Different shopping concepts of America and ChinaAmongst all the cultures in the world, we can’t find two cultures exactly alike. Just as the shopping cultures of China the United States, they might have some common points in many specific aspects, but in respect to the shopping concepts, there is a word of difference between these two countries. The reasons are as follows.Chinese people usually have a very strong sense of thrift which was one of the traditional merits of ancient China, and this merit was passed on from generation to generation. The sense of thrift makes Chinese people develop the habit of conservative consumption. Under the influence of this point of view, Chinese are more likely to be cautious in spending their money. Many people would rather save up the money they earned than use them to enjoy life. For example, it is very common in China to see that many people work hard to earn money and put them in bank. They live a poor or uneasy life all their lives until the money in bank is much enough to buy a big and comfortable house. But the question is that they are already old and there are few years left for them to enjoy the comfortable house. Maybe they should learn to enjoy sweets of life while they are young.However, the situation is totally different in America. Most of American people do not care about saving money. On the contrary , they love excessive consumption .Not only will they spend all their money by the end of the month ,but also they will spend their money before they have it, that is to say they are likely to borrow money from friends or bank when they are short of money. For example, if an American wants to buy a house that is so expensive that he can notafford it, what will he do? Will he work hard for many years and save up enough money to buy the house?The answer might be no. He will borrow money from bank and repay the loans bit by bit after he lives in the house. But there still are problems about this kind of shopping concept----it is easy for these people to become too radical in borrowing money and have no ability to repay the loans in the future.In conclusion, American and Chinese hold different views on shopping concepts. Contrast these two shopping concepts, we will find that both of them have their own features and problems. They’d better to learn from each other and find a mean course to improve their concepts.。
From the movie, I can see when western visit friend’s house, he will bring a bottle of wine to friend’s house, or a bunch of flowers. But in our country, if we visit friend in their house, we will bring many things, such as milk, meat, tea, cigarette and so on. And the things will have a beautiful package. I think Chinese pay more attention to usefulness and external features.
The Differences of consumption concept Between China and the West
Here is a story, in the heaven, the Chinese old lady says, I saved enough money to buy a house for 30 years. The western old lady says, I used thirty years to repay the loan. The story shows the Chinese is usually conservative consumption. Chinese like save money. But the western always enjoy pleasure in good time and life.
浅析 中美 消费观差异
王 峥
摘 要 : 近 年 来 中 美 两 国的 差 异 日益 缩 小 , 却 始 终 存 在 中国 , 孩子是家庭的一切 . 代表着希望 . 家 长 往 在着很 多不容忽视的差异 . 如 消 费观 念 的 不 同 : 美国 往 把 自己 的孩 子 当做 自己的 第 二 次 机会 . 去 竭 力 供 养 人 习惯 于超 前 消 费 . 而 中 国人 偏 爱 储 蓄 。 这 种 差 异 性 自己的子女使之成才 。同时在 中国的教育体 制下 . 子 表现在 方方面面 . 诸 如 购 买住 房 、 供 养 子 女 以及 享 受 女 的 教 育开 销 占据 了家 庭 大 部 分 的 开支 而美 国父 母 生 活 的 方 法 此 两种 消 费观 念 因其 多方 面 的 形 成 原 因 更 希 望 自己 的孩 子 通 过 自 己的 努力 . 例 如 打 工 或 做 家 不 同致使 其 各有 千秋 . 所 以 两 种 消 费观 念之 间 的 相 互 务 来 获得 额 外 的收 入 . 而不 是 直接 向父 母 索 要 学 习至 关 重要 ( 三) 享 受生 活— — 旅 游 和 时 尚 关键词 : 中 羡 消 费观 中美 价值 观 差异 美 国人 习惯 在 假 期 时 外 出 度假 . 这 可 以放 松 身 心 舒缓心情 。 并 且 增 加 家庭 成 员 之 间 的感 情 时 至 今 日 中美 消 费 观 的 差 异 性 伴 随 着 交通 业 的发 展 与 益 完 善 . 旅 游 变 得 越 来 越 简 美 国人 注重 生 活 质 量 . 性格开放 。 崇 尚享 乐 , 敢 于 单 。 致 使 旅 游 业 成 为 了美 国支 柱 型 产 业 之 一 而 在 中 花 明 天 的 钱 享 受 今 天 的 生 活 .是 超 前 消 费 的 典 型 代 国 . 旅游 则是一项奢侈活动 . 民众 通 常 只 有 在 满 足 所 表; 而 中 国 人 性 格 自古保 守 . 以 勤 俭 为美 德 , 他 们 习惯 有 基 础 需 求 之 后 才 予 以 考 虑 . 但 大 部 分 人 仍 不 能 轻 易 于 把 钱 存 起 来 以 备 不 时 之 需 .是 保 守 消 费 的 典 型 代 满 足地 生 活 基 本 需 求 . 所 以在 他 们 的 观 念 里 旅游 是 一 表 。据 报 道 , 截至 2 0 0 7年 底 , 美 国家 庭 部 门 负债 率 已 件 可 有 可 无 的活 动 飞 涨至可 支配个 人 收入 的 1 3 3 % . 比十 年 前 上 升 了 美 国人 喜 欢 追 求 新 鲜 事物 。据 一 项 调 查 表 明 : 在 4 0 %。( 严. 2 o l o ) 而 中 国 的 消费 率 一 直 低 于 国际 水 平 。 美国, 只 有 工 作 服 有 可 能 被 使 用 3年 以 上 . 平 常 的衣 且 呈 逐 年 下 降 的趋 势 据世界银行统计 . 上世纪 9 0年 服 最 多 穿 着 1 — 2年 .并 且每 一 个 季 节 的人 均 服 装 都 代 以来 . 世界各 国平 均消费率 稳定 在 7 3 %一 7 9 %, 一些 高 达 1 0套 以上 它 们 大 多 以低 廉 的 价格 从 发展 中 国 发 展 中 国家 的最 终 消 费 率 也 达 6 5 %一 7 O % . 而 中 国 的 家 引进 . 而 那些 国 际知 名 品牌 在 美 国的 售 价 也 相 对 较 最终消费率在 2 0 0 8年仅 为 4 8 . 6 %。 ( 严. 2 0 1 0 ) 低. 所 以尽 管 美 国 人 民 购 买 很 多 的 服 装 . 但 是 这 笔 开 卜一 ) 购 买 住 房 支 只 占他 们 收 入 的小 部 分 。 而 中 国 的 情 况 则 恰 恰 相 “ 当来 自中 国 和美 国 的两 位 老 妇 人 死 后 在 天 堂 相 反 。 随着 国际化的影响 . 很 多 国 际 知 名 品 牌 以高 昂 的 遇 时, 她 们 各 自谈起 了 自己 的整 个 人 生 美 国老 妇 人 价 格 进 驻 中 国 ,而 很 多本 土服 装 价 格 也 不 断 攀 升 . 使 说: ‘ 年 轻 的 时候 我借 了好 多钱 买 房 子 . 我 余 下 的 人 生 得 服 装 作 为 基础 型 消 费 占据 中 国人 收 入 的 一定 比例 都在还债 . 虽 然 辛 苦 但 是 当我 看 到 自 己漂 亮 舒 适 的房 二 、 中 美 消 费观 差 异 产 生 的 原 因 子时 , 所 有 的沮 丧 都 不 见 了 ’ : 而 中 国 老 妇人 则 说 : ‘ 我 f 一) 经 济 体 制 辈子都在努力工作存钱 . 看 到 存 折 上 的 数 字 一 点 点 美 国是 典 型 的市 场 型 经 济 “ 市场经济 ( 又称 为 自 加大 . 我觉得一切 努力都是值得 的 . 在 我 人 生 的 最 后 由市 场 经 济 或 自 由企 业 经 济 ) 是一种经 济体系 . 在 这 几 年 我 终 于 买 了 自己 的房 子 现在 我 的孩 子 正 住 在 里 种 体 系 下 产 品 和 服 务 的生 产 及 销 售 完 全 由 自 由市 场 2} I I J H 蔷 ) 【 I J } 二 面” ’ 。 的 自由 价格 机制 所 引 导 . 而不 是像 计 划 经 济 一 般 由 国 这 则 小 故 事 反 映 了 中美 两 种 不 同 的购 房 观 现金流量 、 守 型 消 费 的 中 国 人喜 欢存 钱 买 房 . 而 超 前 消 费 的 美 国 物 资 都 由市 场 自己 掌 控 .它 们 的 分 配 更 为合 理 而 流 人 则 喜 欢 贷 款买 房 在美 国 消 费贷 款 是 一 种 常 见 的社 畅 , 并 且 更 容 易 刺 激 科 学 技术 的进 步 , 降 低 资 源 消耗 。 会现象 . 美 国人 贷 款 购 物 以提 高 自己 的 生 活 质 量 。相 中 国正 处 于 由计 划 型 经 济 向 市 场 型 经 济 的 转 型 反 .中 国人 则偏 向存 款 达 到金 额 后 才 一 次 性 消 费 . 安 过 程 中 。 中 国从 建 国初 期 到 第 十 四 届 全 国 代 表 大会 . 全 地 远 离 债 务 直 处 于计 划 型 经 济 。“ 计划经济 , 或计 划 经济 体制 , f 二) 供 养 子女 又称 指 令型 经 济 , 是 一种 经 济体 制 , 而这 种 体 系 下 . 国 “ 在 两 位 在 天 堂 探 讨 人 生 的 老 妇 人 的 葬 礼 结 束 家 在 生 产 、 资 源 分 配 以及 产 品 消 费 各 方 面 . 都 是 由 政 后 .中 国老 人 的女 儿 对 其 丈 夫 说 : ‘ 感谢我们的妈妈 . 府 或 财们现在有新 房子住 . 我们也要像 她一样 . 努 力 工 行 的 过 程 中 . 逐 渐 暴 露 出很 多 缺 点 , 它 不 能 够 满 足 市 作 给我 们 的孩 子 买 房 ’ : 而美 国老 人 的女 J L  ̄ ] J 对 自己 场 中各 个 板 块 的 高 速 发 展 。 对一 些 国有 企 业 的偏 顾 . 的 丈夫 说 : ‘ 像 我 们 的妈 妈 一 样 . 我 们 也 应 该 去 买 自己 也 使 市 场 失 去 了应 有 的 竞 争 力 。 现今 . 中国 政 府 正 努 的房 子 。 然 后 努 力赚 钱还 清贷 款 ” ’ 。 力扭转这一局 面 , 推 行 了社 会 主 义 市 场 经 济 “ 社会
中美消费文化的差异之浅析第一篇:中美消费文化的差异之浅析中美消费方式对比消费模式不仅对一个国家的经济增长有重要的推动作用, 而且还对社会经济可持续发展具有深远影响。
本文通过中、美两种不同消费模式的比较,得出中国消费转型的目标不是美国长期奉行的过度消费模式, 而是要在现行的保守型消费与过度消费模式间寻求适合我国国情的消费模式, 即适度超前的消费模式。
一、中、美消费模式的比较(一)美国: 高消费.低储蓄的过度消费模式。
在美国, 经济由生产驱动向消费驱动转型已有100多年的历史, 超前消费、负债消费、低储蓄率是当前美国消费模式的主要特征。
在金融危机发生之前, 已发展成为透支消费、超前消费和炫耀性消费,个人消费成为推动美国经济增长的主要动力之一。
近年来美国的个人消费主要有两大特征: 一是负债消费, 二是超前消费。
近十几年来, 美国人均消费支出基本上接近人均可支配收入。
据美国商务部统计, 多年来个人储蓄率(当年储蓄额占个人可支配收入的比例)一直很低, 19 世纪40~ 80 年代初后呈现明显的阶段性下降特征。
1997~ 2008 年, 美国依靠发达的金融创新和宽松的监管体系, 以资产为基础的储蓄代替了传统的收入型储蓄。
储蓄模式的调整, 一方面支撑了美国狂热的消费, 把储蓄率推低至零点甚至是负值;另一方面, 美国消费者也为此背负了创纪录的债务。
美国消费者人均拥有6张信用卡, 2008年10月底平均每个家庭欠银行1.2万美元, 美国人贷款购房、买车、读书、旅游、健身等, 形成了一个巨大的消费信贷市场。
长期以来,上至美国政府, 下至企业和消费者, 都以不同的借贷方式度日。
美国政府主要通过财政赤字, 消费者主要靠借债来支撑消费。
本次国际金融危机导致发达经济体特别是美国的消费者即期收入减少, 资产大幅缩水。
最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 礼貌原则框架下化妆品广告语篇研究2 浅析《最蓝的眼睛》中的叙事艺术3 肢体语言在商务谈判中的应用分析4 中英礼貌用语的对比研究5 《野性的呼唤》中巴克的性格形成过程分析6 试析《雾都孤儿》中的浪漫主义色彩7 Cultural Influences on Business Negotiation between China and Japan8 企业行为管理的共同价值观浅析9 英汉缩略语的比较与互译10 从语言角度分析《功夫熊猫》中中西文化的交融11 悲剧的幕后黑手——《美国的悲剧》浅析12 论《好人难寻》中的哥特特征13 浅析《爱玛》中女主人公的女性意识14 从文化内涵的角度看汉语动物习语的英译15 《走出非洲》中的非洲因素与女主人公性格完善的关系16 An Analysis of Conversational Implicature In Pride and Prejudice17 解析《宠儿》的象征意义18 Analysis on Requirements for Translation Graduates from the Perspective of Recruit Advertisements19 从“啃老”现象看后啃老族的生活态度20 乔伊斯《都柏林人》中瘫痪主题分析21 《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征主义22 关于中国文化教学的文献综述23 从福柯的权利/知识理论讨论《心是孤独的猎手》中的自我身份认同24 国际商务谈判中的文化差异分析25 电影《狮子王》中象征手法的运用26 从涉外婚姻分析中西方文化差异27 英语专业本科毕业论文摘要的体裁分析28 旅游与文化29 《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿的精神之旅30 浅析动植物词汇中的中英文化差异31 《远大前程》和《了不起的盖茨比》中悲剧英雄的伟大之处对比32 On the Translating Strategies of Children’s Literature Seen from the Translation ofE.B.White’s Charlotte’s Web33 从电影《阿甘正传》看二战后美国价值观34 以《哈利波特与消失的密室》为例探讨哥特式风格在哈利波特小说系列中的应用35 D.H.劳伦斯《东西》中象征主义的运用36 大学英语课堂教学师生互动建构浅析37 大学英语教师课堂话语礼貌现象研究38 论英语习语的语言和文化功用39 A Comparison of the English Color Terms40 名词化隐喻在外贸函电中的功能分析41 从麦克尤恩的《黑犬》看家庭冷暴力对儿童的影响42 顺应理论视角下《红楼梦》中委婉语的英译43 大学英语教师课堂话语礼貌现象研究44 论《简爱》中的女性意识45 The Influence of Bob Dylan and His Works on American Social Movements46 初中生英语听力理解的障碍因素及对策47 《洛丽塔》男女主人公的悲惨命运分析48 Psychological Portrayal in an Epistolary Novel----On Samuel Richardson’s Pamela49 英汉绿色词对比研究50 An Analysis of Tess’s Tragedy in Tess of the D’Urbervilles51 论《推销员之死》中的父子关系52 微笑着流泪——欧亨利小说赏析53 汉英姓氏文化差异54 The Pursuit and Disillusionment of the American Dream—On Martin Eden55 用情景教学法教语法——马街中学个案研究56 差异、对立与和谐——浅析伍尔夫的双性同体观57 《老人与海》中马洛林形象的不可或缺性58 中学英语写作中的中介语错误分析59 英语名的取名艺术60 《红字》中海斯特性格分析61 形合与意合对比研究及翻译策略62 Cultural Differences on West-Eastern Business Negotiations63 从《简爱》看知识改变女性命运64 《药》的两个英译本中翻译技巧比较65 对大学课程中“旅游英语”的教材分析66 英国文化中的非语言交际的研究67 英语委婉语浅析68 从语境视角浅析《生活大爆炸》中反语的幽默属性69 从原型批评理论角度分析威利•洛曼的悲剧70 从《红字》看霍桑的政治观71 《分期付款》中英语长句的分译策略72 A Cause Analysis of Tragedies of Three Female Protagonists in Sons and Lovers73 《虹》中生态女性主义简析74 网络英语对汉语词汇的影响研究75 美国梦的开始与破灭—试析菲茨杰拉德的《夜色温柔》76 论<<禁食与欢宴>>中乌玛的觉醒77 《了不起的盖茨比》中黛西的人物性格分析78 An Analysis of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “Babylon Revisited” from the Perspective of Interpersonal Function79 解析威廉布莱克《老虎》中的修辞运用及其对英语写作的启示80 浅谈当代大学生炫耀性消费文化81 A Study of the Oedipus Complex in Sons and Lovers82 英汉形状类量词的隐喻认知分析83 论《野性的呼唤》的多重主题84 试论《出狱》中“房子”的意象85 当诗意邂逅商业---解读中英诗型广告意境之美86 中西方文化差异对习语学习的影响87 从文化视角看英语习语的翻译88 元认知策略对英语写作的影响89 英汉职业委婉语中“礼貌原则”之对比分析90 做最好的自己—论斯佳丽形象对现代女性的教育意义91 菲茨杰拉德《返老还童》中的美国梦幻灭92 “白+动词”的语义及其英译93 八十年代以来汉语中英语外来语及翻译94 英汉禁忌语对比在跨文化交际中的应用及翻译策略95 从《大象的眼泪》看人与动物的关系96 从电影《伴你高飞》看美国文化中人与自然的和谐主题97 聊天室中网络英语缩略词浅析98 从小说人物分析简奥斯汀的情感智慧99 传统教法与交际法结合的英语教学探讨100 从生态女性主义角度解读《宠儿》101 电影《八月迷情》与小说《雾都孤儿》的对比102 Analysis of the Distorted Love between Mother and Son in Sons and Lovers 103 《儿子与情人》中扭曲的爱104 浅谈当代大学生炫耀性消费文化105 《红楼梦》两英译本中习语翻译的比较106 论《第二十二条军规》的写作手法107 马克•吐温和哈克贝利•芬青少年时期的比较研究108 A Research of Translation of English Songs into Chinese by Poetic Norms 109 论中美婚礼习俗的差异与融合110 浅谈时代背景对于《飘》中人物性格形成的影响111 《十日谈》中的乡村意象112 Study on the Basic Principles of Legal English Translation113 论《红字》中的自助114 东西方饮食文化差异之餐具比较——筷子和刀叉115 《呼唤》中倒装句汉译策略研究116 外交辞令中模糊语言的语用分析117 口译者心理环境的适应研究118 游戏在小学英语课堂中的运用119 英汉语言中颜色隐喻的认知差异研究120 比较研究王维与华兹华斯的自然观121 解析《呼啸山庄》中凯瑟琳的精神之旅122 哥特电影的黑暗之美-市场与文化的交接123 从童话看中西方儿童教育的差异124 沃尔特•惠特曼的民主观解读125 艾米莉•勃朗特《呼啸山庄》主人公希斯克利夫的悲剧性格解读126 浅析亨利•詹姆斯小说《螺丝在拧紧》中的哥特成分127 Cultural Differences and Translation Strategies128 Application of Cooperative Learning in English Reading Class of Senior High School129 从加菲猫看美国新个人主义价值观130 浅析《飘》中女主人公的性格特征131132 浅析斯蒂芬•克莱恩《新娘来到黄天镇》的艺术风格133 从合作原则分析《绝望的主妇》中的语言间接性及其幽默效果134 《红字》中丁梅斯代尔的灵魂救赎135 An Analysis of The Woman Warrior from the Perspective of Construction of Discrete Identity in Chinese American Community136 弥尔顿《失乐园》中撒旦形象的双重性137 探究语言交际中的文化差异138 浅析文化语境对翻译的影响139 论中西方思维方式的差异140 中美学生对待教师的礼貌言行的对比分析141 对中英组织文化差异的跨文化研究142 论《简爱》中话语的人际意义143 解读《儿子与情人》中保罗的俄狄浦斯的影响144 中西文化差异分析—以国际商务谈判为视角145 汉英谚语的语意对比146 《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观147 教师身势语在英语口语教学中的应用148 论《呼啸山庄》中希思克利夫的性格149 身体,规训与自我意识——《可以吃的女人》之福柯式解读150 学习英语词汇方法初探151 A Comparison of the English Color Terms152 从语用角度和文化角度浅谈隐喻的翻译153 商务英语信函中的礼貌原则154 A Study on the Principles and Strategies of Note-taking in Consecutive Interpretation155 欧•亨利作品中的人生的价值探索156 中西跨文化交际中的礼貌问题之比较分析157 A Comparison of the English Color Terms158 英文歌曲在提高英语专业学生口语能力方面的作用159 浅议中国菜名的英译160 文化差异对于中美商务谈判的影响161 An Analysis of the Leading Character in ‘The Old Man and the Sea’162 汉语喜剧小品中的模因现象研究163 不同的阅读任务对高中生英语词汇附带习得的影响164 浅析王尔德《快乐王子》中基督教救赎的表现形式165 托马斯•哈代《无名的裘德》中的书信研究166 从生态批评论梭罗《瓦尔登湖》中对工业化的思考167 宗教枷锁下的人性挣扎——《红字》中丁梅斯代尔形象解读168 An Analysis of Feminism in The Scarlet Letter169 露易莎•梅•奥尔科特《小妇人》中的新女性独立精神170 浅析初中生英语写作问题及对策171 英语谚语的民族性及其艺术特色172 目的论指导下的英文影视名称的翻译173 《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿成长悲剧的成因分析以及对当今青少年的启迪174 English V ocabulary Teaching in Junior Middle School175 论《英国病人》中角色的自我认知176 从历史剧中的君王形象看莎士比亚的君王观177 从旅游看中美核心文化差异178 《宠儿》的非线性叙事模式179 态度系统的评价价值--以小说《傲慢与偏见》例180 On the Absurdity in Waiting for Godot181 比较《基督山伯爵》和《连城诀》复仇的异同182 从美学角度分析英文电影《阿凡达》的汉语翻译183 浅析中西方婚礼习俗的差异和融合184 文化交际视野下的语用失误分析185 An Analysis of the Cultural Differences between Chinese Martial Arts and Western Boxing 186 《飘》中斯佳丽的人物形象浅析187 关于王尔德童话的研究188 论《一个小时的故事》中马拉德夫人女性意识的觉醒189 Scarlett O'Hara and Feminism190 The Analysis of Cultural Differences between Chinese and English Animal Idioms191 论原声电影对提高大学生英语听说能力的作用192 沃尔玛策略研究193 比较中国古代神话与古希腊神话的不同194 Discussion on How to Arouse the Students’Interests in English Learning195 Reflections on the Inner Beauty of Jane Eyre196 英汉颜色词语象征意义的对比197 象征在表现主题方面的作用——分析爱伦坡的《一桶白葡萄酒》198 浅论《黑天鹅》电影的象征手法运用199 A Contrastive Analysis of Chinese and American Nonverbal Privacy200 詹姆斯乔伊斯的《阿拉比》与腐朽的宗教。
关键词:价值观;消费观念;中美差异中图分类号:g04 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1009-0118(2012)-06-0-02一、引言在不同的历史文化背景下,人们形成了不同的价值观,价值观是决定文化特征的潜在力量,影响着文化群体里人们的思想和观念。
hofstede(1991:46)曾针对不同文化群体的价值观提出四种价值维度:集体主义-个人主义(collectivism-individualism)、对不确定因素的回避程度(uncertainty avoidance)、权力距离(power distance)、男性主义和女性主义(masculinity and femininity)。
A Study of the Differences between Chinese and AmericanConsumption Conceptions from the Perspective of CultureAbstract: With the sustainable and rapid development of Chinese economy, more and more people pay attention to the issue of consumption. Consumption, as a means for humans to meet individual needs, is determined by the subjective element of consumers, so it has the brand of culture more or less. Culture is an important factor which influences the consumption in customers’ behaviors or concepts. The paper aims to compare Chinese and American consumption conceptions from five aspects: conservatism and adventurism, future consumption and excessive consumption, frugality and enjoyment, practicability and form, collectivity and individuality from the perspective of culture. It reveals that the influences of geographic elements, social development, values and traditional family education as well as entertainments play a very important role in the formation of Chinese and American consumption conceptions. The study in this paper will help people further realize the different consumption conceptions in different cultural background, treat their own culture and consumption conceptions correctly and rationally and establish a correct concept of consumption.Key Words: Chinese-American culture; consumption conception; differences; reasons从文化层面分析中美消费观的差异摘要:随着中国经济持续、快速的发展,越来越多的人开始关注消费这一话题。
从文化层面分析中美消费观念的差异摘 要中美社会历史背景、价值观念、道德观念、以及家庭教育背景的差异,引起了两国人们消费观念的不同。
关键词:中美文化;文化差异;消费观念差异On the Differences of Chinese and American ConsumptionConceptions from the Perspective of CultureABSTRACTOwing to the geography differences, society development differences, cultural valunations’ differences, ethic differences, family education differences, Chinese and Americanconsumption conceptions differ from each other in three aspects: difference in depositconception, difference in traveling consuming, a nd difference in catching fashion. Thisstudy mainly elaborates on the relationship between culture and consumption, emphasizin’ influence on consumption conception from the perspective of culture. The aim the culturesmaking people view their own culture andof this thesis includes three a spects: firstly,secondly, breaking p eople’sprejudice consumption conception correctly and rationally;making people understand, andtowards other n ation’s consumption conception; finally,consumption conception under different cultures.respect people’sKey words:Chinese-American culture; culture d ifference; consumption conceptiondifferenceCONTENTS1 Introduction (1)2 Chinese and American Culture Differences (3)2.1 Geography differences (3) (4)2.2 Society development differences... . (4)2.3 Cultural value differences2.4 Ethics d ifferences (5)2.5 Family education d ifferences (6)3 Chinese and American Consumption Conception Differences (7)3.1 Difference in depositing conception (7)3.2 Difference in traveling consuming (8)3.3 Difference in catching f ashion (8) (10)4 Influences of Different Cultures on Consumption Conceptions.4.1 Influence of geography on consumption c onception (10) (11)4.2 Influence of society development on consumption conception4.2 Influence of value on consumption conception (11) (13)4.3 Influence of traditional family education on consumption conception Conclusion (15)References (16)Introductionvalues, behaviors, institutionsand “Culture i s the total accumulation o f beliefs,communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generation group of people.”(Che Lijun, 2008:3) I t i s a well-known fact that p eoplein identifiableacross nations and countries have different cultures, which influence human life in var aspects. Besides, consumption conception is one of the deepest aspects being influence Owing to the different cultures of China and America, their society and history differeand family education d ifferences,thecultural value differences,ethics d ifferences,consumption concept of Chinese and American is also different in three aspects: depositi conception aspect, traveling consuming aspect, catching fashion aspect.Until n ow, many Chinese and foreign scholars, such as Zhu Chen (1996), C henQinde(2005) , Miao Qing(2005) , Hao Peiyan(2007) , Yang Guangqiong (2008) have ever done researches o n Chinese- American culture d ifferences and Chinese-AmericanBut each of them approaches i t i n his own wayconsumption conception differences .without keeping abreast of what others are doing on the study of culture and consumpti concept. The former studies, which haven't combined culture differences with consumption may cause some misunderstanding which can't m ake peopleconception d ifferences,achieve a better understanding of the relationshipbetween culture and consumption conceptions. Based on the researches of the previous experts and scholars, this paper make a systematic study on the differences of Chinese-American consumption conceptions from cultural respect. This paper has five parts:The first part is an introduction. It shows readers the relationship between cultur consumption conception. The second part mainly analyses C hinese-American c ulturedifferences from geography, s ociety development, v alue, e thics and family educationaspects. The third p art will talk about Chinese-American consumption conceptiondifferences from three aspects. The fourth part concerns with different culture's influas a conclusion. It d raws a conclusionon consumption conception. Thefinal part servesthat t he nature o f consumption is culture. Only having a good knowledge of culture differences can we evaluate people's consumption conception correctly.2 Chinese and American Culture Differencessociety, including ideas, “Culture u sually means the unique life form in a particularemotion, and behavioral faith, which are different from those of other recognition,society.”(Che Lijun, 2008:2) In our daily life, culture is ubiquitous, multidimensional, all-pervasive, as we have it almost anywhere and anytime. It is understood differently people throughout the world .Americans believe that culture is a fast-moving train, whthebetter you adjust toclosely connected withwhat is g oing on for the time being .TheChinese people believe thatpresent world, t he more you understand c ulture .However,culture is closely related to the past .The more you know about Confucianism or the pa the more cultured you are consider to be. To the outside observers, Americans may seemChinese, thelike a nation of amnesiacs; they care more about the next big invention. Topast is always something to be memorized. They are always proud of the four greatinventions they made in ancient times. Therefore, the culture differencesbetween Chinaand America are various, which may be reflected from the following aspects:2.1 Geography differencesChina and America have different geography conditions. America has a vast territory and most territory physiognomy is low and flat. It lies in the temperate zone where the enough rain. I t supplies good resource c ondition for the development of Americanagriculture and has no limit to its development. It also has abundant water resource, w supplies reliable security for the development of American industry and resident usage. mineral a nd energetic sources a re also v ery rich, such as iron, copper, lead, zinc, mine,closedand the relativelypetroleum a nd natural gas etc. F or China, remote location,Geographic e nvironmental conditions in Chinaenvironment a re the significantfeatures.just like this: in the West and the North, there are plateau, mountains and desert, wh the East and the South, there is sea. All of these are barriers for Chinese.2.2 Society development differencesWe all k now that A merica is a n immigration country, where people h ave adventurespirit. Its history is very short, for about 300 years .For this, we would have to tur historical development of the United States. Its origins can be traced back to the 177 1776, the US gained independence from the British rule. After 200 years of development the United States has developed far beyond its previous in the aspects of economy, poliof the Soviet U nion, the United States hasand military power. After t he disintegrationbecome the sole s uperpower i n the world. A merican is a lso t he first modern democracy’s economy is full of vigor, which country in the world. With prosperous industry, Americaexcludes the natural economy prematurely and breaks the self-sufficient pattern.However, China, as a feudal society with closed natural economy, has developed forIts self-sufficient producing style forces most Chinese to spend about thousands of years.all their life on farming. Once someone lost his ability of self-development or even lo land, his family cannot survive.2.3 Cultural value differencesmodesty, advocate In china, w e pay much attention to a person’s reputation,selfless-service and encourage people to make up for their defect and suffering by adjustheconcepts played a dominant role intheir innermind. In Chinese h istory, Confuciusformation o f social ideology. Confucianism believes that o ne should immerse into t hewhole society to exist. And one cannot realize his own value of existence if he does’s strong emphasis on the group, cooperation immerse and become part of the society .Chinaup their group-orienteddevelopment, has builtthe process of socialand coordination, invalue. As a basic value system, Confucianism has permeated all Asia for centuries .It philosophy of humanity which survives on the basis o f good interpersonalrelationship.one of its p rinciplesand the core of Confucianism, means the“REN” (benevolence),daily l ife, it h as intimate connection with mutualpassion .Inharmony of interpersonal’s shoes, take care ofbenefit which indicates that one must have the ability to think in otheris part“YI” (righteousness) whichothers, and give sympathy to others. Another principle isof human nature b rings p eople b ack to “the good nature o f humankind at beginning o fbirth”. It can make person see through problems and integrate with others by transcendin the present interest and breaking through personal limitations. According to Confuciani this kind of social relationship based on common interest, is very important and conduc to group coordination and harmonious interpersonal relation .So, in China, because ofcollectivism hasgained a goodcoordination,high emphasis on group conceptand socialand long –standing reputation.The unique However, Americans focus on materials, and stress individualism.experience o f American history h as determined the formation of their c oncept of individualism, the basis of American ideology. In order to escape the religious persecucolony on the Americanset u p their owngroup of settlersfrom central Europe, the firstcontinent .And this special historic experience of emphasizing on dependence has given profound influence on American cultural value .InAmerica, e ach person i s v iewed asThe striving for self –realizationishaving a unique set of talents and potentials.accompanied by a subjective sense of rightness and personal well-being. Individualism al encourages p eople to express their o wn opinions a nd to make their o wn decisions independent of external influences.2.4 Ethics differencesChinese family moral education takes human relations as a foundation and emotions as principal to process family interpersonal relationship. Chinese family ethics are bas and they take emotion for the law to deal with family r elationships.human relations,Chinese ties to each other with blood as basic coordinates. In dealing with family rela the Chinese people’s genetic-based sentiments led to unusual attention. However, Chinesea "reason" for the love, “A kind father and a filial son, a tend people have never followedbrother and a respecting brother, a gentle husband and a tender wife”(父慈子孝,兄爱弟敬,夫和妻柔) (Weienyase,2000:127))standard has enabled the Chinese to follow. Chinese families used to cultivate good habits and establish relationships of caring other peotrains personality of each family member and at last units a family as a whole.However, American family moral education t akes i ndividual as the center. In anAmerican family, individual is the foundation and has the highest value, whose existenfor them, butof sacrificesdoes not rely on other people. The family maymake all sortsdoes not request m uch obeying. T he independent i ndividual can enjoy freedom andequality in the family. The American parents foster and educate their children, but do attempt any repayment. C hildren, after 18 years o ld, l eave h ome to rent a room to livealone, to study or to work, and nobody can accuse the parents of their being unreasonab Clearly, the common Chinese family stress and believe that, "good relationship is the m important"(和为贵).(Weienyase, 2000:9) American family stresses personality,and hasstrong rational idea.2.5 Family education differencesChinese family e ducation takes "the b enevolence of the Confucianism”as the core;the basic of benevolence is loving people. This enormously affirmed and transferred fami member's intrinsic noble motive. In China, the corresponding relation of rights and du are not important in China morality. When we fulfill our obligation, we make other peop enjoy the rights. This is a basic faith of Chinese family.Americans take fair as the moral principle; everything is according with fair. AndAmerican believes the fair is i n opposition to and ineven indifferent.is r ational,“fair"agreement with the duty and the right. American is clear about the relation of the righ the duty. They work to get the reward, which also includes love. If they ask other peopl help they also have to pay some reward. For example, they have paid for using relativ telephone, and the children demand the reward if t hey help their parents to wash car.American views that duty and right is not inconsistent with their intrinsic love. To p’s fair principle.the coexistence of the right and the duty is the American family3 Chinese and American Consumption Conception DifferencesConsumption conception means people’s ideology and attitude towards theirpursuit of the goods value. I t also refers to adisposable income, including people’swhich makes people evaluate a nd value their a ction t owardsconsumption activity,consumption manner, consumption process, and consumption trend. The process of shapingOwing to theconsumption conception i s closely related to the level o f productivity.’ consumption conceptions are different. The different level of productivity, the two nationscharacteristics of Chinese consumption conceptions are conservative, with high saving raThe mainOn the contrary, to most Americans, they tend to consume excessively.differences are as following:3.1 Difference in depositing conceptionagriculturalperiodcountry, without t raditionalAmerica is an emerging industrial(while China is a large agricultural country), and therefore they do not have the conce of depositing money. Americans have courage to active advance.However, China, as a feudal society with closed natural economy, has developed for about thousands y ears. Chinese people from the very young has been instilledsuch aconception– to keep up. Since ancient t imes, C hinese society is also to appraise theone word that ision to money. To sum it up ineconomy, which is manyAsians’ concept"deposit." There is an old story that can best prove this phenomenon: it is about a Ch old woman and an American old woman. When they were dying, the Chinese old woman said, “It took me 60 years to save enough money to buy a big house”, and the Western. (王埃亮,2000) We canwoman said, “It took me 60 years to pay for the debt of my house”see from the story that Chinese people traditionally think that they buy what they can af and don’t want to be on a debt. However, Western people think t hat they would like toIn myenjoy their lives even by loaning m oney from bank or making an installment.while, we shouldenjoy the life more comfortablea good idea for people toopinion, it’salso realize that the real happy life is contributed to the hard work by our own hand 3.2 Difference in traveling consumingAmerica is an immigrant nation. The development of the western region m akesconstant flow become a living. Therefore, American have no conception of the ancientprecept "it is good to stay home for a thousand days ,and it is difficult to go out ev moment(在家千日好,出外一时难)". With the development of family vehicle and highway,industry and technology, travel becomes very simple. Soas well as other i nfrastructuretourism h as become a major industry in America. H owever, Chinese advocate e conomy.They don’t think it very important to conduct cultural entertainment expense and servi expense. In their point o f view, travelingexpense is a lso t he service expense, which is expense, and it b elongs t o high income people. They also b elieve that, tourismspiritual’s basic life needs are satisfied; and at present, travelin expense is the expense after peopleis a kind of basic a ccumulation expense, but it i s n ot a kind of regular expense. Peopleaboard is l uxurious expense. To borrowtravelingthink t he travelingexpends, e speciallyfor most people in China is an incrediblething. In the eyes of mostmoney to travel,ordinary people, tourism consumption is not necessary in their lives.3.3 Difference in catching fashionIn America, Only the American likes to catch n ew things in order t o be different.to be put on for above 3 years, the leisure clotheswork- clothes have the possibilitygenerally only are put on for 1 - 2 years. Moreover per capita has various seasons clot above 10 sets. Their c lothing is m assively from Chinese and all developing nations, theprice of which is extremely cheap.In the durable consumable aspect, the renewal speed is very quick. According to Su the proportion of people having the cell p hones is very high,Bangzhu’s investigation,80% adults have cell50 - 70% middle-school students,students,nearly 100% universityphones, and after just one year they will get a new one. For automobile and other domeswork. Therefore, in American life products, they don’t use them until they can’telectricair c onditioner, television, andsuch as refrigerator,can see all kinds of things,trash, wewasher and so on.In the 80's, American pursued luxuriously. The majority of Americans have only theput on clothes,which are thesome young people; they didn’tbrand in mind, especiallynon- name brand. But in the 90's, American gradually has been faint in expense idea cal brand consciousness, and the price consciousness is in the upper hand. However, Chines are just o n the opposite. Chinese consumers’expense behavior has two extremelyOne is a dmiring f ashion, displaying the new conception andremarkable c haracteristics:low; the other is worshiping theloyalty isthe original productnew product craving, butpsychology of foreign countries, favoring the purchase of international brand.4 Influences of Different Cultures on Consumption ConceptionIn sections two and three, we have explained in the different culture and consumpti conceptions between China and America. So in this part we will mainly focus on how the culture influences the consumption conception.4.1 Influence of geography on consumption conceptionAmerica is an advanced agricultural country, which owns vast, low and flat territoThese sources are taking great abundant water resource, and mineral and energetic sources.grade in the world. Variety and rich resources also supply great foundation to the Ameri industry and great p roduction for consumption .Therefore;they don’t have the idea ofdepositingbringsclosed e nvironment,it i nevitably However, China, because of its r elativelyclosure p sychological and cultural anthropology. In China, the psychological and thedevelopment do not play the important roles, which also r elated to themarine culturalHuang - Huai basin, whose natural conditions is good for farming, so the people began get active and formed a deep attachment to the land. Chinese people are lack of suffic interest in the sea. Operations at sea are not only difficult but also dangerous, far We assume that, in the low standard of living condition,the need ofthan agriculture.security should be quite strong. Since people have land for farming, so why do they sand calmdanger? W hat’s more, the farming l ife also h elps f armers l ike s imple l ifestylerhythm of life, and the sea-based trade will be disturbed and fast rhythm. China's na conditions, climate, topography, and other aspects are not good for agricultural produc but in general far more favorable than negative. GivenChina’s own conditions, agriculture"food is the mostis the best choice. Chinese people have a deep sense of food .They think(靠天吃饭)(李important thing of people’s life”(民以食为天)" and "relying on the nature"肖,2002) derived from the experience of agricultural life. Chinese food culture is ful life, which is a factor of fundamental aspect of people's life. This factor is constraiarranged by the “nature”(天). Therefore, the farmers had to take into account the instableclimate and mutations factors. The surplus grain will be stored up for the rainy day, anChinese community has always been a form of self-sufficiency. Therefore, Chinese peoplefrom the very young have been instilled to keep up such a conception. Since ancient timconcept ion ofChinese society is also t o appraise the economy, which is many Asians’money. To sum it up in one word that is "deposit."4.2 Influence of society development on consumption conceptionWe all know that America’s neoteric economy is full o f vigor. I t breaks theextending a re allpattern. Exploiting the world market and increasinglyself-sufficientBesides, America is an emerging industrialimpacting t he nation g uard and limitation.country, without traditional agricultural period (while China is a large agricultural coOwing to these reasons, Americans do not have the conception of depositing money. Theyhave the courage to advance. However, Chinese value agriculture more than industry andcommerce. In China, t wo thirds of its population remains m aking a living on land. OldChina is a feudal society with closed natural economy which has developed for thousand–sufficient producing style forces most Chinese to spend all their lives of years. Its selffarming. Once someone lost his ability of self-development or even lost his land, his facannot survive. Owing to the difference of the society development, Chinese and America’t care much about depositing, while consumption conceptions are different. Americans donChinese value it very much.4.3 Influence of value on consumption conceptionmodesty, paying much attention to thereputation,Chinese highlight a person’sspiritual consumption. They advocate selfless-service and encourage people to make up ftheir defect and suffering by adjusting their inner mind. For this, we could trace backorigin of the traditional Chinese values. Confucianism as the mainstream of Chinese culalong with Taoism and Buddhism, has establishedthe framework of Chinese traditional“Benevolence” is the core, andculture and has built the mentality of the Chinese people.ethics is the standard. Adopted and reinforced by kings and governors s ince t he HanDynasty, e speciallyclassic Confucianism became thein the Song and Ming dynasties,theoretical pattern, whose ultimate concern was how to become a noble man or gentleman,’s attitude or outlook. Confucius said:“the man with benevolence is thehow to cultivate oneone who loves a ll m en.”(Weienyase, 2000:69) The way to carry o ut benevolence i s tooneself and to enhance others i f o ne wouldestablish others i f o ne wants to establishyou would not wishto be done yourself. Theenhance oneself. Do not do to others whatgreat learning teaches illustrious virtue, to improve the people, and to remain in thestate as theTo achieve a moral ethics and improve one’s spiritualhighest excellence.Confucian ideals have made up of the core value of Chinese culture, due to which Chinand economic centers of the ancient world. T o the virtuousbecomes one of the culturalancient Chinese, humanworthinterest and desires were of less important, and hence not pursuing.country. T hey focus on material However, American is an interest-orientedconsumption. T hey consider it a lmost a right to be materially well off and physicallya variety of clean and comfortable. They expect swift a nd convenient t ransportation,healthy f ood, and comfortable h omes equipped with numerous laborsaving devicesincluding both central heating and hot water. The government is expected to ensure acceof all p eople and agencies c an affect the publicto food and drug products. Activitieswelfare. Associated with the values o f physical comfort a nd health is t he acceptance ofcleanliness as being nearly identical with health. All the values of material propert material well-being yield the powerful social norm of progress. Progress may be said to universal .Throughout t he world, people wish for basic physical c omfort, n ecessaryand good health a nd medical services that r educe the physicalmaterial possessions,harshness of birth, disease and death .Both science a nd technology serve t he value ofprogress .Based on this value, most Americans tend to believe that the basic problem of world is economic and that technology offers solutions. Associated with material comforthe American genius f or devising and employing machines also p rovide e fficiencyandconvenience in daily life .American advisors and technicians exhibit a strong tendencycreates aperceive their tasks a s requiring the use of machinery. Their future orientationfeeling that progress can make everything better than now. Americans find it important cope with the flow “keeping u p with the times” (Borden, G eorge A) and to look ahead“keeping an eye on the future”, (Borden, G eorge A) but the temporal orientation”. So most Americans feel that through their“near futuredownstream should be qualified aseffort they can bring about a better future without compromising the welfare and progrpeople living in a largea valid belief forenough for everyone isof others .That there ison thecountry w ith an expanding e conomy and abundant r ecourses.With no restrictiongoods available to all, individuals can progress, that is, acquire a large quantity of th for themselves w ithout concern for depriving o thers o f the same opportunity. TheAmericans stress on material things is associated with a belief in the inviolacy of p property, a value commonly asserted to be at the root of the constitution and the Ameriwill b econception of democracy. T hey react negatively to the idea t hat f ree e nterprisesdenied to anyone in the world .Americans regard free enterprises as an inalienable right is worth fighting for. At the interpersonal level, many Americans also encounter difficu in their dealing with persons who do not share with them a clear distinction between pri and public property. On a large scale, Americans may react quite negatively to bribery government officials and other methods of directing public funds into private pockets .W the scientific support of the theory of evolution, Americans see progress as ascending primitive past along a path in time toward a future in which the impediments of nature dominated by individual will and technology.4. 4 Influence of traditional family education on consumption conceptionParents in China are good at persuading. They attach importance to their children excessively.They even accept t he obligation of educating t heir children without a nycomplaint. In each stage, they protect children from hurt. For the benefit of the child they try their best to solve the problems for children. Chinese children also respect t。
姓名:刘晓庆学号:20130209016 专业:知识产权课程:管理学中美消费习俗的异同任何一种消费者行为的产生都是与其外部环境及内部环境息息相关的。
文章推荐中国与美国的消费特征曾有人总结过中国人的消费特点:1. 传统上多属于节俭型,普通老百姓追求的是实惠、可靠;2. 爱面子讲排场,重要的事情上舍得花冤枉钱;3.不喜欢借钱或贷款买东西,虽然超前消费的观念已渐渐兴起,但多数国民还是习惯先存后花;4.从众效应明显,喜欢随大流,相信别人的宣传推荐胜过自己的实际需求,由此也养成了买涨不买跌的习惯;5.对未来相对乐观,认为自己的**子会越来越好,这也可以部分归因于其手中始终掌握着一定数量的有形资产。