




Morality is a pair of hands, pushing open the window in the heart; morality is a window; the window is a beautiful sky; morality is a sky; it is pregnant with countless pure hearts. Morality is a standard of behavior that is naturally formed in society and a standard of obtaining trust from others. Some people think that it is difficult to be a moral person. As long as you do it, you will find that it is very simple. Morality means honesty, keeping faith, and not seeking what you do not belong to you.

I remember once, I went to grandma's house by bus to the grandmother's birthday, I just find a place to sit down, he saw an old woman quivering onto the car, then the car has no vacancy, grandma's face a little worried, my heart ideal: I ought to the old seat? If I do, will someone say I'm a big shot? Don't give up

your seat. What if grandma stops and falls?. My mind is like a little angel and a little devil: the little angel said, "give your seat to the old man, and be a child to respect the old."." "Don't listen to her," said the little devil. "What if you let someone else say you're pushy?" Besides, how comfortable it is to sit here." The little angel said, "give your seat to the old man. Do not you always say that you should respect your elders in class?"" "No way!" "let!" "no way!" "let!" at this time, I suddenly thought of a thing: when I was in the first grade, my campus picked up 5 yuan of money, I will be handed over to the teacher, the teacher praised me is a Shijinbumei child. Although only 5 yuan of money, but, it left a very deep impression in my heart...... When I thought of it, I summoned my courage and said to my grandmother, "grandma, sit down here." the old lady said to me gratefully, "what a good boy!"." My heart is as sweet as honey. I decided to be a moral man later.

The morals converge into one mind, they illuminate the future, the road of confusion, the future belongs to us, so we must be a moral person, a moral chinese.


Problems have happened to everyone. For example, the problem of mathematics can not be written, the writing can not be written, and so on. The problem I have to say today is very different, because it is a moral problem.

It happened yesterday when school was over. It is a day of heavy, heavy rain, water everywhere, as if God was angry. As the bell rang, I walked out of the school with my classmates. In order to buy some materials needed in science, we went to the next stationery store to buy materials. Out of the shop door, I suddenly saw a rain on the ground has not yet soaked five yuan. I picked it up and looked closely at it. It was five yuan.

I think: with a person to buy a lollipop, or ask around people have not lost money? I was trapped by this moral dilemma. After some ideological struggle, I still think we should ask the people around there Diuqian, I was about to ask, the stationery store aunt came out, said: "this five yuan is the old man walking ahead of time to pay off, just go ahead, look, should be able to catch up with." Finally, the aunt added a sentence: "must run

to be able to catch up with Oh!"!"

After listening to my aunt, my classmates and I ran forward immediately. Finally, we saw two old uncles in the service corridor. I came up and asked one of them, and the five yuan was indeed his lost. I handed over the five yuan in my hand and gave it back to him. I said goodbye and went home.

After returning home, although my clothes were wet, I felt very happy. Because of good faith and credit, it was worth a lot of money. And because honesty is the passport of life, and honesty has enabled me to win in this contest.


Morality, like a lamp, lights the heart of every man. Morality, like a flaming fire, ignites the soul of every human being. If you keep your eyes open, you'll find that morality is with us.

What is morality? In fact, on the way to pick up a piece of small paper or help a disabled old man across the street, can reflect a person's moral value. If everyone has no morals, then the whole society will become very bad. Would you feel comfortable if you lived

in such an environment?

I have encountered such an example: once, I went to the bookstore with my mother to buy books. In the bookstore, many people are quietly choosing books and books in perfect silence. Suddenly, a couple for which to buy the book and quarreled loudly noisy up, many people have to cast them to look of reproach and dissatisfaction in the eyes, they are not very concerned about, but noisy, louder, bookstore administrators how to persuade useless. I found a lot of people running to quiet places. Visible, a small event caused serious consequences. If you think of others, you know that public occasions are not noisy, and change the way, the problem is not solved?

Morality is very important. Maybe it will affect your whole life. A person can not live without morality. Many successful people,


On Improving Students’ Network Morality As we all know, recently the problem of college students’ network morality is becoming serious gradually. We all can see that there are a lot of things, which are not health for our society. To our surprising, most of these things, like essays and photos, are put on the net by college students. Judging from that, we can learn how serious the problem is. However, what is the damage about the problem? I think it may make those things, which are not health for our society, custom and morality, expanded fast and extensively. As the Internet has become popular, the information is expanding fluently. We all can acquire information from the Internet. If somebody puts something, which is not very moral, it maybe has a bad effect on the society. Those people who read it will be the victim possibly. In my opinion, it will damage the custom of our country. It is the time to change it now. In order to improve students’network morality, we must make measures to strengthen the education about network morality. We


大学英语考试口语作文 Test 2 On Keeping a Diary in English Keeping a diary in English is one of the effective ways to improve our English writing ability. It can help us to cultivate the habit of thinking in English. If we persist in this practice, gradually we’ll learn how to express ourselves in English. In keeping a diary in English, we inevitably run up against a lot of difficulties. In the first place, it often happens that we have trouble finding appropriate words and phrases to give expression to our mind. Secondly, there are many idiomatic ways of saying things in Chinese. And it is extremely hard for us to put them into English properly. Certainly, there are some other roadblocks we may come across in our keeping a diary in English. As far as I’m concerned, my suggestion is that we should always have a notebook and a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach. Whenever something beats us, we can first put it down in our notebook and then consult our dictionary. We can also turn to our English teacher for help, if necessary. In short, I believe that it is of great use to keep a diary in English for the development of our writing skills. Test 3 Keeping Pets With the rise of people’s living standard, keeping pets is becoming a fashionable activity in China. More and more pet markets are set up across the nation, in which various kinds of pets are available. Over the past few years, even the prices of pets have been on the rise. Some people would spend several thousand yuan on a smart dog or a rare bird. If you are strolling along the streets in the evening, you’ll see a lot of people walking dogs. People keep pets for different reasons. For most families, pets are lovely, sensitive creatures with whom they are able to communicate. They keep them just for fun and pleasure. As for some adults, playing with their pets is their favorite form of relaxation after a day’s work. As for children, it seems that there are no better friends or companions they can find than a funny-looking dog or a clever cat. However, for some people, keeping pets is only a display of their wealth. By owning an expensive dog or bird, they intend to show off how wealthy they are. I, myself, don’t see anything wrong with keeping pets. I think the love that exists between us human and animals can be even more strongly felt while we are feeding a pet. It is this harmonious relationship between human and animals that contributes to the balance of nature. Test 4

Education and morality 教育与道德-英语作文

Education and morality 教育与道德-英语作文 Normally school education aims to cultivate students' abilities to learn and think. But more and more people realize that without the cultivation of moral norms and ethics, we can hardly expect a society to be nice enough for leading a harmonious life. As a result, schools should attach more attention to develop students’ character education, such as qualities of honesty and filial piety. Character education plays an important role in the development of future society. It meets the need of emphasizing a nd developing the students’ all-round qualities. In the long run, it protects students from being selfish, indifferent, conceited as well as impolite in their daily lives. What's more, it teaches students how to learn efficiently, how to live colourfully, how to do things seriously, for their own future, and also for the future of their motherland. 平时学校教育的目的是培养学生的学习水平和思考水平。但是, 越来越多的人意识到,没有道德规范和伦理道德的培养,我们很难指 望一个社会能够和谐生活的美好。所以,学校应重视培养学生的人格 教育,如诚实和孝顺的品质。 品格教育在未来社会发展中起着重要的作用。它符合强调和发展 学生的全面素质的需要。从长远来看,它能够保护学生免受自私、冷漠、自负以及日常生活中的不礼貌。更重要的是,教会学生如何有效 学习,如何生活丰富多彩,如何做事认真,对于自己的未来,也是祖 国的未来。


Unit 1 Sample 1 It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure, while optimism usually brings happiness, good health and success. Pessimists also make those around them very miserable. Therefore, pessimists should change their way of thinking and overcome the negative aspects of their personalities. Here are a few tips for them: 1. Try to smile more often. A smile has great power. It can chase sadness away. It will make you and other people feel happy. And it may even make things easier and better. Smiling in the morning makes a good beginning for the day. A smile is the most important sign of optimism. 2. Build up your self-confidence. Try to discover as many of your personal strengths as you can. Then write them all down. Read them several times when you are getting ready to do something or when you are facing difficulties. Your list will help you see your abilities. 3. Change your way of thinking. Don't always think that things will go wrong or that if they do there will be terrible results. Instead, convince yourself that things will improve and that you can work hard to help improve them. If you fail, think about what you have learned from the failure. If you succeed, praise yourself. Don't be too modest! There is nothing more encouraging than self-praise. Try your best to become an optimist. Sample 2 Are you an optimist or a pessimist? If you're a pessimist, here is some advice for you. As everyone knows, pessimism is harmful to people. It makes you unhappy and unhealthy, and even brings depression, loneliness and failure. Pessimists tend to suffer more failures and setbacks because they don't believe they can succeed and thus don't struggle for it. Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful. So it is good for you to change yourself from a pessimist to an optimist. Here are some suggestions for you to become an optimist: 1. Remember that everyone experiences failures and disappointments. So when you fail, don't blame yourself too much. It may not be your fault. 2. When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience instead of getting depressed. And next time, you can make your plans to be more successful. 3. When you fail, don't be discouraged. Try again. Don't let negative thoughts hold you back. Just give yourself another chance. So never give up just because you failed. Pessimism is harmful, but it can be changed. Trust yourself and try to adopt an optimistic attitude, and then you will be a winner in life more often. Unit 3 If I Were the Mayor of This City As the topic of the 2010 Expo --- “Bette r City, Better Life” indicates, the ultimate goal of making a city better is to make its people happier. So if I were the mayor of

【英语作文】关于助人为乐Should we help others in need_

关于助人为乐Should we help others in need? 1.现在经常有这样的现象发生:路上有人摔倒,没人敢上前帮忙。 2.这是人们的公德心缺失还是其他什么原因呢? 3.你对此有何看法? 【参考作文】 Helping others has always been a virtue in traditional Chinese culture.But what’s strange nowadays is that people dare not show their helping hands to those in need.I would like to elaborate my views on this issue. 乐于助人在中国传统文化中一直是一种美德。可是很奇怪 的是,现在的人都不敢伸出援手去帮助那些需要帮助的人Firstly,I think people’s moral sense has degraded.When egoism gains the upper hand,many people find it growingly hard to help others.Secondly,there is no denying that some tragic events turn out to be traps by people with evil intentions.So common people are becoming more risk-conscious and are more wary of traps and deceits. 首先,我认为人们的道德意识已经退化。当利己主义获得 了上风,许多人觉得越来越难去帮助别人。其次,毫无疑问一些不幸的事件结果证明是有着不良目的的陷阱。因此,老百姓


原文段落 Unit 1 I suspect not everyone who loves the country would be happy living the way we do. It takes a couple of special qualities. One is a tolerance for solitude. Because we are so busy and on such a tight budget, we don't entertain much. During the growing season there is no time for socializing anyway. Jim and Emily are involved in school activities, but they too spend most of their time at home.? The other requirement is energy -- a lot of it. The way to make self-sufficiency work on a small scale is to resist the temptation to buy a tractor and other expensive laborsaving devices. Instead, you do the work yourself. The only machinery we own (not counting the lawn mower) is a little three-horsepower rotary cultivator and a 16-inch chain saw.? Unit 2 Yet this stop was only part of a much larger mission for me. Josiah Henson is but one name on a long list of courageous men and women who together forged the Underground Railroad, a secret web of escape routes and safe houses that they used to liberate slaves from the American South. Between 1820 and 1860, as many as 100,000 slaves traveled the Railroad to freedom.? In October 2000, President Clinton authorized $16 million for the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center to honor this first great civil-rights struggle in the U. S. The center is scheduled to open in 2004 in Cincinnati. And it's about time. For the heroes of the Underground Railroad remain too little remembered, their exploits still largely unsung. I was intent on telling their stories. Unit 3 It has been replaced by dead-bolt locks, security chains, electronic alarm systems and trip wires hooked up to a police station or private guard firm. any suburban families have sliding glass doors on their patios, with steel bars elegantly built in so no one can pry the doors open.? It is not uncommon, in the most pleasant of homes, to see pasted on the windows small notices announcing that the premises are under surveillance by this security force or that guard company.? The lock is the new symbol of America. Indeed, a recent public-service advertisement by a large insurance company featured not charts showing how much at risk we are, but a picture of a child's bicycle with the now-usual padlock attached to it.?? Unit 4 He had impressive powers of concentration. Einstein's sister, Maja, recalled "...even when there was a lot of noise, he could lie down on the sofa, pick up a pen and paper, precariously balance an inkwell on the backrest and engross himself in a problem so much that the background noise stimulated rather than disturbed him." Einstein was clearly intelligent, but not outlandishly more so than his peers. "I have no special talents," he claimed, "I am only passionately curious." And again: "The contrast between the popular assessment of my powers ... and the reality is simply grotesque." Einstein credited his discoveries to imagination and pesky questioning more so than orthodox intelligence. Unit 5 The Reverend Nelson wrote that his decades as a "simple, old-fashioned principal" had ended with schools undergoing such swift changes that he had retired in self-doubt. "I heard more of what I had done wrong than what I did right," he said, adding that my letter had brought him welcome reassurance that his career had been appreciated.? A glance at Grandma's familiar handwriting brought back in a flash memories of standing alongside her white rocking chair, watching her "settin' down" some letter to relatives. Character by character, Grandma would slowly accomplish one word, then the next, so that a finished page would consume hours. I wept over the page representing my Grandma's recent hours invested in expressing her loving gratefulness to me -- whom she used to diaper!? Unit 6 Old Behrman was a painter who lived on the ground floor beneath them. He was past sixty and had a long, white beard curling down over his chest. Despite looking the part, Behrman was a failure in art. For forty years he had been always about to paint a masterpiece, but had never yet begun it. He earned a little by serving as a model to those young artists who could not pay the price of a professional. He drank gin to excess, and still talked of his coming masterpiece. For the rest he was a fierce little old man, who mocked terribly at softness in any one, and who regarded himself as guard dag to the two young artists in the studio above.? Sue found Behrman smelling strongly of gin in his dimly lighted studio below. In one corner was a blank canvas on an easel that had been waiting there for twenty-five years to receive the first line of the masterpiece. She told him of Johnsy’s fancy, and how she feared she would, indeed, light and fragile as a leaf herself, when her slight hold upon the world grew weaker.Old Behrman, with his red eyes, plainly streaming, shouted his contempt for such foolish imaginings. Unit 7 His mind was trapped in a body that didn't work. Speaking was difficult and took time. People were impatient and didn't listen. He felt different -- was different -- from the kids who rushed about in the halls and planned dances he would never attend.? What could his future be? Porter wanted to do something and his mother was certain that he could rise above his limitations. With her encouragement, he applied for a job with the Fuller Brush Co. only to be turned down. He couldn't carry a product briefcase or walk a route, they said.? Porter knew he wanted to be a salesman. He began reading help wanted ads in the newspaper. When he saw one for Watkins, a company that sold household products door-to-door, his mother set up a meeting with a representative. The man said no, but Porter wouldn't listen. He just wanted a chance. The man gave in and offered Porter a section of the city that no salesman wanted.? 句子翻译 1.We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it is fairly minor.我们的计算机系统出了毛病,但 我觉得问题比较小。 2.My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took over responsibility for my upbringing at that point.父亲去世 的时候我还小,不能独立生活。就在那时,家乡的父 老接过了养育我的责任。 3.the toys have to meet strict safety requirements before they can be sold to children.这些玩具必得在达到严格 的安全要求后才可出售给儿童。 4.Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of new and opinion. 作为新闻和舆论的载体,广播和电视补充了而不是替 代了报纸。 5.When it comes to this magazine, it is a digest of articles from many newspapers and magazines around the world.至于这本杂志,它刊载世界各地许多报纸杂 志上文章的摘要。 6.Though greatly affected by the consequences of the global financial crisis, we are still confident that we can face up to the challenge and overcome the crisis.虽然受 到全球金融危机的后果的巨大影响,但是我们仍然相 信我们能够面对挑战,克服危机。 7.Under threat of constant sand storms, we were compelled to leave our cherished village and move to


关于道德英语的作文 道德,指衡量行为正当的观念标准,是指一定社会调整人们之间以及个人和社会之间关系的行为规范的总和。下面就是小编整理的道德英语作文,一起来看一下吧。 1道德英语作文 Morality is a pair of hands, pushing open the window in the heart; morality is a window; the window is a beautiful sky; morality is a sky; it is pregnant with countless pure hearts. Morality is a standard of behavior that is naturally formed in society and a standard of obtaining trust from others. Some people think that it is difficult to be a moral person. As long as you do it, you will find that it is very simple. Morality means honesty, keeping faith, and not seeking what you do not belong to you. I remember once, I went to grandma's house by bus to the grandmother's birthday, I just find a place to sit down, he saw an old woman quivering onto the car, then the car has no vacancy, grandma's face a little worried, my heart ideal: I ought to the old seat? If I do, will someone say I'm a big shot? Don't give up


【实用】大学英语作文300字三篇 大学英语作文300字三篇 在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?下面是收集整理的大学英语作文300字3篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 大学英语作文300字篇1Dear John, I’m so glad to hear you will come to my country to learn Chinese in this winter holiday. I think it is the best way to improve your Chinese. When you get here, you may go to a Chinese language school. Remember to speak Chinese as much as possible in class. You can read some Chinese newspapers or books. You can see some famous Chinese films or listen to the radio in Chinese. It can improve your listening. Besides that(除此之外), how about writing to me in ChineseIt is good for your writing. I hope I can give you some help. See you soon. Yours, Lin Tao 大学英语作文300字篇2 After passing the 20xx College Entrance Examination, I find my name in the enrolling list


原文: 道德与教育 每个人都认识到国力的强大依靠教育。教育水平越高,国家就越强盛,这是千真万确的。 但我的观点是,为了国家的强盛,单独的教育是不够的,教育与道德应双管齐下,不能偏颇。道德与教育是国家的基石,缺少任何一个,成功都是不可能的。没有道德的教育是危险的,而没有教育的道德是有害的。 译文: Morality and Education It is recognized by everybody that the strength of a country depends upon its educa tion. The higher the education standards, the stronger the country becomes. That is true indeed. But my opinion is that, in order to make a country strong, education alone is not sufficient. It should go side by side with morality.. Morality and education are the foundation of a country. The absence of either makes success impossible. Education without morality is dangerous. Morality without education is also harmful. (汉语)我曾经读过意大利诗人但丁说的一句话:“一个知识不全的人可以用道德去弥补,而一个道德不全的人却难以用知识去弥补。”这句话让我明白了知识与道德的关系,也感觉到道德的重要性。 其实,“道德”就是在别人有困难的时候,伸出你的援助之手。在地震中还有些人幸运的活了下来,他们感受到了生命的脆弱一面。看着一片片废墟,有人在呼唤着自己的母亲,这个时候他的母亲或许已不在人世,但他还要对他的母亲心怀感恩。在地震的面前,我们中国人并没有气馁,面对一片片废墟,我们仍然努力去寻找生命的光芒。 现在开始,从自己开始,自觉地做道德建设的宣传者、实践者和捍卫者,做一个有道德的人。 (英语)I have read the Italian poet Dante said of the sentence: "A person can use incomplete knowledge to make up for morality, but a moral failure of the people it is hard to make up with knowledge." This sentence made me understand the knowledge and ethics relations, and also felt the importance of ethics. In fact, the "morality" is other people have a difficult time, extend your helping hand. Some people in the earthquake also lucky survived, they feel that life is fragile side. Watching a film ruins, someone calling his mother, this time his mother may have been dead, but he also grateful hearts of his mother.
