双电源自动切换控制器说明书(CN B44 2011[1].06.13)
NA1系列双电源自动切换控制器概述产品型号及含义正常工作条件和安装条件性能特点断路器型号、规格Page 01 Page 02 Page 02主要技术参数故障切换过程外形及安装尺寸工作原理安装与调试二次接线图订货须知Page 02 Page 02 Page 04Page 12Page 12Page 15Page 19 Page 01 Page 01目录1 概述NA1系列自动电源转换开关(简称NA1)主要由两台NA1系列万能式断路器、机械连锁及双电源转换控制器等组成,适用于频率50Hz,额定工作电压400V的两路三相四线制电网中。
本系列产品符合GB14048.2和GB/T 14048.11标准。
2 产品型号及含义N A 1 - □双电源控制器功能代号:R-电网转电网,自投自复型S-电网转电网,自投不自复型(试制中,暂不供货)F-电网转发电,自投自复型企业设计序号企业万能式断路器代号企业特征代号3 正常工作条件和安装条件3.1 周围空气温度:上限值不超过+40℃;下限值不低于-5℃;24h内的平均值不超过+35°环境温度低于-5℃时,订货时需要特殊注明。
3.2 极限大气条件按照NA1万能式断路器使用说明书第1页1.3c条款要求。
3.3 安装地点:安装地点的海拔高度不超过2000m。
3.4 污染等级为3级。
3.5 安装类别为IV类。
3.6 主回路的使用类别为AC-33B,电动机负载或混合负载。
3.7 安装条件:双电源系统的两台NA1万能式断路器在相邻的两个配电柜中进行水平安装,两台断路器 左侧板之间的最大距离不超过1.5m,两台断路器之间安装钢缆连锁进行连锁。
在本BA 系统中把冷源部分分成2个系统即冷源一和冷源二。
冷源系统流程图如下所示:✓冷源机组的控制:⏹监控内容监控设备数量监控内容程序最优开关控制,手自动状态运行状态,故障状态,水流冷水机组4台开关冷冻泵水泵5台程序最优开关控制, 运行状态,故障状态,手自动状态冷却水泵5台程序最优开关控制, 运行状态,故障状态,手自动状态电动蝶阀12台程序最优开关控制, 运行状态,故障状态,手自动状态冷却塔4台程序最优开关控制, 运行状态,故障状态,手自动状态⏹启停顺序控制冷冻水系统启动顺序:冷却塔进出口蝶阀→冷却塔风机→冷却电动蝶阀→冷却水泵→冷冻机进出口蝶阀→冷冻水泵→冷水机组。
施耐德 双电源MG ATS用户手册
ATS技术操作规程一.送电前检查1.检查接线是否正确检查ACP(辅助控制板)与BA或UA(控制器)之间9#.10#连接端子对应是否正确;检查ACP上P25M与断路器之间接线是否正确(详见“ATS接线”单页)2.检查BA或UA控制器顶部17#.18#;20#.21#端子是否安装,17#.18#;20#21#已分别短封好;3.检查断路器电操左下方的手动(manu)和电动(auto)切换拨钮是否在“auto”位置;4.检查电操与BA或UA控制器的操作电压是否一致(220V~或380V~);5. 检查ATS装置无异物;6.检查ACP上P25M是否已在合闸位置。
二.操作试验1.预设电源转换时间: 通过控制器右上方时间整定钮调整;2.将BA或UA控制器上的选择开关置于“STOP”位置,将ACP上“N(工作电源)”及“R(备用电源)”侧P25M分别合闸(两台断路器电操储能)。
3.将BA或UA控制器上的选择开关转到“auto”位, N断路器合闸,BA或UA“N”、“R”侧ON或OFF指示断路器的合分状态。
观察控制器指示与断路器电操上的ON. OFF位置应一致;4.将ACP上N侧P25M开关分断模拟电源故障, 此时N侧断路器分断;R侧断路器合闸(系统自动转换到备用电源R侧); 合上N侧开关,电源应自动恢复到主电源(N)侧合闸---自投自复功能;5.将N侧断路器下端的故障试验推杆按入(模拟负荷故障),N侧断路器断开BA或UA控制器的N侧Fault指示灯亮(红色),电源并不转换到备用侧; 手动拨N侧断路器电操的储能手柄2次,(N侧断路器储能、合闸)故障复位,控制器N侧Fault指示灯灭, 恢复原始状态;6.将BA或UA控制器选择开关置“R”位, 则ATS强制在备用电源侧运行; 同样再置“N”位, ATS强制在工作电源运行,此操作过程中,控制器电源指示均正常;7.将选择开关置“manual /stop”位, 控制器指示灯全部灭,两台断路器均处于断开位置(储能状态)此时可手动操作:8.将电操手、电动切换钮置“manual”位, 两台开关均手动储能, 按电操的手动合分按钮,合N侧,电操指示ON位; 若再合R侧,则备用电源侧无法合闸,说明该装置具有机械联锁功能。
功能特性................................................................................................................................................. 20 A型 ............................................................................................................................................................22 B型装置式 ...............................................................................................................................................23 B型面板式.............................................................................................................................................. 26 D型智能型 ............................................................................................................................................. 29
1施耐德低压柜操作程序一、(WATSN )电源进线柜操作程序: 1、控制器面板功能:1.1、开关状态指示灯: N(R)电源指示(黄):常亮-常(备)用电源正常;闪亮-常(备)用电源故障(断相/过压/欠压)。
N (R )闭合指示(绿):灯亮-常(备)用电源闭合。
N (R )脱扣指示:灯亮-常(备)用电源脱扣。
1.2.、数码管显示:V (V )灯亮:自动循环显示常用电源(Un 亮)和备用电源(Ur 亮)电压;T(s)灯亮:数码管以倒计时方式显示转换/返回延时时间; 运行灯亮:控制器处于正常运行状态;自动灯:常亮—控制器以自动方式工作;闪亮—自动方式下两路电源均发生故障;强制切换灯:常亮—控制器工作在强制切换状态;闪亮—强制切换方式下两路电源均发生故障。
1.3、键盘操作区:复位键:控制器复位开关↙键:运行状态—控制器自动(对应自动灯)/强制切换(对应强制切换灯)方式的转换键在设置状态—确认键(自动存储设置数据,同时进入下一项设置)2 ▲键:在强制切换方式—按下此键常用电源(N )闭合;在设置方式—递增键▼键:在强制切换方式—按下此键备用电源(R )闭合;在设置方式—递减键OFF 键: WATSN 开关置于双分(OFF )位置。
系统设置灯亮:控制器处于参数设置状态; 消防灯亮:接收到火灾报警信号。
2、操作程序: 2.1、 键盘操作:2.1.1、打开进线柜柜门,在内部(WATSN )断路器上将手动一自动开关置于“自动位置”,闭合柜门。
2.1.2、自动操作:将控制器设为互为备用工作方式(设置控制器参数第7项为NA ,并通过回车键切换为自动工作方式),通电后,如果常用电源正常,开关将自动使常用电源断路器闭合。
2.1.3、强制切换操作:通过回车键进行自动/手动强制方式的切换,当处于手动强制状态时,强制切换灯亮,然后可以通过▲键使常用电源合;通过▼键使备用电源合;通过OFF 键在无NB/RB 报警时,使开关置于 0位。
Reliability, versatility and performanceEaton offers a comprehensive portfolio of UL T 1008 Listed automatic transfer switch (ATS) solutions to meet a wide variety of backup power applications.The contactor type ATS line is not only reliable and simple to operate, but also available in a broad selection of product configurations. When coupled with Eaton’s extensive custom engineering capabilities, finding the right transfer switch for your project has never been easier. Whether your needs are standard commercial, harsh industrial or mission critical, the robust construction and performance of an Eaton ATS sets the standardfor maintaining power to critical loads and optimizing system uptime.Product configurations• Closed and open transition(in-phase, time delayed, loadvoltage decay)• 40 A to 3000 A• Two-, three- and four-pole• Up to 600 Vac, 50/60 Hz• Single- or three-phase• Cam-Lok E quick-connectterminals• Service entrance—UL 1008Listed and 100% rated• Integral circuit breakerwith electronic trip(LSI, LSIG, ALSI, ALSIG)• Arcflash ReductionMaintenance System E(ARMS) complies withNEC T 240.87• NEMA T 1, 12, 3R, 4Xenclosure or openframe design• Automatic transfer controller—ATC-900, ATC-300+, ATC-100Codes and standards• UL 1008 Listed• CSA T C22.2 No. 178 Certified• Seismic qualified—OSHPD,CBC, IBC, UBC Zone 4• NFPA T 110 and NationalElectrical Code T (NEC T)Articles 700, 701, 702, 708Features and benefits• Automatic and non-automaticmodes of operation• Solenoid-operated double-throw power switch• Mechanically interlocked toprevent simultaneousconnection of both sources• Quick-connect, multi-taptransformer panel derivescontrol power from eithersource and permits fieldselection of system voltage• Top/bottom cable entry• Industry standard serialcommunication (Modbus T RTU)• Auxiliary contacts indicateposition of main contacts• Dual automatic plantexercisers for schedulingunloaded and loadedengine-generator testing• Programmable control inputsand relay outputs for loadmanagement• Programmable transitionfallback settings• Advanced source sensingincorporates negativesequence voltage detectionfor identifying phaseloss condition• USB port for downloadingpower quality data, managingset point profiles andupdating firmwareOptions and accessories• ATC-900 controller accessorymodules:• DCT—integral powermetering (load) and 24 Vdcexternal supply power• I/O—expand programmablecontrol inputs (up to 20)and Form C relay outputs(up to 20)• Advanced power qualitymetering (PXM series) ofsource or load• Surge protective device(UL 1449 3rd edition)• 7-inch color touch HMi remoteannunciator to monitor andcontrol a single or multiple (upto eight) transfer switches• Ethernet communication(Modbus TCP/IP, BACnet,EtherNet/IP)• Thermostat controlledheater element for outdoorapplications• Compression lug terminals• Non-automatic operatorcontrols and indication lights3000 A rating shownProduct selection—catalog numbering systemA Limited to 400 A and below.B Emergency side circuit breaker available upon request. Check with factory.C Stainless steel option available for 1600–3000 A. Check with factory.D 304 or 316 grade stainless steel available for ratings up to 1200 A.Standard and optional ATC controller featuresAutomatic controllerA Modbus TCP/IP option requires use of Modbus RTU port.Quick-connect Cam-Lok terminationTransfer switches can be configured with a Cam-Lok power panel for quick connection to a temporary emergency power source (engine-generator).The color-coded power panel resides in an isolated compartment and is constructed of industry-standard 16 series Cam-Lokreceptacles (male) mounted on a high- strength fiberglass-reinforced polyester material. Each Cam-Lok receptacle is rated for 400 A and can be equipped with an optional hinged cover. Ground ampacity can be specified as 25%, 50% or 100% of the transfer switch ampere rating.Cam-Lok quick-connect panel (1200 A) with 25% (minimum) ground ampacity Door safety interlock Hinged door flapHinged bottom flap secures in closed position when cables are not presentDoor latches2EATON Automatic transfer switchesOpen transition—standard dimensions and weights1Transferswitch rating Device Dimensions in inches (mm)Normal,emergency, NeutralWeight Closed transition—standard dimensions and weights1Transferswitch rating Device Dimensions in inches (mm)Normal, emergency,NeutralWeight A Dimensions and weights are applicable fora standard product configuration at 480 V and subject to change. Please reference product outline drawings for the latest detailed information.B Neutral connection size listed is for productconfiguration with a solid neutral. For product configurations with a switched neutral (four-pole), reference the size listed in the Emergency/Load Connection column.C Three-pole product configuration.D Four-pole product configuration.3EATON Automatic transfer switchesEaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States © 2021 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. PA140015EN / Z24706January 2021UL 1008 withstand closing current ratingsTransferswitch rating Device Short-circuit withstand closing current rating (kA)Short-timewithstand closing current rating (kA)When protected by a circuit breaker When protected bya specific circuit breaker When protected by a specific fuseWhen protected by a circuit breaker Time duration(0.05 sec max.) AB Manufacturer and type based Manufacturer and type based Time duration (0.5 sec max.)480 Vac max. 600 Vac max. 480 Vac max. 600 Vac max. 480 Vac max. Fuse Max. fuse size 600 Vac max. Fuse Max. fuse size 480 Vac max. 600 Vacmax. A For open transition transfer switches rated 40–200 A (C2 device type), time duration is 0.025 sec maximum.B For closed transition transfer switches rated 40–200 A (C3 device type), time duration is 0.025 sec maximum.C For closed transition transfer switches rated 40–100 A (C3 device type) or 150–200 A (C3 device type), theshort-circuit withstand closing current ratings associated with a C2 device type apply.D Time duration is 0.13 sec maximum.E G5 device type only.Custom orderingIn many cases, standard products can be custom-order engineered to meet your application needs. For additional information, please contact your local Eaton sales representative.Follow us on social media to get thelatest product and support information.。
Schneider Electric 产品数据手册:ABLM1A12021调压电源说明书
T h e i n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d i n t h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o n t a i n s g e n e r a l d e s c r i p t i o n s a n d /o r t e c h n i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e p r o d u c t s c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n s .I t i s t h e d u t y o f a n y s u c h u s e r o r i n t e g r a t o r t o p e r f o r m t h e a p p r o p r i a t e a n d c o m p l e t e r i s k a n a l y s i s , e v a l u a t i o n a n d t e s t i n g o f t h e p r o d u c t s w i t h r e s p e c t t o t h e r e l e v a n t s p e c i f i c a p p l i c a t i o n o r u s e t h e r e o f .N e i t h e r S c h n e i d e r E l e c t r i c I n d u s t r i e s S A S n o r a n y o f i t s a f f i l i a t e s o r s u b s i d i a r i e s s h a l l b e r e s p o n s i b l e o r l i a b l e f o r m i s u s e o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .Product data sheetCharacteristicsABLM1A12021Regulated Power Supply, 100-240 V AC, 12 V2.1 A, single phase, ModularMainRange of product Modicon Power Supply Product or component typePower supplyPower supply type Regulated switch mode Variant option ModularNominal input voltage 100...240 V AC single phase 100...240 V AC 2 phases Input voltage limits 90...264 V AC Kw Rating 25 W Output voltage 12 V DC Power supply output current2.1 AComplementaryNominal network frequency 50…60 Hz Network system compatibilityTN TT ITMaximum leakage current 0.25 mA 240 V ACInput protection typeIntegrated fuse (not interchangeable) 3.15 A External protection (recommended) 20 A B External protection (recommended) 20 A C External protection (recommended) 4 A B External protection (recommended) 4 A C Inrush current25 A 115 V 50 A 230 V [Ue] rated operational voltage 115 V AC 0.48230 V AC 0.38Efficiency85 % 115 V AC 85 % 230 V AC Output voltage adjustment 12...15 V Power dissipation in W 4.6 WCurrent consumption < 0.8 A 115 V AC < 0.6 A 230 V AC Turn-on time < 2 sHolding time> 20 ms 115 V AC > 60 ms 230 V AC Startup with capacitive loads 3000 µF Residual ripple< 100 mV Expected capacitor life time 10 year(s)Meantime between failure [MTBF]5000000 H at 77 °F (25 °C), full load 1000000 h at 131 °F (55 °C), 80 % loadOutput protection typeAgainst overload and short-circuits automatic reset Against over temperature manual reset Against overvoltage manual resetConnections - terminals Screw connection 0.5...1.5 mm², AWG 20...AWG 16) without wire end ferrule Screw connection 0.5...1 mm², AWG 20...AWG 18) with wire end ferrule Line and load regulation < 0.5 %line < 1 %loadStatus LED Output voltage 1 LED Green)Depth2.19 in (55.6 mm)Maximum Height3.58 in (91 mm)Width1.42 in (36 mm)Net weight0.37 lb(US) (0.170 kg)Output coupling SerialMounting support Top hat type TH35-15 rail IEC 60715Top hat type TH35-7.5 rail IEC 60715Double-profile DIN railPanel mountingEnvironmentStandards EN 62368-1EN/IEC 61010-1EN 61010-2-201EN/IEC 61204-3EN 61000-6-1EN 61000-6-2EN 61000-6-3EN 61000-6-4EN 61000-3-2EN 61000-3-3EN 61000-4-3UL 1310UL 62368-1UL 61010-2-201UL 61010-1-201CSA C22.2 No 62368-1CSA C22.2 No 61010-2-201CSA C22.2 No 61010-1-201Product certifications CECUL ListedCUL RecognizedRCMCB SchemeOperating altitude< 6561.68 ft (2000 m) overvoltage category III2000 m...5000 m overvoltage category IIShock resistance100 m/s² 11 msIP degree of protection IP20Ambient air temperature for operation-13…131 °F (-25…55 °C) without current derating)131…158 °F (55…70 °C) with current derating of 2.67 % per °C)Ambient air temperature for storage-40…185 °F (-40…85 °C)Relative humidity0…95 % without condensationElectrical shock protection class Class II without PE connectionPollution degree2Vibration resistance 3 mm 2…9 Hz)IEC 60721-3-310 m/s² 9…200 Hz)IEC 60721-3-3Electromagnetic immunity Immunity to electrostatic discharge 6 kV contact discharge) EN/IEC 61000-4-2Immunity to electrostatic discharge 9 kV air discharge) EN/IEC 61000-4-2Electromagnetic field immunity test 10 V/m 80 MHz...2 GHz) EN/IEC 61000-4-3Electromagnetic field immunity test 5 V/m 2...2.7 GHz) EN/IEC 61000-4-3Electromagnetic field immunity test 3 V/m 2.7...6 GHz) EN/IEC 61000-4-3Immunity to fast transients 4 kV on input-output) EN/IEC 61000-4-4Surge immunity test 3 kV between power supply and earth) EN/IEC 61000-4-5Surge immunity test 1.5 kV between phases) EN/IEC 61000-4-5Immunity to conducted disturbances 10 Vrms 0.15...80 MHz) EN/IEC 61000-4-6Immunity to magnetic fields 30 A/m 50...60 Hz) EN/IEC 61000-4-8Immunity to voltage dips 100 % 1 cycle) EN/IEC 61000-4-11Immunity to voltage dips 60 % 10 cycles) EN/IEC 61000-4-11Immunity to voltage dips 30 % 25 cycles) EN/IEC 61000-4-11Disturbing field emission IEC 55016-2-3Limits for harmonic current emissions IEC 61000-3-3Micro-cuts and voltage fluctuation IEC 55016-1-2Micro-cuts and voltage fluctuation IEC 55016-2-1Electromagnetic emission Conducted emissions EN 61000-6-3Radiated emissions EN 61000-6-4Dielectric strength3000 V AC input/outputOffer SustainabilityREACh free of SVHC YesEU RoHS Directive Pro-active compliance (Product out of EU RoHS legal scope)EU RoHSDeclarationMercury free YesRoHS exemption information YesChina RoHS Regulation China RoHS DeclarationWEEE The product must be disposed on European Union markets following specificwaste collection and never end up in rubbish bins.Dimensions DrawingsElectrical Safety●If the unit is use in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.●For means of disconnection a switch or circuit breaker, located near the product, must be included in the installation. A marking asdisconnecting device for the product is required.●The device has an internal fuse. The unit is tested and approved with branch circuit protective device up to 20A. This circuit breaker canbe used as disconnecting device.DimensionsSide and Rear ViewConnections and SchemaRegulated Switch Mode Power Supplies Correct Parallel Connection(1) :LoadIncorrect Parallel Connection(1) :LoadABLx1Axxxxx-1 = ABLx1Axxxxx-2max 2 x ABLx1AxxxxxL1 = L2∆V max 25 mVL Load < 90% 2 x L nomSeries Connection(1) :V out1(2) :V out2(3) : 2 x Diode, V RPM> 2 x V out1/2, L F > 2 x L nom1/2(4) :V Load = 2 x V out(5) :LoadOutput Voltage Balancing(1) :R Load1(2) :R Load2R Load1= R Load2L1= L 2= ~ L nomPerformance Curves Performance CurveX :Ambient Temperature (ºC) Y :Percentage of Max Load (%)1 :Mounting A2 :Mounting BMounting and Clearance Mounting(1) :Mounting A(2) :Mounting BIncorrect Mounting。
双电源切换控制器产品说明书安装、使用产品时,注意人身安全,并请仔细阅读说明书鑫龙电器股份ANHUI XINLONG ELECTRICAL CO., LTD目录1.概述 (2)2. 技术参数2.1 规格参数 (3)2.2 安全性能 (3)3. 控制器外形结构与安装连线3.1 详细尺寸 (4)3.2 控制器接线端子 (4)3.3 控制器典型接线图 (5)4. 操作面板4.1 操作按键功能说明 (8)4.2发光二极管功能说明 (9)4.3 LED数码管指示说明 (9)5. 控制与操作说明5.1 菜单结构 (10)5.2 菜单说明 (11)5.3 操作例 (13)6. 通讯功能 (17)7. 故障排除 (17)附录:选型表 (18)1. 概述双电源切换控制器(以下简称:控制器)是一种集测量显示、控制、三遥等功能为一体的自动转换控制器。
Schneider-Electric IHP 1C 2C 定时器控制器用户指南说明书
d d _E N 02/19IHP 1C/2CProduct information / menu descriptionCCT15440CCT15441CCT15442CCT15443d d _E N 02/19The IHP with weekly program controls lighting, air conditioning, flushing, etc.|The device must not control safety-relevant applications.G etting to know the timerDisplays and operating elementsA Time displayB Channel stateC Date displayD Programmed ON timesE Display of week daysF Display of active buttonsG OK buttonH Selection buttonsI MENU buttonOperationButton FunctionMENU button•Opens the menu•In menu mode: one step back:•In programming mode: cancel programming modeSelection buttons •Switch between menu items •Increase/decrease value OK button•In menu mode: select menu item •In programming mode: confirm settingMenu structurePROGRAM TIME/DATEMANUAL CONFIG ENDCHANNEL 1TIME CHANNEL 1LANGUAGENEW SET DATEPERM ON PIN CHECK SU-WI PERM OFF FACTORY SETTINGSMODIFY WEEK DAY OVERRI ONINFO DELETEFORM DATE HOLIDAYENDENDFORM TIMEENDd d _E N 02/19The basic settings, such as date, time, etc., must be carried out when starting for the first time or following a reset.The device starts in the settings menu with the item LANGUAGE .1Select the language.2Confirm the message FORM DATE .3Select the date format.4Set the year.5Set the month.6Set the day.7Confirm the message FORM TIME .8Select the time format.9Set the hours.0Set the minute.^Select summer time/winter time.A switching time always consists of one time at which the load is switched on and one time at which the load is switched off. Y ou can either set switching times for a specific day of the week or copy them for multiple week days. Copied week days are referred to as a block.T o set a switching time, perform the following steps once for ON and once for OFF :1Confirm message about free memory slots.2Select ON or OFF .3Set the hour.4Set the minute.5Set the day of the week.6If the switching time is only to be valid for one week day, select SAVE .The switching time is set.7If the switching time is to be copied as a block for multiple week days, select COPY .8Select further days of the week and confirm in each case.Week days contained in the block are indicated in the week days display.To remove a week day from the block, select the week day again using the selection buttons.9Once the desired week days have been set, select COPY .Initial setupSetting a switching timePROGRAMCHANNELC1CHANNELC2NEWNEWd d _E N 02/19Y ou can change the time for the switching times. In the case of switching times within a block, you can select whether the modification of the time is to apply to the whole block or only to a specific week day. This week day is then removed from the block.1Select the switching time.The display runs through all switching times in sequence. If no switching time is set for a week day, this is indicated in the display by --:--.If the selected switching time is part of a block, all days of the block are shown in the week day display. The selected week day flashes.2Set the hour.3Set the minute.4If the selected switching time is only set for one week day, only the option SAVE appears.5If the selected switching time is part of a block, select MODIFY BLOCK or MODIFY WEEK DAY .- MODIFY BLOCK changes the time for all switching times of the block.- MODIFY WEEK DAY changes the time for the selected switching time. The selected switching time is re-moved from the block.Y ou can delete switching times at any time. If a switching time is part of a block, you can delete the entire block or remove the switching time from the block. Y ou can also delete all switching times of a channel simultaneously.Deleting a switching time:1Select SINGLE .2Select the switching time.The display runs through all switching times in sequence. If no switching time is set for a week day, this is indicated in the display by --:--.If the selected switching time is part of a block, all days of the block are shown in the week day display. The selected week day flashes.3If the selected switching time is only valid for one week day, only the option DELETE WEEK DAY appears.4If the selected switching time is part of a block, select DELETE BLOCK or DELETE WEEK DAY .- DELETE BLOCK deletes all switching times of the block.- DELETE WEEK DAY removes the selected switching time from the block and deletes it.Deleting all switching times of a channel:1Select DELETE ALL .2Confirm with CONFIRM .Modifying a switching timePROGRAMCHANNELC1CHANNELC2MODIFYMODIFYDeleting a switching timePROGRAMCHANNELC1CHANNELC2DELETEDELETEd d _E N 02/19With the holiday function, you can switch a channel on or off completely for a longer period. The programmed switching times do not apply while the holiday function is active. Y ou can only set one holiday time per channel.1Select ON or OFF .2Confirm BEGIN HOLIDAY .3Set the year.4Set the month.5Set the day.6Set the hour.7Confirm END HOLIDAY .8Set the year.9Set the month.0Set the day.^Set the hour.A PIN protects against unauthorized use.If you have forgotten your PIN, contact the Customer Care centre in your country, stating the serial number of your device.1Select WITH PIN .NO PIN cancels the PIN protection function.2Confirm CURRENT PIN .3Set new PIN.|The PIN digits are set one after the other with +/- and confirmed with OK . A digit that has already been set can no longer be changed. When the last digit is confirmed with OK , the PIN is saved. If in any doubt, exit the PIN setting procedure with MENU .Setting the holiday functionMANUALCHANNELC1CHANNELC2HOLIDAYHOLIDAYSetting the PINCONFIGPINd d _E N 02/19Y ou can set override or permanent switching either via the MANUAL menu or using combinations of buttons on the device.Override switchingIf you wish to switch a channel briefly to the other switching state (e.g. from ON to OFF ), activate override. This state is only valid until the next switching time.If override is active, CHANNEL OVERRIDE appears briefly in the display.Permanent switchingIf you wish to switch a channel permanently, activate permanent switching. While permanent switching is activat-ed, switching times have no effect.If you want to select whether the channel is to be switched ON or OFF permanently, use the MANUAL menu.If you use the button combinations to activate permanent switching, the channel is switched to the other switching state (e.g. from ON to OFF ).If permanent switching is active, CHANNEL PERMANENT appears briefly in the display.Activating override and permanent switchingd d _E N 02/19Y ou can reset the basic settings, such as date, time, etc. and delete or keep all switching times.Y ou have two options: Y ou can either load the factory settings via the CONFIG menu or reset the device using combinations of buttons on the device.|Loading the factory settings will also delete all switching times. If you want to reset the basic settings and retain the switching times, use the reset function.Loading factory settings1Confirm the message LOAD FACTORY SETTINGS .2Set basic settings as described in chapter “Initial setup”.Resetting1Push all four buttons on the device simultaneously.2Select the language.3If you want to retain the switching times, select RETAIN PROGRAMS .4If you want to delete all switching times, select DELETE PROGRAMS .5Set basic settings as described in chapter “Initial setup”.If you have technical questions, please contact the Customer Care Centre in your /contactResetting basic settingsCONFIGFACTORY SET-TINGSSchneider Electric Industries SAS。
• 密码尝试失败 3 次后,设备将锁定 10 分钟,用于防止暴力攻击。
• 生成审计日志,记录重要的操作和业务逻辑,以用于分析和预测、事后跟踪、 调查和证据收集。
• 带孔的塑料盖,用于支持用户安装铅封,以防止未经授权的物理接触。
网络安全可保护通讯网络和设备免受任何中断操作(可用性)、设置修改(完整 性)或任何敏感信息泄露(保密性)的影响。
• 提升信息和物理资产的保护级别,以免遭受盗窃、破坏、滥用或发生事故,同 时保证其预期用户的访问和使用。
• 设计安全系统,利用物理和数字方法限制访问,识别用户,以及实施安全程序 和最佳实践。
! 小心
电气设备的安装、操作、维修和维护工作仅限于有资质的人员执行。Schneider Electric 不承担由于使用本资料所引起的任何后果。
有资质的人员是指掌握与电气设备的制造、安装和操作相关的技能和知识的人员, 他们经过安全培训能够发现和避免相关的危险。
DOnsferPacT Active Automatic 转换开关设备 (LCD) TransferPacT Automatic 转换开关设备(旋转式)
• 首次使用时,更改默认密码,以有助于防止擅自访问设备设置、控件和信 息。
施耐德触摸屏说 明 及 操 作 手 册使用该设备前请务必仔细阅读本说明书柳州富达机械有限公司LIUZHOU TECH MACHINERY CO., LTDCode 2205 6010 41 Edition 7/2009柳州富达机械有限公司公司地址:柳州市阳和工业新区工业园,B-22-1,B-23-1 邮编:545006 商务部电话:(0772)3171004 3172024 3172648 3172248售后服务电话:(0772)3172247 3173004技术部电话:(0772)3171256 3171564传 真:(0772)3171027网 址:E-mail:fudalz@ liutech@授权及服务中心如果机器需要停机或者没有正常运行,请关闭机器但不要试图去修理他。
说 明请妥善保存本说明书,以便随时查用;本手册是该机器的一部分。
施耐德触摸屏XBT RT500操作说明一、本说明书仅适用于使用施耐德触摸屏XBT RT500的螺杆压缩机。
XBT RT500的操作为触摸+按键相结合的形式:二、运行参数的显示在该页面上,可翻看压缩机的各种状态信息。
电气控制单元:电 机
线圈上没有加电 直接将电压加到合闸线圈
拒合(指示器保持分状 态)
检查接线 线圈断线 更换线圈
开关柜具有可靠的联锁装置,满足五防的要求,切实保障了操 作人员及设备的安全。
a、仪表室门上装有提示性的按钮或者转换开关和指示灯以,防 止误合、误分断路器。
b、断路器手车在试验位置或工作位置时,断路器才能进行合分操 作,而在断路器合闸后,手车无法移动、防止了带负荷误推拉手车。
c 、仅当接地开关处在分闸位置时,断路器手车才能从试验/检修 位置移至工作位置。仅当断路器手车处于试验/检修位置时,接地开 关才能进行合闸操作。这样实现了防止带电误合接地开关,以及防 止接地开关处在闭合位置时分合断路器。
若准备将断路器手车从 工作位置退出,首先, 应确认断路器已处于分 闸状态,操作把手转至 中间位置,听到清脆的 辅助开关切换声,插入 手车操作摇把,逆时针 转动,直到摇把受阻。 小车便回到试验位置。 此时,主回路已经完全 断开,金属活门关闭,
开关柜具有可靠的联锁装置,满足五防的要求,切实保障了操 作人员及设备的安全。
d、接地开关处于分闸位置时,开关柜下门及后门都无法 打开,防止了误入带电间隔。
Schneider Electric Altistart 48 快速入门指南说明书
快速入门指南- Altistart 48下载手册•您必须具有详细的资料,以便能够进行安装和调试。
•以下信息用于无旁路使用情况下的 2 线控制模式且自由停车的简单应用。
•如果您需要更多信息或要了解其它应用,请参阅 上的《用户手册(1494409)》电气设备的安装、操作、维修和维护工作仅限于专业人员执行。
Schneider Electric 对于不遵循本说明而引发的任何后果概不负责。
检查软起动器的交付•打开ATS 48 的包装,确认在运输过程中没有发生损坏。
•记下软起动器型号: ATS48 ______ 和序列号:___________________检查线电压•检查线电压是否与软起动器的电压范围一致。
•线电压__________ V 软起动器电压范围 ______________ V •控制电压 _______ V 软起动器控制电压范围 _______ V垂直安装软起动器•用于气温低于或等于 40 °C 的环境。
.有关其它热状况,请参阅 上的《用户手册, (1494409) 》危险电击或设备意外运行请勿使用损坏的产品或附件。
危险电击、爆炸和电弧危险ATS48 软件起动器是开敞设备,必须安装在合适的机柜中。
NHA9428800❶❷ATS48D75Y8B1240555046Altistart 48❸❹连接软起动器注意:关于其他接线,请参阅 上的《用户手册, (1494409) 》- 有关如何确定保护和控制设备规模的更多信息,请参阅 上的目录控制电路上电在不使用电源部件以及不给出运行命令的情况下加电。
•请检查S2 是否打为开启状态•闭合Q1, 然后Q3, Q4•起动器显示: nLP ( 指示电源断开)。
Plafonniers-détecteurs d’inoccupation à tension régulièreConformité à la norme CCR 20Aucune charge minimale prescriteDIRECTIVESAVERTISSEMENTS ET MISES EN GARDE :Détecteurs installés pour commander de l’équipement d’éclairage d’urgence :Si les dispositifs décrits aux présentes commandent de l’équipement d’éclairage et d’alimentation d’urgence, il faut suivre les directives qui suivent. Dans de tels cas, leur température nominale doit se limiter à 25 °C. De plus, on doit alors leur apposer l’étiquette « Emergency Circuits » (fournie) à l’avant.IMPORTANTES CONSIGNES DE SÉCURITÉLorsqu’on emploie de l’équipement électrique, il faut toujours prendre des précautions de base, comme les suivantes:a) L IRE ET RESPECTER TOUTES LES CONSIGNES DE SÉCURITÉ.b) NE PAS utiliser les dispositifs à l’extérieur.c) NE PAS installer les dispositifs près de radiateurs électriques ou au gaz.d) Installer les dispositifs à des endroits et des hauteurs d’où ils ne pourront facilement être manipulés par du personnel non autorisé.e) NE PAS utiliser de l’équipement accessoire non recommandé par le fabricant.f) NE PAS employer les dispositifs pour des usages autres que ceux pour lesquels ils sont conçus.CONSERVER LES PRÉSENTES DIRECTIVESTous les travaux de maintenance doivent être effectués par du personnel qualifié. Si des circuits d’urgence sont alimentés ou commandés depuis un panneau donné, celui-ci doit tirer son courant d’une unité d’alimentation sans coupure, d’une génératrice ou d’une autre source pouvant continuer de fonctionner en cas de panne.AVERTISSEMENTS ET MISES EN GARDE :• P OUR ÉVITER LES RISQUES D’INCENDIE, DE DÉCHARGE ÉLECTRIQUE OU D’ÉLECTROCUTION, COUPER LE COURANT AU FUSIBLE OU AUDISJONCTEUR ET S’ASSURER QUE LE CIRCUIT EST BIEN COUPÉ AVANT DE PROCÉDER AU CÂBLAGE • I nstaller ou utiliser conformément aux codes de l’électricité en vigueur.• À défaut de bien comprendre les présentes directives, en tout ou en partie, on doitfaire appel à un électricien.• L es détecteurs doivent être fixés à des surfaces exemptes de vibrations.• N e pas effectuer de terminaisons au moyen de fils de type informatique, comme ceux de catégorie 5/5e.• L es détecteurs ne peuvent être installés à moins de trois mètres les uns des autres.• L es détecteurs doivent être installés à une distance d’au moins deux mètres des bouches d’aération, des appareils de traitement de l’air et des surfaces réfléchissantes (fenêtres/miroirs).REMARQUE• N e pas toucher la surface des lentilles. Les surfaces externes peuvent être essuyées au moyen d’un chiffon humide seulement.• T empératures de fonctionnement : 32˚ to 104˚F (0˚ to 40˚C)• C ompatibilité avec les ballasts électroniques et magnétiques, les transformateurs électroniques et magnétiques à basse tension, les lampes à incandescence et les ventilateurs.PK-93874-10-05-2C MODÈLESN ode cat.DescriptionPlage de tensionsConsommation Couverture Emplacements suggérésO4C10-MDW Multitechnologique,à deux voies120-277V, 50/60 Hz Entre 30 et 60 A 95m Au centre d’une pièce/aire, hauteur de 8 à 12 pi (2,4 à 3,7 m)O4C15-IDWLongue portée120-277V, 50/60 Hz Entre 30 et 60 A 140m Au centre d’une pièce/aire, hauteur de 8 à 12 pi (2,4 à 3,7 m)O4C20-MDW Multitechnologique,à deux voies120-277V, 50/60 HzEntre 30 et 60 A185m Au centre d’une pièce/aire, hauteur de 8 à 12 pi (2,4 à 3,7 m)120 V 60 Hz8 A, électronique ballast 277 V 60 Hz5 A, électronique ballast 800 W/VA, tungstène, ballast 1200 VA, ballast 1/4 ch1/3 chValeurs nominales :6A-6AX 250V 720-1440 W/VA 120-240 50Hz MGARANTIE LIMITÉE DE 5 ANS ET EXCLUSIONSLeviton garantit au premier acheteur, et uniquement au crédit du dit acheteur, que ce produit ne présente ni défauts de fabrication ni défauts de matériaux au moment de sa vente par Leviton, et n’en présentera pas tant qu’il est utilisé de façon normale et adéquate, pendant une période de 5 ans suivant la date d’achat. La seule obligation de Leviton sera de corriger les dits défauts en réparant ou en remplaçant le produit défectueux si ce dernier est retourné port payé, accompagné d’une preuve de la date d’achat, avant la fin de la dite période de 5 ans, à la Manufacture Leviton du Canada Limitée, au soin du service de l’Assurance Qualité, 165 boul. Hymus, Pointe-Claire, (Québec), Canada H9R 1E9. Par cette garantie, Leviton exclut et décline toute responsabilité envers les frais de main d’oeuvre encourus pour retirer et réinstaller le produit. Cette garantie sera nulle et non avenue si le produit est installé incorrectement ou dans un environnement inadéquat, s’il a été surchargé, incorrectement utilisé, ouvert, employé de façon abusive ou modifié de quelle que manière que ce soit, ou s’il n’a été utilisé ni dans des conditions normales ni conformément aux directives ou étiquettes qui l’accompagnent. Aucune autre garantie, explicite ou implicite, y compris celle de qualité marchande et de conformité au besoin, n’est donnée, mais si une garantie implicite est requise en vertu de lois applicables, la dite garantie implicite, y compris la garantie de qualité marchande et de conformité au besoin, est limitée à une durée de 5 ans. Leviton décline toute responsabilité envers les dommages indirects, particuliers ou consécutifs, incluant, sansrestriction, la perte d’usage d’équipement, la perte de ventes ou les manques à gagner, et tout dommage-intérêt découlant du délai ou du défaut de l’exécution des obligations de cette garantie. Seuls les recours stipulés dans les présentes, qu’ils soient d’ordre contractuel, délictuel ou autre, sont offerts en vertu de cette garantie.。
ATSQ2Y(整体式)■ATSQ2Y外型尺寸及安装尺寸规格AD BC H1H2尺寸3P4P3P4PATSQ2Y-63380400250335360225<14226 ATSQ2Y-100395420250350380225<14226 ATSQ2Y-160440470250395430225<19026 ATSQ2Y-225440470250395430225<19026 ATSQ2Y-400565610330520550300<20026 ATSQ2Y-630/800755820330710780300<23026■参数见表:型号ATSQ2-100/225ATSQ2-400ATSQ2-630/800机械寿命500030002500电寿命10001000500使用寿命总次数60040003000额定工作制不间断工作制过电压切换整定值115%Ue(不可调节,出厂时已调整好)欠电压切换整定调节范围(60%~85%)Ue连续可调触头转换时间≤2s分闸延时 t10.5~0.6s连续可调合闸延时 t20.5~0.6s连续可调■主要规格及性能表型号可选配断路器极数断路器分断能力Icu(KA)断路器额定电流(A)断路器额定工作电压额定绝缘电压ATSQ2Y-63MS1-63三极25、3510、16、20、32、40、50、63AC380(400)500四极35ATSQ2Y-100MS1-100三极35、5016、20、32、40、50、63、80、100AC380(400)690四极50ATSQ2Y-225MS1-225三极50、65125、160、180、200、225AC380(400)690四极65ATSQ2Y-400MS1-400三极50、65250、315、350、400AC380(400)690四极65ATSQ2Y-630MS1-630三极50、65500、630AC380(400)690四极65ATSQ2Y-800MS1-800三极50、65700、800AC380(400)690四极65■智能型控制器功能注解自动控制器对两路电压同时进行检测,当电源电压高于额定值的110%时判为过电压、低于额定电压的60%~80%(由用户预调)时判为欠电压,微机对检测结果进行判断并作出处理,然后发出分闸、合闸、发电、卸载、报警等相应指令。
施耐德 双电源MG ATS用户手册
ATS技术操作规程一.送电前检查1.检查接线是否正确检查ACP(辅助控制板)与BA或UA(控制器)之间9#.10#连接端子对应是否正确;检查ACP上P25M与断路器之间接线是否正确(详见“ATS接线”单页)2.检查BA或UA控制器顶部17#.18#;20#.21#端子是否安装,17#.18#;20#21#已分别短封好;3.检查断路器电操左下方的手动(manu)和电动(auto)切换拨钮是否在“auto”位置;4.检查电操与BA或UA控制器的操作电压是否一致(220V~或380V~);5. 检查ATS装置无异物;6.检查ACP上P25M是否已在合闸位置。
二.操作试验1.预设电源转换时间: 通过控制器右上方时间整定钮调整;2.将BA或UA控制器上的选择开关置于“STOP”位置,将ACP上“N(工作电源)”及“R(备用电源)”侧P25M分别合闸(两台断路器电操储能)。
3.将BA或UA控制器上的选择开关转到“auto”位, N断路器合闸,BA或UA“N”、“R”侧ON或OFF指示断路器的合分状态。
观察控制器指示与断路器电操上的ON. OFF位置应一致;4.将ACP上N侧P25M开关分断模拟电源故障, 此时N侧断路器分断;R侧断路器合闸(系统自动转换到备用电源R侧); 合上N侧开关,电源应自动恢复到主电源(N)侧合闸---自投自复功能;5.将N侧断路器下端的故障试验推杆按入(模拟负荷故障),N侧断路器断开BA或UA控制器的N侧Fault指示灯亮(红色),电源并不转换到备用侧; 手动拨N侧断路器电操的储能手柄2次,(N侧断路器储能、合闸)故障复位,控制器N侧Fault指示灯灭, 恢复原始状态;6.将BA或UA控制器选择开关置“R”位, 则ATS强制在备用电源侧运行; 同样再置“N”位, ATS强制在工作电源运行,此操作过程中,控制器电源指示均正常;7.将选择开关置“manual /stop”位, 控制器指示灯全部灭,两台断路器均处于断开位置(储能状态)此时可手动操作:8.将电操手、电动切换钮置“manual”位, 两台开关均手动储能, 按电操的手动合分按钮,合N侧,电操指示ON位; 若再合R侧,则备用电源侧无法合闸,说明该装置具有机械联锁功能。
双电源自动切换开关一般由两部分组成:开关本体(ats) 控制器。