have和have got和there be 等相近词的辨析

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1.have和have got

英美说“有”句法不同。如:Have you any sisters? (英)

Have you got any sisters?(英,口语)

Do you have any sisters? (美)


I've got a toothache.我牙疼。(一时性)

I often have a toothache.我经常牙疼。(经常性)

have与由动词转化的名词组成短语时,不能用have got代替,只能用have。如: have a dance, have a dream, have a drink, have a fight, have a joke, have a look, have a rest, have a swim。

一些习惯用语和句型中的have不能用have got代替。如:

have a bath, have a holiday, have a lesson, have breakfast/lunch/supper 以及havea talk with…, have a word with…等。

2.have和there be

(1)have表“所属”关系的“有”;there be指某处“有”。如:

The man has a brother in Beijing.此人有个弟弟在北京。

There are many books on the desk.桌子上有很多书。

The desk has four legs.书桌有四条腿。

There are many people in the room.房间里有很多人。

(2)在have含“所有”的意义较弱的情况下,可与there be互换。如:

We have much rain this year. = There is much rain this year.今年下了不少雨。There is a map on the wall. = We have a map on the wall.墙上有张地图。The wall has a hole in it. = There's a hole in the wall.墙上有个洞。A year has 365 days. = There are 365 days in a year.一年有365天。


good 是形容词,用作表语和定语;它表示戏剧、电影、书籍等某种东西的内容好;表示人品好、人的善良和对其他人的和睦、亲切。如:

I have a good book.我有一本好书。

What a good play it is!多好的一部戏呀!

She is a good student.她是个好学生。

It's very good of you to help me.你来帮助我太好了。


All is well with us.我们一切都很顺利。

I think he will get well.我想他会好的。

I am quite well today.我今天身体很好。


Kate doesn't sing well, but she dances well.凯特唱歌唱得不好,但她跳舞跳得很好。

4.class 和lesson


They have no classes on Sundays.他们星期天不上课。

Class Four is a big class.四班是一个大班。


We have two English lessons/classes every day.我们每天上两节英语课。

He has no lessons/classes on Sundays.他星期天不上课。

She gives lessons in English.她用英语讲课!

Please read Lesson Five.请读第五课。

This book has 15 lassons.这本书有十五课。

He often helps me with my lessons.他常帮助我做功课。


5.intereting 和intaested


The book is very interesting.这本书很有趣。

It's an interesting story.这是很有趣的故事。

interested常表示某人对某事物感兴趣,多用be interested in sth.句型。如:

She is interested in the story.她对这个故事很感兴趣。

说明源于同一动词的现在分词和过去分词被用作形容词时,一般都有这种区别,现在分词作形容词用时,表示事物本身具有“令人……”“使人……”之意,过去分词作形容词用时,表示主语对某事“感到……”。常见的还有exciting, xcited, bored, boring, moving, moved等。修饰interesting用very,修饰interested用much, very much和very均可。



She often helps them with their work.她常常帮助他们干活。(作动词的宾语)

Mike is playing football with them.迈克正在和他们一起踢足球。(作介词的宾语)


They have many books.他们有很多书。

They are my good friends.他们是我的好朋友。

7.it, one


I need a bike but I have no money to buy one.


I need the bike but I have no money to buy it.我需要这辆自行车,可没钱买。(it特指上文的the bike, 而不是别的自行车,此句中的it不能用one去代替,注意bike前用定冠词the。)


This story is a true one.这个故事是真实的。(句中的one代替上文的可数名词story。)

The white dresses go with the hat better than the blue ones.白色套装比蓝色套装更配这顶帽子。(句中的ones代替上文的dresses。)

Look, there is a book on the floor. Please pick it up.你瞧,地板上有一本书,请把它捡起来。(句中的it代替上文的可数名词a book。)

May I borrow some money? I will give it back to you next week.我可以借一些钱吗?下周我会把钱还给你。(句中的it代替上文的不可数名词money。)

