






















其 他两 种功 能 的。译者 首先 应确 定文本 的主导 功能 然 后有 针对性 地采 用相 应 的翻译 策略 。
( ) 游 材 料 文 本 分 类 旅 游 材 料 文 本 分
Da n 1 9 ) 据 旅 行 阶 段 的 不 同 把 旅 行 文 本 n (9 6根 分 为 旅 行 前 ( r - t i ) 旅 行 中 ( n -rp 和 旅 行 后 p e rp 、 o , ti) - ( 0 t ti ) 本 。 由 于 不 同 功 能 的 文 本 采 取 的 翻 p s — rp 文 译 方法 不 同 , 此 首 先 对 原 文 文本 进 行 文本 功能 分 因 析是 翻译 的基 础 也 是 翻 译 过 程 必 不 可 少 的步 骤 之

要 : 游材 料的翻译属 于实用 翻译 , 目的性较 强的跨 文化交 际活动。 由于旅 游业 的复杂性 , 旅 是 各种旅 游文
本 的功能和 目的也不尽相 同, 这就要求译者在 翻译各 类旅 游文本 时要在分析 文本功 能 的基 础上选择 最佳 的翻译策 略。变译理论 , 使译者 不再拘 泥于全译 , 以采用各种变通 手段, 可 灵活地进行 翻译 。 关键 l 文本 功能; 司: 变译理论 ; 翻译 策略 文章 编号 :7 —7 O 1 —4 2 (0 1O —1 5 3 9 8 —8 7 2 O —3 2 1 ) 6 5 一O
第 2 卷 第 6期 9
V0. 9 No 6 12 , .
西 安 社 会 科 学
Xia o iI ce c ’ n S ca in e S
21 年 1 01 2月
De ., 2 c 011
变译 理论 视 角 下旅 游 材 料 的英 译
魏 淑 静
( 曲阜 师 范大 学 山 东 日照 262 ) 786



- 232-校园英语 / 翻译研究步子。














参考文献:[1]Clair Mcfall.The Ferry Man[M].Templar Publishing,2013:63- 66.[2]蔡力坚.论翻译的选词[J].中国翻译,2016,(01):117-120.[3]曹明伦.谈翻译中的语言变体和语域分析[J].中国翻译,2007, (05):87-88.[4]黄忠廉.达:严复翻译思想体系的灵魂-严复变译思想考之一[J].中国翻译,2016,(01):34-39.[5]杰里米•芒迪.李德凤,译.翻译学导论:理论与应用[M].外语教学与研究出版社,2014.[6]克莱尔•麦克福尔.付强,译.摆渡人[M].百花洲文艺出版社, 2015:95-100.[7]刘延玫.从目的论的角度下看商务英语翻译[D].河北师范大学,2012.作者简介:罗钦芳(1993.3-),女,汉族,江西萍乡人,就读于上海对外经贸大学国际商务外语学院翻译硕士,研究方向:英语笔译。



高等教育Background informationChina's tourism industry has enjoyed a rapid and sustained development in recent years. According to the statistics from the National Tourism Administration of China in 2015, tourism industry accounted for 10.8% in the overall growth of the national economy. Moreover China has become the largest outbound tourist source country and the fourth largest inbound tourist reception country in the world.Guizhou, a southeast province of China, boasting rich resources for tourism, has attained a rapid progress in its economy as well. Tourism industry has become one of its pillar industries in the overall development of economy. Its exceptional geographical location, pleasant climate and abundant tourism resources all contribute to its strategic development, particularly in tourism industry. Southeast Guizhou, a well preserved wonderland of nature, incorporating beautiful landscape with mountains and rivers has become an ideal tourism destination for tourists both at home and abroad.This thesis is to analyze the C-E translation of tourism texts of Xijiang Miao Village from the perspective of translation variation theory so as to verify the guiding role of the above-mentioned theory in appropriate translation of tourism translation.Theory of this study — Translation Variation TheoryIn the late 20th Century and the early 21st century, scholars of translation fields at home and abroad attached great importance to practices and studies of translation variation. After thirty years’ study, Translation Variation Theory was established at he turn of the present century (Huang, 2011:101)and finally proposed by Professor Huang Zhonglian in 2002.According to him, Translation, in the traditional sense, falls into complete translation and translation variation. (Huang, 2009:116)Translators are entitled to adopt strategies namely addition, omission, interpretation, adaptation and rewriting for the purpose of achieving the best effect in cross-cultural communication.Currently, studies made with Translation Variation Theory mainly lie in fields of Translation and Interpretation of news report, film subtitling, political essays and literature works. Some scholars have already applied it to the study of tourism translation. Hoverer the relevant studies in regard with Tourism translation of Guizhou are far from enough. This is why this thesis is to carry out a study in this aspect. Moreover, this thesis is desired to verify the effect of the 本文系贵州省教育厅高校人文社科学研究规划项目《变译理论关照下贵州跨文化旅游英译研究—以贵州黔东南自治州旅游翻译为例》(编号13GH012)部分研究成果。



翻译适应选择论视角下的旅游景点文本英译探析The Exploratory Analysis of English Translation of Tourism Destination Text from the Perspective of Adaptation Selection TheoryAdaptation Selection Theory (AST) asserts that language is subject to selective pressure in three steps: input, intake, and output. In the context of foreign language translation, the translator functions as the language processor, who must adapt the original text to the target culture while maintaining sufficient resemblance to the source text.Tourism destination text is a crucial informationsource for tourists who seek to learn about their destination. The way such information is conveyed can influence the tourists' view of the place and theirdecision to visit. Thus, it is critical that translation accurately conveys the message while adapting to thecultural differences between the source and target language.This study aimed to explore the English translation of Chinese tourism destination text from the perspective of adaptation selection theory. By analyzing typical Chinese tourism destination texts and their English translations, this study aimed to investigate the adaptation strategies used in their translations.The study found that the translation of tourism destination texts from Chinese to English involves a rangeof adaptation strategies, including borrowing, literal translation, semantic translation and free translation.Borrowing is the adaptation strategy where foreign words or expressions are transliterated or directly transferred into the target language. It is commonly used in the translation of Chinese names and terms which do not have a direct equivalent in English. For example, \。



从翻译美学视角研究中文景点介绍性文本的英译的开题报告Title: A Study of Translating Chinese Tourist Attraction Descriptions from the Perspective of Translation AestheticsIntroduction:As the world becomes more interconnected, tourism has become an increasingly important sector of the global economy. With the growing number of international travelers, the need for the effective translation of tourist attraction descriptions has become more pressing. In China, there are many famous tourist attractions with unique cultural and historical backgrounds that are increasingly attracting international visitors. Therefore, there is a great demand for high-quality translations of these descriptions.However, translating tourist attraction descriptions is not a simple task. Tourist attraction descriptions usually contain various elements, including cultural information, historical background, natural beauty, and other features. Therefore, translators need to have skills in both language and cultural understanding to accurately convey the meaning of the original text.Moreover, translation is not only about conveying the meaning of the original text but also about creating a text that is aesthetically appealing to the target audience. Therefore, it is important to study the translation of tourist attraction descriptions from the perspective of translation aesthetics.Objectives:This study aims to:1. Investigate the characteristics of Chinese tourist attraction descriptions, focusing on their cultural, historical, and natural elements.2. Explore the challenges of translating Chinese tourist attraction descriptions and the strategies used to overcome them.3. Analyze the translated versions of Chinese tourist attraction descriptions from the perspective of translation aesthetics, focusing on factors such as readability, coherence, and accuracy.4. Investigate the impact of translation on the promotion and marketing of Chinese tourist attractions to foreign visitors.Methodology:This research will use a qualitative approach, including document analysis and case studies. Tourist attraction descriptions from popular Chinese tourist sites, such as the Great Wall, the Terracotta Army, and the Forbidden City will be collected and analyzed. Translation strategies and techniques used in translating these descriptions will be identified. Translations of these descriptions will be evaluated based on their readability, coherence, and accuracy.Significance:This study will provide valuable insights into the translation of tourist attraction descriptions from the perspective of translation aesthetics. It will provide practical guidance for translators to produce high-quality translations of Chinese tourist attraction descriptions. Moreover, the study will identify effective translation strategies that can be used to overcome the challenges of translating cultural, historical, and natural aspects of tourist attraction descriptions. Finally, the research will contribute to the promotion of Chinese tourist attractions to foreign visitors by providing high-quality and aesthetically pleasing translations.References:Chen, J. (2009). The Aesthetic Quality of Chinese-to-English Translation. Journal of Literature and Art Studies, 6(1), 1-5.Li, D., & Zhang, C. (2016). A Study on Tourist Attraction Description Translation from the Perspective of Translation Aesthetics. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 7(6), 1141-1147.Zhang, X. (2011). Cultural Differences and Translation Strategies of Tourist Attractions. Journal of Language and Translation, 7(3), 86-90.。




本文以Hans Vermeer的目的论为指导,从目的论的三个原则出发,以宁波旅游翻译为具体文本,简要探讨旅游翻译的一些策略,以期更好地实现旅游文本的功能。





最初,凯瑟琳娜·莱斯(Katharina Reise)把“功能”范畴引入翻译批评,提出了功能派理论思想的雏形。

莱斯以等值理论为基础,提出理想的翻译应该使译文和原文在概念内容(conceptual content)、语言形式(linguistic form)和交际功能(communication function)上实现对等。


莱斯的学生汉斯·弗米尔(Hans Vermeer)将翻译研究从原文中心论的束缚中解放出来,于1978年出版了《普通翻译理论框架》(Framework for a General Translation Theory),成为目的论(Skopos Theory)的基础。







浅谈变译理论指导下的旅游文本汉译研究发布时间:2022-10-13T05:27:47.903Z 来源:《教育学文摘》2022年6月第11期作者:杨宁宁[导读] 随着全球化、国际化的日益加深,以及交通方式和科学技术的发展,中外文化交流日益频繁,国际旅游业也越来越受到欢迎。


杨宁宁(青岛大学外语学院,山东青岛 266000)[摘要]随着全球化、国际化的日益加深,以及交通方式和科学技术的发展,中外文化交流日益频繁,国际旅游业也越来越受到欢迎。













变译理论视角下旅游文本101 Places to Visit Before You Die(节选)翻

变译理论视角下旅游文本101 Places to Visit Before You Die(节选)翻

变译理论视角下旅游文本101 Places to Visit BeforeYou Die(节选)翻译报告变译理论视角下旅游文本《101 Places to Visit Before You Die(节选)》翻译报告一、引言旅游是现代社会中备受欢迎的休闲活动之一。


本文选取《101 Places to Visit Before You Die(节选)》一书的部分内容,以变译理论为视角,对其进行翻译分析和研究,以期探讨翻译过程中的文化因素和交际目的。

二、研究目的本研究旨在通过分析《101 Places to Visit Before You Die(节选)》这本旅游文本的翻译过程,探讨在不同语言和文化背景下的翻译策略和困难,并从变译理论的角度进行分析和研究,进一步理解翻译对旅游文本的传播和接受的影响。



四、翻译分析本次翻译报告选取了《101 Places to Visit Before You Die(节选)》一书的部分内容,将其翻译为中文,然后进行分析和讨论。

1. 埃菲尔铁塔(Eiffel Tower)原文翻译:"The Eiffel Tower, renowned as the 'Iron Lady' of France, is a global iconic symbol and a must-visit attraction when you’re in Paris."翻译参考:"埃菲尔铁塔,法国著名的'铁夫人',是巴黎的一座全球标志性建筑,是你来巴黎必访的景点之一。



变译理论视角下旅游材料的英译Translation of Tourism Material from the Perspective of Variational Translation TheoryIntroductionTourism is a significant industry that contributes to economic growth and cultural exchange. As a result, the demandfor high-quality translations of tourism material has increased. This paper focuses on the translation of tourism material fromthe perspective of variational translation theory. Variational translation theory emphasizes the importance of context, culture, and variations in language use. By applying this theory, translators can produce translations that capture the original meaning while also considering the target culture and language. This paper will discuss the principles and strategies of translating tourism material using variational translation theory.Principles of Variational Translation TheoryVariational translation theory is based on the belief that language is dynamic and constantly changing due to various factors, such as culture, society, and individual preferences. Therefore, a translated text should not merely be a reproduction of the source text, but rather a new text that caters to the target audience's linguistic and cultural expectations. Thefollowing principles guide the application of variational translation theory in the translation of tourism material.1. Contextual Understanding: Translators must first understand the context in which the tourism material will be used. This includes the target audience, purpose of the translation, and cultural expectations. By understanding the context, translators can adapt their translation approach to cater to the specific needs of the target audience.2. Cultural Adaptation: Translating tourism material involves more than just linguistic transfer; it also requires cultural adaptation. Translators should consider the cultural norms, values, and customs of the target audience to ensure that the translated material is culturally appropriate. This may involve making adjustments to names of landmarks, local customs, or even the tone and style of the text to resonate with the target culture.3. Variation in Language Use: Translators should be aware of the variations in language use across different regions and social groups. This includes variations in vocabulary, grammar, and idiomatic expressions. By considering these variations, translators can create translations that are linguistically accurate and appealing to the target audience.Strategies for Translating Tourism MaterialTo effectively translate tourism material using variational translation theory, translators can employ the following strategies:2. Use Literal and Figurative Language: Translators should be mindful of the use of literal and figurative language in the source text. They should aim to retain the intended meaning while considering the cultural nuances of the target language. Translating idiomatic expressions requires careful consideration of the equivalent expressions in the target language to maintain the original flavor of the text.3. Collaborate with Native Speakers: Working closely with native speakers of the target language can provide valuable insights into the language and culture. Native speakers can help translators identify appropriate terminology, ensure cultural accuracy, and assist in creating translations that resonate with the target audience.ConclusionTranslation of tourism material requires a nuanced approach that takes into account context, culture, and variations in language use. The application of variational translation theory provides a framework for producing translations that capture the essence of the source text while also adapting to the expectations of the target audience. By considering the principles and strategies outlined in this paper, translatorscan deliver high-quality translations that promote tourism and cultural exchange.。

目的论视角下旅游景点名称的英译分析 开题报告

目的论视角下旅游景点名称的英译分析 开题报告

学生姓名:王子龙学号:专业班级:商务英语201704 毕业论文(设计)题目:目的论视角下旅游景点名称的英译分析
毕业论文(设计)时间:自 2020 年 9 月 20 日开始至 2021 年 3 月 10日止1.毕业论文(设计)主要内容与要求
[1] 选题类型:(1)生产实践;(2)工程设计;(3)实验研究;(4)理论分析;(5)文献综述;(6)调查研究;(7)理论应用;(8)其他。

[2] 选题来源:(1)教师科研相关;(2)联系生产实际;(3)解决社会现实问题;(4)其他。

指导教师(签名):_______ _____ 日期:__________________ 系(教研室)主任(签名):____ ____ ____ 日期:__________________ 主管院长(签名):________ _ ___ 日期:__________________










本文正是通过应用传播学领域的主要理论一信息论,对旅游资料的翻译问题进行探讨和研究的,通过分析旅游资料汉译英中所存在的问题, 借助信息论展开针对性的探讨,提出解决问题的翻译方法。








2322019年40期总第480期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS变译理论视角下的黔南州旅游资料英译策略文/郭飞燕分析变译理论的具体应用。




译文:Baizi Bridge, a seven-arch stone bridge, 140 metersin length and eight meters in width, is located in the middle of the Jianjiang River. Tang Wen, a former resident of the city, had it built in 1786, the fifty-first year of the Qing EmperorQianlong’s reign(韦建华,2009:24).乾隆是清朝的第六位皇帝,中国人都耳熟能详,汉语中没必要做过多解释,但外国人可能就没有什么概念。






译文:The Shuichunhe River Valley lies in the upperreaches of the scenic section, on whose sides rise perilous peaks which face each other. Here there are views of roaring water, gorges standing motionless, shaded areas, steep rocks,and snow-white waves(韦建华,2009:54).汉语喜欢用四字成语来渲染氛围,突出美感。









二、研究目的及方法本研究旨在从功能翻译理论视角出发,深入剖析旅游文本翻译的特点、规律和实践应用,具体研究目标如下:1. 分析旅游文本翻译中的语用特点:旅游文本翻译中除了要进行准确的语言转换,还要考虑到情感表达、文化符号和目的地特色等因素,本研究将通过案例分析和文献调研等方法,深入探究旅游文本翻译的语用特点。

2. 探讨功能翻译理论在旅游文本翻译中的适用性:功能翻译理论是翻译研究中的主要理论之一,本研究将分析其在旅游文本翻译中的适用性,并探究如何将其运用于实践中。

3. 建立旅游文本翻译质量评估体系:旅游文本翻译的质量直接关系到旅游产业的发展和形象的塑造,为了提升旅游文本翻译的品质和水平,本研究将建立基于功能翻译理论视角的旅游文本翻译质量评估体系。




具体预期成果如下:1. 形成关于旅游文本翻译的语用特点、规律及其实践应用的相关理论与方法;2. 探讨功能翻译理论在旅游文本翻译中的适用性,并针对性地制定实践策略;3. 建立基于功能翻译理论视角的旅游文本翻译质量评估体系,丰富旅游翻译领域的质量评估体系。



例如 : 刘 备 章 武 三 年 病 死 于 白帝 城 永 安 宫 .五 月 运 回成 “ 都 , 月 葬 于 惠 陵 ” 八 “ 都武 侯 祠 ” 叠 式 导 游 图 成 折 这 句 话 在 中 国人 看 来 浅 显 易 懂 . 为 中 国人 都 深 知 三 国 因 历 史 .但 如果 直译 过 去 要 外 国人 读 懂 却 并 非 易 事 “ 章武 三 年 ” “ 帝城 永 安 宫 ” 都 是 中 国历 史 上 的 年 代 和 地 名 , 加 、白 等 不 译 注外 国人 是 不 可 能理 解 的 。并 且 刘 备 永 安 宫 托 孤 一 事 也 非 两 句 话 就能 说 清 楚 。要 是 在 其 他 读 物 里 可 以 用 译 者 注 的 办 法 来 讲 清 楚 这 些 中 国 历 史 知 识 , 武 侯 祠 导 游 图 . 字 不 足 而 文 千 , 似 这 样 的 历 史 知 识 还 很 多 , 可 能 加 上 比 正 文 还 长 类 不 的译 者 注 。 因 此 , 能 在 不 改 变 原 作 原 意 的 原 则 下 , 行 改 只 进 译 . 成: 译 LuB i ido lesi 2 t rs n a e gi u . i e e fl s 2 3a e e t d yF n i Co n d in n p 2 e
— —

t , i h a r vn e a dwa u id h r es me y a . y S c u nP o i c , n s re e e i t a e r b nh 2 编 述 .
例 如 : 满树 金 花 、 香 四 溢 的金 桂 : 自如 雪 、 气 扑 鼻 的 “ 芳 花 香 银 桂 : 里透 黄 、 多 味 浓 的 紫 砂 桂 : 色 似 银 、 季 有 花 的 四 红 花 花 季 季 桂 ; 相开 放 , 竞 争妍 媲美 。 入桂 林 公园 , 进 阵阵桂 香 扑鼻 而来 。 ”


进 行简单的罗列 , 表达 直观 , 通俗易懂 。而 中文 在表述旅游 景
观时则 充分体现 了汉 语博 大精 深 的语 言艺术 , 强调 “ 意与境 混” 的文学境界 , 对景 观 的描 述往往 脱离其 本源 , 更 多的加 入
对景物 的内在 意蕴的描述。变译理论融合 了中西方 对景观 的
形式 ; 其次 , 变译是翻译者可 以根据读者 的不同需求 去设计不 同的翻译手段 , 使用包括 扩充 、 取舍 、 补充、 说 明等各种 手段将 原文中的核心思想和 内容或部 分 内容提 取 出来 的翻译活 动 ; 第三 , 变译是 目前普遍存 在并 使用的一种翻译 活动 , 有 多种形
第2 1 4卷 1 期 0 1 3年 第 3月
长沙铁道学 院学报 ( 社会科 学版 )
Mi l l " . 2 O 1 3
Vo 1 . 1 4 No . 1
变译 理 论 在 旅 游 资料 翻 译 中的应 用
丁 闯
( 辽 宁对外 经贸学院公共 外语教研 部 , 辽 宁 大连 1 1 6 0 5 2 )
德国功能派 翻译 理 论 的主要 倡 导者 克里 斯 蒂安 ・ 诺 德 ( C h i f s t i a n e N o r d ) 指出: “ 特定 翻译 任务 的 目的可能要 求 自由 翻译或忠实翻译 , 或介 于两者之间 , 它取决于翻译 目的。 ” 对于
旅 游资料来 说 , 既要让游客 了解旅游 资源 中原本 的真实描述 ,

要: 在 翻译 中, 旅游资料的翻译是 实用性较 强 的应 用 。其 用途一 方面在 于能够 成为 国外游客旅 游过 程 中的“ 导游” 和
“ 助手 ” , 另一 方面, 对我 国的旅游项 目起到 良好 的推介作 用。要 想使 它发 挥 出应 有的作 用, 关键 在 于翻译 的质量 。变译是翻 译







































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Writing Time
From Feb, 2014 to May, 2014
1. Rationale and Significance of the Proposed Study
With the further strengthening of foreign exchange in recent years, China tourism industry is booming. Every year, there are numbers of foreign tourist come to China. Purpose of translating tourism material into English is to provide travel information to foreigners and let them know the natural landscapes and cultural features of travel destination. But in order to exert its function, the key is the translation quality. However, due to the difference of language, culture and thinking mode of translator, how to exactly convey the idea of tourism material has become a challenge for translator. Therefore, translating tourism material into English has been a research for translator. And the application of translation variation theory has played a significant role in research and study in translation.
3.3 Summary
4 Case Analysis
4.1 Translation Strategy in Tourism Material Translation
4.2 The Application of Translatiion Variation Theory in Tourism Material Translation
2. Literature Review (Background)
Domestic studies on tourism material translation mainly discussed from the perspective of functional translation theory, culture, Skopostherie, text typology, etc.
6. Outline/Organization of the Proposed Study
1 Introduction
1.1 Significance and Rationale
1.1.1 Significance of Translating Tourism Material into English
5. Theoretical Framework
Translation variation theory first appeared on the bookTranslation Variation Theory(2001) written by Huang Zhonglian. It extends the range of translation theory, which provides theoretical framework and evidence to all kinds of variation methods. Translation variation is a translating activity to use addition, deletion, editing, narration, condensation, combination and adaptation to translate the source material. This dissertation will use examples to discuss the application of the seven device of translation variation theory in tourism material.
3. Aims and Objectives/Research Questions/Problems to be Investigated
1. The content of translation variation theory
2. The application of translation variation theory in tourism material translation
But as for the application of translation variation theory, Liu (2011) thought translation variation theory was a suitable and effective way for tourism material translation through her analysis of Xinjiang tourism material. In Wei’s (2011) opinion, translation variation theory could let translators not adhere to full translation, instead, they could use all kinds of devices to translate flexible. Chou (2009) thought translation variation theory led a proper direction for tourism material translation. Although target translation is different with the source one, it is good for acceptance and readability. Gu (2010) used translation variation theory to discuss how to choose the source material based on aesthetic needs and reading habit.
4. Methodology and Data Collection
1. Literature Study.
On the basis of the dissertation title, Searching for articles and books to know the historical and current situation about tourism material translation, and form a general image about it. In consequence, it can comprehensively and exactly know the related question about tourism material translation.
1.1.3 Significance of Translation Variation Theory
1.2 Research Questions
1.3 Organization of the Thesis
2 Literature Review
2.1 Review on Tourism Material Translation
2. Qualitative Analysis.
Qualitative analysis is to analyze the quality of tourism material translation. Using induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis and abstract and generalization to reproduce the acquired materials, which in order to realize the essence of tourism material and uncover the inherent law of tourism material translation.
4.2.1 Addition
4.2.2 Deletion
4.2.3 Editing
4.2.4 Narration
4.2.5 Condensation
4.2.6 Combination
4.2.7 Adaptation
4.3 Summary
5 Conclusion
5.1 Findings of the Study
5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Studies
7. Tentative Conclusion and Potential Difficulties
This dissertation will illustrate how to applicate the translation variation theory into tourism material translation. In the meantime, it will specifically explain what is translation variation therory and the main content of it.