
A.总结B.阶段性报告C.需求分析评审D.以上答案都不正确2.在结构化分析方法中,用以表达系统内数据的运动情况的工具是( A )。
A.数据流图B.数据词典C.结构化英语D.判定表与判定树3.在选择程序设计语言时最重要的依据是(A)A.语言的应用领域B.对语言的熟悉程度C.数据结构的复杂度D.算法的复杂度4.模块的( B)性是把软件划分为模块时要遵守的准则,衡量的标准是模块本身的( A )性和模块之间的(C)性。
由若干个逻辑功能相似的成分组成的模块,该模块的内聚性是( H );模块内部的各个成分使用同一个输入数据,或产生同一个输出数据,该模块的内聚性是( J )。
A. 内聚性 B. 独立性C. 耦合性D. 功能内聚E. 顺序内聚F.过程内聚G. 时间性内聚 H. 逻辑性内聚 I. 偶然性内聚J. 通讯性内聚5.白盒法测试程序时常按照给定的覆盖条件选取测试用例:( B )覆盖比( A )覆盖严格,它使得每个判定的每条分支至少经历1次;( D )覆盖既是判定覆盖,又是条件覆盖,但它并不保证使各种条件都能取到所有的值;( E )覆盖比其他条件都要严格,但它不能保证覆盖程序中的每一条路径。
A. 语句B. 判定C.条件D. 判定/条件E. 多重条件F.路径6.在以下的描述中,( B )不是信息。
A.计算机02班全体30名同学B.5、6、7、8、9C.中国的4个直辖市D.经济管理学院共有4个系7.下列( C )语句是非功能性需求的描述。
A.系统可以查询到某人当前借了哪些书B.系统可以查询到某人是否为会员C.系统可以把查询的响应速度尽量控制在5秒之内D.系统可以查询到某人是否得到奖学金8.下面( C )不是面向对象开发方法的特征。
A.抽象性B.继承性C.关联性D.封装性9.以下( C )不属于系统维护的类型。

2.案例题阅读以下关于 web 系统设计的叙述,在答题纸上回答问题1至问题3。

电子科技大学uml期末考试题B卷答案电子科技大学考卷(B卷)11(执行者(Actor)与用例之间的关系是()(A)包含关系(B)泛化关系(C)关联关系(D)扩展关系考试时间年月日(120分钟)课程UML12(在类图中,下面哪个符号表示继承关系()⑷(B)(0 (D)教师签名_请将答案填写在答题纸上〜不要在考卷上作答〜13(在类图中,“ 表示的可见性是()(A)Public (B)Protected (C)Private (D)Package 一、单选题(每小题只有一个正确选项,每小题2分,共30分)14(下面那个类图的表示是正确的()1(下面哪个符号代表包图()⑷(B) (0 (D)⑷(0 (D)⑻Student Student Student Studentname : String Name : String getName ()age : Age: intinteger getAge () 2(在UML协作图中,有多少种关联角色的构造型()Integer (A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 5 (D) 7 getName ()getAge 0 3(在类图中,哪种关系表达总体与局部的关系()(A)泛化⑻实现(C)依赖(D)聚合15(下面哪个符号代表部署图的节点()4(在类图中,“表示的可见性是(A) (B) (C) (D) (A)Public (B)Protected (C)Private (D)Package5(下面哪个符号表示注释()⑷(B) (C) (D)二.多选题(每小题有一个或多个选项,每小题2分,共10分)1(下面哪些图形可以清楚地表达并发行为()(A)类图(B)状态体(C)活动图(D)顺序图6(生命线是UML视图中哪个图形的组成部分()2(下面哪些元素构成了组件图形()(A)类图(B)状态图(C)活动图(D)顺序(A)组件(B)转换(C)关系(D)接口 7(在类图中,那种关系表达总体与局部的关系()3(部署图中的节点具有以下哪些方面的内容()(A)泛化⑻实现(C)依赖(D)聚合(A)计算能力(B)基本内存(C)位置(D)接口 8(下面哪个图形代表活动() 4(顺序图的用途包括()(A)(B)(0 (D)(A)显示并发进程和激活(B)当不同的类之间存在多个简短的方法时,描述控制流的整体序列(0显示在协作图中难于描述的事件序列9(下面哪个UML视图是描述一个对象的生命周期的()(D)显示涉及类交互而与对象无关的一般形式⑷类图(B)状态图(C)协作图(D)顺序图5(常见的UML工具有哪些,()(A), ational Rose (B)Power Designer (C)Visio (D)Visual UML 10(下面哪个视图属于UML 语言的交互图()(A)行为图(B)状态图(C)实现图(D)顺序图姓名姓名专业名称, 专业名称, 班号, >>>>>> 学号八 > > 班号»>>>>>>学号八八,,教学中心,,教学中心.密密封 线三.填空题(每空2分,共30分)题号1 2 3 4 51. UML 中有多种关系,请标出图示是哪种关系:CD ACD ABC ABCD 答案ABCD 0. . 1 0. • *三.填空题(每空 2 分,共 30 分)(,)(,)employer employee 1.答 案:依赖关联聚合组合泛化实现(,)C) 2. (5) (6)答案:(1)F (2)B (3)C (4)E (5)C (6)E 3( 2. UML 提供了一系列的图支持面向对象的分析与设计,其中(1)—给出系统的静态设计视图;答案:(1)B ⑵A (3)D _(2)—对系统的 行为进行组织和建模是非常®要的;—(3)—和—(4)—都是描述系统动态视 图的交互图,其中—(5)—描述了以时间顺序组织的对象之间的交互活动,(6)—强调收发消息的对象的组织结构。

《管理信息系统》期末考试试卷一、选择题(每题2分,共10题,共20分)1. 计算机输入的是(A)。
A.数据,输出的还是数据B.信息,输出的还是信息C.数据,输出的是信息D.信息,输出的是数据2. 大数据的属性特征是指(C)。
A.中期计划范围B.长远计划范围C.战略计划范围D.作业计划范围4. 管理信息系统的结构是指(B)。
A.管理信息系统的物理结构B.管理信息系统的组成及各组成之间的关系C.管理信息系统的软件结构D.管理信息系统的硬件结构5. 管理信息系统是一个(D)。
A.网络系统B.计算机系统C.操作系统D.人机系统6. 对管理信息系统进行综合,我们可以了解到,管理信息系统是由多个功能子系统组成的,这些功能子系统又可以分为业务处理、运行控制、管理控制和(D)几个主要信息处理部分。
A.财务管理B.信息管理C.人力资源管理D.战略管理7. (A)是管理信息系统环境中最重要的因素之一,决定着管理信息系统应用的目标和规模。
A.组织规模B.管理的规范化程度C.生产过程的特征D.组织的系统性8. 从信息处理的工作量来看,信息处理所需资源的数量随管理任务的层次而变化,层次越高,所需信息量(B)。
A.越大B.越小C.不大不小D.不一定9. 开发管理信息系统的最大难点在于(D)难以获得。
A.系统数据B.系统信息C..系统人才D.系统需求10. 金字塔型的管理信息系统结构的底部为(A)的处理和决策。
A.结构化B.半结构化C.非结构化D.三者都有二、多选题(每题2分,共5题,共10分)1. U/C矩阵的描述正确的是(BCD)。
A.说明程序模块和数据元素的关系B.确定信息系统子系统的划分C.在系统规划阶段使用D.U表示Use,C表示Create2. CSF法的主要步骤有哪些(ABCD)?A.了解企业或MIS的战略目标B.确定关键成功因素C.识别所有的成功因素D.明确各关键因素的性能指标和评估标准3. 下列选项中属于数据字典的内容的是(BCD)。

2020-2021《GIS 设计与开发》期末课程考试试卷B 适用专业: 考试日期:分, 总计10分) 1.GIS 维护除了通常的软、硬件维护和更新外,还包括地理信息的维护,主要表现在地理信息正确性、一致性和完整性的监察以及地理信息现势性的保证等。
..) 2.广义GIS 接口设计是指设计GIS 之间、GIS 内各子系统之间和子系统内部各个模块之间的接口, 使它们能够较好地进行通讯和实现功能共享。
( ) 3...myRecordSet.Fields("人口").Value 和..myRecordSet("人口")完成的功能是一样的。
..) 4.FoxPr.、Acces..MYSQ..MSSQ.数据库,均可.ODB.AP.进行访问...)5.Mapinf.、ArcInfo 是ESRI 公司推出的桌.GI.平台与大型工具.GI.平台。
..) 1. 二、选择题(共10题、每题2分, 共20分) GIS 组件式的二次开发的特点包括: ( ) A 开发简易 B 开发语言无关 C 不依赖于商用GIS 平台 D 通用性 2. 我国1:100万基本比例尺分幅地图的经差是( )。
3. A.3° B.4° C.6° D.2° 4. 面向对象方法的基本特征包括( ) A.类 B.对象 C.虚拟 D.继承 按6度带划分, 经度范围为 114°---> 120°, 那么其中央经线为: ( ) 5. A 、117° B.116° C 、115° D 、117.5° 6. GIS 工程总体设计一般采用( )进行实施。
A.结构化设计方法 B.原型化方法 系: 专业班级: 姓名: 学号:装 订 线C.面向对象方法D.组件化方法7.地理信息系统空间位置建立的基础是()A 统一的坐标系统B 统一的分类编码原则C 标准的数据交换格式D 标准的数据采集技术规程、假定“姓名”是文本型字段, 则查找姓“王”的学生应使用表达式()A 姓名 Like ″王 * ″B 姓名 Like ″ [ !王 ] ″C 姓名 = ″王 * ″D 姓名 = = ″王 * ″8.地理坐标系的坐标单位是()A 、角度单位B 、长度单位C 、弧度单位D 、计量单位在GIS用户界面的开发中, 一般采用()。

uml期末考试题B卷及答案UML期末考试题B卷一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在UML中,用于表示系统内部结构的图是:A. 用例图B. 类图C. 状态图D. 活动图2. 以下哪个不是UML中的结构图?A. 包图B. 类图C. 对象图D. 序列图3. 以下哪个UML图用于描述对象之间的交互?A. 用例图B. 类图C. 交互图D. 状态图4. 在UML中,以下哪个元素用于表示类中的操作?A. 属性B. 方法C. 关联D. 泛化5. 以下哪个UML图用于描述系统的动态行为?A. 用例图B. 类图C. 活动图D. 部署图6. 在UML中,表示类之间继承关系的符号是:A. 实线箭头B. 虚线箭头C. 虚线菱形D. 实线菱形7. 在UML中,以下哪个元素用于表示对象之间的通信?A. 关联B. 聚合C. 消息D. 依赖8. 在UML中,以下哪个元素用于表示类与对象之间的关系?A. 关联B. 泛化C. 实例化D. 依赖9. 在UML中,以下哪个元素用于表示组件之间的依赖关系?A. 包B. 组件图C. 依赖D. 接口10. 在UML中,以下哪个图用于描述系统的物理部署?A. 用例图B. 部署图C. 活动图D. 序列图二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 解释UML中用例图的作用和组成部分。
2. 描述UML中类图的主要用途,并给出一个简单的类图示例。
3. 说明UML中状态图与活动图的区别。
三、绘图题(每题25分,共50分)1. 根据以下描述,绘制一个简单的类图:- 一个图书馆系统包含书籍(Book)和读者(Reader)两个类。
- 书籍有属性:书名(title)、作者(author)、ISBN号(isbn)。
- 读者有属性:姓名(name)、借书证号(libraryCardNumber)。
- 书籍与读者之间存在借阅关系,一个读者可以借阅多本书,而一本书也可以被多个读者借阅。
2. 根据以下场景,绘制一个序列图:- 一个在线购物系统,用户(User)通过网站浏览商品(BrowseProduct),选择商品(SelectProduct),然后添加到购物车(AddToCart),最后进行结账(Checkout)。

试题_2011_年~_2012_年第2 学期课程名称:电子商务系统分析与设计专业年级:电子商务2009级考生学号:考生姓名:试卷类型:A卷■B卷□ 考试方式: 开卷□闭卷■………………………………………………………………………………………………………一、单项选择题(每题1分,25题,25×1=25分)1.管理信息具有等级性,下面属于策略级的信息是()A、库存管理信息B.产品投产C.工资单D.每天统计的产量数据2.用于支持领导层决策的信息系统是()A.专家系统B.经理信息系统C.战略信息系统D.电子数据交换3.BPR是指对企业的流程进行根本的再思考和彻底的再设计,这里“根本的”是指()A.对企业业务内容进行彻底的改造B.追求经营绩效的显著提高C.对企业业务流程进行本质的改造D.追求经营绩效的根本提高4.不属于电子商务系统战略规划方法的是()A.战略集合转移法B.关键成功要素法C.关键路径法D.企业系统规划法5.下列选项不属于系统分析报告内容的是( )A.系统使用说明文档B.原系统的状况和问题C.新系统的目标D.新系统的逻辑设计6.系统的逻辑模型是描述系统()问题的。
A. 做什么B. 怎么做C. 谁来做D. 在哪里做7.对一个企业供、销、存管理信息系统而言,以下各部门哪一个是外部实体?()。
A、仓库B、计划科C、供应科D、销售科8.数据字典中的"数据项"一般作为概念模型中的()A.实体B.实体集C.属性D.数据流9.在系统开发过程中,一般使用"判定表"的阶段是()A.系统分析B.系统设计C.系统实施D.系统运行10.数据流程图是自顶向下逐步分解的,被分解的元素是( )A.数据存储B.处理功能C.外部实体D.数据关联11.电子商务系统的系统设计阶段的主要工作内容是_________。
A. 完成新系统的逻辑设计B. 完成新系统的功能分析C. 完成新系统的物理设计D. 完成新系统的数据分析12.一个系统可以分解成若干层次的多个模块,结构化设计应当先从()A.底层开始B.顶层开始C.中层开始D.主要模块开始13.下面属于系统详细设计的工作为()。

问题1选项A.信息B.价值C.需求D.变更问题2选项A.客户关怀B.客户开拓C.市场营销D.市场调研【答案】第1题:B第2题:C【解析】第1题:本题考查的是客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM)相关内容。
客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM)将客户看作是企业的一项重要资产,客户关怀是CRM的中心,其目的是与客户建立长期和有效的业务关系,在与客户的每一个“接触点”上都更加接近客户、了解客户,最大限度地增加利润。

LF(J) =EF(J)=31 LF(I)=LF(J)-5=26 LF(H)=min((LF(J)-5),LF(I)-4)=22等
而另一方面,当我们将关系都拆分为一个个彼此独立的简单关系之后,如果我们要进行一些查询操作,如S(SN, SName, CN), C(CN, CName), SC(CN, SN,Score)对应三个独立的表,都满足第三范式,当我们要查询张三数据结构这门课的成绩时,就需要连接这三个表,通过不同关系的连接操作实现最终的查询,影响数据库访问效率。因此,当表中的检索超过更新相当多时,我们会考虑使用反规范化,进而提高数据访问效率。


21、教学系统设计理论的发展为什么以学习理论的发展作为依据,是怎么划分的?22、简述维果斯基的 "最邻近发展区"理论,并用它解释自主学习中的支架式教学策略。


《管理信息系统》考试题班级学号姓名_______________________________________________________ 分数 __________ 一、填空题( 20分)1.管理信息系统的开发方法有(列出三种常用方法): 2.采用生命周期方法开发信息系统的开发过程一般包括:五个步骤。
3.计算机主要由主机和外部设备组成,其中主机包括 ____________ 、_____________ ,外部设备主要包括____________ 、_____________ 、_____________ 。
4.试举出三个输入设备: ____________ 、____________ 、_____________ 三个输出设备:_____________ 、 ____________ 、_____________ 。
二、判断题( 10分)1.结构化方法的基本思路就是把整个系统开发过程分成若干阶段,每个阶段进行若干活动,每项活动完成一个或多个任务。
( )2.系统实施的目的是把系统分析和系统设计的成果转化为可实际运行的系统。
( )3.对规模很大、结构非常复杂的系统,可以考虑采用原型化开发方法。
( )4.对于信息系统来说,其可行性可以从经济可行性,运行可行性,技术可行性,进程可行性,人员可行性五个方面来考虑。
( )5.对于大型和中型的设计比较完善的系统,通常采用直接转换,即分析系统完成后立即取代原系统。
( )6.系统设计时应尽量减少各子系统之间的数据依赖性。
( )7.按照商务活动的交易的对象的不同,电子商务可分为间接电子商务和直接电子商务。
( )9.商业企业经营的核心是如何更好地发挥组织、协调等企业管理职能的作用。
( )10.信息技术已成为商业企业现代生产和经营管理中的一项至关重要的经济资源。

阳光学院2023-2024学年第二学期考试B 卷课程名称 电子商务系统分析与设计(闭卷) 级专业 21级电子商务自考 考试日期学生姓名 学号 班级题号 一 二 二 三 总分 累分人题分 20242036100得分考生注意事项:1.本试卷共 6 页,请查看试卷中是否有缺页。
一.单选题(共20分,每小题2分)1.( )是在规划阶段进行的,即先投入少量人力对系统进行大致的了解,分析其开发的可行性。
A.详细调查B.初步调查C.项目调查D.调查规划 2.在电子商务系统的SDLC 中,( )耗时最长。
A.立项阶段B.开发阶段C.运维阶段D.消亡阶段 3.结构化设计方法的设计原则:使每个模块尽量只执行一个( ),每个模块用过程语句调用其他模块,模块间传送的参数作数据用,模块间共用的信息尽量少。
A.过程B.对象C.模块D.功能4.( )是指在获取一组基本的需求定义后,利用高级软件工具可视化的开发环境,快速地建立一个目标系统的最初版本,并把它交给用户试用、补充和修改,再进行新的版本开发。
A.原型法 B.面向对象开发方法 C.结构化开发方法 D.生命周期法5.一般来讲,采用面向对象开发方法开发系统主要分为4个阶段,即面向对象( )、面向对象系统设计、面向对象编程和面向对象测试。
A.系统分析 B.系统构造 C.系统需求 D.系统建模………………………………………………………………装……订……线……内……不……要……答……题…………………………………………………………得 分 评卷人6.UML是一种面向()的建模语言。

2024年软考-高级软考-系统分析师考试历年真题常考点试题带答案(图片大小可任意调节)第1卷一.单选题(共20题)1.原型化方法是用户和软件开发人员之间进行的一种交互过程,它从用户界面的开发入手,首先形成系统界面原型,用户( )并提出意见。
A.改进用户界面的设计B.阅读文档资料C.模拟用户界面的运行D.运行用户界面原型2.由用户开发应用系统可以解决的主要问题是( )。
A. 提高应用系统效率B.系统开发直接反映用户需求C.增强系统的可靠性D.降低开发成本3.系统设计阶段的主要成果是( )。
A.用户的决策方针B.用户的分析方案C.系统设计说明书D.系统总体设计方案4.一般子系统的划分是在系统( )阶段,根据对系统的功能 /数据分析的结果提出的。
A.需求分析B.逻辑阶段C.总体设计D.详细设计5.软件工程的主要目标是( )。
A.软件需求B.软件设计C.风险分析D.软件实现6.用户开发应用系统的主要手段是( ) 。
A.生命周期法B. 原型法C.第四代语言D.面向对象方法7.在绘绘数据流时,应遵循父图与子图平衡的原则,所谓平衡是指( )。
A.父图和子图都不昨改变数据流的性质B.子图不改变父图数据流的一致性C.父图的输入 /输出数据流与子图的输入 / 输出数据流一致D.子图的输出数据流完全由父图的输入数据流确定8.数据字典是数据流图中所有元素的定义的集合,一般由以下四类条目组成( )。
A. 数据说明条目、控制流条目、加工条目、数据存储条目B.数据流条目、数据项条目、文件条目、加工条目C. 数据源条目、数据流条目、数据处理条目、数据文件条目D.数据流条目、数据文件条目、数据池条目、加工条目9.在用户需求分析中,开发人员要从用户那里解决的最重要的问题是( )。
A.要让软件做什么B.要给软件提供哪些信息C.要求软件工作效率怎样D.要让软件具有何种结构10.SA 法的主要描述手段有( )。
A.系统流程图和模块图B.DFD 图、数据词典、加工说明C.软件结构图、加工说明D.功能结构图、加工说明11.继承机制的作用是( )。
期末考试卷-软件工程 A卷

某学院(本科)试卷(A卷)2018-2019学年第一学期开课单位:计信系,考试形式:闭卷,允许带入场科目:软件工程班级:16软工1~6班,姓名:学号:一、单项选择题(共30分每题1分)1. 由于计算机软件开发的成本高、质量低、难控制、可靠性差、生产率低而引发了()。
A.软件革命B.软件工程C.软件危机D.软件技术2. 软件开发的结构化分析(SA)方法,常用的描述软件功能需求的工具是( )。
A.业务流程图、处理说明B.软件流程图、模块说明C.数据流程图、数据字典D.系统流程图、程序编码3. 软件设计阶段一般又可分为( )。
A.逻辑设计与功能设计B.概要设计与详细设计C.概念设计与物理设计D.模型设计与程序设计4. 软件测试的目的是?( )。
A.证明软件的正确性B.找出软件系统中存在的所有错误C.证明软件系统中存在错误D.尽可能多的发现软件系统中的错误5. 软件维护是指( )。
A.维护软件的正常进行B.软件的配置更新C.对软件的改进、适应和完善D.软件开发期的一个阶段6. 需求分析是由分析员了解用户的要求,认真细致地调研。
分析,最终应建立目标系统的逻辑模型并写出( )。
A.模块说明书 B. 软件规格说明书 C.项目开发计划 D.合同文7. 划分软件生存周期的阶段时所应遵循的基本原则是( )。
A.各阶段的任务尽可能相关性B.各阶段的任务尽可能相对独立C.各阶段的任务在时间上连续D.各阶段的任务在时间上相对独立8. 关于风险控制,以下哪些说法是错误的()A. 风险控制步骤地目标是成功执行为最高风险开发的应急计划B. 风险控制步骤地输入是风险行动表以及风险状态报告C. 风险控制步骤地活动时为每个风险创建特定风险状态报告D. 风险控制步骤地输出是标准的项目状态报告9. 程序的三种基本控制结构的共同特点是( )。
A.不能嵌套使用B.只能用来写简单的程序C.已经用硬件实现D.只有一个入口和一个出口10. 软件生产过程中,需求信息由( )给出。


2.【单选题】信息按照( )可以分为战略信息、战术信息和作业信息。
A. 应用领域B.加工顺序C.管理的层次D.反映形式3.【单选题】数字签名是对以数字形式存储的消息进行某种处理,产生一种类似于传统手书签名功效的信息处理过程。
数字签名标准DSS中使用的签名算法DSA是基于EIGamal和Schnorr 两个方案而设计的。
当DSA对消息m的签名验证结果为Tme,也不能说明()A.接收的消息m无伪造B.接收的消息m无篡改C.接收的消息m无错误D.接收的消息m无泄密4.【多选题】软件危机的主要表现是( )。
A.软件成本太高B.软件产品的质量低劣C.软件开发人员明显不足D.软件生产率低下5.【多选题】属性的可见性有( )。
A.公有的B. 私有的C.私有保护的D. 保护的6.【单选题】某教授于2016年6月1日自行将《俏息网络传播权保护条例》译成英文,投递给某国家的核尤朝刊,并于2016年11月1日发表。
国家相关部门认为该教授的译文质i 很高,经与该教授协商,于2017年1月5日发文将该译文定为官方正式译文。
A.由于该教授未经相关部门同意而自行翻译官方条例,因此对其译文不挛有著作权B.该教授对其译文自2016 年5 月1 日起一直享有著作权C.该教授对其译文自2016 年5 月1 日至2017 年1 月4 日期间享有著作权D.该教授对其译文自2016 年11 月1 日至2017 年1 月4 日期间莩有著作权7.【单选题】( )就是用于表示构成分布式系统的节点集和节点之间的联系的图示,它可以表示系统中软件和硬件的物理架构。
A.组件图B.协作图C.状态图D.配置图8.【单选题】在UML 提供的图中,( )用于描述系统与外部系统及用户之间的交互。

2022年职业考证-软考-系统分析师考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析B卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题某文件管理系统在磁盘上建立了位示图(bitmap), 记录磁盘的使用情况。
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每个小题的答案中只有一个是最合适的, 请你把所选择的答案在答题卡上标记出(A, B, C, D, 或E), 其余的回答方式无效.UML Modeling T ool1. Which one of the following is NOT a view in Rational Rose?ponent viewB.Deployment viewe case viewD.Logic viewE.Static view2. Which one of the following UML diagrams is critical in Rational Rose forward-engineering inorder to create skeletal code?A.Class diagrame case diagramC.Sequence diagramD.Collaboration diagramE.State diagramUML diagrams in UML 1.xClass Diagram3. Which one of the following statements about Class Diagram Modeling doing for a class is FALSE?A.It helps to collect attributes in associationB.It helps to collect attributes and methods in heritance relationshipC.It helps to collect signature in method in dependency relationshipD.It helps to collect attributes and methods in dependency relationshipE.It helps to collect attributes in aggregation relationshipObject Diagram4. Which one of the following statements about difference between Class Diagram and Object Diagram is FALSE?A.Object Diagrams are about instant and instanceB.Object Diagrams are only used when Class Diagrams are not good enoughC.Class Diagrams are commonly usedD.Object Diagrams are used to replace the Class DiagramsE. A Object Diagram is a scenario of a Class DiagramState Diagram5. Which one of the following statements about using State Diagram is FALSE?A. A State Diagram is used for modeling all the states in a single objectB.When a class is critical and complexC.State Diagrams should be included in any UML modelsD.State Diagrams can be used in game development when a single object is critical and complex, we callthis a state-driven development methodE.State Diagrams are used by object modelersUse Case Diagram6. Which one of the following statements about Use Case Diagram is FALSE?A.It is used for system functional requirements modelingB.It is a description of a system’s behavior from a user’s standpointC.For syste m developers, the use case is a valuable tool: It’s a tried-and-true technique for gatheringsystem requiremen ts from a user’s point of viewD.Obtaining information from the user’s point of view is important if the goal is to build a system thatreal people can useE.It is commonly used for business process modeling7. Which one of the following statements about using <<include>> and <<extend>> in the UML use case analysis is FALSE?A.It is to improve reusability, and to avoid reinventing the wheelB.it is one kind of Keywords and Stereotypes application in UMLC.it can be used to avoid duplication in system developmentD.it is not included in the UML 2.0 specificationE.it is one of the best “divide and conquer” technique s used in system analysis and design8. Use Case Driven Method is NOT used in which one of the following?A.GUI designB.Deployment processC.During the system design process-- use case diagram drives the sequence diagram or collaborationdiagramD.Writing test scriptE.Coding and debuggingActivity diagram9. Which one of the following statements about using Activity Diagrams is FALSE?A.It is realization of a use case, as you know use case diagram is commonly too rough for programme rto do software implementationB.It is used when it is hard to model a use case by using sequence diagramC.It is much like the flowcharts of old. It shows steps (called, appropriately enough, activities) as wellas decision points and branchesD.It's not useful for showing what happens in an operation or method of a classE.The great strength of Activity Diagrams lies in the fact that they support and encourage parallelbehavior. This makes them a great tool for workflow and process modeling10. Which one of the following statements about Activity Diagram or Swimlane is FALSE?A. One of the handier aspects of the activity diagram is its ability to expand and show who has the responsibility for each activity in a processB.The activity diagram adds the dimension of visualizing roles. To do that, you separate the diagram intoparallel segments called swimlanesC.Each Swimlane shows the name of a role at the top and presents the activities of each role. Transitionscan take place from one swimlane to anotherD.Swimlane is useful in all occasionE.Traditionally Activity Diagrams were usually used to describe the dynamics of what went on/withinmethods. In that context they were more like traditional data flow diagramsInteraction Diagrams--Sequence Diagram & Communication Diagram11. Which one of the following statements about using Interaction Diagrams in the UML use case analysis is FALSE?A. It is realization of a use case, as use case is too rough for programmer to do software implementationB. It can be used to depict that in order to achieve a use case, how objects communicate through passing messagesC. Sequence Diagram shows the time-based dynamics of the interaction between the objectsD. It can be used in domain modelingE. It shows how the elements of a system work together to accomplish the system's objectives -- usecase, or system requirement12. Which one of the following is TRUE of trying to fill methods of the classes of WaterPipe according to the following Sequence Diagram?A. sendWater() stopFlow()B. sendWater() StopFlow() storeWater()C. sendWater() stopFlow() sendWater()D. stopFlow() sendWater() timeSoak()E.sendWater()storeWater()Component Diagram13. Which one of the following statements about using Component Diagram is FALSE?A.It is a modular part of a systemB.It's the software implementation of one or more class es, it resides in a computerC.It's not in the mind of an analystD.It is about software architectureE.It could be packaged together with use case diagram or activity diagramDeployment Diagram14. Which one of the following statements about Deployment Diagram is FALSE?A.It shows the physical architecture of a computer-based systemB.It is mostly used by software engineerC.It can depict the computers, show their connections with one another, and show the software that sitson each machineD.In the Deployment Diagram, each computer is represented as a cube, with interconnections betweencomputers drawn as lines connecting the cubesE.It is used mostly by field engineer or system engineerKeywords and Stereotypes15. Which one of the following statements about using Keywords and Stereotypes is FALSE?A. A Stereotype is an existing UML element with the addition of a Keyword in guillemetsB.It enables you to create new UML elements by basing them on existing elementsC.It's sort of like buying a suit off the rack and having it a ltered to fit your particular measurements (asopposed to creating one out of a bolt of cloth). Think of a Stereotype as just this kind of alterationD. The Keyword indicates that the element is used in a somewhat different way than originally intended, so we can create I nterface using the class’s iconE. Without Keyword and Stereotypes, there will not be tons of different icons in UML, and also its extendibility isn’t endangeredUML Diagrams added in UML 2.0Composite Structure Diagram16. Which one of the following statements about using Composite Structure Diagram is FALSE?A.When you're modeling a class, you might find it useful to show something about the class's internalstructureB.This often happens if the class consists of component classesC.Y ou put each component class inside the whole. This conveys the idea that you're looking inside theclass into its structureD.It should be used in any UML modelE.It is useful for dissecting a classInteraction Overview Diagram17. Which one of the following statements about Interaction Overview Diagram is FALSE?A.Consider once again the activity diagram, this shows you a series of steps, that is, "activities."Suppose each of those activities involves a sequence of messages among objects. If you replaced some of the activities with sequence diagrams or communication diagrams (or a combination of the two), you'd have UML 2.0's new Interaction Overview DiagramB.It is from UML 2.0 specificationC.One way to create Interaction Overview Diagram is to create activity diagrams first, and then replacedeach activity with sequence diagrams or communication diagramD.One way to create Interaction Overview Diagram is to create sequence diagram first, and thenreplaced some parts of the sequence diagram with activityE.It should be used in domain modelingThe Package Diagram18. Which one of the following statements about Package Diagram is FALSE?A.It is to put elements that go together inside one of these tabbed folder icons. For example, if a numberof classes or components constitute a particular subsystem, they would go into a packageB.It can be used to organize related classes, use cases and so onC.It is used to organize different subsystemD.It is used to organize related classes and use cases together in the same packageE.It can be used to organize related componentsOverview19. Which one of the following statements about UML is FALSE?A.After the advent of the UML, system development was often a hit-or-miss proposition.B.The UML is a visual modeling language that can be shared among different stakeholders in software ordevelopment. The stakeholders could be: business analyst, designer, and developers or programmers C.After the advent of the UML, a common language is shared among different roles in the softwaredevelopmentD.It is same like the blueprints for building a houseE.All of the above B, C, and D are true20. Which one of the following statements about using so many diagrams in UML modeling is FALSE?A. A big project needs the contribution, and collaboration of different stakeholders or roles. Typically, asystem has a number of different stakeholders—people who have interests in different aspects of the systemB.The users and business analysts are more interested in business use case diagrams or use case diagramsC.The designers are more interested in use case diagrams and sequence diagrams or communicationdiagrams; and the programmers are more interested in class diagrams and sequence diagrams which are more implementation relatedD.The UML diagrams make it impossible to examine a system from a number of viewpointsE.Conscientious system design involves all the possible viewpoints, and each UML diagram gives you away of incorporating a particular view. The objective is to communicate clearly with every type of stakeholder.21. Which one of the following statements about choosing UML diagrams in the design process is FALSE?A.Not all the diagrams must appear in every UML model. Most UML models, in fact, contain a subset ofthe diagrams listed by UML 2.0B.All of the diagrams included in UML 2.0 must show up in the design processC.Only those UML diagrams which best model the design process of the system are chosenD.During the design process, usually the use case driven method is usede case diagrams is commonly used for system functional requirement modelingFitting the UML into a Development Process22. Which one of the following is FALSE about GRAPPLE?A.This isn't a methodology written in stone. Instead, it's a set of adaptable, flexible ideas. Think of it as asimplified skeleton of a development processB.GRA PPLE can work in a variety of organizations (but maybe not all). It leaves room for a creativeproject manager to add his or her own ideas about what will work in a particular organization and to subtract the built-in steps that won'tC.It begins with a conceptual understanding of the domain, moves to high-level functionality, drills downinto use cases, refines models, and designs, develops, and deploys the systemD.Y ou'll also notice that more actions were in the Development segment than in the Analysis and DesignsegmentsE.The idea is to spend as much time as you can in up-front analysis and design so that coding proceedssmoothlyCase studiesDiscovering Business Processes23. Which one of the following is FALSE about Discovering Business Processes?A. If you sense part of the process becoming complicated and convoluted, consider setting off the complication as a separate business process. It will be easier to model, and the resulting model will be clearer than if you try to lump e verything together into one processB. Swimlane might be helpful in this actionC. We should put everything together into one process --- to model every detail in just one activity diagramD. Swimlane is chosen only if we like to emphasize which role take care of which responsibilityE. This should be happening during a JAD sessionPerforming a Domain Analysis24. Which one of the following is FALSE about Performing Domain Analysis and to create Model/Domain Dictionary?A.It is to achieve an understanding of the domain. That means you have to know the specific processesyou're trying to enhance and the nature of the world those processes operate in. In our scenario,uncovering the business processes has jump-started the development team's knowledgeB.It is to create the domain library, and to explore the domain knowledgeC.This is to create a glossary of all the terminology in the model. It will help to maintain consistencyand avoid ambiguityD. If you have definitions about the terminologies everyone agrees on, or if you are at least aware of the potential for confusion, you'll avoid a lot of problems down the roadE. Not all the above A, C, and D are true25. Which one of the following is NOT a step included in the Domain Analysis?A. Analyzing the interviewB.Developing the initial class diagram, Grouping the ClassesC.Creating and labeling associations between classes, Finding multiplicitiesD.Deriving composites/AggregateE.Not all of the above A, B, and C are includedGathering System Requirements26. Which one of the following is FALSE about the System Requirements Gathering?A. The result is a package diagram in which each package represents a major piece of functionality. Usecases inside a package elaborate on the functionalityB. The objective of this meeting for requirement collection is to produce a package diagram that showsall the major pieces of functionality for the system.C. Each package will represent one piece and will contain use cases that detail what the functionalitypiece is all aboutD. System Requirements Collection can start with collection of the actors of the system, and thencollection of use cases for each actorE. Not all of the above B, C and D are trueDeveloping the Use Cases27. Which one of the following is FALSE about the use case analysis?A. A use case analysis involves specifying a description of the use case, deriving the preconditions andpostconditions, and specifying the stepsB.One important aspect of the use case analysis is that the components of the system begin to emergeC.One important aspect of the use case analysis is that you begin to reveal the components of the systemD.The use cases from the package diagram in "Gathering System Requirements," give a good picture ofwhat the system will have to do. The team will have to analyze and understand each one. They've moved gradually from understanding the domain to understanding the system. The use cases have provided the bridgeE.Not all of the above A, C and D are trueGetting into Interactions28. Which one of the following is FALSE about modeling the interactions for the use cases?A.It is a refinement or implementation of the use caseB.After the use case analysi s, a development team turns its attention to the system components the usecases suggest. What are they? How do they interact?C.The results of this analysis should make it easy for programmers to code the system objects and theways those objects communicate with one anotherD.After you model interaction among components, the system is much closer to becoming a rea lityE.As you model the interactions, you may find that it's not appropriate to modify the use cases at thebase of these interactionsDesigning Look, Feel, and Deployment—GUIs, Deployment29. Which one of the following is FALSE about GUIs design?e cases describe system usage. Therefore, the user interface has to serve as a means ofimplementing the use casesB.Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are not directly traceable to use casese cases drive the design of the user interface. The system has to enable the user to complete everyuse case, and the user interface is the gateway into the use casesD.Ultimately, the GUI will have to connect the to the backend code to make the system functioningE.Graphical user interfaces (GUIs)are ultimately traceable to use cases30. Which one of the following is FALSE about Deployment?A. The system architecture is use case driven because system usage ultimatelydetermines the physical nature and layout of the systemB.Deployment is ultimately traceable to use casesC.Deployment is the job of system engineerD.Deployment is the job of field engineerE.Deployment is the job of d esigner二.分析与建模(共两小题,每题15分,总分30分)1. To give the corresponding UML diagrams according to the brief introduction of the game of Submarine.A. System Use case diagramsB.Activity diagram, use swimlane if necessaryC.Sequence diagram of major use case/use case scenarioD.Class diagramGame introduction:This game is a simulation of the submarine’s attacking warship. The battle ground of the game is in the ocean. There are warships and submarines in the background. The submarines which are moving in left and right direction can launch torpedoes to attack the warship. The player can use the “Left key” and “Right Key” to control the warship’s left and right direction move s in order to escape the torpedoes.NOTE: We assume the following classes already existed: Submarine, Warship, Torpedo, BattleGroundCanvas.答案:A.System Use case diagrams(3分)Just one use case: ControlWarshipLeftAndRightActor is the playerB.Activity diagram, use swimlane if necessary(4分)the player move the Warship in horizontal direction→if Warship hit a Torpedo→game is over→else game continue(looping)C.Sequence diagram of major use case/use case scenario(4分)Actor player →Send Msg of Move() to the WarshipWarship→Send Msg of CompareLocation() to Torpedo to see if they meetSubmarine →Send Msg of fire() to TorpedoThere might be a timer update the all the components on the BattleGroundCanvasD.Class diagram(4分)Among the classes of Submarine, Warship, Torpedo, and BattleGroundCanvas,BattleGroundCanvas associates with (is composed of) Submarine, Warship, and Torpedo.Submarine associates with Torpedo.2. To give the corresponding UML diagrams according to the brief introduction about the game of SuperMarioA. System use case diagramsB.General activity diagram, use the swimlane if necessaryC.Sequence diagram of major use case/use case scenarioD.Class diagramGame introduction:●user can use the “Up key” to control Mario’s vertical-up direction jump●user can use the “Left key” and “Right Key” to control Mario’s left and right direction move●user can use the “Up key” and “Ctrl Key” to control Mario’s jump to the up-level ladder●The straight-up jumping Mario hit the ladder and knocks the Tortoise down and make it sleeping ●If a Mario who is moving in left and right direction hit a sleeping Tortoise, it will kill the Tortoise ●If a Mario hit a moving Tortoise, it will get killedNOTE: We assume that following classes existed: Mario, Tortoise, RenderingCanvas, and Ladder.答案:A.System Use case diagrams(3分)use cases:ControlMario LeftAndRightControlMarioJumpActor is the playerB.Activity diagram, use swimlane if necessary(4分)Use case Control MarioLeftAndRight:the player move the Mario in horizontal direction→if Mario hit a moving Tortoise→game is over→else if Mario hit a sleeping Tortoise game, theTortoise is killedUse case Control MarioJump:the player can make the Mario jump→ if it hit the up level Ladder and a Tortoise is sitting up→Tortoise is changing from the moving state to the sleepingstate→else if it hit the up level Ladder and no Tortoise is sitting up→nothing is going to happen(loop)the player can make the Mario jump to a up level LadderThe Activity diagram should be modeling the business process of each use case.C.Sequence diagram of major use case/use case scenario(4分)Use case Control MarioLeftAndRight:Actor player →Send Msg of Move() to the MarioMario→Send Msg of CompareLocation() to all the Tortoises to see if Mario and the Tortoises meetUse case Control MarioJump:Actor player →Send Msg of jump() to the MarioMario →Send Msg of checkIfTortoiseOnLadder() to LadderLadder→ Send Msg of sleep()to TortoisesThere might be a timer update the all the components on the RenderingCanvasD.Class diagram(4分)Among the classes of Mario, Tortoise, RenderingCanvas, and Ladder,RenderingCanvas associates with Mario, Tortoise, and Ladder.三.问答题(25分)Tell something about what you have learnt from this System Analysis and Design course.答案:Use case driven development method●System requirements→sub systems with package diagram enclosing use cases→usecased developments→Use cases→sequence diagram/collaboration diagram (15分) ●Use case drive the UI developments (5分)●Use case drive the system development (5分)。