



fidic国际合同范本FIDIC国际合同范本一、合同概述1. 甲方(雇主):____________________(名称)2. 乙方(承包商):____________________(名称)二、定义1. 工程项目:指甲方委托乙方承担的工程建设项目,包括但不限于设计、施工、调试、验收等阶段。

2. 合同总价:指甲方支付给乙方的全部款项,包括但不限于工程款、材料款、人工费等。

3. 工期:指甲方和乙方约定的工程完成时间。

4. 设计变更:指甲方在工程实施过程中对原设计方案进行的修改。

5. 索赔:指甲方或乙方在合同执行过程中,因对方违约或不可抗力等原因,向对方提出的经济补偿要求。

三、合同1. 工程项目及合同总价(1)乙方按照甲方提供的工程设计文件,承担本合同约定的工程项目。


a. 工程款:______(币种及金额)b. 材料款:______(币种及金额)c. 人工费:______(币种及金额)d. 其他费用:______(币种及金额)2. 工期(1)乙方应在合同签订后______日内完成工程项目。


3. 设计变更(1)甲方有权在工程实施过程中对设计方案进行变更。



4. 索赔a. 对方违约b. 不可抗力c. 其他双方约定的情况(2)索赔应在发生索赔事件后______日内提出,并提供相关证据。


5. 工程验收(1)乙方应在工程完成后向甲方提交验收报告。






第一条工程概况1.1 工程名称:______(工程名称)1.2 工程地点:______(工程地点)1.3 工程范围:______(工程范围)第二条合同价格与支付2.1 合同价格:本合同总价为人民币______元(大写:______元整),以下简称“合同价格”。

2.2 支付方式:甲方按以下方式向乙方支付合同价格:(1)预付款:合同签订后______日内,甲方支付乙方合同价格的______%作为预付款;(2)进度款:乙方完成合同工程量的______%时,甲方支付乙方已完成工程量对应的合同价格的______%;(3)验收款:工程竣工验收合格后______日内,甲方支付乙方合同价格的______%;(4)质保金:工程竣工验收合格后______年内,甲方按合同价格的______%保留质保金,期满后无息支付给乙方。

第三条工程进度3.1 工程开工:本合同工程自______年______月______日开工,总工期为______天。

3.2 工程进度计划:乙方应根据合同约定的工期,编制工程进度计划,并提交甲方审批。


第四条工程质量4.1 工程质量标准:本工程应按照______(质量标准)进行设计与施工。

4.2 质量保证:乙方应建立健全质量保证体系,严格按照国家、地方和行业的有关规定、标准和合同要求组织设计与施工,确保工程质量。

第五条工程变更5.1 工程变更范围:在合同履行过程中,甲方有权根据工程实际需要对工程范围、设计、施工等进行变更。

5.2 工程变更程序:甲方提出工程变更要求,乙方应根据变更要求提交变更方案和费用预算,甲方审核同意后,双方签订变更协议。

fidic工程合同范本 中英

fidic工程合同范本 中英

fidic工程合同范本中英一、FIDIC 工程合同范本简介FIDIC 工程合同范本是一套国际通用的标准合同文件,旨在为工程项目的业主和承包商之间提供公平、合理和透明的合同框架。


FIDIC 合同范本的特点包括:1. 强调合同双方的平等地位和权利义务的平衡。

2. 注重风险管理,合理分配项目风险。

3. 规定了详细的合同管理程序和争议解决机制。

4. 具有较高的通用性和适应性,可以根据具体项目的特点进行适当的修改和调整。

二、FIDIC 工程合同范本的主要版本FIDIC 发布了多个版本的工程合同范本,其中较为常用的包括:三、FIDIC 工程合同范本的部分条款示例(中英文对照)1. 合同价格The Contract Price shall be the sum of the Accepted Contract Amount and such additions and deductions as may be made in accordance with the Contract.合同价格应为中标合同金额,加上根据合同可能做出的增减金额。

2. 预付款The Employer shall make an advance payment, as an interest-free loan for mobilization and design, to the Contractor within 42 days after receiving the Performance Security and signing the Contract Agreement.雇主应在收到履约保证和签署合同协议书后 42 天内,向承包商支付一笔预付款,作为动员和设计的无息贷款。

3. 期中支付证书The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a Statement at monthly intervals, in six copies, showing the amounts to which the Contractor considers himself to be end in respect of the work executed during the previous month.承包商应每月向工程师提交一式六份报表,说明承包商认为自己在上个月已完成的工程应得到的款项。

















CONTENTS1 GENERAL PROVISIONS (1)1.1D EFINITIONS (1)1.2I NTERPRETA TION (6)1.3C OMMUNICATIONS (6)1.4L AW AND L ANGUAGE (7)1.5P RIORITY OF D OCUMENTS (7)1.6C ONTRACT A GREEMENT (8)1.7A SSIGNMENT (8)1.8C ARE AND S UPPL Y OF D OCUMENTS (8)1.9C ONFIDENTIALITY (8)1.10E MPLOYER’S U SE OF C ONTRACTOR’S D OCUMENTS (9)1.11C ONTRACTOR’S U SE OF E MPLOYER’S D OCUMENTS (9)1.12C ONFIDENTIAL D ETAILS (10)1.13C OMPLIANCE WITH L AWS (10)1.14J OINT AND S EVERAL L IABILITY (10)2 THE EMPLOYER (11)2.1R IGHT OF A CCESS TO THE S ITE (11)2.2P ERMITS,L ICENCES OR A PPROVES (11)2.3E MPLOYER’S PERSONNEL (12)2.4E MPLOYER’S F INANCIAL A RRANGEMENTS (12)2.5E MPLOYER’S C LAIMS (12)3 THE EMPLOYER’S ADM INISTRATION (13)3.1T HE E MPLOYER’S R EPRESENTATIVE (13)3.2T HE E MPLOYER’S PERSONNEL (14)3.3D ELEGATED P ERSONS (14)3.4I NSTRUCTIONS (15)3.5D ETERMINATIONS (15)4 THE CONTRACTOR (15)4.1T HE C ONTRACTOR’S G ENERAL O BLIGATIONS (15)4.2P ERFORMANCE SECURITY (16)4.4SUB C ONTRACTORS (18)4.5N OMINA TED S UBCONTRACTORS (18)4.6C O-OPERA TION (19)4.7S ETTING OUT (19)4.8S AFETY PROCEDURES (20)4.9Q UALITY A SSURANCE (20)4.10S ITE D ATA (20)4.11S UFFCIENCY OF THE C ONTRACT P RICE (21)4.12U NFORESEEABLE D IFFICULTIES (21)4.13R IGHTS OF WAY AND F ACILITIES (21)4.14A VOIDANCE OF I NTERFERENCE (21)4.15A CCESS R OUTE (22)4.16T RANSPORT OF G OODS (22)4.17C ONTRACTOR’S E QUIPMENT (23)4.18P ROTECTION OF THE E NVIRONMENT (23)4.19E LECTRICITY,W A TER AND G AS (23)4.20E MPLOYER’S E QUIPMENT AND F REE-I SSUE M ATERIAL (24)4.21P ROGRESS R EPORTS (24)4.22S ECURITY OF THE S ITE (26)4.23C ONTRACTOR’S O PERATIONS ON S ITE (26)4.24F OSSILS (26)5 DESIGN (27)5.1G ENERAL D ESIGN O BLIGATIONS (27)5.2C ONTRACTOR’S D OCUMENTS (28)5.3C ONTRACTOR’S U NDERTAKING (29)5.4T ECHNICAL S TANDARDS AND R EGULATIONS (29)5.5T RAINING (30)5.6A S-B UILT D OCUMENTS (30)5.7O PERA TION AND M AINTENANCE M ANUALS (31)5.8 DESIGN E RROR (31)6 STAFF AND LABOUR (31)6.2R A TES OF W AGES AND C ONDITIONS OF L ABOUR (31)6.3P ERSONS IN THE S ERVICE OF E MPLOYER (32)6.4L ABOUR L AWS (32)6.5W ORKING H OURS (32)6.6F ACILITIES FOR S TAFF AND L ABOUR (32)6.7H EALTH AND S AFETY (32)6.8C ONTRACTOR’S S UPERINTENDENCE (33)6.9C ONTRACTOR’S P ERSONNEL (33)6.10R ECORDS OF CONTRACTOR’S P ERSONNEL AND E QUIPMENT (34)6.11D ISORDERL Y C ONDUCT (34)7 PLANT, MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP (34)7.1M ANNER OF E XECUTION (34)7.2S AMPLES (34)7.3I NSPECTION (35)7.4T ESTING (35)7.5R EJECTION (36)7.6R EMEDIAL W ORK (37)7.7O WNERSHIP OF P LANT AND M A TERIALS (37)7.8R OYALTIES (38)8 COMMENCEMENT, DELAYS AND SUSPENSION (38)8.1C OMMENCEMENT OF W ORKS (38)8.2T IME FOR C OMPLETION (38)8.3P ROGRAMME (38)8.4E XTENSION OF T IME FOR C OMPLETION (39)8.5D ELAYS C AUSED BY A UTHORITIES (40)8.6R A TE OF P ROGRESS (40)8.7D ELAY D AMAGES (41)8.8S USPENSION OF W ORK (41)8.9C ONSEQUENCES OF S USPENSION (42)8.10P AYMENT FOR P LANT AND M A TERIALS IN E VENT OF S USPENSION (42)8.11P ROLONGED S USPENSION (43)8.12R ESUMPTION OF W ORK (43)9 TESTS ON COMPLETION (43)9.1C ONTRACTOR’S O BLIGATIONS (43)9.2D ELAYED T ESTS (44)9.3R ETESTING (45)9.4F AILURE TO P ASS T ESTS ON C OMPLETION (45)10 EMPLOYER’S TAKING OVER (45)10.1T AKING O VER OF THE W ORKS AND S ECTIONS (45)10.2T AKING O VER OF P ARTS OF THE W ORKS (46)10.3I NTERFERENCE WITH T ESTS ON C OMPLETION (46)11 DEFECTS LIABILITY (47)11.1C OMPLETION OF O UTSTANDING W ORK AND R EMEDYING D EFECTS (47)11.2C OST OF R EMEDYING D EFECTS (48)11.3E XTENSION OF D EFECTS N OTIFICA TION P ERIOD (48)11.4F AILURE TO R EMEDY D EFECTS (48)11.5R EMOV AL OF D EFECTIVE W ORK (49)11.6F URTHER T ESTS (49)11.7R IGHT OF A CCESS (50)11.8C ONTRACTOR TO S EARCH (50)11.9P ERFORMANCE C ERTIFICATE (50)11.10U NFULFILLED O BLIGATIONS (51)11.11C LEARANCE OF S ITE (51)12 TESTS AFTER COMPLETION (51)12.1P ROCEDURE FOR T ESTS AFTER C OMPLETION (51)12.2D ELAYED T ESTS (52)12.3R ETESTING (52)12.4F AILURE TO P ASS T ESTS AFTER C OMPLETION (53)13 VARIATIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS (54)13.1R IGHT TO V ARY (54)13.2V ALUE E NGINEERING (54)13.3V ARIATION P ROCEDURE (54)13.4P AYMENT IN A PPLICABLE C URRENCIES (55)13.5 PROVISIONAL S UMS (55)13.6D AYWORK (56)13.7A DJUSTMENTS FOR C HANGES IN L EGISLATION (56)13.8A DJUSTMENTS FOR C HANGES IN C OST (57)14 CONTRACT PRICE AND PAYMENT (57)14.1T HE C ONTRACT P RICE (57)14.2A DV ANCE PAYMENT (58)14.3A PPLICATION FOR I NTERIM P AYMENTS. (59)14.4S CHEDULE OF P AYMENTS (60)14.5P LANT AND M ATERIALS INTENDED FOR THE W ORKS (60)14.6I NTERIM P AYMENTS (61)14.7T IMING OF P AYMENTS (61)14.8D ELAYED P AYMENT (62)14.9P AYMENT OF R ETENTION M ONEY (62)14.10S TA TEMENT A T C OMPLETION (63)14.11A PPLICATION FOR F INAL P AYMENT (63)14.12D ISCHARGE (64)14.13F INAL P AYMENT (64)14.14C ESSA TION OF E MPLOYER’S L IABILITY (64)14.15C URRENCIES OF P AYMENT (65)15 TERMINATION BY EMPLOYER (66)15.1N OTICE TO C ORRECT (66)15.2T ERMINATION BY E MPLOYER (66)15.3V ALUA TION A T D A TE OF T ERMINA TION (68)15.4P AYMENT AFTER T ERMINA TION (68)15.5E MPLOYER’S E NTITLEMENT TO T ERMINA TION (68)16 SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION BY CONTRACTOR (69)16.1C ONTRACTOR’S E NTITLEMENT TO S USPEND W ORK (69)16.2T ERMINATION BY C ONTRACTOR (69)16.3C ESSA TION OF W ORK AND R EMOV AL OF C ONTRACTOR’S E QUIPMENT (70)16.4P AYMENT ON T ERMINATION (71)17 RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY (71)17.1I NDEMNITIES (71)17.2C ONTRACTOR’S C ARE OF THE W ORKS (72)17.3E MPLOYER’S R ISKS (73)17.4C ONSEQUENCE OF E MPLOYER’S R ISKS (73)17.5I NTELLECTUAL AND I NDUSTRIAL P ROPERTY R IGHTS (74)17.6L IMITATION OF L IABILITY (75)18 INSURANCE (75)18.1G ENERAL R EQUIREMENTS FOR I NSURANCES (75)18.2I NSURANCE FOR W ORKS AND C ONTRACTOR’S E QUIPMENT (77)18.3I NSURANCE AGAINST I NJURY TO P ERSONS AND D AMAGE TO P ROPERTY (79)18.4I NSURANCE FOR C ONTRACTOR’S P ERSONNEL (80)19 FORCE MAJEURE (80)19.1D EFINITION OF F ORCE M AJEURE (80)19.2N OTICE OF F ORCE M AJEURE (81)19.3D UTY TO M INIMISE D ELAY (81)19.4C ONSEQUENCES OF F ORCE M AJEURE (82)19.5F ORCE M AJEURE A FFECTING S UBCONTRACTOR (82)19.6O PTIONAL T ERMINATION,P AYMENT AND R ELEASE (82)19.7R ELEASE FROM P ERFORMANCE UNDER THE L AW (83)20 CLAIMS, DISPUTES AND ARBITRATION (84)20.1C ONTRACTOR’S C LAIMS (84)20.2A PPOINTMENT OF THE D ISPUTE A DJUDICA TION B OARD (86)20.3F AILURE TO A GREEMENT D ISPUTE A DJUDICATION B OARD (87)20.4O BTAINING D ISPUTE A DJUDICA TION B OARD’S D ECISION (87)20.5A MICABLE S ETTLEMENT (89)20.6A RBITRATION (89)20.7F AILURE TO C OMPL Y WITH D ISPUTE A DJUDICATION B OARD’S D ECISION (90)20.8E XPIRY OF D ISPUTE A DJUDICA TION B OARD’S A PPOINTMENT (90)1 General Provisions1.1 DefinitionsIn the Conditions of Contract (“these Conditions”), which include Particular Conditions and these General Conditions, the following words and expressions shall have the meaning stated. Words indicating persons or parties include corporation and other legal entities, except where the context requires otherwise.1.1.1 The Contract1.1.1.1 “Contract” means the Contract Agreement, these Conditions,the Employer’s Requirement, the Tender, and furtherdocument (if any) which are listed in the Contract Agreement. “Contract Agreement”means the contract agreementreferred to in Sub-Clause 1.6 [Contract Agreement], includingany annexed memoranda. “Employer’s requirements”means the document entitledemployer’s requirements, as included in the Contract, and anyadditions and modifications to such document in accordancewith the Contract. Such document specifies the purpose,scope, and/or design and/or other technical criteria, for theWorks. “Tender”means the Contractor’s signed offer for the Worksand all other documents which the Contractor submittedtherewith (other than these Conditions and Employer’sRequirements, if so submitted), as included in the Contract. “Performance Guarantees”and “Schedule of payments”mean the documents so named (if any), as included in theContract.1.1.2 Parties and Persons1.1.2.1 “Party” means the Employer or the Contractor, as the contextrequires. “Employer”means the person named as employer in theContract Agreement and the legal successors in title to thisperson. “Contractor” means the person(s) named as contractor in theContract Agreement and the legal successors in title to thisperson(s). “Employer’s Representative”means the person named bythe Employer in the Contract or appointed from time to time bythe Employer under Sub-Clause 3.1 [ the Employer’sRepresentative], who acts on behalf of the Employer. “Contractor’s Representative” means the person named bythe Contractor in the Contract or appointed from time to timeby the Contractor Sub-Clause 4.3 [the Contractor’sRepresentative], who acts on behalf of the Contractor. “Employer’s Personne l”means the Employer’sRepresentative, the assistants referred to in Sub-Clause 3.2[Other Employer’s Personnel] and all other staff, labour andother employees of the Employer and of the Employer’sRepresentative; and any other personnel notified to theContractor, by the Employer or the Employer’s Representative,as Employer’s Personnel. “Contractor’s Personnel”means the Contractor’sRepresentative and all personnel whom the Contractor utilizeson Site, who may include the staff, labour and otheremployees of the Contractor and of each Subcontractor, andany other personnel assisting the Contractor in the executionof the works. “Subcontractor” means any person named in the Contract asa subcontractor, or any person appointed as a subcontractor,for a part of the Works; and the legal successors in title toeach of these persons. “DAB”means the person or three persons so named in theContract, or other person(s) appointed under Sub-Clause 20.2[Appointment of the Dispute Adjudication Board] orSub-Clause 20.3 [Failure to Agree Dispute AdjudicationBoard]. “FIDIC”means the Federation International desIngenieurs-Conseils, the international federation of consultingengineers.1.1.3 Dates ,Test, Periods and Completion1.1.3.1 “Base Date” means the date 28 days prior to the latest datefor submission of the Tender. “Commencement Date”means the date notified underSub-Clause 8.1 [Commencement of Works], unless otherwisedefined in the Contract Agreement. “Time for Completion”means the time for completing theWorks or a Section (as the case may be) under Sub-Clause8.2 [Time for Completion], as stated in the ParticularConditions (with any extension under Sub-Clause 8.4[Execution of Time for Completion]), calculated from theCommencement Date. “Tests on Completion” means the tests which are specified inthe Contract or agreed by both Parties or instructed as aVariation, and which are carried out under Clause 9 [Tests onCompletion] before the works or a Section (as the case maybe) are taken over by the Employer. “Taking-Over Certificate”means a certificate issued underClause 10 [Employer’s Taking Over]. “Tests after Completion”means the tests (if any) arespecified in the Contract and which are carried out underClause 12 [Tests after Completion] after the works or a Section(as the case may be) are taken over by the Employer. “Defects Notification Period” means the period for notifyingdefects in the Works or a Section (as the case may be) underSub-Clause 11.1 [Completion of Understanding Works andRemedying Defects], as stated in the Particular Conditions(with any extension under Sub-Clause 11.3 [Extension ofDefects Notification Period]), calculated from the date onwhich the Works or Section is competed as certified underSub-Clause 10.1 [Taking Over of the Works and Sections]. Ifno such period is stated in the Particular Conditions, the periodshall be one year. “Performance Certificate” means the certificate issued underSub-Clause 11.9 [Performance Certificate]. “day” means a calendar day and “year” means 365 days.1.1.4 Money and Payments1.1.4.1 “Contract Price”means the agreed amount stated in theContract Agreement for the design, execution and completionof the Works and the remedying of any defects, and includesadjustment (if any) in accordance with the contract. “Cost”means all expenditure reasonably incurred (or to beincurred) by the Contractor, whether on or off the Site,including overhead and similar charges, but does not includeprofit. “Final Statement”means the statement defined inSub-Clause 14.11[Application for Final Payment]. “Foreign Currency” means a currency in which part (or all) ofthe Contract Price is payable, but not the Local Currency. “Local Currency” means the currency of the Country. “Provisional Sum” means a sum (if any) which is specified inthe Contract as a provisional sum, for the execution of any partof the Works or for the supply of Plant, Material or servicesunder Sub-Clause 13.5 [Provisional Sums]. “Retention Money” means the accumulated retention moneyswhich the Employer retains under Sub-Clause 14.3[Application for Interim Payments] and pays under Sub-Clause14.9 [Payment of Retention Money]. “Statement” means a statement submitted by the Contractoras part of an application for payment under Clause 14[Contract Price and Payment].1.1.5 Works and Goods1.1.5.1 “Contractor’s Equipment”means all apparatus, machinery,vehicles and other things required for the execution andcompletion of the Works and remedying of any defects.However, Contractor’s Equipment excludes Temporary Works,Employer’s Equipment (if any), Plant, Materials and any otherthings intended to form or forming part of the PermanentWorks. “Goods” means Contractor’s Equipment, Materials, Plant andTemporary Works, or any of them as appropriate. “Materials”means things of all kinds (other than Plant)intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works,including the supply-only materials (if any) to be supplied bythe Contractor under the Contract. “Permanent Works”means the permanent works to bedesigned and executed by the Contractor under the Contract. “Plant “means the apparatus, machinery and vehiclesintended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works. “Section” means a part of the Works specified in the ParticularConditions as a Section (if any). “Temporary Works” means all temporary works of every kind(other than Contractor’s Equipment) required on Site for theexecution and completion of the Permanent Works and theremedying of any defects. “Works”means the Permanent Works and the TemporaryWorks, or either of them as appropriate.1.1.6 Other Definitions1.1.6.1 “Contractor’s Documents” means the calculations, computerprograms and other software, drawings, manuals, models andother documents of a technical nature supplied by theContractor under the Contract; as described in Sub-Clause 5.2[Contractor’s Documents]. “Country” means the country in which the Site (or most of it) islocated, where the Permanent Works are to be executed. “Employer’s Equipment”means the apparatus, machineryand vehicles (if any) made available by the Employer for theuse of the Contractor in the execution of the Works, as statedin the Employer’s Requirements; but does not include Plantwhich has not been taken over by the Employer. “Fore Majeure” is defined in Clause 19 [Fore Majeure]. “Laws”means all national (or state) legislation, statutes,ordinances and other laws, and regulations and by-laws of anylegally constituted public authority. “Performance Security” means the security (or securities, ifany) under Sub-Clause 4.2 [Performance Security]. “Site” means the places where the Permanent Works are to beexecuted and to which Plant and Materials are to be delivered,and any other places as may be specified in the Contract asforming part of the Site. “Variation”means any change to the Employer’sRequirements or the Works, which is instructed or approvedas a variation under Clause 13 [Variation and Adjustment].1.2 InterpretationIn the Contract, except where the context requires otherwise:(a) Words indicating one gender include all genders;(b) Words indicating the singular also include the plural and wordsindicating the plural and words indicating the plural alsoinclude the singular.(c) Provisions including the word “agree”, ”agree d” or “agreement”require the agreement to be recorded in writing, and(d) “written”or “in writing”means hand-written, type-written,printed or electronically made, and resulting in a permanentrecord.The marginal words and other headings shall not be taken into consideration in the interpretation of these Conditions.1.3 CommunicationsWherever these Conditions provide for the giving or issuing of approvals, certificates, consents, determinations, notices and requests, these communications shall be:(a) in writing and delivered by hand(against receipt), sent by mailor courier, or transmitted using any of agreed systems ofelectronic transmission as stated in the Particular Conditions;and(b) delivered, sent or transmitted to the address for the recipient’scommunications as stated in the Contract. However:(i) if the recipient gives notice of another address,communications shall thereafter be deliveredaccordingly; and(ii) if the recipient has not stated otherwise whenrequesting an approval or consent, it may be sent tothe address from which the request was issued.Approval, certificates, consents and determinations shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.1.4 Law and LanguageThe Contract shall be governed by the law of the country (or other jurisdiction) stated in the Particular Conditions.If there are versions of any part of the Contract which are written in more than one language, the version which is in the ruling language stated in the Particular Conditions shall prevail.The language for communications shall be that stated in the Particular Conditions. If no language is stated there, the language for communications shall be the language in which the Contract (or most of it) is written.1.5 Priority of DocumentThe documents forming the Contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another. For the purposes of interpretation, the priority of the documents shall be in accordance with the following sequence:(a) the Contract Agreement;(b) the Particular Conditions;(c) these General Conditions;(d) the Employer’s Requirements;(e) the Tender and other documents forming part of the Contract .1.6 Contract AgreementThe Contract shall come into full force and effect on the date stated in the Contract Agreement. The costs of stamp duties and similar charges (if any) imposed by law in connection with entry into the Contract Agreement shall be borne by the Employer.1.7 AssignmentNeither Party shall assign the whole or any part of the Contract or any benefit or interest in or under the Contract. However, either Party:(a) may assign the whole or any part with the prior agreement ofthe other Party, at the sole discretion of such other Party, and(b) may, as security in favor of a bank or financial institution,assign its right to any moneys due, or to become due, underthe Contract.1.8 Care and Supply of DocumentEach of the Contractor’s Documents shall be in the custody and care of the Contractor, unless and until taken over by the Employer. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, the Contractor shall supply to the Employer six copies of each of the Contractor’s Documents.The Contractor shall keep, on the Site, a copy of the Contract, publications named in the Employer’s requirements, the Contractor’s Documents, and Variations and other communications given under the Contract. The Employer’s Personnel shall have the right of access to all these documents at all reasonable times.If a Party becomes aware of an error or defect of a technical nature in a document which was prepared for use in executing the Works, the Party shall promptly give notice to the other Party of such error or defect.1.9 ConfidentialityBoth Parties shall treat the details of the Contract as private and confidential, except to the extent necessary to carry out obligations under it or to comply with applicable Laws. The Contractor shall not publish, permit to be punished, or disclose any particulars of the Works in any trade or technical paper or elsewhere without the previous agreement of the Employer.1.10 Employer’s Use of Contractor’s DocumentsAs between the Parties, the Contractor shall retain the copyright and other intellectual property rights in the Contractor’s Documents and other design documents made by(or on behalf of) the Contractor.The Contractor shall be deemed (by signing the Contract) to give to the Employer a non-terminable transferable non-exclusive royalty-free licence to copy, use and communicate the Contractor’s Documents, including making and using modifications of them. This licence shall:(a) apply throughout the actual or intended working life (whicheveris longer) of the relevant parts of the Works,(b) entitle any person in proper possession of the relevant part ofthe Works to copy, use and communicate the Contractor’sDocuments for the purposes of completing, operating,maintaining, altering, adjusting, repairing and demolishing theWorks, and(c) in the case of Contractor’s Documents which are in the form ofcomputer programs and other software, permit their use onany computer on the Site and other places as envisaged bythe Contract, including replacements of any computerssupplied by the Contractor.The Contractor’s Documents and other design documents made by (or on behalf of) the Contractor shall not, without the Contractor’s consent, be used, copied or communicated to a third party by (or on behalf of) the Employer for purposes other than those permitted under this Sub-Clause.1.11 Contractor’s Use of Employer’s DocumentsAs between the Parties, the Employer shall retain the copyright and other intellectual property rights in the Employer’s Requirements and other documents made by (or on behalf of) the Employer. The Contractor may, at his cost, copy, use, and obtain communication of these documents for the purposes of the Contract.They shall not, without the Employer’s consent, be copied, used or communicated to a third party by the Contractor, except as necessary for the purposes of the Contract.1.12 Confidential DetailsThe Contractor shall not be required to disclose, to the Employer, any information which the Contractor described in the Tender as being confidential. The Contractor shall disclose any other information which the Employer may reasonably require in order to verify the Contractor’s compliance with the Contract.1.13 Compliance with LawsThe Contractor shall, in performing the Contract, comply with applicable Laws. Unless otherwise stated in the Particular Conditions:(a) the Employer shall have obtained (or shall obtain) the planning,zoning or similar permission for the Permanent Works, andany other permissions described in the Employer’sRequirements as having been (or being) obtained by theEmployer; and the Employer shall indemnify and hold theContractor harmless against and from the consequences ofany failure to do so; and(b) the Contractor shall give all notices, pay all taxes, duties andfees, and obtain all permits, licences and approvals, asrequired by the Laws in relation to the design, execution andcompletion of the Works and remedying of any defects; andthe Contractor shall indemnify and hold the Employerharmless against and from the consequences of any failure todo so.1.14 Joint and Several LiabilityIf the Contractor constitutes (under applicable Laws) a joint venture, consortium or other unincorporated grouping of two or more persons:(a) these persons shall be deemed to be jointly and severallyliable to the Employer for the performance of the Contract;(b) these persons shall notify the Employer of their leader whoshall have authority to bind the Contractor and each of thesepersons; and(c) the Contractor shall not alter it’s composition or legal statuswithout the prior consent of the Employer.2 The Employer2.1 Right of Access to the SiteThe Employer shall give the Contractor right of access to, and possession of, all parts of the Site within the time (or times) stated in the Particular Conditions. The right and possession may not be exclusive to the Contractor. If, under the Contract, the Employer is required to give (to the Contractor) possession of any foundation, structure, plant or means of access, the Employer shall do so in the time and manner stated in the Employer’s Requirements. However, the Employer may withhold any such right or possession until the Performance Security has been received.If no such time is stated in the Particular Conditions, the Employer shall give the Contractor right of access to, and possession of, the Site with effect from the Commencement Date.If the Contractor suffers delay and/or incurs Cost as a result of a failure by the Employer to give any such right or possession within such time, the Contractor shall give notice to the Employer and shall be entitled subject to Sub-Clause 20.1 [Contractor’s Claims] to:(a) an extension of time for any such delay, if completion is or willbe delayed, under Sub-Clause 8.4 [Extension of Time forCompletion], and(b) payment of any such Cost plus reasonable profit, which shallbe added to the Contract Price.After receiving this notice, the Employer shall proceed in accordance with Sub-Clause 3.5 [Determinations] to agree or determine these matters.However, if and to the extent that the Employer’s failure was caused by any error or delay by the Contractor, including an error in, or delay in the submission of, any of the Contractor’s Documents, the Contractor shall not be entitled to such extension of time, Cost or profit.2.2 Permits, Licences or ApprovesThe Employer shall (where he is in a position to do so) provide reasonable assistance to the Contractor at the request of theContractor:(a) by obtaining copies of the Laws of the Country which arerelevant to the Contract but are not readily available, and(b) for the Contractor’s applications for any permits, licences orapprovals required by the Laws of the Country:(i) which the Contractor is required to obtain underSub-Clause 1.13 [Compliance with Laws],(ii) for the delivery of Goods, including clearance throughcustoms, and(iii) for the export of Contractor’s Equipment when it isremoved from the Site.2.3 Employer’s personnelThe Employer shall be responsible for ensuring that the Employer’s Personnel and the Employer’s other contractors on the Site:(a) co-operate with the Contractor’s efforts under Sub-Clause 4.6[Co-operation],and(b) take actions similar to those which the Contractor is required totake under sub-paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of Sub-Clause 4.8[Safety Procedures] and under Sub-Clause 4.18 [protection ofthe Environment].2.4 Employer’s Financial ArrangementsThe Employer shall submit, within 28 days after receiving any request from the Contractor, reasonable evidence that financial arrangements have been made and are being maintained which will enable the Employer to pay the Contract Price (as estimated at that time) in accordance with Clause 14 [Contract Price and Payment]. If the Employer intends to make any material change to his financial arrangements, the Employer shall give notice to the Contractor with detailed particulars.2.5 Employer’s ClaimsIf the Employer considers himself to be entitled to any payment under any Clause of these Conditions or otherwise in connection with the Contract, and/or to any extension of the Defects Notification Period, he。



fidic标准合同范本FIDIC 标准合同范本1. 甲方(发包方):名称:[甲方名称]地址:[甲方地址]联系电话:[甲方联系电话]2. 乙方(承包方):名称:[乙方名称]地址:[乙方地址]联系电话:[乙方联系电话]一、工程项目1. 工程名称:[工程项目名称]2. 工程地点:[工程地点]3. 工程内容和范围:[详细描述工程的内容和范围]二、合同价格和支付方式1. 合同总价:人民币[具体金额]2. 支付方式:[详细说明付款的时间和方式]三、工期1. 开工日期:[预计开工日期]2. 竣工日期:[预计竣工日期]3. 工期延误:如果乙方未能在约定的工期内完成工程,应承担相应的违约责任。

四、质量标准和验收1. 质量标准:[具体的质量标准]2. 验收程序:[详细说明验收的程序和要求]五、双方责任和义务1. 甲方的责任和义务提供工程所需的相关资料和文件按时支付合同款项协助乙方解决施工过程中遇到的问题2. 乙方的责任和义务按照合同要求进行工程施工确保工程质量符合标准遵守施工现场的管理规定按时提交工程进展报告和相关文件六、违约责任1. 如果一方违反本合同约定,应承担违约责任,向对方支付违约金[具体金额]。

2. 如因违约给对方造成损失,违约方还应承担相应的赔偿责任。

七、争议解决1. 本合同的解释和执行均适用[法律适用地]的法律。

2. 如双方在本合同的履行过程中发生争议,应通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,可向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。

八、其他条款1. 本合同自双方签字(或盖章)之日起生效。

2. 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

3. 本合同未尽事宜,可由双方另行签订补充协议。





第一条工程或服务范围1.1 本合同涉及的工程或服务包括但不限于_________________。

1.2 乙方应根据甲方提供的设计文件、技术规范和要求,完成上述工程或服务。

第二条合同价格2.1 本合同的总价为_________________(金额)。

2.2 合同价格包括了所有材料、人工、设备、管理和其他为完成工程或服务所需的费用。

第三条付款方式3.2 付款将根据工程或服务的进度和完成情况分期进行。

第四条工程或服务的开始和完成4.1 工程或服务的开工日期为_________________。

4.2 工程或服务的预计完成日期为_________________。

4.3 如遇不可抗力或其他甲方认可的原因,上述日期可相应调整。

第五条质量保证5.1 乙方保证所提供的工程或服务符合_________________(标准或规范)。

5.2 乙方应承担因工程或服务质量问题导致的所有责任和费用。

第六条变更和调整6.1 任何对合同工程或服务范围、价格或完成时间的变更,需经双方协商一致,并以书面形式确认。

6.2 因变更产生的额外费用或时间延误,应由双方协商解决。

第七条违约责任7.1 如乙方未能按照合同规定的时间、质量或范围完成工程或服务,应向甲方支付违约金,金额为_________________。

7.2 如甲方未能按照合同规定支付价款,应向乙方支付违约金,金额为_________________。

fidic 绿皮书范例

fidic 绿皮书范例

fidic 绿皮书范例以下是FIDIC(国际勘察员和工程师联合会)绿皮书第四版的一些范例:1. 施工合同:Green Book - Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey (First Edition 1995)- 这是一份适用于设计建造和交钥匙工程的合同范本。


2. 工程顾问合同:Green Book - Conditions of Contract for Construction for Building and Engineering Works Designed by the Employer (Fourth Edition 1987, Reprinted 1992)- 这是一份适用于由业主设计的建筑和工程项目的合同范本。


3. 监理合同:Green Book - Guide to the Use of FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction for Building and Engineering Works Designed by the Employer (First Edition 1990) - 这是一份适用于由业主设计的建筑和工程项目的监理合同范本。




fidic工程合同范本 中英

fidic工程合同范本 中英

fidic工程合同范本中英通用条件General Conditions1. 定义1. DefinitionsIn this contract, unless the context otherwise requires, the following words have the following meanings:“雇主”指[雇主名称]。

"The Employer" means [name of the Employer].“承包商”指[承包商名称]。

"The Contractor" means [name of the Contractor].2. 合同文件的优先次序2. Priority of Contract DocumentsThe documents constituting the contract shall be mutually explanatory and in case of ambiguity or discrepancy, the following priority order shall apply for interpretation:(a) 合同协议书;(a) The Contract Agreement;(b) 中标函;(b) The Letter of Acceptance;(c) 投标书;(c) The Tender.3. 工程师的权力和职责3. Powers and Duties of the Engineer工程师应履行合同中规定的职责和权力。

The Engineer shall perform the duties and exercise the powers provided in the contract.专用条件Particular Conditions1. 工程范围1. Scope of Works详细描述本合同所涵盖的工程范围。



FIDIC设计建造与交钥匙⼯程合同条件(中英⽂第1部分)FIDIC CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT FOR DESIGN, BUILD AND TURNKEY(橘⽪书 1995版)CONTENTSPART 1: GENERAL CONDITIONS1 THE CONTRACT合同1.1 Definitions 定义1.2 Headings and Marginal Notes标题和旁注1.3 Interpretation 解释1.4 Law and Language法律和语⾔1.5 Contract Agreement合同协议书1.6 Priority of Documents⽂件的优先次序1.7 Documents on Site现场的⽂件1.8 Communications通讯联络1.9 Provision of Construction Documents施⼯⽂件的提供1.10 Employer’s Use of Contractor's Documents雇主使⽤承包商的⽂件1.11 Contractor’s Use of Employer's Documents承包商使⽤雇主的⽂件1.12 Confidential Details保密事项1.13 Compliance with Statutes, Regulations and Laws遵守法规、规章与法律1.14 Joint and Several Liability共同的与各⾃的责任2 THE EMPLOYER雇主2.1 General Obligations ⼀般义务2.2 Access to and Possession of the Site现场的进⼊与占有2.3 Permits, Licences or Approvals许可、执照和批准2.4 Employer's Entitlement to Terminate雇主终⽌合同的权利3 THE EMPLOYER’S REPRESENTATIVE雇主代表3.1 Employer’s Representative’s Duties and Authority雇主代表的职责与权⼒3.2 Requirements for Employer’s Representative对雇主代表的要求3.3 Employer’s Representative’s Authority to Delegate雇主代表权⼒的委托3.4 Employer’s Representative’s Instructions雇主代表的指⽰3.5 Employer's Representative to Attempt Agreement雇主代表尽⼒达成⼀致4 THE CONTRACTOR承包商4.1 General Obligations⼀般义务4.2 Performance Security履约保证4.3 Contractor’s Representative承包商代表4.4 Co-ordination of the Works⼯程协调4.5 Subcontractors分包商4.6 Assignment of Subcontractor’s Obligations分包商义务的转让4.7 Setting Out放线4.8 Quality Assurance质量保证4.9 Site Data现场数据4.10 Matters Affecting the Execution of the Works影响⼯程实施的事宜4.11 Unforeseeable Sub-Surface Conditions不可预见的地表以下条件4.12 Access Route进场路线4.13 Rights of Way and Facilities道路通⾏权与设施4.14 Programme进度计划4.15 Progress Reports进度报告4.16 Contractor’s Equipment承包商的设备4.17 Safety Precautions安全措施4.18 Protection of the Environment环境保护4.19 Electricity, Water and Gas电、⽔、⽓4.20 Employer Supplied Machinery and Materials雇主提供的机械和材料4.21 Clearance of Site现场清理4.22 Security of the Site现场治安4.23 Contractor’s Operations on Site承包商的现场作业4.24 Fossils化⽯5 DESIGN设计5.1 General Obligations ⼀般义务5.2 Construction Documents施⼯⽂件5.3 Contractor’s Undertaking承包商的保证5.4 Technical Standards and Regulations技术标准和规章5.5 Samples样品5.6 As-Built Drawings竣⼯图纸5.7 Operation and Maintenance Manuals操作和维修⼿册5.8 Error by Contractor承包商的错误5.9 Patent Rights专利权6 STAFF AND LABOUR职员与劳⼯6.1 Engagement of Staff and Labour职员与劳⼯的雇⽤6.2 Rates of Wages and Conditions of Labour⼯资标准及劳动条件6.3 Persons in the Service of Others为其他⼈服务的⼈员6.4 Labour Laws劳动法6.5 Working Hours⼯作时间6.6 Facilities for Staff and Labour为职员和劳⼯提供设施6.7 Health and Safety健康与安全6.8 Contractor’s Superintendence承包商的监督6.9 Contractor’s Personnel承包商的⼈员6.10 Disorderly Conduct妨碍治安的⾏为7 PLANT, MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP⼯程设备、材料和⼯艺7.1 Manner of Execution实施⽅式7.2 Delivery to Site运⾄现场7.3 Inspection检查7.4 Testing检验7.5 Rejection拒收7.6 Ownership of Plant and Materials对⼯程设备和材料的拥有权8 COMMENCEMENT, DELAY AND SUSPENSION开⼯、延误和暂停8.1 Commencement of Works⼯程的开⼯8.2 Time for Completion竣⼯时间8.3 Extension of Time for Completion竣⼯时间的延长8.4 Delays Caused by Authorities由公共当局引起的延误8.5 Rate of Progress如果下列条件成⽴:8.6 Liquidated Damages for Delay误期损害赔偿费8.7 Suspension of Work暂时停⼯8.8 Consequences of Suspension暂停引起的后果8.9 Payment for Plant and Materials in Event of Suspension暂停时⼯程设备和材料的⽀付8.10 Prolonged Suspension持续的暂停8.11 Resumption of Work复⼯9 TEST ON COMPLETION.竣⼯检验9.1 Contractor’s Obligations承包商的义务9.2 Delayed Tests延误的检验9.3 Retesting重新检验9.4 Failure to Pass Tests on Completion未能通过竣⼯检验10 EMPLOYER’S TAKING OVER雇主的接收10.1 Taking-Over Certificate移交证书10.2 Use by the Employer雇主的使⽤10.3 Interference with Tests on Completion对竣⼯检验的⼲扰11 TEST ON COMPLETION竣⼯后的检验11.1 Employer’s Obligations雇主的义务11.2 Delayed Tests延误的检验11.3 Retesting重新检验11.4 Failure to Pass Tests after Completion未能通过竣⼯后的检验12 DEFECTS LIABILITY缺陷责任12.1 Completion of Outstanding Work and Remedying Defects完成扫尾⼯作和修补缺陷12.2 Cost of Remedying Defects修补缺陷的费⽤12.3 Extension of Contract Period合同期的延长12.4 Failure to Remedy Defects未能补救缺陷12.5 Removal of Defective Work移出有缺陷的部分⼯程12.6 Further Tests进⼀步的检验12.7 Right of Access进⼊权12.8 Contractor to Search由承包商调查12.9 Performance Certificate履约证书12.10 Unfulfilled Obligations未履⾏的义务13 CONTRACT PRICE AND PAYMENT合同价格与⽀付13.1 The Contract Price合同价格13.2 Advance Payments预付款13.3 Application for Interim Payment Certificates期中⽀付证书的申请13.4 Schedule of Payments⽀付表13.5 Plant and Materials for the Permanent Works⽤于永久⼯程的⼯程设备与材料13.6 Issue of Interim Payment Certificates期中⽀付证书的颁发13.7 Payment⽀付13.8 Delayed Payment延误的⽀付13.9 Payment of Retention Money保留⾦的⽀付13.10 Statement at Completion竣⼯报表13.11 Application for Final Payment Certificate申请最终⽀付证书13.12 Discharge结清13.13 Issue of Final Payment Certificate最终⽀付证书的颁发13.14 Cessation of Employer's Liability雇主责任的终⽌13.15 Calculation of Payments in Foreign Currency外币⽀付的计算13.16 Changes in Legislation⽴法的变更14 VARIATIONS变更14.1 Right to Vary有权变更14.2 Value Engineering价值⼯程14.3 Variation Procedure变更的程序14.4 Payment in Applicable Currencies以适⽤的货币⽀付14.5 Provisional Sums暂定⾦额15 DEFAULT OF CONTRACTOR承包商的违约15.1 Notice to Correct通知改正15.2 Termination终⽌15.3 Valuation at Date of Termination终⽌⽇期时的估价15.4 Payment after Termination终⽌后的⽀付15.5 Bribes贿赂16 DEFAULT OF EMPLOYER雇主的违约16.1 Contractor’s Entitlement to Suspend Work承包商有权暂停⼯作16.2 Termination终⽌16.3 Cessation of Work and Removal of Contractor's Equipment停⽌⼯作及承包商的设备的撤离16.4 Payment on Termination终⽌时的⽀付17 RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY17.1 Indemnity保障17.2 Contractor’s Care of the Works承包商对⼯程的照管17.3 Employer’s Risks雇主的风险17.4 Consequences of Employer’s Risks雇主的风险造成的后果17.5 Contractor’s Risks承包商的风险17.6 Limitation of Liability责任限度18 INSURANCE保险18.1 Insurance for Design设计保险18.2 Insurance for Works and Contractor’s Equipment⼯程和承包商的设备的保险18.3 Insurance against Injury to Persons and Damage to Property⼈员伤亡和财产损害的保险18.4 Insurance for Workers⼯⼈的保险18.5 General Requirements for Insurances有关保险的总的要求19 FORCE MAJEURE 不可抗⼒19.1 Definition of Force Majeure不可抗⼒的定义19.2 Effect of Force Majeure Event不可抗⼒事件的影响19.3 Contractor's Responsibility承包商的责任19.4 Employer's Responsibility雇主的责任19.5 Payment to Contractor对承包商的付款19.6 Optional Termination, Payment and Release可选择的终⽌、⽀付及解除19.7 Release from Performance under the Law根据法律解除履约20 CLAIMS, DISPUTE AND ARBITRATION索赔、争端与仲裁20.1 Procedure for Claims索赔程序20.2 Payment of Claims索赔的⽀付20.3 Dispute Adjudication Board争端裁决委员会20.4 Procedure for Obtaining Dispute Adjudication Board's Decision获得争端裁决委员会决定的程序20.5 Amicable Settlement友好解决20.6 Arbitration仲裁20.7 Failure to Comply with Dispute Adjudication Board’s Decision未能遵守争端裁决委员会的决定20.8 Expiry of Dispute Adjudication Board’s Appointment争端裁决委员会的委任期满INDEXADDENDUMFIDIC Model Terms of Appointment for a Dispute Adjudication BoardTERMS OF APPOINTMENT FOR A BOARD OF THREE MEMBERSAppendix A: PROCEDURAL RULES OF THE DISPUTE ADJUDICATION BOARD (OF THREEMEMBERS)TERMS OF APPOINTMENT FOR A BOARD OF ONE MEMBERAppendix A: PROCEDURAL RULES OF THE DISPUTE ADJUDICATION BOARD (OF ONE MEMBER)PART I - GENERAL CONDITIONS 第⼀部分通⽤条件THE CONTRACT合同1 The Contract 合同Definitions定义1.1 In the Contract (as defined below) the words and expressions defined below shall have the meanings assigned to them, except where the context requires otherwise:在合同(如下⽂所定义的)中,下⽂定义的措词和⽤语,除上下⽂另有要求外,应具有本款赋予的含义:1.1.1 Documents⽂件1.1.1.1 Contract means these Conditions of Contract (Parts I and II), the Employer‘s Requirements, the Tender, the Contractor’s Proposal, the Schedules, the Letter of Acceptance, the Contract Agreement (if completed) and such further documents as may be expressly incorporated in the Letter of Acceptance or Contract Agreement (if completed).1“合同”指本合同条件(第⼀与第⼆部分)、雇主的要求、投标书、承包商的建议书、资料表、中标函、合同协议书(如已签订)以及其他明确列⼊中标函或合同协议书(如已签订)中的此类进⼀步的⽂件。



fidic合同范本英文FIDIC (Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils) is a leading international organization representing the interests of the consulting engineering industry. The FIDIC contracts are widely used in the construction and engineering industry for international projects. Here is a basic outline of what a FIDIC contract template might include in English:FIDIC Contract Template1. General Provisions- 1.1 Definitions and Interpretations- 1.2 Application of the Contract- 1.3 Language and Law2. The Employer- 2.1 Rights and Obligations of the Employer- 2.2 Employer’s Representative3. The Contractor- 3.1 Rights and Obligations of the Contractor- 3.2 Contractor’s Representative4. The Engineer- 4.1 Appointment and Authority- 4.2 Engineer’s Duties and Powers5. The Works- 5.1 Site and Access- 5.2 Commencement of Works- 5.3 Completion of Works6. Staff and Labour- 6.1 Staff and Labour- 6.2 Working Hours7. Plant, Materials and Workmanship - 7.1 Plant and Materials- 7.2 Workmanship8. Measurement and Evaluation- 8.1 Measurement- 8.2 Evaluation9. Payment- 9.1 Contract Price- 9.2 Application for Payment- 9.3 Payment Certificates10. Delays and Extensions of Time - 10.1 Delay Damages- 10.2 Extensions of Time11. Suspension and Termination- 11.1 Suspension of Work- 11.2 Termination by Employer - 11.3 Termination by Contractor12. Risk and Responsibility- 12.1 Force Majeure- 12.2 Insurance13. Claims, Disputes and Arbitration- 13.1 Claims- 13.2 Disputes- 13.3 Arbitration14. Special Provisions- 14.1 Additional Conditions- 14.2 Amendments to the Contract15. Appendices- Appendix A: Contract Agreement- Appendix B: Technical Specifications - Appendix C: Schedule of Rates- Appendix D: Performance Security- Appendix E: Payment Bond16. Annexes- Annex A: Drawings- Annex B: List of Deliverables17. Notices- 17.1 Notices under the Contract- 17.2 Service of Notices18. Final Provisions- 18.1 Effective Date of the Contract- 18.2 Amendments- 18.3 Governing LawSignatures:- Employer: _________________________- Contractor: _______________________- Engineer: _______________________Date: [Insert Date]Please note that this is a simplified outline and actual FIDIC contracts can be much more detailed and complex, depending on the specific requirements of the project. It is always recommended to consult with legal professionals when drafting or reviewing contracts.。



FIDIC 系列工程合同范本
鉴于甲方拟进行 [工程项目名称] 工程,乙方具备相应的工程建设能力和资质,双方经友好协商达成如下协议:
1. 工程地点:
2. 工程内容:(详细描述工程的具体范围和工作内容)
3. 工程期限:自____年__月__日起至____年__月__日止。

1. 工程总价款为:__________ 。

2. 支付方式及时间节点:(明确具体的付款阶段和金额)
1. 质量标准:(明确工程应达到的质量标准)
2. 验收程序和方法:(规定验收的流程和具体方式)
















交钥匙合同范本篇一:交钥匙总承包合同范本【总承包合同】EPC总承包合同范本目录合同协议书 2第1条合同文件 2第2条工程承包形式 3第3条总承包工程范围及内容 3第4条合同价格 4第5条支付条款 5第6条开工及完工时间、竣工时间 7第7条检验 7第8条保险 7工程一切险及建筑施工机具保险 7第三者责任保险 7雇主责任险或建筑施工人员人身意外伤害保险 7 第9条税费 7第10条包装运输 8第11条工程质量 8第12条工厂性能保证 8第13条违约责任及赔偿 8第14条生效日 8第15条争端的解决 9第16条代表的指定 9第17条工程监理 9第18条其他 9第19条合同执行 9合同协议书业主: (以下简称“业主”)承包人: (以下简称“承包人”)签订地点:依据《中华人民共和国合同法》的规定,业主和承包人本着平等互利的原则,在友好协商的基础上,按下述条款和条件签署本合同:第1条合同文件合同文件下列文件将构成业主与承包人之间的合同,且每一文件都应作为合同的不可分割的一部分来进行解释:1、合同协议书及双方商定的附件;2、合同条款;3、中标通知书;4、投标书;5、招标阶段的补遗及澄清文件;6、招标文件补充说明;7、招标文件;8、其他文件。










fidic工程合同模板 中英这是小编精心编写的合同文档,其中清晰明确的阐述了合同的各项重要内容与条款,请基于您自己的需求,在此基础上再修改以得到最终合同版本,谢谢!标题:fidic工程合同模板(中英)一、前言本合同模板是根据国际咨询工程师联合会(FIDIC)的相关规定,结合我国实际情况,为工程建设项目量身定制的中英双语合同。


二、合同主体1. 承包商:(全称,以下简称“乙方”)2. 业主:(全称,以下简称“甲方”)三、合同条款1. 工程范围(1)乙方按照甲方提供的工程图纸、技术规范和施工要求,承担以下工程:1)土建工程;2)安装工程;3)调试工程;4)其他配套工程。


2. 合同价格(1)合同价格采用固定总价方式,包括但不限于设计、施工、材料、设备、劳务、管理、税费、利润等一切费用。

(2)合同价格的具体金额为:(大写:人民币 元整;小写:¥ 元)。

3. 工期(1)合同工期为(年/月/日)至(年/月/日),共计(天)。


4. 付款方式(1)合同签订后,甲方支付乙方合同总价款的(%)作为预付款。





5. 违约责任(1)如乙方未按照合同约定完成工程,应承担违约责任,向甲方支付违约金,违约金计算方式为:()。


6. 争议解决(1)双方在履行合同过程中发生的争议,应首先通过友好协商解决。



Site Data现场数据4.9 The Employer shall have made available to the Contractor, prior to the Base Date, all the data on hydrological and sub-surface conditions at the Site, and studies on environmental impact, which have been obtained by or on behalf ofthe Employer from investigations for the Works. The Contractor shall be responsible for interpreting all data. The Contractor shall be deemed to have inspected and examined the Site, its surroundings, the above data and other available information, and to have satisfied himself (so far as is practicable, taking account of cost and time) before submitting the Tender, as to:(a) the form and nature of the Site, including the sub-surface conditions,(b) the hydrological and climatic conditions,(c) the extent and nature of the work and Materials necessary for the executionand completion of the Works, and the remedying of any defects, and(d) the means of access to the Site and the accommodation he may require. The Contractor shall be deemed to have obtained all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and all other circumstances which may influence or affect the Tender.在基准日期之前,雇主应向承包商提供由雇主或由雇主委托他人根据该项工程勘测所取得的现场水文及地表以下的数据,以及对环境影响的研究报告。



fidic最新标准合同范本合同FIDIC最新标准合同范本合同编号:_______地址:______________________法定代表人:______________________联系人:______________________联系方式:______________________地址:______________________法定代表人:______________________联系人:______________________联系方式:______________________鉴于甲方拟委托乙方进行______________________项目的施工工作,双方经平等协商,达成如下合同:第一条项目概况1.1 项目名称:______________________1.2 项目地点:______________________1.3 项目范围:______________________1.4 项目工期:______________________第二条工程款及支付方式(1)预付款:______________________(2)进度款:______________________(3)竣工结算:______________________第三条工程质量3.1 乙方应按照国家相关标准和规定,保证工程质量符合合同约定,达到相关验收标准。

3.2 如因乙方施工质量问题导致工程质量不符合要求,乙方应承担相应的违约责任。

第四条工程进度4.1 工程应按照合同约定的工期进行施工,如因乙方原因导致工程延期,乙方应承担相应的违约责任。

4.2 如因甲方原因导致工程延期,甲方应支付乙方相应的延期费用。

第五条变更管理5.1 如因不可抗力等原因需要对合同进行变更,应经双方协商一致,并签订书面变更协议。

5.2 未经双方协商一致,任何一方不得擅自变更合同内容。

第六条违约责任6.1 任何一方未能履行合同约定的义务,应承担相应的违约责任。



【合同标题】FIDIC建造与交钥匙工程合同【合同分类】其他建设工程合同设计-建造与交钥匙工程合同条件(第一部分通用条件)(1-3)1.合同定义1.1在合同(如下文所定义的)中,下文定义的措词和用语,除上下文另有要求外,应具有本款赋予的含义:1.1.1文件1.1.1.1 “合同”指本合同条件(第一与第二部分)、雇主的要求、投标书、承包商的建议书、资料表、中标函、合同协议书(如已签订)以及其他明确列入中标函或合同协议书(如已签订)中的此类进一步的文件。 “雇主的要求”指合同中包括的对工作范围、标准、设计准则(如有时)和进度计划的说明,以及根据合同对其所作的任何变更和修正。 “标书”指承包商为了工程间雇主提出并为中标函接受的报价书。 “投标书附录”指包括在投标书中已填写完的附录。 “承包商的建议书”指包含在合同中、随投标书一同递交的初步设计。 “资料表”指包含在合同中、与投标书一同递交的信息与数据。 “支付计划表”指第1.4款中所指的计划表(如有时)。 “中标函”指雇主对投标书的正式接受函。 “合同协议书”指第1.5款中所述的合同协议书(如有时)。

1.1.2人员1.1.2.1 “雇主”指投标书附录中指定的当事人以及取得此当事人资格的合法继承人,但不指(除非承包商同意)此当事人的任何受让人。 “承包商”指其投标书已为雇主接受的当事人以及取得此当事人资格的合法继承人,但不指(除非雇主同意)此当事人的任何受让人。 “雇主代表”指为了合同的目的被雇主任命作为雇主的代表从事工作,并在投标书附录中指定的当事人,或由雇主随时任命并将之通知承包商的其他当事人。 “承包商代表”指在合同中指定作为承包商代表的当事人(如有时),或根据第3.4款由承包商随时指定的其他当事人。



General ConditionsGeneral Conditions1.1DefinitionsIn the Conditions of Contract (“These Conditions”), which include Particular Conditions and these General Conditions, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings stated. Words indicating persons or parties include corporations and other legal entities, except where the context requires otherwise.1.1.1The Contract1.1.1.1“Contract”means the Contract Agreement, these Conditions, Employer’sRequirements, the Tender and the further documents (if any) which are listed in theContract Agreement.“Contract Agreement” means the contract agreement referred to in Sub-Clause 1.6[Contract Agreement], including any annexed memoranda.“Employer’s Requirements” means the document entitled employer’s requirements,as included in the Contract, and any additions and modifications to such document inaccordance with the Contract. Such document specifies the purpose, scope, and/ordesign and/or other technical criteria, for the Works.“Tender” means the Contractor’s signed offer for the Works and all other documentswhich the Contractor submitted therewith (other than these Conditions and theEmployer’s Requirements, if so submitted), as included in the Contract.“Performance Guarantees”and “Schedule of Payments”mean the documents sonamed (if any), as included in the Contract.1.1.2Parties and Persons1.1.2.1“Party” means the Employer or the Contractor, as the context requires.“Employer” means the person named as employer in the Contract Agreement and thelegal successors in title to this person.“Contractor” means the person(s) named as contractor in the Contract Agreement andthe legal successors in title to this person(s).“Employer’s Representative”means the person named by the Employer in theContract or appointed from time to time by the Employer under Sub-Clause 3.1 [TheEmployer’s Representative], who acts on behalf of the Employer.“Contractor’s Representative”means the person named by the Contractor in theContract or appointed from time to time by the Contractor under Sub-Clause 4.3[Contractor’s Representative], who acts on behalf of the Contractor.“Employer’s Personnel”means the Employer’s Representative, the assistantsreferred to in the Sub-Clause 3.2 [Other Employer’s Personnel]and all other staff,labour and other employees of the Employer and of the Employer’s Representative;and any other personnel notified to the Contractor, by the Employer or the Employer’sRepresentative, as Employer’s Personnel.“Contractor’s Personnel” means the Contractor’s Representative and all personnelwhom the Contractor utilizes on Site, who may include the staff, labour and otheremployees of the Contractor and of each Subcontractor; and any other personnelassisting the Contractor in the execution of the Works.“Subcontractor” means any person named in the Contract as a subcontractor, or anyperson appointed as a subcontractor, for a part of the Works, and the legal successors intitle to each of these persons.“DAB” means the person or three persons so named in the Contract, or other person(s)appointed under Sub-Clause 20.2 [Appointment of the Dispute Adjudication Board] orSub-Clause 20.3 [Failure to Agree Dispute Adjudication Board].“FIDIC”means the Federation Internationale des Ingenieurs-Conseils, theInternational federation pf consulting engineers.1.1.3Dates, Tests, Periods and Completion1.1.3.1“Base Date”means the date 28 days prior to the latest date for submission of theTender.“Commencement Date”means the date notified under Sub-Clause 8.1[Commencement of Works], unless otherwise defined in the Contract Agreement.“Time for Completion” means the time for completing the Works or a Section (as thecase may be) under Sub-Clause 8.2 [Time for Completion], as stated in the ParticularConditions (with any extension under Sub-Clause 8.4 [Extension of Time forCompletion], calculated from the Commencement Date.“Tests on Completion” means the tests which are specified in the Contract or agreedby both Parties or instructed as a Variation, and which are carried out under Clause 9[Tests on Completion] before the Works or a Section (as the case may be) are takenover by the Employer.“Taking-Over Certificate” means a certificate issued under Clause 10 [Employer’sTaking Over].“Tests after Completion” means the tests (if any) which are specified in the Contractand which are carried out under Clause 12 [Tests after Completion] after the Works or aSection (as the case may be) are taken over by the Employer.“Defects Notification Period” means the period for notifying defects in the Works or aSection ( as the case may be) under Sub-Clause 11.1 [Completion of Outstanding Workand Remedying Defects], as stated in the Particular Conditions (with any extensionunder Sub-Clause 11.3 [Extension of Defects Notification Period]), calculated from thedate on which the Works or Section is completed as certified under Sub-Clause 10.1[Taking Over of the Works and Sections]. If no such period is stated in the ParticularConditions, the period shall be one year.“Performance Certificate”means the certificate issued under Sub-Clause 11.9[Performance Certificate].“day” means a calendar day and “year” means 365 days.1.1.4Money and Payments1.1.4.1“Contract Price” means the agreed amount stated in the Contract Agreement for thedesign, execution and completion of the Works and remedying of any defects, andincluded adjustments (if any) in accordance with the Contract.“Cost” means all expenditure reasonably incurred (or to be incurred) by the Contractor,whether on or off the Site, including overhead and similar charges, but does not includeprofit.“Final Statement” means the statement defined in Sub-Clause 14.11 [Application forFinal Payment].“Foreign Currency” means a currency in which part of (or all) of the Contract Price ispayable, but not the Local Currency.“Local Currency” means the currency of the Country.“Provisional Sum”means a sum (if any) which is specified in the Contract as aprovisional sum, for the execution of any part of the Works or for the supply of plant,Materials or services under Sub-Clause 13.5 [Provisional Sum].“Retention Money” means the accumulated retention moneys which the Employerretains under Sub-Clause 14.3 [Application for Interim Payments] and pays underSub-Clause 14.9 [Payment of Retention Money].“Statement” means a statement submitted by the Contractor as part of an applicatio0nfor payment under Clause 14 [Contract Price and Payment].1.1.5Works and Goods1.1.5.1“Contractor’s Equipment” means all apparatus, machinery, vehicles and other thingsrequired for the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of anydefects. However, Contractor’s Equipment excludes Temporary Works, Employer’sEquipment (if any), Plant, Materials and any other things intended to form or formingpart of the Permanent Works.“Goods” means Contractor’s Equipment, Materials, Plant and Temporary Works, orany of them as appropriate.“Materials” means things of all kinds (other than Plant) intended to form or formingpart of the Permanent Works, including the supply-only materials (if any) to besupplied by the Contractor under the Contract.“Permanent Works” means the permanent works to be designed and executed by theContractor under the Contract.“Plant” means the apparatus, machinery and vehicles intended to form or forming partof the Permanent Works.“Section” means a part of the Works specified in the Particular Conditions as a Section(if any).“Temporary Works”means all temporary works of every kind (other thanContractor’s Equipment) required on Site for the execution and completion of thePermanent Works and the remedying of any defects.“Works” mean the Permanent Works and the Temporary Works, or either of them asappropriate.1.1.6Other Definitions1.1.6.1“Contractor’s Documents”means the calculations, computer programs and othersoftware, drawings, manuals, models and other documents of a technical naturesupplied by the Contractor under the Contract; as described in Sub-Clause 5.2[Contractor’s Documents].“Country” means the country in which the Site (or most of it) is located, where thePermanent Works are to be executed.“Employer’s Equipment” means the apparatus, machinery and vehicles (if any) madeavailable by the Employer for the use of the Contractor in the execution of the Works,as stated in the Employer’s Requirements; but does not include Plant which has notbeen taken over by the Employer.“Force Majeure” is defined in Clause 19 [Force Majeure].“Laws” means all national (or state) legislation, statutes, ordinances and other laws,and regulations and by-laws of any legally constituted public authority.“Performance Security” means the security (or securities, if any) under Sub-Clause4.2 [Performance Security].“Site” means the places where the Permanent Works are to be executed and to whichPlant and Materials are to be delivered, and any other places as may be specified in theContract as forming part of the Site.“Variation” means any change to the Employer’s Requirements or the Works, which isinstructed or approved as a variation under Clause 13 (Variations and Adjustments).1.2InterpretationIn the Contract, Except where the context requires otherwise:(a)Words indicating one gender include all genders;(b)Words indicating the singular also include the plural and words indicating the plural alsoinclude the singular;(c)Provisions including the word “agree”, “agreed” or “agreement” require the agreement to berecorded in writing, and(d)“Written” or “in writing” means hand-written, type-written, printed or electronically made, andresulting in a permanent record.The marginal words and other headings shall not be taken into consideration in the interpretation of these conditions.1.3CommunicationsWherever these Conditions provide for giving or issuing of approvals, certificates, consents, determinations, notices and requests, these communications shall be:(a)in writing and delivered by hand (against receipt), sent by mail or courier, or transmitted usingany of the agreed systems of electronic transmission as stated in the Particular Conditions; and(b)delivered, sent or transmitted to the address for the recipient’s communications as stated in theContract. However:(i)if the recipient gives notice of another address, communications shall thereafter bedelivered accordingly; and(ii)if the recipient has not stated otherwise when requesting an approval or consent, it may be sent to the address from which the request was issued.Approvals, certificates, consents and determinations shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.1.4Law and LanguageThe Contract shall be governed by the law of the country (or other jurisdiction) stated in the Particular Conditions.If there are versions of any part of the Contract which are written in more than one language, the version which is in the ruling language stated in the Particular Conditions shall prevail.The language for communications shall be that stated in the Particular Conditions. If no language is stated there, the language for communications shall be the language in which the Contract (or most of it) is written.1.5Priority of DocumentsThe documents forming the Contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another. For the purpose of interpretation, the priority of the documents shall be in accordance with the following sequence:(a)the Contract Agreement,(b)the Particular Conditions,(c)these General Conditions,(d)the Employer’s Requirements,(e)the Tender and any other documents forming part of the Contract.1.6Contract AgreementThe Contract shall come into force and effect on the date stated in the Contract Agreement. The costs of stamp duties and similar charges (if any) imposed by law in connection with entry into the Contract Agreement shall be borne by the Employer.1.7AssignmentNeither Party shall assign the whole or any part of the Contract or any benefit or interest in or under the Contract. However, either Party:(a)may assign the whole or any part with the prior agreement of the other Party, at the solediscretion of such other Party, and(b)may, as security in favour of a bank or financial institution, assign the right to any moneys due,or to become due, under the Contract.1.8Care and Supply of DocumentsEach of the Contractor’s Documents shall be in the custody and care of the Contractor, unless and until taken over by the Employer. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, the Contractor shall supply to the Employer six copies of each of the Contractor’s Documents.The Contractor shall keep, on the Site, a copy of the Contract, publications named in the Employer’s Requirements, the Contractor’s Documents, and Variations and other communications given under the Contract. The Employer’s Personnel shall have the right of access to all these documents at all reasonable times.If a Party becomes aware of an error or defect of a technical nature in a document which was prepared for use in executing the Works, the Party shall promptly give notice to the other Party of such error or defect.1.9ConfidentialityBoth Parties shall treat the details of the Contract as private and confidential, except to the extent necessary to carry out obligations under it or to comply with applicable Laws. The Contractor shall not publish, permit to be published, or disclose any particulars of the Works in any trade or technical paper or elsewhere without the previous agreement of the Employer.1.10Employer’s Use of Contractor’s DocumentsAs between the Parties, the Contractor shall retain the copyright and other intellectual property rights in the Contractor’s Documents and other design documents made by (or on behalf of) the Contractor.The Contractor shall be deemed (by signing the Contract) to give to the Employer a non-terminable transferable non-exclusive royalty-free licence to copy, use and communicate the Contractor’s Documents, including making and using modifications of them. This licence shall:(a)apply throughout the actual or intended working life (whichever is longer) of the relevant partsof the Works,(b)entitle any person in proper possession of the relevant part of the Works to copy, use andcommunicate the Contractor’s Documents for the purpose of completing, operating, maintaining, altering, adjusting, repairing and demolishing the Works, and(c)in the case of Contractor’s Documents which are in the form of computer programs and othersoftware, permit their use on any computer on the Site and other places as envisaged by the Contract, including replacements of any computers supplied by the Contractor.The Contractor’s Documents and other design documents made by (or on behalf of) the Contractor shall not, without the Contractor’s consent, be used, copied or communicated to a third party by (or on behalf of) the Employer for purposes other than those permitted under this Sub-Clause.1.11Contractor’s Use of Employer’s DocumentsAs between the Parties, the Employer shall retain the copyright and other intellectual property rights in the Employer’s Requirements and other documents made by (or on behalf of) the Employer. The Contractor may, at his cost, copy, use, and obtain communication of these documents for the purposes of the Contract.They shall not, without the Employer’s consent, be copied, used or communicated to a third party by the Contractor, except as necessary for the purposes of the Contract.1.12Confidential DetailsThe Contractor shall not be required to disclose, to the Employer, any information which the Contractor described in the Tender as being confidential. The Contractor shall disclose any other information which the Employer may reasonably require in order to verify the Contractor’s compliance with the Contract.1.13Compliance with LawsThe Contractor shall, in performing the Contract, comply with applicable Laws. Unless otherwise stated in the Particular Conditions:(a)the Employer shall have obtained (or shall obtain) the planning, zoning or similar permissionfor the Permanent Works, any other permission described in the Employer’s Requirements as having been (or being) obtained by the Employer; and the Employer shall indemnify and hold the Contractor harmless against and from the consequences of any failure to do so; and(b)the Contractor shall give all notices, pay all taxes, duties and fees, and obtain all permits,licences and approvals, as required by the Laws in relation to the design, execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects; and the Contractor shall indemnify and hold the Employer harmless against and from the consequences of any failure to do so.1.14Joint and Several LiabilityIf the Contractor constitutes (under applicable Laws) a joint venture, consortium or other unincorporated grouping of two or more persons:(a)these persons shall be deemed to be jointly and severally liable to the Employer for theperformance of the Contract;(b)these persons shall notify the Employer of their leader who shall have authority to bind theContractor and each of these persons; and(c)the Contractor shall not alter its composition or legal status without the prior consent of theEmployer.2 The Employer2.1 Right of Access to the SiteThe Employer shall give the Contractor right of access to, and possession of, all parts of the Site within the time (or times) stated in the Particular Conditions. The right and possession may not be exclusive to the Contractor. If, under the Contract, the Employer is required to give (to the Contractor) possession of any foundation, structure, plant or means of access, the Employer shall do so in the time and manner stated in the Employer’s Requirements. However, the Employer may withhold any such right or possession until the Performance Security has been received.If no such time is stated in the Particular Conditions, the Employer shall give the Contractor right of access to, and possession of, the site with effect from the Commencement Date.If the Contractor suffers delay and/or incurs Cost as a result a failure by the Employer to give any such right or possession within such time, the Contractor shall give notice to the Employer and shall be entitled subject to Sub-Clause 20.1 [Contractor’s Claims] to:(a)an extension of time for such delay, if completion is or will be delayed, under Sub-Clause 8.4[Extension of Time for Completion], and(b)payment of such Cost plus reasonable profit, which shall be added to the Contract Price.After receiving this notice, the Employer shall proceed in accordance with Sub-Clause 3.5 [Determinations] to agree or determine these matters.However, if and to the extent that the Employer’s failure was caused by any error or delay by the Contractor, including an error in, or delay in the submission of, any of the Contractor’s Documents, the Contractor shall not be entitled to such extension of time, Cost or profit.2.2 Permits, Licences or ApprovalsThe Employer shall (where he is in a position to do so) provide reasonable assistance to the Contractor at the request of the Contractor:(a)by obtaining copies of the Laws of the Country which are relevant to the Contract but are notreadily available, and(b)for the Contractor’s applications for any permits, licences or approvals required by the Laws ofthe Country:(i)which the Contractor is required to obtain under Sub-Clause 1.13 [Compliance withLaws],(ii)for the delivery of Goods, including clearance through customs, and(iii)for the export of Contractor’s Equipment when it is removed from the Site.2.3 Employer’s PersonnelThe Employer shall be responsible for ensuring that the Employer’s Personnel and the Employer’s other contractors on the Site:(a)co-operate with the Contractor’s efforts under Sub-Clause 4.6 [Co-operation], and(b)take actions similar to those which the Contractor is required to take under sub-paragraphs (a),(b) and (c) of Sub-Clause 4.8 [Safety Procedures] and under Sub-Clause 4.18 [Protection of theEnvironment].2.4 Employer’s Financial ArrangementsThe Employer shall submit, within 28 days after receiving any request from the Contractor, reasonable evidence that financial arrangements have been made and are being maintained which will enable the Employer to pay the Contract Price (as estimated at that time) in accordance with Clause 14 [Contract Price and Payment]. If the Employer intends to make any materials change to his financial arrangements, the Employer shall give notice to the Contractor with detailed particulars.2.5 Employer’s ClaimsIf the Employer considers himself to be entitled to any payment under any Clause of these Conditions or otherwise in connection with the Contract, and/or to any extension of the Defects Notification Period, he shall give notice and particulars to the Contractor. However, notice is not required for payments due under Sub-Clause 4.19 [Electricity, Water and Gas], under Sub-Clause 4.20 [Employer’s Equipment and Free-Issue Material], or for other services requested by the Contractor.The notice shall be given as soon as practicable after the Employer became aware of the event or circumstances giving rise to the claim. A notice relating to any extension of the Defects Notification Period shall be given before the expiry of such period.。

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CONTENTS目录1. 一般规定General Provisions (8)1.1 定义Definitions (8)1.2 解释Interpretation (18)1.3 通讯联络Communications (18)1.4 法律和语言1.4 Law and Language (19)1.5 文件的优先次序1.5 Priority of documents (20)1.6 合同协议书1.6 Contract Agreement (21)1.7 转让1.7 Assignment (21)1.8 文件的保管和提供1.8 Care and Supply of documents (21)1.9 拖延的图纸或指示1.9 Delayed Drawings or Instructions (22)1.10 雇主使用承包商的文件1.10 Employer's Use of Contractor's documents (23)1.11 承包商使用雇主的文件1.11 Contractor's Use of Employer's documents (25)1.12 保密事项1.12 Confidential Details (25)1.13 遵守法律1.13 Compliance with Laws (25)1.14 共同的与各自的责任1.14 Joint and Several Liability (26)2. 雇主THE EMPLOYER (26)2.1 进入现场的权利2.1 Right of Access to the Site (26)2.2 许可、执照和批准2.2 Permits, Licences or Approval (28)2.3 雇主的人员2.3 Employer's Personnel (28)2.4 雇主的资金安排2.4 Employer's Financial Arrangements (29)2.5 雇主的索赔2.5 Employer's Claims (29)3. 工程师THE ENGINEER (30)3.1 工程师的职责和权力3.1Engineer's Duties and Authority (30)3.2 工程师的授权3.2 Delegation by the Engineer (32)3.3 工程师的指示3.3 Instructions of the Engineer (33)3.4 工程师的撤换3.4 Replacement of the Engineer (34)3.5 决定3.5 Determinations (34)4. 承包商The Contractor (35)4.1 承包商的一般义务4.1 Contractor's General Obligations (35)4.2 履约保证4.2 Performance Security (37)4.3 承包商的代表4.3 Contractor's Representative (39)4.4 分包商4.4 subcontractors (40)4.5 分包合同利益的转让4.5 Assignment of Benefit of Subcontract (41)4.6 合作4.6 Co-operation (41)4.7 放线4.7 Setting Out (42)4.8 安全措施4.8 Safety Procedures (43)4.9 质量保证4.9 Quality Assurance (44)4.10 现场数据4.10 Site Data (45)4.11 接受的合同款额的完备性4.11 Sufficiency of the Accepted Contract Amount (46)4.12 不可预见的外界条件4.12 Unforeseeable Physical Conditions (46)4.13 道路通行权和设施4.13 Rights of Way and Facilities (49)4.14 避免干扰4.14 Avoidance of Interference (49)4.15 进场路线4.15 Access Route (49)4.16 货物的运输4.16 Transport of Goods (50)4.17 承包商的设备4.17 Contractor's Equipment (51)4.18 环境保护4.18 Protection of the environment (51)4.19 电、水、气4.19 Electricity, Water and Gas (52)4.20 雇主的设备和免费提供的材料4.20 Employer's Equipment and Free-Issue Material52 4.21 进度报告4.21 Progress Reports (54)4.22 现场保安 4.22 Security of the Site (56)4.23 承包商的现场工作4.23 Contractor's Operations on Site (56)4.24 化石4.24 Fossils (57)5. 指定分包商 (58)5.1 指定分包商的定义5.1 Definition of "nominated Subcontractor (58)5.2 对指定的反对5.2 Objection to Nomination (58)5.3 对指定分包商的支付5.3 Payments to nominated Subcontractors (59)5.4 支付的证据5.4 Evidence of Payments (59)6. 职员和劳工Staff and Labour (60)6.1 职员和劳工的雇用6.1 Engagement of Staff and Labour (60)6.2 工资标准和劳动条件6.2 Rates of Wages and Conditions of Labour (61)6.3 为他人提供服务的人员6.3 Persons in the Service of Employer (61)6.4 劳动法 6.4 Labour Laws (61)6.5 工作时间 6.5 Working hours (62)6.6 为职员和劳工提供的设施 6.6 Facilities for Staff and Labour (62)6.7 健康和安全 6.7 Health and Safety (62)6.8 承包商的监督6.8 Contractor's Superintendence (63)6.9 承包商的人员 6.9 Contractor's Personnel (64)6.10 承包商的人员和设备的记录6.10 Records of Contractor's Personnel and Equipment656.11 妨碍治安的行为6.11 Disorderly Conduct (65)7. 永久设备、材料和工艺 (65)7.1 实施方式7.1 Manner of Execution (65)7.2 样本7.2 Samples (66)7.3 检查7.3 Inspection (66)7.4 检验7.4 Testing (67)7.5 拒收7.5 Rejection (69)7.6 补救工作7.6 Remedial Work (69)7.7 对永久设备和材料的拥有权7.7 Ownership of Plant and Materials (70)7.8 矿区使用费7.8 Royalties (71)8. 开工、延误和暂停Commencement, Delays and Suspension (71)8.1 工程的开工8.1 Commencement of Works (71)8.2 竣工时间8.2 Time for Completion (72)8.3 进度计划8.3 Programme (72)8.4 竣工时间的延长8.4 Extension of Time for Completion (74)8.5 由公共当局引起的延误8.5 Delays Caused by Authorities (75)8.6 进展速度8.6 Rate of Progress (76)8.7 误期损害赔偿费8.7 Delay Damages (77)8.8 工程暂停8.8 Suspension of Work (77)8.9 暂停引起的后果8.9 Consequences of Suspension (78)8.10 暂停时对永久设备和材料的支付8.10 Payment for Plant and Materials in Event of Suspension (78)8.11 持续的暂停8.11 Prolonged Suspension (79)8.12 复工8.12 Resumption of Work (79)9. 竣工检验Tests On Completion (79)9.1 承包商的义务9.1 Contractor's Obligations (79)9.2 延误的检验9.2 Delayed Tests (80)9.3 重新检验9.3 Retesting (81)9.4 未能通过竣工检验9.4 Failure to Pass Tests on completion (81)10. 10 雇主的接收Employer’s T aking Over (82)10.1 对工程和区段的接收10.1 Taking Over of the Works and Sections (82)10.2 对部分工程的接收10.2 Taking Over of parts of the Works (83)10.3 对竣工检验的干扰10.3 Interference with Tests on Completion (85)10.4 地表需要恢复原状10.4 Surfaces Requiring Reinstatement (86)11. 缺陷责任Defects Liability (87)11.1 完成扫尾工作和修补缺陷11.1 Completion of Outstanding Work and Remedying Defects 8711.2 修补缺陷的费用 (87)11.3 缺陷通知期的延长11.3 Extension of Defects Notification Period (88)11.4 未能补救缺陷11.4 Failure to Remedy Defects (88)11.5 清除有缺陷的部分工程11.5 Removal of Defective Work (90)11.6 进一步的检验11.6 Further Tests (90)11.7 进入权11.7 Right of Access (90)11.8 承包商的检查11.8 Contractor to Search (91)11.9 履约证书11.9 Performance Certificate (91)11.10 未履行的义务11.1 Unfulfilled Obligations (92)11.11 现场的清理11.11 Clearance of Site (92)12. 测量和估价Measurement and Evaluation (92)12.1 需测量的工程12.1 Works to be Measured (93)12.2 测量方法12.2 Method of Measurement (94)12.3 估价12.3 Evaluation (94)12.4 省略12.4 Omissions (96)13. 变更和调整Variations and Adjustments (97)13.1 有权变更13.1 Right to Vary (97)13.2 价值工程13.2 value Engineering (98)13.3 变更程序13.3 Variation Procedure (99)13.4 以适用的货币支付13.4 Payment in Applicable Currencies (100)13.5 暂定金额13.5Provisional Sums (101)13.6 计日工13.6 Daywork (102)13.7 法规变化引起的调整13.7Adjustments for changes in Lesgislation (103)13.8 费用变化引起的调整13.8 Adjustments for Changes in the Cost (104)14. 合同价格和支付Contractor price and Payment (107)14.1 合同价格14.1The contractor Price (107)14.2 预付款14.2Advance Payment (108)14.3 期中支付证书的申请14.3 Application for Interim Payment Certificates (110)14.4 支付表14.4Schedule of Payments (111)14.5 用于永久工程的永久设备和材料14.5 Plant and Materials (112)14.6 期中支付证书的颁发14.6 Issue of Interim Payment Certificates (115)14.7 支付Payment (116)14.8 延误的支付Delayed Payment (116)14.9 保留金的支付Payment of Retention money (117)14.10 竣工报表Statement of Completion (118)14.11 申请最终支付证书Application for Final Payment Certificate (119)14.12 结清单Discharge (120)14.13 最终支付证书的颁发Issue of Final Payment Certificate (120)14.14 雇主责任的终止Cessation of Employer’s Liability (121)14.15 支付的货币Currencies of Payment (121)15. 雇主提出终止Termination by Employer (123)15.1 通知改正15.1 Notice to Correct (123)15.2 雇主提出终止15.2 Termination by Employer (123)15.3 终止日期时的估价 (126)15.4 终止后的支付15.4 Payment after Termination (126)15.5 雇主终止合同的权力 (127)16. 承包商提出暂停和终止Suspens on and Termination by Contractor (127)16.1 承包商有权暂停工作16.1 Contractor's Entitlement to Suspend Work (127)16.2 承包商提出终止16.2 Termination by Contractor (129)16.3 停止工作及承包商的设备的撤离16.3 Cessation of Work and Removal of Contractor's Equipment (130)16.4 终止时的支付16.4Payment on Termination (131)17. 风险和责任Risk and Responsibility (131)17.1 保障17.1 Indemnities (131)17.2 承包商对工程的照管17.2 Contractor's Care of the Works (133)17.3 雇主的风险17.3 Employer's Risks (134)17.4 雇主的风险造成的后果17.4 Consequences of Employer’s rirks (135)17.5 知识产权和工业产权17.5 Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights (136)17.6 责任限度17.6 Limitation of Liability (137)18. 保险Insurance (138)18.1 有关保险的总体要求18.1 General Requirements for insurances (138)18.2 工程和承包商的设备的保险18.2 Insurance for Works and Contractor’s equipment14118.3 人员伤亡和财产损害的保险18.3Insurance against Injury to Persons and Damage under to Property (144)18.4 承包商的人员的保险18.4 Insurance for C ontractor’s Personnel (145)19. 不可抗力Force Majeure (146)19.1 不可抗力的定义19.1 Defination of Force Majeure (146)19.2 不可抗力的通知19.2 Notice of Force Majeure (147)19.3 减少延误的责任19.3 Duty to Minimise Delay (148)19.4 不可抗力引起的后果19.4 Consequences of Force Majeure (148)19.5 不可抗力对分包商的影响19.5 Force Majeure Affecting Subcontractor (149)19.6 可选择的终止、支付和返回19.6 Optional Termination, Payment and Release (149)19.7 根据法律解除履约19.7 Release from Performance under the Law (151)20. 索赔、争端和仲裁Claim, Disputes and Arbitration (151)20.1 承包商的索赔20.1 Contractor's Claims (152)20.2 争端裁决委员会的委任20.2 Appointment of the Dispute Adjudication Board (155)20.3 未能同意争端裁决委员会的委任20.3 Failure to Agree Dispute Adjudication Board15720.4 获得争端裁决委员会的决定20.4 Obtaining Dispute Adjudication Board's Decision15820.5 友好解决20.5 Amicable both Settlement (160)20.6 仲裁20.6 Arbitration (160)20.7 未能遵守争端裁决委员会的决定20.7 Failure to Comply with Dispute Adjudication Board's Decision (161)20.8 争端裁决委员会的委任期满20.8 Expiry of Dispute Adjudication Board's Appointment (162)Fédération Internationale Des Ingénieurs-Conseils通用条件General Conditions1.一般规定General Provisions1.1 定义Definitions在包括专用条件和本通用条件的合同条件(“本合同条件”)中,以下措辞和用语的含义如下所述。
