿多只蜗牛。而法国人做蜗牛菜又有不同 的方法,如洋葱炒蜗牛、宫爆蜗牛、滑蛋蜗牛等,最受欢迎的还是法式焗蜗 牛。 厨师们用香草、黄油、红酒混合制成酱料,在每个蜗牛壳里放上一点,冷藏 腌制三天,让蜗牛肉充分吸收酱料的味道,然后在烤箱里烤5到10分钟上桌。 用特制的蜗牛夹和蜗牛叉挖出一块放进嘴里,这时的蜗牛肉质鲜嫩、口感爽 滑,嚼起来还有清新的香草味。蜗牛还是种保健食品,有降低血脂、软化血 管的功效。
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焦糖布丁 Creme Brulee
玛德琳 Madeleine Commercy
法国老牌Dalloyau 拿破仑 Mille Feuilles 舒芙蕾 Souffle
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La culture du café français
雪葩,源于古代传说,某国王的 小公主巴芭拉,将水果,奶油, 冰等物质混合后玩耍,国王品 尝后觉得味美,后来定位法国 大餐第一道菜后的小饮。是西 式甜品的一种,口感类似雪糕。 制法是将新鲜水果冷藏至结冰 后磨成沙冰。与雪糕的最大分 别,在于其不含牛奶的成份。 适合对牛奶敏感的人士食用。 而且雪芭不额外添加糖份,故 较雪糕健康。

法国传统小吃英文介绍作文French Traditional Snacks。
French cuisine is famous for its delicacy and refinement. Among the many French dishes, there are also some traditional snacks that are deeply loved by the French people. These snacks are not only delicious, but also represent the unique culture and history of France.1. Croissant。
Croissant is a French pastry that is made of buttery, flaky dough and is typically crescent-shaped. It is a popular breakfast food in France and is often served with coffee or tea. Croissants are believed to have originated in Austria, but they were popularized in France in the 19th century.2. Macaron。
Macarons are small, round cookies that are made of almond flour, sugar, and egg whites. They are typicallyfilled with buttercream or ganache and come in a variety of flavors, such as chocolate, raspberry, and pistachio. Macarons have been a French delicacy since the 16th century.3. Crème Brûlée。

French cuisine is extremely diverse, with only the Chinese having similar variety in their food. This variety is supported by the French passion for good food in all its forms, France's extraordinary range of different geographies and climates which support the local production of all types of ingredients, and France's long and varied history. In many ways, an understanding of the culture of French food is an understanding of France itself.Meals range from the very basic, such as the traditional baguette plus cheese plus inexpensive wine, to very elaborate affairs that can involve a dozen courses and different wines consumed over several hours. Obviously, the latter type of dining is exceptional for most people. However, it is this more sophisticated dining which is typically found in "French restaurants" outside France, giving many foreigners the mistaken impression that French food is heavy and complicated. In fact, much of the French cuisine is fairly simple, relying on high quality fresh ingredients and loving preparation rather than complex recipes.It is common in much of France to take a two hour break for lunch, with many working parents (particularly in villages and smaller towns) returning home for lunch. In some areas, mainly in the south of France, even longer lunch breaks are taken. Due to the long lunch break, businesses which close for this period typically reopen around 2PM or so and then stay open until about 7PM.Regional influences on French foodAlmost all the famous French dishes are regional specialities, some of which have become popular throughout France (such as Coq au Vin and Foie Gras) while others are mainly enjoyed in the regions in which they originate. Although regional specialities are often offered throughout France, the quality of ingredients and preparation is often superior in their region of origin.Each region, in addition to boasting local specialities, also has a general style of cooking and choice of ingredients. For example, in Provence the food typically features olive oil, herbs and tomatoes. The evolution of regional cooking styles has been influenced by:Local availabilityThe French, a nation of gourmets, know that the best food is made from local ingredients, which are fresher and of better quality than items which have been transported long distances. Consequently, coastal regions (such as Brittany and Normandy, on the northwest coast of France) will favour sea fish and will use it more often and in more varied ways than inland areas. Likewise, areas where fruit or herbs grow easily, will incorporate these into their local cuisine.Neighbouring countries and immigrationAreas of France which border on other countries have incorporated some of the cuisine of their neighbours. It is not surprising to find Italian dishes near the Italian border. More notably, the French region of Alsace is similar to Germany in its food (sauerkraut ispopular) and wine, partly due to it currently bordering on Germany and partly due to it having been part of Germany at various points in its history (the border has moved back and forth with various wars). In parts of the south which have a large North African immigrant population one can enjoy the cuisine which they have imported from their original countries.History and economic conditionsThe culture, lifestyle and economic conditions over a long period of time have formed the development of local food traditions. The rich meat dishes and cream sauces of Burgundy are not only due to Burgundian excellence in raising cattle, but in large part to the economic prosperity of this region over several centuries. On the other hand, mountain regions excel in firm cheeses, which allow food to be preserved over the long and difficult winters, and can be produced from mountain livestock which historically were the main means of support for many families in economically limited areas.In all parts of France one will find a range of dishes, both in restaurants and in homes, which extends far beyond the regional specialities. However, in much of France the regional influences in terms of ingredients and cooking are marked. The most available food and the best cooking tend to be those produced from local ingredients and using local recipes. Therefore, the decision of where to visit or live in France tends to influence which types of food one will enjoy.The French Mediterranean uses olive oil, herbs and tomatoes in many of its dishes. The cuisine of northwest France uses butter, soured cream (crème fraiche) and apples. The cuisine of northeast France (Alsace, and to a lesser extent Lorraine) has a strong German influence which includes beer and sauerkraut. Throughout the south in general there tends to be more use of vegetables and fruit (in part due to the favourable climate). Near the Atlantic coast and the Mediterranean there is a greater consumption of sea food, while inland areas favoured by rivers (e.g. the Loire valley) use more fresh water fish.The Italian connectionAny discussion of the influences on French cuisine would be incomplete without recognising the historical contribution of Italy to the development of French cooking. In 1533, Catherine De Medicis (a Florentine princess) married Henry duc d'Orleans (who became King Henry II or France). At this point, France was not know for its food or food culture. Catherine brought an entourage of Italian chefs with her to France, who introduced to France a variety of dishes, food preparation and dining practices. Although France and Italy obviously have evolved very different food cultures, both before and since this contribution, much of France's current food culture can be traced back to this time.Cooking stylesEvery region of France has its own distinctive traditions in terms of ingredients and preparation (see France Regions for further information). On top of this, there are threegeneral approaches which compete with each other:Classical French cuisine (also known in France as cuisine bourgeoise).This includes all the classical French dishes which were at one time regional, but are no longer specifically regional. Food is rich and filling, with many dishes using cream-based sauces.Haute cuisineIt is classical French cuisine taken to its most sophisticated and extreme. Food is elegant, elaborate and generally rich. Meals tend to be heavy, especially due to the use of cream and either large portions or many smaller portions. There is a strong emphasis on presentation (in particular, vegetables tend to be cut with compulsive precision and uniformity). The finest ingredients are used, and the meal is correspondingly expensive.Cuisine Nouvelle.This style developed in the 1970s, as a reaction against the classical school of cooking. The food is simpler and lighter. Portions are smaller and less rich; the heavy cream sauces of the classical approach are particularly avoided. Cooking is less elaborate and quicker, with more emphasis on local and seasonal ingredients.Cuisine du terroir.This focuses on regional specialities and is somewhat more rustic in nature. Local produce and food traditions are the main focus.Each of these three traditions are strongly represented in France, with each having its supporters and specialist restaurants. At the moment, Cuisine Nouvelle is less popular than it was, while Cuisine du terroir has grown in popularity in recent years.Wine and cheeseAside from bread and water, the most common accompaniments to a French meal are wine and cheese. Unlike other countries, in France wine is considered a standard part of everyday meals, and is neither expensive nor reserved for special occasions. With everyday meals, ordinary wines are served, although it is expected that the style of wine match the style of food.In addition to its use in cooking, cheese is often served as a course in itself. In this case, it is served after the main meal but before dessert. This typically consists of a platter with three or four different cheeses, from which guests can slice pieces according to their preferences. Sliced bread (e.g. slices of a baguette) are typically provided at the same time.Restaurant guidesThe most famous and successful restaurant guide in France is the Michelin Guide Rouge, which has approximately 50% market share. It has enormous influence; the award of asingle star by the Guide Rouge to a restaurant can add 25% to its turnover and the loss of a star can mean financial ruin for a restaurant.The Guide Rouge is both a restaurant guide and a hotel guide, although its better known for the former. For the towns in the Guide Rouge there is a list of the main tourist attractions and for the larger towns there is a map. In addition to having one in the house it is handy to have one in the car (e.g. if you are unexpectedly delayed on a journey and need to find a good local restaurant).Although the Guide Rouge does not provide exact details on the criteria they use for rating restaurants, there are a number of factors beside the quality of food: service, atmosphere and value are some of the other considerations. This perhaps explains our experience that not all restaurants with the same overall rating have the same quality of food, one restaurant may have tremendous atmosphere and average food while another with the same rating may have exceptional food but little atmosphere. The Guide Rouge sometimes makes a few comments under a recommended restaurant; these are worth reading as they give an indication of what aspect of the restaurant impressed the reviewer. The comments sometimes note specialities of the house, which are often the best items on the menu.参考译文:法国的美食是非常多样的,只有中国有与之匹敌的食品种类。

cuisine法国饮食文化英文版Italy and French cuisineGood afternoon, everyone, we today talk about food in Italy and French.I know it’s hard to understand it, which only through human senses, like taste, smell, touch, and eat can be impressed. So the aim of our ppt is make you know everything of something, not something of everything. My topic divides into 2 big parts, Italy and France, and there are almost 3 listed cuisines in each.Part 1 Italy1) When it comes to Italy food, the first occurs to us should be Spaghetti. Before we know it, we should know pasta, a food made from a mixture of flour, water, and sometimes eggs that is formed into different shapes (such as thin strips, tubes, or shells) and usually boiled(面条的统称), and spaghetti is one kind of it. There are over 130 pasta.Alphabets - 字母面,通常字母面是用来放在汤里起点缀作用的。

法国英文介绍美食作文英文:When it comes to French cuisine, there are so many delicious dishes to choose from. One of my personal favorites is coq au vin, which is a chicken stew cooked in red wine with bacon, mushrooms, and onions. The flavors are rich and hearty, and it's the perfect meal for a chilly evening. Another classic French dish is escargots, which are snails cooked in garlic butter. I know it might sound a bit strange, but trust me, they are absolutely delicious.Of course, no discussion of French cuisine would be complete without mentioning cheese and wine. France is known for its wide variety of cheeses, from creamy brie to tangy Roquefort. And when it comes to wine, the options are endless. Whether you prefer a full-bodied red or a crisp white, there's a French wine that will suit your taste.Overall, French cuisine is all about indulging in rich,flavorful dishes and enjoying the finer things in life.It's no wonder that France is known as a culinary capitalof the world.中文:说到法国美食,有很多美味的菜肴可供选择。

French Cuisine: A Delicious Journey ThroughFlavors and HistoryFrench cuisine, renowned worldwide for its elegance, diversity, and unparalleled taste, is a testament to the rich cultural heritage and historical influences of France. Tracing its roots back to the ancient Roman Empire, French cooking has evolved over centuries, absorbing flavors and techniques from various cultures and regions.At the heart of French cuisine lies the philosophy of "terroir," which emphasizes the importance of using locally sourced, seasonal ingredients. This not only ensures freshness and quality but also reflects the unique flavors and characteristics of each region. From the buttery richness of Normandy to the herbal freshness of Provence, the diversity of France's landscapes is reflected in its cuisine.One of the defining characteristics of French cooking is its emphasis on sauces and mother sauces. These sauces, such as béchamel, tomate, and hollandaise, are thebuilding blocks of many classic French dishes, adding depth and complexity to the flavors. The art of sauce-makingrequires precision and skill, resulting in sauces that are both flavorful and harmonious with the main dish.Bread, another cornerstone of French cuisine, is an integral part of every meal. From the crusty baguettes to the soft, rich brioches, French bread is a testament to the craftsmanship and tradition of French baking. It is often served with meals, either as an accompaniment or as a standalone snack, and its unique flavor and texture complement various dishes.Cheese, another essential element of French cuisine, is as diverse as the country itself. With hundreds ofvarieties ranging from the mild and creamy Camembert to the strong and pungent Roquefort, French cheese is a celebration of taste and texture. It is often served as an appetizer or dessert, paired with wine or fruit, and its unique flavors add a touch of elegance to any meal.Pastries and desserts are another highlight of French cuisine. From the flaky croissants and delicate macarons to the rich chocolate mousse and creamy crèm e brûlée, French pastries are a treat for the senses. These dessertsare often a labor of love, requiring meticulous attention to detail and the use of high-quality ingredients.French cuisine is not just a collection of recipes or dishes; it's a cultural experience that embodies the essence of France. It's a reflection of the country's rich history, diverse landscapes, and passionate love for good food. From the bustling markets to the elegant restaurants, France is a culinary paradise that offers an endless journey through flavors and traditions.**法国美食:一场风味与历史的美妙之旅**法国美食,以其优雅、多样化和无与伦比的美味而享誉全球,是法国丰富文化遗产和历史影响的有力证明。

The local product high quality grape good wine, 20% for is high-level and goes against the level liquor to plant. Because the Mediterranean Sea sunlight is sufficient, the Provence grape includes more sugars minute, these sugars transform into the ethyl alcohol north, causes proletariat prosperous Si Jiu the liquor precision to compare the liquor to outdo 2. Slightly brings the orange yellow the dry peach red wine most has the characteristic. The common red wine includes: Cotes de Provence, Coteaux d 'Aix en Provence, Bandol. 15
Grape juice during the fermentation process, the time of leaching skin controls the wine clear and moving color and content of tannin in wine;Fermentation is completed, need to be drowned in the slag extracted wine fermentation tank bottom, it is a process of slow and patient;Next is to select the best quality wine, at the same time, combination of different varieties of wine in perfect proportion.Such not only can promote the quality of the wine, also can keep the grape varieties under different flavors, and can be combined with a more unique delicious taste.

法国菜肴介绍英语作文French Cuisine: A Culinary Journey。
French cuisine is renowned worldwide for its elegance, refinement, and rich flavors. Rooted in centuries of culinary tradition and influenced by diverse regional ingredients, French cooking is a testament to artistry and passion in the kitchen. In this essay, we will delve into the essence of French cuisine, exploring its history, key ingredients, iconic dishes, and enduring impact on the global culinary scene.Historical Background:French cuisine has a rich and storied history that dates back to the Middle Ages. During this period, French nobility employed talented chefs to create elaborate feasts that showcased their wealth and power. These chefs laid the foundation for what would later become known as haute cuisine, characterized by meticulous preparation, intricatepresentation, and luxurious ingredients.In the 17th century, King Louis XIV played a pivotalrole in elevating French cuisine to new heights by establishing the first professional guild of chefs, knownas the Guild of Cooks. This guild standardized cooking techniques, codified recipes, and promoted culinary innovation, laying the groundwork for the development of French culinary arts.Key Ingredients:French cuisine is characterized by its emphasis on fresh, high-quality ingredients that are carefully sourced and expertly prepared. Some of the staple ingredients in French cooking include:1. Butter: Butter is a fundamental element in French cuisine, prized for its rich flavor and creamy texture. Itis used gene rously in sauces, pastries, and sautéed dishes, imparting a distinctive richness to French recipes.2. Wine: Wine holds a revered status in French cooking, both as a beverage and as an ingredient in many dishes. From Coq au Vin to Beef Bourguignon, wine adds depth of flavor and complexity to French cuisine.3. Cheese: France is renowned for its vast array of cheeses, ranging from soft and creamy Brie to pungent Roquefort. Cheese is often served as a standalone course or incorporated into dishes su ch as quiches, soufflés, and gratins.4. Fresh Produce: French cuisine celebrates the bounty of the land, with an emphasis on seasonal fruits and vegetables. From tender asparagus in the spring to hearty root vegetables in the winter, fresh produce forms the foundation of many French dishes.5. Herbs and Spices: Herbs such as thyme, rosemary, and tarragon, along with spices like mustard seed, cloves, and nutmeg, are used to add depth and flavor to French cuisine. These aromatic ingredients are used judiciously to enhance the natural essence of the dish.Iconic Dishes:French cuisine boasts a myriad of iconic dishes that have captivated palates around the world. Some of the most beloved French delicacies include:1. Coq au Vin: This classic dish features chicken braised in red wine with mushrooms, onions, and bacon, resulting in tender, flavorful meat enveloped in a rich, velvety sauce.2. Boeuf Bourguignon: A hearty stew made with beef braised in red wine, Boeuf Bourguignon is a quintessential French comfort food. It is typically seasoned with garlic, onions, carrots, and herbs, resulting in a dish that is both rustic and refined.3. Bouillabaisse: Hailing from the port city of Marseille, Bouillabaisse is a traditional Provençal fish stew made with a variety of seafood, including fish, shellfish, and mollusks. It is flavored with saffron,garlic, tomatoes, and a hint of orange zest, creating a dish that is as vibrant as it is delicious.4. Quiche Lorraine: Originating from the Lorraine region of France, this savory tart is filled with a custard made from eggs, cream, and bacon, then baked until golden and set. Quiche Lorraine is a versatile dish that can be enjoyed for breakfast, brunch, or lunch.5. Crème Brûlée: A classic French dessert, CrèmeBrûlée is made with rich, velvety custard that is topped with a layer of caramelized sugar. The contrast between the creamy custard and the crisp, caramelized topping makes for a sublime culinary experience.Global Influence:French cuisine has had a profound impact on the global culinary landscape, influencing chefs and home cooks alike with its emphasis on technique, flavor, and presentation. French culinary techniques, such as sautéing, braising, and baking, are taught in culinary schools around the worldand form the basis of many international cuisines.Moreover, French culinary traditions continue toinspire chefs to push the boundaries of creativity and innovation. From molecular gastronomy to fusion cuisine, the principles of French cooking serve as a springboard for culinary experimentation and exploration.In conclusion, French cuisine is a celebration of artistry, tradition, and gastronomic excellence. From the bustling bistros of Paris to the quaint countryside kitchens of Provence, French cooking captivates the senses and nourishes the soul. With its rich history, diverse ingredients, and iconic dishes, French cuisine remains an enduring symbol of culinary mastery and sophistication.。

法国美食英文介绍中英对照1France is renowned worldwide for its exquisite cuisine! The French culinary scene is a paradise for food lovers. Let's explore some of its famous delicacies.The French Escargot, or baked snails, are a classic. They are usually served in a special dish with garlic and butter. The snails have a chewy texture and a rich, buttery flavor. How amazing! (法式焗蜗牛,通常盛在特制的盘子里,配有大蒜和黄油。
太美妙了!)The Foie Gras, a luxury dish, is known for its smooth and creamy texture. Made from the liver of specially raised geese or ducks, it melts in your mouth. Isn't it wonderful? ((法式鹅肝,这道奢侈的菜肴以其光滑细腻的口感而闻名。
难道不奇妙吗?)The Macaron, a colorful and sweet treat, has a crispy shell and a soft, moist filling. Made with almond flour, sugar and egg whites, it comes in various flavors. So delightful! (马卡龙,这种色彩缤纷的甜食,有着酥脆的外壳和柔软湿润的内馅。

Italy and French cuisineGood afternoon, everyone, we today talk about food in Italy and French. I know it’s hard to understand it, which only through human senses, like taste, smell, touch, and eat can be impressed. So the aim of our ppt is make you know everything of something, not something of everything. My topic divides into 2 big parts, Italy and France, and there are almost 3 listed cuisines in each.Part 1 Italy1) When it comes to Italy food, the first occurs to us should be Spaghetti. Before we know it, we should know pasta, a food made from a mixture of flour, water, and sometimes eggs that is formed into different shapes (such as thin strips, tubes, or shells) and usually boiled(面条的统称), and spaghetti is one kind of it. There are over 130 pasta.Alphabets - 字母面,通常字母面是用来放在汤里起点缀作用的。

谢谢 高二四班
• 日常餐酒VDT 葡萄酒(日餐餐酒葡萄酒)
• •
• 1.看。观其色泽--将酒倒在高脚杯中,握着杯脚, 看其色泽。 • 2.摇。轻轻摇荡—顺时针,(1)欣赏酒在酒杯 摇荡过程中飘逸的感觉,(2)让酒体与空气均与 的接触,进一步唤醒沉醉在酒体中的香气。 • 3.闻。 闻其香味--轻摇酒杯让香气释放出来,闻 其散发的香味。 • 4.品。 品尝--啜饮一小口,让酒在舌尖溶动,感 觉其味道及酸涩度。
• 醒酒: 要分辨一瓶酒的变化最好的方式是开瓶后第一次倒2杯,
而先饮用一杯,另一杯则放置至最后才饮用,就能很清楚的感觉出来。 •
• 过酒(Decenting):过酒的方式,是将葡萄酒倒入醒酒瓶
(Decenter)的动作称为过酒 。葡萄酒会因过酒的动作而有机会与空气 接触,此时沉睡中的葡萄酒将立刻芳香四溢,味道也变的圆润了。
• • 酒标:正如在懂得葡萄酒的人们之间,流传着『只要看了卷标,
就知道它的味道了』一般,卷标上确实透露着关于葡萄酒味道(特色) 的讯息。
• 法定产区葡萄酒AOC葡萄酒(法定产区葡萄酒)
• 优良地区餐酒 (vin sans IndicationGéographique)
• 地区餐酒VDP葡萄酒(地区餐酒葡萄酒)
• 法国红酒世界闻名,法国不但是全世界酿造最多 种葡萄酒的国家,也出产无数闻名于世的高级葡 萄酒,其口味种类极富变化。 •
• 法国生产的红酒有六大生产地包括波尔多 (Bordeaux)、布跟地(Burgundy)、香槟 (Champagne)以及阿尔萨斯(Alsace)、罗瓦河河 谷(Loire Valley) 、隆河谷地(Cotes du Phone)等 其中又以气候温和土壤富含铁质的波尔多产地最 具代表。

In many ways, an understanding of the culture of French food is an understanding of France itself.
more unique delicious taste. 第十道菜 蔬菜(Legume) 第四道菜 鱼(Poisson) 第一道菜 冻开胃头盘(Hors-d'oeuvre Froid) 第一道菜 冻开胃头盘(Hors-d'oeuvre Froid)
If you are unsure about whether you can eat a certain dish with your fingers or other 大部分食品是不能用手指吃的。
more unique delicious taste. 第十一道菜 甜点(Entremets) 第二道菜 汤(Potage)
Such not only can promote the quality of the wine, also can keep the grape varieties under different flavors, and can be combined with a
French cuisine is extremely diverse, with only the Chinese having similar variety in their food. 第十三道菜 甜品(Dessert) 第八道菜 雪葩(Sorbet)
table manners, follow the lead of the host.

Foie gras
Table manners
If you are unsure about whether you can eat a certain dish with your fingers or other table manners, follow the lead of the host. Most food is not eaten with fingers.
如果你不确定是否可以用手指或其他餐桌 礼仪吃某道菜,请遵循主人指示。大部分 食品是不能用手指吃的。
French margarita red grape wine co., LTD., is the world famous grape wine famous winery, margarita bordeaux red wine is famous in the world, it taste meticulous, amorous feelings, have the laudatory title of "queen of French wine, is recognized as the world's largest wine producing area.
aditional French cuisine
第一道菜 冻开胃头盘(Hors-d'oeuvre Froid) 第二道菜 汤(Potage) 第三道菜 热开胃头盘(Hors-d'oeuvre Chaud) 第四道菜 鱼(Poisson) 第五道菜 主菜(Grosse Piece) 第六道菜 热盘(Entree Chaude) 第七道菜 冷盘(Entree Froide) 第八道菜 雪葩(Sorbet) 第九道菜 烧烤类及沙律(Roti&salade) 第十道菜 蔬菜(Legume) 第十一道菜 甜点(Entremets) 第十二道菜 咸点(Savoury) 第十三道菜 甜品(Dessert)

• 2).Second, the cooking times for most fish, seafood, game birds, veal, and green vegetables such as snail(蜗牛),black fungus(黑菌),mushroom(蘑菇),asparagus(芦笋),and lobster(龙 虾).
Snail(蜗牛) Red Wine
2. The history of French food
• The culture of French food has a long history ,according to the legend(传说), Catherine, a Italian woman, married to Henry Ⅱ,King of France, brought the cookery of cow liver.
The Culture of French Food
French food
In France, the collocation of dishes and drinks is considered as an art.
1. A brief introduction to French cuisine(美食)
• Tenderloin Steak(里脊牛排) and cheese which prevailed in the The Renaissance(文艺复兴) to Franch . Then Louis XIV of France launched the cooking competition, namely the prize of Corden Bleu that popular nowadays. Dictionary of Cuisine become the foundation of Classic French cuisine type.

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法国菜肴介绍英文作文English Answer:The world of French cuisine is an exquisite tapestry woven with centuries of culinary artistry and cultural refinement. From the bustling brasseries of Paris to the Michelin-starred restaurants of the French countryside, France's culinary landscape is a symphony of flavors, traditions, and innovation.One of the hallmarks of French cuisine is its emphasis on fresh, seasonal ingredients. France's diverse climate and geography provide an abundance of culinary treasures, from the oysters of Normandy to the lavender of Provence. Chefs pride themselves on sourcing the finest ingredients and using them to create dishes that showcase their natural flavors.Another defining characteristic of French cuisine isits intricate and refined techniques. Classic Frenchcooking involves a series of complex procedures, such as braising, roasting, and sautéing. These techniques are carefully calibrated to extract the maximum flavor and texture from each ingredient. French chefs are also masters of sauces, which are used to enhance and complement the main dishes.The variety of French cuisine is simply staggering. From the iconic dishes of haute cuisine to the comforting flavors of traditional home cooking, there is a culinary adventure to be found in every corner of France. Some of the most famous dishes include:Escargot: Snails cooked in garlic butter。

用英语介绍法国的一道菜作文Introducing a Culinary Delight from France: Coq au VinFrance, renowned for its exquisite cuisine and culinaryartistry, offers a vast array of dishes that tantalize the tastebuds and evoke a sense of elegance and tradition. Amongthese gastronomic treasures, Coq au Vin stands as a timelessclassic, encapsulating the essence of French cooking with itsrich flavors and historical significance.Coq au Vin, translating to "rooster in wine," is a hearty,slow-cooked stew originating from the Burgundy region ofFrance. Its origins can be traced back to medieval times whenrural households would cook tough, older roosters with localred wine to tenderize the meat. Today, chickens are morecommonly used, yet the dish retains its rustic charm and depthof flavor.The preparation of Coq au Vin is a symphony ofingredients and techniques. It begins with marinating piecesof chicken overnight in a robust red wine, typically a Burgundy,along with garlic, herbs such as thyme and bay leaves, and adash of brandy. This process infuses the meat with a deep,wine-infused aroma.The next day, the chicken is seared to golden perfection,sealing in the juices, before being combined with a mélange of vegetables—bacon lardons, onions, mushrooms, and carrots. These ingredients are then simmered gently in the marinade, allowing the flavors to meld and intensify over several hours. The result is a sauce so rich and complex that it coats the palate with layers of savory goodness.What sets Coq au Vin apart is its balance of flavors: the tangy acidity of the wine, the smokiness of the bacon, the earthiness of the mushrooms, and the sweetness of the caramelized onions all harmoniously come together. Served traditionally with creamy mashed potatoes or crusty bread, this dish embodies the essence of comfort food elevated to fine dining standards.Coq au Vin is more than just a meal; it's a culinary experience that tells a story of French culinary heritage, where simplicity meets sophistication. It invites you to savor each bite, to appreciate the careful craftsmanship behind each ingredient, and to understand why French cuisine is celebrated worldwide. So, the next time you have the opportunity, indulge in this delightful dish and let it transport you to the heart of France, where every meal is a celebration of life's simple pleasures.。
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• • 法国系世界三大烹饪王国之一。 法国菜最主要特征是对复合味调 料(沙司 sauce)的制作极其考究,选料十分新鲜, 甚至有许多菜是 生吃的。常用的烹调方法 有烤、炸、氽、煎、烩、焖等,菜肴偏重 肥 、浓、酥、烂,口味以咸、甜、酒香为 主。
法国最 著名的美食极品是鹅 肝酱,它与黑菌(松露菌)、黑 鱼子酱称为食物三宝。
• • 酒标:正如在懂得葡萄酒的人们之间,流传着『只要看了卷标,
就知道它的味道了』一般,卷标上确实透露着关于葡萄酒味道(特色) 的讯息。
• 法定产区葡萄酒AOC葡萄酒(法定产区葡萄酒)
• 优良地区餐酒 (vin sans IndicationGéographique)
• 地区餐酒VDP葡萄酒(地区餐酒葡萄酒)
• 法国甜点最普遍的是塔(TARTE)、千层 派(MILLE FEUILLES),以及泡芙 (PATECHOUX)等,塔的尺寸大小与馅 料变化有上千种之多;千层派是一层蛋糕 与一层馅料层层堆叠,至於泡芙内有馅料, 用糖浆沾黏成一座山形,马卡龙
• •
制作Macaron的主料非常简单,蛋白,糖粉和杏仁粉, 白糖就是它的全部。一片小饼的底部必须要有一圈类似蕾 丝边的裙边,这样的两片小饼夹馅形成的“汉堡包”结构 的总称才能成为Macaron。作出有裙边的小饼并不简单, 先来看看裙边形成的原理。当打发过的蛋白和糖粉杏仁粉 混合挤成大小相当的小饼后,需要相当长一段时间来让这 些小饼的表面干燥并结出一层薄薄的硬壳,而于此同时些 微的糖溶液会沉积在小饼的底圈,从而保持了小饼底部的 湿润。当进入烤箱后,小饼内部的混合物受热膨胀,但是 由于结壳的阻挡这些混合物只能向下通过湿润的低圈向四 周膨胀出来,从而才有了“裙边”的形成。
• 法国人在餐桌上敬酒先敬女后敬男,哪怕 女宾的地位比里宾低也是如此。走路、进 屋、入座,都要让妇女先行。拜访告别时 也是先向女主人致意和道谢,介绍两人相 见时,一般职务相等时先介绍女士。按年 龄先介绍年长的,按职位先介绍职位高的。 若介绍客人有好几位,一船是按座位或站 立的顺序依次介绍。有时介绍者一时想不 起被介绍者的名字,被介绍音应主动自我 介绍。到法国人家里作客时别忘了带鲜花。
• 醒酒: 要分辨一瓶酒的变化最好的方式是开瓶后第一次倒2杯,
而先饮用一杯,另一杯则放置至最后才饮用,就能很清楚的感觉出来。 •
• 过酒(Decenting):过酒的方式,是将葡萄酒倒入醒酒瓶
(Decenter)的动作称为过酒 。葡萄酒会因过酒的动作而有机会与空气 接触,此时沉睡中的葡萄酒将立刻芳香四溢,味道也变的圆润了。
1、使用餐具最基本的原则是由外至内,完成一道菜后侍奉收去该份餐具, 按需要或会补上另一套刀叉。 2、吃肉类时(如牛扒)应从角落开始切,吃完一块再切下一块。遇到不吃 的部分或配菜,只需将它移到碟边。 3、如嘴里有东西要吐出来,应将叉子递到嘴边接出,或以手指取出,再 移到碟子边沿。整个过程要尽量不要引别人注意,之后自然地用餐便 可。 4、遇到豆类或饭一类的配菜,可以左手握叉平放碟上,叉尖向上,再以 刀子将豆类或饭轻拨到叉子上便可。若需要调味料但伸手又取不到, 可要求对方递给你,千万不要站起来俯前去取。 5、吃完抹手抹嘴切忌用餐巾大力擦,注意仪态用餐巾的一角轻轻印去嘴 上或手指上的油渍便可。 6、就算凳子多舒服,坐姿都应该保持正直,不要靠在椅背上面。进食时 身体可略向前靠,两臂应紧贴身体,以免撞到隔壁。 7、吃完每碟菜之后,如将刀叉四边放,又或者打交叉乱放,非常难看。 正确方法是将刀叉并排放在碟上,叉齿朝上。
谢谢 高二四班
• 日常餐酒VDT 葡萄酒(日餐餐酒葡萄酒)
• •
• 1.看。观其色泽--将酒倒在高脚杯中,握着杯脚, 看其色泽。 • 2.摇。轻轻摇荡—顺时针,(1)欣赏酒在酒杯 摇荡过程中飘逸的感觉,(2)让酒体与空气均与 的接触,进一步唤醒沉醉在酒体中的香气。 • 3.闻。 闻其香味--轻摇酒杯让香气释放出来,闻 其散发的香味。 • 4.品。 品尝--啜饮一小口,让酒在舌尖溶动,感 觉其味道及酸涩度。
• 法国红酒世界闻名,法国不但是全世界酿造最多 种葡萄酒的国家,也出产无数闻名于世的高级葡 萄酒,其口味种类极富变化。 •
• 法国生产的红酒有六大生产地包括波尔多 (Bordeaux)、布跟地(Burgundy)、香槟 (Champagne)以及阿尔萨斯(Alsace)、罗瓦河河 谷(Loire Valley) 、隆河谷地(Cotes du Phone)等 其中又以气候温和土壤富含铁质的波尔多产地最 具代表。