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1. admit 承认+to do

2. flock n. 羊群,(鸟兽等)一群;一伙

人,bad people

3. exceedingly ad. 非常,极其

4. exchange 交换 exchange student

5. command 命令 order

6. confirm 证实 sth

7. cultivate 培养 people or culture

8. prosperous 繁荣的 economic

9. suspect 怀疑sb.

10. relatively 相对的theory

11. abundance n. profusion; richness

12. adjust v. Syn. adapt; regulate

13. quality 质量,品质high quality

14. adversary n. Syn. opponent;


15. equally 平等地equal

16. accommodate [ə'kɒmədeɪt] vt.①

为……提供住处②容纳 v.适应,顺应

17. aggregate gather;

18. accountable [ə'kaʊntəbəl] a.负有责


19. remove 移开

20. force 强迫

21. apologize 道歉say sorry

22. accustom [ə'kʌstəm] vt.使习惯 to do

23. stubborn 固执的pig-headed

24. ace [eɪs] n.①(扑克中)A牌②[喻]


25. spiritual 精神的,心灵的


26. applicant candidate (申请人) candidate

27. willingly 愿意地will to do

28. strengthen 加强strong

29. academic 学术的

30. absence 缺席

31. abandon没有约束,放任情绪or give


32. manage 管理,成功做成to do

33. prejudice 偏见famous novel pride

and prejudice

34. economic 经济的,合算的economy

35. consume 消费,消耗consumer

36. control 控制in control of

37. access n. approach: get access to

38. adhere v. Syn. stick; bond-to

39. adore v. Syn. idolize; adorn/ sb.

40. adornment n. Syn. embellishment;


41. affirm v. Syn. assert; confirm (断

言,证实,确认) assert;

42. demanding 要求高的

43. brake n. (煞车减速,阻止) a piece

of mechanism for retarding or stopping

motion by friction

44. addict [ə'dɪkt]vt. ['ædɪkt].①使成

瘾②使入迷 n.①吸毒成瘾的人②


45. deliberately 故意地

46. purchase 购买 consume

47. appropriate (获得,挪用,据为己有)

acquire; take possession of for one's

own use; set apart for specific use

48. arena n.(竞技场,舞台) playing

field where sports events take place;

large structure for open-air sports or


49. remain 留下,保持

50. terrify 使害怕

51. disappointing 令人失望的

52. formal 正式的

53. desire 愿望

54.arrangement composition; order (排

列,安排) composition; order

55. fulfill 履行(诺言),执行(命令)

meet sb’s need

56. beneficial 有益的

57. evident 明显的

58. consequently 因此,所以 in


59. abbreviation n.(缩写,缩写词)Abr.

60. accomplish v. Syn. finish; achieve

61. participate 参加take part in

62. account n. Syn. report; description

63. presence 出席

64. acquisition acquirement;


65. Aggressive a.(强有力的,坚持己见的)

making assaults; unjustly attacking;

combative; hostile; tending to spread


66. spotless 无暇的intact

67. fundamental 基础的foundation

68. employment 就业,雇用

69. involve 包含,使参与

70. aide [eɪd] n.(尤指从政者的)助手

71. harmony 和谐in harmony with

72. allege [ə'ledʒ] vt.宣称,断言,声称

73. inspire 激发,鼓舞

74. imitate 模仿

75. aptitude ['æptɪtjuːd] n.天资,资质
