魔法全书3 图文攻略
《巫师3》⾎与酒全主线及⽀线任务图⽂攻略 主线任务 酒国的使节 在威伦各个酒馆边上的告⽰板上接任务即可开启,然后会出现新的地标“⽯匠的聚脚地”,传送过去在酒馆外发⽣剧情。
接受委托后直接传送到新的地图陶森特,完成任务并正式开始⾎与酒的D L C。
陶森特恶魔 1.进⼊新地图陶森特后⾃动会得到奖杯国境之南,然后和⼀个巨⼈果亚特战⽃。
Iphone(Ipad、IOS)版最终幻想3 FF3详尽图文攻略(上
Iphone(Ipad、IOS)版最终幻想3 FF3详尽图文攻略(上浮游大陆地图:1.祭坛洞穴:开始一阵天旋地转,主角鲁内斯掉进了山洞中。
深入前进到地下二层是死路,调查右上方的紫色骷髅头打开隐藏道路,继续前进遇见公主,其作为NPC加入队伍(本作同行的NPC可以在战斗中随机出现支援)到达最深处后找到诅咒事件的始作俑者魔人BOSS,BOSS 攻击力比较高,先前练过级就好对付了。
魔法全书3_图文攻略攻略:第一章:看过精美的游戏开头动画后,点击右边:The old man's cabin(老人的小屋)。
2.再去正中央踩砖块-----上方灰色石块变成"蛇头" -----打蛇头石块(面对入口右方两个石椅中间)
3.再去正中央踩砖块-----上方灰色石块变成"?#123;头" -----打?#123;头石块(中央砖块左后方)
4.再去正中央踩砖块-----上方灰色石块变成"狼头" -----打狼头石块(面对入口左方墙壁上)
9.山怪: 7F店里购买125豆
10.橘蛞蝓: 7F店里购买200豆
魔法门之英雄⽆敌3-万历记战役全流程攻略 《魔法门之英雄⽆敌3》有很多战役,下⾯为⼤家带来历代记战役的全流程攻略,另附剧情⽂本供⼤家观赏,喜欢的玩家不要错过。
废墟战神(Wa r l o r d s o f t h e Wa s t e l a n d) 在塔南成为不朽英雄以前,他曾经是克鲁洛德野蛮⼈部落⾥的⼀个普通的野蛮⼈。
第⼀关、野蛮⼈国王(A B a r b a r i a n K i n g) 故事背景:多少个世代以来,野蛮⼈部落⼀直遭受着术⼠王国的奴役。
要推翻暴政,⾸先要杀死术⼠王国在克鲁洛德驻军的⾸领R a b a k。
第⼆关、被通缉的国王(T h e C r i m i n a l K i n g) 故事背景:杀死R a b a k之后,塔南封⾃⼰为野蛮⼈国王--⾃从克鲁洛德被术⼠王国所统治以来,已经有许多年没有出现过这个称号了。
第一关MAGIC ACADEMY按提示取得油壶,润滑油地球仪,得到雕像的碎片。
第三关TIBETAN MONASTERY 从这一关开始才算正经的玩。
第四关FOR TUNETELLER,S COTTAGEE找东西,钉子给缺腿的小木牛,再用锤敲,修好它,进入里面的房间。
新神奇传说3 全攻略
新神奇传说3 全攻略序章:4大元素的守护者和魔道师用尽力量来对抗魔王,守护者使用元素的法器力量注入预言家怀中2个婴儿身体把力量合二为一,将魔王封印起来。
1~一起去狩猎吧:亚迪练习完,赛亚传来口信叫他去莫欧那里拿蔬菜和猎山猪(亚迪眼睛发光,贪吃的少年)亚迪很快就答应→[修练场]得“解毒草”→[塔里丝的家]得“药草”→[狩猎场]敌人:山猪x8 红山猪x1 (利用地理条件来攻击,记住:冥想吸取元素)。
倾谈中塔里丝有事走开叫亚迪继续练习,亚迪由于饿无法练习下去就去莫欧那里找吃,亚迪正在享受莫欧食物时赛亚出现吓不倒了亚迪三人倾谈城里的所见所闻,赛亚发现森林火灾(塔里丝的家)三人赶到森林发现一伙人敌人:步下x3 红战士、弓兵x1谬欧x1(利用莫欧作肉盾,就可以过关)。
亚、赛在去莫欧家路上遇见莫三人倾谈时听见叫声,发现拉比和怪物敌人:针鼠x4 羽翼犬x2 蛮鸟x1(用莫欧作肉盾和在敌人背后攻击偷袭就可以,记住保护拉比)。
4~初次造访城市:一行人到了“赛路利亚”拉比提醒大家不要走失可是亚迪看到城中美食就留口水(老毛病),来到“爱莎之馆”和爱莎(预言家)讲明来意、但是想知道塔里丝去向要等到黄昏时候才有结果,拉比主动提议带大家到城里逛可是亚迪因美食诱惑和大家走失不知所措时在小巷发现瓦妮缇被流氓骚扰敌人:流氓x3 (在敌人背后攻击就可以)。
《魔法门英雄无敌3--地图篇》攻略地图篇》《魔法门英雄无敌3--地图篇》攻略地图篇现在以单关模式来介绍一下 Heroes3 的作战,有些见解也许未必能得到众玩家的认可,仅供大家互相切磋交流。
一般有足够的木材和铁即可建造到骑兵,僧侣和狂热者的建筑需要的资源也不算多,这个外型和攻击方式都类似于 2 代德鲁依的部队的远程攻击力较强,比弓箭手强许多,不过弓箭手升级为神射手后在初期对低级部队的战斗中很有用处;地面部队中的枪兵、十字军和骑兵也比较强,注意用骑兵攻击时要运用他的冲锋力,即使挨着敌人也尽量进行移动攻击;飞行部队中狮鹫的无限反击不错,可以在无法砸开敌人城墙时冲进去,大天使就不多说了,注意其复活术在战场上只能使一次,复活力与其数量有关。
由于Castle 城堡的兵用处广,所以招募资金是个问题,即使有了首都也无法招满所有的兵,一般我玩建到骑兵就可与敌人抗衡了,造大天使实在太费钱了,有了这个钱我招的兵都可抢敌人的城了。
Castle 城堡的城堡只能造 4 层魔法塔,资源仓库提供木材和铁。
此外,人类族的十字军战士是个很强的兵种,他可以象前代的游侠一样一回合攻击两次,因此让他WAIT 后攻击已被攻击过的地方强力部队可以造成相当的伤害力。
城堡的部队就不如 Castle 城堡那么实用了,倒是半人马战士的速度很快,在一级部队的战斗中往往谁先出手谁占优势,这点在半人马身上体现得非常透彻;矮人和树妖的速度太慢,用于守城还可以,带在军队中会影响英雄的移动力,在战场上的作用发挥也不大;精灵王的远程攻击不错,要好好加以利用,在作战中起较重要的作用;飞马的速度很快,还能使敌人施法时多消耗 MP,但其建造要 10 个水晶,有点麻烦;金龙不错,不怕象末日风暴这样的法术,只有 5 级的 Implosion 可以伤害它,不过比起黑龙还是差了点。
魔法全书3:幻象[Magic Encyclopedia:Illusions]图文攻略
魔法全书3:幻象Magic Encyclopedia: IllusionsWalkthrough Menu∙General Tips∙Chapter I∙Chapter II∙Chapter III∙Chapter IV∙Chapter VGeneral Tips∙There are 5 Chapters in the game; each chapter has five locations.∙The scenes in the game are divided into Illusions and Reality. In order to see the Illusions you will have to use special artifacts or activate the Magic Glasses.∙The Magic Glasses will be introduced at the end of Chapter I but you will not begin to use them until Chapter 2.∙To activate the Magic Glasses click on them in the lower right corner. Move your cursor around the scene and click on the items seen through the glasses.∙The mini-games can be skipped once the skip button is recharged. You can click on the restart button to start the mini-game from scratch.∙Hints are unlimited but they need to be charged before they can be used.∙Please note that the solutions for some of the puzzles are random. This strategy guide will try to show you as many alternate solutions as possible.∙At the end of each chapter you can go back and play the Find the Differences puzzle for each scene in that chapter.Chapter I∙Click on the BOOK (A) in the upper right corner.∙Click on the PARCHMENT (B) on the steps.∙Pick up the 9 DRAPERY CORD fragments marked in yellow.∙Place the DRAPERY CORD on the CURTAIN (C) in the upper left.∙Zoom into the CLOCK (D) on the left; click it twice for the gear icon to appear.∙Pick up the 7 CLOCK GEAR pieces marked in white. ∙Place the CLOCK GEAR in the clock on the left.∙Click on the clock again to turn from day to night.∙Pick up the 7 MIRROR fragments marked in purple.∙Click on the MIRROR in inventory to trigger a puzzle.∙Assemble the mirror as shown in the screenshot.∙Place the assembled MIRROR on the STAND (A) above the globe to enable the moonlight shining on the mirror.∙Move your cursor around the scene for hidden pieces to appear.∙The MAGIC LENS pieces are circled in yellow.∙The KEY pieces are circled in red.∙Place the MAGIC LENS on the STAND (A) on the chair.∙Click on the clock and turn it back to day so you can burn the candle on the left. ∙Turn the clock back to night.∙Pick up the last KEY (B) fragment in place of the candle.∙Place the DOOR KEY on the DOOR (C) in the upper left to access the lab.∙Pick up all the fragmented items in the scene.∙Place the POTION FOR REMOVING ILLUSIONS on the GLASS TUBES (A) to trigger a puzzle.∙Click on the tubes to change their positions so the liquid from the flask on top flows to the flask at the bottom.∙Please look at the screenshot for the solution.∙The POTION FOR REMOVING ILLUSIONS is the RED FLASK (B) in the lower left; click on it to remove the illusion.∙Pick up the rest of the fragmented items in the scene.∙Place the POTION FOR RESTORING ILLUSIONS on the TUBES (C) on the lower left to trigger a puzzle.∙Click on the tubes to change their positions so the liquid from the flask on top flows to the flask at the bottom.∙Please look at the screenshot for the solution.∙Place the MAGIC PARCHMENT on the BOARD in the upper left to trigger a puzzle.∙You must click on the portion of the words that coincide with the large word at the bottom.∙Please note that the solutions for this puzzle are random. The screenshot shows you one solution, here are others:GRATULER-SINCERA-OMNIA-TIBI-DIEMNOVUM-OPTO-SECUNDAS-PRECOR-FELICITATEMEA-COMPRECER-ET-CONDOLEO-SECUNDASQUAEQUE-NATALI-MULTOS-PERPETUA-ETNATALI-RES-MULTOS-COMPRECER-PERPETUA∙Place the MAGIC PARCHMENT WITH LEVITATION SPELL on the box in the lower right corner to lift it.∙Pick up the MAGIC WAND (A) piece below the box.∙Place the PART OF THE TELESCOPE on the TELESCOPE (B) on the right.∙Click on the BLUE POTION FOR RESTORING ILLUSIONS (C).∙Place the MAGIC PARCHMENT (E) on the board with the KEY IMAGE (F) on the left to obtain the MAGIC PARCHMENT WITH A KEY SPELL.∙Click on the RED POTION FOR REMOVING ILLUSIONS (D).∙Place the MAGIC PARCHMENT WITH A KEY SPELL (G) on the LOCK (H) in the upper right corner.∙Pick up the MAGIC WAND (I) fragment in the upper right.∙Click on the telescope to trigger a puzzle.Constellation Puzzle∙Drag the stars to the appropriate places by looking the image in the upper left corner.∙Correct pieces will lock in place.∙The more pieces you place correctly the clearer the image will become.∙You have to solve 3 of these puzzles to beat the game.∙The constellations will be different for everyone, please look at the next 3 screenshots for all possible combinations.∙Click on the MAP on the right to trigger a puzzle.∙Pick the 3 CON STELLATIONS on the map that you’ve just assembled.∙Pick up the last MAGIC WAND (A) piece behind the map.∙Place the MAGIC WAND on the GROUND (B) to trigger a puzzle.∙Click on the 2 matching elements of the puzzle.∙Please look at the screenshot for the solution.∙Go through the floor after the puzzle has been solved to reach the flying ship.∙Click on the SCHEDULE (A) on the left to receive a message. ∙Click on the TOOLBOX (B) in the lower center.∙Pick up all the fragmented items in the scene.∙Place the BUCKET on the WATER PUMP (A) on the left.∙Place the BUCKET WITH WATER on the WRENCH (B) in the lower left corner to cool it off; pick up the WRENCH to complete the toolbox.∙Place the TOOLBOX on the CRATE (C) in the lower center and pick up the HANDLE (D) fragment on the side of the crate.∙Place the BUCKET on the WATER PUMP again.∙Place the BUCKET WITH WATER on the burning HELICOPTER (F) in the lower left corner.∙Place the TOOLBOX (E) on the HELICOPTER (F) to trigger a puzzle.∙Drag the flasks so that none of the beams are touching.∙Uncrossed beams will become green.∙Please look at the screenshot for the solution.∙Click on the Helicopter to change the illusion of the scene.∙The items will only appear once the beam of light is over it.∙Please look at the screenshot for the location of the SCISSORS, BOARDS & HANDLE fragments. You cannot pick up the last SCISSOR fragment at this time.∙Zoom into the BRIDGE (1) on the left and place the BOARDS and the TOOLBOX on the bridge.∙Place the HANDLE on the CRANK (2); click on it to lower the package at the other end.∙Click on the steps on the boat to board it. Make sure that you have the correct illusion to board the boat.∙Pick up all the fragmented pieces in the scene.∙Place the MOP on the BUCKET WITH WATER (1) in the lower left.∙Clean the INK STAIN (2) in the lower left with the MOP; click on that spot to see the location of the MAGIC GLASSES (3) in the library.∙Place the BELL CLAPPER on the BELLS to trigger a mini-game.∙Repeat the melody shown on the bells.∙The solutions are random. You must complete 5 rounds of this puzzle to beat the game.∙Pick up the MAGIC SAND circled in blue in the lower right. Throw it over parts of the scene to find fragmented items.∙Please look at the screenshot for the locations of all the items.∙Place the MISSING PART OF THE COMPASS on the COMPASS (2) in the lower center and pick up the LAST SAIL fragment on the ground.∙Place the PIECE OF THE SAIL on the hole in the sail in the upper right to patch it.∙Place the HANDLE on the WINCH (1); click on it to raise the anchor.∙Go back to the library.∙Pick up the 5 MISSING CONTINENTS in the scene.∙Place the 5 MISSING CONTINENTS on the GLOBE to trigger a puzzle.∙Move the concentric circles around until you form the image shown on the screenshot.∙Pick up the MAGIC GLASSES inside the globe. They allow you to see through illusions. You will use these in the next chapter.∙Click on the clock and turn it back into night so you can exit the scene and go back to the shipyard.∙Click on the helicopter to change the illusion.∙Pick up the last SCISSOR piece below the raised anchor.∙Cut the ROPE above the PACKAGE and the chest will fall.∙Place the TOOLBOX on the chest and click on it to view a code.∙Click on the PUZZLE in the lower right corner and enter the CODE found inside the chest.∙The code must be pressed in the same order as the code. The solution will vary depending on your game.∙Cut each of the 5 BALLASTS on the side of the ship with the SCISSORS.∙Go to the Garden.∙Pick up all the fragmented items in the scene.∙Drag the JAR around the scene and click on the FIREFLIES scattered around the scene until you catch 10 FIREFLIES.∙The red circles in the screenshot represent the approximate locations of the fireflies.∙Place the FIREFLIES on each of the 5 STANDS in the scene to remove the illusions and find what you need.∙Please look at the screenshot and pick up all the marked items.∙Dig up the mound of DIRT (A) with the SHOVEL; pick up the last piece of the WATERING CAN when the FIREFLY JAR is on the stand close to it.∙Place the WATERING CAN on the water in the upper left; pick up the TOBACCO LEAF part in the water.∙Grind the TOBACCO LEAF in the HAND MILL (B) in the lower right corner.∙Place the SHOVEL WITH SOIL in the POT (C) in the lower right corner.∙Place the FIREFLY JAR on the stand in the upper left.∙Give the MANDRAKE PLANT the GROUND TOBACCO; pick up the last piece of the MANDRAKE SEEDS that falls in the lower left.∙Place the MANDRAKE SEEDS along with the WATERING CAN WITH WATER in the pot in the lower right.∙Dig up the fully grown MANDRAKE ROOTS with the SHOVEL.∙Click on the MANDRAKE ROOT on the pot.∙Exit on the left, activate the helicopter and go inside the flying ship.∙Place the MANDRAKE ROOT on the round MAGIC ENGINE.∙Click on the SHIP’S WHEEL to complete this chapter.Find the Differences∙Go back to Chapter I in the book and find the differences between both images.∙The next 5 images show you the solutions for all 5 puzzles.Chapter IIOutside Temple∙Beginning in this chapter you can use the MAGIC GLASSES whenever you need them; activate them now.∙Pick up the items marked in the screenshot. The items marked in double lines require the use of the MAGIC GLASSES before they can be picked up.∙Place the SUN MEDALLION on the LION STATUE on the right to lift its paw.∙Deactivate the MAGIC GLASSES.∙Click on the LION’S FOREHEAD to obtain the last DRAGONFLY fragment.∙Click on the LION’S EYES to obtain 2 GOLD COINS.∙Zoom into the green box below the lion and place the DRAGONFLY in the empty slot.∙Pick up the last FIRE SYMBOL inside the box.∙Place the FIRE SYMBOL on the firecracker cart next to the lion.∙Activate the MAGIC GLASSES.∙Pick up the GOLD COIN marked in red and the MARBLE in white.∙Give the GOLD COINS to the CHINESE DEMON on the left to play a mini-game.∙You have to guess correctly the location of the ball 5 times for the Demon to let you through the door.∙Pick up the last MARBLE by the door and place them on the door’s peephole to trigger a mini-game.∙You must make rows of matching marbles.∙Click on a marble and it will move to an empty spot.∙Marbles in the middle cannot be moved.∙Please watch the video for a step-by-step solution for this puzzle.∙Go through the door to access the Canal.∙Pick up the items marked in the screenshot. The items marked in double lines require the use of the MAGIC GLASSES before they can be picked up.∙Place the SACK OF SAND on the lever on the right to lift it.∙Wear the Magic Glasses and pick up the 2 PADDLE PIECES (A & B) in the scene.∙Deactivate the Magic Glasses.∙Place the LOTUS FLOWERS on the leaves on the lily pads in the water; pick up the PADDLE PIECE (C) in the water.∙Place the PADDLE on the BOAT and click on it to reach your next destination. The last piece of the CANDLE and the EMPEROR’S SEAL will have to be picked up later.∙Pick up the items marked in the screenshot. The items marked in double lines require the use of the MAGIC GLASSES before they can be picked up.∙Place the MATCHES on the LANTERN.∙Pick up the SHUTTLE (A) piece below the lantern.∙Cut the Left ROPE with the STRANGE KNIFE∙Pick up the SHUTTLE piece marked in yellow (B) and the LADDER (C) marked in white. Use the Magic Glasses for the Shuttle piece.∙Use the Magic Glasses to pick up the GEAR BELT (D) piece marked in green in the upper center and then deactivate the glasses.∙Place the LADDER on the right and zoom into the PANEL.∙Remove each of the 4 SCREWS with the STRANGE KNIFE.∙Place the GEAR BELT on the GEARS and click on the switch to drain the water in the canal.∙Pick up the SHUTTLE (E) piece on the left.∙Place the SHUTTLE FOR THE LOOM on the LOOM on the left.∙Click on the lower center to return to the previous scene.∙Activate the Magic Glasses and pick up t he EMPEROR’S SEAL fragment on the seashell inside the canal.∙Deactivate the Glasses.∙Pick up the last CANDLE fragment on the left.∙Light the CANDLES with the FIRECRACKER on the left.∙Go back to the previous scene by clicking below the bridge.∙Flip the switch in the upper right to fill up the canal; click on the boat in the water.∙Activate the Magic Glasses and click on the BLUE LANTERN floating in the canal.∙Place the BURNING CANDLES on the blue lantern and pick up the last EMPEROR’S SEAL fragment.∙Click on the boat.∙Click on the switch to drain the water and exit.∙Place the EMPEROR’S SEAL on the door in the lower right; go through it.∙Pick up the items marked in the screenshot. The items marked in double lines require the use of the MAGIC GLASSES before they can be picked up.∙The HELMET, VALVE & SPEAR will be complete at the end of this search.∙Place the HELMET on the LEFT SOLDIER (A).∙Give the SPEAR to the RIGHT SOLDIER (B) and the whole scene will shake.∙Pick up the last SPELL OF DESTRUCTION (C) fragment that falls in the lower right.∙Place the VALVE on the PIPE (D) in the upper right and click on the valve to turn it.∙Zoom into the GRATE (G) below the pipes, place the SPELL OF DESTRUCTION on it and pick up the last piece of the ARMOR.∙Place the ARMOR on the MIDDLE SOLDIER (E).∙Go through the DOOR (F) in the back of the scene.∙Click on the left MUSICIAN’S STATUE (A).∙Click on the right STATUE (B).∙Click on the EMPEROR on the horse.∙Pick up the items marked in the screenshot. The items marked in double lines require the use of the MAGIC GLASSES before they can be picked up.∙Give the MUSICAL INSTRUMENT to the MUSICIAN (A) on the left and pick up the last SCOOP WITH IRON fragment next to her.∙The 1ST MAGIC GEM FOR PORTAL (Blue) will go into your inventory.∙Place the SCOOP WITH IRON on the LAVA (C) in the upper right.∙Go through the EXIT on the left and click on the VALVE in the upper right to shut off the water.∙Go back to the Emperor’s Room.∙Place the HARNESS on the SECOND HORSE (D).∙Go back and click on the VALVE in the upper right to turn the water back on.∙Go back to the Emperor’s Room and fill the JUG with water from the fountain.∙Zoom into the CHEST (E) on the right and place the MOLD FOR A SWORD on top of the chest, followed by the SCOOP WITH MELTED IRON and the JUG WITH WATER.∙Pick up the SWORD and give it to the COMMANDER on the right (B). He tells you that you must travel to find the Silkworm.∙The 2ND MAGIC GEM FOR PORTAL (Green) will go into your inventory.∙Go back through all the locations and pick up the SILKWORM pieces as shown in the screenshot.∙When you go to the room with the old lady, click on the switch in the upper right to turn on the water. Click on the boat to go back to the canal and enter the door in the upper left to go back outside.∙Go back to the Old lady after all the parts of the SILKWORM have been picked up and hand it to her.∙Once the SILK THREAD goes into inventory place it on the LOOM on the left to trigger a puzzle.Cloak Puzzle∙You must click on the threads in the correct order to form the correct image.∙Click on the color in the upper center and then click on the needle to add the thread to the loom.∙If you make a mistake you will have to start over.∙The solutions are as follows:Bird Puzzle: Blue-Green-Yellow-RedDragon Puzzle: Yellow-Blue-Red-GreenLion Puzzle: Blue-Yellow-Green-RedFlower Puzzle: Red-Green-Blue-YellowEagle Puzzle: Red-Yellow-Green-Blue∙Pick up the SILK CLOAK FOR THE EMPEROR on the bed.∙Turn the water off by clicking on the switch, go back to the Emperor’s Room and hand him the SILK CLOAK FOR THE EMPEROR.∙The 2ND MAGIC GEM FOR PORTAL (White) will enter inventory.∙Place the 3 MAGIC GEMS FOR THE PORTAL above the portal in the back of the scene to end this chapter.Find the Differences Puzzle∙Go back to Chapter II in the book and find the differences between both images.∙The next 5 images show you the solutions for all 5 puzzles.Chapter III∙Pick up the items marked in the screenshot. The items marked in double lines require the use of the MAGIC GLASSES before they can be picked up.∙Put the CAMEL’S THORN’S into the BOWL (A) to make the camel step forward.∙Use the Magic Glasses on the camel’s hump to find the last SHOVEL fragment inside the bag.∙Dig a hole in front of the last STATUE (B) and pick up the last HEADDRESS fragment.∙Place the HEADDRESS on the BALD STATUE (C) on the left and pick up the GLASS EYE from its HAND (D).∙Place the GLASS EYE on the EYE SOCKET (E) of the middle statue and pick up the last fragment of the STONE BEARD at the end of the beam of light.∙Place the STONE BEARD on the chin of the last statue and pick up the last fragment of the PHARAOH’S SCEPTERS from its mouth.∙Zoom into the ENTRYWAY on the left and give the PHARAOH’S S CEPTERS to the pharaoh to trigger a mini-game.∙Click on any 2 tiles to reveal what is behind them. Matching pairs will be eliminated.∙Go through the door after the puzzle has been solved.∙Pick up the items marked in the screenshot. The items marked in double lines require the use of the MAGIC GLASSES before they can be picked up.∙Place the ANKH at the bottom of the sarcophagus and pick up the COLUMN symbol inside.∙Charm the SNAKE on the left with the SNAKE CHARMER’S FLUTE and pick up the COLUMN symbol.∙Place the EYE OF RA on the EYE SHAPE on the back wall and pick up the COLUMN symbol.∙Zoom into the CHEST in the back, place the SCORPION’S TAIL on the scorpion and pick up the COLUMN symbol.∙Place the STRAIGHT symbol on COLUMN 1, the SPIRAL symbol on COLUMN 2, the PAW symbol on COLUMN 3 and the HAND symbol on COLUMN 4.∙Exit in the upper right corner, you can find the abacus beads later.。
魔法全书3 通关攻略(Magic Book 3)Chapter 1Scene 11. Collect ropes and curtain;2, clock, collection of gear, the gear installed back clock;3, the clock the sun into the moon, collecting mirror;Assemble mirror4, the mirror mounted to the globe on the mirror, mirror and mirror to collect keys, collect to install on the chair frame, then the clock on the moon into the sun, collected the last key block.5, the clock the sun into the moon, from the top of the screen at the middle, with a key to open the door, entered the scene 2;Scene two1. Collect red bottles (item 4) and put it on the experimental platform;Small game: Unicom potions and bottles2, point the red bottle, change the scene, continue to collect, complete the blue bottle and parchment, and put the blue bottleon the experimental table;Small game: Unicom potions and bottles3. Place parchment on the back of the test stand;Small game: look for words in sequence4. Get a magic parchment (with a pair of wings on it) and use it on a lift (something like a box next to a carpet) to rise and get a piece of a magic wand;5, blue bottle, scene change, the parchment on the back of the test box, get a magic parchment (painted a key), a part of the telescope is collected (item 2), red bottle, scene change, with the key to open the skylight parchment lock.6, objects two installed back to the telescope, clickSmall game: according to the small map back to the stars in situ7, the constellation chart, three constellation display light in the game, get a portion of the magic wand;8. Point the blue bottle, change the scene, get the last part of the magic wand, point the red medicine bottle, and use the magic wand to use the carpet on the ground;Small game: click on the same color.9 enter scene three;Scene Three1, collect items, together with the bucket bucket, wells played water, extinguish the fire;2, the toolbox (right side of the bridge on the edge of the box), and then hit a bucket of water cooling, wrench, collect the toolbox (item 5), with a helicopter repair toolbox.Small game: mobile nodes so that the lines are not crossed3. Use a toolbox to open the wooden box on the right of the bridge and collect a part of the handle (item 4);4. Start the helicopter, collect the goods, collect the boards (Articles 1) and the handle (item 4), put the board on the bridge, use the tool box to fix the bridge, put the hanging parcel down with the handle, board the boat and enter the scene 4Scene four1, collect items, collect (2 items) and clapper mop (item 5), first in the mop bucket soaked, then wipe off the stain on the deck, that magic glasses on the globe in a scene, the bells in the bell;Small game: beat the bell according to the order given2, get the magic magic sand, Belteshazzar around, the scene changes, collect the compass (item 1), will be installed in thecompass compass, set the canvas (item 4), fill the sail canvas,3. Set up the handle and lift the anchor with the handle back to scene threeScene Three1. Start the helicopter and collect the scissors (item 2),2. Use scissors, scissors, five ballast on the ship3. Use scissors to cut the rope on the parcel, get a box, use the toolbox to open the box, get the password, open the door of the lower right corner with the password, enter the scene fiveScene five1. Collect objects, collect glass bottles (item 1), carry bottles, collect fireflies, place fireflies on the shelf, and change the scene around the shelf to collect them. Collect the shovel (item 4), off the mound, the earth will be quiet on the table in the pot, 2, Qi (item 3), the kettle is filled with water in the pond;3. Gather leaves and grind into powder in the grinder, Used to bite the seeds of flowers, to get the best seed;4, the seeds into the pot, pour water in a kettle, with shovels that grew out of the plant, a return to the sceneScene 11. Collect the map and put it back on the globePuzzle: a revolving jigsaw puzzleGet magic glasses and go back to scene fourScene fourPut the "ginseng Doll" into the magic ball, click on the rudder, take off, and enter Chapter 2Raiders wrote it only to find that really troublesome, and now admire the author of those Raiders Raiders, I give you my deepest respect. I'm too lazy to write down to see if anyone is watching and if anyone is interested.Think of people who can't be too irresponsible and decide to continue writingChapter 2- ChinaScene 11. Collect objects, collect dragonflies (Articles 2) and articles 4, put objects 4 on lions, lions raise their claws, dragonflies on the box, open the box, and collect the word "fire" (Article 5);2, "fire" word lit fireworks, set Qi Jinbi (Article 1), and the devil playing gamesSmall game: three choose one3, collect (3 items), put the ball on the plate in the doorSmall game: the same color of the ball into a straight line4 enter scene twoScene two1, collect items, collect Lotus (Article 2) and sandbag (Article 3), lotus on the lotus leaf, sandbag open the water gate;2, collect the oar (item 5), on the boat;3, boat, enter the scene along the waterway three;Scene Three1. Collect items, collect knives (items 3), use the rope to cut the sling;2. Collect the conveyor belts (Articles 1), matches (objects 4), and light the lanterns with matches;3. Collect the ladder, put the ladder under the gate, open the screw with a knife, and find that the conveyor belt is less,install and upload the belt, turn off the gate and stop the flow.4, collect (2 items), the shuttle loom Fang Jing on the edge of the old woman, returned to the scene twoScene two1. Collect candles (item 1) and set aside with fireworks;2, use magic glasses in the shell found a part of Yuxi, returned to the scene three, open the gate, back to the boat scene two;3, use the magic glasses of water lights, water lights lit with a burning candle, set Qi Yuxi (item 4), returned to the scene three, shut the gate up, return to the scene two, with Yuxi enters the scene fourScene four1, collect items, collect the gun (item 4) and valves (5 items), the gun to the right (3 items of pottery figurine, gathered at the reel), the valve installed in the pipe, rotating valve, pipe reel for corrosion before the grate, collect the helmet (item 2), on the left side of the figurines, gathered armor (item 1) to the middle of the pottery figurine, enters the scene five;Scene five1, collect items, set Qi Jianmo (item 2) (item 5), and a sword die put stone bed in the upper right corner of the horse, found in the water can not return to the scene on the harness, fourshut off valves, come back to see the horse has stood up, a good harness;2, and then back to scene four, open the valve, set the Qin (item 1) to the left female servant, get a gem;3, collect iron (item 3) (item 4), and the kettle kettle full of water in the pool, the iron melt in the magma, the sword into the mold, cooling water, get the sword to a hundred years of samurai, also get stones;4, according to the items left circle in five scenes collected from five parts of the silkworm (to return to the scene of a need to open the valve back to the boat to the scene three, scene two) and then to the scene three old lady silkworm, silk weaving machine to get;Small game: weaving5. Get the fabric, close the lock, return to scene five, hand it over to the emperor, get third stones, put the jewel on the door behind the emperor, and enter Chapter 3, Chapter 3Scene 11, collect items, collect camel thorn (Article 3), and put it into the eating basin,Lure the camel and use magic glasses to carry a pack on the camel's back;2, collect (5 items), shovel shovel sand right off the statue, collect the headdress, worn on the left side of the statue,3. Get the eyeball and put it on the middle of the statue;4. Collect the beard and put it on the statue on the right,5, collect the staff, put it into the cave inThe elimination of the same, by memory6 enter scene twoScene two1 collect items, collect scorpion tail (Article 5), unlock the box, get the symbol of the palm, put it into the corresponding column;2, collect the ancient Egyptian Cross (Article 2), open the mummy, get second signs, put it into the corresponding stone column;3. Collect the eye of radium (object 3), put it into the blank space on the wall, and get third signs, put them into the corresponding column;4. Collect the flute (item 4), point the snake basket, and get fourth signs, put them into the corresponding column;5, still poor four beads, first do not tube, along the rightstaircase to the scene three;Scene Three1, collect items, collect the collar (item 5), on the left side the first cat wear;2. Gather the bellows (item 4), light the carbon in the middle, get carbon ashes, and color the second cats on the left;3. Collect the brush (object 1) and brush off the dust on the wallJigsaw puzzle4. Collect the gold cup (item 2) to the first cat on the right5, collect (3 items), head to the right second cats, returned to the scene two, get four beads, put on the wall inside the abacus into the scene, four;Scene four1. Collect objects, collect feathers (Articles 1), and give them to birds;2. Collect the sword (item 2) and put it in the hand of the statue on the left;3. Pick up hoe (item 3) and hoe the lamp at the mark cross;4. Collect the tortoise (item 5) and put it in the pond;5, collect the turban (Article 4), wipe the magic lamp, immortal help to get coconut,Small game: push box6, take the coconut to Sphinx, get the key, open Shimen, go into scene five;Scene five1, collect items, collect the hammer (item 2), broke the vase on the left;2, gather grapes (Article 4), to the peacock to eat;3. Collect tiles (items 1) and install them on the right box; Small game: according to the order of a peacock;4, feathers, assembly pliers (item 3), a crocodile clip mouth branch;5. Collect weights and weigh the feathers on the scales Small game: Feather6, the feather to the king of Egypt, the old rules, five parts of goods in accordance with the columns on the left circle in five scenes collected Scarab into Chapter4;Tips1, find items: if you can not find the point, but also can not find the point of magic glasses, and then hint;2, a set of items to use it, because sometimes some need to show up;Chapter4Scene 11, collect items, set Qi Haidan (Article 2) and fishing rod (Article 3), fishing rod fishing in the fish;Small game: Fishing2. Collect wooden cages (Articles 1), cover crabs, and take seaweed;3. Use the fish to feed the seagulls and dolphins;4, collect fish (item 4) and wood (5 items), lit the fire in the boiler, the beach pictures in the order in the boiling pot add fish, seaweed, sea urchin, enters the scene two scene two1. Collect objects, collect Necklace (item 3), and give it to the mermaid;2, collect the Nautilus (item 5), hanging on the left a big stone,stone;3, set the draft (Article 1), break the statue on the right;4. Collect the knife (item 2), cut the rope from the box and enter the scene three;Scene Three1 collect items,Collect the harpoon (item 5) and fork the shark;2. Collect the screwdriver (object 3) and pull out the plug on the right;3. Collect the brush (object 1) and clean the picture on the wall;Small game: Huarong road carp version4, collect lightning pattern (item 2), beneath the central disk;5, collect (4 items), gloves catch eel, open the door to enter the four round, sceneScene four1, collect objects, collect fishing nets (Article 3), live in the hippocampus;2, collect the lantern (item 2), on the lantern fishI would like to say this, I play here for the first time, casually put lanterns on the fish, and the fish did not appear, I do not know whether it is BUG, and finally can only change the name of re play, very depressed. The second time, I was very careful, and when the fish swim into the big fish bone, then put on lanterns, then there's no problem.3. Collect the bucket (item 1) and hang it on the hook;4, collect Pearl (Article 4), put into the shell;5. Collect stones (Articles 5) and put them in wooden barrels;6, release of caged fish, blow up the balloons, return to the scene two, collect (4 items), cut off a fence, into the scene five;Scene five1. Collect objects and collect Qi Xiaodao (item 4) and lever off starfish;2, collect the ink bottle (2 items), for squid, cuttlefish ran left a password, unlock the password lock;Jigsaw puzzle3. Collect the axe (item 5) and chop the boat;4, collect the crown jewels (1 items), worn on the head part of the sea, have stone, stone installation, sharpening a knife;5, use a sharp knife to cut the magic mushroom, to the left of the stone statue, stone statue taller,6. Collect the key (item 3) and open the lock on the foot of the sea god;7. Collect the five parts of the trident of Neptune in the five scenes in the left circle of the column;8, collect the Trident with scene three electric eel to charge the Trident, returned to the scene five, the Trident to Poseidon, enter Chapter5Chapter5Scene 11. Collect objects and collect a part of the stone tool (item 5);2. Gather hay balls (object 2), Fang Jing throwing stones;;3. Gather the ice Mantra (item 1), freeze the river, cross the river and enter scene two;Scene two1. Collect objects and collect kites (item 3). Put them on the hook on the ground;2, collect (5 items), watering can filled with kerosene, spray on the fire giants;3, collect (4 items), the rake rake leaves open;4, gather the windmill fan leaf (item 1), return to the windmill,5. Collect the Dagger (item 2), separate the kite rope, and return to Scene 1Scene 11. Gather torches (item 4), ignite on the kite, and ignite the hay balls on the stone tools;2, with a torch in the book of the snow melt, collect (item three) telescope,Jigsaw puzzleSmall game: Test eyesight, find numbers3, throw fireballs hit a giant ice, returned to the scene two, collect ice with water, spray on the fire giants, destroyed, enters the scene three;Scene Three1. Collect objects, collect shells (item 3), and load them into magic cannon;2. Collect Magic Cards (item 2) and put them on the table;Small game: paired, test memory3. Get a unicorn card and smash the shield on the right4, gather magic fire (item 5), put in magic cannon, cannon, kill the knight at the door;5. Collect bows and arrows (objects 1), shoot out large stones and window ropes;6, collect (4 items), curse the knot to tie a knot in a rope, enters the scene fourScene four1. Collect objects, collect Qi Shuzhi (item 5), and fix the broom;2. Collect the teeth (Article 3),Put Gundel on the shelf,3. Collect the glue and stick the stool. With magic glasses, the antlers were broken and glued;4, set a delicacy (item 4), disc to Gundel5. Draw the picture (Article 2) and hang it on the wallSmall game: in chronological order6 enter scene fiveScene five1. Collect objects, collect mirrors (items 2), and load them into frames;2, set hammer (item 1), while the image in the mirror and mirror outside change in the image of the same, break the mirror, repeated three times;3, collect three magic keys (items 3, 4, 5) separately, save three teachers;4, the Magic Book flew, respectively, in five scenes to find the magic book five pages, put the book on the altar;Game: find differentCustoms clearance!。
《 LordOfTheRingsTheReturnOfTheKing 》 英 文
WindowsXP,ME,2000,or98.Windows95andNT arenotsupported.
始发光,开始回血。其中一人死亡都会任务失败。 接着要消灭三个戒灵,同样不能损失英雄。任务 结束。开始放电影剪辑。
回到Frodo和Sam。他们到达了火焰山。 Frodo 带上了魔戒,正犹豫间。咕噜出现,咬断了 Frodo 的手指,抢走了宝贝。这里要把咕噜赶到悬崖边, 并打落他。在其手扒住崖边时,按空格,向下猛 扎,咕噜掉了下去,但又爬上来了。如此几个回 合,终于让咕噜带着他的宝贝掉下悬崖,毁灭了 黑暗势力的代表—魔戒。
lonprocessor 128MBRAM(256MBifusingWindowsXP) SupportedDirectX8.1patiblevideocard* DirectX8.1patiblesoundcard 2.0GBfreeharddiskspace(additionalspac
erequiredforWindowsswap-fileandDirectX8.1 installation)
Keyboard 二、不能玩的原因: 第一次进入游戏时,在圣盔城墙外,甘道夫 用三架弩炮炸毁石桥上的载满火药的车子后,任 务结束。这时,有玩家提出,视角固定,甘道夫 无事可做,不能继续进行。如果你的盘是 2 张的,
t1=这里的山上住着龙族Here's the mountain where the dragons live.
t1=“要阻止龙族,巫师必须转移他的生命进入破坏之箭”"To stop the dragons, the wizard must transfer his life force into the Smashing Arrow."
t9=我必须找到箭的三部分,结合它,来阻止恶龙I must find all three parts of the arrow and unite them in order to stop the dragons!
t1=箭的第一部分,我有一个好开始The first part of the arrow! I'm off to a good start.
t3=这个消息是一个会飞的千纸鹤带来的The news was born in the wings of a paper bird!
t4=这是一个奇怪的消息。我想知道为什么它包含了传送符号...This is a strange message. I wonder why it contains teleportation symbols...
Lev1_3=点击羽毛,他们是锤子的一部分Click on the feathers. They're part of the hammer.
Lev1_4=当你找到一个物品,只有它形状剩余的部分仍然可见When you find an object, only its silhouette remains visible.
Lev1_5=组装锤子Assemble the hammer.
2级打boss,装一把长剑一个盾第一个boss乌龟:没什么技巧,就是不断地攻击,没HP用恢复剂,南极风由于不能像NDS 那样复制,先留着把乌尔村搜刮一空,蓝色的点就是宝箱,以后不再啰嗦托巴巴长老也要对话触发一下剧情,去右上角碰阿鲁克出剧情,村子左上角的屋里有隐藏通道,里面的老人会教你使用和发现机关,同手机操作放大图片,把游戏场景放大后发现闪闪发光的点就是宝物位置到卡兹斯村搜刮,除了右上角的山洞暂时去不了,阿尔克、西德、塔卡(蕾菲亚老爸)都要对话一次收阿尔克(人物经验47),西边沙漠找飞空艇收蕾菲亚(人物经验47)飞去左上角萨斯恩城见国王后收因古斯(人物经验105)。
第一关MAGIC ACADEMY按提示取得油壶,润滑油地球仪,得到雕像的碎片。
第三关TIBETAN MONASTERY从这一关开始才算正经的玩。
第四关FOR TUNETELLER,S COTTAGEE找东西,钉子给缺腿的小木牛,再用锤敲,修好它,进入里面的房间。
《魔法全书》详细图文攻略第一关 maya-pyramid开始很简单,根据提示可以得到一个锤子,敲碎瓦罐后得到半截树枝。
第二关 maya-well/indo-chinamaya-well第三项和第四项可以直接找出。
maya indo第三关 English castle把第三项的水龙头用在机关1(连水管的)。
花园屋里水管第四关 egypt把第三项的金牌放进机关1可以打开机关4(就是那扇门)但是你还进不去要用第四项的铁棍子撬开机关2的门才能进去。
用在外面得到的刀在机关2上得到第一项脚趾头的最后一部分(用在外面的机关2 )。
毕业考试- Elixir of Life ARight-click text:这片土地是你接受考验的场所,许多人都失败了,现在就要看你的了。
扫除邪恶- Elixir of Life BRight-click text:附近有许多盗贼,他们提供的信息一定会对你有所帮助的。
龙领主之谷- Elixir of Life CRight-click text:龙领主们不好对付,所以你应该尽量避免流血冲突。
智取宝物- Elixir of Life DRight-click text:“活力圣瓶”是吸血鬼德加尔赖以生存的宝物,只要你得到这件宝物,他就没有好日子过了。
弱肉强食 - Nighon ARight-click text:哈德渥是尼根资格最老的领主,他曾经战无不胜,但光阴不饶人,他现在只不过是个糟老头子而已。
乘胜追击 - Nighon BRight-click text:根据情报,在上次的战役中哈德渥本人并不在国内,他出发去寻找龙之血瓶了。
神龙之血 - Nighon CRight-click text:只要能得到龙之血瓶,你就拥有了超越一切凡人的实力。
胜利果实 - Nighon DRight-click text:哈德渥这个老狐狸,他到三个尼根的领主那儿去造谣,说什么只要喝了你的血就能得到巨龙的力量。
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魔法全书3 图文攻略第一部分
001 捡起绳子把窗帘绑上,然后点那个钟会发现少一个齿轮
002 收集齿轮碎片把齿轮安回钟面就出现了可以转换白天黑夜的模式
003 切换到夜间模式集齐镜子然后拼回圆形看圆弧形的边拼就好得到完整的镜子放到地球仪上
004 光照到的地方会出现物品收集齐另一面镜子装到椅子上的镜框切换到白天模式折光会把蜡烛烧没出现钥匙的最后一个零件再切换到夜晚模式就可以从门进到场景二
005 收集物品得到红色药水瓶完成小游戏图006
007 点一下红色药水瓶继续收集物品得到蓝色药水瓶望远镜部件和羊皮纸
008 把羊皮纸放到有翅膀图样的板上即出现拼字游戏按提示字串的顺序点击即可
009 印有翅膀图案的羊皮纸放到盒子上盒子会飞起拾取盒下物品蓝色药水瓶放到工作台出现小游戏图010
011 点击蓝色药水瓶切换模式用羊皮纸获取钥匙图样切换回红色药水瓶模式打开角落的锁拾取物品把望远镜部件装上点击望远镜012 完成小游戏013
014 点击星座图选出刚才小游戏出现的三个星座即可拾取星座图后的物品
015 用魔杖点击地面进入小游戏配对相同颜色完成后开启通道进入场景三
016 拾取物品得到水桶和工具箱水桶放到笼头底下接水灭火再接一次水冷却扳手拾取工具得到完整工具箱用工具箱打开箱子得到物品继续工具箱维修直升机完成小游戏(物品之间连接线没有交叉)017
018 点击直升机会出现光线再照到的地方拾取物品得到木板和把手木板放到桥上用工具箱固定把手装上后放下大石块从直升机的光照出的甲板上船进入场景四
019 收集物品得到铃锤拖把铃锤装到玲铛上完成小游戏顺序记忆得到流沙瓶里的沙子在打破的流沙瓶拾取物品拖把打湿后把地上的水渍擦去看到提示图
020 沙子丢出去切换模式收集物品得到把手和指南针零件把手装到绞盘转动绞盘指南针零件装到罗盘上拾取背后物品得到帆安装到破掉的地方通过甲板离开回到场景三
021 在直升机的光照下得到剪刀零件得到完整剪刀用剪刀剪断船上的沙袋剪掉起重机上的绳子包裹掉下用工具箱打开图案顺序为右下角铁门的密码开启铁门进入场景五
022 收集物品得到玻璃瓶拿着玻璃瓶在场景里缓慢移动捕捉出现的萤火虫共10只得到荧光瓶
023 瓶子分别放在六个支架上切换模式收集物品得到铁锹挖土收集物品得到水壶和泥土泥土放入罐子水壶放到池子里打水打完水会有片荷叶飘过收集上面的叶子得到完整的烟叶放入研磨机得到粉末用粉末麻醉大嘴花得到最后一个种子把种子放入泥土罐子浇上水得到人形曼德拉根024 离开场景五回到场景一
025 收集五片地图放到中间的地球仪上完成小游戏拼地图得到切换模式的双色眼镜切换到夜间模式回到场景三
026 点击航班表回到场景四把人形曼德拉根放到水晶球点击船舵第一部分完成第二部分
027 收集物品用双色眼镜切换模式后继续得到太阳徽章、玉蜻蜓太阳徽章放到狮子身上狮子会抬起脚把玉蜻蜓放到盒子上收集物品完成“火”字(注意狮子的眼睛上还有两枚铜币)用“火”字点燃小车上的烟花在掉下的灯笼后找到最后一枚铜币把铜币给门神完成小游戏杯子和球得到最后一个小球
028 把球全放到门上完成小游戏同色排列进入场景二
029 切换模式收集物品先完成莲花和沙袋莲花放到睡莲叶上飘走收集物品沙袋挂到杠杆上闸门开启收集物品完成船桨船桨放到龙舟上点击龙舟进入场景三
030 照旧切换模式收集物品得到小刀割断绳索箱子掉下收集物品集齐火柴盒点燃灯笼得到物品完成梯子、皮带拿梯子点墙角铁盖用小刀把四角螺丝拧开装上皮带拉下闸门水退去得到梭子的最后部分梭子放到织布机上离开场景三回到场景二
031 得到最后一支蜡烛切换模式得到玺印部件回到场景三拉开水闸到场景二蜡烛用岸上的鞭炮点着水面有飘着的小船用眼镜切换点击蓝色的船蜡烛放上去得到玺印最后部件回场景三拉闸回场景二把玺印放在小门上门打开进入场景四
032 收集物品得到阀门装到水管上头盔给左边那个俑人戴上长矛给右边的俑人得到卷轴点击阀门让下面水槽置满水把卷轴放上去得到铠甲最后部件033 给中间的俑人穿上进入场景五
034 收集物品得到古琴剑模水瓶马具回到场景四关掉阀门在场景五给马套上马具古琴给侍女得到宝石剑模放到铸剑台回场景四打开阀门回场景五把水瓶装满水在侍女旁边找到融铁的勺子把勺子放到熔岩上加热到入剑模用水瓶冷却得到剑交给旁边的大将军得到宝石
035 到每个场景收集飞蛾(上岸需要到场景三拉闸门)集齐后到场景三交给老婆婆得到丝线放到织布机上进入小游戏点织布机上的颜色再点梭子(颜色最底下的最先织)[燕子蓝绿黄红;龙黄蓝红绿;麒麟蓝黄绿红;莲花红绿蓝黄;凤凰红黄绿蓝] 得到披风回到场景五交给皇帝得到第三块宝石放到门楣出门第二部分结束
036 收集物品得到荆棘放到骆驼的食盆里骆驼会走过来吃打开它身上的背包获得物品完成铁铲挖开最右边被沙埋住的石像收集出现物品完成头巾放到最左边石像头上得到眼睛给中间的石像在视线聚焦的地方得到物品完成石头胡子给最右边的石像得到法老权杖的最后一部分权杖放到石门上进入小游戏(左右配对)打开石门进入场景二
037 收集物品得到徽章眼睛笛子蝎尾徽章放到石棺上眼睛放到墙壁上指定位置笛子给眼镜蛇蝎尾放到后面的箱子上并在这四个位置分别得到四个标志放入对应的石柱即可从右边的楼梯进入下一个场景
038 收集物品完成项链给左起第一只猫戴上在贝斯特手上的盘子里找到物品完成风箱放到煤堆上拾取煤灰将第二只猫涂黑在盘子里找到笔刷用笔刷清洁背后的壁画点击壁画完成小游戏(拼图039)得到宝石完成酒杯放到第三只猫的石柱上在盘子里找到猫头还给第四只小猫场景三完成
040 回到场景二在石柱的空格里找到最后四个算珠装到右边墙上的算盘石门打开进入场景四
041 收集物品完成羽毛和头巾羽毛给猎鹰收集物品得到剑剑交给石像收集物品完成锄头用锄头挖掘剑指向位置的交叉收集物品完成乌龟并得到神灯乌龟放到水塘里用头巾擦拭神灯出现精灵点击池塘进入小游戏(推箱子图042 完成五只即可)得到椰子交给斯芬克斯换到钥匙打开石像下的门进入场景五
043 收集物品得到锤子砸碎左边瓶子拾取物品完成葡萄交给孔雀完成瓷片记下孔雀羽毛上的瓷片顺序将瓷片放到右边箱子上按羽毛上的顺序排列好044 箱子打开得到真理之羽完成镊子拔掉鳄鱼嘴里的木棒完成砝码将砝码和真理之羽放到天平上使两边尽量平衡045 得到金色的真理之羽将之交给阿努比斯
047 收集物品得到海胆点一下螃蟹螃蟹跑开后底下的物品不要漏掉捡点台阶上的沙画在窗口里找到鱼钩的最后零件完成鱼钩用鱼钩点海里的鱼群进入小游戏(钓鱼,只需要红色的金鱼)完成后得到鱼在鱼群的地方找到木棒完成笼子用笼子抓住螃蟹得到海草把鱼喂给海豚吃海豚游走后得到木头再把鱼喂给海鸥吃(-。
-||| 可怜的鱼喏)海鸥飞走后得到鱼尾完成鱼骨把完成的木头放到锅子下面然后照沙画依次在锅里放入鱼骨海胆和海草点石门进入下一场景
048 收集物品完成贝壳项链交给美人鱼拾取背后物品完成镐和鹦鹉螺用镐砸开右边石像拾取物品完成小刀用小刀割断浮球上的绳子鹦鹉螺放到大石球上将石球吊走门打开进入下一场景
049 收集物品完成鱼叉用鱼叉杀死鲨鱼(又可怜了。
051 收集物品完成渔网用渔网网住海马得到灯笼提手完成灯笼挂到鮟鱇鱼的头上(ps 这部分可能游戏有bug 容易卡住所以最好在鮟鱇鱼在大鱼头里的时候把灯笼给它)在大鱼头的鱼眼和嘴里找到物品(注意模式切换)完成提桶和珍珠珍珠放到左边贝壳里贝壳闭起在后面找到最后一块石头然后把提桶挂到钩子上石头倒进提桶里笼子被提起气鼓鱼游出来点一下它身上的刺会竖起来将橘色浮球扎破箱子掉落回到场景二在打开的箱子里拾取物品完成钢锯锯开铁网门进入场景五。