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1.By no means _____ look down on the poor.

A we

B should be

C should not we

D we should

2.It is desirable that the agreement before ____ Christmas.

A is signed

B was signed

C be signed

D has been signed

3.B atteries should be kept in a dry place _____ electricity should leak away.

A for reason that

B in spite of that

C because of that

D for fear that

4.Neither Dave nor his sisters _____a consent from their parents for tomorrow’s trip.

A needs

B need

C has been

D has

5. _____ the store did Carol realize that there was danger .

A Upon entering

B When he entered

C Only after entering

D After he had entering

6.Especially important to many people _____.

A. there be legislation against pollution

B. it is legislation against pollution

C. legislation against pollution is

D. is legislation against pollution

7._____ with the size of the whole earth ,the huge mountains do seen very tiny.

A. When compared B . If you compare

C. Comparing

D. A comparison

8. This is the size of the whole earth , the huge mountains do seen very tiny.

A. When compared

B. If you compare

C. Comparing

D. A comparison

9. It is time he _____ the artist said posed as a model for the painting .

A .who

B . whom C. what D. which

10. It is important that he ____ his reservation before Saturday.

A. will confirm

B. confirms

C. confirm

D. must confirm

11. It is necessary that an efficient worker ____ his work on time.

A.accomplishes B. can accomplish C. has accomplish D. accomplish

12.I’d just as soon _____ those confidential documents with you.

A.that you did not take

B. your not taking

C. that you taking

D.you do not take

13.Each of you _____ responsible for the accident.

A are B. has C. are D. be

14. Y ou and I_____ of the same age.

A. am

B. is

C. were D .is

15.Either you or your teather _____ mistaken。the gentleman mention

A. are

B. has

C. were

D. is

16.Not only Tom but also I ______ fond of swimming.

A. am

B. is


D. were

17.Y ou can’t be ______careful in making the decision as it was such a critical case。

A. very

B. so C .too D. quite

18._____ one hundred dollars a big sum to him.

A. Will

B. Were

C. Is

D. Are

19.A number of books on how to prepare for the entrance examination ______ compiled by him.

20. The number of student in the oral English training program_____ limited to 20.

A.is B.are C were D .has

21.Amy had a wonderful time at the party,_____ she ?

A. hadn’t

B. didn’t

C. hasn’t

D. wasn’t

22.Today’s weather is not as hot as yesterday ,______ ?

A. isn’t it

B. was n’t it C .was it D is it

23.David isn’t a good student ,for it is the third time that he has been late ,______?

A. isn’t he

B. hasn’t he

C. isn’t he

D. is he

24.let’s go dancing down there,______?

A. shall we B will we
