如何看国外文献的方法总结(从Ph.D到现在工作半年,发了12 篇paper, 7 篇first author.)我现在每天还保持读至少2-3 篇的文献的习惯.读文献有不同的读法.但最重要的自己总结概括这篇文献到底说了什么,否则就是白读,读的时候好像什么都明白,一合上就什么都不知道,这是读文献的大忌,既浪费时间,最重要的是,没有养成良好的习惯,导致以后不愿意读文献.1. 每次读完文献(不管是细读还是粗读), 合上文献后,想想看,文章最重要的take home message 是什么, 如果不知道,就从abstract,conclusion 里找, 并且从discuss 里最好确认一下. 这样一来, 一篇文章就过关了. take home message 其实都不会很多, 基本上是一些concepts, 如果你发现你需要记得很多,那往往是没有读到重点.2. 扩充知识面的读法, 重点读introduction, 看人家提出的问题,以及目前的进展类似的文章, 每天读一两篇,一个月内就基本上对这个领域的某个方向有个大概的了解.读好的review 也行, 但这样人容易懒惰.3. 为了写文章的读法, 读文章的时候, 尤其是看discussion 的时候,看到好的英文句型, 最好有意识的记一下,看一下作者是谁,哪篇文章,哪个期刊, 这样以后照猫画虎写的时候,效率高些.比自己在那里半天琢磨出一个句子强的多. 当然,读的多,写的多,你需要记得句型就越少.其实很简单,有意识的去总结和记亿, 就不容易忘记.科研牛人二告诉研究生怎么看文献,怎么写论文一、先看综述先读综述,可以更好地认识课题,知道已经做出什么,自己要做什么,,还有什么问题没有解决。
为学生引路,为学员服务第1页共1页 翻译硕士笔译研究生课程汇总翻译硕士(MTI)是我国专业硕士的一种,一般学制为2年,很多同学想要报考MTI,但不知道所谓的翻译专业硕士到底在学什么,其实每个开办MTI 的学校在2年的学期内开设的课程都会稍有不同,但大体上还是在规定的范围内的,笔者结合大部分学校情况给予总结笔译方向的,以帮助好奇的同学们。
常见的开设课程有译本比较与正误、翻译实践I :英汉笔译、翻译实践II :汉英笔译、企业社会责任及伦理管理、人力资源管理、人力资源管理、古汉语阅读、英语口译基础等; 三是非限制性选修课(任选其中7门)。
研究生英语学术论文“阅读、写作、陈述”一体化教学模式[摘要]本文探讨了研究生学术外语能力内涵,以此为目标,从教学内容、教学方法以及教学评估等方面有机整合“英语学术论文阅读”、“英语论文写作”、“国际会议交流”三门课程,建立研究生英语学术论文“阅读、写作、陈述” 一体化教学模式。
各大高校分别开设相关的课程,比如同济大学、清华大学、南京大学等开设的“英语学术论文写作” 等课程,顺应了时代发展的潮流,满足未来的研究者—研究生这一群体的需求。
一、学术外语能力定位国内外学者对学术外语能力的定位各有侧重,国外学者,比如Snow和Uccelli (2009:118) 认为语言技能、体裁知识、论证思辨策略和专业知识等四个维度构成了学术外语能力;Scarcella (2003:10-11) 则认为语言、认知和社会文化与心理等3个维度构成学术外语能力。
Ab s t r a c t : T h e E n g l i s h l e v e l o f t h e n o n - E n g l i s h ma j o r g r a d u a t e s t u d e n t s o f a g r i c u l t u r a l c o l l e g e i S r e l a t i v e l y 1 O W f o r ma n y y e a r s .
的设 想。
关键词 :农业 院校 ;英语教学 ;建构主义 中图分类号 :G 6 4 2 . 0
文献标识码 :B
T e a c h i n g Ex p l o r a t i o n o n Li t e r a t u r eRe a d i n g a n d T r a n s l a t i o n o fGr a du a t e
s t r a t e g i e s t o i mp r o v e he t i r l a n g u a g e a b i l i y t we r e p u t f o r wa rd .
Ke y wo r d s : a g r i c u l t u r a l c o l l e g e s ; En g l i s h t e a c h i n g ; c o n s t r u c t i v i s m
En g l i s h i n Ag r i c u l t u r a l Co l l e g e
XT EJ i n g - y u a n
( C o l l e g e o f H u ma n i t i e s , T i a n j i n Ag r i c u l t u r a l U n i v e r s i y, t T i a n j i n 3 0 0 3 8 4 , C h i n a )
研究生教学内容:学术论文阅读与写作1. 引言研究生期间,学术论文的阅读与写作是非常重要的技能。
2. 学术论文阅读2.1 学术论文分类•综述类文章:对某一领域已有研究进行总结归纳。
2.2 阅读策略和技巧•预览:了解文章结构和主要内容。
2.3 学术素养培养•文献检索:掌握数据库搜索技巧,了解专业期刊和会议等发布渠道。
3. 学术论文写作3.1 结构与组织•标题和摘要:准确概括研究内容、目的和主要结果,吸引读者兴趣。
3.2 写作技巧•合理组织篇章结构,使逻辑清晰且连贯。
4. 教学资源支持4.1 课程教学•提供阅读材料和案例分析进行实践指导。
4.2 学术写作中心•提供写作辅导和文献检索技巧培训。
4.3 学术交流会议•鼓励学生参加学术会议,展示研究成果并与同行交流。
5. 结论通过本文介绍的研究生教学内容,学生可以掌握学术论文的阅读和写作技巧,提升自身的学术素养和研究能力。
Title: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health。
In recent years, the use of social media has become increasingly prevalent, with people spending more and more time on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. While social media has brought about many positive changes in the way we communicate and connect with others, there is growing concern about its impact on mental health. This paper aims to review the existing literature on therelationship between social media use and mental health,and to identify the potential risks and benefits associated with this technology.Literature Review。
Several studies have investigated the relationship between social media use and mental health, with mixed findings. Some research has suggested that excessive use of social media can lead to negative mental health outcomes, such as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. For example, a study by Kross et al. (2013) found that frequent use of Facebook was associated with declines in subjective well-being and life satisfaction. Similarly, another study by Primack et al. (2017) reported a significant association between social media use and symptoms of depression among young adults.On the other hand, there is also evidence to suggestthat social media can have positive effects on mental health. For instance, a study by Frison and Eggermont (2016) found that social media use was associated with higherlevels of social support and well-being among adolescents. Additionally, some research has indicated that social media can be a valuable tool for promoting mental health awareness and providing support to individuals with mental health issues.Discussion。
4.准备引用的文章要亲自看过。 转引造成的以讹传讹不胜枚举。 5.注意文章的参考价值。 刊物的影响因子、文章的被引次数能反映文章 的参考价值。但要注意引用这篇文章的其它文 章是如何评价这篇文章的:支持还是反对,补 充还是纠错。
1 2 3 4 5
论文的组成 题目(Title) 作者(Author) 作者单位( Author Affiliations ) 摘要(Abstract)
看的顺序 1
关键词 (Key Word) 正文(Text): 6-1引言 6-2 实验方法、原理
6-2图,表 6-3结论 参考文献(Reference )
3 6
5 4
若是好文章,一定要重视它 的参考文献!
How to Write a Scientific Paper
By George M. Whitesides Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University
量变到质变。 对于初次进入一个领域的新手,必须阅读大量的文献,才能把握 本领域的动态和方向。 记得一个留洋的研究生说,起初导师让他读大量的文献,而且每 天都规定了数量,好像是100篇吧?由于刚刚接触这一领域,对 许多问题还没有什么概念,读起来十分吃力,许多内容也读不懂 。请教导师,却被告知只要每天把数量读够就行了。后来随着阅 读量的增加,终于最后融汇贯通,也理解了导师的方法。 所以,我觉得对新手而言,应当重视阅读文献的数量,积累多了 ,自然就由量变发展为质变了。 而且,每个作者的研究方法多少有所区别,读得多了,渐渐就会 比较出研究方法的优点和缺点,对自己今后的研究大有裨益。 其实,由于现在科技进步很快,即使是自己从事的领域,也有很 多新技术、新观点不停的出现,所以,即使是个“老手”,如果懒 于更新自己的知识,也会很快落后。
Unit 1 general description of literature reading and translation1.Definition of LiteratureLiterature is a general term for professional writings in the form of books, papers, and other documentations.As an important means for preserving knowledge, literatures have become precious resources or treasures for the mankind, which have greatly contributed to the social progress of the human race.2.Classification of Literature1) Textbooks(课本) a kind of professional writing(一种专业的写作)2) Monographs(专著) various viewpoints and discussions3) Papers(论文) the theoretical analysis and experimental descriptiontitle, author, affiliation, abstract, keywords, introduction, theoretical analysis and/or experimental description, results and discussion or conclusion, acknowledgments, references4) Encyclopedias(百科全书) every branch of knowledge5) Periodicals (期刊) a series of publications6)Special Documentation(特殊文档) all the printed materials3.Linguistic Features of Scientific Literaturestylistically (文体上) scientific literature is a kind of form writing;syntactically(结构上)scientific literature has rigorous grammatical structures and in most cases is rather unitary;Morphologically(语法上)scientific literaure is featured by high specialization,the use of technical terms and jargons ,unambiguous implication and the fixed sense of the wordPrinciples or Criteria of TranslationWhenever principles or criteria of translation are under discussion in China, Yan Fu’s three- character guide”-----xin, da, ya, namely, faithfulness (信), expressiveness (达), and elegance (雅). These three principle has always been regarded as a plumb-line for measuring the professional level of translation and a goal for translators to strive after. However, in the application of this principle, people come to find some unsatisfactory aspects of the three-character guide and have put foreword a variety of new standards or criteria of translation. Despite a variety of opinions, two criteria are almost unanimously accepted by all, namely, the criterion of faithfulness/accuracy (忠实/准确) and that of smoothness (流畅). We may also take these two criteria as the principle scientific literature translation. By faithful/accuracy, we mean to be faithful not only to the original contents, to the original meaning and views, but also to the original form and style. By smoothness, we mean not only easy and readable rendering, but also idiomatic expression in the target language, free form stiff formula and mechanical copying form dictionaries.Unit 2 professional papers2.1.Definition of professional papersA professional paper is a typewritten paper in which professionals present their views and research findings on a chosen topic. It is variously known as the “research paper”, “course paper”, “thesis paper” or “library paper”. The task of the author of a paper is essentially the same: to read on a particular topic, gather information about it, and report the findings in it.2.2.Classification of professional papers1)Report PaperThe report paper summarizes and reports the findings of another on a particular subject. The writer neither judges nor evaluates the findings, but merely catalogs them in a sensible sequence2) Research paperA research paper can be intelligent, well informed, interesting, and original in its conclusions.3) Course Papercourse papers are written after a specific course is learned or are designed at the end of a term. This type of paper is, therefore, also called “term paper”.4) Thesis Paperthe thesis paper takes a definite stand on an issue. A thesis is a proposition or point of view that a writer or speaker is willing to argue against or defend. A paper that argued for ratification of a certain event would therefore be a thesis paper. Writing a thesis paper requires a writer to exercise judgment, evaluate evidence, and construct a logical argument, whereas writing a report paper does not2.3. Linguistic Features of Professional PapersFormal Style: A professional paper deals with the study of some objective facts or problems, and the conclusion that is drawn should be based on relevant data, not on personal likes and dislikes. Specialized Terms:The terms in professional papers are typically specialized. Even in the same field, the meanings of the same word may vary slightly due to its different collections.Take the word “normal” as an example. Generally, it means “iEee”; but in mathematics, it represents “法线”; and in the field of chemistry, “当量” Again the word “power.” In electronics, it is rendered as “电力” or “电源”; in mechanics, “动力”; whereas in mathematics, “幂”Rigid Sentence Structure:The arguments in professional papers will be convincing if they are presented concisely and concretely. A rigid sentence structure is therefore reflected to meet this requirement.Formatted Elements:Though there are no set rules, a complete professional paper in its finished form usually has a regular format composed of the following elements: the title, author(s), affiliation(s), abstract, keywords, introduction, body of the paper (theoretical description including calculation, inference, reasoning, conclusion, etc. or experimental description including techniques, methods, materials, results and analysis, etc.), acknowledgments, appendices, references or bibliography, etc.Different meaning of story(1)This war is becoming the most important story of this generation. Event这场战争将成为这一代人经历的最重大的事件。
【英文名称】Literature retrieving and Thesis Writing
Donald R. Cooper, Pamela S Schindler著,《商业研究方法论》(英文第7版),中国人民大学出版社,2006年1月中译本,郭毅、詹志俊译
课程综合成绩:出勤×10 % +文献检索数据包×15 % +文献综述小论文×30 % +数据分析上机演示×45 %。
研究生外文文献翻译 中英完整版
Discussion about the application of the anchor bar on theslope constructionFu Ming Fu , Zhang TianAbstract:There are some advantages in strengthening slope with the anchor bar, such as low project cost, convenient for construction and so on. It not only meets the requirement of the reliability of the construction, but also is economic and reasonable for the construction.Key words: anchor bar; slope; strengthening1.IntroductionAnchor technique uses strata geotechnical’s shear strength around bolt to deliver structures pulling force or keep strata of the excavation own stability. Due to the use of the anchor rod, Anchor strata produce compressive zone and have reinforcement effect to strata, can enhance the strength of strata, improve mechanical properties of strata, make structure and stratum together formed a kind of work together complex. Anchor system can effectively sustain tension and shear, improve shear strength of the potential sliding surface, so it can effectively prevent slope to produce sliding damage.Fig 1 after excavation of the slope2.Project profileThe length of a slope is about 60m, the most slope height is about 23m,the angle up to 50°~ 75°, a five-layer frame structure buildings is far from about 1.5 to 4m at its base edge, its foundation is artificial bored pile and its bearing stratum is in weathered phyllite. Due to the strong weathering of rocks, it was chunky, loosely structured, multi-muddy filling. It has residual slope deposits of silty clay overlying and local folder with a pulpy, low strength. Slope hadcollapsed at various locations, it is vary dangerous to the building, so we need to reinforce the slope, and we use stone concrete retaining wall and bolt to support it.3.Bolt retaining and protecting design3.1Bolt design(1)all formation of anchor use whole length bond-type, the binder materials are ordinary cement mortar, the mortar strength grade is M30, the anchor length L is 10 meters, the slope height h is 9 meters. Anchoring section length is 5m.(2)According to the construction condition and the needs of the process, the layout form of anchor use quincunx, and in order to make the anchoring force in the role of surface rock surface with uniform, the two adjacent line bolts should be staggered arrangement.(3)The anchor’s number according to /3.24 per meter to calculation, the anchor length is L, a tolal of 252. The diameter of drilling holes is φ90,the number of drill according to (L-0.1)m per hole to calculation, M30 grout number according to average 0.052m3per hole to calculation.(4)The two adjacent rows vertical spacing of anchor take 2.55m, horizontal spacing take 2.55m. The dip angle of anchor: with the angle of horizontal line is 20°, and drilling down with this Angle.(5)Anchor use the steel bar, which is HRB400 level, 28mm diameter.3.2Anchor calculation(1)The calculation of lateral geotechnical pressure[1][2]When the supporting structure to leave in rock and earth mass direction migration until to the limit equilibrium state, the geotechnical pressure which is role in supporting structure called active geotechnical pressure. Its calculation method is as follows:For the slope which has no flare structure surface, generally speaking, failure is controled by rock mass strength, the calculation formula is same to the active soil pressure, but cohesive force C take zero, internal friction angle ϕuse eϕ(rock mass equivalent internal friction angle) instead of, according to the standard to selection; rupture angle is 45°+ϕ/2(ϕis rock mass internal friction angle, is estimationed by haircut at the standard of rock mass internal friction angle, reduction factor according to the standard to selection).According to the engineering survey, active rock pressure can calculation as follows:(2)the calculation of anchor tension design value a Q ak N N γ= (1)(2) In the formula: a N is anchor tension design value; ak N is anchor tension standard value; Q γis partial load factor, take 1.3; tk H is the horizontal tension standard value of anchor; αis the dip angle of anchor.Through the calculation, ak N =112.3kN a N =145.99kN(3)the calculation of anchor steel section area(3) In the formula: S A is the steel section area of anchor; ογ is slope engineering importance coefficient(the slope engineering importance coefficient of this project is level 1, take 1.1); 2ξis the tensile working conditions coefficient of anchor bar ( permanent anchor take 0.69, temporary anchor take 0.92); y f is the tensile strength design value of anchor bar(standard value k y f =400a MP , design value y f =360a MP ).According to the calculation, S A ≥0.5883210m -⨯,choose level 3 steel of 1φ28mm,S A =0.6153210m -⨯.(4)The calculation of anchorage body and rock mass anchoring lengthanchoring length should not only meet the requirements which the bond force of formation on mortar and the bond stress of mortar on steel, but also meet the requirements that the Structure design codes the Minimum anchoring length.(4) In the formula: a l is the anchoring length; D is the diameter of anchorage body; rb f is the bond strength eigenvalue of layer and anchorage body, through the experiment or local experience sure, or according to the standard to selection ( this engineering ’s rock mass uniaxial compressive 2222111209tan (45)2090.217175.77/2222e a aE H K kN m ϕγ︒==⨯⨯⨯-=⨯⨯⨯=cos tkak H N α=2a S yNA f ογξ≥1ak a rbN l Df ξπ≥strength is 7.46a MP , belong to soft rock, rock mass structural plane development, rb f take 300a KP );1ξis the bond working conditions coefficient of anchorage body and layer (permanent anchor take 1.00).According to the calculation, a l ≥4.3m, take a l =5.0m.(5)The anchoring length between anchor steel and anchor mortara l ≥ (5) In the formula: a l is the anchoring length between steel and mortar; d is the diameter of anchor bar; n is the number of steel;b f is the bond strength design value between steel and anchor mortar, through the experiment sure, or according to the standard take 2.40; 3ξ is the working conditions coefficient of steel and mortar bond strength(permanent anchor take 0.60). According to the calculation, a l ≥2.1m ,take a l =5.0m.3.3 The construction technology and key points of anchorThe anchor ’s construction technology is as follows: build-up scaffold ——excavate and clear up the slope surface ——measures to fix position ——drill hole ——washing hole ——bolt put in a certain place ——grout ——colligation the end of the anchor ——flushing the slope surface ——pouring frame space ——Spray seed(1)This slope belong to rocky slope, after excavate the slope 10 cm to the underside of the frame space, set bolt and pouring frame space, then spray grass or seeds after borrowed soil 20 cm in the frame space.(2)the slope should be payed attention to clean up, when construction. The anchor should be placed after wash hole, then put pressure (0.4MPa) and grout. After the mortar fully solidification, colligation steel, cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame space, bend the end of the anchor and bind point by point with the skeleton steel.(3)Before drilling, the hole should be measured to fix position and then do mark. Pitch deviation is less than 150mm, hole depth error is less than 50mm. Try not remold the surrounding rock, when drill. Before Put the anchor, it should be attentioned that blow wash clean the water of the hole and rock powder and so on, and rust removal the body of rod. When grouting, builders 3a bN n df ογξπshould attention the grouting pressure and mortar ratio.Fig 2 anchor field construction drawing4.ConclusionIt is economical to reinforcement slope with bolt, and use the normal equipment, It is not only achieve safe and also economy and rational.(1) Today bolt technology is widely used in the project. It is an effective reinforcement measures to constraints sliding soil with the combining of bolt and concrete slope protection.(2) We must be sure to do geological exploration work of the slope to find out the nature of the rock and hydrogeological situation before reinforcing slope by grouting bolt.(3) Due to the factors of engineering geological conditions, grouting pressure and construction technology, we should be given adequate attention to the quality of construction.Reference[1]Technical code for building slope engineering (JGJ 120-99). The People's Republic nationalstandards. Beijing: China Architecture & Building PRESS.[2] Ying-Ren Zheng, Zu-Yu Chen etc. Engineering Treatment of Slope & Landslide [M]. Beijing:China Communications Press,2007[3] LuoZhenHai. Talk shallowly the application of the anchor at the slope reinforcement[J]. FujianConstruction Science & Technology,2010,06:15-16浅谈锚杆技术在边坡工程中的应用1.引言锚杆技术是利用锚杆周围地层岩土的抗剪强度来传递结构物的拉力或保持地层开挖面的自身稳定。
根据作者、时间、期刊、关键词 等因素,筛选出与研究问题相关 的文献。
1 标题、摘要、关键词
2 正文阅读方法
3 笔记与总结
《文献阅读与翻译》PPT 课件
文献阅读与翻译是科研工作和专业翻译不可缺少的基本技能。通过本课程, 你将掌握文献检索、阅读技巧,以及学术论文写作技巧和翻译方法,提高阅 读效率和翻译质量。
根据学科特点和数据可靠性,选 择合适的文献数据库。
针对问题和目标运用适当的词汇 进行搜索,缩小结果范围。
• 《如何阅读一本书》 • 《英语写作与翻译》 • 《论文写作与发表》
• 万方数据库 • 谷歌学术 • 知网学术
• 在线课程 • 研讨会资料 • 专家指导
I. 论文写作技巧论文写作是研究生必不可少的任务之一,提高论文写作技巧可以有效提升研究成果的质量。
以下是几个论文写作技巧:1. 确定研究主题与目标在开始写作之前,需要明确研究主题和目标。
2. 论文结构的合理安排论文结构的合理安排有助于提高论文的可读性和逻辑性。
3. 运用恰当的语言和写作风格在论文写作中,应该运用准确、简明的语言,避免使用过于复杂或晦涩的术语。
II. 文献阅读技巧文献阅读是进行学术研究必不可少的一个环节,正确高效的文献阅读技巧有助于提升研究水平和学术素养。
以下是几个文献阅读技巧:1. 确定文献阅读的目标和范围在开始进行文献阅读之前,应该确定阅读的目标和范围。
2. 抓住关键信息和结构在阅读文献时,要学会抓住关键信息和文献的结构。
3. 扩大文献资源与交流合作除了通过图书馆和在线数据库获取文献外,还可以通过参加学术研讨会、与同行交流等途径扩大获取文献资源的渠道。
【20XX-2019】文科研究生的读书、研究和论文写作(1)-范文word 版本文部分内容来自网络,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议请及时联系,本司将予以删除==本文为word格式,简单修改即可使用,推荐下载!==文科研究生的读书、研究和论文写作(1)根据我自己攻读硕士、博士学位和长期培养指导硕士生、博士生的经验,着重谈谈文科研究生怎样读书,怎样搞科学研究,怎样进行论文选题与写作,供新导师和研究生治学参考。
研究生应当具备以下文献阅读能力:1. 文献检索能力。
2. 文献筛选能力。
3. 文献综述能力。
4. 文献翻译能力。
针对上述能力,研究生可以通过以下方式进行培养:1. 阅读优秀论文。
2. 积极参加学术会议。
3. 建立小组讨论机制。
研究生应当具备以下文献写作能力:1. 科研论文写作能力。
2. 科技报告撰写能力。
context: Why can ’t a machine be more like a man? . . . The same question has been raised by and about creatures ranging from Frankenstein to Terminator II.上下文:为什么一台机器不能像一个男人?。
problem: But the real questionis . . . do they tacitly reinforce destructive stereotypes of what it means to be ‘normal ’? 问题:但真正的问题是。
他们是否默认加强对“正常”意味着什么的破坏性刻板印象?是否默认加强对“正常”意味着什么的破坏性刻板印象?response: The model person seems in fact to be defined by Western criteria that exclude most of the people in the world.回应:模范人似乎实际上是由西方的标准来排除世界上大多数人的。
介绍的三部分【1】Stable context (Common ground) 稳定的上下文(共同点)Some apparently unproblematic account of research already known一些显而易见的研究已经不成问题了一些显而易见的研究已经不成问题了【2】Being disrupted (Problem) 被打扰(问题)Reader, you may think you know something, but your knowledge is flawed or uncompleted.读者,你可能会认为你知道某些东西,但是你的知识是有缺陷的或者没有完成的。
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context: Why can’t a machine be more like a man? . . . The same question has been raised by and about creatures ranging from Frankenstein to Terminator II.上下文:为什么一台机器不能像一个男人?。
problem: But the real question is . . . do they tacitly reinforce destructive stereotypes of what it means to be ‘normal’? 问题:但真正的问题是。
他们是否默认加强对“正常”意味着什么的破坏性刻板印象?response:The model person seems in fact to be defined by Western criteria that exclude most of the people in the world.回应:模范人似乎实际上是由西方的标准来排除世界上大多数人的。
介绍的三部分【1】Stable context (Common ground) 稳定的上下文(共同点)Some apparently unproblematic account of research already known一些显而易见的研究已经不成问题了【2】Being disrupted (Problem) 被打扰(问题)Reader, you may think you know something, but your knowledge is flawed or uncompleted.读者,你可能会认为你知道某些东西,但是你的知识是有缺陷的或者没有完成的。
【3】Explanation and solution 解释和解决方案Look at how I handle the problem and work it out.看看我如何处理这个问题并进行处理。
Material and Methods 材料和方法The methods should give enough detail so that someone else can duplicate your experiment. 这些方法应该给出足够的细节,以便别人可以复制你的实验。
However, they should not be as detailed as the instructions in your laboratory notes. 但是,它们不应该与实验室说明中的说明一样详细。
Remember not to comment on your observations or measurements in the methods stage. You should do this in the results stage.记住不要在方法阶段评论你的观察或测量。
The information you provide should typically answer the following questions:What materials did you use? What methods did you use?您提供的信息通常应该回答以下问题:你使用什么材料?你用什么方法?How should I begin the Methods? 我应该如何开始“方法”?(a) making a general statement about your method (a)就您的方法作一般性的陈述The method described here is simple, rapid and sensitive. 这里描述的方法简单快速(b) referring to another paper (b)提及另一份文件The materials used for isolation and culture are described elsewhere [20].Materials were obtained in accordance with Burgess et al.’s method [55].(c) stating where you obtained your materials from (c)说明您从哪里获取材料Bacterial strains were isolated and kindly supplied by…Agorose for gel electrophoresis was purchased from Brogdon plc (Altrincham, UK).(d) explaining how you found your subjects (d)解释你如何找到你的实验对象Subjects were chosen from a randomly selected sample of…Participants were selected from patients at the Gynecology Faculty of the University (e) indicating where (i.e. a geographical location) your investigation was focused (e)指出您的调查重点在何处(即地理位置)Our empirical investigation focused on Tuscany, a central region of Italy.The study was carried out in four boulevards in Athens (Greece).(f) referring the reader to a figure which shows the experimental set up(f)将读者引用到显示实验设置的图中To highlight the advantages of the system, Fig. 1 shows the…(g) starting directly with the first step in your procedure(g)直接从您的程序中的第一步开始Frontal cerebral cortices were dissected from…Core-cell composite materials were prepared by colloidal assembly of…Results 结果Resist the urge to include every bit of data you collected, since perhaps not all are relevant. Also, don’t try to draw conclusions about the results—save them for the Discussion section. 抵制你收集的每一点数据的冲动,因为也许并不是全部都是相关的。
此外,不要试图得出关于结果的结论- 将其保存在讨论部分。
Most Results sections feature three distinct parts: text, tables, and figures.大多数结果部分有三个不同的部分:文本,表格和图形。
How to begin the Results? 如何开始结果?【1】Give a general panorama of your experiments, surveys.【1】给你一个全面的实验,调查。
Overall, the results presented below show that…总体来说,下面的结果显示:The three key results of this empirical study are: .. 这个实证研究的三个主要结果:【2】Go directly to your results, often by inviting readers to look at figures or tables. 【2】直接转到你的结果,经常是邀请读者看图或表。
Figure 1 shows the mass spectra obtained from an analysis of the two residues. The first residue reveals…图1显示了从两个残基的分析获得的质谱。
第一个残留物揭示了...A total of 34 wheat genotypes(Table 1) were screened for…Responses to increased sunlight varied significantly (Figure 1)…共筛选了34种小麦基因型(表1)...对阳光照射的反应明显不同(图1)...An analysis was made to look for …To do this, the average times of x and y were compared…Figures 1-3 s how the difference between….进行分析以寻找...为此,比较x和y的平均次数...图1-3显示了...之间的差异Discussion and Conclusion 讨论和结论1. Statement of principal findings 1.主要发现声明2. Strengths and weaknesses of the study 2.研究的优缺点3. Strengths and weaknesses in relation to other studies: important differences inresults 3.与其他研究相关的优点和缺点:结果的差异4. Meaning of the study: possible explanations and implications for others in your field and policymakers4.研究的意义:对您领域的其他人以及决策者的可能解释和影响5. Unanswered questions and future research5.未回答的问题和未来的研究Possible beginnings of Discussion 可能的讨论开始(1)Remind readers of the writer’s goals, preferably in a single sentence:(1)提醒读者作者的目标,最好是一句话:?One of the main goals of this experiment was to find a way to predict who shows more task persistence.这个实验的主要目标之一是找出一种方法来预测谁能显示更多的任务持久性。