《EPLAN培训》面向图形的设计 ppt课件
![《EPLAN培训》面向图形的设计 ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e39b5c9b04a1b0717fd5ddd9.png)
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6.3.1 属性(元件):常规设备标签
双击符号或元件,弹出“属性(元 件):常规设备”对话框(如图6-12所 示),单击常规(电机)标签。
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图6-12 “属性(元件)”对话框
6.3.2 属性(元件):显示标签
“显示”标签用来定义属性的显示 及显示的样式,如图6-13所示。
(6)外部:如果选用此设置,相应的元 件在报表、错误检查和构成关联参考时 均不参与直接生成报表,但被作为目标 被评估。
Page 46
(7)图形:如果选用此设置,相应的元 件在报表、错误检查和构成关联参考时 均不参与直接生成报表。
(8)功能:用于放置在流程图中的功能 和宏。
(9)拓扑:用于拓扑中的布线路径、布 线点、中断点和待布线的连接功能。
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(3)成对关联参考:将相应的功能定义为成 对关联参考。成对关联参考元件指向其在原 理图中接线的多线配对物,反之亦然。通过 现有的成对关联参考元件可以改变主要/辅助 功能的关联参考属性。
(4)单线:将相应的功能定义为单线,在单 线原理图中使用。
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(5)管道及仪表流程图:用于描述放置 在一个管道及仪表流程图中的功能,如 工艺流程中的容器。
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图6-18 T节点
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图6-19 T节点符号
T节点属性显示了每个符号及相关 变量的属性,如图6-20所示,1表示连接 的源目标,2表示连接的去向,T或连接 在一起的点表示线短接在一起。
eplan入门指导 PPT
![eplan入门指导 PPT](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f81dfd7ac8d376eeaeaa31aa.png)
的设备/组件,比如,PE 连接
【为了描述 PLC 组件 (很多端子排就是用黑盒花的)
一 Eplan基础
1.工作区域选择:视图-工作区域(E5.e21.) 2. 创建项目:新建-选择模版-打开-创建项目-保存,弹出项目属 性对话框,在属性中的项目描述中更改项目名称—确定(新建不 能改变存储路径,新建向导则可以)根据所选模板不同新建项 目再打开时可能已经存在首页或其他页
3.新建页:在页的导航器中,在所在项目上单击右键--新建,根 据所需页类型进行选择
只有项目名称,而所建的 页都不见,这时取消激活 即可。
会出现右面这个框-选项页 选择所想要的页,然后点
3 在打开项目时,有的时候你会看 到所有的常用符号都不见了, 一般我们会再到标题栏的选 项—工具栏—调整
• 则添加设备时,设备连接 点符号自动依次增加 (1,2,3,4.。)
• (4)黑盒:黑盒是常用的
EPLAN Electric P8软件技能培训课件
![EPLAN Electric P8软件技能培训课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/00c05503482fb4daa58d4bbe.png)
1.点击 Windows 开始按钮,选择所有程序。 2.打开 EPLAN程序组,单击 EPLAN图标。 EPLAN 主窗口将打开。默认情况下, 会打开每日 提示对话框。 3.如果不想在每次程序启动时均显示此窗口,取 消“激活开始时显示提示”复选框。 4.单击 [关闭]。
EPLAN Electric P8软件的启动
在EPLAN Electric P8中,一般情况下一个电气项目设计的 最终的表现形式为生成所需的各类报表。(如指导采购的部件汇 总表、指导安装的端子图表、电缆图表。)所以其设计的一般过 程基本可以分为以下的三个主要步骤。 (1)原理图的绘制 原理图的绘制一般将主电路和辅助电路分页绘制。可采用 面向图形和面向对象两种方法,后面会做详细介绍。 (2)设备的选型 在原理图绘制完成后,对于在图中所用到的电器设备要进行型 号的选择,用于以后所需的相关报表生成。 (3)生成报表 根据各个方面的不同需要,EPLAN Electric P8可支持生成29 种不同类型的报表。
1.软件的运行需拥有 EPLAN 所需的软件 保护(加密狗)和有效的许可。 2.可以将 EPLAN 设置为在程序启动后立 即调用最近打开的项目或最近打开的页。 此设置可以通过菜单中选项 > 设置 > 用 户 > 显示> 界面来完成。 3.如果要使用 EPLAN权限管理,那么在 使用 EPLAN 工作之前,还必须(根据工 作模式)在登录对话框中进行登录。
EPLAN Electric P8的发展历程
EPLAN 是由德国 LOH国际集团旗下的EPLAN软件和服务 公司开发设计的。其公司和软件主要经历了以下的发展历程: 1984年,数据处理有限公司成立。 1986年,在德国斯图加特、法兰克福和慕尼黑成立分公司。 1993年- 1999年,美国、奥地利、丹麦分公司成立。 2000年,正式更名为软件和服务有限公司。瑞典分公司成立。
一、EPLAN P8简介
EPLAN P8 V1.7.12——P8第一个版本;
EPLAN P8 V1.8.5——目前我们正式画图用,比较上一个版本有一些改进,并减少了一些bug。
系统文件,路径为:\\EPLAN\Electric P8\1.8.5。
可以事先将所用的授权文件拷贝到:C:\WINNT 目录下。
- 1 -。
(1)基于信号:信号相同的所有连接编 制相同的连接代号。
(2)基于电位:电位相同的所有连接编 制相同的连接代号。
(3)基于连接:每个连接都需要编制新 的连接代号。
图8-7 连接编号的设置
图8-8 “放置标”签卡
图8-9 “名称标”签卡
图8-10 连接编号规则设置
8.5.2 放置
图8-13 “对连接进行说明”对话框
图8-14 编号结果预览
原理图连接编号的最终结果如图8-15所 示,原理图上“????”部分用编号取代。
图8-15 最终原理图编号结果
8.6 连接颜色修改
在原理图的设计中,为了形象化描 述连接的导线,可以改变导线线型的粗 细和颜色。
在EPLAN的电气逻辑中,导线的修 改变化是根据电位和连接定义的。
图8-2 连接导航器
8.3 手动定义连接属性
在项目的默认设置中,可以统一为 连接定义属性。
所有其他项目未指定的属性应由连 接定义点指定。
当在项目设置中为连接指定连接属 性后,这些属性就被指定传递给每一个 连接。
单击【选项】>【设置】>【项目(项目名 称)】>【连接】>【属性】命令,弹出“设置: 属性”对话框,如图8-3所示。
信号必须有一个与相关电位不同的 名字,含有不同的数据。
信号通过连接在不同原理图页之间 传输。
位连接点来定义,定义的数据是整个原 或多个连
接传递的电位属性,这些属性可以在项 目中预定义,也可以在电位连接点或中 断点进行设置。
图8-18 智能连接
对象后,将其粘贴到本页或另外一页的 位置上,在剪切点和目标页之间自动插 入中断点,并自动编号,其间的连接没 有改变,如图8-19所示。
Eplan electric P8 1.9培训
![Eplan electric P8 1.9培训](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d625786faf1ffc4ffe47ac24.png)
模板后缀*epb 是为了兼容以前的Eplan项目基本项目也可以选。
EPLAN培训第四天EPLAN学习第四天汪宏伟制作1.建立PLC1.1在部件库中建立PLC型号,定义I/O点点击“工具---部件---管理”打开“部件管理”窗口,在PLC类中右键点击选择“新建”就建立了一个新的PLC,但是这样建立的PLC 任何参数都没有,也可以选择一个相似的PLC复制一个,进行修改而达到新建PLC的目的。
1.9把PLC I/O点地址编址,选中要编址的PLC I/O点,点击“项目数据---PLC---编址”。
如下图方法二:在总览页中copy 已建的多线宏(变量A和变量B),删除一个PLC盒子,把I/O点全部放入一个盒子中,全选右键点击选择“属性”,把“符号数据---显示类型”改为总览。
EPLAN Electric P8软件技能培训课件
![EPLAN Electric P8软件技能培训课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f963b6140c22590103029d3f.png)
EPLAN简介 EPLAN Electric P8的运行环境
操作系统: Windows Vista,Windows XP
处理器: CPU 3 GHz 内存: 1-2 GByte
硬盘驱动: 100 - 160 GByte 分辨率: 1680 x 1050 21",16:10双图
形显示器 带有可编程按钮的多功能光学鼠标
EPLAN简介 EPLAN Electric P8软件的特点
凭借强大的宏变量技术,软件能够插入最多 带有8个变量的电路图(宏),这些变量中包含预 设的数据。例如,可插入电动机启动回路的宏, 并选择包含原理图说明和相应工程数据的变量, 以决定断路器、熔断器、过载保护器以及正反向 启动器等电气原件的容量。软件会将变量中所有
EPLAN简介 EPLAN Electric P8软件的安装
EPLAN简介 EPLAN Electric P8软件的安装 接受许可协议条款,点击下一步。
EPLAN简介 EPLAN Electric P8软件的安装 选择程序文件、配置文件和主数据的目标目录。
EPLAN简介 EPLAN Electric P8软件的安装 选择安装类型。
走进EPLAN 软件的设计环境(菜单栏-页菜单)
页菜单主要用于打 开/关闭页导航器、 新建页、打开/关闭 页、复制页、导入/ 导出页等。
走进EPLAN 软件的设计环境(菜单栏-编辑菜单)
编辑菜单主要是用 于撤销、恢复、剪 切、复制、粘贴、 删除等常用编辑操 作。
走进EPLAN 软件的设计环境(菜单栏-视图菜单)
EPLAN简介 EPLAN Electric P8软件的安装
主要用地定义 ✓ 规划用地:定义规划用地自动生成其他绿地,
随着各构件的定义,绿地自动扣减 ✓ 规划净用地: ✓ 公共绿地: ✓ 小区干道:
DWG图纸整理 专业实体定义 指标统计 检测、日照 输出打印
第一步 DWG图纸整理
1、CAD中整理闭合多段线(ZZEP) 2、多个DWG放入一个 文件夹A 3、导入=外来粘贴=绘制 创建未定义实体
第二步 专业实体定义
1、规划用地、道路、公共绿地、集中绿地 2、建筑拉伸、楼层属性
三维互动电子报批 软件介绍
目前的工作方式: 1、平面下设计,想象或虚拟三维布局
2、手工计算尺子测量,效率低易产生误差 3、平面图展示效果图
1、快速将二维图转换为三维模型 2、指标动态生成,扔掉尺、计算器 3、三维形式展示效果图 4、自动检测红线、间距、日照 5、自动生成报告
自动检测错误 全面准确
告诉软件哪里是套内面积、阳台、公摊 软件将自动获取到其面积,并计算出国六条相关数据
仿真模型 直观生动 汇报清楚 交流方便
高效创建 灵活编辑 数图互动 便于研究
第一步 第二步 第三步 第四步 第五步
Path Function Texts1Inserting and Editing Path Function Texts (6)1.1Insert a path function text (6)1.2Edit path function text (10)2Using the Display and Positioning Aids (11)3Defining the Cursor Display (12)4Defining Increment Sizes (14)4.1Select increments using the keyboard (15)5Moving the Coordinate Base Point (16)6Working with Grids (18)6.1Displaying the Grid (18)6.2Using Grid Snap (19)6.3Align on grid (20)7Activating Object Snap (22)8Using the Design Mode (23)9Using the Orthogonal Function (26)10Displaying Insertion Points (27)11Displaying Connection Point Directions and Designations (29)11.1Display the connection point direction (29)11.2Hide and Reveal connection point designations and descriptions (29)11.3Rotating connection point designations and descriptions (30)12Using Zoom Functions (31)12.1Using window zoom (31)12.2Magnifying / shrinking sections (31)12.3Using the quadrant zoom (32)12.4Zoom with the mouse (32)12.5Use the pan function (33)13Editing Elements (34)14Selecting Elements (35)14.1Select multiple elements individually (35)14.2Select an area of elements (35)14.3Select an area with the keyboard (35)14.5Remove element selection (36)15Copying, Cutting, and Pasting Schematic Elements (37)16Duplicating Elements (39)17Deleting Elements (40)17.1Delete areas (40)18Moving Elements (41)18.1Move elements using drag and drop (41)19Working with Element Groups (42)19.1Group elements (42)19.2Ungroup (42)19.3Consider groupings (43)20Distributing Elements Evenly (45)21Moving Elements into the Foreground / Background (46)22Changing Elements (47)22.1Scale elements (47)22.2Rotate elements (47)22.3Stretch elements (48)23Changing Element Properties (49)24Editing Text Properties (50)25Docking / Undocking Text (51)25.1Dock text (51)25.2Undock text (52)25.3Dock property text (52)25.4Undock property text (55)26Moving Property Texts (56)26.1Resetting moved property texts (58)27Inserting Graphical Elements (59)28Drawing Lines and Rectangles (60)28.1Draw lines (60)28.3Draw rectangles (62)29Drawing Circles, Arcs, and Sectors (64)29.1Draw circles (64)29.2Draw arcs and sectors (65)29.3Draw ellipses (69)30Drawing Splines (70)31Entering Coordinates when Drawing (72)31.1Enter absolute coordinates (73)31.2Enter relative coordinates (76)32Inserting Text (79)32.1Find empty texts (82)33Inserting Image Files (84)34Inserting Hyperlinks (87)34.1Open hyperlinks (90)34.2Select hyperlinks (91)This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info1 Inserting and Editing Path Function TextsPath function texts are inserted in the same way as graphical texts. The only differences are that the title bar of the input dialog in the first tab shows a different title, and that the path function texts are stored in a different layer from the other texts (EPLAN110, Graphic.Path function texts). Moreover, there are additional orientation options for path function texts, that are needed for editing projects imported from EPLAN 5.Note:Path function texts are only evaluated on schematic pages with multi-line or single-line display. On all other types of page, path function texts are treated like graphical texts.On PLC overview pages, no path function text is evaluated, but the "Function text (automatic)" property on PLC connection points and channel symbols - if no other function text has been entered - determines the automatic function text of the corresponding PLC connection point on the circuit diagram side.1.1 Insert a path function textPrecondition:You have opened a schematic page or a page with a multi-line or a single-line display.Insert > Path function text1. In the Path funciton text tab of the Properties dialog, enter the desired text.The popup menu provides you with many options to further edit the text. Youcan, for instance, use the functions cut, copy, and paste, or insert line breaks and special characters.Note:Line breaks can be entered using [Ctrl]+[Enter].2.3. On the Format tab, you can specify text properties such as size, color, andorientation, along with the layer on which the path function text is stored.4. In the Language tab, define whether the text is to be displayed in only onelanguage or in all of the display languages. (The translation module must be licensed in order to display multiple languages.)5. In the Border tab, you define whether the text is placed within an alignmentbox and how it fits into the alignment box.6. Click [OK].The dialog is closed and the text hangs on the cursor.7. Place the text in the desired path. Be sure that the insertion point of the text isaligned with the insertion point of the component which should receive the path function text.If no function text is entered for a component, the path function text is stored in the "Function text (automatic)" property.1.2 Edit path function text1. Double-click a path function text.2. In the Properties dialog, edit the text and its properties. Use the Pathfunction text, Format, and Language tabs as described under Insert a path function text.3. Click [OK].The changes are adopted and are immediately visible on the page.This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info2 Using the Display and Positioning AidsEPLAN offers a series of options which simplify the placement of graphical elements and components.You can select the behavior of the cursor, for instance, select different increments to be taken into account when moving the cursor with the keyboard, specify the distance between grid points, or set different zoom levels.The options Snap to grid and Object snap make it possible to orient elements directly to the grid points or element points when drawing.The option Design mode helps when placing elements exactly at specific coordinates.This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info3 Defining the Cursor DisplayThe cursor can either be shown as a cross hair or as "small cross". You define this in the User settings. In the “small cross” form, two short lines, at an angle of 45° to each other, are displayed. Regardless of the cursor display settings, the form of the cursor always reflects the currently active command.Options > Settings > User > Graphical editing > General1. In the Display field, you define whether the cursor is displayed as crosshairsor as a "small cross".2. You can use the Display crosshairs when placing symbols and macroscheck box to specify – regardless of the setting above – how the cursor should appear when placing symbols or macros.3. Click [OK].You can also affect the type of cursor displayed using the menu item View > Crosshair for element selection in the graphical editor:If this option is activated, then the predefined cursor display will always be used when selecting elements. The cursor display can no longer be used to distinguish between element selection and point entry.If the option is deactivated, then the crosshairs are only displayed on the entry ofpoints. This makes it easier to distinguish between the entry of points and the selection of elements.This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info4 Defining Increment SizesThe increment defines how far the cursor jumps in a particular direction when the cursor key is pressed. It is set and activated from the current cursor position.For the Use logical coordinates setting, the step size is given in grid increments. This depends on the grid increments used on the page. If the defined grid size is (e.g.) 4 mm, then an increment setting of 1 means that the cursor jumps by 4 mm, with a setting of 2 by 8 mm, etc. An increment setting less than 1 is not permitted. For the Use graphical coordinates setting, the increment is defined in terms of the drawing units (in mm or inches, depending on the settings).Precondition:You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.Options > Increment1. Select the Use graphical coordinates check box to display the increments forGraphical coordinates in the list fields.Deselect the check box to display the increments for Logic coordinates.2. Enter the desired increment into the Increment field, or select an entry fromthe Personal increments or Recently used increments lists.Note:The lists show the default increments (defined in the user settings) and the last10 increments used, where the entries in the Recently used increments areoverwritten, from top to bottom, with each new increment used.3.4. Click [OK].The cursor can now only be moved using the keyboard in the increment defined here.4.1 Select increments using the keyboardThe personal increments are defined in the user settings. These are allocated to the letters A to T. The list of recently used increments is filled from top to bottom and is continually overwritten. These are allocated to the letters K to S. K is therefore the last used increment, L the second to last etc.1. Enter the letter for the relevant increment using the keyboard.5 Moving the Coordinate Base PointThe Move base point function allows you to define an optional coordinate base point. The new base point is displayed using a small coordinate cross and is calculated with reference to the relative coordinate entries. The relative entry of coordinates always relates to the most recently place point.Precondition:You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.1. Select the menu item Options > Move base point, and position the cursor atthe position where the new base point origin is to be located.Instead of the normal coordinate display in the status bar, either the (absolute) DX and DY coordinates are displayed, or the (relative) DRX andDRY coordinates. The setting remains until you open a new page or perform the command again.If you have (e.g.) activated the command for drawing a line, after having placing the first line point, you can then enter either the absolute or relative coordinates. The entered values are then used to define the coordinates of the endpoint of the line. If the relative coordinate entry is started without having first defined a starting point, then the entry is treated as an absolute coordinate. If no command is active, then the cursor is positioned to the entered coordinates; this may also change the displayed screen section.6 Working with GridsYou can work with a grid to make the positioning of elements easier. The insertion and element points are then placed on the grid points.The size of the grid used (i.e. the clearance between the individual grid points) is stored as a page property and displayed in the status bar. You can select one of the default grid sizes from the drop-down list or enter you own values.In the user settings, you can define up to five different grid sizes; in the graphical editor, these can then be selected using the to buttons in the "View" toolbar.Precondition:You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.6.1 Displaying the Grid1. Select the menu item View > Grid, to switch the grid display on and off.6.2 Using Grid SnapThe use of grid snap is independent of the grid display options.1. Select the menu item Options > Snap to grid to switch the grid snap on andoff.If the grid snap is activated, then all of the subsequent actions are performed within the grid points.In the status bar, the text "ON" or "OFF" in front of the grid size shows whether the grid snap is switched on or off.6.3 Align on gridThis function allows you to subsequently align objects to the grid settings without having initially drawn them using the grid. If you subsequently switch on the grid snap, then previously drawn objects may no longer be accessible if they aren't on a grid point.1. Select the objects and then select the menu item Edit > Other > Align ongrid.The selected objects are realigned so that all of their important points (such as line starting points, curve ends etc.) are on the grid.This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info7 Activating Object SnapText and logical elements (symbols, black boxes etc.) have insertion points. Graphical elements have element points (e.g. start and end points).8 Using the Design ModeThe design mode assists you in placing graphical elements at specific points and at specific coordinates.With the Design mode activated, do not use area selection for editing operations (i.e. Move, Delete, Duplicate, etc.) on the elements to be changed, instead just click them. To edit the element, define both the starting and target points for the action. Precondition:You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.1. Select the menu item Options > Design mode to activate or deactivate thisoption.Now select the starting point for moving by positioning the crosshairs on the intersection of the diagonals and clicking.Finally, select the target point by positioning the crosshairs on the desired point and clicking. The rectangle is moved to the desired position and the middle point is on the starting point of the line.This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info9 Using the Orthogonal FunctionThe orthogonal function enables movement of the cursor in only the horizontal or vertical direction. In the process, the cursor assumes a special form, known as the Orthogonal cursor. The function can be used when all insertion points are to be oriented either horizontally or vertically to each other upon symbol insertion. Precondition:You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.1. Press [<] to activate the orthogonal function in a horizontal direction.2. Press [<] a second time to activate the orthogonal function in a verticaldirection.The cursor assumes the form of two arrows, indicating the direction setting.3. Press [<] once more to deactivate the orthogonal function.The cursor can be moved again in all directions.This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info10 Displaying Insertion PointsTo edit the properties of symbols or texts, it is necessary to select their insertion points. The Display insertion points option makes it easier to find the insertion points: If this option is activated, the insertion points are highlighted from the symbols and text by a black square.Precondition:You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.1. Select the menu item View > Insertion points, or press the [i] key.2. Select the menu item View > Insertion points, or press the [i] key again.The insertion points are hidden again.11 Displaying Connection Point Directions andDesignationsThe following features are available for working with connection points in the graphical editor.11.1 Display the connection point direction Precondition:You have opened a project and are viewing a schematic in the graphical editor.1. Select the menu items View > Connection point direction.2. In the Layer management - <Project name> dialog, open the Propertyplacement list.3. Select the Connection point designation and / or Connection pointdescription property placement options.4. Deselect the Visible check box to hide the elements in the graphical editor. 11.3 Rotating connection point designations anddescriptionsWhen creating symbols, two sets of connection point designations and descriptions can be defined: one non-rotated, and one with text rotated by 90 degrees. These are used for (e.g.) working according to DIN standards. To switch between the two sets, proceed as follows:Preconditions:•You have opened a project and are viewing a schematic in the graphical editor.•You have used the symbol editor to allocate both sets of connection point designations and descriptions to the symbol.1. Select the menu items Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" >Graphical editing > General.2. Select the Display rotated connection point designation check box.3. Click [OK].This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info12 Using Zoom FunctionsThe zoom functions can be controlled using the mouse or the keyboard. An optional mouse wheel is also supported.Precondition:You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.12.1 Using window zoomView > Zoom > Window1. Draw a box over the desired area.The selected area is displayed at maximum size.If you would like to use the keyboard, then proceed as follows:1. Move the cursor to the upper left corner of the desired window area and press[Enter].2. Move the cursor to the lower right corner of the desired window area andpress [Enter].12.3 Using the quadrant zoom1. Press [+].The quadrant where the cursor is currently located is displayed at maximum size.2. Press [-].With the As for word processing option, the visible section is moved up / down.With the As in CAD option, the page is magnified / shrunk.2. Hold down the [Ctrl] key and scroll up / down with the mouse wheel.12.5 Use the pan function1. Hold down the middle mouse button and move the cursor in the desireddirection.The contents of the page are moved in the same direction.This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info13 Editing ElementsWhen editing in the graphical editor, besides the usual Windows operating methods (first select elements, then call command), in most cases the operating methods familiar from EPLAN 5 (first call the command, then select elements) are also supported.Calling a command does not end the previous action in every case; if it is possible from a processing point of view, the first action is simply interrupted. For instance, the zoom function doesn't end the drawing of a line, but only interrupts that action. Once the zoom has been completed, the drawing of the line is continued at the point of interruption.This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info14 Selecting ElementsAn element is selected when you click it; in the case of filled graphical elements, you can also click anywhere within the filled area.Precondition:You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.14.1 Select multiple elements individually1. Press [Ctrl] while selecting the individual elements.All elements lying within this frame are selected.Note:If you open the frame from left to right, only those elements are selected which lie completely within the frame. But if you open the frame from right to left,"partial" elements are also selected, which only partially lie within the frame.2.3. To remove a single element from this selected group, press [Ctrl] and click theelement at the same time.14.3 Select an area with the keyboardEdit > Select > Area1. Specify the first corner of the area to be selected using [Enter].2. Open a frame using the cursor keys. You can open the frame in any direction.3. You can use [Tab] to switch the cursor between the lower right corner and theupper left corner, in order to stretch the area in all directions.4. End area selection with [Enter].15 Copying, Cutting, and Pasting SchematicElementsEPLAN supports the familiar Windows commands for copying, cutting, and pasting of elements.Precondition:You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.1. Select the desired elements and select either the menu items Edit > Copy, orEdit > Cut.The selected elements are copied into the Windows Clipboard. When copying, the selected elements stay in their original position, while duringcutting, they are removed (deleted) from their original position.2. If you work with multiple clipboards (definable in the user settings), then in theClipboard dialog, enter a description for the content of the relevant clipboardand click [OK].3. If necessary, open a different page where you want to insert the copied / cutelements.4. Select the menu item Edit > Paste.If you work with multiple clipboards, then EPLAN opens the Paste dialog.Select the desired element and click [OK].5. Move the cursor to the position where you want to insert the elements andpress [Enter].The contents of the Clipboard are pasted into the currently open page.Notes:•Each call to Copy or Cut overwrites the current contents of the Clipboard, if you are only working with one Clipboard.•If you press [X] or [Y] when inserting, the elements will be positioned horizontally or vertically aligned with the original.This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info16 Duplicating ElementsUsing the Duplicate command, you can insert multiple copies very easily at the same time. Duplication only works within a single page, not between pages. Precondition:You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.1. Select the element(s) to be duplicated, and select the menu item Edit >Duplicate.2. Place the first copy.3. In the Duplicate dialog, enter the total number of elements to be created.17 Deleting ElementsPrecondition:You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.1. Mark the desired elements and select the menu items Edit > Delete (or press[Del]).The elements are completely deleted.Unlike the Cut command, it is not possible to insert deleted elements into the page again, because they are not stored in the Clipboard. You can, however, use the Undo command to reinsert the elements.17.1 Delete areas1. Use the mouse to drag the frame around the desired elements.The elements within the area are completely deleted.Notes:•It is possible first to select the Delete command, then to select the elements to be deleted. In this case, you must select the elements using area selection.•If you want to delete the entire page contents, use [Ctrl] + [A] to select all elements on the page and then press [Del]. All components and graphicalelements will be deleted. Update the display if necessary using View >Redraw .This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info18 Moving ElementsPrecondition:You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.1. Mark the desired elements and select the menu items Edit > Move.Note:If you use drag and drop in combination with [Ctrl], the selected elements are not simply moved, but copied.This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info19 Working with Element GroupsElements can be grouped together into groups which can then be edited together. Whether the groups or the individual elements are edited can be enabled and disabled as needed. It is thus necessary to break up a group if you want to edit an individual element of the group.19.1 Group elementsPrecondition:The option Consider groupings is selected.1. Hold down [Ctrl] and click the elements that you would like to group.(Alternatively, you can open a frame around the desired elements using themouse.)The selected elements are grouped together into a group.3. To move a single element of a group without removing the grouping, select theelement and then move it while holding down the [Shift] key.The element is moved but remains part of the group.Already grouped elements can also be combined into a new group. This allows the nesting of groups. A combination of grouped and ungrouped elements is also possible.19.2 UngroupPrecondition:The option Consider groupings is selected.1. Select the group you wish to ungroup.2. Select the menu item Edit > Other > Ungroup.Note:To move a single element of a group without removing the grouping, or to temporarily ignore the grouping, select the element and then move it while holding down the [Shift] key.If the option is deactivated, all elements are treated as individual elements. This makes it possible to edit, delete, move elements, etc. which are in a group. If such elements are copied, the new elements lose their group membership.If group consideration is deactivated, the Group and Ungroup commands can also no longer be executed.1. Select the menu item Options > Consider groupings to activate ordeactivate this option.Plot frames, symbols, and formsPlot frames, symbols, and forms are special elements.•Plot frames cannot be selected, and so it is also impossible to group elements with plot frames or to ungroup plot frame groups.•Forms cannot be selected, and so it is also impossible to group elements with forms or to ungroup form groups.•Symbols can be arbitrarily grouped. The symbol itself is the smallest possible unit. It is not possible to break a symbol down into pure graphics.This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info20 Distributing Elements EvenlyUsing the Space evenly command, you can position multiple selected elements equal distances from one another in the horizontal or vertical direction. Precondition:You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.1. Select the elements in question, and choose the menu item Edit > Other >Space evenly (horizontal) or Edit > Other > Space evenly (vertical).EPLAN determines the distance between the first and last elements and distributes all the others evenly between them.Note:The grid is not taken into account when distributing elements; if necessary, use the Align on grid command to place the elements back onto the grid.This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info21 Moving Elements into the Foreground /BackgroundYou can use the two commands Bring to front and Send to back to influence the order of elements on the screen and the order of access. For instance, if multiple elements are on top of one another, then normally the element added last is on top. Precondition:You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.1. Select an element and choose the menu item Edit > Other > Bring to front,or Edit > Other > Send to back.22 Changing ElementsPrecondition:You have opened a page, form, plot frame, or symbol.22.1 Scale elements1. Mark the desired elements and select the menu items Edit > Scale.2. Specify the origin point for the scaling.3. In the Scaling dialog, select the scaling factor and click [OK].The selected graphic will be scaled relative to the point of origin. Texts can also be scaled; in this case, the font size is also changed.22.2 Rotate elements1. Mark the desired elements and select the menu items Edit > Rotate.2. Specify the point of origin for the rotation.3. Then rotate the selected elements around the point of origin with the mouse,and click the left mouse button on the page to end the rotation.Warning:If the selected element group contains a symbol, or if the selected element is a symbol, the action is not performed, since symbols cannot be rotated in EPLAN! If you need a rotated symbol, create an appropriate symbol variant in the symbol editor.22.3 Stretch elementsUsing the Stretch command, you can stretch a selected line to a free point, snap point, or an element (intersection). The line will be either lengthened or shortened. Edit > Stretch1. Open a frame around the desired element points in order to select them.2. Move the marked element points to the desired position.The line is lengthed or shortened to this point.This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info。
EPLAN_P8培训―――――――――――――――第一天―――――――――――――――一、EPLAN P8简介1、EPLAN软件版本。
EPLAN P8 V1.7.12——P8第一个版本;EPLAN P8 V1.8.5——目前我们正式画图用,比较上一个版本有一些改进,并减少了一些bug。
●系统常用的组成部分:系统文件,路径为:\\EPLAN\Electric P8\1.8.5。
符号文件,路径为:\\EPLAN\Electric P8\符号。
图框文件,路径为:\\EPLAN\Electric P8\图框。
表格文件,路径为:\\EPLAN\Electric P8\表格。
宏文件,路径为:\\EPLAN\Electric P8\宏。
图像文件,路径为:\\EPLAN\Electric P8\图片。
部件数据,路径为:\\EPLAN\Electric P8\部件。
翻译数据,路径为:\\EPLAN\Electric P8\表格以上文件路径建议修改到另外路径。
●授权文件:SN-UXXXXX.EPL,在路径C:\WINNT 下。
●可以事先将所用的授权文件拷贝到:C:\WINNT 目录下。
运行命令:HLDINST –install。
EPLAN 培训记录手册-史上最详细第一天:硬件和数据库基础2009-11-101.用户接口工具栏、菜单结构、状态栏窗口浮动技术、快捷键工作区域、多屏幕设计项目2.图形编辑器工具栏、菜单栏、状态栏自由绘图功能图纸符号功能3.项目创建根据基本项目模板创建项目项目管理(可选模块)选择/创建项目管理数据库、编辑项目属性导入项目、项目目录更新项目数据4.标准介绍,项目结构标识符5.页的创建对话框、页类型、页属性图形预览项目中页的复制、页改名、页过滤器1. 符号的应用选择符号放置符号自动连线T节点2. 功能的编辑复制、剪切多重复制插入(编号)、设置编号文本标注路径功能文本3. 编辑元件移动、复制、多重复制、删除、撤销编辑设备属性黑盒子的创建4. 位置盒的创建5. 中断点的使用1.端子的创建基于符号基于端子导航器单层端子和多层端子2.插针和插座的创建3.电缆的创建电缆的选型4.交互参考的创建接触器线圈、触点马达过载保护器、成对的关联参考5.宏的创建窗口宏、符号宏和页面宏宏变量和宏值6.设备和设备导航器(报表的生成)1. PLC的应用I/O卡的创建和编辑PLC 宏的创建编辑和放置在I/O 卡总缆显示PLC交互参考生成赋值表2.部件管理电缆接触器部件预选择设备列表3.安装板的设计4.报表生成创建生成报表和模板生成工程所需的各类报表第五天:项目文件的归档2009-11-141.表格设计创建和定制化公司指定元件符号创建和定制化公司指定封面目录表创建和定制化公司指定图框标题栏2.项目变更控制修订控制管理修订的创建和比较3.项目的备份和恢复4.项目的导入和导出5.项目导出为其它格式(PDF、DWG/DXF、JPG)2009-11-10培训1.用户语言切换点击“工具---选项”,打开“设置”窗口,选择“用户---显示---用户界面”2.工具条提示中显示快捷键点击“工具---选项”,打开“设置”窗口,选择“用户---显示---用户界面”3.画面底色显示点击“工具---选项”,打开“设置”窗口,选择“用户---图形的编辑—常规”4.创建快捷键方法一:点击“选项---快捷键”打开“快捷键”窗口。
SSTM 系列外形图
安装孔径:Φ 10
磁选机整流控制设备电气资料 SSTM/SSTQ - D1系列 除铁器整流控制盘柜外形图
图号 Dwg.No. 页号 PageNo. 分类编号 K.No.
= 2
柜号 CabinetNo. 总页号 TotalPageNo. 版本号 Draw.Version
A 设备说明
A 操作说明
2、根据安装地区的电源电压情况(长期偏高5-10%或偏低5-10%),选定最接近电源电压 的整流变压器抽头并接牢。
3、如果电源指示(白)灯亮,表示电源接通,合上自动开关ZK。 B
4、如果设备运行不需要与皮带联锁时,将开关KK置于单动位置,按下启动(绿色)按钮, 直流电压表指示为额定输出电压,电机工作指示灯ZD3(绿)亮,表示设备进入正常运 行工作状态。
+ 6
V 1.0
U1 V1 W1
设计 Design 修订 Modify 审核 Confirm
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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更改PLC I/O显示格式
Display: 图形区域显示语言项,添加其他语言可以显示多语言对照。
One Language:图表区域语言,只能用一种语言显示。
子页设定:sub page
Grid X/Y 设定行或者列的测量起始点。
Path numbering 改为 Project by project 然后: