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1. 考试时间:60分钟满分:100分

2. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题纸一并交回。

3. 答题前,考生在答题纸上务必用黑色签字笔将自己的姓名填写清楚。


一、听句子,在每小题所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出句子中包含的信息,每个句子读一遍。(1*5=5分)( )1. A. date B. dear C. dark

( ) 2. A. family B. friendly C. finally

( ) 3. A. increasing B. including C. inside

( ) 4. A. July B. June C. January

( ) 5. A. Remember to lock the door!

B. Open the door, please!

C. Knock at the door before you enter.


( ) 6. A. It’s my honor. B. It doesn’t matter. C. All right.

( ) 7. A. It’s usually warm. B. It’s in spring. C. It’s in France.

( ) 8. A. Yes, it is. B. No, only 2 dollars. C. Too many.

( ) 9. A. Congratulations. B. Sorry to hear that. C. I hope you’ll enjoy your stay here. ( ) 10. A. He likes sports. B. He’s tall and thin. C. He’s a driver.


( ) 11.A. Thirteen dollars. B. Thirty dollars. C. Thirty pounds.

( ) 12. A. It’s wonderful. B. He dislikes it. C. It’s just so-so.

( ) 13. A. China. B. Brazil. C. America.

( ) 14. What will the boy probably do?

A. Call his best friend.

B. Visit his best friend.

C. Write a letter to his best friend.

( )15. A. Money. B. Music. C. Medicine.




①If you were a teardrop;In my 21. _______.

For fear of losing you,I would never 22. _______.

( ) 21. A. face B. eye C. mouth D. heart ( ) 22. A. lie B. dry C. cry D. smile

②Hold fast to dreams.

For if dreams die.

Life is a broken-winged 23. _______.

That can 24. _______ fly.

( ) 23. A. bird B. man C. fly D. elephant ( ) 24. A. always B. sometimes C. quickly D. never

③Higher,higher,will we 25. _______.

Up the mount of glory.

That our names may live 26. _______ time.

In our country's story.

( ) 25. A. jump B. climb C. run D. walk ( ) 26. A. through B. with C. to D. under


④Sing your way home at the close of the day.

Sing your way home. Drive the shadows 27. __________.

28. __________ every mile, for wherever you roam.

It will 29. __________ your road.

It will lighten your 30. __________.

If you sing your way home.

( ) 27. A. in B. away C. up D. down

( ) 28. A. Shout B. Dance C. Smile D. Cry

( ) 29. A. frighten B. threaten C. strengthen D. brighten

( ) 30. A. load B. throat C. joke D. note


( ) 31. Who drives ________, your sister or your brother?

A. the most carefully

B. more carefully

C. the most careful

D. more careful ( ) 32. --- How are you going to the railway station to meet your father ________ Sunday morning?

--- I'm going there ________ my car.

A. on; in

B. in; by

C. in; in

D. on; by ( ) 33.They never told us anything about their plan, so we didn't know why ________.

A. they go there

B. do they help you

C. they bought the bike

D. did they live there

() 34. --- What ________ sunny day it is!Let's go and visit ________ Browns, shall we?

--- OK.

A. a; /

B. / ; the

C. a; the

D. the; a ( ) 35. If she ________ New York this afternoon, I ________ New York, too.

A. goes to; go to

B. leaves for; will leave for

C. will visit; visit

D. will come to; will come to

( ) 36.--- ________ does Hector's uncle go to Moscow on business?

--- Never.

A. How often

B. How long

C. How far

D. How soon ( ) 37.--- Which of the two MP4 players are you going to buy?

--- I'll buy ________ of them, so I can give one to my friend.

A. all

B. both

C. none

D. everyone ( ) 38. It's too hot. Would you mind ________ the window?

A. to close

B. closed

C. opening

D. open

( ) 39. I usually watch television in the evening ________ I have to study for an examination.

A. unless

B. if

C. while

D. when ( ) 40. Do you still remember the teacher ______ taught us P.

E.in primary school?




D.whom ( ) 41. He hardly goes to school by car, ________ he?

A. does

B. doesn't

C. is

D. isn’t ( ) 42. Not only Kate but also Nick ________ raise some money for Project Hope.

A. want

B. wants

C. want to

D. wants to ( ) 43. ---Who is making much noise?

---It ________ be Timmy. He is sleeping now.

A. can’t

B. may not

C. mustn’t

D. couldn’t ( ) 44. She can’t help ________ the house because she’s busy making a cake.

A. to clean

B. cleaning

C. cleaned

( ) 45. ---Hello. May I speak to Tony?

---Hello. ________. He will answer you in a second.

A. Hold on, please

B. Sorry, you have the wrong number

C. I'm sure you can do well

D. We don't have Tony here


continuous 连续的glorious 光荣的

luxurious 奢华的harmonious 和谐的

cautious 谨慎的commodious 宽敞的

delicious 美味的curious 好奇的

precious 珍贵的previous 以前的

serious 严重的,认真的humorous 幽默的

() 46. Which word is about having a strong desire to know about something?

A. serious

B. humorous

C. precious

D. curious

( ) 47. __________ may have the same suffix(单词后缀)as the words shown above.

A. Danger

B. Act

C. Love

D. Care

( ) 48. The rain has been _________ since this morning.

A. cautious

B. harmonious

C. continuous

D. delicious

( ) 49. _________ experience is necessary for this job.

A. Commodious

B. Previous

C. Serious

D. Precious

( ) 50. Last summer vacation, we lived in a _________ hotel.

A. humorous

B. luxurious

C. previous

D. continuous

