
1. 发动机拆卸与安装:手册中会详细介绍如何正确地拆卸和安装思域发动机,包括需要使用的工具、拆卸步骤、安装步骤以及注意事项等。
2. 发动机部件检查:手册中会提供发动机各个部件的检查方法,包括气门、活塞、曲轴、轴承等,以及如何判断这些部件是否需要更换或维修。
3. 发动机维修工具与技巧:手册中会介绍一些常用的发动机维修工具,如螺丝刀、扳手、测量尺等,以及一些实用的维修技巧,如如何正确地使用这些工具、如何解决常见的发动机故障等。
4. 发动机故障排除:手册中会提供一些常见的发动机故障排除方法,如启动困难、加速缓慢、功率下降等,以及如何通过检查来确定故障的原因并采取相应的维修措施。
5. 发动机维护与保养:手册中会介绍发动机的日常维护与保养方法,如更换机油、清洗空气滤清器等,以及如何根据行驶里程或时间来制定相应的维护计划。

二、车型概述2.1 车辆型号- 2.1.1 思域车型A- 2.1.2 思域车型B- 2.1.3 思域车型C2.2 车辆用途思域汽车适用于各种道路条件和不同环境的使用,包括城市道路、高速公路和乡村道路等。
2.3 适用地区思域汽车销售和使用范围涵盖了全球多个地区,本手册主要侧重于适用于该地区的版本。
2.4 技术特点思域汽车具有先进的技术特点,如燃油效率、安全性能和智能化驾驶辅助系统。
三、技术参数3.1 发动机参数- 3.1.1 排量- 3.1.2 最大功率- 3.1.3 最大扭矩3.2 车身参数- 3.2.1 车身尺寸- 3.2.2 座位容量- 3.2.3 行李厢容量3.3 燃油参数- 3.3.1 燃油类型- 3.3.2 平均油耗- 3.3.3 燃油箱容量四、重要组成部分4.1 发动机系统- 4.1.1 点火系统- 4.1.2 燃油系统- 4.1.3 冷却系统4.2 传动系统- 4.2.1 变速器- 4.2.2 离合器4.3 刹车系统- 4.3.1 刹车盘- 4.3.2 刹车片- 4.3.3 刹车液5:电气系统- 4.4.1 电池- 4.4.2 灯光系统- 4.4.3 指示器和仪表板六、附件本文档附带以下附件:1:思域汽车技术图纸2:思域汽车零部件清单3:思域汽车维修工具目录七、法律名词及注释---- 名词 ---- 注释 -------- ---- ---- ---- -------- 汽车厂商责任 ---- 汽车制造商对产品质量和安全的法律责任 -------- 保修期 ---- 汽车制造商承诺对车辆提供免费维修的期限-------- 保修范围 ---- 在保修期内,制造商承诺对特定故障提供免费维修 -------- 消费者权益 ---- 消费者在购买和使用汽车时的合法权益----。

2006款东风本田思域发动机燃油与排放系统培训手册(1)燃油和排放燃油和排放系统专用工具 ......................................... 11-2一般故障处理说明 ........................... 11-3DTC故障检修索引.......................... 11-10 故障症状处理索引 ........................... 11-13 系统说明 ......................................... 11-15PGM-FI系统组件位置索引.................................. 11-61 DTC故障处理................................. 11-63 F-CAN电路故障处理...................... 11-162 MIL电路故障处理........................... 11-170 DLC电路故障处理.......................... 11-171 喷油嘴的检测.................................. 11-186 喷油嘴的更换.................................. 11-187 A/F传感器的更换 ........................... 11-189 副HO2S的更换 .............................. 11-189 CMP传感器的更换 ......................... 11-190 CKP传感器的更换.......................... 11-190 输出轴(中间轴)速度传感器的更换... 11-191 爆震传感器的更换........................... 11-191 MAP传感器的更换 ......................... 11-192 MAF传感器/IAT传感器的更换....... 11-192 ECT传感器1的更换 ...................... 11-193 ECT传感器2的更换 ...................... 11-193 ECM/PCM的更换........................... 11-194电子节气门控制系统组件位置索引.................................. 11-196 DTC故障处理................................. 11-197 APP传感器信号的检查 .................. 11-236 加速踏板模块的拆卸/安装............... 11-237VTEC组件位置索引 ................................. 11-238 DTC故障处理 ................................ 11-239 VTEC系统机油压力故障处理......... 11-255 摇臂油控制阀的拆卸/安装............... 11-258 EOP传感器的拆卸/安装................. 11-258怠速控制系统组件位置索引 ................................. 11-259 DTC故障处理 ................................ 11-260 空调(A/C)信号电路故障处理 .......... 11-265 交流发电机FR信号电路故障处理.. 11-266 PSP开关信号电路故障处理........... 11-267 制动踏板位置开关信号电路故障处理................................................. 11-269怠速检查................................... 11-271 ECM/PCM怠速学习程序 ............... 11-272 燃油供给系统组件位置索引................................... 11-273 燃油泵电路故障处理........................ 11-275 燃油压力的释放............................... 11-279 燃油压力的测试............................... 11-281 燃油箱的排空................................... 11-282 燃油管路的检查............................... 11-283 燃油管路/快速接头操作前注意事项 . 11-285 燃油管路/快速接头的拆卸................ 11-286 燃油管路/快速接头的安装................ 11-287 燃油箱装置的拆卸/安装 ................... 11-290 燃油压力调节器的更换 .................... 11-292 燃油滤清器的更换 ........................... 11-292 燃油泵/燃油表发送装置的更换 ........ 11-293 燃油箱的更换................................... 11-294 燃油表发送装置的测试 .................... 11-295 低燃油液位指示灯的测试................. 11-296进气系统组件位置索引................................... 11-297 DTC故障处理 ................................. 11-298 节气门体的测试............................... 11-307 节气门体的清洁............................... 11-307 空气滤清器的拆卸/安装 ................... 11-308 空气滤清器的检查/更换 ................... 11-308 共振腔的拆卸/安装 .......................... 11-309 IMT执行器的拆卸/安装 ................... 11-309 IMT阀的更换................................... 11-310 节气门体的拆卸/安装....................... 11-311 节气门体的拆解/重新组装................ 11-312催化转换器系统DTC故障处理 ................................. 11-313 催化转换器的检查 ........................... 11-315 催化转换器的拆卸/安装................... 11-315EGR系统组件位置索引 .................................. 11-316 DTC故障处理 ................................. 11-317 EGR阀的更换................................. 11-331 EGR管路的拆卸/安装 ..................... 11-331PCV系统PCV阀的检查 ................................. 11-332 PCV阀的更换 ................................. 11-332EVAP系统组件位置索引.................................. 11-333 DTC故障处理................................. 11-334 EVAP系统故障处理 ....................... 11-338 EVAP双通阀的测试 ....................... 11-339 EVAP活性炭罐的更换.................... 11-340 EVAP双通阀的更换 ....................... 11-340 EVAP活性炭罐净化阀的更换......... 11-341专用工具序号工具编号工具名称数量07AAA-SNA0100 燃油泵模块锁紧螺母扳手 107LAA-PT50101 传感器套筒扳手22×90L 107NAJ-P070100 机油压力表附件 107YAJ-0010610 压力表组件 107ZAJ-S5A0101 燃油压力表组件 107ZAJ-S5A0200 机油压力软管 107406-0070002 低压力表 107406-0040004 燃油压力表 107410-5790501 管接头适配器 1一般故障处理说明间歇性故障“间歇性故障”是指系统曾出现过故障,而在检查时却正常。

.燃油和排放燃油和排放系统专用工具.......................................... 11-2一般故障处理说明 ........................... 11-3DTC故障检修索引 .......................... 11-10 故障症状处理索引 ........................... 11-13 系统说明.......................................... 11-15PGM-FI系统组件位置索引 .................................. 11-61 DTC故障处理................................. 11-63 F-CAN电路故障处理 ...................... 11-162 MIL电路故障处理 ........................... 11-170 DLC电路故障处理.......................... 11-171 喷油嘴的检测 .................................. 11-186 喷油嘴的更换 .................................. 11-187 A/F传感器的更换............................ 11-189 副HO2S的更换 .............................. 11-189 CMP传感器的更换 ......................... 11-190 CKP传感器的更换.......................... 11-190 输出轴(中间轴)速度传感器的更换 ... 11-191 爆震传感器的更换........................... 11-191 MAP传感器的更换 ......................... 11-192 MAF传感器/IAT传感器的更换........ 11-192 ECT传感器1的更换 ...................... 11-193 ECT传感器2的更换 ...................... 11-193 ECM/PCM的更换........................... 11-194电子节气门控制系统组件位置索引.................................. 11-196 DTC故障处理................................. 11-197 APP传感器信号的检查................... 11-236 加速踏板模块的拆卸/安装............... 11-237VTEC组件位置索引.................................. 11-238 DTC故障处理 ................................ 11-239 VTEC系统机油压力故障处理......... 11-255 摇臂油控制阀的拆卸/安装............... 11-258 EOP传感器的拆卸/安装................. 11-258怠速控制系统组件位置索引 ................................. 11-259 DTC故障处理 ................................ 11-260 空调(A/C)信号电路故障处理........... 11-265 交流发电机FR信号电路故障处理.. 11-266 PSP开关信号电路故障处理........... 11-267 制动踏板位置开关信号电路故障处理....................................................... 11-269 怠速检查 ........................................ 11-271 ECM/PCM怠速学习程序................ 11-272 燃油供给系统组件位置索引................................... 11-273 燃油泵电路故障处理........................ 11-275 燃油压力的释放 ............................... 11-279 燃油压力的测试 ............................... 11-281 燃油箱的排空................................... 11-282 燃油管路的检查 ............................... 11-283 燃油管路/快速接头操作前注意事项.. 11-285 燃油管路/快速接头的拆卸................ 11-286 燃油管路/快速接头的安装................ 11-287 燃油箱装置的拆卸/安装 ................... 11-290 燃油压力调节器的更换 .................... 11-292 燃油滤清器的更换............................ 11-292 燃油泵/燃油表发送装置的更换......... 11-293 燃油箱的更换................................... 11-294 燃油表发送装置的测试 .................... 11-295 低燃油液位指示灯的测试................. 11-296进气系统组件位置索引................................... 11-297 DTC故障处理.................................. 11-298 节气门体的测试 ............................... 11-307 节气门体的清洁 ............................... 11-307 空气滤清器的拆卸/安装 ................... 11-308 空气滤清器的检查/更换 ................... 11-308 共振腔的拆卸/安装........................... 11-309 IMT执行器的拆卸/安装 ................... 11-309 IMT阀的更换................................... 11-310 节气门体的拆卸/安装....................... 11-311 节气门体的拆解/重新组装................ 11-312催化转换器系统DTC故障处理 ................................. 11-313 催化转换器的检查 ........................... 11-315 催化转换器的拆卸/安装 ................... 11-315EGR系统组件位置索引 .................................. 11-316 DTC故障处理 ................................. 11-317 EGR阀的更换................................. 11-331 EGR管路的拆卸/安装 ..................... 11-331PCV系统PCV阀的检查.................................. 11-332 PCV阀的更换.................................. 11-332EVAP系统组件位置索引 .................................. 11-333 DTC故障处理................................. 11-334 EVAP系统故障处理........................ 11-338 EVAP双通阀的测试........................ 11-339 EVAP活性炭罐的更换 .................... 11-340 EVAP双通阀的更换........................ 11-340 EVAP活性炭罐净化阀的更换 ......... 11-341燃油和排放系统专用工具序号工具编号工具名称数量07AAA-SNA0100 燃油泵模块锁紧螺母扳手 107LAA-PT50101 传感器套筒扳手22×90L 107NAJ-P070100 机油压力表附件 107YAJ-0010610 压力表组件 107ZAJ-S5A0101 燃油压力表组件 107ZAJ-S5A0200 机油压力软管 107406-0070002 低压力表 107406-0040004 燃油压力表 107410-5790501 管接头适配器 1一般故障处理说明间歇性故障“间歇性故障”是指系统曾出现过故障,而在检查时却正常。

进气系统节气门体的拆解/重新组装О形密封圈更换EVAP活性炭罐净化阀11-312催化转换器系统;11-313DTC 故障处理DTC P0420:催化系统效率低于门限值说明:• 进行故障处理之前,先记录冻结故障数据以及所有仪表快摄数据,再查阅一般故障处理说明(见11-3页)。
• 如果下列DTC 与DTC P0420同时存储,则应首先排除下列DTC 故障,然后再次检查DTCP0420。
P0137,P0138:副HO 2S(传感器2)P0141:副HO 2S(传感器2)加热器• 使用劣质燃油可使故障诊断代码DTC 的出现。
1. 打开点火开关至ON(II)。
2. 使用HDS 清除DTC 。
3. 起动发动机,在无负荷的情况下(位于驻车位置或空档)使发动机转速保持在3,000rpm(min -1),直至散热器风扇运行,然后使其怠速运转。
4. 在下列条件下试驾:• 发动机冷却液温度高于70o C(158o F)• A/T 位于D 档位置(M/T 位于第5档)• 使用巡航控制时,保持车速为72-120km/h(45-75mph)约5分钟或更久。
• 不使用巡航控制时,保持车速为88km/h(55mph) 5分钟或更久。
5. 使用HDS 在DTC 菜单中监测DTC P0420的OBD 状态(OBD STATUS)屏幕是否显示执行(EXECUTING)?是-进行第6步。
6. 保持驾驶状态直至出现结果。
7. 使用HDS 在DTC 菜单中监测DTC P0420的OBD 状态(OBD STATUS) 屏幕是否显示未通过(FAILED)? 是-进行第8步。
如果屏幕显示不符合条件(OUT OF CONDITION),进行第4步,然后重新检查。
8. 关闭点火开关。
9. 更换TWC(见11-315页)。

DTC P0300:偶发性气缸缺火及附带下列任何代码:DTC P0301:1号气缸缺火DTC P0302:2号气缸缺火DTC P0303:3号气缸缺火DTC P0304:4号气缸缺火专用工具•机油压力表附件 07NAJ-P070100•低燃油压力表 07406-0070002•机油压力软管 07ZAJ-S5A0200说明:•进行故障处理之前,先记录冻结故障数据以及所有仪表快摄数据,再查阅一般故障处理说明(见11-3页)。
•如果缺火过于频繁,在两个连续的行驶循环中测试到排放增加,MIL将亮启,并将存储DTC P0300(以及P0301至P0304之间的代码)。
•如果缺火过于频繁,足以损坏催化净化器,一旦出现缺火现象,MIL将亮启,并将存储DTC P0300(以及P0301至P0304之间的代码),当缺火现象停止时,MIL仍将继续亮启。
•如果下列某个DTC与偶发性气缸缺火DTC同时存储,则应首先排除下列DTC:P0102、P0103:空气质量流量计(MAF)传感器P0107、P0108:进气歧管绝对压力(MAP)传感器P0171、P0172: 燃油系统P0335、P0339: 曲轴位置(CKP)传感器P0351、P0352、P0353、P0354:点火线圈P0365、P0369: 凸轮轴轴位置(CMP)传感器P2646、P2647、P2648、P2649:VTEC系统P0401、P0404、P0406、P2413:废气再循环(EGR)系统1. 打开点火开关至ON(II)。
2. 使用HDS清除故障诊断代码(DTC)。
3. 起动发动机(位于空档或驻车位置),然后,使其在无负荷的情况下怠速运转。
4. 使用HDS在DTC菜单中监测DTC P0301、P0302、 P0303、P0304的OBD状态(OBD STATUS)。

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发动机机构发动机总成专用工具...........................................................................5-2 发动机的拆卸....................................................................5-3 发动机安装.......................................................................5-11 发动机侧支架的更换.........................................................5-21 变速箱支架的更换.............................................................5-25 下部扭力杆的更换.............................................................5-27 上部扭力杆的更换.............................................................5-29 发动机侧装配座支架的更换..............................................5-29缸盖...............................................................6-1发动机体........................................................7-1发动机的润滑.................................................8-1进气歧管与排气系统......................................9-1发动机总成5-2专用工具序号 工具编号工具名称数量07KAK-SJ40101 07KAK-SJ40200 07MAK-PY30100发动机升降挂钩装置发动机挂钩支架 发动机挂钩支架1 1 1发动机的拆卸所需专用工具· 发动机挂钩支架 07MAK-PY30100· 发动机升降挂钩装置 07KAK-SJ40101· 发动机挂钩支架 07KAK-SJ40200说明:· 使用翼子板盖,以避免损坏油漆表面。

端子号导线颜色端子名称说明信号39 棕BKSWNC(制动踏板位置开关)测试踏板位置开关信号打开点火开关至ON(II),制动踏板释放:蓄电池电压打开点火开关至ON(II),制动踏板下压:约0V40 淡绿BKSW(制动踏板位置开关)测试踏板位置开关信号制动踏板释放:约0V制动踏板下压:蓄电池电压41*2淡蓝CRMTCLS(巡航离合器踏板位置开关)测试离合器踏板位置信号打开点火开关至ON(II),离合器踏板释放:约0V打开点火开关至ON(II),离合器踏板释放:蓄电池电压42 红WEN(写启动信号) 测试写启动信号打开点火开关至ON(II):约0V44 粉红S-NET5V(防起动装置串行通信)发送通信信号打开点火开关至ON(II):脉冲关闭点火开关:约5.0V*2:带巡航控制的手动变速器插头B(△)(44芯)处的ECM/PCM输入和输出凹头插头端子侧说明:蓄电池标准电压为12V。
端子号导线颜色端子名称说明信号1 黑PG2(电源地线) ECM/PCM电路地线任何时间均低于1.0V2 蓝/红EGR(废气再循环阀) 启动EGR阀EGR运转时:负荷控制EGR未运转时:约0V3 黄/蓝PCS(燃油蒸发(EVAP)活性炭罐净化阀)启动EVAP活性炭罐净化阀发动机运转、发动机冷却液温度低于60°C(140 °F)时:蓄电池电压发动机运转、发动机冷却液温度高于60°C(140 °F)时:负荷控制4 黑/白SO2SHTC(辅助加热氧传感器(副HO2S)加热器(传感器2)启动后副HO2S加热器(传感器2)打开点火开关至ON(II)时:蓄电池电压工作温度下发动机运转时:负荷控制7 黄/红OPSW(油压开关) 测试发动机油压信号关闭点火开关时:约0V发动机运转时:蓄电池电压8*1蓝/黄OP2SW(变速箱2档离合器液压开关)测试变速箱2档离合器液压开关输入打开点火开关至ON(II)时:无2档离合器压力时:约5.0V处于2档离合器压力时:约0V9*1黑/红OP3SW(变速箱3档离合器液压开关)测试变速箱3档离合器液压开关输入打开点火开关至ON(II)时:无3档离合器压力时:约5.0V处于3档离合器压力时:约0V10*1蓝SHA(换档电磁阀A) 启动换档电磁阀A 发动机在位置2和D(2、4档)和D3位置(位于2档位)运转时:蓄电池电压发动机在P、R、N和1位置(1、3和5档)和D3位置(位于1、3档)运转时:约0V11*1绿/红SHD(换档电磁阀D) 启动换档电磁阀D 发动机在P和R位置运转时:蓄电池电压发动机在驻车档、R档、空档、1档或D、D3位置(位于1、3、4档)运转时:约0V12*1红/黑APTN(变速箱空档位开关)测试变速箱档位开关N位置信号输入位于N位置时:约0V位于N位置以外的任何位置时:约5.0V13*1蓝/黑ATPP(变速箱驻车档位开关)测试变速箱驻车档位开关位置信号输入位于驻车位置时:约0V位于任何位置时:蓄电池电压14*1白/绿ATPR(变速箱档位开关R)测试变速箱档位开关R位置信号输入位于R位置时:约0V位于R位置以外的任何位置时:蓄电池电压15*1红ATPD3(变速箱档位开关D3)测试变速箱档位开关D3位置信号输入位于D3位置时:约0V位于D3位置以外的任何位置时:蓄电池电压*1:自动变速箱(续)插头B(△)(44芯)处的ECM/PCM输入和输出凹头插头端子侧说明:蓄电池标准电压为12V。
Honda 引擎油改换及冷却系统说明书

Engine Oil, Cooling SystemIf you change your own oil, please dispose of the used oil properly.Put it in a sealed container and take it to a recycling center. Do not discard it in a waste bin or dump it on the ground.The oil and filter should bechanged every 6 months or 7,500miles (12,000 km), whichevercomes first. Under severe driving conditions, they should bechanged every 3 months or 3,750miles (6,000 km). See page 101for a description of severe driving conditions.Adding Engine CoolantCheck the level of the engine coolant by looking at theradiator reserve tank next to the air cleaner element box. If the level is at or below the MIN line,add coolant to bring it up to the MAX line. This coolant should always be a mixture of 50%antifreeze and 50% water. Never add straight antifreeze or plain water.Always use Genuine HondaAntifreeze/Coolant. The cooling system contains many aluminum components that can corrode if an improper antifreeze is used.Some antifreeze, even though labeled as safe for aluminum parts, may not provide adequate protection.If the reserve tank is completely empty, you should also check the coolant level in the radiator.1. Make sure the engine andradiator are cool.MaintenanceNOTICERESERVE TANKMAX MINCooling System2. Turn the radiator capcounterclockwise, without pressing down on it, until it stops. This relieves any pressure remaining in the cooling system.3. Remove the radiator cap bypushing down and turning counterclockwise.4. The coolant level should beup to the base of the filler neck. Add coolant if it is low.RESERVE TANK5. Put the radiator cap back on.Tighten it fully.6. Pour coolant into the reservetank. Fill it to halfwaybetween the MAX and MINmarks. Put the cap back on the reserve tank.Do not add any rust inhibitors or other additives to your car'scooling system. They may not be compatible with the coolant or engine components.Replacing Engine CoolantThe cooling system should be completely drained and refilled with new coolant according to the time and mileage recommendations in themaintenance schedule. Only use the recommended antifreeze.Draining the coolant requires access to the underside of the car. Unless you have the tools and knowledge, you should have this maintenance done by a skilled mechanic.1. Slide the heater temperaturecontrol lever to maximumMaintenanceCooling Systemheat. Open the hood. Make sure the engine and radiator are cool to the touch.2. Remove the radiator cap.3. Loosen the drain plug in thebottom of the radiator. The coolant will drain through the splash guard. Remove thedrain bolt from the engine block.4. Remove the reserve tankfrom its holder by pulling it straight up. Drain thecoolant, then put the tank back in its holder.RESERVE TANKRESERVE TANK CAPHOLDER5. When the coolant stopsdraining, tighten the drain plug in the bottom of the radiator. Applynon-hardening sealant to theMaintenanceCooling Systemdrain bolt threads and reinstall the bolt in the engine block. Tighten it securely.6. Mix the recommendedantifreeze with an equal amount of purified or distilled water in a clean container. The cooling system capacity is:With 5-speed manual transmission:0.95 U.S. gal. (0.79 Imp. gal.,3.6 )With automatic transmission:DX0.92 U.S. gal. (0.77 Imp. gal.,3.5 )U.S.: EX, EX w/ABS option,Canada: Si1.00 U.S. gal. (0.84 Imp. gal.,3.8 )7. Pour coolant into theradiator up to the base of the filler neck.8. Loosen the bleeder bolt ontop of the engine. Tighten it again when coolant comes out in a steady stream with no bubbles.9. Refill the radiator to the baseof the filler neck. Put the cap on the radiator, only tighten it to the first stop. Start the engine and let it run until it warms up (the radiatorcooling fan comes on at least twice).10. Turn off the engine. Checkthe level in the radiator, addMaintenanceCooling System, Windshield Washerscoolant if needed. Install the radiator cap, tighten it fully.11. Fill the reserve tank to theMAX mark. Install the reserve tank cap.RESERVE TANKWindshield WashersCheck the level in the windshield washer reservoir at leastmonthly during normal usage. In bad weather, when you use the washers often, check the level every time you stop for gas.The windshield washer reservoir is located behind the driver's side headlight. Check thereservoir's fluid level byremoving the cap and looking at the dipstick.Fill the reservoir with a good-quality windshield washer fluid.This increases the cleaningcapability and prevents freezing in cold weather.Do not use engine antifreeze or a vinegar/water solution in the windshield washer reservoir.Antifreeze can damage your car's paint, while a vinegar/water solution can damage the windshield washer pump.Use only commercially available windshield washer fluid.MaintenanceNOTICEWINDSHIELD WASHERRESERVOIR。

2006款东风本田思域发动机燃油与排放系统培训手册(4)DTC P0300:偶发性气缸缺火及附带下列任何代码:DTC P0301:1号气缸缺火DTC P0302:2号气缸缺火DTC P0303:3号气缸缺火DTC P0304:4号气缸缺火专用工具• 机油压力表附件07NAJ-P070100• 低燃油压力表07406-0070002• 机油压力软管07ZAJ-S5A0200说明:• 进行故障处理之前,先记录冻结故障数据以及所有仪表快摄数据,再查阅一般故障处理说明(见11-3页)。
• 如果缺火过于频繁,在两个连续的行驶循环中测试到排放增加,MIL将亮启,并将存储DTC P0300(以及P0301至P0304之间的代码)。
• 如果缺火过于频繁,足以损坏催化净化器,一旦出现缺火现象,MIL将亮启,并将存储DTC P0300(以及P0301至P0304之间的代码),当缺火现象停止时,MIL 仍将继续亮启。
• 如果下列某个DTC与偶发性气缸缺火DTC同时存储,则应首先排除下列DTC:P0102、P0103:空气质量流量计(MAF)传感器P0107、P0108:进气歧管绝对压力(MAP)传感器P0171、P0172: 燃油系统P0335、P0339: 曲轴位置(CKP)传感器P0351、P0352、P0353、P0354:点火线圈P0365、P0369: 凸轮轴轴位置(CMP)传感器P2646、P2647、P2648、P2649:VTEC系统P0401、P0404、P0406、P2413:废气再循环(EGR)系统1. 打开点火开关至ON(II)。
2. 使用HDS清除故障诊断代码(DTC)。
3. 起动发动机(位于空档或驻车位置),然后,使其在无负荷的情况下怠速运转。
4. 使用HDS在DTC菜单中监测DTC P0301、P0302、P0303、P0304的OBD状态(OBD STATUS)。

12V 蓄电池
3. 如图所示连接蓄电池。确保已从电磁阀上断 开起动机导线。如果起动机小齿轮弹出,则 说明其工作正常。
4. 从M端子上断开蓄电池。如果小齿轮没有缩 回,则说明电磁阀保持线圈工作正常。
6. 将起动机牢牢固定在台钳上。 7. 重新连接M端子上的线缆。 8. 如下电路图所示,将起动机与蓄电池相连,
器或侧冲击传感器,否则,本系统可能在碰撞事故中失效、气囊可能会引爆。 • SRS电气插头采用黄色代码标识。相关组件位于转向柱、前控制台、仪表板、仪表板下面板、杂物箱
专用工具................................... 4-2
• 为避免SRS失效、发生严重的正面或侧面冲撞时导致人员伤亡的情况,所有SRS维修工作均必须由经 过东风本田授权的经销商来专门承担。
• 维修程序不当,包括SRS的拆卸和安装不当,均会因意外引爆气囊或侧气囊而导致人身伤害。 • 点火开关转到ON(II)位置时、或点火开关转到OFF位置至少三分钟后,不得撞击SRS装置、前冲击传感
其他检查 G101(A/T) 或 G401(M/T) 接地不良
发动机盖下保险/继电器盒 蓄电池
起动机 断电继
电磁阀 起动机
变速箱 档位开 关(接通: 处于 P 和N位 置)

基座垫片 更换锁紧螺母板 更换燃油箱装置锁紧螺母 更换安装燃油加注颈管时,将导管标记与燃油加注颈接头凸舌对齐。
确认夹钳处于如图所 示杆端量程以内位置。
确认夹钳处于如图所 示杆端量程以内位置。
注意以下事项:• 燃油供给软管、燃油管路与快速接头不耐热,因此在进行焊接或其他热生产操作时要小心,不要损坏这些组件。
• 燃油供给软管、燃油管路与快速接头不耐酸,当用维修用布擦干蓄电池电解溶液后,不得再接触这些组件。
• 更换燃油泵。
• 固定座损坏。
位置制造商固定座管路直径A Tokai 绿 6.3 mm (0.3 in.)B Sanoh 白9.5 mm (0.4 in.)燃油管路/快速接头的拆卸说明:在燃油管路与接头上进行操作时,请阅读“燃油管路/快速接头操作前注意事项”(见11-285页)。
1. 释放燃油压力(见11-279页)。
2. 检查燃油快速接头(A)是否脏污,如有必要,进行清理。
东风本田思域车身维修维修手册(2007本田思域混合动力车身修理手册 5M9)

本车型的辅助安全保护系统(SRS)包括位于转向盘毂中的驾驶席侧安全气囊、杂物箱上部仪表板内的助手 席侧安全气囊、前排座椅安全带收卷器中的安全带张紧器、前排座椅安全带下部固定器中的安全腰带张紧 器、前排座椅靠背侧安全气囊和车顶侧的侧面安全气帘。辅助安全保护系统(SRS)装置与气囊装置隔开, 配备内置传感器。辅助安全保护系统(SRS)组件所在部位进行钢板作业、涂装作业以及维修作业时,应严 格遵守下列注意事项:
未严格遵循操作说明和操作前注意事项将会 导致自己严重受伤,甚至死亡。
认真遵循本手册中规定的步骤和操作前注意 事项。
本手册中阐述了2007 Civic Hybrid车型系列事故故障修理内容,并对车身损坏组件的更换进行说明。 请在使用本手册前,通读上述操作说明,熟悉其中的要求及说明。 说明:关于技术规格、导线线束位置、安全支架支撑点等,请参阅 2007 Civic Hybrid 维修手册。 另外我们还编制了下述手册,使维修工作更简单。开始维修前,请务必仔细阅读本手册。 · 车身维修手册—车身涂层维修概要之涂层基本说明 P/N 62PRM30; · 车身维修手册—车身涂层维修概要之车身基本说明 P/N 62BRM30。
如果需要更换组件,应使用具有正确组件编号的纯 正东风本田组件或等效组件。特别提醒不要使用质 量低劣的组件进行更换。
正确的维修和保养对于保证用户的安全和车辆的 可靠性是十分重要的。维修车辆过程中的任何错误 或疏忽均会导致操作故障、车辆损坏或他人受伤。
不正确的维修或修理将会造成不安全隐患,导 致用户或他人严重受伤,甚至死亡。 必须严格遵照本手册和其它维修资料中规定的 步骤和操作前注意事项进行维修和修理。

摇臂油控制阀的拆卸/安装EOP传感器的拆卸/安装1. 拆下车辕罩(见20-169页)。
2. 断开摇臂油控制阀插头(A)与EOP传感器插头(B)。
3. 拆下摇臂油控制阀(C)。
4. 按照与拆卸相反的顺序安装摇臂油控制阀,同时安装新摇臂油控制阀滤清器(D)。
1. 拆下车辕罩(见20-169页)。
2. 断开EOP传感器插头(A)。
3. 拆下支架(B)和EOP传感器(C)。
4. 使用一只新O形密封圈(D)按照与拆卸相反的顺序,安装EOP传感器。
动力转向压力(PSP)开关信号电路故障处理,见11-267页A/C压缩机离合器继电器(A)信号电路故障处理,见11-265页A/C压缩机A/C压力传感器交流发电机信号电路故障处理,见11-266页制动踏板位置开关信号电路故障处理,见11-269页DTC故障处理DTC P0532:A/C压力传感器电路电压低说明:进行故障处理之前,先记录冻结故障数据以及所有仪表快摄数据,再查阅一般故障处理说明(见11-3页)。
1. 打开点火开关至ON(II)。
2. 使用HDS在数据表(DATA LIST)中检查A/C压力传感器。
检查A/C 压力传感器与ECM/PCM处端子连接是否良好或松动。
■3. 关闭点火开关。
4. 断开压力传感器3芯插头。
5. 打开点火开关至ON(II)。
6. 使用HDS在数据表(DATA LIST)中检查A/C压力传感器。
7. 测量A/C压力传感器3芯插头1号端子与3号端子之间的电压。
8. 关闭点火开关。
9. 使用HDS短接SCS线。
10. 断开ECM/PCM插头A(44芯)。
11. 检查A/C压力传感器3芯插头2号端子与车身地线之间的导通性。

2006款东风本田思域发动机燃油排放控制系统技术信息指南(英文版)Screen Number 3.1 - 1Fuel & EmissionsPage 1 of 18AUTOMOBILE TECHNICAL TRAINING KNOWLEDGE MODULE2006 Civic Technical Information Guide Fuel & EmissionsKnowledge ModuleElectronic Fuel and Emission Control System - OverviewThe electronic fuel and emission control system of the 2006 Civic Accelerator position sensorincorporates the following improvements:DBWEnhanced system performance. Contributing factors are increased Mass air flowprocessing capacity of the CPU, higher ROM capacity, andoptimized ETCS configuration Additional torque management control items for imum drivingcomfort and stability control. These include absorption of torque difference resulting from VTEC's switching to the delayed intake Intelligentvalve closure mode and coordination with the vehicle stabilityMAP sensor power ICassist VSA control Highly precise intake airflow control. Mass air flow MAF is used inconjunction with a sensor for manifold absolute pressure MAP in order to improve idling operation control.FI/DBWMicro-Use of a linear air fuel LAF sensor together with an O2 sensor, LAF sensorcomputerPRISM Prediction and Identification Sliding Mode controlconsisting of cylinder-by-cylinder feedback control, and an MAF and MAP combination for more accurate estimation of intakeairflow. This system provides highly precise air/fuel control for AT microcomputerO2 sensorbetter fuel efficiency as well as lower emissions Improved exhaust temperature management control. This consistsof engine firing control for quick engine warm-up and consequent earlier activation of the catalyzer located below the exhaustEGR valvemanifold. Improved temperature estimation accuracy of the O2sensor element is another factor permitting earlier determination of catalyzer activation Exhaust gas recirculation control not only for lowering the exhaust temperature, but also takes increased advantage of thestoichiometric zone by improving fuel economy and NOx reduction Advanced temperature management control applied to the catalyzer below the exhaust manifold Optimum location of the ECU in the engine compartment.Fuel & Emissions - 12005 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ? All Rights Reserved.05/09/09Programming NotesVoiceover Narrator, Male2005 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ? All Rights Reserved.05/09/09Screen Number 3.1 - 2Fuel & EmissionsPage 2 of 18AUTOMOBILE TECHNICAL TRAINING KNOWLEDGE MODULE2006 Civic Technical Information Guide Fuel & EmissionsKnowledge ModuleMisfire Detection SystemThe 2006 Civic's misfire detection system uses a pulsar plate thatis secured with three bolts to a crankshaft weight inside thecrankcase. Increased installation accuracy ensures that all misfire patterns are detectable.Pulsar plate installed oncrankshaft weight Since all misfire patterns are detected, the cylinder most damagingfastened with 3 boltsto the catalyzer can now be identified and its fuel supply cut, thus limiting any damage to the catalyzer.Service TalksWhen the system detects a misfire, the malfunction indicator lightMIL flashes and the supply of fuel to the misfiring cylinder is interrupted until the ignition switch is turned OFF Even after recovery from a failure, the MIL continues flashing, fuel supply to the cylinder remains interrupted, and the corresponding transient DTC is set If misfiring repeatedly occurs in another driving cycle, the MILCrank angle sensorcontinuously flashes, fuel supply to the cylinder remainsinstalled on L/Binterrupted until the ignition switch is turned OFF, and thecorresponding DTC is set When the ignition switch is returned to ON in the next driving cycle,the MIL comes on indicating misfiring has occurred, and this state continues until the DTC is erased If no other misfire occurs after a transient DTC has been set, theDTC is automatically erased from the memory after the next 80driving cycles.Fuel & Emissions - 22005 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ? All Rights Reserved.05/09/09Programming NotesVoiceover Narrator, Male2005 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ? All Rights Reserved.05/09/09Screen Number 3.1 - 3Fuel & EmissionsPage 3 of 18AUTOMOBILE TECHNICAL TRAINING KNOWLEDGE MODULE2006 Civic Technical Information Guide Fuel & EmissionsKnowledge ModuleTwo-Bed, Large-Diameter Catalyzer Using Lower Amount ofPrecious Metal Below Exhaust Manifold The 2006 Civic is equipped with a two-bed type large-diametercatalyzer using lower amount of precious metal below the exhaust manifold. The catalyzer is fitted just below the cylinder headintegrated exhaust manifold.Fuel & Emissions - 32005 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ? All Rights Reserved.05/09/09Programming NotesVoiceover Narrator, Male2005 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ? All Rights Reserved.05/09/09Screen Number 3.1 - 4Fuel & EmissionsPage 4 of 18AUTOMOBILE TECHNICAL TRAINING KNOWLEDGE MODULE2006 Civic Technical Information Guide Fuel & EmissionsKnowledge ModuleEGR System: EGR Gases from CatalyzerOutlet Directly to Intake ManifoldThe EGR system employed in the 2006 Civictakes EGR gases from the catalyzer outlet andleads them directly to the EGR joint that isattached to the plastic intake manifold chamberon the cylinder head This system solves EGR clogged-passageproblems, improves the emission level, andenhances fuel economy.EGR JointFuel & Emissions - 42005 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ? All Rights Reserved.05/09/09Programming NotesVoiceover Narrator, Male2005 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ? All Rights Reserved.05/09/09Screen Number 3.1 - 5Fuel & EmissionsPage 5 of 18AUTOMOBILE TECHNICAL TRAINING KNOWLEDGE MODULE2006 Civic Technical Information Guide Fuel & EmissionsKnowledge ModuleEGR Pipe Installation Procedure1. Place the thermo-case end of the EGR pipe onthe thermo-case studs.2. Loosely fasten the pipe end using the M8 flangenuts.3. Attach the catalyzer end of the pipe to theconnecting location on the catalyzer by looselyfastening the M8 flange bolts, and then tightenthe bolts to the specified torque.4. Finally, tighten the M8 flange nuts on thethermo-case end of the pipe to the specifiedtorque.Service TalksIn order to compensate for the dimensionaldifference in related parts, the holes in theintake manifold end of the EGR pipe are madelarger than those in the catalyzer end of thepipe. For this reason, it is very important tofollow the procedure described above to avoidgiving excessive stress to the EGR pipe If the procedure is not followed exactly,excessive tightening stress will occur in thewelds of the pipe. This could result in cracksand consequent breakage of the pipe.Fuel & Emissions - 52005 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ? All Rights Reserved.05/09/09Programming NotesVoiceover Narrator, Male2005 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ? All Rights Reserved.05/09/09Screen Number 3.1 - 6Fuel & EmissionsPage 6 of 18AUTOMOBILE TECHNICAL TRAINING KNOWLEDGE MODULE2006 Civic Technical Information Guide Fuel & EmissionsKnowledge ModuleMAF: Mass Air Flow SensorAir flow meter main unitA hot-wire type mass air flow sensor is installedTemperature-compensating resistorbetween the air cleaner and the intake manifoldto detect the intake air volume This mass air flow meter consists of a heatBypass To intake pipeelement and a temperature-compensatingflowresistor. The heat element operates to keep aHeat elementconstant temperature.Hot wireMain flowAs the intake air volume passing around theheat element changes, the resistance of theelement changes and therefore the currentHot wire mass air flow meterflowing through the element changes. Thiscurrent value is monitored. LargeThe current value is converted into voltage andused as signal Signal voltage changes according to thecurrent.SmallSmall Intake air volume LargeOutput propertyFuel & Emissions - 62005 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ? All Rights Reserved.05/09/09Programming NotesVoiceover Narrator, Male2005 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ? All Rights Reserved.05/09/09Signal output currentScreen Number 3.1 - 7Fuel & EmissionsPage 7 of 18AUTOMOBILE TECHNICAL TRAINING KNOWLEDGE MODULE2006 Civic Technical Information Guide Fuel & EmissionsKnowledge ModuleIntake Airflow and Fuel Control byMAF + MAP - Part 1Control using MAF dataThree-way Catalytic ConverterMAF makes it possible to measure intake airflow directly, whichFuel amountincreases the accuracy of fuel amount calculation. ExpectedMass calculationEngineresults are more precise air/fuel ratio control and lowered emission according to actualAir Flowintake airflowlevel.Fuel amount correction Control using only MAF data would not accommodate transientcoefficientcharacteristics of the throttle valve during startup and acceleration Control using only MAP sensor outputs would not be sufficiently accurate because the data derived from basic fuel injectionControl using MAP sensor dataamount calculation, VTC fuel correction and EGR fuel correction Differences and errorsinvolves differences and errors under transient conditions.included undertransient conditionsVTC fuelVTC anglecorrectionsensorBasic fuelMAPamountEnginesensorcalculationFuel amount correctionEGR fuelEGR lift coefficientamountsensorcorrectionFuel & Emissions - 72005 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ? All Rights Reserved.05/09/09Programming NotesVoiceover Narrator, Male2005 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ? All Rights Reserved.05/09/09IntakeairflowScreen Number 3.1 - 8Fuel & EmissionsPage 8 of 18AUTOMOBILE TECHNICAL TRAINING KNOWLEDGE MODULE2006 Civic Technical Information Guide Fuel & EmissionsKnowledge ModuleIntake Airflow and Fuel Control byMAF + MAP - Part 2Intake airflow overshootsresulting from charge Estimating the intake airflow based on the effect of intake manifoldintake manifold shape makes it possible tophysically correct intake airflow overshoots inMAF outputs under transient conditions.MAF measuredairflowCalculation of cylinder intake air amount based on intake manifold shapeMAP sensorMAFAirAmount of air chargedcleanerin intake manifoldAirflowAmount of air chargedin intake manifoldIntake air pressure × Intake manifold volum eMAFAmount of intake airmeasured airflowGas constant × Intake air temperature charged in cylinderMAF activation delay at startupCorrections under transient conditionsabout 2 secondsUse of a model for transient correctionsUse of MAP sensor data at startupMAF + MAP Shorter data setting timeReduction of emissions at startupStart Ti table according to TW Setting of transient correction map Only MAFVarying emissions at startupLonger data setting timeFuel & Emissions - 82005 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ? All Rights Reserved. 05/09/09Programming NotesVoiceover Narrator, Male2005 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ? All Rights Reserved.05/09/09Screen Number 3.1 - 9Fuel & EmissionsPage 9 of 18AUTOMOBILE TECHNICAL TRAINING KNOWLEDGE MODULE2006 Civic Technical Information Guide Fuel & EmissionsKnowledge ModuleNew Idling Control SystemConventionally, the NE engine speedfeedback control is used to control the idlingoperation, in which intake airflow necessary tobring the actual engine speed to the targetThrottlespeed is calculated. With the new idling control,opening angleTarget throttlethe NE feedback control is reinforced by theIntake airflowopening angleintake airflow feedback control using the MAF, a ETCS Intake manifold Cylinderdevice that can directly measure the intakeairflow. Adding the control using the MAFfurther improves idling operation stability.Intake airflowfeedbackNEfeedback controlTarget enginespeedConventional controlCalculation of requiredintake airflowFuel & Emissions - 92005 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ? All Rights Reserved.05/09/09Programming NotesVoiceover Narrator, Male2005 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ? All Rights Reserved.05/09/09Screen Number 3.1 - 10Fuel & EmissionsPage 10 of 18AUTOMOBILE TECHNICAL TRAINING KNOWLEDGE MODULE2006 Civic Technical Information Guide Fuel & EmissionsKnowledge ModuleImproved Sealing by Large-Diameter Locknut for Fuel PumpModuleThe fuel pump module of the 2006 Civic is fitted with a locknut thatis larger in diameter than that of the conventional model. The new LOCK NUTfuel sender wrench is required for loosening or tightening this locknut The vent shut float VSF now forms an integral part of the fuel pump module. The fuel tank removal is unnecessary wheninspecting the VSF in the case of a refueling problem.PackingService TalksWhen inspecting the VSF, open the fuel pump access cover andVSFremove the fuel pump module. Since the pump and pump regulatorare reusable, the cost for replacing the VSF has been lowered to a minimum. The packing, however, must be replaced when the pumpmodule is removed.PUMP MODULEFuel & Emissions - 102005 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ? All Rights Reserved.05/09/09Programming NotesVoiceover Narrator, Male2005 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ? All Rights Reserved.05/09/09Screen Number 3.1 - 11Fuel & EmissionsPage 11 of 18AUTOMOBILE TECHNICAL TRAINING KNOWLEDGE MODULE2006 Civic Technical Information Guide Fuel & EmissionsKnowledge ModuleFuel EmissionsKnowledge CheckWhich one of the following statements is incorrect with regard to the features ofthe 2006 Civic's electronic fuel and emission control system?A. The system provides highly precise intake airflow control using massair flow MAF in conjunction with a sensor for manifold absolute pressure MAP in order to improve idling operation control.B. The system provides exhaust gas recirculation control not only forlowering the exhaust temperature but also for widening the lean zone.C. The system employs a linear air fuel LAF sensor together with an O2sensor, PRISM control consisting of cylinder-by-cylinder feedbackcontrol, and an MAF and MAP combination for more accurateestimation of intake airflow. This system provides highly precise air/fuelcontrol for better fuel efficiency as well as lower emissions.D. The system provides improved exhaust temperature managementcontrol. This consists of engine firing control for quick engine warm-upand consequent earlier activation of the catalyzer located below the exhaust manifold. Improved temperature estimation accuracy of the O2 sensor element is another factor permitting earlier determination of catalyzer activation.Fuel & Emissions - 112005 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ? All Rights Reserved.05/09/09Programming NotesVoiceover Narrator, Male2005 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ? All Rights Reserved.05/09/09Screen Number 3.1 - 12Fuel & EmissionsPage 12 of 18AUTOMOBILE TECHNICAL TRAINING KNOWLEDGE MODULE2006 Civic Technical Information Guide Fuel & EmissionsKnowledge ModuleFuel EmissionsKnowledge CheckWhich one of the following statements is incorrect with regard to the misfiredetection system of the 2006 Civic?A. When the system detects a misfire, the malfunction indicator light MILflashes and the supply of fuel to the misfiring cylinder is interrupted untilthe ignition switch is turned OFF.B. Since all misfire patterns are detected, it is possible to cut the fuelsupply to all cylinders simultaneously to limit any damage to the catalyzer.C. The 2006 Civic's misfire detection system uses a pulsar plate that issecured with three bolts to a crankshaft weight inside the crankcaseIncreased installation accuracy ensures that all misfire patterns aredetectable.D. Even after recovery from a failure, the MIL continues flashing, fuelsupply to the cylinder remains interrupted, and the corresponding transient DTC is set.Fuel & Emissions - 122005 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ? All Rights Reserved.05/09/09Programming NotesVoiceover Narrator, Male2005 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ? All Rights Reserved.05/09/09Screen Number 3.1 - 13Fuel & EmissionsPage 13 of 18AUTOMOBILE TECHNICAL TRAINING KNOWLEDGE MODULE2006 Civic Technical Information Guide Fuel & EmissionsKnowledge ModuleFuel EmissionsKnowledge CheckWhich ones of the following statements are incorrect with regard to the EGRpipe installation procedure?A. At the first step, place the thermo-case end of the EGR pipe on thethermo-case studs.B. At the second step, loosely fasten the pipe end using the M8 flangenuts.C. At the third step, attach the thermo-case end of the pipe to theconnecting location on the thermo-case by loosely fastening the M8 flange bolts, and then tighten the bolts to the specified torque.D. At the fourth step, tighten the M8 flange nuts on the catalyzer end of thepipe to the specified torque.Fuel & Emissions - 132005 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ? All Rights Reserved.05/09/09Programming NotesVoiceover Narrator, Male2005 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ? All Rights Reserved.05/09/09Screen Number 3.1 - 14Fuel & EmissionsPage 14 of 18AUTOMOBILE TECHNICAL TRAINING KNOWLEDGE MODULE2006 Civic Technical Information Guide Fuel & EmissionsKnowledge ModuleFuel EmissionsKnowledge CheckWhich one of the following statements is incorrect with regard to the intakeairflow and fuel control by MAF + MAP?A. The MAF + MAP system estimates the intake airflow based on theexhaust gas amount and physically corrects intake airflow overshoots in MAF outputs under transient conditions.B. MAF makes it possible to measure intake airflow directly, whichincreases the accuracy of fuel amount calculation. Expected results aremore precise air/fuel ratio control and lowered emission level.C. Control using only MAP sensor outputs would not be sufficientlyaccurate because the data derived from basic fuel injection amount calculation, VTC fuel correction and EGR fuel correction involves differences and errors under transient conditions.D. Control using only MAF data would not accommodate transientcharacteristics of the throttle valve during startup and acceleration.Fuel & Emissions - 142005 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ? All Rights Reserved.05/09/09Programming NotesVoiceove。

2006款东风本田思域发动机燃油与排放系统培训手册(5)DTC故障处理(续)DTC U0028:F-CAN故障(总线-关)说明:进行故障处理之前,先记录冻结数据以及所有仪表快摄数据,再查阅一般故障处理说明(见11-3页)。
1. 打开点火开关至ON(II)。
2. 使用HDS清除DTC。
3. 使用HDS检查DTC 或临时DTC。
是否显示DTCU0028?是-如果11-156DTC U0122:F-CAN故障(VSA-ECM/ PCM)说明:进行故障处理之前,先记录冻结数据以及所有仪表快摄数据,再查阅一般故障处理说明(见11-3页)。
1. 打开点火开关至ON(II)。
2. 使用HDS清除DTC。
3. 使用HDS检查DTC或临时DTC。
7. 检查VSA控制装置37芯插头1号端子与15号端子之间的导通性。
否-排除VSA控制装CANL(红)CANL(白)11-157DTC故障处理(续)9. 关闭点火开关。
10. 断开VSA控制装置37芯插头。
11. 打开点火开关至ON(II)。
12. 测量VSA 控制装置37芯插头28号端子与车身地线之间的电压。
VSA控制装置37芯插头凹头插头导线侧是否为蓄电池电压?13. 关闭点火开关。
14. 检查控制装置37芯插头36号端子与车身地线之间的导通性。
15. 重新连接VSA控制装置37芯插头。
16. 打开点火开关至ON(II)。

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摇臂油控制阀的拆卸/安装EOP传感器的拆卸/安装1. 拆下车辕罩(见20-169页)。
2. 断开摇臂油控制阀插头(A)与EOP传感器插头(B)。
3. 拆下摇臂油控制阀(C)。
4. 按照与拆卸相反的顺序安装摇臂油控制阀,同时安装新摇臂油控制阀滤清器(D)。
1. 拆下车辕罩(见20-169页)。
2. 断开EOP传感器插头(A)。
3. 拆下支架(B)和EOP传感器(C)。
4. 使用一只新O形密封圈(D)按照与拆卸相反的顺序,安装EOP传感器。
动力转向压力(PSP)开关信号电路故障处理,见11-267页A/C压缩机离合器继电器(A)信号电路故障处理,见11-265页A/C压缩机A/C压力传感器交流发电机信号电路故障处理,见11-266页制动踏板位置开关信号电路故障处理,见11-269页DTC故障处理DTC P0532:A/C压力传感器电路电压低说明:进行故障处理之前,先记录冻结故障数据以及所有仪表快摄数据,再查阅一般故障处理说明(见11-3页)。
1. 打开点火开关至ON(II)。
2. 使用HDS在数据表(DATA LIST)中检查A/C压力传感器。
检查A/C 压力传感器与ECM/PCM处端子连接是否良好或松动。
■3. 关闭点火开关。
4. 断开压力传感器3芯插头。
5. 打开点火开关至ON(II)。
6. 使用HDS在数据表(DATA LIST)中检查A/C压力传感器。
7. 测量A/C压力传感器3芯插头1号端子与3号端子之间的电压。
8. 关闭点火开关。
9. 使用HDS短接SCS线。
10. 断开ECM/PCM插头A(44芯)。
11. 检查A/C压力传感器3芯插头2号端子与车身地线之间的导通性。
压力传感器3芯插头凹头插头导线侧是否导通?是-排除ECM/PCM(A16)与A/C压力传感器之间的导线短路故障, 然后进行第18步。
VCC6(红)SG6(黑)ACPD(淡绿)12. 关闭点火开关。
13. 使用HDS短接SCS线。
14. 断开ECM/PCM插头A(44芯)。
15. 检查A/C压力传感器3芯插头1号端子与ECM/PCM插头A19端子之间的导通性。
16. 关闭点火开关。
17. 更换A/C压力传感器(见21-34页)。
18. 重新连接所有插头。
19. 打开点火开关至ON(II)。
20. 使用HDS重新设置ECM/PCM。
21. 进行ECM/PCM怠速学习程序(见11-272页)。
22. 使用HDS检查DTC或临时DTC。
是否显示DTC或临时DTC?是-如果显示DTC P0532,检查A/C压力传感器与ECM/PCM处端子是否连接不良或松动,然后进行第1步。
■23. 如果ECM/PCM不是最新版软件,则升级ECM/PCM或以运行良好的ECM/PCM替换(见11-7页)。
24. 使用HDS检查DTC或临时DTC。
是否显示DTC或临时DTC?是-如果显示DTC P0532,检查A/C压力传感器与ECM/PCM处端子是否连接不良或松动,然后进行第1步。
■凹头插头导线侧ECM/PCM插头A(44芯) VCC6(红) VCC6(红)DTC故障处理(续)DTC P0533:A/C压力传感器电路电压高说明:进行故障处理之前,先记录冻结故障数据以及所有仪表快摄数据,再查阅一般故障处理说明(见11-3页)。
1. 打开点火开关至ON(II)。
2. 使用HDS在数据表(DATA LIST)中检查A/C压力传感器。
检查A/C 压力传感器与ECM/PCM处端子连接是否良好或松动。
■3. 关闭点火开关。
4. 断开A/C压力传感器3芯插头。
5. 使用一根短接线将A/C压力传感器3芯插头2号端子与3号端子相连接。
A/C压力传感器3芯插头凹头插头导线侧6. 打开点火开关至ON(II)。
7. 使用HDS检查数据表中的空调压力传感器。
8. 关闭点火开关。
9. 从A/C压力传感器3芯插头上拆下短接线。
10. 打开点火开关至ON(II)。
11. 测量A/C压力传感器3芯插头1号端子与3号端子之间的电压。
ACPD(淡绿) SG6(黑)短接线VCC6(红) SG6(黑)12. 关闭点火开关。
13. 使用HDS 短接SCS 线。
14. 断开ECM/PCM 插头A(44芯)。
15. 检查A/C 压力传感器3芯插头2号端子与ECM/PCM 插头A16端子之间的导通性。
A/C 压力传感器3芯插头凹头插头端子侧是否导通?是-进行第27步。
否-排除ECM/PCM(A16)与A/C 压力传感器之间导线断路故障,然后进行第22步。
16. 关闭点火开关。
17. 使用HDS 短接SCS 线。
18. 断开ECM/PCM 插头A(44芯)。
19. 检查A/C 压力传感器3芯插头3号端子与ECM/PCM 插头A9端子之间的导通性。
A/C 压力传感器3芯插头凹头插头端子侧是否导通?是-进行第27步。
否-排除ECM/PCM(A9)与A/C 压力传感器之间的导线断路故障,然后进行第22步。
(续)ECM/PCM 插头A(44芯) ACPD(淡绿) 凹头插头导线侧 ACPD(淡绿) 凹头插头导线侧ECM/PCM 插头A(44芯) SG6(黑)SG6(黑)DTC故障处理(续)20. 关闭点火开关。
21. 更换A/C压力传感器(见21-34页)。
22. 重新连接所有插头。
23. 打开点火开关至ON(II)。
24. 使用HDS重新设置ECM/PCM。
25. 进行ECM/PCM怠速学习程序(见11-272页)。
26. 使用HDS检查DTC或临时DTC。
是否显示DTC或临时DTC?是-如果显示DTC P0533,检查A/C压力传感器与ECM/PCM处端子是否连接不良或松动,然后进行第1步。
■27. 如果ECM/PCM不是最新版软件,则升级ECM/PCM或用运行良好的ECM/PCM替换(见11-7页)。
28. 使用HDS检查DTC或临时DTC。
是否显示DTC或临时DTC?是-如果显示DTC P0533,检查A/C压力传感器与ECM/PCM处端子是否连接不良或松动,然后进行第1步。
■空调(A/C)信号电路故障处理1. 起动发动机。
2. 打开鼓风机开关。
3. 打开A/C开关。
4. 使用HDS在数据表(DATA LIST)中检查A/C离合器。
5. 检查A/C系统。
6. 关闭点火开关。
7. 打开点火开关至ON(II)。
8. 使用HDS在检测菜单中起动A/C离合器。
9. 关闭点火开关。
10. 使用HDS短接SCS线。
11. 断开ECM/PCM插头A(44芯)。
12. 打开点火开关至ON(II)。
13. 使用一根短接线将ECM/PCM插头A14端子与车身地线瞬时连接数次。
ECM/PCM插头A(44芯)凹头插头端子侧A/C压缩机离合器是否有咔哒声?是-如果ECM/PCM不是最新版软件,则升级ECM/ PCM或用运行良好的ECM/PCM替换(见11-7页),然后重新检查。
ACC(红)短接线交流发电机FR信号电路故障处理1. 起动发动机, 并使其怠速运转。
2. 使用HDS监测数据表(DATA LIST)中的交流发电机。
3. 前大灯亮起时,检查显示的百分比是否改变。
4. 关闭前大灯开关和点火开关。
5. 使用HDS短接SCS线。
6. 断开交流发电机4芯插头。
7. 断开ECM/PCM插头B(44芯)。
8. 检查车身地线与ECM/PCM插头B43端子之间的导通性。
■PSP开关信号电路故障处理1. 起动发动机, 并使其怠速。
2. 调直转向盘。
3. 使用HDS在数据表(DATA LIST)中检查PSP开关。
4. 将转向盘旋转到全锁位置。
5. 使用HDS在数据表(DATA LIST)中检查PSP开关。
6. 关闭点火开关。
7. 断开PSP开关2芯插头。
8. 起动发动机。
9. 使用HDS在数据表(DATA LIST)中检查PSP开关。
10. 关闭点火开关。
11. 使用HDS短接SCS线。
12. 断开ECM/PCM插头A(44芯)。